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A45033 Jacobs ladder, or, The devout souls ascention to Heaven, in prayers, thanksgivings, and praises in four parts ... : with graces and thanksgivings : illustrated with sculptures / by Jo. Hall. Hall, John, d. 1707. 1676 (1676) Wing H351; ESTC R21612 67,888 258

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mans brains are dasht Full in the next mans face his bowels pasht On his next neighbour a third is found Groaning his Soul out in a wide-mouth'd wound There bullets fierce drive a heart out which dies To mortals rage a bloody Sacrifice Good Lord how will Heaven quietly hold those Souls who just now wert here such deadly Foes A Prayer in the Time of War ALmighty Lord God Thou art he only which givest victory to thee it is all one to save by many or by few thou canst make one to chase a thousand thou canst cause the hearts even of the most valiant to melt their hands to be weak their minds to faint and their knees to fall a way like Water if thou fight for us we cannot miscarry if thou favour us not we must needs be discomfited O be gracious unto us and be on our side now that men are risen up against us Go out O Lord with our Navys and Armies give wisdom and courage to our Captains gird them with strength unto the battel be with our Sea-men and Souldiers teaching their hands to war and their fingers to fight Assist their consultations prosper their policies crown their enterprizes with good success which are undertaken for the common good and comfort of the State Doubtless O Lord we deserved thine anger and our Sins do cry aloud in thine ears for vengeance it were but just with thee it thou shouldst make us a prey and spoil unto our enemies but O gracious God let us now fall into thy hands for thy mercies are great and let us not fall into the hands of men let it appear that thou art in the midst of us and that we shall not be moved that thou wilt help us and that very early and in thy due time set thou peace in our borders and make strong the bars of our Gates especially let the Gospel of thy Son sound yet louder among us that by it many Souls may be gathered unto thee So we thy people and the sheep of thy pasture shall praise thee for ever and from generation to generation we will set forth thy glory through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour Amen A Prayer in time of Prosperity HEavenly Father Lord of plenty thou who hast created the world by thy power and continuest thy love in thy providence and protection to thee do I render thanks for my plenty and to thee do I offer the service of my store what I have is thine for the Earth is thine and all that therein is the Compass of the World and they that dwell therein it is thou only that givest a blessing to the fruits of the Land to the Corn to the Wine and to the Oyl It is thou only that commandest thy blessing in the store-houses and in all that thy servants do set their hands unto Lord make me one of thy faithful servants that what thou hast sent me may be a Testimony of thy love and not of thy hatred make me allways to magnify thee in the time of plenty and not to be high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in thee the living God who givest me all things richly to enjoy O suffer me not to treasure up the deceitful riches of this sinful world as thereby forgeting to be rich toward thee but as from thy bounty I receive these temporal blessings so in thy mercy make me abound in grace that allways having Sufficiency in all things I may abound to every good work In this my prosperity prepare me for adversity if it shall please thee at any time to send it unto me give me a sence of the afflictions of many of thy saints and distressed servants and enlarge my heart that I may be ready and forward to contribute to their necessities make me to shew mercy with cheerfulness and to possess with thankfulness what thou sendest unto me that I may neither ●orget thee in thy poor members nor deny thee to be the giver let me never stop mine ears at the cries of the distressed who beg for relief in the name o● thy self Thou Christ who wert rich didst for my sake become poor that so through thy poverty thou mightest make me rich Lord make me as willing to the poor for thy sake always considering that the Vanities of the earth are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed Make me labour for heavenly riches and for the ornament of the hidden man in the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in thy sight of great price make me O heavenly Father rich in thy self rich unto liberality rich in good works and in faith make me to buy of thee gold tryed in the fire that I may be rich and white rayment that I may be clothed that the shame of my nakedness may not appear let me always remember that great account which one day I must render to thee the Lord of Heaven earth that so I may serve thee here with my substance in my body and in my Soul with