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A10675 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader; Bible. English. Geneva. Whittingham, William, d. 1579.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1561 (1561) STC 2095; ESTC S121352 3,423,415 1,153

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remember their nature shal turne about and conspire to consume them with a great power 32 Then these shal be troubled and kepe silence by their power and shal flee 33 From the land of the Assyrians shal the ene mie besiege them and consume some of them and in their hoste shal be feare and dead and strife among their Kings 24 Beholde cloudes from the East and from the North vnto the South and they are verie horrible to loke vpon ful of wrath and storme 35 They shal smite one vpon another they shal smite downe a great multitude of starres vpon the earth euen their owne starre and the blood shal be from the sworde vnto the bellie 36 And the dongue of man vnto the Camels litter 37 And there shal be great fearefulnes and trembling vpon earth and thei that se the wrath shal be afraied and a trembling shal come vpon them 38 And then there shal come great stormes from the South and from the North and parte from the West 39 And from the East shal windes arise shal opē it with the cloude which he raised vp in wrath and the starre raised to feare the East and West winde shal be destroyed 40 And the great and mightie cloudes shal be lift vp ful of wrath and the starre that they may make all the earth afraied and them that dwell therein and that they may powre out ouer euerie hie place lifted vp an horrible constellation 41 As fyre and hayle and flying swordes many waters that all fields maybe full all riuers with the abundāce of great waters 42 And they shal breake downe the cities walles and mountaines and hilles and the trees of the wood and the grasse of the me dowes and their corne 43 And they shal go with a streight course vnto Babylon and make it afraied 44 They shal come to her and besiege her and shal powre forthe the constellation all the wrath against her then shal the dust and smoke go vp vnto the heauen and all they that be about her shal be waile her 45 And thei that remaine vnder her shal do seruice vnto thē that haue put her in feare 46 ¶ And thou Asia that art partaker of the hope of Babylon and the glorie of her per sone 47 Wo vnto thee ô wrecth because thou hast made thy self like vnto her and hast dect thy daughters in whoredome that they might please and glorie in thy louers whiche haue alway desired to cōmit whore dome with thee 48 Thou hast followed her that is hated in all her workes and in her inuen cions therefore saith God 49 I wil send plagues vpon thee wedowhed pouertie and famine the sworde and pe stilēce to waste thine houses with destruction and death 50 And the glorie of thy power shal be dryed vp as a floure when the heat riseth that is sent vpon thee 51 Thou shaltbe sicke as a poore wise that is plagued and beaten of women so that the mightie and the louers shal not be able to receiue thee 52 Wolde I thus hate thee saith the Lord 53 If thou hadest not alway slaine my chosen exalting the stroke of thine hands and said ouer their death when thou wast drōken 54 Set forthe the beautie of thy countenāce 55 The rewarde of thy whoredome shal be in thy bosome therefore shalt thou receiue a rewarde 56 As thou hast done vnto my chosen saith the Lord so wil God do vnto thee and I wil deliuer thee vnto the plague 57 And thy children shal dye of hunger and thou shalt fall by the sworde and thy cities shal be broken downe and all thy men shal fall by the sworde in the field 58 And they that be in the mountaines shal dye of hunger and eat their owne flesh and drinke their owne blood for wāt of bread and thirst of water 59 And thou as vnhappie shalt come thorowe the sea and receiue plagues againe 60 In the passage they shal cast downe the slaine citie and shal roote out one parte of thy land and consume the porcion of thy glorie and shal returne to her that was destroied 61 When thou shalt be cast downe thou shalt be to them as stubble and they shal be to thee as fyre 62 And they shal destroy thee and thy cities thy land thy mountaines all thy woods and all thy fruteful trees shal they burne with fyre 63 Thy childrē shal they carye away captiue and shal spoile thy substāce and marre the beautie of thy face CHAP. XVI 1 Against Babylon Asia and Egypt and Syria 18 38 Of the euils that shal come vpon the worlde with admonition how to gouerne them selues in afflictions 54 To acknowledge their sinnes and to commit them selues to the Lord 55 Whose mightie prouidence and iustice is to be reuerenced 1 WO to thee Babylon and Asia wo to thee Egypt and Syria 2 Gird your selues with sacke and heere clothe and mourne your children and be sorie for your destruction is at hand 3 A sworde is sent vnto you and who wil turne it backe a fyre is sent among you who wil quenche it 4 Plagues are sent vnto you and who can driue them away 5 May any mā driue away in hungrie lion in the wood or quenche the fyre in stubble whē it hathe once begonne to burne may one turne againe the arowe that is shot of astrong archer 6 The mightie Lord sendeth the plagues and who can driue them away the fyre is gone for the in his wrath and who can quenche it 7 He shal cast lightenings who shal not feare he shal thunder and who shal not be afraied 8 The Lord shal threaten and who shal not vtterly be broken in pieces at his presence the earth quaketh and the fundacions there of the sea ariseth vp with waues frō the depe and the waues there of are troubled the fishes thereof before the Lord and the glorie of his power 9 For strong is his right hand that bendeth the bowe his arrowes that heshooteth are sharpe and shal not misse when they begin ne to be shot into the ends of the worlde 10 Beholde the plagues are sent shal not turne againe til they come vpon earth 11 The fyre is kindled and shal not be put out til it consume the fundacions of the earth 12 As an arow which is shot of a mightie archer returneth not backward so the plagues that shal be sent vpon earth shal not turne againe 13 Wo is me wo is me who wil deliuer me in those daies 14 The beginning of sorowes and great mour ning the beginning of famine and great death the beginning of warres and the powers shal feare the beginning of euils and all shal tremble What shal I do in these things when the plagues come 15 Beholde famine and plague and trouble and anguish are sent as scourges for amendement 16 But for all these things they wil not turne from their wickednes nor
tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelue thousand 8 Of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed twelue thousand Of the tribe of Beniamin were sealed twelue thousand 9 After these things I behelde and lo a great multitude which no man colde nomber of all nacions and kinreds and people and tongues stode before the throne and before the Lambe clothed with long white robes ād palmes in their hands 10 And they cryed with a loude voyce saying Saluation cometh of our God that sitteth vpon the throne and of the Lambe 11 And all the Angels stode rounde about the throne and about the Elders and the foure beastes and they fell before the throne on their faces and worshipped God 12 Saying Amen Praise and glorie wisdome and thankes and honour power might be vnto our God for euermore Amen 13 And one of the Elders spake saying vnto me What are these which are araied in long white robes and whence came they 14 And I said vnto him Lord thou knowest And he said to me These are they which came out of great tribulaciō and haue washed their long robes and haue made their long robes white in the blood of the Lambe 15 Therefore are they in the presence of the throne of God serue him day and night in his Temple and he that sitteth on the thro ne wil dwell among them 16 * They shal hunger no more nether thirst anie more nether shall the sunne light on them nether anie heate 17 For the Lambe which is in the middes of the throne shall gouerne them shal leade them vnto the liuelie fountaine of waters and * God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes CHAP. VIII 1 The seuenth seale is opened there is silence in heauen 6 The foure Angels blowe their trumpettes and great plagues followe vpon the earth 1 ANd when he had opened the seuenth seal there was silence in heauen about halfe an houre 2 And I sawe the seuen Angels whiche stode before God and to them were giuen seuen trumpettes 3 Then another Aungell came and stode before the altar hauing a golden censer and muche odours was giuen vnto hym that he shulde offre with the prayers of all Saintes vpon the golden altar whiche is before the throne 4 And the smoke of the odours with the prayers of the Saintes went vp before God out of the Angels hand 5 And the Angel toke the censer and filled it with fyre of the altar and cast it into the earth and there were voyces thundrings and lightenings and earthquake 6 Then the seuen Angels which had the seuē trumpettes prepared them selues to blowe the trumpettes 7 So the first Angel blewe the trumpet and there was haile ād fyre mingled with blood and they were cast into the earth and the third parte of trees was burnt and al grene grasse was burnt 8 And the seconde Angell blewe the trumpet and as it were a great mountaine burning with fyre was cast into the sea and the third parte of the sea became blood 9 And the third parte of the creatures which were in the sea and had life dyed and the third parte of 〈◊〉 were destroyed 10 Then the third Angell blewe the trumpet and there fell a greate starre from 〈◊〉 heauen burning like a torche and it fell into the third parte of the riuers and into the fountaines of waters 11 And the name of the starre is called worme wood therefore the third parte of the waters became worme wood and manie men dyed of the waters because they were made bitter 12 And the fourthe Angel blewe the trumpet and the third parte of the sunne was smitten and the third parte of the moone and the third parte of the starres so that the third parte of thē was darkened the day was smitten that the third part of it colde not shine and like wise the night 13 And I behelde and heard one Angel flying through the middes of heauen saying with a lowde voyce Wo wo wo to the inhabitants of the earth because of the soundes to come of the trumper of the thre Angels which were yet to blowe the trumpettes CHAP. IX 1 The fift and sixt Angel blowe their trumpettes the starre falleth from heauen 3 The locustes come out of the smoke 〈◊〉 The first wo is paste 14 The foure Angels that were bounde are losed 18 And the third parte of men is killed 1 ANd the fift Angel blewe the trumpet I sawe a starre fall from heauē vnto the earth and to him was giuen the keye of the bottomles pit 2 And he opened the bottomles pit and there arose the smoke of the pit as the smoke of a great fornace and the sunne and the ayre were darkened by the smoke of the pit 3 And there came out of the smoke Locustes vpon the earth and vnto them was giuen power as the scorpions of the earth haue power 4 And it was commanded thē that they shulde not hurt the g grasse of the earth nether anie grene thing nether anie tree but onely those men which haue not the seale of God in their forheades 5 And to them was commanded that they shulde not kil them but that they shulde be vexed fiue moneths and that their paine shulde be as the paine that cometh of a scor pion when he hathe stung a man 6 * Therefore in those daies shal men seke death and shal not finde it and shal desire to dye and death shal flee from them 7 * And the forme of the locustes was like vn to horses prepared vnto battel and on their heades were as it were crownes like vnto golde and their faces were like the faces of men 8 And they had heere as the heere of women and their teeth were as the teeth of lions 9 And they had habbergions like to habber gions of yron and the sounde of their wings was like the sounde of charets when manie horses runne vnto battel 10 And they had tailes like vnto scorpiōs and there were stings in their tailes and their power was to hurt men fiue moneths 11 And they haue a King ouer them which is the Angel of the bottomles pit whose name in Hebrewe is Abaddon and in Greke he is named Apollyon 12 One wo is past and beholde yet two woes come after this 13 ¶ Then the sixt Angel blewe the trumpet I heard a voyce frō the foure hornes of the golden altar which is before God 14 Saying to the sixt Angel which had the trumpet Lose the foure Angels which are bounde in the great riuer Euphrates 15 And the foure Angels were losed which were prepared at an
h They that are 〈◊〉 come shall thinke that all the powers of heauen ād earth are 〈◊〉 them Ezek. 〈◊〉 7. i He compareth Babylon to the whole world because they so este med them selues by reason of their great empire k He 〈◊〉 the principal vice whereunto they were most giuen as are all that abunde in welth l He 〈◊〉 the great slaughter that shal be seing the enemie shall nether for golde or siluer spare a mās lif as 〈◊〉 17 Ioel. 3 15. m Meaning the power of Babylon with their hi red souldiers Psal. 〈◊〉 7. 9. Mat. 24. 29. n This was not accōplished whē Cyrus toke Baby lon but after the death of 〈◊〉 dre the Great o VVho vseth to go frome countrey to countrey to sinde pasture for their beastes but there shall they finde none Gene. 19. 25. Iere. 50. 40. p VVhiche were ether wilde beastes or foules or wicked Spirits where by Satan 〈◊〉 man as by the fairics goblins and suche lyke fan tasies a He she weth why God will hast to destroye his enemies to wit because he will 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 chu 〈◊〉 b Meaning that the 〈◊〉 shal be 〈◊〉 with the Churche and Worship God c 〈◊〉 that the Iewes shulde be superiours to the Gentles and that they shulde be broght vnder the seruice of christ by the prea ching of the Apo stles whereby all are 〈◊〉 to the subiection of Christ 2. Cor. 10 5 d Tha is 〈◊〉 fred all violence and iniuries to be done e Meaning that when tyrants rei gne there can be no rest nor quiet nes and also how detestable a thīg tyrānie is seyng the insēsible cre atures haue occa sion to reioyce at their destruction f As thogh they feared lest thou shuldest trouble the dead as thou didest the lyuing and here he derideth the proude tyrannie of the wycked Which knowe not that all creatures wish their destruction that theimaie reioyce g In stead of thy costly carpets couerings h Thou that thoghrest thy self most glorious as it were placed in the heauen for the morning star re that goeth before the sonne is called lucifer to whome Nebuchadnezzar is compared i Meaning Ierusalém whereof the Temple was on the North side as psal 48 2. whereby he meanech that 〈◊〉 fight against God whē thei persecute his Church wolde set them selues in his place k In marueling at thee l To set them at 〈◊〉 nothing his crueltie m Thou wast not buryed in the sepulchre of thy fa ther 's thy tyrānie was so abhorred n He calleth to the Medes Persians and all those that shulde execu te Gods vengeāce “ Or 〈◊〉 o 〈◊〉 I haue begō 〈◊〉 destroy the Assyrians in Saneherib so wil I continue and de 〈◊〉 wholy when I shal deli 〈◊〉 you from Ba bylon p Frō the Iewes q Read Chap. 13 1 r He willeth the Philistims not to 〈◊〉 because the 〈◊〉 are diminished in their power for their strength shal be streater then euer it was s The Israelites which were broght to moste extreme 〈◊〉 t To wit my peo ple. u That is 〈◊〉 the Iewes or Assyrians for they were both North from Palestina x But they shal be all ready and ioy ne together y VVhich shal come to enquire of the state of the Church z They shal answer that the Lord doeth 〈◊〉 his Church thē that ioyne then selues thereunto a Read Chap. 13 1. b The chief citie whereby the whole countrey wasment c The Moabites shal flee to their idolesfor succour but it shal be to late d Which were ci ties of Moáb e For as in the VVest partes the people vsed to let their heere growelong 〈◊〉 they mourned so in the Last partes they cut it of f The Prophet speaketh this in the persone of the Moabites or as one that felt the great iudgement of God that shuld come vpon thē g Meaning that it was a citie that euer liued 〈◊〉 sure neuer felt sordwe h He describeth the mise able idis sipation slight of the Moabites i To hide thē selues and their goods there k Of thē that are slaine l So that by no meanes they shulde escape the hand of God thus wil God punish the enemies of his Church a That is offer a sacrifice whereby he derideth their long delay which wolde not repent when the 〈◊〉 called thē shewing thē that it is now to late seing the vē geance of God is vpon them b There is no remedie but you must flie c He sheweth what 〈◊〉 shu de haue done when Israél their neighbour was in affliction to whome because they wolde giue no snodo we nor 〈◊〉 they are now left comfor tles d The Assyrians shal 〈◊〉 the Israelites but for a while f 〈◊〉 vaine con 〈◊〉 proude bragges 〈◊〉 deceiue them is let 48 〈◊〉 e Meaning Christ g For all your mourning yet the citie shal be de st oyed euen vnto the fundatiōs h That i the Assy 〈◊〉 and other enemies i Meaning that the 〈◊〉 of Moáb was now destroyed and all the precous things thereof were caried into the 〈◊〉 yea into other countreys and ouer the sea k He sheweth that their plague was so great that it wolde haue moued anie man to lament with 〈◊〉 as Psal 14 5. m For verie sorow cōpalsion I The enemies are comevpon thee and snowre for ioye when t ey carie thy commo 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thee as 〈◊〉 48 33. n They shal vse all meanesto seke helpe of their ido les all in vaine for Chemoz their great God snal not be 〈◊〉 to helpe them o He appointed a 〈◊〉 time to punish the enemies in p Wo wil cōserue iustely the 〈◊〉 for the which he is hyred serue no longer but wil euer long for it a Read Chap. 13 1 b The chief citie of Syria c It was a countrey of 〈◊〉 by the riuer Arnon d It semeth that the Prophet 〈◊〉 cōfort 〈◊〉 Church in 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of these two Kings of Syria Israél when as they had conspired the ouerthrowe of Iudáh e The ten tribes glorified in their multitude and al liāce with other nacrōs therefore he saith that they shal be broght downe and the Syrians also f Meaning of the ten tribes which boasted them selnes of their nobi litie prosperitie strength and mul 〈◊〉 g As the abūdan ce of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not feare the har uest men that shulde cut it downe no more shal the multitude of Israél make the enemies to shrinke Whome God shal appoint to destroye them h VVhich valley was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i Because GOD wolde haue his couenāt stable he promiseth to reseruesome of this people and to bring them to re pentance k He sheweth that Gods corrections euer bring forthe some frute and cause his to turne from their sinnes and to hū ble them selues to him l As the Canaani tes left their cities 〈◊〉 God did pla
lodging h Doute 〈◊〉 to receiue nourishe ment of them of Whome you 〈◊〉 Chap. 9. 5. mat 10. 14. i God did present him self vnto you by his messēgers and Wolde haue reigned ouer you act 13. 51 18. 6. Mat. 11. 21. k VVhiche Were the signes of repentance l The mo benefites that God besto Wethvpō anie people the more 〈◊〉 their ingra titude deserue to be punished Mat. 0. 40. ioh 13 20. m The power of 〈◊〉 is beaten downe by the preaching of the Gospel “ Or in his minde n He attributeth it to the free electiō of God that the Wise World lings knowe not the Gospel the poore hase people vnderstand it o Christ is our onlie meane to receiue Gods mer cies by p Therefore We must esteme him as the fathers 〈◊〉 hathe taught vs not according tomās iudgement q In Whome We se God as in his 〈◊〉 image 〈◊〉 13. 16. Mat. 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 12 28. Deut. 6. 1. Leui. 19 18. “ Or to approue him self as iust r For they counted no mā their neighbour but their friend s For so it semed to mans iudgement althogh this Was so appointed by Gods counsell and 〈◊〉 uidence t He priuely noteth the greate 〈◊〉 Whiche was among this people chiefly the gouernours u This nacion Was odious to the Iewes x VVhich Was a 〈◊〉 pence of slerling money y Helpe hym that hath nede of thee althogh thou know him not z For she forgate the principal Whiche Was to heare Gods Worde a It Was not mere that she shuldhaue bene drawen from so 〈◊〉 a thing Whereunto she cold not alwaies haue opportunitie Mat. 6. 〈◊〉 a Or euerie day or asmuche as is sufficient for this day “ Or 〈◊〉 b By this similitude he 〈◊〉 vs that We oght not to be discouraged if We obteine not incontinentlye that Whiche We demande “ Or in passing by the Way “ Or 〈◊〉 Mat. 7. 7. and 21. 22. Marke 11. 24. Iohn 14. 13. and 16. 12. Iames 1. 10. Mat 9. 32. and 12. 21. Marke 3. 20. c The chiefest thing that We 〈◊〉 desire of God is his holie spirit Mat. 12. 25. Marke 3. 44. d That is to say your coniurers e The finger of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for that 〈◊〉 and power of God And the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 ād the Sonne is the holie 〈◊〉 for so 〈◊〉 doeth interpret thys place f The worde signifieth an entrie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be fore an house “ Or 〈◊〉 g They 〈◊〉 do not wholy applye 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 the kingdome of Sa tan can not be coūted to be on Christe side but are his 〈◊〉 how much more is be 〈◊〉 hym that 〈◊〉 open 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with him as Satan doeth h To the 〈◊〉 that he myght work according to his malicious nature i More 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then it was afore k If by 〈◊〉 we turne backe from God Satan hathe greater power ouer vs then he had before l He 〈◊〉 an infinite nomber Ion. 2. 1. Mat. 12. 43. Ebr. 6. 4. 1. Peter 2. 20. m Christe 〈◊〉 her a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for that she 〈◊〉 ted the chief 〈◊〉 se which 〈◊〉 due vnto hym that was that they are blessed in deed to whome he communicateth him self by this worde Mat. 12. 48. 〈◊〉 Kyng 10 1. 2 〈◊〉 9. 1. Ion. 3. 5. Chap. 〈◊〉 16. Mat. 5. 15. Marke 4. 21. “ Or candle n 〈◊〉 it s huld guide and lead the bodie Mat. 6. 22. o VVithout spot 〈◊〉 vice Mat. 23. 〈◊〉 p Christ here 〈◊〉 two things first 〈◊〉 we come 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 meat and drinke and next that we 〈◊〉 part to the poorer for 〈◊〉 is the 〈◊〉 of the Law “ Or of that that you naue q He wolde not 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 least commande ment 〈◊〉 all things were 〈◊〉 hed but taught them to stick to the 〈◊〉 and not 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 ceremonies whi che 〈◊〉 quickly be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that which is 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 Chap. 20. 46. r VVhose 〈◊〉 and infection ap peare not suddenly Mat. 23. 6. 〈◊〉 12. 38. s 〈◊〉 you 〈◊〉 in remembrance the 〈◊〉 dedes of your fathers Act. 15. 10. t You shewe your selues as great 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fathers makynge men beleue ye honour GOD when you 〈◊〉 nour him u They were more curious to buylde their 〈◊〉 ues 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 followe their 〈◊〉 “ Or 〈◊〉 expel them x Because they were culp able of the same 〈◊〉 that their ancestors were y They hid and toke awaye the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ād true 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 ptures Gen. 4. 8. 2 Chron. 24. 22. Mat. 16 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 8. 14. 〈◊〉 10. 26. Marke 4 22. a Openly that al men may heare Mat. 10 28. Chap. 9. 26. Mat 10. 32. Marke 8. 38. 2. 〈◊〉 2. 〈◊〉 Mat. 10. 29. b He that shal re siste against the worde of God purposely and against his 〈◊〉 Marke 13 32. c Be not so doutfull that you shulde be discou raged or distruct “ Or moment 1. Cor. 6 1. d Christe chiefly came to be 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 ding he 〈◊〉 the Christians to be iudges and de cide controuersies betwixte their 〈◊〉 e 〈◊〉 condemneth the atrogā cie 〈◊〉 the riche worldlings who as thogh they had God locked vp in their 〈◊〉 and barnes set their whole 〈◊〉 in their goods not consi dering that God gaue them lyfe and also can take it awaye when 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 “ Or countrey Eecle 11. 19. f To depend one ly on his prouidence knowing that he hathe ynough for all Mat. 6. 15. 2. Peter 5. 7. Psal. 55. 26. g He exhorteth vs to caste our care on God 〈◊〉 to submit our sel ues to his 〈◊〉 h The liberalitie of God whiche 〈◊〉 in the herbes and floures surmounteth all that man can do by his riches or 〈◊〉 “ Or make discourses in the ayre i VVhich are but accessaries and 〈◊〉 commune as wel to the wieked men as to the godlie k VVhiche is the 〈◊〉 thynge that can be giuē therefore you can not want those thynges whiche are of lesse importance 1. Peter 1 13. Mat. 6. 20. l Be in a readines to execute the charge which is committed vn to you m Because they did vse long garmēts the 〈◊〉 was to girde or 〈◊〉 them vp when they went about anye busines Mat. 24. 43. Reuela 16. 〈◊〉 n The porcion of 〈◊〉 euerie moneth was foure 〈◊〉 of corne as Donatus writeth in Phormio o Therfore igno rance is inexcusable p To whom God hathe giuen manie graces q The Gospel is as a burning fire most vehement which maketh a change of things through all the worlde r If there be great troubles alterations vpō the earth which things come not by the proprietie of the Gospel but through the wyckednes of man s He compareth hys death to baprisme Mat. 10. 34. Mat. 15. 2. Mat. 5. 25. t Thoght it be to thy 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 derance a He murthered them as they were 〈◊〉 so their blood was myngled with the bioode of
when the Lord said vnto me Gather me the people together I wil cause thē heare my words that they maye learne to feare me all the dayes that they shal liue vpon the earthe and that they may teache their children 11 Then came you nere and * stode vnder the mountaine and the mountaine burnt with fire vnto the middes of heauen and there was darcknes cloudes and mist. 12 And the Lord spake vnto you out of the middes of the fire and ye heard the voyce of the wordes but sawe no similitude saue a voyce 13 Then he declared vnto you his couenant which he commanded you to do euen the ten commandements and wrote them vpon two tables of stone 14 ¶ And the Lord commanded me that same time that I shulde teache you ordinances and Lawes which ye shulde obserue in the land whither ye go to possesse it 15 Take therfore good hede vnto your selues for ye sawe no image in the daye that the Lord spake vnto you in Horéb out of the middes of the fire 16 That ye corrupt not your selues make you a grauen image or representacion of anie figure whither it be the likenes of male or female 17 The likenes of anie beast that is on earth or the likenes of anie fethered foule that flieth in the aire 18 Or the likenes of any thing that crepeth on the earthe or the likenes of anie fishe that is in the waters beneth the earth 19 And lest thou lift vp thine eyes vnto heauen and when thou seest the sunne the moone and the starres with all the hoste of heauen shuldest be driuen to worshippe them and serue them whiche the Lord thy God hathe distributed to all people vnder the whole heauen 20 But the Lord hath taken you and broght you out of the yrō fornace out of Egypt to be vnto him a people and inheritance as appeareth this day 21 And the Lord was angry with me for your wordes and sware that I shuld not go ouer Iordén and that I shulde not go in vnto that good land whiche the Lord thy God giueth thee for an inheritance 22 For I muste dye in this land and shall not go ouer Iordén but ye shall go ouer and possesse that good land 23 Take hede vnto your selues lest ye forget the couenant of the Lord your God which he made with you lest ye make you any grauen image or likenes of anie thing as the Lord thy God hathe charged thee 24 For the Lord thy GOD is a consuming fire and a ielous God 25 ¶ When thou shalt beget chyldren and childrens children and shalt haue remayned long in the lande if ye corrupte your selues and make any grauē image or likenes of anie thynge and worke euill in the sight of the Lord thy GOD to prouoke him to angre 26 I call heauen and earth to record against you this day that ye shall shortely perishe from the land wherunto ye go ouer Iordē to possesse it ye shal not prolōg your daies therein but shal vtterly be destroyed 27 And the Lord shal scatter you among the people and ye shal be left fewe in nomber amonge the nacions whether the LORD shal bring you 28 And there ye shall serue Gods euen the worke of mans hand wood stone which nether se nor heare nor eat nor smel 29 But if frome thence thou shalt seke the Lord thy God thou shalt finde him if thou seke him with all thine hearte and with all thy soule 30 When thou arte in tribulacion and all these things are come vpon thee at the lēgth if thou returne to the Lord thy God and be obedient vnto his voyce 31 For the Lord thy God is a mercifull God he wil not forsake thee nether destroy thee nor forget the couenant of thy Fathers which he sware vnto them 32 For inquire now of the daies that are past which were before thee since the day that GOD created man vpon the earthe and aske frō the one end of heauen vnto the other if there came to passe suche a greate thinge as this or whether anie suche like thing hathe bene heard 33 Did euer people heare the voyce of God speakynge out of the middes of a fire as thou hast heard and liued 34 Or hath God assayed to go and take him a nacion from among nacions by tentacions by signes and by wonders and by warre and by a mighty hand by a stretched out arme and by great feare according vnto all that the Lord your God did vnto you in Egypt before your eyes 35 Vnto thee it was shewed that thou mightest knowe that the Lord he is God that there is none but he alone 36 Out of heauē he made thee heare his voice to instruct thee vpō earth he shewed thee his greate fire and thou heardest his voyce out of the middes of the fire 37 And because he loued thy fathers therfore he chose their sede after them and hathe broght thee out of Egypte in hys sight by his mighty power 38 To thrust out nacions greater and mightier then thou before thee to bring thee in and to giue thee their land for inheritance as appeareth this day 39 Vnderstand therefore this day and consider in thine heart that the Lord he is God in heauen aboue and vpon the earthe beneth there is none other 40 Thou shalt kepe therefore his ordinan ces and his commandements whiche I cōmande thee this day that it may go well with thee and with thy childrē after thee and that thou maiest prolonge thy dayes vpon the earth whiche the Lord thy God giueth thee foreuer 41 ¶ Thē Mosés separated thre cities on this side of 〈◊〉 towarde the sonne rising 42 That the slayer shulde flee thither which had killed his neighbour at vnwares and hated him not in time past mighte flee I say vnto one of those 〈◊〉 and liue 43 That is * Bézerin the wildernes in the plaine countrey of the Reubenites Ramôth in Gileád among the Gadites Golán in Bashán among them of Manasséh 44 ¶ So this is the lawe which Mosés set before the children of Israél 45 These are the witnesses and the ordināces and the Lawes which Mosés declared to the children of Israél after they came out of Egypt 46 On this side Iordén in the valey ouer againste Beth peôr in the lande of Sihón Kynge of the Amorites whiche dwelt at Heshbôn whome Mosés and the chyldren of Israél * smote after they were come out of Egypt 47 And they possessed his land and the land of * Og King of Bashán two Kings of the Amorites whiche were on this side Iordén toward the sonne rising 48 From Aroér which is by the banke of the theriuer Arnōn euen vnto mount Siōn which is Hermón 49 And all the plaine by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euē vnto the
Rizpáh the daughter of Aiáh the concubine of Saúl had done 12 And Dauid went and toke the bones of Saúl and the bones of Ionathán his sonne frō the citizens of Iabésh Gilead which had stollen them from the strete of Beth shán where the Philistims had * handged them when the Phi listims had slaine Saúl in Gilbōa 13 So he broght thence the bones of Saúl and the bones of Ionathán his sonne and thei gathered the bones of them that were hanged 14 And the bones of Saúl and of Ionath án his sonne buryed they in the countrie of Beniamin in Zelāh in the graue of Kish his father and when they had performed all that the King had commanded God was then appeased with the land 15 ¶ Againe the Philistims had warre with Israél and Dauid went downe and his seruāts with him and they foght against the Philistims and Dauid fainted 16 Then Ishi-benōb which was of the sonnes of Harapháh the head of whose speare wayed thre hundreth shekels of brasse euen he being girded with a newe sworde thoght to haue slaine Dauid 17 But Abishái the sonne of Zeruiáh succoured him and smote the Philistim and killed him Then Dauids men sware vnto him saying Thou shalt go no more out with vsto battel lest thou quenche the light of 〈◊〉 18 ¶ And after this also there was a battel with the Philistims at Gob then Sibbechái the Hushathite slewe Saph which was one of the sonnes of Harapháh 19 And there was yet another battel in Gob with the Philistims where Elhanáh the sōne of Ioare-oregim a Bethlehemite slewe Goliáth the Gittite the staffe of whose speare was like a weauers beame 20 After warde there was also a battel in Gath where was a man of a great stature and had on euerie hand six fingers on euerie foote six toes foure and twentie in nomber who was also the sonne of Harapháh 21 And when he reuiled Israél Ionathán the sonne of * Shimá the brother of Dauid slewe him 22 These foure were borne to Harapháh in Gath and dyed by the hand of Dauid and by the hands of his seruants CHAP. XXII 2 Dauid after his victories 〈◊〉 God 8 The angre of God toward the wicked 44 He prophecieth of the reiection of the Iewes and vocacion of the Gentiles 1 ANd Dauid spake the wordes of this song vnto the Lord what time the Lord had deliuered him out of the hands of all his enemies and out of the hand of Saúl 2 And he said * The Lord is my rocke and my forteresse and he that deliuereth me 3 God is my strength in him wil I trust my shield and the horne of my saluacion my hie towre and my refuge my sauiour thou hast saued me from violence 4 I wil call on the Lord who is worthy to be praised so shal I be safe from mine enemies 5 For the pangs of death haue compassed me the floods of vngodlines haue made me afraide 6 The soro wes of the graue compassed me about the snares of death ouertoke me 7 But in my tribulation did I call vpon the Lord and crye to my God and he did heare my voice out of his temple and my crye did enter into his eares 8 Then the earth trembled and quaked the fundacions of the heauens moued shoke because he was angry 9 Smoke went out at his no strels and consuming fire out of his mouth coles were kind led there at 10 He bowed the heauens also came downe and darkenes was vnder his feete 11 And he rode vpon Cherúb and did flye he was sene vpon the wings of the winde 12 And he made darknes a tabernacle rounde about him euen the gatherings of waters and the cloudes of the aire 13 At the brightnes of his presence the coles of fire were kindled 14 The Lord thundred from heauen and the moste hye gaue his voyce 15 He shot arrowes also and scatred them to wit lightning and destroyed them 16 The chanels also of the sea appeared euē the fundations of the worlde were discouered by the rebuking of the Lord and at the blast of the breath of his nostrels 17 He sent from aboue toke me he drewe me out of manie waters 18 He deliuered me from my strong enemie and from thē that hated me for they were to strong for me 19 They preuented me in the day of my calamitie but the Lord was my stay 20 And broght me forthe into a large place he deliuered me because he fauored me 21 The Lorde rewarded me accordyng to my right eousnes according to the purenes of mine hands he recompenced me 22 For I kept the wayes of the Lorde and did not wickedly against my God 23 For all his lawes were before me and hys statutes I did not departe there from 24 I was vpright also to warde hym and haue kept me from my wickednes 25 Therefore the Lord did rewarde me according to my ryghteousnes accordyng to my purenes before his eyes 26 With the godlye thou wilt she we thy selfe godlie with thy vpright mā thou wilt 〈◊〉 thy selfe vpright 27 With the pure thou wilt she we thy selfe pure and with the frowarde thou wilt she we thy selfe fro warde 28 Thus thou wilt saue the poore people but thyne eyes arc vpon the hautie to humble them 29 Surely thou art my light ô Lorde and the Lord willighten my darkenes 30 For by thee haue I brokē through an host and by my God haue I leaped ouer a wal 31 The way of God is vncorrupt the worde of the Lord is tryed in the fire he is a shield to all that trust in him 32 For who is God besides the Lord and who is mighty saue our God 33 God is my strength in battell and maketh my way vpright 34 He maketh my feete like hindes feete and hathe set me vpon mine hie places 35 He teacheth mine handes to fight so that a bowe of brasse is broken with mine armes 36 Thou haste also giuen me the shield of thy saluacion and thy louynge kindenes hathe caused me to increase 37 Thou haste enlarged my steppes vnder me and mine heeles haue not slid 38 I haue pursued mine enemies and destroyed them and haue not turned againe vntil I had consumed them 39 Yea I haue cōsumed them and thrust them through and they shal not arise but shall fall vnder my feete 40 For thou haste girded me with power to battel and them that arose against me hast thou subdued vnder me 41 And thou haste giuen me the neckes of mine enemies that I myght destroye them that hate me 42 They loked aboute but there was none to saue them euen vnto the Lord but he answered them not 43 Then did I beate them as smal as the dust of the earth I did tread them flat as the clay of the streete and
thine holie one to se corruption 11 Thou wilt shewe me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnes of ioye and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore PSAL. XVII 1 Here he complaineth to God of the cruel pride and arro gancie of Saúl the rest of his enemies who thus raged without anie cause giuē on his parte 6 Therefore he desireth God to reuenge his innocencie and deliuer him ¶ The prayer of Dauid 1 HEare the right ô Lord cōsider my crye hearkē vnto my prayer of lips 〈◊〉 2 Let my sentence come forthe from thy pre sence and let thine eyes beholde equitie 3 Thou hast proued and visited mine heart in the night thou hast tryed me and foundest nothing for I was purposed that my mouth shulde not offend 4 Concerning the workes of men by the wordes of thy lippes I kept me frō the paths of the cruel man 5 Stay my steps in thy paths that my fete do not slide 6 I haue called vpon thee surely thou wilt heare me ô God incline thine eare to me and hearken vnto my wordes 7 Shewe thy maruelous mercies thou that art the Sauiour of them that trust in thee from suche as resist thy right hand 8 Kepe me as the apple of the eye hide me vnder the shadow of thy wings 9 From the wicked that oppresse me from mine enemies whiche compasse me rounde about for my soule 10 They are inclosed in their owne fatt and they haue spoken proudly with their mouth 11 They haue compassed vs now in our steps they haue set their eyes to bring downe to the grounde 12 Like as a lyon that is gredie of praye as it were a lyons whelpe lurking in secret places 13 Vp Lord disapoint him cast him downe deliuer my soule from the wicked with thy sworde 14 Frō men by thine hand ô Lord from men of the worlde who haue their porcion in this life whose belies thou fillest with thine hid treasure their children haue ynough and leaue the rest of their substāce for their children 15 But I wil be holde thy face in righteousnes and when I awake I shal be satisfied with thine image PSAL. XVIII 1 This Psalme is the first beginning of his 〈◊〉 and thākesgiuing in the entring into his kingdome wherein he extolleth praiseth moste highly the maruelous mer cies and grace of God who hathe thus preserued and defēded him 32 Also he setteth forthe the image of Christs kingdome that the faithful may be assured that Christ shal alwayes conquer ouercome by the vnspeakeable power of his Father thogh all the whole worlde shulde striue there against ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme of Dauid the seruant of the Lord whiche spake vnto the Lord the wordes of this song in the day that the Lord deliuered him from the hand of all his enemies frō the hand of Saúl and said 1 I * Wil loue thee derely ô Lord my strength 2 The Lord is my rocke and my forteresse and he that deliuereth me my God and my strength in him wil I trust my shield the horne also of my saluacion and my refuge 3 I wil call vpon the Lord which is worthie to be praised so shal I be safe from mine enemies 4 The sorowes of death compassed me and the floods of wickednes made me afrayed 5 The sorowes of the graue haue compassed about the snares of death ouertoke me 6 But in my trouble did I call vpon the Lord and cryed vnto my God he heard my voyce out of his Temple and my crye did come before him euen into his eares 7 Then the earth trembled and quaked the fundacions also of the mountaines moued shoke because he was angrie 8 Smoke went out at his nostrels and a cōsu ming fyre out of his mouth coles were kind led thereat 9 He bowed the heauens also and came downe and darkenes was vnder his fete 10 And he rode vpon Cherúb and did slie and he came flying vpon the wings of the winde 11 He made darkenes his secret place and his pauilion rounde about him euen darke nes of waters and cloudes of the aire 12 At the brightnes of his presence his cloudes passed hailestones and coles of fyre 13 The Lord also thundred in the heauen and the Highest gaue his voyce hailestones and coles of fyre 14 Then he sent out his arrowes and scatered them and he increased lightnings and destroyed them 15 And the chanels of waters were sene the fundacions of the worlde were discouered at thyrebuking ô Lord at the blasting of the breath of thy nostrels 16 He hathe sent downe from aboue and taken me he hathe drawen me out of manie waters 17 He hathe deliuered me from my strong enemie and from them which hate me for they were to strong for me 18 They preuented me in the daye of my calamitie but the Lord was my stay 19 He broght me forthe also into a large place he deliuered me because he fauoured me 20 The Lord re warded me according to my righteousnes according to the purenes of mine hands he recompensed me 21 Because I kept the wayes of the Lord and did not wickedly against my God 22 For all his Lawes where before me and I did not cast a way his commandemēts from me 23 I was vpright also with him and haue kept me from my wickednes 24 Therefore the Lord rewarded me according to my righteousnes and according to the purenes of mine hands in his sight 25 With the godlie thou wilt shewe thy self godlie with the vpright man thou wilt shewe thy self vp right 26 With the pure thou wilt she we thy self pure and with the frowarde thou wilt shewe thy self froward 27 Thus thou wilt saue the poore people and wilt cast downe the proude lokes 28 Surely thou wilt light my candel the Lord my God wil lighten my darkenes 29 For by thee I haue broken through an hoste and by my God I haue leaped ouer a wall 30 The waye of God is vncorrupt the worde of the Lord is tryed in the fyre he is a shield to all at that trust in him 31 For who is God besides the Lord and who is mightie saue our God 32 God girdeth me with strength and maketh my waye vpright 33 He maketh my fete like hindes fete and setteth me vpon mine high places 34 He teacheth mine hands to fight so that a bowe of brasse is broken with mine armes 35 Thou hast also giuen me the shield of thy saluacion and thy right hand hathe stayed me and thy louing kindenes hathe caused me to increase 36 Thou hast enlarged my steppes vnder me and mine heles haue not slid 37 I haue pursued mine enemies and taken
