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A31330 Catechism made practical the Christian instructed I. in the principles of Christian religion, positively, in the shorter catechism, II. in what he is to refuse, and what to hold fast in the greatest points of controversie ..., III. in the practice of several duties, viz., (1.) the practical improvement of the Holy Trinity, (2.) baptism, (3.) prayer, and (4.) preparation for the Lord's Supper. 1688 (1688) Wing C1474; ESTC R23057 173,425 352

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the Godhead inform us of the exceeding great usefulness of the Knowledge of the Trinity Hath God revealed himself as a Father and would he not have his Children know him and be the better for it Hath he made known himself as the Son and Holy Ghost and not intend us a particular Kindness by it He most graciously conveys to his People the Knowledge and Assurance of most astonishing incomprehensible Love Grace Power and Goodness to allure and draw us into his Covenant to oblige us to take him for our God and become his Sons and Daughters that we ignorant lost miserable helpless Sinners might become happy for ever in him 3. As the Plurality of Persons or one God and three Persons are revealed to us so the practical Vse and Benefit of it is also revealed and therefore it is to be opened to his Covenant-people As soon as we know the Covenant and our Entrance into it we know our God to be the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost And this Knowledge is not laid up for the Wise and Learned which hath been most depraved by and lost in those proud and subtile and learned Wits in all Ages but laid open before the Faith of the weakest Believer to whom it is revealed I am verily perswaded saith the judicious Mr. Lawson that the Mystery of the Trinity is more clearly and fully delivered in the Scripture than we understand it Theopolitica p 32. N. 3. And I have wondred how familiarly that Man of Search and Reach Dr. Thomas Goodwyn speaks of it as if he saw how it was in his excellent Discourse of the Knowledge of God 2 Vol. Fol. We must humbly follow the Scripture-Light and dive into this Deep no further than our Line doth reach growing more and more in Grace and Knowledge till we come to see him face to face and to know him as we are also known I cannot but observe the Doctrine of the excellent and modest Melancthon These things are wonderful and above the Creature 's reach Sed scimus c. But we know these Mysteries are revealed to the Church that we may worship and call upon God aright c. Christ would have the sum of the Gospel to be comprehended in this first Ceremony of Baptism wherefore he testifies at once that we are received of God and teacheth us who God is and what God we invocate and what he doth bestow upon us I baptize thee in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost that is to say I testifie that thou art received of the Eternal Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost that by their Mercy and Power thou mayest be delivered from Sin and eternal Death and be endowed with Righteousness and eternal Life He makes a Covenant with thee in Baptism and affirmeth that he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and that he appointed the Son to be a Propitiation and sent the Holy Ghost to begin in thee Righteousness and eternal Life Loc. Commun de 3. Personis it de Filio The glorious infinite God Father Son and Holy Ghost is the Object and Foundation of our Faith and Hope the bottomless incomprehensible Spring of all Grace Promises Blessings and Privileges granted in the New Testament and being so made known we by Faith acknowledge him as such and promise Love and Obedience to him We receive from the Father through the Son by the Holy Ghost Grace and Life even all manner of Grace and all that are alive live by them upon them and to them Therefore again the Knowledge of this Mystery is practical and necessary to Salvation for except we believe and worship God as he hath revealed himself except we keep Covenant with him as God in Covenant and that as he hath declared himself therein how can we be saved By him as thus made known we are quickned strengthned encouraged and comforted in all our Services and every step of Duty in our way to Heaven The reverend and learned Beza observes That Arrius Sabellius Actius and other ancient Hereticks did many ways pollute and prophane the most holy Mystery of the Trinity but none of them ever grew to that degree of Impudence as to rank the Knowledge of it among things unnecessary and which if known make no Man the better Vol. Tractat. Theol. fol. p. 100. De Haeret. Puniendis The necessity of knowing and believing the Father Son and Holy Ghost To Be that is according to their meaning that there is a Son and Holy Ghost as well as the Father but not Co-essential is professed by the Socinians Racov. Catech c. 6. p. 30,31 So that he is no Christian who doth not believe it But what they say is not sufficient As the Being of one God is the Foundation of all Religion so that this God is Father Son and Holy Ghost as the God of all Grace in Covenant is the Foundation of the Christian Religion and distinguisheth it from that of Heathens Mahumetans and Jews And it is such a Foundation as is a living Root to the Tree of spiritual Knowledge and eternal Life to every true Believer Our Orthodox Divines assign it the chief place in Fundamentals and practical Doctrines and therefore it is of great use and benefit to have it and the Benefits of it declared So doth the most reverend Archbishop Usher often profess Serm. before King James I on Ephes 4 13. Bishop Prideaux Praelec 17. de Sancta Trinitate N. 3 7. Hornbeck Socin Confutat lib 1 cap. 9. it Disputat Theol. 4. inter vetera nova lib. 2. cap 2. Unicum est Religionis Fundamentum saith Beza Loc Citat Zanch de 3. Flohim lib. 5 cap 9. Partis Secundae Mr. Baxter Theol. Method p 76 Q2 it p. 122. N. 10. Ursin Catech. Explicat à Pareo p. 159 Q8 Dr Owen of the Trinity and of the Holy Ghost lib 1. p. 8. p. 44. Sect 4. p. 126. Dr. Potter c 4. The practical use and benefit of it being known it is a great inducement to Christians to study it and a furtherance of their Faith Hope and Joy and all other Graces and it will engage them to hold fast the revealed Doctrine of it which is most necessary in these Days when they who display their Banners against our Church and one Factor for them who hath served and dis-served his Principals borrowed an Argument of the same stamp but he will write no more would drive us into a Belief of T●ansubstantiation because we believe a Trinity and an Incarnation which if we should admit they might not only brand us as the foulest Hereticks that ever were since Christ left the World but for being so But this Insinuation of an Antichristian Error of theirs hath brought forth an excellent Discourse in two Parts The Doctrine of the Trinity and Transubstantiation compared Of the practical Vse of the Mastery of the Trinity the words of Armenius are notable At verò
Q What do the Scriptures principally teach A. The holy Scriptures principally teach what Man is bound to believe concerning God and what Duty God requires of (e) 2 Tim. 1.13 Hold fast the form of sound words which thou hast heard of me in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus 2 Tim. 3.16 see before Man. 4. Q. What is God A. God is a (f) Joh. 4.24 God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth Spirit (g) Job 11.7 Canst thou by searching find out God Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection V. 8. It is as high as heaven what canst thou do Deeper than hell what canst thou know V. 9. The measure thereof is longer than the earth and broader than the sea Infinite (h) Psal 90.2 Before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. Eternal and (i) James 1.17 Every good and perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning Unchangeable in his (k) Exod. 3.14 And God said unto Moses I am that I am and he said Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I AM hath sent me unto you Being (l) Psal 147.5 Great is our Lord and of great power his understanding is infinite Wisdom (m) Rev. 4.8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him and they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night saying Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come Isa 6.3 And one cried unto another and said Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory Power (n) Rev. 15.5 Who shall not fear thee O Lord and glorifie thy Name for thou only art holy for all nations shall come and worship before thee for thy judgments are made manifest Holiness (o) Deut. 32.4 He is the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are judgment a God of truth and without iniquity just and right is he Justice (p) Exod. 34.6 And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed The Lord the Lord God merciful and gracious long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth V. 7. Keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin and that will by no means clear the guilty visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and upon the childrens children unto the third and fourth generation Goodness and Truth 5. Q. Are there more Gods than one A. This God is one and there is and there can be but one only the living and true * Deut. 6.4 Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord. Jer. 10.10 But the Lord is the true God he is the living God and an everlasting King at his breath the earth shall tremble and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation 1 Cor. 8.4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols we know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is none other God but one V. 6. But to us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him God. 6. Q. How many Persons are there in the Godhead A. There are three Persons in the Godhead or Divine Being and Nature the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and these three are one God the same in substance equal in (q) 1 Joh. 5.7 For there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Matth. 28.19 Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost 2 Cor. 13.14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all Amen Joh. 10.30 I and my Father are one Phil. 2.6 Who being in the form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God. Compare Isa 6.3,5,8 with Joh. 12.41 and Acts 28.25 Acts 5.3,4 But Peter said Ananias why hath Satan filled thine heart to lye to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land Whiles it remained was it not thine own and after it was sold was it not in thine own power why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart thou hast not lyed unto men but unto God. Power and Glory and all divine Perfections 7. This one God the Father the Son and Holy Ghost is the first efficient Cause or Creator the preserving and disposing and the final Cause of all things Rom. 11.36 For of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory for ever Amen 8. What soever God hath done and brought forth he did according to his Eternal Purpose and Decrees Ephes 1.11 Who worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will. 9. Q. What are the Decrees of God A. The Decrees of God are his Eternal Purpose according to the Counsel of his Will whereby for his own Glory he hath fore-ordained whatever comes to (r) Ephes 1.4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love V. 11. In whom also we obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Rom. 9 22. What if God willing to shew his wrath and to make his power known endured with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction V. 23. And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he had afore prepared unto glory pass 10. Q. How doth God execute his Decrees A. God executeth his Decrees in the works of Creation and (Å¿) Ephes 1.11 Who worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will. Providence 11. Q. What is the Work of Creation A. The Work of Creation is God's making all things of nothing by the Word of his Power in the space of six days and all very (t) Gen. chap. 1. throughout Heb. 11.13 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things that do appear good 12. Q. How did God create Man A. After all the rest of his Works God created Man Male and Female after his own Image in Knowledge Righteousness and Holiness with Dominion over the (u) Gen. 1.26 And God said Let us make Man in our own image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the rish of the sea and over the fowl of the
is not revealed The Son was brought forth before all time Prov. 8.22 His goings forth are from everlasting Mic. 5.2 the Father hath given to the Son to have Life in himself as the Father hath Life in himself Joh. 5.26 It is the property of the Father to have Life in himself and to give Life to his Son It is the property of the Son to have Life in himself from the Father I live by the Father Joh. 6.57 The personal action of the Father and the Son towards the Holy Ghost is to send him Joh. 15.26 The personal action of the Holy Ghost is to come to proceed to receive to give Joh. 16.7,8,13,14 to testify Joh. 15.26 as a distinct witness from Christs own and the Father 's of him Joh. 5.37 2. What a Person in the Godhead is The Greek Church used the word Hypostasis Heb. 1.3 and the Latin Church Person●… and from them we borrow the word Person There is great reason why we should retain the word tho' we will not divide from any for the use of a Term that acknowledge what is reveal'd in Scripture and can express the truth better A Person in the Eternal God head transcends a Person in Nature A Person in Nature is usually desined or described to be a Compleat Perfect Singular Living Understanding Being or Substance subsisting by it self not sustained by another nor a part of another The Persons in the God-head differ from a Created Person as will appear in these particulars 1. Every particular Man partakes of the same common general and special Nature but these particulars cannot be one Man but every Person in the God-head is that one only living and true God. 2. As Persons are multiplyed in Nature so the nature is multiplyed in Persons but there is but one God the Divine essence is one and not multiplied 3. One Person in nature is not another nor in another but the Father is in the Son and the Son in the Father and yet distinguished John 10.38 chap. 14.11 Joh. 17.21 4. One Person in nature is not only distinguished from another but is separated from another in time and place and many other respects But 1. The God-head or God being eternal the Persons in the God-head are Co-eternal none is before the other 2. Where one is the other is the nature being indivisible The Son is where the Father is tho' the humane Nature be not Omnipresent 3. What the one hath the other hath Joh. 16.15 All that the Father hath are mine said the Son and the Holy Ghost hath what the Son hath He shall take of mine and shall shew it unto you 4. If you know the Son you know the Father also Joh. 12.4 chap. 14.9,10,11 5. What one doth the other doth John 5.19 None of these things can