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A00931 A bright burning beacon forewarning all wise virgins to trim their lampes against the comming of the Bridegroome. Conteining a generall doctrine of sundrie signes and wonders, specially earthquakes both particular and generall: a discourse of the end of this world: a commemoration of our late earthquake, the 6. of April, about 6. of the clocke in the euening 1580. And a praier for the appeasing of Gods wrath and indignation. Newly translated and collected by Abraham Fleming. The summe of the whole booke followeth in fit place orderly diuided into chapters. Nausea, Friedrich, d. 1552.; Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. 1580 (1580) STC 11037; ESTC S102280 47,166 126

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that before the last day of this worlde there shall be Earthquakes which are foretokens of vniuersall woes to come vpon all the worlde and specially vpon the wicked whose torments shall be excéeding sharpe and gréeuous And thus we are taught euen out of Gods worde that Earthquakes happening vnto vs not simplie of custome but of purpose do signifie somewhat to insue denounce against vs the wrath of almightie God therewithall admonishing vs to amende our euill life to reforme our wicked conuersation to be renewed in the spirite of the inwarde man and to be heauenly minded otherwise such sorrowes are like to light vpon vs as shall turne to our most miserable ouerthrowe and lamentable destruction and here vpon it came to passe that when our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified the earth quaked and trembled But of what sorrowes to come are Earthquakes foretokens First to beginne of warres whereby it is most certaine pestilence and famine are ingendered pestilence by the aire poisoned with the stinch of dead carcasses lieng vnburied famine by reason of husbandrie when plough landes lie vnmanured besides other calamities full of feare horror and desolation Uerie religiously haue the Saints of God alwaies thought of Earthquakes albert the wisedome of this worlde which is foolishnesse before God dreame of naturall causes And surely such as are well affected and haue in them any féeling or taste of Gods gratious spirit after the happening of an Earthquake will say with the Prophet Dauid Come and behold the workes of the Lord acknowledging in heart that the blessings of God follow the righteous as peace and plentie tranquillitie of minde with other his good graces contrariwise his curses pursue and chase the wicked as warre and scarsitie horrour of conscience and infinite tribulations We sée that the rainebow appeareth in the cloudes euery yeare at diuerse times touching the generation whereof reasons I grant may be giuen but we knowe that the rainebowe being appointed by the ordinance of God hath continued euer since it was first made as a witnesse to the world that God will neuer destroy it againe with water for the trueth of which worde and promise he hath left vs the rainebowe Of Eclipses we know there may be naturall causes alledged but let vs remember that he which in their creation made them glorious in token of his mercie by their defection and losse of light what else doeth he thunder against vs but his iustice and vengeance For the good works of GOD are made as it were to mourne for our sakes who being wilfully blinde cannot sée how néere the day of our visitation approcheth Againe the woordes of our Sauiour are true The Sunne shall be darkened and the Moone shall not giue her light and the starres shall fall from heauen and the powers of heauen shall bee shaken With which wordes of our Sauiour Christ the saiengs of the Prophets accord The starres of Heauen and the Planets thereof shall not giue their light the Sunne shall be darkened in his going forth and the Moone shall not cause her light to shine Another Prophet saith in the person of God I will couer the Sunne with a cloude And a third Prophet saith The Sunne Moone shal be darkned the starres shall withdrawe their light Of Earthquakes also and other visions of fire there may naturall reasons be brought but as the controuersie can be decided by no wiser moderator than Christ our Sauiour and the Prophetes his forerunners so is it our partes to take their authoritie for truth and not to hunt after the vaine speculations of Philosophie Before the end of the world come saith Christ iniquitie shall abound there shalbe rumors of wars there shalbe Earthquakes there shalbe famine troubles all which if they be but the beginnings of sorrowes alas what calamities will followe The Prophet saith that Before the great and terrible daie of the Lord come wonders shalbe seene in the heauens and in the earth bloud and fire pillers of smoke the Sunne darkened and the Moone turned into bloud c. So that béelike Nature hath litle to doe in such secrete maters and as