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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04511 A sermo[n] made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of ye end of ye world, and of ye last iudgeme[n]t. Whereunto is added an other homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectio[n] tra[n]slated into Englishe by Thomas Sa[m]pson; De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo adventu. English John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407.; Brenz, Johannes, 1499-1570. Homelye of the resurrection of Christe. aut; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589.; Castellion, Sébastien, 1515-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 14638; ESTC S103723 22,075 82

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do pryuily lurcke to spoyle them euen so do thou crye in prayer make noyse with singyng of psalmes and thou shalt dryue awaye the euyll best the foxe that is to say the deuyll Of the whiche beste the scripture speaketh Get you the foxes c. Cantic 2. Take good heede alwayes of the enemye If he doth shote at thy herte with vnlaweful lust if he with his darte doth cast his fylthye thoughtes in to thy mynde caste forthe agaynste him the shelde of fayth Ephes vi turne agaynst hym the helmet of hope take to thee the sword of the spirite whiche is the word of God And when thou art so harnessed abid thine enemye Be not faynte herted in the batell But in all pointes be sober and say ii Cor. ii His thoughtes are not VnknoVVen to us Be ioyfull alwayes as it is wrytten Let your softnes be knoVVen unto all men Philip. 4. Let the feare of God lyghten in thy hert Be not a cowardlye souldiour be not fearfull a slowe workmā fle not from the crown of victorie Life is short but the iudgement is longe Lokyng vnto this speake vnto thin owne herte and say with the blessed prophet Psal xxvi Be stronge and let thy hert be of good cōfort VVaite thou styll for the Lorde i. Reg. xvii Folowe Dauid and with one cast of a stone ouerthrow thyne enemye The Aungelles are aboute the as the beholders of thy lyfe i. Cor. iiii Vue are made sayeth he a gasynge stocke to the VVorld and to the Aungelles and to men If they shall se that thou ouercommest they shall reioyce in thy good worke but if they shal se the to be ouercome they shall departfull sad nether shall they be able to loke vpon the but the deuils shal mocke the. Therfore take for thy sworde the feare of of God For the feare of God is a two edged sworde cuttyng awaye all euyll lustes Take vnto the therefore alwayes the feare of God Of the last daye And remembre continually that same last daye whē the heauens shal be destroyed wyth fire and the elementes shall melte away with heate ii Pete iii. but the earthe and the workes that are in it shall be burnt vp When the sterres shall fall downe as leaues The Sunne Moone shall be made darke Luke xxi Mat. 24. and shall not gyue their lyght When the Sonne of God shal be openly shewed and shall come down from the heauen vp on the earth the powers of the heauens shall be moued When Aungelles shall passe hyther and thyther the sowndes of the trompettes shall come fire shal burne before him and runnyng vp and downe shall burne vp the whole worlde In the compasse aboute hym shall be a myghtye tempest There shal be earthquakes and lyghtninges such as neuer were before nether yet are vnto thys daye In so muche that the verye powers of heauen shall be smytten wyth great feare Therfore my brother what manner parsones oughte we to be then What feare Exod. xix what deadly dread shall come vpon vs Remembre howe that the Israelites coulde not in the wyldernesse abyde the clowde and darcknesse and the voyce of GOD speakynge out of the myddest of the fire but caused that he shulde not speake vnto theym neyther were they able to abyde hym when he yet hydde moche of his maiesty yea though that he neither came down to them in anger nor yet spake angrily vnto them Gyue eare therfore my brother yf they wer not able to abyde his commyng whiche comforted theym when as neyther the heauens burning were destroyed neither the erth nor the thynges that are in it were burned vp whē there was none that blewe anye suche trompet as that trompet shal soūde whē it shal raise vp al them that haue sleapte sithens the begynnynge of the world neither did the fire burne the world neither yet happened there thē any of those fear full thinges whiche shall come What shall we do when he shal come downe with suche anger wrath as is intollerable shall syt vpon the seate of his glorye and shal call before him the whole earth frō the risyng of the sunne to the goyng downe therof and from all the endes of the earth that he may iudge his people gyue vnto euery one of them accordynge to his workes Alas what maner parsons ought we to be whē we shal stād vpnaked vnclothed to be broughte before his iudgemēt seate Ah wo is me Where is then our coloured hipocrisie where is then that might of the fleshe where