be affirmed of different Persons in humane Nature The three Persons in the Divine essence must not be measured by individuals or singular Persons in Nature but as one Person is really distinguished from another by a Personal property so because the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost are so distinguished we call them Persons tho improperly in a sence peculiar to them Now a Person in the God-head is God as related to himself I humbly conceive it thus God the Father is related to God the Son and God the Holy Ghost God the Son is related to God the Father as a Son to a Father and to God the Holy Ghost And God the Holy Ghost is related to the Father and the Son. You saw before the relative property of each Glorious Person A Person in the Trinity is not a compound of an essence and a property for the Divine Nature is infinitely perfect most pure simple or uncompounded This relation is eternal and primary They bear a voluntary relation to the Creatures as Creator Redeemer Comforter This was intended before time but actual in time And to remove all gross imaginations of the incomprehensible Trinity of Persons tho' we take Person and Body in our Language for the same let us take heed of imagining three Bodies when we say three Persons III. These three Glorious Persons are one God in essence 1. It is most certain there is one God and but one Deut. 6.4 Is 44.8 1 Cor. 8.4 2. It is certain there are three Persons as explained 3. The father is confessedly that one God 1. Cor. 8.4 It is as true that the Son the word is God Joh. 1.1 and the Holy Ghost is God Acts 5.4 Therefore these three are that one infinite God. It is contrary to reason to say there are three Gods It is not contrary to reason that these three should be one because it is revealed and they must be one God or not God at all for there is not to us Christians nor to Mankind more than one God. But before I produce more evidence for this truth I make hold to premise Suppose an Infidel should desire a Socinian to instruct him in the nature of the true God and to shew him the essential difference between God and all Creatures whatsoever Surely he must shew him how God hath made himself known And how is that but by his Glorious Names Titules Properties Attributes and Operations which are above the power of Creatures and by which Creatures are produced Now if the very same Characters by which he declares the true God to an Infidel be ascrib'd to the Son and Holy Ghost then as his demonstration of the nature of God is good so our demonstration of the essential Deity of the Son and Holy Ghost must needs be as good If Christ be God by donation of eminent power office or near conjunction with God if the Holy Ghost be a quality or God by office they are but Creatures and if Creatures tho the highest have those properties which are essential to God then it will follow God hath nothing peculiar to his own infinite Being which is impious and irrational But God is distinguished from all Creatures and the properties of God are truly ascribed to the Son and Holy Ghost therefore they are the true God and not Creatures The three Persons are one God. There being no dispute against the Father I shall apply my self to prove the Son and Holy Ghost to be the true God. Proved by their essential Name 1. The Name which Jehovah signifies Eternal Being is proper to God and not common to any Creatures That they may know that thou whose Name alone is Jehovah art most high over all the Earth Ps 83.18 This name is translated Lord and its signification given Rev 1.4 which is which was and which is to come This Name is the Name of the Son as it is the Name of the Father Ps 110.1 Jehovah said to my Lord that is Christ Mat. 22.42 The Son is called Jehovah Is 40.3 Prepare the way of Jehovah i.e. Christ Mar. 1.23 Luke 1.76 The Angel appearing in the Bush was Jehovah Exod. 3.2 Compare v. 4.5 with
What he was before he took the Nature of Man and who he was see before ver 9 c. 2. He took a true Body and reasonable Soul compleat humane Nature 1. A Body Heb. 10.5 The words inform us of a Covenant between the Father and the Son as two distinct Persons and what each one was to do As the Father was in Being before this Body was prepared so was the Son before he came to do his Will in that Body and so was the Holy Ghost by whom this Body was conceived The Father was to prepare a Body for his Son which was prepared by the Holy Ghost and assumed by the Son. 3. This Body was a true Body not a phantasm or a Celestial Body passing through the Body of the Virgin like lightning through the Air or Water through a Chanel but a substantial humane Body with Flesh and Blood for Sacrifice Heb. 10.10 Heb. 2.14 Luke 24.39 4. There was a reasonable Soul in this Body the Divine Nature was not instead of a Soul to him he had a true reasonable Soul Understanding Luke 2.4 Willing chap. 22.42 Sorrowing Mat. 26.38 and so he was a Man approved of God Acts 2.22 the Man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 He was conceived by the Holy Ghost 1. The Conception of the Holy thing was wonderful 1. In respect of the cause the Holy Ghost 2. In respect of the Mother a Virgin 3. In respect of the purity without Sin. 4. in respect of the ends of it both immediate and remote 2. The Operation of the Holy Ghost with the concurrence of the Father and the Son was his forming or creating the Body of Christ of her Blood or natural matter in her Womb. That which is conceived in Her Mat. 1.20 He was made of a Woman Gal. 4.4 The Operation of the Holy Ghost was not upon the Divine Nature or Person of the Son but altogether upon the Virgins Womb causing her to conceive a true substantial Body with a Soul created in it and both prepared for Union with the second Person who took the humane Nature so Conceived into personal Union with himself That which this nature received from the Son was personality or to be one Person with him The Holy Virgin was active and passive in this Conception Thou shalt Conceive in thy Womb c Luke 1.31 and that which is Conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost Mat. 1.20 3. Yet the relation continued between the Father and the Son the Son was the Son of the Father and not of the Holy Ghost 4. The manner of this Conception is so express'd as to denote a mighty secret Operation of the Holy Ghost upon the Virgin. See Luke 1.35 like the influence of the Spirit in the first Creation Gen. 1.2 or alluding to Ruth 3.9 He was Born c. 1. After the Virgin had miraculously Conceived she grew with Child Luke 2.5 was found with Child Mat. 1.18 and at full time was Born of her Luke 1.35 chap. 2.7 Mat. 2.1 Certain signs of the reality of the humane Nature that Mary was a Natural Mother tho not in a natural way and not a Spiritual Mother by Faith that the Body came not down from Heaven or was made out of the Womb and not formed in her Womb of her Nature and Substance as some have imagined He is said to come down from Heaven as God condescending to be our Mediator and as Mediator in respect of his Mission and Authority And why Our Mediator is God and Man in one Person that he might be a middle person and so mediate between God and Man he was Man that he might obey and die that the promises made to Adam Abraham David might be fulfilled Gen. 3.15 Gal. 3.16 Acts 2.30 Rom. 1.4 and with respect to all the Children Heb. 2.14 He must be Born without Sin a Holy thing that he might be a Priest and Sacrifice He was God-Man that he might satisfy and merit by his obedience and sufferings SECT XIII Of the Prophetical Office of Christ 1. OUr Saviour declared the Father 1. as the Brightness of his Glory Heb. 1.3 Joh. 14.9 2. As a Prophet foretold Acts 3.24,25,26 2. This great Prophet teacheth outwardly by his word and Ministers and inwardly by his Spirit and this is effectual to Salvation Christ both preached and gave repentance which is Gods prerogative See Acts 3.26 2. Tim. 2.25 He at once opened the Heart and the Scriptures Luke 24.32,45 He so Preached as to heal the broken in Heart c. which are Works proper to God Luke 4.18 Ps 146.7 Ps 147.3 3. Christ as Mediator doth act in subordination to his Father yet not as if he were but Man only instructed by God and to that end taken up to Heaven in the space of the forty days temptation to receive Revelations from him nor as if he were but God only by deputation as they say He is a Prophet as God-Man Joh. 1.18 The only begotten Son hath declared him Even while he was upon Earth as Man he was in the Bosom of the Father as God as one essentially with him and intimate in all his thoughts He was greater than John Baptist who was greater than the Prophets he was full of grace therefore God Joh. 1.15 1 Pet. 5.10 4. He is a Prophet still for the Gospel is his Gospel Rom. 1.16 and ver 9. He by his Spirit enlightneth our Minds Ephes 1.17 and so the Scriptures are able to make us wise to salvation 2 Tim 3.15 5. Christ is not only the Mediator of the New Testament because he declares or makes the Covenant in the Name of God Heb. 8.6 He as a Prophet or an Apostle and Embassador doth deal with Men teaching and perswading them but so that he is also the High-Priest of our profession or Covenant-agreement with God and so he is a surety of the Covenant engaging himself to make good Gods promises to us and our obligations to God Heb. 7.22 He acteth between both for both 6. As a Prophet he was sent of God and was known by this Title or Periphrasis He that was to come Luke 7.19,20 And two things are to be noted of him 1. His quality as the Son of God Joh. 3.17,18 and as related to Man as the Son of Man and so he received the Spirit not by measure Joh. 3.34 It abode upon him 2. His Mission or Sending with command to honour him Joh. 3.17 chap. 5.24 As God he could not come nor descend but he who was God came His Original was from Heaven as God and he was in Heaven as God and his Commission and Authority to do the Office of a Mediator was from Heaven or from God Joh. 7.29 chap. 8.42 chap. 3.34 He could not be in Heaven as Man while he was upon Earth nor till he ascended His coming and descending denotes to us 1. The condescention 2. The Authority and Commission of Christ SECT XIV Of Christ's Priestly Office. 1. CHrist is truly and properly a
the Third and the Order of Acts and Operations follows according to the Order of Subsistence the Father doth all through the Son by the Spirit by the Spirit we come and believe in the Son and through him we come to the Father The Relation of the Three is double 1. To one another The Father is related to the Son as a Father and the Son to the Father as a Son and both to the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost to both as the Spirit of the Father and the Sun. 2. To us who are baptized He is a Father Son and Holy Ghost to us that take him for our God. From these Names of Father Son and Holy Ghost we come to have right Notions of God as God of Grace Love Authority and Power and of our own Relation and Obligation to him for all Grace and Mercy and our Dependance on him and Obedience to him as Children Lastly Here is the true Measure of our Faith concerning God Our Faith is defective and unsound if we do not believe in one God the Father the Son and Holy Ghost The Knowledge of this great Mystery is very necessary and of great use to us 1. In respect of our Faith and Life of Faith. 2. To direct us in our right worshipping of God. 3. In our universal new Obedience And indeed the Mystery of the Incarnation and the whole of our Redemption and Salvation doth spring from the Mystery of the Trinity 1. We must exercise Faith in God the Father Joh. 5.24 And believeth on him that sent me Joh. 14.1 as the Fountain of Grace Father of Mercies Eph. 1.2,3 2 Cor. 1.3 as teaching and drawing to Christ Joh. 6.44,45 loving us Joh. 16.27 as the Father of Christ and our Father Joh. 20.17 2. We must exercise Faith in Christ Joh. 14.1 Believe also in me as the only Begotten of the Father Joh. 20.31 as the Way to the Father Joh. 14.6 as having Eternal Life in him 1 Joh. 5.11,12 It is an Observation of great moment that the Mediatory Offices of Christ are grounded upon and have their Efficacy from the Sonship of the Second Person The Son took our Nature and was consecrated to be our High Priest Heb. 7.28 The Son is our all-wise and mighty Prophet Matth. 17.5 and our King Psal 2.6,7 Heb. 2.1,8 The Son hath all Power and Authority with the Father and therefore we may draw near to him with Faith and Confidence of Acceptation and Prevailing 3 We must believe in the Holy Ghost We cannot believe in the Father and the Son except we believe in the Holy Ghost His Wisdom and his Power is the Wisdom and Power of God 1 Cor. 2.4,5 We cannot believe the Scripture except we believe in him by whose Inspiration the Scriptures were spoken and written 2 Pet. 1.21 Our Faith doth depend upon his Testimony 1 Joh. 5.6 He is a Witness both in Heaven and Earth Ver. 7,8 We believe in him as a Witness a Teacher a Comforter Joh. 14.26 2. We cannot worship God In Spirit acceptably except we believe in the Father the Son and Holy Ghost That one Text is of singular use to Believers Ephes 2.18 For through him i. e. Christ the Mediator we have access by one Spirit i. e. the Holy Ghost unto the Father And thus we worship the Father Ephes 3.14 Joh. 4.24 the Son Heb. 1.6 Joh. 5.23 Phil. 2.6,11 and the Holy Ghost 2 Cor. 13.14 Prayer is made to the Holy Ghost as well as to the Father and the Son Sometimes Prayer hath been made to one Ephes 3.14 sometimes to another Acts 7.59 sometimes to two 1 Thess 3.11,13 and sometimes the three are named 2 Cor. 13.14 But when one is only named the other are not excluded What need have we to be renewed in the Spirit of our Minds that we may have divine and spiritual Thoughts and Conceptions of God in our Approaches to him 3. Universal Obedience and Service is to be performed to the Father the Son and Holy Ghost Matth. 1.6 Compare 2 Cor 6.18 with 2 Cor. 7.1 Whosoever shall do the Will of my Father which is in Heaven Matth. 12.50 The Son must be honoured and obeyed Joh. 5.23 Matth. 17.5 Heb. 5.9 2 Cor. 5.14,15 And the Holy Ghost is to be served and obeyed Rom. 8. from 9. to 15. We must obey his Motions Teachings Reproofs Convictions and Commands So much of the first Head Now of the second We are enabled by the Spirit accepted through the Son with the Father 2. The Improvement of our Baptism Consider two things 1. All Persons baptized are bound to improve their Baptism for their own Good and Glory of God. 2. Parents ought to improve it for their Children And then I shall shew in what Particulars and how this Improvement and Advantage of Baptism is to be made 1. Baptism is a Bond made between God and us As by Circumcision the Jews were bound to observe the whole Law though it was an Ordinance given before the Law Gal. 5.3 Gen. 12.7,10 to 13. so Christians are Debtors to Christ to observe all things commanded by him Matth. 28.20 Abraham was bound for himself to walk before God c. Gen. 17.1 And he was eminently faithful and sincere in performance of his Covenant-Bond and Duty towards his Household Gen. 18.19 as was David also 1 Chron. 28.9 yea all Israel were strictly commanded to teach their Children Deut. 6.7 and so are Christian-Parents Ephes 6.4 2. All Persons are bound for themselves when grown up to Years of Understanding to remember this Bond and Covenant solemnly entred with God. Though they have neglected the Duties required and have not humbly claimed the Privileges of a Covenant-People yet the Bond is a perpetual Bond and the Transgression of it will be charged upon them to their sorer Condemnation if they repent not I say all baptized Persons are obliged to God and must remember their Covenant whether they be 1. Unconverted Or 2. Converted and called 1. All unconverted Sinners are obliged to God the Father the Son and Holy Ghost and therefore to serve and honour God as a redeemed holy People and therefore to turn from the Service of Sin and their Enemies to serve the living and true God c. 1 Thess 1.9,10 Consider 1. You have the means of Grace and Salvation in some measure the design and end of all which is to bring ●ou to God. You are not in darkness as Pagans are Though all of you may not have the Light of the Gospel shining gloriously in an able zealous Ministery the want and scarcity of which is a great hindrance and loss to Souls yet you have the Scriptures which are able to make you wise to Salvation c. 2 Tim. 3.15,16 When the Teachers of the Jews were deeply corrupted it was a great benefit to have the Scriptures Joh. 5.39 And if Ministers are negligent yet Parents are bound to train up their Children Eph. 6.4 The very reading of the Scriptures is profitable
