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A07226 A revelation of the Revelation wherein is contayned, a most true, plaine, and briefe manifestation of the meaning and scope of all the Reuelation, and of euery mystery of the same : whereby the pope is most plainely declared and proued to bee Antichrist / by Thomas Mason ... Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1619 (1619) STC 17623; ESTC S1299 31,570 120

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their speed in persecuting they may well bee compared to Horses The blacke Horse are such as went about to darken the light of the Gospell and to maintaine the blacknesse of Idolatry the Diuell the Prince of darkenesse was their Rider because he prouoked them therevnto but he had no power to hurt the oyle and the wine that is those that had the oyle of the Spirit and the wine of Christs blood by a liuely faith The pale Horse seemeth to bee Dioclesian which moued the tenth Persecution hee is called Death because hee martyred so many Christians in all Countries at one time hee slew 6660. of his owne soldiers because they were Christians hee destroyed all the Christians in England no tongue can vtter the deaths and torments that this Tyrant vsed hanging them by one hand scourging them and broyling them not to death but euery day Eusebius saith hee saw the swordes of the Persecutors blunt with often slaughter themselues for wearinesse to sit downe and rest but the Martyrs nothing dismaid were patient for Christs sake so he did likewise in all Countries Then the soules of the faithfull that were slaine in these tenne Persecutions being vnder the altar which is Christ cryed to God as Abels blood did for vengeance and they had long white robes which is the righteousnesse of Christ and they were bid to rest vntill their fellow-seruants should be killed as they were that is vntill Antichrist should be more drunken with the bloud of Saints then the Emperours were But their cries moued the Lord to vengeance and hee destroyed these idolatrous persecutors by the hand of Constantine whom the Lord made a most Christian Emperour The Earthquake the blacknesse of the Sun and rednes of the Moon the falling of the Stars the vanishing of heauen the remouing of the mountaines and the feare of the great ones desiring the mountains and rockes to couer them from the wrath of God describeth the fearefulnes of Gods wrath executed vpon these persecuting Idolaters although these things shall not truly come to passe vntil the comming of Christ yet these words were vsed by Christ in prophesying the destruction of Ierusalem and in other places of Scripture when the execution of some great Iudgement is prophesied CHAP. 7. THe foure Angels that held the foure windes from blowing vpon the earth sea or any tree shewes the peace that God had giuen vnto the Church by Constantine how God by his Angels preserued them from persecutions signified by the windes The sealing of the 12000. of euery Tribe a certaine number for an innumerable number and a greater number of other Nations sheweth the flowrishing of the Gospell at that time This likewise is declared by the wonderful reioycing of the Angels and Saints in heauen ascribing vnto God praise honour glory wisdome and thankes What haue the Martyrs lost by these persecutions Though they suffered tribulations for a small time now they are in long white garments which signifieth Christs righteousnesse being in the presence of the throne of God and serue him day and night in his Temple and hee that sitteth on the throne will euer dwell with them and they shall haue no more hunger nor thirst nor be hurt but God will gouerne them and leade them to the liuely fountaines of waters and wipe away all teares from their eyes CHAP. 8. IN that this peace is said to continue but halfe an houre it shewes that it did not indure long for the Church beganne to waxe wanton with this great peace indeuored more to get large reuennues and riches of the world then to set forth the Gospell In their establishing Christianity in Rome to please the most superstitious and idolatrous Romanes they translated all their Heathen gods of Rome to bee their gods only by giuing them other names Pantheon which was the house of all gods is Maria rotunda the house of all Saints the place of Cibel mother of gods is now placed to Mary the mother of God the temple that was dedicated vnto Pallas and Minerua is now dedicated vnto Minerua a virgin and they inclined to many other pernicious and idolatrous superstitions both of the Iewes and Gentiles Therefore Christ is siguratiuely said to stand before the Altar with a golden Censor and much odors was giuen him to offer which was the prayers of Saints and the smoake of the odors which is the prayers of Saints went vp to God out of Christs hand and hee tooke the densor and filled it with coales from the Altar and cast it into the earth and there was voyces thunders lightnings and earthquakes all which signifieth Gods most heauy indignation against them And there was hayle sire mingled with bloud cast vpon the earth and burned the third part of Trees and greene grasse The earth signifieth the great men as the earth is higher then the sea and flouds these were first perswaded to superstition the haile signifieth their coldnes in true Religion the fire mingled with bloud their heat to maintaine superstitions euen to the shedding of the bloud of such as would not consent to their superstitions The great