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fire_n earth_n great_a world_n 2,396 4 4.4621 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34111 Joh. Amos Commenii Orbis sensualium pictus, hoc est, Omnium fundamentalium in mundo rerum, & in vita actionum, pictura & nomenclatura Joh. Amos Commenius's Visible world, or, A picture and nomenclature of all the chief things that are in the world, and of mens employments therein / a work newly written by the author in Latine and High-Dutch ... ; & translated into English by Charles Hoole ... for the use of young Latine-scholars.; Orbis sensualium pictus. English & Latin Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670.; Hoole, Charles, 1610-1667. 1659 (1659) Wing C5523; ESTC R20487 63,216 650

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sibilat The Serpent hisseth si T t Graculus clamat The jay cryeth tac tac U u Bubo ululat The Owl hooteth ú ú W w Lepus vagit The Hare squealeth vá X x Rana coaxat The Frog croaketh coax Y y Asinus rudit The Asse brayeth y y y Z z Tabanus dicit The Bréeze or Horse-flie saith ds ds II. 2 Deus DEVS est ex seipso ab aeterno in aeternum Ens perfectissimum beatissimum Essentiá Spiritualis Unus Hypostasi Trinus Voluntate Sanctus Justus Clemens verax Potentiâ Maximus Bonitate Optimus Sapientiâ immensus Lux inaccessa tamen Omnia in omnibus Ubique nullibi Summum bonum bonorum omnium Fons solus inexhaustus Omninm Rerum quas vocamus mundum ut Creator ita Gubernator Conservator God GOD is of himself from everlasting to everlasting A most perfect and a most blessed Being In his Essence Spiritual and one In his Personality Thrée In his will Holy Iust Merciful and true In his power very great In his goodness very good In his wisdom unmeasurable A light inaccessible and yet all in all Every where and no where The chiefest Good and the onely unexhausted fountain of all good things As the creator so the Governor and preserver of all things which we call the world III. 3 Mundus Coelum 1. habet Ignem Stellas Nubes 2. pendent in Aëre Aves 3. volant sub Nubibus Pisces 4. natant in Aquâ Terra habet Montes 5. Sylvas 6. Campos 7. Animalia 8. Homines 9. Ita sunt plena Habitatoribus suis quatuor Elementa Mundi maxima Corpora The World The Heaven 1. hath fire and Stars The Clouds 2. hang in the air Birds 3. flie under the Clouds Fishes 4. swim in the water The earth hath Hills 5. Woods 6. Fields 7. Beasts 8. And Men 9. Thus the greatest bodies of the World the four Elements are full of their own Inhabitants IV. 4 Coelum Coelum 1. rotatur ambit Terram 2. stantem in medio Sol 3. ubi ubi est fulget perpetuò ut ut Nubila 4. eum à nobis er piant facitque suis Radiis 5. Lucem Lux Diem Ex opposito sunt Tenebrae 6. inde Nox Nocte splendet Luna 7. Stellae 8. micant scintillant Vesperi 9. est Crepusculum Manè Aurora 10. Diluculum The Heaven The Heaven 1. ●s whéeled about and encompasseth the Earth 2. standing in the middle The Sun 3. wheresoever it is shineth perpetually howsoever dark Clouds 4. may take it from us and by its rayes 5. ●t causeth light and the light Day