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A71329 Here after foloweth the prymer in Englysshe sette out alonge, after the vse of Sarum. 1538; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church. 1538 (1538) STC 16004; ESTC S105507 112,078 275

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thy father and thy mother 〈…〉 Honour father and mother this is the fyrste commaundement that hath any promyse that thou mayst be in good estate and lyue longe on the earthe By this commaundement Chryste teacheth vs not onely to haue our father and mother in reuerence and to obey them as he hym selfe was subiecte vnto his Mother the virgyn Mary but also to minyster vnto theyr necessytes ¶ 〈…〉 ●Hou shalt not kyll Matth. v. Ye haue herde how it was sayde vnto them of the olde tyme. Thou shalt not kyll who soeuer kyilleth shal be in daunger of iudgement But I say to you who soeuer is angry with his brother shal be in daunger of iudgement who soeuer sayth to his brother Racha shal be in daunger of a counsell But who soeuer sayth thou fole shal be in daunger of hell fyer 〈…〉 Ye haue herde howe it is sayd Thou shalte loue thy neyghbour and hathe thyn enemye But I say vnto you loue your enemyes blysse them that curse you do good to them that hathe you pray for them that do you wronge and persecute you that ye may be the chyldrē of your father whiche is in heuen For he maketh the sonne to aryse on the euyll and on the good and sendeth his rayne on the iuste and on the vniuste ¶ 〈…〉 ●Hou shalt not breake wedlocke Math. v Ye haue herde how it was sayd to them of olde tyme thou shalte not commyt aduoutry But I say to you that who soeuer loketh on a wyfe luslynge after her hath cōmytted aduoutry with her all redy in his herte 〈…〉 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes and let thy chambre be vndefyled for hoore kepers and aduouterers God wyll iudge ¶ ●Hou shalt not steale 〈…〉 Steale not defraude no man Yf any man wyll sue the at the lawe and take thy co●e from the let hym haue thy cloke also gyue to hym that asketh and from hym that wolde borowe turne not awaye 〈…〉 Now is there vtte●lye a faute amonge you because ye go to lawe one with another Why rather suffre ye not wrōge why rather suffre ye not your selues to be robbed yea euen youre selues do wronge and robbe and that the brethrene Ephesi iiij Let hym that dyd steale steale no more but let him rather labour with his handes some good thynge that he maye haue to gyue vnto hym that nedeth ¶ ●Hou shalte beare no false wytnesse agaynst thy neyghbour 〈…〉 Beare no false wytnesse I say to you that of euery ydle worde whiche men shal haue spoken they shal gyue aecomptes at the daye of iudgement 〈…〉 Wherfore put away lyng and speake euery man trueth to his neyghboure for as moche as we are membres one of another Let not fylth communycacyon procede out of your mouthes but that whiche is good to edifye with al when nede is that it may haue ●au●ur with the hearers Ephe. v. Let al bytternesse fearsnesse and wrath rorynge and cursed speakyng be put away from you Let no fylthynesse folysshe talkyng nor iestynge whiche are not comly be ones named amonge you but rather gyuyng of thankes ¶ ●Hou shalt not coueyt thy neyghboures house Neyther shalt thou coueyt thy neyghbours wyfe his man seruaunt his mayde his oxe his asse or ought that is his 〈…〉 What soeuer ye wolde that men shulde do to you euen so doo ye to them To loue a mannes neyghbour as hym selfe is a greater thynge then all burnte offerynges and sacryfyces Be not ouercomme with luste for the care of this worlde and the disceytfulnesse of ryches choke te worlde 〈…〉 Let your conuersacyon ●et without couetousnes and be content with that that ye haue al redy Godlynes is great ryches yf a man be content with that he hath For we brought nothynge in to the worlde and it is a playne case that we cary nothyng out When we haue fode and rayment let vs ther with be content They that wyll be ryche fall in to temptacyon and snares and in to many folysshe