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A41155 Zions rjghts and babels rvine, or, The Church restored to her primitive lustre a treatise concerning the essence and subsistence of the christian church defecated and purged from the dregges of erroneous humane invention and erected by the vnerrable patterne of the Word of God / by William Fenwick. Fenwick, William, 1616 or 17-ca. 1682. 1642 (1642) Wing F725; ESTC R22447 51,941 79

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the woman then the inspirated word to dwell in the mind and also it is the ministeriall Word declared written taught and preached for mans instruction and all is one Word for this cause the Apostle Peter saith we have a most sure word of the Prophets to which yee doe well that yee take heed as unto a light that shineth in a darke place untill the day dawne and the day starre arise in your hearts and from hence it is evident that the Scripture is the very word of God which proceedeth out of God by inspiration by instrumentall publishing and writing the same and the written Word being the same proceeding word of God even God declared in writing The Scriptures therefore are the Fountaines of living water and the ground of truth for preaching teaching and instruction exhortation and correction And therefore the Scriptures are to be had in Divine estimation for they containe the divine Word it selfe and the Pastors and teachers thereof being thereunto called of God by a full measure of inspiration are to be esteemed the Messengers and Embassadours of God And this is alwayes to be understood that no man can attaine to the interpretation of the written Word by naturall ingenuitie or humane learning or art or industrie though all he needfull instruments and meanes of knowledge but onely by inspiration of the proceeding Word as ver. 2. 1. 20. 21. so that fast ye know this that no prophecie of the Scripture is of any private interpretation For as the prophecie came not in old time by the will of men but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost so must holy men of God speake and interpret the Scriptures as they are moved by the holy Ghost And that we may know the interpretation to be of the holy Ghost being the proceeding Word and hee that indicted the same Word from the Father and the Sonne by inspiration cannot give any other sence or understanding to the written Word then is agreeable to the nature of the Word in the person of the Sonne and of the Father and the Word in the person of the Sonne is the revealed will of God the Father made manifest in the flesh Therefore we may discerne whether the interpretation be of the Spirit of God or no by this Iohn 4. 2. 3. Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesseth not that Iesus is come in the flesh is not of God For the confession is not an outward confession of the lips nor an historicall confession of the mind nor a voluntary supposition and opinion of carnall reason but it is the confession of the Spirit of God which declares and manifests to the heart that the Word that is come in the flesh is the very true God as Christ said to know thee and him whom thou hast sent Christ to be the very true God as Peter confessed thou art that Christ that Sonne of God and Christ told him that flesh and blood did not teach him this but his Father revealed it unto him This word of God not having beene after this order knowne and considered hath beene the cause and occasion of much mistake and errours in the Church of God but under standing the Word in the true nature and property of Gods order and manner of working leadeth us by the hand from one gradation to another and stoppeth the mouth of all men that speake against the Scriptures and the holy Spirit For considering the word of God in these gradations we shall evidently perceive and understand that the power and authoritie giuen and committed to the Church is no other thing but the proceeding word of God ministring the begotten Word from the Father manifested in the flesh which ministration is twofold internall by inspiration through hearing of the Word because man is an intellectuall Spirit and therefore a proper Tabernacle for the divine Word to dwell in Also externall ministration because man dwells in an elementary earthly and naturall tabernacle therefore the holy Ghost applyeth himselfe to mans infirmity and doth use in his externall ministration elementary earthy and naturall instruments by which as a meanes and ordinance the proceeding Word and the power thereof is daily communicated unto man both to ingraft him into the Word and to nourish him in the Word unto everlasting life For this manner of externall ministration is necessary for man so long as hee dwelleth in this body or earthly house The instruments which the holy Ghost doth use in the dispensation of the ministeriall Word are either proper as some members of the Church set apart for the worke of the ministery or lesse proper as the signes of the Sacraments I may call those the externall gifts which God gives to his Church for it is said that unto every one of us is given grace or the gifts of the Spirit according to the measure of the gift in Christ For wee may discerne the Church is a compact body knit to the head Christ and consisteth of many members yet in unity of the spirit they are one body and although there be but one Spirit yet are there diversities of gifts diversities of administrations diversities of operations yet all 〈◊〉 and the same spirit and these diversities or gifts make diversities of functions So there are many functions in