aloude vnto the rocke of our saluacion 2 Let vs come before his face with prayse let vs sing loude vnto him with psalmes 3 For the Lord is a great God and a greate King 〈◊〉 all gods 4 In whose hand are the depe places of the earth and the heights of the mountaines are his 5 To whome the sea belongeth for he made it and hys handes formed the drye land 6 Come let vs worship and fall downe and 〈◊〉 before the Lord our maker 7 For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the shepe of his hand to daie if ye wil heare his voice 8 Harden not your heart as in 〈◊〉 and as in the daye of Massáh in the wildernes 9 Where your fathers tempted me proued me thogh thei had sene my worke 10 Fortie yeres haue I contended with this generacion and said Thei are a people that erre in heart for thei haue not knowē my wayes 11 Wherefore I sware in my wrath saying Surely they shal not enter into my rest PSAL. XCVI 1 An exhortation bothe to the Iewes and Gētiles to praise God for his mercie And this specially ought to be referred to the kingdome of Christ. 1 SIng vnto the Lord a newe song sing vnto the Lord all the earth 2 〈◊〉 vnto the Lord and praise his Name declare his saluacion from daie to daie 3 Declare his glorie among all nations his wonders among all people 4 For the Lord is great and muche to be praised he is to be feared aboue all gods 5 For all the gods of the people are idols but the Lord made the heauen 6 Strength and glorye are before hym power and beautie are in his Sanctuarie 7 Giue vnto the Lord ye families of the people giue vnto the Lord glorie and power 8 Giue vnto the Lord the glorie of his name bring an offring and entre into his courtes 9 Worship the Lord in the glorious Sāctuarie tremble before him all the earth 10 Saie among the nations The Lord reigneth surely the worlde shal be stable and not moue and he shal iudge the people in righteousnes 11 Let the heauens reioyce and let the earth be glad let the sea roare and all that therein is 12 Let the field be ioyful and all that is in it let all the trees of the wood then reioyce 13 Before the Lorde for he commeth for he commeth to iudge the earth he wil iudge the worlde with right cousnes the people in his trueth PSAL. XCVII 1 The Prophet exhorteth all to reioyce for the comming of the kingdome of Christ. 7 Dreadful to the rebels and idolaters 8 And ioyful to the iust whome he exhorteth to innocencie 12 To reioycing and thankesgiuing 1 THe Lord reigneth let the earth reioy ce let the multitude of theyles be glad 2 Cloudes and darkenes are round about him righteousnes and iudgemēt are the fundation of his throne 3 There shall go a fyer before him burne vp his enemies round about 4 His lightnings gaue light vnto the world the earth sawe it and was afraid 5 The mountaines melted like waxe at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth 6 The heauens declare his righteousnes all the people se his glorie 7 Confounded be all thei that serue grauē images and that glorie in idoles worship him allye gods 8 Zión heard of it and was glad and the daughters of Iudáh reioyced because of thy iudgements ô Lord. 9 For thou Lord arte moste high aboue all the earth thou art muche exalted aboue all gods 10 Ye that loue the Lord hate euil he preserueth the soules of his Saints he will deliuer them from the hand of the wicked 11 Light is sowen for the righteous ioye for the vpright in heart 12 Reioyce ye righteous in the Lord giue thankes for his holie remembrance PSAL. XCVIII 1 An earnest exhortation to all creatures to praise the Lord for his power mercie and fidelitie in his promes by Christ 10 By whome he hathe communicated his saluaciō to all nations ¶ A Psalme 1 SIng vnto the Lord a new song for he hath done maruelous things * his right hand and his holie arme haue gottē him the victorie 2 The Lord declared his saluatiō his righteousnes hathe he reueiled in the sight of the nations 3 He hathe remembred his mercie and hys trueth towarde the house of Israél all the ends of the earth haue sene the saluation of our God 4 All the earth singye loude vnto the Lord crye out and reioyce and sing praises 5 Sing praise to the Lord vpon the harpe euen vpō the harpe with a singing voice 6 With shalmes and sounde of trumpets sing loude before the Lord the King 7 Let the sea roare all that the rein is the worlde and thei that dwell therein 8 Let the floods clap their hands let the mountaines reioyce together 9 Before the Lord for he is come to iudge the earth with righteousnes shal he iudge the worlde and the people with equitie PSAL. XCIX 1 He commandeth the power equitie and excellēcie of the kingdome of God by Christ ouer the Iewes and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And prouoketh them to magnifie the same and to serue the Lord 6 Following the 〈◊〉 of the ancient Fathers Mosés Aarón Samuél who calling vpon God were heard 〈◊〉 their praiers 1 THe Lord reigneth let the people trēble he sitteth betwene the * Cherubims let the earth be moued 2 The Lord is greate in Zión and he is high aboue all the people 3 Thei shal praise thy greate and fearefull Name for it is holie 4 And the Kings power that loueth iudgemēt for thou hast prepared equitie thou hast execute diudgement and iustice in Iaakōb 5 Exalt the Lord our God and fall downe before his fotestole for he is holie 6 Mosés and Aarón were among his Priests and Samuél among suche as call vpon his Name these called vpon the Lord and he heard them 7 He spake vnto them in the cloudie piller thei kept his testimonies and the Lawe that he gaue them 8 Thou heardest them ô Lord our God thou wast a fauourable God vnto them thogh thou didest take vengeance for theyr inuentions 9 Exalt the Lord our GOD and fall downe before his holie Mountaine for the Lord our God is holie PSAL. C. 1 He exhorteth all to serue the Lord. 3 who hathe chosen vs and preserued vs. 4 And to entre into his assemblies to praise his Name ¶ A Psalme of praise 1 SIng ye loude vnto the Lord all the earth 2 Serue the Lord with gladnes come before him with ioyfulnes 3 Knowe ye that euen the Lord is GOD he hathe made vs and not we our selues we are his
glorious maiestie and thy wonderful workes 6 and they shal speake of the power of thy feareful Actes and I wil declare thy greatnes 7 They shal breake out into the mention of thy great goodnes and shal sing aloude of thy righteousnes 8 * The Lord is gratious and merciful slowe to angre and of great mercie 9 The Lord is good to all and his mercies are ouer all his workes 10 All thy workes praise thee ô Lord and thy Saints blesse thee 11 They shewe the glorie of thy kingdome and speake of thy power 12 To cause his power to be knowen to the sonnes of men and the glourious renome of his kingdome 13 Thy * kindome is an euerlasting kingdome and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages 14 The Lord vpholdeth all that fall and lifteth vp all that are readie to fall 15 The eyes of all waite vpon thee and thou giuest them their meat in due season 16 Thou opene st thine hand fillest all things liuing of thy good pleasure 17 The Lord is righteous in all his waies and holie in all his workes 18 The Lord is nere vnto all that call vpon him yea to al that call vpon him in trueth 19 He wil fulfil the desire of them that feare him he also wil heare their crye and wil saue them 20 The Lord preserueth all them that loue him but he wil destroye all the wicked 21 My mouth shal speake the praise of the Lord and all flesh shal blesse his holie Name for euer and euer PSAL. CXLVI 1 Dauid declareth his great zeale that he hathe to praise God 3 And teacheth not to trust in man but onely in God almightie 7 VVhich deliuereth the afflicted 9 Defendeth the strangers comforteth the fatherles and the windowes 10 And reigneth for euer ¶ Praise ye the Lord. 1 PRaise thou the Lord ô my soule 2 I wil praise the Lord during my life as long as I haue anie being I wil sing vnto my God 3 Put not your trust in princes nor in the sonne of mā for there is none helpe in him 4 His breath departeth and he returneth to his earth then his thoghts perish 5 Blessed is he that hathe the God of Iaakób for his helpe whose hope is in the Lord his God 6 Which made heauen and earth the sea and al that therein is which kepeth his fidelitie foreuer 7 Which executeth iustice for the oppressed which giueth bread to the hungrie the Lord looseth the prisoners 8 The Lord giueth sight to the blinde the Lord raise thvp the croked the Lord loueth the righteous 9 The Lord kepeth the strangers he relieueth the fatherles and widowe but he ouer thro weth the way of the wicked 10 The Lord shal reigne for euer ô Zión thy God endureth from generacion to generacion Pray se ye the Lord. PSAL. CXLVII 1 The Prophet praiseth the bountie wisdome power iustice and prouidence of God vpon all his creatures 2 But specially vpon his Church which he gathereth together after their dispersion 19 Declaring his worde and iudgements so vnto them as he hathe done to none other people 1 PRaise ye the Lord for it is good to sing vnto our God for it is a pleasāt thing and praise is comelie 2 The Lord doeth buyld vp Ierusalém gather together the dispersed of Israél 3 He healeth those that are brokē in heart and bindeth vp their sores 4 He counteth the nomber of the starres and calleth them all by their names 5 Great is our Lord great is his power his wisdome is infinite 6 The 〈◊〉 releueth the meke abaseth the wicked to the grounde 7 Sing vnto the Lord with praise sing vpō the harpe vnto our God 8 Which couereth the heauē with cloudes and prepareth raine for the earthe maketh the grasse to growe vpon the mountaines 9 Which giueth to beastes their fode and to the yong rauens that crye 10 He hathe not pleasure in the strēgth of an horse nether deliteth he in the legges of man 11 But the Lord deliteth in them that feare him and attend vpon his mercie 12 〈◊〉 the Lord ô Ierusalém praise thy God ô Zión 13 For he hathe made the barres of thy gates strong hathe blessed thy childrē within thee 14 He setteth peace in thy borders satisfieth thee with the floure of wheat 15 He sendeth forthe his commandement vpon earth and his worde runneth verie swiftly 16 He giueth snow like wool scattereth the hoare frost like ashes 17 He casteth forthe his 〈◊〉 like morsels who can abide the colde thereof 18 He sendeth his worde and melteth them he causeth his 〈◊〉 to blowe and the waters flowe 19 He sheweth his worde vnto Iaakób his statutes and his iudgements vnto Israél 20 He hathe nor dealt so with euerie nacion nether haue they knowen his iudgements Praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CXLVIII 1 He prouoketh all creatures to praise the Lord in heauen and earth and all places 14 Specially his Church for the power that he hathe giuen to the same after that he had chosen them and ioyned them vnto him ¶ Praise ye the Lord. 1 PRaise ye the Lord from the heauē praise ye him in the high places 2 Praise ye him all ye his Angels praise him all his armie 3 Praise ye him sunne and moone praise ye him all bright starres 4 Praise ye hym heauens of heauens and waters that be aboue the heauens 5 Let them praise the Name of the Lord for he commanded and they were created 6 And he hathe established them for euer euer he hathe made an ordinance whiche shal not passe 7 Praise ye the Lord frō the earth ye dragons and all depths 8 Fyre and haile snowe and vapors stormie winde which execute his worde 9 Mountaines and all hilles frutefull trees and all cedres 10 〈◊〉 and all cattel creaping things feathered foules 11 Kings of the earth and all people princes and all iudges of the worlde 12 Yong men and maidens also olde men 〈◊〉 13 Let them praise the Name of the Lord for his Name onely is to be exalted and hys praise aboue the earth and the heauens 14 For he hathe exalted the horne of hys people which is a praise for al his Saintes euen for the children of Israél a people that is nere vnto him Praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CXLIX 1 An exhortation to the Church to praise the Lord for his victorie and conquest that he giueth his Saints agaynste all mans 〈◊〉 ¶ Praise ye the Lord. 1 SIng ye vnto the Lord a new song let his praise be heard in the 〈◊〉 of Saints 2 Let Israél reioyce in him that made him and let the childrē of Zión reioyce in 〈◊〉 King 3 Let them praise his Name with the flute let
in the day of the Lord sacrifice that I wil visite the princes the 〈◊〉 children and all suche as are clothed with strange apparel 9 In thee same day also wil I visit all those that dance vpon the thresholde so proud ly which fil their masters houses by crueltie and deceit 10 And in that day saith the Lord there shal be a noyce crye from the fish gate an howling from the seconde gate and a great destruction from the hilles 11 Howleye inhabitants of the lowe place for the companie of the marchants is destroied all thei that bare siluer are cut of 12 And at that thine wil I searche Ierusalém with lightes and visite the men that are forsē in their dregges say in their hearts The Lord wil nether do good nor do euil 13 Therefore their goods shal be spoiled and their houses waste * thei shal also buylde houses but not inhabit them and thei shal plant vineyardes but not drinke the wine thereof 14 The great day of the Lord is nere it is nere and hasteth greatly euen the voyce the day of the Lord the strong man shal of crye there bitterly 15 * That day is a day of wrath a day of trou ble and heauines a day of destruction and desolation a day of obscuritie and darkenes a day of cloudes and blackenes 16 A day of the trumpet and alarme against the strong cities against the hie towres 17 And I wil bring distres vpon men that thei shal walke like blinde men because thei haue sinned against the Lord their blood shal be powred out as dust and their flesh as the dongue 18 * Nether their siluer nor their golde shal be able to deliuer them in the day of the Lords wrath but the * who le land shal be deuoured by the fyre of his ielousie for he shal make euen a spedieriddance of all thē that dwell in the land CHAP. II. He moueth to returne to God 5 Prophecying destruction against the Philistims Moabites and others 1 GAther your selues euen gather you ô nacion not worthy to be loued 2 Before the decre come forthe and ye be as chasse that passeth in a day and before the fierce wrath of the Lord come vpon you 3 Seke ye the Lord all the meke of the earth which haue wroght his iudgement seke righteousnes seke lowlines if so be that ye may be hid in the day of the lords wrath 4 For Azzáh shal be for saken and Ashkelón desolate thei shal driue out Ashdód at the none day Ekróm shal be rooted vp 5 Wo vnto the inhabitants of the sea coast the nacion of the Cherethims the worde of the Lord is against you ô Canáan the land of the Philistims I wil euē destroy thee without an inhabitant 6 And the sea coast shal be dwellings cotages for shepherdes and shepefoldes 7 And the sea coast shal be for the remnant of the house of Iudáh to fede there vpon in the houses of Ashkelón shal thei lodge towarde night for the Lord their God shal vi fite them and turne away their captiuitie 8 I haue heard the reproche of Moáb and the 〈◊〉 of the childrē of Ammón whe reby they vpbraided my people and magnified them selues against their borders 9 Therefore as I liue saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israél surely moáb shal be as Sodóm and the children of Ammón as Gomoráh euen the breeding of nettels and salt pittes and a perpetual desolation the residue of my folke shal spoile them the remnant of my people shal possesse them 10 This shal thei haue for their pride because thei haue reproched and magnified them selues against the Lord of hostes people 11 The Lord wil be terrible vnto them for he wil consume all the gods of the earth and euerie man shal worship him from his place euen all the yles of the heathen 12 Ye Morians also shal be slaine by my sworde with them 13 And he wil stretche out his hād against the North and destroy Asshúr and wil make Nineuéh desolate and waste like a wildernes 14 And flockes shallet in the middes of her and all the beastes of the nacions and the pellicane and the owle shal abide in the vpper postes of it the voyce of birdes shal sing in the windowes desolations shal be vpon the postes for the cedres are vncouered 15 This is the reioycing citie that dwelt car relesse that said in her heart I am and the re is none besides me how is she made waste and the Iodging of the beastes euerie one that passeth by her shal hisse and wagge his hand CHAP. III. 4 Against the gouerners of Ierusalém 8 Of the calling of all the Gentiles 13. A comfort to the 〈◊〉 of Israél 1 WO to her that is filthy and polluted to the robbing citie 2 She heard not the voyce she receiued not correction she trusted not in the Lord she drue not nere to her God 3 Her prīces within her are as roaring * liōs her iudges are as * wolues in the euening which leaue not the bones til the morowe 4 Her prophetes are light and wicked persones her priests haue polluted the Sāctuarie they haue wrested the Law 5 The iust Lord is in the middes thereof he wil do none iniquitie euery morning doeth he bring his iudgement to light he faileth not but the wicked wil not learne to be ashamed 6 I haue cut of the nations their towres are desolate I haue made their streates waste that none shal passe by their cities are destroyed without man and without inha bitant 7 I said Surely thou wilt feare me thou wilt receiue instruction so their dwelling shulde not be destroied how so euer I visited thē but they rose early corrupted all their workes 8 Therefore waite ye vpō me saith the Lord vntil the daye that I rise vp to the pray for I am determined to gather the nacions and that I wil assemble the kingdomes to powre vpon them mine indignacion euē all my fierce wrath for all the earth shal be deuoured with the fyre of my ielousie 9 Surely then wil I turne to the people a pure langage that they may all call vpō the Name of the Lord to serue him with one consent 10 From beyonde the riuers of Ethiopia the daughter of my dispersed praying vn to me shal bring me an offring 11 In that daye shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy workes wherein thou hast trāsgressed against me for thē I wil take away out of the middes of thee them that reioyce of thy pride and thou shalt no more be proude of mine holie Mountaine 12 Then wil I leaue in the middes of thee an humble and poore people and thei shal trust in the Name of the Lord. 13 The
God was opened in heauen and there was sene in his Temple the Arke of his couenāt and there were lightnings and voyces and thōdrings and earthquake and muche haile CHAP. XII 1 There appeareth in heauen a woman clothed with the sunne 7 Michael fighteth with the dragon which persecureth the woman 11. The victorie is gotten to the comfort of the faithful 1 ANd there appeared a great wonder in heauen A woman clothed with the iunne and the moo ne was vnder her fete and vpon her head a crowne of twelue starres 2 And she was with childe and cryed trauailing in birth and was pained readie to be 〈◊〉 3 And there appeared another wonder in heauen for beholde a great red dragon hauing seuen heades and ten hornes and seuen crownes vpon his heads 4 And his taile drue the third parte of the star res of heauen and cast them to the earth And the dragon stode before the woman which was readie to be deliuered to deuoure her childe when she had broght it forthe 5 So she broght forthe a man childe whiche shulde rule all nations with a * rod of yron and her sonne was taken vp vnto God and to this throne 6 And the woman fled into wildernes where she hathe a place prepared of God that they shulde fede her there a thousand two hundreth and threscore dayes 7 And there was a battel in heauen Michael and his Angels foght against the dragon and the dragon foght and his Angels 8 But they preuailed not nether was their pla ce founde anie more in heauen 9 And the great dragon that olde serpent called the deuil and Satan was cast out which deceiueth all the worlde he was euen cast into the earth and his Angels were cast out with him 10 Thē I heard a loude voyce saying Now is saluation in heauen and strength and the kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast downe which accused them before our God day and night 11 But they ouercame him by the blood of the Lambe and by the worde of their testi monie and they loued not their liues vnto the death 12 Therefore reioyce ye heauens and ye that dwell in thē Wo to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the deuil is come downe vnto you which hathe great wrath knowing that he hathe but a short time 13 And when the dragon sawe that he was cast vnto the earth he persecuted the womā which had broght forthe the man childe 14 But to the woman were giuen two winges of a greate egle that she myght flie into the wildernes into ther place where she nourished for a time and times and halfe a time from the presence of the serpent 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth was water after the woman lyke a flood that he myght cause her to be caryed awaye of the flood 16 But the earth holpe the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swalowed vp the flood whiche the dragon had cast out of his mouth 17 Then the dragon was wroth with the woman and wente and made warre wyth the remnant of her sede whiche kepe the commandements of God and haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ. 18 And I stode on the sea sand CHAP. XIII 1.8 The beast deceiueth the reprobate 2. 4. 12. And is confirmeth by another 17 The priuiledge of the beastes marke 1 ANd I sawe a beast rise out of the sea hauing seuen heads and ten hornes and vpon his hornes were ten crownes and vppon his heades the name of blasphemie 2 And the beast which I sawe was lyke a leoparde and hys fete lyke a beares and hys mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gaue him his power and his throne and great autoritie 3 And I sawe one of hys heades as it were wounded to death but his deadlie wounde was healed and al the worlde wondred and followed the beast 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gaue power vnto the beast and they worship ped the beast sayinge Who is lyke vnto the beast who is able to warre with 〈◊〉 5 And there was giuen vnto hym a 〈◊〉 that spake greate thynges and blasphemies and power was giuen vnto hym to do two and fortie moneths 6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemie against God to blaspheme his Name ādhis tabernacle and them that dwel in heauen 7 And it was giuen vnto hym to make warre wyth the Saintes and to ouercomethem and power was giuen him ouer euerie kinred and tongue and nation 8 Therefore all that d well vpon the earth shal worship hym whose names are not * writen in the Boke of life of the Lambe whiche was slaine frō the beginning of the worlde 9 If anie man haue an eare let him heare 10 If anie lead into captiuitie he shal go into captiuitie ifanie kill with a sworde he must be killed by a sworde here is the pacience and the faith of the Saintes 11 And I behelde another beast commyng vp out of the earth whiche had two hornes like the Lābe but he spake like the dragō 12 And he did all that the first beast colde do before him and he caused the earth ād them whiche dwel therein to worship the firste beast whose deadlie wounde was healed 13 And he did great wonders so that he made fyre to come down frō heauen on the earth in the sightof men 14 And deceiued them that dwel on the earth by the signes which were permitted to him to do in the sight of the beast saying to thē that dwel on the earth that they shuld make the image of the beaste whiche had the wounde of a sworde and did liue 15 And it was permitted to him to giue 〈◊〉 spirit vnto the image of the beast so that the image of the beaste shulde speake and shulde cause that as manie as wolde not worshyp the image of the beast shulde be killed 16 And he made al bothe small and great riche and poore fre ād bonde 〈◊〉 receiue a marke in their right hand or in their forheads 17 And that no man might bye or sell saue he that had the marke or the name of the beast or the nomber of his name 18 Heare is wi dome Let hym that hathe wit count the nomber of the beaste for it is the nomber of a man and his nomber is six hun dreth threscore and six CHAP. XIIII 1 The notable companie of the Lābe 6 One Angel annoū 〈◊〉 the Gospel 8 Another the fal of Babylon 9 And the 〈◊〉 warneth to flee from the beast 13 Of their blessed nes which dye in the Lord. 18 Of the Lords haruest 1 THen Iloked and lo a
s Since the time that I declared my self to your fathers t Thus the Pro phet 〈◊〉 for him self and to assure them of these things u VVhat things shal do thee good x That is the pro sperous estate of Israel y After that he had forewarned them of their 〈◊〉 of the cause thereof 〈◊〉 sheweth thē the great ioye that shal come of their deliuerance z He sheweth that it shal be as easy to deliuer them as he did their fathers out of Egypt a Thus he speaketh that the wicked hypocrites shulde not abuse Gods promes in whome was nether faith 〈◊〉 repentance as Chap. 57 21. a This is spoken in the persone of Christ to assure the faithful that these promises shulde come to passe for they where 〈◊〉 mad in him in 〈◊〉 shulde be performed b This is ment of the time that Christ shulde be manifested to the worlde as Psal. 2 7. c By the sworde and shafte he signifieth the vertue and efficacie of Christs doctrine d God hathe takē me to his protection and defence this chiefly is 〈◊〉 of Christ and may also be applied to the mini sters of his wo de e By Israél is mēt Christ and all the body of the faith ful as the mēbers and their hand f Thus Christ in his members cōplaineth that his labour and preaching take 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yet he is cō tented that his doings are approued of God g Thogh the Iewes refuse my doctrine yet God wil approue my ministerie h To declare my Gospel to the Gē tiles Cha. 42. 6. act 〈◊〉 47 luk 2 〈◊〉 i Meaning the Iewes whome ty ra nts kept in bōdage k The benefit of their deliuerance shal be so great that great and smale shal acknowledge it reuerence God for it l Thus he speaketh of his Church when he wolde shew his mercie toward 〈◊〉 2. Cor 6 2. m Meaning Christ alone n Signifying that before Christ renue the earth by his worde there is nothing but confusion and dis order o To thē that are in the prison of sinne and death p Being in Christs protection they shal be safe 〈◊〉 all dangers fre from the feare of the enemies q Meaning that there shuld be no thing in their way from Babylon thàt shulde hinder or hurt them but this is accomplished 〈◊〉 ritually r Meaning the South 〈◊〉 so that Christ shal deliuer his from all the partes of the worlde s Read Chap. 44. 23. t He 〈◊〉 what the faithful might say in their long affliction and answe reth 〈◊〉 eunto to comfort 〈◊〉 with a moste pro per similitude ful of 〈◊〉 u Because I wold not forget thee x Meaning the good order of po licie discipline y I haue a continual 〈◊〉 to buyld thee vp againe to destroye thi ne enemies z He sheweth what are the ornaments of the Church to haue name children which are assembled by the word of God gouerned by his 〈◊〉 a He sheweth that Christ wil not onely gather this great nōber of the Iewes but also of the 〈◊〉 b Meaning that Kings shal be cōuerted to the Gos pel and bestowe their power and autoritie for the 〈◊〉 of the Church c Being ioyned with the Church they shal humble them selues to Christ their head and giue him all honour e This is the answer to their obiection that none is 〈◊〉 then the Lord nether hathe a more iuste title vnto them f I wil cause them to destroye one another as Iud. 7 22 2 〈◊〉 20 22. chap. 19 2. d He maketh this as an obiection as thogh the 〈◊〉 were strong and had them in iuste possession a Meaning that he had not forsaken her but through her owne occasion as Hosea 2. 2. b VVhich shulde declare that I ha ue cut her 〈◊〉 nyng that they colde she we none c Signifying that he solde thē not for anie det or 〈◊〉 but that they solde them selues to sinnes to bie their owne lustes and pleasures d He came by his 〈◊〉 and ministers but they wolde not beleue their doctrine and 〈◊〉 e Am I not as able to helpe you as I haue holpen your fathers of olde when I dryed vp the red Sea and killed the 〈◊〉 in the riuers and also afterwarde in 〈◊〉 f As I did in Egypt in token of my displeasure g The Prophete doeth represente here the persone and 〈◊〉 of them that are lustely called to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Gods worde h To him that is oppressed by affliction and mise rie i As they that are 〈◊〉 and made 〈◊〉 by him k I did not 〈◊〉 ke from God for 〈◊〉 persecution or cala 〈◊〉 VVhereby he sheweth that the trueministers of God can loke 〈◊〉 none other recompence of 〈◊〉 wicked but after this sorte and also what is their comfort Exod. 10. 21. l 〈◊〉 ng that it is a rare thing that 〈◊〉 shulde 〈◊〉 a ryght Gods true ministers thogh labour to bring them from hel to 〈◊〉 m You haue soght consolation by your owne 〈◊〉 and haue refused lyght and 〈◊〉 solation whiche God hathe offred therefore ye shal remaine in sorowe and not be comforted a He 〈◊〉 the Churche that they shulde not be discouraged for their smale nomber b That is to Abraham of 〈◊〉 ye were begotten ād to Sarah of whome ye we 〈◊〉 borne c As plentiful as Paradise Genes 2. 3. d I will rule and gouerne my Church by my worde and doctrine e The time that I will accomplish my promes f My power ād strength g He forewarneth them of the horrible charges and 〈◊〉 of all thinges and how he wil preserue his Church in the middes of al these dangers h He 〈◊〉 thē in remembrance of his great bene fite for their deli uerance out of Egypt 〈◊〉 there by they myght learne to trust in him constantly i Meaning Egypte Psal. 87. 4. k To 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eze. 29 3. l 〈◊〉 Babylon m He comforteth thē by the shorte time of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nis hement for in seuentie yeres they were restored and the grea test 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 destroyed n Meanyng of Isaiah and of all true ministers who are defēd 〈◊〉 by his 〈◊〉 o That all things may be restored in heauen and earth Ephes. 1. 10. p Thou hast bene 〈◊〉 punished and 〈◊〉 as Chap. 40. 2. ād this punishment in the elect is by measure and accordyng as God giueth grace to beare it but in the reprobate it is the iust vengeā ce of God to driue them to an in sensiblenes and madnes as lere 25. 15. q VVhereof the one is outward as of the thinges that come to the body as warre and farnine and the other is inward and apper 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the minde hat is to be without comfort therefore he saith how shalt thou be comforted r But with trouble and feare a No wicked tyrant which shall subuert Gods true religion ād oppresse the consciences b Put of the garments of sorow
destroye the earth any more 12 Then God said This is the token of the couenant which I make betwene me and you and betwene euerie liuing thing that is with you vnto perpetual generacions 13 I haue set my bowe in the cloude and it shal be for a signe of the couenant betwene me and the earth 14 And when * I shall couer the earth wyth a cloude the bow shal be sene in the cloud 15 Then wil I remember my couenāt which is betwene me and you and betwene euerie liuing thyng in all fleshe and there shal be no more waters of a flood to destroye all flesh 16 Therfore the bow shal be in the cloude that I may se it and remember the euerlasting co uenāt betwene God and euerie liuing thing in all flesh that is vpon the earth 17 God said yet to Nōah This is the signe of the couenant whiche I haue established betwene me and all flesh that is vpon the earth 18 ¶ Now the sonnes of Nôah goyng forthe of the Arke were Shem and Ham and Iápheth And Ham is the father of Canáan 19 These are the thre sonnes of Nóah and of them was the whole earth ouerspred 20 Nóah also began to be an housband man and planted a vinearde 21 And he dronke of the wine and was dronken and was vncouered in the middes of his tent 22 And when Ham the father of Canáam sawe the nakednes of hys Father he tolde hys two brethren without 23 Then toke Shem and Iápheth agarment and put it vppon bothe their shulders and went backward and couered the nakednes of their father with their faces backe warde so they sawe not their fathers nakednes 24 Then Nóah awoke frome hys wyne and knewe what his yonger sonne had done vnto hym 25 And said Cursed be Canáan a seruant of seruantes shal he be vnto his brethren 26 He sayd moreouer Blessed be the Lorde GOD of Shem and let Canaan be hys seruant 27 God persuade Iápheth that he may dwel in the tentes of Shem and let Canáan be his seruant 28 ¶ And Nóah liued after the flood thre hundreth and fifty yeres 29 So all the dayes of Noah were nyne hundreth and fifty yeres and he dyed CHAP. X. 1 The increase of mankynde by Nóah and his sonne 10 The beginning of cities countreis and nations 1 NOwe these are the generacions of the sonnes of Noah Shem Ham and Iapheth vnto whom sonnes were borne after the flood 2 The sonnes of Iápheth were Gomer and Magog and Madái and Iauán and Tubál and Méshech and Tirás 3 And the sonnes of Gómer Ashkenáz and Ri pháth and Togarmáh 4 Also the sonnes of Iauán Elisháh and Tarshish Kittim and Dodanim 5 Of these were the yles of the Gentiles deuided in their landes euerie man after hys tongue and after their families in their nacions 6 ¶ Moreouer the sōnes of Ham were Cush and Mizráim and Put and Canáan 7 And the sonnes of Cush Sebá and Hauiláh and Sabtáh and Raamáh and Sabtechá also the sonnes of Raamáh were Shebá and Dedán 8 And Cush begate Nimród who began to be mighty in the earth 9 He was a myghty hunter before the Lorde wherefore it is said As Nimród the myghty hunter before the Lord. 10 And the begynning of hys kyngdome was Babél and Erech and Accád and Calnéh in the land of Shinár 11 Out of that lande came Asshur and buylded Niniuéh and the citie Rehobóth and Cálah 12 Résen also betwene Niniuéh ād Cálah this is a great citie 13 And Mizráim begate Ludim and Anamim and Lehabim and Naphtuhim 14 Pathrusim also and Casluhim out of whom came the Philistims and Caphtorims 15 ¶ Also Canáan begate Zidón his first borne and Heth. 16 And Iebusi and Emori and Girgashi 17 And Hiui and Arki and Sini 18 And Aruadi and Zemari and Hamathy and afterwarde were the families of the Canaanites spred abroad 19 Then the border of the Canaanites was from Zidón as thou commest to Gerár vntil Azzáh and as thou goest vnto Sodóm and Gomoráh and Admáh and Zeboiim euen vnto Lásha 20 These are the sonne of Ham accordyng to their families according to their tongues in their countreis and in their nacions 21 ¶ Vnto Shem also the father of all the sonnes of Eber and Elder brother of Iápheth were children borne 22 * The sonnes of Shem were Elám and Asshur and Arpachshád and Lud and Arám 23 And the sonnes of Arám Vz and Hul and Géther and Mash 24 Also Arpachshád begate Shélah and Shélah begate Eber. 25 Vnto Eber also were borne two sonnes the name of the one was Péleg for in his dayes was the earth diuided and his brothers name was Ioktán 26 Then Ioktán begate Almodád and Shéleph and Hazarmáueth and Iérab 27 And Hadorám and Vzál and Dickláh 28 And Obál and Abimaél and Shebá 29 And Ophir and Hauiláh and Iobáb al these were the sonnes of Ioktán 30 And their dwellyng was frō Meshá as thou goest vnto Sephara mount of the East 31 These are the sonnes of Shem according to their families according to their tongues in their countreis and nacions 32 These are the families of the sōnes of Nôah after their generacions among their people and out of these were the nacions diuided in the earth after the flood CHAP. XI 〈◊〉 The building of Babél was the cause of the 〈◊〉 of tongues 10 The age and generacion of Shem vnto Abrā 31 Abrahams departure frome Vr with in father Térah Sarai and Lot 32 The age and death of Térah 1 THen the whole earth was of one * lāguage and one speache 2 And as they went frome the Easte they founde a plaine in the lande of Shinâr and there they abode 3 And they sayd one to an other Come let vs make brycke and burne it in the fire So they had brycke for stone and slyme had they in steade of morter 4 Also they said Go to let vs builde vs a citie and a tower whose toppe may reache vnto the heauen that we may get vs a name lest we be scatred vpon the whole earth 5 But the Lord came downe to se the citie ād tower whiche the sonnes of men buylded 6 And the Lord said Beholde the people is one and they all haue one language and this they begynne to do nether can they now be stopped from whatsoeuer they haue imagined to do 7 Come on let vs go downe and there 〈◊〉 their language that euerie one perceiue not an others speache 8 So the Lord scattred them frome thence vppon all the earth and they left of to buylde the citie 9 Therefore the name of it was called Babél because the LORDE did there confounde the language of all the earth frome thence then did the LORDE scater them vpon all
daughters lye with their father of whome come Moab and Ammon 1 ANd in the euening their came two Angels to Sodôm and Lot sate at the gate of Sodôm and Lot sawe them and rose vp to mete them and he bowed him selfe with his face to the grownd 2 And he said Se my Lords I praye you turne in now into your seruants house and tarie all night and * wash your fete and ye shall rise vp early and go your waies Who said Naie but we will abide in the strete all night 3 Then he preased vpon them earnestly and they turned into him and came to his house and he made them a feast and did bake vnleauened bread and they did eat 4 But before they went to bed the men of the citie euen the men of Sodôm compassed the house round about from the yong to the olde al the people from al quarters 5 Who crying vnto Lot said to him Where are the men whiche came to thee this night bring them out vnto vs that we maie know them 6 Then Lot went out at the dore vnto them and shut the dore after him 7 And said I praie you my brethren do not so wickedly 8 Be holde now I haue two daughters which haue not knowen man then wil I bring out now vnto you and do to them as semeth you good onely vnto these men do nothyng for therefore are they come vnder the shadowe ōf my rofe 9 Then they said Awaie hence and they said He is come alone as a stranger and shall he iudge and rule we wil now deale worse with thee then with them So they preased sore vp ō Lot 〈◊〉 himself came to breake the dore 10 But the men put forthe their hand and pulled Lot into the house to them and shut to the dore 11 * Then they smote the men that were at the dore of the house with blindenes bothe smale and great so that thei were wearie in seking the dore 12 ¶ Then the men said vnto Lot Whome hast thou yet here ether sonne in lawe or thy sōnes or thy daughters or whatsoeuer thou hast in the citie bring it out of this place 13 For we wil destroie this place be cause the * crie of them is great before the Lord and the Lord hathe sent vsto destroie it 14 Then Lot went out and spake vnto his son nes in lawe which maried his daughters said Arise get you out of this place for the Lord wil destroie the citie but he semed to his sonnes in lawe as thogh he had mocked 15 ¶ And when the morning arose the 〈◊〉 hasted Lot saying Arise take thy wife thy two daughters which are here lest thou be destroied in the punishment of the citie 16 And as he prolonged the time * the men caught both him and his wife and his two daughters by the handes the Lord being mercifull vnto hym and they broght hym forthe and set him without the citie 17 ¶ And when they had broght thē out the Angel said escape for thy life loke not behinde thee nether tarie thou in al the plaine escape into the mountaine lest thou be destroyed 18 And Lot said vnto them Not so I praie thee my Lord. 19 Beholde now thy seruant hathe founde grace in thy sight and thou hast magnified thy mercie whiche thou hast shewed vnto me in sauyng my life and I can not escape in the mountaine lest some euil take me I die 20 Se now this citie hereby to flee vnto whiche is a litle one Oh let me escape thither is it not a litle one and my soule shall liue 21 Then he said vnto him Beholde I haue receiued thy request also concernyng thys thing that I will not ouerthrowe this citie for the whiche thou hast spoken 22 Haste thee saue thee there for I can do no thing till thou be come thether Therefore the name of the citie was called Zôar 23 ¶ The sunne did rise vpon the earth when Lot entred into Zôar 24 Then the Lord * rained vpon Sodôm and vpon Gomoráh brimstone and fire frō the Lord out of heauen 25 And ouerthrewe those cities and all the plaine and all the inhabitants of the cities and that that grewe vpon the earth 26 ¶ Now his wife behinde him loked backe and was turned into a piller of salt 27 ¶ And Abrahám rising vp early in the morning went to the place where he had stand before the Lord and loking toward Sodôm and Gomoráh and toward al the land of the plaine 28 Beholde he sawe the smoke of the land mounting vp as the smoke of a fornace 29 ¶ But yet when God destroied the cities of the plaine God thoght vpon Abrahā and sent Lot out from the middes of the destruction 〈◊〉 he ouerthrew the cities wherein Lot dwelled 30 ¶ Then Lot went vp from Zôar and dwelt in the mountaine with his two daughters for he feared to tarie in Zóar but dwelt in a caue he and his two daughters 31 And the elder said vnto the yonger Our father is olde and there is not a man in the earth to come in vnto vs after the maner of all the earth 32 Come we wil make our father drinke wine and lye with him that we maie preserue sede of our father 33 So thei made their father drinke wine that night and the elder went and laie with her father but he perceiued not nether when shelaie downe nether when she rose vp 34 And on the morow the elder said to the yon ger Beholde yester night laie I with my father let vs make him drinke wine this night also and go thou and lye with him that we maie preserue sede of our father 35 So thei made their father drinke wine that night also and the yonger arose laie with him but he perceiued not when she laie downe nether when she rose vp 36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with childe by their father 37 And the elder bare a sonne and she called his name Moáb the same is the father of the Moabites vnto this daie 38 And the yonger bare a sonne also and she called his name Ben-ammi the same is the father of the Ammonites vnto this daie CHAP. XX. 1 Abraham dwelleth as a stranger in the land of Gerar 2 Abimélech taketh awaie his wife 3 God reproueth the King 9 And the King Abraham 11 Sarah is restored with great giftes 17 Abraham praieth and the King and his are healed 1 AFterwarde Abrahám departed thence toward the South countrie and dwelled betwene Cadésh and Shur and soiourned in Gerár 2 And-Abrahám said of Saráh his wife She is my sister Them Abimélech King of Gerár sent and toke Saráh 3 But God came to Abimélech in a dreame by night and said to him Beholde
remember all the commandementes of the Lord and dothē and that ye seke not after your owne heart nor after your owne eies after the which ye go a whoring 40 That ye may remember and do al my commandements and be holy vnto your God 41 I am the Lord your God which broght you out of the land of Egypt to be your God I am the Lord your God CHAP. XVI 1 The rebellion of Korah Dathán Abrám 31 Kórah his companie perisheth 41 The people the next day mur mure 49. 14700. are slaine for murmuring 1 NOw * Kórah the sonne of Izhār the sonne of Koháth the sonne of Leui went a parte with Dathán and Abirám the sonnes sonnes of Eliáb and On the sonne of Péleth the sonnes of Reubén 2 And they rose vp against Mosés with certeine of the children of Israél two hundreth and fiftie captaines of the assemblie * famous in the Congregacion and men of renoume 3 Who gathered thē selues together against Mosés and against Āarón and said vnto thē Ye take to muche vpon you seing all the Congregacion is holy euerie one of them and the Lord is among them wherfore thē lift ye your selues aboue the Congregacion of the Lord 4 But when Mosés heard it he fel vpon hys face 5 And spake to Kōrah vnto al his companie saying Tomorowe the Lord wil shewe who is his and who is holy who ought to approche nere vnto him whome he hathe chosen he wil cause to come nere to him 6 This do therefore Take you censers both Kōrah and all his companie 7 And put fire therein and put in cens in them before the Lorde tomorowe and the man whome the Lorde doeth chose the same shal be holy ye take to muche vpon you ye sonnes of Leui. 8 Againe Mosés said vnto Kōrah Heare I pray you ye sonnes of Leui. 9 Semeth it a smal thing vnto you that the God of Israél hathe separated you from the multitude of Israél to take you nere to him self to do the seruice of the Tabernacle of the Lord and to stand before the Congregaciō and to minister vnto them 10 He hathe also taken thee to him al thy brethren the sonnes of Leui with thee and seke ye the office of the Priest also 11 For which cause thou and all thy companie are gathered together against the Lord and what is Aarōn that ye murmure against him 12 ¶ And Mosés sent to call Dathán Abirám the sonne of Eliáb who answered We will not come vp 13 Is it a small thyng that thou hast broght vs out of a land that floweth with milke and hony to kil vs in the wildernes except thou make thy selfe Lord and ruler ouer vs also 14 Also thou hast not broght vs vnto a lande that floweth with milke honie nether giuen vs inheritance of fieldes and viney ardes wilt thou put out the eies of these men we wil not come vp 15 Then Mosés waxed verie angrie and said vn to the Lord * Loke not vnto their offryng I haue not taken so muche as an asse frō them nether haue I hurte anie of them 16 And Mosés said vnto Kōrah Bethou and al thy cōpanie before the Lord both thou they and Aarōn tomorowe 17 And take euerie man his censor and put incens in them and bryngye euerie man his censor before the Lorde two hundreth and fiftie censors thou also and Aarōn euerie one his censor 18 So they toke euerie man his censor and put fire in them laied incens thereon stode in the dore of the Tabernacle of the Cōgregacion with Mosés and Aarôn 19 And Kōrah gathered all the multitude against thē vnto the dore of the Tabernacle of the Congregacion then the glorie of the Lord appeared vnto all the Congregacion 20 And the Lorde speake vnto Mosés and to Aarón saying 21 Separate your selues frō amōg this Congre gacion that I may consume thē atonce 22 And they fell vpon their faces and said O God the God of the spirits of al flesh hath not one man onely sinned and wilt thou be wrath with all the Congregacion 23 And the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 24 Speake vnto the Congregacion and say Get you away from about the Tabernacle of Kórah Dathán and Abirám 25 Then Mosés rose vp went vnto Dathán and Abiram the Elders of Israél followed him 26 And he spake vnto the Congregacion saying Departe I pray you from the tentes of these wicked men and touche nothing of theirs lest ye perish in all their sinnes 27 So they gate them away frō the Tabernacle of Kôrah Dathán Abirám on euerie side and Dathán and Abirám came out stode in the dore of their tentes with their wiues and their sonnes and their litle children 28 And Mosés said Hereby ye shall knowe that the Lorde hathe sent me to do all these workes for I haue not done them of mine owne minde 29 If these men dye the commune death of all men or if they be visited after the visitacion of all men the Lord hath not sent me 30 But if the Lorde make a newe thing and the earth open her mouth swalow thē vp with all that they haue and they go downe quicke into the pit thē ye shal vnderstand that these men haue prouoked the Lord. 31 ¶ And as sone as he had made an end of spaking all these wordes euen the grounde claue a sunder that was vnder them 32 And the earth * opened her mouthe and swalowed them vp with their families and all the men thet were with Kórah and all their goods 33 So they and all that they had went downe aliue into the pit the earth couered thē so they perished frō among the Congregacion 34 And al Israél that were about them fled at the crye of thē for thei said Let vs 〈◊〉 lest the earth swalo we vs vp 35 But there came out a fire from the Lord consumed the two hundreth and fiftie men that offred the incens 36 ¶ And the Lord speake vnto Mosés saying 37 Speake vnto Eleazár the sonne of Aaron the Priest that he take vp the censers out of the burning āds kater the fire beyonde the altar for they are halowed 38 The censers I say of these sinners that destroyed them selues let them make of thē broad plates for a couering of the Altar for they offred thē before the Lord therfore they shal be holy and they shal be a signe vn to the children of Israél 39 Thē Eleazár the Priest toke the brasen censers which they that were burnt had offred and made broad plates of them for a couering of the Altar 40 It is a remembrance vnto the children of Israél that no stranger whiche is not of the sede of Aaron come nere to offer incens before the Lorde that he be