and noysom lustes whiche drowne men in perdicyon and destruccion For couetousnes is the rote of all euyl whiche whyle some lusted after they erred from the fayth and tangled thē selues with many sorowes ●hese wordes which I cōmaunde the this day shall be in thyne herte and thou shalt whette them on thy chyldren and shalt talke of them when thou arte at home in thy house and as thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou rysest vp and thou shalte bynde them for a sygne vpon thy hande And they shall be papers of remembraunce bytwene thyne eyes and thou shalte wryte them vpon the postes of thy house and vpon thy gates ●…ake hede and heare al these wodes which I commaunde the that it may go wel with the and with thy chyldren after the for euer when thou doest that whiche is good and ryght in the syght of the lorde thy god 〈…〉 Se thou do that whiche is ryght in the syght of the lord that thou mayst prosper 〈…〉 Ye shall do after nothynge that we do here this day euery man what semeth hym good in his owne eyes But what soeuer I commaunde you that take hede ye do and put nothynge therto nor take ●…ght therfrom 〈…〉 Cursed be he that contynueth not in all the wordes of this lawe to do them 〈…〉 Yf ye loue me kepe my commaundemētes 〈…〉 Happy are they that heare the worde of god and kepe it 〈…〉 who soeuer shall kepe the hole lawe and yet fayle in one poynt he is gylty in al. For he that sayd Thou shalt not commyt aduoutry sayd also thou shalt noc kyll 〈…〉 They that feare the lorde kepe his commaundementes The symbole of Athanasius ¶ 〈…〉 ●hich fayth but yf euery man wyl kepe hole and inuyolate without douth he shall eternaly perisshe ●his truly is the verye Catholyke faythe that we worshyp one god in trinyte and the trinyte in vnyte ●eyther cōfoundyng the persones neyther seperatynge the substance ●he persone of the Father is one the person of the Sone an other the person of the holye Ghoste an other ●ut of the Father of the Sone and of the holy Ghost there is one dyuinyte equal glory coeternall maiesty e. ●uche as is the Father suche is the Sonne suche is the holy Ghoste ●he Father is vncreate the Sone vncreat the holy Ghost is vncreat ●he father is without measure the Son with out measure the holy ghost without measure ●he Father is euerlastynge the Sone euerlastyng the holy Ghost euerlasting ●nd not withstandyng there be not iij. euerlastyng the holy Ghost euerlastyng ●uyn as there be not thre vncreat nor itj. vnmesurate but one vncreat et one vnmesurate ●ykewyse the Father is almyghty the Son almyghty and the holy Ghoste almyghty ●nd yet they bet not thre Almyghtyes but one god almyghty ●o the Father is God the Sonne God the holy ghost is God ●nd yet they be not iij goddes but one god ●o the
Father is a lorde the Sone a lorde the holy Ghost a lorde ●nd yet they be not iij. lordes but one lorde ●or as we be compelled by the Christian veryte to confesse seperatly euery one person to be God and Lorde ●o are we prohybite by the Catholike relygyon of Chrystes fayth to say that there be iij. Goddes or thre lordes ●he Father is made of none neyther created nor gotten ●he Sone is frō the Father alone neyther made ne create but gotten ●he holy Ghost is frō the Father and the Sone neyther made created nor gotten but procedynge ●nd so there is but one Father not thre Fathers one Sonne not thre Sonnes one holy Ghoste not thre holy Ghostes ●nd in this Trinyte there is none before or after another nothynge more or lesse but all the thre persons be coeterne and coequall to them selte ●o that by alwayes as now it hath ben aboue sayd the Trinyte in vnite and the vnite in Trinyte may be worsshypped ●e therfore that wyll be saued let hym vnderstande thus of the Trinyte ●ut it is necessary vnto euerlastyng health that euery christian beleue also faythfully the in carnacyon of our lorde Iesu chryste ●t is therfore the ryght fayth that we beleue confesse that our lorde Iesu Chryste the Sone of God is God and man ●e is god by the substance of the Father gotten before