the Persons There is but one Person and that is the Father They own the Son and Holy Gost but then make the Father and the Son not to be of the same Nature and Essence and deny the Holy Ghost to be God or a Person in the Godhead And so they make us who are created by one that is God to be but redeemed and saved by one that is not God and made new Creatures and sanctified by one who is not God save by Title They take away the glorious Crown of Essential Godhead from the Head of God my Saviour and lay that Honour in the Dust of Manhood though they acknowledge him more than a meer Man a Divine Man and only a Subordinate to God a meer Instrument a second Cause of Salvation an Helper but not a perfect Saviour a great Prophet an improper Priest and a little King. I am sure according to their Doctrine I must look for another Christ for such an one as they describe cannot do for my Salvation what my State requires But blessed be God the Father the Son and Holy Ghost for making himself known to me in the Glass of holy Scripture and in Honour Love and Thankfulness I have where ever Occasion is offered vindicated the Glory of God my Saviour and of God my Sanctifier And for their Subtilty in managing their Cause I verily think they have lost it by one Concession of theirs which you may see in the second and third Commandment where I have spoken but briefly yet I hope not obscurely I have mainly set my little Strength against them principally but I hope God's Power will be seen in my Weakness 2. As the reverend and judicious Josias Simder observes that out of the School of that impure Servetus went forth those egregious Disciples Gonaesius Gribuldus Blandrata Gentilis Paul Alciatus Gregorius Paulus Casanovius Menno and numerous Troops of Anabaptists who all differed in some things from one another Tractat de Aeterno Dei Filio so most of our differing Sects are corrupted with some Points or other of Socinianism and not only among them is this Infection spread but others also In the Asphaltes of Socinianism all flow together Gebal and Amon and Amalek Anabaptists Remonstrants Separatists and Quodlibetists said Dr. Prideaux Lect 19. De Satisfactione Christi The Convocation in the Year 1640. took notice of its Growth and took care to smother it And since all manner of Teachers took liberty to set out their Light they who are conversant in their Opinions know how strongly they savour of it And I desire them for whose Benefit in part I direct these Discourses to take warning● from Dr. Owen who hath taken great and learned pains against them in his Vindiciae Evangelicae and Comment on the Hebrews c against Socinianism who speaks of a choice Society of Christians who were divided and in no small part infected by some of their Arts Preface before his Confutation of Biddle 's Catechism And by the way take notice that the most abominable pernicious Errors may be imposed upon injudicious undiscerning People by a copious Rehearsal of Scripture as is to be seen in that Catechism of Mr. Biddle which he calls A Scripture Catechisin Such need is there of able Ministers well studied to sland upon the Watch-Towers and such need is there of Humility in People to know their Teachers And one Socinian Doctrine is of dargerous tendency to corrupt the Minds of Men who are for Liberty of Prophesying of gifted Men that they hold there is no necessity of a Calling Mission or Ordination of Ministers Capit. 2. de Eccles Christi They can furnish them who are disposed to cavelling with Cavels and Objections enough suited to proud corrupt Nature and many Opinions grown too common And Men that are devoted to Reason but never felt the two-edged Sward of Conviction of Sin and Wrath and of their need of a Saviour enter into their Souls are apt to venerate them as the Oracles of Reason What I have done or can do is but little yet I trust Truth will be seen in its own Light and found to stand upon its own strong Foundation I was confined to Brevity and it is not easie to me who am used to expatiate to make things plain to every Capacity to be clear short and strong Had I fore-seen there had been so many Half-lines as I see there is I would have filled up my Sense in some places but now that cannot be Such as it is I do most humbly dedicate it to my God and Master in Heaven and for your Service my much and most honoured Brethren Friends and dearest Relations Accept of this as a Present a profitable Return for many Favours and Blessings received from you I beseech you continue your Care and Pains in instructing your Families Build up your selves and them in your holy Faith and as you were educated your selves go on to train up yours And the Grace of our Lord Jesus be with your Spirits To others I deliver with mine own hands the best Legacy I have to leave them charging you all and every one by that Covenant between God the Father Son and Holy Ghost and you that you do in your whole Lives live to God by Faith Renew Repentance and let the Love of God constrain you c. 2 Cor. 5.14 As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord walk in him Col. 2.6 And renounce whom and what you have renounced In every Condition live by Faith and in every thing by Prayer and Supplication make your Requests known to God. Phil. 4.5 In every State learn to be contented Phil. 4.11 In every thing give thanks 1 Thes 5.18 and always for all things unto God and the Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ Ephes 5.20 Study believe and live according to these things Hold fast the form of sound words which you have heard of me c. 2 Tim. 1.13 I do not leave you Wood Hay Stubble but Gold Silver and precious Stones 1 Cor. 3.12 Therefore highly value them as Talents and a Treasure and know that I do rejoice more in leaving you these precious Legacies of the New Testament than if I had Thousands of Gold and Silver to leave you And let all that shall receive any Benefit by these Endeavours for Good to your immortal Souls bless the Lord for ever Brief Directions 1. You that teach others teach them their Baptismal Vow 2. Next inform them what they are by Nature and what they may and must be by Grace Acquaint them with Christ 3. After they can say the Creed the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments enter them into the Catechism and lead them as they are able 4. Make Application to their Hearts of what they learn. 5. When they have learnt the Catechism go on to the Proofs 6. When they grow in Judgment often repeat and study well the several Sections of the second Part as you go over those Points
lust and inticed V. 15. Then when lust hath conceived it brings forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death Matth. 15.19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murthers adulteries fornications thefts false-witnesses blasphemies it 23. Q. What is the misery of that Estate whereinto Man fell A. All Mankind by their Fall lost Communion with (i) Gen. 3.8 Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden V. 10. And he said I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid my self V. 24. So he drove out the man and he placed at the end of the garden of Eden Cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life God are under his Wrath and (k) Ephes 2.2,3 see before Gal. 3.10 For as many as are of the work of the law are under the Curse for it is written Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the law to do them Curse and so made liable to all miseries in this Life to Death it self and to the pains of Hell for (l) Lam. 3.39 Wherefore doth the living man complain a man for the punishment of his sins Rom. 6.23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Matth. 25.41 Then shall he say to them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels V. 46. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal ever 24. But all Mankind were not left to perish in the state of Sin and Misery For 25. Q. Did God leave all Mankind to perish in the state of Sin and Misery A. God having out of his meer good pleasure from all Eternity elected some to everlasting (m) Ephes 1.4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love Life did enter into a Covenant of Grace to deliver them out of the state of Sin and misery and to bring them into an estate of Salvation by a (n) Rom. 3.21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets V. 22. Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference Gal. 3.21 Is the law then against the promises God forbid for if there had been a law given which could have given life verily righteousness should have been by the law V. 22. But the scripture hath concluded all under sin that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe Redeemer 26. Q. Who is the Redeemer of God's Elect A. The only Redeemer of God's Elect is the Lord Jesus (o) 1 Tim. 2.5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men the Man Christ Jesus V. 6. Who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time Christ who being the Eternal Son of God became (p) Joh. 1.14 And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth Gal. 4.4 But when the fulness of time was come God sent forth his Son made of a woman made under the Law. Man and so was and continueth to be God and Man in two distinct Natures and one Person for (q) Rom. 9.5 Whose are the Fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Luke 1.35 And the Angel answered and said unto her The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the Power of the Highest shall over-shadow thee therefore also the holy Thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. Col. 2 9. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Heb. 7.24 But this Man because he continueth ever hath an unchangeable priesthood V. 25. Wherefore he is able to save them to the utmost that come to God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them ever 27. Q. How did Christ being the Son of God become Man. A. Christ the Eternal Son of God became Man by taking to himself a true (r) Heb. 2.14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death that is the Devil V. 16. For verily he took not on him the nature of Angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham Heb. 10.5 Wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith Sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not but a body hast thou prepared me Body and a reasonable (Å¿) Matth. 26.38 Then saith he unto them My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death tarry you here and watch with me Soul being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost in the Womb of the Virgin Mary and born of (t) Luke 1.31 Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus V. 35. see before V. 42. And she spake out with a loud voice and said Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Gal. 4.4 see before her yet without (u) Heb. 4.15 For we have not an High-Priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin Heb. 7.26 For such an High-Priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens Sin. 28. Q. What Offices doth Christ execute as our Redeemer A. Christ as our Redeemer executeth the Offices (x) Acts 3.22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you Heb. 12.25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven Compared with 2 Cor. 13.3 Since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me which to you-ward is not weak but is mighty in you Luke 4.18 The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised of a Prophet (y) Heb. 5.5 So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an High Priest but he that
