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fire_n burn_v great_a water_n 2,442 4 5.7787 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50573 A Memento for English Protestants ... together with a preface by way of answer to that part of the Compendium, which reflects on the Bishop of Lincoln's late book. Sixtus V, Pope, 1520-1590. De Henrici Tertii morte sermo. English. 1680 (1680) Wing M1658; ESTC R9391 45,461 60

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one thousand pounds which was in his custody of Sir William Balfore's which as soon as he had he caused Mr. Middleton to hear Mass and to swear that he would never alter from it and then hanged him up with his Wife and Children hanging and murdering above one hundred persons besides in that place At Portendown Bridge there were one thousand Men Women and Children carried in several companies and all unmercifully drowned in the River yea in that Countrey there were four thousand persons drowned in several places In one place an hundred and sorty English were taken and driven like Cattel for many miles together Other companies they carried out to a place fit for execution and then murder'd them One hundred and fifteen Men Women and Children they sent with Sir Philem Oneal's Pass till they came to Portendown Bridge and there drowned them At another time one hundred and forty Protestants being thrown in at the same place as any of them swam to the Shore the bloudy Villains with the Butt-ends of their Musquets knock'd out their Brains At Armagh O Cane got together all the Protestants thereabouts pretending to conduct them to Coleraine but before they were gone a days journey they were all murder'd and so were many others though they had Protections from Sir Philem Oneal The Aged people in Armagh were carried to Charlemont and there murdered Presently after the Town of Armagh was burnt and five hundred persons murdered and drowned In Killoman were forty eight Families murder'd In one House twenty two Protestants were burnt In Kilmore all the Inhabitants were stript and massacred being two hundred Families The whole Countrey was a common Butchery many thousands perished by the Sword Famine Fire Water and all other cruel Deaths that Rage and Malice could invent At Casel they put all the Protestants into a loathsom Dungeon kept them twelve Weeks in great misery some they barbarously mangled and left them languishing some they hanged up twice or thrice others they buried alive In Queens County an Englishman his Wife and five Children and a Maid were all hang'd together At Clowns seventeen Men were buried alive some were wounded and hanged upon Tenter-hooks In Castle Cumber two Boys wounded and hung upon Butchers Tenters Some hanged up and taken down to confess Money and then murder'd Some had their Bellies ript up and so left with their Guts about their Heels In Kilkenny an English Woman was beaten into a Ditch where she died with her Daughter about six years old whose Belly they ript up and let out her Guts One they forced to Mas● then they wounded him ript his Belly took out his Guts and so left him alive A Scotish Man they stript and hewed to pieces ript up his Wifes Belly so that her Child dropt out Many other Women they hung up wi●h 〈…〉 … llies and let their Infants fall ou● some In the County of Armagh they robbed stripped and murdered abundance of Protestants whereof some they burned some they slew with the Sword some they hanged some they starved to death and meeting Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Frankland with six of their Children and themselves both with child they murder'd them all ript open the Gentlewomens Bellies took out their Children and threw them into a Ditch A young Scotish Womans Child they took by the Heels and dash'd out its Brains against a Tree the like they did to many other Children Anne Hill going with a young Child on her back and sour more by her side they pulled the Child off her back trod on it till it died stripped her and the other four Children naked whereby they died of cold Some others they met with hanged them up upon a Windmill and before they were half dead cut them in pieces with their Skeins Many other Protestants especially Women and Children they pricked and stabbed with Skeins Forks and Swords slashing cutting and mangling them in their Heads Faces Breasts Arms and other parts yet killed them not but left them wallowing in their own bloud to languish starve and pine to death The Castle of Lisgeole being set on fire by these merciless Papists a Woman lept out at a Window to save her self from burning whom they presently murder'd Many fled to Vantls and Cellars where they were all murder'd One Joan Addis they stabbed and then put her Child of a quarter old to her Breast and bid it Suck English Bastard and so left it to perish One Mary Barlow had her Husband hang'd her self with six Children stript naked in Prost and Snow after which sheltering themselves in a Cave they had nothing to eat for three Wecks but two old Calves Skins which they beat with stones and so cat them Hair and all In the cold weather many thousands of Protestants of all Ranks Ages and Sexes being turned out naked perished of Cold and Hunger Thousands of others were drowned cast into Ditches Bogs and Turf-pits Multitudes miserably burnt in Houses Some that lay sick of Feavers they hanged up some Men Women and Children they drove into Boggy Pits and knock'd them on the head Some aged Men and Women these barbarous Papists enforced their own Children to drown yea some Children were compelled unnaturally to execute their own Parents Wives forced to hang their own Husbands and Mothers to cast their own Children into the Waters after which themselves were murder'd In Sligo they forced a young man to kill his Father and then hanged him up In another place they forced a Woman to kill her Husband then caused her Son to kill her and then hanged the Son Yea such was their malice against the Protestants that they taught their Children to kill Protestant Children The Irish Trulls that followed the Camp cried out Kill them all spare neither Man Woman nor Child They took the Child of Thomas Stratton being about twelve years old and boiled him in a Caldron One Good Wife Ian and her Daughter they carried into a Wood first hanged the Mother and then the Daughter in the Hair of her Mothers head In some places they plucked out the Eyes and cut off the Hands of the Protestants and turned them into the Fields where they perished The Women in some places stoned the English Women and Children to death One man they shot through his Thighs digged a hole in the ground set him in upon his feet fill'd up the hole left out onely his Head where he languished to death They held another mans feet in the fire till he was burned to death In Munster they hanged up many Ministers in a most barbarous manner One Minister they stript naked and drove him through the Town pricking him with Darts and Rapiers till he sell down dead These barbarous Villains vowed That if any Parents digged Graves to bury their Children in they should be buried therein themselves They stripped one William Loverden naked then killed him before his Wife and Children Divers Ministers Bones that had been buried some years before they digged