the Church but God worketh all in all But the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit withall but peculiar gifts without the which the Church cannot at any time be and therefore most proper of which it is said that Christ ascended on high and lead captivity captive and received gift● to give unto men as some to bee Apostles some Prophets 〈◊〉 Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers Here is to bee observed that the divine power by internall dispensation is given in common to all and every member of the Church so that all have common interest in the word of God and peculiar power thereby to admonish comfort and instructions another and pray for one another and beare one anothers burdens especially they are all Kings Priests and Prophets in their Families For every Father ought to useth office of an Elder in his house Deut 6. 6 7. Deut. 4. 9. But for the externall dispensation of the Word the power and efficacy thereof is committed unto peculiar men wherof Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors teachers are in the first ranke and functions and the power and efficacy which is given them is onely the ministration of the Word they have not that absolute power which Christ hath to know who are his from the beginning and to have compassion on whom he would have compassion and to shew mercy on whom hee would show mercy For Christ had not this absolute power as he was the Son of man but as he was the person of God For as he was Man he came not to do
things present and things to come These beasts each one of them hath sixe wings placed round about them and full of eyes within the wings these wings are not for that use that the wings are to the beasts in Ezechiel two to hide the face and two to flye and two to ●ide their 〈◊〉 but they are placed about their bodyes as it were for 〈…〉 erance and assistance in their proper place and not to flye withall from place to place These 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ings therefore signifie Governours and assistants or 〈…〉 by whom the ministers are ayded in their function and doe more swiftly and readily afford succour to every part of the Church These wings are full of eyes within These signifie the inward gifts of knowledge which are not placed in so neere a measure to the Throne as the eyes in the body but they are of the same nature of knowledge in divine things to this end they stand as in a watch tower to behold and discerne every ones manners and conversation and to reprove and exhort privately and to helpe the ministers in Censure and Discipline of the Church therefore Paul saith obey your overseers and leaders and yeeld submission unto them For they watch for your soules as those that shall give account These gifts are limited within and under the wings as to meddle onely with that which is committed unto their power 1 Pet. 5. 2. they are not to be strikers or busie-bodies and they are to watch over Christian people onely for what have wee to doe to judge them that are without 1 Cor. 5. 12. 13. They that desire to behold the patterne of Gods Church as she is on earth in Christ consider well this vision and read● it seriously as it is more fully expressed by Master Brightmans Exposition upon the fourth chapter of the Revelation This pattern● is the perfection of the Church militant as she is in Christ and in the judgement of God the Father who onely knoweth who are his The beauty and glory thereof is not seene with mortall eyes for she is not composed of mortall but immortall seed even begotten of the immortall seed of the word of God 1 Pet. 1 23. for it is the ministration of God the holy Ghost communicating the knowledge of the Word unto the hearts of the elect which doth beget them anew or regenerate and unite them unto Christ and those are the supernaturall powers the word of God comunicated ●nto man and gathereth them into one head Christ and by a well compact union makes them one Church all communicating of one spirit one faith and in one Lord and Father of all who is above all and in all and through us all blessed for ever Amen How the VVord is the divine power of God and the authority committed to the Church WHen wee speake of the word of God consider that the word in essence and property of being is God with God in eternity eternitie it selfe as it is described in the first of Iohns Gospell and though it cannot bee divided in it selfe yet it is to bee distinguished after the personall order of the Trinitie Therefore we may say the Word in the person of the Father in the unbegotten Word in the person of the Sonne it is the begotten Word and in the person of the holy Ghost it is the procceding Word So that by the proceeding Word all things flow from the Father and the Sonne By the order of this proceeding power the world was made by the word of God As the Psalmist saith Psal. 33. 6. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the hoast of them by the breath of his mouth By this proceeding power of the Word man was made a living soule as Gen. 2. 7. And God breathed in his face the breath of life and the man was a living soule and Ioh. 1. 4. in it was life and that life was the light of man not naturall reason but supernaturall light which inlightened nature By this proceeding word Adam was restored after his fall by promising to make the Word the seed of the Woman and to breake the Serpents head Gen. 3. 