Tabernacle of the Congregacion 7 * And when Phinehás the sonne of Eleazár the sonne of Aarón the Priest sawe it he rose vp from the middes of the Congregacion and toke a speare in his hand 8 And followed the man of Israél into the tent and thrust them bothe through to wit the man of Israél and the woman through her belly so the plague ceased from the children of Israél 9 * And there dyed in that plague foure and twentie thousand 10 Then the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 11 * Phinehás the sonne of Eleazár the sonne of Aarón the Priest hathe turned mine anger away from the children of Israél while he was zelous for my sake among them therefore I haue not consumed the children of Israél in my ielousie 12 Wherefore saye to him Beholde * I giue vnto him my couenant of peace 13 And he shal haue it and his sede after him euen the couenant of the Priests office for euer because he was zelous for his God and hathe made an atonement for the children of Israél 14 And the name of the Israelite thus slayne which was killed with the Midianitish woman was Zimri the sonne of Salú prince of the familie of the Simeonites 15 And the name of the Midianitish woman that was slaine was Cozbi the daughter of Zur who was head ouer the people of his fathers house in Midián 16 ¶ Againe the Lord spake vnto Mosés saying 17 * Vexe the Midianites and smite them 18 For they trouble you with their wiles where with thei haue beguiled you a concer ning Peôr as cōcerning their sister Cozbi the daughter of a prince of Midián which was slaine in the day of the plague because of Peór CHAP. XXVI 2 The Lord commandeth to nomber the children of Israél in the plaine of Moáb from twenty yere olde and aboue 57 The 〈◊〉 and their families 64 None of them that were nombred in Sinái go in to Canaán saue Caléb and Ioshua 1 ANd so after the plague the Lord spake vnto Mosés and to Eleazár the sonne of Aarón the Priest saying 2 Take the nomber of all the Congregacion of the children of Israél * from twenty yere olde and aboue through out their fathers houses all that go forthe to warre in Israél 3 So Mosés and Eleazár the Priest spake vnto them in the plaine of Moâb by Iordén towarde Ierichó saying 4 From twenty yere olde and aboue ye shal nomber the people as the * Lord had com manded Mosés and the children of Israél when they came out of the land of Egypt 5 ¶ * Reubén the first borne of Israél the childrē of Reubén were Hanôch of whome came the familie of the Hanochites and of Pallú the familie of the Palluites 6 Of Hesrôn the familie of the Hesronites of Carmî the familie of the Carmites 7 These are the families of the Reubenites and they were in nomber thre and fourtie thousand seuen hundreth and thirty 8 And the sonnes of Pallú Eliáb 9 And the sonnes of Eliáb Nemuél and Dathán and Abirám this Dathán and Abirám were famous in the Congregacion and * stroue against Mosés and againste Aarôn in the assemblie of Kôrah whē they stroue against the Lord 10 And the earthe opened her mouthe and swalowed them vp with Kôrah when the Cōgregacion dyed what time the fire cōsumed two hundreth and fifty men who were for a signe 11 Not withstanding all the sonnes of Kôrah dyed not 12 ¶ And the children of Simeòn after their families were Nemuél of whome came the familie of the Nemuelites of Iamin the familie of the Iaminites of Iachin the fami lie of the Iachinites 13 Of Zérah the familie of the Zarhites of Shaúl the familie of the Shaulites 14 These are the families of the Simeonites two and twenty thousande and two hundreth 15 ¶ The sonnes of Gad after their families were Zephôn of whome came the fami lie of the Zephonites of Haggi the familie of the Haggites of Shuni the familie of the Shunites 16 Of Ozni the familie of the Oznites of Eri the familie of the Erites 17 Of Arōd the familie of the Arodites of Arelî the familie of the Arelites 18 These are the families of the sonnes of Gad according to their nombers fourty thousand and fiue hundreth 19 ¶ The sonnes of Iudáh Er and Onán but Er and Onán dyed in the land of Canáan 20 So were the sonnes of Iudáh after theyr families of Sheláh came the familie of the Shelanites of Phárez the familie of the Pharzites of Zérah the familie of the Zarhites 21 And the sonnes of * Pharéz were of Hesrôn the familie of the Hesronites of Hamúl the familie of the Hamulites 22 These are the families of Iudáh after their nombers seuēty and six thousand and fiue hundreth 23 ¶ The sonnes of Issachár after their families were Tolá of whom came the familie of the Tolaites of Puá the familie of the Punites 24 Of Iashúb the familie of the Iashubites of Shimrôn the familie of the Shimtonites 25 These are the families of Issachár after their nombers thre score and foure thousand and thre hundreth 26 ¶ The sonnes of Zebulún after theyr families were of Séred the familie of the Sardites of Elón the familie of the Elonites of Iahleél the familie of the Iahleelites 27 These are the families of the Zebulunites after their nombers thre score thousande and fiue hundreth 28 ¶ The sonnes of Ioséph after their families were Manasséh and Ephráim 29 The sonnes of Manasséh were of * Machir the familie of the Machirites Machir begate Gileád of Gileád came the familie of the Giliadites 30 These are the sonnes of Gileád of Iezér the familie of the Iezerites of Hélek the familie of the Helekites 31 Of Asriél the familie of the Asrielites of Shéchem the familie of the Shichmites 32 Of Shemidá the familie of the Shemidaites of Hépher the familie of the Hepherites 33 ¶ And * Zelophehád the sonne of Hépher had no sonnes but daughters and the names of daughters of Zelophehád were Mahláh and Noáh Hogláh Milcáh and Tirzáh 34 These are the families of Manasséh and the nomber of them two and fifty thousād and seuen hundreth 35 ¶ These are the sonnes of Ephráim after their families of Shuteláh came the familie of the Shuthalhites of Bechér the familie of the Bachrites of Táhan the familie of the Tahanites 36 And these are the sonnes of Shuteláh of Erán the familie of the Eranites 37 These are the families of the sonnes of Ephráim after their nombers two thirtie thousand fiue hundreth these are the sonnes of Ioséph after their families 38 ¶ These are the sonnes of Beniamin after their families of Belá came the familie of the Balcites of Ashbél the familie of the Ashbelites of Ahirám the familie of
hast forgotten the myghtie GOD that begate thee and haste forgotten God that formed thee 19 The Lord then sawe it and was angry for the prouocacion of his sonnes and of hys 〈◊〉 20 And he said I will hide my face from them I will se what their end shal be for they are a frowarde generacion children in whome is no fayth 21 They haue moued me to ielousie with hat which is not God they haue prouoked me to angre with theyr vanities * and I wyll moue them to ielousie with those whiche are no people I will prouoke them to angre with a 〈◊〉 nacion 22 For fire is kyndled in my wrath and shall burne vnto the bothome of hell and shall consume the earth with her increase and set on fire the fundacions of the mountaines 23 I will send plagues vppon them I will bestowe mine arrowes vpon them 24 They shal be burnt with hunger and consumed wyth heat and with bitter destruction I will also send the teeth of 〈◊〉 vpon them with the venime of serpents 〈◊〉 in the dust 25 The sworde shall kill them without and in the chambers feare bothe the 〈◊〉 man and the yong womā the suckeling with the man of graye heere 26 I haue said I wolde scatter them abroade I wolde make their remembrance to cease frō among men 27 Saue that I feared the furie of the enemie lest their aduersaires shulde waxe proude and lest they shulde saye Our hye hand and not the Lord hathe done all this 28 For they are a nacion voyde of counsel nether is there anie 〈◊〉 in them 29 Oh that they were wise then they wolde vnderstand this they wolde consider their later 〈◊〉 30 Howe shulde one chase a thousande and two putten thousand to flight except their strong God had solde them and the Lorde had shut them vp 31 For their God is not as our God euen our enemies being iudges 32 For their vine is of the vine of Sodom and of the vines of Gomoráh their grapes are grapes of gall their clusters be bitter 33 Their wine is the poyson of dragons and the cruel gall of aspes 34 Is not this laid in store with me and sealed vp among my treasures 35 * Vengeance and recopense are mine their fote shall slide in due time for the daye of their destruction is at hand and the thinges that shal come vpon them make haste 36 For the Lorde shall iudge his people and repent toward his seruantes when he seeth that their power is gone and none shut vp in holde nor 〈◊〉 abroad 37 When men shal say Where are their gods their myghtie God in whome their trusted 38 Whyche did eat the fat of their sacrifices and did drynke the wyne of theyr drynke offrynge 〈◊〉 hym ryse vp and helpe you let 〈◊〉 be your refuge 39 Beholde now for I I am he and there is no Gods 〈◊〉 me * I 〈◊〉 ād giue life I wounde and I make whole * nether is there anie that can deliuer out of mine hand 40 For I lift vp mine hand to heauen and say I 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euer 41 If I whet my glitteryng sworde and myne hand take holde on iudgement I wil execute vengeance on mine enemies and wyll rewarde them that hate me 42 I wyll make mine arrowes dronke wyth blood and my worde shall eat flesh for the blood of the 〈◊〉 and of the captiues whē I beginne to take vengeance of the enemie 43 * Ye nations prayse hys people for he will auenge the blood of hys seruauntes and wyll execute vengeance vpon hys aduersaries and wil be merciful vnto his land and to his people 44 ¶ Then Mosés came and spake all the wordes of this song in the audience of the people he and Hoshéa the sunne of Nun. 45 When Mosés had made an end of speaking all these wordes to all Israél 46 Then he said vnto them * Set your hearts vnto all the wordes which I testifie agaynst you this daye that ye may commande them vnto your children that they may obserue and do all the wordes of this Lawe 47 For it is no vaine worde concerning you but it is your life and by this worde ye shall prolong your dayes in the land whether ye go ouer lordén to possesse it 48 * And the Lord spake vnto Mosés the selfe same day saying 49 Go vp into this mountaine of Abarim vnto the mount Nebó whiche is in the land of Moáb that is ouer agaynst Ierichô and beholde the land of Canáan whiche I giue vnto the children of Israél for a possession 50 And dye in the mount whyche thou goest vp vnto and thou shalte be * gathered vnto thy people * as Aarôn thy brother dyed in mounte Hor and was gathered vnto hys people 51 Because ye * trespassed agaynst me among the children of Israél at the waters of Meribáh at Kadésh in the wildernes of Zin for ye sanctified me not among the children of Israél 52 Thou shalt therfore se the land before thee but shalt not go thither I meane into the land which I giue the children of Israél CHAP. XXXIII 1 Mosés before his death blesseth all the tribes of Israél 26 There is no God like to the God of Israél 29 Nor anie people like vnto his 1 NOw this is the blessing where with Mosés the man of God blessed the children of Israél before his death and said 2 The LORD came from Sinái and rose vp from Seir vnto them and appeared clearely from mount Parán and he came with ten thousandes of Saintes and at hys ryght hand a firy Lawe for them 3 Thogh he loue the people yet all thy Saintes are in thine hands and they are hum bled at thy fete to receiue thy wordes 4 Mosés commanded vs a Lawe for an inheritance of the Congregacion of Iaakób 5 Thē he was among the righteous people as King when the heades of the people ād the tribes of Israél were assembled 6 ¶ Let Reubén liue and not dye thogh hys men be a small nomber 7 ¶ And thus he blessed Iudáh ād said Heare ô Lorde the voice of Iudáh and bryng hym vnto hys people hys handes shal be sufficient for hym if thou helpe hym against his ennemies 8 ¶ And of Leui he sayd Let thy * Thummim and thine Vrim be with thine holy one whō thou didest proue in Massáh and didest cause him to striue at the waters of Meribáh 9 Who sayd vnto hys father and to hys mother I haue not sene hym nether knewe he hys brethren 〈◊〉 knewe hys owne children for they obserued thy worde and kept thy couenant 10 They shall teache Iaakób thy iudgements and Israél thy Lawe they shall put in cens before thy face and the burnt offring vpon thine altar 11 Blesse ô Lorde hys substance and
their land out of mine hand that the Lord shulde deliuer Ie rusalém out of mine hand 36 But the people held their peace and answered not him a worde for the Kings commandement was saying Answer ye him not 37 Then Eliakim the sonne of Hilkiáh which was stewarde of the house and Shebnáh the chāceller Ioah the soune of Asaph the recorder came to Hezekiah with their clothes rent tolde him the wordes of Rabshakéh CHAP. XIX 6 God promiseth Isaiah victorie to Hezekiáh 35 The An gel of the Lord 〈◊〉 an hundreth and 〈◊〉 score and fiue thousand men of the Assyriās 〈◊〉 Saueherib is killed of his owne 〈◊〉 1 ANd * when King Hezekiah heard it he rent his clothes and put on sacke clothe and came into the house of the Lord 2 And sent Eliakim which was the stewarde of the house and Shebnah the chanceller the Elders of the Priests clothed in sacke clothe to Isaiah the Prophet the sonne of Amóz 3 And they said vnto him Thus sayth Hezekiah This day is a day of tribulacion and of rebuke and blasphemie for the children are come to the birth and there is no strength to bring forthe 4 If so be the Lorde thy GOD hathe heard all the wordes of Rabsnakéh whome the King of Asshúr his master hathe sent to raile on the liuing God and to reproche him with wordes which the Lord thy God hathe heard them lift thou vp thy prayer for the remnant that are left 5 ¶ So the seruants of King Hezekiah came to Isaiah 6 And Isaiah said vnto them So shal ye say to your master Thus sayth the Lord Be not afrayed of the wordes which thou hast heard where with the seruauts of the King of Asshúr haue blasphemed me 7 Beholde I wil send a blast vpon him and he shal heare a noyse returne to his owne land I wil cause him to fall vpon the swor de in his owne land 8 So Rabshakéh returned and founde the King of Asshúr fighting against Libnah for 〈◊〉 had heard that he was departed from Lachish 9 He heard also men say of Tirhákah King of Ethiopia Beholde he his come out to fight against thee he therefore departed and sent other messengers vnto Hezekiáh saying 10 Thus shal ye speake to Hezekiáh King of Iudáh and say Let not thy God disceiue thee in whome thou trustest saying Ierusalém shal not be deliuered into the hand of the King of 〈◊〉 11 Beholde thou hast heard what the Kings of 〈◊〉 haue done to all lands how they haue destroyed them and shalt thou be deliuered 12 Haue the gods of the heathen deliuered them which my fathers haue destroyed as Gozan and Harán and Rézeph and the children of Eden which were in Thelasár 13 Where is the King of Hamáth and the King of Arpád and the King of the citie of Sepharuáim Hená and Iuá 14 ¶ So Hezekiáh receiued the letter of the hand of the messengers and red it and Hezekiáh went vp into the house of the Lord and Hezekiáh spred it before the Lord. 15 And Hezekiáh prayed before the Lord said O Lord God of Israél which dwellest betwene the Cherubims thou art very God alone ouer all the kingdomes of the earth thou hast made the heauen and the earth 16 Lord bowe downe thine eare and heare Lord open thine eyes and beholde and heare the wordes of Saneherib who hathe sent to blaspheme the liuing God 17 Trueth it is Lord that the Kings of Asshúr haue destroyed the nacions and their lands 18 And haue set fyre on their gods for they were no gods but the worke of mans hands euen wood and stone therefore they destroyed them 19 Now therefore O Lord our God I beseche thee saue thou vs out of his hand that all the kingdomes of the earth may knowe that thou ô Lord art onely God 20 ¶ Then Isaiáh the sonne of Amōz sent to Hezekiáh saying Thus sayth the Lord God of Israél I haue heard that which thou hast prayed me concerning Saneherib King of Asshúr 21 This is the worde that the Lord hathe spoken against him O virgine daughter of Zión he hathe despised thee and laughed thee to scorne ô daughter of Ierusalém he hathe shaken his head at thee 22 Whome hast thou railed on and whome hast thou blasphemed and against whome hast thou exalted thy voyce lifted vp thine eyes on hye euen against the Holy one of Israél 23 By thy messengers thou hast railed on the Lord and said By the multitude of my charets I am come vp to the top of the mountaines by the sides of Lebanón and wil cut downe the hie cedres thereof and the faire fyrre trees thereof and I wil go into the lodging of his borders and into the forest of his Cármel 24 I haue digged and dronke the waters of others and with the plant of my feete haue I dryed all the floods closed in 25 Hast thou not heard how I haue of olde time made it and haue formed it long ago and shulde I nowe bring it that it shulde be destroyed and layed on ruinous heapes as cities defensed 26 Whose inhabitāts haue small power and are afraied and confoūded they are like the grasse of the field grene herbe or grasse on the house toppes or as corne blasted before it be growen 27 I knowe thy dwelling yea thy goying out and thy comming in and thy fury againste me 28 And because thou ragest against me and thy tumult is come vp to mine eares I wil put mine hoke in thy nostrels and my bridel in thy lipes and wil bring thee backe againe the same way thou camest 29 And this shal be a signe vnto thee ō Hezekiáh Thou shalt eat this yere such things as growe of them selues and the next yere suche as growe without sawing and the third yere sowe ye reape and plant vineyardes and eat the frutes thereof 30 And the remnāt that is escaped of the house of Iudáh shal againe take roote downewarde and beare frute vpwarde 31 For out of Ierusalém shal go a remnant and some that shal escape out of mount Zión the zeale of the Lord of hostes shal do this 32 Wherefore thus saith the Lord concerning the King of Asshúr He shal not entre in to his citie nor shote an arow there nor come before it with shield nor cast a mount against it 33 But he shal returne the way he came and shal not come into this citie sayth the Lord. 34 For I wil defend this citieto saue it for mine owne sake and for Dauid my seruants sake 35 ¶ * And the same night the Angel of the Lord went out and smote in the campe of Asshúr an hundreth foure score and fyue thousand so when they rose early in the morning beholde they were all dead corpses 26 So
The righteoushal be astonied at this the innocēt shal be moued against the hypocrite 9 But the righteous wil holde his waye and he whose hands are pure shal increase his strength 10 All you therefore turne you come now and I shal not finde one wise among you 11 My dayes are past mine enterprises are broken and the thoghts of mine heart 12 Haue changed the night for the day and the light that approched for darkenes 13 Thogh I hope yet the graue shal be mine house and I shal make my bed in the darke 14 I shal say to corruption Thou 〈◊〉 my father and to the worme Thou art my mother and my sister 15 Where is then now mine hope or who shal consider the thing that I hoped for 16 They shal go downe into the bottome of the pit surely it shal lye together in the dust CHAP. XVIII 1 Bildád rehearseth the peines of the vnfaithful and wicked 1 THē answered Bildád the Shuhite said 2 When wil ye make an end of your wor des cause vs to vnderstand and thē we will speake 3 Wherefore are we counted as beastes and are 〈◊〉 in your sight 4 Thou art as one that teareth his soule in his anger Shal the earth be forsakē for thy sake or the rocke remoued out of his place 5 Yea the light of the wicked shal be quenched the sparke of his fyre shal not shine 6 The light shal be darke in his dwelling and his candel shal be put out with him 7 The steppes of his strength shal be restrained and his owne counsel shal cast him downe 8 For he is taken in the net by his fete and he walketh vpon the snares 9 The grenne shal take him by the heele and the these shal come vpon him 10 A snare is laid for him in the grounde and a trappe for him in the way 11 Fearfulnes shal make him afraid on euery side and shal driue him to his fete 12 His strength shal be famine and destructiō shal be readie at his side 13 It shal deuoure the partes of his skinne the first borne of death shal deuoure his strength 14 His hope shal be roted out of his dwelling and shal cause him to go to the King of feare 15 Feare shal dwel in his house because it is not his and brim stone shal be 〈◊〉 vpon his habitacion 16 His rotes shal be dryed vp beneth and aboue shal his branche be cut downe 17 His remembrāce shal perish from the earth and he shal haue no name in the strete 18 They shal driue him out of the light vnto darkenes and chase him out of the worlde 19 He shal nether haue sonne nor nephewe among his people nor any posteritie in his dwellings 20 The posteritie shal be astonied at his day and feare shal come vpon the ancient 21 Surely suche are the habitacions of the wicked and this is the place of him that knoweth not God CHAP. XIX 2 Iob reproueth his friends 15 And reciteth his miseries grieuous peines 25 He assureth him selfe of the generall resurrection 1 BVt Iob answered and said 2 How long wil ye vexe my soule and torment me with wordes 3 Ye haue now ten times reproched me and are not ashamed ye are impudent toward me 4 And thogh I had in dede erred mine errour remaineth with me 5 But indede if ye wil aduance your selues against me and rebuke me for my reproche 6 Knowe now that God hathe ouer throwen me and hathe compassed me with his net 7 Beholde I crye out of violence but I haue none answer I crye but there is no iudgement 8 He hathe hedged vp my waye that I can not passe and he hathe set darkenes in my paths 9 He hathe spoiled me of mine honour taken the crowne away from mine head 10 He hathe destroyed me on euerie side and I am gone he hath remoued mine hope like a tre 11 And he hathe kindled his wrath against me and counteth me as one of his enemies 12 His armies came together and made their way vpon me and camped about my tabernacle 13 He hathe remoued my brethren farre from me and also mine acquaintance were strangers vnto me 14 My neighbours haue forsaken me and my familiars haue forgotten me 15 They that dwel in mine house my maides toke me for a stranger for I was a stranger in their sight 16 I called my seruāt but he wolde not answer thogh I prayed him with my mouth 17 My breath was strange vnto my wife thogh I prayed her for the childrens sake of mine owne body 18 The wicked also despised me and when I rose they spake against me 19 All my secret friends abhorred me and thei whome I loued are turned against me 20 My bone cleaueth to my skin and to my flesh and I hane escaped with the skinne of my tethe 21 Haue pitie vpon me haue pitie vpon me ô ye my friends for the hand of God hathe touched me 22 Why do ye persecute me as God and are not satisfied with my flesh 23 Oh that my wordes were now writen oh that thei were writen euen in a boke 24 And grauen with an yron penne in lead or in stone for euer 25 For I am sure that my Redemer liueth and he shal stand the last on the earth 26 And thogh after my skin wormes destroy this bodie yet shal I se God in my flesh 27 Whome I my self shal se and mine eies shall beholde and nonother for me thogh my reines are consumed within me 28 But ye said Why is he persecuted And there was a depe matter in me 29 Be ye afraid of the sworde for the sworde wil be auenged of wickednes that ye may know that there is a iudgement CHAP. XX. 1 Zophár sheweth that the wicked and the couetous shall haue a shorte end 22 Thogh for a time they florish 1 THen answered Zophár the Naamathite and said 2 Douteles my thoghts cause me to answer therefore I make haste 3 I haue heard the correction of my reproche therefore the spirit of mine vnderstanding causeth me to answer 4 Knowest thou not this of olde and since God placed man vpon the 〈◊〉 5 That the reioycing of the wicked is shorte and that the ioye of hypocrites is but a moment 6 Thogh his excellencie mounte vp to the heauen and his head reache vnto the cloudes 7 Yet shal he perish for euer like his dung and they which haue sene him shal say Where is he 8 He shal flee away as a dreame and thei shall not finde him and shal passe away as a vision of the night 9 So that the eye which had sene him shaldo so no more and his place shal se him no more 10 His children
nomber in his armies vpon whome shal not his light arise 4 And how may a mā be iustified with God or how can he be cleane that is borne of woman 5 Behold he wil giue no light to the moone and the starres are vncleane in hys sight 6 How muche more man a worme euen the sonne of man which is but a worme CHAP. XXVI Iob sheweth that man can not helpe God and proueth it by his miracles 1 BVt Iob answered and said 2 Whome helpest thou him that hath no power sauest thou the arme that hathe no strength 3 Whome counselest thou him that hathe no wisdome thou shewest right wel as the thing is 4 To whome doest thou declare these wordes or whose spirit cometh out of thee 5 The dead thinges are formed vnder the waters and nere vnto them 6 The graue is naked before him there is no couering for destruction 7 He stretcheth out the North ouer the emptie place and hangeth the earth vpon nothing 8 He bindeth the waters in his cloudes and the cloude is not broken vnder them 9 He holdeth backe the face of his throne and spreadeth his cloude vpon it 10 He hathe set bondes aboute the waters vntil the day and night come to an end 11 The pillers of heauen tremble quake at his 〈◊〉 12 The sea is calme by his power and by hys vnderstāding he smiteth the pride ther of 13 His Spirit hath garnished the heauēs his hād hath formed the crooked serpēt 14 Lo these are part of his wayes but how litle a portion heare we of him and who can vnderstand his feareful power CHAP. XXVII 3 The constancie and perfitnes of Iob. 13 The rewarde of the wicked and of the tyrants 1 MOreouer Iob proceded and cōtinued his parable saying 2 The liuing God hath taken away my iudgement for the Almightie hathe put my soule in bitternes 3 〈◊〉 so long as my breath is in me and the 〈◊〉 of God in my nostrels 4 〈◊〉 lips surely shal speake no wickednes and my tongue shal vtter no deceit 5 God forbid that I shulde iustifie you vntil I dye I wil neuer take away mine d innocencie from my self 6 I will kepe my righteousnes and wil not forsake it mine heart shal not reprone me of my dayes 7 Mine enemie shal be as the wicked and he that riseth against me as the vnrighteous 8 For what hope hathe the hypocrite whē he hathe heaped vp riches if God take away his soule 9 Wil God heare his crye when trouble cometh vpon him 10 Wil he set his delite on the Almightie wil he call vpon God at all times 11 I wil teache you what is in the hande of God and I wil not 〈◊〉 that whiche is with the Almightie 12 Beholde all ye your selues haue sene it why then do you thus vanish in vanitie 13 This is the porcion of a wicked mā with God and the heritage of tyrants which they shal receiue of the Almightie 14 If his children be in greate nomber the sworde shal destroy them and his posteritie shal not be satisfied with bread 15 His remnant shal be buryed in death and his widowes shal not wepe 16 Thogh he shulde heape vp siluer as the dust and prepare raiment as the clay 17 He may prepare it but the iuste shall put it on and the innocent shal deuide the siluer 18 He buyldeth his house as the mothe as a lodge that the watchman maketh 19 When the riche man slepeth he shal not be gathered to his fathers they opened their eyes and he was gone 20 Terrours shal take him as waters and a tempest shal carie him a way by night 21 The East wind shal take him away and he shall departe and it shall hurlle him out of his place 22 And God shal cast vpon him not spare thogh he wold faine flee out of hys hand 23 Euerie man shal clap their hands at him and hisse at him out of their place CHAP. XXVIII Iob sheweth that the wisdome of God is Vnsercheable 1 THe siluer surely hath his vaine the golde his place where thei take it 2 Yron is taken out of the dust and brasse is molten out of the stone 3 God putteth an end to darknes and he tryeth the perfection of all things he setteth a bonde of darkenes and of the shadow of death 4 The flood breaketh out against the inhabitant the waters forgottē of the fote being higher thē mā are gone away 5 Out of the same earth cometh bread and vnder it as it were fyre is turned vp 6 The stones therof are a place of saphirs and the dust of it is golde 7 There is a path whiche no foule hathe knowē nether hath the kites eye sene it 8 The lions whelps haue not walked it nor the lion passed thereby 9 He putteth his hand vpon the rockes ouer throweth the moūtaines by the rootes 10 He breaketh riuers in the rockes and his eye seeth euerie precious thing 11 He bindeth the floods that they do not ouerflowe and the thing that is hid bringeth he to light 12 But where is wisdome founde where is the place of vnderstanding 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof for it is not found in the land of the liuing 14 The depth saith It is not in me the sea also saith It is not with me 15 Golde shall not be gyuen for it nether shal siluer be weighed for the price therof 16 It shall not be valued with the wedge of golde of Ophir nor with the precious onix nor the saphir 17 The golde nor the christal shall be equall vnto it not the exchāge shal be for plate of fine golde 18 No mencion shal be made of corall nor of the gabish for wisdome is more precious then perles 19 The Topaz of Ethiopia shal not be equall vnto it nether shall it be valued with the wedge of pure golde 20 Whence then cometh wisdome where is the place of vnderstanding 21 Seing it is hid from the eyes of all the liuing and is hid frome the foules of the heauen 22 Destruction and death say We haue heard the same thereof with our eares 23 But God vnderstādeth the way therof and he knoweth the place thereof 24 For he beholdeth the ends of the world and seeth all that is vnder heauen 25 To make the weight of the windes to weigh the waters by measure 26 When he made a decree for the raine and away for the lightening of the thunders 27 Then did he se it and counted it he prepa red it and also considered it 28 And vnto mā he said Behold * the feare of the Lord is wisdome to departe from euil is vnderstanding CHAP. XXIX 1 Iob complaineth of the
twise and one seeth it not 15 In 〈◊〉 and visions of the night whē slepe falleth vpon men and they slepe vpon their beddes 16 Then he openeth the eares of men euen by their corrections which he had sealed 17 That he might cause man to turne away from his enterprise that he might hide the pride of man 18 And kepe backe his soule from the pit and that his shulde not passe by the sworde 19 He is also striken with sorow vpon his bed and the grief of his bones is sore 20 So that his life causeth him to abhorre bread and his soule daintie meat 21 His flesh faileth that it can not be sene his bones which were not sene clatter 22 So his soule draweth to the graue and his life to the buriers 23 If there be a messenger with him or an interpreter one of a thousand to declare vnto man his righteousnes 24 Then wil he haue mercie vpon him and wil saie Deliuer him that he go not dow ne into the pit for I haue receiued a recōciliation 25 Then shal his flesh be as fresh as a childs 〈◊〉 returne as in the daies of his youth 26 He shal pray vnto God and he wil be fauou rable vnto him and he shal se his face with ioy for he wil rendre vnto man his righteousnes 27 He loketh vpon men and if one say I haue sinned and peruerted righteousnes it did not profit me 28 He wil deliuer his soule from going into the pit and his life shal se the light 29 Lo all these things wil God worke twise or thrise with a man 30 That he may turne backe his soule from the pit to be illuminate in the light of the liuing 31 〈◊〉 wel ô Iob and heare me kepe 〈◊〉 and I wil speake 32 If there be matter answer me speake for I desire to iustifie thee 33 If thou hast not heare me holde thy tongue and I wil teache thee wisdome CHAP. XXXIIII 5 Elihú chargeth Iob that he called him selfe righteous 12 He sheweth that God is iust in his iudgements 24 God destroyeth the mightie 30 By him the hypocrite reigneth 1 MOreouer Elihú answered and said 2 Heare my wordes ye wise men and hearkē vnto me ye that haue knouledge 3 For the eare tryeth the wordes as the mouth tasteth meat 4 Let vs seke iudgement among vs and let vs knowe among our selues what is good 5 For Iob hathe said I am righteous and God hathe taken away my iudgement 6 Shulde I lye in my right my wounde of the arowe is grieuous without my sinne 7 What man is like Iob that drinketh scor nefulnes like water 8 Which goeth in the companie of them that worke iniquitie and walketh with wicked men 9 For he hathe said h It profiteth a man no thing that he shulde walke with God 10 Therefore hearken vnto me ye men of wisdome GOD forbid that wickednes shulde be in God and iniquitie in the Almightie 11 For he wil rendre vnto man according to his worke and cause euerie one to finde ac cording to his way 12 And certeinly God wil not do wickedly nether wil the Almightie peruert iudgement 13 Whome * hathe he appointed ouer the beside him 〈◊〉 or who hathe placed the whole worlde 14 If he set his heart vppon man and gather vnto himself his spirit his breath 15 All flesh shal perish together and man shal returne vnto dust 16 And if thou hast vnderstanding heare this and hearken to the voyce of my wordes 17 Shal he that hateth indgement gouerne and wilt thou iudge him wicked that is moste iust 18 Wilt thou say vnto a King thou art wicked or to princes Ye are vngodlie 19 How muche lesse to him that accepteth not the persones of princes and regardeth not the riche more thē the poore for thei be all the worke of his hands 20 They shal dye sodenly and the people shal be troubled at midnight they shal passe forthe and take away the mightie without hand 21 For his eyes are vpon the wayes of man and he seeth all his goings 22 There is no darkenes nor shadowe of death that the workers of iniquitie might be hid therein 23 For he wil not lay on man so muche that he shulde entre into 〈◊〉 with God 24 He shal break the mightie without sekīg and shal set vp other in their steade 25 Therefore shal he declare their sworkes he shal turne the night and they shal be destroyed 26 He striketh them as wicked men in the pla ces of the seers 27 Because they haue turned backe from him and wolde not consider all his waies 28 So that they haue caused the voyce of the poore come vnto him he hathe heard the crye of the afflicted 29 And when he giueth quietnes who can make trouble and when he hideth his face who can beholde him whether it be vpon nacions or vpon a man onely 30 Because the hypocrite doeth reigne because the people are snared 31 Surely it apperteineth vnto God z to say I haue pardoned I wil not destroye 32 But if I se not teache thou me if I haue done wickedly I wil do no more 33 Wil he performe the thing through thee for thou haste reproued it because that thou hast chosē not I now speake what thou knowest 34 Let men of vnderstanding tel me and let a wise man hearken vnto me 35 Iob hathe not spokē of knowledge nether were his wordes according to wisdome 36 I desire that Iob may be tryed vnto the end touching the answers for wicked mē 37 For he addeth rebellion vnto his sinne he clappeth his hands among vs and multiplieth his wordes against God CHAP. XXXV 6 Nether doeth godlines profite or vngodlines hurt God but man 18 The wicked crye vnto God and are not heard 1 ELihú spake moreouer and said 2 Thīkest thou this right that thou hast said I am more righteous then God 3 For thou hast said What profiteth it the and what auaileth it me to purge me from my sinne 4 Therefore wil I answer thee and thy cō panions with thee 5 Loke vnto the heauen and se and beholde the cloudes which are hierthen thou 6 If thou sinnest what doest thou against him yea when thy sinnes be many what doest thou vnto him 7 If thou be righteous what giuest thou vnto him or what receiueth he at thine hand 8 Thy wickednes may hurt a man as thou art thy rigteousnes may profite the sonne of man 9 They cause many that are oppressed to crye which crye out for the violēce of the mightie 10 But none saith Where is God that made me which giueth songsin the night 11 Which teacheth
reuerence thou him 12 And the daughter of Tyrus with the riche of the people shal do homage before thy face with presents 13 The Kings daughter is all glorious within her clothing is of broydered golde 14 She shal be broght vnto the King in raiment of nedle worke the virgins that fol low after her and her companions shal be broght vnto thee 15 Withioye and gladnes shal thei be broght and shal enter into the Kings palace 16 In steade of thy fathers shal thy children be thou shalt make then princes through all the earth 17 I wil make thy Name to be remembred through all generations therefore shal the people giue thankes vnto thee worlde without end PSAL. XLVI 1 A song of trumpeth or thankes giuing for the deliuerance of Ierusalém after Sennaherib with his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 awaie or some other like sudden and maruelous 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 hand of God 8 Whereby the Pro phet commending this great benefite doeth exhorte the faithful to giue them selues wholly into the hand of God douting nothing but that vnder his protection 〈◊〉 shal be safe against all the 〈◊〉 of their enemies because this is his delite to asswage the rage of the 〈◊〉 when 〈◊〉 are moste busie against the iust ¶ To him that excelleth vpon Alamoth a song committed to the sonnes of Korah 1 GOd is our hope and strength helpe in troubles readie to be found 2 Therefore wil not we feare thogh the earth be moued and thogh the mountaines fall into the middes of the sea 3 Thogh the waters thereof rage and be troubled the mountaines shake at the surges of the same Sélah 4 Yet there is a Riuer whose streames shal make glad the Gitie of God euen the San ctuarie of the Tabernacles of the moste High 5 God is in the middes of it therefore shal it not be moued God shal helpe it verie early 6 When the nations raged the kingdomes were moued God thundred the earth melted 7 The Lord of hostes is with vs the God of Iaakób is our refuge Sélah 8 Come beholde the workes of the Lord k what desolations he hathe made in the earth 6 He maketh warres to cease vnto the ends of the worlde he breaketh the bowe and cutteth the speare and burneth the chariots with fyre 10 Be stil and knowe that I am God I wil be exalted among the heathen I wil be exalted in the earth 11 The Lord of hostes is with vs the God of 〈◊〉 our refuge Sélah PSAL. XLVIII 2 The prophet exhorteth all people to the worship of the true and euerliuing God cūmeading the mercie of God toward the posteritie of Iaakób 9 And after prophecieth of the kingdome of christ in this time of the Gospel ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme committed to the sonnes of Kórah 1 〈◊〉 people clap your hands sing loude vnto God with a ioyful voice 2 For the Lord is high terrible a great King ouer all the earth 3 He hathe subdued the people vnder vs and the nations vnder our fete 4 He hathe chosen our inheritance for vs euen the glorie of Iaakób whome he loued Sélah 5 God is gone vp with triumph euen the Lord with the sounde of the trumpet 6 Sing praises to God sing praises sing prai ses vnto our King sing praises 7 For Godis the King of all the earth sing praises euerie one that hathe e vnderstāding 8 God reigne th ouer the heathē God sitteth vpon his holie throne 9 The princes of the people are gathered vnto the people of the God of Abraham for the shields of the worldes belong to God he f is greatly to be exalted PSAL. XLVIII 1 A notable deliuerance of Ierusalem from the hand of ma nie Kings is ment ioned for the which thankes are 〈◊〉 to God and the state of that citie is praised that hathe God so presently at all times readie to defend the. The 〈◊〉 semeth to be made in the time of Aház Ioshaphát Asá or 〈◊〉 for in their times chiefly was 〈◊〉 citie by foren princes assalted ¶ a A song or Psalme committed to the sonnes of Kōrah 1 GReat is the Lord greatly to be praised in the b Citie of our God euen vpon his holie Mountaine 2 Mount Zion lying Northward is faire in situation it is the c ioye of the whole 〈◊〉 and the citie of the great King 3 In the palaces theere of God is knowen for a d refuge 4 For lo the Kings were e gathered went together 5 When thei sawe f it thei marueiled thei we re astonied suddenly driuen backe 6 Feare came there vpon them and sorowe as vpon a woman in trauaile 7 As with an East winde thou breakest the shippes g of Tarshish so were they destroyed 8 As we haue h heard so haue we sene in the Citie of the Lord of hostes in the Citie of our God God wilstablish it for euer Selah 9 We waite for thy louing kindenes ō God in the middes of thy Temple 10 O God according vnto thy Name so is thy praise vnto the i worldes end thy right hād is ful of righteousnes 11 Let mount Zion reioyce the daughters of Iudáh be glad because of thy iudgements 12 Compasse about Zión and go rounde about it tel the towres thereof 13 Marke wel the wall thereof be holde her towres that ye maie tel your posteritie 14 For this God is our God for euer euer he shal be our guide vnto the death PSAL. XLIX 1 The holie God calleth all men to the consideration of mans life 7 Shewing them not to be moste blessed that are moste wealthie and therefore not to be feared but contrary wise he 〈◊〉 vp our mindes to consider how all things are ruled by God prouidēce 14 Who as he iudgeth these worldelie misers to euerlasting torments 15. So doeth he 〈◊〉 his and wil rewarde them inthe day of the resurrection 2 These 1. 〈◊〉 ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme committed to the sonnes of Kórah 1 HEare this all ye people gine eare all ye that dwel in the worlde 2 Aswel lowe as hie bothe riche and poore 3 My mouth shal speake of wisdome and the meditacion of mine heart is of knowled ge 4 I wil incline mine eare to a parable and vtter my graue matter vpon 〈◊〉 harpe 5 Wherefore shulde I feare in the euil daies when iniquitie shal compasse me about as at mine heles 6 They trust in their goods and boast thē selues in the multitude of their riches 7 Yet a man can by no meanes redeme his brother he can not giue his ran some to God 8 So precious is the redemption of their soules and the continuance for euer 9 That he may liue stil for euer not se the the
graue 10 For he seeth that wisemen dye also that the ignorant and foolish perish and leaue their riches for others 11 Yet they thinke their houses their ha bitacions shal continue for euer euen from generacion to generacion and call their lands by thir names 12 But man shal not continue in honour he is like the beasts that dýe. 13 This their waie vttereth their foolishnes yet their posteritie delite in their talke Selah 14 Like shepe thei lie in graue death deuoureth them the righteous shal haue dominacion ouer them in the morning fōr their beautie shal consume when they shal go from their house to graue 15 But God shal deliuer my soule from the power of the graue for he wil receiue me Sélah 16 Be not thou afraied when one is made riche when the glorie of his house is increased 17 * For he shal take nothing a waie when he dyeth nteher shal his pompe descend after him 18 For while he liued hereioyced himself and men wil praise thee when thou makest muche of thy self 19 He shal enter into the generacion of his fathers they shal not liue for euer 20 Man is in honour and vnderstandeth not he is like to beasts that petish PSAL. L. 1 Because the Church is alwaie ful of hypocrites Which de imagine that God wil be worshiped with outward 〈◊〉 onely without the heart and especially the 〈◊〉 wesof this opinion becaus e of their figure and 〈◊〉 of the Law t hinking that their sacrifices were sufficient 21 Therefore the Prophet doeth reproue this grosse 〈◊〉 and pronounceth the Name of God to be blasphemed where holines is set in ceremonies 23 For he declareth the worship of God to be spiritual whe re of are two principal partes inuocation and thankesgiuing ¶ A Psalme of Asáph 1 THe God of gods euen the Lord hathe spoken and called the earth frō the rising vp of the sunne vnto the going dow ne thereof 2 Out of Zion which is the perfection of beautie ha the God shined 3 Our God shal come and shal not kepe silence a fyre shal deuoure before him and a mightie tempest shal be moued rounde about him 4 He shal call the heauen aboue and the earth to iudge his people 5 Gather my Saints together vnto me tho se that make a couenant with me with sa crifice 6 And the heauens shal declare his righteousnes for God is Iudge him self Sélah 7 Heare ô my people I wil speake heare ó Israél and I wil testifie vnto thee for I am God euen thy God 8 I wil not reproue thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offrings that haue not bene continually before me 9 I wil take no bullocke out of thine house nor goates out of thy foldes 10 For all the beasts of the forest are mine and the beasts on a thousand moūtaines 11 I knowe all the foules on the mountaines and the wilde beasts of the field are mine 12 If I be hungrie I wil not tel the for the worlde is mine and all that therein is 13 Wil I eat the flesh of bulles or drinke the the blood of goates 14 Offre vnto God praise paie thy vowes vnto the moste High 15 And call vpon me in the daie of trouble so wil I deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me 16 But vnto the wicked said god What hast thou to do to declare mine ordinances that thou shuldest take my couenāt in thy mouth 17 Seing thou hatest to be reformed and hast cast my wordes behinde thee 18 For when thou seest a thefe thou runnest with him and thou art partaker with the adulters 19 Thou giuest thy mouth to 〈◊〉 and with thy tongue forgest deceite 20 Thou sittest and spakest against thy bro ther and sclanderest thy mothers sonne 21 These things hast thou done and I helde my tōgue therefore thou thoghtest that I was like thee but I wil reproue thee and set them in order before thee 22 Oh consider this ye that forget God lest I teare you in pieces and there be none that can deliuer you 23 He that offred praise shal glorifie me and to him that disposeth his waie aright wil I shewe the saluacion of God PSAL. LI. 1 When Dauid was rebuked by the Prophet Nathán for his great offences he did not onely acknowledge the sa me to God with protestation of his natural corruption iniquitie but also left a memorial thereof to his posteritie 7 Therefore first he desireth God to forgiue his 〈◊〉 10 And to renue 〈◊〉 him his holie Spirit 13 〈◊〉 promes that he wil not be vnmindeful of those great graces 18 Finally fearing lest God wolde punish the whole Church for his faute he requireth that he wolde rather increase his grace towards the same ¶ To him that excelleth A psalme of Dauid when the Prophet Nathā came vnto him after the had done in to Bathsheba 1 HAue mercie vpon me ô God h according to thy louing kindenes accordingto the multitude of thy compassions put awaye mine iniquities 2 Wash me throughly from mine iniquitie and clen se me from my sinne 3 For I knowe mine iniquities and my sinne is euer before me 4 Against thee against thee onely haue I sinned and done euil in thy sight that thou maiest be iuste when thon spakest and pure when thou iudgest 5 Beholde I was borne iniquitie and in sinne hathe my mother con ceiued me 6 Beholde thou louest trueth in the in warde affections therefore hast thou thaught me wisdome in the secret of mine heart 7 Purge me with * hyssope and I shal be cleane wash me and I shal be whiter then snowe 8 Make me to heare ioye gladnes that the bones which thou hast brokē 〈◊〉 reioyce 9 Hide thy face from my sinnes and put awaie all mine iniquities 10 Create in me a cleane heart ô God and renue a right spirit within me 11 Cast me not awaie from thy presence and take not thine holie Spirit from me 12 Restore to me the ioy 〈◊〉 of thy saluacion and stablish me with thy fre Spirit 13 Then shal I teache thy waies vnto the wicked and sinners shal be conuerted vnto thee 14 Deliuer me from blood ô God which art the God of my saluacion and my tongue shal sing ioyfully of thy righteousnes 15 n Open thou my lippes ô Lord and my mouth shal she we forthe thy praise 16 For thou desirest no sacrifice thogh I wolde giue it thou delitest not in burnt offring 17 The sacrifices of God are a contrite spirit a contrite and a broken heart ô God thou wilt not despise 18 Be fauourable vnto Ziōn for thy good pleasure buylde the walles of Ierusalem 19 Then shalt thou
