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B13585 The saints hope, and infalliblenes thereof. or Two sermons preached before the English companie at Middelb. about the moneth of October, 1608. Written by Mr. Iohne Forbes, at the earnest request of the hearers, and now published by them for the generall instruction and comfort of all Gods children Forbes, John, 1568?-1634. 1610 (1610) STC 11134; ESTC S115118 69,305 128

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Therefore doth the Apostle so describe him in this place The Father to be considered as God and Father of Christ In the which there are two things to be noted 1. That the Father must be the God and Father of the Sonne before we obtaine this blessing 2. That the Sonne must be our Lord befor the Father being nowe both God and Father to the Sonne doe bestow vpon vs this blessing The first teacheth vs that our Adoption Calling c. are in and for Christ not simply as he is God nor simply as hee is man but as he is both God and man and so Mediator betwixt God and man for as hee is man the Father is his God and so doth he himselfe cal him My God my God why hast thou forsaken me and as hee is God the Father is his Father from all eternitie The second teacheth vs that wee must bee of the number of these who are giuen by the Father to the Sonne and for whom the Sonne hath dyed to deliuer thē out of the handes of their ennemies that they should serue him without feare al the dayes of their life in holines and righteousnes before him Luc. 1.74 both these are euident in the wordes The first in that hee giueth thankes to God for so it should bee reade and Father of Christ for this blessing of hope The second in that he styles Christ our Lord both conteine not only rare wonderfull mysteries but matter of most singular cōfort and necessary instruction to all Christians To speak a litle of the first it is a matter of great admiration to see the love of the Father toward mā so great that he would haue his Sonne abasing himselfe so for mans redēption that he would have him become a seruant and subiect to obedience as other mē So speaketh the Father by the Prophet Behold my seruant Isay 42.1 I will stay vpon him mine elect in whom my Soule delighteth not only that but much more that which him so abased hee would establish his couenāt to be the God Father of Christ as hee is man all mankind hauing lost that felicity in the fall of Adā so that in Christ Iesus 2. Sam. 7.14 conferred with Heb. 15. the man blessed for euer the Father beginneth to be a God Father to mankind againe Next in this point is to be admired the wonderful loue of the Sonne to man Philip. who being in the forme of God thought it no robbery to be equall with God but he made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruant and was made like vnto men and was found in shape as a man hee humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death even the death of the Crosse Hereby it cometh to passe that the Sonne of God becometh our brother so we againe in Gods infinite mercie Psal 22.25 conferred with Heb. 12. restored to the dignitie of the Sonnes of God in Christ who hauing taken parte with vs of flesh blood was not ashamed to call vs brethren vs I say whom the Father had given him Isay 8.18 conferred with Heb. 2.13 and also the children of God Behold here am I and the children which God hath giuen me Thus nothing in the world should more reioyce our hearts then the incarnation of the Sonne of God Luc. 2.14 by the which glorie came to God in the highest heavens peace in the earth and goodwill towards men and by the which God became to be with vs therfore was he called Emanuel Isay 7.14 Math. 1.23 for the true tabernacle of God became to bee with men when the Sonne of God became man The vse for our instruction of this first point is threefold No saving knowledge nor sight of God but in Christ 1. Wee must hereby learne that God maketh his covenant of grace immediatly and first with his Sonne made man for this is the worde of the covenant I wil be your God and yee shal be my people and in the place before cited out of the 2. of Sam. cap. 7 I wil be his Father and he shal be my Sonne Thus none in all the world of all the posterity of Adam was worthy with whom the Lord should enter in covenant but his Sonne alone in whom it is that wee are made the children of God hee first becoming our brother Thus it is evident that we cannot have the Lord to be either God or Father to vs but in Christ Therefore he sendeth this Message with Marie to his Disciples as the most comfortable that he could sende after his Resurrection Ioh. 20.17 Goe to my Brethren and say to them I assende to my Father and your Father to my God and your God Therefore the nature of true faith is alwayes to looke to God in Christ to behold all blessings comming from the Father in and for Christ to see God to be a God a Father in him alone so that who looketh