Mountaine that was cast into the sea burning with fire was the Emperour which by the perswasion of the superstitious cast himselfe from God and Christ and tooke their part to maintaine their superstitions and with a burning zeale persecuted the third part of common people which are signified by the sea As the Starres signified the Ministers of the seuen Churches so this great Star that fell from heauen is the Bishop of Rome by falling from heauen is meant from the Church This seemes to be about the yere 666. according to Chap. 13. His bitternesse called wormwood are his wicked Canons and Constitutions for in that yeare Vitillianus Pope sent into England and into other Countries to set vp Latine Seruice and Masses Ceremonies Letanies and other Romish ware This Star fell into and made bitter the fountains and springs these are the Clergy for they should minister to all men the water of life as riuers feede both sea and land so likewise in that he darkned the Sun Moone and Starres and the day this meaneth the Ministers likewise which ought to make shine the bright beames of the Gospell vnto great and small and make thēselues and others Children of the day the meaning is that the Bishop of Rome silenced the Bishops Preachers which were within his Iurisdiction from preaching the truth made them preach superstitions and bitter doctrine to the poysoning of their soules In that there is mention made in all these iudgements but of the third part of men it is because there was neuer but the third part of the world that would consent vnto the Supremasie superstitions and false doctrine of the Pope CHAP. 9. IN this Chapter is a Prophesie of another Star which S. Iohn saith was fallen from heauen because the Popedome was fallen before This seemes to be Hilaebrand the Pope which
of the destruction of Antichrist and such like and that whatsoeuer is written by his commandement we may be bold and ought to begge of Christ by prayer and by all meanes seeke for the vnderstanding thereof Saint Iohn his eating of the booke was his certaine vnderstanding of the things contained therein and the knowledge thereof was sweet to him at the first but when hee had well considered how the Diuell should haue such great power to persecure the Saints and to spill their blood in such aboundant manner the knowledge heerof was most bitter vnto him then St. Iohn is commanded of Christ to prophesie againe amongst the people Nations and Tongues and to many Kings according to which in the next Chapter Saint Iohn beginneth a new Reuelation of all things that hath beene reuealed touching Antichrist in a more large and ample manner then in this Reuelation already is declared CHAP. 11. IOseph telleth Pharoah Gen. 41 32. therefore the Dreame was do●bled vnto Pharoah the second time because the thing is established before God euen so because the Prophesies in this Reuelation are established and sure to be performed and to make them the more certainely and manifestly of vs to bee vnderstood beleeued all things that haue beene reuealed touching Antichrist are from this Chapter vnto the end of the Booke reuealed againe but farre more amply and plainely delared then in the former but in this is nothing prophisied but the things concerning Antichrist In the 8. Chapter Christ offereth the prayers of the faithfull to God and then filleth the Censor with coales of the Altar and threw them vpon the earth and there fell vpon the earth hayle and fire mingled with blood and it burnt the third part of Trees and greene grasse Wherein I shewed the great peace the Church enioyed by Constantine in which prosperity the Romish Church fell to superstitions and anger'd God wherefore hee gaue them ouer to their owne lustes vntill the Romane Church became the Synagogue of Sathan and Antichrist and they became as colde as hayle in true religion and as hot as fire euen to the shedding of blood to maintaine their superstitions In this Chapter they that trusted only vnto the blood of Christ by an allusion vnto the temple of Salomon are said to be the temple of God and Saint Iohn is commanded to measure them to God and the superstitious Romanes and those that tooke their parts are said to be the Courts because they make a shew of Religion but with superstitions prophane the truth therefore Saint Iohn is commanded to cast them out and not to mete them and these shall tread the holy Citty that is the Children of God vnder their feete 42. moneths this time is likewise set forth in this Chapter to bee 1260. dayes and also 3. dayes and a halfe these times are all one the three dayes and a halfe signifie three yeares and a halfe and in three yeares and a halfe there is iust 42. moneths and in so many moneths at 30. dayes to the Moneth which was the Iewes Computation there is 1260. dayes and it is common with the Holy ghost in Prophesies to set downe a day for a yeare so Antichrist must raigne 1260. yeares The two witnesses are the olde and new Testaments and all that preach and teach them all the time of Antichrist these shall bee two oliue trees spiritually to feede the soules of the Elect and to conuey the oyle of the holy Ghost into them and they shall be two lamps to lighten them in the wayes of saluation and they shall stand before the Pope the God of the earth and if any hurt the Preachers of them the Lord will send plagues from heauen vpon such In that they are said to be cloathed in Sackcloth it sheweth that the Professors of them shall be nothing regarded