for the counsels of God men ought rather to wonder at them than presumptuously to scan vppon causes supernaturall with whose foolishnes I end this confirmation aduising them to take héede how they meddle in Gods high mysteries least they be destroied by the power of his Maiestie ¶ What mischiefes and euils Earthquakes threaten and denounce Chap. 7. THat the case standeth as we haue alreadie saide yée shall vnderstand by a fewe circumstances which wée haue found and proued partly by vse and experience partly by studie reading Did not I pray you after Earthquakes and tempests which Mardochaeus the sonne of Iaer saw in a dreame all nations rise in an vprore to make warre among themselues and did there not followe a day of darknes danger of tribulation and anguish of sorrow and heauines besides an excéeding great feare ouer the earth Did not likewise the earth tremble and shake out of measure when Ozia the king of Iuda in the pride of his mind had taken vpon him the office charge of another wherwith it became him not to meddle and then insued the iust vengeance of God against him wherof there was a foretoken geuen by the said Earth quake when he was smitten with a leprosie growing ouglie loathsome was compelled to resigne vp his royaltie and in the end miserably dieng he was buried but in a homelie place euen in the field apart by himselfe from the sepulchres of his predecessors the kings of Iuda and this was his rewarde for dealing so vnreuerently in Gods seruice and Temple The accurssed Iewes in like manner euen to their great smart haue fealt what meaning there should be in Earthquakes yea they haue tried by their owne miserie most worthie of memorie what calamities are like to follow after earthquakes the subuersion of the renowmed citie Hierusalem herein giuing proofe the destruction whereof was so lamentable that no penne can expresse it nor tongue declare it to the purpose Of which their ouerthrow they were oftentimes warned as with many strange sights and wonders so among the rest with Earthquakes that they might be sorie for their sinnes by repentance escape the rod which because they neglected to do neither beléeuing that the plagues woulde come vpon them whereof those wonders were foretokens nor redressing themselues in that wherin they were awrie but returning to the filthines of their vomit and of wilfull blindnes and obstinancie setting Gods threatenings from Heauen at naught therefore were they ouertaken with the bitter day of their sharpe visitation What I pray you was foretold to Lucius Martius and Sextus Iulius Consuls of Rome by an Earthquake Euen that notable warre without controuersie which tooke the name to be called ciuill than the which warre a more dangerous and deadlie was
of the end of this world and saieng There shall be signes in the Sunne and in the Moone c. For séeing that this worlde may well be compared vnto Aegypt in sundrie considerations and manifolde cases it commeth to passe that as in old time there were sights and wonders séene whereby the ouerthrowe of Aegypt was threatened should come so in this last end of the world signes tokens are strangely séene in the foure elementes which giue vnderstanding to all the inhabitants of the earth that the end is at hand Now for that we sée in these our daies such signes and tokens multiplied how can we doubt that the end of the world is nie Specially because we sée things that haue increased diminish and things that flourished vanish and at length die and come to an ende Which alteration of the world and the diminishing thereof we shall perceiue to be come if we thinke vpon the daies of old and consider with our selues how many countries nations and Islands in so few yeares haue perished and come to naught how all the elements are growne out of course quite contrarie to their first nature and being meruelously chaunged in themselues kéepe not their accustomed condition and qualitie in due time and season as at the first that the earth hath lost much of her wonted fruitfulnes how painfully so euer it be plowed as wée haue plentifully declared in our Catholikes dedicated to the right renowmed Charles the fift and Ferdinand which to repeate againe in this place were labour superfluous It must therfore be confessed that these so sundrie straunge wonders happening in our daies foretell vs that the end of the world approcheth and prophesieth against it some lamentable destruction as certeine tokens appearing in the bodie of man foreshew the daunger either of sickenes or death ¶ At what day and houre the end of this world shall certeinly be as some hold opinion Chap. 10. THat the end of this world is at hand there is none that can iustly denie because that beside the reasons specified in the last Chapter we sée nothing but it foretelleth vs that the same is like very shortly to be For we may behold according to the prophesies of Christ our