Selected quad for the lemma: fire_n

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fire_n burn_v great_a water_n 2,442 4 5.7787 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05048 A letter: whearin, part of the entertainment vntoo the Queenz Maiesty, at Killingwoorth Castl, in Warwick Sheér, in this soomerz progress 1575. iz signified: from a freend officer attendant in the coourt, vnto his freénd a citizen, and merchaunt of London Patten, William, fl. 1548-1580.; Laneham, Robert, 16th cent, attributed name. 1585 (1585) STC 15191; ESTC S108211 34,732 88

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fo rs experiens of the bear agayn to auoyd the assauts if he wear bitten in one place hoow he woold pynch in an oother too get frée that if he wear taken onez then what shyft with byting with clawyng with roring tossing tumbling he woold woork too wynde hym self from them and when he waz lose to shake hiz earz twyse or thryse wyth the blud the slauer aboout hiz fiznamy waz a matter of a goodly reléef Az this sport waz had a day time in the Gunshot fyrework Castl so waz thear abrode at night very straunge and sundry kindez of fier works compeld by cunning too fly too and fro and too moount very hy intoo the ay● vpward and allso too burn vnquenshabl in the water beneath contrary yee wot too fyerz kinde This intermingld with a great peal of guns which all gaue both too the ear and to the ey the greater grace and delight for that with such order and art they wear tempered toouching time and continuauns that waz about too houres space Noow within allso in the mean time Tumbling of the Italian waz thear sheawed before her highnes by an Italian such feats of agilitice in goinges turninges tumblinges castinges hops iumps leaps skips springs gamband soomersauts caprettiez and flights forward backward syde wize ● doownward vpward and with sundry windings gyrings and circumflexions allso lightly and with such easines az by mee in feaw words it iz not expressibl by pen or speech I tell yoo plain I bleast me by my faith to behold him and began to doout whither a waz a man or a sp●rite and I wéen had doouted mée till this day had it not been that anon I bethought me of men that can reazon talk with too toongs and with too parsons at onez sing like burds curteiz of behauiour of body strong and in ioynts so nymbl withall that their bonez séem az lythie and plyaunt az syneuz They dwel in a happy Iland az the booke tearmz it four moonths sayling Southward beyond Ethiop Nay Master Martin I tell you no iest Diodor. Sicul De anti Egyptiorū gest●a lib. 3. for both Diodorus Siculus an auncient Greeke historiographer in his third book of the acts of the olld Egypcians and also from him Conrad Gesnerus a great learned man and a very diligent writer in all good arguments of oour time but deceased in the first Chapter of hiz Mithridates Mithrid Gesneri reporteth the same Az for thiz fellow I cannot tell what too make of him saue that I may gesse hiz bak be metalld like a Lamprey that haz no bone but a lyne like to a Lute string Wel syr let him passe and hiz featz and this dayz pastime withall for héer iz az mooch az I can remember mee for Thursdaiz entertainment Friday and Saterday wear thear no open Friday sheawz abrode becauz the weather Saterday 8. enclynde too sum moyster wynde that very seazonably temperd the drought and the heat cauzed by the continuans of fayr weather sunshyne afore all the whyle syns her Maiestiez thither cumming A Sunday opportunely the weather Sunday 9. brake vp again and after diuine seruis in the parish church for the sabot day and a frutefull sermon thear in the forenoon at after noon in woorship of this kenelwoorth Castl and of God saint kenelm whooz day forsooth by the calendar this waz a solem brydeale of a proper coopl Brideale waz appointed set in order in the tyltyard too cum and make thear sheaw before the Castl in the great coourt whear az waz pight a cumly quintine for featz at armz which when they had don too march oout at the northgate of the Castl homeward againe intoo the tooun And thus were they marshalld Fyrst all the lustie lads and bolld bachelarz of the parish sutablie euery wight with hiz blu buckeram bridelace vpon a braunch of green broom cauz rozemary iz skant thear tyed on hiz leaft arme for a that syde lyez the h●art and hiz allder poll for a spear in hiz right hand in marciall order raunged on a fore too too in a rank sum with a hat sum in a cap sum a cote sum a ierken sum for lightnes in hiz dooblet hiz hoze clean trust with a point afore sum botes no spurz he spurz no boots and he neyther nother one a sadel anoother a pad or a pannell fastened with a cord for gyrts wear geazon and théez too the number of a sixtéen wight riding men and well beséen but the bridegroom formost in hiz fatherz tawny worsted iacket for his fréends wear fayn that he shoold be a brydegroom before the Quéen a fayr strawn hat with a capitall crooun stéepl wyze on hiz hed a payr of haruest glouez on hiz hands az a sign of good husbandry a pen inkorn at his bak for he woold be knowen to be bookish lame of a leg that in his yooth was broken at football well beloued yet of hiz mother that lent him a nu mufflar for a napkin that was tyed too hiz gyrdl for lozyng It was no small sport too marke this miniō in hiz full apointment that throogh good ●coolation becam az formall in his action az had he béen a bridegroom indéed with this speciall grace by the wey that euer az he woold haue framed him the better countenauns with the woors face he looke Well syr after théez horsmen a liuely morisoauns according too the auncient manner six daunserz Mawdmarion and the fool Then thrée prety puzels az bright az a breast of bacon of a thirtie yéere old a pées that carried thrée speciall spisecakes of a bushell of wheat they had it by meazure oout of my Lords backhouse before the Bryde Syzely with set countenauns and lips so demurely simpring az it had béen a Mare cropping of a thistl After théez a loouely loober woorts freklfaced red headed cléen trust in his dooblet hiz hoze taken vp now in déed by commission for that hee waz so loth to cum forward for reuerens belike of hiz nu cut canuas dooblet woold by hiz good will haue been but a gazer but found too bée a meet actor for hiz offis that waz to beare the bridecup foormed of a sweet sucket barrell a faire turnd foot set too it all seemly be syluerd and parcell gilt adourned with a beatiful braunch of broom gayly begilded for rosemary from which too brode brydelaces of red and yelloo buckeram begilded and galauntly streaming by such wind az thear waz for hée carried it aloft This genet cupbearer yet had hiz freckld fiznemy sumwhat vnhappily infested az hee went by the byzy flyez that floct about the bride cup for the swéetnes of the sucket that it sauored on but hée like a tall fello withstood their mallis stoutly sée what manhood may do bet them away kild them by scores stood to hiz