and shall haue all this time great cause to mourne for the little regard that the Gospell had and for the superstitions and sinnes of the people In the seauenth verse when they haue finished their testimony the Beast out of the bottomlesse pit shall make warre against them and ouercome them and kill them this is after the loosing of Sathan Their corpes shall be dead and vnburied in Rome that is as a dead carcasse long vnburied is noysome to bee seene or smelt euen so noysome was the word of God and the preaching thereof vnto them all the time of their superstitions yet they could not bury their corpes all this while that is they could not quite pur downe the preaching of the word but the Lord still stirred vp some yea though they dyed for it to tell them of their idolatries superstitions murther sorcery fornication and theft It sheweth what great power the Diuel hath ouer the vnregenerate that hee can make them reioyce and bring gifts one to another for ioy that the preaching of the word is supprest and the bookes of the word it selfe as the Papists haue done these many ages reioycing that their meanes of Saluation is taken from them and that they are not hindred from going headlong vnto eternall damnation Rome is called spiritually Zodome because they exceed Zodome in the sinnes therof and it is called Egypt because they haue oppressed the Children of God more then the Egyptians did the Israelites and Christ was slaine in Rome in that Pilate a Romane Iudge condemned him and the Romane officers crucified him That after the 1260. yeares God sent the spirit into the two witnesses wee see the truth of this Prophesie performed and we see them stand vpon their feet and the feare of them is vpon the Pope and all his Clergie and God hath taken them vp into Heauen and exalted and preserued them in the sight of their enemies and the Popedome by them hath beene shaken as with a mighty Earthquake that the tenth part haue become Protestants long agoe and dayly his Kingdome hath decayed and the Protestants increased In that it is said that 7000. were killed with this earthquake and the rest glorified God it sheweth that when Rome shall bee destroyed all the Papists that then remaine shall become Protestants When the seauenth Angell shall blow his trumpet the Pope shall bee quite destroyed and the Kingdomes of the world shall bee our Lord Christs and hee shall raigne for euermore and all in Heauen shal reioyce and say We giue thee thanks Lord God Almighty for thou hast receiued thy great power and obtained thy Kingdome the Gentiles were angry and thy wrath is come and the time that the dead shall bee iudged and that thou shouldest giue reward vnto thy Prophets and Saints and them that feare thy name and that thou shouldest destroy them that destroy the earth In that it is said then the temple of God was open and the Arke of the Couenant was seene and that there were lightenings and voyces thunder and great hayle it sheweth Gods anger against the disobedient to his word that then there shall
hee was called faithfull and hee that iudgeth and fighteth righteously his face like a flame of fire and vpon his head many Crownes hee had a name written that none knew but himselfe hee was cloathed in a garment dipped in blood and his name was the word of God and the warriers in Heauen followed him vpon white hories these are the Preachers of the Gospell their pure white linnen is the righteousness of Christ out of his mouth wen● a sharpe sword that he might smite the Heathen for hee shall rule them with a rodde of Iron for hee it is that treadeth the wine-presse of the fiercenes of Gods wrath and hee hath a name written the King of Kings and Lord of Lords all these figuratiuespeeches haue beene sufficiently declared heeretofore And an Angell cryed to the fowles of Heauen these are the tenne Kings and their armies to gather themselues vnto the supper of the great God to eate the flesh of Kings Captaines and of mighty men and of horses and of them that sit on them and of free-men and of bond-men and of small and of great And the Pope and Kings and Warriours gathered themselues together to make Batraile against Christ that sate vppon the Horse and his Soldiours but the Pope the false Prophet that deceiued them that receiued his marke and worshipped him these were aliue cast into the Lake burning with fire and brimstone and the remnant were slaine with the sword that came out of Christs mouth and all the foules were filled with their flesh that is the tenne Kinges and their Captaines and Soldiours had a most rich and full booty of the destruction and sacking of Rome When Rome was destroyed Saint Iohn heard a great voyce of a great multitude in Heauen saying Halaluiah that is Praise the Lord saluation and glory and honour and power bee to the Lord our God for true and righteous are his iudgements for hee hath condemned the great Whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornication and hath auenged the blood of the Saints shed by her hand And againe they said Halaluiah and her smoke rose vp for euermore and the Elders and foure Beasts said Amen Halaluiah Then came a voyce out of the throne saying Praise our God all yee his seruants and a great voyce as of many waters and as thunder said Halaluiah for our Lord God Almighty hath reigned let vs bee glad and reioyce and giue glory to him for the marriage of Christ is come and his wife that is the faithful hath made herselfe ready This sheweth that the