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father_n receive_v son_n spirit_n 15,514 5 5.9712 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07230 The dysclosi[n]g of the canon of the popysh masse wyth a sermon annexed vnto it, of the famous clerke, of worthye memorye. D. Marten Luther. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. aut 1547 (1547) STC 17627; ESTC S106758 5,622 23

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lifteth vppe hys sacrifice and saith 6. that it may be made to vs the body bloude of thy dere sōne Iesus Christe 6. who the day befor he suffred toke bred ī his holy worshipfull hādes and lifted vp hys eyes into heuen 7 he casteth vp his eyes to the God hys father almyghtie he gaue thākes to the and blessed it brake it and gaue it to his dysciples sayīg take eate of this all for thys is my bodye 8 he maketh obeysaūce ād then lyfteth it vp ouer his head In like māner after supper was done he tooke this noble cuppe in his holy and worshipfull handes and gaue thākes to the 9 he maketh curtesye ād blessed 10 he Crosseth ones 10. gaue hys dysciples saying take ye and drīke of it all 11 he lifteth the Chalyce vp a lytle for thys is the Cuppe of my bloude of the newe Testament the mistery of fayth which shal be shed for you and for manny for the remyssion of synnes 12 he lifteth vp the Chalice ouer his head As often as euer ye do thys ye shall do it in the remembraunce of me Wherby both we thy seruātes remembre Lorde and so doo thy holye people remēbre the same Chryst thy sōne our lord God as well his blessed passion as his resurrection yea ād also his glorious ascencion into heauen and offer to thy noble Maiestie of thy presentes and gyftes a pure 13 he crosseth hys geare 5. tymes sacrifice a holy sacrifyce an vnspotted sacrifice the holye breade of eternall lyfe and the Cuppe of euer lastyng saluacyon Ouer whych vouchsafe thou to loke wythe a mercyfull and cleare countenaunce and accept it euen as thou dydest vouchsafe too accepte the presētes of thy seruaunte Iuste Abell ande the sacryfyce of oure hyghe father Abraham and that whych thy hyghe preest Melchisedech offred a holy sacrifice an vnspotted hoste We humbly desyre the almighty God cōnaund these thinges to be borne by the hādes of thy holy Angell īto thy Aulter aboue in the sight of thy Godly Maiestie that as many of vs as haue taken parte of this Aulter and haue receyued the holy halowed body and bloud of thy sōne may be replenysshed 14 he Crosseth his face with all heauēly blessyng and grace thorough the same Chryste oure lorde Amen Remēbre abso lorde thy seruātes men N. womē N. which are gone before vs. 15 he prayath for the dead speketh neuer a worde butt remembreth whō he lifte with the signe of faythe and stepe in the stepe of peace we besech the lord to pardonne them and all that rest in Christe and geue them a place of refresshīg light and rest through the same Chryste our lorde Amen To vs thy seruāntes also he knocketh hym selfe on the brest 16 hopīg on the multitude of thy mercies vouchsafe to geue sōme parte ād feloushippe with thy holye Apostles Martirs with Iohn Stephen Mathias Barnabas Ignacius Alexander Marcelline Peter Felicitas Perpetua Agatha Lucie Agnes Cecilye Anastaseus with all thy seints amōg whose cōpāy we besech the admitt vs not estemīg our deseruīg but by the grant of thy pardon throughe Christe our lord 17 Amen is not spoken here By whome O lord all these good thinges thou allwayse createst sanctyfiest quickenest blessest ande geuest thē tobs 18 he blesseth the Chalyce with 5 crosses By hym and wyth hym in hym be to the God the father almyghty in the vnytie of the holy goost all honour ād glorye 19 he speaketh alowd for euer woorlde wtout ende 20 the Clerke āswereth Amen We beyng warned by wholsome preceptes ande infourmed by the institucion of God dare boldely saye 21 he holdeth vp hys handes Our father whych art in heauen holowed be thy name Thy kyngdom come Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauen Gyue vs thys daye oure daylie bread And forgyue vs our trespasse as we forgyue thē that trespasse agaīst vs. And lett vs not be led into tentacion 22 the Clerke sayth But delyuer vs frōme euell 23 the preest saith secretlye Amen Delyuer vs Lorde we beseche the from all euelles past present for too come and by the intercession of the blessed and glorious perpetuall virgin Marye the mother of God ād thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paule and Andrew with all thy Sayntes 24 He kisseth the paten thē putteth it to his right eye then to his lyft eye then he crosseth his croūe and layeth it doūe againe Be mercifull and gyue peace in our dayes that we beyng holpen by the helpe of thy mercy maye be alwayes both free from synne and safe frōme all trouble 25 He breketh the Hoste in iii. partes first ī ii sayeng by the same our lorde Iesus Christ thy sōne 26 Here he maketh it iii. peeces whych with the lyueth and reygneth in the vnytie of the holye ghooste 27 He speketh alowde for euer ande euer 28 The clerk sayth Amen The peace of 29 He crosseth the Chalice iii. times with one pece of the Hoste the lord he euer wyth you O lābe of God which takest away the sīne of the world haue mercy on vs. O lābe of god whych takest away the sīne of the woord haue mercy on vs. O lambe of God which takest away the sinne of the world geue vs peace 30 He crosseth the Chalice with one pece of the host ād then putteth it into the Chalyce Thys holye menglīg together of the body bloud of our Lord Iesus Chryst be to me to all that receaue it saluacyō of mynde and body and a healthfull preparacyon to deserue ande receaue euerlasting lyfe trough the same Chryst our lord Amen O holy lord father almyghty eternall God graunt me to receaue this holy body blod of thy sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ so worthily that I may deserue by it to receaue remyssion of all my sīnes to be replenisshed with thy holy spyrit to haue thy peace for thou art god alone ther is none other but thou whose kīgdō īpery lasteth gloryous wtout ende for euer euer Amē 32 he kisseth the paxe Peace be to the to the Church of God 33 The clerk sayth to thy spyrite O God the father foūtayne ād begīning of all goodnes whch by mercye we rest ledde and wouldest that thyne onelye begotten Sonne shoulde comme doune too the loweste partes of the woorlde and take flesh whych I vnworthy holde here in my hādes 34 He kneleth doune to the Hoste I worship the I glorify the yea with all thītēt of my hart I prayse the besech the that thoue forsake not vs thy seruauntes butt forgyue oure synnes so that we maye bee able too serue the the onlye lyuynge and trewe GOD wyth a pure harte and a chaste boddye Thoroughe the same Iesus Chryst our lorde Amē Let the obseruaūce of my seruyce please the 35 After this Colet he maketh a crosse on the Aulter kisseth it putteth of hys vpper vesture O holy trynytie and graunt that thys sacrifice whych I vnworthy haue offred to the eyes of thy Maiestie may be acceptable to the propiciatorie too me and to all them that I haue offred it for through thy mercy which liuest and reignest GOD woorlde wtoute ende Amen A sermon made by the famous Clerk of worthy memorye Doctour Marten Luther of the greate blasphemy agaynst God which the Papystes daylie do vse readyng thys Antechristian Canon in theyr Masses Before we take on to vew or suruey that horrible abhomynacion of the moost fylthy Idolatry againste God of the mooste cursed Canon whych the sluggish papystes call the masse in whych they wyth cruell mouth dayly beslauer the hygh Maiestye of God we thynk it best that we