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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10045 David his oath of allegeance to Ierusalem The sermon preached on Act Sunday last in the morning, in St. Maries in Oxford. By Daniel Price Doctor in Divinity. Price, Daniel, 1581-1631. 1613 (1613) STC 20291; ESTC S115204 24,054 46

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better service of God with helpe of sciences and prophane learning and therefore they are to be pitied rather then envied qui suae patrocinantur ignorantiae faith Erasmus Erasm scholia in Ier. ad Pam. Bucer Aemil. Prob. loc 151. Pomer in 1. ad Cor. 2. Cal in 1. Cor. 15 plus inscitiâ suâ fidunt superbiunt quàm alij eruditione suâ saith Bucer rudes et degeneres sūt saith Pomeranus nay Mr Calvine is so absolute for this as that his words vpon the 15. of the 1. Cor. are Colligimus hos esse superstitiosos Wherefore beloved all you of the yonger sort that are to be flowrishing plants in particular societies or are to be transplanted from this Eden of God and to passe into the functions and Sanctions either of Church or Common weale first stay at Ierusalem til the spirit be sent you The gift of tongues was only given at Ierusalem it is morbus comitialis that at our proceedings after the first or second degree some most rude thinke themselues most ripe and forsake the Vniversity never to returne againe I say againe so long as God friends any meanes may be had stay at Ierusalem till the spirit be sent you When you go hence take knowledge with you exercise your talent to the honour of your Master that the retributiō may be good faithfull servant thou haste been faithfull in a little I will make thee ruler over much Otherwise your right hand shal forget her cunning Honourable Lawyers I giue you but that title that your own glorious Emperour gaue you how ever the fat kine haue eaten vp the leane and the law hath almost devoured your law yet in your knowledge which is more honoured in al parts of the Christian world then is our owne land let it be seene that your knowledge and practise turn to the good not the disgrace of the Church Church Churchmē haue enimies more then friends If a poore Prophet or Levite came before the Doctors of the law among the Pharisees the word was Goe in peace Jf ever you come to place of authority and a poore Minister come before you let him haue countenance far be it that your learned lawes should be snares to good minds or quirks for mercenary wits lex et prophetae your Law and Prophets are ever ioined in Scripture divide not divorce them not least your right hād forget her cunning Learned and Honourable Physitians I giue you that title that the son of Sirach giveth it is but Apocrhypha direct your knowledge the right hand of your knowledge to the right vse let praier go before Religion bee an ingredient in al your practise let it not be observed as Innocētius once said and yet in some places though not here yet in the great city of this land is frequently lamentably to be found that dum corpus medici reficiunt aegrotorum animas inficiunt that while irreligious Ephraimiticall Hypocriticall popish Physitians cure the body by some Idolatrous dram they infect the soules of their vnhappy rather them vnhealthy patients Remember donum sanationis was given only to the Apostles practise with care with knowledge with conscience lest your right hand forget her cunning My deere and Reverend brethren in Divinity you know what your Sauiour said be yee not called Doctors for there is but one Doctor which is Christ that is Calvin and Iunius giving allowance to this interpretation be not Pharisaicall Doctors neither idle nor idol Doctors not factious not ambitious for otherwise posuit Christus alios Doctores alios Pastores alios Prophets in Ecclesia though the painted Pharisees of this age envy you this honorable degree The contempt we are liable vnto is much even by those whose fathers saith Iob I would not place with the dogs of the heard Divinity hath lōg been kept on foot cogitur ire pede yet blessed be our God since the first howre of reformation vnto this time Aboue 40 sons of anciently descended knights students in divinitie most of them already ministers now in Oxford never were so many so worthy sonnes of the Prophets many worthily some honourably amōg vs descended and consecrated herevnto Archippus looke to thy charge watch stand fast in the faith pray exhort rebuke with al power with al authority Preach in season and out of season let no man despise yee Cave nedum vita tua mala nō sit per nequitiā Austin videarur mala per negligentiam Sit vestra cura nō nummorum sed animarū saith Bern. seeke not so much the church goods as the churches good lest your right hād forget her cūning All of you Ho. Rever blessed beloued brethrē all of you that are come hither to this great Comitial assembly that are come to this Ierusalem as Ioseph and Mary to find Iesus in the midst of the Doctours remember Ierusalem Religion and knowledge the mother and the daughter nobile par the Naomi and the Ruth the blessed paire of Cherubins over the Mercy seat let them both haue your best wishes and partake of your best workes in that yee doe any thing to these yee doe it to Christ All posterities shall blesse the name of those our worthy present founders whose workes be aspiring quorū iam maenia surgunt The blessing of Iuda the blessing of Levi the blessing of both testaments of both lifes shall be vpon them and their posteritie forever Their names shall be honoured their examples imitated and their workes shall praise thē in the gates and their right hand shall never forget her cunning When wee shall all meet in the higher Ierusalem in that great assembly of all Saints we shall see these rewarded with Palmes in their hands and Crownes on their heads let vs therefore my beloued covet these spiritual things let vs do some service to Religion and truth here that mercy and glory may crowne vs hence Which that wee may obtaine the Lord grant vs all such measure of his spirit of his grace that abounding here in faith and good workes we may receaue the reward promised Come yee blessed of my father receaue the kingdome provided from the beginning of the world To God the Father God the Sonne God the holy Spirit be all praise all Power all honour this day and all the daies of our life in this place and all Congregations of his Saints for evermore Amen FINIS