On the other side over against it is Darkness 6. and thence Night In the Night shineth the Moon 7. and the Stars 8. glister and twinckle In the Evening 9. ●s Twilight In the Morning 10. the breaking and ●awning of the Day V. 5 Ignis Ignis ardet urit cremat Ejus Scintilla ope Chalybis 1. è Silice Pyrite 2. elisa in Suscitabulo 3. à Fomite excepta Sulphuratum 4. inde Candelam 5 vel Lignum 6. accendit Flammam 7. excitat vel Incendium 8. quod aedificia corripit Fumus 9. inde ascendit qui adhaerens Camino 10. abit in Fuliginem Ex Torre ligno ardente fit Titio 11. lignum extinctum Ex Pruná candente torris particulâ fit Carbo 12. particulâ mortua Tandem quod remanet est Cinis 13. Favillae cinis ardens Fire The Fire ●loweth burneth and consumeth to ashes A spark of it struck out of a Flint 1 or Fierstone 2. by means of a Steel 1. and taken by tinder in a tinder-box 3. lighteth a match 4. and after that a Candle 5 or a Stick 6. and causeth a flame 7. ●ze 8. which ●tcheth hold ●● the houses Smoak 9. ●●cendeth there from ●●ich ●●●king to the ●imney 10. ●●rneth into soot Of a Fire-brand or burning stick ● made a ● and 11. or quenched ●●ick Of a hot Coal red-hot piece a fire-brand made a Coal 12. or a dead ●nder That ●hich remaineth ●●at last ●shes 13. ●●d Embers or hot Ashes VI. 6 Aër Aura 1. spirat leniter Ventus 2. flat validé Procella 3. sternit arbores Turbo 4. se agit in gyrum Ventus subterraneus 5. excitat Terrae-motum Terrae-motus facit Labes ruinas 6. The Air. A cool Air 1 ●●eatheth gently The wind 2 ●oweth strongly A Storm 3. ●roweth down Trées A whirl-wind 4. ●●rneth it self in a ●●und compass A wind under ●round 5. ●auseth an Earthquake ●n Earthquake caus●th gapings of the ●arth and falls of Houses 6. VII 7 Aqua Aqua scatet è Fonte 1. defluit in Torrente 2. manat in Rivo 3. stat in Stagno 4. fluit in Flumine 5. gyratur in Vortice 6. facit Paludes 7. Flumen habet Ripas 8. Mare facit Littora 9. Sinus 10. Promontoria 11. Insulas 12. Peninsulas 13. Isthmos 14. Freta 15. habet Scopulos 16. The Water The water springeth out of a fountain 1. floweth downwards in a brook 2. runneth in a beck 3. standeth in a pond 4. ●uideth ●n the stream 5. a whirled about in a whirl-pit 6. and causeth ●●ens 7. The River ●ath banks 8. The Sea maketh shores 9. Bayes 10. Capes 11. Islands 12. Almost Islands 13. Necks of Land 14. Straights 15. and hath in it Rocks 16. VIII 8 Nubes Ex aquâ ascendit Vapor 1. Inde fit Nubes 2. propè terram Nebula 3. E Nube guttatim stillat Pluvia 4 Imber Quae gelata Grando 5. semigelata Nix 6. calefacta Rubigo est In nube pluviosâ Soli oppositâ apparet Iris. 7. Gutta incidens in aquam facit Bullam 8. multae Bullae faciunt Spumam 9. Aqua congelata Glacies 10. Ros congelatus Pruina dicitur Ex vapore sulphureo fit Tonitru quod erumpens è nube cum Fulgure 11. tonat fulminat The Clouds A vapour 1. ascendeth from the water From it a Cloud 2. is made and a white Mist 3. neer the Earth Rain 4 and a small shower distilleth out of a Cloud drop by drop Which being frozen is Hail 5. half-frozen is snow 6. being warm is Mel-dew In a Rainy Cloud set