Gospel shall flourish more when Rome and the Popedome is destroyed then euer it did And to Christs wife was granted that shee should bee cloathed in pure fine and shining linnen that is in Christs righteousnesse and Saint Iohn was bid to write blessed are they that are called vnto the Lambs supper saying These words are true Saint Iohn was so rauished with the ioy of this vision that hee worshipped the Angell that shewed it but hee forbad him and bad him worship God saying I am but one of your brethren which haue the spirit of Prophesie which is the testimony of Iesus CHAP. 20. IN this Chapter is declared the history of Sathan the Authour of the first tenne persecutions but when as Constantine had ouercome those persecuting Idolaters Saint Iohn seeth in a Vision that God bound the Diuell for a thousand yeares that is from generall martyring and deceiuing of the elect and chosen Children of God Yet in this time Sathan brought in all popish blasphemies Superstitions and Idolatries and grieuously persecuted those that stood to the puritie of the word against Antichrist The Seates that Saint Iohn saw and them that sate vpon them was Christ and the faithfull and gaue Iudgement and condemned the idolatrous and superstitious Papists who these thousand yeares persecuted the faithfull And Saint Iohn saw the soules of them that were persecuted for the witnesse of IESVS and the word of GOD and did not worship the Pope nor had taken his marke on their fore-heads or on their hands and they liued and reigned with Christ To arise from popish errours sinnes and superstitions is the first resurrection on such the second death shall haue no power but they shall bee the priests of God and Christ and reigne with him for euer After the Diuell had bin bound a thousand yeares from the time of Constantine as an Angell in the first Verse had the key of the bottomlesse pit and bound Sathan then the Pope had the key of the bottomlesse pit to loose the Diuell as appeareth in the ninth Chapter and when hee was loose hee went out to deceiue the people in the foure quarters of the earth Gogge and Magogge that is the open and the secret enemies of the faithfull which are in the ninth Chapter shewed to bee the Locusts and their tayles that is the popish Cardinals Bishoppes Abbots Fryers and such like to gather them together to battell against the faithfull and the number of them was infinite as the sands of the Sea but as they compassed the beloued Citie that is the faithfull fire came downe from heauen and deuoured them that is the Lord in his wrath destroyed the popedome and the Diuell that deceiued them and the Pope the false prophet were cast into a Lake of fire and brimstone where they shall bee tormented day and night for euermore After all these things it is prophesied that Christ shall come vnto iudgement sitting vpon a great white throne from whose face fled away both the earth and the Sea and their place were no more found And Saint Iohn saw the dead both great and small before God the Bookes were opened and another Booke was opened which is the Booke of life and the dead were iudged of those things which were written in the Bookes this is a Vision according to our capacitie for Gods wisedome is his Booke whereby hee alwayes seeth all things that euer were are or shall bee and Death and Hell that is the Diuell the cause of them were cast into the Lake of fire which is the second death and so were all that were not found written in the Booke of life CHAP. 21. IN these two last Chapters is declared how flourishing the Church shall be after the destruction of the Popedome vnto the end of the world This is declared in the tenth Chapter and the second Verse In that Christ is said to set one foote vpon the sea and the other vpon the land that all Countries shall confesse Christ and hee shall haue of his elect in all places As Mahomet rose iust with Antichrist in the yeare 666. so no doubt but the example of the destruction of Rome and the Popedome shall make the Turkes Iewes and them of other Nations to become Christians This is declared likewise in the 19. Chapter Let vs be glad and reioyce for the destruction of Rome because then the Lambs wife shall be made ready and
Rome the great whore that sitteth vpon many waters and sheweth that all Kings and Nations of the earth are drunken with the wine of her fornication In the vision Saint Iohn saw a woman sit vpon a skarlet coloured beast full of names of blasphemy which had seauen heads and tenne hornes and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and guilded with gold precious stones and pearles and had a cup of gold in her hand full of abominations and filthines of her fornications and in her forehead was a mystery written Great Babilon the Mother of whoredomes and abhominations and the woman was drunken with the blood of Saints and martyrs of Iesus and he wondred with great maruell then the Angell told Saint Iohn he would shew him the mystery thereof The Beast which thou hast seene was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pit and shall be destroyed and all that are not written in the booke of life shall wonder at it that hee being so mighty could be destroyed this Beast is the Emperour which was before the Reuelation it seemeth at the time thereof the Emperour was dead and no other then chosen and the Pope should ascend out of the bottomlesse pitte and be aboue the Emperour and for all his greatnesse yet hee shall goe into perdition The Angell