all worldes and he is man by the substance of his mother borne in the worlde ●erfyte God perfyte man beynge of a soule reasonable and offlesshe humayne ●quall to the Father by his Godhed lesse thē the Father by his manhed ●hiche thoughe he be God and man yet is there not twyane but one Chryste ●ruely he is one not by turnyng of his godhed in to māhed but by assumptynge of his manhed in to godhed ●●ynge one to all intentes not by confusion of ●ub●ance but by vnite of person ●or as the reasonable soule and the flesshely body is or maketh one man so God and man is one Chryste ●hiche suffered death for our saluacyon descended to helle and rose from death the thyrde daye ●hiche ascended to heuens sytteth at the ryght hāde of God the Father almyhghty from thense shall he come to Iudge the quycke and dead ●t whose comynge all men muste ryse w t theyr bodyes and shall gyue accompt of theyr owne propre dedes ●nd they that haue done well shall go in to euerlastyng lyfe they that haue done euyll in to euerlastynge fyre ●his in the Catholyke fayth whiche excepte euery man faythfully and stedfastly do beleue he can not be saued The Offyce of all Estates A Bysshop muste be fautlesse the husbande of one wyfe sober discrete honestly appareled herberous apte to teache not dronken no fyghter not gyuen to fylthy lucre but gentyll abhorrynge fyghtynge abhorrynge couetousnesse and one that ruleth his owne house honestly hauynge chyldren vnder obedyence with all honeste ¶ 〈…〉 ●…e that are rulers of the earth se that you loue ryghteousnes and that you commyt none vnryghteousnes in iudgement Thou shalte not fauour the poore nor honoure the myghty but shalt iudge thy neyghbour ryghtteously ¶ 〈…〉 ●…e shall not deceyue your brethren neyther with weyght nor measure but shall haue true ballances and true weyghtes for I am the Lorde your God ¶ 〈…〉 ●…us bandes loue your wyues euen as chryst loued the congregacyon and gaue hym selfe for it to sanctyfy it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorowe the worde to make it vnto hym selfe a gloryous congregacyon without spot or wrencle or any suche thynge so ought men to loue theyr wyues as theyr owne bodyes He that loueth his wyfe loueth hym self For no man euer yet hated his owne flesshe but norysshed is c. ¶ 〈…〉 ●●yues submyt your selues to your owne husbandes as to the lorde For the husbande is the wyues hed euen as Chryst is the heed of the congregacyon Therfore as the congregacyon is in subieccyon to Chryste lykewyse lette the wyues be in subieccyon to theyr husbandes in all thynges ¶ 〈…〉 ●e fathers moue not your chyldren vnto wrath but brynge them vp with the nurture and informacyon of the lorde ¶ 〈…〉 ●●hyldren obey your fathers and mothers in the Lorde for so it is ryght Honour thy father and mother that is the fyrst commaundement that hathe any promyse that thou mayste be in good estate and lyue longe on the earthe ¶ 〈…〉 ●e maysters do to youre seruauntes that whiche is iuste and equall put tynge away all bytternesse and theatenynges knowynge that euen ye also haue a mayster in heuen ¶ 〈…〉 ●…eruauntes be obedyent to youre bodyly maysters in all thynges not with eye seruice as mē pleasers but ī synglenesse of herte tearynge god And what soeuer ye do do it hertely as thoughe ye dyd it vnto the lorde and not vnto men for as moche as ye knowe that of the lorde ye shall receyue the rewarde of inheritaunce for ye serue the Lorde Christ ¶ 〈…〉 ●he that is a very wydowe and frendlesse putteth her truste in god and contynueth in supplycacyon and prayer nyght and day ¶ 〈…〉 ●Oue thy neyghbour as thy self what soeuer ye wolde y t other shulde do to you do you euē y e same to thē and what ye wolde not y t other men shulde do to you se y t ye do it not to them The preface y e maner to lyue well ¶ 〈…〉 FOr to begyn the maner of salutary or helth full lyuyng And to come to perfection how well I haue more nede to be instruct than for to teche other yet kepe these small doctrines here folowyng to your powers Fyrst ryse vp at vj. of