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A52355 A brief exposition of the First and Second Epistles general of Peter by Alexander Nisbet ... Nisbet, Alexander, 1623-1669. 1658 (1658) Wing N1165; ESTC R37734 248,842 354

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and serious searchers in the nature of this salvation held forth in the Gospel the Prophets were who did foretell of a more clear manifestation of the Doctrine concerning is and of a more plentifull out-letting of the graces of the Spirit upon those who live after Christ's incarnation than had been upon those who lived before and this may be taken for an argument by it self to move those upon whom that grace is bestowed chearfully to adhere to the Gospel notwithstanding of sufferings for it Hence Learn 1. The way of salvation by Jesus Christ which is held forth in the New Testament is no new light broken up since Christs dayes in the flesh but is the very same in substance which was known to the Prophets under the Old Testament and by them made known to the Church then although the doctrine of salvation be now clearer and the gifts and graces of the Spirit more plentifully dispensed since the price of redemption is actually paid for which God gave out upon trust grace and glory to the Elect before yet the way of salvation then and now is one and the same for substance for of that salvation which Believers in Christ do by Faith now under the Gospel receive the Apostle here speaks Of which salvation the Prophets have enquired c. 2. So sweet and ravishing a study is that way of salvation through Christ incarnate that the more knowledg therof any attain unto they will still be the more and more inquisitive and diligent after a further measure of it so that those can know nothing of Christ savingly who satisfie themselves with any measure of the knowledge of Him that they have already attained unto for even the Prophets after some insight in that way partly by immediate revelation and partly by their former diligence were not taken off from the painfull use of ordinary means such as Reading Meditation Prayer and carefull prying into the meaning of those manifold Types which held forth that way of salvation through the Messiah to come and the benefits which the Redeemed have by Him but did renew and double their diligence as is imported by the several words here to one purpose Of which salvation the Prophets have enquired and searched diligently 3. All that deliver the mind of God to His People ought to be affectionate and serious students of it themselves that so they may make the Truths they are to deliver their own and have their hearts affected therewith Psal 45.1 So may they expect it shall be more blest to take impression and have effects upon the hearers for the words here expressing the Prophets pains in the study of that way of salvation through Christ do import that never did Hunters with greater eagerness and delight pursue their game nor those that dig in the earth where they know some rich treasure is to be had more seriously apply themselves to that exercise than the Prophets did insist upon this study Of which salvation the Prophets have enquired and searched diligently who prophesied before 4. The prime subject both of the Old and New Testament whereupon all the Ministers of Christ should insist with His People is the free grace of God manifested in giving Christ for sinners in his powerfull drawing of their hearts to close with him for pardoning grace and for renewing of their natures by inherent grace and so obliging and enabling them to walk worthy of that grace of God for the sum of the Prophets work in which the Apostles concur as the following words do make clear was to prophesie of the grace that should come unto us 5. Although this grace was made known and communicated to them who lived before Christs incarnation Act. 10.43 Yet it is in a special manner come unto those who live after in regard of a clearer manifestation of the Doctrine of Gods Grace 2 Cor. 3.18 a more plentifull communication of the gifts and graces of his Spirit Act. 2.16 and that both of these are extended to some of all Nations Col. 3.11 In which respects it is here called The grace come unto us Vers 11. Searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signifie when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow The Apostle clears yet further the Prophets pains in the study of that way of salvation through Christ incarnate shewing that they were exceeding desirous and diligent to have known the particular time of his coming in the flesh and to have known more clearly than they did how happy those times behoved to be whereof the Spirit of Christ who was even then in an extraordinary way present with them did mean when he moved them to describe so long beforehand the humiliation or sufferings of the Messiah and his exaltation or the glorious effects that were to follow upon his sufferings to himself and his redeemed ones therefore they who lived after his incarnation ought chearfully and constantly to adhere to the Gospel notwithstanding of all their sufferings Hence Learn 1. It is the way which the Lord usually keeps with the dearest of his Servants to let out his mind to them by little and little to make plain some things to them and keep up other things from them that he may humble them quicken them to diligence and keep up correspondence betwixt himself and them for though it was made clear to the Prophets that Christ was to be incarnate that much grace should be in his dayes and more blessed times than any they had seen and however all of them had some intimation of the time of his incarnation by Jacob's prophesie Gen. 49.10 and those of them who lived after the Captivity by Daniel's prophesie Dan. 9.24 Yet they were kept dark concerning the particular time