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A20304 XXVII. lectures, or readings, vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues. Made by Maister Edward Deering, Bachelour of Diuinitie Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576.; T. N., fl. 1577. 1577 (1577) STC 6727; ESTC S114746 295,005 510

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thee Where the Prophet shewing causes why the whole world should not preuaile against Christ he saith because God had decreed it in his eternall counsell and proclamed it with this sentence Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee That is this day haue I declared that thou art my natural sonne meaning especially the time in which he made him knowen in the worlde by his wonderfull workes as S. Paule ment when he saide God was made manifest in fleash noting the power of the spirit working in him in his birthe life death resurrection and ascension So this day noteth not any particular time but all times in generall wherein God hath shewed his power in Christ as especially in the time he liued among vs And it see meth that the Apostle maketh manifest this sense of his wordes in that he addeth to the text alledged in the vi verse the time when it was fulfilled leauing this without any distinct time as that whiche apperteined to all times in which Christ should be shewed to be the sonne of God especially as I saide in his life and before or since as God sheweth his glorie in him So this sentence was true when he appeared to Abraham Iacob Moses to any of the patriarches or prophets or after his ascension when he appeared to Stephan to Paule or any other or whensoeuer he sheweth his power to defend his church vnto the end according to his owne promise I am with you to the latter end of the world And thus this word to day is takē in that which is after alledged To day if ye will heare are his voice harden not your hearts And againe In the day of health I haue heard thee And in the day of saluatiō I haue succoured thee meaning no particular day but al the time that the word is preached vnto vs. It followeth I wil be his father and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…y sonne This is another texte to proue Christ the naturall sonne of god It is written in the seconde of Samuel the seuenth chapter and they are the wordes of God vnto Dauid by the Prophet Nathan to giue him a promise of the blessing of his seede after him which was begone in Solomon who built the temple and whome God so highly aduaunced in all wisedome richesse and honour that the Fatherly prouidence of God appeared ouer him as ouer an especiall chosen sonne All which as it was promised to Dauid so Dauid looked for the perfourmance of it in Christ and to be figured in Solomon his sonne after him whose temple was a figure of the Churche of Christe his riches a figure of the great graces of the spirite of Christe giuen to his Church his honour aboue all kinges a figure how kinges should submitt them selues to Christ and be nurlefathers and Queenes nurses to the Churche of Christe his wisedome a figure that in Christe should be hid all treasures of wisedome and knowledge and finally he called by name the sonne of God in respect of his blessings as a figure of Christ who is the eternall sonne of his father in nature of his person And so the Apostle here alledgeth this place without any suche long exposition howe the place is meant because we should see in it that the people of Israel were not so ignorant of the Scriptures as we be but brought vp in the knowledge of the lawe and taught the vnderstanding of it euen from their ●…dell as we shoulde be And thus haue we heard this argument of the Apostle Christ hath a more honourable name then the Angels therefore he is more excellent then they Nowe also let vs see the manner of proofes here vsed He proueth Christe to be the naturall sonne of God by textes of Scripture witnessing 〈◊〉 he don●…eth that Angels are so because God in his scriptures neuer spake it for so he beginneth Vnto which of the Angels said he at any time c. The self same maner of proofe againe he vseth in the 13. verse following Because the scripture saide it not therefore he proueth it is not so making his argument negatiuely from authoritie of Scripture whiche in all thinges what soeuer man is required to do or know in matters of religion is euer a most certeine conclusion God spake it therfore we must doe it God spake it not therfore we haue nothing to doe with it And this argument must needes bee good so long as this word of the Lordo doeth endure What I commaund thee doe that only And so long as this is a iust condemnation of all our owne deuises who required these things at your hands And so long as this shal be true that our wisdome is folishnesse and we cannot doe well but when we bearken to the worde of God that shineth in our harts as in a dark place True it is and if we had but the wisedome of children we must needes see it that all particular lawes and orders with which we may be bound they are not set downe in precise words of Scripture but it is as true that the nature and propertie of euery lawe or order is so described that the worde of God as clearely is followed in it as if the wordes of the law were set downe in it For of all decrees to be made in his church hath not God said It must be without offence it must edifie it must bee comely and according to order and it must serue to the glorie of God. Now God hauing giuen grace into our heartes to iudge what soeuer we decree by these rules is not the word of God the warrant of it By such manifest proofe ofscripture the church of Christ doeth iustifie all that she doeth Thus the Apostle proueth heere his doctrine Thus we must do if we will bee the Apostles scholers Marke well this reason for it is worthy God said to Christ thou art my sonne therfore he is his sonne God said not so to any Angel therefore no Angel can take the name vnto him In like manner we will dispute with them God said The true worshippers should not go to mount Sion nor to Ierusalem but worship God in spirit and trueth Where said he go a pilgrimage or go visit the holie sepulchre God said Doe not obserue dayes and monethes and times and yeeres Where said he keepe vnto me Lent or Aduent imber weekes or Saincts Eeues God said vnto vs It is the doctrine of diuels to forbid marriage or to commaund to abstaine from meates Where said he eate now no fleash now no white meate let not the minister marrie God said Let euery soule be subiect to kings princes and the autho ritie of such men let it not be in his Apostles Where said he let the pope haue the gift of kingdomes bee exempt from authoritie of man weare a triple crowne and haue Lords and noble men vnder him God said Cursed 〈◊〉 he that addeth ought to his law or taketh
her for how else could it be true that the scripture sayth there shal be an Apostasie of men from the faith Iniquitie shall haue the vpper hand No man shall haue the libertieof his life but he that taketh on him the marke of the beast And I would fayne knowe of them whether the church vnder the law had not also this promise Saith not God by his Prophet Esaie My spirit which is vpon thee my words which I wil put in thy mouth shal not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy sede nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seede after thee frō hence forth for euer more What a glorious promise is this Should now the Scribes and Phariseis rise against Christ as they did and say they could not erre they had the holie ghoste they were the church Nay they were not the seed of Esaie but y seede of murderers that killed Esaie the prophets so these mē they are not the children of God but of the man of sinne which exalteth him selfe against God and vnder pretence of the spirite of God blasphemeth the Gospell which onlie the spirit hath taught vs and that he blasphemeth the gospel I may say it boldly and let them blame me if they can for doth not the Apostle say heere All our care must be to obey the gospell And do not they say that the Pope can dispense against the gospel against the Apostle against the prophet against the olde and new testament against the law of God and nature Only one thing can heere possibly bee said that they doe graunt all this care of the Gospel ought to be had but the gospell say they is not onlie the written word but manie other vnwritten verities taught by Christe and his Apostles and therefore we are bound to holde them I beseeche you dearely beloued marke these mens sayinges a little with me and iudge then with the spirite that God hath giuen you They say the woord written in deed we must keepe because it is of God and so likewise Christe and his Apostles preached things neuer written whiche yet preached by them ought to haue the authoritie of Christ himselfe It cannot be denyed but what Christ and his Apostles preached it was the woord of God equall with all writings of Apostles and Prophets But tell me is it the word of Christe writen that we should not worship Angels and is it the word of Christ vnwritten that we should pray vnto them Is it his word written that we shoulde not be bound to our forefathers traditions and is it his woorde vnwritten that our fathers traditions should be to vs as his Gospel Is it his worde written that we shoulde not obserue dayes and times nor make conscience of meate and drinke and is it his worde vnwritten that we should kepe Lent Aduent Imberdayes make difference of flesh and fishe Is it his worde written that to forbidde marriage which is honourable in all estates it is the doctrine of diuels and is it his worde vnwritten that ministers shal be forbidden to marrie Is it his word writtē that fiue words in a knowne tounge are better in the cōgregatiō then v. thousand in a straunge language and is it his worde vnwritten that in all congregations they shall haue a straunge language and speake all in Latine which the people vnderstand not Is it his word written that the dead are blessed which did in the Lord and they rest from their labour and is it his worde vnwritten that they are tormented in the fire of purgatorie And yet to come neerer is it his woorde written that his ministers shoulde bee subiectes to kings should be no Lords should haue no ciuil gouernement should attende vppon their owne flocke and is it his worde vnwritten that the Pope should displace kings that he should haue a triple crowne y his bishops so many should be secular princes y they should haue more churches vnder thē then euer they once loked on Hath God written it that Christ sacrificed himself once for all made a perfect redemption hath he left it vnwritten that a