is the beawtye which is bothe disceitfull and vnprofitable where is then the swetnes of mans voice where becommeth then shameles and vnshamefased pratyng where is the araye of garmentes where is thē the pleasure of synne which is in dede vncleane and filthie where are they then whiche drynke theyr wyne with theyr tabours and instrumentes of musyke and do not loke vpon the workes of GOD where is then the contempt of those men whiche do nowe lyue wythoute feare where are then the fine pleasures and nyce tendernesse 〈◊〉 al thinges are passed away and are dissolued euen as the enfected aire Where is thē the gredy desyre of monye and ryches and the vnmercyfulnesse whiche alwayes folowethe it where is then that cruel pride which doth horribly hate all mē and semeth vnto it selfe to be somewhat Where is then the vnprofytable and vayne glorye of men where is then myghte and tyrannye where then is Kynge where is Prynce where is Duke where then are these proude Rulers whiche by reason of theyr riches do contempne God Then when they shal perceiue that this was spoken of them They meruayled they were astonyed Psal xlvii and .xlviii. and sodenlye caste downe feare came vpon them they are troubled feare toke thē There shal be sorowes as are the sorowes of a womā that trauaileth they shal be torne in peeces with a mightie spirite But where is the wisdome of the wise where be their new inuenciōs Wo wo to thē They are moued oute of their place they are caste downe euen as a droncken man and all their wisedome is swalowed vp i. Cor. i. Where is the wise Where is the scrybe where is the raker of treasure together of thys vayne worlde My brother wey with thy selfe what maner of parsons we shal be when we must giue an accōpt of those thinges whych we haue done aswell greate thynges as small For vntyll suche tyme as we haue iustly satisfyced that iuste iudgemente in what condicion shall we be And howe carefull shall we be The euer lastyng ioyes of the righteous that we maye fynde fauour before him But what maner of ioye shal come vpō vs whiche are set a parte vpon the righthād of God In what case shall we be then when all the saintes of God shall salute vs Abraham shall salute the Isaac and Iacob Moses Noe Iob
with Christ which do yet notwithstandynge lyue in this mortal body and nedes we must dye We sayde afore that nowe we are occupied in the most highe matier of our saluacion Wherfore we muste bring forth not mans dreames but the wytnessynges of God Let vs heare therfore Christes owne sermon of this matter Iohn iii. As Moses saith he lyfted vp the serpente in the wyldernes euen so must the sonne of man be lyfte vp that who soeuer beleueth in him perishe not but haue euerlastynge lyfe And Paul Roma x Yf thou knowledge with thy mouth that Iesus is the lord and dost beleue in thy herte that God raysed hym vp frō death ● shalte be saued For notwithstādinge that after the resurrectiō of Christ we are yet mortall mē in earthe and subiecte to all aduersyties yet by faythe I saye by faith in Christ we ar so made partakers of his resurrection We shall rise agaī that first vnto vs truely doth belong the ryght of rysynge from death vnto euerlastyng blessednes in the last daye For fayth doeth fasten vs and as I myght so saye doth incorporate vs to Christe Sens therfore that Christe in whō we are incorporate is risen it cā not be that we shoulde not ryse with him For as touchynge it that as yet we do die and our bodies do rotte in the earthe yea or be brent with fire shoulde thys be any let to our resurrection Forsothe God whiche when as yet there was nothyng could make thys so greate a woorke of thys worlde coulde he not also fynde againe the body which was made before yea though it wer turned into dust in the earth or the sea cal it agayne vnto life God doth cal those thynges which are not that they maye bee Iohn xii can he not thē call againe those thynges which seme to haue perysshed Hathe he not set furth vnto vs in euery lytle grayne the ymage of our resurrectiō Except the wheat corne saieth Christ fal into the ground and dye it bringeth forthe no fruit And Paule sayeth Thou foole ● Cor. xv the whiche thou sowest is not quickened excepte it dye And what sowest thou Thou sowest not the body that shal be but bare corne as of wheate or some other but god gyueth it a body at his pleasure to euery seade his own body Which of vs can see ī a cornell of a Peare so greate a boughe of a tre as groweth out of it beyng layed in the ground Who cā see in a grain of corne so great a stalke an eare as the reapers do reape Man doth not se but God seith which also worketh these And shuld he rayse vp a dead grayne or seade not a man For not onlye that he can but that he wil also raise vs from the deade he hath not only testified by the resurrection of Christe his Sonne but also by manye other argumentes promyses miracles which wer long now to repete The resurrectiō of the dead truly is by scriptures so certaine sure that is also cōmēly rehersed in the