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A29753 Quakerisme the path-way to paganisme, or, A vieu of the Quakers religion being an examination of the theses and apologie of Robert Barclay, one of their number, published lately in Latine, to discover to the world, what that is, which they hold and owne for the only true Christian religion / by John Brown ... Brown, John, 1610?-1679.; R. M. C. 1678 (1678) Wing B5033; ESTC R10085 718,829 590

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not but it may be what is here wanting is supplied by his Apology But if his meaning be that he leaveth this testimony to convince that light of Christ which illuminateth every mans conscience than it seemeth that light of Christ hath need of his information and that notwithstanding thereof conscience may refuse to receive his doctrine and information so that this light of Christ though it enlighten the conscience cannot captivate the same to a kindly submission to that Gospel which he preacheth till some other thing worke But seing he leaveth this his testimony to be pondered and considered by the light of Christ which enlighteneth every mans conscience and thereby granteth that every man hath this Supream light of Christ within him and thereby may and is allowed by him to judge of what he saith he cannot be offended that I judge by all that light of Christ within enforming my soul and conscience from that light of Christ which is held forth in the Scriptures of truth and determine accordingly against his Assertions CHAP. II. Of the true ground of Knowledge 1. HAving thus considered his Preface with which he ushereth-in his Theses I come now to a particular examination of his doctrine expressed in his Theses and vindicated and explained in his large Apologie His first Thesis which is concerning the true ground of Knowledge is short wherein he tels us that seing our chiefe happiness is placed in the true Knowledge of God for this is life eternal that they might know that true God Ioh. 17 3. the true and genuine understanding of the right original and ground of Knowledge is especially necessary to be known and believed 2. Christ indeed in his prayer Ioh. 17 3. speaketh to his Father thus And this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent which last words why this man did leave out and his c. added in his second edition is but a small reliefe who can tell if of designe it must be a bad Omen and giveth small ground of expectation of a full and satisfying discovery of that knowledge of ●od which is through faith in Jesus Christ and is thereby begun felicity here and leadeth forward to the certane fruition of God However Christ hereby giveth us to understand that that knowledge of God which is eternal life begun cannot be had without the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as the sent Ambassadour of God in whose face and manifestations God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness shineth into the hearts of his owne to give the light of the knowledge of his glory 2 Cor. 4 6. Our Lord doth not meane here a bare speculative knowledge but such a knowledge and beholding of the glory of the Lord as changeth the beholder into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3 18. and so is accompanyed with Faith apprehending and closeing with the Son in whom is this eternal life so that he who hath the Son hath life 1 Ioh. 5 11 12. And it is this Son of God who must give us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life 1 Ioh. 5 20. And another foundation or original of knowledge that is saving and the way to eternal life can no man lay 1 Cor. 3 11. 3. It is good and necessary I confess to have the genuine and true understanding of the right original and ground of this true and saving knowledge But whether this mans doctrine hath a genuine tendency thereunto or not the sequel will evince I am far mistaken if after tryal his doctrine prove not a perverting of the Gospel of Christ Gal. 1 7. and of the right wayes of the Lord Act. 13 10. and contradictory to that Gospel whereby life and immortality is brought to light 2 Tim. 5 10. and which is the Gospel of Salvation Ephes. 1 13. 4. We might readily think that one taking upon him with no small confidence to teach the whole world and to give a new discovery of pure and naked truth which hitherto hath been as he supposeth darkened and obscured and who openly declareth in the beginning of his doctrine that the genuine understanding of the right origin●l knowledge of that God whom to know is life eternal is necessary to be known and believed should explaine to us some hidden mysteries of God and help us by his new grounds to some more distinct apprehensions of what is revealed to us of God in his word But alas this mans ignis fatuus is no sure guide to us The grounds he layeth down are both defective and destructive Of their destructive nature we will have large occasion to speak hereafter and how defective they are a few Instances may clear 5. And first Seing he would hold forth to us clear and naked truth and acquant us with true divine and saving knowledge how cometh it to passe that in his Theses we heare nothing of the nature and attributes of God Supposeth he that we can attaine to the true and saving knowledge of God and yet not know Him to be a Spirit Pure and Invisible without a Body Parts or Passions nor know that He is the only True and Living God Infinite in Being and in all Perfection Shall we think that it is no part of that knowledge of God wherein consisteth true felicity to know Him to be Immutable Immense Eternal Incomprehensible Almighty Most Holy Most Absolute Most Just Most Righteous Most Wise Most Gracious and Long-suffering c. Is it no part of the genuine knowledge of God that tendeth to life to know that He hath all Life Glory Goodness and Blessedness in of Himself c. and that He is the sole Fountaine of all Life Glory and Goodness which the Creature partaketh or is capable of and the only Author of their being what for a knowledge of God must that be in which all felicity consisteth whereof the knowledge of these particulars mentioned shall make no part And if he thinketh that the knowledge of God doth of necessity comprehend the knowledge of these particulars how cometh it to passe that in his Most comprehensive Theses and his large Apology too which hold forth as he would make us believe that knowledge which leadeth unto life eternal there is such a deep silence of these so many particulars so necessary to be known and beleeved It concerneth him to answere this 6. Next Shall we think that it is no necessary part of this saving knowledge of God to know that there is one God in Essence and Three distinct persons in the Unity of the God head of one Substance Power and Eternity viz God the Father being of none neither Begotten nor Proceeding God the Son eternally begotten of the Father and God the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding
take notice of it 6 In his § 4. He would have us beleeving that he doth not hereby condemne all other second wayes or meanes as he purposeth to cleare in the next Thesis that is all other Wayes and Modes of attaining to the knowledge of God for he granteth these to be profitable and that they may conduce to facilitate the work but he is here pleading as he saith for that which is absolutely necessary But all the question is concerning the true meaning and import of that which he accounteth so Necessary if it be such Revelations of Truths as the Prophets and such as were Immediatly inspired had and as Enthusiasts plead for I deny the necessity hereof and as to this what way I pray can other meanes and modes as the Scriptures conduce to facilitate these Revelations have they any influence upon the person who is to receive these Revelations disposeing him thereunto Let him explaine this and then he may hear what shall be further replied If the thing so necessary unto the saving knowledge of God be only that operation of the Spirit which we mentioned above we assent and only say That he should speak more intelligibly than call this an Inward and Immediat Revelation But it is usual with this sort of men to speak as did the Libertines against whom Calvin wrote Cap. 2. after an high and loftie manner as if they were alwayes ravished in an ecstasy for as they alwayes have the Spirit in their mouth so they use a strange idiome that such as hear them are at the first amazed and this they affect of purpose to deceive their hearers and raise in them an admiration of them and their Opinions 7. Having thus premised what he thought fit to say to cleare the Question and to make way for vindicating of his Thesis he cometh next to the explication and confirmation of his Assertion in his Thesis where he tels us of five particulars 1. That there is no knowledge of the Father but by the Son 2. That there is no knowledge of the Son but by the Spirit 3. That God did alwayes reveal himself by the Spirit 4. That these Revelations were the formal object of the faith of the Saints 5. That the same object of faith remaineth He nameth here we see the Father the Son and the Spirit and we might readily think that he would here hold forth the order of working of the glorious Persons of the Trinity in things without ad extra and particularly in the Revelation of the mind of God concerning mans duty But whether we may rest perswaded that his judgment herein is Orthodox and that verily he beleeveth that there are Three Persons in the God head equal in Power and Glory of one Substance and Duration may be a doubt partly because the Light within which to him is the supream and only adequate Rule of Faith cannot teach this mysterie and hence it is that the Socinians not only will not admit this as an article of their creed but do also with much industry and rage oppose it and mainly upon this ground that their Natural Reason or the light within them which upon the matter so far as I can judge differeth not from the Light of the Quakers cannot comprehend it and partly because I finde other Quakers such as those of New England and those against whom Mr Stalham wrote as I hinted above denying it It is true this man hath several expressions further in the words following which would seem to evince that he is orthodox herein and there are some also that may seem to look another way But not purposeing to make more debate with him than I must needs do I shall not fix any thing upon him for which I see not clear ground only I wish that the next time he cometh forth in publick he would be more plain and positive as to this 8. As to the first of the forementioned Propositions It is true that no man knoweth the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal him Matth. 11 27. Luk. 10 22. for no man hath seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosome of the Father he hath declared him Ioh. 1 18. and God who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in times past unto the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these last daies spoken unto us by his Son c. Hebr. 1 1 2. and so the Son of God the Second Person of the Trinity being the true Eternal God of the same substance and equal in power and glory with the Father when the fulness of time was come took upon Him mans nature so that the Word was made flesh and tabernacled among us Ioh 1 14 to the end that He might execute his Offices and among the rest declare the whole Counsel of God concerning mans Salvation as the great Prophet and Teacher of Israel But shall we suppose that this Man looketh upon Iesus of Nazareth of whom the Father said Mat 17 5. This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased heare yee him to be this Son that revealeth the Father and to be that grand mystery God manifest in the flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels preached unto the Gentiles bel●eved on in the World received up into glory 1 Tim. 3 16 The reason of my doubt is this because I finde some Quakers give a very indistinct and unsatisfying answere to such a question as this and give ground to suppose that they understood nothing by the Words being made flesh but the Light within them But his proof and explication of this Proposition is observable Pag. 9. He proveth it thus Because God who is the root and fountaine of all operation made all things by his eternal word Son and citeth Ioh. 1 1 2 3. Ephes. 3 9. If hereby he understand the first Creation with the orthodox how shall he evince this Consequence That because God created all things in the beginning by his Son Jesus Christ Therefore there is no knowledge of the Father but by his Son and is this a point so difficult to be proved that he was constrained to run back to the first Creation for an argument This would justly give ground of suspicion that the man meaneth by the Creation in the places cited not the First but the Second Creation with which Christs Revelation of the Father hath a more clear and natural connection and so joyneth with Socinus and his followers Enjedinus Smalcius and Schlightingius in denying upon this account Christ to be God creating all They say that when the Scripture saith God made all things by the Word c. the meaning is God made all things by his owne word and vertue the same expression which this Man useth here and thus interpret and apply the same Scriptures which he here citeth even that Ioh. 14 6. But admitting that he taketh the Creation in the orthodox sense we may observe
acquanted with griefe who was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities who was brought as a lamb to the slaughter and made his soul an offering for sin and poured it out unto death who bore the wrath of God due for sin and was crucified at Ierusalem But the Christ whom they command us to believe in is a Christ borne with every man that came into the world since the beginning that is neither God nor Man could neither suffer nor die nor satisfie justice So that their Christ is a Christ that the Gospel no where maketh mention of yea against which every Chapter and verse in a manner of the whole Old and New Testament beareth witness 7. He tels us that they exhort all men to beleeve in this Light and obey it And what can the Faith of or Obedience to this Light do Did ever this light teach or require of Aristotle and the wisest of the Heathens as Plato Seneca Cicero Pythag●ras and others Faith in the Messias or in Iesus Christ promised or at length exhibited and crucified Is that light Christ crucified and Satisfying justice and paying the Penalty of the Law and broken Covenant What desperat mischievous madness is this what horrid abomination do these men preach hold forth 8. He tels us that Christ is born and risen in every man and all their preaching is to exhort them to know him and yet he told us before that this was the work and proper effect of this Light and if this effect be already wrought in every man in no one person is this light resisted and suppressed and he needeth not preach and exhort every man to beleeve in this light and obey it for that is done in every man already having Christ formed in him and arisen in h●m Behold how their abominable doctrines cannot hang together but are ropes of sand yea crosse and contradict one another 9 Then he tels us that it delivereth them from all sinnes Then Heathens have a Christ within sufficient to purge and take away all sin Then all must be saved for who ever is delivered from sin cannot but be saved O what devilish doctrine must this be It may be a doubt if the Devil appearing in mens bodies and coming to preach among people could broach more damnable and soul-destroying Tenets than these are O! what times are ●hes● we live in wherein such doctrines are put in print and avowed O woful pagan preachers O hellish Paganisme Whither will these men run and be driven by the Devil 10. We have seen by this short hint what a dash they give unto the whole Gospel and what an indignity they have thereby done unto Iesus Christ cannot be hid from any that knoweth what true Christianity meaneth and he in the following words seeking to alleviate the mater doth in effect make it worse than ever for in stead of exalting Christ he doth with the base Unchristian Socinians debase our Lord Je●us Christ for saith he P. 83. We desire not hereby to equalize ourselves unto that holy man the Lord Iesus Christ who was borne of the virgine Mary in wh●m dwelt all the fulness of divinity bodyly nor as we destroy the reality of his present existence as some calumniate us Ans. Unworthy man that dar move such an Objection and give so unsatisfyin● an answere thereunto O what abjects of blasphemous pride must this gang of creatures be that dar have such thoughts of themselves What and was our Lord who was the Fathers equal no more but an holy Man and born of a virgine and had the fulness of divinity and not of the God head or Deity though the word in the original that is used Col. 2 9 is more emphatick than that used Rom. 1 20. it being 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in him bodily And will this Miscreant deny him to be God equal with the father in power and glory But if he be but a man how can he be said to dwell in us He dwelleth not in us saith he immediatly but mediatly as he is in that seed which is in us But himself called this seed Christ born in us and raised in us and thus Christ dwelleth in us by Christ borne in us What demented creatures must these be who speak thus non sensically in these soul-maters He addeth as the top-mystery of their mischievous doctrine Seing He to wit the Eternal word which was with God and was God and immediatly dwelt in that Holy Man so that he is as the head we as the members He the vine we as branches and as the soul is far otherwise and more immediatly in the head and in the heart than in the armes and feet and as the sap and life of the Vine doth otherwayes and more exist in the trunck and root than in the wine branches so God dwelleth otherwayes in the Man Iesus Christ than in us Behold here is all the honour and preference that Christ geteth He was nothing but a m●er man as this Quaker is only God dwelt in him as the sap is in the root or trunk of the tree but he dwelleth in the Quaker as the sap is in the branches Christ and He is animated with one God as the Head and the hand are with one soul And thus Christ had no existence before he had it in the womb of the virgine more ●han this Quaker had an hundered yeers ago Where is then the God head of our Mediator Where is our Immanu●l How was the Word made flesh Ioh. 1 14 How was God manifest in the flesh 1 Tim. 3 16 Where is he who was the brightness of God's glory and the express image of his person Heb. 1 3 Where i● he who being in the forme of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the forme of a servant c. Phil. 2 6 7 Where is he who is the Image of the invisible God by whom all things were created Col. 1 15 1● 2 Cor. 4 4 Where is he who toke part of flesh and blood and the see of Abraham Heb. 2 14 16 Thus the Quakers deny the Incarnation of the Son of God and that our Lord Iesus Christ was and is the Second Person in the Trinity very and eternal God of one substance and equal with the Father and so joyne themselves with the wretched Socinians wherefore we if their doctrine be true can no more be said to be purchased by the blood of God as Act. 20 28. And if He had not been true God how could ●e have stood under the infinite wrath of God and the power of death Act. 2 24 25. Rom. 1 4 with 4 25. How could he have given worth efficacy to his suffering obedience and intercession Act. 20 28. Heb. 9 14. 7 25 26 27 28. How could he have satisfied God's justice Rom 3 24 25 26. How could he have