15. for God by the proceeding of the Word saying he will put enmity betwixt Satan whose nature is wicked and evill altogether and the humane generation or seed which Satan had made like himselfe he thereby promiseth that by his proceeding Word he would make his Word the seed of the Woman whereby it should be of a contrary nature to wickednesse of a heavenly pure and holy nature and condition powerfull against Satan Thus by the proceeding Word the word God is made the word of promise and the Promise is made life and thus it comes to p●sse that the Just shall live by faith By this proceeding word all the Elect of the Father are called are sanctified are washed are inspired and by inspiration are made sonnes of God Kings Priests and Prophets for by inspiration of the proceeding Word God the Word dwelleth in them for in the proceeding Word is both the begotten Word and the unbegotten Word the Father as Christ saith my Father and I are one and the proceeding Spirit is one with the Father and the Sonne so these three are one in themselves and beare record in heaven and they also agree in one by inspiration in the soules of the faithfull or the Church which makes three to beare record on earth as the water of Sanctification and the blood of justification and our spirit enlightned with the Spirit of God it beares witnesse with our spirits that we are the sonnes and servants of God For this cause the faithfull are called the Temple of the living God 2 Cor. 6. 16. as God hath said I will dwell among them and walke there and I will bee their God and they shall bee my people Also know yee not that your body is the temple of the holy Ghost which is in you which yee have from God Ye are not your owne for yeare bought with a price therefore glorifie God in body and in Spirit for they are Gods As the proceeding Word hath proceeded by inspiration to dwell in man which is his internall ministration so he proceedeth by externall ministration to divulge and write the same proceeding Word by the instrumentall pen and voyce of man for mans instruction at first written by his Prophet Moyses and after by the rest of Prophets and Apostles and Evangelists to feed and preserve their holy faith worship of God among the faithfull As Paul witnesseth 2 Tim. 3. 15 16. Thou hast knowne the holy Scriptures of a child which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to convince to correct to instruct in righteousnesse Thus the proceeding Word doth proportion it selfe to mans capacity first it becomes the word of promise in the seed of
his owne will but the will of his Father So likewise when he sent his Apostles and Disciples to teach all Nations he sent them as he was sent of his Father So send I you saith he which was not to doe their owne will nor to teach their owne doctrine but to do his will as he did his Fathers will and to teach his doctrine which he taught them as his Father taught him so by the Word they are to do and teach but nothing beside the Word or without the Word More at large of this in the Treatise of Discipline Thus we see the word of life is God in the person of the Father the unbegotten Word in the Sonne the begotten Word and the incarnate Word In the person of the Spirit it is the proceeding Word and the ministeriall Word and this ministeriall Word is the power and the authority committed to the Church So the Ministers cannot doe any thing but by the power of the Word and this Word is Christ who abideth with them and with the whole Church alwayes unto the end of the world So Christ is the chiefe and they are his servants and embassadours Of the third Subsistence of the Church Government and Discipline AS Divine worship cannot bee wi●hout the divine power of the ministeriall Word from whence it extracts both the nutriment and efficacie so neither worship nor the Divine Word can be without order government and discipline whereby the whole spirituall body the Church is preserved in spirituall health and blessednesse shining in spirituall decencie and divine beauty As Psal. 45. 13. 14. The Kings daughter is all glorious within And her heavenly glory is most excellently set forth in Canticles 6. 10. Who is shee that looketh forth as the morning faire as the Moone pure as the Sunne terrible as an army with banners Without externall pompe temporall confusion or humane policy for God hateth nothing more in the government of his Church and in his worship then pompe and policy and loveth nothing more then to have his Church excell in meeknesse holinesse and simplicity like himselfe as hee saith Bee ye holy for I am holy And learne of me for I am meeke and lowly And he exalteth the humble and meeke but the proud he sends empty away When we speake of the Church it is to bee considered in what sence we take the Church for the Church of God is in a twofold aspect to be apprehended one as she is in a mysticall union the body of Christ the Spouse of Christ the Lambe the Bride in this sence shee is spirituall pure and holy without spot without wrinkle his undefiled The other as she dwelleth in her naturall humanitie and abideth here on earth wherein shee is invironed with manifold temptations infirmities and afflictions fighting against the world the flesh and the divell and in this condition she is elementary naturall and visible Therefore God in his wisedome and goodnesse to man hath ordained externall dispensation thereby to communicate the holy and invisible mysteries of his Word to man through visible instruments elementary and naturall proper for mans capacity and nature lest naturall infirmities should become an excuse that God should not speake unto man For this cause God doth minister the mighty power of his Word by the weake and simple voyce of man Teaching man by letters syllables words and sentences divine truth and making evident to the mind and sences of man by elementary signes tropes and allegories and so demonstrating inscrutable mysteries and divine secrets of grace power and glory The first beames of the glorious gospell of Christ which Paul calls the Image of the living God that shines unto man is the publike and visible ministration whose glory compared with the glorious ministration of the law 2 Cor. 3. 