zeal and devotion and hereafter be received to thine everlasting glory through the merits of thy Son in thy bosom Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour Amen A Prayer in time of adversity FAther of pitty and Lord of comfort thou that hearest the cry of the afflicted look down in mercy on a distressed Sinner thy hand O God is heavy upon me for thou hast taken from me what I called mine by reason that I did not call it thine O Lord thou knowest my bleeding heart my sorrowful eyes and my mourning tears thou seest how poor I am and what miseries I suffer I am a scorn to my neighbours and a derision to those that are round about me my life is become a burden unto me because thou hast deprived me of the comforts thereof my lovers and my acquaintance stand looking upon my misery and my ●insmen stand asar off Lord if it be thy pleasure thus to humble me let it be thy goodness to give me patience to endure it the pride of my heart my forgetfulness of thee in the time of plenty did cry aloud for thy severest punishments now O now I feel thy just displeasure and groan under the burden and weight thereof yet thou O Lord canst ease me thou canst restore me hear Lord and have mercy Lord be thou my helper suffer me no more to rely upon the arm of flesh or to put my trust in uncertain riches but make me forever to depend upon thy bounty forgive me O Father the sins which I have committed when I lived in prosperity for I am sensible that they are a cause why at this time thou hidest thy face from me and causest me to be troubled O give me a sight and sence of the greatness of them and true contrition and sorrow for them that so though the world forsake me I may yet find favour
increase our faith confirm our hope inflame our Charity teach us to imitate the life of Christ the true pattern of perfect Obedience and only true rule of a Godly life Teach us Humility Patience Meekness Gentleness Chastity Temperance Teach us to contemn earthly things to deny our selves to overcome the world grant us consolation in adversity and true tranquillity of mind grant us victory in temptations and deliverance from the devils treacheries grant us in thine appointed time a blessed departure of this life and a bless●● resurrection unto life everl●sting And we pray not for our selves alone but in obedience to thy Command we make our supplication unto thee for all men save and defend thy universal Church enlarge thou her borders propagate thy Kingdom Bless thy servant Charles our most gracious King and governour Bless together with him our gracious Q. Katharine James Duke of York and the rest of the Royal Family Bless we beseech thee the Lords of his Majestys most Honourable Privy Council the Nobles Judges Ministers and Magistrates of this Realm Be thou a Father to the Fatherless a Comforter to the Comfortless a Deliverer to the Captives a Physitian to the Sick Grant that the Sickness of their Bodies may be for the good of their souls Hear us likewise O Lord for the sake of Christ and accept our thanksgiving we thank thee for preserving us ever since we were born and for defending us this night from all perils and dangers for the quiet rest wherewith thou hast refreshed our bodies for thy mercy renewed unto us this morning let thy mercy be continued unto us this day let thy Spirit direct us in all our ways that we may walk before thee as Children of the light doing those things that are pleasing in thy sight Let the dew of thy blessing descend upon our labours for without thy blessing all our labour is in vain Prosper thou the works of our hands upon us and grant that we may so conscionably seek after things temporal in our callings that we do not finally lose the things which are eternal we are unworthy O Lord we confess to obtain any thing at thy hand either for our selves or any other even for the sinfulness of these our prayers But since thou hast promised to hear all those that call upon thee in thy sons name make good we beseech thee thy promise unto us now calling upon thee in thy Sons name and praying as he hath taught us in his holy Gospel Our Father c. A Prayer for a Family for Wednesday Evening MOst Glorious Lord God whose dwelling is in the highest heavens And yet beholdest the lowly and the humble upon earth we blush and are ashamed to lift up our eyes unto heaven because we have sinned against thee which dwellest in the heavens But look down we beseech thee from heaven thy dwelling place and behold the humility of thy servants here on earth which prostrate themselves at the foot-stool of thy mercy confessing their own guiltiness begging pardon for our sins we confess O Almighty Creator that thou madest us at the first after thine own Images thou cloathedst us with Innocency as with a Garment thou seatest us in Paradice a place of all delight and P●easure But we have defaced thine Image we have cast off our first Covering we have thrust our selves out of that pleasant place we ran away from thee and were not