their fig-trees and brake downe the trees in their coastes 34 He spake and the grashoppers came and caterpillers in numerable 35 And did eatvp al the first borne in their lād deuoured the frute of their grounde 36 * He smote also all the grasse in their land euen the beginning of all their strength 37 He broght them for the also with siluer and golde and there was none feble among their tribes 38 Egypt was glad at their departing for the feare of them had fallen vpon them 39 He spred a cloude to be a couering and fyre to giue light in the night 40 They asked and he broght quailes and he filled them with the bread of heauē 41 He opened the rocke and the waters flowed out ran in the drye places like a riuer 42 For he remembred his holie promes to Abrahám his seruant 43 And he broght forthe his people with ioye and his chosen with gladnes 44 And gaue them the lands of the heathen and they toke the labours of the people in possession 45 That they might kepe his statutes and obserue his Lawes Praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CVI. 1 The people dispersed Vnder Antiochus do magnifie the godues of God among the iuste and repentāt 4 Desiring to be brogh againe into the land by Gods merciful Visitation 8 And after the manifolde maruels of God wrogh in their deliuerance forthe of Egypt and the great in gratitude of the people rehearsed 47 Thei do pray desire to be gathered from among the heathē to the intent thei may praise the Name of the God of Israél ¶ Praise ye the Lord. 1 PRaise ye the Lord because he is good for his mercie endureth for euer 2 Who can expresse the noble actes of the Lord or shewe forthe all his praise 3 Blessed are they that kepe iudgement and do righteousnes at all times 4 Remember me ô Lord with the fauour of thy people visit me with thy saluacion 5 That I may se the felicitie of thy chosen and reioyce in the ioye of thy people and glorie with thine in heritance 6 We haue sinned with our fathers we haue committed iniquitie and done wickedly 7 Our fathers vnderstode not thy wonders in Egypt nether remembred they the mul titude of thy mercies but rebelled at the Sea euen at the red Sea 8 Neuertheles he saued them for this Names sake that he might make his power to be knowen 9 And he rebuked the red Sea and it was dryed vp and he led them in the depe as in the wildernes 10 And he saued him from the aduersaries hand and deliuered them from the hand of the enemie 11 * And the waters couered their oppressers not one of them was left 12 Then beleued they his wordes and sang praise vnto him 13 But in continently they forgate his workes they waited not for his counsel 14 But lusted with concupiscence in the wildernes and tempted God in the desert 15 Then he gaue them their desire but he sét leannes into their soule 16 They enuied Mosés also in the tentes Aarón the holie one of the Lord. 17 Therefore the earth opened swallow ed vp Dathán and couered the companie of Abiram 18 And the fyre was kindled in their assemblie the flame burnt vp the wicked 19 They made a calfe in Horéb and worshiped the molten image 20 Thus they turned their glorie into the si militude of a bullocke that eateth grasse 21 They for gate God their Sauiour which had done great things in Egypt 22 Wonderous workes in the land of Ham fearful things by the read Sea 23 Therefore he minded to destroye thē had not Mosés his chosen stād in the breache before him to turne away his wrath lest heshulde destroye them 24 Also they contemned that pleasant land and beleued not his word 25 But murmured in their tentes and hearkened not vnto the voyce of the Lord. 26 Therefore he lifted vp his hand against them to destroye them in the wildernes 27 And to destroye their sede among the nacions and to scater them throughout the countreis 28 They ioyned them selues also vnto Baal-peōr and did eat the offrings of the dead 29 Thus they prouoked him vnto angre with their owne inuentiōs and the plague brake in vpon them 30 But Phinehás stode vp and executed iudgement and the plague was staied 31 * And it was imputed vnto him for righteousnes from generacion to generacion for euer 32 Thei angred him also at the waters of * Meribáh so that Mosés was punished for their sakes 33 Because they vexed his spirit so that he spake vnaduisedly with his lippes 34 Nether destroyed they the people as the Lord had commanded them 35 But were mingled among the heathen learned their workes 36 And serued their idoles which were their ruine 37 Yea they offred their sonnes and their daughters vnto diuels 38 And shed innocent blood euen the blood of their sonnes and of their daughters whome they offred vnto the idoles of Canáan and the land was defilled with blood 39 Thus were they steined with their owne workes and went a whoring with their owneinuentions 40 Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people and he abhorred his owne inheritance 41 And he gaue them into the hand of the heathen and they that hated them were lords ouer them 42 Their enemies also oppressed them and they were humbled vnder their hand 43 Manie a time did he deliuer thē but they prouoked him by their counsels therefore they were broght downe by their iniquitie 44 Yet he sawe when they were in affliction and he heard their crye 45 And he remembred his couenant toward them and repēted according to the mul titude of his mercies 46 And gaue them fauour in the sight of all them that led them captiues 47 Saue vs ō Lord our God and gather vs from among the heathen that we maie praise thine holie Name and glorie in thy praise 48 Blessed be the Lord God of Israél for euer and euer and let all the people say So be it Praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CVII 1 The Prophet exorteth all those that are redemed by the Lord and gathered vnto him to giue 〈◊〉 9 For this merciful prouidence of God gouerning all things at his good pleasure 20 Sending good and euil prosperitie and aduersitie to bring men Vnto him 〈◊〉 Therefore as the righteous thereat reioyce so shal thewicked haue their mouthes stopped 1 PRaise the Lord because he is good for his mercie endureth foreuer 2 Let them which haue bene redemed of the Lord shewe how he hathe deliuered them from the hand of the oppresser 3 And gathered them of the lands from the East and from the West from the North and from the South 4 When they
27 A wicked man is abominacion to the iust and he that is vpright in his way is abominacion to the wicked CHAP. XXX 2 To humble our 〈◊〉 in consideration of Gods workes 5 The worde of God is perfite 11 Of the wicked hypo crites 15 Of things that are neuer saciate 18 Of others that are wonderful THE WORDES OF AGVR THE SONNE OF IAKEH 1 THe prophecie which the mā spake vnto Ithiél euen to Ithiél and Vcál 2 Surely I am more foolish then anie man haue not the vnderstanding of a man in me 3 For I haue not learned wisdome nor atteined to the knowledge of holie things 4 Who hathe ascended vp to heauen and de scended Who hathe gathered the winde in his first Who hathe bounde the waters in a garment Who hathe established all the ends of the 〈◊〉 What is his name and what is his sonnes name if thou canst tel 5 * Euerie worde of God is pure he is a shield to those that trust in him 6 * Put nothing vnto his wordes let he reproue thee and thou be founde a lyer 7 Two things haue I required of thee deny me them not before I dye 8 Remoue farre frō me vanitie and lies giue me not pouertie nor riches fede me with foode conuenient for me 9 Lest I be ful and denie thee and say Who is the Lord or lest I be poore and steale and takethe Name of my God in vaine 10 Accuse not a seruant vnto his master lest he curse thee when thou hast offended 11 There is a generacion that curseth their fa ther and doeth not blesse their mother 12 There is a generaciō that are pure in there owne conceit and yet are not washed from their filthines 13 There is a generacion whose eyes are hau tie and their eye liddes are lifted vp 14 There is a generacion whose teeth are as swordes and their chawes as kniues to eat vp the afflicted out of the earth and the poo re from among men 15 The horse leache hathe two daughters which crie Giue giue There be thre thīgs that wil not be satisfied yea foure that say not It is ynough 16 The graue and the baren wombe the earth that can not be satisfied with water and the fyre that saith not It is ynough 17 The eye that mocketh his father and despiseth the instruction of his mother let the rauens of the valley picke it out and the yong egles eat it 18 There be thre things hid from me yea foure that I knowe not 19 The way of an egle in the aire the waie of a ser pent vpon a stone the waie of a shippe in the middes of the sea and the way of a man with a maide 20 Suche is the way also of an aduouterous woman she eateth and wipeth her mouth and saith I haue not committed iniquitie 21 For thre things the earth is moued yea for foure it can not susteine itself 22 For a seruant when he reigneth and a foole when he is filled with meat 23 For the hateful woman when she is maried and for a hand maid that is heire to her mastres 24 These be foure smal things in the earth yet thei are wise and ful of wisdome 25 The pismites a people not strong yet prepare they their meat in sommer 26 The conies a people not mightie yet make they their houses in the rocke 27 The greshopper hathe no King yet go they forthe all by bandes 28 The spider taketh holde with her hands and is in Kings palaces 29 There be thre things that order wel their going yea foure are comelie in going 30 Alyon which is strong among beastes and turneth not at the sight of anie 31 A lustie gray hound and a goat and a King against whome there is no rising vp 32 If thou hast bene foolish in lifting thy self vp and if thou hast thoght wickedly lay thine hand vpon thy mouth 33 When one churneth milke he bringeth for the butter and he that wringeth his nose causeth blood to come out so he that forceth wrath bringeth forthe strife CHAP. XXXI 2 He exhorteth to chastitie and iustice 10 And sheweth the conditions of a wise and worthy woman 1 THE WORDES OF KING Lemuél The prophecie which his mother taught him 2 WHat my sonne and what the sonne of my wombe and what ô sonne of my desires 3 Giue not thy strength vnto women nor thy wayes which is to destroy Kings 4 It is not for a King ô Lemuél it is not for Kings to drunke wine nor for princes stróg drinke 5 Lest he drinke and forget the decree and change the iudgement of all the children of affliction 6 Giue ye strong drinke vnto him that is readie to perish and wine vnto them that haue grief of heart 7 Let him drinke that he may forget his pouertie and remember his miserie no more 8 Open thy mouth for the domme in the cause of all the children of destruction 9 Open thy mouth iudge righteously and iud ge the afflicted and the poore 10 ¶ Who shal finde a vertnous womā for her price is farre aboue the pearles 11 The heart of her hous bád trusteth in her he shal haue no nede of spoile 12 She wil do him good not euil all the daies of her life 13 She seketh wooll and flaxe and laboreth cherefully with her hands 14 She is like the shippes of marchants she bringeth her fode from a farre 15 And she riseth whiles it is yet night and giueth the porcion to her housholde and the ordinarie to her maids 16 She considereth a field and getteth it and with the frute of her hands she planteth a vineyarde 17 She girdeth her loynes with strength and strengtheneth her armes 18 She feleth that her marchandise is good her candle is not put out by night 19 She 〈◊〉 her hāds to the wherue and her hands handle the spindle 20 She stretcheth out her hād to the poore putteth forthe her hands to the nedie 21 She feareth not the snowe for her familie for all her familie is clothed with 〈◊〉 22 She maketh her self carpets fine linen and purple is her garment 23 Her housband is knowen in the gates when he sitteth with the Elders of the land 24 She maketh shetes and selleth them and giueth girdels vnto the marchant 25 Strength and honour is her clothing in the latter day she shal reioyce 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdome and the law of grace is in her tongue 27 She ouerseeth the waies of her housholde and eateth not the bread of yldenes 28 Her children rise vp and call her blessed her housband also shal praise her saying 29 Manie daughters haue donevertuously but thou surmountest them all 30 Fauour is desceitful and beautie is vanitie but a woman that feareth the
deceiue you for he shal not be able to deliuer you 15 Nether let Hezekiáh make you to trust in the LORD saying The LORDE wyll surely deliuer vs this Citie shall not be giuen ouer into the hande of the King of Asshur 16 Hearken not to Hezekiáh for thus saith the King of Asshúr Make appointement with me and come out to me that euerye man maye eat of his owne vine and euerye man of hys owne figtre and drinke euerie man the water of his owne well 17 Till I come and bring you to a lande like your owne land euen a land of wheat wine a land of bread and vineyardes 18 Lest Hezekiáh disceiue you saying The Lord wil deliuer vs. Hathe anie of the gods of the naciōs deliuered his land out of the hand of the King of 〈◊〉 19 Where is the god of Hamáth and of Ar pád Where is the god of Sephareáim or how haue they deliuered Samaria out of mine hands 20 Who is he among all the gods of these lands that hathe deliuered their coūtrey out of mine hand that the Lord shulde de liuer Ierusalem out of mine hand 21 Then they kept silence and answered him not a worde for the Kings commande ment was saying Answer him not 22 Then came Elia kim the sonne of Hilkiah the steward of the house and Shebna the chanceller and Ioah the sonne of Asaph the recorder vnto Hezekiah with rēt clothers and tolde him the wordes of Rabsha kéh. CHAP. XXXVII 2 Hezekiah asketh counsel of Isaiah who promiseth him the victorie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 blasphemie of 〈◊〉 16 Hezekiah prayer 36 The armie of Sancherib is slayne of the Angel 38 And he him 〈◊〉 of his owne sonnes 1 ANd * when the King Hezekiáh heard it he rent his clothes and put on sackeclóth came into the House of the lord 2 And he sent Eliakim the steward of the hou se and Shebná the chanceller with the Elders of the Priests clothed in sackeclothe vnto Isaiáh the Prophet the 〈◊〉 of Amoz 3 And they said vnto him Thus saith Hezekiáh This day is a day of tribula cion and of rebuke and blasphemie for the children are come to the birth there is nostrēgth to bring forthe 4 If so be the Lord thy God hathe heard the wordes of Rabshakéh whome the King of Asshúr his master hade sent to rai le on the liuing God and to reproche him with wordes which the Lord thy God hathe heard then lift thou vp thy praier for the remnant that are left 5 So the seruants of the King Hezekiah came to Isaiáh 6 And Isaiáh said vnto them Thus say vnto your master Thus saith the Lord Be not afraied of the wordes that thou hast heard wherewith the seruants of the King of Asshur haue blasphemed me 7 Beholde I wil send a blast vpon him and he shal heare a noise turne to his owne land I wil cause him to fall by the sword in his owne land 8 ¶ So Rabshakéb returned and founde the King of Asshúr fighting against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed frō Lachish 9 He heard also men say of Tirhakáh King of Ethiopia Beholde he is come out to fight against thee and whē he heard it he sent other messēgers to Hezekiáh saying 10 Thus shal ye speake to Hezekiáh King of Iudáh saying Let not thy God deceiue thee in whome thou trustest saying Ie rusalém shal not be giuen into the hand of the King of Asshúr 11 Beholde thou hast heard what the Kings of Asshúr haue done to all lands in destroying them shalt thou be deliuered 12 〈◊〉 the gods of the nacions deliuered them which my fathers haue destroyed as Gozain and Harán Rézeph and the children of Eden which were at Telassár 13 Where is the King of Hamath and the King of Arpad the King of the citie of Sepharuáim Hena and Iuah 14 ¶ So Hezekiáh receiued the letter of the hand of the messengers and red it and he went vp into the House of the Lord and Hezekiah spred it before the Lord. 15 And Hezekiah praied vnto the Lord saying 16 O Lord of hostes God of Iraél whiche dwellest betwene the Cherubims thou art very God alone ouer all the kingdomes of the earth thou hast made the heauen the earth 17 Encline thine eare ô Lord and heare opē thine eyes ô Lord and se and he are all the wordes of Sancherib who hathe sent to blaspheme the liuing God 18 Trueth it is ô Lord that the Kings of Asshúr haue destroyed all lands their countrey 19 And haue cast their gods in the fyre for they were no gods but the worke of mās hāds euen wood or stone therefore they destroyed them 20 Now therefore ô Lord our God saue thou vs out of his hand that all the king domes of the earth may knowe that thou onely art the Lord. 21 ¶ Then Isaiah the sonne of Amóz sent vn to Hezekiáh saying Thus said the Lord God of Israél Because thou hast prayed vnto me concerning Saneherib King of Asshur 22 This is the worde that the Lord hathe spoken against him O virgine daughter of Zion he hathe despised the laughed thee to scorne ô daughter of Ierusalém he hathe shaken his head at thee 23 Whome hast thou railed on and blasphemed and against whome hast thou exalted thy voyce and lifted vp thine eyes on hie euen against the holy one of Israél 24 By thy seruants hast thou railed on the Lord and said By the multitude of my cha rets I am come vp to the top of the moun taines to the sides of Lebanon and wil cut downe the hie cedres thereof and the faire fyrre tres thereof and I wil go vp to the heights of his toppe and to the forest of his fruteful places 25 I haue digged dronke the waters with the plant of my fete haue I dryed all the riuers closed in 26 Hast thou not heard how I haue of olde ti me made it and haue formed it long ago and shulde I now bring it that it shulde be destroyed and layed on ruinous heapes as cities defensed 27 Whose inhabitants haue smale power and are afraied confounded thei are like the grasse of the field and grene herbe or grasse on the house toppes or corne blasted afore it be growen 28 But I knowe thy dwelling thy going out and thy comming in and thy furie a gainst me 29 Because thou ragest against me and thy tumult is come vp vnto mine eares therefore wil I put mine ho kein thy 〈◊〉 my bridle in thy lippes wil bring thee backe againe the same way thou camest 30 And this shal be a signe vnto thee O He zekiah Thou shalt eat this yere suche as groweth of it self and the second yere su che things as grow without
thou made vs to erre frō thy wayes and hardened out heart frō thy feare Returne for thy seruants sake and for the tribes of thine inheritance 18 The people of thine holines haue possessed it but a litle while for our aduersaries haue troden downe thy Sanctuarie 19 We haue bene as they ouer whome thou neuer barest rule and vpon whome thy Name was not called CHAP. LXIIII. 1 The Prophet prayeth for the sinnes of the people 6 Mās righteousnes is like a filthy cloth OH that thou woldest breake the heauens and come downe that the mountaines might melt at thy presence 2 As the melting fire burned as the fire caused the waters to boile that thou mightest declare thy Name to thy aduersaries the people did tremble at thy presence 3 When thou didest terrible things whiche we looked not for thou camest downe the mountaines melted at thy presence 4 For since the beginning of the world they haue not heard nor vnderstand with the eare nether hathe the eye sene another God beside thee whiche doeth so to hym that waiteth for him 5 Thou didest mete him that reioyced in thee and did iustely theiremembred thee in thy wayes behold thou art angrie for we haue sinned yet in them is cōtinuāce and we shal be saued 6 But we haue all bene as an vncleane thing and all our righteousnes is as filthy cloutes and we all do fade like a leafe and our iniquities like the wind haue takē vs away 7 And there is none that calleth vpon thy Name nether that stirreth vp him selfe to take holde of thee for thou haste hid thy face from vs and hast cōsumed vs because of ouriniquities 8 But now ô Lord thou arte our Father we are the claye and thou art our potter and we all are the worke of thine hands 9 Be not angrie ô Lord aboue measure nether remēberiniquitie for euer 〈◊〉 we beseche thee beholde we are all thy people 10 Thine holie cities lye waste Ziōn is a wildernes and Ierusalém a desert 11 The House of our Sanctuarie of our glorie where our fathers praised thee is burnt vp with fyre and all our pleasant things are wasted 12 Wilt thou holde thy self stil at these thinges ô Lord wilt thou holde thy peace and afflict vs aboue measure CHAP. LXV 1 The vocation of the Gentiles and the reiection of the Iewes 13 The ioy of the elect and the punishmēt of the wicked 1 I Haue bene soght of them that asked not I was founde of them that soght me not I said Beholde me Beholde me vnto a nation that called not vppon my Name 2 I haue spred out mine hands all the day vnto a rebellious people which walked in away that was not good euen after their owne ima gin a cions 3 A people that prouok ed me euer vnto my face that sacrificeth in gardens and burneth incense vpon brickes 4 Which remaine among the graues and lodge in the deserts whiche eate swines flesh the broth of things polluted are in their vessels 5 Which say Stand a parte come not nere to me for I am holier then thou these are a smoke in my wrath and a fyre that burneth all the day 6 Beholde it is writen before me I wil not kepe silence but wil ren dre it and recompense it into their bosome 7 Your iniquities and the iniquities of your fathers shal be together saith the Lord which haue burnt incense vpon the mountaines and blasphemed me vpon the hilles therefore will I measure their olde worke into their bosome 8 Thus saith the Lord As the wine is found in the cluster and one saith Destroy it not for a blessing is in it so wil I do for my seruants sakes that I maye not destroy thē whole 9 But I wil bring a sede out of Iaakób and out of Iudáh that shall enherit my mountaine and mine elect shal inherit it and my seruants shal dwell there 10 And Sharón shal be a shepe folde the valley of Achór shal be a resting place for the cattell of my people that haue soght me 11 But ye are thei that haue forsakē the Lord and forgotten mine holie Mountaine and haue prepared a table for the multitude and furnishe the drinke offrings vnto the nomber 12 Therefore wil I nōber you to the sworde and all you shalbowe downe to the slaughter because I called and ye did not answer I spake and ye heard not but did euill in my sight and did chuse that thinge whiche I wolde not 13 Therfore thus saith the Lord God Behold my seruants shall eat and ye shall be hungrie beholde my seruants shal drinke and ye shall be thirstie beholde my seruantes shal reioyce and ye shal be ashamed 14 Beholde my seruants shal sing for ioye of heart and ye shal crye for sorowe of heart and shal howle for vexation of minde 15 And ye shall leaue your Name as a cursse vnto 〈◊〉 chosen for the Lord GOD shall slaye 〈◊〉 and call his seruants by another name 16 He that shall blesse in the earthe shall blesse him selfe in the true God and he that sweareth in the earthe shall sweare by the true GOD for the former troubles are forgotten and shall surely hide thē selues from mine eyes 17 For lo I wil creat newe heauens and a newe earth and the former shal not be remē bred nor come into minde 18 But be you glad reioyce for euer in the things that I shal creat for beholde I will creat Ierusalém as a reioycing her people as a ioye 19 And I wil reioyce in Ierusalém and ioye in my people and the voice of weping shal be no more heard in her nor the voyce of crying 20 There shal be no more there a chylde of yeres nor an olde man that hathe not filled his daies for he that shal be an hūdreth yeres olde shal dye as a yong man but the sinner being an hundreth yeres olde shal be accursed 21 And thei shal buylde houses and in habit them and thei shal plant vineyardes and eat the frute of them 22 Thei shall not buylde and another inhabit thei shall not plant and another eate for as the daies of the tre are the daies of my people mine elect shal inioye in olde age the worke of their hande 23 Thei shall not labour in vaine nor bryng forth in feare for they are the sede of the blessed of the Lord their buddes with thē 24 Yea before thei call I wil answer whiles thei speake I wil heare 25 The wolfe and the lambe shal fede together and the lion shall eat strawe like the bullocke to the serpent dust shal be his meat Thei shal no more hurt nor destroye in all mine holie Mountaine saith the Lord CHAP.
reproche ô Lord all their imaginations against me 62 The lippes also of those that rose against me and their whispering against me continually 63 Beholde their sitting downe and their rising vp how I am their song 64 * Giue them a recompence ô Lord according to the worke of their hands 65 Giue them sorowe of heart euen thy curs 〈◊〉 to them 66 Persecute with wrath and destroie them from vnder the heauen ô Lord. CHAP. IIII. 1 HOw is the golde become so dimme the moste fyne golde is changed and the stones of the Sanctuarie are scattered in the corner of euerie strete 2 The noble men of Zión comparable to fyne golde how are thei estemed as earthē pitchers euē the worke of the hands of the potter 3 Euen the dragons drawe out the breasts giue sucke to their yong but the daugh ter of my people is become cruel like the ostriches in the wildernes 4 The tongue of the sucking childe cleaueth to the roofe of his mouth for thirst the yong children aske bread but no mā breaketh it vnto them 5 Thei that did fede delicately perish in the stretes they that were broght vp in skarlet embrase the dongue 6 For the iniquitie of the daughter of my people is become greater then * the sinne of Sodōm that was destroied as in a momēt and none pitched campes against her 7 Her Nazarites were purer thē the snowe and whiter thē the milke thei were more ruddie in body then the red precious stones thei were like polished saphir 8 Now their visage is blacker thē a cole they can not knowe thē in the stretes their skinne cleaueth to their bones it is withered like a stocke 9 Thei that be slaine with the sworde are better then thei that are killed with hungre for thei fade awaie as thei were strikē through for the frutes of the field 10 The handes of the pitifull women haue sodden their owne children which were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people 11 The Lord hath accomplished his indignacion he hath powred out his fierce wrath he hathe kindled a fyre in Zión which hath deuoured the fundacions thereof 12 The Kings of the earth and all the inhabitans of the worlde wolde not haue beleued that the aduersarie the enemie shuld haue entred into the gates of Ierusalém 13 For the sinnes of her Prophetes and the iniquities of her Priestes that haue shed the blood of the iust in the middes of her 14 Thei haue wandered as blinde men in the stretes and they were polluted with blood so that thei wold not touche their garments 15 But thei cryed vnto them Departe ye polluted departe departe touche not therefore they fled awaye and wandered thei haue said among the heathen They shal no more dwell there 16 The angre of the Lord hathe scattered them he wil no more regarde them they reuerenced not the face of the Priests nor had compassion of the Elders 17 Whiles we waited for our vaine helpe our eyes failed for in our waiting we loked for a nation that colde not saue vs. 18 They hunte our steppes that we can not go in our stretes our end is nere our dayes are fulfilled for our end is come 19 Our persecuters are swifter thē the egles of the heauen thei pursued vs vppon the mountaines and laied waite for vs in the wildernes 20 The breth of our nostrels the Anointed of the Lord was taken in their nets of whome we said Vnder hys shadowe we shal be preserued aliue among the heathen 21 Reioyce and be glad ô daughter Edōm that dwellest in the land of Vz the cup also shal passe through vnto thee thou shalt be drunken and vomite 22 Thy punishment is accomplished ô daugh ter Zión he wil nomore carie thee awaie into captiuitie but he wil visit thine iniquitie ô daughter Edóm he wil discouer thy sinnes CHAP. V. The prayer of Ieremiàh 1 REmembre ô LORD what is come vpon vs consider and beholde our reproche 2 Our inheritance is turned to the strangers our houses to the aliants 3 We are fatherles euen without father our mothers are as widowes 4 We haue dronke our water for money and our wood is solde vnto vs. 5 Our neckes are vnder persecution we are weary and haue no rest 6 We haue giuen our hands to the Egyptians and to Asshur to be satisfied with bread 7 Our fathers haue sinned and are not we haue borne their iniquities 8 Seruants haue ruled ouer vs none wolde deliuer vs out of their hands 9 We gate our bread with the peril of our liues because of the sworde of the wildernes 10 Our skin was blacke like as an ouen because of the terrible famine 11 They defiled the women in Zión and the maides in the cities of Iudáh 12 The princes are hanged vp by their hāds the faces of the Elders were not had in ho nour 13 They toke the yong mē to grinde and the children fell vnder the wood 14 The Elders haue ceased from the gate and the yong men from their songs 15 The ioye of our heart is gone our dance is turned into mourning 16 The crowne of our head is fallen wo now vnto vs that we haue sinned 17 Therefore our heart is heauy for these things our eyes are dimme 18 Because of the mountaine of Zión which is desolate the foxes runne vpon it 19 But thou ô Lord remainest for euer thy throne is from generacion to generacion 20 Wherefore doest thou forget vs for euer and forsake vs so long time 21 Turne thou vs vnto thee ô LORD and we shal be turned renue our dayes as of olde 22 But thou hast vtterly reiected vs thou art excedingly angrie against vs. EZEKIEL THE ARGVMENT AFter that Iehoiachin by the counsel of Ieremiáh and Ezekiél had yelded him self to Nebuchadnezzár and so 〈◊〉 into captiuitie with his mother and diuers of his princes and of the people certeine begāne to repent murmur that thei had obeied the Prophets counsel as thogh the thing which thei had prophecied shulde not come to passe and therfore their estate shulde be stil miserable vnder the Caldeans By reason whereof he confirmeth his former prophecies declaring by new visions and reuelations shewed vnto him that the citie shulde moste certeinely be destroied and the people 〈◊〉 tormented by Gods plagues in somuche that thei that remained shulde be broght into cruel bondage And lest the godlie shul de dispaire in these great troubles he assureth thē that God wil deliuer his Church at his time appointed and also destroie their enemies which ether afflicted them or reioyced in their 〈◊〉 The effect of the one and the other shulde chiefly be performed vnder Christ of whome in this boke are many notable promises and in whome the glorie of the
new Temple shut de perfectly be restored He prophecied these things in Caldea at the same time that Ieremiáh prophecied in Iudáh the rebegan in the fist yere of 〈◊〉 captiuitie The forme of the Temple citie restored This figure must be set in the end of Ezekiél The forme of the Temple citie restored This figure must be set in the end of Ezekiél CHAP. I. 1 The time wherein Ezekiél prophecied and in what place 3 His kinred 15 The vision of the foure beastes 26. The vision of the throne IT came to passe in the thirtieth yere in the fourth moneth and in the fift day of the moneth as I was among the captiues by the riuer Chebár that the heauens were opened and I sawe visions of God 2 In the fift daye of the moneth whiche was the fift yere of King Ioiachins 〈◊〉 3 〈◊〉 worde of the Lord came vnto Ezekiél 〈◊〉 Priest the sonne of Buzi in the land of the Caldeans by the riuer Chebár where the hand of the Lord was vpon him 4 And I loked and beholde a whirle winde came out of the North a great cloude a fyre wrapped about it and a brightnes was about it and in the middes thereof to wit in the middes of the fyre came out as the likenes of ambre THE VISION OF EZEKIEL A The whirlwinde that came out of the North or Aquilon B The great cloude C The fyre wtapped about it D The brightnes about it E The likenes of amber or the pale colour F The forme of threfoure beastes G Their fete like calues fete H Hands comming out from vnder their wings I K L M The facion of the foure faces of euerie beast N Their wings ioyned one to another O Their two wings whiche couered their bodies P Fyre running among the beastes Q Wheles hauing 〈◊〉 one foure faces R The rings of the wheles whiche were ful of eyes S The firmament like vnto chrystal T The throne which was set vpon the firmament V Wheresate like the appearance of a man X The appearance of amber aboue and benethe the men Y The fyre about him Z The brightnes of fyre like the raine bowe Midi or the South 5 Also out of the middes there of came the likenes of foure beasts and this was their forme they had the appearance of a man 6 And euerie one had foure faces and euerie one had foure wings 7 And their fete were streight fete and the sole of their fete was like the sole of a calues fote and they sparked like the appearance of bright brasse 8 And the hands of a mā came out frō vnder their wings in the foure partes of thē and thei foure had their faces and their wings 9 They were ioyned by their wings one to another when thei went forthe theire turned not but euerie one went streight forwarde 10 And the similitude of their faces was as the face of man they foure had the face of a lyon on the right side and they foure had the face of a bullocke on the left side they foure also had the face of an egle 11 Thus were their faces but their wings were spred out aboue two wings of euerie one were ioyned one to another and two couered their bodies 12 And euerie one 〈◊〉 streight forwarde they went whether their spirit led them and thei returned not when thei 〈◊〉 forthe 13 The similitude also of the beastes and their appearance was like burning coles of fyre and like the appearance of lampes for the fyre ran among the beastes and the fyre gaue a glister and out of the fyre there went lightening 14 And the beastes ran and returned like vnto lightening 15 ¶ Now as I behelde the beastes beholde a whele appeared vpon the earth by the beastes hauing foure faces 16 The faciō of the wheles and their worke was like vnto a chrysolite they foure 〈◊〉 one forme and their facion and their worke was as one whele ī another whele 17 When thei went thei went vpon their foure sides and they returned not when thei went 18 They had also rings and height were feareful to beholde and their rings were ful of eyes round about them foure 19 And when the beastes went the wheles 〈◊〉 with them and when the beastes were lift vp frō the earth the wheles were lift vp 20 Whether their spirit led them they wēt and thether did the spirit of the wheles lead them and the wheles were lifted vp besides them for the Spirit of the beastes 〈◊〉 in the wheles 21 When the beastes went they went and when they stode they stode when they were lifted vp from the earth the wheles were lifted vp 〈◊〉 them for the spirit of the beastes was in the wheles 22 And the similitude of the firmament vpon the heads of the beastes was wōderful like vnto chrystal spred ouertheir headsaboue 23 And vnder the firmament were their wings 〈◊〉 the one towarde the other euerie one had two which couered thē 〈◊〉 one had two whiche couered their bodies 24 And whē they went 〈◊〉 I heard the noi se of their wings like the noise of great waters as the voice of the 〈◊〉 euen the voyce of speache as the noise of an hoste and when they stode they let downe their wings 25 And there was a voyce from the firmament that was ouer their heades whē they stode and had let downe their wings 26 And aboue the firmament that was ouer their heades was the facion of a throne like vnto a saphir stone and vpon the simi litude of the throne was by appearance as the similitude of a man aboue vpon it 27 And I sawe as the appearance of ambre as the similitude of fyre rounde about with in it to loke to euen from his loynes vp warde and to loke to euē from his loynes downe warde I saw as a likenes of fyre and 〈◊〉 rounde about it 28 As the likenes of the bowe that is in the cloude in the day of raine so was the appearance of the light rounde about 29 This was the appearance of the similitude of the glorie of the Lord and when I sawe it I fel vpon my face and I heard a voyce of one that spake CHAP. II. The Prophet is sent to call the people from their errour 1 ANd he said vnto me Sonne of man stand vp 〈◊〉 thy fete I wil speake vnto thee 2 And the Spirit entred into me when he had spoken vnto me and let me vpon my fete so that I heard him that spake vnto me 3 And he said vnto me Sonne of man I send thee to the childrē of Israél to a rebellious natiō that hathe rebelled against me for they their fathers haue rebelled against me euen vnto this very day 4 For thei are impudent children stiffe hearted I do send thee vnto them
prayse the Name of the Lord your God that hathe delt marueilously with you and my people shal neuer be a shamed 27 Ye shal also knowe that I am in the middes of Israél and that I am the Lord your God and none other and my people shal neuer be ashamed 28 And afterwarde will I power out my Spirit vpon all flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecie your olde men shal dreame dreames and your yong men shal se visions 29 And also vpon the seruaunts and vpon the maydes in those dayes will I powre my Spirit 30 And I will shewe wonders in the heauens and in the earth blood and fyre and pillers of smoke 31 The sunne shal be turned into darkenes ād the moone into blood before the great and terrible daie of the Lord come 32 But whosoeuer shall call on the Name of the Lord shal be saued for in mount Zión and in Ierusalém shal be deliuerance as the Lord hathe said and in the remnant whom the Lord shal call CHAP. III. Of the iudgement of GOD against the enemies of hys people 1 FOr beholde in those dayes and in that time when I shal bring againe the captiuitie of Iudáh and Ierusalém 2 I will also gather all nations and will bryng them downe into the valley of Iehoshaphát and will plead with them there for my people and for mine heritage Israél whome they haue scattered among the nations and parted my land 3 And they haue cast lottes for my people and haue giuen the childe for the harlot and solde the girle for wyne that they myght drinke 4 Yea and what haue you to do with me Tyrus and Ziōn and all the coastes of Palestina wil ye render me a recompense and if ye re compēse me swiftely and spedely wil 〈◊〉 ren der your recompense vpon your head 5 For ye haue taken my siluer and my golde and haue caried into your temples my goodlie and pleasant things 6 The children also of Iudáh and the children of Ierusalém haue you solde vnto the Grecians that ye myght send them farre from their border 7 Beholde I will raise them out of the place where ye haue solde them and will render your rewarde vpon your owne head 8 And I wil sell your sonnes and your daughters into the hand of the children of Iudah and they shall sell them to the Sabeans to a people farre of for the Lorde hym self hath spoken it 9 Publish this among the Gentiles prepare warre wake vp the mightie men let all the men of warre drawe nere and come vp 10 Breake your plowe shares into swordes and your sieths into speares letthe weake saie I am strong 11 Assemble yourselues and come all ye heathen and gather yourselues together round about there shall the Lord caste downe thy mightie men 12 Let the heathen be weakened and come vp to the valley of Iehoshaphat for there will I sitto iudge all the heathen rounde about 13 Put in your sieths for the winepresse is ripe come get you downe for the winepresse is full yea the winepresses runne ouer for their wickednes is great 14 Omultitude ô multitude come into the valley of threshing for the daye of the Lord is nere in the valley of threshing 15 The sunne and moone shal be darkned and the starres shal withdrawe theirlight 16 The Lorde also shall roare out of Ziōn and vtter his voice from Ierusalém and the heauens and the earth shalke but the Lord wil be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of Israél 17 So shall ye knowe that I am the Lord your God dwellyng in Zion mine holie Mountaine then shall Ierusalém be holy and there shall no strangers go thoro we heranie more 18 And in that day shal the mountaines drop downe newe wine and the hilles shall flowe with milke and all the riuers of Iudáh shall runne with waters ād a fountaine shal come forthe of the House of the Lord and shall watter the valley of Shittim 19 Egypt shal be waste and Edóm shal be a desolate wildernes for the iniuries of the children of Iudáh because they haue shed in nocent blood in their land 20 But Iudáh shall dwell for euer and Ierusalém from generacion to generacion 21 For I will clense their blood that I haue not clensed and the LORDE will dwellin Zión AMOS THE ARGVMENT AMong many other Prophetes that God raised vp to admonishe the Israelites of his plagues for their wickednes and idolatrie he stirred vp Amos who was an 〈◊〉 or shepherd of a poore towne and gaue hym bothe knowledge and constancie to reproue all estates and degrees and to denounce Gods horrible iudgements against them exceptthey did in time repent shewing them that if God spare not the other nacions about them who had liued as it were in ignorance of God in respect of them but for their sinnes will punish them that they colde loke for nothing but an horrible destruction except they turned to the Lord by vnfained repentance And finally he comforteth the godlie with hope of the comming of the 〈◊〉 by whome they shulde haue perfite deliuerance and saluacion CHAP. I. 1 The time of the prophecie of Amos. 3 The worde of the Lord against Damascus 6 The Philistims Tyrus Idumea and Ammon 1 THE wordes of Amos who was amonge the herdmē at Tecoa whi che he sawe vpō Israél in the dayes of Vzziáh King of Iudáh and in the dayes of Ieroboā the sonne of Ioáh King of Israél two yere befo re the earth quake 2 And he said The Lord shalroare from Ziōn and vtter his voyce from Ierusalém and the dwelling places of the shepherds shal perish and the top of Carmél shal wither 3 Thus saith the Lord For thre transgressiós of Damascus and for foure I wil not turne to it because they haue thre shed Gileád with treshing instruments of yron 4 Therefore will I send a fyre into the house of Hazaél and it shall deuoure the palaces of Ben-hadád 5 I wil breake also the barres of Damascus ād cut of the inhabitant of Bikeath-áuen and him that holdeth the scepter out of Beth-éden and the people of Arám shal go into ca 〈◊〉 vnto Kir saith the Lord. 6 Thus saith the Lord For thre transgressions of Azzáh and for foure I wil not turne to it because they caried awaye prisoners the whole captinitie to shut them vp in Edom. 7 Therefore wil I send a fyre vpon the walles of Azzáh and it shall deuoure the places thereof 8 And I wil cut of the inhabitāt from Ashdod and him that holdeth the scepter from Ashkelon and turne mine hand to Ekron and the remnant of the Philistims shall perishe saith the Lord God 9 ¶ Thus saith the Lorde For the transgressions of Tyrus and for foure I wil not turne to