over against the Sun the Rain-bow 7. appeareth A drop falling into the water maketh a Bubble 8 many Bubbles make froth 9. Frozen water is called Ice 10. Dew congealed a white Frost Thunder is made of a brimstone-like vapour which breaking out of a cloud with lightning 11. thundereth and striketh with lightening IX 9 Terra In Terrâ sunt Montes 1. alti Valles 2. profundae Colles 3. elevati Speluncae 4. cavae Campi 5. plani Sylvae 6. opacae The Earth In the Earth are high Mountains 1. Deep Valleys 2. Hills Rising 3. Hollow Caves 4. Plain Fields 5. Shady Woods 6. X. 10 Terrae-Foetûs Pratum 1. fert Gramina cum Floribus Herbis quae desecta fiunt Foenum 2. Arvum 3. fert Fruges
Pictura 160 L. Piscatio 104 XXXIII Pisces Fluviatiles 70 CIV Planetarum Aspectûs 212 CXXXI Praestigiae 266 CXLIX Providentia Dei 304 CX Prudentia 224 CXLII Pugna Navalis 288 LXXIII Putei 150 Q. XXV Quadrupedia primùm Domestica 54 R. CXXXVIII Regia Majestas 280 CXXXVII Regnum Regio 278 CXLIV Religio 292 LXXXI Restio Lorarius 166 S. LXI Sartor 126 XCVII Schola 198 LXIX Scriniarius Tornator 142 CXI Sedulitas 226 XLI Sensûs externi interni 86 XXXVI Septem Aetates Hominis 76 CXXIX Sepultura 262 XXX Serpentes Reptilia 64 CXVIII Societas Conjugalis 240 CXXI Societas Herilis 246 CXX Societas Parentalis 244 LXXIX Specularia 162 CIII Sphaera coelestis 210 CVII Sphaera terrestris 218. 219 CXXV Supplicia Maleficorum 254 LXII Sutor 128 T. CXII Temperantia 228 ●III Terra 20 LX. Terrae-Foetûs 22 LIX Textura 122 LXXV Tonstrina 154 LVIII Tractatio Lini 120 LXXXVI Transitus Aquarum 176 XCIII Typographia 190 V. LXXXV Vectura 174 LXXXIV Vehicula 172 LII Venatus 108 LXXXII Viator 168 LXXX Vietor 164 LV. Vindemia 114 CXXII Urbs. 248 Z. LVI Zythopoeia 116 An INDEX of the TITLES Chapter   Page A. A. XXXVII THe seven Ages of Man 76 VI. The Air. 14 XXXIII Amphibious Creatures 68 CV The Apparitions of the Moon 214 CXLI The Army and the Fight 286 XCIX Arts belonging to the Spéech 202 CIV The Aspects of the Planets 212 B. B. LXXIV The Bath 152 LXXV The Barber's shop 154 XXVIII Labouring-Beasts 58 XXX Wilde-Beasts 62 CXLIII The besieging of a City 29● XIX Birds 4● XXII Birds that live in the fields woods 4● XXII Ravenous-Birds 4● XXI Singing-Birds 4● XLI The Chanels and Bones 8● XCVI A Book 19● XCV The Book-binder 19● XCIV The Book-seller's-shop 19● LXIX The Box-maker 14● CXXXVI Boyes-sports 27● L. Bread-baking 10● LVII Brewing 11● CXXIX A Burial 26● LIV. Butchery 11● C. C. CIII The Celestial Sphere 21● CXL The Camp 28● CXXXIV Carriages 17● CXXXV Carrying to and fro 17● LXIII The Carpenter 13● XXVII Herd-Cattel 5● XXIX Wilde-Cattel 6● XLI The Chanels and Bones 84● CXLVII Christianity 298 CXXIII A City 248 CXLIII The besieging of a City 29● CXXIII The inward parts of a City 250   The Close 308 VII The Clouds 18● CXIX The Trée of Consanguinity 242 LV. Cookery 112 XXX The Cooper 164 XXXI The Cord wainer 166 ●VII Corn 36 ●XXII Crawling-Vermine 66 ●XXIII Creatures that live as well by water as by land 68 ●XXI Créeping things 64 D. D. LIV. Deformed and monstrous people 90 XXVII Dials 158 XXXIV Dice-play 