Sauiour that there is an alteration and chaunge of the state of all things in a manner that the worlde waxeth worsse and worsse and that with the preuailing of wickednesse it is like to be ouerturned that in these daies of ours iniquitie sinne is growen to the highest degrée that equitie is rare vngodlinesse couetousnes concupiscence and lust common the good a praie spoile to the wicked euery where molested troubled that euill men are rich and wealthie vertuous men in pouertie contempt all iudgement confounded lawes ouerthrowne and that which a man hath be it litle or be it much it must be gotten and also kepte by maine strength that boldnesse and violence haue possession of all thinges that there is no faith no trueth no conscience no honestie among men no peace no méekenesse no shame no rule in themselues nor rest from mischéefe that the whole earth is in an vprore and tumult that warres doe rage in all places that all nations are in armour and assault each other and that Cities nie adioining are at strife betwéene themselues If this be so that these as the Lord himselfe beareth witnesse are forewarnings that the worlde is at an end what remaineth but that we beléeue and looke when it shalbe Now because I thinke there is not a man so shamelesse that will gainesay this it néedeth not that I vse many words in this matter considering that we haue discoursed at large hereof in our Centuries and Catholikes It resteth therefore that we make answere in this place to the obiection of some which demand the question not so necessarily as curiously At what day and houre the end of this world shalbe whereof the scriptures of God haue so profoundly spoken Although I make answere that it is not vnknowne to me that some there are which haue taken in hande to tell by account of yeares when the end of this world shalbe of which sort some haue said that foure hundred yeares some that fiue hundred yéeres some that a thousand yeares should passe and runne out betwéene the ascension of the Lord and his last comming to iudgment before the world should be at an end yet notwithstanding I denie that there is any man able to know or to shewe either the houre or the day of the end of this world as also I hold opinion and certainly beléeue that there is not a man liuing that knoweth the ende of his owne life as the scripture testifieth vnles he be instructed and taught from aboue by some singular reuelation And therefore vpon this certeine beléefe I boldly affirme that the end of this worlde hath alwaies béene euer shalbe altogether vncerteine and that it is not for mortall men as the Lord saith to knowe the times and the seasons which the Lord hath put in his owne will power yea that man cannot comprehende the same by any naturall knowledge as the trueth it selfe prooueth saieng Of that daie or houre no man knoweth no not the Angels of heauen nor the Sonne but the Father because the day of the Lorde as the Apostle saith shall come like a theefe in the night For when they shall say peace and quietnes then shall sudden destruction come vpon them as the sorrowe of a woman in trauell and they shall not escape By which words we are warned that the last ruine and ende of this worlde shall come so suddenly vpon men that when the state of thinges séemeth to be amended and growne from worsse to better famine turned into plentie warre into peace pestilence into securitie then euen then in the twinkling of an eie it shall be consumed with fire Beholde a spectacle in Sodom And this is the reason as I take it why the Lord doth exhort vs euerie where to watch because that as no man is certeine of the ende of his owne life so much more ignorant and doubtfull of the ende of the whole worlde Take heed saith our Sauiour watch and pray because ye know not when the time shall be For you knowe not when the Lord will come in the euening or at midnight or at the cockcrowing or in the morning least when he commeth suddenly he finde you sleeping It is Gods will that as well the ende of our owne life as also the end of the world should be hidden from vs that we might euermore be carefull thereof and setting our mindes vpon it be readie at his comming For the suspicion which the Goodman of the house hath of the comming of the théefe is very profitable though it kéepe him waking when peraduenture otherwise he woulde fall asléepe And surely if it were good for vs to knowe this