as this man putteth beyond all debate in his writings and others clearly demonstrate by their books containing such positions as overturn and destroy the Gospel Mr Norton teacher of the Church at Boston in New England being appointed to write against the Quakers by order of the General Court tels us in his Tractat printed A. 1660. Pag. 6.7 c. that the Quakers deny that the Father Son and Holy Ghost are three distinct Persons that Christ is God and Man in one Person that Christ is a distinct person from the person of the Father that Christ is a distinct person from any of His Members And so their Christ doth unchrist Christ. He tels us moreover that they deny the Scriptures or written word to be the Rule of life and that they make the light within them and the Spirit without the Scriptures to be their guide that they owne none as lawful magistrats who are not of their way that they assert an infallible light within them above the trial of the Scriptures that they will not acknowledge that they sinne but professe perfection of degrees in his life Mr Stalham in his Epistle to the Reader prefixed to his Reviler rebuiked sheweth us that they make nothing of the historical letter of Christ's Death Resurrection c. but turne all into allegories And that they are with H. N. in his joyful message of the Kingdom Pag. 170. ready to call these things meer lies which the Scripture-learned through the knowledge which they get out of the Scriptures bring-in institute preach teach As also how they joine with Iacob Behme who slighted the imputed righteousness from without and magnified the little spark within whereby the Father draweth them all to Christ and teacheth all within them and say further that in Adam stood the Covenant of grace that there is no certaine Ordination from eternity upon any soul particularly which is yet to be borne but only a common universal foreseeing of grace He sheweth us also how Will. Erbury in his Call to the Churches Pag. 4. said what Gospel or glade tideings is it to tell the world that none shall be saved but the elect and believers and that the Gospel which Christ taught was but in part that which was proper only to the Iewish Church not that to be preached to the world And moreover Pag. 6. he telleth us that he said the Gospel which the Apostles preached to the world was not that which they wrote to the Churches nor yet what they read in the Scriptures of the Prophets but the Gospel was a mystery which in the light of God they could manifest to men and make all men see themselves in God that 's in Christ. And Pag. 9. that God is in our flesh as in Christ's for the mystery of faith was more than men imagine and it may be more than Paul wrote to the Romans and Churches of Galatia And Pag. 37. that Christ's coming againe promised Act. 1 11. was nothing but his coming in Spirit and power in the Saints and in their flesh when they are most confused and dark Further the same Mr Stalham in the book cited sheweth how they contradict Scriptures in several points as concerning Scriptures Trinity the Light within the Law Sin Iustification Regeneration Sanctification and its Perfection Christian warfare Repentance Meanes of grace Baptisme Lord's Supper Prayer Singing Elders and Ordination Ministers maintainance Immediat calling Immediat teaching Civil honour Swearing unto which might be added several things brought out of their writings by Mr Hicks beside what we shall have occasion to remark in this Author with whom we now deal By all which we may conjecture what a Gospel this is which they teach even another than we have in the Scriptures and than that which the Apostle taught And what welcome such as come with another Gospel were their credentials angelical unto which these men are strangers should have Paul hath taught us Gal. 1 8 9. as was mentioned above which is a sufficient warning for all that fear God to beware of these men 20. This man hath an high and mighty conceit of his Theses calling them though short yet ponderous and saying that they comprehend many things and denote the true original of knowledge of that knowledge which leadeth to life eternal And I do indeed conceive that they containe much though I dar not say the whole of the marrow of that Gospel whereof he is a dispensator we may look upon ourselves therefore as called more narrowly to consider and examine them If the matter contained in them were good I should not quarrel at their brevity but I see what they want in length the Apology hath Ponderous he calleth them but we know wet sand though of smal value is more ponderous than what is more worth and indeed so ponderous are they that they will sinke the poor soul that embraceth them without any other super added weight into the bottomless pit His saying that they pointe forth the true original of saving knowledg will never perswade me that they do so How defective they are as to this we may shew in the next Chapter Nay rather I dar say that they discover the true original of that science falsly so called which leadeth to the bottomless pit and this I hope to make appeare ere all be done 21. He tels us that he beareth witness to this truth in this his work But he must hold us excused to seek for a more sure ground to our faith and perswasion than his bare testimony especially when he speaketh not only not consonant to Scripture but so manifestly contrary thereto Indeed if we were called to rest upon his and his co-partners bare testimony all further dispute were at an end and we might cast our bibles at our heels and learn all our divinity at their mouth or at the light with in us rest thereupon notwithstanding it contradict sound reason and experience let be Scripture But through grace we have not ye● drunk-in that principle and therefore must stand upon our old bottome and go to the Law and to the Testimony 22. In fine he tels us that he leaveth this his testimony unto the light of Christ illuminating every one of our consciences which words may have a double sense as expressed in his latine and either import that he leaveth this his testimony as a confirmation of that light of Christ which illuminateth every man and if this be his meaning the preaching up of this light must be the whole of his Gospel wor● and the whole Intent and designe of his writting and publishing these Theses yea if so these Propositions of his must serve for no other end but to confirme the truth and reality of this light of Christ But then I think They or He by them should have given us some clear discovery and explication of the nature of that light of Christ which is as he saith within every man which I finde
Repentance But how can he come who hath no power to Beleeve or Repent without grace Or is it in corrupt mans power to Beleeve or Repent 9. As for this Quaker with whom we are dealing He is not pleased to give us a full a●count of his judgment in this particular only two things I finde he harpeth upon and repeateth as the conclusion of his pretended proofs and allegations viz. 1. That Christ died for all and every man and not for all kinds of men only non pro generibus singulorum sed pro singulis generum as he saith And 2. That what he procured was only a Possibility of salvation but what he understandeth hereby we are left to conjecture Yet it is manifest that with him this was all and summe that was procured and that it was procured for all equally But what saith he as to the Conditions of the new Covenant we must attend him in what followeth ere we know his judgment herein Where albeit he saith that what he with the rest of the Quakers maintaine therein is different from what others say and peculiar to themselves Yet we will finde to be nothing but Pelagianisme and Arminianisme put in a new dresse of words not usual with others 10. Though it might be sufficient for us to consider what this man saith and only answere his Reasons Yet to give the Reader some satisfaction in this matter which others than Quakers are pleading for now a dayes it will not be amisse to give in short the grounds of our contrary judgment which we maintaine with the orthodox wherein I intend not a full handling of that Controversie But only a short proposal of the truth with the grounds thereof whereby all our Adversaries assertions will be rejected and our way in answering what this Quaker alleigeth facilitated and withal the two Assertions w●ich he insisteth upon viz. the Vniversality of the Redemption and the meer Possibility which was procured abundantly confuted 11. What that truth is which we stand for is plainly and fully enough set downe in several places of Our Confession of Faith as Chap. 3. § 6. As God hath appointed the elect unto glory so hath he by the Eternal and most free purpose of his Will fore ordained all the meanes thereunto Wherefore they who are Elected being fallen in Adam are redeemed by Christ are effectually called unto faith in Christ by his Spirit working in due season are Iustified Adopted Sanctified and Keeped by his power through faith unto salvation Neither are any other Redeemed by Christ effectually Called Iustified Adopted Sanctified and Saved but the Elect only So Chap. 8. § 1. It pleased God in his eternal purpose to choose and ordaine the Lord I●sus his only begotten Son to be the mediator between God and man Vnto whom he did from all eternity give a people to be his seed and to be by him in time Redeemed Called Iustified Sanctified and Glorified And ibid. § 5. The Lord Iesus by his perfect obedience and sacrifice ●f himself which he through the eternal Spirit once offered up unto God hath ●ully satisfied the Iustice of his Father and purchased not only R●conciliation but a● Everlasti●g inheritance in the Kingdom of heaven for all those whom the Father hath given unto him So ibid § last To all those for whom Christ hath pur●hased Redemption he doth certanely and effectually apply and communicate the same making intercession for them and revealing unto them in and by the word the mysteries of salvation effectually perswading them by his Spirit to beleeve and obey and governing their hearts by his word and Spirit overcoming all their enemies by his Almighty power and wisdom in such manner and wayes as are most consonant to his wonderful and unsearchable dispensations Our judgment is this in short That Christ according to the good pleasure of his Father laid downe his life a Ransome for the Elect only who were given to him to save from Wrath and Destruction and by that price purchased Salvation and all the Meanes necessary thereunto for them only to whom in due time and after the method which he thinketh best doth effectually apply the same unto them and actually save them 12. Though grounds sufficient considering the places of Scripture annexed in the margine of the Confession confirming all are clearly hinted and laid downe in these passages cited yet I shall with what brevity is possible point forth our grounds in plaine termes And 1. The Scripture is full and plaine in holding forth a Covenant betwixt Iehovah and the Mediator a transaction concerning man or the purposes of God concerning the Salvation of Man in way of a mutual Compact both for our better understanding of that solide ground of our Peace and Hope and for the confirming of our staggering and weak Faith And though the full explication and confirmation hereof would I judge fully undermine and destroy the rotten grounds of Socinians and Arminians and of all who are for the Diana of Free will and enemies to the Grace of God yet I cannot digresse thereunto here and shall only referre such as would see the same confirmed unto Mr. Dicksons Therapeutica sacra and Mr Rutherfords book upon the Covenant Taking it therefore for granted till what is by these Worthies said anent it be confuted and finding that Arminius himself in his Orat. de Sacerdotio Christi saith there was a Covenant betwixt the Lord and Christ I shall but shortly inferre therefrom That it is repugnant to reason to say that the result of that Eternal Transaction and the whole intended by it was only to procure a meer Possibility of Salvation and that such a Possibility as that though it was equally for all yet it might so fall out that not one person should be saved among all the sones of Adam How unreasonable is it to imagine such a bargane betwixt the Fa●her and the Son as among men considering what they are doing can have no place If Christ was to see his seed by vertue of this Contract then certainly God had a special eye and respect unto that seed and that seed must be distinguished from all the rest for it cannot be All else all should be saved and so Christ did not undertake to buy all nor did the Father give him All for his seed and in reference to that seed the Redemption purchased must be an Actual and not a meer Potential or Possible Redemption and the Lord must have full Power and Dominion over the Will of that Seed whereby he may determine their hearts unto a following of the Method which he was to prescribe and all these meanes whereby this actual Closeing with the Conditions was to be effectually wrought must have been secured for a transaction betwixt persons infinite in Wisdom must of necessity be in all things contrived in deep Wisdom So then if by vertue of this Covenant a seed was ensured to Christ it was these concerning whom the transaction was
is in Christ which is able to overcome and eradicat the evil seed Ans. 1. The Redemption made by Christ on the crosse and by his obedience and sufferings we cheerfully acknowledge But that it was a Redemption made for all● we abundantly disproved above Chap. VIII 2. That there was any such Power Grace or Vertue of the Spirit of life purchased hereby and granted to all is false and abundantly above disproved likewise See Chap. X. 3. To imagine that every son of Adam hath power granted to him to subdue and root out natural corruption is but pure Pelagianisme Arminianisme Iesuitisme but not the truth revealed to us in the word of God is to wedge warr against th● pure grace of God and the free operations thereof to set the crown of salvation upon the head of the creature all which we made manifest above at several occasions 12. What is the Second Redemption that is inseparable from the other It is that sayes he which Christ worketh in us And what is that It is that sayes he further whereby we possesse and know that that pure and perfect redemption is in us purifieing us delivering us from the power of corruption and bringing into favour union and familiarity with God Answ. 1. That the Lord Jesus Redeemeth by Power through his Spirit from sin and corruption all such as he hath Redeemed by Price from Law and justice we willingly grant But how can he say that these two are inseparable seing then they must be of equal extent and so as the first Redemption was in his judgment for all and every man the second must extend to all and every man and so all and every man must be delivered from the power of corruption and consequently must be saved Againe how can he say this who pleadeth afterward for the Apostasie of the Saints But 2. This purifying and delivering from corruption as would appear by his words is not wrought by the second Redemption but only a knowing that that pure and perfect Redemption is in us purifying us c. And so all that is had by this second Redemption is but a sight of what the fruite of the first Redemption is doing So that by the first Redemption not only man hath power to subdue corruption but he actually doth subdue it without any new grace or divine help and by the second Redemption he is only delivered from darkness which hindered his actual perceiving of the operation of the gift and grace bestowed upon the first Redemption 3. whether is this second Redemption necessary unto salvation or not I suppose he will say yes Then what shall become of the childe of God that walketh in darkness hath no light what shall become of them that have true grace and grace uniteing them to Christ to God through Christ yet through darkness the Lord dispensing so partly as a punishment partly for tryal exercise can see and acknowledge no such thing 13. He tels us over againe that by the first Redemption all mankinde was so far reconciled unto God that they were made capable of salvation and had the offer of Gospel peace citeing for this Ephes. 2 15. 1 Ioh. 4 10. Ezech. 16 6. 1 Pet. 2 22 24. 3 18. Tit. 2 14. Phil. 3 10. Ans. 1. we have seen before at several occasions that the Redemption of Christ is a far other thing and hath far other effects even remission of sinnes 2 Cor. 5 19. actual reconciliation grace and glory Dan. 9 24 26. Col. 1 19 20. Ephes. 1 11 14. Ioh. 17 2. Heb. 9 12 13. 2 Cor. 1 20. 2. The very texts cited by himself make against him for Ephes. 2 15. he died to make in himself of twaine one new man so making peace and this was not a mere capacity See vers 13. but now in Christ Iesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. Was this only a capacity of coming near or a meer offer of it deluded souls may think so but the words are plaine let him see also Ephes. 1 7. 2 5 6. The next place he citeth is 1 Ioh. 4 10. Where God is said to have sent his son to be a propitiation for our sinnes and sure a Propitiation doth work more then a meer possibility of friendshipe and he was so a Propitiation as that for the same persons he is an Advocat with the Father 1 Ioh. 2 1 2. His next passage is Ezech. 16 6. And doth he think that when God saith to any lying in their bloud live that that creating word giveth nothing but a meer capacity to live See vers 8 9 10 11 12. But this properly is to be understood of Gods dispensation of love to that visible Church as such and so is not very pertinent to the purpose in hand His next passage is 1 Pet. 2 22. he would say 21. 24. And what can be more clear against him seing the Apostle saith vers 24. that he bear our sins for this end that we being dead to sinnes should live unto righteousness and then addeth by whose stripes ye were healed See also Chap. 1 vers 18. Where he saith that we are redeemed from our vaine conversation See also Chap. 1 2 4. He citeth next 1 Pet. 3 18. Where it is expresly said that Christ hath once suffered that he might bring us to God and not put us in a bare capacity Was this mans minde present when he wrote these citations Why did he not cite also Col. 1 vers 14. Gal. 1 vers 4. 3 vers 13 14. 4. vers 5. If he would cite passages against himself As also Revel 5 vers 9 10. 14.3 4. Tit. 2 vers 14 14. He explaineth over againe his Second Redemption and addeth that hereby we are really Iustified That is when we are sanctified we are Justified or Justified by sanctification as say the Tridentine Papists Then he tels us That both the Redemptions are the cause of Iustification the first the procureing cause and the last the formal cause And just so say they as we saw above out of the Councel of Trent and may be seen in Bellarmine who de justifie lib. 1. Cap. 2. proveth that Jesus Christ is the meritorious cause of Justification and is sounder here than I suppose this Quakers is who complyeth more with Samosatenians Socinians against whom Bellarmin there disputeth And the Councel of Trent said that Christ did merite justification to us by his most holy passion on the tree of the crosse Wherein doth this man now differ from Papists the worst of them I mean such as follow the Councel of Trent There are some Others that may shame this Quaker in this point As Contarenus a cardinal who in his Treatis of Iustification cleareth and determineth the question thus Because by faith we attaine to a twofold ●●ghteousness one inherent whereby we are made partakers of the divine nature th● other