when he should come and the distinct quality of His times what form of Worship and way of administration of Gospel-Ordinances there should be then Therefore are they here set forth Searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signifie c. 2. The holy Spirit is a person subsisting distinct from the Father and the Son proceeding from both Joh. 15.26 and true God equal to both to whom future events are known as if they were actually existing for here he is called the Spirit of Christ and is said to testifie beforehand the sufferings of Christ 3. Jesus Christ the second person of the Trinity hath been before his incarnation actually exercising the Office of Mediatorship revealing to the Church in all ages the way of salvation through his sufferings for it was the Spirit of the Son of God that dwelt in the Prophets and made known to them those things concerning the Mediator whereof they did prophesie The Spirit of Christ in them testified beforehand 4. The chief things which the Spirit of Christ did manifest to the Prophets and wherewith their prime study was taken up was the
further motives The one is That since the Lord had vouchsafed to call them from an estate of sin and wrath to a state of holinesse and happiness they ought therefore to walk answerably to their holy calling The other is That there should be a conformity between the Holy Lord and all His Children and therefore holiness which is His property ought to be studied by them and manifested in all the particular passages of their christian course And this last argument the Apostle confirms from the Scripture whereof though there be no particular place here cited yet the substance of the words are to be found in several places Lev. and 20.7 Mat. 5.17 Hence Learn 1. They that would prove themselves to be truly holy and so to be the Children of the Lord must not satisfie themselves with the negative part of holiness which consists in abstenance from what is unsuitable to the relation of Children but they must also labour for the positive part of it which consists in some measure of conformity to their heavenly Father in His holinesse for after the Apostle hath prest that study negatively that they should not conform themselves to their former lusts in their ignorance he urgeth here the positive part thereof But as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy 2. They who have found the Lord powerfully calling them from that estate of sin and wrath wherein they are naturally to a blessed condition of grace and happiness should think themselves thereby strongly obliged to the study of holiness whereby Christians in heart and practise are alienated and drawn from things earthly and are set apart for the use of their Lord and so do evidence to themselves their effectual calling 2 Pet. 1.10 for as a motive to the study of holiness the Apostle here suggests to Believers their calling But as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy 3. Although it be altogether impossible for any Man or Angel to be conform in holinesse unto God who is essentially immutable and infinitly holy 1 Sam. 2.2 Yet there is no absolute unerring patern lower than the holy One to be set before the eyes of the Children of the Lord who ought not to make the holiest on earth a sufficient copie to them but being still ashamed of their defects in holiness and unsatisfied with their present measure thereof must still be aiming at a nearer conformity with Christ the Lord and daily making use of Him who is their sanctification 1 Cor. 1.30 to cover their defects and to sanctifie them more fully for this is the example and patern of that holinesse to which all the called Children of God should aspire As he who hath called you is holy so be ye holy 4. Although internal holinesse be mainly lovely to the Lord Psal 51.6 and the external without it be loathsom to Him Mat. 23.27 Yet none should satisfie themselves with that holinesse which they imagine to have within but should labour to manifest holiness in their external conversation by shewing themselves in their visible actings mindful and respective of all the Commands of God Lev. 20.7 8. Psal 119.6 whereby they glorifie Him before others and evidence themselves to have true holinesse Joh. 15.8 for this conformity to our Father in holinesse must be manifested in the conversation 5. There is no part of a Christian's conversation which ought not to favour of holiness and true piety not only his religious but even his common and civil actions ought to be done in the Lord and for his glory 1 Cor. 10.31 And under all the various dispensations of God with him he ought still to prove himself a hater of sin and a lover of what the Lord approves which is the thing here pressed to be holy in all manner of conversation 6. The strictest of moral precepts in the Old Testament are binding to Believers under the New the substance of all of them which is That reasonable creatures should love their Maker and their fellow-creatures being of perpetual equity obliging both Angels and Men and nothing being required of us in any of them to be done by vertue of our own strength or that we may be justified thereby but only what the Regenerate are enabled to aim at and to attain to such a measure of as through Christ shall be accepted as if they had attained to what is required Col. 2.10 for here one of the strictest of moral precepts that are in the Old Testament is pressed upon Believers As he who hath called you is holy so be ye holy for it is written Be ye holy for I am holy 7. The Ministers of Jesus Christ ought to have His Word so richly dwelling in them that they may be able to confirm what they deliver to the Lords People from clear and expresse testimonies thereof especially when they presse such Truths as natural hearts are most averse from for even this extraordinary