shauen priest must sacrifice him euery day and say a masse propitiatorie for the quicke and the dead What peruersnesse is this of men of a corrupt minde thus to imagine traditions contrarie to the worde of God But I will tell you Esaie prophesied well of these men saying This people draweth nere vnto me with their mouth and honour me with their lippes but their heart is farre from me but in vaine they woorship me teaching doctrines which are precepts of men They say if we beleeue no traditions of our Fathers why doe we beleeue this is the Scripture And heere euerie one obtrudeth S. Augustines sayinge I would not beleeue the Gospel except the authoritie of the Church moued me If this had beene Augustines meaning we would haue aunswered him again●… that we will beleeue the Gospel though all the churches in the world would denie it But Augustine speaketh in y person of one that yet knoweth not God as of him self when he was a Manicheie To what purpose heere would you alledge Paule or Peter to one that knoweth not whether Paule or Peter were of Christ or not Therfore how so euer Augustine spake in this either well or ill his saying is nothing to our purpose But touching the scripture seing these men do cry so lowde that they can not knowe them but by the church I say againe to them that out of their owne mouthes wee may iudge them for Christ his shepe know his voyce do sollowe him and they do not know the voyce of a straunger but flee from him And touching this question I wil not answere it by S. Augustine but by a better man S. Paule answering the like question saith thus In deede our eye hath not seene nor our eare hearde nor our heart conceiued how to iudge this but the spirite of GOD hath reuealed it vnto vs. Marke dearely beloued the Papistes say they know the Scriptures because their eye doeth see where is the sea of Rome that hath kept them and so their eares haue heard their fathers say These are they But S. Paul saith their eyes are blind their eares are deafe their heart is dull all these cannot iudge the Scriptures Will they say now vnto S. Paule then they wil neuer beleeue them if they cannot know them by the church Let them rather be wise learne of Paule that God hath giuen vs his spirit by whiche we should know the things that are of God and of this I dare assure them they cannot so discerne the light with their eyes nor any sound with their eares as they discerne the scriptures by Gods spirit for if we be regenerate by this spirit the law of god is not now hid nor it is not far from vs y we shuld say Who shal ascend vp or who
God nothing must make thee breake the righteousnes of it not thy profite not thy pleasure not thy kinsman not thy friend not thy Father not thy King for if thou do thou hast sinned and thy sinne will finde thee out in the day in which shal be saide Come giue account of thy stewardshippe The Prince may sette thee in the seate of iustice but the prince must not make thee pe●…uert iustice he may giue thee an office but he cannot giue thee thy Quietus est for the vnfaithfulnesse of thine office if magistrates officers knew this they would not so ambitiouslie sue as they doe when they had obteined they would bee more faithfull then they are but this is a desperate disease and for me let it grow til it be rottennesse in their bones I speake not in hope of any amendment but I beare witnes of their sinne against the day of vengeance Further I say nothing they haue made their gaine their God and with the idol to which they are ioyned let them alone In this matter of faithfulnesse which we haue in hande let vs learne this that as it is necessarie in all so it is especially necessarie in the minister And to the ende that we may all learne what is the faithfulnesse of a minister let vs see what was in Christ whose faith is the example for all to followe It followeth He was faithful as Moses in all his house What was the faithfulnes commended in Moses That he did in euerie point acording to that which God had commaunded and pretermitted nothing of all that the Lord had saide This was then the faithfulnesse of Christe to doe nothing but at the will of his Father and this Saint Iohn witnesseth expresly in many places that Christe did and saide all things according to the word and will of his Father And thus Sainct Paule when he would shewe the faithfulnesse of him selfe and his fellowes he saith He maketh no merchandize of the worde of God nor mingleth it as vinteners doe their wine but speaketh as from God himselfe And in another place he saith He doth not mingle deceipt with the word of god Now the worde it selfe is called by Sainct Peter the milke that is without all deceipt shewing whatsoeuer is else of man it is falshod and no sweete nourishment of life in it therefore he that is faithfull speaketh onely the wordes of Christ as S. Paule saith in cleare and manifest declaration of trueth And expressely in plaine woordes this is taught vs by Paule in the first Epistle to the Thessalonians saying Our exhortation was not by craftinesse nor by deceipt nor by vncleanesse but as God allowed of vs to commit his Gospel vnto vs so wee spake not as studying to please men but to please God who tryeth our heartes neither euer did wee either flatter you as you know nor sought subtile meanes to winne ought vnto our selues as God is our witnesse Here is the image of this faithfull minister like vnto Christe one that preacheth nothing but the worde of God nor for any cause but for Gods glorie How many ministers know this the Lorde alone can tell but howe fewe followe it all we this day are witnesses And I may almoste say heere as I saide afore of officers I speake not for any hope I see of amends for I assure you it is almost with vs in the ministerie as it was in Esaies time with y people of Israel The whole head is sick and the whole heart is heauie from the sole of the foote to the crown of the head there is nothing whole therein but woūds swellinges and sores full of corruption from the priests of the highest chaires to the beggerly curates of the countrie a generall neglecte is of this faithful teaching of Gods people The other greatest part of vnfaithfulnesse is when we corrupt and defile the word of God committed vnto vs to mingle it with our owne deuices bring it into small account that we might magnifie our owne traditiōs this vnfaithfulnes we pray day and night that the Lord would keepe it from vs and we exhort you in the name of the Lorde receiue the worde ingraffed in you whiche can saue your soules and receiue the immortall seale which is the word of the liuing God by which you may be regenerate where in you haue the power of God to saluation through a pure faith and haue no trust in man for euerie man is a liar This faithfulnes by the grace of God we bring vnto you and beseech you to abide vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets but of this faith what one ●…ot or title is left vnto our aduersaries Zimrie was as faithful vnto Elahor or Hazael to Benhadad as they haue ben faithfull to the Lord Iesu in this behalfe for what is it else but to be guiltie of y death of Christ to pollute as they haue done his Testament which was confirmed in his bloud What is it but to bring him downe againe from heauen or to raise him vp againe from the dead to take away from vs the word of faith printed in our hearts by the preaching of his Gospell and to sende vs to Rome to inquire of our religion Surely dearely beloued I tell you true and yet not I but Paule nor Paule but Christ y he that sendeth vs beyond the seas to learn our faith when we haue the word of God at home he is an vnfaithfull creature adulterating the word of God and as one that would pull Christe againe downe from heauen and all the Decrees and Decretalles and Constitutions of the church of Rome which they haue ioyned to Gods word and tel you you must needes beleeue them they are the verie fornications of the whore of Babylon and haue no thing but filthinesse in them and if any doubt of it let him consider what hath ben said This was the faithfulnes of our Sauiour Christe to speake onely the woordes whiche his Father had commaunded him to speak This was the faithfulnesse of Christs Apostles to preache only what our Sauiour Christ had taught them This is our faithfulnes to beleeue according to the preachinge of the Apostles and to be built vpon their foundation not the Pope who hath exalted him selfe and cōmeth with his dispensatious against God the Father againste his Sonne Christ against his Apostles and maketh Lawes of his owne what a periured and faithlesse creature is he And thus farre of the ministers faithfulnesse Now more touching this comparison here made betwene Christ and Moses there is no doubt but the Apostle vseth it the more to ioyne the Hebrues vnto Christe for howe they accompted of Moses he knewe well and what soeuer was spoken of him they did willingly applie them selues to marke it learne it his praise did winne their affections to be more equally bent to learne christ Taking this occasion
the Maiestie of GOD when them selues are but spirites and therefore Christ that he might be highe Priest tooke not an Angels nature but was made of the seede of Abraham like vs that as there is but one God so there might bee but one Mediatour betweene God and man euen the man Christe Iesus in this respect as able to bee high Priest as Aaron him selfe beeing as naturally and as truely cloathed with our flesh as Aaron was The second propertie of the Prieste is that hee should be ordeyned not onlie for him selfe to make his owne atonement but also for other men to accomplish whatsoeuer was betwene God and them that where they were before enimies and straungers they might by him be reconciled and haue free accesse vnto the throne of grace to finde mercie and succour in due time and for this cause Christe alone is a perfect Priest more excellent then Aaron who was incumbred with his owne sinnes to make first reconciliation for them and therefore could not profit other And as this was the Priests office to be a mediatour for other so the meanes he must vse and the mediation to bee wrought in this woorke was to offer vp gifts and sacrifices of sinnes that is to present vnto God the sacrifice of righteousnesse pure and holy in his sight in whiche hee might be pleased the sinnes of the people might be taken awaye the whiche sacrifice because it must be so pure that in it they for whom it was made must be sanctified and so precious that it must be a sufficient purchase to redeeme man from all transgression therefore it coulde not bee made with the bloud of Calues or Goates whiche can not take away sinne nor with golde nor siluer whiche can not