too Catholick Hence we see how false it is that he saith afterward Pag. 174. that this Church hath sometimes been Invisible though he after the Quakers manner misapply that Ier. 3 14. 1 King 19 18. For alas it hath alwayes since Adam fell been too visible 4. Next § 3. He speaketh of a particular Church and here seemeth to worde the matter better but he having already given us the Key we shall be the more able to unlock his cabinet We must s●ith he consider a Church as it signifies a certain number of faithful persons That is Persons only taught by the Light of nature though as for Religion they may be worshipers of the Devil for this particular Church needeth but be a part of the Catholick Church what more Gathered together saith he by the Spirit of God and the testimony of some of his Ministers That is say I by the Light and Law of nature and the testimony of Quakers or such Ministers as preach nothing of the Gospel nothing of Christ revealed in the Gospel nothing of the mystery of God of Christ therein revealed What more And brought unto saith he the faith of true principles and the doctrine of the Christian faith That is such principles and doctrine of Christian faith as may be among them that never heard of Christ or of Christian Faith that worshipe the work of mens hands and possibly the Devil Whose hearts saith he further united by the same love and their understanding illuminated with the same truth meet together to attend upon God adore him and unanimously give testimony against errour though they suffer therefore But 1. Do not their bodies meet together too 2. Can that love be true Christian love which may be among Pagans 3. What illumination of truth can they have who never had another teacher than a Natural Conscience within or the Law written upon the works of creation and providence 4. What attendance upon God or adoration of him without Christ known and beleeved in 5. What testimony against errour can they give who never heard of the Gospel or of Christ 6. I know that here he is giving us a description of Quakers Conventicles which really are Synagogues of Satan He tels us further that all the members of those meetings teach and instruct one another And so they are all officers all eyes c. and so monsters No organical Church Then he closeth with an untruth saying that such were all the primitive Churches gathered by the Apostles While as the Apostolick Churches consisted of persons who called upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Cor. 1 2. They were Churches in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes. 1 1. 2 Thes. 1 1. that is such as acknowledged and worshiped the true God and that in Jesus Christ which neither Pagans nor Jewes as such did 5. Having thus spoken of a catholick of a particular church he cometh § 4 to speak something of the qualifications of the members of both which I judge superfluous seing that was sufficiently done already Yet because his words here are of a finer-like dress let us heare him That one sayes he may be a member of the catholick church it is necessary that there be an inward call of God by his light in the heart and that the heart be fermented by his nature and Spirit so as he leave off unrighteousness and turne to righteousness and that as to the inward part of his soul he be cut off the wild olive of nature and planted in Christ b● his word inward Spirit And all this may be in them that are ignorant of the history of Christ as was proved in the 5. and 6. Thesis Ans. These are fine words to deceive the simple had he not sufficiently explained himself above in the place by himself cited and just now also given us a clear view of his Catholick Church and of its members we might readily have been deceived But according to his owne interpretation of himself and a narrow inspection of his words here We finde 1. That one can be a qualified member of the Church Catholick who hath never heard of Christ or of the Covenant of grace in Christ nor learned any more of Christianity or of the Gospel then what nature could teach and how dissonant this is from the whole Gospel let any that ever read it speak 2. All this inward call of God is by the light that is in the heart of every man by nature is this any thing else but natures dim light 3. All this fermentation to speak in the Quakers dialect is effectuate by the power of this light and this is it he meaneth by the Spirit as he hinteth here and leargly told us before 4. All the effect of this work is but an outward turning from unrighteousness which a natural wretch may do upon the information of a natural conscience This is nothing of true Sanctification 5. It is impossible that all the operation of nature can bring a man off nature and plant him in Christ. 6. The Spirit of God worketh in and with the word and this word is the preaching of the Gospel and where the Gospel is there is the history of Christ. So that where there is nothing of the history of Christ there is not the word of the Kingdom there is not the special working of the Spirit of Christ This word therefore and inward Spirit whereof he speaketh is but he word Spirit of Nature that is nature under new names the Paganish-word and Spirit 6. But what is requisite to a member of a particular christian church He answereth Pag. 175. Beside this inward work it is necessary sayes he there be an external profession and faith in Iesus Christ and these sacred truthes delivered in the Scriptures when the inward light and testimony of the Spirit shall naturally incline compel such as are subject and obedient to it to give assent and credite to the truthes delivered in the Scripture Ans. We heard before of a Catholick Church whereof all the members must needs be saved and of a Particular Church much of the same complexion with the Catholick but now we hear of a new Church called a Particular Christian church the complexion of which seemeth to differ from the former But the matter is this Christianity with him is not necessary to sal●ation th●re may be particular Churches were there is nothing of the Christian Religion Pagans that are somewhat Moral Civil belong to the catholick Church shall be saved as well as Christians But because where the word of the Gospel is come there must be some respect had to it to the word of God therefore a little more is necessary in this case though not in it self to be found in such as live in such places where the word of God is for it were a shame to say that no more were required of a man borne and living all his
but walk upon fixed and certaine grounds which may fully quiet the consciences of such as stand in awe of the word and I cannot but wonder how he who denieth the word to be the rule of faith and practice can thus press the words contrare to the scope and intendment of the Spirit of the Lord and stand so stifly to the express words yea and for any thing I see ground their judgment and practice wholly and alone upon these words but as we heard above though the light within them be their supream and only Rule they can alleige the Scriptures and pervert them too against us 4. He cometh next Pag. 354. § 11. to reply to our grounds We say that Christ forbiddeth all Oaths by creatures and all vaine and rash Oaths To which he replyeth That the Law did forbid these Oaths but Christ forbiddeth here something that was free under the Law to wit to swear by the Name of God and so dischargeth even such Oaths as were made by the Name of God Mat. 23 22. And he addeth by any other oath Answ. That the Law doth forbid both swearing by the Creatures and also rash and unnecessary swearing by the Name of God is true but the Law did not prohibite but enjoyn swearing in some cases before Magistrates as we see Exod. 22 7 11. Num. 5 19 21. 2. That Christ correcteth or amendeth the Law or dischargeth any thing which was lawful by the moral Law of God is but a Socinian dream without any ground or warrand as is apparent through that whole Sermon and from the very first words of this part thereof vers 17 18. Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets I am not come to destroy but fulfil for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth passe one jot or one-title shall in no wise passe from the Law till all be fulfilled But sure if Christ had added to the law or taken away from it he had in so far destroyed it and made it an imperfect law and had taken away from it many Jotes and Titles contrary to his owne expresse profession and declaration 3. The place Mat. 23 16 23. doth clearly explaine this for there their unlawful wayes of swearing are reproved and they discovered to be fools in alleiging such grounds as they did for their profane licentious swearing and satisfying themselves with such pretexts but not one word declareing it unlawful in all cases to sweare by the Name of God 4. These words by any other Oath are to be explained by what went before and so to be understood of any other such like Oath as he had instanced in otherwise Christs discourse shall be incoherent 5. To that which is said That swearing by the Name of God was commanded by the Father and so cannot be now contradicted by the Son who is one with the Father he saith That the father appointed many ceremonial Lawes which were shadowes of good things to come whereof Christ was the substance Answere This is very true but nothing to the purpose for he shall never prove that swearing by the Name of God was a ceremonial thing being a part of natural Worship taught by the Law of Nature Gen. 21 ver 23. Iosh. 2 vers 12. 2 Chron. 36 21. and is several times put for the whole moral Worshipe Esai 19 v. 18. 45 23. Psal. 63 11. And where I pray and when was this ceremonial precept if it be such first given But this one thing is enough to confute this dream not to mentione that we cannot understand whereof it can be a shadow or type nor how then as we shall hear it was used when types were abrogated to wit that Christ did not so early beginne to cry down and to annull the force and power of the ceremonial Law but being made under the Law ceremonial as well as moral was observant thereof in all points to his dying day for in the very night wherein he was betrayed he observed the feast of the Passeover and he came to ful●il all righteousness How shall we then imagine that in his very first Sermon he should abrogate the Ceremonial Law and that in moe points then one if our Quaker be to be believed For he will have the mater of Warres a ceremony too and will affirme that Christ abrogated that ceremony also in the last words of this Chapter as we heard 6. He moveth this Argum. in the next place Pag. 355. That Oaths cannot be a part of the ceremonial Law because they were in use before the promulgation of the law An Argument wherein I see little strength yet I think it concerneth him to tell us when this ceremonial law was first given and to whom What answereth he It must be showne saith he that it is an eternal and immutable precept Answ. And what needeth more for this then to show that it is a part of worshipe performed unto God which the law of Nature hath taught all nations and which hath no affinity with what is typical and figurative having a manifestly moral import for it is a solemne acknowledgment of Gods All-seeing eye of his Truth and Veracity of his Righteousness and Justice and of his Power and Might for therein he is called to witness a secret and hidden truth and the swearer doth professe that God is acquanted with the secrets of all things and with the Intentions of the heart Therein we acknowledge that God abhorreth lying and dissimulation and will be a swift witness against false swearers and in justice will be avenged of such as mock him in calling the God of truth to bear witness to an untruth and shew his power in punishing and pursueing such all which being ingraven on the heart of Man by nature and being laid as the ground of this practice among all Nations and having nothing ceremonial in it evince this duty to be moral and the commands enjoyning it perpetually obligeing He tels us that Abel and Cain did offer the tythes of their fruit and the first fruites of their land But I read not this in Scripture I finde it said Gen. 4 3 4. that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground and Abel of the firsilings of his flock but no more no word of Tithes nor of First fruites 7. He moveth another Objection after his owne minde as if we said that Swearing by the name of God is a moral duty because it is mentioned with God's essential and moral worshipe But what he meaneth by essential worshipe I know not nor know I who useth that terme This argument I shall thus urge If swearing by the name of God be not only urged together with other acts of moral worship but also as a comprehensive part of moral worshipe and as further exegitical and explicative of other parts of moral worshipe mentioned then it must be a part of morall worshipe But the former is true Therefore c. The Major I suppose needeth
not what others say Parnel in his Shield of truth Pag. 17. said as it is cited by Mr Faldo whose Book is but lately come to my hand 2 Part. Pag. 11. of his book And here is the difference of the Ministers of the world and the Ministers of Christ the one of the letter the other of the Spirit for they are meer deceivers and witches bewitch people from the truth holding forth the shadow for the substance As for the Church so speaketh Isaac Pennington in his Questions P. 49. Q. What is the fold of the sheep Answ. The wisdom life and power of the Father even the same that is the shepherd Obj. Is not the Church the fold A. This in the Church or the Church in this is the fold but not out of this As for prayer or thanksgiving at meat hear Iames Naylor Love to the lost P. 57. But where the pure is not viz. the light all things are defiled when they are not sanctified by the word and prayer and therefore are to be received in fear and therein remembring his death till he come and so this is all their Lord's Supper too who is the word and Prayer And Pag. 13. He casts all Prayer that is not by immediat inspiration saying But as every creature is moved by the Spirit of the living God who is that Spirit who will be served with his owne alone not with any thing in man which is come in since the fall so the imaginations thinkings and conceivings are shut out And Smith Cat. P. 100. So must all come to the S●irit of God by the Spirit to be ordered and cease from their own words and from their own time and learne to be silent till the Spirit give them utterance And P. 107. So the same wisdom may deny the prescribed way as being formal and may invent something instead of it in a higher mystery of iniquity and though they may not speak in such formal words composed yet in the same wisdom their words are formal they can set their own time to begin and end and when they will they can utter words when they will they can be silent and this is the unclean part which offereth to God which he doth not accept Found we not his Mans doctrine ab●ve consonant hereunto As for Baptisme Parnel Pag. 11. els us They owne the Baptisme which is the Baptisme of Christ with the holy Ghost and with fire but they deny all other And P. 12. and now I see the other that is water Baptisme as they ordinarily call it out of scorne to be formal imitation and the invention ●f Man and so a meer delusion Smith Prim. P. 39. and Higgins warning P. 5 say we have this and the Lords Supper both from the Pope Nay Iames Naylor Love to the lost P. 52. giveth us one word for all for this I say saith he that the Father hath given his Son for a leader and guide to all ages and into and out of all formes at his will and in his way and time in every generation And therefore it is that all who know his will herein cannot endure that any visible thing should be set up to limite his leadings in Spirit And C Atkinson said I deny that God did ever or will ever reveal himself by any of these things thou callest the meanes of grace And G. Fox in his Gr●at Mystery P. 16. And we say he Christ hath triumphed over Ordinances and blotted them out and they are not to be touched and the saints have Christ in them who is the end of outward formes and thou art deceived who thinks to finde the living among the dead And after all this and much more of the like kinde we must be accounted slanderers for saying that they deny the external part of Christianity Nay not only so but we must be horride liars and the searcher of hearts must be attested hereunto This is but an inconsiderable thing with them who account all that our Preachers say from the word of the Lord nothing but lies and satanical delusions because it is not from the immediat teaching of the Spirit and them but Professours of the Devil upon this account See Fox's Great Mystery P. 5. and 62. 3. Yet more Hence is it saith he that because we exhort people to returne and feel God within themselves saying unto them that if they feel not God neer them the notions which they have of God as he is in the heaven above the cloudes will not much profite them they maliciously endeavour to inferre that we say that God doth not exist without us Answ. Thinks he that we have no other Notion of God but as of one that is up in the heavens above the cloudes Supposeth he that we deny him to be every where present But if they beleeve there is a God in deed and in truth why talk they so much of a measure of God in every man Is the true God such a devisible thing Why do they make the soul of man a part or particle of God What meane they by the Vehicle of God Do these and the like expressions smell of orthodoxy in this matter The true God that is revealed to us in the Scriptures is a God that is one in essence and three distinct persons the Father the Son and the holy Ghost do they believe this Furthermore if they beleeve really a God without them why do they ascribe to something within them that which is peculiar unto God Doth not the morning Watch Pag. 5.6 7. assert the light within every man to be that word which Iohn speaks of Iohn 1 1 See Fox the younger P. 50 53 54. Is that a savoury expression which E. B True faith hath when he saith every man hath that which is one in union and like the Spirit of Christ even as good as the Spirit of Christ according to its measure Was that orthodox which Ed. Burroughs said the morning before he died see F. H. Testimony Now my soul and Spirit is centred in its own being with God and this form of person must returne from whence it was taken Another hath these expressions See Mr Faldo as above P. 124. Againe thou makes a great pudder that any one should witness he is equal with God Answ. A Cathechisme of the Assembly of the Priests in which they have laid down that the holy Ghost and Son is equal in power glory with the Father yet if any come but to witness the Son revealed in him or come to witness the holy Ghost in them as they gave out the Scriptures or witness the minde of Christ and witness that equal with the Father they cry out horrid blasphemy Hear what another saith Now consider what a condition these called Ministers are in They say that which is a Spiritual Substance is not infinite in it self but a creature that which came out from the Creatour and is in the hand of the Creatour which brings it