common confession of our fayth Wherfore there is nothīg more surely to be holden then that throughe Christe the righte and glorye of the Resurrection from the deade vnto euerlastynge blessednesse belongeth euen vnto vs. Furthermore when we beleue that we through Christe shall ryse agayne this faith canne not be ydle in vs but euen nowe whiles yet we are in this mortal body it doth thinke vpō the resurrectiō For as in the yong plantes it doeth furthwith appere what the fruites wylbe and in the wittes of chyldren it is anone shewed furth what thinge is to be loked for of them euen so in the godly the resurrection that is to cōme doeth begynne to bringe forthe his frute whiles that we do yet lyue in the earth Moses was appoynted of god to be the deliuerer and law gyuer to Israel But he dyd not onelye then execute this offyce when he brought the people oute of Egypte but the appoyntment of this office that he shulde take in hande beganne euen then also to worke in Moses when as yet he being a child if we wyl beleue Iosephus he threwe downe the crowne roiall of the kyng of Egipt trode it vnder his feete When as he slewe the Egipcian that dyd wrong to the Israelite when he laboured to agree the Israelites whiche stroue together and when he did deliuer the daughters of the priest of Madian from the wrong of the shepeherdes These trulye were the begīninges of his office that he shoulde haue Dauid was chosē kinge of Israell But this election was not idle in Dauid vntill that time that after the death of Saule he was openly called to be kinge of the people But Dauid euen then began to take vpō him lyke a kynge when as in the kepynge of his shepe he slewe a Beare and a Lyon and when with a bolde stomacke he set vpō Goliathe and slewe him So the faith of the resurrection shal not onely practise his power in raysynge oure bodyes vnto euerlastynge lyfe in the last day but yf the true fayth be in vs euen in this lyfe also doth it shew forth the strēgth that it hath And first it holdeth vs vp in al the aduersities of this lyfe yea euen in the myddes of death For if we shal ryse agayn into euerlastynge lyfe the which thing we know by faith that we shall do what disaduauntage I praye you what euill happe can aduersities yea or deathe it self bringe vnto vs I praye the if a man shoulde put of frome the a fylthy garmente to put on vpon the and clothe the with a Kingly aparel woldest thou cal the takinge of the fylthy apparel from the disaduantage or euel lucke or rather shouldest not thou call it great profit To suffer aduersity ī this world at length to dye surlye they be nothing els then a putting away of anold filthy garment that thou maiest take vnto the a most gorgius garment We do know saith Paul that if our earthly manciō of thys dwelling wer destroyed ii Cor. v. we haue a building of god an habitacion not made with handes but eternall in heauen For therfore sigh we desiringe to be clothed with our mansyon which is frō heauē Wherefore whē by fayth we do thinke vpō our resurrectiō frō deth thorow Christ it can not be but that we shal get the vyctory not only ouer al the afflictiōs of this world but also of death hel Moreouer the same faith of the resurrectiō doth begin or exercise in vs the newe lyfe A newe lyfe worthye the Resurrection that forsakinge all vngodlynes and vnrightuousnes we may folowe all kyndes of heauenlye vertues For verylye excepte the newnes of lyfe dothe folow the faythe of the resurreccion it is a playne argument that the fayth is deade And what is there that should be a lyue in a manne when as hys faythe lyueth not whiche is
in the day of his redempcyō whiche he semeth to haue so that suche a mā is lyke a wyne vessell which rūneth oute by reason of a leake wherthrough the wyne is loste whiche thynge they that knowe not where they see the vessell thyncke that it is full but when any wyne shoulde be drawē out of it then appeareth it vnto all men that it is emptie In lyke maner also such a man when an accompte shal be asked of him at the daye of iudgement he shal be found emptie and then his workes shal be open vnto all men Of this sort are they also which shal saye vnto the kynge at that day Lord haue we not prophecied Mat. vii in thi name haue we not done many good dedes And when the kynge answereth he shall saye vnto theym Verely I say vnto you I know you not Thou seest brother that suche a one hath nothyng at al. Be thou therfore myndfull of the worde and directe thy way Take hede that thou doest not suffer the birdes to lyght downe to eate vp the seede of the sonne of God Luke viii For he sayd that the seede is the word whiche ye do heare Hyde therefore the seede in the furrowes of thy hert that is to say hyde the word in the myddest of thy herte that thou mayest brynge forthe vnto God some frute in feare But when thou readest reade diligētly and earnestly and handle the sentence weying it aduisedly labour not to reade ouer many leaues but if thou chaunce vpon any harde thynge let it not greue the to