merciful slowe to angre and of great kindenes and repētest thee of the euil 3 Therefore now ô Lord take I beseche thee my life frō me for it is better for me to dye then to liue 4 Then said the Lord Doest thou wel to be angrie 5 So Ionáh went out of the citie and sate on the East side of the citie and there made him a boothe and sate vnder it in the shadowe til he might se what shulde be done in the citie 6 And the Lord God prepared a gourde and made it to come vp ouer Ionáh that it might be a shadowe ouer his head and deliuer him from his grief So Ionáh was exceding glad of the gourde 7 But God prepared a worme when the morning rose the next daie it smote the gourde that it withered 8 And when the sunne did arise God prepared also a feruent East winde and the sunne bet vpon the head of Ionah that he fainted and wished in his heart to dye and said It is better for me to dye then to liue 9 And God said vnto Ionáh Doest thou wel to be angrie for the gourde And he said I do wel to be angry vnto the death 10 Then said the Lord Thou hast had pitie on the gourde for the which thou hast not laboured nether madest it growe which came vp in a night and perished in a night 11 And shulde not I spare Nineuéh that great citie wherein are six score thousand persones that can not discerne betwene their right hand and their left hand and also mu che cattel MICAH THE ARGVMENT MIcáh the Prophet of the tribe of Iudáh serued in the worke of the Lord concerning Iudáh and Israél at the least thirtie yeres at what time Isaiáh prophecied He declareth the destruction first of the one kingdome and then of the other because of their manifolde wickednes but chiefly for their idolatrie And to this end he noteth the wickednes of the people the crueltie of the princes and gouernours and the permission of the false prophetes and the deliting in them Then he 〈◊〉 forthe the comming of Christ his kingdome and the felicitie thereof This Prophet was not that Micáh which resisted Ahab and all his false prophetes as 1. King 22. 8 but another of the same name CHAP. I. 1 The destruction of Iudáh and Israél because of their idolatrie 1 THE worde of the Lord that came vnto Micáh the Morashite in the dayes of Iothám Aház Hezekiáh Kings of Iudah which he sawe concerning Sa maria and Ierusalē 2 Heare all ye people hearken thou ô earth and all that therein is an let the Lord God be witnes against you euen the Lord from his 〈◊〉 Temple 3 For beholde the Lord cometh out of his place and wil come downe and tread vpō the hie places of the earth 4 And the mountaines shal melt vnder him so shal the valleis cleaue as waxe before the fyre as the waters that are powred downe ward 5 For the wickednes of Iaak ób is all this for the sinnes of the house of Israél what is the wickednes of Iaakob Is not Samaria and which are the hie places of Iudáh Is not Ierusalém 6 Therefore I wil make Samaria as an heape of the field and for the planting of a vineyarde and I wil cause the stones thereof to tumbe do wne into the valley and I wil disco uer the fundacions thereof 7 And all the grauen images thereof shal be broken all the gifts thereof shal be burnt with the fyre and all the idoles thereof wil I destroye for she gathered it of the hyre of an harlot and they shal returne to the wages of an harlot 8 Therefore I wil mourne and houle I wil go without clothes and naked I wil make lamentacion like the dragons and mourning as the ostriches 9 For her plagues are grieuous for it is come into Iudáh the enemie is come vnto the gate of my people vnto 〈◊〉 10 Declare ye it not at Gath nether wepe ye for the house of Aphráh roule thy self in the dust 11 Thou that dwellest at Shaphir go together naked with shame she that dwelleth at 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not come forthe in the mourning of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the enemie shal receiue of you for his standing 12 For the inhabitant of 〈◊〉 waited for good 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 came from the Lord vnto the gate of 〈◊〉 13 O 〈◊〉 inhabitant of Lachish binde the charet to the beastes of price she is the beginning of the sinne to the daughter of Zion for the transgressions of Israél were founde in thee 14 Therefore shalt thou giue presents to Morésheth Gath the houses of Achzib shal be as a lie to the Kings of Israél 15 Yet wil I bring an heire vnto thee ô inhabitant of Maresháh he shal come vnto Adul lám the glorie of Israél 16 Make thee balde shaue thee for thy delicate children enlarge thy baldenes as the egle for they are gone into captinitie from thee CHAP II. 1 Threatnings against the wanton and deintie people 6 They wolde teache the Prophetes to preache 1 WO vnto them that imagine iniquitie and worke wickednes vpon their bed des when the morning is light thei practise it because their hand hathe power 2 And they couer fields and take them by violence and houses and take them away so they oppresse a man and his house euen man and his heritage 3 Therefore thus saith the Lord Beholde against this familie haue I deuised a plague whereout ye shal not plucke your neckes and ye shal not go so proudly for this time is euil 4 In that day shal they take vp a parable against you and lament with a dolful lamentacion and say We be vtterly wasted he hathe changed the porcion of my people how hathe he taken it away to restore it vn to me he hathe diuided our fields 5 Therefore thou shalt haue none that shal cast a coard by lot in the Congregacion of the Lord. 6 They that prophecied Prophecie ye not Thei shal not prophecie to them nether shal they take shame 7 O thou that art named the house of Iaakób is the Spirit of the Lord shortened are these his workes are not my wordes good vnto him that walketh vprightly 8 But he that was yester day my people is risenvp on the other side as against an enemie they spoyle the beautiful garmēt from them that passe by peaceably as thogh they returned from the warre 9 The women of my people haue ye cast out from their pleasant houses and from their children haue ye taken away my glorie cōtinually 10 Arise and departe for this is not your rest because it is polluted it shal destroye you euen with a sore destruction 11 If a mā walke in the Spirit and wolde lie falsely saying I
taketh away iniquitie and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage He 〈◊〉 not his wrath for euer becau se mercie pleaseth him 19 He 〈◊〉 againe and haue compassiō vpon vs he wil 〈◊〉 our iniquities and cast all their sinnes into the bottome of the sea 20 Thou wilt performe thy trueth to Iaakôb and mercie to Abrahám as thou hast sworne vnto our fathers in olde time NAHVM THE ARGVMENT AS they of Nineuéh shewed them selues prompt and ready to receiue the worde of God at Ionahs preaching and so turned to the Lord by repentance so after a certeine time rather giuing them selues to 〈◊〉 meanes to increase their dominion then seking to continue in the feare of God and trade wherein they had begonne they cast of the care of religion and so turned to their 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 Gods iuste iudgement 〈◊〉 them in afflicting his people Therefore their citie Nineuéh was destroyed Meroch 〈◊〉 King of Babél or as some thinke Nebuchad-nezzar enioved the empire of the 〈◊〉 But because God hathe a continual care of his Church he 〈◊〉 vp his Prophet to cōfort the godlie 〈◊〉 that the destruction of their enemies shulde be for their consolation And as it semeth he prophe 〈◊〉 about the time of 〈◊〉 and not in the time of 〈◊〉 his sonne as the Iewes write CHAP. I. Of the destruction of the Assyrians and of the deliuerance of Israél 1 THe burden of Nineuéh The boke of the vision of Nahū the Elkeshite 2 God is ielous the Lord reuengeth the Lord reuēgeth euen the Lord of angre the Lord wil take vengeance on his aduersaries and hereserueth wrath for his enemies 3 The Lord is slowe to angre but he is greate in power and will not surely cleare the wicked the Lord hathe his waye in the whirle winde and in the storme and the cloudes are the dust of his fete 4 He rebuketh the sea and dryeth it and he dryeth vp all the riuers Bashán is wasted and Carmél and the floure of Lebanón is wasted 5 The mountaines tremble for him and the hilles melt the earth is burnt at his sight yea the worlde and all that dwell therein 6 Who can stand before his wrath who can abide in the fiercenes of his wrath his wrath is powred out like fyre and the rockes are broken by him 7 The Lord is good and as a strong holde in the day of trouble and he knoweth thē that trust in him 8 But passing ouer as with a flood he will vtterly destroye the place thereof and darkenes shal pursue his enemies 9 What doye imagine against the LORD he wil make an vtter destruction affliction shal not rise vp the seconde time 10 For he shal come as vnto thornes folden one in another and as vnto drunkards in their drunkennes thei shal be deuoured as 〈◊〉 fully dryed 11 Therê cometh one out of thee that imagineth euill againste the Lord euen a wicked counselour 12 Thus saith the Lord Thogh thei be quiet and also manie yet thus shal they be cut of whē he shal passe by thogh I haue afflicted thee I wil afflict thee no more 13 For now I 〈◊〉 breake his yoke from thee and wil burst thy bondes in sondre 14 And the Lord hathe giuen a commandement cōcerning thee that no more of thy name be sowen out of the house of thy Gods wil I cut of the grauen and the moltē image I wil make it thy graue for thee for thou art vile 15 * Beholde vpon the mountaines the fete of him that declareth publisheth peace ô Iudáh kepethy solēne feastes performe thy vowes for the wicked shall no more passe through thee he is vtterly cut of CHAP. II. He describeth the victories of the Caldeans against the Assyrians 1 THe destroyer is come before thy face kepe thy munition loke to the way make thy loynes strong increase thy strength mightely 2 For the Lord hathe turned away the glorie of Iaak ób as the glorie of Israél for the emptiers haue emptied them out marred their vine branches 3 The shield of his mightie men is made red the valiant men are in skarlet the charrets shal be as in the fyre and flames in the day of his preparation and the firre trees shal tremble 4 The charets shal rage in the stretes thei shal runne to fro in the hie wayes thei shal seme like lampes they shal shote like the lightning 5 He shal remember his strong men they shal stumble as they go they shal make ha ste to the walles thereof and the defense shal be prepared 6 The gates of the riuers shal be opened the palace shal melt 7 And Huzzáh the Quene shal be led away captiuitie and her maides shal leade her as with the voyce of doues smiting vpon their breasts 8 But Nineuéh is of olde like a poole of wa ter yet they shal flee away Stand stand shal they crye but none shal loke backe 9 Spoile ye the siluer spoyle the golde for there is none end of the stone and glorie of all the pleasant vessels 10 She is emptie and voyde and waste and the heart melteth and the knees smite together and sorow is in all loines and the faces of them all gather blackenes 11 Where is the dwelling of the lyōs and the pasture of the lyons whelpes where the lyon and the lyonesse walked and the lyons whelpe and none made thē afraied 12 The lyon did teare in pieces ynough for his whelpes and woryed for his lyonesse and filled his holes with praye and his dennes with spoyle 13 Beholde I come vnto thee saith the Lord of hostes and I wil burne her charrets in the smoke and the sworde shal deuoure thy yong lyons and I wil cut of thy spoile from the earth and the voice of thy messengers shal no more be heard CHAP. III. 1 Of the fall of Nineuéh 8 No power can escape the hand of God 1 OBloodie citie it is all ful of lies and robberie the pray departeth not 2 The noyce of a 〈◊〉 the noyce of the mourning of the wheles the beating of the horses and the leaping of the charrets 2 The horsemā lifteth vp bothe the bright sworde and the glitering speare and a mul titude is slaine and the dead bodies are manie there is none end of their corpses they stumble vpon their corpses 4 Because of the multitude of the fornications of the harlot that is beautifull and is a maistresse of witchcraft and selleth the people thorowe her whoredome and the nations thorowe her witchcraftes 5 Behold I come vpon thee saith the Lord of hostes and wil discouer thy skirtes vpō thy face and wil she we the nations thy filthines and the kingdomes thy shame 6 And I wil cast filth vpō thee make thee vile
in the land in the citie vnto all that dwell therein 9 Ho he that coueteth an euil couetousnes to his house that he may set his nest on hie to escape from the power of euil 10 Thou hast consulted shame to thine owne house by destroying manie people and hast sinned against thine owne soule 11 For the stone shall crye out of the wall the beame out of the timber shal answer it 12 Wo vnto him that buyldeth a towne with blood and erecteth a citie by iniquitie 13 Beholde is it not of the Lord of hostes that the people shal labour in the very fire the people shall euen wearye them selues for very vanitie 14 For the earth shal be filled with the know ledge of the glorie of the Lord as the waters couer the sea 15 Wo vnto him that giueth hys neyghbour drinke thou ioynest thine heate makest him drunken also that thou maist se their priuities 16 Thou arte filled with shame for glorye drinke thou also and be made naked the cuppe of the Lords right hād shal be turned vnto thee and shameful spuing shal be for thy glorie 17 For the crueltie of Lebanón shall couer thee so shal the spoile of the beastes which made them afraide because of mēs blood and for the wrong done in the land in the citie and vnto all that dwell therein 18 What profiteth the image for the maker there of hathe made it an image and a teacher of lies thogh he that made it truste therein when he maketh dumme idoles 19 Wo vnto him that saith to the wood Awake to the dūme stone Rise vp it shal teach thee be holde it is laide ouer with golde and siluer and there is no breath in it 20 But the Lord is in his holie Tēple let all the earth kepe silence before him CHAP. III. 2 A praier for the faithful 1 A Praier of Habakkúk the Prophet for the ignorances 2 O Lord I haue heard thy voyce and was afraide ô LORD reuiue thy worke in the middes of the people in the middes of the yeres make it knowen in wrath remember mercie 3 God commeth from Temán and the holie one from mounte Parán Seláh His glorie couereth the heauens and the earthe is ful of his praise 4 And his brightnes was as the light he had hornes coming out of his hands and there was the hiding of his power 5 Before him went the pestilence and burning coles went for the before his fete 6 He stode and measured the earthe he be helde and dissolued the nacions and the euerlasting moūtaines were brokē the ancient hilles did bowe his wayes are euerlasting 7 For his iniquitie I sawe the tentes of Cu sháh and the curtaines of the land of Midiān did tremble 8 Was the Lord angrie against the riuers was thine angrie against the floods or was thy wrath against the ssa thou didest ride vpon thine horses thy charettes broght saluacion 9 Thy bowe was manifestely reueiled and the othes of the tribe were asure worde Séláh thou didest cleaue the earth with riuers 10 The mountaines sawe thee they trēbled the streame of the water passed by the de pe made a noise and lift vp his hand on hie 11 The sunne and moonestood stil in their habitacion at the light of thine arrowes thei wét and at the bright shining of thy speares 12 Thou trodest downe the land in angre didest thresh the heathen in displeasure 13 Thou wentest for the for the saluacion of thy people euen for saluation with thine Anointed thou hast wounded the head of the house of the wicked and discoueredst the fundations vnto the necke Séláh 14 Thou didest stricke thorowe with his one owne staues the heades of his villages they came out as a whirlewinde to scatter me their reioycing was as to deuoure the poore secretly 15 Thou didest walke in the sea with thine hor ses vpon the heape of great waters 16 When I heard my belie trembled my lippes shoke at the voyce rottennes entred into my bones and I trembled in my selfe that I might rest ī the day of trouble for when he cometh vp vnto the people he shal destroy them 17 For the figtre shal not florish nether shal frute be in the vines the labour of the oli ue shal faile and the fieldes shal yelde no meat the shepe shal be cut of fró the folde and there shal be no bullocke in the stalles 18 But I wil reioyce in the Lord I wil ioy in the God of my saluation 19 The Lord God is my strength he wil make my fete like hindes fete and he wil ma ke me to walke vpon mine hie places To the chief singer on Neginothái ZEPHANIAH THE ARGVMENT SEing the great rebellion of the people and that there was now no hope of amendement he denounceth the great iudgement of God which was at hand shewing that their countrei shulde be vtterly destroied and they caried away 〈◊〉 by the Babylonians Yet for the comfort of the faithful he prophecied of Gods vengeance against their enemies as the Philistims Moabites Assyrians and others to assure them that God a continnal care ouer them And as the wicked shulde be punished for their sinnes and transgressions so he exhorteth the godlie to pacience and to trust to finde mercie by reason of the fre promes of God made vnto Abraham and therefore quietly to abyde til God shewe them the effect of that grace whereby in the end they shulde be gathered vnto him and counted as his people and children CHAP. I. 4 Threatnings against Iudàh and Ierusalém because of their idolatrie 1 THe worde of the Lord. which came vnto Zephaniáh the sonne of Cushi the sonne of Gedaliáh the sonne of Amariáh the sonne of Hizkiah in the daies of * Iosiáh the sonne of * Ammón King of Iudáh 2 I wil surely destroy all things from of the Iand saith the Lord. 3 I wil destroy man and beast I wil destroy the foules of the heauen and the fish of the sea and ruines shal be to the wicked I wil cut of man from of the land saith the Lord. 4 I wil also stretche out mine hand vpō Iudah and vpon all the inhabitants of Ierusalém and I wil cut of the remnant of Báal from this place and the names of the Che marins with the Priestes 5 And thē that worship the hoste of heauen vpon the house toppes thē that worship and sweare by the Lord and by Malchám 6 And them that are turned backe from the Lord and those that haue not soght the Lord not inquired for him 7 Be stil at the presence of the Lord God for the day of the Lord is at hand for the Lord hathe prepared a sacrifice and hathe sanctified his ghestes 8 And it shal be
hac also thou gauest acob and Esau * and didest chose Iacob and cast of Esau and so Iacob became a great multitude 17 And whē thou leddest his sede out of Egypt * thou broghtest them vp to mount Sina 18 And enclinedst the heauens and bowedst downe the earth didest moue the groūde and cause the depths to shake didest astonish the worlde 19 And thy glorie went thorowe foure gates of fyre with earth quakes winde and colde that thou mightest giue the Lawe vnto thee sede of Iacob and that which the generaciō of Israél shulde diligently obserue 20 Yet tokest thou not away frō them the wic ked heart that thy Law might bring forthe frute in them 21 For * Adam first hauing a wicked heart was ouercome and vain quished and all they that are borne of him 22 Thus remained weakenes ioyned with the lawe in the hearts of the people with the wickednes of the roote so that the good de parted away and the euil abode stil. 23 So the times passed away and the yeres were broght to an end * til thou didest raise thee vp a seruant called Dauid 24 * Whome thou commādedst to buyld a citie vnto thy Name to call vpô thee therein with incense and sacrifice 25 When this was done many yeres the inhabitants forsoke thee 26 Followyng the wayes of Adam and all hys generacion for they also had a wycked heart 27 Therefore thou gauest thy citie ouer into the hands of thine enemies 28 But do they that dwell at Babylon any better that they shulde haue the dominion of Sion 29 For when I came thether and sawe their wicked dedes without nōber for this is the thirtieth yere that I se many trespacing I was discouraged 30 For I sawe how thou sufferedst them that sinne and sparedst the wicked doers where as thou hast destroyed thine owne people preserued thine enemies and thou hast not shewed it 31 I can not perceiue how this cōmeth to passe Are the dedes of Babylon better then thei of Sion 32 Or is there any other people that knoweth thee besides Israél or what generacion hath so beleued thy Testimonies as Iacob 33 And yet their rewarde appeareth not and their labour hathe no frute for I haue gone here and there thorow out the heathen and I se them florish and thinke not vpon thy cō mandements 34 Weigh thou therefore our wickednes now in the balance and theirs also that dwell in the worlde and no mention of thee shal be founde but in Israel 35 Or when is it that they that dwell on the earth haue not sinned in thy sight or what people hathe so kept thy commandements 36 Thou shalte surely finde that Israel by name hathe kept thy precepts but not the heathen CHAP. IIII. 5 The Angel reproueth Esdras because he semed to entre into the profunde iudgements of God 1 ANd the Angel that was sent vnto me whose name was Vriel answered 2 And said Thine heart hathe taken to much vpon it in this worlde and thou thinkest to comprehende the wayes of the Hiest 3 Then said I Yea my lord And he answered me and said I am sent to shewe thee thre wayes and to set forthe thre similitudes before thee 4 Where of if thou canst declare me one I wil shewe thee also the way that thou desirest to se and I wil shewe thee from whence the wicked heart cometh 5 And I said Tell on my lord Then said he vnto me Go thy way weigh me the weight of the fyre or measure me the blast of the wind or call me againe the daye that is past 6 Then answered I said What man is borne that can do that which thou requirest me cō cerning these things 7 And he said vnto me If I shulde aske thee how deepe dwellings are in the middes of the sea or how great springs are in the begin ning of the depth or how great springs are in the stretchyng out of the heauen or whiche are the borders of Paradise 8 Peraduenture thou woldest saye vnto me I neuer went downe to the depe 〈◊〉 nor yet to the hell nether dyd I euer clime vp to heauen 9 But now haue I asked thee but of fyre and winde of the day whereby thou hast passed and from the which things thou canst not be separated and yet canst thou giue me none answer of them 10 He said moreouer vnto me Thine owne things and suche as are growen vp with thee canst thou not knowe 11 How 〈◊〉 thy vessel then be able to comprehend the wayes of the Hiest and now out wardly in the corrupt worlde to vnderstand the corruption that is euident in my sight 12 Then said I vnto him It were better that we were not at all then that we shulde liue in wickednes and to suffer and not to knowe wherefore 13 And he answered me and said * I came to a forest in the plaine where the trees helde a counsel 14 And said Come let vs go fight against the sea that it may giue place to vs and that we may make vs more woods 15 Like wise the floods of the sea toke counsel and said Come let vs go vp and fight against the trees of the wood that we may get another countrey for vs. 16 But the purpose of the wood was vaine for the fyre came and consumed it 17 Likewise also the purpose of the floods of the sea for the sand stode vp and stopped them 18 If thou were iudge betwene these two who me woldest thou iustifie or whome woldest thou condemne 19 I answered and said Verely it is a foolish pur pose that they bothe haue deuised for the grounde is appointed for the wood and the sea hathe his place to be are his floods 20 Then answered he me and said Thou hast giuē a right iudgemēt but why iudgest thou not thy self also 21 For like as the grounde is appointed for the wood and the sea for his floods so * they that dwell vpon earth can vnderstand nothing but that which is vpon earth and they that are in the heauens the things that are 〈◊〉 the height of the heauens 22 Then answered I and said I beseche thee ô Lord let vnderstanding be giuen me 23 For I did not purpose to inquire of thine hie things but of suche as we dayely medle with all namely wherefore Israel is made a reproche to the heathen and for what cause the people whome thou hast loued is giuen ouer to wicked naciōs and why the Law of our fathers is abolished and the writen ceremonies are come to none effect 24 Why we are tossed to and fro through the worlde as the greshoppes and our life is a ve ry feare and we are not thoght worthie to obteine mercie 25 But what wil 〈◊〉 do to his Name whiche is called vpon 〈◊〉 vs Of these things haue I asked the question 26 Then answered he me
and said The more thou searchest the more thou shalt maruelt for the worlde hasteth fast to passe away 27 And can not comprehend the things that are promised to the righteous in time to come for this worlde is full of vnrighteousnes and weakenes 28 But to declare thee the things wherof thou a kest the euil is sowen but the destruction thereof is not yet come 29 If the euil now that is sower be not turned vp side downe and if the place where the euil is so wen passe not away then can not the thing come that is sowen with good 30 For the corne of euyll sede hathe bene sowen in the heart of Adam from the beginnyng and how muche vngodlines hathe he broght vp vnto this time and how muche shal he bring forth vntil the haruest come 31 Pondre with thy self howe muche frute of wickednes the corne of euill sede bringeth forthe 32 And when the stalkes shal be cut downe whiche are without nomber how great an haruest must be prepared 33 Then I answered and said How and when shall these things come to passe where sore are our yeres fewe and euil 34 And he answered me saying Haste not to be aboue the moste High for thou 〈◊〉 in vaine to be aboue him thogh thou indeuer neuer so muche 35 Did not the soules also of the righteous aske question of these things in their chambers saying How long shal I thus hope and when cometh the frute of my barne ād our wages 36 And vpon this Ieremiel the Archangel answered and said Whē the nomber of the sedes is 〈◊〉 in you for he hathe weighed the worlde in the balance 37 The measure of the times is measured the ages are counted by nomber and they shall not be moued or shaken till the measure thereof be fulfilled 38 Then answered I and said O Lord Lord we are all euen full of sinne 39 And for our sake paraduenture the haruest of the righteous is not fulfilled because of the sinne of them that dwel vpon earth 40 So he answered me and said Go and aske a woman with childe when she hathe fulfilled her nine moneths if her wombe may kepe the birth anie longer within her 41 Then said I No Lord she can not And he said vnto me In the graue the places of 〈◊〉 are like the wombe 42 For as she that is with childe 〈◊〉 to escape the necessitie of the 〈◊〉 so do these places hast to deliuer those thyngs that are committed vnto them 43 That which thou desirest to se shal be shew 〈◊〉 thee from the beginning 44 Then answered I and said If I haue founde grace in thy sight and if 〈◊〉 be possible and if I be mete therefore 45 She we me whether there be more to come then is past or more thyngs past then are to come 46 What is past I knowe but what is to come I knowe not 47 And he said vnto me Stād on the right side and I wil expounde thee this by example 48 So I stode and beholde a whote burnyng ouen passed before me and when the 〈◊〉 was gone by I loked and beholde the smoke had the vpper hand 49 After this there passed before me a waterie cloude and sent downe muche 〈◊〉 with a storme and when the stormie raine was past the droppes came after 50 Then said he vnto me Consider with tly selfe as the raine is more then the 〈◊〉 and as fyre 〈◊〉 the smoke so the por cion that is past hathe the vpper hand and the droppes and the smoke were muche 51 Then I praied and said Maie I liue thinkest thou vntil that time or what shall come to passe in those daies 52 He aunswered me and sayd Of the tokens wherof thou ask est me I can tel thee a part but I am not sent to shewe thee of thy life for I do not knowe it CHAP. V. 1 In the latter times trueth shal be 〈◊〉 6 Vnrighteousnes and all wickednes shal reigne in the worlde 〈◊〉 Israel is reiected and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 them 35 God do th all 〈◊〉 in season 1 NEuertheles concerning the tokens beholde the times shall come that they which dwell vpon earth shal be taken in a great 〈◊〉 ād the way of the trueth shal be hid and the land shal be baren frō faith 2 And * iniquitie shal be increased more then thou hast sene now or hast heard ī time past 3 And it shal come to passe that one shal set in fore and thou shalt se the land desolate which now reigneth 4 Yea if God grante thee to liue thou shalt se after the third 〈◊〉 that the sunne shal suddenly shine againe in the night and the moone thre times a day 5 Blood shall drop out of the wood and the stone shal giue his voyce and the people shal be moued 6 And he shall rule of whome they hope not that dwell vpon earth and the foules shall change place 7 And the sea of Sodom shal cast out fish and make a noyse in the nyght whiche many shal not knowe but they shal all heare the voyce thereof 8 There shal be a confusion in many places and the fyre shal oft breake forthe and the wilde beasts shal change their places and menstruous women shal beare monstres 9 And salt waters shal be founde in the swete and all friends shall fight one agaynst another then shal wit hide it self and vnderstan ding departe into his secret chamber 10 It shal be soght of many and yet not be founde then shal vnrighteousnes and voluptuousnes haue the vpper hand vpon earth 11 One land also shal aske another and say Is righteous iustice gone thorowe thee And it shal say No. 12 At the same time shal men hope but not obteine they shal labour but their enterprises shal not prosper 13 To shewe thee suche tokens I haue leaue and if thou wilt praye againe and wepe as now and fast seuen daies thou shalt heare yet greater things then these 14 ¶ Then I awaked and a fearefulnes went thorow all my bodie and my mynde was feble and fainted 15 But the Angel that was come to talke with me helde me comforted me and set me vp vpon my fete 16 And in the seconde night Salathiel the captaine of the people came vnto me saying Where hast thou bene and why is thy countenance so heauie 17 Knowest thou not that Israél is committed vnto thee in the land of their captiuitie 18 Vp then and eat and forsake vs not as the shepherd that leaueth his flocke in the hāds of the cruel wolues 19 Then said I vnto him Go thy wayes from me ād come not nere me and whē he heard it he went from me 20 And I fasted seuen dayes mornyng and wepyng as Vriél the Angel had commanded me 21 And after seuen dayes the thoghts of mine heart were very grieuous vnto me againe 22 And I had a desire to reason agayne and I beganne to talke with the moste High againe
with all the wordes that thou hast heard 32 This is the winde whiche the moste High hath kept for them and for their wickednes vnto the end and he shall reproue thē and cast before them their spoiles 33 For he shal set them a liue in the iudgemēt and shal rebuke them and correct them 34 For he wil deliuer the residue of my people by affliction which are preserued vpon my borders and he shal make them ioyful vntill the coming of the day of iudgement whereof I haue spoken vnto thee from the beginning 35 This is the dreame that thou sawest and these are the interpretacions 36 Thou onely hast bene mete to knowe this secret of the most High 37 Therfore write all these things that thou hast sene in a boke and hide them 38 And teache them the wise of the people whose hearts thou knowest may comprehende and kepe these secrets 39 But waite thou here yet seuē daies mo that it may be shewed thee whatsoeuer it pleaseth the moste High to declare vnto thee and with that he went his way 40 And when all the people perceiued that the seuen daies were past and I not come againe into the citie they gathered them all together from the least vnto the most and came vnto me and spake vnto me saying 41 What haue we offended thee or what euil haue we done against thee that thou forsakest vs and sittest in this place 42 For of all the people thou onelye art left vs as a grape of the vine and as a candle in a darke place as an hauen or shippe preserued from the tempest 43 Are not the euils which are come vnto vs sufficient 44 If thou then forsake vs how muche better had it bene for vs that we had bene burnt also as Sion was burnt 45 For we are no better then they that dyed there and they wept with a loude voyce Then answered I them and said 46 Be of good comfort ô Israél and be not heauie thou house of Iacob 47 For the moste High hathe you in remembrance and the Almightie hathe not forgotten you in temptacion 48 As for me I haue not forsakē you nether am I departed from you but am come into this place to praye for the desolation of Sion that I might seke mercie for the low estate of your Sanctuarie 49 And now go your way home euerie man and after the sedaies wil I come vnto you 50 So the people went their way into the citie as I commanded them 51 But I remained stil in the field seuen dayes as he had commanded me and did eat onelye of the floures of the fielde and had my meat of the herbes in those daies CHAP. XIII The vision of a winde coming forthe of the sea 3 Whiche became a man 5 His propertie and power agaynste hys enemies 21 The declaration of this vision 1 ANd after the seuen daies I dreamed a dreame by night 2 And beholde there arose a winde from the sea and it moued all the waues thereof 3 And I loked behold there was a mightie man with the thousands of heauen when he turned his countenance to loke all the things trembled that were sene vnder him 4 And when the voice wēt out of his mouth all they burned that heard his voice as the earth faileth when it feeleth the fyre 5 After these things I sawe and beholde the re was gathered together a multitude of men out of nomber from the foure windes of the heauen to fight against the māthat came out from the sea 6 And I loked and beholde he graued him self a great mountaine and slewe vp vpon it 7 But I wolde haue sene the countrei or pla ce whereout the hil was graued and I colde not 8 I sawe after these things and beholde all they which came to fight against himwere sore afraied and yet they durst sight 9 Neuertheles when he sawe the 〈◊〉 of the multitude that came he lifted not vp his hand for he helde no sworde nor any instrument of warre 10 But onely as I sawe he sent out of his mouth as it had bene a blaste of fyre and out of his lippes the winde of the flame out of his tongue he cast out sparkes and stormes 11 And they were all mixt together euen this blast of fyre the winde of the 〈◊〉 the great storme and fell with violēce vpō the multitude which was prepared to fight and burnt themvp all so that of the innume rable multitude there was nothing sene but onely dust and smel of smoke When I sawe this I was afraied 12 ¶ Afterwarde sawe I the same man come downe from the mountaine and calling vnto him another peaceable multitude 13 And there came many vnto him some with ioyful countenāce and some with sad some of them were bounde and some broght of them that were offred and I was sicke thorow great feare and waked and said 14 Thou hast shewed thy seruant these wonders from the beginning and hast counted me worthie to receiue my praier 15 She we me now therefore the interpretacion of this dreame 16 For thus I consider in mine vnderstanding wo vnto them that shal be lest in those daies and muche more wo vnto thē that are not left behinde 17 For they that were not left were in heauines 18 Now vnderstand I the things that are laid vp in the latter daies which shal come bothe vnto them and to those that are left be hinde 19 Therefore are they come into great perils and many necessities as these dreames declare 20 Yet is it easier that he that is in danger shulde fall into these and forese the things to come hereafter then to passe away as a cloude out of the worlde 21 ¶ Then answered he me and said The inter pretacion of the vision wil I shewe thee I wil opē to thee the thing that thou hast required 22 Where as thou hast spoken of them that are left behinde this is the interpretacion 23 He that shal beare the dāger in that time he shal kepe him self They that be fallen into danger are suche as haue workes and faith towarde the moste Mightie 24 Knowe therefore that thei which be left behinde are more blessed then thei that be dead 25 These are the meanings of the visiō Where as thou sawest a man comming vp from the middes of the sea 26 The same is he whome the moste High hath kept a great seasō who by his owne self shal deliuer his creature and he shal order them that are left behinde 27 ¶ And where as thou sawest that out of his mouth there came as a blast with fyre and storme 28 And that he nether helde sword nor weapon but that by his fiercenes he destroied the whole multitude that came to fight against him this is the interpretacion 29 Beholde the dayes come that the moste High wil beginne to deliuer them that are vpon the earth 30 And he shal a
things be performed which thou shalt beginne to write 26 And then shalt thou declare some things openly vnto the perfite men some things shalt thou shewe secretly vnto the wise to morowe this houre shalt thou beginne to write 27 Then went I for the as he commāded me and gathered all the people together and said 28 Heare these wordes ô Israel 29 * Our father 's at the beginning were strāgers in Egypt from whence they were deliuered 30 And receiued the Law of life * which they kept not which ye also haue transgressed after them 31 Then was the land euen the lande of Sion parted among you by lot but your fathers and ye also haue done vnrighteously and haue not kept the wayes which the moste High commanded you 32 And for so muche as he is a righteous Iudge he toke from you in time the thing that he had giuen you 33 And now are ye here and your brethren among you 34 Therefore if so be that ye wil subdue your owne vnderstanding and reforme your heart ye shal be kept aliue and after death shal ye obteine mercie 35 For after death shal the iudgement come when we shal liue againe and then shal the names of the righteous be manifest the workes of the vngodlie shal be declared 36 Let no man therefore come now vnto me nor seke me these fortie daies 37 So I toke the fiue men as he commanded me and we went into the fielde and remayned there 38 The next daye beholde a voice called me saying Esdras * opē thy mouth drinke that I giue thee to drinke 39 Then opened I my mouth and behold he reached me a full cuppe which was full as it were with water but the colour of it was like fyre 40 And I toke it and dranke and when I had dronke it mine hearte had vnderstanding and wisdome grewe in my brest for my spirit was strengthened in memorie 41 And my mouth was opened and shut no more 42 The moste High gaue vnderstanding vnto the fiue men that they wrote the hie things of the night which they vnderstode not 43 But in the night they did eat bread but 〈◊〉 spake by day and helde not my tongue by night 44 In fortie daies they wrote two hundreth and foure bokes 45 And when the fortie dayes were fulfilled the moste High spake saying The first that thou hast writen publish openlye that the worthie and vnworthie may read it 46 But kepe the seuentie last that thou maiest gyue them to the wise amonge thy people 47 Forin them is the veine of vnderstanding and the fountaine of wisdome and the riuer of knowledge and I did so CHAP. XV. 1 The prophecie of Esdras is certeine 5 The euils that shal come on the worlde 9 The Lord wil aduenge the innocent blood 12 Egypt shal lament 16 Sedicion 20 And punishment vpon the Kings of the earth 24 Cursed are they that sinne 29 Troubles and warres vpon the 〈◊〉 earth 53 God is the reuenger of his elect 1 BEholde speake thou in the eares of my people the wordes of prophecie which I wil put in thy mouth saith the Lord 2 And cause them to be writen in a lettre for they are faithful and true 3 Feare not the imaginacions against thee let not the vnfaithfulnes of the speakers trouble thee that spake against thee 4 For euerye vnfaithfull shall dye in his vnfaithfulnes 5 Behold saith the Lord I wil bring plagues vpon all the worlde the sworde famine death and destruction 6 Because that iniquitie hathe fully polluted all the earth and their wicked workes are fulfilled 7 Therefore saith the Lord I will holde my tongue no more for their wickednes they do vngodlie nether wil I suffer them in the things that they do wickedly 8 Beholde * the innocent and righteous blood cryeth vnto me the soules of the iust crye continually 9 I wil surelye auenge them saith the Lord and receiue vnto me all the innocēt blood from among them 10 Beholde my people is led as a flocke to the slaughter I will not suffer them now to dwell in the land of Egypt 11 But I will bring them out with a mightie hand and a stretched out arme smite it with plagues as afore and will destroie all the land thereof 12 Egypt shall mourne and the fundacions thereof shal be smitten with the plague and punishment that GOD shall bring vpon it 13 The plo wemen that till the grounde shal mourne for their sedes shall faile thorowe the blasting and haile and by an horrible starre 14 Wo to the worlde and to them that dwel therein 15 For the sworde and their destructiō draweth nere and one people shall stand vp to fight against another with swordes in their hands 16 For there shal be sedicion among men and one shal inuade another they shal not regarde their King the princes shal measure their doings by their power 17 Amāshal desire to go into a citie and shal not be able 18 Because of their pride the cities shal be troubled the houses shal be afraied men shal feare 19 A man shal haue no pitie vpon his neighbour but shal destroye their houses with the sworde and their goods shal be spoyled for lacke of bread and because of great trouble 20 Beholde saith God I call together all the Kings of the earth to reuerence me which are from the East and from the South from the East and from Libanus to turne vpon them and to repay the things that they haue done to them 21 As they do yet this day vnto my chosen so wil I do also and recompense them in their bosome thus saith the Lord God 22 My right hand shal not spare the sinners nether shal the sworde cease from them that shed in nocent blood vpon earth 23 The fyre is gone out from his wrath and hathe consumed the fundacions of the earth and the sinners like the strawe that is kindled 24 Wo to them that sinne and kepe not my commandements saith the Lord. 25 I wil not spare them departe ô children from the power defile not my Sanctuarie 26 For the Lord knoweth all them that sinne against him and therefore deliuereth he them vnto death and destruction 27 For now are the plagues come vpon the worlde and ye shal remaine in thē for God wil not deliuer you because ye haue sinned against him 28 Beholde an horrible vision cometh from the East 29 Where generacions of dragons of Arabia shal come out with manie charets and the multitude of them shal be caryed as the winde vpon the earth that all they which heare them may feare and tremble 30 Euen the Carmanians raging in wrath shal go for the as the bores of the forest and shal come with great power and stand against them in battel and shal destroye a porcion of the land of the Assyrians 31 But after this shal the dragons haue the vpper hand and
be alway min deful of the scourges 17 Beholde vitailes shal be so good cheape vpon earth that they shal thinke them selues to be in good case but then shal the euils bud forthe vpon earth euen the swor de the famine and great confusion 18 For many of them that dwell vpon earth shal perish with famine and the other that escape the famine shal the sworde destroy 19 And the dead shal be cast out as dongue there shal be no man to comforte themfor the earth shal be wasted and the cities shal be cast downe 20 There shal be no man left to till the earth and to sowe it the trees shal giue frute but who shal gather them 21 The grapes shal be ripe but who shal treade them for all places shal be desolate so that one man shal desire to se another or to heare his voyce 22 For of one citie there shal be ten left and two of the field which shal hide them selues in the thicke woods and in the cleftes of rockes 23 As when there remaine thre or foure oliues in the place where oliues growe or among other trees 24 Or as when a vineyarde is gathered there are left some grapes of them that diligētly soght thoro we the vineyarde 25 So in those daies there shal be thre or 〈◊〉 lest by them that searche their houses the sworde 26 And the earth shal be left waste and the fields thereof shal waxe olde her waies and all her paths shal growe full of thornes because no man shal trauail there through 27 The virgines shal mourne hauing no bride gromes the women shal make lamentacion hauing no housbands their daughters shal mourne hauing no helpers 28 In the warres shal their bride gromes be destroied and their housbands shal perish with famine 29 But ye seruants of the Lord heare these things and marke them 30 Beholde the worde of the Lord receaue it beleue not the gods of whome the Lord speaketh beholde the plagues drawe nere and are not slacke 31 As a trauailing woman which in the ninthe moneth bringeth forthe her sonne when the houre of birth is come two or thre houres a fore the peines come vpon her bodie and when the childe cometh to the birth they tarie not a whit 32 So shal not the plagues be slacke to come vpō the earth the worlde shal mourne sorowes shal come vpon it on euerie side 33 Omy people heare my worde make you ready to the battel and in the troubles be euen as a strangers vpon earth 34 He that selleth let him be as he that fleeth his way and he that byeth as one that wil lose 35 Whoso occupieth marchandise as he that winneth not and he that buyldeth as he that shal not dwell therein 36 He that soweth as one that shal not reape hethat cutteth the vine as he that shal not gather the grapes 37 They that mary as they that shal get no children and they that mary not so as the widdowes 38 Therefore they that labour labour in vaine 39 For strangers shal reape their frutes and spoile their goods and ouerthrowe their houses and take their children captiuefor in captiuitie and famine shal they get their children 40 And they that occupie their marchandise with couetousnes the more they decke their cities their houses their possession their owne personnes 41 So muche more wil I be angrie against thē for their sinnes saith the Lord. 42 As a whore enuieth an honest and vertuous woman 43 So shal righteousnes hate iniquitie when she decketh herself shal accuse her opē ly when he shal come that shal bridle the autor of all sinne vpon earth 44 And therefore be ye not like thereunto norto the workes thereof for or euer it be long iniquitie shal be taken a way out of the earth and righteousnes shal reigne among you 45 Let not the sinner say that he hathe not sinned for coles of fyre shal burne vpon his head which saith I haue not sinned before the Lord God and his glorie 46 Beholde the Lord * knoweth all the wor kes of men their imaginaciós their thoghtes and their hearts 47 * For assone as he said Let the earth be made it was made let the heauen be made and it was created 48 By his worde were the starres established and he * knoweth the nomber of them 49 He searcheth the depth and the treasures thereof he hathe measured the sea what it conteineth 50 He hathe shut the seain the middes of the waters and with his worde hathe he hāged the earth vpon the waters 51 He spreadeth out the heauē like a vawte vpon the waters hathe he founde it 52 In the desert hathe he made springs of water and poles vpon the toppe of the mountaines to powre out floods from the hie rockes to water the earth 53 He made man and put his heart in the mid des of the bodie and gaue him breth life and vnderstanding 54 And the Spirit of the almightie God whiche made all things and hathe searched all the hid things in the secrets of the earth 55 He knoweth your inuēcions and what ye imagine in your heart when ye sinne and wolde hide your sinnes 56 Therefore hathe the Lord searched and soght out all your workes and wil put you all to shame 57 And when your sinnes are broght forthe before men ye shal be confounded and your owne sinnes shal stand as your accusers in that day 58 What wil ye do or how wil ye hide your sinnes before God and his Angels 59 Beholde God him selfe is the iudge feare him cease from your sinnes forget your iniquities and medle no more from hence forthe with them so shal God lead you for the and deliuer you from all trouble 60 For beholde the heate of a great multitu de is kindled against you and they shal take away certeine of you and shal slaye you for meat to the idoles 61 And they that consent vnto them shal be had in derision and in reproche and troden vnder foote 62 For in euerie place and cities that are nere there shal be great insurrection against those that feare the Lord. 63 They shal be like mad men they shal spare none they shal spoyle waste suche as yet feare the Lord. 64 For they then shal waste and spoile their goods and cast them out of their houses 65 Then shal the tryal of my chosen appeare as the golde is tryed by the fyre 66 Heare ô ye my beloued saith the Lord be holde the daies of trouble are at hand but I wil deliuer you from them be not ye afraied doute not for God is your captaine 67 Who so kepeth my commandements and precepts saith the Lord God let not your sinnes weigh you downe and let not your iniquities lift them selues vp 68 Wo vnto them that are bounde with their sinnes and couered with their iniquities as a field is hedged in with bushes
