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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A84127 The falling stars or the dragons bringing down, and trampling upon heavenly glory. By John Eston, sometime fellow of Oriel Coll. Oxon. Eston, John, 1625 or 6-1689. 1653 (1653) Wing E3356; Thomason E1361_5; ESTC R209202 14,546 41

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Kings and Tyrants who swell and are big with pride and power are so called that expostulation we read of Zach. 4.7 Who art thou great Mountain c. is true in the Letter of the Persian Monarchy by it therefore is meant some mighty Kingdom whether Roman or any other I shall not determine burning with fire that is Anger and rage against all those that had not the mark of the Beast the fumes and vapors issuing out of it were threatnings and revenge cast into the Sea the gatherng together of the waters God called Sea such such are men being unstable and violent therefore compared to the breaking in of a Floud the Sea here is the universality and multitude of Nations People and Languages This Mountain with fury and madnesse rusheth into the world what then the third part of the Sea became blood The horse on which Christ rides his Church which bears his name changeth colour from white to red being all besmeared with the blood of Martyrs divers were crushed with the weight of this Mountain the third part of creatures died that is those did professe Christ and the third part of ships were destroyed the Churches whose Pastors are their Pilots Now if ever it concerns you look to your selves for the Dragon is come down in great wrath though not in hail blood mingled with fire yet we may perceive the sad effects of his tayl in the putting out of some owned for great lights The third Angel is now sounding Rev. 8.10 And there fell a great Star from heaven I shall not so far impair the large extent of this Prophesie to think Pelagius the Star here spoken of or any other Haeresiarch as many do who was a stout champion of Free will and an opposer of Original sin he fell from heaven by his defection from the Church of Christ on earth great in regard of learning not without a shew of religion by which he deceived many thus he burned like a lamp the name is called Wormwood v. 11. he taught that which was contrary to the sweetnesse of the grace of Christ viz. Man by pure naturals might convert and save himself by this and such like pestilent and bitter doctrines Magnam partem Episcoporum amaricavit perdidit however this is a truth though not with respect to the person of any yet to the succession and things themselves our age bears sufficient witnesse not only a Star but Stars are fallen from heaven called Wormwood that is some Pastors are fallen from purity of doctrine which formerly they did maintain and have taken up the bitter morsels of humane inventions errors ambition covetousnesse and this is cast into the rivers and fountains of water that is the same infection hath tainted imbitter'd others even a third part of those who pretend to be Ministers of Christ by whom as by fountains the wholsom and sweet streams of sound and incorrupted doctrine should have flowed for the refreshing of the People of God However these flouds of errors and false doctrines rush in and threaten an inundation and overwhelming yet the faithful Ministers of the Gospel need not fear for it shall not reach them let the waters roar and make a noise they are kept safe as Noah in the Ark from perishing let times and places be never so bad in which they live these considerations may comfort and support them 1. Com. con God will not suffer the Dragon to break asunder his order whereby he hath appointed to teach and call men the Ministry is Gods Ordinance of his own establishing and being of God it will stand a number will be left though the gates of Hell oppose sufficient to serve his providence in the conversion of souls Doe but meditate a little on the stability of Gods decrees the Councell of the Lord shall stand Wee vary in our opinions and apprehensions not the same yesterday as to day but Christ is the same yesterday and to day and the same for ever Nothing can subject him to a mutation no power or policy can prevent his purposes he hath committed the word of reconciliation to men Therefore there must be a succession of men to hold forth this word in severall ages to the worlds end It s confest the Lord with whom is wisdom and strength can without and against means immediately by himself save his people but for his own greater glory he will rather doe it by weak instruments carried on and assisted with his own out-stretched arm which all the Dragons cannot prevail against 2. Com. con The blessing of the Church belongs to Iesus Christ who hath undertaken to furnish it with Pastors till his appearing in glory Eph. 4.11 Christ after his ascension and compleat inauguration as the Fathers Plenipotentiary or as it is the manner of Kings at their Coronations gave gifts to men some for Apostles some Teachers for the edifying of his own body the manifestation of the Spirit is not bestowed for