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A51447 Themis avrea the laws of the fraternity of the Rosie Crosse / written in Latin by Count Michael Maierus, and now in English for the information of those who seek after the knowledge of that honourable and mysterious society of wise and renowned philosophers ; whereto is annexed an epistle to the fraternity in Latine, from some here in England.; Themis aurea. English Maier, Michael, 1568?-1622. 1656 (1656) Wing M287; ESTC R21726 55,939 168

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a known City which wee think is called S. Spiritus I meane Helican or Pernassus in which Pegasus opened a spring of everflowing water wherein Diana wash'd her selfe to whom Venus was handmaid and Saturne Gentleman-usher This will sufficiently instruct an Intellgent reader but more confound the ignorant CHAP. XV Concerning the fourth Law that every Brother shall chuse a fit person for his Successour after his decease that the Fraternity may be continued ALl things in the world have their vi●●ssitudes changes what was to day is not to morrow and this appears most of all in mankind who are as sure once to die as they at present do live wherefore God out of his heavenly Providence granted Generati●n and propagation that though Individualls do perish yet the Species may still be preserved And this is that innate principle which is the Cause of Multiplication so that Plants Annimals Minerals and man the noblest Creature shall to the end of the world be encreas'd Many phiosophers have complained of the shortness of mans life who though he be more excellent then others yet he lives not their ages The Eagle the raven the Lion and what not dures longer then man as though Nature was a stepmother to him and the others were her true progeny Wherefore since that the Brethren being Mortals must certainly once cease to be and undergoe the common Lot of their Nature their wise Lawmaker did not rashly make this Law that each Brother should chose to himselfe a fit person to be his Successour in which choice they do not look to the obligations of friends their natural relation neither to Sonnes or Brethren but purely to Qualifications as Learning secrecy Piety and other such like endowments Amongst the Egyptians the sonnes did not onely inherit their Fathers estate but used the same trade and imployment the Sonne of a potter was a potter a Smiths sonne was a Smith But the Kings were chosen out from amongst the Priests the Priests from amidst the Philosophers and the Philosophers were alwaies Sonnes of Philosophers but many times there hapned a great difference of parts between the Son and Father outward Goods may be conveyed to posterity and the Son may be his Fathers heire but the gifts of mind especially such as this Fraternity hath is rarely by Generation communicated to the ofspring He that shall be enduced either by entreaty or hired with money to reveale ought to any one but a truly vertuous man doth injure the first Giver of such a Talent the Lawgiver and the whole Fraternity for perhaps enemies thereby would be able to further their designes God would be dishonoured and vertue banished The Philosophers would have mysteries revealed to none but those whō God him self shall enlighten that their understandings being refined they may apprehend the deepest sayings profoundest secrets Others say that we must not trust him with whom we have not eaten a Bushell of Salt that is him with whom they have not had much converse to the sure experience of his abilities and faith for friendship is not to be compared to Horses that bear price according as they are young but to wine and Gold which are bettered by Age So the Brethren entertain no man to be a member of the Fraternity but men of approved parts and very vertuous There were certain rites and Ceremonies done at Athens in the honour of Prometheus Vulcan and Minerva after this manner many were appointed to run into the City with lighted torches and he whose light was out gave place to the others so that the victory was obtained by him who could come first at the goal with his flaming torch The meaning was to express the propagation of secrets for the putting out of the torch is the death of a Predecessour so that another living with his lighted torch succeeds him by which meanes the rare mysteries of Chymistry come safe to after generations Chymistry indeed is a Science above all Sciences the Minerva that sprang from Jupiters braine an heavenly ray which doth display it selfe to the comforting of things below This is the birth of the understanding whose propagation is as necessary as that of the body we may observe the antipathy of some bodies to others and we may see as great difference in minds mens dispositions are to be fully known least a sword be put into a mad mans hand for a good thing may be evilly used as wholsome wine put into a stinking caske doth change both colour and taste Armhomedes boasted that if he could fix his foot in a sure place he could by his skill move the whole world and what would not ill affected persons do if they were matters of such secrets doubtless they would endeavour the accomplishment of all their wicked devices Some may aske why they have such an Election and do not rather let their knowledge be buried with them or if not so unworthy why do they not print that every one may have read and understand their mysteries or else why do they not chuse more to augment the Fraternity we shall answer to each of them to satisfie those thus do Question First why do they select a few persons and will not have their secrets perish we answer there is good reason for both Augustus Caesar would not suffer the Eneads of Virgill to be burnt although he had designed it so by his will least Romes glory should suffer thereby and yet this Poet as Homer amongst the Grecians had instead of Truth produced fictions And is there not a greater cause why Brethren of the R. C. should endeavour the keeping in memory such secrets may this learning never be forgotten in which there are no Fables but true devine experiments We may woefully lament the loss of secrets which being writ have unhappily been burnt not writ have been forgotten therefore for prevention of both it is convenient that they should be entrusted in a few hands and by those careful be transmitted to others Before the flood the Arts were engraven on two pillars least either fire or water should blot them out and afterward as some write the Cabalystical Art was found out and by word of mouth communicated and the Rabbins have at this day rather a shadow then the substance of that Science The Heathens had their Colledges in which were admitted none but such as were of an unblam●able conversation and of choice parts so that every one who was educated in a Scholastick way was not thought a fit person to be of their Societies but they would picke of the most able and they were few the which rule is observed by the Fraternity of the R. C. who admitted few and those upon good desert In the next place we come to the reason why they do not print and make their Knowledge publick there are many things in Policy more in Divinity not a few in nature which ought not to see the light but are to be kept in private breasts least