people is brokē with a grievous blow And Amos among others as commiseratly Heare the lamētation O house of Israel Amos. 5.2 O the daughter of Israel is fallen And the lamentations are so ful of condolements for Ierusalem that her gates sunke her barres brokē the stones of her sanctuary scattered in every corner in the street her mountaines desolate houses fiered temple destroied Virgin violated and all turned to ruine rubble Such are those lamentations that if their Eccho can passe by the eares of any man and leaue not lamentation and passion behinde him I say his hart is a strong castle for the divell it is harder then the nether milstone Well Ierusalem is defloured and disfigured Civitas sācta est meretrix facta est adultera the virgin is turned whore civitas sanctitatis is become Civitas sanguinis saith Acuanus The city of peace is become the city of blood Acuanus the ioy of the earth become the shame and shambles of the earth the Academy of the prophets become the Aceldama of the Prophets Ierusalē a lodge in a garden of cucumbers a den of theeues a cage of vncleane birds the caue of vncleane beasts habitatiō where Zym Iim the ostridge the schritchowle the Satyre do inhabit yet God continueth his loue and sends his sonne to this f nfull City and when HE came sure hee loved her dearely for he wept for her bitterly Mat. 23. but shee like a deceitful harlot first dissembleth thē betraieth him one day kneeleth before him the next accuseth him before Pilate one day comes to attend him with Palmes another day gathers to apprehend him with staues one day worships him another day crucifies him Hee that came to preserue her shee goeth about to destroy him preferring him that slew the living before him that raised the dead they crucified the Lord of life Supplicium quo nullum maius opprobrium quo nullum vilius Ratisbonens de Pass Dom. Ierusalem crucified her Saviour Iesus yet the Lord forbeareth Ierusalem yet thou remainest holy O thou worship of Israel When he had been crucified and risen againe and they denyed his resurrection and he ascendeth to heaven and they regard not his ascension He in his last words that ever on earth he spake to his disciples commandeth them Act. 1.4 not to depart from Ierusalem but to wait for the promise of the father the cōming of the spirit among them in Ierusalem I finde some of the ancients amazed at this loue of the Lorde of life Oecum Theod. in Act Apost Poore disciples children of the bride chamber their eies streaming with teares harts breaking with sighes must they yet continue in Ierusalem With that sinfull nation that people laden with iniquity Esay 1. seed of the wicked corrupt children with thē that had so provoked the holy one of Israel to anger why not in Ephrata where the Lord was born why not in Galily whence they were chosen Of all places why in Ierusalem the most odious of al places in murdrous adulterous Ierusalē stained with blood for ever branded with the blemish of treason against her Lord why in Ierusalem against which all the Prophets had shot of vollies of wo and heaven sent downe thunderbolts of vengeance why in Ierusalem where they were as odious as obvious to Herods Court Pilats pleading place to Pharisees souldiers to al that were famous for infamy The Prophets had been slaine Iohn Faptist murdred and the Saviour crucified in Ierusalem what lesse could they here expect the disciple is not aboue his Master it had beene hatefull and how could it be lesse then hateful to them to be in Ierusalem I omit many reasons most of the Greek fathers differing herein Chrys in Act. 1. noluit Christus equos suos absque auriga prodire Oecumenius giving another reason ne si citò digressi essent resurrectionis Christi veritas esset suspecta Oecumen in Act 1. saith Oecumenius Isaiah and Micah giue a better reason Es 2 3. de Syon exibit lex verbum Domini de Ierusalem it was not the city or seat or sight of Ierusalem though the loftinesse of the situatiō temperature and moderation of the heaven fruitfulnes of the soile all be honored so mentioned by Iosephus Strabo Pliny Tacitus though it was totius terrae vmbilicus the center and very verticall point of the whole earth in quā Natura omnes vires essudisset Livy as Hormisda spake of Rome Yet al this is not the cause of their slay or of the scriptures honouring of Ierusalem but because it was the place to which the covenāt was made that hence the word of the Lord should passe into al lands it was the type representation of the elect Church of Christ It was the place of Gods service the temple of sacrifice the house of praier the consecrated holy place of the most high And therefore the Parallel of the Church Ierusalem being measured with Ezechiels line we shall finde that as Hierusalem was built on a rocke so the Church vpon Christ the rocke as Ierusalem was surroūded with hils Comp Ierusal cum Ecclesia ex quam plurimis Rabbinis so the Church compassed with Gods protection Ierusalem could not be conquered from the Jebusites but by David nor the church redeemed from Satan and sinne but by Christ Iudah the seede of bleere eied Leah inhabiting of the one side signifi's the church of the Gentiles Beniamin the fruit of faire Rahel on the other side the hill Moriah figureth the church of the Iews both had a part in Ierusalem both belong to heaven Ierusalem built on the South had the sun most orient shining therein the church hath the sonne of righteousnesse most gloriously illuminating it Ierusalem the vision of peace the Church the family of peace All the Tribes came to Ierusalem all nations come vnto the Church in Ierusalem was the continual worship of God in the Church the continued service of God here he was more particularly not only per essentiam as hee is in all creatures or per potentiam as he is even in hel sed per residentiā saith Altensteg Alt ensteg diction this caused the Prophet so much to recall and record the remembrance of Ierusalem Which leadeth to this position 2. Doct that Religion only is that which addeth grace and honour to place a person Religion as the heathen confesseth is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is not only the band betwixt man and man Plutarch the knot of all communion and consociation but is the sweet ointment and holy ornament of the place where it is Shiloa is honoured for the poole of Shiloa but more for that the Tabernacle stood in Shiloa Bethel is honoured for the Well of which David desired the water but much more for that Christ the sonne of David was borne there Ierusalem honored for her Temple but much more for the