the clocke in the mornynge in all seasons and in your rysyng do as foloweth Thanke our lorde of test that he gaue you that nyght Commende you to god byssed lady saynt mary and to that saynt whilh is feested that day and to all the sayntes of heuen Secōdly beseche god that he preserue the that day frō deedly synne at all other tymes And pray hym that all the werkes that other dooth for you may be accept to the lawde of his name of his glorioꝰ mother of all the company of heuen Uvhan hye haue arayed you say in your chambre or lodgyng maryns pryme houres yf ye may Than go to the chyrche or ye do ony worldly werkes yf ye haue no nedefull besynesse abyde in the chyrche the space of a lowe masse whyle where ye shall thynke and thanke god of his benefytes Thynke a whyle on the goodnesse of god on his dyuyne myght and vertue Thynke what gyft he hath gyuen to you to create you so nobly as to his ymage lykenesse Thynke also what grace he hath done to you in the sacrament of baptysme clensyng your soule from synne Thynke how many tymes ye haue offended hym syth ye were cristened Thynke how mekely he hath abyden your recournyng from synne Thynke from how many daungers he hath preserued
●oly ●oly ●orde god of Sabaoth ●euyn and earth are fulfylled with the glory of thy maiestye ●he glorious cōpany of the apostles prayse the. ●he goodly felowshyp of the prophetes worshyp the. ●e noble armony of martyrs prayse the ●he holy churche throughout all the worlde doth magnyfye the. ●hey knowledge the to be the father of an infynite maiesty ●hey knowledge thy honourable and very onely sone ●nd the holy ghost also to be a conforter ●hou arte the kynge of glory o Chryste ●hou arte the euerlastyng sone of the father ●hen thou tokest vpon the our nature to delyuer man y u dyddest not abhorre the virgyns wōbe ●hen thou haddest ouercomen the sharpnesse of death thou openest the kyngdome of heuyns to all true beleuers ●hou syttest on the ryght hande of god in the glory of the father ●e beleue that thou shalt com to be our iuge ●e therfore pray the helpe thy seruaūtes whome thou hast redemed with thy precyous bloude ●ake them to be nombred with thy sayntes in ●…ye euerlastynge ● lorde saue thy people and blesse thy herytage ●ouerne and also lyfte theym vp ī to blesse euerlastynge ●e prayse the euery daye ●nd we worshyp thy name euer worlde without ende ●ouchsaufe good lorde to kepe vs this daye without synne ● lorde haue mercy vpō vs haue mercy vpō vs. ● lorde let thy mercy lyghten vpon vs euen as we trust in the. ● lorde ī the haue I trusted let me neuer be confoūded ●…oly mother of god make thy pet●cyon 〈…〉 ●hat we may deserue Chrystes promyssyon ¶ 〈…〉 ●…e deum ●…iserere mei deus ● Aue mercy vpon me o god accordynge to thy great mercy ●nd accordyng to the multytude of thy compassyons wype away myn iniquite ●et wasshe me more from myne iniquite and elense me from my synne ●or I knowledge myne iniquite and my synne is euer before myne eyes ●gaynst the onely haue I synned and haue done euyll in thy syght that thou mayste be instifyed in thy wordes and mayst vaynquysshe whē thou hast iudged ●o I was begotten in wyckednesse and my mother conceyued me in synne ●o thou haste loued trueth the vnknowen and secrete thynges of thy wysdome hast thou reueled vnto me ●pryncle me lorde with ysope and so shall I be cleane thou shalt wasshe me and then shal I be whyter then snowe ●nto my hearynge shalt thou gyue ioye gladnesse and my brosed bones shal be refresshed ●ourne thy face frō my synnes and wype away all my wyckednesse ● pure herte create in me oh god an vp ryght spyryte renewe within me ●ast me not away from thy face and thyne holy spyryte take not from me ●ake me agayn to reioyse in thy sauynge helth and strenthen me with a pryncypal spyryte ●wyll enstruct the wycked ī thy wayes and the vngodly shall be conuerted vnto the. ●elyuer me frō bloudes oh god the god of my health my tōge shal exalte thy ryghtwysenesse ●orde open thou my lyppes my mouthe shall pronounce thy prayse ●or yf