Minister the Apostle whom people had lesse reason to suspect than any ordinary Minister while he presseth this high pitch of holinesse to wit the study of conformity to the Holy One he thus confirms his doctrine by Scripture Because it is written Be ye holy for I am holy 8. Although it be the duty of Ministers sometimes to point out to people the particular place of Scripture whereby they do confirm their doctrine Act. 13.33 yet ought the Lords People to be so well acquainted with the written Word that upon the hearing of any sentence of it they may acknowledge it to be the Lords mind that so there may be no necessity for Ministers to spend time and burthen peoples memories with multiplied citations for every Truth they deliver especially where the words of Scripture are remarkable and frequently to be found for so the Apostle citing this remarkable Scripture which is frequently to be found in the Old Testament doth not name any particular place but only saith It is written Be ye holy for I am holy Vers 17. And if ye call on the Father who without respect of persons judgeth according to every mans work passe the time of your sojourning here in fear Follows the fifth and sixth motives to the study of holiness The one is That even those who take the Lord for their Father and themselves for his Children will find Him an exact and impartial Judge of them and all their actions The other is That His Children are but strangers and sojourners and so living in the midst of many hazards and temptations both which should move them to study holiness whereof this is a special part to carry along in their hearts through their pilgrimage some fear of offending their heavenly Father who is to be their Judge Hence Learn 1. The more acquaintance with the Lord and confidence of His fatherly affection Christians attain unto the more are they obliged to the study of holiness and particularly to walk in fear of offending Him who will
work any good motion or inclination in a sinners heart that is the work of the Spirit of God alone for sanctification which comprehends all gracious qualities is here called the work of the Spirit 8. Jesus Christ our Mediator hath both obeyed the Law perfectly for us that he might make up the defects of our imperfect obedience Col. 2.10 and cast us a perfect copy which we are bound to aim at in conformity Heb. 12.2 and likewise hath born all that wrath which was due to all the Elect for their breach of the Law that so deserved wrath might passe over all his redeemed ones as the destroying Angel passed by those whose doors were sprinkled with the bloud of the Paschal Lamb to which the Apostles expression here alludes for both these which are commonly called Christs active and passive obedience are here expressed by the Apostle while he saith Elect c. unto obedience and sprinkleing of the bloud of Jesus Christ 9. All the Elect will certainly partake of all that Christ hath purchased by his doing and suffering for them the first fruits whereof they get in time and the full harvest afterward none of them can fall short of what they are from eternity destinated unto for the Apostle saith here they are chosen unto obedience and sprinkling of the bloud of Christ which is nothing else but to be chosen to lay hold on both by faith and at last fully to enjoy what both hath merited for them 10. Although Christs fulfilling of the Law and suffering for our breach thereof which is here called his obedience and the sprinkling of his bloud be in order first imputed to us for justification before our sanctification Rom. 8.30 Yet our assurance and comfort of our interest in his obedience and sufferings is not had till after our sanctification See Joh. 14.21 for to be elect through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the bloud of Jesus Christ is to be from eternity chosen to come by the way of holinesse to the full participation of what Christ hath purchased by his obedience and sufferings to wit peace and joy in the holy Ghost here and the full enjoyment of God hereafter both which are the purchase of his obedience and sufferings to which we are elected Elect unto obedience and sprinkling 11. When we consider that great work which concerneth the salvation of lost sinners we are to look upon all the Persons of the blessed Trinity as concurring therin that so we may have the higher esteem of the work which hath such agents and may have our hearts raised to give equal glory to all the Persons for though our Election Redemption Sanctification and Glorification be each of them the work of the whole Deity and none of the Persons are to be excluded from any of these Yet the Scripture alloweth us to have such thoughts anent the order of the Persons in working as we may have anent the order of their subsistance for here the Apostle sets forth the Father out of his good pleasure electing sinners to grace and glory the Son by his obedience and suffering purchasing the same for them and the Spirit by his vertue and power working grace in them and so preparing them for that blessednesse which the Father hath appointed and Christ hath purchased for them Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the bloud of Jesus Christ From the salutation Learn 1. The Ministers of Christ while they are dealing with the Lords People should labour for enlarged desires after their welfare so will they be the more serious and affectionate in dealing with them their pains will be the more sweet to themselves and the more acceptable to and succesful with the people for the Apostles ordinarily begin their Epistles with such ample expressions of their desires after the good of those to whom they writ as this Apostle doth here Grace and peace be multiplied unto you 2. No lesse than a continual encrease of the proofs of Gods favour and of all saving graces