redeeme our soules nor with meates and drinkes which profited not thē that were exercised therein nor in any suche carnall rites for whiche the priesthood of Aaron was ordeined and therefore as an other priest must make this sacrifice whiche can not be any other then Iesus Christe who beeing made high Priest of the good things to come by a greater tabernacle and a more precious sacrifice euen by his owne bloude hath obteined for vs an euerlasting redemption and therefore is nowe to be acknowledged our onely Priest the first Priesthood and the first lawe beeing altogether abrogated One other propertie of the priesthood is y none thrust in himselfe beeing not appointed nor take vnto himselfe this honour being not called vnto it And God euer shewed himselfe a readie reuenger against all such as should defile his Priesthood to take to themselues the dignitie to which they were not appointed But this calling also was giuen vnto Christ from God his father as before vnto Aaron both by word and by othe that no flesh shoulde resist it euen as it is written The Lord hath sworne and will not repente thou art a priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech so that in this behalfe our faith must be euer strong that the callinge of Christ is of the Lord euen as the calling of Aaron was and with so much the greater iudgment it shal be reiected because it was confirmed with an othe The last propertie in this comparison is that the highe priest of the law should haue an inwar compassion to ward them that were ignorant and were deceiued in which perfect knot of vnfeigned loue his ministerie was accepted of God and his sacrifices receiued accounted holy and lest he should cast from him this brotherly aflection God printed deepe in his owne bodie the infirmities of his brethren that according to the measure of grace which he had receiued he might in deede be moued with his brothers harmes as with his owne so that he did not withdrawe him selfe from the seruice of the Sanctuarie but put on the holy garmentes was annoynted with the holie oyle bare the names of his brethren before the Lorde presented their sacrisices absteined from wine and strong drinke mourned not for his friendes that were departed taught diligently the people prayed for their transgressions and bare the burthen of his people as God had laid it vpon him But yet this propertie exceeded more in Christe then in all the tribe of Leuie and the bowels of all compassion were more large within him then the vtmoste braunches of it in any other creature And this the Apostle noteth in this place which now we haue in hand in which we may see as in a moste liuelie glasse the perfect beautie of all excellent loue The thinges they were not light nor the sorrowes small nor the sighings few in number nor the prayers faint nor the anguish of spirite little nor the death easie by which hee hath sealed it vnto vs that he had compassion on his people but as the Apostle saith in the dayes of his flesh while hee was heere clothed in mortalitie like vnto one of vs to the end he might be faithfull for our sakes hee did offer vp prayers and supplications with strong cryings and teares vnto him that was able to saue him from death and was also heard in things which he feared and beeing him selfe the Sonne yet hee learned obedience by the thinges which he susuffered and being consecrate was made the authour of eternall saluation to them that obey him These wordes my deare brethren we haue now in hande to search and examine what the spirite teacheth vs so much y more carefully to be harkened vnto of vs how much the more plainly it setteth foorth vnto vs the greate loue and compassion that Christ beareth towardes vs Two things especiallie here the Apostle testifyeth First the sufferings of our Sauiour Christe and then the benefite that wee enioy by the same according as his sufleringes were onely for our sake His sufferinges what they were and howe great sorrow oppressed him hee sheweth by those effectes whiche his sorrowes brought forth that is prayers supplications cryings teares feare and anguish of spirite whiche things waited euer vppon him euen to the accomplishing of all his passions which was the death of his crosse The fruite that we doe reape of these afflictions which hee suffered is the saluation of our soules and eternall life if we will obey him In this description of his sufferinges though the things are set forth which were common and vsuall vnto him all his life yet it appeareth especiallie the Apostle meaneth that greatest conflicte of sorrowe which hee had a little before his passion described by the Euangelistes in all s●…ilitude like vnto this which the Apostle heere declareth For as it is here said He made prayers noting by the worde that they were many in number so it appeareth in the Gospell that beside other prayers three times he tepeated this one Father if it be possible let this cup passe from mee and as it is said hee made supplications humbling him selfe lowe vnder the hand of his Father so it is said in the Gospel that then
XXVII LECTVRES or readings vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues Made by Maister Edward Deering Bachelour of Diuinitie ¶ Imprinted by Lucas Harison ANNO. 1577. ¶ To the Christian Reader increase of faith and knowledge with an earnest Zeale of Christ Iesus the Lord. THE Epistle to the Hebrues conteyneth such doctrine as the holy apostle knew moste necessarie for the Iewe who a fewe excepted in the blindnes of their heartes acknowledged not Christe Iesus for the Messias albeit all thinges long before prophecied of the Messias by the holy Patriarches and Prophetes were in him clearely and fully accomplished and that in the eyes and eares of all Israel This their great blindnes caused the excellent light of this Epistle to be set foorth to the whole world for as their other wantes and falling off from the faith and naturall Oliue tree caused the fullnesse and grassing in of the Gentiles so their doubtfulnes as the doubtfulnesse of Thomas occasioned such cleare doctrine that we which come afterwarde cannot now without singular impietie make any doubt in the doctrine and gospel of our Lord Iesus Christe the which long agoe hath not beene both made and fully aunsweared Whereuppon all men ought to bee armed with this persuasion that whosoeuer againe doubteth where the doubt is already taken away and whosoeuer sinneth the sinne that hath beene heeretofore punished is a double offender for hee is not guiltie of the infidelitie alone or of the sinne but also of the despising the example set downe for vs that we trembling at the iuste iudgements of God against others should auoyde the the sinne in our selues knowing that if wee cōmunicate with the wicked in their blindnes wee must also communicate with them in the daunger is in the prouocation then in the punishment Wherefore concerning my first woordes the Iewes acknowledged not Iesus Christ for the Messias and redeemer of the world but we must acknowledg it and the rather hauing amongst the vnspeakable treasures of the word of God this pretious epistle wherin the doctrine of the person and offices of Christe are most substantially prooued and witnessed by the holy Ghost For therein the Apostle chiefely proueth Christ to be the annoynted of God annointed not with common Oyle but with the Oyle of gladnes that is with all fulnesse of the spirite into a prophet that teacheth vs the wisedome and loue of the father hee alone the priest that washeth away sinne maketh peace with his sacrifice euen a high Priest after the order of Melchisedech al other priests after the order of Leuie being for the time but shadowes and figures of the light and life in Christe hee alone the King of Salem whose kingdom is without vnrighteousnes and euerlasting not as other kingdomes which are outward and bodily but his kingdome frameth and ruleth the hart by the spirit of God and the scepter of his lippes the throne thereof being established in trueth and maiestie for euer and euer Besides these chiefe partes being the bodie of the Epistle there be other braūches conteining both vehemēt exhortations to the worthy receiuing of the word this present doctrine in faith and also to the bringing forth of the plentifull fruite therof in patience This excellent epistle about foure yeres past was expoūded in the citie of London by two learned godly men who made I suppose their choice of that Epistle as conteining very necessary doctrine for our times wherin the enimies of the Gospel are to to many preuaile too too much against the peace of the Church for they seke righteousnes in their own works sacrifices whiche is not foūd otherwise in heauē or earth thē in the righteousnes alone sacrifice of our lord Iesus Christ who not by the sacrifice of staūge bloud but by the offering vp of his owne bloud being himselfe the sacrifice and sacrificer made an end of all sacrifices and oblations going before and lefte no place for any new sacrifice or oblation to be vsed afterwarde Neither was this all that the Apostle ouerthroweth all other sacrifices establishing that as all sufficient which was at the fullnes of them according to the eternall decree of God the father made vpon the altar of the crosse once for euer and so consequently confuteth the Papistes mainteyning euen with bloudie sacrifices of men their vnbloudy sacrifice of the Masse but moreouer the doctrine is ve ry profitable and necessarie to stirre vp the minds and furnish the harts of professours of the Gospel 〈◊〉 knowledge concerning the person and offices of Christ Iesus the Lord. For to leaue the Catholiques as they vntruly call themselues either to the grace of God to be conuerted which God graunt vs hartily to pray for or to the blindnes of their hart to worship they know not what concerning the professours of the truth I beseech thē in the mercies of Iesus Christ to knowe the height the depth the length bredth al the mesures of Christ preached in the Gospel that as the foundation is moste certeine so it may bee also certeinely knowne and bring forth certeine fruites to the glory of God their own assured saluatiō in him Otherwise if the know ledge of our lord Iesus Christ be weake our faith cānot be strong if the faith be not strong thē our hope is small the afflictions of the spirit many But on the other side daily and effectuall exercises of the worde bringe increase of knowledge increase of knowledge bringeth increase of faith increase of faith bringeth increase of hope hope bringeth patience and in patience wee holde the possession of our soules til the day of our ful redemption But to returne to the two Interpreters of this Epistle the one lyueth and may doe wel if the Lord so dispose of his hearte to publishe in Printe his Readinges made to his greate prayse vpon the whole the other is layd vp in peace with the righteous but before his death he painfully gathered together the greatest part of his lectures leauing thē in writing that therby he might againe profite the Church after his death and now they are published to the benefite of the Church the zeale wherof greatly exercised his godly minde and many times brought his watchfull head and weake body neere to the graue Of whome I might truly speake much to his great prayse yet nothing vnknowne but let God haue the praise neuerthelesse as I will say no more ▪ in persuading men so I can say no lesse in duetie then this his goodnesse was by the grace of God very much and his harmelessnes more his giftes notable and his spirite more notable accompanying him for the measure of his bodily strength with daily increase til the last day and hower wherin for our punishment the Lord translated him from mortalitie to immortalitie Touching these his Praelections a goodly paterne of his swete spirite thou hast them gentle Reader in thy hands and I leaue
