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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02349 A compend of the controversies of religion wherin the trueth is confirmed, and errour convinced, by authoritie of Scripture, witnessing of antiquitie, and confession of partie. Most necessary for all, in this backe-slyding age. By W.G. minister of God's word. Guild, William, 1586-1657. 1627 (1627) STC 12479; ESTC S118648 69,651 225

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what things are done or befalleth in this lyfe to men And againe the Prophet saith Thou art our Father for Abraham hath not knowne vs and Israel hath bene ignorant of vs. If so great Patriarchs then sayth hee knew not what befell this people begotten of themselues c. How are the dead mixed in now to know the effairs and actions of the living to helpe them there-in Aug. de cura pro mortuis 3 Confession of Partie NOthing of th s w●s delivered or taught s●y h E●kius in the Scriptures of the Olde Testament and in the New Testament also the Apostl●s nor Evang●lists n●●ther by word nor writ tradition ●or Scripture l●fe anie such thing behinde them th● the Sainct●s should b●e prayed vnto Eckius in enc●irt●●o de v●●er 〈◊〉 s●n●s So that for An 〈◊〉 from the beginning it was not so Matth. 19.8 for Au●●oritie it is not requyred by God at our handes Is i. 1.12 and for S●●uritie it is not of fa●th as is presery●ed Iames 1.6 §. 5. That no reli●ious servic● which the Papists c●ll Duli● should ●e gi●●● to 〈…〉 ●●●●h●r Sainct or A●g●ll but to God only 1. Authoritie of Scripture 1. SAMUEL 7.3 Prepare your heartes vnto the Lord and serue Him onlie Note then That all religious service is proper to God onelie as His prerogatiue Royall and due to no ●reature Rom. 7.6 But now wee are d livered from the Law that being dead wherein we were held that wee should serue Him in newnesse of spirit Note heere That our whole worship of God and du●tie to H●m is called Service or a Religious Dulia due onelie to the holie Trinitie Coloss 2.18 Let no man beguile you of your rewarde in a voluntarie humilitie and worshipping of Angels intruding in those thinges which hee hath not seene vaynlie puft vp with his fleshlie mynde Note then That anie worshipping of Angels is expresselie forbidden as an idolatrous practize able to depryue vs of our rewarde of eternall lyfe and where-of there is neyther example to be seene in the godlie nor warrand in God's worde but which is a doctrine proceeding from a vayne and puft vp fleshlie mynde that thinketh everie thing good in God's worship that it selfe devyseth having a show of wisedome and humilitie Revel 22.8 And I Iohn saw these thinges and heard them and when I had heard and seene I fell downe to worship before the feete of the Angell which shewed mee these things Vers 9. Then sayeth hee vnto mee Doe it not for I am thy fellow-servant and of thy Brethren the Prophets and of them which keepe the sayinges of this Booke Worship God Note then That the Angell refuseth all religious service and worship because such is not due to bee given by one servant to another but by all the fellow-servantes to their common Master to whom therefore the Angell directeth it saying VVorship GOD. 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie WEE honour the Saincts with Loue but not with Service sayeth Aug. de vera relig c. 55. therfore he truely keepes the truth who worshippeth not the creature but the Creator sayeth Cyrillus and serveth Him onlie Cyrill Alex. lib. 1. 2. Thess c. 1. lib. 2. c. 1. 3. Confession of Partie MAnie Christians sayeth L. Vives worship no otherwise the hee and shee Saincts than they doe Go● himselfe neither see I sayth he in manie things what difference there is betweene their opinion of the Saincts that which the verie Heathen had of their gods Vives i●… August de civit Dei li● 8. c. vlt. §. 6. That no religious wors●ip is d●● to the Virgine Marie which the Papistes call Hyperdul●a 1. Authoritie of Sc●ipture IErem 44.17 But wee will doe certaynlie what-so-ever goeth foorth of our owne mouth to burne Incense to the Queene of Heaven and to po●re out drinke offeringes to her as wee haue done wee and our Fathers c. For then wee had plentie of Victuals and were well and saw no evill Remarke then If this o●de idolatrous fashion bee not the verie alyke as the practize of Poperie and their pr●tence now who cont●●rie to God's worde will worship the V●rg●ne M●●ie as Queene of H●av●n and make offeringes to her be●ause heir fore-fathers ●nd so and that then it was a good worlde w●th them and therefore are guiltie of alyke Idolatrie Matth. 