7 which none was able to behold and live which made mountaines tremble and the Israelites excuse themselves is farre more exceeding glorious which we all are able to behold with open face shining through the vaile of Christs humanitie wherein as in a glasse or Crystall wee see the glory of God in the love of the Father and are changed into the same image from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord And the thing that is ministred is the glorious gospell of Christ which is the doctrine of Christ or the mystery of the Father and it carrieth alwayes this Character with it to know it to be the true doctrine of God It giveth all glory to God the Father by Christ and it glorifies Christ through the Spirit for Christ saith that which is the Fathers is mine therefore the Spirit shall take of mine and give it you Outward ministration is called the face and countenance of God Therefore the Prophet David saith O Lord God of hoasts turne us againe and make thy face to shine upon us and wee shall be saved It was Davids delight and his whole hearts desire Psal. 27. 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord that will I require that I may dwell in the temple of the Lord all my dayes to behold the beauty of the Lord and to visit his temple The first ordination of this ministration was instituted and practised by God himselfe in Paradise preaching unto Adam in a created voyce in the coole of the day and by that meeke voyce Gods presence was knowne unto man I heard thy voyce and was afraid The voyce or word of God for it is a significant voyce making it selfe to be understood howsoever God useth weake and despised instruments to expresse himselfe to mans capacity yet his voyce is mighty as in the 29. Psal Reade the whole Psalme For the voyce of the Lord is powerfull the voyce of the Lord is full of Majesty And as Paul describes it it is mighty in operation and sharper then any two edged sword piercing through even to the dividing of the soule and the spirit and of the joynts and the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart For this cause preaching is called the power of God unto salvation But if the glorious beauty and power of Gods ministration seeme weake and foolish unto some men because it is ministred by the voyce of man and the weake sig●es of the Sacraments being of no strength not beauty in themselves It is because the glorious Gospell is hid unto them that perish and becomes the savour of death unto death because the God of this world hath blinded the eyes of them that beleeve not lest the light of the glorious Gospell of Jesus Christ should shine unto them These riches are sent unto us of God from the Father of lights by the Sonne of the fulnesse of all rich grac● through the spirit the over-flowing waters of life and blessednesse and we have it in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may appeare to be of God and not of man and those that are 〈◊〉 of God are
the Lord from henceforth and for ever But in all this they held the daily publique service pure and undefiled without rites or any other ceremonies but only the reading of the word and ministring the Sacraments and teaching on the Sabbath dayes And the Jewes for their Divine Services had their Synagogues in every Citie and Towne and Christ did by his owne practise and presence observe the same upon the Sabbath day as it is Luke the 4. 16. 17. as his custome was he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read and there was delivered to him the book of Isaiah and Acts 13. 14. 15. Paul and Barnabas went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day The forme of service used in the Synagogues First they began their Service with a generall verball confession which they gathered out of the Prophets Levit. 26. 20. Numb. 5. 6. 7. Nehem. 9. 23. The forme of this confession is set forth in the Jewes Talmond We have sinned O Lord we have done wickedly we have dealt deceitfully in thy sight we thy people and all the house of Israel we repent our selves thereof and are ashamed for the same and therefore O Lord we beseech thee forgive us our sinnes our iniquities and our transgressions as it is written in the book of Moses thy servant Then followed the reading of the Law and the Prophets and then after followed the expounding and exhortation then the Service ended with a generall thanks for all things and as Paul saith for all persons 1 Tim. 2 1. 