them to thy iudgement they neede not my commendation But be not thou deceiued in iudgeing good thinges by the first taste for they delight more the second time then at the first and more at the third time then at the second Try my commendation and giue thy sentence But of all other readers of these M. Ed. Deerings expositions I haue namely to exhort and beseech the Citizens of London others sometime his diligent auditours that they would now repaire their vnderstanding and re●…site their consolations reaped at the first f●…utes of this present doctrine that they would also examine and take an accompt of their memorie to see what is now set downe in writing here that they haue vtterly forgotten long agoe So they shall beholde how easily good thinges and comfortable things euen thinges of eternall life how soone they perishe and for want of true reuerence to the worde or diligent regard to our sáluation are by Satan made fruitelesse whereas in small matters olde men haue freshe memories as to remember where their gold lyeth and how many obligations they haue and of what conditions And what is it I pray you that in them causeth so good momorie euen the hart set theron with diligent care which heart more set vpon that that is more precious infinitely what iudgement what comfort what stedfastnes would it cause in the word of life But how commeth so small heede in so mightie matters Certeinly herevpon that the worldly man is of a worldly minde and a man without the spirit as the Apostle Iude speaketh hath no tast of the spirit no delight in spritual riches they are to him foolishnes But of memorie thus much may suffice I would haue thought it too muche were it not that to learning and knowledge in man I know nothing better For thy memorie though the voice be taken away and the spirite with the Lord yet the doctrine remaineth to thee in letters remaine thou mindfull now to make that hereafter fruitfull to thee by diligence which hetherto hath by negligence lyen barren Let vs account it a blessing from God that we haue thus many of M. Deerings readings the rest whiche w●…re to the x. Chapter or there about 〈◊〉 the other three Chapter 's waite for and desire some other 〈◊〉 faithfull labour If any man hauing small hope to make the remainder like to that which w●…e haue refuse therefore to attempt the matter let him otherwise aboūding with gif●… and 〈◊〉 and hauing exercises in the Church humble himselfe to be in the second or third place to finishe the worke and benefite the Church whereunto al men are ins●…tely ●…ndebted and almost no man carefull to come out of debt But most of all let vs continually pray that our good God would in these perillous ends of the world put on vs al his whole complet armour to stand against the power and malice of Satan that he would also illuminate our heartes with the bright beames of his wisedome and holy word that we may be freed from the darknes of ignoraunce and errour that the mouthes of the wicked may be stopped and the lippes of the children of God opened and fulfilled with the 〈◊〉 of God. Moreouer seeing the Lord hath layed sharpe roddes and long time executed great iudgements vpon our neighbours round about giuing vs now all these 18. yeares of our gratious Souereigne the Gospel in great peace it is our duetie to consider our duetie in this behalfe first that we in brotherly compassion and in an inward fellowfeeling lament to our power redresse their calamities secondarily that wee be thankefull to God for our peace and carefull to yeeld our selues in all singlenes and trueth euery way obedient to the kingdome of our Lord Iesus Christ the king of peace in as large the same maner that is to vs offered in the word of life in the third place that all diligence bee vsed that the word may haue his free passage and main course to the ouerthrow of all aduersarie power especially of the open enimies Papists and Atheistes to the discouerie of other sectes springing vpp of their owne accord where the word is not planted finally to the cutting off of prophane and loose life which nowe aduaunceth it selfe against heauen and prouoketh the Almightie except by discipline it be broken downe that the kingdome of Iesus Christe may be moste glorious on earth and that the sonnes of men may be safe and reioyce vnder the shadow of his winges For a further vnderstanding hereof and of many other like exercises in the knowledge practise of Christianitie I referre thee gentle Reader to these Lectures beseeching God to make thy labours fruitful with his cōtinual blessings especially in thy prayers wherein as carefull for the whole Church also pray that the Lord in mercie would make the Churches beyonde the seas rather partakers of our peace with fulnesse therof then in iustice to make vs companions of their punishment in the laste place and greatest measure Amen The xxiiii of Nouember 1576 ¶ The Praelections of Edward Deering vpon certeine of the first Chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrues ¶ The first Lecture vpon the firste verse of the first Chapter 1 AT sundrie times and in diuerse manners God spake in the olde time to our fathers by the prophets in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne AT sundry times in diuers maners c. Before we begin the exposition of this Epistle I wil briefly speak somewhat of these three pointes Why this Epistle was written by whome and at what time And first touching the cause of the writing though we knowe assuredly it was cause sufficient to leaue so excellent doctrine vnto the church of God yet a speciall occasion then giuen was vndoubtedly this The Iewes were stubbernly set to the maintenance and defence of the law of Moses holding fast al the ceremonies of it as things necessarie neuer to be abrogate but perpetually to be vsed in the worshipp of god Among the residue they did especially striue for Circumcision next vnto it for the obseruation of meates and drinkes and times and feastes and sundry purifyings as these things are namely mentioned in the scripture Besides these other ceremonies they imbraced them and loued them And though many thousandes as it is in the xxi of the Actes did beleeue yet were they still zealous for the law nor could possibly heare of the abrogation of it In so much that they and their forefathers had made this an article of their faith and it is the ninth article of their Creede they holde it to this day God gaue his lawe to his faithful seruant Moses and he wil neuer alter it nor chaunge it for any other And this their opiniō as it was rooted in thē so they had very many plausible persuasions for it they stroue not for the inuentions of man but for the law of God not
life Christ was made our redemption Sainct Paule expressely saith By the obedience of one a great many are presented righteous And again he saith For this cause he was made subiect vnto the law that he might r●…deeme thē which were holden vnder the law And for this cause he pretermitted not one iot or one title of it that he might bestowe vpon vs the fulnesse of all righteousnes but the scripture attributeth commonly our redemption to his death because it was the chiefest and greatest worke of all the accomplishment perfection of a●… the rest vpon the crosse he was lowest cast downe and vpon the crosse he triumphed ouer sathan and after the crosse he obteyned power ouer death and hell therfore in it as the Apostle saith he was consecrate to eternall glorie And thus farre at this time Now let vs pray c. ¶ The tenth Lecture vpon the 11. 12 and 13. verses 11 For he that sanctifieth and they which are sanctified ●…re all of one wherfore he is not ashamed to call thē brethrē 12 Saying I will declare thy name vnto my brethren in the middes of the Church wil I sing praises to thee 13 And againe I will put my trust in him And againe Beholds here am I and the children which God hath giuen mee THe reasons before vsed to proue the humanitie of our sauiour were these First he dyed for man and therefore it was necessarie hee shuld be man Secondly it was the decree of God to bring man into glorie through many afflictions but so Christe our head was also consecrate to enter into glorie therfore he was naturall man. Now it followeth For he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of o●…e This word For noteth a cause of that whiche was saide before as hee had said this He that leadeth other into the glorie of God by the same way he must enter also him selfe He addeth now the cause and grounde of that saying because they must be of one nature bothe hee that leadeth they that are led into this saluation Now because the Apostle hath spoken so plainly of the nature of our Sauiour Christ that he is perfect man to teach vs that yet not in our owne nature but being regenerate by his grace we are made children Therefore the Apostle chaungeth his former speache and in sted of saying He that leadeth into glorie which is the work spoken of he sayeth He that sanctifieth naming the vertue incident by which the work was done and in sted of They that are ledd which is the benefite imployed he saith They that are sanctified which is the qualitie with whiche they are indued meaning yet one thing before and now there in plaine wordes calling it our entrie into saluation here by a figure naming it our sanctification whiche is the meanes of our inheritaunce of it and by this exhorting vs that we would followe holinesse which is our likenesse with christ And thus much touching these wordes how they hang with the former Nowe to consider them