They deny Magistrats to be lawful who are not of their way 11 45. Of Liberty of Conscience 1. They plead for libery to all errours 501 2. Magistrates say they may not hinder people to meet together to Worshipe God as they judge best 505 3. Otherwayes they sinne against the nature of the Gospel 508 4. And against sound Reason the Law of Nature 511 5. The old Lawes for punishing of Idolaters they say no more binde us then the Jewes killing of the Canaanites or their taking gold c. from the Egyptians 509 510 46. Of W●rs 1. They are against all wars 514. c. 47. Of Lawful Oaths 1. They are against swearing before Magistrates 523. c. 2. Swearing by the Name of God of old was as they say a ceremony 525 526 527 3. Oaths say they did prefigu●e God's truth and fidelity 528 4. And had their rise from the Devil 528 5. Christ might swear say they as being under the Law not we who are under the Gospel 529 6. They say we ought not to regard what Paul did as to this even in his Epistles 530 7. Yet they will swear but not upon a book nor by lifting up the h●nd 529 530 48. Of Civil Honour 1. They are against the giving of all honour or respect to Superiours or Equals 533. c. 2. Christians say they may not give nor receive titles of honour 537 3. They use no other compellation for all persons but Thou Thee 539 4. They will salute no person nor signify any respect by uncovering the head 540 5. They account this adoration yet their first Father Iames Naylor received Divine Worship at Bristol 541 542 49. Of the Resurrection 1. They deny the Resurrection of the same body 17 552 553 50. Of Heaven and Hell 1. They assert no Heaven or Hell but what is within us 553 554 AN Examination and Confutation of ROBERT BARCLAY The QUAKER his Theses Apologie CHAP. I. Some remarks upon his Preface to his THESES 1. BEfore this Author come to set downe his Theses he premiteth a Preface wherein 1. He giveth us the Title inscription of them 2. He sheweth to whom he doth particularly make his address or to whom he directeth these his Theses to be considered or confuted 3. He is pleased to prevent our mistake to give us a description of himself their Author And 4 We have his prologue or preliminary discourse to those unto whom he addresseth himself 2. I shall not so far preoccupy the judgment of the Reader in the threshold as to shew demonstrate that his Theses which he stileth Theological might more fitly truely be called Ethnical or if you will Diabolical for upon the review of the whole after the ensueing examen this will appeare so manifest as if written with a sun-beame to all not blinded with prejudice who believe the Word of God close with it as our only Rule of Faith Practice 3. His Theses he directeth to all Clerks or clergymen or what he will have us understand by Clericis for thus he loveth to speak whether Ironically as he supposeth we call him others of his way Quakers out of contempt disdain or upon any other account I leave every man to judg● But what Clerks are these To Clerks sayeth he of all sorts of the whole Christian world Whereby it is obvious that he acknowledgeth a Christian world in which are Clergy-men of various kindes to which he himself others whom he here Patronizeth do not belong for he speaketh of them all as belonging to another Profession than what he his fraternity hold and while he thus manifestly excludeth himself his party from the Christian world every one may freely judge to what a world he they must needs belong It is ominous to stumble thus in the very threshold But whom doth he meane by these Clericis The following words will not suffer us to think that he meaneth all the people of God nor will the expressions themselves admit that because these Clerici must be but apart of the Christian world And if he understand hereby Church-officers as distinct from Church-members he joyneth herein with Papists against Protestants who account the whole Church not the Officers thereof only as do Papists to be God's Clergy or Heritage as doth the Apostle Peter 1 Pet 5 3. 4. More especially in the next place he directeth them to Doctors Professors Students of Theology and this I cannot but think is spoken indeed ironically for in his esteem it is not true Theologie which is taught by these Doctors Professours learned by these Students and that we may know who these all Doctors c. are he addeth in all the Academies of Europe whether Popish or Protestant what his designe hereby is cannot be hid for who seeth not that he intendeth his Theses as a chartal to provoke them or any of them all to a disput which must needs argue too great an excess of blinde confidence in this Man and withal there is a subdolous Insinuation here manifest for hereby he would make the world believe that his opinions are equally different from repugnant to the Popish Abominations to the Protestant Truth which is a shreud presumption that his ensueing doctrine will not savoure much of Christian candor seing it is so obvious shall be made manifest ere all be done that his opinions homologate more with the Popish than with the Protestant doctrine And if a provocation to dispute were not here intended why would he direct his Theses more especially to Professours Students in Academies not equally unto all Christians in common as charity would require of one who should intend the common good that is the edefication right information of such as he supposeth to be out of the way But I am apt to think and it may be every one shall judge me not far mistaken in this that this confident brag was resolved upon to the end common people might hear that such a Quaker had provoked all the learned men of Europe to a disput none durst enter the lists to fight with this Goliah thence suspect if not conclude that the Quakers are the only maintainers owners of Truth their sayings must be all unquestionable irrefragable Assertions But the judicious learned may at the first see there is little cause to be moved at all this confidence there being so little said hereby him which hath not been examined condemned both from Scripture found Reason by the faithfull asserters of the orthodox truth writting against the Pelagians Arminians Socinians Enthusiasts Anabaptists Papists others to whom alone he is obliged for all that he hath said whether in his Theses or in his large Apologie Vindication that before he was borne So that once to take notice of what he hath here scraped-together out of the writings of the Heterodox
from the Father and the Son And if the knowledge of this be such an essential part of Christianity and a ground of that knowledge of God which leadeth to salvation and so necessary for the right uptaking of the great work of Redemption and Salvation as it is and cannot rationally be denyed by any sober man who considereth what a sure basis this is unto the Christians hope peace and comfort how cometh it to pass that there is no express and distinct mention made of this fundamental point in all his Theses we have heard how the Quakers of N. England have denied this foundation And Mr Stalham in his Reviler rebuked part 1. sect 7. tels us that the Quakers against whom he wrote d●nied th●t there was any Scripture for the Trinity and said that the Holy Ghost was no Person It is known also how others of them inveigh against this fundamental Truth It is true I finde not this man either in his Theses or in his Apology directly writing against this tru●h Yet as I finde no expressions hereanent in his whole book others than such as might come out of the mouth of an Antitrinitarian Socinian so I judge if his Theses had answered his great brags in the Preface they had expresly and distinctly not only mentioned but clearly have unfolded this truth 7. In the 3. place If by his Theses he would direct us into the Saving knowledge of God and make a plaine discovery to us from the very fountaine of all that knowledge that leadeth unto life eternal how cometh it to pass that we have no declaration made to us of the Eternal Purposes and Decrees of God whereby some Men and Angels are predestinated unto everlasting life and others foreordained unto everlasting death and whereby according to the most wise and holy counsel of his will he hath freely and unchangeably ordained whatsoever cometh to pass Shall we think that the knowledge of this hath no interest in the saving knowledge of God or in that knowledge which leadeth unto life which yet undeni●bly yeeldeth such a noble ground of Faith Dependence Praise Reverence Humility Hope Consolation Admiration and holy Fear Nay this Man not only doth not asserte or explaine this but as we shall hear doth deny and impugne it with all his might 8. How cometh it 4 That in all his Theses or Apology there is not the least mention direct or indirect made of the Covenant of Redemption or of those mutual actings of the blessed Persons of the Trinity resembling a mutual Covenant and engagement concerning the everlasting Interest of man Shall any man think that this point of truth which is such a sure ground of all our hopes and consolation such a sure support of staggering souls and such an armour of proof against the assaults of Satan maketh no part of that knowledge which leadeth unto life or hath no place in true and saving knowledge 9. Further 5. Doth not the doctrine of the first C●venant of Works entered into with Adam as the representative of M●n-ki●de upon condition of Personal Perfect and Perpetual obedience belong to that necessary knowledge which bringeth forward unto life or unto that knowledge of God in Christ which is begun felicity How is it then that his Theses are so silent herein or at most give us such a darke and jejune hint of this as is next to none as we shall see It is one of the Quakers tenets as Mr Stalham Sheweth in his forecited book Part 1. Sect●7 ●7 that Adam was not under a Covenant of Works that the Law which Adam had in innocency written in his heart was not the moral law that Adam did not stand by the observation of the positive branches given him in command according to that Law So said I. Nayler and R. F. as he sheweth us and that the same Iames Nayler in his Book called The discovery of the Man of sin Pag 23. went about to prove this by such pityful Arguments as these The Covenant of Works saith do this and live but he that is Adam had the life already while he stood in it and so it was not to be obtained by working as if do this and live could not hold forth the condition of continueing in life and againe That the law was added because of transgression which if it had been before the transgression could not have been as if the law must not of necessity be before sin which is the transgression thereof 1. Ioh. 3.4 and could not afterward beheld forth as a glass to discover the foule spots of transgressions and the same would R. F. in the 12. Pag. of his Book go about to prove 10 Moreover 6. If his Theses be such an unfolding of clear and naked truth how cometh it that he speaketh so obscurely and enigmatically of the fall of Adam Doth not the clear and distinct knowledge of this truth concerne such as would be acquaint with true and saving knowledge 11. But especially 7. We may wonder how it cometh to pass that in his Theses which he would give out as a summe of saving knowledge nor in his great Apologie we have no description explication or delineation yea or mention of the Covenant of Grace wherein Life and Salvation Pardon and Acceptance Grace and Glory is promised and offered through faith in Jesus Christ or acceptance of Him as He is offered in the Gospel Shall we think that the knowledge of this is no part of that pure and naked Truth which is necessary to be known Or that it can contribute nothing unto that knowledge of God in Christ which is the sure way unto eternal life How shall he be able to perswade us hereof 12. Againe 8. Shall we think that the doctrine of the Redemption purchased by Christ of the Atonement made by him unto Justice for the sinnes of his people and of their Reconciliation unto and Acceptance with God upon the account thereof of the Sufferings of Christ in Body and Soul in his state of Humiliation of his Death Resurrection and Ascension and Sitting at the Fathers right hand of his Obedience and of the Sacrifice of himself which he through the Eternal Spirit once offered up unto God to satisfie Justice and purchase not only Reconciliation but also an everlasting Inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven for all such as were given to him of the Father shall we think I say that the knowledge of this is not necessary unto Salvation nor necessary to such as would have such a knowledge of God as is eternal life If he dar not be so impudent as to say so why is there such a shameful silence hereof in his Theses and Book as there is Had he no will to displease his friends the Socinians 13. Further 9. Shall it be thought that the doctrine of the Incarnation of the Son of God the Second Person in the Trinity hath no great interest in that pure and naked truth the knowledge whereof leadeth
some other Abomination lurking under this To wit That this manifestation of the Father by the Son is not to be understood of a Gospel Manifestation but of a Natural Manifestation had in and by the works of Creation and so not of a Manifestation peculiar to the Church and people of God but of a Manifestation common to Heathens and all without the pale of the Church otherwise he shall hereby destroy what afterward he laboureth to build viz. the Universality of this Manifestation But whoever considereth the Scriptures by us cited shall finde that Christ meaneth a manifestation and declaration of the Father in and by the Gospel and Gospel Ordinances to the destruction of this mans Universality 9. He cometh § 6. to the clearing of his second Proposition viz. That there is no knowledge of the Son but by the Spirit And who will deny this as to that Knowledge which is truely and eventually saving of which Saving Certane and Necessary Knowledge his Proposition is to be understood as himself expresly showeth us with an Observandum and 1 Cor. 2 11 12. 12 3. whereby he proveth this are cleare enough but I see not the necessity of adduceing as a proof hereof Revel 3 20. behold I stand at the door c. Yet beside this Saving knowledge there is a Literal knowledge had by the common gifts of the Spirit which is also true in its kinde and though as to any Saving Effect it be Ineffectual yet we must not say with him Pag. 12. that the Spiritual Truths in the Gospel are as lies in the mouth of carnal persons for they are true even as to them Heb. 10 26. Some may sin wilfully after they have received the knowledg of the truth for whom no more sacrifice remaineth and 2 Pet. 2 20 21. Some may have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ and have known the way of righteousness who after they have known it turne from the holy commandement c. I cannot then say with him that this Knowledge of Christ is no more properly to be called a Knowledge of Christ than the speaking of a Parot is properly humane knowledge for I cannot think that when Christ sent Iudas to preach the Gospel it was as a man sending an ambassage by the hand of a Parot or that Balaam had no real knowledge of what was revealed unto him in his trance 10. But not insisting on this which is not much to the maine purpose I Observe that the thing which concerned him chiefly to clear up prov● is not once touched by him here He should have proved t● us That this teaching of Christ by the Spirit is and was alwayes by Immediat Revelation that is by Enthusiasmes and such Extraordinary Wayes Nor doth he which is also remarkable distinguish betwixt Christs teaching by the Spirit in the Prophets of old and the Apostles of late and Christs own teaching Immediatly in his own Person while Incarnate which two the Apostle clearly differenceth Heb. 1 1 2. 2 3 4. Nor doth he speak any thing of Christs Mediat teaching whether by Apostles extraordinarily assisted or by Ordinary Ministers or by his Word nay by his language we might suppose that he excludeth these wayes from being wayes of Christ's teaching contrare to Math. 10 20. 