Mat. 5.18 The Spirit will not nullify his own work 17. The Scriptures are of the same use to us and all Ages to come which they were of to them that first received and believed them They are written that we should believe them that shall be saved Joh. 20.31 They are profitable for all things for all good works therefore we cannot be wise to Salvation without them 2 Tim. 3.15,16,17 1 Joh. 1.1,2,3,4 18. The authority of the Old Testament is equally Divine with the New. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God 2 Tim. 3.16 They mutually prove one another Luke 24.44 Acts 26.22,23 chap. 24.14 A proof from the Old Testament is as good as any from the New both make up one perfect Canon and Rule of Faith. 19. Consequences clearly or immediately drawn from Scripture or by clear natural light are Divine for they are contained in the Scriptures Those consequences drawn by our Saviour and Peter to prove the fundamental Article of the Resurrection are now part of Scripture Mat. 22.32 Acts 2.30,31 and were virtually contained in the Scriptures before If we can draw consequences from Scriptures by sound Mediums in imitation of them what we prove by such consequences is true and to be believed 20. The sence of Scripture is but one plain and simple to imform and fettle our understandings and faith and not ambiguous to confound us or keep us in doubts When the Scriptures speak plainly and properly the sence is proper when by metaphors and figures then it is plainly so If the sence were ambiguous how could they be understood how could they serve for Doctrine or for conviction of Error but they are profitable to those and other ends therefore plain 2 Tim. 3.16,17 21. There are no contradictions in Scripture for they are all given by inspiration of God who cannot contradict himself If any contradiction appears it is because our understandings cannot reach their coherence 22. Divine Revelation and right reason are different lights from the same father of light There is nothing therefore in Scripture contrary to right reason To bring matters revealed to be judged by reason is to bring the Spirit of God before the tribunal of Man who is both blind corrupt and partial and to make the Reason of Man now in a corrupted state to be more Divine and certain than Revelation Ephes 5.8 1 Thes 5.4 Ephes 4.17,18 1 Cor. 2.14 There is the greatest reason in the World to believe what God hath revealed Right reason and revelation agree where Scripture is contrary to reason the reason is not good 23. God hath taken care to preserve Canonical Scriptures from being lost The Scriptures are perfect 2 Tim. 3.15,16,17 If any were lost the rest would be imperfect If not one jot or tittle shall pass away from the Law till all be fulfilled the whole Law and Revelation is safe Mat. 5.18 SECT III. Of the Trinity THE Doctrine of the most glorious Trinity is fundamental and practical because we are baptized in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Our Christian faith and hope is built upon them we receive Gifts and Blessings from them together and from each one distinctly and we glorify and worship them together and distinctly as being devoted Servants to God the Father the Son and Holy Ghost This mystery is known only by Revelation There is enough in nature to make it credible and the practical use of it is to be made known as well as the truth of it to be proved by the Holy Scriptures Concerning it observe 1. There are three Relatives or Persons in the God-head 2. What a Person in the God-head is 3. These three are one God in Being or Essence co-essential and co-equal for there can be no inequality in the same infinite God-head or Essence I. There are three This is acknowledged by the Socinians who pronounce them to be no Christians who do not believe it Racov-Catech c. 1. But they deny that there are three Persons in the God-head because a Person is Essentia individua intelligens an individual intelligent Being But this reason is not good It implies that because a Person in the God-head is not like a Person in Nature therefore there are no distinct Persons or Relatives in the God-head Concerning these three observe 1. They are nam'd together Mat. 28.19 1 Joh. 5.7 and apart in many Scriptures by their several different Names These three are more than one They say there is but one Person in the God-head and that is the Father But the Father is not every one of these three there are two more distinctly named besides him The Father is not the Son nor the Son the Father nor is the Father nor the Son the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is not the Father nor the Son. If the Father be a Person so is the Son and so is the Holy Ghost The Father and the Son are two and not one and the Holy Ghost is a third If the Father relate to the Son as Father and the Son relate to the Father as Son as they do then they are distinct Persons and then there are also more Persons than one and as the Father and the Son are two the Holy Ghost is a third Not a quality of God for there are no accidents in God and if he were a power or a quality there would be no need of naming him as distinct from the Father and the Son for he would be included in the Father as the power of God. 2. These three are distinctly named in our Baptism which is a covenanting action and solemnity Covenants are between Persons The God of Grace who takes a number of Persons into Covenant with himself doth declare himself to them that they may know to whom they are obliged and related in Covenant Our great duty is to believe in God to honour and serve him and to expect what he hath promised He reveals himself as our God in Covenant and that not only as God but as Father Son and Holy Ghost We are oblig'd in the same duties to the Son and Holy Ghost as to the Father and partake of Grace Love and Communion from each one together 2 Cor. 13.14 Ephes 1.2,3 As God hath made himself known to us in Covenant so we are to believe and order our conceptions of him 3. Persons are known by personal properties and actions These three are known and distinguished by distinct properties and actions in reference to one another and towards the Creatures We are bound to believe in the Son as the only begotten Son therefore as distinguished from the Father John 20.31 chap. 3.16,18 The property and action of the Father is to beget The Son is called the first begotten Heb. 1.6 The Divine nature is unchangeable and indivisible and not multiplicable therefore there is no proper action nor passion as in nature nor production of new Being in this eternal Generation the manner of which
the Law were Sons but in minority under Tutors c Gal. 4.4 yet they had the free Spirit Ps 51.12 They with their fear had boldness and we have fear with our boldness and liberty Phil. 2.13 Heb. 4.16 And Sanctified 1. To Sanctify is to make Holy. 2. We abhorr that slander That because we are justified by imputed Righteousness therefore we may take licence to sin We say a justified Man is Sanctified and must be so 1 Cor. 6.11 2. Imputed Sanctification 1. Cor. 1.30 doth not excuse from inherent 3. A shew of sanctity is but hypocrisie 4. We teach as the Apostle did Heb. 12.14 and derive holiness from its proper causes Rom. 6.1,2 Rom. 3.31 1 Pet. 2.24 Gal. 5.6 Tit. 2.14 3. To believe in the first notion of it is not all one as to obey obedience is necessary to Faith. They who obey are true believers and they who obey not are hypocrites Rom. 10.15 Heb. 5.9 James 2.14 c. 4. Sanctification is the Work of God the Father Jude 1. of Christ Joh. 15.24 of the Holy Ghost 2 Thes 2.13 We can no more regenerate or sanctify our selves than we can justify our selves 5. The Righteousness of justification is perfect Rom. 8.1 of Sanctification imperfect therefore we need continued justification and forgiveness 6. Justification is a change of State Sanctification of Nature it is total in respect of parts but not compleat in degrees we are growing but not grown perfect 7. In our Conversion we turn from Sin and Creatures to God in our Sanctification we die to Sin and live to God to which we are enabled by virtue of our Union with Christ Rom. 6.3 chap. 8.10 and by his spirit dwelling in us Rom. 8.13 Rom. 6.5,6.11 1 Cor. 6.11 1 Pet. 1.2 and by growing in some graces we grow in all and inward graces are encreased by outward Ordinances threatnings promises afflictions temptations and mercies sanctified 8. Regenerate Saints have Sin in them abiding tho' they have the spirit Gal. 5.16,17,18 1 Joh. 1.8 chap. 2.1 James 3.2 and sin actually 1 Kings 8.46 Peter sinned in denying Christ and after he was again converted Gal. 2.11 Obj. He that is born of God sinneth not 1 Joh. 3.4 Answ No not as he who is of the Devil and not born of God v. 8. and he purifieth himself v. 3. Obj. I am able to do all things therefore to live without sin Phil. 4.13 Answ All have not Paul's Grace and Power 2. Paul himself in his regenerate state was not free from Sin Rom. 7.16,17,18,22,25 3. All things i. e. Evangelically not Legally 4. All things that is Want and Abound Obj. We pray Thy Will be done c. nothing more agreeable to it than perfection and if we ask we shall receive 1 Joh. 5.14 Answ We are not taught to Pray for perfection in this Life for it is no where promised We are sincerely to wish and endeavour it SECT XX. Assurance of God's Love. 1. SUch an assurance of Gods Love and the fruits of it as overcomes fears and doubts is attainable in this Life and is no vain confidence See 2 Pet. 1.10 In it observe 1. The exhortation is made to believers in general 2. The diligence is the means of attaining it 3. Effectual Calling may be known and made sure 4. He that is sure of his Effectual Calling is sure of his Election See also 1 Thes 1.3,4 to ver 7. 2 Thes 2.13,14 Heb. 6.9,10 2. Assurance is ordinarily gathered by spiritual sanctified Reason and Divine Testimony thus he that is called is elected The spirit delivers and testifies that truth But I am called this is true by experience and spiritual sence of the Work of God upon us and the truth of grace therefore I am elected this is the conclusion and there is an assurance of all three propositions 3. The ordinary reasons why so many want it are 1. Because some look upon it as too high for them 2. or use not diligence or 3. know not how to gather it or 4. doubt of the truth of their graces or 5. want holy confidence in drawing the conclusion therefore I am elected Peace of Conscience 1. Peace of Conscience is the tranquility of it or rest from the terrors of the Law and threatnings of wrath Having it we undergo troubles and afflictions we submit to God serve him and wait for eternal Life 2. It proceeds from peace with God Rom. 5.1 and is Gods gift Rom. 15.13 3. It is often broken by temptations omissions of duty and commission of Sin. But the soundation and Bond of it a bides strong on Gods side and it is regained by renewing Faith Repentance Watchfulness and Obedience Joy in the Holy Ghost Rom. 14.17 1. Spiritual joy is the happy flourishing state of a true believer It is the fruit of the spirit Gal. 5.22 a gift of God Rom. 15.13 2. It springs from Faith in Christ 1 Pet. 1.8 and hope of Glory Rom. 5.2 3. The objects of it are God in Christ Rom. 5.11 Phil. 4.4 4. 'T is accompanied with Righteousness and peace Rom. 14.17 5. 'T is consistent with godly Sorrow Mat. 5.4 and sympathy with mourners Rom. 12.15 6. It is strongest in sufferings 1 Pet. 4.13 Rom. 5.3 and after hard services Acts 5.41 7. There is no hope of it to the impenitent Ps 51.8 Luke 13.5 8. It is allayed in believers with fear Ps 2.11 and sorrow Rom. 12.14 Encrease of Grace Growth in Grace is promised Prov. 4.18 Ps 1.3 It grows by abiding in Christ John 15.4,5 and a diligent use of Ordinances Ephes 4.11,12,13 and exercise of Grace Phil. 4.8 2 Pet. 1.2,4 to 10. Encrease is promised here but perfection is reserv'd for Heaven Perseverance 1. If Perseverance in Grace were not certain none could be saved 2. It depends not upon the strength of inherent Grace but upon Gods Will. 1. Election is to salvation 2 Thes 2.13 2. Calling is to Glory 1 Thes 2.12 1 Pet. 1.3,4 3. The promise goes home to the end John 3.15,16 and faith looks for it Heb. 11.1 4. The Covenant is firm between the Father and the Son Is 53.11 accordingly Christ perform'd his part Heb. 2.10 chap. 12.2 John 17.15 Heb. 7.25 and to the true Believer Heb. 10.14,15,16,17,23 Tit. 1.2 5. They have the spirit to abide Joh. 14.16 an earnest 2 Cor. 1.22 and Seal Ephes 4.30 6. They believe and hope to the end Heb. 10.39 1 Pet. 1.9 Rom. 5.2 7. They continue running and pressing 2 Tim. 4.8 Philip. 3.15 8. They are kept to salvation 1 Pet. 1.4,5 These are comforts to the diligent and sincere Hypocrites and Apostates have no part in them 2 Pet. 1.5 to 10. SECT XXI The Souls of Believers are happy at their Death 1. THe existence and immortality of the Soul was proved before 2. The destruction of the Soul is not of the substance but the punishment of Hell Luke 12.5 They who die in the Lord are Blessed Rev. 14.13 and shall be with him Ph●l 1.23 for
in the practice of several duties CHAP. I. Of the practical use of the Doctrine of the Trinity and improvement of Baptism 1. IT is matter of sad consideration to see the ignorance infidelity formality and loosness of Baptized Christians who live liker unbaptized Heathens than Christians Some of the causes of this ungodliness are 1. Some make no more account of Baptism than of a Ceremony and others ascribe too great a virtue to the very act or work of Baptizing And generally there is much curiosity and expence in preparing for entertainments where there is little sense of what is to be done in the holy solemnity of Baptism by prayer humiliation and faith 2. The neglect or negligent cold imperfect way of early and holy education of Baptized Infants 3. The not improving of our Baptism when we are grown up for graces assistances privileges comforts and engagements to God as if the Laver of Regeneration were a Fountain dried up or no more to be used than while we are first washed 2. I have said before that the doctrine of the Trinity is a fundamental practical doctrine to be explained to all and known of all because we are all Baptized in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost I am limited to a very short discourse and therefore must say as much in little as I can in the following points In the form of Baptism Mat. 28.19 we have two things 1. A commission to teach and Baptize 2. A direction with commandment to Baptize in the Name or into the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Here observe 1. The Author or the Lord who gave this Commission and Command the Lord Jesus ver 18.2 The parties 1. The Minister employed and his office to teach the Gospel or Covenant of grace and to Baptize with Water 2. The principal parties between whom he deales and officiates in this solemn Act. 1. God the most high and gracious God making and declaring a Covenant of grace and taking sinful and undone Man into it 2. Man graciously taken into Covenant and dutifully accepting of and submitting to the grace of God declared in that Covenant according to the terms and constitution or Laws thereof 3. To Baptize with Water is a Ministerial Act between God and the party Baptized By it God doth graciously admit and receive a guilty polluted Sinner to himself in Covenant and the poor polluted Sinner doth consent and submit to God upon Covenant terms and Baptizing with Water is an outward visible Sign and Seal by which God doth signify his grace and bind himself as God in Covenant to perform his gracious promises and the party Baptized doth declare and signify his humble acceptation of and sincere consent to the Covenant of grace and binds himself to perform what God requireth of him 4. This is done in the Name or into the name of the Father the Son and Holy Ghost Where God doth more fully and clearly and distinctly declare himself than ever he did to Abraham or any of his Covenant People before at least together and at one time 5. According to this declaration of himself as God the everlasting and Almighty by which name he took Abraham into Covenant Gen. 17.1 the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost he taketh his people for his own and they take him for their God. 6. And so we are related to God as Father Son and Holy Ghost and have a right to him as Father as he hath to us as Children and to him as Son of the Father and what the Son hath done for us as he hath a right to us as Children and Brethren Heb. 2.11,12,13,14 And we have a right as well as relation to God the Holy Ghost and to what he doth as he hath a right to us to teach lead sanctify and dwell in us We have God engaged to us and we are engaged and oblig'd to God the Father the Son and Holy Ghost as such 7. As God said I am the Lord thy God thou shalt have no other Gods but me binding his Covenant People to himself in which this positive duty is implied Thou shalt have me for thy God so here in our Baptism we are engaged to have God the Father the Son and Holy Ghost for our God to have him is both our duty and happiness 8. Therefore we must not take up and satisfy our selves with the knowledge and faith of God in general That God is or that God is one the Creator and Governour of all things but must enlarge our knowledge and faith into the mystery of God Col. 2.2 the Father Son and Holy Ghost and into the marvellous Works of Redemption Sanctification and Salvation in which the grace of the Father Son and Holy Ghost doth gloriously appear 9. God descending to us in Covenant and exalting us to be his People is the highest object of our knowledge faith fear love desire delight hope and trust We must honour and worship him own and obey him according to this revelation as Father Son and Holy Ghost And now I come to shew you that this Doctrine of the Trinity or three Persons in the God-head is a practical Doctrine as well as fundamental and to be known and believed of all Christians and then the practical improvement of Baptism 1. Let us take this Mystery as it is revealed to us 2. And because it is revealed to us we ought not to be terrified from a humble search into it It is plain 1. That Father Son and Holy Ghost are one God and that one God in Covenant 2. Father Son and Holy Ghost are severally Named 3. Therefore there is a relation of the one to the other and a distinction between them 4. There is an order but no inequality in Essence for we are to honour and obey the one equally with the other 5. No doubt but this is for his Glory that he hath thus declared himself and for the good of his People and what we cannot now understand we shall understand in Heaven 1 Cor. 13.10 6. Every Baptized Person must hold fast the faith and profession of the Trinity of Persons in the same indivisible Essence and God-head for every Person is declared to be our God to have a right to us and we are devoted to them as one God and three Persons 7. What is briesly summ'd up in this form of Baptism is more particularly explained in Scripture and more distinctly in the New Testament therefore we ought to enquire into the Scriptures into the common and also distinct acts and Operations ascribed to God as one and to each one of the most Glorious Persons 8. In these words we have the foundation object rule and measure of our holy Faith comprehended Our Faith is sounded upon God he is the highest Object of it Our Faith must follow the Order laid down the Father is the First Person the Son the Second and the Holy Ghost