up because they were as they say Patrons of Heresie Poor Children that went out into the Fields to eat Weeds and Grass they killed without all pity A poor Woman whose Husband was taken by them went to them with two Children at her Feet and one at her Breast hoping to beg her Husband but they slew her and her sucking Child brake the neck of another and the third hardly escaped And all this Wickedness they exercised upon the Protestants without any provocation given them Alas who can comprehend the Fears Terrors Anguish Bitterness and Perplexity that seiz'd upon the poor Protestants finding themselves so suddenly surprized without remedy and wrapt up in all kind of outward miseries which could possibly by Man be inflicted upon human Creatures What Sighs and Groans Trembling and Astonishment what Shrieks Cries and bitter Lamentations of Wives Children Servants and Friends howling and weeping finding themselves without all hope of deliverance from their present miseries How inexorable were their barbarous Tormentors that compassed them in on every side without any bowels of compassion or the least commiseration or pity Yea they boasted of their Cruelties These merciless Irish Papists having set a Castle on fire wherein were many Protestants they rejoycingly said O how sweetly do they fry At Kilkenny when they had committed many cruel Murders they brought seven Protestants Heads one the Head of a Reverend Minister all which they set upon the Market Cross on a Market day triumphing slashing and mangling them they put a Gag in the Minister's mouth slit up his Cheeks to his Ears and laid a Leaf of a Bible upon it and hid him Preach for his Mouth was wide enough At Ki●more they put many Protestants Men Women and Children into a Thatch'd House and there burnt them They threw Mrs. Maxwell into the River when in Labour the Child being half born when the Mother was drowned In one place they burnt two Protestant Bibles and then said It was Hell fire they burnt Other Bibles they took cut in pieces and then burnt them saying They would do the like to all Puritan Bibles They took the Bible of a Minister called Mr. Edward Slack and opening it they laid it in a Puddle of Water and then stamp'd upon it saying A plague on it this Bible hath bred all the quarrel At Glastow a Priest with some others drew about forty English and Scotish Protestants to be reconciled to the Church of Rome and then told them They were in a good faith and for fear they should fall from it and turn Hereticks he with his Companions presently cut all their Throats In the County of Tipperary near the Silver Works some of these barbarous Papists met with eleven Englishmen ten Women and some Children whom they first stript and then with Stones Pole-axes Skeins Swords c. they most barbarously massacred them all In the County of Mayo about sixty Protestants whereof fifteen were Ministers were upon Covenant to be safely conveyed to Galway by one Edmund Burk and his Souldiers but by the way this Burk and his Company began to massacre these poor Protestants some they shot to death some they stabb'd with their Skeins some they thrust through with their Pikes some they drowned the Women they stript naked who lying upon their Husbands to save them were run through with Pikes so that very few of them escaped with Life In the Town of Sligo forty Protestants were stript and lock'd up in a Cellar and about midnight a Butcher provided for the purpose was sent in amongst them who with his Ax butcher'd them all In Tirawly thirty or forty English who had yielded to go to Mass were put to their choice Whether they would die by the Sword or be drowned they chose the later and so being driven to the Sea-side these barbarous Villains with their naked Swords forced them into the Sea the Mothers with their Children in their Arms wading to the Chin were overcome by the Waves where they all perished The Son of Mr. Mentgomery a Minister aged about fifteen years met with his Schoolmaster who drew his Skein at him whereupon the Boy said Good Master whip me as much as you will but do not kill me Yet this merciless Tiger barbarously murder'd him without all pity In the Town of Sligo all the Protestants were first robbed of their Estates then cast into Gaol and about midnight were all stript naked and were there most cruelly and barbarously murder'd with Swords Axes Skeins c. some of them being Women great with child their Infants thrust out their Arms and Legs at their wounds After which execrable Murthers these Hell-hounds laid the dead naked Podies of the Men upon the naked Bodies of the Women in a most immodest posture where they left them till the next day to be looked upon by the Irish who beheld it with great delight Also Isabel Beard great with child hearing the lamentable Cries of those that were murthering ran out into the streets where she was murder'd and the next day was found with the Child's Feet coming out of the Wounds in her sides Many others were murder'd in the Houses and Streets About Dungannon were three hundred and sixteen Protestants in the like barbarous manner murder'd about Charlemont above four hundred about Tyrone two hundred and six One Mac Crew murder'd thirty one in one morning Two young Villains murder'd one hundred and forty poor Women and Children that could make no resistance An Irish Woman with her own hands murder'd forty five At Portendown Bridge were drowned above three hundred At Laugh were drowned above two hundred In another place were drowned three hundred in one day In the Parish of Kill●men there were murder'd one thousand and two hundred Protestants Many young Children they cut in quarters eighteen Scotish Infants they hanged upon a Clothier's Tenter-hooks one fat man they murder'd and made Candles of his Grease another Scotish man they ript up his Belly took one end of his small Guts tied it to a Tree and forced him round about it till they had drawn them all out of his Body saying That they would try whether a Dog 's or a Scotish man's Guts were the longer By the command of Sir Philem Oneal Mr. James Maxwell was drawn out of his Bed being sick of a Fever and murder'd his Wife being in Child-birth the Child being half born they stript naked drove her about a Flight shot and drowned her in the Black Water the like or worse they did to another English Woman in the same Town One Mr. Watson they roasted alive A Scotish Woman great with child they ript up her Belly cut the Child out of h●r Womb and so left it crawling on her Body Mr. Starkey Schoolmaster at Armagh being above one hundred years old they stript him naked then took his two Daughters being Virgins whom they also stript naked and then forced them to lead their Aged Father to a Turf pit where they drowned