thou haddest desyred sacryfices I hadde surely gyuē it but y u delytest not ī burnt offrynges ●sacryfyce to god is a lowly spirit a contrite an humble herte dispyce not o god ●eale gently of thy fauourable beneuolenc● with Syon that the walles of Hierusalem may be buylte agayne ●hen shalt thou accept the sacryfyce of ryght wysnesse oblacyons and burnte offerynges then shall they lay calues vpon thyne altare ● This worde Laudes is asmoche to saye as prayses the feruyce folowynge is called so because it conteyneth onely the mere laudes prayses of Chryst and the virgyn his mother ¶ 〈…〉 The Laudes ●orde haste the to helpe me ●lorye be to the father to the sone to the holye ghoste ●● it was in the begynnyng as it is nowe and euer shall be So be it ¶ 〈…〉 wonderfull ●…ominus regnauit 〈…〉 ●He lorde hath reygned he hathe put on goodly aray the lorde hath armed hī selfe with strength and hath gyrded hym selfe ●e hath surely buylte set fast the roūde worlde so that it shall not be moued ●hy seate was then prepared o god but thou thy selfe arte of euerlastynge ●he floodes haue rysen o lorde the floodes haue rored ●he floodes haue lyfted vp theyr waues with great noyse and rorynge of many waters ●arueylous are the risynges of waters maruey lous is that lorde aboue ●hy testymonyes are made passynge credible holynes becometh thy house o lorde for euermore ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holye ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it ●ubilate deo omnis ●Ake ye melody vnto god all that inhabyte the earthe serue ye the lorde with gladnes ●utre ye in to his presence with ioyfulnesse ●nowledge ye the lorde that he is god he hath made vs and not we our selues ●e that are his people and the shepe of his pasture entre his gates in confessyon his court with hympnes to magnifye hym ●rayse his name for the lorde is swete his mercy is endelesse and his trueth contynueth from one generacyon to another ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the. ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is nowe ●eus deus meus ●Od thou arte my god early do I watche after the. ●y soule hath thrysted after the myflesshe hath longed very moche ●n a countre deserte wylde and dry so haue I appered before the in a holye place for to se thy power and thy glorye ●or thy mercy is better then lyfe my lyppes shall prayse the. ●o shall I prayse the in my lyfe and in thy name shall lyfte vp myne handes ●y soule shal be satysfyed as it were with enter larde and fatnes and my mouthe shal prayse the with lyppes full of ioye ●o haue I ben myndefull of the vpon my bed I shall set my thought on the in the mornynge tymes because thou wast myne helper ●nd I shall reioyce vnder the couerte of thy wynges my soule hath cleaued vnto the thy ryght hande hath susteyned me ●hey veryly haue sought my soule ī vayne they shal go into the lower partes of the earth they shall be put in to the power of a swearde they shall be the partes of the foxes ●he kynge truely shal ioye in god all shall praysed that sweare in hym for the mouth of thē that speake vngodlynesse is stopped ●●us misereatur nostri 〈…〉 ●Od haue mercy vpon vs and blesse vs let hym shew his face vnto vs and haue haue mercy vpon vs. ●hat we may knowe thy waye in earth and thy sauynge health amonge all nacyons ●●t the people make knowledge vnto god let all nacyons co●…sse the. ●oyfull and gladde be all folke because thou ●u lest people with equite and orderest the nacyons in earth ●et thy people knowledge the o god let all nacyons confesse to the for the earth hath yel ded her fruyte ●lesse vs our god all that inhabyt the