declareth the seauen heads to signifie seauen mountaines wheron the Whore sitteth which plainely sheweth the Citty of Rome to bee that Whore for that is builded vpon seauen Mountaines and so is no other Citty Againe the Angell interpreteth the seauen heads to bee seauen Kings that is seauen kinds of gouernment in Rome of which fiue were fallen and the Idolatrous Emperours did then raigne but Constantine should quite alter the gouernment of Rome from idolatry to Christianity and hee and the Emperours following him was the seauenth King and the Beast in this vision which is the Pope is one of the seauenth gouernment in name because he professeth the name of Christ but indeed he is the eighth gouernment for hee hath quite changed the gouernment of Rome from Christianity to Popery The Angell interpreteth the ten hornes to be ten Kings which at the time of the Reuelation had not receiued a kingdome but shall receiue power at one hower with the Pope and they shall be all of one minde and giue their power and authority to him and fight with Christ but hee shall ouercome them Then the Angell interpreteth the waters where the Whore sitteth to signifie people multitudes Nations and tongues which plainely declareth the Citty of Rome to bee the Whore for no Citty from Christ to this day hath so many Countries and People vnder her dominion as that Citty and in the eighth verse the Angell interpreteth the woman to be the great Citty which at the time of the Reuelation raigned ouer the Kings of the earth and then was the Emperours seate there In that the woman sitteth vpon a scarlet coloured Beast it is because the ordinary attire of the Pope and Cardinalls is scarlet and his fulnesse of names of blasphemy is because most blasphemously he attributes vnto himselfe all Christs names In that Saint Iohn saw the woman so richly arrayed in purple scarlet and guilded with gold and precious stones and pearles thus were the Popes Cardinalls Bishops Prelates Churches and Idolls arrayed and doth most euidently declare that these Prophesies are of Rome The golden Cuppe that she holdeth in her hand is her golden name that shee stileth her selfe withall calling her selfe the Catholique Church but her doctrines which shee teacheth are filthy and abhominable blasphemies Idolatries superstitions which are the wine of her fornication wherewith shee made all Nations of the earth drunken and shee is called the great Whore in that shee is departed her selfe and hath carried so many from Christ our Spowse and from his word and committed fornication with the Diuell and his wicked doctrines and for this cause it is that the mystery Great Babilon is written in her forehead because shee is the mother of whordomes and abominations of the earth as Babilon was If there were no other note wherby it might bee knowne that these Prophefies are of Rome this were sufficiēt to declare the same in that she is said to be drunken with the blood of Saints and Martyrs of Iesus for the Romane Gouernours crucified Christ and the Romane Emperours made the tenne persecutions and the Romane Popes haue slaine more Martyrs Saints of Iesus then euer were slaine in the world before The Angell telleth vs in the 16. verse that the ten Kings which did with one consent giue their Kingdomes vnto the Pope vntill the wordes of God which hee foretold were fulfilled are they that shall hate the Whore and make her desolate and naked and shall eate her flesh and burne her with fire and the performance heereof is contained in the two next Chapters CHAP. 18. AN Angell from Heauen cryeth mightily with a loud voyce Babilon that great Citty it is fallen it is fallen and nothing shall inhabite there but Diuels wilde Beasts and foules because all Nations haue drunken of the wine of the wrath of her fornication And there came a voyce from Heauen saying Goe out of her my people that you bee not pertakers of her sinnes and that you receiue not of her plagues rewarde her as shee hath rewarded you giue her double according to her workes because shee hath glorified her selfe and liued in pleasure and saith in her heart I sit being a Queene and am no widdow and shall see no mourning therefore shall her plagues come at one day death and sorrow and famine and she shall be burned with fire for strong is the Lord God which will condemne her And the Kings that haue committed fornication with her and the Merchants that haue beene made rich by her and euery ship Maister and all that occupie ships and ship-men shall stand a farre off for feare of her torments and cry when they see the smoake of her burning saying What Citty was like to this great Citty and they shall cast dust on their foreheads and cry Alas alas the great Citty wherein were made rich all that had ships on the Sea by her costlinesse for in one hower shee is made desolate O heauen reioyce of her and ye holy Apostles and Prophets for God hath giuen your iudgement on her and an Angell tooke a great Mill-stone and cast it into the Sea saying With such violence shall the great Citty Babilon bee cast and bee found no more and there shall bee no more Musicke nor Tradesmen nor Mill heard to grinde nor candle shine nor Bridegroomes voyce bee heard there any more CHAP. 19. IN this Chapter is declared the praysing of God in Heauen and Earth for the finall destruction of Antichrist but I will first make an end of the destruction thereof In the eleuenth verse Saint Iohn saw Heauen open and Christ riding vpon a white horse and