in them selues we haue the third argument for the humanitie of our Sauiour Christe which is this He that shall sanctifie his people must beecome one with them but Christ hath sanctified vs therefore he is of our nature And the force of this argument standeth vpon that ground whereof wee haue spoken that this is the decree of the iust God that the nature of man could not be sanctified but in the person of man. A proofe declaration that it is so is added by the Apostle in the residue of the verse And for this cause he is not ashamed to call vs brethren whervnto is streight added the testimonie of the 22. psalme out of which he proueth it I wil shew forth thy name vnto my brethren in the midds of the congregation I will praise thee a plaine euidēt testimonie where our Sauiour Christ calleth vs brethren for the prophet Dauid who in manie of his afflictions bare the image of our Sauiour Christ wrote that Psalme thoughe in his owne great calamities yet especially in the person of Christ as it is certeine because the Euangelistes and Apostles alledge out of that Psalme many places applying them all to our Sauiour Christ besides that the whole Psalme is a liuely descriptiō of the passion of Christ and the latter ende foretelleth the calling of the Gentiles whiche were only to be gathered to the setting vp of this glorious kingdome of Christ so that that is aptly here applied vnto Christe which there the prophet Dauid spake in the person of christ And here let vs mark this while the Apostle proueth our sauiour Christ to be man he alledgeth the scripture so as distinctly shew the offices of Christ that he is our Prophet our King our Priest that we might know we can not giue him these offices and denie his manhoode nor graunt him his manhoode and denie him these offices so heere this texte as in the name Brother it proueth he is of our nature so these words I wil declare thy name and I will sing of thee they shew that our Sauiour Christ is our prophet to reueale the wil of his father to vs. Now where it is saide here He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are al of one we haue to cōsider y euen in the manhoode of our Sauiour Christe is vertue and grace in which he doth sanctifie vs for not only as he is God he sanctifieth vs but also in his humane nature he hath this vertue and power to make vs holie not taking his nature suche from the virgin Marie but making it such by pouring into it the fullnesse of his spirit And this our Sauiour Christ himselfe witnesseth for speaking of his sending into the worlde how he was sent of his Father to call his lost people vnto saluation he saith in like sort he also sendeth his Apostles and streight addeth For them I sanctifie my selfe The holinesse which the Apostles had in their calling they had it from Iesus Christe made man and walking in that vocation before them Euen so it is with vs all that is good in vs and all the righteousnesse that can be in vs we haue it neither out of the East nor West but from the bodie of Iesus Christ neither is there in the worlde any other sanctification so that all we that be heere this day and all people else of the world except wee know perfect manhood and our own nature to be reallie vnited vnto the person of the sonne of God who hath sanctified himselfe for vs there is no sanctification for vs vnder heauen Euen as our hands and armes other members are not nourished but only by the meate receiued of the head so our spirituall meate of righteousnesse and life is not giuen vs but from our head Iesus Christ. And as the veins are meanes by which nourishment is conueyed to euerie parte so fayth is the meanes by which we
bring vs in a fooles paradise of prayer when we bee gone that we might not regarde the God of glorie while he offered eternall life vnto vs. And for the Saincts that are dissolued and be with Christ they shal be witnesses against vs of our madnes which esteemed them as tormented soules of purgatorie and other whom God hath taken away in his anger to make them dye in their sinnes when we fill their handes with our foolishe prayers wee ioyne with them in rebellion against God but their torments can not be healed with medicines and therefore as an vnprofitable and euill thing so let it goe let the darke fansies of dead men alone and let vs do our duetie one to another in all prayers workes and loue nowe in this time while we may do good and while the day is yet vpon vs. Now further where it is saide If you will heare his voice we learn by warrant of the holie Apostle that our sauiour Christ was euer y prophet of his church in vertue and power of his spirite euen from the beginning as well as in nature and substance of manhood after he was borne of the virgin Marie So the Apostle afterward againe saith of y prophets times that The voice of Christ did shake the earth then in all the disobedience of the people of Israel in the wildernesse Sainct Paule saith They tempted Christ as noting him to bee their guide and leader in their deserte wayes And this is the true acknowledgment of our Sauiour Christ to be the lambe killed from the beginning of the worlde to confesse that he is and euer was the mediatour and redeemer of his church and the welbeloued sonne of his father and the prophet for euer whom he had ordeiued for his people all whiche when wee shall beleeue then wee shall boldely say as this Apostle sayth Iesus Christ to day and yesterday he is the same and the same abideth for euermore the same Prophet the same fayth the same hope the same God euen as we confesse one and the same catholike church As our fathers were saued so are wee and at this day we beleeue not only as Paule and Peter did beleeue but wee walke in the steppes of that sayth which was first in our father Abraham yea and in all Patriarches beefore him as wee haue all had but one heauenlie maister And whatsoeuer outward ceremonies God hath ordeined according to the diuersitie of times they were euer appointed to be schoolemaisters to leade men vnto Christe in whome onely GOD was wel pleased and without whome there is no saluation And herein the singular loue of God to vs hath appeared and these dayes of the Gospell preached are aboue all other blessed dayes because this Sauiour hath shewed him selfe vnto vs and hath beene in the middes of vs flesh of our flesh and bone of our bones and we haue seene his glorie as the glorie of the onelie begotten sonne of God and hee hath reuealed vnto vs the cleare and shining way of this saluation more openly then euer before and therefore let vs heare the admonition To day if you will heare his voice harden not your heartes And here that he saith Harden not your heartes we see how great a sinne we cōmitt in not hearkening to the voice of God we harden our hearts and couer thē as with a couering of brawne that they may not be mollified with y grace of God for the word of God is liuing and more sharpe then a two edged sword and entereth to the diuision of the soule and the spirite neither is it possible to keepe it out but as a sword so it wil pearce our heart except we haue made it hard as flint And as he sayth Do not you harden your owne hearts so let vs persuade our selues our sinne is our owne and we haue done it we may not excuse our selues as the manner of some is and say our heartes are hardened whether we wil or no and who can doe withall True it is and the Prophet sayth it We haue of our selues stonie hearts and all the imaginations of them are euil euen from our youth so that all men father children may say a like we know that in vs y is in our flesh there dwelleth no goodnes but what so euer the corruption of our nature is be it neuer so greate yet our fault is neuer the lesse no more then if we had an Angels nature whiche willingly and wittingly we would peruert for vnto our corrupt nature we bring of our selues a peruerse wil which did corrupt the Angels nature and made them fall from God so lay no more thy fault on thy nature for thy will is set to worke iniquitie with all delight to doe euil We wish to bring our ill purposes to passe we reioyce wee are glad it is the thinge we would haue we will not heare anie other call wee bid farewell to all what so euer would turne vs from our sinne The corruption which we haue our pleasure is in it and all the goodnes which we want we care not for it but our wil is after our worke and as we are so wee like our selues best if there bee any wicked and dissolute man that denieth this either he hath taught his tong to lie or a seduced heart hath deceiued him for let him speake that can the theefe that stealeth the adulterer that defileth his bodie the enuious man that speaketh euil the beastlie man that murdereth another the blasphemous toung the rebellious hand whiche of these is not thruste forewarde of his owne will or who euer that mourned and wept that fasted and prayed not to be lead into tentation hath ben giuen ouer to so shamefull sinns No no if God make vs once mourne vnder the bodie of sinne the grace of Christ is offered to the broken and contrite heart and sinne reigneth not in vs but because we delight in it let vs hearken therefore to this admonition To day if you will heare his voice harden not your heartes It followeth As in the bitter murmuring as in the day of tentatiō in the wildernes where your fathers tempted me proued me and saw my workes fourtie yeeres This example of their fathers rebellion is wel alledged both to moue them the more to take heede by their fathers example because they were a people exceedingly holden with an opinion of their fathers that they shoulde yet remember their fathers were but men and they should not followe them in their sinne and wickednesse The storie which the prophet especially meaneth is written in the 17. of Exodus where Moses sheweth how the people murmured in Rephidim for want of water for then Moses gaue these verie names to the place and called it Bitter murmuring because they stroue bitterly and contended againste Moses and he called it tentation because they ceassed to put their trust in God and rebelled for want of water So by the