it ●he gloryous passyō of our lorde Iesu chryst ¶ 〈…〉 ●Oone after noone this mother soreweping Her sone callynge to his father myght heare Sawe from the body the soule departynge And a knyght openynge his hert with aspere For sorowe she fell downe in a sowne there O mercyfull lorde god what earthly wyght Uvolde nor haue rewed of that pyteous syght 〈…〉 Uve do prayse the and do pray the mother of god moost mercyfull ●hat thou entende vs to defende from death that is moost sorowfull ¶ 〈…〉 ●Oly lorde Iesu sone of the mooste swete virgyn Mary whiche sufferedest deathe for vs vpō a Crosse shew vnto vs thy mercy and graūt vnto vs vnto all that deuoutly haue in remēbraunce the cōpassyon of thy moost holy mother for her sake prosperous lyfe in this present worlde and throughe thy grace eternall glorye in the worlde to come Uvherin thou doest lyue rcygne one god with the holy ghoste worlde without ende So be it ●he dolourous cōpassvō of goddes moost swete mother brynge vs to the blysse of almyghty god the father So be it The Euynsonge ¶ 〈…〉 ●Yke as the seruyce that we be dayly accustomed to say ī the mornynge is called matyns euyn so is the seruyce vsed to be sayde or sōge towarde euyn called Euynsonge And this is the true sygnifycacyon and meanynge of the same worde whiche we call Euynsonge of our Lady bycause it is specyally done in the laude and praysynge of her ¶ 〈…〉 ●orde haste the to helpe me ●lory be to the father to the sone to the holy ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it 〈…〉 ●fter the byrth etatus sum ●Reioysed in those thynges that were sayde to me we shall go in to the lordes house ●ure feete were standynge in thy gates O Hierusalem ●ierusalem whiche is buylded lyke a cytie whose perticypacyon is within it selfe ●or thyther ascended the trybes euyn the trybes of the lorde the testymonye of Israel to acknowledge the lordees name ●or there sate the sytters in iudgement euyn the seate of the house of Dauid ●ray ye for the peace of Hierusalem and they shall haue plentye that loue the. ●et peace be made throughe thy vertue plenteousnes in thy houses ●or my brothers and kynredes sakes I prayed peace for the. ●or the house of our lorde god I besought good thynges for the. ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it ●d te leuaui oculos ●Nto the haue I lyfte vp myne eyes o god whiche inhabytest the heuyns ●uyn lyke as the eyes of seruaūtes wayt at the handes of theyr maysters ●s the eyes of a handemayden be vpō her maysters euyn so be our eyes vpon oure lorde god vntyl he haue mercy on vs. ●aue mercy on vs o lorde haue mercy on vs for we are fulfylled with moche contempte ●or our soule is fylled verye moche beynge scorned of the ryche and dispyced of the proude ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holye ghoste ●s it was in the begynnyng as it is nowe and euer shall be So be it ●isi quia dominus ●Xcept the lorde had ben amonge vs let Israel now speake except the lorde had ben amonge vs. ●hen men rose agaynst vs perauenture they myght haue swalowed vs vp quycke ●hen theyr fury was great agaynst vs perauēture water mought haue souped vs vp ●ur soule hath passed ouer a ryuer our soule perauenture myght haue passed ouer a water intollerable ●lessed be the lorde whiche hath not suffred vs to be caught with theyr teeth ●ur soule hath ben delyuered euyn as a sparowe from the foulers snare ●he snare is worne out and we are delyuered ●ur helpe consysteth in the name of the lorde whiche made heuyn and earth ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it ●ui confidunt ●Hey that truste in the lorde as a mountayne of Syō he shall neuer be moued which inhabyteth Hierusalem ●oūtaynes are in the cyrcute of it and the lords is in the cyrcuyt of his people frō this tyme forth and euermore ●or the lorde shall not leaue the rodde of synners vpō the lotte of the iuste leest the iuste shuld extende theyr handes vnto synne ●o wel o lorde to the good and vryght in hert ●ut those that swarue the lorde shall bryng in to bondes with them that worke wyckednesse peace be vpon Israel ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be So be it ●n conuertendo UHen the lorde tourned the captyuyte of Syon we were made gladde ●hen was our mouthe fulfylled with myrth our tongue with ioyfulnesse ●hen shal they say amonge the gentylles the lorde hath done greatly for them ●he lorde hathe done greatly for vs we are