together with true quietness of spirit and every blessing of God necessary for the same is the Lord's allowance to his redeemed and sanctified ones whatever measure of this allowance any of them have received there is still more of it to be had and still more of it will be given unto them except their unbelief and other sins obstruct the outletting thereof for all this and much more the Apostle wisheth unto them and pronounceth upon them in this sal●●ation Grace and peace be multiplied unto you 3. It is only those who are fled to Christ's merits and are begun to be changed by his Spirit who can expect this comfortable allowance to be letten forth to them and those only Christ's Ministers may in his Name certifie of it for it is only those who are described in the former part of the Verse to whom this is spoken and this is not only a favourable wish of the Apostles but a definitive sentence of the Spirit of God passed in their favours That Grace and peace shall be multiplied unto them Vers 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead Here the Apostle enters upon the first part of the Chapter wherein he sets forth the excellency of the state of Believers in Jesus Christ that thereby he may confirm them in the Truth comfort them under their sufferings and inforce upon them the study of holinesse which are his principal scope in the whole Epistle And this part he begins with a song of praise to God which all Believers should follow in their hearts the reasons of which song contains their priviledges whereof every one doth prove their state to be most excellent and that therefore they ought to be constant sufferers and holy walkers The first reason is That they had a new spiritual life and nature communicated to them in their Regeneration whereby they were now made Children of God and this priviledge is described and commended 1. From the Author thereof that it is God and the Father of such a Son as Christ who hath made us his children 2. From the impulsive cause moving him so to do to wit nothing in us but mercy in him which is commended from the plenty or abundance of it 3. This priviledge of Regeneration is commended from the effect of it that thereby the Regenerate are made to hope for those excellent things spoken of in the following words The nature of which hope is cleared 1. From the propertie or effect of it it is lively quickning the soul that hath it And 2. From the ground of it which is the cause of its livelinesse to wit that our Cautioner who died in our room is risen to apply his purchase and to possesse us
be sanctified in all that draw nigh unto Him Lev. 10.3 and will have every one that names Him their own God and Father to depart from iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 for so doth the Apostle reason here If ye call on the Father or if ye name Him Father passe the time of your sojourning in fear 2. As those who may call God their Father will not want their own pressing necessities which will put them to cry to Him as men do in greatest extremities as the word here signifies So under the greatest of these they should still maintain the faith of that standing relation betwixt Him and them and deal with Him in earnestness and confidence of His help as with a Father as is imported in this If ye call on the Father 3. While we take up the Lord under this sweet relation of a Father to us in Christ which may beget in our hearts familiarity with Him and confidence of obtaining necessary help from Him we ought also to cherish other considerations of Him and look upon Him as standing in other relations to us especially that of a Judge that so our hearts may be kept in awe and fear of offending Him and our homliness may not mar our reverence for the Apostle holdeth forth both these relations betwixt the Lord and his Children to be joyntly considered by them If ye call on the Father who without respect of persons judgeth 4. The Lord is both an impartial Judge who cannot be byassed either with the expectation of any benefit or terrified by the apprehension of any hazard from creatures Job 35.7 8. and likewise so exact in judging that neither person nor action can escape his judgment for without respect of persons he judgeth according to every mans work saith the Apostle 5. There will be no exercise of mercy as it is taken for the pardoning of sin not formerly pardoned at the last reckoning those that are in Christ shall be judged according to His obedience and works which will be reckoned theirs Philip. 3.9 and their good works done in His strength only remembred Rev. 14.13 As for those who never fled to Him they shall be judged according to the strictest rigor of the Law of works Rom. 2.6 8 9. for the Apostle looks mainly to the last judgment while he saith He judgeth every man according to his works 6. The Children of the Lord are pilgrims and strangers in this world and should esteem themselves to be such Heb. 11.13 and therefore should live in fear of snares and hazards as the Apostle here presseth never imitating the fashions of this world Rom. 12.2 satisfying themselves with such sober entertainment as Gods providence brings to their hand upon their journey Heb. 13.5 and still hastning toward their Country Luk. 12.35 for so much doth the Apostle import while he thus expresseth our condition here The time of our sojourning 7. Although they that are fled to Christ ought never to fear any hazard from flesh which may discourage them in the way of their duty Mat. 10.28 nor yet eternal wrath further than to stir them up to renew their flight to Him and to engage them to His service who hath delivered them from it Luk. 1.74 Rom. 8.1 Yet such a fear of offending their Father flowing from the consideration of His excellency Jer. 10.6 7. and of His goodness Hos 3.5 as makes them watchfull against temptations considering their own weakness 2 Cor. 10.12 and quickens them to their duty Heb. 12.28 should be carried along in their hearts thorow their whole time and cherished by the consideration of those relations they have to God as a Father and a Judge If ye call on the Father who without respect of persons judgeth c. passe the time of your sojourning here in fear Vers 18. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers 19. But with the precious bloud of Christ as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot Here is the seventh motive to the study of holiness taken from that great priviledge of our Redemption which is here described 1. From the price thereof and this the Apostle expresseth negatively that it was not so base as the best of corruptible things such as have sometimes ransomed the greatest of men from outward bondage 2 Kings 18.14 15. and positively that it was the meritorious bloud of the innocent Son of God who was typified by the Paschal Lamb which behoved to be without blemish Exod. 12.5 2. This work of Redemption is described from the effect of it toward the Christian Church and Believers in it to wit That they were therby delivered from that legal dispensation which was altogether unprofitable as the observance thereof had been prest upon them by many of their fathers and from every other sinful course wherein they had been hardened by their fathers example and precepts So the sum of this argument is that since they themselves did take it for granted that they were bought with so excellent a price from so woful a condition they ought therefore to live to the honour of their Redeemer in the study of holiness Hence Learn 1. All that are redeemed by Jesus Christ were once slaves and in bondage to Satan 2 Tim. 2.26 to their own lusts Tit. 3.3 and so under subjection to the wrath of God Eph. 2.3 for Redemption suppones captivity and bondage 2. There could be no freedom of sinners from this bondage but by the paying of a price to offended Justice Gods mercy could not be bestowed upon any sinners the Covenant of works being once made but with the safety and satisfaction of His Justice Rom. 3.25 26. which could not have been except the price had been paid which Justice did require for Redemption suppones also the paying of a price 3. Believers in Jesus Christ are by Him brought to a state of liberty and freedom not from their obedience to His holy Law Luk. 1.74 but from any right Satan had over them before their believing in Him Col. 2.15 from the curse of the Law Gal. 3.13 and from the dominion and slavery of sin Tit. 2.14 And the whole Church under the New Testament is by Him delivered from the yoke of Mosaical Ceremonies Gal. 5.1 for this priviledge of Redemption imports a state of freedom and liberty 4. Not the most excellent of corruptible things which are most valued among men could be sufficient to be the price of Redemption for sinners one soul being of more worth than all things of that sort Psal 49.7 8. Therefore the Apostle expresseth the price of Redemption negatively Not with corruptible things as silver and gold 5. It is not impossible for sinners to know themselves to be of the number of them that are redeemed by Jesus Christ there being clear marks of such given in Scripture Tit. 2.84 and the Spirit promised that they may know the things
incarnation of Christ and the clearer out-breaking of the light of the Gospel which reveals Him should think the Lord hath had a special respect to them and hath in a peculiar manner designed Christ for them and manifested Him to them that they may be more eminent in holiness and thankfulness to Him for to this end the Apostle speaks thus of Christ Manifested in these last times for you 5. Although experience hath proven that there was a considerable part of time to be after Christs incarnation yet all that is but the last time in regard it is to be much shorter than the time that was before and because after that time though there be a continual increase of knowledge and grace to be expected Ezek. 47.1 c. Yet there is no more change of that way of Worship and Ordinances which Christ setled before He left the world Mat. 28.18 19 20. for which cause among others the times after Christs incarnation are here called The last times Vers 21. Who by him do believe in God that raised him up from the dead and gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in God Having commended Christ the Redeemer he describeth those for whose sakes He was appointed and manifested to wit those who do by Faith flee to God thorow Him and that they may be the more encouraged so to do he leads them to consider the Father as one fully satisfied with the ransom paid for sinners by Jesus Christ seing after the payment of it He hath exalted and glorified Him for this very end That the Faith of sinners may safely and comfortably rest upon God as now pacified toward all that flee to Him thorow Christ Which purpose doth contain the ninth argument to the study of holiness That since the Father hath exalted and glorified our Cautioner in our nature for this very end that we may confidently draw near to Him as to our own reconciled God we ought therefore to live to the honour of the Father and the Son in the study of holiness Hence Learn 1. When ever the Ministers of Christ hold forth the ransom paid by Christ for sinners and the benefits purchased thereby to them they ought also to design and describe the persons who may appropriate the same to themselves and ought not to propose that which is peculiar to some Joh. 10.15 as common to all So shall the few that have right to apply the benefits of His Redemption be the more sure and comforted and others shall not be disappointed for so doth the Apostle here while having described Christ the Redeemer and set forth some of the benefits of His Redemption he comes next