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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A39473 An exact abridgment of all the statutes of King William and Queen Mary now in force and use / by J. Washington.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Washington, Joseph, d. 1694. 1694 (1694) Wing E913; ESTC R23866 210,071 247

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any Ecclesiastical Court for not conforming to the Church of England IV. Provided always that if any Assembly of Persons dissenting from the Church of England shall be had in any place for Religious Worship with the Doors locked barred or bolted the persons that shall be at such Meetings shall receive no benefit from this Law V. Nothing herein contained shall exempt any Persons from paying Tithes or other Parochial Duties to the Church or Minister nor from any prosecution in any Ecclesiastical Court or elsewhere for the same VI. If any person dissenting from the Church of England shall be chosen or appointed to any Parochial or Ward-Office and shall scruple to take it upon him in regard of the said Oaths or any other thing required by Law such person may execute his Office by a Deputy that shall comply with the Laws in that behalf such Deputy to be allowed and approved as such Officer himself should have been VII No person dissenting from the Church of England in Orders or pretended Orders nor any Preacher or Teacher in any Congregation of Dissenting Protestants that shall make and subscribe the Declaration and take the Oaths aforesaid at the General Quarter-Sessions held for the Parts where he lives and shall declare his approbation of and subscribe the Articles of Religion mentioned in a Statute made in the 13th year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth except the 34th 35th and 36th Articles and these words of the 20th Article viz. The Church hath power to decree Rites and Ceremonies and Authority in Controversies of Faith and yet shall be liable to any of the Pains or Penalties mentioned in an Act made in the 17th year of the Reign of King Charles II. Entituled An Act for restraining Non-conformists from inhabiting in Corporations nor the Penalties mentioned in the said Act of the 22th of the said Kings Reign for preaching at any Meeting for exercise of Religion nor to the penalty of 100 l. mentioned in an Act made in the 13th and 14th of King Charles II. Entituled An Act for the uniformity of Publick Prayers and administration of Sacraments c. for officiating in any Congregation allowed by this Act. VIII The making and subscribing the said Declaration and taking the said Oaths and making the Declaration of approbation and subscription to the said Articles shall be recorded at such Quarter-Sessions for which 6 d. shall be paid and no more IX Such persons shall not preach in any place but with Doors not locked barred or bolted X. And whereas some dissenting Protestants scruple the Baptizing of Infants Be it enacted That every person pretending to Holy Orders who shall subscribe the said Articles of Religion except before excepted and also except part of 27th ARticle touching Infant-Baptism and shall take the Oaths and make and subscribe the Declaration aforesaid as aforesaid shall enjoy all the Priviledges Benefits and Advantages which any other dissenting Minister might enjoy by virtue of this Act. XI Ministers Preachers or Teachers of Congregations that shall take the Oaths and make and subscribe the Declaration aforesaid and subscribe such of the Articles of the Church as are hereby required shall be exempt from serving upon Juries or from being chosen or appointed to any Parochial or Ward-Office or any other Office in any Hundred Shire City Town c. XII Every Justice of Peace may require any person that goes to any Meeting for exercise of Religion to make and subscribe the said Declaration and take the said Oaths or Declaration of Fidelity hereafter mentioned in case such person Scruple the taking an Oath and upon refusal shall commit such person to prison and certifie his Name at the next General or Quarter-Sessions and if upon a second tender at next General or Quarter-Sessions he refuse as aforesaid he shall be recorded and taken for a Popish Recusant convict XIII And whereas there are other Dissenters who scruple the taking any Oath such persons shall make and subscribe the said Declaration and this Declaration of Fidelity viz. I A. B. do sincerely promise and solemnly declare before God and the World That I will be ture and faithful to King William and Queen Mary And I do solemnly promise and declare That I do from my Heart abhor detest and renounce as Impious and Heretical that damnable Doctrin and Position That Princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be deposed or murthered by their Subjects or any other what soever And I do declare That no Foreign Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Power