made ioyfull ●orde conuerte our captyuyte as a ryuer in the southe ●hey that sowe with teres shall reape with gladnes ●hey goynge forth went and wepte castynge theyr sedes ●ut comynge agayne they shall come with ioye bearynge theyr handes full of corne ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it After thy byrth virgyn thou dydest remayne Pray to thy sone to saue vs from payne ¶ ●Lessed art thou virgyn mary whiche hast borne the lorde that created the worlde Thou haste borne hym that made the yet thou remaynest a vyrgyn euermore Thākes be to god ¶ ●Ayle starre of the see moost bryght O mother of god immaculate I pure virgyn in goddes owne syght The gate of heuyn moost fortunate ●aluted thou wast with great humylyte Uvhen Gabryell sayd Aue Maria. Establysshe vs in sure tranquillite And chaunge the name of synfull Eua. ●oose the prysoners from captyuyte Unto the blynde gyue syght agayne Repell our great iniquite All that is good for vs obtayne ●hewe thy selfe to be a mother So that he accepte our peticyon Uvhiche for our sake before all other Uvas contented to be thy sone ●blessed lady O synguler virgyn In parfyte mekenesse all other excedynge Delyuer vs from bondage of synne And make vs meke and chaste in lyuynge ●ake vs euer pure lyfe to sue Guyde vs sauffy vpon our iourney That we beholdynge the face of Iesu May ioye with hym in heuyn alway ●lory be to god the father Glory to Chryst that made vs free Glory also to the holy comforter One god and persones thre So be it 〈…〉 race in thy vysage encreaseth euer more 〈…〉 hou haste ben blessed of god therfore 〈…〉 oly Mary ¶ 〈…〉 ●Y soule magnyfyeth the lorde ●nd my spyryte hath reioysed in god my sauyour ●or he hathe loked on the lowe degre
to the soole of thy fote thou wast wounded of the wycked Iewes thou wast all to torne and rent and al thy body made redde with thy most holy bloude the which great sorowe blessed Iesu in thy cleane virgyns bodye thou sufferydest Uvhat myghtest thou do more for vs then thou dydest Therfore benygre Iesu for the mynde of this passyon wryte all thy woūdes in my hert with thy moost precyous bloude that I maye bothe rede in them thy drede and thy loue And that I maye styll cōtynue in praysynge and thankynge the to my lyues ende So be it Our father whiche art in c. Hayle mary ful of grace our lorde is with cetera ¶ ● Iesu moost myghtye Lyon kynge immortall and moost vyctoryous Haue mynde of the sorow that thou sufferedest when all the powers of thyne herte body fayled the vtterly and then thou enclynynge thyne heade saydest thus It is all done For mynde of this anguysshe and sorowe haue mercy on me when my soule in the laste cōsumacyon and departyng of my breth shall be anguysshed and troubled So be it Our father whiche arte in heuyn halowed Hayle Mary full of grace our lorde is with ¶ ● Iesu the onely begottē sonne of almyghty god the father the bryghtnesse and fygure of his godly substaunce Haue mynde of that entyre commendacyon in whiche thou dyddest commende thy spiryte in to the handes of thy father and with a torne bodye broken hert shewyng to vs for our raunsome the bowelles of thy mercy for the redemynge of vs dydest gyue vp the breathe For mynde of that precyous deathe I beseche the kynge of sayntes conforte ●e to with stande the fende the worlde and my flesshe that I maye be dead to the worlde and lyuynge ghostly towarde the. And in the laste houre of my departynge fro this worlde receyue my soule cōmynge to the whiche in this lyfe is an out lawe and a pylgryme So be it Our father whiche Hayle Mary full of grace our lorde is with ¶ ● Iesu very true and plenteous vyne Haue mynde of the moost excedynge and habundant effusyō of bloude that thou sheddest moost plenteously as it had ben crusht out of a rype crustre of grapes when thou vpon the Crosse dydest treade that presse alone and gauest vs drynke bothe bloude and water out of thy syde beynge perced with a knyghtes spere so that in all thy body was not lefte a drop of bloude ne of water Then at the last lyke