not be sure and good vnto all the seede of Abraham for he was a father of manie nations euen of such as were vncircumcised to whom the lawe was not written therefore to the ende that Iewe and Gentile might both inherit this blessing it must needes be by faith not by workes So then thus farre we are taught by the Apostle that if we receiue Iesus Christ to be our high priest our only way to enter with him into the heauens is by faith our faith hath boldnes and full persuasion in which it is accepted according to that which is written God hath not giuen vs the spirite of feare againe vnto bondage but God hath giuen vs the spirite of adoption by which we crie Abba Father Here dearly beloued let vs learne to discerne spirits to trie whether they be of God or no Euerie spirit that confesseth Christ to be our only mediatour is of God for by him wee haue libertie through faith to go with boldnes vnto the throne of grace And euerie spirite that denieth Christ to be our onely mediatour is not of God but it is the spirit of Antichrist of whome we haue heard that he is entred into the world for god dwelleth in light which no creature can approch vn to neither hath any man seene him nor cā see him but only by Christ through one spirite we haue all entrance vnto him These dearly beloued they are y words of the scripture they are not the wordes of man whē you are in place obiect them vnto the papists see what one word they are able to answer who in times past haue told you yet of a great number of mediatours confessours martyrs Saints Angels Archangels euerie one in his degree they haue made them mediatours and besought them to leade vs vnto god I beelie them not tenne thousand of their bookes are yet to see tenne thousand prayers in them in which they haue done this wickednesse Aske them bid them speake plaine what one woord haue they of defence for this dooinge surely dearly beloued I tel you the trueth not one worde they can speake which is a word of trueth a word of righteousnesse a worde of life a worde I meane of God to which you may trust a fonde fansie they haue found of their owne as hee that dreameth doth tell a dreame and they say there are two mediatours one of intercession an other of redemption beside the foolishnesse of this speache a mediatour of intercession which you may as wel call an intercessour of mediation for intercessour and mediatour are both one beside this I say manifest follie let them name any Apostle prophet or Euangelist vpon whome we must build and stand that euer mentioned any such thinge let them tell of whome they learned it sure they wil not they are starke dumbe they knowe they haue no Scripture no not a word of their schoolemaisters in deede they are ashamed but I wil tel you who they be and they shall not denie it except they bee as shamelesse as they of whome they are learned The Gods of the Gentiles which are diuels they had this woorshipp amongst them these diuels amonge them selues they which were reputed of the lower sorte were made as meanes to come vnto the higher whereof also they were called Dij medioximi that is Gods only for intercession and Gentiles bookes are ful of examples how these thinges were practised as if Neptune would speake to Iupiter hee made Mercurie his meanes and intercessour and such like toyes which shall bee abolished and tholouers of them And wee may see howe GOD hath recompenced this their euill vnto them for where this is the comforte of a Christian man to haue peace towarde God and which is giuen vs by hauing Christe our only mediatour they who haue made so manie coulde neuer finde it but still they are in suspense and doubt wauering vnconstant in all their wayes and this doubtfulnesse they begett and nourishe vnto them selues while they seeke so many mediatours and what else doe they but teach all their posteritie in choosing many mediatours to haue confidence in none Euen as the rebellious people of Israel wearied them selues running as the prophet saith like Dromedaries to euery high hill and euery greene tree till they were weake and wearie and their soules fainted in them seeking peace and could finde none and in deede howe should they finde it for though they followed a thousand Gods yet was there but one the God of peace whome they had forsaken so though the Papists seeke a thousand mediatours yet haue they no boldenesse to goe vnto God for there is but one mediatour betwene God and vs euen Iesus Christ whome they for their Sainctes haue forsaken for Christ wil be ioyned with no fellowes And what a miserable brotherhood must they then needes be which haue no peace but feare and trembling is in their wayes Againe wee haue heere to marke that the presence of God to which Christe leadeth vs is called heere the Throne of grace noting heereby that by the merites of Christ we be brought vnto God as before a iudge who from his iudgement seate doth acquite vs for euer from al guiltinesse of our sinnes and therefore called the throne of grace because we be quit onely by grace and Gods free mercie a monument of which loue he setteth before vs in the name of the seate on which hee sitteth and calleth it the throne of grace neither shall euer man be iustified before it who bringeth with him boldenesse of his owne woorkes nature kinred or any thing and looketh not only for his pardon by grace and mercie neither can the Lord any more shewe mercie vnto him that is proude of his owne selfe then he can chaunge the propertie of his iudgement seate to make it no more the throne of grace Now it foloweth That we may obteine mercie and finde grace to help these wordes teache vs what the throne of grace is what it offereth vnto vs euen as we saide before boldenesse and constancie that we should not feare to goe vnto it For if it bee a throne of grace that is of fauour of mercie of loue of forgiuenesse of life then can there not be in it anger guiltinesse affliction of spirit bondage and feare of death but as the Apostle saith here it giueth vnto vs mercie grace and helpe in the time of neede Let vs not then say as the Papistes say that we ought to feare and doubt of Gods fauour and fil our mouthes with blasphemie as they haue done to say It is presumption to come with boldenesse vnto the throne of grace but let vs rather acknowledge all the goodnesse of God and confesse that he hath set vp vnto vs a throne of grace before whiche wee shall finde nothing but mercie but pardon but forgiuenesse but helpe neither wil we euer despise his grace to bring doutfulnesse or
owne Pontificall as you may plainly see it Now iudge your selues and I appeale to the conscience of euerie man y hath an vnderstanding heart whether suche creatures haue their calling of God or no I might likewise alledge that fourme and manner of ordeining as contrarie to Christes institution as these former are for where Christes ordinaunce is that his ministers should be made with prayer and fasting and with laying on of handes they as men thinking basely of suche simple dealing and a great deale more to making of their priestes they must haue oyle candels basens towels amices albes stoales gyrdles maniples myters bookes crosses linnen bandes chalices pattens singing cakes wine and water flowre and such other things trifled and toyed with all with so many foolishe gestures as I am persuaded that any wise man this day reading it in their owne bookes woulde abhorre it either as intollerable pride or vnspeakeable foolishenesse but wisedome is the Lords and he giueth it to whome he will and let vs praise him for his goodnesse to whome he hath giuen eyes to see If any will here obiecte notwithstanding all these abuses yet the priest had that whiche was principall libertie to preache and minister sacramentes therefore their ministerie not to be reiected I answer In this on one side was the greate goodnesse of God that in time to come his children might assuredly knowe he reserued to him selfe a church euen in the middes of all desolation and that he called them by his woorde and confirmed by his sacramentes euen as at this day for seeing there can be no sinne so greate but faith in Iesu Christ scattereth it all away it was impossible that the man of sinne shoulde so muche adulterate either the word of God but that it should be to the faithfull a gospel of saluation or else the sacramentes of God but that they should be pledges of eternall life to those that did beleeue Againe on the other side in that they kept this authoritie to their priestes to preache to baptise it was the pestilent sleight and subtiltie of the diuell the more easily by suche a colour to deceiue them for if he had vtterly dented preaching of the Gospel and vse of sacramentes who woulde then haue beene seduced these be his wayes to destroy Pagans and Infidels but to corrupt the churche of God he putteth on an Angels cloathing that vnder pretence of holinesse he might deceiue And in deede he did deceiue for he hath so farre prophaned the preaching of the Gospell and the sacramentes of Christe that we ought according to the word of God to separate our selues and to say accurssed to all their doings although God of his infinite goodnesse who calleth things that are not as though they were euen in that ministerie gaue grace vnto his Saincts I say therefore againe as I sayde before that in the Popish church from the crowne of the head to the soule of the foote not one order is of God nor any peece of their priesthood is honour giuen of God wherein I appeale vnto their owne consciences whose wisedome is without affection in them and thus farre of this 4. verse Touching the two nexte verses I haue before shewed the meaning of them that by testimonie of the Prophet the Apostle proueth that Christ also had his calling of God euen as Christ him self often witnesseth that he was sent of his father touching this text Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee it meaneth that openly and plainely God made it manifest that Christ was his only sonne by many signes and miracles in which as Paule sayth God was made manifest in flesh but of this I spake more vnto you in the exposition of the fifte verse of the first chapter The other text heere alledged is out of y 110. Psalme Thou art a priest for euer after the order of Melchisc lcch of which text we shal also haue occasiō to speake more largely hereafter this now we haue to learne y this Psalme is ment of Christ and this sentence is his caling to y priesthod of this y apostle is a plaine witnesse our sauiour Christ in the 22. of Math. teacheth that this psalme could not be meant of Dauid because it is said in it The Lord saide vnto my Lord sit thou on my right hand vntil I make thine enimies thy footestoole and reason teacheth it plainely for seeing as is heere alledged it is to the praise of an high priest how could it be of King Dauid to whome the priesthood in no case belonged or how could it be of any Priest of the lawe who had their proper calling of God where this was an other after the order of Melchisedech who was bothe a King and a priest and therfore it is plaine to bee ment of Christe who was figured in Melchisdech The conclusion then of the Apostle in all this is that Christe had his calling of God as Aaron had and a more glorious excellent calling therfore a greater high priest then any before him but the time is past Let vs pray c. ¶ The xxiiij Lecture vpon the 7. 