obedient to thy Voice And we do still shut our Eyes O Lord that we might not see and we have refused to be ruled by thy Law The law of sin in our flesh doth dayly capt●vate us The root of sin which lyeth hidden in us doth every day put forth new branches all the parts and faculties of our bodies and souls are as so many Instruments of unrighteousness to fight against thy Divine Majesty Our hearts imagine wicked things our mouths utter them and our hands put them in practise Thy Mercys are every day renewed unto us and our sins are every day multiplyed against thee in the day of health and prosperity we forget thee and we never think upon thee in the day of sickness and adversity Thy benefits heaped upon us do not allure us to obey thee neither do thy Judgments inflicted upon others make us afraid to offend thee what couldst thou have done O Lord more for us or what could we have done more against thee Thou didst send thy Son in the fulness of time to take our nature upon him to fulfil thy Law for us and to be Crucified for our sins but we have not followed the example of his Holy Life but have every day afresh Crucified him by our sins and now O Lord if we should become our own Judges we cannot but confess that we have deserved everlasting torments in Hell fire but there is mercy with thee O Lord therefore will we not despair our sins are many in number but thy mercys are without number the weight of our sins is great but the weight of thy Sons Cross was greater our sins press us down to hell but thy mercy in Christ Jesus raiseth us up by Satan we are accused but by Jesus Christ we are defended By our own Consciences we are condemned but by Jesus Christ we are absolved and pardoned in us there is nothing but Sin Death and Damnation in him there is treasured up for us Righteousness Life and Salvation we are poor Christ is our Riches we are naked he is our covering We are exposed to thy fury pursuing of us he is the buckler of our defence and our refuge he is the Rock of our Salvation and in him do we trust Guide us O Lord by thy holy Spirit to amend what is amiss in us increase all gifts and graces which thou hast already given and give unto us what thou best knowest to be wanting Be gracious and favourable to thy whole Church especially to that part of it among us Bless thy Servant and our soveraign Lord King Charles our gracious Queen Katharine and all the Royal Family we beseech thee also to be gracious to the Kings Council the Nobility the Magistracy the Ministry the Gentry the Commonalty Forget not O Lord all those that are under the Cross and affliction Cloth the Naked feed the Hungry visit the Sick deliver the Captives defend the Fatherless and Widow releive the Oppressed confirm and strengthen those that suffer Persecution for Righteousness sake cure those that are broken in heart speak peace unto their consciences that are tormented with the sence of their sins stand by those that are ready to depart out of this life and when the house of their earthly Tabernacle shall be destroyed then Lord receive their Souls And now O Lord we bless and praise thy Name for our Health Maintenance and Liberty for preserving us ever since we were born for blessing us in all that we have put our hands unto this day Let thy mercy still be continued unto
land of the living cleanse us from our sin and take away our iniquities and then we need not question but thou wilt take away thy hand from off us Hear us O Lord for our selves and also for thy distressed people and hear them for us and hear thy Christ for us all that to him and thee and thy blessed Spirit we may render as is most due all praise and glory and Thanksgiving and obedience for evermore Amen Vpon the Lamentable fire in London begun Sept. 2. 1666. O Let us ne'r forget that dreadful day That in sad ruins did our City lay When as that blazing and prodigious Fire Without remorse or pitty did conspire To lay it all in ashes which to some Did represent the dreadful day of doom When all the world with fire consum'd shall be And time shall give place to eternity Those mighty flames that were our Conquering foes Were far too great for Mortals to oppose The furious Flames ride on with full carreer London in Flames And no repulse do either feel or fear Fling down strong structures both of stone and wood And proudly scorn their power should be withstood Th' fire marches on roars murmurs rends and raves Burying in ruins Sepulchers and Graves And with a perverse envious mind is bent Not to leave standing one fair Monument That angry Majesty which in the year Six hundred sixty five by death did clear So many Thousands by the Pestilence And from their habitations sent them thence In sixty six a woe as great did make And did the Houses from the dwellers take So this most ancient City ruined fell And scarce can any story parallel In any Age or Country Town or Nation So sudden and so great a Devastation As in three fatal days to ruinate To spoil consume destroy depopulate A Place so Famous so renouned for Glory That 't was the Mirrour both of Age and Story THis lamentable Fire began Sept. 2. 