Jurisdiction Superiority Preheminence or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm and shall subscribe a profession of their Christian Belief in these Words viz. I A. B. profess Faith in God the Father and in Jesus Christ his eternal Son the true God and in the Holy Spirit one God blessed for evermore and do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration which Declarations and Subscriptions shall be recorded at the General Quarter-Sessions and Persons making and subscribing the two Declarations and Profession aforesaid shall be exempted from the penalties of the Laws against Popish Recusants or Protestant Non-conformists and from the penalties of an Act made in the 5th year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Entituled An Act for the assurance of the Queens Royal Power over all Estates and Subjects within her Dominions by reason of their refusing to take the Oath mentioned in the said Act and from the penalties of an Act made in the 13th and 14th years of King Charles II. Entitutled An Act for preventing Mischiefs that may arise by certain Persons called Quakers refusing to take lawful Oaths and enjoy the Benefits Priviledges and Advantages which other Dissenters ought to enjoy by virtue of this Act. XIV Persons refusing to take the said Oaths when tendred shall not be admitted to make and subscribe the said two Declarations though required by a Justice of Peace at a General o● Quarter-Sessions unless within 31 days after such tender of the Declarations to them they produce two Protestant Witnesses to testifie upon Oath that they believe him to be a Protestant Dissenter or a Certificate under the Hands of four Protestants who are conformable to the Church of England or have taken the Oaths and subscribed the Declaration aforesaid and a Certificate under the Hands and Seals of six or more of the Congregation to which he belongs owning him to be one of them XV. Till such Certificate or Witnesses be produced the Justice of Peace shall take a Recognizance with two Sureties in 50 l. for producing the same and for want of security shall commit him to prison till he produces the same XVI All the Laws made for frequenting Divine Service on the Lords-day shall be still in force against all persons except they come to some Assembly of Religious Worship allowed by this Act.
  Copies of Inventories in Courts of Admiralty Cinque Ports and Ecclesiastical Courts     Affidavits and Copies Indentures Leases Deed Polls 6 d. For each Skin Sheet or piece of Parchment or Paper Writs Original Latitats Capias Subpoena Bill of Middlesex Quominus Ded. Potestatem and other Writs     Processes and Mandates in all Courts where Debt is above 40 s.     Actions in London and other Corporations above 40 s.     Charter Parties Pollicies of Assurance Pasports Bonds Releases Contracts Obligatory Instruments Protests Procurations Letters of Attorny or other Notarial Acts.   Copies of Declarations Pleas Replications Rejoinders Demurrers and other Pleadings in all Courts of Law and for Copies thereof 1 d. For each Skin Sheet or piece of Parchment or Paper Copies of Depositions Bills Answers Pleas Demurrers Replications Rejoinders Interrogatories and other Proceedings in any Court of Equity Copies of Wills   Things Excepted Draughts of Depositions taken by Commissioners before they are ingrossed Seamens and Souldiers Wills and Administrations Paupers Bills of Exchange Accounts Bills of Parcels Bills of Fees Bills or Notes not sealed for Payment of Mony at sight or on demand or at the end of certain days of payment Trade I. Stat. 5 W. M. Sess 5. cap. 2. An Act for repealing such parts of several former Acts as prevent or prohibit the Importation of Foreign Brandy Aqua-vitae and other Spirits and Bacon except from France I. Importation of fine Thrown Silk Stat. 5 W. M. Sess 5. cap. 3. It shall be lawful to or for any Person or Persons residing within their Majesties Dominions to import within this Kingdom from any Port whatsoever excepting the Ports of France during the present War with France and three Months after fine Thrown-Silk of the growth or production of Italy Sicily or Naples II. Provided that this Act nor any thing herein contained What sorts to be imported shall extend to give liberty to bring over Land and import any Italian Thrown Silk courser than a sort thereof known and distinguished by the name of Third Bolonia nor any Sicilian Thrown Silk courser than a sort thereof known and distinguished by the name of Second Orsay nor any sorts of Silks commonly called Frams of the growth of Italy Sicily or Naples nor any other Thrown Silk of the growth or production of Turky Persia East-India or China The penalty under the Penalty and Forfeiture of all such Thrown Silk as shall be brought over land and imported contrary to the intent of this Act. III. And that all such fine Italian