1 Thes. 4 8. 2 Cor. 5 19 20. Mat. 28 18 19. and many other places 11. Let us proceed and see what he saith § 7. in confirmation of the third Proposition viz. That God did alwayes make himself manifest to the Sons of Men by the Spirit For this cause he would have us considering how God from the beginning did manifest himself in his creatures But our enquiry should be how he did manifest himself to his creatures These words in creaturis suis in his creatures cannot but be understood of the way of his manifesting himself But to Manifest Himself in or by the Creatures is not the same with Manifesting H●mself in or by the Spirit For confirmation of his Proposition he adduceth Gen. 1.2 And the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the face of the waters Is not this a pregnant proof of Gods revealing his minde unto Men who were not yet created B●t passing this ridiculous Argument which moreover perverteth the genuine meaning of the Spirit of the Lord in that passage let us see what he adduceth further I think faith he no man will deny that from Adam to Moses Gods communion with man was by immediat manifestation of the Spirit I answere Though it be true that Christ as the great Prophet of his Church did by the Spirit reveal the Counsel of God concerning mans salvation yet that he did this by the Spirit 's Immediat Revelation unto every Individual Person will never be proved now this being the matter that he would have us grant and which only maketh for his purpose he must prove it ere we assent to it That the Lord was pleased to reveal his mind Immedialy to Some and by them to Others from Adam to Moses we know but that every individual Person even of the people of God were advanced to this privilege I deny Yea even dureing that time we read in Scripture but little of these Manifestations We know what was spoken immediatly to Adam to Cain we read also of the Prophecy of En●h in Iud's Epistle which yet was not any new Truth revealed we read also of what was revealed to Noah and to Abraham to Isaac and to Iacob and to so●e few others But what will all this make for his point Sure these few persons were not all that lived dureing that long tract of time what then became of the rest how were they instructed was it not Mediatly by those Patriarchs and selected Persons And did not the Fathers instruct their children from generation to generation that the right worship and knowledg of God might be propagated from hand to hand 12. This proof evincing nothing let us see the next afterward saith he in the times of the law the Lord spoke no other way to his children which cannot be denied by such who acknowledge the Scriptures to have been written by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost Answere That the Scriptures of the Old Test. were so written I grant That the persons imployed in that work had immediat Revelations to this end I grant Nay moreover I grant that all other true Prophets who were raised up of the Lord whose Prophecies the Lord thought not fit to make a part of the Canon of the Scriptures had Divine Inward and Immediat Revelations But this Reason is as childish as the preceeding Doth he think that this is enough to prove his point Doth he think that all the rest of the people of God in those generations had those Immediat Revelations or that this followeth as a clear consequence from his Argument What folly is here He might as well prove that all the people of this
it is not a mans bare saying or signifying this or that to us which is the Formal Ground of our giving credite thereto but the Truth and Honesty of the Person speaking these words nor is the simple Reading or Making known such or such a Command to us the Formal Ground of our receiving it and of yeelding Obedience thereto as a Law but the Legislative Authority of the Person giving out that Law in such a manner So it was not the Prophets their simple declaration or revelation that did solely ground the peoples Obediential beliefe of what they spoke But the Veracity and Authority of God speaking in and by them Revelation whether to the Immediatly Inspired Holy men of God or by them Mediatly to others was a necessary meane to hold forth the particulars to be believed and obeyed but not the total formal Ground upon which the particulars revealed were to believed and obeyed But this Thus faith Iehovah which was also conveyed unto the people and made known unto them by the Sent Prophets As a mans speaking is a necessary meane to make us know both what he asserts as truth and what he would have us believe upon his report And as Promulgation of lawes is a necessary meane to convey the knowledge of the particular Lawes together with the authority enjoyning them unto the Subjects concerned and cannot be the whole but at most a part of the formal object of faith and Obedience or a natural meanes of the Production of the material Object for whether the Revelation be to be looked upon only as such a means as some or as a part of the formal object as others it is all one against the Quakers and we need not fall upon that debate here But if he understand Both together Then neither can that be the Formal Object of Faith divine as is cleare from what is said It is not from the Revelation simply that such or such a Proposition is true but from the Veracity and Truth of him that maketh the proposition Nor is it from the Promulgation that such or such Words framed into the forme of a Command or Law have the force of a Law but from the legislative Authority of him who giveth forth the command Hence we see That it is all one as to the Formal Object or Ground of Faith and Obedience whether the Revelation be Mediat or Immediat One way or Other providing it hold forth the Proposition to be Believed the Law to be Obeyed as coming from Him who is Truth the undoubted supreame Legislator So that our believing of such or such a Proposition with divine Faith is resolved into this Thus saith Iehovah to us who is Truth it self and cannot lie and our divine Obedience to such or such a Command resolveth into this Thus saith to us and thus commandeth us the Supream Lord and Lawgiver Iehovah here the outward testification or declaration of God is not excluded but included rather 16. That we may not walk in the dark with our confused and confounding Author When he calleth Revelation the Formal Object of Faith I would gladly understand whether by this Revelation he meaneth the Lord's making his minde known unto the Patriarchs or Prophets themselves by Voices Visions Dreames c. Or the Revelation made known by these Prophets or Patriarchs unto the people by vive voice or by writing c or doth he meane Both If he understand the first then he speaketh only of the Formal Object of the Faith of these Patriarchs and Prophets who received these Immediat Revelations from God But I would faine know of him what was the Formal Object of the faith of the people to whom these divinely inspired Patriarchs and Prophets made known these Revelations with a Thus saith the Lord The Revelation made to the Prophets could not be the Formal Object of the Peoples faith because it was a Revelation Immediatly made only unto the Prophets and revealed to the people not Inwardly and Immediatly by Vision or Representation to their mindes or God's Vive Voice to their ears but Mediatly by way of Declaration or Preaching outwardly to their senses by the Prophets If he understand the Second then the Immediat Revelation is not the Formal Object of Faith for the Revelation which they had was Mediat If he mean Both. Then his Thesis is defective and this should also have been mentioned for a Divine Revelation coming to us Mediatly by the ministry of Men divinely inspired may hold forth the Formal Object of faith to us as the Scriptures penned by men immediatly Inspired do now hold forth to us the Formal Object of our Faith for we believe with a Divine Faith what is asserted in them because spoken and delivered to us by the Lord Jehovah who is the God of Truth not Immediatly but Mediatly 17. Upon this ground we see what way to Interpret that word in his Thesis Divine inward revelations are absolutely necessary for Founding of true Faith For it is true Nothing can be received by a true divine Faith but what is delivered by God or revealed by the First and Prime Verity who is Veracity it self yet it is not necessary that this First and Prime Verity reveal his minde Immediatly to every person as if none could be or were obliged to beleeve with a true and divine Faith what God saith but only such as are Immediatly inspired Bec●u●e 1. Then the People of old to whom the Prophets were sent with a thus saith Iehovah might have refuised Faith and Obedience and alleiged that these Revelations were not made to them Immediatly and therefore they were not bound to Believe and Obey them But we finde that the Lord spoke even to the Fathers by the Prophets Heb. 1 1. 2. If this were true then the people of Israel that heard not God speaking from Mount Sinay being borne after that time were not obleiged to receive the Law delivered on Mount Sinay with a divine Faith and yet the word spoken by Angels was stedfast and every transgression disobedience received a just recompence of reward Heb. 2 2. And he that despised Moses's Law though Moses only had that law from God by Immediat Revelation except the Ten words died without mercy Heb. 10 28. 3. Then the Prophets Patriarchs or such as had the Inward and Immediat Revelations could only be guilty of Unbeliefe and Disobedience and not the People to whom they spoke contrare to the wole tenor of the book of the Prophets How then I pray could Sauls disobedience to the command of God by Samuel be as the sin of witch craft 1 Sam. 15 19 23. See Ier. 7 23. and 11 4 7. and 26 13. and 38 20. and 42 13. and innumerable moe places 4. How then could this aggravate their sin that God himself spoke unto them and called upon them by his Prophets Hos. 6 ver 5. Ier. 7 ver 13 25. and 25 ver 3 4. and 35 ver 14 15. and
was hinted just now then it must be said that the Devil the Prince of the powers of the aire the God of this World the Prince of darkness and the Spirit that worketh in the Children of disobedience cannot deceive any with his false Lightnings n●y not even such as are judicially given up of God to strong delusions to believe a lie which yet the experience of all ages would confu●e the Scripture also tels us that Satan can transforme himself into an Angel of light 2 Cor. 11 14. that he hath his depths Rev. 2 24 his devices 2 Cor. 2 11. That he is the Ruler of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness in celestials Ephes. 6 12. What meaneth I pray the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders and with all deceivablness of unrigh●ousnes in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth mentioned 2 Thes. 2 9 10 do we not hear Revel 12 9 that the great Dragon that old Serpent called the Devil and Satan deceived the whole world But not to insist on this which the many Energumeni persons obsessed with the devil and phanaticks with Enthusiasts and the like wherewith Histories of all ages abound will not suffer us once to call into question and whi●h the late relations of Iohn of Leiden● Thomas Muncer Iohn Battenburg Melchior Hophman David Georg Swenckfeldius W●igelius in Germany and of Hacket Coppinger Arthington and the rest of the Grundletonians in England with the instances of Phanaticks among the Papists mentioned by D. Stillingfleet in his Idolatry of the Church of Rome Chap. 4. do put beyond all debate let us but consider how it was with the false Prophets of old in whom Satan was a Lying spirit to perswade Ahab 1 King 22 20 21 22. Were not they and the like deceived with false Impressions supposing they had the Spirit of the Lord when it was but a lying Spirit deceiving them 2 Chron. 18 23. 1 King 22 24 Is there not a Spirit of Error as well as a Spirit of truth 1 Ioh 4 6 22. But that we may put an end to this this Man 's own expression confirmeth what I say for he hath a restriction or qualification spoiling all his purpose while he saith that this divine Revelation moveth an understanding that is well disposed to an assent Whence we see that every Revelation pretending to be Divine is not to be submitted to as such but that Revelation only which proveth it self unto an intellect well disposed and discovereth thereunto its own proper Evidence and Perspicuity And therefore all Revelations even though supposed to be divine ought not to passe without examination But I had thought that all divine Revelations and Inspirations Extraordinary and Immediat for we speak not here of the Lords Mediat and Ordinary Illumination whereof all the children of God are made partakers in one degree or other did either finde or make the intellect well disposed for receiving the Impression of Light and Truth revealed so that a graceless Balaam could say Numb 24 4. Balaam the Son of Beor hath said and the man whose eyes are open hath said He hath said which heard the Words of God which saw the vision of the Almighty falling into a trance but having his eyes open Hence Elisha called for a minstrel that his Spirit might thereby be composed and he in case to receive the Revelations of God 2 King 3 15. So that while the Intellect was out of frame through one passion or other the man was not in case to receive the divine Illapses of Light and Revelations of God's minde Now while this man insinuateth that even divine Revelations may come into an understanding not well disposed it must be much more probable that other Revelations which are not truely Divine may affect a distempered understanding And yet I doubt if this Man can give such clear marks of distinction betwixt an Understanding that is Distempered and an Understanding that is Sound and well Disposed at the receiving of such Revelations whereby the Persons under these receipts of Illumination can certanely know whether their mindes and understanding were Well or ill disposed that thereby they may certanely know what to judge of these Revelations Yea I doubt if he can give instances of persons so immediatly Illuminated even by the Father of lies sensible and convinced of a distempered understanding while receiving these glances of new light So that even because of this and because it is possible that such Meteors of new Light may fall upon a distempered understanding and be received and entertained as Divine when nothing lesse it is certane that these Illuminations should passe under examination and tryal and there must be a Rule and Measure whereby they must be tryed and consequently that the Scriptures must be that Rule seing among Protestants nothing else can pretend to this umpireing Power 23. Having premised these things to facilitate our way in what followeth we return to the Examination of what he saith in his Apologie Upon the fourth and fift Propositions formerly mentioned His fourth Proposition is as we heard That these Revelations were of old the formal Object of the Faith of the Saints And by these Revelations he must meane Inward and Immediat Communications of the minde of God by Dreames Visions Vive Voice or the like such as these were which the Patriarchs and Prophets of old had or as we have shown he shall speak nothing to the purpose he would be at New let us see what way he proveth this He adduceth for this end the definition of faith given by the Apostle Heb. 11 1. saying that faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen But to what purpose I do not see seing it is a most certane Truth that all that have had and now have this faith have not had nor yet have these Inward and Immediat Revelations whereof we are speaking That the Object or ground of this Faith was the saying and promise of Iehovah is unquestionable but the thing that he should prove is this That this saying of God which saith gripped to and laid hold on was immediatly spoken by God to every individual beleever as for example that promise which was immediatly revealed to Adam That the seed of the woman should tread down the head of the Serpent or That immediatly revealed to Abraham That in his seed all the nations of the earth should be blessed c. and the like Doth he think that no man can beleeve a promise but he to whom this promise is immediatly spoken by God Let him prove this for I will not grant it He attempteth a proof from the Instances mentioned in that Chap. and adduceth only two Noah and Abraham And I willingly grant that not only these two but all others who had immediat Revelations from God whether touching matters of Faith or Duty had the Word and Authority