all swéete things be they neuer so toothsome by their often vse are made loathsome yet the reading of this with deliberation and the marking thereof with due aduisement shall increase desire to beginne againe when it is once passed ouer and a comfort to sée the iudgement of God poured out vpon a fewe that many might amende two speciall meanes to cut off the verie conceit of satietie and loathing The late casualties that haue béene séene and felt both in this citie and in sundrie places in this land villages and townes both East West North and South yea beyonde the Seas doe threaten vnto vs some heauie iudgement of God and tell vs that Our sinnes are written with the point of a Diamond and with a penne of iron It is no time now to go a gadding to the weather wise the season serueth not the reason suffereth not For nowe we ought all of vs to looke about séeing that God hath spoken vnto vs these many yeares so many wayes by the troubles of his Church by the slaughter of his Saints beginning correction at his owne house by monstruous birthes by strange shapes by inundations of waters by contagions of the aire by fire in the Element by forreigne warres abroad by tumults at home and now of late by an Earthquake at one instant shaking the whole Realme as may be coniectured by the report of trauellers to and from sundrie coastes of this land And not onely on this side but beyond the Seas as I haue heard reported this Earthquake hath happened with the very quiuering therof doing much harme and farre greater than any that hath chanced among vs. Séeing then this Earthquake so vniuersall for I beleeue the Lord did shake the foundations of the whole earth it was his mercie in that we were not all vtterly vndone I may conclude that it was supernaturall being supernaturall the more wonderfull For neither wind nor water could haue the force with a generall moouing of the whole land to terrifie the peoples hearts Let vs be resolued that there remaineth nothing now but the day of our visitation The Lord will come in his wrath to iudge and punish vs whom in mercie he spared and yet we the worsse For what should we looke for now but a terrible reuenger We haue had the Prophets of God we haue had his lawe we haue had his Sonne his Apostles his Euangelists and Disciples we haue had his Preachers we haue had the Elements we haue had euen dombe creatures preaching vnto vs repentance strange sicknesses sudden deaths and I cannot tell what chances wherevnto this changeable estate of ours is subiect haue forewarned vs to amend we neuerthelesse forsaking the waters of the well of life are contented to wallowe in the puddles of our owne pollusion and filthinesse and being lepers regard not to be clensed What remaineth in this case but that the Lord performe that in his seuere iudgement which he hath spoken in his wrath against Ierusalem saieng Who shall haue pitie vpon thee ô Ierusalem or who shall be sorie for thee or who shall goe to pray for thy peace Thou hast forsaken me and gone backwards therfore will I stretch out mine hande against thee and destroy thee For I am wearie with repenting The proofe wherof God graunt we auoid The effect of all is this that others destruction be our instruction ¶ How long wonders and straunge appearances deferre and put off those effectes whereof they are significations and tokens Chap. 8. BEcause we are taught by many proofes and trials that Eclipses for so they call the diminishing of light in the Sunne and the Moone happening at set times seasons and places appointed by nature when the Sunne by the interposition of the Moone and the Moone by the interposition of the Sunne are so couered and hidden that they are suddenly darkened prolong their effects and operations sometimes more sometimes lesse space herevpon riseth a question how long wonders are said and thought to deferre their effects and workings Unto which demand this answer may be made namely that it is at the will appointment of almightie GOD without whose commandement and sufferance those things come not to passe be they either by nature contrarie to nature or aboue nature For God by the same power wherewith he created all things by the selfe same power he gouerneth all things seing he is the author and maker of al things able by his omnipotencie either to hasten or delay all things according to the pleasure of his will For saith the Prophet he hath made all things whatsoeuer he would in Heauen and in Earth and in all deepes But now that same pleasure of Gods will touching the effects of wonders and their appearances are so hidden and vnknowne to vs that this is all we can doe nothing he houeth vs so well euen deuoutly to crie out with S. Paule ô the depth of the riches of the wisedome and knowledge of God! how vnsearchable are his iudgements and his waies past finding out For who hath knowne the mind of the Lord or who hath beene of his counsell or who hath giuen ought to him first and it shall be giuen and paide him backe againe Because of him and through him by him in him is all in all c. Nowe because it is manifest that many wonders haue their cause and originall euen of nature in such sort manner that the very course of nature doeth throughly teach as well the set seasons as also the appointed places of such wonders For it hath pleased GOD to leaue vnto this course of nature whose ministerie and seruice he vouchethsafe to