to describe what manner of persons they are who may comfort themselves in that Redemption purchased by Him even those who by Him do believe in God 2. Although our Faith may close with any one of the blessed Persons of the Trinity providing we do not divide in our thoughts the Divine Essence which is One in all the Three 1 Joh. 5.7 Yet God the Father considered as the fountain of the Deity to whom we come thorow the Second Person cloathed with our flesh being helped by the holy Spirit the Third Person is that full and most satisfying object with which saving Faith closeth when it acts most distinctly for such an object is here proposed with which the Faith of the Redeemed doth close to wit the whole Godhead in the Father apprehended as ours by the Son incarnate thorow the help of the Spirit as the next verse compared with this makes clear 3. There is no closing with God as ours but by the Mediatour Christ in whom God trysts with sinners who hath merited Gods favour to them the power to believe the same and actually works that Faith in them Who by Him do believe in God 4. Although Jesus Christ being the same God equal with the Father Philip. 2.6 did by His own proper vertue raise Himself from the dead Joh. 2.19 and 10.18 Yet to assure us of the Fathers full satisfaction with the price paid by our Cautioner and because the power of all the Three Persons is one and the actions ascribed to any of them in reference to the creatures are common to all His raising from the dead and exaltation is here as frequently elswhere in Scripture Eph. 1.20 Philip. 2.9 attributed to the Father who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory 5. Gods justice is fully satisfied in the behalf of all that flee to Him through Jesus Christ because their Cautioner is liberate and glory is insured to all such their Head being already possessed in it for in testimony that His satisfaction for the Elect is accepted God hath raised Him from the dead and as a sure pledge that His Members shall be glorified He hath given Him glory that your faith and hope might be in God Vers 22. Seing ye have purified your souls in obeying the Truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the Brethren see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently The tenth motive to presse upon Believers the study of holiness is taken from the former progress they had made therein whence the Apostle infers an exhortation to that particular duty of holiness to wit love to the Saints The sum of both is That since by the power of Christ's Spirit enabling them to obey the Gospel they had gotten their heart-corruptions so far purged out as to attain unto some sincere affection unto the rest of the Lords People Therefore they should study to grow in grace particularly in love to the Saints and that they should labour to have such love to them as sloweth from a sincere desire of their good and by the effects of it doth prove it self to be such Hence Learn 1. The fairer beginnings and further progress any have already made in the way of holiness they should find themselves the more strongly obliged to hold on in that way lest they lose the fruit of their former pains 2 Joh. 8. and prove more dishonourable to God and offensive to others than if they had never entered or made such progress in that way 2 Pet. 2.22 for the Apostle here makes former progress in holiness a motive to further progress therein Seing you have purified your souls c. see that ye love c. 2. As all those whom the Lord hath savingly enlightened and renewed will discern in their souls many filthy and unclean roots besides any that have broken out so their great work should be to have their souls purged from those knowing that from the polluted fountain of the heart flows all the pollution of the life Mat. 15.19 and that except the heart be in some measure cleansed all the purity of the outside is loathsom to God Mat. 23.27 for the Apostle thus describeth the Regenerate that they have purified their souls 3. Although it be the alone work of God as the principal efficient cause
to cleanse and purifie the souls of His People both from the guilt and dominion of sin Ezek. 36.25 Yet His People who are meerly passive in the first infusion of grace Eph. 2.1 are thereafter made by Him active instruments in the carrying on of that work of mortification by employing Christs vertue for subduing and fighting in His strength against their corruptions as is imported in this Ye have purified your souls 4. The Lords mean of purging the souls of His People from the love and power of sin which is naturally in them is their obedience to His Truth which consists not only in their aiming at conformity to those precepts which enjoyn purity and holiness such as that is ver 15. but principally in their imbracing by Faith and use-making of the promises of the new Covenant wherein the Lord undertakes to work this purity Ezek. 36.25 26 27. This is the chief part of that obedience to the Truth which purifieth souls for saith the Apostle Ye have purified your souls in obeying the Truth 5. This obedience to the Truth which purifieth the souls of Believers cannot be attained unto by our own naturall strength or the use of the fittest means of grace without the special working of the Spirit of Jesus who cleareth to sinners the nature of that purity which is pleasing to God and powerfully worketh the same in them for so the Apostle affirms of those Believers that they had purified their souls in obeying the Truth through the Spirit 6. One special part of this work of purging the souls of Believers consists in the subduing of those filthy roots which are in their hearts contrary to that grace of love to the rest of the Lords People such as pride self-love and the like for this is here made their aim in purifying their souls that they might