not to God in Christ can see nothing in him to comfort them but by the contrary they must see him armed with wrath and iustice to their everlasting confusion as their Iudge and not as their God The second is that they doe not know God aright vnto salvation who only know him as the Father of the Sonne and doe not knowe him as their God The knowledge of the incarnation of the Son necessary to Life for it is not sufficient to know the mysterie of the Trinitie vnto Salvation but wee must also know the mysterie of the humiliation of the second person whereby hee became a servant to the Father the Father became his God Therefore must we both learne to know the eternal generation of the Son as God equall with the Father And that also whereof the Lord speaketh in the 2. Psalme Thou art my Sonne this day haue I begotten thee Whereby is vnderstood the manifestation of the sonne in the flesh and declaration of him now to bee the Sonne of God The third vse is to know the diuers grounds of Gods dispensation of his benefites to man which are two The first is in his Sonne as Creator Ruler Vpholder of the world in whom they are they live they mooue Act 17.25 c. and who giueth to al life breath and all things by which reason also all men are the generation of God in respect of their creation The second ground of his dispensation is in his Sonne as Redeemer of the world and Mediatour betwixt the Father and Man being himselfe both God and Man and hauing the Father both God and Father to him that hee might bring the rest of the children giuē to him not only to the dignitie of sonnes againe but also to the glorie In which respect the elect all the generation of God by regeneration and new birth besides that they are the generation of God with the rest of the world
THE SAINTS HOPE AND INFALLIBLENES THEREOF or Two Sermons preached before the English Companie at Middelb about the moneth of October 1608. Written by Mr. Iohne Forbes at the earnest request of the hearers and now published by them for the generall instruction and comfort of all Gods children Printed at Middelborough by Richard Schilders 1610. To his deare and welbeloved in the Lord the faithfull English Companie at Middelburrough increase of wisdome and grace from God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ be multiplied YOur earnest request in the Lord most heartely beloued in him was that I would put in writte to you those first Sermons which at the will of God I preached amongst you J confesse that I am obliged to you all in all duties of love because of the abundance of your love to me or rather to the Lord Iesus Therfore although the cōsciēce of my weaknes infirmitie did ever till this houre hold me back frō writing or presēting in writte any of my weake labours to the vse of any yet I could not resist your lawful earnest desire in this particular praying God to direct it to his glorie your comfort Receive thē the first two conceaved in substance as I deliuered them but in larged according to the speciall consolatiōs which it pleased the Lord to minister vnto my owne heart out of this Scripture in time of my most heavie sickenes when J was dayly in hope to goe out of this body to dwell with the Lord. If yee finde any comfort in them give all the glory to him who is able by the mouth of Babes and Sucklings to make perfect his prayse And not staying as Babes vpon the vse of this milke goe on in strength by the solide comfort of that strong meate which yee have abundantly in the Lords great mercie dayly ministred vnto you by the painfull labours and faithfull watchfulnes of your louing and learned Pastour whom the Lord hath taught to be a Scribe in his kingdome a faithfull and wise steward to give his children their portion of meate in season at whose mouth receiving that sincere milke of the word ye shall doubtles grow vp to be a spirituall house an holy Priesthood to God by Iesus Christ our Lord whose special blessing J pray for to his worke amongst you that you to your Pastour and he to you may be a ioy a glorie and a crowne of reioysing in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ at his comming whose grace mercie and peace be with you all Amen Yours in the Lord M. I. F. 1. Epist of Peter Cap. 1. verse 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his abundant mercie hath begotten vs againe vnto a lively hope by the resurrection of Iesus from the dead IT is most true which the Apostle saith to the Corinths 1. Cor. 15 19. that if in this life only wee haue hope in Christ wee are of all men the most miserable For in al outward things concerning this present life the wicked for the most part are in much better case then the godly who dayly bearing the crosse through many tribulations and afflictions do enter in the kingdome of heaven This being a thing necessarie Rom. 8.17 2. Tim. 2.12 that whosoeuer shall reigne with Christ must first suffer with him For there is no other way