vse oftentimes in naturall things her conditions qualities her operations and workings and hée suffereth nature to beare rule ouer naturall things and naturall thinges to incline and yéelde vnto nature himselfe winking thereat and looking vpon as it were through a lattesse Herevpon it is possible that a man may by certeine coniectures and ghesses gather or by certeine causes and reasons attaine vnto the knowledge both of the times and places when and where the effects of such and such things séeme they neuer so strange and wonderfull shall come to passe To confirme this I bring for example Astronomers skilfull and cunning in their profession who many times know before hand and forshewe likewise the seasons effects of Eclipses neuer failing in their prognostications and yet there are some that holde opinion that an Eclipse is a meruellous matter and such a thing in déede as is monstruous strange and contrarie to the common course of nature Howbeit there is no cause why wée should wonder thereat more than néedes as though it were a rare thing and not to be beléeued seing it is a plaine case that the very naturall eiesight of man doth behold and comprehend as well the causes as the signes appearing aboue him as hée doth the
bréefe cocker our selues too much become careles because the woes wherof we are forwarned will not come yet it will be long first ere they take effect For so did many vse to say of the floud in Noes time of the fire brimstone in Lothes time of the destruction of dust and ashes Doe you not thinke that they themselues if they were able to speake would say thus to vs Alas wretches what meane you to runne vp and downe from place to place after the vanities of this worlde Alas why doe you ouerwhelme your selues in the seas of sin and wickednes Looke vppon our bones and let your owne greedines greeue you your owne miserie make you affraid We were once as you be now and as we are so shall you be And therefore to returne thither from whence I haue straied let vs wey with carefull consideration and in weieng let vs tremble at the fearfull end of this world and hauing the day of our owne death continually before our eies let vs hasten as much as we may to amend our life missed Let vs not neglect the time because our good God forbeareth vs vile offenders and his anger commeth forth but slowly to take vengeance for this slownesse shalbe recompensed with gréeuousnes of punishment and his lame legge if I may so speake shall neuer leaue till it haue ouertaken the swift running sinner This is doubtles that how much the longer God looketh for amendement at our handes and we regard it not so much the more gréeuous shall his iudgement be against vs which to be so the Scripture by many examples hath not slenderly proued Now if we thinke which thought be farre from vs that it will be long ere the end of this world come and therevpon euery one of vs set at naught the consideration of our own falles who are more miserable Are we not I beséech you suddenly smitten with death and our soules taken out of our bodies we looking for nothing lesse whiles we very willingly and in the pleasure of our mindes are well content to tarrie in this forsaken worlde and determine with our selues of matters of long continuance But who are happie Euen they that alwaies haue before their eies either their owne death or the ende of this worlde and that make hast to be found in a readines when that houre commeth Let vs therefore be mindfull one with another that we walke in the middes of the snares of the Diuell and in consideration thereof let vs alwaies be prouided that whensoeuer the Lord laieth his commandement vpon vs being set frée from all blottes and blemishes of sinne wée may enter into his rest Let vs not persuade our selues that the time is long which we haue to weare out in this world For it may be that God will call vs vpon such a sudden that we shall not haue an houres respite giuen vs to repent Alas let vs remember the words of our Sauiour saieng Verily verily I say vnto you the houre is come when all that are in their graues shall heare the voice of the Sonne of God and they which haue done well shall come forth into the resurrection of life but they which haue done ill into the resurrection of iudgement Nowe therefore let vs take our choice determine with our selues what to doe in this life that according to our desertes we may either reioice with the godly or be tormented with the wicked worldes without end If rewardes will not win vs to béecome better let punishments make vs affraide to waxe worsse and if it be not in our power to despise this present world and to ceasse from the custome of sinning yet let vs at the least doe what we can to redresse our selues by righteousnes If we haue wandered like wantons in our youth let vs nowe repent and be reformed in our age and the euill déedes which wée haue done in sinning let