attain unto unfeigned love of the Brethren importing that their pains was much bent to purge out those evils which are contrary to that grace 7. Believers have need to be seriously pressed to exercise and grow in these graces and duties whereof they have already attained to some approven measure for upon those who had already purified their souls unto unfeigned love of the Brethren the Apostle presseth this See that ye love one another 8. It is not every sort of love to the Saints of God that evidenceth mortification and the indwelling of Christs Spirit but such only as is without dissimulation or hypocrisie which is unfeigned love such as flows from holy principles to wit respect to the Command of Christ and not from respect to our own credit or advantage only from desire of the true good of others and not from love to our selves which is Love out of a pure heart and such as breaks forth in real proofs and is continued toward others notwithstanding of provocations from them which is To love one another fervently Vers 23. Being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth for ever The eleventh motive whereby the Apostle presseth upon Believers the study of holiness especially that branch of it which he was last upon to wit Love to the Saints is taken from the excellency of their spiritual original the sum whereof is That since they had a new life and nature in their regeneration wrought in them not by so fading a cause of principle as that which is the instrument of producing their natural substance but by the Word of God which in the effects it hath upon the Regenerate liveth and abideth for ever Therefore the excellency of their new nature and permanency of their spiritual estate should move them to walk suitably unto it and particularly to live in love with the rest of their Fathers Children Hence Learn 1. Every true Believer in Jesus Christ is in some measure acquainted with a new and second birth which is that work of God with sinners whereby there is a new spiritual life and nature communicated to them Eph. 2.1 and they are brought through some pangs and straits arising from the sight of their own sinfulness and fear of deserved wrath Act. 2.37 out of their darkness and bondage which is natural to them and is resembled by the state of the child before the birth into a state of light and knowledge of God in Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 and freedom from the slavery of sin and subjection to wrath Rom. 8.2 and whereby also they are made in some measure to resemble their heavenly Father and are inclined to obey Him and to love Him and all His Children 1 Joh. 5.1 for this the Apostle makes a description of true Believers that they are born again 2. Our life and nature that we have by vertue of this second birth or regeneration is far more excellent than what we have by the first our natural estate is subject to corruption and will be shortly dissolved but our spiritual estate can never fade for though all have immortal souls that are not corruptible yet the natural life and state of all shall be dissolved and the eternal being of those who are unacquainted with Regeneration and a second birth will be but an eternal corruption or perishing which should make all long to be acquainted with Regeneration for to lead us to esteem the one above the other the Apostle commends the one above the other from the difference of their seeds Not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible 3. Although the Word separated from the working of the Spirit can do nothing to the regenerating of a sinner Joh. 3.5 yet the Word is the ordinary instrument of the Spirit who makes use of all the principal parts of it in that work of the Law to put the sinner in some straits of the second birth through fear of deserved wrath and of the Gospel to revive the soul and liberate it from those fears and of the Law again to direct the Regenerate how to walk suitably to their estate for the Apostle explains what that incorruptible seed is of which we are born again to wit The Word of God 4. Although there be no life either formally or by way of efficiency in the letters or sound of the words of Scripture and though that Word passeth with the speaking as any other words do Yet in regard of the effects which through the operation of the Spirit it hath upon sinners such as fear and terror upon the believing of the threatnings Act. 2.37 comfort under crosses and quickning for duties upon the believing of the promises Psal 119.50 It is as the Apostle here calleth it A Word that liveth and in regard of the execution of eternal wrath upon them that reject it and of the performance of those everlasting blessings which are promised in it to them that receive and obey it it is a Word that abideth for ever 5. They who do professe and esteem themselves to be of the number of those who are born again should by
which is the particular trial here spoken of for having comforted them against fiery trials in the former Verse he here comforteth them against reproach If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye 3. Even those who are not put to the hottest kind of sufferings are ready to miscarry and be discouraged under the lesser because the best are not easily brought to deny their own strength till they be under some extremity 2 Cor. 1.9 for this is imported in the Apostle's guarding and comforting against reproach If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye 4. The consideration of the greatness of the reward which the Lord graciously bestoweth upon the least degree of suffering for Him should make His People joyfully undergo the greatest and most fiery of their trials If it be a happinesse to be reproached for His sake it must be a great happinesse to be killed for his sake for the Apostle makes this a reason why they should