2. And thus their Service was concluded with blessings upon the people from the mouth of the Minister The same Service and Method observed by the Apostles Christ lest no other forme of Service in Gods worship but onely such as was used in the Church of the Jewes naked and simple prayer praise and thanks reading preaching and exhortation with the ministration of the Sacraments commanding his Disciples to goe teach all Nations baptising them in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Spirit The Apostles observed their Masters commandement in every circumstance proper for the ministration of those Divine mysteries To all that Christ ordained they neither added nor diminished any thing Springing from superstition of time and place and circumstances for they knew that Ordination was not tyed to a day an houre or any solemne time or season but was instituted for the benefit of the soule of man therefore they thought fit to minister the Lords Supper every Lords day Neither did they use any other order or gesture but after the same manner sitting as Christ did institute it fearing the curse of God to adde or diminish And held that manner of order most worthy and fit to be observed in Divine mysteries which their Lord had formerly observed knowing the power efficacie to be of his spirit and not to consist in Rites and Ceremonies or circumstances of time and place After the ascension of the Lord he Apostles and the whole Church consisting of 120 persons assembled at Ierusalem in an upper Chamber and abode together with the 11 Apostles and continued with one accord in prayer and supplication And then and there Peter taught and preached and in the publique assembly and with their whole consent they chose Matthias to supply Iudas his place Acts 1 13 14 15. also 2. 42. and they continued in the Apostles Doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayer In which words is set forth the whole form of their Service and worship used in the Apostolique times which consisted in preaching the true Doctrine of Christ their unity of faith and love ministration of the Sacraments and Prayer The Testimony of the Fathers On the day saith he which is called Sonday that is the Lords day there is an assembling and comming together of all manner of people dwelling either in the Fields or in the Cities into one place and there are read the Acts or Records of the Apostles and the Writings of the Prophets so long as the time would suffer then when the Reader hath left off reading that is to say he which was President or Chiefe in the assembly the Bishop or Pastor delivered an admonition or exhortation by way of discourse tending to the stirring of them up to follow and practise those good things Afterwards wee rise all at once and send our prayers unto God And prayer being ended the bread and wine is brought and he that directeth the action delivereth with all the power and might he hath prayers and thanksgiving the people assenting say Amen Then followeth the distribution to every one present and the communicating of the things which were blessed by thanksgiving and they send of the same to those that were absent by the Deacons In the end they which are of ability and are moved therewithall give every one according as it pleaseth him and that which remaineth abideth with him that is president with which he makes provision for the fatherlesse widowes sicke persons captives and needy strangers The same Author in another place of the same Apologie After saith he that we have washed that is baptized him that hath received the faith and joyned himselfe with us wee bring him into the Assembly and Congregation of the brethren where they are come together to make their common prayers both for themselves and for him and for all manner of persons whatsoever When prayers are thus ended wee salute one another with an holy kisse and then there is brought to the Pastor the Bread and the Cup and hee giveth praise and glory to the Father of all things in the name of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost and maketh a great thankes-giving for that hee hath vouchsafed to make them worthy of these things which being ended the people joyne and put their blessing thereto saying Amen Afterward the Pastor blessing them those whom wee call Deacons gives to every one who are present and they carry to those that are absent And this food is called the Sacrament of thankes-giving which is not lawfull for any one to receive which hath not before received the truth of our Doctrine of Faith and hath not beene washed with Baptisme of regeneration for remission of sinnes Also Tertullian in his Apologie about few yeares after Now saith he I will declare unto you the practises of the Christian function to the end that when I have refuted the evill I may shew you the good We come together into one Congregation to have recourse unto God by prayer forcing him as it were by joyning together of all our prayers and this violent enforcement is very well pleasing to God Wee pray for Emperours for their Officers and Potentates and for the estate present for the quieting of matters wee come together for communicating of the holy Scriptures as the present times doe presse us or to prevent somewhat to come or to make acknowledgement of the
against unpenitent sinners and his mercy in Christ to the penitent man as he hath taught and revealed for this power doth not follow the judgement and will of man nor succession of profession but is tyed and limited to the power of the Word and will of God Therefore what they hind on earth by this ministeriall power Christ bindes in heaven by his absolute power By this there is no power of coaction given to the Church over the body nor purse nor life but onely over the soule and conscience and to rule by instruction admonition and correction That makes men civill and sociable and restraineth vice for feare of punishment this other makes men spirituall and divine meeke and lowly and full of loving kindnesse and rooteth out sinne in the heart making men refraine and shun sinne and wickednesse for the love of God and goodnesse it selfe Herein the kingdome of Providence and Grace doe both agree to make man happy and blessed in this life and in the life to come for this cause it was said to Abraham In thy seed all nations shall bee blessed And