here mentioned is not the Scriptures and he learnedly proveth this from other Scriptures As if any sober Christian ever Asserted such a thing But in the bye as if he had no friendship with the Socinians he redargueth their incogitancy that do not acknowledge any Inward Spirit or Vertue but a meer Natural one But in what Socinian doth he read such a thing I think He rather and the Socinians are one denying this Spirit and Paraclete to be a person and a divine person as to Essence one with the Father and the Son but as to subsistance distinct The Socinians do say that the Spirit and Holy Ghost is but the Inward Spiritual Vertue of God and are not so carnal and natural as to say that it is a meer Natural Spirit or Vertue Thus he helpeth us to know what himself meaneth by the Spirit here and elsewhere mentioned viz. Not a distinct person of the Trinity but an Inward Vertue which they call the Light within The second pa●ticular is That this Spirit is inward and for this he citeh Rom. 8 v. 9 10. 1 Cor. 3 v. 16. and that all noble works are ascribed to this Spirit citeing Ioh. 6 v. 63. Act. 2 v. 4. and 8 ver 10. Rom. 8 ver 2 13 15 16 26. 1 Cor. 2 ver 10. and 12. v. 8 9 10 13. and closeth with a saying of Calvines Institut Libr 3. Cap. 2. By all which what he would say and against whom he would disput I know not do we deny the Spirits work in his children Do we deny his Union with them that he is in them and dwelleth in them or their Union with Him that they are in Him and walk with Him All the question is about the way how this is Conceived and Expressed Will he say That the Spirit so is and dwelleth in and abideth with beleevers that hereby they become personally united with Him and so are one person with Him Some indeed have said little lesse and therupon inferred that beleevers were Godded c. as they loved to speak But if this be his meaning I account him a Blasphemer Supposeth he that the Spirit is in ●elievers as a Vertue or Spiritual power and is the Light within them Then as he contradicteth himself saying that this light and vertue is within every man which here is but promised to believers so he giveth us a shreud presumption that he is a Socinian denying the personality of the Holy Ghost which the texts cited by himselfe and many others of the like import do manifestly evince The third particular is the work of the Spirit to guide into all truth c. which we shall be loath to deny whatever his friends the Arminians and Pelagians do Do we cry up the Traditions and Precepts of Men Do we exalt corrupt and carnal Reason Let himself see to this who cryeth up the Light within which is but Nature under a new name as shall be showne in due time This is his first Argument but what is his Conclusion Ergo The holy Spirit abideth and dwelleth in and leadeth his owne All true Christians have the Spirit of God dwelling in them as in his Temple and Ergo For this Argument must be branched-out into many so fertile is the mans invention The Spirit moveth instructeth and leadeth every true christian into the knowledge of such things as are necessary unto salvation Ans. Concedo totum and what would he have more But poor man knoweth he not what is the point in difference Hath he Concluded that the Spirit communicateth the knowledge of Gods minde to all his saints in the same manner and way as he did of old to the Prophets who were extraordinarily Inspired and that that immediat way of communication of Truths to be beleeved and Duties to be performed which was peculiar to Patriarchs and Prophets or to the Apostles is continued and common to all believers No This point is too hot for his fingers to touch and we must be satisfied to heare him prove that which he can prove though it be the same which we assert and so to no purpose 28. Before he come to this second Argument he tels us § 11. That there are some who do confess that the Spirit doth now breath upon and lead the Saints but this is Subjectively and in a blinde way coeco modo but not objectively that is He illuminats the understanding to beleeve what is revealed in the Scriptures but presents not any verity objectively and this they call medium incognitum assentiendi an unknown medium of assent that is of which the man is not certaine nor sensible Ans Whom he doth particularly here meane I know not and so I cannot judge whether he reporteth their opinion faithfully or not nor how they explaine the termes here expressed I know men may have various conceptions of the same Truth and so may have various and different-like Expressions and yet meane one and the same thing And for my part though I cannot assent to some expressions here used yet I think the substance of the truth which I owne is held forth here The Scriptures are a compleat Rule to us in all things concerning Faith and Manners in reference to Salvation and hold forth the revealed Mind of God here anent as an outward Objective meane or an external Rule And therefore we need now no new Revelation either as to Truths to be beleeved or as to Duties to be obeyed in order to Salvation but we need the Breathing Light and Power of the Spirit both to cause us see the matters already revealed and to close with them as divine Truths and Commands Let us see however what he answereth Though this opinion sayeth he be more tolerable than the former yet it is not true And why First because there are many truthes which as they respect every one ut singulos respiciunt it may be he meaneth and should h●ve said Personas singulares are not all found in the Scriptures But what are these Truths Are they Truths concerning salvation if so I deny what he saith and shall waite his proofs in the Next Thesis where he promiseth to shew this Secondly because saith he the Arguments adduced do also prove that he proposeth truths to us Objectively But suppose that several of the Scriptures by him formerly adduced should conclude this as to the Apostles and some others yea and more viz. That they should be filled with the Spirit and Immediatly and Extraordinari●y Inspired and acted to pen Scripture and infallibly to hold forth Gospel Truths to set downe immutable Gospel Rules to establish Gospel Ordinances and the like which also was so will he think that the promises in this extent belong to every individual Beleever so that each of them by vertue of these promises are Infallible Dictators writters of Scripture and the like let him assay the proof of this and we shall consider what he sayeth But further though I should grant what he here sayeth
Infallible Revelation of the Spirit of truth declared in the Scriptures writen by men infallibly acted by the holy Spirit of God and to beleeve and follow the dictats of the Father of lies As for the second Proposition It is unquestionable from history of all such Persons from the Montanists Circumcelliones Donatists Euchites and the like Enthusiasts of old from Mahomet that great Impostor and pretender to Revelations from the many Enthusiasts in the Church of Rome of which read D. Stillingfleet in his book above cited Especially Ignatius Loyola the Father founder of the Jesuites our Quakers great Friends if not Fathers from the Enthusiasts in Germany the Swenckfeldians Weigelians and particularly Iohn of Leyden and his complices in and about Munster c. to the Quakers this very day All which have given undoubted evidences of their delusions by their Errours Heresies sometimes Scandalous Actings Nay it hath been found that these desperat Adventures have pretended to these Revelations of purpose to put off with more cunning their desperat Errours and cheat souls unto the market of their pernicious Wares If this man be of another judgment I challenge him and all the Quakers this day to name to me a Seck of such Pretenders of whom this may not be verified And as for himself and the rest of the Quakers if the Scriptures be the word of truth and given out by Infallible Inspiration wh●ch he dar not deny they bear as manifest Marks and give out as palpable Evidences of their being led and acted by a Spirit of Errour as any of their Predecessours as this and other of their writings put beyond all question Sure the Spirit which Christ promised to lead all his people by was a Spirit of Truth and a Spirit that leadeth into all Truth Ioh. 16 13. But th● Spirit acting them is a Spirit of Errour as the Scriptures of truth evidence The Spirit promised was a Spirit that would glorify Christ and take of his shew it unto his People but the Spirit acting them is a Spirit opposite to all the Institutions of Christ and a Spirit seeking to debase our Lord Jesus in his Person Offices and Work all which our following discourse will evince 33. Having thus proposed and enforced the Objection we need not take notice of hi● triffling Answers adapted to the sha●ow he made himself It ●s enough to us that he cannot say that such as the Spirit of ●od leadeth in seed are led into Errour seing by this fruite and their sinful carriage Christ h●th told us that we may know false Prophets Mat. 7 15 20. And that he himself confesseth that true divine Revelations are not contrare to the Scriptures and therefore having Scriptures and sound Reason on our side we value not his brag in saying that by happy experince they finde hithertil that the Spirit hath never deceived them or led them unto any evil seing all such Pretenders of old should have said the same with as great Confidence they that are given up of God to strong delusions to beleeve a lie know not that it is a lie which they beleeve Wisdome is justified of her children As for Munster business he professeth § 14. his abhorrence thereof but with all addeth that as great evils have been practised by such as owne the Scriptures which doth not touch the Objection framed by me Beside that it is not very probable that God would have left these Miscreants to such acts of villany if the way to which they pretended had been of God considering how they were the first that in that age and at that season of Reformation did appear for it and openly professe it a parallel of such as owned any part of Truth long under contempt and against so much opposition will not I suppose be showne The rest of this paragraph being a meer Rhapsodi● and with all an Excreation of much gall and nothing to the purpose in hand I meddle not with It wil satisfie him if I say that I am none of those who will reject the guidance of the Spirit of God though some profane Wreatches say that they are led by him He knoweth our disput is not about the guidance of the Spirit but about the manner of this Guidance and Teachings 34. What he saith § 15. in Vindication of the last part of his Thesis hath been obviated already See above § 18 and 19. only I shall take notice of a word or two which he hath To prove the self evidence of the Spirits working in souls he maketh use of these words of David Taste and see that God is good of Paul saying I am perswaded nothing can separate me from the Love of God and then citeth 1 Ioh 4 13. and as if it were to the same purpose addeth 1 Ioh. 5 6. and hence inferreth that the Revelations which they have being the Revelations of the Spirit who is truth must certanely be true and not contrary to either Scripture or Reason Alas doth not the man know that the Spirit may work grace in the soul and for a time for holy ends keep up the sensation thereof and that others may deny or not observe the work of the Spirit in their souls through Mistakes Prejudice or other Corruption as others may imagine a work of grace without ground Knoweth he no● that we are speaking here of Immediate and Objective Revelations which are Extraordinary and which himself in a few lines before said the Patriarchs Prophets and Apostles had not naming any others and not of the Ordinary workings of the Spirit of grace Waving these Impertinencies I would ask only How came it to passe that Others pretending as much to Immediat Revelations as he have been deceived If others have been deceived why may not he It is true The Spirit of God is alwayes a Spirit of Truth but a Spirit of Errour and Delusion which some may take to be the Spirit of God is not the Spirit of Truth Why will he not try by the Scriptures and by sound Reason what sort of Spirit that is which acteth him the rest No that is needless And why so Because their spiritual senses are awake so that at the very first they can perceive their revelations to be of the Spirit no less infallibly than a wise Mathematician can diseerne the truth of the most clear mathematick demonstrations Happy they say I if it be so But hereby he must needs reproach his Predessours the Enthusiasts and Phanaticks of former ages as being asleep at best in the midst of their Revelations and not having their spiritual senses awake for they have been deceived and yet no doubt were as confident of the contrarie as this man is But this man's testimony is of himself and so the less to be valued and it is inward and invisible and so the harder to be confuted Only I would know how he will perswade us of it a Mathematician can demonstrat the grounds of his
giving life unto the World of them that the Father hath given him and shall come to him Ioh. 6 33 37. They are these concerning whom the Fathers will was as being given of him that he should lose nothing but raise it up againe at the last day ver 38 39 40. The Redeemed ones that are numbered by God 144000. and are the first fruites unto God and the Lamb Revel 14 3 4 5. They are such as are the Lords and whom the Lord knoweth for his 2 Tim. 2 19. and are enrolled in the Lambs book Revel 13 8. and 20 15. See other particularities Psal. 87 5. Esai 43 1. and 49 12. and 19 18.24 25. Zeph 3 10. So are they designed to be these for whom God is and who shall have unquestionably all things the Elect who shall be justified who shall not be separated from the love of Christ are in all things more then Conquerours Rom. 8 31 32 33 34 37 38 39. These with whom the Covenant shall be confirmed Dan. 9 27. The redeemed out of every Kinred and Tongue and People and Nation and made Kings and Priests Revel 5 9 10. 22. Further 11 if Christ died for the sinnes of all persons how cometh it that they are not all actually pardoned It cannot be said that Christ's death was not a satisfactory price nor that the Father did not accept of it If then he shed his blood for the remission of sins Mat. 26 28. are not all these sins pardoned virtually and fundamentally or shall they not all actually be pardoned in due time If it be said they shall be pardoned upon condition of their faith But if the sinnes of all be equally payed for and equally in a virtual manner discharged in Christ's being actually discharged from that debt in the day of his Resurrection and the actual disharge depending upon the uncertain condition of mans Will man who willingly performeth the condition shall praise himself for the actual pardon and none else for Christ did no more for him as to the Actual Pardon than for others who never shall be blessed with actual forgiveness and yet forgiveness is held forth as a special act of free grace forgivenesse of sinnes is according to the riches of his grace Ephes. 1 7. Moreover as to that condition whether did Christ purchase it or not If he did not purchase it than man is not beholden to Christ for the Condition be it faith or what ye will it is no purchased mercy but man is beholden to his good Lord Free Will for it and so he may sacrifice to his own net and sing glory to himself for making himself to differ and for obtaining to himself Actual Remission of all his sinnes and consequently blessedness Rom. 4 v. 6 7 8. for had not his owne well disposed Lord Free Will performed that condition all that Christ did had never more advantaged him than it did others that perish If it be said that grace to performe the condition though it be not purchased by the blood of Christ yet it is freely given by God to whom he will I Answer Not to insist here on the proof of faith's being purchased by Christ because we shall cleare it afterward and there is nothing else assigned for the condition I would enquire whether Christ knew to whom this grace would be given or not if not then we must deny him to be God if he knew why shall we suppose that he would lay down his life equally for all when he knew before hand that many should never get grace to performe the condition upon which his death should redound to their actual pardon and justification what Ends or what Advantages can we imagine of such an Universal Redemption 23. 12. If the condition upon which actual pardon justification is granted in the blood of Christ be purchased by Christ then either all shall certainly be Pardoned Justified or Christ hath not purchased an Equal Common Possible Redemption to all and every man But the former is true it is not true that all shall certainly be pardoned and actually justified for then all should be glorified That the condition to wit Faith and Repentance is purchased by Christ who can deny seing he is expresly called the Author of Faith Heb. 12 2. and a Prince exalted to give Repentance and forgiveness of sins Act 5.31 So that as forgiveness of sins is founded upon his death as the Meritorious cause so must Repentance be and Christ as an exalted Prince and Saviour hath this power to dispose of his owne purchased legacy which he hath left and ensured by his death unto the heires of salvation Upon his Death and Satisfaction made in his death hath he gote all power in heaven and earth a power to quicken whom he will Mat. 28 ●8 Ioh. 5 21 22 27. Phil. ● 9 10 Hence we are said to be compleat in him Col 2 10. to be blessed with all spiritual blessings in ce●estials to which no doubt faith and Repentance do belong in him Ephes. 1 3 Is it not from hence that the divine power hath given unto us all things that pertaine unto life and godliness 2 Pet. 1 3 Nay Paul tels us expresly Phil. 1 29. that it is given to us in the behalfe of Christ to beleeve on him And certainly there is a promise of Faith and Repentance and all the promises are yea and amen in Him 2 Cor. 1 20. all the Blessings contained in the Covenant are made sure by his death who was the surety of this better Testament Heb. 7 2● and this Testament was to have force by his death Heb. 9 15 16 17 18. and the New heart and heart of flesh is promis●d in the Covenant and comprehendeth Faith and Repentance they being some of his lawes which he hath also promised to write in the heart Ier. 31 33. Heb. 8 10. Ezech. 11 19 20. 36 26 27. We have moreover seen that Sanctification and Holiness from which Faith Repentance cannot be separated were purchased by Christ and intended in his death whence he is made of God unto us Sanctification 1 Cor. 1 30. If it be not purchased by Christ how come we by it is it a thing in our Power and an act of our owne Free Will Then as I said before we are beholden to ourselves for Faith and all that follow upon it and then farewell all Prayer for Faith and Repentance all Thanksgiving to God for it This is pure Pelagianisme If it be said that it is the free gift of God Ephes. 2 8. and a Consequent of electing love I Answere all the fruites of election which are to be wrought in us are procured by the blood of Christ for all are conveyed to us in a Covenant whereof Christ is the Mediator and Surety and with Christ he giveth us all things Rom. 8 32. and we are blessed in Him with all spiritual blessings according as he hath chosen