all the wordes that he had spoken in the middes of the princes of Assur and what soeuer Olofernes had spoken proudely against the house of Israél 18 Then the people fel downe and worshipped God and cryed vnto God saying 19 O Lord God of heauen beholde their pri de and haue mercie on the basenes of our people beholde this day the face of those that are sanctified vnto thee 20 Then they comforted Achior and praised him greatly 21 And Ozias toke out of the assemblie into his house and made a feast to the Elders they called on the God of Israél all that night for helpe CHAP. VII 1 Olofernes doeth besiege Bethulia 8 The counsel of the Idumeans and other against the 〈◊〉 23 The Bethulians murmure against their gouernours 〈◊〉 lacke of water 1 THe next day Olofernes commanded all his armie and all his people which were come to take his parte that thei shulde remoue their campes against Bethulia and that they shulde take all the streites of the hill and to make warre against the 〈◊〉 of Israél 2 Then their strong men remoued their camps in that daye and the armie of the men of warre was an hundreth thousand and seuentie fotemen and twelue thousād horsemen beside the baggage and other men that were afore among them a very great multitude 3 And they camped in the plaine nere vnto Bethulia by the fountaine and thei spred abroad toward Dothaim vnto Belbaim and in length from Bethulia vnto Ciamon which is ouer against Esdraelom 4 Now the children of Israél when they sawe the multitude were greatly troubled and said euerie one to gis neighbour Now wil they shut vp all the whole earth for ne ther the hie moutaines nor the 〈◊〉 nor the hilles are able to abide their burden 5 Then euerie one toke his weapōs of warre and burning fyres in their towres they remained and watched all that night 6 But in the seconde day Olofernes broght forthe all his horsemen in the sight of the children of Israél which were in Bethulia 7 And vewed the passages vp to their citie and came to the 〈◊〉 of their waters and toke them and set garisons of men of warre ouer then and remoued toward his people 8 Then came vntō him all the 〈◊〉 of the children of Esau and all the gouernours of the people of Moab and all the captaines of the sea coast and said 9 Let our captaine now heare a worde lest an inconuenience come in thine armie 10 For this people of the childrē of Israel do not trust in their speares but in the height of the mountaines wherein they dwell be cause it is not easy to come vp to the toppes of their mountaines 11 Now therefore my lord fight not against them in battelaray and there shal not so muche as one man of thy people perish 12 Remaine in thy campt and kept all the Word of thine armie and let thy men kepe stil the water of the countrey that cometh forthe at the fote of the mountaine 13 For alll the inhabitants of Bethulia haue their water thereof so shal thirst kill them and they shal giue vp their citie and we and our people wil go vp to the toppes of the mountaines that are nere and wil campe vpon them and watche that none go out of the citie 14 So thei and their wiues and their childrē shal be consumed with famine and before the sworde come against them thei shal be ouerthrowen in the stretes where thei dwel 15 Thus shalt thou rēder them an euil reward because thei rebelled and obeied not thy persone peaceably 16 And these wordes pleased Olofernes and all his soldiers and he appointed to do as they had spoken 17 So the campe of the children of Ammon departed and with them fiue thousand of the Assyrians and they pitched in the valley and tok the waters and the fountaines of the waters of the children of Israél 18 Then the children of Esau went vp with the children of Ammon and camped in the mountaines ouer against Dothaim thei sent some of thē selues towarde the South and towarde the East ouer against Rebel which is nere vnto Chusi that is vpon the riuer Mochmur and the rest of the armie of the Assyrians camped in the field and couered the whole land for their tents and their baggage were pitched in a wonderful great place 19 Then the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lord their God because their heart fai led for all their enemies had cōpassed thē about and there was no way to escape out from among them 20 Thus all the companie of Assur remained about them bothe their fotemen chariots and horsemen foure and thirtie dayes so that euen all the places of their waters failed all the inhabitants of Bethulia 21 And the cisternes were emptie they had not water ynough to drinke for one day for they gaue them to drinke by measure 22 Therefore their children swoned their wiues and yong men failed for thirst fel downe in the stretes of the citie and by the passages of the gates and there was no strength in them 23 Then all the people assembled to Ozias to the chief of the citie bothe yong men women and children and cryed with a lou de voyce and said before all the Elders 24 The * Lord iudge betwene vs and you for you haue done vs great iniurie in that ye haue not required peace of the children of Assur 25 For now we haue no helper but God hathe solde vs into their hands that we shulde be throwen downe before them with thirst and great destruction 26 Now therefore call them together and de liuer the whole citie for a spoile to the peo ple of Olofernes and to all his armie 27 For it is better for vs to be made a spoile vnto them then to dye for thirst for we wil be his seruants that we may liue and not se the death of our infants before our eyes nor our wiues nor our children to dye 28 We take to witnes against you the heauē and the earth and our God and Lord of our fathers which punisheth vs according to our sinnes the sinnes of our fathers that he lay not these things to our charge 29 Then there was a great crye of all with one consent in the middes of the assemblie and thei cryed vnto the Lord God with a loude voyce 30 Then said Ozias to thē Brethren be of good courage let vs waite yet fiue daies in the which space the Lord our God may tur ne his mercie toward vs for he wil not forsake vs in the end 31 And if these daies passe there come not helpe vnto vs I wil do according to your worde 32 So he separated the people euerie one vnto their charge thei wēt vnto the walles and towres of their citie and sent their wiues and their children into their houses they were very lowe
raging Priests shed abominable blood 6 And the fathers were the chief murtherers of the soules destitute of all helpe whome thou woldest destroye by the handes of our fathers 7 That the land whiche thou louest aboue all other myght be a mete dwellyng for the children of God 8 * Neuertheles thou sparedst them also as men and sendedst the forunners of thyne hoste euen hornettes to destroye them by litle and litle 9 Not that thou wast vnable to subdue the vn godlie vnto the righteous in battel or with cruel beastes or with one rough worde to destroie them together 10 But in punishing them by litle and litle thou gauest them space to repent knowing wel that it was an vnrighteous nacion and wicked of nature and that their thoght colde neuer be altered 11 For it was a cursed sede frō the begynning yet hast thou not spared them when they sin ned because thou feared any man 12 For who dare say * What hast thou done or who dare stand agaynst thy iudgement or who dare accuse thee for the naciōs that perish whome thou haste made or who dare stand against thee to reuēge the wicked mē 13 For there is none other God but thou * that carest for all things that thou maist declare how that thy iudgement is not vnright 14 There dare nether Kyng nor tyrant in thy sight require accountes of them whom thou hast punished 15 For so muche then as thou artryghteous thy self thou ordrest all things ryghteously * thynking it not agreable to thy power to condemne hym that hathe not deserued to be punished 16 For thy power is the begynning of ryghteousnes and because thou art Lorde of all things it causeth thee to spare all things 17 When men thinke thee not to be of a perfite power thou declarest thy power and reprouest the boldenes of the wise 18 But thou ruling the power iudgest with equitie ād gouernest vs with great fauour for thou maist shew thy power when thou wilt 19 By suche workes now hast thou taught thy people that a man shulde be iust and louing and hast made thy children to be of a good hope for thou giuest repentance to sinners 20 For if thou haste punished the enemies of thy children that had deserued death wyth so great consideration and requesting vnto them giuing them time and place that they might change from their wickednes 21 With how great circumspection wilt thou punish thine owne children vnto whose fathers thou hast sworne and made couenant of good promises 22 So when thou doest chasten vs thou punished our enemies a thousand times more to the intent that when we iudge we shuld dili gently consider thy goodnes and when we are iudged we shulde hope for mercie 23 Wherefore thou hast tormēted the wicked that haue liued a dissolute life by their owne imaginations 24 * For they went astray verie farre in the wayes of errour and estemed the beasts whi che their enemies dispised for gods being abused after the maner of children that haue none vnderstanding 25 Therefore hast thou sent this punishment that they shulde be in derision as children without reason 26 But they that wil not be reformed by these scorneful rebukes shal fele the worthie punishment of God 27 For in those things when they suffred they disdeined but in these whome they counted godlie when they sawe thē selues punished by thē they all acknowledged the true God whome afore they had denied to know the refore came extreme damnation vpon them CHAP. XIII 1 All things be vaine except the knowledge of GOD. 10 Idolaters and idoles are mocked 1 SVrely all men are vaine by nature and are ignorant of God * and colde not knowe him that is by the good things that are sene nether consider by the workes the worke master 2 * But they thoght the fyre or the winde or the swift aire or the course of the starres or the raging water or the lights of heauen to be gouernours of the worlde and gods 3 Thogh they had such pleasure in their beau tie that they thoght them gods yet shulde they haue knowen how muche more excel lent he is that made them for the first autor of beautie hathe created these things 4 Or if they marueiled at the power and ope ration of them yet shulde they haue perceiued thereby how muche he that made these things is mightier 5 For by the greatnes of their beautie of the creatures the Creator being cōpared with them may be considered 6 But yet the blame is lesse in these that seke God and wolde finde him yet peraduentu re do erre 7 For * they go about by his workes to seke him and are persuaded by the sight because the things are beautiful that are 〈◊〉 8 How be it they are not to be excused 9 For if they can knowe so muche that they can discerne the worlde why do they not ra ther finde out the Lord thereof 10 But miserable are they and among the dead is their hope that call them gods whiche are the workes of mens hands golde and siluer and the thing that is inuented by arte and the similitude of beasts or anie vaine sto ne that hathe bene made by the hand of antiquitie 11 * Or as when a carpenter cutteth downe a 〈◊〉 mete for the worke and pareth of all the barke thereof cunningly by arte maketh a vessel profitable for the vse of life 12 And the things that are cut of from his wor ke he bestoweth to dresse his meat to fil him self 13 And that which is left of these things which is profitable for nothing for it is a croked piece of wood and ful of knobbes he carueth it diligētly at his leasure and according as he is expert in cunning he giueth it a proporcion and facioneth it after the similitude of a man 14 Or maketh it like some vile beast and straketh it ouer with red and painteth it and couereth euerie spotte that is in it 15 And when he hathe made a conuenient tabernacle for it he setteth it in a wall and maketh it fast with yron 16 Prouiding so for it lest it fall for he knoweth that it can not helpe it self because it is an image which hathe nede of helpe 17 Then he prayeth for his goods and for his mariage and for children he is not ashamed to speake vnto it that hath no life 18 He calleth on him that is weake for health he prayeth vnto him that is dead for life he requireth him of helpe that hathe no experience at all 19 And for his iourney him that is not able to go and for gaine and worke and successe of his affaires he requireth furtherance of him that hathe no maner of power CHAP. XIIII 1 The derestacion and abominacion of images 8. A curse of them and of him that maketh them 14 whereof idolatrie proceded 23 What euils come of idolatrie 1 AGaine
nacions to be gods which nether haue eye sight to se nor noses to smel nor eares to heare nor fingers of hands to grope and their fete are slowe to go 16 For man made them and he that hathe but a borowed spirit facioned them but no man can make a god like vnto him self 17 For seing he is but mortal him self it is but mortal that he maketh with vnrighteous hands he him self is better then thei whome he worshippeth for he liued but they neuer liued 18 Yea they worshipped beasts also which are ther moste enemies which are the worste if thei be cōpared vnto others because they haue none vnderstanding 19 Nether haue they anie beautie to be desired in respect of other beasts for they are destitute of Gods praise and of his blessing CHAP. XVI The punishment of idolaters 20 The benefites done vnto the faithful 1 THerefore by suche things they are worthely punished and* tormented by the multitude of beastes 2 In steade of the which punishmēt thou hast bene fauorable to thy people and to satisfie their appetite hast prepared a meat of a strāge taste euen quailes 3 To the intent that thei that desired meat by the things which were shewed sent amōg them might turne awaye their necessarie de sire and that thei which had suffred penurie for a space shulde also fele a newe taste 4 For it was requisite that they which vsed tyrannie shulde fall into extreme pouertie and that to these onelie it shulde be shewed how their enemies were tormented 5 * For when the cruel fiercenes of the beasts came vpon thē and they were hurt with the stings of cruel serpents 6 Thy wrath endured not perpetually but they were troubled for a litle season that they might be reformed hauing a signe of saluacion to remember the commandement of thy Law 7 For he that turned toward it was not healed by the thing that he sawe but by thee ô Sauiour of all 8 So in this thou shewedst our enemies that it is thou which deliuerest from all euil 9 * For the biting of greshopers and flyes killed them and there was no remedie founde for their life for they were worthie to be pu nished by suche 10 But the teeth of the venemous dragons col de not ouercome thy children for thy mercie came to helpe them and healed them 11 For they were 〈◊〉 because thei shulde remember thy wordes and were spedely hea led lest they shulde fall into so depe forgetfulnes that thei colde not be called 〈◊〉 by thy benefite 12 For nether herbe nor plaster healed thē but thy worde ô Lord which healeth all things 13 For thou hast the power of life and death * and leadest downe vnto the gates of hel and bringest vp againe 14 A man in dede by his 〈◊〉 may slaie another but when the Spirit is gone forthe it turneth not againe nether can he call againe the soule that is taken away 15 But it is not possible to escape thine hand 16 * For the vngodlie that wolde not knowe thee were punished by the strength of thine arme with strange raine and with haile were pursued with tempest that they colde not auoide and were consumed with fyre 17 For it was a wōderous thing that fyre might do more then water which quencheth all things but the worlde is the aduenger of the righteous 18 For some time was the fyre so tame that the beasts which were sent against the vngodlie burnt not and that because they shulde se knowe that they were persecuted with the punishment of God 19 And some time burnt the fyre in the middes of the water aboue the power of fyre that it might destroye the generacion of the vniust land 20 * In the stead whereof thou hast fed thine owne people with Angels fode and sent thē bread readie from heauen without their labour which had abundance of all pleasures in it and 〈◊〉 for all tastes 21 For thy sustinance declared thy swen es vn to thy children which serued to the appetite of him that toke it and was mete to that that euerie man wolde 22 Moreouer the* snowe and 〈◊〉 abode the fyre and melted not that thei might knowe that the fyre burning in the hayle and sparkeling in the raine destroyed the frute of the enemies 23 Againe it forgate his owne strength that the righteous might be nourished 24 For the creature that serueth thee which art the maker is 〈◊〉 in punishing the vnrighteous but it is easie to do good vnto suche as put their trust in thee 25 Therefore was it changed at the same time vnto all facions to serue thy grace which 〈◊〉 all things according to the desire of them that had nede thereof 26 That thy children whome thou louest ô Lord might knowe * that it is not the increa se of frutes that fedeth men but that it is thy word which preserueth thē that 〈◊〉 thee 27 For that which colde not be destroyed with the fyre being onely warmed a litle with the sunne beames melted 28 That it might be knowen that we ought to preuente the sunne rising to giue thankes vnto thee and to salute thee before the daye spring 29 For the hope of the vnthankeful shal melt as the winter yce and flowe away as vnprofitable waters CHAP. XVII The iudgements of God against the wicked 1 FOr thy iudgements are great and can not be expressed therefore men do erre that wil not be reformed 2 For when the vnrighteous thoght to haue thine holie people in subiection thei were bounde with the bands of darkenes and long night and being shut vp vnder the rofe did lie there to escape the euerlasting prouidence 3 And while they thoght to be hid in their dar ke sinnes thei were scattered abroad in the darke couering of forgetfulnes fearing hor ribly and troubled with visions 4 For the denne that hid them kept them not from feare but the soundes that were about them troubled them and terrible visions ād sorowful sights did appeare 5 No power of the fyre might giue light nether might the clere flames of the starres ligh ten the horrible night 6 For there appeared vnto them onely a sudden fyre verie dredful so that being afraied of this vision which they colde not se they thoght the things which they sawe to be worse 7 * And the illusions of the magical artes were broght downe and it was a moste shameful reproche for the boasting of their knowledge 8 For they that promised to driue away feare and trouble from the sicke persone were sic ke for feare and worthie to be laughedat 9 And thogh no feareful thing did feare them yet were they afraied at the beastes which passed by them and at the hyssing of the ser pents so that thei dyed for feare and said they sawe not the ayre which by no meanes can be auoided 10
was facioned of newe and serued in their owne offices inioyned thē that thy children might be kept without hurt 7 For the cloude ouershadowed their tentes and the drye earth appeared where afore was water so that in the red Sea there was a way without impediment and the great depe became a great field 8 Through the which all the people went that were defended with thine hand seing thy wonderous marueiles 9 For they neyed like horses and leaped like lambes praising thee ô Lord which hadest 〈◊〉 them 10 For they were yet mindeful of those things which were done in the lād where thei dwelt how the grounde forthe flies in steade of cat tel how the riuer 〈◊〉 with the multitude of frogges in steade of fishes 11 * But at the last they sawe a new generation of birdes when they were intised with lust and desired delicare meates 12 * For the quailes came forthe of the sea vnto them for comfort but punishments came vpō the sinners not without signes that we re giuē by great thundrings for they suffred worthely according to their wickednes because they sheweda cruel hatred towarde strangers 13 For the one sorte wold not receiue thē whē they were present because they knewe thē not the other sorte broght the strangers into bondage that had done them good 14 Beside all these things some wolde not suffer that anie regarde shulde be had of them for they handeled the strangers dispitefully 15 Others that had receiued thē with great bāketing and admitted them to be partakers of the same lawes did afflict them with great labours 16 Therefore thei were striken with blindenes as in olde time certeine were at the dores of the * righteousnes so that euerie one being compassed with darknes soght the entrance of his dore 17 Thus the elements agreed among them selues in this change as when one tune is chan ged vpon an instrument of musike and the melodie stil remaineth which may easely be perceiued by the sight of the things that are come to passe 18 For the things of the earth were changed in to things of the water and the thing that did swimme went vpon the grounde 19 The fyre had power in the water contrarie vnto his owne vertue the water for gate his owne kinde to quench 20 Againe the flames did not hurte the flesh of the corruptible beasts that walked therein nether melted they that which semed to be yee and was of a nature that wolde melt and yet was an immortal meat 21 For in all things ô Lord thou hast magnified and glorified thy people and hast not despised to assist them in euerie time and place THE WISDOME OF IESVS the sonne of Sirach called Ecclesiasticus This argument was founde in a certeine Greke copie THis Iesus was the sonne of Sirach and Sirachs father was 〈◊〉 called Iesus and he liued in the latter times after the peo ple had bene led away captiue and broght home againe and almoste after all the Prophetes Now his grandfather as he him self witnesseth was a man of great diligence and wisdome among the 〈◊〉 who did not onely gather the graue sentences of wise men that had bene before him but he him self also spake manie ful of great knowledge and wisdome So this first Iesus dyed and left this which he had gathered and Sirach afterwarde left it to Iesus his sonne who toke it and put it in order in a boke and called it WISDOME in titling it bothe by his owne name his fathers name and his grādfathers thinking by this title of Wisdome to allure the reader to read this boke with more great desire and to consider it more diligently Therefore this boke conteineth wise sayings and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and similitudes with certeine diuine histories which are notable and ancient euen of men that were approued of God and 〈◊〉 prayers and songs of the autor him self moreouer what benefites the Lord had bestowed vpon his people and what plagues he had heaped vpon their ene mies This Iesus did imitate Salomon and was no lesse famous in wisdome and doctrine who was therefore called a man of great knowledge as he was in dede The prologue of the Wisdome of Iesus the sonne of Sirach WHere as manie and great things haue bene giuen vs by the Law and the Prophetes and by others that haue followed them for the which things Israél ought to be cōmē ded by the reason of doctrine and wisdome whereby the readers ought not onely to become learned them selues but also may be able by the diligent studie thereof to be profitable vnto strāgers bothe by speaking and writing after that my grand father Iesus had giuen him self to the reading of the Law and the Prophetes and other bokes of our fathers and had got ten therein sufficient iudgement he purposed also to write some thing 〈◊〉 to learning wisdome to the intent that they which were desirous to learne and wolde giue them selues to these things might profite muche more in liuing according to the Law Wherefore I exhorte you to receiue it louingly and to read it with diligence and to take it in good worthe thogh we seme to some in some things not able to atteine to the interpretation of suche wordes as are hard to be expressed for the things that are spoken in the Hebrewe tongue haue another force in them selues then when they are translated into another tongue not onely these things but other things also as the Law it self and the Prophetes and other bokes haue no smale difference when they are spoken in their owne language Therefore in the eight and thirtieth yere when I came into Egypt vnder King Euergetes continued there I founde a copie ful of great learning and I thoght it necessarie to bestowe my diligence and trauaile to interpret this boke So for a cer teine time with great watching and studie I gaue my self to the finishing of this boke that it might be published that they which remaine in banishement are desirous to learne might applie them selues vnto good maners and liue according to the Law CHAP. I. 1 Wisdome cometh of God 11 A praise of the feare of God 29 The meanes to come by wisdome 1 ALL wisdome* cometh of the Lord ād hathe bene euer with him and is with him for euer 2 Who can nomber the sand of the sea the droppes of the raine and the dayes of the world who cāmeasure the height of heauē the bredth of the earth the depth 3 Who can finde the wisdome of God which hathe bene afore all things 4 Wisdome hathe bene created before all things and the vnderstanding of prudence from euerlasting 5 The worde of God moste high is the foun taine of wisdome and the euerlasting commandements are the entrance vnto her 6 * Vnto whome hathe the roote of wisdome bene declared or who hathe knowen her wi se counsels 7 Vnto whome hath the doctrine
stretes and burne strawe 43 And if one of them be drawen away and lye with anie suche as come by she easteth her neighbour in the teeth because she was not so worthely reputed nor her coard broken 44 Whatsoeuer is done among them is lyes how may it they be thoght or said that they are gods 45 Carpenters and goldesmithes make them nether be they anie other thing but euen what the workeman wil make them 46 Yea they that make them are of no long continuance howe shulde then the things that are made of them be gods 47 Therefore they leaue lies and shame for their posteritie 48 For when there cometh anie warre or plague vpon them the Priests imagine with themselues where they may hide them selues with them 49 How then can men not perceiue that they be no gods whiche can nether defend them selues from warre nor from plagues 50 For * seing they be but of wood and of siluer and of golde men shal knowe hereafter that they are but lies and it shal be manifest to all nacions and Kings that they be no gods but the workes of mens hands ād that there is no worke of God in them 51 Where by it may be knowen that they are no gods 52 They can set vp no King in the land nor giue raine vnto men 53 They can giue no sentence of a matter nether preserue from iniurie they haue no power but are as crowes betwene the heauen and the earth 54 When there falleth a fyre vpon the house of those gods of wood and of siluer and of golde the Priests will escape and saue them selues but they burne as the balkes there in 55 They can not withstand anie Kyng or enemies how can it then be thoght or said that they be gods 56 Moreouer these gods of wood of golde and of siluer can nether defend them selues from theues nor robbers 57 For they that are strongest take away their golde and siluer and apparell where with they be clothed and when they haue it they get them away yet can they not helpe them selues 58 Therefore it is better to by a Kyng and so to shewe his power or els a profitable vessel in an house wherby he that oweth it might haue profite then suche false gods or to be a dore in an house to kepe suche things safe as be therein then suche false gods or a piller of wood in a palace thē suche false gods 59 For the sunne and the moone and the starres that shine when they are sent downe for necessarie vses obey 60 Likewise also the lightning whē it shineth it is euident and the winde bloweth in euerie contrey 61 And when God commandeth the cloudes to go about the whole worlde they do as they are bidden 62 When the fyre is sent downe from aboue to destroy hilles and woods it doeth that whiche is commāded but these are not like anie of these things nether in forme nor power 63 Wherefore men shuld not thinke nor say that they be gods seing they cā nether giue sentence in iudgement nor do men good 64 For so muche now as ye are sure that they be no gods feare them not 65 For they can nether curse nor blesse Kings 66 Nether cāthey shewe signes in the heauē amōg the heathē nether shine as the moone 67 The beastes are better then they for they can get them vnder a couert and do them sel ues good 68 So ye may be certified that by no maner of meanes they are gods therefore feare them not 69 For as askarcrowe in a garden of cucumbers kepeth nothyng so are their gods of wood and of siluer and of golde 70 And like wise their gods of wood and gold ād siluer are like to a white thorne in anorcharde that euerie birde sittest vpon and as a dead bodie that is cast in the darke 71 By the purple also and brightenes whiche fadeth vpon them ye may vnderstand that they be no gods yea they them selues shal be consumed at the laste and they shal be a shame to the countrey 72 Better therefore is the iust man that hathe none idoles for he shal be farre frō reprofe THE SONG OF THE THRE holie children vvhich follovveth in the third chapter of Daniel after this place 〈◊〉 fell dovvne bound into the middes of the hote fyrie fornace CHAP. I. 23 The praier of Azarias 46 The crueltie of the King 48 The flame deuoureth the Chaldeans 49 The Angel of the Lord was in the fornace 51 The thre children praise the Lord and prouoke all creatures to the same 24 AND they walked in the middes of the flame praysing God magnified the Lord. 25 Then Azarias stode vp prayed on this maner and opening his mouth in the mid des of the fyre said 26 Blessed be thou ô Lord God of our fathers thy Name is worthie to be praised honored for euermore 27 For thou art righteous in all the things that thou hast done vnto vs and all thy workes are true and thy wayes are right and all thy iudgements certeine 28 In all the things that thou hast broght vpon vs and vpon Ierusalem the holie citie of our fathers thou hast executed true iudgements for by right and equitie hast thou broght all these things vpon vs because of our sinnes 29 For we haue sinned and done wickedly de parting from thee in all things haue we trespased 30 And not obeied thy commandements nor kept them nether done as thou hadest commanded vs that we might prosper 31 Wherefore in all that thou hast broght vpō vs in euerie thing that thou hast done to vs thou hast done them in true iudgement 32 As in deliuering vs into the hands of our wic ked enemies moste hateful traitors and to an vnrighteous King and the moste wicked in all the worlde 33 And now we may not open our mouthes we are become a shame reprofe vnto thy seruants and to them that worshippe thee 34 Yet for thy Names sake we beseche thee giue vs not vp for euer nether breake thy couenant 35 Nether take awaye thy mercie from vs for thy beloued Abrahams sake and for thy seruant Isaaks sake and for thine holy Israels sake 36 To whome thou hast spoken and promised that thou woldest multiplie their sede as the starres of heauen and as the sand that is vpō the seashore 37 For we ô Lord are become lesse then anie nacion and be kept vnder this daye in all the worlde because of our sinnes 38 So that now we haue nether prince nor Pro phet nor gouernour nor burnt offring nor sacrifice nor oblacion nor incense nor place to offer the first frutes before thee that we might finde mercie 39 Neuertheles in a contrite heart and an hum ble spirit let vs be receiued 40 As in the burnt offring of rams and bulloc kes as in ten thousand of fat lambs so let our offring be in thy sight this day that it may please
thee for there is no confusion vnto them that put their trust in thee 41 And now we follow thee with all our heart and feare thee and seke thy face 42 Put vs not tò shame but deale with vs after thy louing kindenes and according to the multitude of thy mercies 43 Deliuer vs also by thy miracles giue thy Name the glorie ô Lord. 44 That all they which do thy seruants euil may be confounded euen let them be confounded by thy great force and power and let their strength be broken 45 That they maye knowe that thou onelie art the Lord God and glorious ouer the whole worlde 46 ¶ Now the Kings seruants that had cast thē in ceased not to make the ouen hote with naphtha and with pitche and with to we and with fagotes 47 So that the slame went out of the fornace fortie and nine cubites 48 And it brake forthe and burnt those Chaldeans that it founde by the fornace 49 But the Angel of the Lord went downe into the fornace with thē that were with Azarias and smote the flame of the fyre out of the fornace 50 And made in the middes of the fornace like a moyste hissing winde so that the fyre touched thē not at all nether grieued nor troubled them 51 Then these thre as out of one mouth praysed and glorified and blessed God in the fornace saying 52 Blessed be thou ô Lord God of our fathers and praised and exalted aboue all things for euer blessed be thy glorious and holie Name and praised aboue all things and magnisied for euer 53 Blessed be thou in the Temple of thine holy glorie and praised aboue all things and exalted for euer 54 Blessed be thou that be holdest the depths and sittest vpon the Cherubims and praised aboue all things and exalted for euer 55 Blessed be thou in the glorious Throne of thy kingdome and praised aboue all things and exalted for euer 56 Blessed be thou in the firmament of heauen praised aboue all things and glorified for euer 57 All ye workes of the Lord blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for 〈◊〉 58 O * heauens blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 59 O Angels of the Lord blesse ye the Lord prai se him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 60 All ye waters that be aboue the heauen blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 61 All ye powers of the Lord blesse ye the Lord praise him ād exalte him aboue all things for euer 62 O sunne and moone blesse ye the Lord prai se him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 63 O starres of heauen blesse ye the Lord prai se him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 64 Euerie shower and de we blesse ye the Lord praise him exalte him aboue all things for euer 65 All ye windes blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 66 O fyre and heat blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 67 O winter and sommer blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 68 O dewes and stormes of snowe blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 69 O frost and colde blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 70 O yce and snowe blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 71 O nightes and dayes blesse ye the Lord prai se him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 72 O light and darkenes blesse ye the LORD praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 73 O lightenings and cloudes blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 74 Let the earth blesse the Lord let it praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 75 O mountaines and hilles blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 76 All things that growe on the earth blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 77 O fountaines blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 78 O Sea and floods blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 79 O whales and all that moue in the waters blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 80 All ye foules of heauen blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 81 All ye beasts and cattel blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 82 O children of men blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 83 Let Israel blesse the Lord praise him and ex alte him aboue all things for euer 84 O Priests of the Lord blesse ye the LORD praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 85 O seruants of the Lord blesse ye the Lord praise him exalte him aboue all things for euer 86 O spirits and soules of the righteous blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 87 O Saints and humble of heart blesse ye the Lord praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer 88 O Ananias Azarias and Misael blesse ye the LORD praise him and exalte him aboue all things for euer for he hathe deliuered vs frō the hel and saued vs from the hand of death and deliuered vs out of the middes of the fornace and burning flame euen out of the middes of the fyre hathe he deliuered vs. 89 Confesse vnto the Lord that he is gracious for his mercie endureth for euer 90 All ye that worshippe the Lord blesse the God of gods praise him and acknowledge him for his mercie endureth worlde with out end THE HISTORIE OF SVSANna vvhich some ioyne to the end of Daniel and make it the 13. chap. 8 The two gouerners are taken with the loue of Susanna 19 They take her alone in the garden 20 They sollicite her to wickednes 23 She choseth rather to obey God thogh it be to the danger of her life 34 She is accused 45 Daniel doeth deliuer her 62 The 〈◊〉 are put to death 1 THERE dwelt a man in Babylon called Ioacim 2 And he toke a wife whose name was Susanna the daughter of Helcias averie faire woman and one that feared God 3 Her father her mother also were godlie people taught their daughter according to the Law of Mosés 4 Now Ioacim was a great riche man and had a faire garden ioyning vnto his house and to him resorted the Iewes Because he was more honorable then all others 5 The same yere were appointed two of the ancients of the people to be iudges suche as the Lord speaketh
Prophetes and righteous men haue desired to se those things which ye se ād haue not sene them and to heare those things whiche ye heare and haue not heard them 18 ¶ * Heare ye therefore the parable of the sower 19 Whensoeuer a man heareth the worde of the kingdome and vnderstandeth it not the euil one cometh catcheth away that whi che was sowē in his heart this is he which hathe receiued the sede by the way side 20 And he that receyued sede in the stonie grounde is he which heareth the word and incontinenly with ioye receiueth 21 Yet hathe he no roote in him self ād dureth but a season for assone as tribulation or persecution cometh because of the worde by and by he is offended 22 And he that receiueth the sede amōg thornes is he that heareth the word but the care of this worlde ād the deceitfulnes of riches choke the worde and he is made vnfrutful 23 But he that receyueth the sede in the good grounde is he that heareth the worde vnderstandeth it which also beareth frute and bringeth forth some an hūdreth folde some sixtie folde and some thirtie folde 24 ¶ Another parable put he forthe vnto thē saying The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a mā which sowed good seed in his field 25 But while men slept there came hys enemie and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way 26 And whē the blade was sprōg vp broght forthe frute then appeared the tares also 27 Then came the seruants of the householder and sayd vnto him Master sowedst not thou good sede in thy field frō whence then hathe it tares 28 And he said to them The enuious mā hathe done this Then the seruants said vnto him Wilt thou thē that we go and gather thē vp 29 But he said Nay lest while ye go about to gather the tares ye pluck vp also with them the wheat 30 Let bothe growe together vntill the haruest and in tyme of haruest I will say to the reapers Gather ye first the tares and bynde them in sheaues to burne them but gather the wheat into my barne 31 ¶ * Another parable he put forthe vnto thē saying The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a graine of mustard sede which a mā taketh and soweth in his field 32 Which in dede is the least of all sedes but whē it is growē it is the greatest among her bes and it is a tre so that the birdes of heauē come and buylde in the branches thereof 33 ¶ * Another parable speake he to them The kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto leauen which a woman taketh and hideth in three peckes of meale til all be leauened 34 ¶ * Al these things spake Iesus vnto the mul titude in parables and without parables spake he not to them 35 That it might be fulfilled whiche was spoken by the Prophet saying * I wil open my mouth in parables ād will vtter the things which haue bene kept secret from the funda cion of the worlde 36 Then sent Iesus the multitude awaye and went into the house And his disciples came vnto hym saying Declare vnto vsthe parable of the tares of the field 37 Then answered he and said to thē He that soweth the good sede is the Sonne of man 38 And the field is the worlde and the good sede they are the children of the kingdome and the tares are the children of the wicked 39 And the enemie that soweth them is the de uil * and the haruest is the end of the world and the reapers be the Angels 40 As then the tares are gathered and burned in the fyre so shall it be in the end of thys worlde 41 The Sonne of man shal sende forthe hys An gels and they shall gather out of his kyngdome althings that offend ād them which do iniquitie 42 And shall caste them into a furnais of fyre There shal be wailing ād 〈◊〉 of teeth 43 * Then shall the iust men shine as the sunne in the kyngdome of their Father He that hathe eares to 〈◊〉 let him heare 44 ¶ Againe the kingdome of heauen is lyke vnto a treasure hid in the field which when a man hath founde he hideth it and for ioye thereof departeth and selleth al that he hath and byeth that field 45 ¶ Againe the kingdome of heauen is lyke to a marchant man that seketh good perles 46 Who hauing founde a perle of great price went and solde all that he had and boght it 47 ¶ Againe the kingdome of heauen is like vnto a drawe net cast into the sea that gathe reth of all kindes of things 48 Which when it is full men drawe to land and sit and gather the good into vessels and cast the bad away 49 So shal it be at the end of the worlde The Angels shal go forthe and feuer the bad frō among the iust 50 And shall cast them into a furnais of fyre there shall be wailling gnashing of teeth 51 ¶ Iesus said vnto them Vnderstand ye all these things They said vnto him Yea Lord. 52 Then said he vnto them Therefore euerie Scribe which is taught vnto the kingdome of heauen is like vnto an householder whiche bringeth forth out of his treasure thinges bothe newe and olde 53 ¶ And it came to passe that when Iesus had ended these parables he departed thence 54 * And came into his owne countrey and taught thē in their Synagogue so that they were astonied ād said Whence cometh this wisdome and great workes vnto this man 55 Is not thys the carpenters sonne Is not his mother called Marie * and his brethren Iames and Ioses and Simon and Iudas 56 And are not his sisters all with vs Whence then hathe he all these things 57 And they were offended with him Then Ie sus said to them * A prophet is not without honour saue in his owne countrey and in his owne house 58 And he did not many greate workes there for their vnbeliefes sake CHAP. XIIII 2 Herodes opinion cōcerning Christ. 10 Iohn is beheaded 19 Christ fedeth fiue thousand men with fiue loaues ād two fishes 23 He prayeth in the mountaine 25 He 〈◊〉 reth by night vnto his disciples vpon the sea 31 And saueth Peter 33 They confesse him to be the sonne of God 36 He healeth al that touched the hemmes of his 〈◊〉 1 AT* that time Herode the Tetrarch heard of the fame of Iesus 2 And said vnto his seruants This is Iohn Baptist He is risen againe from the dead and therfore great workes are wroght by him 3 * For Herode had taken Iohn and bounde him ād put him in prison for Herodias sake his brother Philips wife 4 For Iohn said vnto him It is not * law ful for thee to