David saith Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord For no Kingdome nor Common-wealth can be blessed which doth not entertaine the true Church of God in her bosome or in which the Church is not involved For this cause God doth make good Kings a blessing to his people and commands his Saints to pray for Kings Princes and Governours that they may l●ad a peaceable and happy life under them and that there his Gospell may have a free passage And so Kings and Princes become nursing fathers and nursing mothers And in this combination betwixt Church and Common-wealth righteousnesse and peace doe kisse each other But if they be wi●ked Princes then they are sent for a punishment and scourge of God to the the people and when God hath whipped his people then he burnes his roddes with judgements Therefore bee wise yee Kings be learned ye Judges of the earth serve the Lord in feare and rejoyce in trembling kisse the Son lest he be angry and ye perish in the way when his wrath shall suddenly burne blessed are all they that trust in him The glasse of Kings The glasse wherein Kings are to see themselves by reflexion and the pattern whereby they are to distribute judgement justice and equity is the Divine nature and holy Trinity of God himselfe For as the nature of God is strong and mighty full of pitty and compassion slow to anger and abundant in goodnesse and truth whose purity of nature expelleth and consumeth every impure and imperfect thing even so doth God require his King should be like unto him on earth as he is in heaven for he hath set none above him on earth Therefore as God is in purity of essence a law unto himselfe and a consuming fire of evill so ought a King in his politique capacity to be a law unto himselfe by conforming himselfe in a spirituall assimilation to the nature of God in purity of justice punishing the evill and cherishing the good Also as the person of the Father in its essence is the fountain of his eternall law which he hath begotten and ordained with himselfe for himselfe to doe all things by so is the King in his politique capacity the fountaine of politique lawes which hee hath as i● were begotten in his body politique to rule and governe his people by And as the eternall law of God is the begotten Counsell of the Trinity in the Deity so are the lawes politique the begoten Counsell of a politique Trinity which is the Soveraign the Nobles and Magistrates and the Councell of Commons resembling the Divine Trinity in Unity the indivisible subsistence of a Kingdome So that Kings are by this pattern and rule bound to keepe the lawes of their Kingdomes inviolate and to doe all things by their lawes as God doth all things by his word And this is the greatest prerogative of a King that he keepe his owne lawes freely without compulsion like God himselfe And likewise as the holy Ghost is the universall Minister and Divine Dispensator of all divine powers gifts and graces of God proceeding from the Father and the Sonne even so are the Peeres Princes Judges Magistrates and Ministers of Justice in a Common-wealth proceeding from the King and his lawes The universall Ministers of the Royall powers and lawes of the Kingdome For though they be many as members in diversity of Dispensation of Justice Judgement and equity of the lawes yet are they all but as one spirit of the body politique as the spirit of God being one is by reason of the diversity of Administrations properly called the seaven spirits before the throne of God Revel. 1. And as the individuall unity of this distinct Trinitie is the subsistence of the God-head Even so is the unity of the King with his Lawes and his Princes and Magistrates the subsistence of a body politique or Common-wealth Therefore Solomon saith Judgement and Justice is the establishment of the Throne For this similitudes sake Kings Princes and Magistrates are called Gods I have said saith the Lord yee are Gods but yee shall die like men for they are in all things to bee in their Common-wealth as God himselfe Therefore wee are taught to pray Thy will O God be done on earth as it is in heaven that Kings may rule by thee and Princes decree Justice on earth as thou dost in heaven This is that orbe wherein Kings are to walke as the Sunne in his spheare but if Kings make their owne will and lust their law and rule of Justice Judgement and equitie then they are exorbitant and then God in whose hands are the hearts of Kings causeth their Counsellers to goe as spoyled and makes their Judges as fooles and he looseth the collar of Kings and girdeth their loynes as with a girdle and leadeth away Princes as a prey and overthroweth the mighty or Powreth contempt upon Princes and maketh the strength of the mighty weake Job 12. 17 18 19 20 21. How divine and supernaturall power is derived unto man from the Father by the Word through the Spirit A civill ministeriall power of Justice is derived of Kings Princes and Magistrates from Christ as he is the Son of God and first begotten of every creature and therefore most worthy to have preheminence above all in whom all things consist for the temporall blisse and happinesse of man on earth So is divine and supernaturall power derived from Christ not onely as he is the first begotten Son of God but also as he is the light and life of man without whom man cannot be a living soule and as he is the eternall Mediatour betwixt God and man that promised seed the Redeemer of the Elect of God the predestinated Lambe slaine from before the foundation of the world for the remission of sinnes their ordained King Priest and Prophet of God the