1666. about one a clock in the morning in a Bakers house in Pudd●ng-Lane near Fish-street Hill London which raged extreamly being blown with a strong North-East wind so that despising all means used for its extinguishing it spread far and wide sometimes with and against the Wind and so continued for the space of near four days till it had burnt down thirteen thousand two hundred houses which stood upon 337 acres of ground within the walls and 63 acres and 3 rod without besides 89 Parish Churches the most spacio●s Cathedral of St. Paul six consecrated Chappels the Royal Exchange the great Guild-Hall the Custom-house many magnificent Halls of Companys several principal City-gates and other publick Edifices which was accompanied with the loss of vast quantities of rich household-stuff and goods of all sorts but especially of 4 or 5 sorts of commodities viz. Books of which alone were lost near the value of 150 thousand pounds Tobacco Sugar Wines and Plumbs being heavy goods so that the whole loss is computed by an ingenious person to be nine millions and nine hundred thousand pounds and yet by Gods providence not above six or eight persons were burnt in this vast Incendy A Prayer for Septemb. 2d the begining of that lamentable fire in London 1666. HOly Lord God we must confess thou hast found out the iniquity of thy servants and hast discovered our nakedness and pollution in a vengeance suited and answerable to our grievous crying sin our pride oppression and fulness of bread had made us like unto Sodom and thou hast afflicted us like Gomorrha we would not be reclaimed by thy exemplary punishments upon others or our selves and therefore thou hast made us a terror and an astonishment to all that are round about us yet O Lord we must needs acknowledge that thou art just in all that is come upon us for thou hast done right but we have done wickedly yet consider O Lord we are thy people though a rebellious and unthan●ful people suffer us therefore to implore thy pitty and the sounding of thy bowels and for thy names sake and mercies sake incline thine ear to us and save us and above all we beseech thee leave us not to our selves but by what method soever it shall please thee to reduce us though to this cup of trembling thou shalt add more and more grievous afflictions by any the severest course subdue us unto thy self and make us see the things belonging to our peace before they be hid from our eyes that being duly humbled under thy mighty hand we may be capable of being relieved and exalted in thy due time And now we bless and magnify thy name O Lord for that wonderful mercy thou hast vouchsafed us in the midst of thy just and dreadful judgments It is of thy goodness that we are not consumed that when we had pro●oked thee to give us all up to utter ruin and desolation and thy hand was stretched out to execute thy whole displeasure upon us yet thou hast preserved a remnant and pluck'd us as a brand out of the fire that we should not utterly peri●h in our sins add we beseeeh thee one mercy more to all that thou hast hitherto so unsuccesfully cast away upon us and by thy convincing Spirit awaken our sleepy Consciences soften and melt our hard hearts that being humbled by thy chastisements we may by thy goodness be led to repentance and sin no more lest a worse thing come unto us therefore let us faithfully improve this respite and relief with all its precious advantages and opportunities to a thankful humble and profitable walking before thee that so thy name may be glorified the Gospel credited and our Souls saved in the day of the Lord. Grant this O Father for Jesus Christ his sake our only Mediator and Redeemer Amen Vpon a Sea-fight MEthinks I see the swelling billows boyl Heat by the fire that doth from guns recoil The roaring guns which pierce the parting Air With terror we on land far distant hear They shake the massy Earth Thunder like Houses windows into trembling strike And each broad-side which strikes my ear I think Now a brave shipwith braver men dothsink Enraged mortals striving to outvy Thundring and Lightning in the lofty sky Bloud from the reeking decks into the Main Pours down like water in a showr of rain Discolouring the Ocean by its fall As if t would turn it to a Red sea all Fire ships set all on flames make a show As subterranean fires were from below Broke through the waves and one would think no doubt Fire strove to drink up sea sea to put out The fire and men by their contentious action Put all the Elements into distraction Now on the deck some shriek with painful wounds And others sinking are in deadly swounds Here a Commander falls the opponents hollow The souldiers soon in death their Leader follow Here from torn shoulder flyes an arm and there From shatterd thigh a leg the bullets tear Here flies a head off one