his Church Act. 20 28. Ephes. 5 25. his Elect Rom. 8 32 34. his Children Heb. 2 12 13. 26. If we would consider aright 15. What Christ did undergoe suffer while he was made sin or was making satisfaction for sin we should hardly think it probable that Christ Jesus God-man who was the brightness of the Fathers glory and the express image of his person Heb. 1 3. and thought it no robbery to be counted equal with God Phil. 2 6. Should have undergone what he did undergoe and that the Father should have laid all that upon him which he did lay upon him and that to purchase only a meer Possible Redemption from sin and wrath whereby not one person should be saved or pardoned if so it had seemed good to captaine Free will Not to Mention his condescending to be Born of a woman and to be Made under the Law Gal. 4 4. nor his being in the Forme of a servant Phil. 2 7. nor his Poverty and mean condition in the world 2 Cor. 8 9 nor his Conflicting with the indignities of the world Psal. 22 6. Heb. 12 2 3. with the temptations of Satan Mat. 4 1 -12. Luk. 4 15. and his being under the infirmities common to the nature of man being in all things like us except sin Heb. 2 17. 4 15. Esai 52 13 14. Nay nor his sufferings in his Body Name Honour at death when he was Betrayed by Iudas Mat. 2● 4. Forsaken by his disciples Mat. 26 56. Scorned and Reviled by the world Esai 53 2 3. Condemned as a malefactor by Pilat and Tormented by his persecuters Mat. 27 26 50. Ioh. 19 34. and Endured the Painful Shameful and Cursed deat● of the crosse Phil. 2 8. Heb. 12 2. all which and the like being endured by Him who was the Son of God could be no mean suffering nor undergone for an uncertain end or for the procureing of a meer Possible and Uncertain good But that which we would most take notice of here is his Soul sufferings being pursued by divine justice when that Zach. 13 7. was accomplished awake O sword against my shepheard against the Man that is my follow saith the Lord of hostes smite the shepheard and the sheep shall be scattered Mat. 26 31. and the Lord did bruise him and put him to griefe Esai 53 5 10. and he began to be sorrowful even unto death Mat. 26 37 38. and was sore amazed and very heavy Mark. 14 34. and was put to offer up prayers and supplications with strong cryes and teares to him that was able to save him Heb. 5 7. when notwithstanding that an angel appeared unto him from heaven strengthening him yet being in an agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground Luk. 22 43 44. and at length was made to cry out my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Psal. 22 1. Mat. 27 46. Mark 15 34. This was no mean business when the Rayes and Irradiations of Divine Love were drawn-in and withheld from him who had such a sharp sense of the happiness in the enjoying of God's favour because of the Personal union with the Godhead But that which is most of all to be considered is his being made a Curse Gal 3 13. and so made to wrestle with the Justice and Wrath of a sin-revenging God This was the gall and the wormwood that made him cry Ioh. 2 27. Now is my soul troubled and what shall I say Father save me from this hour Shall we suppo●e that all this was about an Uncertane Bargane Shall we think that he died the cursed death of the crosse and bore the weight of God's wrath Luk. 22 4● Mat. ●7 46. and so became a sacrifice to satisfie divine justice Heb. 9 14 18 all to purchase a meer Poss●bility or a meer Possible Redemption Shall we think that the Second p●rson of the Trinity should do and suffer all these things for to redeem man when possibly if Freewill should be so ill natured not one man should reap any advantage thereby Me thinks the asserting of this should be a great temptation to cause people turne Socinians and deny all these soul sufferings of Christ and his bearing the wrath of God and making any satisfaction to justice 27. Adde to this 16. That the Scriptures speak of Christ's Death Sufferings as being not for himself but for Others and that not only for the good and adva●tage of others and doubtless the advantage of all this should be but little if it were nothing else but a meer Possible Redemption which Free will might make Actual or Not Actual as it pleased but in their Roome and Place hence it is called the chastisement of our peace Esai 53 5. and he is said to have b●rne our griefs and carryed our sorrowes vers 4. He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities vers 5. The Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all vers 6. for the transgression of my people was he stricken vers 8. for he shall bear their iniquities vers 11. he bare the sin of many vers 12. He bear our sins in his body on the tree 1 Pet. 2 24. the just suffered for the unjust 1 Pet. 3 18. Hence beleevers are said to be crucified with him Gal. 2 20 to be baptized into his death Rom. 6 3. buried with him by baptisme into death vers 4. planted together in the likeness of his death vers 5. dead with Christ vers 8. He was cut off but not for himself Dan. 9 26. See also Heb. 2 9. 1 Pet. 2 21. Shall we say that this was meerly for our good seing it was in some respect for the good of the whole creation Rom. 8 20 21 22 23. Act. 3 21. and not in our Place and Stead Paul saith 2 Cor 2 14. If one be dead for all then were all dead And i● is manifest that he payed the Law-debt having taken on him the seed of Abraham for this end Heb. 2 16. and being made a curse for us he redeemed us from the curse of the Law Gal. 3 10. So that it was in our stead Rom. 5 6 7 8. Ioh. 11 50. 10 11 15. And the Preposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath clearly this import Mat. 5 38. 17 27. Esa. 4● 4. Exod. 21 23 24. 1 Chron. 14 1. 1 King 3 7. 2 King 1 17. 11 43 Prov. 11 8. Iob. 16 4. 34 ● 1 Pet. ● 9. Rom. 12 17. See many other places cited by worthy Mr Rutherfoord in his book of the Covenant Pag. 25.255 where both in the N. T. and to the LXX version of t●e old 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath his imp●rt And this t●u●h is abundantly made out by our Orthodox Divines writing against the Socinians so th●t I need say no more of it only I ●hink such as a●●ert the Re●empt●●n pu●chased by Christ to have been a
There is no difficulty to loose all the mans Arguments if we premit this that by Possible here is meaned such a thing as may be not only in it self and abstracting from the decree of God for if this be his conclusion he concludeth nothing but fighteth with his owne shadow but such a thing as may be in respect of the decree that is that is such a thing the contrare whereof is not decreed by God So that by a thing possible or impossible here is not meaned what is simply so and in its owne nature but what is so ex hypothesi This presupposed I say 1. That his first assumption is false viz. That we may pray for every one for Iohn tels us 1 Ioh. 5 16 there is a sin unto death I do not say sayes he ye should pray for it And the text no more faith that we should Pray for every Man than that we should Give thanks for every man vers 1. And who will think that we are bound to give thanks for the happy state and good condition yea and for the salvation of Apostates and Enemies to the Gospel and for Antichrist and all most prodigiously flagitious persons And thus his whole Argument from this place concludeth nothing though what he addeth in confirmation of the Proposition were all true for the Assumption being false and he saith nothing to prove it the argument is null Yet for further discovery of his weakness I say 2. The Prop●sition is false for the decree of God which maketh things possible or impossible in the sense wherein we take these termes here not being revealed to us is no rule for our prayers but the Revealed Will and Law of God that is the proper and only ground of Obedience 3. His confirmation of this is no confirmation for it concludeth not the Proposition denyed Nor doth it conclude the Assumption but is really the first argument dressed up in equipollent termes and so must be satisfied with the same answere for it is false that every man is commanded to pray for all Infants are men and yet they are not commanded to pray for any far less for all No man is commanded to pray for all men as we shewed far less for all devils and damned and all dead and all creatures for these come under the tearme all Againe I say it is false that no man is bound to pray for that which is impossible in respect of God's decree I may pray for the life of my Father or my friend and yet it may be decreed by the Lord that he shall die But I must pray therefore with submission to God's holy will and pleasure if he thinketh fit and have not decreed the contrary Christ foretold that Peter should deny him thrice and because it was impossible that Christ should be a liar it was also impossible upon this supposition that Peter should not so deny his master yet it was lawfull for Peter to pray against th●s much more may we pray for the salvation of such as it is impossible not to perish in regaird of the decree of God seing that decree is not revealed to us as to such and such particular persons for whom we pray 4. His next argument seemeth to be a proof of the proposition of the second argument for it seemeth to conclude that no man is bound to pray for what is impossible And as to it I say it is true no man is bound to pray but in faith that is in confidence that what he prayeth for is Lawfull and consonant to the revealed will of God and that if the Lord seeth it good and good for him being a beleever it shall be granted and this includeth an holy submission to the supream will of God as to what is not revealed and a submission to his wise providence and care and to his supream power in disposeing and giving out the good things promised when or a● what time and in what manner and measure he seeth meet and expedient But that no man can pray in faith for what the Lord hath not decreed to do or grant I deny for reasons already given It was impossible but Christ should have died for for that end came he into the world and he came to suffer the wrath of God for sin and yet he prayed Ioh. 12 27. father save me from this hour And I suppose this Quaker dar not say that this prayer was not in faith But it was it is true with submission as the next words evidence and is cleare Mat. 26 39. So should our prayers be with submission and if it be possible 5. As to his next argument to the proposition I say What God willeth with his will of Purpose Decree and Resolution which is about events is not impossible it is true for it is certane and is not only possible but a thing that shall certainely come to passe for who hath resisted his will and He is of one minde and who can turne him His will thus is Effectual But the Assumption is most false in this sense for if God would thus have all men to be saved they should all be certanely saved unlesse by all men he understand not all and every individual man but indefinitely his owne Elect among all Nations Kindes and Sorts of people whether High or Low Rich or Poor Greek or Barbarian Iew or Gentile and if he take it in this sense his Conclusion will be most sound and we shall accept of it yea we shall say more to wit That most certanely all these men shall be saved yea that it is impossible it should be other wayes But againe as to the Proposition we say what God willeth by his Command and Precept may be oft is impossible in respect of God's decree for God commandeth all men it may be devils and damned who remaine God's creatures to love him perfectly with their whole soul and minde and strength and yet this is not now possible And so as to the Assumption though God should will thus all men to be saved which yet is not true because the Gospel which bringeth salvation is not revealed to all men it would not follow that it were possible that all men should be saved 6. As to his last argument I say for whom Christ gave himself a price of Redemption to them salvation is not only Possible but Certain And as to the Assumption That Christ gave himself a price of Redemption for all is true in this sense that Christ gave himself for all his Owne all his Sheep all his People all that were Given to him of the Father all that shall be Saved all the Elect of whatever Nation Kindred Tongue or Language or whatever Condition they be in the world Magistrates or Subjects Rich or Poor Iewes or Gentiles c. But it is not true in this sense that Christ gave himself a ransome for all and every individual person for he gave not himself for Devils who yet may
5. Ioel. 3 28. Act. 2 5 17. Exod. 28 15. Revel 13 8. 1 Tim. 4 vers 15. Act. 4 vers 16. 1 King 10 vers 23. 1 Chron. 14 17. 32 23. Esth. 9 2. Luk. 13 17. 1 Cor. 4 17. 1● 30 51. Col. 3 11. 1 Cor. 14 24. Heb. 8 11. 1 Cor. 9 19. And many moe which might be named There must therefore of necessity be limitations how else shall we expound that Rom. 11 32. to name no moe For God hath concluded them all in unbeleef that he might have mercy upon all And so we must else we shall make odde work interpret those universals according to the subject matter spoken of and the circumstances of the text with other Scriptures contributing to the cleating thereof And we are perswaded that there is nothing neither in this text nor in any other where such particles of Universality are used as to the matter about which we are now speaking to w●t concerning the Special Benefites and Saving Favours of God to men that will enforce such an interpretation as will include all without exception as our Adversaries alledge Nay or can rationally constraine us to suppose that Christ died for a Ransome for any except the Elect people ●o God 55. Nay thirdly if this be not admitted but our Adversaries will urge the full force of these particles and the like as the world and all nations they must grant that Saving grace and Salvation is also Universal for then all men without exception must be drawn to Christ Ioh. 12 32. all must savingly know God and be taught of him Ier. 31 34. Heb. 8 11. all must receive grace Ioh. 1 16. See further Esai 12 5. Revel 15 4. Psal. 72 11. 86 9. Esai 2 2. Dan. 7 14. Hag. 2 7. Gal. 3 8. Gen. 18 18. 22.18 26 4. Esa. 25 6. Deut. 28 10. Psal. 97 6. Rom. 11 26. Esa. 40 4. Psal. 29 9. 1 Cor. 12 13. 2 Cor. 3 18. Ephes. 4 13. Luk. 16 16. 1 Thes. 5 5. 1 Cor. 11 4. Psal. 65 2. 22 27. 66 0. Esa. 66 23. Mal. 1.11 Ioh. 6 33. 12 47. Esai 25 8. 1 Cor. 15 22 28. 4 5. Revel 5 13. Mark 11 31. So must they grant on the contrary that all and every mothers son are Wicked and consequ●ntly must purish for they are also held forth wit● an Universality I●r 6 ●8 ● 2 Mic. 1 21. Iob. 2 15 16. 5 19. Ioh. 17 9 25. 1. Cor. 1 21. ●sal 14 3. Rom. 3 12. And that God works all sinful actions in his people because he is said to worke all their works Esai 2● 12. 56. Fourthly it is to be observed That these large Universal particles as they are used when the Lord is to express the great things under the Gospel for no passage can be adduced pointing out an universal extent of the good things of grace un●er the Law so they only hold forth the largness of the Kingdom of Christ under the Gospel dispensation which was not to be limited to the bounds of one Nation or to the posterity of one Abraham but was to be extended to all Nations Kinreds Tongues People and Languages indefinitly without any discrimination or distinction And therefore these universals are used the more to enforce the beliefe of this truth and to give it a deeper impression for now under the Gospel Oeconomie the partition wall is taken away Ephes 2 14. and there is now neither Greek nor Iew Circumcision nor Vncircumcision Barbarian Scythian Bond nor Free but Christ is all and in all Col. 3 11. Hence the Apostle tels us that he had received grace and Apostleshipe for obedience to the faith among all nations Rom. 1 5. See also Rom. 15 9 10 11 12. So that now the promise made to Abraham that he should be heire of the world Rom. 4 13. is fulfill●d yet is not all the world universally so become his Children as that all and every individual person are take in but the Seed scattered through the world for the promise that he should be the heire of the world is through the righteousness of faith Rom. 4 13 16. in this respect was he the Father of many nations vers 17. Gen. 17 5. not of all and every individual person but of the seed in many nations And as I said these general termes are used the more to enforce this truth which the Jewes could hardly receive being so in love with themselves and acted with a deeply rooted prejudice against the Gentiles an evil that cleave long unto the Apostles themselves as is manifest by their questioning of Peter for going-in to Cornelius Act. 11. Hence we read so much of the rage of the Jewes upon this very account Act. 13 45 50. 1 Thes. 2 15 16. But when the Lord was pleased to beare-in this truth with force upon his Apostles and let them see and make known unto them the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in himself that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ Ephes. 1 9 10. And to make all men see what is the fellowshipe of the mystery which from the beginning of the world hath bin hid in God who created all things by Iesus Christ Ephes. 3 9. Then the Apostles in their writings both to refute the folly of the Jewes and to encourage the Gentiles did use such general expressions as we see and particularly the Apostle Iohn who lived to see wrath overtake the nation of the Jewes and the Gentiles in great numbers brought in but withall to prevent any mistake giveth a rule how to understand these phrases when he saith Ioh. 11 51 52. And this spake he not of himself but being High priest that year he prophecied that Iesus should die for that nation and not for that nation only but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad 57. There is fiftly another thing considerable here to wit That we must distinguish betwixt the Gospel and the Administration thereof as it answereth to the secret Counsel and Purpose of God and so it is the mean by which the Lord effectuateth the purposed and designed end and as it answereth to the Revealed Will of God and is his Law In the first sense the promises in the Gospel do peculiarly belong unto are made for the Chosen ones the Elect company for whom Grace and Glory is prepared and for whom the Kingdom is appointed In the second sense they are held forth to all to whom the Gospel is preached as encouragements to the doing of that which is duty as upon the other hand the threatnings are held forth to all to move the Elect to duty and to keep them at duty though in the secret purpose of God they be appointed for the Reprobat on whom in end they shall certainly be inflicted In