self-admiration or to get esteem with men but for the benefit profit of Christs members The office of the high Priest under the Law did notably represent and typifie the Office of Christ in the Gospel he had the care of the lights of the Sanctuary and was to keep them from going out therefore he did see to the supplying of them with oyl the Dragon may strive to blow out all the lights God hath set up in the Church but Christ who wakes in the middest of the seven golden Candlesticks hath an eye always over them takes care that they never want the unction of the Spirit 3. Com. con Christ is always present with the Prophets of the New Testament when he sent out his Disciples and charged them to teach all Nations it is like their carnal hearts which did dote much upon Christs fleshly presence scrupled the success of their preaching what we poor Fishermen set upon the world and preach a Christ every where spoken against and hated It s expedient indeed saith Christ that I goe away and take this body from the Earth yet you shall be no losers I will be with you by my Spirit and gracious assistance to the end of the World Sometime indeed Christ may seem to absent himself and retire from his conflicting servants he may pour out upon them hayl and fire minggled with hail and smite them he may cast down fiery mountains and bruise them yet Christ is in the fire and in the hayl although his people cannot see him however the Dragon may so far prevail as to overcome some in respect of their Person yet he cannot in respect of their Faith by this they overcome the world and hell 4. Com. con The remuneration or reward which through the merits of Christ shall be given those whom God honors with gaining of People to Christ and makes instrumental in opening their eys he will crown with an exceeding weight of glory such as they are now hoasts of heaven or Saints of high-places so hereafter they shall shine like the Sun in the Firmament or Stars for evermore FINIS
first Weans him 1 Sam. 1.22.24 he could not have abode in the Tabernacle had he not been Weaned though a man be drawn up to Heaven and numbred among the Coelestial bodies yet if he be not Weaned from the Earth he will not long continue there he will be hankering after the worlds breasts he will speedily come down to suck that Milk Secondly Not placing their chief hapiness in things above they did not make heavenly things their treasures they hoarded not up there how can they be in Heaven and stay there when their affections are not there and the only way to get their hearts into Heaven is to get their treasures into Heaven So saith Christ Mat. 6.20 21. The heart and the treasure are indivisible not to be separated where the Carcasse is there will the Eagles be gathered together Christs Eagles mount aloft and sit with him in heavenly places Christ among other beauties of the Church takes notice of this as a speciall one Cant. 7.4 her Nose is like the Tower of Lebanon one would have lookt upon this as a deformity and discommendation but by it is set forth that spirituall sagacity and quicknes of smell whereby the Saints resent and savour things above being carried after Christ the true Carcass with unspeakable pleasure and delight but some have their Senses and Noses in the earth with the Swine as themselves are of the earth pofessions inheritances are the things alone sweet to them therefore they cannot be long absent Would we therfore like true Stars be immoveable unshaken let us make Christ our treasure let our cry be None but Christ none but Christ let him be precious to us as to all beleevers the welbeloved of our Souls the pearl of great price let all things else be counted as lose and dung in comparison of him The Sun extracts vapours so doth the Son of righteousnes the affections of his people When Christ is lifted up in the desires and esteem of men he drawes to and keeps them with him Where the loadstone is that way it draws Iron if beneath it brings it down if above it brings it up many descend because their loadstone is in the Earth but those that pitch their loadstone in heaven make Christ their loadstone need not fear their continuance in Heaven 3dly The want of an intrinsicall principle of grace I grant they had an Extrinsicall flourish but they were far from inward dispositions else the Dragons tail had never prevailed Hence is it that they could not make any long stay above Stars which fall go out are taken up by an outward agent as the Sun so those Pastors which appear to converse and live in Heaven and afterwards are precipitated to the earth were never drawn up by their own proper inclinations which did proceed from something within themselves but by the outward workings of the Spirit Heavy things we know go downward because naturall propensity inclines them to descend so light things go aloft because they have an in nat principle carrying thē that way so those teachers which continue in their orbs the Dragons tail cannot hurt● have such a frame of spirit that is still lifting their hearts on high such are in a sure and safe condition the gates of hell cannot prevail against them