rejoyce under fiery trials that to be reproached for Him was a happy thing If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye 5. It is not the sufferings of Christians but the cause for which they do suffer which makes them happy to wit their suffering for the profession of the Name of Christ for adhering to His Truth and their duty to Him and out of respect to His glory for this is the qualification of a right sufferer who may count himself happy in his sufferings If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye 9. The third Person of the blessed Trinity is glorious in Himself being God equal with the Father and the Son 1 Joh. 5 7. and worketh glorious effects in the hearts where He dwelleth such as the bestowing and encreasing of grace which is begun glory 1 Cor. 3.18 giving clear fore-sights of glory Eph. 1.17 and sometimes sweet fore-tasts thereof Rom. 8.23 In which respects He is here called The Spirit of glory and of God 7. As the Spirit of the Lord doth constantly abide in the hearts of all Believers in regard of some of His operations Joh. 14. ●6 especially in regard of His preserving the seeds and habits of grace and keeping the Saints from final apostasie 1 Joh. 3.9 So He hath ordinarily a more glorious and more constant residence in regard of His comfortable and supporting operations in the hearts of sufferers than of others and though he have not tied Himself to fill the hearts of his suffering-people alwayes with sense and comfort but may withhold the same from the dearest of them under their sharpest sufferings and put them to live by Faith as it was with David and Christ himself Psal 22.1 2 c. Yet oftentimes their allowance of comfort is larger and their enjoyment of sensible presence longer than what others have who are not put to suffer and sweeter than what themselves have had before suffering for this is here held forth as an encouragement made out in a special way to sufferers The Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you 8. The true happinesse of Believers standeth in their enjoyment of the presence of Christ's Spirit residing in their hearts and proving Himself to be there by His gracious operations which may be had in the midst of sharpest sufferings the consideration whereof ought to make great joy in the hearts of sufferers for the Apostle having pronounced such happy he doth explain their happinisse which is the reason of their joy under their sufferings That the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon them 9. The more glorious and constant the residence of Christ's Spirit in the hearts of His suffering-people appeareth to be the more inraged will their profane persecutors be to speak evil of that Spirit that dwelleth in them which they will be esteemed to do though they do not expresly blaspheme the Spirit when they father the operations of the Spirit upon Satan Mat. 12.24.28 or when they wilfully resist and oppose His known mind delivered to them by His suffering-people Act. 7.51 for though the Spirit of glory and of God rest upon these persecuted Saints Yet upon the part of their persecutors He is evil spoken of 10. It may allay to the Godly the bitternesse of reproaches and disgraceful expressions against them to consider that by those the Spirit of the Lord counteth Himself evil spoken of and taketh as done directly against Himself those wrongs which are done to His People who are His Temple and His workmanship and will punish wicked men accordingly for this may be taken as a particular encouragement against reproach that even the Spirit of God was upon the part of them that did reproach His Followers evil spoken of 11. The Lord doth esteem Himself much glorified by His Peoples constancy in suffering for Him while His terror sweetnesse power and other properties are proclaimed and commended by that practice of His People in choosing of affliction rather than sin against Him and His esteeming so of it should be a strong motive to chearfulnesse and constancy in suffering for Him for this the Apostle expresly asserteth as an argument to constancy and chearfulnesse under suffering On your part He is glorified Vers 15. But let none of you suffer as a murderer or as a thief or as an evil doer or as a busie-body in other mens matters Here is a third direction for attaining to a right carriage in a time of persecution the sum whereof is That as they desire to find the sweetnesse of the former consolations which the Apostle had held forth to sufferers they would keep themselves free of those evils which even Heathen Magistrates under whose power they lived would readily punish such as wronging the persons or estates of their neighbours medling with things without the bounds of their calling and other wickednesses of that sort So should they be the lesse moved with their sufferings Hence Learn 1. It is the duty of those who have power and authority over others to prove themselves keepers of both the Tables of the Law of God by punishing without respect of persons not only the grosser sorts of transgressions such as murder and theft whereby men injure the persons or estates of their neighbours but also those more subtil and specious sins such as invading the rights of others going beyond the bounds of folks calling which often are vailed with the pretences of zeal for God and the publick good Numb 16.3 which kind of sins the Apostle understands here by being busie in other mens matters Yea all other known iniquities whether against the first Table such as idolatry Job 31.26 27 28. blasphemie Lev. 24.11 Sabbath-breaking Numb 15.32 Or against the second such as disobedience to parents Deut. 21.18 c. adultery Job 31.11 All which and the like are iniquities to be punished by the Judge and are comprehended here under this general clause evil doers for the Apostle supposeth here that