wilt Crown us with Life in the World to come Why shouldest thou be so careful of us since we are so careless of thee surely O Lord in that thou affordest us health to our bodyes liberty to our persons prosperity to this Family in which we live we can give no reason but because thou art Merciful The Heavens are within a Spain the Earth within a Circle the Waters within thy fist mountains upon the ballance but what number or measure or bounds can we set to thy Goodness and Mercy O God O let the Ocean of this thy Mercy be a Partition between us and our sins betwixt thee and thy Judgments who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean but thou alone who justifiest the ungodly and quickenest the dead in sin Remove therefore from us O Lord whatsoever there is in us that displeaseth thee for thine Eyes do behold our manifold imperfections send thy Hand of Mercy we pray thee upon us and take away from us whatsoever there is within us which doth offend the Eyes of thy Goodness And as thou hast in great Mercy kept us this Night past from all Perils and Dangers of the same so we beseech thee keep us this day that the Son of Righteousness may Rule in our Hearts and that all the darkness that lurketh in them may be scattered to the comfort of our souls and that we may walk in the light as thy Children without danger of stumbling Prosper O Lord our labours and the works of our hands and grant that we may grow in Grace all our days until we come to Live and Reign with thee in thy Heavenly Kingdome And together with us bless O Lord thy Church Universal comfort all that Mourn in Sion give them Beauty for Ashes and the Oyl of gladness for the Spirit of Mourning and Heaviness Bless our Gracious King defend his Person uphold his Crown maintain his Government bless our gracious Q. Katharine James Duke of York and all the Royal Family bless the Nobility Magistrates Bishops and Ministers and let thy blessing be upon all of us in this houshold guide us in our wayes and lead us into thy Truth Bless all our Friends and Kindred all that are in any Affliction or Tribulation And do for them and us whatsoever thou knowest necessary for us for the Sake of Jesus Christ our only Saviour and Redeemer in whose Name and Words we beseech the saying Our Father c. A Prayer for a Family for Tuesday Evening HOly and Glorious Lord God what shall we reader unto thee for all thy Benefits because thou host inclined thine Ear unto us therefore will we call upon thee as long as we live from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same let thy Name be praised among the infinite Riches of thy Mercies toward us we render thee abundant of praise and thanks for thy merciful preservation of us this day as well as all the times and days of our lives that thou hast bestowed upon us so many excellent blessings and mercys both Spiritual and corporal contrary to our deservings All these thy mercys call upon us that we should be thankful to thee for them and all our miseries call upon us that we should call upon thee for the continuance of thy mercies Cleanse our Souls therefore we beseech thee O Lord from whatsoever is offensive to thee and hurtful to us and give us what is necessary for us And now O Lord Watch over us this night give us comfortable and sweet sleep fit us for all services of the day following make our souls to watch for the comming of the Lord Jesus Christ let our beds put us in mind of our Graves and our rising from thence of our last Resurrection so that whether we wake or sleep we being thine may wait for thee O Heavenly Father so form these hearts of ours that we may ever delight to live according to thy Will and Ordinance in Holiness and Righteousness before thee all the days of our lives O Lord let us consider the time will come when the Trumpet shall and will sound the dead shall Rise and we even we all and every one of us shall assuredly stand before thy Judgment Seat with open and unfolded Consciences there to give an account of all our deeds whatsoever at which time all such as have believed in Christ and truly served thee in this life shall to their endless and unspeakable joy hear that comfortable saying of thine Come ye blessed of my Father Receive the Kingdome prepared for you before the beginning of the World but woe to all that live wicked sinful lives in that day they shall drink of the Wine of the Wrath of God and shall be Tormented in Fire and Brimstone for Evermore O Dear God and gracious Father keep us from this condition and knit our hearts fast unto thee and cause us now while we have time with the help of thy Grace not only to think rightly of these things but so to walk before thee in this present life as becometh thy people and Children O continue the Word of Truth evermore amongst us to comfort us and let the seed thereof take such fast root in our hearts that it may fructifie and bring forth fruit to thy Glory and our own good and comfort that we may be the more enabled thereby to walk in they fear in the midst of a wicked and