wise Heathens had taken notice of this they feigned Pleasure and Sorrow to be lincked together as if the excesse thereof were to it selfe a sufficient punishment They also said that a Disease was brother to Death that by sweat vertue was attained and to this purpose is that place in Scripture There is no evil in the City that is not from God where is meant the evil of punishment either brought upon any person miraculously and by the immediate hand of God or else naturally falling upon him Hence we learn the birth and original of Vice it proceeds from the corrupted Nature of fallen man his will enjoyes its liberty in respect of earthly things but as to heavenly things it s not free It s with a man as with a weak infirm person who cannot lift his hands to his head but with ease he can let them hang downwards So sinful man naturally inclining to sinfulness without any paines falls into wickedness he needs no particular instinct from God but the strength which must support his infirmities exalt him to Heaven so that he may obey God is not from man himself but from the free grace and mercy of his heavenly Father who hath mercy on whom he will but yet excludes none from his favour who forsaking earthly things do accept of the true means and receive the benefit thereof who pray and endeavour to their utmost ability to be what they should be committing themselves first and chiefly to God and then to Nature who faithfully obeys him in all things CHAP. XII That the Brethren of the Fraternity do use onely lawful and natural remedies THe holy Scripture makes mention of a King of Juda who being sick of the plague and death seemed to approach by divine providence was healed by having Figs applied to the sore and he lived many years after so that we see that God can miraculously direct to means which in themselves are natural as indeed this was a very lawful remedy and the reason is not unknown so here we will examine whether the means which the Brethren use be of themselves lawful and warrantable A certain Author thinking to insinuate himselfe into the favour of the Brethren speaks of rare blessings and Exorcismes by which a man may promote the happiness of his Patients and curse and endamage his Adversaries but who will esteem this lawful and good Such things may catch some ●illy old women and by them be accounted secrets they would be the greatest slander imaginable to the learned Fraternity for the Brethren use natural means withou● any mixture of superstition as we may see by the example of him at We●z●ar who with application of one Simple took away the raging pain of an Ulcerated Cancer whom Phanias applauds for his rare Art for by the same hearb he also did the Cure the same Brother carried a bag of roots and hearbs alwayes about with him he much commended the Bryony root but chose the bitter one he taught also the occult vertue and proper use of many Simples which are lost and forgotten We will not decide the controversy whether the Simples ought to be gathered according to particular constellations many very learned men do favour this opinion As first of all Barthol Carrichterus who divided the most approved and effectual Simples according to four Triplicities of the Signes in the Zodiack and in each of them made three degrees I have known many who addicting themselves to this study have thereby been able to cure very dangerous sicknesses especially old Ulcers and outward griefes That so many lights should be placed in the Heavens to no end and purpose it were profane to imagine because God created all things to act according to their nature and surely the Stars were made to yeild their influences and there is not any doubt but that Vegetables Mineralls and Animals do receive their occult Qualities from them he therefore is an happy man who can search out the effect by the cause and by the effect is able to judge of the cause Plants have relation as well to the heavens as to the earth and he who knows this community is a great Artist but the Brethren employ all their time in these Mysteries as they confesse as well in their Fama and confession as in other writings We dare not affirm that their Astrology is the same with that which is vulgarly professed or their Botanick common for theirs are founded upon certain and true Axioms subject to no change but alwayes continuing the same worth and vertue Other Axioms are so infirm that they oftentimes are proved false and admit of correction It is an Axiom that all Wine is hot which hitherto hath been received as true but if from some Country be brought Wines whose nature is cold the falsity will appeare He who never saw a Bat or doth not consider infects will immediately say that every thing that flies hath feathers when there are also flying fish which make use of their fins so that there are many exceptions belong to the general rule Who would not conclude this for a certain truth that four-footed creatures cannot passe thorow the Aire as well as they passe on the Earth but by flying but experience confutes this for the Indian Cat by spreading some membranes not wings from her hinder feet to her former goes in the Aire whether she pleaseth But the Axioms laid down and followed by the Brethren are such which faile not their principles alwayes attain their end so that there is nothing deficient in them which may exclude or diminish their perfection wherefore cures wrought by properties truly drawn from the Stars and the Planets must necessarily be true certain for the effects do surely result from their causes not anticipated or mistaken He who promiseth with fire to heat to dry to burn is not deceived neither doth he deceive because he hath that which can perform all these offices so if they undertake a Cure there is no doubt but that they can effect it because they know and can make use of the true and proper means which M●diums are purely natural the hidden treasure of Nature the extraordinary gifts of God They apply themselves onely to the study of Natural Magick which is a Science containing the deep Mysteries of Nature neither is this divine knowledge given to any by God but to those who are Religious good and learned Origen tractatu 5. super Matth saith that the Magical Art doth not contain any thing subsisting but although it should yet that must not be evil or subject to contempt and scorne The same 23. Homil. super Num. speaking of Natural Magick doth distinguish it from the Diabolical many hold that Tyaneus exercised the Natural Magick onely and we do not deny it Philo Hebreus lib. de Legibus speaks thus That true Magick by which we come to the knowledge of the secret works of Nature is so far from being contemptible that the greatest Monarchs and