and Endeavour after new Obedience No Man is sensible of Sin as highly offensive and contrary to God but doth grieve and sorrow for it No Man is sorry in a Godly sort that doth not turn from it unto God as hating it and endeavouring to please God. Men may hear of Sin and talk of it without these Effects but they were never sensible of what they speak section 2 2. Do I apprehend that it is Mercy meer Mercy tender Mercy and wonderful if ever I turn from Sin and escape Damnation Is this Mercy in and through and for the sake of Jesus Christ if ever I escape the Curse and Wrath due to me for Sin Doth the Apprehension of God's Mercy in Christ melt me win me overcome me and prevail upon me to forsake all my Sin and to turn to him 3. Do I grieve for Sin What is my Grief Is it deep and hearty arising in me from a clear Sight and Conviction of Sin Do I grieve that I ever sinned at all that I have dishonoured and displeased God though I should not go to Hell nor fear it Doth it break my Heart and make me mourn before God when I remember it 4. Do I hate it Do I hate all Sin in general for its corrupt base and devilish Nature and Qualities Do I hate mine own Sin in special Do I flee Occasions and watch against Temptations to it Do I pray against it to be delivered from it and enabled against it Do I die to it and mortifie it and cease to make provision for it These are the Signs of Hatred of Sin. 5. Have I turned from Sin Do I turn further and further from it Whose am I To whom do I belong Satan Or am I turned from him to God Am I really turned so that I yield those Members which were Instruments of Unrighteousness unto Sin to be Instruments of Righteousness unto God Do I turn to love fear and serve him as the Lord my God 6. How do I turn Feignedly weakly and in pretence or with a Purpose of Heart Is my Purpose full and fixed or but half perswaded Am I so turned that I resolve in the strength of Grace to return back no more but to go forward Do I so purpose that I will endeavour all Ways by all Means by the use of all Ordinances to walk in new Obedience as a new Man Do I turn to God as well as cease from Sin Whence do my Resolutions and Purposes arise Do they arise from that Saving Grace of the Spirit working in me a Sense of Sin as Sin and an Apprehension of the Mercy of God in Christ Or do spring from worldly Sorrow Fear or Shame Loss or Harm suddain Passion or serious Consideration 4. The Trial of Love. section 1 The fourth Grace to be examined is Love And though your Catechism tells you you must examine your Love yet it helps you not to try it as you are helped in the Trial of Faith and Repentance It will be necessary for me to open to you the Nature and Properties of this divine Grace and that by shewing you the Objects of it or towards whom this Grace of Love is exercised Examine your Love 1. To God. 2. To Man. 1. Concerning your Love to God you must observe that we are bound to love God in those three distinct Relations in the Godhead that is we must love the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost for in our Baptism we take these three glorious Persons in the God head for our God And what Duties we are engaged to in our Baptism we must exercise and engage our selves a-new to perform when we come to the Lord's Table for then and there we renew our Covenant with God. And as we are bound to believe in God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost so we are bound to love the Father the Son and Holy Ghost This being spoken on the way I shall describe this Grace of Love as near as I can as Faith and Repentance are described before and that by pointing out the Cause and Reasons and the Effects of it by which you may try the Truth of it Rom 5.8 Luk 7.37 Ps 116 1,2,3 to 10. Cant. 1.3 ch 5.9,10 1 Joh. 4.9,10,19 Ps 63 2,3 Deut. 30.20 c. 10.20 c. 11.22 Joh. 14.15 1 Joh. 5.3 chap. 3.1,6 chap. 4.10,11 Love to God is a Saving Grace whereby a Sinner out of the sense of his Sin Baseness Corruption and Misery and from an Apprehension of the infinite Perfections of God especially his Grace Goodness and All sufficiency he doth adore and admire him he doth desire him and cleave to him he laboureth to do the things that please him and to conform to him in all things section 2 Examine your selves 1. Doth your Love to God proceed from your Knowledge and Apprehension of his infinite Excellencies expressed in his Attributes Do you therefore acknowledge God and look upon him as infinite in Wisdom Holiness Power Righteousness Faithfulness and Truth as rich in Grace c. See Exod. 34.6,7 Dost thou believe the Love of God to thy Soul Is he thy God Hath he engaged his Attributes and Glory to thee to be on thy side and for thy good Dost thou believe thy self to be corrupted polluted guilty and helpless Dost thou look upon the Creatures as vain and unable to make thee happy that God is All-sufficient for thee in all Conditions at all Times Dost thou adore and praise him See Psal 103. from 1. to 19. Dost thou believe that God is infinitely better than all Creatures and to be loved above all And dost thou esteem and love him above all the World even with all thy Heart Strength Soul and Mind Matth. 22.37 Luk. 10.22 even above Father above Mother Wife House Lands yea Life it self Dost thou desire him prize him and prefer him before all Psal 16.5,6 and 4.6,7 and 144 15. Dost thou labour to be like him to imitate him to keep his Commandments 1 Joh. 4.10,11 1 Pet. 1.17 and still to give God the Precedence to chuse him above all to fear him more than Men or Devils and to obey him rather than Man This in general section 3 But to go on to Particulars Examine your Love to the three glorious Persons in the God-head distinctly And know this that he that loveth the Father loveth the Son and the Holy Ghost likewise and he that loveth Christ loveth the Father and the Holy Ghost also 1. Examine your Love to God the Father Say to thy Soul O my Soul What am I about to receive Bread and Wine But what is represented thereby The Body and Blood of thy dear Saviour the only begotten of the Father as crucified with all the Benefits of his Death But whence came this to pass How came he to be one of us in our Nature to be thus abased and crucified to become a Propitiation and a Ransom for Sin Oh behold and wonder Rom. 5.5,8,9 This is an Act of the
Father's Love and Grace Dost thou perceive and admire the Father's Love in making a Covenant of Grace to bring thee and such as thou art out of the State of Sin and Misery mark that and to bring thee into the State of Salvation by the Redeemer Admire this way that it should be by a Redeemer that the Redeemer should be the Eternal Son of God that such a glorious Person should so humble himself and die such a Death for Enemies and Sinners when Sacrifices and Offerings God would not Heb. 10.5 Oh dost thou not love the Father 1. Because he was pleased of his meer good Pleasure to decree the Salvation of poor Sinners 2. Because he took that way to bring his chosen ones out of Sin and Misery to obtain Everlasting Salvation 3. Because he sent his Son 1 Joh. 4.9 Joh. 3.16 in the Form of a Servant to humble himself to Death even the Death of the Cross to take away Sin by that kind of ignominious and painful Death 4. For sitting him thereunto For it pleased the Father that in him should all Fulness dwell Col. 1.19 Heb. 2.10,11,17 chap. 7.26 5. And that when all other means could not do it as was intimated before Heb. 10.5 6. And who and what are they for whom the Infinite Wisdom doth consult Infinite Mercy and Grace act in such a wonderful way and manner Even Sinners Enemies when weak weak and without Strength and therefore worthless and good for nothing Rom. 5 6,7,8 7. And to make this Love more admirable that every one that believeth should become a Child of God 1 Joh. 3.1 Joh. 1.12 Study and behold this infinite Mercy and Grace He gave his Son to be thy Redeemer and giveth every one that shall be saved to his Son And though they are given to the Son in Election to be redeemed by him they must come to Christ but they cannot come except the Father draw them Joh. 6.39,44,45 Doth not thy Love grow warm and gather Strength by these Considerations Herein is Love God gives and sends his Son to be thy Saviour a compleat and perfect Saviour he is and he with the glorious Purchace of his Blood things present and things to come a Testament full of Blessings sealed in that precious Blood is set before thee upon the Table Now the Father of Mercies is ready to receive thee and if thou receive thy Saviour thou shalt be made a Son even a Co heir with Christ Perceivest thou not the Love of God in all this Examine thy self now Is not God better than Father and Mother to thy Soul What saith thy Heart to this Father's Love Wilt thou love him better than Father and Mother Wilt thou honour and reverence him as a Father high above all Wilt thou serve and imitate him Ephes 5.1 and pass the time of thy sojourning here in his sear 1 Pet. 1.17 Shew thy Love by keeping all his Commandments Wilt thou refuse to be abased shamed afflicted persecuted and even to die when he calls thee to it for his sake and for his Glory Herein thou wilt manifest thy Love to him who hath blessed thee c. Ephes 1.3 section 4 Secondly Try thy Love to thy Redeemer the Lord Jesus If thou lovest him thou knowest for what Cant. 1.3 Because of the savour of thy good Ointment c. therefore do the Virgins love thee The Reasons of thy Love to Christ may be reduced to two Heads 1. What he was and became for thee 2. What he is to thee and for thy benefit 1. What he was and became for thee And here observe that thy Love must run out towards him as thy Redeemer in his three-fold Office And take notice of this Whatever Christ was for thee in reference unto God he performed as thy High-Priest and because he discharged that Office he is become a Prophet and a King. Had he not satisfied the Divine Justice and reconciled God to Sinners he could never have taught his Church the Way of Salvation because there would have been no Salvation wrought or purchased and he should have had no People to rule and defend Now examine thy self Dost thou not wonder that the Eternal Son of God should become thy Redeemer Thy Redeemer who art the sinful Off-spring of sinful Parents That he should take upon him the Seed of Abraham and not the Nature of Angels Heb. 2.16 That he should save thee by his own Debasement Dishonour and bitter Sufferings Hast thou not Cause to love him 1. For taking thy Nature so much below him into Union with his glorious Person 2. For taking thy Nature with all the afflictive Meanness of it not with Honours Ease Pleasure Reputation and Pomp Mar. 10.45 He who was the Lord of all came not to be ministred unto but to minister 3. For suffering the Wrath of his own Father as a most provoked mighty Judge who spared not his own Son Rom. 8.32 4. For taking on him the Guilt of Sin which is most odious and contrary to him so far as that he who was holy harmless and undefiled did bear the Sins of many Isa 53.11 and was numbred among Transgressors to suffer the most bitter and reproachful cursed Death and that for the Transgressions of his apostatized and revolted Creatures And now still he makes Intercession for thee he pleads his own Sufferings for thy Salvation and his Merits for thy Discharge Ask thine own Soul seriously What wouldest thou have done had not he thus low abased himself and been thy Surety How couldest thou have reconciled the provoked Majesty of Heaven Couldest thou have born the Wrath and Curse which was due to thee for thy Sin Oh how should the Sense of Sin Guilt and Damnation due to thee beget a deep Sense of thy Saviour's Love and thereby inflame thy Love 2. Consider what he is to thee and for thee Surely he is All in all a merciful and faithful Saviour Hast thou any Knowledge of thy fallen depraved cursed woful Condition And doth it not make thy Love to burn within thee He was a Surety for thee and he is a Saviour to thee He gave himself for thee and now he gives himself to thee with a large Share and full Portion of the Purchace of his most precious Blood. Knowest thou not that the holy and jealous God was angry with thee that all the Miseries of Life Death and Hell were due unto thee and that neither thy Tears nor Blood could wash away thy Sin and that Christ hath done all that was required for thy Atonement Oh dost thou not love him entirely and intensely to the highest degree who procured thy Pardon by his own Condemnation and bitter Death who hath obtained for thee an Acquittance from thy Trespasses and Debts a Patent for Adoption and a Kingdom with that Prerogative even a Co heirship with himself Rom. 8.17 Now thy Love to Christ as thy Priest and Advocate will appear 1. In thy high prizing his