vs renownce and forsake by amending For beholde how the world not by litle and litle but as I said altogether beginneth to come to ruine and decay yea it hath failed already many waies and at this present it draweth néerer and néerer to his last destruction as wée haue béen taught by many tokens al which with one consent agrée vppon that matter euery thing that wée sée vanisheth like a clowde passeth away like the euening shadow Behold the euents of things which were foretold vs long ago by the very trueth it selfe are nowe in these daies of oures more than apparantly perceiued All goodnesse as wée plainely sée is taken away and banished all mischéefe and euill day by day doth more and more abound in such sort manner that there is not a man able to open his mouth and so bold as once to gainesay that the last times are come vpon vs considering that the workes fruites of these dangerous daies are so rise among vs in cōtinuall vse practise For in the latter daies saith the Apostle shall be perillous seasons and men shall loue themselues they shall be couetous high minded proude blasphemers stubburne against their parents vnthankfull mischeeuous void of loue without peace faultfinders accusers dishonest vnkinde cruell traitors froward ambitious louers of pleasures more than of God hauing a shewe in deed of godlines but yet vtterly denieng the force and power thereof in their life Is not euerie place of the earth I pray you full of such men Doe not all corners of the worlde swarme with them in such maner that the wordes of the Lorde are more verified in vs of this latter age than of anie people of olde saieng All haue gone backe and started aside all are become vnprofitable there is not one that doth good no not one For now doubtlesse is that houre come according to the testimonie of eternall trueth wherein Iniquitie doeth abounde and the charitie of a great manie is waxed colde For which cause the Lord threateneth against vs his kindled wrath and indignation and foretelleth vs by horrible signes strange wonders maruellous visions monstrous shapes and such like fearefull appearances as it were by proclamations made from heauen that he is comming to iudgement and admonisheth vs earnestly to repent and amend still shaking his right hand of reuengement ouer vs but sparing to smite telling vs neuerthelesse that except we repent we shall all perish And God graunt that hauing so many warnings both in heauen and in earth by the voices and outcries of such strange wonders we woulde at length shake off slouth and awake not setting at naught the soundes of these trumpets these true proclamations from heauen heauie threatnings of God whereby we are called compelled to repent God grant we may so do to whom be all laude praise dominion power and maiestie now and euermore Amen ¶ A contemplation of wonderfull accidents and principally of Earthquaks as well particular as generall which haue happened in the realmes
haue contemned it is not Succot-benoth nor Tartak whome we haue renounced finally it is not any abhomination of the idolatrous Gentiles whom wée haue displeased we abhorre and vtterly detest all such fornication and vncleannesse of the Heathen But it is thou O almightie GOD whose seate is the Heauen and whose footestoole the earth against whome wée haue transgressed thy lawes wée haue violated and not liued within the compasse of thy cōmandements Our bodies wée haue defiled with the filthines of concupiscence euery member and part of it hath béene accessarie to the committing of many an outragious sinne our very souls also O Lord we confesse are defaced and haue lost their glorie through the staines of our infinite transgressions so that both within and without we are polluted poisoned and like to perishe except the Mithridatum of thy mercy which is a present souereigne salue against all sores preserue vs from this peril Thou O most mercifull Father as tendering the estate of vs thy children hast vouchedsafe by sundrie signes and wonders as foretokens of thy plagues prepared for our punishment to call vs to repentance Our forefathers haue not wanted these warnings and we are not without them so meruellous is thy mercie From Heauen thou vouchsafedst to visit vs and hast commanded the earth to call vpon vs visions of fire haue declared thy iudgements blasing Starres thine indignation mortall plagues thy vengeance Our progenitors haue lien groning vnder the yearks of thy sharpe rod that we their posteritie by their chastisement might be drawne to amendement O the vnmeasurable mercie of thée our almightie God! O thy long sufferance O thy fatherly kindnes O thy vnspeakable pitie patience Thou hast forborne vs euen in our wilfull offences and hast spared vs when we deserued iustly to be smitten Thou hast powred plentie vpon vs and prolonged our peace and yet vngratious children we will not obey thy voice O Lord beare with our