be one as thou ô Father art in me I in thee euē that they may be also one in vs that the worlde may beleue that thou hast sent me 22 And the glorie that thou gauest me I haue giuen them that they may be one as we are one 23 I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one ād that the worlde may know that thou hast sent me and hast loued them as thou hast loued me 24 * Father I wil that they which thou hast giuen me be with me euen where I am that they may beholde my glorie which thou hast giuē me for thou louedst me before the fundation of the worlde 25 O righteous Father the worlde also hathe not knowen thee but I haue knowen thee these haue knowē that thou hast sent me 26 And I haue declared vnto them thy Name and wil declare it that the loue where with thou hast loued me may be in them and I in them CHAP. XVIII 3 Christ is betrayed 6 The wordes of his mouth smite the officers to the grounde 10 Peter smiteth of Malchus 〈◊〉 13 Iesus is broght before Annas and Caiaphas 25. where Peter denieth him 36 He telleth Pilate what his kingdome is 1 WHen Iesus had spoken these things he went forthe with his disciples ouer the broke * Cedron where was a garden into the which he entred and his disciples 2 And Iudas which betrayed him knewe also the place for Iesus oft times resorted thither with his disciples 3 * Iudas then after he had receiued a bande of men and officers of the high Priests and of the Pharises came thither with lanternes and torches and weapons 4 Then Iesus knowing all things that shulde come vnto him went forthe and said vnto them Whome seke ye 5 They answered him Iesus of Nazaret Iesus said vnto thē I am he Now Iudas also which betrayed him stode with them 6 Assone then as he had said vnto thē I am he they wēt backewards fel to the grounde 7 Then he asked them againe Whome seke ye And they said Iesus of Nazaret 8 Iesus answered I said vnto you that I am he therefore if ye seke me let these go their way 9 This was that the worde might be fulfilled which he spake * Of them which thou gauest me haue I lost none 10 Then Simon Peter hauing a sworde drewe it and 〈◊〉 the high Priests seruant and out of his right eare Now the seruants name was Malchus 11 Then said Iesus vnto Peter Put vp thy sword into the sheath shal I not drinke of the cup which my Father hathe giuen me 12 Then the bande and the captaine and the officers of the Iewes toke Iesus and bounde him 13 And led him away to * Annas first for he was Father in law to Caiaphas which was the high Priest that same yere 14 * And Caiaphas was he that gaue counsel to the 〈◊〉 that it was expedient that one man 〈◊〉 dye for the people 15 ¶ * Now Simon Peter followed Iesus and another disciple that disciple was knowen of the high Priest therefore he went in with Iesus into the hall of the high Priest 16 But Peter stode at the dore without Then went out the other disciple which was knowen vnto the high Priest and spake to her that kept the dore and broght in Peter 17 Then said the maide that kept the dore vnto Peter Art not thou also one of this mans disciples He said I am not 18 And the seruants and officers stode there which had made a fyre of coles for it was colde and they warmed them selues And Peter also stode among them and warmed him self 19 ¶ The high Priest then asked Iesus of his disciples and of his doctrine 20 Iesus answered him I spake openly to the worlde I euer taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple whither the Iewes resorte continually and in secret haue I said nothing 21 Why askest thou me aske them which heard me what I said vnto them beholde they knowe what I said 22 When he had spoken these things one of the officers which stode by smote Iesus with his rod saying Answerest thou the high Priest so 23 Iesus answered him If I haue euil spoken bearewitnes of the euil but if I haue wel spo ken why smitest thou me 24 ¶ Now Annas 〈◊〉 sent him bounde vnto Caiaphas the high Priest 25 * And Simon Peter stode and warmed him self and they said vnto him Art not thou also of his disciples He denied it and said I am not 26 One of the seruants of the high Priest his cousin whose eare Peter smote of said Did not I se thee in the garden with him 27 Peter then denied againe and immediatly the cocke crewe 28 ¶ * Then led they Iesus from Caiaphas into the commune hall Now it was morning and thei them selues went not into the commune hall lest they shulde be* defiled but that thei might eat the Passeouer 29 Pilate then went out vnto them and said What accusation bring ye against 〈◊〉 man 30 They answered and said vnto him If he were not an euil doer we wolde not haue de liuered him vnto thee 31 Then said Pilate vnto them Take ye him and iuge him 〈◊〉 your 〈◊〉 nelaw Then the Iewes said vnto him It is not lawful 〈◊〉 vs to put anie man to 〈◊〉 32 it was that the worde of Iesus * might be fulfilled which he spake 〈◊〉 what death he 〈◊〉 dye 33 * 〈◊〉 Pilate entred into the commune hall againe 〈◊〉 called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Art 〈◊〉 the King of the Iewes 34 Iesus answered him Saist thou that of thy self or did other tel it thee of me 35 Pilate answered 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 Thine owne nation and the high Priests haue 〈◊〉 thee vnto me What hast thou done 36 Iesus answered My kindome is not of this worlde if my kingdom 〈◊〉 of this world my seruants wolde surely fight that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not be deliuered to the Iewes but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 my king 〈◊〉 not from hence 37 Pilate then said vnto him Art 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 King then Iesus answered Thou 〈◊〉 that I am 〈◊〉 King for this cause am I borne and for this cause came I into the worlde that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 beare witnesvnto the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is of the trueth hearest my voyce 38 Pilate said vnto him What is trueth And when he had said that he went out 〈◊〉 vnto the Iewes and said vnto them I finde in him no cause at all 39 * But you haue a custome that I shulde de 〈◊〉 you one lose at the Passeouer wil ve then that I lose vnto you the King of the 〈◊〉 40 * Then cryed they all againe saying Not him but 〈◊〉 now this Barabbas was a murtherer
he had spoken these things while they behelde he was taken vp for a cloude toke him vp out of their sight 10 And while thei loked stedfastly towarde heauē as he went beholde two men stode by them in white apparel 11 Which also said Ye men of Galile why stād ye gasing into heauen This Iesus which is taken vp frō you into heauen shal so come as ye haue sene him go into heauen 12 ¶ Then returned they vnto Ierusalem from the mount that is called the mount of oliues which is nere to Ierusalem conteining a Sabbath dayes iourney 13 And when thei were come in they went vp into an vpper chamber where abode bothe Peter and Iames and Iohn and Andrewe Phi lippe Thomas Bartlemewe Matthewe Iames the sonne of Alpheus and Simon zelotes and Iudas Iames brother 14 These all continued with one accorde in prayer and supplicatiō with the womē and Marie the mother of Iesus and with his brethren 15 ¶ And in those dayes Peter stode vp in the middes of the disciples and said now the nō ber of names that were in one place were about an hundreth and twentie 16 Ye men and brethrē this Scripture must nedes haue bene fulfilled which the * holie Gost by the mouth of Dauid spake before of Iudas which was* guide to thē that toke Iesus 17 For he was nombred with vs and had obtei ned feloship in this ministration 18 He therefore hathe purchased a field with the rewarde of iniquitie and when he* had throwen downe him selfe head lōgs he brast a sondre in the middes and all his bowels gushed out 19 And it is knowen vnto all the inhabitans of Ierusalem in so muche that that field is called in their owne langage Aceldama that is The field of blood 20 For it is written in the boke of Psalmes * Let his habitacion be voyde and let no mādwell therein * also Let another take his charge 21 Wherefore of these men which haue cōpa nied with vs all the time that the Lord Iesus was conuersant among vs 22 Beginning from the Baptisme of Iohn vnto the day that he was taken vp from vs muste one of them be made a witnes with vs of his resurrection 23 And they presented two Ioseph called Barsabas whose surname was Iustus and Matthias 24 And they prayed saying Thou Lord which knowest the hearts of all men shewe whether of these two thou hast chosen 25 That he may take the roume of this ministration and Apostleship from which Iudas hathe gone astray to go to his owne place 26 Then they gaue forthe their lottes and the lot fel on Matthias he was by a cōmune consent counted with the Eleuen Apostles CHAP. II. 3 The Apóstles hauing receiued the holie Gost make their hearers astonished 14 When Peter had stopped the mouthes of the mockers he 〈◊〉 by thy visible graces of the holie Spirit that Christ is come 41 He baptizeth a great nomber that were conuerted 42 The godlie exer cise charitie and diuers vertues of the faithful 1 ANd when the day of Pentecoste was come they were all with one accorde in one place 2 And* suddenly there came a sounde frō heauen as of a russhing and mightie winde it filled all the house where they sate 3 And there appeared vnto them clouen tongues like fyre and it sate vpon eche of them 4 And they were all silled with the holie Gost and began to speake with other tongues as the Spirit gaue them vtterance 5 And there were dwelling at Ierusalem Iewes men that feared God of 〈◊〉 nation vnder heauen 6 Now when this was noised the multitude came together and were astonied because that euerie man heard them spake his owne langage 7 And they wondred all and marueiled saying 〈◊〉 them selues Beholde are not all these which speake of Galile 8 How then heare we euerie man our owne langage wherein we were borne 9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the inhabitans of Mesopotamia and of Iudea and of Cappadocia of Pontus and Asia 10 And of Phrygia and Pamphilia of Egypt of the parties of Lybia which is beside Cyrene and strangers of Rome and Iewes and proselytes 11 Cretes and Arabians we heard thē speake in our owne tōgues the wonderful workes of God 12 They were all then amased and douted saying one to another What may this be 13 And others mocked and said They are ful of newe wine 14 ¶ But Peter standing with the Eleuen lift vp his voice and said vnto them Ye men of Iudea and ye all that inhabit Ierusalem be this knowen vnto you and hearken vnto my wordes 15 For these are not drōkē as ye suppose since it is but the thirde houre of the day 16 But this is that which was spoken by the Prophet * Ioel 17 And it shal be in the last dayes saith God I wil powre out of my Spirit vpon all flesh and your sonnes your daughters shal prophecie and your yong men shal se visions your olde men shal dreame dreames 18 And on my seruāts on mine handemaides I wil powre out of my Spirit in those dayes and they shal prophecie 19 And I wil shewe wonders in heauen aboue and tokens in the earth beneth blood and fyre and the vapour of smoke 20 * The sunne shal be turned into darkenes and the moone into blood before that great and notable day of the Lord come 21 And it shal be * that whosoeuer shal call on the Name of the Lord shal be saued 22 Ye mē of Israel heare these wordes IESVS of Nazaret a man approued of God among you with great workes and wondres and signes which God did by him in the middes of you as ye your selues also knowe 23 Him I say haue ye taken by the hands of the wicked being deliuered by the determinate counsel and fore knowledge of God and haue crucified and slaine 24 Whome God hathe 〈◊〉 vp and losed the sorowes of death because it was vnpossible that he shulde be holden of it 25 For Dauid saith concerning him * I beheld the Lord alwayes before me for he is at my right hand that I shulde not be 〈◊〉 26 Therefore did mine heart reioyce and my tongue was glad and moreouer also my flesh shalrest in hope 27 Because thou wilt not leaue my soule in graue nether wilt suffer thine holie one to se corruption 28 Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe and shalt make me ful ofioye with thy coun tenance 29 Men ād brethren I may boldely speake vn to you of the Patriarke Dauid * that he is bothe dead and buryed ād his sepulchre remaineth with vs vnto this day
that loue him 6 But ye haue despised the poore Do not the riche oppresse you by tyrannie and do not they drawe you before the iudgemēt seates 7 Do not they blaspheme the worthie Name after which ye be named 8 But if ye fulfill the royal Law accordyng to the Scripture whiche saith * Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy self ye do wel 9 * But if ye regarde the persones ye commit sinne and are rebuked of the Law as transgressours 10 For* whosoeuer shal kepe the whole Law and yet faileth in one point he is giltie of all 11 For he that said * Thou shalt not commit adulterie said also Thou shalt not kill Now thoghthou do est none adulterie yet if thou killest thou art a transgressor of the Law 12 So speake ye and so do as they that shal be iudged by the Law of libertie 13 For there shal be iudgement merciles to him that sheweth no mercie and mercie reioyceth against iudgement 14 What auaileth it my brethren thogh a man saith he hathe faith when he hath no workes can the faith saue him 15 For if a brother or sister be* naked and destitute of dailie fode 16 And one of you say vnto them Departe in peace warme your selues and fill your bellies not withstandyng ye giue thē not those things which are nedeful to the bodie what helpeth it 17 Euen so the fayth if it haue no workes is dead in it self 18 But some man myght saye Thou haste the faith and I haue workes shewe me thy faith out of thy workes and I will shewe thee my faith by my workes 19 Thou beleuest that there is one GOD thou doest wel the deuils also beleueit and tremble 20 But wilt thou vnderstand ô thou vaine mā that the fayth whiche is without workes is dead 21 Was not Abraham our Father iustified through workes when he offred Isaac hys sonne vpon the Altar 22 Seest thou not that the fayth wroght with his workes ād through the workes was the faith made persite 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which saith * Abraham beleued God and it was imputed vnto hym for righteousnes and was called the friend of God 24 Ye se then howe that of workes a man is iustified and not of faith onely 25 Likewise also was not * Rahab the harlot iustified through workes when she hadreceiued the messengers and sent them out an other waye 26 For as the bodie without the spirit is dead euen so the fayth without workes is dead CHAP. III. 2 He forbiddeth all ambition to seke honour aboue our brethren 3 He describeth the propertie of the tongue 15 16 And what difference there is betwixt the wisdome of God and the wisdome of the worlde 1 MY brethren be not manye masters knowing that we shal receiue the greater condemnation 2 For in manie things we sinne all * If anie man sinne not in worde he is a perfect man and able to bridel all the bodie 3 Beholde we put bits into the horses mouthes that they shulde obey vs and we turne about all their bodie 4 Beholde also the shippes which thogh they be so greate and are driuen of fierce windes yet are they turned aboute wyth a verye smale rudder whethersoeuer the gouerner lysteth 5 Euen so the tongue is a litle member and boasteth of great things beholde how great a thing a litle fyre kindleth 6 And the tongue is fyre yea a worlde of wyckednes so is the tongue set among our membres that it defileth the whole bodye and setteth on fire the course of nature and it is set on fyre of hel 7 For the whole nature of beastes and of birdes and of crepyng thyngs and thyngs of the sea is tamed and hath bene tamed of the nature of man 8 But the tongue can no mantame It is an vnrulie euil ful of deadelye poyson 9 Therewith blesse we God euen the Father ād there with curse wemen which are made after the similitude of God 10 Out of one mouth proceadeth blessings ād cursing my brethrē these thyngs ought not so to be 11 Doeth a fountaine send forthe at one place swete water and bytter 12 Can the figge tre my brethren bring forthe oliues other a vine figges so can no foūtaine make bothe salte water and swete 13 Who is a wyse man and endued with knowledge amonge you let hym shewe by good conuersation hys workes in mekenes of wisdome 14 But if ye haue bitter enuying and strife in your hearts reioyce not nether be lyers against the trueth 15 This wisdome descendeth not from aboue but is earthlie sensual and diuelish 16 For where enuying and strife is there is sedition and all maner of euill workes 17 But the wisdome that is frome aboue is first pure then peaceable gentle easie to be entreated ful of mercie ād good frutes with out iudging and without hypocrisie 18 And the frute of ryghteousnes is sowen in peace of them that make peace CHAP. IIII. 1 Hauing shewed the cause of all wrong and wickednes and also of all graces and goodnes 4 He exhorteth them to loue God 7 And submit them selues to him 11 Not speaking euil of their neighbours 13 But patiently to depend on Gods prouidence 1 FRom whence are warres ād contentions among you are they not hence euen of your lustes that fight in your members 2 Ye luste and haue not ye enuie and haue indignation and can not obteyne ye fight and warre and get nothing because ye aske not 3 Ye aske and receyue not because ye aske amisse that ye myght consume it on your lustes 4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses knowe ye not that the amitie of the worlde is the eni mitie of God * Whosoeuer therefore wil be a friend of the worlde maketh him selfe the enemie of God 5 Do ye thinke that the Scripture sayth in vaine The spirit that dwelleth in vs lusteth after enuie 6 But the Scripture offereth more grace ād therefore sayth * God resisteth the proude and giueth grace to the humble 7 * Submit your selues to God resist the deuil and he wil flee from you 8 Drawe nere to God and he will drawe nere to you Clense your hands ye sinners ād pur ge your hearts ye wauering minded 9 Suffer afflictions and soro we ye and wepe let your laughter be turned into mournyng and your ioye into heauines 10 * Cast downe your selues before the Lord and he wil lift you vp 11 Speake not euill one of another brethren He that speaketh euill of hys brother or he that condemneth his brother speaketh euill of the Law and condemneth the Law and if thou condemnest the Law thou art not an obseruer of the Law but a iudge 12 There is one Law giuer whiche is
able to saue and to destroye * Who art thou that iud gest another man 13 Go to no we ye that saye To daye or to morowe we wyll go into suche a citie and continue there a yere and bye and sel and get gaine 14 And yet ye can not tell what shal be to moro we For what is your lyfe It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a litle time and af ter warde vanisheth away 15 For that ye ought to say * If the Lord wyll and If we liue we wil do this or that 16 But no we ye reioyce in your boastyngs all suche reioycing is euil 17 Therefore to him that knoweth howe to do wel and doeth it not to him it is sinne CHAP. V. 2 He threateneth the wicked riche men 7 Exhoiteth vnto pacience 12 To beware of swearyng 16 One to knowledge his fautes to another 20 And one to labour to bring another to the trueth 1 GO to nowe ye ryche men wepe and howle for your miseries that shall come vpon you 2 Your riches are corrupt and your garments are moth eaten 3 Your Golde and Siluer is cankred and the rust of them shal be a wytnes agaynste you and shall eat your fleshe as it were fyre * Ye haue heaped vp treasure for the last dayes 4 Beholde the hyre of the laborers which haue reaped your fields whiche is of you kept backe by fraude cryeth and the cryes of them which haue reaped are entred into the eares of the Lord of hostes 5 Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earthe and in wantōnes Ye haue nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter 6 Ye haue condemned and haue killed the iuste and he hathe not resisted you 7 Be pacient therefore brethren vnto the commyng of the Lorde Beholde the housband man waiteth for the precious frute of the earth and hathe longe pacience for it vntill he receiue the former and the latter rayne 8 Be ye also pacient therefore and setle your hearts for the commyng of the Lord draweth nere 9 Grudge not one against another brethren lest ye be condemned beholde the iudge standeth before the dore 10 Take my brethren the Prophetes for an ensample of suffering aduersitie and of long pacience whiche haue spoken in the Name of the Lord. 11 Beholde we count them blessed whiche endure Ye haue heard of the pacience of Iob 〈◊〉 haue knowen what end the Lord made For the Lord is verie pitiful and mercifull 12 But before all thyngs my brethren * sweare not nether by heauen nor by earth nor by anie other othe but let your yea be yea and your naye naye lest ye fall into condemnation 13 Is anie among you afflicted Let him pray Is anie merie Let him sing 14 Is anie sicke among you Let hym call for the Elders of the Churche and let them praye for him and anoint hym with * oyle in the Name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of fayth shal saue the sicke and the LORDE shall rayse him vp and if he haue committed sinne it shal be forgiuen hym 16 Acknowledge your fautes one to another and pray one for another that ye may be hea led for the prayer of a ryghteous man auaileth muche if it be feruent 17 * Helias was a man subiect to lyke passions as we are and he prayed earnestlye that it myght not rayne and it rained not on the earth for thre yeres and six moneths 18 And he prayed agayne and the heauen gaue rayne and the earth broght forthe her frute 19 Brethren if anye of you hathe erred frome the trueth and some man hathe conuerted hym 20 Let him knowe that he whiche hathe conuerted the sinner from goyng astraye out of his way shal saue a soule from death ād shal hide a multitude of sinnes THE FIRST EPISTLE general of Peter THE ARGVMENT HE exhorteth the faithful to denie them selues and to contemne the worlde that being deliuered from all carnal affections and impediments they may more spedely atteine to the heauēlie kingdome of Christ whereunto we are called by the grace of God reueiled to vs in his Sonne and haue already receiued it by faith possessed it by hope and are therein confirmed by holines of life And to the intent this faith shulde not faint seing Christ contemned and reiected almost of the whole worlde he declareth that this is nothyng els but the accomplishyng of the Scriptures whiche testifie that he shulde be the stombling stone to the reprobate and the sure fundation of saluation to the faithfull therefore he exhorteth them courageously to go forwarde considering what they were and to what dignitie God hathe called them After he entreateth particular points teaching subiects how to obey their gouernours and seruants their masters how maried folkes ought to behaue them selues And because it is appointed for all that are godlie to suffre persecutions he sheweth them what good yssue their asflictions shal haue and contrariewise what punishment God reserueth for the wicked Last of all he teacheth how the ministers ought to behaue them selues forbidding them to vsurpe autoritie o 〈◊〉 the Churche also that yong men ought to be modest and apt to learne and so endeth with an exhortation CHAP. I. 2 He sheweth that through the abundant mercie of God we are elect and regenerate to a liuelie hope 7 And how faith must be tried 10 That the saluation in Christ is no newes but a thing prophecied of olde 13 He exhorteth them to a godlie conuersation forasmuche as they are now borne a newe by the worde of God 1 PETER an Apostle of Iesus Christ to the strangers that dwel here and there throughout Pontus Galacia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia 2 Elect according to the fore knowledge of God the Father vnto sanctificatió of the spirit through obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ Grace and peace be multiplied vnto you 3 * Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ whiche accordyng to his abundant mercie hathe begotten vs againe vnto a liuelie hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead 4 To an inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for you 5 Whiche are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation whiche is prepared to be shewed in the last time 6 Wherein ye reioyce thogh now for a ceason if nede require ye are in heauines through manifolde tentations 7 That the triall of your faith being muche more precious then golde that perisheth thogh it be tried with fyre might be foūde vnto your praise and honour and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ. 8 Whome ye haue not sene and yet loue him in whome now thogh ye se him not yet do you beleue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakeable and glorious 9 Receiuing the
preacher of righteousnes and broght in the flood vpon the worlde of the vngodlie 6 And * turned the cities of Sodome and Gomorrhe into ashes condemned them and ouerthrewe thē ād made them an ensample vnto them that after shulde liue vngodlie 7 * And deliuered iuste Loth vexed with the vnclenlie conuersation of the wicked 8 For he being righteous dwellyng among them in seing and hearing vexed his righteous soule from day to day with their vnlawful dedes 9 The Lorde knoweth to deliuer the godlye out of tentation and to reserue the vniust vnto the day of iudgement to be punished 10 And chiefely thē that walke after the flesh in the lust of vnclennes and despise the gouernement whiche are presumpteous and stand in their owne conceite and feare not to speake euill of thē that are in dignitie 11 Where as the Angels which are greater both in power and might * giue not railing iudgement against them before the Lord. 12 But these as brute beasts led with sensualitie and made to be taken and destroyed speake euil of those things which they knowe not and shal perish through their owne corruption 13 And shal receiue the wages of vnrighteousnes as they which counte it pleasure to liue deliciously for a season Spottes they are ād blottes deliting them selues in their deceiuings in feasting with you 14 Hauing eyes ful of adulterie and that can not cease to sinne beguiling vnstable soules they haue hearts exercised with couetousnes cursed children 15 Whiche forsakyng the right waye haue gone astraye following the way of * Balaam the sonne of Bosor which loued the wages of vnrighteousnes 16 But he was rebuked for his iniquitie for the domme asse speaking with mans voyce forbade the foolishnes of the Prophet 17 * These are welles without water and cloudes caryed about with atēpest to whom the blacke darkenes is reserued for euer 18 For in speaking swelling wordes of vanitie they beguile with wantonnes through the lustes of the flesh them that were cleane esca ped from thē which are wrapped in errour 19 Promising vnto them libertie and are them selues the * seruants of corruption for of who me so euer a man is ouer come euen vnto the same is he in bondage 20 * For if they after they haue escaped from the filthines of the worlde through the knowledge of the Lord and of the Sauiour Iesus Chaist are yet tangled againe therein and ouercome the latter end is worse with them then the beginning 21 For it had bene better for them not to haue knowen the way of righteousnes then after they haue knowen it to turne from the holie commandement giuen vnto them 22 But it is come vnto them according to the true prouerbe * The dogge is returned to his owne vomit The sowe that was washed to the wallowing in the myer CHAP. III. 3 He sheweth the impitie of them which mocke at Gode promises 7 After what sorte the end of the worlde shal be 8 That they prepare them selues thereunto 16 who they are which abuse the writings of S. Paul and the rest of the Scriptures 18 Concluding with cternal thankes to Christ Iesus 1 THis seconde Epistle I now write vnto you beloued where with stirre vp and warne your pure mindes 2 To call to remembrance the wordes which were tolde before of the holie Prophetes also the commandement of vs the Apostles of the Lord and Sauiour 3 * This first vnderstand that 〈◊〉 shal come in the last dayes mockers which wil walke after their lustes 4 And say Where is the promes of his cōming for since the fathers dyed all things continue a like from the beginning of the creation 5 For this they willingly knowe not that the heauens were of olde and the earth that was of the water and by the water by the worde of God 6 Wherefore the worlde that then was perished ouer flowed with the water 7 But the heauens and earth whiche are now are kept by the same worde in store and reserued vnto fyre against the day of iudgement and of the destruction of vngodlie men 8 Derely beloued be not ignorant of this one thyng that one day is with the Lorde * as a thousand yeres and a thousand yere as one day 9 The Lorde is not slacke concernyng hys promes assome men count slackenes but is pacient towarde vs and * wolde haue no man to perish but wolde all men to come to repentance 10 * But the day of the Lord wil come as a thief in the night in the whiche the heauens shall passe away with a noyce and the elements shal melt with heate and the earth with the workes that are therin shal be burnt vp 11 Seing therefore that all these things must be dissolued what maner persones ought ye to be in holie conuersation and godlines 12 Loking for and hasting vnto the comming of the day of God by the which the heauens being on fyre shal be dissolued and the elements shalt melt with heat 13 But we loke for * new heauens and a new earth according to his promes wherein dwelleth righteousnes 14 Wherefore beloued seing that ye loke for suche things be diligent that ye may be founde of him in peace without spotte blameles 15 * And suppose that the long suffring of our Lord is saluation euen as our beloued brother Paul according to the wisdome giuen vnto him wrote to you 16 As one that in all his Epistles speaketh of these things among the which some things are hard to be vnderstand which they that are vnlearned and vnstable peruert as they do also other Scriptures vnto their owne destruction 17 Ye therefore beloued seing ye know these things before beware lest ye be also plucked away with the errour of the wicked fall from your owne stedfastnes 18 But growe in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to hym be glorie bothe now and for euer more Amen THE FIRST EPISTLE generall of Iohn THE ARGVMENT AFter that S. Iohn had sufficiently declared how that our whole saluation doeth consiste onely in Christ lest that any man shulde thereby take a boldenes to sinne he sheweth that no man can beleue in Christ onles he doeth endeuour him self to kepe his commandements which thing being done he exhorteth them to beware of false prophetes whome he calleth Antichrists and to trye the spirits Laste of all he doeth earnestly exhorte them vnto brotherlie loue and to beware of 〈◊〉 CHAP. I. 2 True witnes of the euerlasting worde of God 7 The blood of Christ is the purgation of sinne 10 No man is without sinne 1 THat which was from the beginning which we haue heard which we haue sene with our eyes which we haue loked vpon and our hands
and for the witnessing of Iesus Christ. 10 And I was rauished in spirit on the Lords day and heard behinde me a great voyce as it had bene of a trumpet 11 Saying I am and the first and the last and that whiche thou seest write in a boke and send it vnto the seuen Churches whiche are in Asia vnto Ephesus and vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamus and vnto Thyatira and vnto Sardi and vnto Philadelphia and vnto Laodicea 12 Then I turned backe to sethe voyce that spake with me and whē I was turned I sawe seuen golden candlestickes 13 And in the middes of the seuen candlestickes one like vnto the Sonne of man clothed with a garment downe to the feete girde about the pappes with golden girdle 14 His head and heere 's were white as white woll and as snowe and his eyes were as a flame of fyre 15 And his fete like vnto fine u brasse burning as in a fornace and voyce as the sounde of many waters 16 And he had in his right hand seuen y starres and out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged sworde and his face shone as the sunne shineth in his strength 17 And when I sawe him I fell at his fete as dead then he laid his right hand vpon me saying vnto me Feare not I am the first and the last 18 And am aliue but I was dead and beholde I am a liue for euermore Amen and I haue the keyes of hel and of death 19 Write the things which thou hast sene and the things whiche are and the things which shal come here after 20 The misterie of the seuen starres whiche thou sawest in my right hand and the seuen golden candlestickes is this The seuen starres are the Aungels of the seuen Churches and the seuen candlestickes whiche thou sawest are the seuen Churches CHAP. II. 1 He exhorte foure Chuches 5 To repentance 10 To perseuerance pacience and amendement 5. 14 20. 23. Aswel by threatenings 7. 10. 17. 26. As promises of rewarde 1 VNto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write These things saith he that hol deth the seuen starres in his right hand and walketh in the middes of the seuen golden candlestickes 2 I knowe thy workes and thy labour ād thy pacience and how thou canst not forbeare them whiche are euil and hast examined thē whiche say they are Apostles and are not hast founde them lyers 3 And thou hast suffred and hast pacience for my Names sake hast labored and hast not fainted 4 Neuertheles I haue somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first loue 5 Remember therefore from whēce thou art fallen and repent and do the first workes orels I wil come against thee shortly and wil remoue thy candlesticke out of his place except thou amende 6 But this thou hast that thou hatest the workes of the Nicolaitans which I also hate 7 Let him that hathe an eare heare what the Spitit saith vnto the Churches To him that ouercometh wil I giue to eate of the tree of life whiche is in the middes of the Paradise of God 9 ¶ And vnto the Aungell of the Churche of the Smyrnians write These things saith he that is first and last Whiche was dead and is a liue 9 I know thy workes and tribulation and pouertie but thou art riche and I knowe the blasphemie of them which say they are Iewes and are not but are the Synagogue of Satan 10 Feare none of those things whiche thou shalt suffer beholde it shall come to passe that the deuill shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tryed and ye shall haue tribulation ten dayes be thou faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee the crowne of life 11 Let him that hathe an eare heare what the Spirit saith to the Churches He that ouercometh shal not be hurt of the secōde death 12 And to the Angel of the Church whiche is at Pergamus write This saith he which hath the sharpe sworde with two edges 13 I knowe thy workes and where thou dwellest euen where Satans throne is and thou kepest my Name and hast not denied my faith euen in those dayes when Antipasmy faithful martyr was slaine among you where Satan dwelleth 14 But I haue a fewe things against thee because thou hast there them that mainteine the doctrine of * Balaam whiche taught Balac to put a stumbling blocke before the children of Israel that they shulde eat of things sacrificed vnto idoles and commit fornication 15 Euen so hast thou them that mainteine the doctrine of the Nicolaitans whiche thyng I hate 16 Repent thy self or els I wil come vnto thee shortely and will fight against them with the sworde of my mouth 17 Let him that hathe an eare heare what the spirit saith vnto the Churches To him that ouercometh wil I giue to eat of the Manna that is hid and will giue hym a white stone and in the stone a newe name writen whiche no man knoweth sauing he that receiueth it 18 ¶ And vnto the Angel of the Church which is at Thyatira write These thyngs saith the Sonne of God which hathe his eyes like vnto a flame of fyre and his fete like fine brasse 19 I knowe thy workes and thy loue and seruice and faith and thy pacience and thy wor kes and that they are mo at the last then at the first 20 Notwithstanding I haue a fewe things against thee that thou suffrest the 〈◊〉 * Ie sabel which calleth her self a Prophetesse to teache and to deceiue my seruants to make them commit fornication and to eat meats sacrified vnto idoles 21 And I gaue her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not 22 Beholde I wil cast her into a bed and them that commit fornication with her into great affliction except they repent them of their workes 23 And I wil kill her children with death and all the Churches shal knowe that I am he which * searche the reines and hearts and I wil giue vnto euerie one of you according vnto your workes 24 And vnto you I say the rest of them of Thya tira As many as haue not this learning nether haue knowen the depnes of Satan as they speake I wil put vpō you none other burden 25 But that which ye haue all ready holde fast til I come 26 For he that ouercometh and kepeth my workes vnto the end * to him wil I giue power ouer nations 27 And he shal rule them with a rodde of yron and as the vessels of a potter shal 〈◊〉 be broken 28 Euen as I receiued of my Father so will I giue him the
houre at a day at a moneth and at a yere to slay the third parte of men 16 And the nomber of horsemen of warre were twentie thousand times ten thousand for I heard the nomber of them 17 And thus I sawe the horses in a vision and them that sate on them hauing fyrie habber gions and of Iacinth and of brimstone the heads of the horses were as the heads of lyons and out of their mouthes went forthe fire and smoke and brimstone 18 Of these thre was the third parte of men killed that is of the fyre and of the smoke and of the brimstone which came out of their mouthes 19 For their power is in their mouthes and in their tailes for their tailes were like vnto serpents and had heades where with they hurte 20 And the remnant of the men which were not killed by these plagues repēted not of the workes of their hands that thei shulde not worship deuils and idoles of golde of siluer and of brasse and of stone of wood which nether can se nether heare nor go 21 Also thei repented not of their murther and of their sorcerie nether of their fornicacion nor of their thefte CHAP. X. 1 The Angel hathe the boke open 6 He sweareth there shal be no more time 9 He giueth the boke vnto Iohn which 〈◊〉 it vp 1 ANd I sawe another mightie Angel come downe from heauen clothed with a cloude and the raine bowe vpon his head and his face was as the sunne and his feete as pillers of fyre 2 And he had in is hand a litle boke open and he put his right fote vpon the sea 〈◊〉 his left on the earth 3 And cryed with a lowde voyce as when a lyon roareth and when he had cryed seuen thondres vttered their voyces 4 And when the seuen thonders had vttered their voyces I was about to write but I heard a voyce frō heauen saying vnto me * Seale vp those things which the seuen thondres haue spoken and write them not 5 And the Angel which I sawe stand vpon the sea and vpon the earth lift vp his hand to heauen 6 And sware by him that liueth for euermore which created heauen and the things that therein are the earth and the things that therein are and the sea ād the things which there in are that time shulde be no more 7 But in the daies of the voyce of the seuen Angel when he shal beginne to blowe the trumpet euen the mysterie of God shal be finished as he hathe declared to his seruants the Prophetes 8 And the voyce which I heard from heauen spake vnto me againe and said Go and take the litle boke which is open in the hand of the Angel which standeth vpon the sea and vpon the earth 9 So I went vnto the Angel and said to him Giue me the litle boke And he said vnto me * Take it and eat it vp and it shal make thy bellie bitter but it shal be in thy mouth as swete as honie 10 Then I toke the litle boke out of the Angels hand and ate it vp it was in my mouth as swete as honie but when I had eaten it my bellie was bitter 11 And he said vnto me Thou must prophecie againe among the people and nations and tongues and to many Kings CHAP. XI 1 The temple is measured 3 Two witnesses raised vp by the Lord are murthered by the beast 11 But after receiued to glorie 15 Christ is exalted 16 And God praised by the 24. elders 1 THen was giuen me a rede like vnto arodde and the Angel stode by saying Rise and mette the temple of God and the altar and them that worship there in 2 But the court which is without the temple cast out and mette it not for it is giuen vnto the Gentiles and the holie citie shal they treade vnder fote two and fortie moneths 3 But I wil giue power vnto my two witnesses and they shal prophecie a thousand two hundreth and threscore dayes clothed in sacke cloth 4 These are two oliue trees and two candel stickes standing before the God of the earth 5 And if anie man wil hurte them fyre procedeth out of their mouthes and deuoureth their enemies for if anie man wolde hurt them thus muste he be killed 6 These haue power to shut heauen that it raine not in the dayes of their prophecyng haue power ouer waters to turne them in to blood and to smite the earth with all maner plagues as often as thei wil. 7 And when they haue finished their testimonie the beast that cometh out of the bottomles pit shal make warre against them and shal ouercome them and kill them 8 And their corpses shal lie in the stretes of the great citie which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where our Lordalso was crucified 9 And they of the people and kinreds and tōges and Gentiles shal se their corpses thre dayes and an halfe and shal not suffer their carkeises to be put in graues 10 And they that dwell vpon the earth shal reioyce ouer them and be glad and shal send giftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth 11 But after thre dayes and an halfe the spirit of life comming from God shal enter into them they shal stand vp vpon their fete and great feare shal come vpon them which sawe them 12 And they shal heare a great voyce from heauen saying vnto them Come vp hither And they shal ascēdevp to heauē in a cloude and their enemies shal se them 13 And the same houre shal there be a great earth quake and the tenth parte of the citie shal fall and in the earth quake shal be slaine in nomber seuen thousand and the remnant shal be afraid and giue glorie to the God of heauen 14 The seconde wo is past and beholde the thirde wo wil come anone 15 And the seuenth Angel blew the trumpet there were great voyces in heauen saying The kingdomes of this worlde are our Lords and his Christs and he shal reigne for euermore 16 Then the foure and twentie Elders which sate before GOD on their seates fell vpon their faces and worshipped God 17 Saying We giue thee thankes Lord God almightie Which art and Which wa st and Which art to come for thou hast receiued thy great might and hast obteined thy kingdome 18 And the Gentiles were angrie and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead that they shulde be iudged ād that thou shuldest giue rewarde vnto thy seruants the Prophetes and to the Saintes and to them that feare thy Name to smale and great and shuldest destroye them which destroye the earth 19 Then the Temple of
Lambe stode on mount Sion and with him an hundreth fortie ād foure thousand hauing his Fathers Name writen in the forheads 2 And I hearde a voyce frome heauen as the sounde of manie waters and as the sounde of a great thunder and I heard the voyce of harpers harping with their harpes 3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne and before the foure beasts and the Elders no mā colde learne that song but the hundreth fortie ād foure thousand whiche were boght from the earth 4 These are they whiche are not defiled with women for they are virgins these followe the Lābe wither so euer he goeth these are boght from men beyng the first frutes vnto God and to the Lambe 5 And in their mouths was founde no guile for they are without spot before the throne of God 6 ¶ Thē I sawe another Angel slee in the middes of Heauē hauing an euerlasting Gospel to preache vnto thē that dwell on the earth and to euerie nation ād kinred and tongue and people 7 * Saying with a loude voyce Feare God ād giue glorie to him for the houre of his iudge ment is come and worship him that made* heauen and earth and the sea and the fountaines of waters 8 And there followed another Angel saying * It is fallen it is fallen Babylon the great citie for she made all nations to drinke of the wine of the wrath of her fornication 9 ¶ And the thirde Angel followed them saying with a loude voyce If any man worship the beast his image ād receiue his marke in his forhead or on his hand 10 The same shall drynke of the wyne of the wrath of God yea of the pure wine which is powred into the cup of his wrath and he shal be tormented in fyre and brimstone before the holie Angels before the Lambe 11 And the smoke of their torment shal ascend euermore they shall haue no rest daye nor night which worship the beast his image whosoeuer receiueth the prīt of his name 12 Here is the pacience of Saintes here are they that kepe the commādements of God and the faith of Iesus 13 Then I heard a voyce frome heauen saying vnto me Write Blessed are the dead whiche hereafter dye in the Lord. Euē so saith the Spirite for they rest from their labours and their workes followe them 14 ¶ And I loked beholde a white cloude and vpon the cloude on sitting like vnto the Sonne of man hauyng on his head a golden crowne and in his hand a sharpe sickle 15 And another Angell came out of the Temple crying with a loude voyce to hym that sate on the cloude Trustin thy sickle and reape for the tyme is come to reape for the haruest of the earth is ripe 16 And he that sate on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth ād the earth was reaped 17 Thē another Angel came out of the temple which is in heauē hauing also a sharpe sickle 18 And another Angell came out from the altar whiche had power ouer fyre and cryed with a loude crye to him that had the sharpe sickle and sayd Thrust in thy sharpe sickle and gather the clusters of the vineyarde of the earth for her grapes are ripe 19 And the Angel thrust in his sharpe sickle on the earth and cut downe the vines of the vineyarde of the earth and cast them into the great wine presse of the wrath of God 20 And the wyne presse was troden without the citie and blood came oute of the wine presse vnto the horse bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundreth furlongs CHAP. XV. 1 Seuen Angels haue the seuen last plagues 3 The song of them that ouercome the beast 7 The seuen viales full of God wrath 1 ANd I saw another signe in heauen great and marueilous seuen Angels hauynge the seuen laste plagues for by them is fulfilled the wrath of God 2 And I sawe as it were a glassie sea mingled with fyre and them that had gotten victorie of the beast ād of his image ād of his marke and of the nomber of his name stande at the glassie sea hauing the harpes of God 3 And they sung the songe of Moses the * seruant of God and the song of the Lambe saying Great and marueilous are thy workes Lord God almightie iuste and true are thy* wayes Kyng of 〈◊〉 4 * Who shal not feare thee ô Lord and glorifie the Name for thou onely art holie and all nations shal come and worshyppe before thee for thy iudgements are made manifest 5 And after that I loked and beholde the temple of the tabernacle of testimonie was opē in heauen 6 And the seuen Angels came out of the tēple which had the seuen plagues clothed in pure and bright linnen ād hauing their breastes girded with golden girdles 7 And one of the foure beastes gaue vnto the seuen Angels seuen golden viales full of the wrath of God which liueth for euermore 8 And the Temple was ful of the smoke of the glorie of God of his power ād no mā was able to enter into the Temple til the seuen plagues of the seuen Angels were fulfilled CHAP. XVI 1 The Aungels 〈◊〉 out their vials full of wrath 6 And what plagues followe thereof 15 Admonition to take hede and watch 1 ANd I heard a great voyce out of the Tem ple saying to the seuen Aungels Go your wayes and powre out the seuen viales of the wrath of God vpon the earth 2 And the firste went and powred out hys vial vpon the earth and there fel a noysome and a grieuous sore vpon the men whiche had the marke of the beast and vpon them whiche worshipped his image 3 And the second Aungel powred out his viall vpon the sea and it became as the blood of a deadman and euerie liuyng thyng dyed in the sea 4 And the thirde Aungell powred out his viall vpon the riuers and fountaines of waters and they became blood 5 And I heard the Aungell of the waters say Lord thou art iust Whiche art and Whiche wast and Holie because thou hast iudged these things 6 For they shed the blood of the Saintes and Prophetes and therefore hast thou giuē thē blood to drinke for they are worthie 7 And I heard another out of the Sanctuarie say Euen so Lord God almightie true and righteous are thy iudgements 8 And the fourth Aungell powred out his viall on the sunnes and it was giuen vnto him to torment men with heat of fyre 9 And men boyled in great heat and blasphemed the Name of God whiche hathe power ouer these plagues and they repēted not to giue him glorie 10 And the fift Angel