I deny not but the best may have some diversions and clogs upon them which may hinder and take them off for a time from God and Christ and heavenly things however they will never be at rest untill they are set that way again The needle of the Compass if once touched with the Loadstone may by some violent motion be shaken from its rest yet if it be let alone it will not cease till it comes to the North point so when a mans spirit is touched with Christ he may notwithstanding be acquainted with distractions and worldy incumbrances yet his heart will never give over working and moving till it is again center'd in him There is a fire comming down from God of an active aspiring nature that falls upon all faithfull Pastors of Christ and burns and consumes all Earthlinesse and carnality and causes them to ascend to God it makes heavenly thoughts goe up like pillars of smoak Fire doth not more naturally arise than grace in a sanctified heart causes that soul to make ascensions into heaven Use Let me tell you who are glittering Lamps of heaven moving in the sphere of Christs right hand that you are exposed to the rage of the Dragon you are not freed from his tayl he will endeavor the casting of you down from your shining in the Church of Christ he covets the Crown of Stars on the Womans head which makes her so glorious to beholders he knows very well that God hath appointed you to rule the night that by you he disperses and scatters the light of heavenly truth to the dark erronious World he understands how destructive and prejudiciall your influences are to his designes and purposes who holds men and women in subjection to himself by ignorance blindnesse and superstition he is not ignorant wherefore God set up your function to batter and weaken his Kingdom and to advance the Scepter of his Sonne We find therefore in all Ecclesiasticall Histories he hath most set himself against and opposed the faithfull Ministers of Iesus Christ and by Clouds and tempests endeavoured the eclipsing of their glorie and depriving the Churches of the Stars lustre so he dealt with those by whom the Gospel was first noysed and founded abroad Rev. 8.7 By Angels there I doe not understand those who are so ex naturâ by nature the immateriall beings but ex officio by office an Angelical spirit in men concionally proclayming the glad tydings of peace by the trumpets I conceive there is an illusion to those spoken of Numb 10.1 2. c. which God appointed the Israelites to use for gathering of Assemblies and which were blown at the year of Iubilee a type of a more joyful sound which David calls them happy who hear even that sung by the heavenly quire On Earth peace good will towards men The meaning is when the Apostles and Primitive Preachers first began to divulge the grace of God the Dragon by slaughters and massacres did endeavour to hinder the Eccho of it to the world and by these storms the third part of the trees a great many excellent lights faithful messengers of Christ compared here to Trees for their fruitfulnesse and shadow were consumed and others professing Christ by the heat of those flames were scorcht and burnt to ashes called grasse for their imbecillity and subjection to casualities and green propter fidei charitatis vigorem this is an allusion to the 7th Egyptian Plague Exod. 9.24 And I think it to be understood rather of the calamities that fell upon the godly than the wicked because they are compared to Trees in Scripture Psal 1.3 When the second Angel blew A great Mountain Empires
slighted the best of the world in comparison of Christ Heb. 11.24 by faith he refused to be called the Son of Pharaohs Daughter he was adopted a Kings Son he lived in all the delights pomps of the Court exempted from all trouble he might have some hope in time to sway the Scepter succeed Pharaoh in the throne yet despising all this dignity he went to visit his brethren chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God he set more by the reproach of Christ than the treasures of Egypt 5. Q. How doth the Dragon obtain such a victory over these glorious lights which once sparkled in the eradiations of sound doctrine and holy conversation Ans By his tayl that was the means he used to give the defeat by which we are to understand 1. By his strength and tyrannical opposition Writers say that the Dragons main power lyeth in his tayl we may credit it because the Scripture saith as much Rev. 9.19 Their power is in their tayls for they were like unto Serpents a Dragon is a grown Serpent Thus by persecution slaughters and all the cruelties which wicked men could act or invent as who are the Dragons Agents and carry on his designes many Pastors and Teachers wanting that boldnesse and Courage which becomes the Souldiers of Christ have fell from their brightnesse of doctrine and exemplary walking to loose tenets and corrupt lives for fear of fire and sword they have fashioned their conversations according to their lusts in their ignorance according to the Prince of the power of the Ayr. Secondly By daubing insinuations Some creatures fawn with their tayls so doth the Dragon Yet