in the Catechism to which they belong 7. As soon as you can give your selves to Prayer and be not disswaded by them who are against all Vse of Forms Think not that God will not be served but with New and New. Pray for the Matter of it what is pleasing to God and good for you with Vnderstanding spiritual Sense and Faith and as you can do more and better Thus do and the Lord help you by his Holy Spirit 8. Renew your Baptismal Covenant and as engaged by Covenant examine your selves and so eat c. And Lastly Having once preparedly joined your selves to the Lord and his Church in the Communion of his Body and Blood having drunk of that one Cup and being made one Bread take heed of Neglects and Apostasie Remember As often as you do it c. you shew forth the Lord's Death until he come And while you live continue so to do It will be a Benefit to you to lay up the short View of these Principles in your Memories and often repeat them to your selves ADVERTISEMENT THere is lately published the Second Edition of Mr. Pools Annotations on the Bible in which the whole Sacred Text is inserted in two Volumes in Folio Useful for Families and Closets Sold by Jo. Robinson in St. Paul's Church-yard A SHORT CATECHISM According to the DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND With Scripture Proofs at large Newly revised and corrected with more Scriptures and Propositions for Illustration annexed LONDON Printed in the Year 1688. A short View of Divinity or Summary of this CATECHISM SHewing 1. what is Mans chief End. 2. The way to it I. Mans chief End is either 1. The chief End of Intention what he ought to aim at above all things as the Scope of his Life and Actions that is to glorify God. Or 2. Mans chief End of Fruition his chiefest Good and Happiness and that is to enjoy God for ever II. The Way to attain this chief End is by the holy Scriptures The Scriptures principally teach 1. What Man is to believe 2. What God requires Man to do 3. What Man may and ought to ask of God and pray for The Scriptures are a Rule of Faith a Rule of Life and manners a Rule of Prayer I. The Scriptures teach what Man is bound to believe 1. Concerning God. 2. Concerning himself 1. Concerning God Man is to believe 1. What God is in his Essence or Being and Attributes 2. What he is in Relation to himself as the Essence subsisteth in three Persons the Father the Son the Holy Ghost 3. What God is in Relation to his Creatures in general and to Man in special of whom the Scriptures principally speak God is to be considered in reference to Man 1. As Creator 2. Preserver 3. Governor 4. Redeemer 5. Benefactor and gracious Rewarder 2. Man is to be considered as 1. a Creature 2. as a defective needy insufficient Creature and sinful 3. As under Government as a Subject governed by Law and Covenant 4. As redeemed under which consider 1. Mans Sin. 2. Mans Misery 3. Mans Inability to recover or restore himself Concerning our Redemption Note 1. The way by which by a Covenant of Grace 2. The Person by whom our Lord Jesus Christ Concerning this Redeemer observe 1. who and what he is 2. His Office in general a Mediator A Mediator in three Offices 1. A Prophet 2. a Priest 3. a King in a twofold State of Humiliation and Exaltation 3. The Application of Redemption by the Holy Spirit The Redemption is applied in effectual Calling They who are called are justified sanctified and adopted And these are partakers of great Benefits from Christ in this Life at Death after Death at the Resurrection and in Heaven for ever II. The Scriptures teach what Man is obliged to do to please and glorify God and that is Obedience to the moral Law which Law shews what we ought to do and what we ought not to do But Man hath transgressed this Law and is fallen under the Wrath and Curse of God. The Scriptures further teach what is to be done to escape the Wrath of God which is 1. Faith in Jesus Christ 2. Repentance to Life towards God. 3. A diligent Vse of means which are 1. The Word heard and read 2. The Sacraments Baptism and the Supper of the Lord. 3. Prayer III. What Man ought to pray for taught generally in the Scriptures particularly in the Lord's Prayer The Sum of all is our highest End and the way to it the way to it is by Faith in Jesus Christ with its adjunct Repentance which we are taught in our Creed 2. By Love and Obedience the Sum of the Commandments 3. By Invocation taught by our Saviour A SHORT CATECHISM According to the DOCTRINE OF THE Church of England Quest 1. WHat is the chief End of Man Answ MAn's chief End for which he was made and redeemed and to which he should aim is to glorifie (a) 1 Cor. 10.31 Whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do do all to the Glory of God. Rom. 11.36 For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things to whom be glory for ever Amen God and to enjoy him for (b) Psal 73.25 Whom have I in heaven but thee And there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee V. 26. My flesh and my heart faileth but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever V. 27. For lo they that are far from thee shall perish thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee V. 28. But it is good for me to draw near to God I have put my trust in the Lord God that I may declare all thy works ever 2. Q. What Rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorifie and enjoy him A. The Word of God which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New (c) 2 Tim. 3.15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus V. 16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness Ephes 2 20. And are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner-stone Testament is the only Rule to direct us how we may glorifie and enjoy (d) 1 Joh. 1.3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ V. 4. And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full Psal 73.24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterwards receive me to glory Joh. 20.31 But these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing ye might have life through his Name him 3.
would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies might serve him without fear V. 75. In holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our lives 1 Pet. 1.15 But as he that hath called you is holy so be you holy in all manner of conversation V. 16. Because it is written Be ye holy for I am holy V. 17. And if you call on the Father who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work pass the time of your sojourning here in fear V. 18. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers V. 19. But with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot Commandments 7. Q. Which is the first Commandment A. The first Commandment is Exod. 20.3 Thou shalt have no other Gods before me Q. What is required in the first Commandment A. The first Commandment requireth us to know and acknowledge God to be the only true God and our (p) 1 Chron. 28.9 And thou Solomon my son know thou the God of thy father and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts if thou seek him he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he will cast thee off for ever Deut. 26.17 Thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God and to walk in his ways and to keep his statutes and his commandments and his Judgments and to hearken to his voice God and to worship and glorifie him (q) Matth. 4.10 Then saith Jesus unto him Get thee hence Satan for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Psal 29.2 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his Name worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness accordingly Q. What is forbidden in the first Commandment A. The first Commandment forbiddeth the (r) Psal 14.1 The fool hath said in his heart There is no God they are corrupt they have done abominable works there is none that doth good denying or not worshipping and glorifying the true (Å¿) Rom. 1.21 Because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were they thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkned God as God and our (t) Psal 81.10 I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt open thy mouth wide and I will fill it V. 11. But my people would not hearken to my voice and Israel would none of me God and the giving that Worship and Glory to any other which is due to him (u) Rom. 1.25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the Creature more than the Creator who is blessed for ever Amen V. 26. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change their natural use into that which is against nature alone Q. What are wee specially taught by these words before me in the first Commandment A. These words before me in the first Commandment teach us that God who seeth all things taketh notice of and is much displeased with the Sin of having any other (x) Ezek. 8.5 to the end Psal 44.20 But if we have forgetten the name of our God or stretched out our hands to a strange God V. 21. Shall not God search this out for he knoweth the secrets of the heart God. 8. Q. Which is the second Commandment A. The second Commandment is Exod. 20.4,5,6 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven Image or the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thy self to them nor serve them for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments Q. What is required in the second Commandment A. The second Commandment requireth the receiving observing and keeping pure and entire all such religious Worship and Ordinances as God hath appointed in his (z) Deut. 32.46 And he said unto them Set your hearts unto all the words which I testisie among you this day which you shall command your children to observe to do all the words of this law Matth. 28.20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you alway unto the end of the world Acts 2.42 And they continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers ... Word Q. What is forbidden in the second Commandment A. The second Commandment forbiddeth the worshiping of God by (a) Deut. 4.15 Take ye therefore good heed unto your selves for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire V. 16. Lest you corrupt your selves and make you a graven image the similitude of any figure the likeness of male or female V. 17. The likeness of any beast that is on the earth the likeness of any winged fowl that flicth in the air V. 18. The likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth V. 19. And lest thou lift up thine eyes to heaven and when thou seest the sun moon and stars even all the host of heaven shouldest be driven to worship them and serve them which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven Exod. 32.5 And when Aaron saw it he built an altar before it and Aaron made proclamation and said To morrow is a feast of the Lord. V. 8. They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them they have made them a molten calf and have worshipped it and have sacrifioed thereunto and said These be thy Gods O Israel which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt Images or any other way not appointed in his (b) Deut. 12.31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God for every abomination to the Lord which he hateth have they done unto their gods for even their sons and their daughters have they burnt in the fire to their Gods. V. 32. Whatsoever I command you observe to do thou shalt not add thereto nor diminish from it Word Q. What are the Reasons annexed to the second Commandment A. The Reasons annexed to the second Commandment to inforce our Observance of it are God's Soveraignty over (c) Psal 95.2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him
Acts 7.30,31,33 Not a Created or common Angel but the Angel of the Covenant Mal. 3.1 Declared by Christ I am the God of thy Fathers Acts 7.32 The Holy Ghost is also meant by the name Jehovah Is 6.3 called Adonai v. 8. Acts 28.25 As the Prophets were wont to say Thus saith the Lord so the Apostles say Thus saith the Holy Ghost Acts 21.11 'T is true magistrates are called Elohim but they are not Gods by nature for they shall die like Men Ps 82.6,7 But he who is called Jehovah is God by nature and is not mortal like Men. By essential properties 2. The property of unity is attributed to God Deut. 6.4 and these three are one 1 Joh. 5.7 a Text tho wanting in some Copies yet in other Copies and agreeable to the Text Joh. 10.28,29,30 I and the Father are One One in Power therefore One in Being and Essence The Spirit the Water and the Blood agree in one as Witnesses but are not one in Nature but the Father Word and Spirit are One which is more than to agree in One. The Father is One Ephes 4.6 1 Cor. 8.6 Christ is One 1 Cor. 8.6 Ephes 4.6 the Holy Ghost is One 1 Cor. 12.4,11 Ephes 2.18 and these three are One not in Testimony only but in Being 3. They are Eternal From everlasting to everlasting thou art God Ps 92.2 see Is 44.6 ver 4. chap. 48.12 The Father is eternal Rev. 1.4 That Christ the Son is the Alpha and Omega the First and Last and therefore co-eternal with the Father is clear Rev. 1.5,6,7,8 v. 11. chap. 21.6 chap. 22.13 The Holy Ghost is eternal the Mystery of Christ which was kept secret since the World began is made known by the Commandment of the Eternal God Rom. 16.26 Now he who made it known is the Holy Ghost therefore he is the Eternal God Ephes 3.5 He moved Holy Men to speak 2 Pet. 1.19 The Apostles were at his command either to preach Acts. 10.19,20 or not to preach Acts 16.6 Therefore he is God. By essential Operations 3. The immediate and essential difference between God and the Creatures is that he is their Maker and that they are created The Creation of the World is the proper Work of God without Instrument or Co-worker Ps 33.9 for he spake and it was done c Ps 148.5 If there were an instrument that instrument was either infinite or finite not infinite for the infinite is the first cause and the instrument cannot be the first cause nor was it finite for a finite instrument cannot receive power to produce so vast an effect as exceeds its capacity The Son is not the instrument of the Father by whom he made all things nor the Holy Ghost He that made all things is God Heb. 3.4 Gen. 1.1 I am the Lord that spreadeth abroad the World by my self Is 44.24 By my self how not as by an instrument but by no other than my self Or who was with me see Is 45.6,7 This Glorious Work is the Work of the Father 1 Cor. 8.6 Heb. 2.10 of the Son or Word Joh. 1.3,10 Heb. 1.10 Col. 1.16 and of the Holy Ghost Job 26.13 By his Spirit he hath garnished the Heavens his Hand hath formed the crooked serpent or that constellation in the milky way like a Serpent Certainly Job was not mistaken in his Creator He said the Spirit of God hath made me and the Breath of the Almighty hath given me life Job 33.6 There is an order of Creating and producing all things observed by the Father Son and Holy Ghost but the one is not the instrument of the other they are one infinite first cause therefore one God. See and take notice of the three Persons together Ps 33.6 By the word the eternal essential word the Son of Jehovah were the Heavens made and all the host of them by the breath or Spirit of his Mouth the Holy Ghost And he by whom and through whom and to whom are all things is one God to whom be glory for ever Rom. 11.36 Objections closely answer'd Before I conclude I will lay down some truths which contain the answers to several objections or corrupt expositions contrary to this Doctrine 1. God is one indivisible essence therefore there can be no participation of it therefore Christ is not the Son of God by participation of some degree of the God-head or in some respect God is called the God of Gods Magistrates are called Gods Ps 50. 