a bundell of myrre y u waste hanged on the crosse on hyghe where thy tender fless he waxed wanne and the lycoure of thy bowelles and the marye of thy bones was dryed vppe For mynde of this thy moost bytter passyō Swete Iesu wounde my herte that the water of penaunce and the teares of loue maye be my foode bothe nyghte and daye And good Iesu tourne me hole to the that my hert may be euer to the a dwellynge place and that my lyuynge may be euer pleasaunt and acceptable And that the ende of my lyfe may be so commendable that I may perpetually deserue to prayse the with all thy sayntes in blesse So be it Our father whiche arte in heuyn halowed Hayle Mary full of grace I beleue in god ¶ 〈…〉 ¶ 〈…〉 The seuen Psalmes THy that these vij psalmes folowyng are called penitenciall and be cheyfly noted aboue other the common opinion and mynde of many wryters is and hath ben that the kynge the Prophet Dauid compunt and stryken with herty repentaunce of his greuous adultry cōmitted with Barsabe and the detestable murder of Urie her husbāde beynge his knyght and seruaunt after he was admonysshed by Nathan the prophet of god shulde make them specyally to declare his inwarde sorowe and depe contricion that he toke for the same but whether it were done vpō that occasyon or not that I referre to the iudgement of other because that in the Psalter they stande not togyther ordrely yet this is very certeyne that they may well and of good cōgruēce be called penitenciall for so moche as penaūce in thē is so dilygētly often and manyfestly treated repeted and commended as ī the selfe Psalmes is easely perceyued 〈…〉 emembre not lorde 〈…〉 omine ne in furore ¶ 〈…〉 ● aue mercye on me lorde for I am sycke heale me lorde for my bones are broused ● nd my soule is verye sore troubled but howe longe lorde ● urne the lorde and delyuer my soule saue me for thy mercye ● or there is none in death that hath mynde of the and in hell who wyll knowledge the. ● haue laboured ī my sorow I shal euery nyght wasshe my bedde with teares shall I weate the place where I lye ● yne eye is troubled with woodnesse I haue waxen olde amonge al myne enemyes ● uoyde from me al ye that worke wyckednes for the lorde hath herd the noyse of my wepynge ● he lorde hath herde my prayer the lorde hath herde my pecicyon ● ct all myne enemyes be ashamed and confoūded let them be ashamed and confounded very quyckely ● lor● be to the father to the sone and to the holye ghoste ● s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it 〈…〉 cati quorum BLessed are they whose iniquities are forgyuen and whose synnes be couered ● lessed is the man to whom god shal not impute synne neyther in his spiryte is deceyte ● or I haue holdē me styll my bones haue waxē olde whylst I cryed all the daye ● or daye and nyght hath thyne hande be īburdened vpon me I was tourned in me trouble whylst my backebone was stryken ● haue made my faulte knowen to the and haue not hydde myne vnryghteousnesse ● sayde I shall cōfesse myne vnryghtuousnesse agaynst my selfe to the lorde and thou hast remy●tyd the wyckednesse of my synne ● or that shall euery holy ꝑsone praye vnto the in tyme conuenyent ● euerthelesse ī the surroundynge of many waters they shall not approche vnto hym ● hou arte my refuge from tribulacyō that hath enclosed me my ioy delyuer me from them that compasse me ● shall gyue the vnderstandynge and shall enstructe the ī thy way that thou shalte go I shall fasten myne eyes vpon the. ● e ye not made as the horse and the mule in whome is none vnderstandynge ● ynde the mouthes of theym in snafles brydles that wyll not drawe vnto the. ● any are the plages of the synner but hym that trusteth in the lorde he shall compasse with mercy ●e glad in the lorde and reioyse ye ryghtuous and be inyous all that be vpryght in herte ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it ●omine ne in furore ●Orde reproue me not in thy fury neyther in thyne angre correcte thou me ●or thyn arowes are fastened in me and vpon me hast thou enforced thyne