8. and 9. verses 7 Who in the dayes of his fleshe did offer vp prayers and supplications with strong crying and teares vnto him that was able to saue him frō death was also heard in that which he feared 8 And though he were the Sonne yet learned he obedience by the thinges which he suffered 9 And beeing consecrate was made the authour of eternal saluation vnto all them that obey him THE Apostle in this Chapiter beginneth to proue our Sauiour Christ to be the only high Prieste of the newe Testament and because the people of Israel had so great affiance in the priesthood of Aaron that they could hardly be drawen away from the deteyning of it thinking assuredly that vnto that Priesthood the lawe and testimonies of God had beene tyed for euer and not knowing that all ceremonies of y the law were ordeyned vntill the time of reformation in whiche Christ should appeare chaunge that Priesthood to become him selfe vnto vs a Priest of a better testament therefore the Apostle firste setteth foorth the properties of the Priesthood according vnto the lawe and after by comparison applieth them vnto Christe in whome they all shine in a muche more excellent sorte then before in Aaron and therfore it can not be neither breach nor dishonour vndishonour vnto the law of God nor the priesthood of it if the shadowe and the figure which was Aaron should now be taken away and the bodie and the trueth which is Iesu Christe should be established for euer The properties whiche the Apostle speaketh of necessarilie apperteining vnto euery priest as vnto one that must be a Mediatour are these that first he should be man as we are as Aaron and his posteritie were For neither Angell nor Archangell nor principalities nor powers can doe this woorke to present fleshe and bloud vnto
then in all their prayers they began to call vpon the name of the Lorde and God him selfe at no time doth more sharpely reproue his people then when they woulde aske of those that had no power to helpe them This lesson that poore Leper so defiled in flesh had yet humbly learned and with a pure heart he prayed accordingly Lorde if thou wilt thou canst make me whole vpon this foūdation our sauiour Christ hath built vp all the prayers of the true disciples adding it as a speciall clause vnto the prayer that he taught them For thine is the kingdōe the power and glorie for euer and euer Amen then let vs learne it somany as wil pray in spirite to make our prayers vnto him alone who is able to saue vs It is the sacrifice of the newe Testament that he hath appointed vs that we should offer vp vnto him and not vnto other the fruite of our lippes which may confesse his name and because this doctrine hath beene troden downe vnder feere and defiled by the man of sinne withall spirituall vncleanesse I besech you adde vnto this one reason or two more that you may answere the aduersarie and be able to stand in the day of euil When our Sauiour Christe was purposed to teach his disciples a true forme of prayer a perfect patterne vnto which they must frame their petitiōs or it is vnpossible thei shuld be accepted he techeth them that their beginning must be from hence Our father whiche art in Heauen What blessing so euer we would haue or from what plague so euer wee would be deliuered he alone must be the person of whome we craue to whome this name and callinge doeth belong Our father which art in Heauen If this name be none of his he is no patrone to be called vp on or if we wil needes call vpon him we giue him this nāe whether it be his or no. Christ is our good warrant who hath made this the beginning of all christian prayer Our father which art in heauen therefore the Idolaters of all ages that haue made them selues Saintes to pray vnto according to the number of their prayers so they haue multiplyed their Idols the children of God to whome they haue sacrificed they shal witnesse against them in the day of christ And you my deare brethren againste all your enimies defende thus the holinesse of your prayer that you knowe no other way of speaking then as you are taught Our father Ad yet vnto this one reason more which you learne of Saint Paule and I doubt not but you shall be well established in this present trueth We knowe all and doe confesse that we are able to do no good thing of our selues but all our sufficiencie is of God we are not able so much as to think a good thought Yea the very wisedome of the fleshe is enimitie vnto all righteousnesse so true it is that the Prophet sayth Euerie man is a beaste in his owne vnderstanding And how much lesse then are we able to offer vp vnto God that most precious sacrifice of prayer thanksgiuing to make it acceptable in his sight if wee consult with our owne fleshe and bloude and alter the will of man so make our prayers vnto God We must needes acknowledge our owne infirmities and confesse with saint Paule that we know not what to pray as we ought but it is the spirite of God that maketh request for the Saints according to the wil of God and in this holy spirite alone we must praye if we looke for the mercie of our Lorde Iesu Christe to eternall life The spirite that beareth rule in our heart he must teache vs all things or else can we do nothing that God alloweth Now the voice of this spirit that alwayes soundeth within vs it speaketh not thus either Sancta Maria or Sancta dei genitrix neither saint Paule pray for vs nor saint Peter pray for vs. These are but the spicinges of the drunken cups of Rome the soundes of wordes which the spirits of errours haue blowen But the holie spirit of God that teacheth vs how to pray it crieth thus in our hearts Abba Pater Our father which art in heauen As Christ himselfe hath been our scholemaister of no other prayer so the spirit that he hath giuen vs it knoweth no other sound but Abba Father these are y beginnings of our praiers If we speake not vnto him to whom doe we bowe our knees If we wil make the spirite subiecte to any other let vs take heede that we grieue not the holie spirit of God by which we be sealed against the day of redemption Thus much I haue added to the example of our sauiour Christ who made his prayers to his father who alone could deliuer him that we might the more assuredly be bolde to abide in his steppes It followeth in the text With great crying and with teares Here we haue to note in what measure our Sauiour Christ was afflicted euen so farre that he cryed out in this bitternesse of his soule This the Euangelistes do expresse in mo words testifying of him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that he was greatly affraide altogether astonished euen fainting for great anguishe of minde and full of pensiue sorrowes For his Father had broken him with one breaking vppon an other so he kindled his wrath againste him and accounted him as one of his enimies The heauie hande of God was so grieuous vppon him that it brused his verie bones and rent his reines a sunder hee coulde finde no health in his fleshe but was wounded to death as without recouerie The Euangeliste himselfe beareth witnesse of this miserie adding vnto his lowde crying this sounde of wordes My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee This sorrowe because it was not assuaged with wordes hee cryed out alowde and because in silence hee could finde no ease his face was wrinckled with weeping and the shadowe of deathe was vpon his eyes For what griefe could be like vnto this Or what condemnation could be so heauie When there was no wickednesse in his handes and when his prayer was pure when he was the brightnesse of glorie and the Sonne of righteousnesse that shined in the worlde yet as it were to see his dayes at an ende and his enterprises broken his carefull thoughts to be so deepe grauen in his breast that they chaunged euen the day into night vnto him and all light that approched into darcknesse this was a sorrowe aboue all sorowes When his excellencie was such aboue all creatures that the worlde was not worthy to giue him breath yet he to be made a worme and not a man a shame of men and the contempt of the people all that sawe him to haue him in derision and to shutt vp his life in shame and reproches so vnwoorthy a rewarde of so precious a seruaunt howe coulde it but shake all his bones out of ioynt and
againe another time for thou knowest not whether he will returne or not Seeke him therfore where he may be found and call vnto him while he is neere at hand The seconde pointe the Apostle stoode vp on was that If we heare his voice we should not harden our hearts teaching vs that onely by faith wee shoulde bee fruitefull hearers And if infidelitie beare rule in our heartes all preaching and teaching is in vaine and the voyce of Christe can bee vnto vs but a sauour of death vnto deathe therefore when wee heare him speake let vs faithfully receiue the Gospell of saluation at his mouth or at the mouth of his minister knowing he is our onely prophet giuen of God vnto vs of this the apostle now concludeth in the first of this chapter Let vs feare therefore least at any time this promise of entring into his rest being forsaken any of you may seeme to be depriued by this conclusion yet once againe exhorting them that they would not neglect their onely prophet calling them so at last be frustrate of their vaine hope Let vs heere lay together these sayings of the Apostle in the beginning of the second chapter when he had proued our sauiour Christe to bee God he saith Wherefore my brethren we must carefully hearken to the things we heare least we fall away as water In the beginning of the thirde chapter when hee proued him to be mā also like vnto vs except sinne he addeth Therfore my brethren partakers of the heauēly calling consider the Apostle and highe Priest of our profession Iesus Christ After againe when hee had proued our sauiour Christ to be our only and faithful Prophet he confirmeth his doctrine by the woorde of the prophet alledging this exhortation out of him To day if you wil heare his voice harden not your harts c. Againe applying these woordes of the Prophet he saith See my brethren that there be not in any of you an euill heart of vnbeliefe Now heere againe as a conclusion Let vs feare lest this promise of entring into his rest beeing forsaken we should seeme to be depriued And as though all this were not inough in the eleuenth verse after he sayth Let vs therfore be diligent to enter into that rest that no man fall into the euil example of disobedience And yet againe in the end of this chapter Seeing wee haue a greate highe Priest that hath pearced the heauens euen Iesus Christ the sonne of God let vs hold fast