1. Ps 82. But no where called Jehovah nor said to create the World by him Kings Reign Prov. 8.15 therefore they are not as much God as he is 2. Christ affirmed I and the Father are one Joh. 10.30 that he did the work of God v. 37. That the Father was in him 38. which is more than that he was sanctified and sent into the World. He was Man but more than Man. 3. We do not say that the Son and Holy Ghost are God meerly because they are joined with the Father in the form of Baptism But farther 1. We are Baptized into the Name of God as God in Covenant 2. When meer Creatures are joined with God the difference between God and them is made known but here the Son and Holy Ghost are joined with the Father as our God and superiors An order is declared but no inferiority 3. Moses was a typical mediator in the Covenant with Israel but they were in Covenant with God as the superior party who was the Lawgiver by the Ministry and hand of Moses But Christ is both a Mediator and God in Covenant Of the practical use of this Doctrine of the Trinity I shall speak Part III. Chap. I. SECT IV. Of the Decrees of God. NOthing can be objected against the Decrees of God but what reflects upon his counsel and right to dispose of his Creatures He worketh all things according to the Counsel of his own will Ephes 1.11 Angels and Men had no more of their own than the meanest of Creatures therefore it is meet that they should be as subject to the will of God as any other of his Creatures There is no repugnance between the Decrees of God and his revealed Will and the judgment to come As his Laws so are his Decrees Holy Wise Righteous Stable and Certain The execution of his Decrees is the best exposition of them God is not the Author of Sin nor a mover to Sin nor a forcer of Mans will. In the last judgment we shall see that the Blessed of the Father were first elected to eternal Life and that it was of Grace before the foundation of the World Ephes 1.4,5 2 Tim. 1.9 and that the rest are condemned as Workers of Iniquity Mat. 25. ult and for iniquity SECT V. Of the Creation of Man. 1. BY the renovation of the Image of God we understand what it was before it was lost Ephes 4.24 Col. 3.10 It did not consist only or principally in Dominion over the Creatures Had not Man been Wise Holy
BEside his absolute and unchangeable dominion as God he hath a Royal Soveraignty as mediator He hath Royal Titles Rev. 1.5 Rev. 19.16 He hath Kingly power Ps 2.7,8,9 and a Kingdom yea Kingdoms belong unto him Rev. 17.14 2. His Kingly power is universal made Heir of all things Heb. 1.2 but not of this World like earthly Rings Joh. 18.36 3. He was decreed and foretold to be King before he was born Ps 110.1,2,3 and was born King Luke 1.31,32,33 4. He actually exercised his Kingly Power before but not so gloriously and fully as after his Resurrection and Ascension John 17.1,2 for he wrought Miracles raised the Dead cast out Devils and gave power to his Disciples to do so Therefore it is not true that he was not King before his Ascension and that his Resurrection and Ascension were only preparatory to his Kingly Office. 5. His Kingly Power is exercised towards his People 1. In subduing and converting them Ps 110.3 Acts 3.26 chap. 5.31 chap. 26.18 2. In governing them being subdued Heb. 1.8,9 Mat. 2.20 3. In succouring them when tempted Ephes 6.10 4. In keeping them to salvation 1 Pet. 1.5 John 10.28 Is 32.1,2 Towards his enemies as he pleaseth he restrains them breaks them and will overcome them Ps 2.9,10 Ps 110.1 1 Cor. 15.25 Gen. 3.15 Rom. 16.20 And he shall judge the World Rom. 14.9,10,11 Phil. 2.10,11 Hence it followeth that it is sinful arrogance and usurpation to pretend to be Universal Head and Monarch over Christ's Church to extend power to the Living and Dead to bring out of Purgatory if there were any such Place to make Laws for Conscience to dispense with the Laws of God to dispose of Kingdoms to Pardon Sins or work Miracles or any part of Christ's Royal Power SECT XVI Of two Degrees of Christ's Humiliation 1. CHrist endured the Wrath of God. Wrath in God is not an infirmity or passion or inconsistent with his mercy and patience but it is his holy and righteous Will to punish or to take Vengeance upon Sinners See Rom. 1.18 Rom. 3.5 It is his Will and Power as Judge Heb. 10.30 It is set out in Scriptures terribly by Metaphors of fire and anger of the face c. Heb. 12.29 2 Thes 1.8,9 Ps 34.15 2. Our Saviour suffer'd it as our Surety and Sacrifice for Sin It was heavy upon his Soul and Body which had sunk under it if he had not been supported by the Omnipotency of his God-head yet he submitted to it because it was his Father's Will and his own This was the cause of his Agony it was this that made his Soul sorrowful to Death it was this which made him deprecate Father if it be possible Let this Cup pass from me it was this which made him cry out My God My God why hast thou forsaken me Mat. 27.46 Where note 3. Christ suffered immediately from God Why hast Thou for saken Me But it was no separation of the God-head from the suffering Man-hood nor a casting him off for still he held his interest my God my God nor was it more than he looked for nor was it any breach of promise in God nor a complaint of wrong it was the interruption of the light of Gods Countenance and the heaviness of his punishing justice upon him suffering in the stead of Sinners The Cursed Death of the Cross 1. The Death of Christ was a Cursed Death Phil. 2.8 Gal. 3.13 therefore it was a pena● Death by a judicial Act of God in which Men and Devils were instruments He was Holy c. Heb. 7.26 He knew no Sin by commission or participation yet he suffered the Death of a Sinner therefore he died in our place and stead 1 Pet. 3.18 when he died for our good He suffered the same punishment for substance which was due to Sinners he could not die spiritually for then he had not been Holy nor a pure Sacrifice for Sin he could not die eternally for then he could not have satisfied for Sin nor risen from the Dead nor done many other Acts of a Saviour That which was necessary for Sinners to suffer and accidental to punishment was not necessary for Christ to suffer nor could it stand with the Excellency of his Person nor Nature and End of his Office as Mediator He suffered what was satisfactory and abundant and meritorious The same punishment for substance which God threatned to Man for Sin but not the same in every kind and circumstance was undergone by Christ SECT XVII Of three Degrees of Christ's Exaltation 1. Of Christ's Resurrection NOte carefully 1. Who rose Christ Rom. 4.25 1 Cor. 15.4,12 to 20. Luk. 24.46 2. What rose or was risen or in what respect No more was raised up than what was buried namely his Body yet as the whole Man is said to rise or to be raised from the Dead when only the Body is raised so it is said of Christ 1 Cor. 15.20 Christ the first fruits of them that slept V. 23. Afterwards they that are Christ's V. 35. And with what bodies do they come Acts 24.15 There shall be a Resurrection of the just and unjust i.e. of just and unjust Persons and not Bodies only So Christ is said to rise when his Body only was raised 3. By what Power Christ rose or was raised There is a Concurrence of the three Persons in the Resurrection of Christ 1. The Father Rom. 6.4 Chap. 8.11 2. Of the Holy Ghost 1 Pet. 3.18,19 Rom. 8.11 3. Of his own Power Joh. 2.19 Chap. 10.18 The Power is the same Power of God. The Resurrection of Christ is spoken of actively attributed to the Father Rom. 4.24 and to his own Power as his own Act Joh. 2.19 I will raise it up What the Father did he did the Father's Power and his being all one and the same producing one and the same individual Effect It is also spoken of passively Christ was raised from the Dead I will raise it up Joh. 2.19 is more than to say I shall rise again and more than was ever spoken of or by any Believer That place Luk. 17.33 speaks not of the Resurrection but of the Way to be saved eternally and of the Encouragement to suffer Death for Christ On Joh. 10.18 consider 1. Christ as Mediator received Commandment from the Father which none could execute but he who was God. 2. The Command given did presuppose Power in himself to execute it None but God can raise the Dead and it is more to raise himself than to raise another Those Men who raised the Dead by the miraculous Power of God did not raise their own Bodies but Christ saith I will raise it up and I have Power 3. Every true Believer may say When I am dead I shall be raised up But none can say I will raise it up The Temple of Christ's Body could not raise it self the Soul could not raise it but there was a Will and Power in Christ proper to God not lent him for that
Righteousness and counting thine own even all things but Loss for him Phil. 3.8,9 2. In esteeming thy Life to be wrapped up in him 1 Joh. 5.12 Col. 3.3,4 section 5 Secondly Examine thy Love to him as thy Prophet 1. Dost thou love and delight in his Word and Ordinances Dost thou keep his Word and treasure it up in thy Heart Joh. 14.23 2. Dost thou submit thy carnal Reason to the Spirit and Word of Christ Dost thou embrace the Motions of his blessed Spirit though contrary to the Inclinations of thine own carnal Affections and Lusts Thy Obedience to his teaching will prove thy Love to him and thy Delight to hear him section 6 Thirdly Examine thy Love to him as King. 1. Art thou glad that there is a Law forbidding Sin that there is a Law in thy Mind warring against the Law in thy Members Dost thou yield thy self to his Rule and Government And dost thou account it thy Liberty and thy Happiness to be under his Command 2. Dost thou bring all thy Lusts to his Cross to be crucified and deliver up thy most beloved Sins to be mortified by his Spirit This is a sure Sign of Love to him when we do not tolerate any Lust against his Will. 3. Art thou for Christ against all that rise up against him Dost thou seek his Glory endeavour that his Sceptre and Throne may be set up and exalted in the World and in thine own Heart 4. Art thou prepared to follow him the Captain of thy Salvation to leave all and follow him as one that goes a Warfare after Christ to sight the good Fight of Faith and withstand the Flesh World and Devil Thus far of the Love to the Second Person with the Reasons and Effects of it section 7 The third Head of Examination is of our Love to the Holy Ghost There is unspeakable Cause for it 1. For his infinite Excellencies as God. 2. For his Work and Office which is to apply to us the Benefits of our Redemption The Spirit of God doth these things for thee in order to thy Salvation for which thou art infinitely obliged to love him 1. He reveals the deep things of God the Mysteries of Redemption 1 Cor. 2.10,11,12 2. He enlightneth thy Mind to see and know the things of thy Peace Eph. 1.17 3. He doth convince thee of thy Sin and Misery and thereby he prepares thee for Cure and Deliverance Joh. 16.8 4. The Renewing of the Will is from him who is the Spirit of Regeneration Joh. 3.5 5. He perswades and enables every one to believe and embrace Jesus Christ that shall be called and saved Ezek. 36.27 6. He sanctifieth the Heart yea the whole Man throughout and makes thee holy that thou mayest see God if ever thou see him 2 Thes 2.13 7. He teacheth thee to cry Abba Father as the Spirit of Adoption Gal. 4.6 8. He seals all that are sealed to the Day of Redemption Ephes 4.30 9. And all the spiritual true Joy Peace and Comfort which any one hath come from him Gal. 5.22 together with all Ability for any Service Fruit and Benefit from Ordinances which would not have been effectual to Salvation if he had not blessed them So that if you love Grace or hope for Glory you cannot but adore and love the Holy Ghost even as the Father and the Son. Shew and manifest your sincere Love to the Holy Ghost by your Love to the Word given by his uspiration and all holy Ordinances And for what do you love the Word and Ordinances Try it Is it not for the heavenly Wisdom Holiness and the divine Efficacy and Tendency of them to make you wise to Salvation 2. If you love the Holy Ghost you will desire and improve Communion with him in all divine Institutions and Ordinances in which he is graciously pleased to communicate his Graces As in preaching the Word Isa 61.1 in Prayer Rom. 8.26,27 in Sacraments Matth. 3.11 He makes the Christian within Rom. 2.29 engrafting us into the Body 1 Cor. 12.13 He makes the Flesh of Christ to be Bread indeed and his Blood to be Drink indeed and his Words to be Spirit and Life Joh. 6.63 Ephes 5.18,9 3. You will walk in the Spirit and bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit Gal. 5.22 and 16. And thus much of our Love to God. section 8 2. The second general Branch of Examination is of your Love to Man to every Man being your Neighbour in true Sence Your Neighbour is either a Brother or an Enemy 1. Try your Love to all the Saints and holy Brethren not only in that particular Society of Christians with whom you hold personal and local Communion but to all that are scattered abroad though under different Governments and Administrations as to Circumstances of Worship even all that are in the Body and that love our Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity Ephes 6.24 1 Cor. 1.2 You cannot love Christ except you love the Brethren 1 Joh. 4.20 Joh. 13.34,35 1 Cor. 10.17 For we being many are one Body Examine your selves 1. Do you love them as being all one in Christ Jesus 1 Cor. 16.24 as Fellow-heirs of the same Grace Ephes 3.6 And do you love them for the Truth 's sake and for the sake of Grace even against all the Prejudices of Custom Education and smaller private Differences See Gal. 3.27,28 1 Cor. 12.13 2. Do you love them though they excel you in Gifts and Graces Degree and Place or them that are many Steps below you in the World See 1 Cor. 12.24,25 chap. 13.4 3. Can you sympathize with them and suit Affections to their various Conditions 1 Cor. 12.26 Bear one anothers Burthens Gal. 6.1,2 Can you visit them and take part with them in their Reproaches and Sufferings for Christ and Righteousness Act. 7.23 Heb. 11.25,26 4. Doth your Love extend to all the Saints Ephes 6.34 1 Cor. 16.24 5. Can you break with all the World rather than with them and do and suffer more for them than for any other and count Jerusalem your chief Joy Psal 137.6 section 9 2. Try your Love to Enemies We must do good to all and love Men as Men. 1. Do you pray for them that God would turn them and forgive them Mat. 5.44 Act. 7.60 Luk. 23.34 2. Can you forgive them their Trespasses Luk. 11.4 as far as they are against you As they are against the Law of God you cannot forgive but so considered you must pray for them But as the Sin is an Offence against you Charity requires you to forgive them Eph. 4.32 Col. 3.13 and not only the Offence is to be forgiven but the Injury and Damage if it be small and tolerable But if you cannot without Sin remit the Damages yet you must seek your Right with a charitable Heart 3. Can you feed your Enemy when hungry and cloath him when naked Rom. 12.20 In a word Endeavour to carry your self according to the Law of Love Rom. 13.10 5.