whereby the members can enter into glorie but the same by which the Prince of saluation was consecrate Herefore it is that the Apostle in this Epistle being to exhort the Saints to constancie in holines patient bearing of all afflictions doth lay the foundation of his doctrine and prepare the way to this Exhortation by setting before their eyes the hope of eternall life in Heauen with God * The fight of things invisible sustaine the Saints in this life Knowing that in this life there is nothing no not the very inward beginnings of grace and sense of the goodnes and bountifulnes of God of the peace ioy spirituall that is able to vpholde the Saints in suffering for Christ if they had no esperance of greater and more excellent things after this life in the world to come Therefore it is that in the Scriptures the spirit leadeth the Saints alwayes to the sight of the glory that is to be manifested to the Price of their high calling in Iesus and to the recompence of reward laid vp for thē in the heauens 2. Cor. 4.10 c. knowing that the dayly bearing about of the dying of our Lord in our bodies and in the dayly decay of the outward man wee were not able to endure without fainting if we did not cast our eyes vpon things invisible and eternall Act. 7.55 and not vpon things visible which perish It was the sight of the glory of God and of Iesus at the right hand of God that made Stephan to endure stoning to death It was the sight of him who is invisible and of the recompence of reward which made Moses to despise the wrath of Pharao Heb. 11.24 to esteeme the reproach of Christ greater riches then the treasures of Aegipt The thing which did susteine Iob in his greatest miseries Iob. 19.26 was the hope and assurance he had that he should see God in his flesh although that after his skin wormes should destroy his body even that he himselfe should see him that his eyes should beholde him none other for him Heb. 12.2 Christ Iesus our Lord himselfe endured the crosse and despised the shame for the ioy which was laid before him According to which examples we must also indevour to holde the eyes of our minde fixed vpon Iesus the authour and finisher of our faith where he sitteth at the right hande of the Father crowned with glory and honour waiting stil for our blessed hope which also the very Creature waiteth for Rom. 8.19 and in waiting groneth and laboureth in paine because it also is subdued vnder hope that it also shal be delivered from the bondage of corruption in that day This is the cause wherefore the Apostle Peter in this place doth speake so much of this hope even that as he himselfe exhorteth vs wee may gird vp the loynes of our mindes and bee sober and trust perfectly or to the ende in the grace which is brought to vs in the revelation of Iesus Christ putting on as the Apostle Paul exhorteth vs 1. Thes 5.8 the hope of salvation for our helmet In setting downe this hope the Spirit of God for our further comfort and the more strong inforcing of the exhortation builded thereupon doth meete the chiefe tentations which may assault our weakenes in the troubles which accompanie the profession of the truth of which three are touched in the word which we haue read The one concerneth Life it selfe the other the Qualitie and Condition of that life the last the Certaintie and Assurance of
it So first because the Apostle did knowe howe hard and difficill a thing it is to perswade man to forsake this present world the life the glory the riches the reast pleasures of it except hee have esperance of an other world life glory riches pleasure Therfore doth hee first set downe the exceeding mercie and goodnes of God in begetting vs to the hope of life in the heavens Secondly in respect the naked hope of an other life is not sufficient to perswade vs to forsake this life nor to minister solide ioy in suffering for it except we know that this life for which we hope be much more excellent and precious Therefore in the second place the Apostle describeth the excellencie of this life hoped for Thirdly seeing for the solide consolation of the Saints it is required that not only they have hope of life and knowe the excellencie of it but also that they bee sure not to be frustrat nor disappointed of their hope Therefore in the third place hee declareth the certaintie infalliblenes of this hope In these three points consists the substance of the worde which wee have read whereof wee are now to speake as the Lord shal assist by his grace But first of all before we enter to speake of these three Gods benefits never to be remembred without thankfulnes we must consider the maner which the Apostle vseth in propounding of them which is by way of thanksgiving To teach vs in what maner wee should speak of the blessings of God whose goodnes to vs should never be remēbred without out thankesgiuing to him Hee chooseth vs he predestinateth vs he calleth vs Ephes 1.6 saith the Apostle to the praise