our profession c. What shall wee thinke of all this what meane these often exhortations surely dearelie beloued nothing else but that wee bee dull of hearing and exceeding harde to learne for tell mee notwithstanding this exhortation so often made are there not ●…rowe you many among vs which yet regarde it not yea and yet if againe and againe hee should crie vnto vs would wee all obey his voice wee would if wee were wise but foolishnesse is so wrapped vp in our heartes that I am affraide all the exhortations not onelie here made by the Apostle but all other that haue bene made vnto vs thirtie fourtie fiftie threescore yeeres haue not yet taught vs all that be heere this day with singlenesse of heart and with synceritie to loue the Lord and is it then any maruell though the Apostle hauing compassion on his brethrens ignoraunce doe this often exhorte them in one thing and if wee be weake subiect to the same infirmities y they were let vs think it is necessarie for vs Only I beseeche you take heede that seeing God hath this mercie vppon vs which he had vppon our fathers that his word is thus vnto vs Precept vpon precept precept vpon precept let not vs be againe as they were that notwithstanding all these often and earnest exhortations so plaine to vnderstand yet that the Lord speake vnto vs as with a stammering and a straunge language that we vnderstand nothing for alas dearely beloued how vnprofitable were that for vs and how much better were it wee had neuer heard at all then so often to refuse the Lordes calling let this therfore be our wise vnderstanding in this case and that whiche so often is tolde vs let vs at the last truelie learne it Now touching these wordes of the Apostle that he saith let vs feare that wee lose not this rest promised vs we must not take it as though the Apostle taught that the elect should feare as though they might fall from their hope or that their election were not sure for you haue heard before howe hee saide We must hold the reioycing of our hope with all assurance and constancie vnto the end but heere wee muste consider to whome the Apostle speaketh that is to such as are farre off from a true fayth which haue shewed no great regarde to the voice of the Lorde Iesu whiche are yet in many tentations of sinne doubtful to be carried away with the deceites of it As if at this day the apostle should preach when we see so many worldly minded men so few hungering and thrusting for heauenlie things in this case and to suche people considering their outwarde woorkes the Apostle sayth let vs feare as in deede there is iust cause of feare for when there is scarce in vs anie zeale of God scarce any loue of righteousnes but all our thoughts doe wander in worldlie vanitie if in this case we should boast of our faith were it not good to byd vs feare to take heede that we be not deceiued and what is this against the assuraunce of the faythful that the Apostle biddeth them which are not yet called in holinesse to feare lest they be deceiued in their vaine hope If it be heere sayd the Apostle includeth also him selfe and therefore this feare is also in the most godlie I deny not but in other places of scripture feare is commended vnto the most godlie but the cause of this is because we be all weake full of infirmitie readie to sinne as we see in Dauid in Ezechias in Peter in all the Sainctes of God and therefore this feare is commended in them which is a good care and regarde of their weakenes that they fall not a care that may driue ou●… securitie not a feare to take away the boldenes of faith So when we are bid to feare it is as when wee are byd to watch to be sober to stand with our loynes gyrded to haue before vs the wayes of God with reuerence and obedience it forbiddeth presumptuous and vaine boasting of saluation when the glorious and fearefull name The Lord thy God is not regarded of thee So when Saint Paule commendeth our faith he addeth Be not yet high minded but feare and Iob sayth If I haue done righteously I will not lift vp my head This feare is a feare of falling into sinne least wee should offend so mercifull a Father it is not a feare of falling from his grace least hee should
take his mercie from vs A plaine rule of this Saint Paule commendeth vnto vs all writing to the Philippians With feare saith he and trembling make an end of your owne saluation commending lowlinesse and humblenesse of minde but yet ioyning it fast to the hope of eternall life And this counsell hee followed him selfe as he sayth to the Corinthians I was among you in weakenesse and in feare and in muche trembling Yet hee helde fast his fayth that Neyther death ▪ nor any creature should separate him from the loue of God. And this the Apostle euen in this place teacheth when hee addeth Leaste anie of you seeme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 depriued For in deede he is not depriued or ●…rustrate of any hope who neuer had hope but it seemeth so to some because he would talke of hope No more can any man fall who neuer stoode yet because it appeareth so Sainct Paule sayth He that seemeth to stande let him take heede hee fall not It is moste certeine Hope maketh not ashamed but we deceiue our selues in thinking we haue hope for true hope as is saide here is in the promises and they are apprehended with faith and faith hathe feare of sinne Where these thinges are no man is depriued of his hope where these things are not he hopeth foolishly who had in deede no hope at all And he is saide to fall out who at the last is founde to haue no inheritance with the Sainctes who yet neuer fell out for in deede he neuer was within the couenaunt according to that which Sainct Iohn saith They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they should haue ●…arried with vs. This I say that you may know how to answere the enimies of oure fayth who ▪ woulde haue vs still to doubt and neuer to be sure of Gods promises when they obiecte vnto vs these places of feare we may aunswer them that our feare is our humilitie and casting away of pride our feare is our reuerende care to walke in the wayes of God if they feare any other feare wee will not feare with them ▪ For God hath not giuen vnto vs the spirite of feare againe vnto bondage but he hath giuen vs the spirit of adoption by which we crie Abba Father This is oure blessinge whiche wee haue of GOD and in whiche wee shoulde alwayes reioyce I graunt wee do not here obey God as wee shoulde for who is hee that sinneth not Wee feare many times and Gods dearest children are most tempted so that they are brought sometime euen to hell gates but this we confesse is our infirmitie the trueth of Gods promises ought to haue greater faith within vs but it is necessarie we should feele our sinnes that we might be humbled and we must die in our selues that we may reigne throughe the victorie which Christ hath gotten and in al our weakenesse we will still confesse that we may not nor ought not thus to feare but muche rather to reioyce in the Lorde and alwayes reioyce Nowe it followeth in the Apostle For vnto vs hath the Gospel bene preached as wel as vnto them but the word that they heard profited not them because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it In these wordes the Apostle sheweth the cause why he hathe thus applied the prophets exhortation vnto vs because vnto vs nowe the same Gospell is preached which was preached vnto them and if we be vnfaithfull howe should wee escape but bee partakers of the same punishmentes This place is well to be marked which teacheth vs that the same saluation is now preached whiche was preached before to all Patriarches and Prophets in whiche wee knowe there hathe beene but one way of saluation from the beginning of the worlde for then this was promised whiche is nowe perfourmed The seede of the woman shoulde breake the head of the serpent from whiche promise made there was neuer but one faith of Gods electe and one way of life which was Iesu Christe euen as our Apostle sayth Iesus Christ yesterday and to day he is the same world without-end And this doctrine is not new but the Prophets and Pat●…arches knew it with vs and they all beleeued the Catholique church and communion of Sainctes euen as this day we do ▪ Saint Peter saith That it was reuealed vnto the prophets that not vnto them selues but vnto vs they ministred those things which now are preched vnto vs. And the Prophet Esay in the 14. chapter sheweth howe God called out all nations as it were to dispute with him whether there were any saluation in the world but by his free grace and first hee asketh who called Abraham in that couenant of mercie which was giuen him who hath done it euen he that called the generations from the beginning I the Lord I am the first and with the l●…ste I am the same expressely teaching that his people of Israel had the sa●…e saluation whiche Abraham had and Abraham the same which all nations and countries euer shall haue one sauing health of all euen as God is for ever vnchaungeable So Sainct Paule making comparison betweene vs and the people of Israel of whome here the Apostle speaketh he saith They eate all the same spirituall meat drank all the same spirituall drink for they did drinke of the rock which followed them and the rock was Christe And not onely this one saluation is vnto all but this also onely Christ hath beene euer the Prophet and minister to declare that saluation for so the Apostle teacheth then and nowe his voice was heard and as it is saide after ▪ his voice did then shake the earth yea before then ih the dayes of Noe he was preached vnto the disobedient people who were drowned in the floude and are now holden in the prison of their sinne So that this we know in Christ are saued all his saints and by Christ they haue ben taught all that euer did beleeue Wherby we learne all the sacrifices of the patriarches and all sacrifices and ceremonies of the law they purged no part of their sinns neither was there anie redemption in them for the Israelites had not the Fathers sacrifices nor the fathers had their ceremonies nor we haue now either sacrifices or ceremonies which were in honour among them yet one saluation is vnto vs all and therefore as we may boldly say vnto them all their ordinaunces in worldly elementes they did not purge their consciences meates and drinks did not helpe them who were dailye exercised in suche obseruations so agaiue they may say vnto vs neither our sacraments doe giue grace vnto vs no more then theirs vnto them they seale vnto vs the grace that is in Christ and assure vs of the saluation that is in him but in them selues there is no health at all And if we may say thus euen of the sacramentes instituted