2.11 And when they were come into the house they saw the Chylde with Marie his Mother and fell downe and worshipped him Note then That no word is that those wise men worshipped her lykewyse being moved by the Spirit of God to doe what they did and by the same Spirit to omit what they omitted 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie IF God will haue the Angels not to bee worshipped how much lesse her that was borne of Anna c. And againe Al-bee-it the tree bee pleasant to the fight say●h the same Epiphanius yet it is not for meat and al-be-it Marie be most faire and pleasant and holie and honoured yet not to bee worshipped therefore let her bee had in honour but let the Lord onlie be worshipped Epiph. lib. 3. heres 79. 3. Confession of Partie IT is come to that sayeth Cassander that Chr●st now reig●ing in heaven is made subject to the Virgine Marie as it is sung in some Churches O happie Mother who expiateth our sinnes by the authoritie of a Mother command thy Sonne Cassand consult art 21. CHAP. V. OF IMAGES §. 1. That it is not lawfull to represent GOD by anie Image as the Papists doe by the image of an olde man 1. Authoritie of Scripture EXod 20.4 Thou shalt not make to thy selfe anie gravē image nor the lykenesse of anie thing that is in Heaven aboue nor in the earth beneath nor in the waters vnder the earth Note then That wh●n they make God lyke an olde man they liken Him to that which is in the earth beneath against God's Commandement Deut. 4.15.16 Take therefore good heede to your selues for yee saw no manner of similitude on the day that the LORD spake to you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire Lest yee should corrupt your selues and make you a graven Image the similitude of anie figure the lykenesse of a male or female Loe then how carefull the Lord was for preventing this error Isai 40.18 To whom will yee liken GOD or what likenesse will yee compare vnto Him The Papist would answere We will liken Him to an Olde Man Rom. 1.23 And they changed the glorie of the incorruptible GOD into the similitude of a corruptible man R●m● k● then how the Olde Idolaters ●nd the newe Romanists jumpe heere in one 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie IT is not to bee passed by saith Origen that the Apostles speach not onlie rebuketh them who worship Idoles but that they a●e to bee accounted amongst the Hereti●kes ●alled Anthropomorphi●a who ●etting vp in the Church the bodilie image of a man calleth that the image of God Orig●n in Rom. 1.23 yea it is extreame follie and wi●kedn●sse sayeth
Frier Mantuan in his Booke Of the calamities of tyme saying All things are to bee solde at Rome Churches Priesthoods Masses holie Orders c. Prayers yea Heaven and God Himselfe are to bee solde there Whence it is that their owne Duaren testifyeth in his Booke for defence of the liberties of the French Church that in the time of Pius the third for the annats of benefices in three yeares the Pope drew out of France fyue and twentie hundreth thousand Crownes and for dispensation to haue two or three Benefices together that hee got two hundreth thousands of Crownes Whence also it is that the Abbot of Vrsperg in his Chronicle f. 321. sayth That the water-floods of all the Treasures of the Earth did flow to Rome to quench her thirst of Money which was al-wayes vnsatiable and which her Chancellarie Penitentiarie Courts sufficientlie can testifye §. 10. His false Miracles or lying VVonders 2. THess 2.9 Whose comming is after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders Now Augustine de vnitate Ecclesiae calleth these Miracles lying not onlie because they induce to lies but because they are either feigned by men and so are not true or else they are the tricks of lying spirits and so either à falso or ad falsum Now that both these last sorts haue beene frequent and ordinarie in the Popish Church is more than notorious Of the first sort then their owne Lyra testifyeth thus in his exposition on Daniel 11. Some-tymes now also in the Church sayeth hee is a great deceiving of the people by miracles feigned by Priests and their adherents for their worldly gaine Of the second sort where-by they chiefelie ectablished their Purgatorie thus speaketh Chrysostome hom 29. in Matheum These voyces sayth hee that say I am the soule of such a one proceede from the fraude and deceit of the Devill for it is not the soule of the departed that sayth that but Satan who that hee may deceiue the hearers feigneth him-selfe to bee that foule Of all Miracles then that are pretended to bee wrought in the latter dayes by the Romane Church we may answere with Augustine's words saying The Lord hath made vs warie of these Miracle-workers fore-telling vs That in the last dayes false prophets shall aryse working signes wonders that they may seduce if it were possible the verie elect so that how manie Miracles they obtrude for them with as many arguments furnish they vs against them seeing no Church but the false Church of Antichrist is fore-tolde in the latter dayes to worke or pretende such §. 