fornication and liued in pleasure with her when they shal se the smoke of her burning 10 And shal stande a farre of for feare of her torment saying Alas alas the great citie Babylon the mightie citie for in one houre is thy iudgement come 11 And the marchants of the earth shal wepe and waile ouer her for no man byeth their ware any more 12 The ware of golde and siluer and of precious stone and of pearles and of fine linen and of purple and of silke and of skarlet and of all maner of Thyne wood and of al vessels of yuorie and of all vessels of moste precious wood and of brasse and of yron and of marble 13 And of synamon and odours and ointments and franck incense and wine and oile and fine floure and wheat and beastes and shepe and horses and charets and seruants and soules of men 14 And the apples that thy soule lusted after are departed from thee and al things which were fat and excellent are departed frō thee and thou shalt finde them no more 15 The marchants of these things which were waxed riche shall stand a farre of from her for feare of her torment weping wailyng 16 And saying Alas alas the greate citie that was clothed in fine linen and purple skarlet and guilded with golde and precious stone and pearles 17 For in one houre so greate riches are come to desolation And euerie shippe master and all the people that occupie shippes and shipmen and whosoeuer trauaill on the sea shal stand a farre of 18 And crye when they se the smoke of her burnyng saying What citie was like vnto this great citie 19 And they shall cast dust on their heads crye weping and wailing and say Alas alas the great citie where in were made riche all that had shippes on the sea by her costlines for in one houre she is made desolate 20 O heauen reioyce of her and ye holie Apostles and Prophetes for God hathe giuē your iudgement on her 21 Then a mightie Angel toke vp a stone lyke a great milstone and cast it into the sea saying With suche violence shall the great citie Babylon be cast shal be founde no more 22 And the voyce of harpers and musicians and of pipers and trumpetters shal be heard no more in thee and no craftes man of what soeuer crafte he be shal be founde anymore in thee and the founde of a milstone shal be heard no more in thee 23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more in thee and the voyce of the bridegrome and of the bride shal be hearde no more in thee for thy marchants were the great men of the earth and wyth thine inchantements were deceiued all nations 24 And in her was founde the blood of the Pro phetes and of the Saintes and of al that were slaine vpon the earth CHAP. XIX 1 Praises are giuen vnto God for iudging the whore and for auenging the blood of his seruants 10 The Aungell will not be worshipped 17 The fouls and birdes are called to the slaughter 1 ANd after these things I heard a great voyce of a greate multitude in heauen saying Hallelu-iah saluacion ād glorie and ho nour and power be to the Lord our God 2 For true and righteous are his iudgemēts for he hathe condemned the greate whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornicacion and hath aduenged the blood of his seruants shed by her hand 3 And againe they sayd Hallelu-iah and her smoke rose vp for euermore 4 And the foure and twentie Elders and the foure beastes fell downe and worshyped God that 〈◊〉 on the throne saying Amen Hallelu-iah 5 Then a voice came out of the throne saying Praise our God al ye his seruants and ye that feare him bothe smale and great 6 And I heard like a voyce of a greate multitude and as the voyce of manie waters and as the voyce of strong thondrings saying Hallelu-iah for our Lord God almyghtie hathe reigned 7 Let vs be glad and reioyce and giue glorie to him for the mariage of the Lābe is come and his wife hathe made her selfe readie 8 And to her was gtaunted that she shulde be araied wyth pure fyne linen and shyning for the fine linen is the righteousnes of Sainctes 9 Then he said vnto me Write * Blessed are they which are called vnto the Lambes sup per. And he sayd vnto me These wordes of God are true 10 And I fell before hys feete * to worshippe hym but he sayd vnto me Se thou do it not I am thy fellowe seruant and one of the brethren whiche haue the testimonie of Iesus Worship God for the testimonie of Iesus is the spirit of prophecie 11 And I sawe heauen open and beholde a white horse and he that sate vpon him was called Faithful and true and he iudgeth and fighteth righteously 12 And hys eyes were as a flame of fyre and on his head were manie cro wnes and had a name written that no man knewe but hym self 13 And * he was clothed with a garment dipte in bloode and hys name is called THE WORDE OF GOD. 14 And the warriers whyche were in heauen folowed hym vppon white horses clothed with sine linen white and pure 15 And out of hys mouth wente out a sharpe sworde that with it he shulde smite the heathen for he * shall rule them with arod of yron for he it is that treadeth the wyne presse of the fiercenes ād wrath of almightie God 16 And he hathe vppon hys garment and vppon hys thygh a name written * THE KING OF KINGS AND LORDE OF LORDS 17 And I sawe an Aungell stand in the sunne who cryed with a lowde voyce saying to all the foules that did flye by the middes of hea uen Come and gather your selues together vnto the supper of the great God 18 That ye may eat the fleshe of Kynges and the fleshe of hie Captaines and the fleshe of mightie men and the fleshe of horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all fre men and bondemen and of smale and great 19 And I sawe the bèast and the Kinges of the earth and their warriers gathered together to make battel against him that sate on the horse and against his souldiers 20 But the beast was taken and wyth hym that false Prophete that wroght miracles before hym whereby he deceyued them that receyued the beastes marke and them that worshiped his image These both were aliue caste into a lake of fyre burnyng wyth brimstone 21 And the remnant were slayne wyth the sworde of hym that sitteth vppon the horse which cometh out of his mouth and all the foules were filled full with their flesh CHAP. XX. 2 Satan being bounde for a certeine time 7 And
after let lose vexeth the Churche grieuously 10. 14 And after the world is iudged he ād his 〈◊〉 castinto the lake of fyre 1 ANd I sawe an Angel come downe from heauē hauing the keye of the bottomles pit and a great chaine in his hand 2 And he toke the dragon that olde serpent which is the deuil and Satan and he bounde him a thousand yeres 3 And caste him into the bottomles pit and he shut him vp and sealed the dore vpon hym that he shulde deceiue the people no more til the thousand yeres were fulfilled for after that he must be losed for a litle season 4 And I sawe seates ād they sate vpon them and iudgement was giuen vnto them and I sawe the soules of thē that were beheaded for the witnes of Iesus and forthe worde of God and whiche did not worship the beast nether hys image nether had taken hys marke vpon their forheads or on their handes and they liued and reigned with Christ a thousand yere 5 But the rest of the dead men shall not lyue againe vntil the thousand yeres be finished this is the first resurrection 6 Blessed and holie is he that hathe parte in the firste resurrection for on suche the seconde death hath no power but they shal be the Priests of God and of Christ and shall reigne with him a thousand yere 7 * And when the thousande yeres are expired Satan shal be losed out of his prison 8 And shall go oute to deceyue the people whyche are in the foure quarters of the earth euen Gog and Magog to gather them together to battel whose nomber is as the sand of the sea 9 And they wente vp into the plaine of the earth whyche compassed the tentes of the Saintes aboute and the beloued citie but fyre came downe frome God out of heauen and deuoured them 10 And the deuil that deceiued them was cast into a lake of fyre and brimstone where the beast and the false prophete shal be tormented euen day and night for euermore 11 And I sawe a greate white throne and one that sate on it frome whose face fled awaye bothe the earth and heauen and their place was no more founde 12 And I sawe the dead bothe great and small stand before God and the bokes were ope ned and * another boke was opened which is the boke of lyfe and the dead were iudged of those things whiche were written in the bokes according to their workes 13 And the sea gaue vp her dead whiche were in her and death and hell deliuered vp the dead which were in them and they were iud ged euerie man according to their workes 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fyre this is the seconde death 15 And whosoeuer was not founde wrytten in the boke of lyfe was caste into the lake of fyre CHAP. XXI 3. 14. The blessed estate of the godlie 8. 〈◊〉 And the miserable condicion of the wicked 11 The description of the heauenlie Ierusalem and of the wife of the Lambe 1 ANd I sawe * a newe heauen and a newe earth for * the firste heauen and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea 2 And I Iohn sawe the holye citie newe Ierusalem come downe from God out of heauen prepared as a bride trimmed for her housband 3 And I heard a great voyce out of heauen saying Be hold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they 〈◊〉 his people and God him selfe shal be their God with them 4 * And God shall wipe away all teares frome their eyes and there shal be no more death nether sorowe nether crying nether shall there be anie more paine for the first things are passed 5 And he that sate vppon the throne sayd * Beholde I make all things newe and he sayd vnto me Write for these wordes are faythful and true 6 And he sayd vnto me * It is done I am and the beginning and the end I will giue to him that is a thirst of the well of the water of life frely 7 He that ouercometh shall inherite all thinges and I will be his God and he shal be my sonne 8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuing and the abominable and murderers and who remon gers and sorcerers and idolaters and all lyars shal haue their parte in the lake whiche burneth with fyre and brimstone whiche is the seconde death 9 And there came vnto me one of the seuen Aungels whiche had the seuen viales full of the seuen laste plagues and talked with me saying Come I will shewe thee the bride the Lambes wife 10 And he caryed me awaye in the spirite to a great and an hie mountaine and he shewed me the great citie holie Ierusalem descen ding out of heauen from God 11 Hauing the glorie of God and her shyning was like vnto a stone moste precious as a Iasper stone cleare as cristal 12 And had a great wal and hie and had twelue gates and at the gates twelue Aungels and the names written whiche are the twelue tribes of the children of Israel 13 On the East parte there were thre gates and on the Northside thre gates on the Southside thre gates and on the Westside thre gates 14 And the wall of the citie had twelue fundacions and in them the names of the Lambes twelue Apostles 16 And he that talked wyth me had a golden rede to measure the citie with all and the ga tes thereof and the wall thereof 16 And the citie laye foure square and the length is as large as the bredth of it and he measured the citie wyth the rede twelue thousande furlongs and the length and the bredth and the height of it are equal 17 And he measured the wall thereof an hundreth fortie and foure cubites by the measure of man that is of the Angel 18 And the buyldyng of the wall of it was of Iasper and the citie was pure golde like vnto cleare glasse 19 And the fundacions of the wall of the citie were ganished with all maner of precious stones the first fundacion was Iasper the second of Saphire the third of a Chalcedonie the fourth of an Emeraude 20 The fift of a Sardonyx the sixt of a Sardius the seuenth of a Chrysolite the eigh of a Beryl the ninth of a Topaze the tenth of a Chri sophrasus the eleuenth of a Iacinth the twelueth an Amethist 21 And the twelue gates were twelue pearles and euerie gate is of one pearle and the strete of the citie is pure golde as shinyng glasse 22 And I sawe no Temple therein for the Lord God almightie and the Lambe are the Temple of it 23 * And the citie hathe no nede of the sunne nether of
4 Be careful ouer your Flockes Prouerb 27. 23. noahs Flood Gen. 6. 7 8. The cause of the vniuersal Flood Gen. 6. 5. An offring of Floure Leuit. 2. 1. ¶ By the Folde is vnderstand the church Iohn 10. 16 A Rodde belongeth to the Fooles backe Prou. 26. 3. for beare one another Ephe. 4. 2. Christ deliuered by the determinant counsel and Foreknowledge of God Act. 2. 23. We are elect according to the Fore knowledge of God 1. Pet. 1. 2 Our Forerunner christ Ebr. 6. 20 How oft thou oughtest to Forgiue thy brother Mat. 18. 21 Fornication ought not to be named among vs. Ephes. 5. 3 Fornicatours shall not inherit the kingdome of God 1. Cor. 6. 9 Forsake thy father mother for christs sake Mat. 19. 29 Forsake thy self Mat. 16. 24 Fooles Prou. 12. vnto 18 The Foxes of samson Iudg. 15. 4 ¶ Mans Fragilitie Isa. 40. 6 The tre is knowen by the frute Mat. 7. 18. ¶ Wo to them that be Ful. Luk. 6. 〈◊〉 ¶ The piller of Fyre Exod. 40. 38 Christ is come to put Fyre on the earth Luk. 12. 41 Euerlastyng Fyre prepared for the deuil Mat. 25. 41 A law touching the Fyre that cōsumeth the corne Exod. 22. 6 The Fyrie law Deut. 33. 2 G GAal ebeds sonne and his doings Iudg. 9. 26 Gad the prophet 1. Sam. 22. 5. 2. Sam. 24. 11. Gad the sonne of Iaakob Gen. 30. 11. 49. 19. Iosh. 22 The counsel of Gamaliel Act. 5. 35 The Garment made of linen and wollen forbidden Deut. 22. 11 Aarons Garments Exod. 28 The strait Gate leadeth to life Matth. 7. 13 Iudgement done in the Gates of the citie Deut. 22 15 Gatherings for the saintes 1. Cor. 16. 1 ¶ Gedaliah is slaine 2. King 25. 25 The Gelded shall not entre into the con gregacion of the Lord. Deut. 23. 1 Gentlenes is praise worthie Prou. 16. 21 Ephes. 4. 2 Election of the Gentiles Psal. 2. 8 and 18 47 Israel is forbidden to be at peace with the Gentiles Deut. 7. 2 The conuersion of the Gentiles Isa. 2. 2. Act. 11. 17. 14. 27 The holie gost fell vpon the Gentiles Act. 10. 44 The vocacion of the Gentiles by preaching Isa. 66. 18 The conuersacion of the Gētiles before they knewe the trueth Ephes. 2. 1 Christ calleth the Gentiles dogges Mat. 15. 26 God for a time suffred the Gentiles to walke in their owne ways Act. 14. 16 ¶ The men of Gibeah and their wickednes Iosh. 19. 22 Gideon and his doings Iudg. 6. 7. 8 The tryal that Gideon toke of his souldiers how manie they were Iudg. 7. 5 God measureth the Gift accordyng to the heart Mar. 12. 44 Saluacion is the Gift of god Ephes. 2. 8. The Gift of God is not boght with money Act. 8. 20 Gebazi receiued Gifts of naaman 2. King 5. 27 The Gifts of the holie gost are diuers 1. Cor. 12. 4 To be Girded with veritie Ephes. 6. 14 Giue and it shal be giuen vnto you Luk. 6. 38 It is a blessed thing to Giue rather then to receiue Act. 20. 35 God loueth a cherefull Giuer 2. Cor. 9. 7 ¶ The desire of vaine glorie Gal. 5. 26 Man ought not to Glorie in him self 1. Cor. 4. 7. But in the knowledge of God Ierem. 9. 23 Glotons and drunkards are to be auoyded Prou. 23. 20 Glottonie Rom. 13. 13 ¶ The Goat charged with all the iniquities of the people Leui. 16. 22. The people require newe God Exod. 32. 23 God is almightie Gen. 17. 1. 35. 11 God is a spirit Ioh. 4. 24 God is euerie where and seeth al things Ierem. 23. 23 God is immortal 1. Tim. 1. 17 6. 16 God is inuisible Exod. 33. 20. Iohn 1. 18. moses sawe him and how Exod. 24 10. so did iaak ob Gen. 32. 30 The liuing God is the God of Israel Exod. 29. 45. Leuit. 26. 13. 2. Cor. 6. 16 God is with thee a kinde of salutation Iudg. 6. 12. Ruth 2. 4 There is but one God to the faithful 1. Cor. 8. 6 The Gods that are made with mans hād cannot saue them selues Bar. 6. 14 Gog and his fall Ezek. 38 39 Going out of Egypt Exod. 12. 37. Goliath slaine by Dauid 1. Sam. 17. Gomorrah consumed with fyre from heauen Gen. 19. 24 Followe that that is Good Rom. 12. 9 no Goodnes dwelleth in our flesh Rom. 7. 18. Thou that art taugh minister to thy teacher in all Good things Gal. 6. 6. Cor. 9. 14 Do God without fainting Gal. 6. 9. euen to thine enemies Luk. 6. 35 The definition of the Gospel Rom. 1. 16 The summe of the Gospel Ephes. 1. 7. Christ preacheth the Gospel Mar. 1. 14. The Gospelis the worde of the eternal God 1. Peter 1. 23. it is the worde of trueth Ephes. 1. 13 The end of them that obeye not the Gos pel of God 2. The ssalon 2. 10. 1. Peter 4. 17. The Gospel of Iohn why it is written Iohn 20. 30 The Gospel ought to be preached to al creatures Mar. 16. 15 Blasphemie against the holie Gost. Mat. 12. 31 The graces and giftes of the holie Gost are diuers 1. Cor. 12. 4 The holie Gost is sent Act. 2. 2 The holie Gost promised to the apostles Luk. 24. 49. Iohn 14. 16. act 1. 8 God giueth the holie Gost to them that desire him Luk. 11. 13 To Go vnto his fathers for to dye Gen. 15. 15 ¶ Trough Grace we are saued Ephesi 2. 5. The Graine of corne that falleth or the grounde Iohn 12. 24 Eat of thy neighbours Grapes but beare none awaye Deut. 23. 24 The Grekes seke for wisdome 1. Cori. 1. 22 Grieue not the holie spirit of God Ephe 4. 30. ¶ Gyants Gen. 6. 4 Gyants in the land of canaā Nom. 13. 34 H HAbacuc feedeth daniel read the storie of bel Habel murdered by his brother Gene. 4. 8. Ebr. 11. 4. Mat. 23. 35 Hadad salomons enemie 1. King 11. 14 Haggai the prophet Ezr. 5. 1 Hagar sara is maid Gen. 16. 21. Ham mock eth his father noah Genese 9. 22. Haman is hanged Ester 8. 9. 10 Hannah the wife of elkanah mother of samuel 1. Sam. 1 2. Hananiah the false prophet Ier. 28. 1 Commune Hands Mark 7. 2 The laying on of Hands Actes 19. 6. 1. Tim. 4. 14. Christ sitteth at table with vn washen Hands luk 11. 38 None can escape the Hand of God Amos. 9. 2. Deut. 32. 39 Christ by laying on of Hāds healeth the sicke Luk. 4. 40 To stretch the Hands out towards heauen 1. King 8. 22. Exod. 9. 22. 17. 11 The mans Hand that was dryed vp is hea led Mat. 12. 10 Christ layeth his Hands vpō the infants Mat. 19. 15 Hannah nourced her childe 1. Sam. 1. 23 Of Hanun king of the ammonites and of the il entreatie of dauids seruants 2. Sam. 10 4 Haran the sonne of terah Gen 11 27 Haraphah of the stocke of gyants 2 sam 21. 16 god whome he wil he
〈◊〉 of God vnto sinners and wherein mans 〈◊〉 stan deth which is through the iustice 〈◊〉 Iesus Christ and faith therein o He sheweth that it is a sure to ken of Gods mercie toward 〈◊〉 when he cau seth his wordes to be preached vn to them p That is the minister shal by the preaching of the worde 〈◊〉 vntohim the forgi uenes ofhis sinnes q He shal fele Gods fauour and reioyce declaring hereby whe 〈◊〉 standeth the true ioy of the faithful and that God wil restore him to health of body which is a token of his blessing r God wil forgiue sinnes and accept him as iuste s 〈◊〉 is done wickedly t But my sinne hathe bene the cause of Gods 〈◊〉 toward me u God wil forgiue the penitence sinner x Meaning oft times 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 as a sinner doeth repent y If thou doute of any thing or se occasion to speake against it z That is to shewe 〈◊〉 wherein mans iustification consisteth a VVhich are este med Wise of the Worlde b Let vs examine the matter 〈◊〉 c That is hathe 〈◊〉 me without measure d Shulde I say I am wicked being an innocent e I am 〈◊〉 punished them my sinne deserueth f VVhich is compelled to receiue the reproche and scornes of many for his 〈◊〉 wordes g meaning that Iob was like to the wicked becau se he semed not to glorifie God 〈◊〉 him selfe to his 〈◊〉 i That is liue god ly 〈◊〉 Gene. 5 〈◊〉 k He 〈◊〉 Iobs wordes who said that Gods children are oft times punis hed in this worlde the wicked go fre Chap. 36. 23. k To destroye him l The breath of li fe which he gaue man m If God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 iust how col 〈◊〉 he gouernethe worlde n If man of nature feare to speake euil of such as haue power 〈◊〉 muche more ought to be 〈◊〉 to speake 〈◊〉 of God o VVhen they lokenot for it p The 〈◊〉 or visitation that God shal sent s Make them 〈◊〉 that they are wicked q God 〈◊〉 not a 〈◊〉 man aboue measure 〈◊〉 that he shulde haue 〈◊〉 casion to con 〈◊〉 with him r For all his creatures are at hand to serue 〈◊〉 that nedeth not to seke for 〈◊〉 other armie t Declare the thīg that 〈◊〉 u Meaning 〈◊〉 in the sight of all men x By their crueltie and 〈◊〉 y VVhen 〈◊〉 sit in the 〈◊〉 of iustice which vnder 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ce are but 〈◊〉 tes oppresse the people it is a signe that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 drawen backe is countenance and fauour from tha place r Onely it belongeth to God to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ctions not vnto man a Thus 〈◊〉 spea keth in the 〈◊〉 of God as it were mocking Iob because he wolde be wiser then God b VVil God vse thy counsel in doing his worker c Thus he speaketh in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ne of God as thogh Iob shulde chuse and refuse 〈◊〉 at his plea sure d That he may speake as muche as he can that we may answer him and all the wicked that shal vse suche arguments e He standeth slub 〈◊〉 in the maintenance of his cause a Iob 〈◊〉 spake these wordes but because he mainteined him innocencie it semed as thogh he wolde say that God 〈◊〉 him 〈◊〉 iust cause b Suche as are in the like 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 thou 〈◊〉 controle the 〈◊〉 des wilt thoupre sume to instruct God d Nether doeth thy sinne hurt God nor thy iustice profice him for he wil be glorified without thee e The wicked may hurt man cause him to 〈◊〉 who if he soght to God which sendeth 〈◊〉 shuld be deliuered f Because theipray not 〈◊〉 faith as feling Gods 〈◊〉 g God is iust how soeuer thou iudgest of him Chap. XXXVI h For if he did pu nish thee as thou deseruest thou shuldest not be able to open thy mouth a He sheweth that when we speake of God we must lift our spirits more hie 〈◊〉 our natural sense is able to reache a He sheweth that when we speake of God we must lift our spirits more hie 〈◊〉 our natural sense is able to reache b Thou shalt perceiue that I am a faithful instructour and that I speake to thee in the name of God c Strong and constant and of vnderstanding for these are the gifts of God and he loueth them in man but for as mu 〈◊〉 as God punished now Iob it is a signe that the se are not in him d Therefore he wil not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the wicked but to the humble 〈◊〉 heart he wil she wegrace e He preferteth the godlie to honour f He wil moue theit heartes to 〈◊〉 their sinnes that they may come to him by 〈◊〉 as he did 〈◊〉 Isa. 1. 19. g That is in their 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 and so shal be cause of their owne destruction h VVhich are 〈◊〉 bent against God and slatter them 〈◊〉 in their vices i VVhen they are in 〈◊〉 they seke not to God for succour as Asa 2. Chro. 16. 12. reuel 16. 11. k Thei dye of some vile death and that before thy co me o age l 〈◊〉 hou hadest be ne obedient to God he wolde ha ue broght thee to libertie welth m Thou 〈◊〉 altogether after the maner of the 〈◊〉 ked for thoudo est 〈◊〉 against 〈◊〉 heiustice of God n God doeth punish thee lest thou shuldest forget God in thy welth and so 〈◊〉 o Be not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in seking the cause of Gods iudgements 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p And 〈◊〉 against GOD through 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 q The workes of God are so 〈◊〉 that a man may se 〈◊〉 a farre of and knowe God by the same r Our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vs so that we can not 〈◊〉 to the 〈◊〉 knowledge of God s That is the 〈◊〉 cometh of those dropes of water which he kepeth in the cloudes t Meaning of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which he calleth the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of God u 〈◊〉 the cloude x That men can not come to the 〈◊〉 of the springs the eof 〈◊〉 He sheweth 〈◊〉 the raine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vsee the one 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 clareth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ouerflowe any 〈◊〉 the other that it m. 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 z That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 de to dash against another a The colde vapour 〈◊〉 him that is cloude of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 where the 〈◊〉 is and so angre is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 noise and thunder claps a At the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lightening whereby he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that the faith 〈◊〉 uely touched with the maiestie of God 〈◊〉 they beholde his wo kes b That is the thun der whereby be 〈◊〉 to men to waken their dulnes to bring them to consideracion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or kes c Meaning the raines thūders Chap XXXVII d So that nether smale raine nor great snowe nor ahie thing els cōmeth without Gods appointement e By raines thunders God causeth men 〈◊〉
euill as therest d As in times past you wold not beleue Gods worde so 〈◊〉 ye not now beleue the 〈◊〉 plagues which are 〈◊〉 e They thē 〈◊〉 shall be your iudges in this cause none shal haue 〈◊〉 ouer thē to controlle them Zeph. 3. 3. f For the Iewes moste feared 〈◊〉 winde because it destroyed their frutes g They shal be so many in nomber h They shall caste vp mountes against it i The Prophet cōforteth the faithful that God will also 〈◊〉 the Babylo niās because they 〈◊〉 abuse this victorie and become 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the praise hereof to their 〈◊〉 k He assureth the godly of Gods pro cection shewing that the enemie 〈◊〉 do no more of thē God hath appointed and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their sinnes required suche a sharpe rod. l So that the great deuoureth the smale and the Caldeans destroye all the worlde m Meaning that the enemies 〈◊〉 them 〈◊〉 gloriein their owne force power wit n Meaning that they shulde not a I will renounce mine owne iudge ment and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 on God to be instructed what I 〈◊〉 answer 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ching 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all 〈◊〉 b 〈◊〉 it in great 〈◊〉 that he that 〈◊〉 maye read it c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of the enemie the comfort of the Churche whiche thing thogh God execute not according to mās hastie affections vet the yssue of bothe is certaine at his time appointed d To truste in him self or in 〈◊〉 thing is 〈◊〉 to be quiet for the 〈◊〉 rest isto stay vpō God by faith Rom. 1 17. Galat. 2. 11 Ebr 10. 38. e He cōpareth the 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to a drunkard that is without reason sense whome God will punish and make him a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to all the worlde and thys he speaketh for the comfort of the godly and against the Caldeans f Signifying that all the world shal wish the destruction of 〈◊〉 that by their 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 thei heape but vpon them 〈◊〉 more 〈◊〉 burdens for the more they get the more are they troubled g That is the Medes and Persians that shulde destroye the Babylonians h Signifying that the couetous man is the ruine of his owne house when as he 〈◊〉 to enriche it by 〈◊〉 and oppression i The stones of the house shal crye say that they are buylt of blood the wood shal answer and say the same of itself k Meaning that God wil not defer re his vengeance long but wil come and destroye all their labours as thogh they 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with fire l In the destructiō of the Babyloniās his glorie shal appeare through all the worlde m He reprocheth thus the King of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as he was 〈◊〉 with couetousnes and crueltie so he prouoked others to the same and 〈◊〉 them by his rage and so in the ende broght them to shame n VVhere as thou thogh est to haue glorie of these thy doings they shall turne to thy shame for thou shalt drinke of the same cup with others in thy 〈◊〉 o Because the Baby lonians were cruel not only agaynste other nacions but also against the people of GOD which is ment by Lebanon and the 〈◊〉 therein he sheweth that the like cruelue shal be executed against them p He sheweth that the Babylonians Gods 〈◊〉 nothing auaile them for they were but blockes or stones 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 10 8. q If thou wilt consider what it is and how that it hathe nether breath nor life but is a dead thing a The Prophet instructeth his people to praye vnto God not only for their great sinnes but also for 〈◊〉 they had committed of ignorance b Thus the people were afraied whē they heard Gods threatenings and praied c That is the state of thy Churche which is now ready to perish before it come to half a perfect age which shulde be vnder Christ. d Teman and Paran were 〈◊〉 Sinai where the law was giuē whereby is signified that his deliuerance was as present now as it was then e VVhere by is ment a power that was ioyned with his brightnes which was hid to the rest of the worlde but was reueiled in Mount Sinaito his people Psal. 31. 19. f Signifying that God hathe wonderfull meanes and euer had a marueilous power when he wolde delyuer hys Church g The 〈◊〉 of this king of Syria in vexing thy peo ple was made ma nifest by thy iudgement to the comfort of thy Church Iud. 1. 10. also of the 〈◊〉 nites which destroied them selues Iudg. 7 22. h Meaning that God was not angrie with the waters but that by this meanes he wolde destroy his enemies deliuer his Church i And so didest vse all the 〈◊〉 as instruments for the destruction of thine enemies k That is thy power l For he had not onely made a couenant which Abraham but renu edit with hisposteritie m Read Nō 20. 11. n He alludeth to the red sea 〈◊〉 which gaue passage to Gods people and shewed signes of their obedience as it were by 〈◊〉 vp of their hands o As appeareth Iosh. 10. 〈◊〉 p According to thy commandement the sunne was directed by the weapons of thy people that foght in thy cause as thogh it durst not go for ewarde q Signifying that there is no saluation but by Christ r From the top to the toe thou hast destroyed the enemies s God destroyed his enemies bothe great and sma le with their owne weapons thogh they were neuer so 〈◊〉 against his Church t He returneth to that which he spake in the 2 ver and sheweth how he was afraide of Gods iudgements u He sheweth that the faithful can neuer haue true rest except they fele before the weight of Gods iudgement x That is the enemies but the godlie shal turne to good vnto them y He declareth wherein 〈◊〉 the comfort and ioy of the faithful thogh theise neuer so great afflictions prepared z The chief singer vpon the instrumentes of musicke shal haue occasion to praise God forth is great 〈◊〉 ce of his Church 〈◊〉 King 22. 1. 〈◊〉 King 21. 19. a 〈◊〉 God was angrie which these dumme crea tures but because man was so wicked for whose cause they were created God maketh them to take parte of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 him b VVhich were an order 〈◊〉 superstitions men 〈◊〉 ted to minister in the seruice of Baal and were as his peculiar chapelens read 2. King 23. 5 hosea 10. 5. c He alludeth to their 〈◊〉 Molech which was forbidden Leu 20 2. yet they called him their king made him as a god therefore he here noteth them that wil bothe 〈◊〉 they worship God wil sweare by idoles and 〈◊〉 thē which halting is here cōdem ned as Ezek. 20 39 〈◊〉 17. 13. d Meaning the 〈◊〉 which did imitate the strange apparel of other nacions to winne their fauour thereby and to appeare glorious in the eyes of all other read Ezek 23
of the same Gospel and faith k He sheweth that none ought to be wors hipped but onelye God and that he is of their nomber whome God vseth to 〈◊〉 secrets by to 〈◊〉 Prophetes that they may declare thē to others also that we must beleue no other 〈◊〉 of prophecie but that whiche doeth 〈◊〉 of Iesus and lead vs to hym l VVhereby is signified that lesus Christ our iud ge shal be victorious ād shal triumphe ouer hys 〈◊〉 m He meaneth Christ. n So that the 〈◊〉 ked shal tremble before his face o To 〈◊〉 that he was ruler of all the worlde p That is none can haue so ful re uelacion 〈◊〉 Christe is verie God eternal infi 〈◊〉 and almightie as he him self Isay. 63 2. q VVhereby is si gnified his 〈◊〉 ād the destruction of hys enemyes r Signifying that Iesus Christ whi che is the word is made 〈◊〉 h ād is our Lorde our God and the 〈◊〉 ge of the quicke and dead s This 〈◊〉 that his Aungels shall come wyth him to Iudge the worlde t VVhiche driueth the wicked into eternall fyre * Psal. 2. 9. * 2. Tim. 6. 15. * Chap. 〈◊〉 14. u VVhich declareth his humanitie wherein he is Lord of all and shall iudge the worlde x This signifieth that the day of iudgement shal be cleare and euident so that none shal be hid for the trumpet shall blowe a lowde and all shal vnderstand it y For the Pope and the worldlie princes shall fight againste Christ 〈◊〉 vntil this laste daye z The ouerthro we of the beast and hys whiche shal be chiefly accomplished at the seconde comming of Christ. a This Angel represēreth the ordre of the Apost 〈◊〉 whose vocacion office was from heau n or maye signifie Christe whiche shulde treade downe the 〈◊〉 head b Hereby he mea neth the Gospell whereby hel is shut vp to the faithfull and Satan is chained that he can not hurt them yea the ministers hereby open it to the infideles 〈◊〉 through their im 〈◊〉 and stubbernes c That is 〈◊〉 Christs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the time of Pope Syluester the seconde so long the pure do 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 d 〈◊〉 this terme Satā had 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then he had before e The glorie and 〈◊〉 of them that suffer for Christs sake f That is whiles they haue remained in this life g He meaneth them whyche are 〈◊〉 dead for in whome Satan li 〈◊〉 he is dead to God h VVhiche is to 〈◊〉 Iesus 〈◊〉 in true faith and to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sinne in new nes of life i The death of the soule which is eternall damnacion k Shalbe true par 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of his dignitie l That is for euer m After that the 〈◊〉 is broken and the true prea chynge of 〈◊〉 worde is corrupte n By them are ment 〈◊〉 and strange enemies of the Church of GOD as the Turke the Sarazins and others 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. by whome the 〈◊〉 of God shulde be grieuously tormented Philip 4. 4. 〈◊〉 Chap. 3. 5. and 〈◊〉 23. Ezek. 39. 2. o VVhiche was Christe prepared iudgement with glorie and maiestie p Euerie mans conscience is as a boke wherein his dedes are writen whiche shall 〈◊〉 when God openeth the boke q 〈◊〉 all kindes of death whereby men haue bene 〈◊〉 r Hell and death whiche are last enemies shal be 〈◊〉 Isa. 65 17. and 66. 21. 2. Pet. 2 13. a All things shal be 〈◊〉 ād restored 〈◊〉 a most excellēt and perfect estate and therefore the 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 The day of 〈◊〉 of al things b For all 〈◊〉 shal be purged from their 〈◊〉 pt on and the faithfull shal 〈◊〉 into heauen with their head Christe c The holie cōpa nie of the elect d Meaning that God by his diuine maiestie 〈◊〉 glorifie and renewe his ād take them vnto him Act 5 21. e All occasions of sorowes shal be taken away so that they shal haue 〈◊〉 ioye Isa. 25. 8. Chap. 7. 17. f That am the eternal life will giue vnto mine to drinke of the liuelie waters of thys euerlastyng lyfe Isa. 43. 19. 2. Cor. 5. 17. Chap. 1. 8. and 22. 13. g They whiche feare man more then God h They whiche mocked and iest at religion i Meanynge the Church which is maried to Christ by faith k By this description is declared the incomprehēsible excellencie whiche the heauenlie companie do enioy l It is sayde to come downe frō heauen because all the benefites that the Churche hathe they acknowledge it to come of GOD through Christ. m Euer grene ād florishing n Signifying that the faithfull shal be surely kept in heauen o That is place ynough to enter for els we know there is but one way and one gate euen 〈◊〉 Christ. p For the Apostles were meanes whereby Iesus Christe the true fundacion was reueiled to the worlde Isa. 60. 13 Isa. 60. 5 q This declareth that Christ is God inseparable with his Father r Here we se as in infinit other places that kings Princes 〈◊〉 to that wicked opinion of the Anabaptists are partakers of the heauenlie glo rie if they rule in the feare of the Lord. Isa. 60. 11 Philip. 4. 4 Chap. 3. 5. 10. 11 Chap XXII a He alludeth to the visible paradise to set for the more sēsibly the spiritual ād this agreeth with that which is writen Ezeck 47. 1 b Meaning that Christ who is the life of his Church is cōmune to all his and not pecu liar for any one sorte of people c For there are al things pleasunt and ful of al con tentation continually d Whiche some time were vnpure as Gentiles but now are pur ged and made whole by Christ. Isa. 60. 15 e The light shal be vnchangeable shine for euer f Now this is the secōde time that he suffered him self to be caried away with the excellēcie of the persone which is to admonishvs of our infirmitie readines to falex cept to God strēg thēvs miraculous ly with his Spirit Chap. 19. 10 g This is not̄ thē as the other Prophecies whiche were 〈◊〉 to be hyd til the time appointed as in Daniel 12 4 because 〈◊〉 at 〈◊〉 things shul de be quickely accomplished did now begin Rom 2 6. Isa. 41 4. 44. 6. Chap. 1 8. 18. 6. h They shal liue eternally with the Sōne of God Isa. 55. 1. i That mainteine false 〈◊〉 delite therein k That is a 〈◊〉 and natural man and yet God equal with my Father l For Christ is the light that gi ueth light to eue rie one that cōmeth into this worlde m Let them be afraid of Gods horrible iudgements and 〈◊〉 as thei heare the Lambe call 〈◊〉 them come n He that feleth him 〈◊〉 oppressed with afflictions and desireth the heauēlie graces cōfort o That is when God beginneth to reforme our wilby his Spirit 2 Pet. 3. 9. p Seing the Lord is at hand we ought to be con stant and reioyce but we must beware we este me not the lēgth nor shortenes of the Lords comming by our owne imagination q This declareth the earnest desire that the faithful haue to be deliuered out of these miseries and to be ioyned with their head Christ Iesus Abdia 〈◊〉 Abdi and Audias Abdenago 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Abigal 〈◊〉 Abiud 〈◊〉 Abinoom Abirom 〈◊〉 Abisne Abitub Abesalom Abessalom 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ahalab Ahara Achiam Aod Aluan Amnon Aminon Annas Aphdeno Apollos Ram Aran oren Ashriel Aiael Atarias 〈◊〉 Asarias Azmoth Beel Beellada 〈◊〉 Babylon 〈◊〉 Bildad Bethsabe Baltasar Beltesnatzas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bezeleel Balaam Boos Chaselon Chastomim 〈◊〉 Delaias Duel 〈◊〉 Dina Dishon 〈◊〉 Elead Eleazarus Eliazar Eli Elias 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Elionai 〈◊〉 Elishua Elisseus Elisseus Elissa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gamariah Godoliah Giezi Abakuk Achaliah Hecheliah Hadar Hagaba Aggia Amatha Abatha Anameel Haniel Ananias Asadiah Eua Azael Ozea Chobor Helchi Hanoch Enoch Haphfiba Epsiba Ezron Huram Ezechias Obab Huziel 〈◊〉 Iakob Ioakan 〈◊〉 Iobel Iedaiah 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Asiel 〈◊〉 Iahiel 〈◊〉 Iambres Iamrah Iemuel Iaphie Iaasar Iasub Iathauael Iether 〈◊〉 Ionia 〈◊〉 Chonias Ieddia Ieddida 〈◊〉 Ioahas Ioas 〈◊〉 Iohannes Ioacim Iosaphat Iosedec Iuda Iacenna Ieruel Iehoram Ioram Ierobaal Esaiah Isaiah Iesus Iobab Iochabed Iechsan Iectan Iehonadab Iehonathra Iehoshabas Iras 〈◊〉 Iessai Iscariot Itti 〈◊〉 Ethai 〈◊〉 Isaak Chaath Choath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lamech 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Maasei Maasias Maasaios Machabani 〈◊〉 Mahalon 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Maonathi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mathias 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Meltirs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mousa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nebo Naboth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nemrod Obdiah 〈◊〉 Om. in Aunan 〈◊〉 Oziáh Phalall Phaltias Phadassur Phalatias Phaltias Phanuel Phicol 〈◊〉 Roboam Raphael 〈◊〉 Rebecca Rebekáh Sabatha Saba Sheal Saaph Sellum Sallum 〈◊〉 Shalma Salmon Shamma Salathiel Shaba Sechia 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ishmaiah Semuel Samuel Seraiah 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hur Ourias 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
deliuered miraculously from his enemies but specially by the comming of Christ of whome he prophecieth in the next 〈◊〉 k The autor of eternitie and by whome the Church and 〈◊〉 member thereof shal be preserued for euer and haue immortal life l His singular loue and care for his elect m This is another prophecie against thē of Samaria which were 〈◊〉 and concemners of Gods promises and menaces g Their nomber was greater whē they went into captiuitie then when they retur ned but their ioye was greater at their returne 〈◊〉 2 10. n VVe were but weake when the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ouercame vs ut we wil make 〈◊〉 so strōg hat we wil neher care for 〈◊〉 mies nor feare Godsthreatenīgs o Rezin King of 〈◊〉 who was in league with 〈◊〉 was slaine by the Assyrians after whose death 〈◊〉 that is the Syrians 〈◊〉 againste Israél which on the other side were as sailed by the 〈◊〉 p wickednes as abellow se 〈◊〉 the fyre of Gods wrath which 〈◊〉 all his obstinate enemies q Thogh there were no foren enemie yet they shal destroy one another r Their griedines shal be 〈◊〉 so that one 〈◊〉 shal eat vp another as thogh he shulde eat his owneflesh a which write pronounce a wic ked 〈◊〉 to op presse the poore meaning that the wicked magistra tes which were the chief cause of mischief 〈◊〉 be first 〈◊〉 b To wit from Assyria c Your riches autoritie thatthei maie be safe and that yemaie recei 〈◊〉 them againe d Because thei ha ue forsaken 〈◊〉 someshal go into 〈◊〉 the rest shal be slaine e God calleth for the Assyrians to be the 〈◊〉 of his vengence f That is the Assyrians againste the Iewes which are but 〈◊〉 in this sixt seuenth verse is 〈◊〉 the difference of the worke of God of the wicked in one verie thing and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gods intentiō is to cha stice thē for their amendement the 〈◊〉 pur pose is to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to enriche them selues thus in respect of Gods 〈◊〉 it is Gods worke but in re spect of their owne 〈◊〉 it is the worke of the deuil g Seing that haue ouercome aswel one 〈◊〉 as another so that none colde 〈◊〉 shal 〈◊〉 be able to escape 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 h VVen he hathe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cople for he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at his owne house ti ēwil he bur ne 〈◊〉 roddes i Meaning o Saneherib k Here we se that no 〈◊〉 is able to do anie thing but as God appointeth him that they are allbut his in 〈◊〉 ments to do his worke thogh the intentions be diuerse as ver 6. l Meaning that God is a light to comfort his people and a fyre to burne his enemies m That is the As syrians n To wit bodie and soule vtterly o When the battel is lost and the standerd taken p This is the end of Gods plagues towards his to 〈◊〉 them to him and to forsake all trust in others q This smale nomber whiche semed to be consumed and yet according to Gods decre is 〈◊〉 ued shall be sufficient to fil all the worlde with righteousnes r God will destroye this lande as he hathe deter mined and after saue a smal portion s As the Egyptians did punish thee t Read Chap. 9. 4 u VVhen the Israelites passed through by the lifting vp of Mo ses rod and the enemies 〈◊〉 drowned Exod. 14. 28. x Because of the promes made to that kingdome whereby Christs kingdome was 〈◊〉 y He describeth by what waye the 〈◊〉 shulde come against Ierusalem to 〈◊〉 me the fai hfull when it shulde come to passe that as their plague was come so shuld they be deliuered z Feare and destruction shall come vpō 〈◊〉 for the princes the people shall all be led awaie captiues a Because the 〈◊〉 of Babylon was a figure of the spirituall 〈◊〉 vnder sinne he she weth that our true deliuerance must come by Christe for as Dauid 〈◊〉 out of Ishai a man without di gnitie so 〈◊〉 shuldecome of a poore carpēters house as out of a dead stocke b All these properties can agre to none but onely vnto Christ for it is he that 〈◊〉 the heartes of the faithful ād 〈◊〉 their concupiscences to the wicked he is the sauour of death and to thē that shal 〈◊〉 so that all the worlde 〈◊〉 be 〈◊〉 with this rod when is hys worde Chap. 〈◊〉 2. c Mē because of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 affections are 〈◊〉 by the names of beastes wherein 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but Christ by his Spirit shal 〈◊〉 thē 〈◊〉 in them suche mutual 〈◊〉 that they shal be like lambes sauoryng and louing one another and cast of all their cruel affections Chap. 65. 25. d It shal be in as great abundance as the waters in the sea e He prophecieth of the calling of the Gentiles f That is 〈◊〉 Churche whiche he also calleth his rest Psal. 〈◊〉 14. g For God firste deliuered his peo ple 〈◊〉 of Egypt and now 〈◊〉 seth to deliuer thē cut of their enemies hands as from the Parthians Persians Chaldeans and thē of Antiochia amonge whome they were dispersed and this is chiefly ment of Christ who calleth hys people being dispersed through 〈◊〉 all the worlde h Here he descri 〈◊〉 the consent that shal be in his Churche and their victorie against their enemies i Meaning a corner of the sea that entreth into the land and hathe the forme of a tongue k To wit Nilus the great 〈◊〉 of Egypt whiche entreth into the sea with seuen 〈◊〉 a He sheweth how the Churche shal praise God when they are de liuered frome their captiuitie b Our saluacion standeth onelye in God who giueth vs an assured confidence constancie and occasion to praise hym for the same c The graces of God shal be so abundant that ye may receiue thē in as greàt plentie as waters out of a fountaine that is ful * 1. Chron 16. 8. Exod. 15. 2. Psal. 118. 14. d Ye that are of the Church a That is the great 〈◊〉 ie which was prophecied to come on Babel as a moste grieuous burden whiche they were not able to beare in these 12 Chapters followynge he speaketh of the plagues wherewith God wolde smite these strāge nacions who me they knew to declare that God chastised the 〈◊〉 as hys childrē and these other as hys enemies and also that if God spare not these that are ignoraunt that they muste not thinke strange if he punished thē whiche haue kno ledge of his Law and kepe it not b To wit to the Medes and the Persians c That is prepared and appointed to execut my iudgements d VVhich willingly go about the worke whereunto I appointe them but howe the wicked do this read Chap. 10. 6. e The 〈◊〉 of the Medes and the Persians against Babylon f Ye Babilonians g The Babylonians angre and 〈◊〉 shal be so muche that their faces shal burne as fyre