of the glory of his grace Therefore when ever it pleaseth him to bestow vpō vs the fruits of his love and free grace in Iesus Christ wee should alwaies receiue them thinke and speake of them so as our God receive of vs the thing for which hee giveth them that is the prayse of his glorious grace wherwith he doth abound towards vs in all spirituall blessings in Iesus Christ There is a great difference betwixt the maner of speech of those who speake vpon a bare and naked knowledge of the blessings of God and of those who speake from the sense feeling of them as having tasted themselves of the goodnes and bountifulnes of God in these blessings towards thē in Christ The speech of the one as it is without feeling so is it fectles and without force they can speake of his goodnes and not give him glorie whereas the other are forced by their feeling to glorifie God because he is good his love in their hearts constrayning them as saith the Apostle 2. Cor. 5.14 This is the cause why the Saints in Gods word have made so many songs of praise and thanksgiuing to God so sweete is the sense of his mercie and so deepe was the insight they had of it towards thēselves that they have provoked all the creatures to praise him because hee is good and his mercie endureth for ever as though themselves alone were not sufficient to speake of the praise of his grace towards them yea the helpe of al creatures being too too small in their iudgement to make thē worthely to render him the glorie of his goodnes to them alone knowing that their tongues and lips were not able condignely to thanke him they haue called on their soules and all that is within them to prayse his holy name This serveth for a tryal to vs to examine ourselues in what sort wee possesse the knowledge of the grace of God towardes man in Christ Surely it is to be feared that there is small sense lively feeling of it within vs when thankfulnes doth not outwardly abound in our speeches and actions And hereby may we iustly esteeme this age although it abound in knowledge yet to haue small feeling of the things knowen seing the affections of men are so slenderly touched with the loue of God and his goodnes neither heart nor tongue being prepared to proclayme his prayse The Prophet saith and so doth the Apostle I beleeved and therefore I spoke 2. Cor. 4.13 surely where faith is there wil be speech The Apostle therefore writing to the Colossians bids them abounde in faith with thanksgiuing Colos 2.7 The same Apostle willing to make vs vnderstand what is the nature of true knowledge after hee hath exhorted vs to know the will of the Lord to be filled with the Spirit he subioynes an exhortation to practise the effects of this knowledge and amongst the rest hee desireth vs alwayes to giue thanks for al things to God the Father in the name of Iesus Christ our Lord ioyning these two things together and teaching vs that no blessing yea nothing should happen to vs for the which we should not giue thankes to God For that is the nature of true grace truly ingraffed in the heart for all things even for Afflictions to prayse the Lord. Let vs looke on the example of Iob when God did permit Satā to spoyle him of his substance Iob. 1.21 his speech is The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken it blessed be the name of the Lord. Beholde hee acknowledgeth that it was the Lord that did giue it was the Lord that did take and hee blessed the Lord both in giuing him and in taking from him If then the very Afflictions chastisements wherby the Lord exerciseth the faith and tryeth the patience of his Saints bee iust matter both of reioycing as Iames saith Iam. 1.2 and also of thanksgiuing how much more should we render thanks to God for our Election our Calling our Iustification and all the rest of his blessings both spirituall and bodilie Let vs learne then with the Apostle and according to the former exhortation of Paul to give thanks alwayes for al things to God the Father in the Name of Iesus Christ our Lord. So much concerning the maner of the Apostles speaking and propounding this blessing Now wee come to the matter it selfe which wee diuided in three wherof the first concerneth the blessing of God bestowed vpon vs. In declaring of this blessing wee haue these points set downe by the Apostle in order 1. The Authour and giuer of it to wit the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ 2. The cause mouing him to call vs to so excellent a blessing to wit his aboundant mercie 3. The preparatiue fitting mindes wherby he both makes vs able for the benefite and brings vs to it to wit The begetting of vs againe 4. The blessing it selfe to wit a liuing hope or the hope of life 5. And last the ground and foundation of this hope to wit the Resurrection of Christ from the dead Now concerning the first it is the Father who is the Authour of this blessing as he is the God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