To be brought to the Custom-house Sicilian and Naples Thrown Silks as are allowed to be imported by this Act wheresoever landed shall be brought to their Majesties Custom-house London to the intent that no other sort may be imported over-land than those only allowed by this Act under the Penalties before-mentioned any thing to the contrary hereof notwithstanding I. Stat. 5 6 W. M. Sess 5. cap. 3. Whereas by an Act made in the 5th year of Q. Elizabeth Entituled An Act containing divers Orders for Artificers Labourers Servants in Husbandry and Apprentices It is enacted in these words following Provided always and be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Person or Persons using or exercising the Art or Mystery of a Woollen Cloath-Weaver other than such as be inhabiting within the Counties of Cumberland Westmorland Lancaster and Wales weaving Frizes Cottons or Houswifes Cloath only making and weaving Woollen-Cloath commonly sold or to be sold by any Cloathman or Clothier shall take and have any Apprentice or shall teach or in any-wise instruct any Person or Persons in the Science Art or Occupation of Weaving aforesaid in any Village Town or Place Cities Towns-Corporate and Market-Towns only excepted unless such Person be his Son or else that the Father or Mother of such Apprentice or Servant shall at the time of the taking of such Person or Persous to be an Apprentice or Servant or to be instructed have Lands or Tenements or other Hereditaments to the clear yearly value of 3 l. at the least of an Estate of Inheritance or Freehold to be certified under the Hands and Seals of three Justices of the Peace of the Shire or Shires where the said Lands Tenements or other Hereditaments do or shall lie The effect of the Indenture to be registred within three months in the Parish where such Master shall dwell and to pay for such registring 4 d. upon pain of forfeiture of 20 s. for every month that Person shall otherwise take any Apprentice or set any such Person on Work contrary to the meaning of this Article II. St. 5 Eliz. concerning Apprentices in Woollen Manufafacture repealed Now forasmuch as such part of the said Act before recited hath been found prejudicial to the Clothing-Trade It is hereby enacted That so much of the said Act as is before recited is hereby declared to be repeald and made void as if the same had never been made I. Salt-petre to be brought in for one year Stat. 5 6 W. M. Sess 5. cap. 10. It shall be lawful for any of their Majesties Subjects to import and bring Salt-petre into this Kingdom from any Place or Country now in Amity with their Majesties for the space of one year to be computed from and after the 25th day of March 1694. II. In what Ships Provided that such Salt-petre be brought in only in such Ships or Vessels as are English built and no other III. At what rate to be sold Provided that no Person importing Salt-petre by virtute of this Act nor any Retailer shall sell any part of the Salt-petre so to be imported at above the price of 70 l. per Tun not exceeding 18 per Cent. Refraction upon the Penalty of 50 l. per Tun. IV. Their Majesties Duty Provided that the Salt-petre which shall be imported by virtue of this Act shall pay to their Majesties the same Duty as if the same were directly imported from the East-Indies V. Salt-petre imported and mingled not to be sold at above 70 l. per Tun. If any Person shall mingle any Salt-petre imported by virtue of this Act with any other Salt-petre and sell the same so mingled at above the rate of 70 l. per Tun or shall by way of Barter or Exchange take or agree to take any other Commodity for Salt-petre imported by virtue of this Act whether by it self or mingled with other Salt-petre in any manner so as to have or receive for the same more than the rate of 70 l. per Tun accounting the Commodity so taken in exchange at the then currant Price That the sale of such Salt-petre so mingled and also such Barter or Exchange shall be construed and taken to be a Sale contrary to this Act. I. Iron Copper c. may be transported except to France during the War Stat. 5 6 W. M. Sess 5. cap. 11. It shall and may be lawful to and for any Person whatsoever Bodies Politick or Corporate to ship and export all and all manner of Iron Copper or Mundick Metal out of this Realm of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Berwick upon Tweed except unto or for the use of the French King or any of his Subjects residing within his Dominions or in to or for any Port or Place within his said Dominions during the present War between their Majesties and the French King paying the Duties and Customs by Law payable for the same II. Excepting Port-Metal Gun-Metal c. Provided this Act shall not extend to the exportation of Port-Metal Gun-Metal or Shruff-Metal or any old Metal or any mixture therewith or any Copper or other Metal than what is made c. of English Ore only FINIS