292 XI Diligence 226 LV. The dressing of Gardens 92 E. E. X. The Earth 20 VI. The Ecelipses 216 ●XV Engines 134 ●VIII Europe 220 F. F. ●VIII A Feast 118 XXXII The Fencing-School 268 ● Fire 12 ●I Fishing 104 XXXIV River-fish and Pond-fish 70 XXXV Sea-fish and Shel-fish 72 XL. The Flesh and Bowels 82 XV. Flowers 32 XXV Flying-Vermine 52 CXIII Fortitude 230 XXVI Four-footed Beasts about the House 55 LII Fowling 106 XX. Tame-Fowl 42 XXIV Water-Fowl 50 X. The fruits of the earth 22 XIV Fruits of Trees 31 G. G. LXXXVIII A Galley 180 CXLV Gentilism 294 CII Geometry 208 II. God 2 CXLIX Gods Providence 304 XLVII Grasing 96 XLIX Grinding 100 H. H. XXXIX The Head and the Hands ●● XVI Pot herbs ●● XXVII Heard-Cattel ●● IV. Heaven ●● XLVIII The making of Honey ●● LXXXIII The Horse-man ●● LXVI A House ●● LXXI The parts of a House 2● CXV Humanity 2● LIII Hunting 1● XLVI Husbandry ●● J. J. I. The Invitation ●● C. Musical Instruments 20 CXLVI Iudaism 29 CXXIV Iudgement 25 CL. The last Iudgement 30 K. K. CXVI Iustice 23 CXXXVII The Kingdom and Region 2● L. L. XXVIII Labouring-beasts 5 CVII Liberality 23 XIX Living creatures 4● LIX The dresing of Line 12● LXI Linnen-Clothes 12● LXXIX Looking-glasses 16● M. M. CXLVIII Mahometisin 30● CXXXVIII Kingly-Majesty 28 XXXVI Man 7● XXXVII The seven Ages of Man 7● XXXVIII The outward parts of a Man 7● LXIV The Mason 13● CXXVII Measures and Weights 25● CXXVI Merchandizing 256 LXXXIX A Merchants-ship 18● XI Metals 24 LXVII A Mine 138 CV The apparitions of the Moon 214 ●x Moral Philosophy 220 ●● Musical Instruments 204 P. P. ●cii Paper 188 ●xxxvi Passage over waters 176 ●xv Patience 232 ●i Philosophy 206 ●ix Moral Philosophy 220 ●xxviii Physick 260 ●xxviii The Picture 360 ●xxiv Pond fish 70 ●vi Pot-herbs 37 ●xx The Potter 144 ●ciii Printing 190 ●xlix Gods Providence 304 ●x Prudente 224 R. R. ●xxxv Races 274 ●xii Ravenous-birds 48 ●xliv Religion 292 ●xxiv River-fish 70 ●xxxi The Roper 166 ●xxxviii Regal Majesty 280 S. S. Xcvii A School 198 ●xlii The Sea-fight 288 Xxxv. Sea-fish and Shel-fish 72 Xlii. The outward and inward Senses 86 Xxxi Serpents 64 Xc. Ship-wrack 184 Xxiii The-Shoo-maker 128 Xviii Shrubs 38 Xxi Singing-birds 44 ●xxxi Sleights 266 Cxviii The Society betwixt man wife 240 Cxx. The society betwixt parents children 244 Cxxi The society betwixt Master servant 240 Xlii. The Soul of man 88 Cxxxix The Souldier 282 Lxvii She Black-Smith 140 Cxxxii. Boyes-sports 276 Ciii The Celestial Sphere 210 Cvii The Terrestial Sphere 218 Xcix Arts belonging to the Speech 202 Cxxvi. The Stable 156 Cxxx. A Stage-play 264 Xii Stones 26 Lxxii The stove with the bed-room 148 Xcviii The Study 200 Lxxxvii Swimming 178 T. T. Lxii. The Taylor 126 Cxii Temperance 228 Cxxxiii Tennis-play 270 Cvii The Terrestrial Sphere 218 Cxxv. The Torments of Malefactors 254 Lxxxii The Traveller 168 Xii A Trée 28 Lxix The Turner 142 U. U. Xxv. Flying-Uermin 52 Xxxii Crawling-Uermin 66 Lvi The Uintage 114 W. W. Vii The Water 16 Lx. Weaving 122 Lxxiii Wells 150 Xxix. Wilde-Cattel 60 Xxx. Wilde-Beasts 62 Iii The World 8 Xci. Writing 186 Trinuni Deo Gloria