Catechism made Practical THE CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTED I. In the Principles of Christian Religion positively in the shorter CATECHISM II. In what he is to refuse and what to hold fast in the greatest Points of Controversie And how to confute Errors and defend the Truth III. In the Practice of several Duties VIZ. 1. The Practical Improvement of the Holy Trinity 2. Baptism 3. Prayer And 4. Preparation for the Lord's Supper Joh. 12.35 Walk while ye have the Light lest Darkness come upon you LONDON Printed for Jonathan Robinson at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church Yard 1688. The AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO Ministers Governors of Families and People under their Charge ESPECIALLY To his much honoured Friends and next Relations THere are three things most worthy our Ministerial Work and Endeavours and most desirable to be found in the Flocks committed to our Charge and Oversight 1. The saving Knowledge of the Truth 2. A Judgment to discern between Truths and Errors especially such as concern Faith and Holiness the Principles of the Oracles of God and the things which accompany Salvation 3. A gracious lively Spirit sincerely devoted to God in Christ and strongly inclined to holy Exercises and practice of Religious Duties Or if you will take all in three short Sentences 1. Conviction of Judgment of Saving Truth and damning Errors 2. Sound Conversion to God. 3. A Conversation according to the Will of God revealed in the Gospel The Church is called God's Husbandry and God's Building 1 Cor. 3.9 and Ministers are highly dignified when called Workers together with God 2 Cor. 6.1 and Labourers together with God 1 Cor. 3.9 The Field is God's the Seed is his the Husbandry is his and the Increase is given by him We are Labourers together with him enabled by him and working by his power and influence under him and for him All our Sufficiency is of God 2 Cor. 3.5 without him we are nothing and can do nothing Who then is Paul and who is Apollos but Ministers by whom ye believed as the Lord gave to every man. I have planted Apollos watered but God gave the increase So then neither is he that planteth any thing nor he that watereth but God that giveth the increase 1 Cor. 3.5,6,7 As we are Husband-men we must sow and plant but that is not all we must also mound and fence our Fields and Plantations As we are Builders we must lay the Foundation carry on the Building by Edification in Faith 1 Tim. 1.4 and secure the Building that it fall not like an House built upon the Sand. This Husbandry is elsewhere called a Garden and this Building called an House How graciously doth the Most High condescend to delight himself in and to be entertained by his Church as by a Royal Spouse with his own Graces and Gifts the Fruits of his Holy Spirit when they are in Act put forth and exercised as in a Garden of Spices and Orchard of Pomegranates or at a Table prepared for him Cant. 4.14,15,16 chap. 5.1 and 1.12 What a blessed Life may we lead by walking with God appearing before him calling upon him praising him and hearing him speak There is ordinary not mean but rich and plentiful and extraordinary Entertainment for hungry feeding Believers in the Ordinances of the Gospel In the Gospel there is a Feast prepared and that a Wedding-Feast a Wedding-Feast of a King's Son his only Son the Prince of Life but they who sit at it must have a Wedding-Garment the Ornament of Grace Faith Repentance and Love a Suitableness of heart and Preparation Matth 22. 2. Towards this most desirable End there are three things to be found in this little Book 1. Here are the Foundations of Faith and Godliness laid a View of the Principles of Christian Religion according to the Word of God out of which they are gathered and by which they are proved and agreeing with the appproved Doctrine of the Reformed Churches 2. Here are the most important Doctrines briefly touched in these Principles cleared proved desended and rescued out of the hands of them who have handled the Word of God deceitfully and have led many into the Errors of the Wicked that the studious Christian may know what he ought to contend for and to continue in and how to maintain his Ground 3. Here are Directions for Practice of several great Duties of all baptized Christians 1. How to improve the Doctrine of the most holy Trinity the Mystery of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and his Baptism or Entrance into Covenant with God. 2. Direction for Prayer with a Prayer taken out of the Catechism for the most part 3. Direction for the Communion in the Lord's Supper 3. Of these three Parts be pleased to take this following Account 1. Some time since a little Book was printed called Principles made practical directing the poorer and weaker sort of Christians who had learnt the shorter Catechism and could not buy nor spare time to read other profitable Books to make use of their Catechism to furnish them with matter for Prayer and Preparation for the Lord's Table As mean and defective as it was it was attended with a Blessing to many that embraced it as an help to them and therein I rejoice That Impression being sold off and worn out in the hands of many long ago another Edition of it hath been much desired and called for from many places I have re-viewed it corrected the Faults in the Sence of it and begged of God to open a passage for it and seeing it was blessed before in a plain homely dress I have not at all trimmed or adorned it To those two Duties I have now added another Chapter of the practical use of the Doctrine of the glorious eternal Trinity and improvement of Baptism upon these Considerations 1. The Doctrine of the Trinity hath been and is looked upon as a meer Speculation under a Veil of Mysteriousness as if it were as dangerous to look into it as it was into the Ark Whereas though it be an high and glorious Mystery to be adored and with profoundest Reverence and Humility to be studied and taught yet it is revealed by God himself as the Object of our Faith and Worship See Calvin 's Instit l. 1. c. 13. Sect. 28 21. Perfecta scientia est sic Deum scire ut licet non ignorabilem tamen inen●…rabilem sci●… Hilar. De P. ●it Unitate So God reveals himself in the Creation of the World in the Creation of Man and in the Covenant of Grace When we are admitted into Covenant and made visibly free of the City of God we are devoted to God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost This Doctrine is a Fundamental of our Christian Faith and therefore to be explained to the People of God in Covenant with him as far as it is revealed in his Word and that is enough for our present State. 2. The very Titles and Appellations of the Persons in
Adams whose Learning Graces and sweet Temper might have been a great Blessing in these Times if God had been pleased to continue him on Earth in a Book called Principles of Religion explained published by his genuine worthy Brother Mr. R. A. And the Agreement of it with the Doctrine of our Church is manifest to all that know the one and the other and therefore the Enmity expressed against it most proceed from an ill Opinion of the first Compliers of it and the Time of its Birth But shall the Wrath of Men endure to all Generations Can we forgive the Living and never forgive the Dead who were rarely accomplished for so great a Work Is it not time and high time to mortisie An mostlies And have we not great cause if there be any Love to Truth to bless God for causing so much pure Light to shine in those Days of Clouds Tempest Whirl-wind Confusion Smoak and Fire If I should express the high Esteem the most Reverend Primate Usher had for it as I have often heard from several Persons I should but make some Men think the worse of both The great Esteem which hath been and still is shewed to it by some of all Ranks makes it seem impossible to suppress it without an Inquisition And let those who have said it was worse than the Racovian Catechism speak out and then we know what Opinion and Affection they have for this Church and Christianity it self And let them take notice now zealously the Convocation in the Year 1640. declared against Socinianism So that if these Men who preferr a Socinian Catechism that is to say plainly an Antichristian Collection of Heresie they dissent from the whole Church of England and the most zealous Antipuritan part of it But I hope these Speeches were only spoken while the hot Fit was upon them I could wish those Gentlemen who presented a certain Catechism stigmatized to their hands no doubt to recollect themselves and see whether they were so cantious as to present nothing but what was seditious in it or whether they presented all from the Title-Page to the Finis and the very Scriptures the Creed the Ten Commandments and Lord's Prayer always printed in it If they presented nothing in it but what was false erroneous scandalous and dangorous then it is altogether safe and untainted But if they presented it all together without Reservation of due Reverence to any Doctrine Scriptures Creed Commandments or Lord's Prayer then all that is in it fared no worse than the Rule of Faith it self These and other ways to suppress this Book had this unhappy Effect that it hath widened the Separation and increased Suspicions and Jealousies in the Minds of Men. There are many Catechisms yet common in several parts of the Kingdom which have never been dis-allowed in the strictest Times It is no Derogation from the Church Catechism that People grow in sound Knowledge by larger that may be used as Expositions of it This Catechism speaks for it self and the Oracles of God speak for it and I will say no more but what tends to Satisfaction about the present Publication of it 1. The best instructed in these parts both of them who learn the Church-Catechism first and hear it publickly explained and that object against the first introductory Questions and Answers have a great Opinion of this and are much profitted and delighted with the Answers and Scriptures and come to be better versed in the Scriptures than otherwise they could be without greater pains 2. Because the poorer sort cannot buy many Books and it will encourage and allure them to learn this more perfectly when they find more benefit by it than bare Knowledge 3. Because it doth excellently explain the Covenants Creed Commandments and Lord's Prayer 4. All due Respect reserved to many other Catechisms I know none so capable of being improved to the aforesaid Vses as this is And many other Advantages may be made of it if well studied and thought upon As 1. To inform us of our highest Aim and Happiness to take off our Affections from the World. 2. The Way to attain it by the Scriptures and the Way and Means revealed in the Scriptures and to shew us the great use we ought to make of the Scriptures to direct us to God. 3. It acquaints us with God in his Nature Attributes Trinity in Vnity with his Works of Nature and Grace the way of God's Government by Laws and Covenants and the different States of Man. 4. It serves to humble us under Conviction of Sin Guilt Corruption and Wrath. 5. It teacheth an humbled Spirit what he shall do to be saved and by whom and how 6. We come to know Jesus Christ what and who he is what he hath undertaken and done and what he procured and for whom 7. We see what Benefits are to be had from Christ and his Offices how we are united to him and partake of his Fulness of Grace 8. It directeth the Believer how to walk and abide in Christ 9. It is exceeding comfortable to find so many and so great Advantages and Blessings from Christ in Life in Death and for ever 10. It doth endear Christ to the Soul exceedingly and makes the Grace and Love of God in Christ illustrious and wonderful And Lastly I must drive the Nail that will go This or none will be embraced by many And if Good be to be done by Catechising it must be done by this or by none or some other not so compleat as this Considering the Times and danger of many who are not well and throughly instructed and are disposed to take the Infection who are forward and venturous to hear any who hath his Way prepared and strewed with Commendation I have laboured to expel or prevent Infection by shewing them how to discern between Truth and Error in the Substantials of Religion And so I have done the third necessary Part of an Husband-man and Builder which is to fence and secure his Plantation and Building Every Particular almost in every Section is a Truth rescued out if the Hand or Jaws of some heretical and erroneous Teacher or other Some of these are so well known that I need not name them and it is not convenient to name others But because I could not forbear I have named the Socinians or Disciples of Laetius and Faustu Socinus and quoted the Socinian Catechism brought foth at Racovia But why these For these two Reason 1. Because their Doctrine is a new Gospel another Gospel which they dignifie with the Style of Saving Doctrine and the Embracement of this Doctrine is that by which the true Church may be known and there is no need of enquiring after the Notes or Marks of the true Church Cap. de Ecclesia Visibili They subvert the very Foundations of Christian Faith and Hope the holy Trinity one God and three Co-essential Persons or Three but one and the same God. They acknowledge the Names but disown