perverse Generation Shower down thy blessings upon the Head and Heart of our gracious King and Queen and upon all the Royal Family Bless O Lord the Ministers Judges and Magistrates of this Land Bless all the people of all degrees and kinds Let thy blessing be upon our Relations Kindred and Freinds and upon all others whom we are bound to pray for in any affliction pain trouble sickness or any other distemper whatsoever Bless them all and bless us and ours and do more for us then we can express unto thee and all we beg in the Name and Words of our blessed Saviour and Redeemer saying Our Father c. A Prayer for a Family for Wednesday Morning MOst gracious Lord God and holy Father thine eyes are more pure than the Son and cannot behold any thing that is unclean the Cherubins and Seraphins cover their faces before thy glorious Majesty the heaven of heavens are not clean in thy sight How then shall earth sinful earth dust and ashes appear before thee we persume not O Lord to come before thy Tribunal to plead for our righteousness for all our righteousness is as filthy rags but we prostrate our selves with all humility of body and soul at thy mercy seat to make confession of our sins Hear Lord and have mercy on us and as thou hast Redeemed us by thy Son so we beseech thee to sanctifie us by thy holy Spirit Mortifie in us every day more and more all sinful lusts and affections and quicken us in all saving graces and vertues
hell on earth Lord give me Heaven with thee Heaven When I consider New Jerusalem Wherein 's reserv'd my Crown my diadem O what a Heaven of bliss my Soul enjoyes On sudden rapt into that Heaven of Joyes Where troops of Powers Vertues Cherubins Angels Archangels Saints and Seraphins Are chaunting praises to their heavenly King Where Hallelujahs they for ever sing Where ioyes are full and pure not mixt with mourning All endless from which is no returning No theft no cruel murther harbours there No hoary-headed care no sudden fear No pinching want no griping fast oppression Nor Death the stipend of our first transgression But dearest friendship love lasting pleasure Still there abides without stint or measure Fulness of riches comfort sempiternal Excess without surfeting life eternall Hell Let Poets please to torture Tantalus Let griping Vultures gnaw Prometheus And let poor Ixi● turn his endless wheel Let Nerve●s to●ment with whips of steel They far come short t' express the pains of those That rage in hell enwrapt in endless woes Where time no end and Plagues find no exemption Where cries admit no help nor place Redemption Where fire lacks no flame the flame no heat To make their torments sharp plagues compleat Where wretched Souls to tortures bound shall be Serving a world of years and not be free Where nothings heard but yells and suddain cries Where fire never slacks nor worm ere dies But where this Hell is placed my muse stop there Lord shew me what it is but never where Of Death and Judgment Heaven Hell Who oft doth think must needs die well Short Graces and Thanksgivings before and after Meat Before Meat SAnctify O Lord unto us the use of these thy creatures of which by our sins we have made our selves and grant that the end of our eating and drinking may be to be better enabled to serve thee in our several places through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen After Meat ETernal thanks and praise be ascribed unto thee O blessed Lord which hast opened thy hand at this time and made us partakers of thy benefits Lord let us never cease to offer unto thee the Sacrafice of praise and thanksgiving through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Before Meat HUmble our souls before thee O Lord and cause us to see the Smalness of out desert even in respect of the least of thy mercies and bless these thy creatures to us at this time to the rejoycing of the soul of thy Servants through Jesus Christ. Amen After Meat We give thee most hearty thanks O Lord for thy bountiful Liberality to us at this time grant we may serve thee better in the enjoyment of these favours Amen Before Meat LOrd lift up our hearts to look unto thee for a blessing upon our meats that we may comfortably use thy creatures as pledges of thy favour through Jesus Christ. Amen After Meat LOrd accept our thanks for the mercy we have enjoyed in receiving these thy creatures for our bodily relief and let us also labour for the meat that perisheth not for the sake of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen Before Meat O Lord bless us and bless these thy good creatures to the nourishment of our bodies and grant that whether we eat or drink or whatever we do we may do all to the praise and glory of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen After Meat AS thou hast filled our bodies O Lord with thy good creatures far above our desert so be pleased to endue our souls with all Spiritual blessings in heavenly things through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen FINIS