read ouer that verse twis or thrise tyll thou vnderstande the meanynge and pyth of it But when thou preparest thy selfe to sytte downe to reade or elles to heare an other pray vnto God fyrst saying Lord Iesu Christ open mine eyes and the eares of my hearte that they may heare thy wordes and vnderstande them A prayer and that they maye do thy wyll O Lord. Psal 119. For I am a straunger in the earth hyde not thy commaūdementes from me But open myne eyes I shall beholde the maruayles of thy law For in thee o my God haue I trusted that thou maiest gyue lyght vnto my herte Yea my brother I besech the praye so alwayes vnto god that he wyl gyue lyght vnto thy mīd and that he wyl make opē vnto the the strength of his wordes For manye haue erred trustynge to their owne wytte and sayinge that they were wyse Roma i. they became fooles and dyd not vnderstande the thynges that were written and so fallyng into blasphemies did perishe If thou therfore in thy readyng fynde anye thynge that is hard to be vnderstanded take heed that the wicked enemie do not teache the to saye within thyne owne selfe it is not so as that worde speaketh For howe shoulde it be so and on such like sorte But if thou beleue god beleue his wordes also say vnto the Deuyll Go behynde me aduersarie Mat. xvi for I knowe thee not The wordes of the Lorde are pure wordes Psal xii as the siluer whiche from the erthe is tried purified seuen times in the fire There is no euel thynge in them nor doubtful but all thynges in them cōtayned are good in their sight that are wyse and al thinges in them are perfecte to them that find knowledge But I am a fole am ignorāt yet I know that they are writtē spiritually For the Apostle sayeth that the lawe is spirituall And so loke thou vp in to Heauen and saye Lorde I haue beleued thy wordes and saye not agaynst them A prayer but I trust vnto the wordes of thy holy ghost Therfore saue me thou O Lorde that I may fynd fauour before thee For I seake no other thynge but onelye that I maye be saued O mercyfull that I maye obtayne thy grace for thyne is the kyngdome mercye for euer So be it ¶ An Homelye of the Resurrection of Christe and of the power and frute therof written in Latyn by Iohn Brentius and translated into Englyshe by T.S. NOwe that I shal speake of the Resurrection of our Lord Iesu Christ I desyre you that you all wyl herken with suche eares and myndes not as vayne men are wont to gyue to ydle now and then also to hurtefull tales whiche do onely seake this that they maye be delyghted waste the tyme but with suche eares and myndes as very godly men do gyue to hym that entreateth of the most highe and chiefe matier of holy relygion and of oure perpetual saluaciō For if Christ had not rysen agayne our preachynge hadde been in vayne as Paule sayeth oure faythe were in vayne the testimonye of the Apostles of the resurrection of Christe were in vayne the dead shulde not ryse agayne we shuld yet remayne in our synnes all they which are fallen a sleape in Christ were loste finally yf that in this lyfe only we had faith in Christ we were thē the most miserable of all men Wherfore most dere frendes if euer we dyd care as there ought to be none other so greate a care to knowe the thynges that Christ dyd the cause of our saluacion dost most aboue all thynges enforce vs that we well do vnderstande the rysyng agayne of Christ from the dead We shall first therfore shew that Christe verely is risen from the dead then what profyte what glorye what maiestye the resurrection did bringe to Christ him selfe Lastly what profyte what health yea and what happines hath happened vs euen vnto vs I saye by the resurrection of Christe i. Tim. ii Remember Paule writeth to Timothe that Iesus Christ rose agayne from deathe By which admoniciō he doth meane that there oughte nothynge amonges godly men to be more esteamed then the resurrection of Christe And that I may here take my begynnynge not only those argumentes by which Christ shewed him self alyue vnto his disciples after his resurrection do wytnesse the rysynge agayne of Christe from the deade but also the prophecies of the prophetes which were before the resurrection of Christ In the .xv. psalme he saith Therfore dyd my herte reioyce and my tong was glad moreouer my fleshe also shal rest in hope Because thou wylte not leaue my soule in hell neyther wylte suffre thyne holye one to se corrupcion And in an other Psalme The Lorde sayd to my lorde syt on my ryght hande vntyll I make thyn enemyes a fotestole vnder thy feete And that these be prophecies of the resurrection of Christe Peter wytnesseth in his first sermon which he made vpon witsondaye as it is written in the second chapter of the Actes of the Apostles To this agreeth Esaie Hys sepulchre sayth he shall be glorious For it appeareth by the begynnynge of that chapter which is the .xi. that Esaye in that place doeth preache of Christ and Paule approueth the same in the .xv. chapter to the Romayns And againe Esay sayeth in the .liii. chapter