imbecillitie we beséech thée for thou knowest we are but dust and ashes fraile and féeble vnconstant and variable corrupt and mortall It is not in vs to direct our owne waies but the working of thy spirit in vs and therfore we acknowledge our owne vilenesse and falling flat before the throne of thy presence submit our selues both bodies soules to thy good pleasure and will O Lorde looke vpon our humilitie behold our submission regard our heauines despise not our contrition hearken to our praiers and ponder our supplications which we powre foorth before the throne of thine incomprehensible Maiestie And though wée haue béene startbackes though we haue béene stubberne though we haue béene rebellious though we haue béene merciles though we haue béene couetous though we haue béene murtherers though we haue béene deceiuers though we haue béene hypocrites though we haue béene contemners though we haue béene liers though we haue béene blasphemers though we haue béene riotters though we haue bene wantons though we haue béene dronkards though we haue béene irreligious finally though we haue béene neuer so bad as we cannot bragge of one sparkle of good in this lumpe of fraile flesh yet we beséech thée to cast an eie vpon our accurssed case and vouchsafe to raise in vs the vertue of repentance of true and vnfeigned repentance of sincere and hartie repentance of Christian and perfect repentance that we may sobbe sigh at the sight of our sins which are so many so gréeuous that the remembrance of them striketh vs downe into desperation vnlesse thy mercie shine from Heauen vpon vs sinners sore distressed and minister due consolation O Lorde God most mightie most gratious most bountifull most righteous the giuer of all good gifts the welspring of all felicitie the treasure of euerlasting blessednes create in vs a new heart and plant in vs a right spirit reforme that which is amisse in vs and make vs that are carnall spirituall lighten our minds with the lampe of thy grace that we may through repentance which we most humbly beséech thée to establish in our harts for sake our former conuersation and beginne to lead a new life both we our families wiues children and seruants endeuouring by the good gouernement of thy spirit to bridle the wildnesse of our wandering desires that they excéede not the limites of thy lawe to amend our manners to put off our olde disguised garment of vncleannesse and to cloth our selues with a suite of new raiment namely of regeneration whereby being renewed we may honour thée our Lord GOD almightie Christ thy Sonne equall with thée in deitie and the holie Ghost the thirde person in Trinitie obey our gouernours reuerence thy preachers loue our neighbours succour the comfortles helpe the widowes maintaine the orphanes offer no wrong but deale iustly in all our affaires that by our conuersation thus reformed we may be reconciled vnto thée O our good God againe and escape the plagues which thou hast denounced against vs by strange signes and wonders We are fraile fleshly corrupt sinfull and without the assistance of thy spirit vnable to bring forth the fruits of the Gospell In consideration whereof we exaue at thy handes O heauenly father the gift of thy grace which may sanctifie our soules and purifie our bodies that both our soules and bodies may be made acceptable and swéete smelling sacrisices to offer vnto thy diuine Maiestie Put away from vs by the fruitfull preaching of thy worde all kind of enormities vnséemely for our vocation and as nothing is vnpossible vnto thée vouchsafe that this our age vpon whome the endes of the worlde are warranted by vndoubted forewarnings to be come may sée those happie daies which haue béene prophesied by the mouths of thy messengers that the Woolfe should dwell with the Lambe and the Leoparde lie with the Kid the Lion and the Calfe kéepe together the Cow and the Beare be at agréement the sucking Infant play vpon the hole of the Aspe and the wained Childe put his hande into the Cockatrice nest that thy spirit reforming vs and knitting our hearts with the knot of mutual charitie we may liue in loue without dissembling fauour ech other without grudging casting off all cruell affections which transforme men into monsters in whome thou O God hast vouchsafed to expresse the image of thy Maiestie The end of all is this which we beséech thée O mercifull father to establish in vs namely the fearing of thy name and the kéeping of thy commandements for herevpon dependeth the whole dutie of man knowing that thou O Lorde wilt bring euery worke vnto iudgement and euerie secrete thing euen our verie thought whether it be good or euill to account These blessings we beséech thée O gratious God grant vs with the increase of thy loue and fauour for his sake in whom thou art well pleased Jesus Christ the iust to whome with thée O Father and the holie Ghost thrée persons and one immortall