intends neverthelesse mischief Thus he comes with the promises of outward peace and quietnesse with the enticing baits of pomp and greatnesse and so in all ages he hath met with and prevailed upon the ambitious and covetous humors of divers who like Judas to fill the Bagge have turned against their Master or Esau to satisfie their hungry appetites have chosen the Pottage before the blessing Thirdly By venome and poyson The Dragons tayl is full of infection and with it he destroyes and kills the souls of multitudes I mean by false doctrines and intoxicating opinions to broach and vent these he daily stirs up persons whom he furnisheth with the subtil guiles and sophistry of hell by this means in all ages he hath corrupted and tainted divers who have fallen from sound Principles turned their backs and stopt their ears to the charmings of heavenly truth and wholly given themselves up to wicked tenets contrary to Scripture He is now gone out as a lying spirit in the mouthes of some and hath prevailed that which Christ predicted before his death that many false Christs and false Prophets should arise and deceive many we see fulfilld in our days We have many who take upon them a form of Godlinesse and in their words and deportment are transformed into Angels of light whereby they gain and win much upon men who are led by these flourishings and varnishings to follow their pernicious wayes 6. Q. What was there in the Stars which hastned their fall or further'd the Dragon in casting them down Ans It 's a truth that Man 's own corruption is his advantage was it not for that enemy which every one harbors within himself the enemies without him could have but little encouragement to make an Attempt the best of us have Traytors in our bosom which if God give us not grace to watch over they will betray us into the hands of our Adversaries such had these Stars which did them more mischief than the Dragon Three things especially did bring them down from the top and pinacle of their glory 1. Lingring desires after Creature-vanities they choak and stifle the most refined if common gifts of the Spirit however men may seem to burn with zeal for Gods glory and to be set on fire with ardent desires of fellowship with him yet if they halt between two opinions having their hearts distracted and divided they will never be able to hold out when profits and preferments are offered the World is a subtil Enemy most pleasing to the dispositions of all and by reason of her vicinity and neighbourhood easily and unawares steals upon us and hinders us from the seeking and pressing after better and more enduring Comfort and contentments how many of those that call themselves Ministers of Jesus Christ who like Stars of the first magnitude had high places in the Churches and affections of Gods People preferring the sweetnesse of outward pomp and greatnesse before the true honour of being Christs Embassadors have with the Serpent crept upon their bellies and eaten dust given themselves wholly to heap up wealth applause among men and not to exhortation instruction exemplary walking Christ saw cause to warn his Disciples and in them all Christians of the cares of this life Take heed lest your hearts be overcharged c. God and the World cannot dwell together they are as contrary as light and darknesse which expell one another from the same subject God will have have all the room in our souls to himself he must be loved with all the heart and all the strength Earthly things must have none o● our affections for where they are entertained they shut out God and Christ Intus existens ●rohibet alienum is true in nature When a Vessell is fild with one solid body it cannot receive another so also here Well doth John caution beleevers Love not the world for if any love the world the love of the Father is not in him And David a Prophet prayes Encline mine heart to thy testimonies and not to covetousnesse The Dragon did not leave Christ himself unassailed when he shewed him all the Excellencies of terrene things he knew it a most prevailing argument and when this would not do he fleeeth away as despairing of Victory The want of sobriety in pursute and use of outward blessings stains and spots the glory of those who take upon them the Office of Stars to shine in the darknesse of the world The Apostle Paul very well compares them to weights Heb. 12.1 Earthly things keep men down from aspiring Heaven-ward and God-ward from heaving their souls upward and pluck from heaven when the feet of their souls carrie them thither Men may get as it were into heaven by contemplations and longings and obtain a place amongst the Stars in the view of others yet if they doe not sit loose from the World and are not gathered up above the Moon they will soon descend like a heavy body which so soon as the violence forcing it ceaseth afterwards of its own accord tends to the Center Ministers above all should have their hearts weaned as Davids was Psal 13.1 3. Hannah had devoted Samuel to God to spend all his days in and about the Tabernacle in Shilo however she brings him not thither as soon as he was born but