11. His Name and Marke HIs Name that most ancient Father Ireneus in his fyft Booke sayeth most probablie is Latinus devotating there-by that hee shall bee a Latine or a Romane Bishop And the imposing of which name on others is by professing of them-selues to bee Romanists that all men may acknowledge there-by subjection to his Sea and service or at least bee of the number of his name that is as Carthusian expoundeth that they bee at least so accounted by others that they are his followers But beside this hee hath a Marke which hee imprinteth on his speciall ones and which Augustine Beda Lyra and Carthusian expounded to bee a full conformitie to his obedience and doctrine and which Vnder Christ's Name in Hypocrisie say they they shall take vpon them in their fore-heads by an open and impudent profession and in their right hand by a resolute practise and action And which may clearlie now-a-dayes bee seene true both in those Iesuits and their Iesuited followers as-well in their practise of Idolatrie against GOD as also in their treacherous crueltie against man lyke-wyse §. 12. Of Antichrist's daylie consumption and finall destruction at last 2. THess 2.8 And then shall that wicked man bee revealed whom the LORD shall consume by the Breath of His Mouth and shall destroy with the brightnesse of His comming This Cardinall Cajetan so expoundeth By the Breath of His Mouth that is sayth hee by the spirituall vertue of the Worde of the Gospell piece and piece turning away men from Antichrist's following and leading them to imbrace the trueth of the Gospell And this is that victorie of the Lambe spoken of Revel 17.14 over those European Kings and Countreyes who before as his secular arme gaue their power with one accord to the Beast persecuted Christ's Servants but beeing converted now by the spirituall vertue of the Gospell hate that idolatrous Whoore and shall make her desolate and burne her with fyre for her threshing is come and yet but a little and the tyme of Harvest shall come Even so Come Lord Iesus FINIS Escapes in Printing IN the second Chapter pag. 42. to the VVitnessing of Antiquitie proving that Personall succession to the Chaires of true Teachers priviledgeth not from Errour is to bee added the example of Honorius the pretended successour of Peter and yet an Hereticke condemned in three famous Councels and avouched to bee such by a number of Auncientes Greeke and Latine as Tharasius Theodorus Epiphanius Psellus and Beda whome Bellarmine setteth downe Lib. 4. de Pont. cap. 11. § septimum To the Confession lyke-wyse of Partie concerning the Church of Rome is to be added these ingenuous words of Lyra to wit That manie Popes haue beene found to haue made apostacie from the trueth Lyra in Matth. 16. In the second chapter also pag. 55. the VVitnessing of Antiquitie is omitted to wit the testimonie of sainct Ambrose which proveth Miere personall succession to bee no note of the Church whose wordes are these They haue not Peter's heritage sayeth hee who haue not Peter's fayth Lib. 1. de penit cap. 6. Neyther doe wee proue the fayth by mens persons sayeth Tertullian but rather the persons by the fayth Lib. de praescrip contra hereticos cap. 3. The Confession also of our Adversaries is this It followeth not therefore sayth Bellarmine necessarilie that there is the Church where there is succession Bell. lib. 4. de Ecclesia cap. 8. § dico secundo In lyke manner in the same seconde chapter and pag. 55. the VVitnessing of Antiquitie is omitted to wit sainct Augustine's testimonie proving Duration or Antiquitie to be no note of the Church whose wordes are these The two Cities of the Church of the Godlie and Wicked sayeth hee are in this worlde both to remayne even to the ende Aug. in Psal 64. lib. 15. de civit Dei cap. 1. The Confession lyke-wyse of our adversare Partie is this Because manie even till Christ's tyme sayeth Cajetan shall continue in the doctrine of Antichrist therefore it is sayde Whome Hee shall abolish vvith the brightnesse of His comming Cajet in 2. Thess 2. And in a vvorde That all the Notes of the Church which the Papistes adduce except those that may bee reduced to the profession of the Trueth are no true Notes at all let this Confession of our adversare Partie suffice For true Notes sayeth Bellarmine