sucked this mans brests And as Pelagius would acknowledge no necessity of grace to help us to will and to do or to cause us will and do beside this Possibility or illumination of the minde So this Quaker restricketh all the grace of God unto the stirring up of the Light Saith he any thing of Grace causing the Man to consent Or taking away that resistance No Pelagians Arminians Socinians and Iesuites are dearer friends to him than that he should put any dishonour on their Diana Free will 25. Having thus traversed this mans explication of that Universal Grace Light or Seed which he asserteth and having traced him to his denne We come to examine his grounds for this wilde Assertion held forth § 21. Pag. 98. c. He first adduceth Ioh 1 ver 9. That was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world And this he saith some call the Quakers text but I would rather call it their stumbling block and neck-break because it is a passage which they do wrest as they do also other Scriptures unto their owne destruction as Peter speaketh of some in his dayes 2 Pet. 3 16. Concerning these words of Iohn it would be noticed 1. Some joyn these words which we have rendered that cometh into the world not with every man as in our translation but with the word light rendering the words thus that true light which lighteth man was coming into the world according to the like phrases Mat. 10 32. Luk. 5 16. 15 1. Act. 8 28. Not as if the meaning were that Christ did enlighten every man by coming into the world as if he did not enlighten them before But this they give to be the meaning that Iohn hereby is pointing forth the incarnation of the word showing that the light the true light which lighteneth every man did come into the world and why we may not thus take the words rather than as they are commonly rendered I do not yet see any cogent reason 2. As to this illumination which this light communicateth when it is said to enlighten it is not one and the same way understood by all Some take it to be understood of the common light of nature whereof all are in one measure or other partakers So Calvin Musculus and others on the place and among the Ancients Cyrillus lib. 1. in Ioan. Cap. 9. The Socinians bend all their strength against this exposition because they will not acknowledg this Light Life and Word to be the true living God equal with the Father in power and glory And with these Socinians this Quaker joyneth in his opposition to this sense Others mean hereby Spiritual Illumination by true and saving grace but yet do not say that this is actually communicated to every man but that the meaning is all that are spiritually illuminated have this Illumination from that Light And this way Augustine of old and others of late interpret the words explaining it by this simile a School-master may be said to reach all the children of such a place though all every one without exception are not taught by him because all that are taught in that place are taught by him alone But why both may not be here included I see not this serving the more to set forth the excellency of Christ yea and his Godhead which Iohn principally here intendeth as is apparent from almost every verse from the beginning where he is spoken of whatever the Antichristian Socinians invent and say to the contrary And this being true that Jesus Christ the Word and the Light and the Life here spoken of is true God vers 1. and the creator of all things vers 3. it cannot be denyed that he is the Author of all that light wherewith men are enlightened and that even the light of Nature and Reason is from Him who is the fountaine of all Light and Life Nor must we therefore say that the Spiritual light is as common as the Natural Nor is the intendment of the Euangelist here to assert this because he had said vers 7. that Iohn Baptist came to bear witness of this Light that all men through him might beleeve pointing out that the way of partaking of the spiritual light and life which Christ as a fountaine communicateth was by faith and it is notoure enough that all men have not Faith and therefore all men are not partakers of this Illumination And further Iohn tels us afterward vers 10. that the world knew not Christ And yet all that are spiritually illuminated and have gotten an understanding from Christ know him that is true are in him that is true even in his Son Iesus Christ. This is the true God eternal life 1 Ioh. 5 20. And vers 11. that Christ came unto his owne his owne received him not But certain it is that all who are spiritually illuminated receive Christ They who have the eyes of their understandings enlightened have the Spirit of Wisdom Revelation in the knowledge of Christ cannot but imbrace him Nay the whole Scripture confirmeth this And if it be enquired why is it then said that He enlighteneth every man I Answere To shew the enlargement of the object of this rich favour bestowed by Christ beyond what light Iohn held forth who in his witnessing ministrie was restricted unto Iudea and further seing it is said of Iohn that he came to bear witness of the Light that all men through him might beleeve when yet Iohn did bear witness unto a very small part of all men We see no reason why the every man mentioned vers 9. should be understood so universally except with this restriction every man that beleeveth But mainely it is said that this Light doth thus Spiritually enlighten every man because it is he alone that hath enlightened in all ages and under all dispe●sations of the Covenant both before and after the Law and now all Nations without such distinction or discrimination as was under the Law Finally if all and every man be Spiritually Illuminated by Christ all and every man must be saved for this Spiritual Illumination is wrought by the indwelling Spirit which is not given to all but to Christs peculiar ones Rom. 8 9. And the Scripture tels us of many whose understandings are darkened Ephes. 4 18. who are of night and of darkness 1 Thes. 5 5. and under the power of darkness Col. 1 13. are in darkness and abideth in darkness and walke in darkness Ioh. 8 12. 12 35 46. 1 Thes. 5 4 1 Ioh. 1 6. 2 9 11. 1 Pet. 2 9. Act. 26 18. Luk. 1 79. Rom. 2 19. And who can think that these and such like expressions can be used of those whom Christ doth enlighten with Grace and Spirituall Illumination 26. Hence it appeareth that however we take these words they can afford no countenance unto the Quakers Imagination for though it be true that all men are enlightened one way
more harden them as clay c. But the Sun can never make a thistle bring forth grapes or a carcasse to smell as a rose so neither can the Sun of righteousness by this Man's opinion cause a dead man live or a rotten withered branch bring forth fruit And the change of the corrupt nature of man is not from the Sun of righteousness but from himself and it lyeth at the mans own door and is in his option whether he will bring forth fruite or not let the sun shine as it will And further let him explaine to me How grace can properly harden a man I know that by accident of mans corruption abusing it the man may thereby grow worse but this is not the proper work of grace as the heat of the sun hardeneth the clay as natively and properly as it causeth the flower to smell fragrantly However we see clearly what are this mans thoughts of grace and let any tell me if ever a Pelagian Semipelagian Socinian Arminian or Iesuite spoke more to the undervalueing and disparagment of the grace of God 10. Finally he tels us § 18. that he acknowledgeth that God doth operat in some in a certain special manner in whom grace so far prevaileth that salvation necessarily followeth and God suffereth them not to resist This I confess is the expression that seemeth most orthodox of any he hath yet had in this matter and yet Arminians will say the same But is it not thus with all whom God effectually Draweth and Converteth Or are there any really converted and saved without this special operation of grace If it be not thus with all then all are not alike beholden to God and his free grace for Conversion and out of what Scripture can we learne this If it be thus with all and it must be so with all who are truely converted why doth he trouble us with his Sufficient Grace which alone without this special manner of operation never brought a soul to heaven Was ever or will ever a man that is born in sin be converted till grace take away that resistence which is in him naturally And did ever that sufficient grace alone do it Yet saith he in that none did want that measure of grace whereby they might be saved they are made justly inexcusable and they that perish while they remember the dayes of Visitation wherein God by his Spirit and light did strive with them are forced to c●nfesse that t●ere was a time wherein the door of mercy stood open and that they are justly condemned Ans. 1. We see no ground for such a day of Visitation as he dreameth of granted to all and every son of Adam as appeareth from what was said above upon that h●ad 2. That no man shall have an● just ground of pleading his excuse before God when condemned we nothing doubt though we feigne no devices of our owne to this end 3. what sense or remembrance of a day of Visitation wherein mercies door stood open Heathens and such as never heard of Christ can have we are yet to learne 4. Nor do we understand how that grace can absolutely be called Sufficient which removeth not the greatest of impediments that is to say Mans Reluctancy But Quakers their brethren the Arminians Iesuites can imagine strange things 11. We come now to see what way he proveth the necessity of this light unto salvation or how such as hear the Gospel are saved by the operations of this Light Pag 107. c. He citeth that Ioh. 3 3. except a man be born againe or from above he cannot see the Kingdom of God And what can this evince That the outward preaching of the Gospel alone the literal knowledge of Christ historical faith in him doth or can save a soul we never said though he falsly insinuateth so much in the following words Yet we see here the mans wicked designe to wit to cry up this grace to the end he may destroy all the Ordinances of Christ which he hath appointed as meanes whereby he is pleased to bring about this effect We never said that the external preaching of the Gospel alone could save any yet we know that by the foolishness of preaching the Lord saveth such as beleeve 1 Cor. 1 21. And Paul tels us that he begote the Corinthians through the Gospel 1 Cor. 4 15. And he begote Philem. 10. Onesimus in his bonds The word becoming ingraffed is able to save souls Iam. 1 21. But the maine thing here to be noticed is that this can make nothing for his point we grant that a man must be regenerated by the Grace and Spirit of God but we deny that any thing call it as he will that is common to all the Heathen is the Seed or Cause of this new birth It is wholly from above and of the Spirit who is not given to all persons only such as were foreknown are predestinate to be conforme to the image of Christ and they who are thus predestinated are effectually called Rom. 8 29 30. Se also Ephes. 1 4 5. It is they only who are given of the Father to Christ who will come to him Ioh. 6 37. 17 19 20 For they only partake of that which is obtained by Regeneration viz. the New Creature Gal. 6 15. the New Man Ephes 4 24. the Image of God Col. 3 10. the Divine Nature 2 Pet 1 4. the Spirit Gal 5 17. the Inner man Rom 7 2● the Law of the minde vers 24. When he hath proven that this Common and Sufficient Grace is able to effectuate this new birth then he shall speak something to the purpose But neither he nor his Masters the Pelagians Iesuites nor Arminians shall ever be able to do this 12. What he saith of the necessity of this New birth and its preferableness to any external knowledge of Christ from 2 Cor. 5 16 17. we shall not oppose only we must say that it is wilde and unreasonable from that place to inferre that the knowledge of Christ is but like the Rudiments that children use which must be laid aside when they attaine to more perfection seing the knowledge of Christ is our life Ioh. 17 3. and he who knoweth him knoweth the Father Ioh. 10 ●8 14 9 10 11 17 21. His granting that every similitude halteth doth not much alleviate the mater for he addeth that such as do not advance above the outward knowledge of Christ shall never inherite the kingdom of heaven Unless by the outward knowledge of Christ he understand a meer literal superficial book-knowledge which inded will nor availe unto salvation and yet the want of which maketh the case of Heathens and such as are without the Church desperate 13. He tels us afterward Pag. 108. that the new creation whereof the Apostle speaketh 2 Cor. 5 16 17. proceedeth from the operation of this Light and Grace And this is the thing which he should prove for we deny it of the
because he saith it and so there is an end When the Apostle saith Phil. 1 v. 28. And in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to you an evident toaken of salvation he pointed at something which might be looked upon as a ground for hope of glory must we also leane to that in justification After some lines wherein after his usual manner he must extravage he saith And such as feel Christ after this manner raised and reigning in them have a true ground of hope to beleeve that they are justified Which is very true because these works of Christ are inseparable fruites and effects of Justification After some few words againe to no purpose he tels us that Borhaeus Claudius Albericus Inuncunanus Essius three whose books I never saw and whose names I never heard before I read this Quakers book are for Justification by this Revelation And he calleth them Protestants but if so I have read of some Papists more sound then they are if their meaning be one and the same with this Quakers And finally he citeth some words of Mr. Baxters Aphorismes But he cannot be ignorant that Mr Baxters notions in this particular are little satisfying beside that Mr Baxter himself will have none citeing that book as expressing his plaine and full meaning And if he would put the mater to the issue of tryal by humane testimony we should give him Twenty for one 38. Now followeth his Third proposition wherein he asserteth two things first That good works seing they naturally proceed from this birth as heat from the fire are absolutely necessary unto justification as a causa sine qua non in which we are justified and without which we cannot be justified Secondly That such good works are pure and perfect These he cometh to prove Pag. 144. c. And they would appear to be a contradiction for seing good works are the fruites of this birth and by the birth we are justified good works must follow justification and so cannot be a cause no not a causa sine qua non for even a causa sine qua non must be before the effect Againe what is that to say in which we are justified Is the meaning only that these works are approven of God we upon the account of them so farr as they are done according to a Gospel rule What will this say for justification of State whereof we are here speaking finally How can it be said that without good works we cannot be justified seing we are justified by the Birth and the Birth is but the cause of good works and so it hath been said that good works are the Effects and Consequences of Justification This would suspend justification until good works appeared so we should be justified by the Bi●th only Initially or in a preparatory way but not fully And further in this he is worse then Papists who will not say that the good works by which we are justified are such as can stand before Gods tribunal if He follow the strick rigour of Law and not the Gospels admixture of mercy 39. Let us hear his proofs The first is our of Iames 2. whence he frameth this Argument If no man be justified without faith and no faith be lively and valide unto justification without works then works are necessary unto justification But the former is true c. Answ. 1. Though it be true that no man at least come to yeers of discretion is justified without faith as an instrumental cause laying hold on and applying Christ and his righteousness yet this faith is not the Causa formalis objectiva of justification and far less can works be a part of this cau●e seing they are but fruites and consequences of this faith 2. These words and no faith is lively and valide unto justification without works may admit of a double sense either the meaning may be that no faith is valide unto justification but that which is true and lively and apt to produce good works or that no faith is valide unto justification but that which is actually produceing good works and in so far as it is attended with good works If the first be the meaning then it is apparent that good works cannot be said to be necessary unto justification as a cause thereof for it may be in actual ●eing when they are but in potentia If the last be the true sense this place of Iames will not evince it for Abraham was justified before he offered up his Son Isaac And then it would follow that no man is justified in his sleep or when he is not actually doing some good work 3. Thus we see and the place of Iames is clear for it that good works are only necessary in the person justified and necessary to prove the truth and reality of a justif●ing faith to the man self and to others And so notwithstanding hereof that is alwayes true that the Scripture saith Abraham beleeved God and it was imputed to him for righteousness Iames 2 23. Gen. 15 6. Rom. 4 3. Gal. 3 6. 40. His second proof is from several Scriptures as Heb. 12 14. Mat. 7 21. Iohn 13 17. 1 Cor. 7 19. Revel 22 1● and he thus frameth it If these only shall enter into the Kingdom who do the will of the Father if these only be called wise builders blessed that do the sayings of Christ c. then good works are necessary to salvation and to justification The former is true c. Answ. Not to quarrel at the Proposition as containing words in it which are not in the places cited We shortly answ that not one of these places speak of Justification or mention the necessity of works thereunto But only of their necessity unto final salvation which we deny not And if his Argument hold no man shall be justified before he be in heaven All therefore that can hence be concluded is that good works are necessary in the person justified in order to glory but not that they are necessary unto justification 41. These two are all his arguments and how slender proofs they are of what he undertook to prove let any judge He cometh in the next place § 10. to answere some Objections The first is taken from Luk. 17 10. When ye have done all that is commanded say we are unprofitable servants Which is a clear proof that our works being but a doing of that which is commanded and so a doing of duty and such as bring no advantage unto God as a reparation of his Glory or satisfaction to his justice for the wrongs done and therefore can have no interest in that which is the causa formalis objectiva of our justification or in that which we must lean to as the ground of our justification before God or in that upon which we may expect absolution from the sentence of the Law and freedom from the wrath and curse of God due for the breach of
him is the love of God truely and really and not feignedly or by mere profession See Beza on the place As also 1 Ioh. 4 12. where the word hath the same import And the ground is clear because obedience to God's command must flow from love and love to God and our neighbours is the summe of all the commands Hence love is the fulfilling of the Law Rom. 13 10. So Iames 3 2. the same is a perfect man who showeth by bridling his tongue that he offends not in word that he is a real Christian For the Apostle is here in the first verse meaning men like our Quakers of a supercilious spirit masterly quarreling with and superciliously inveighing against all though it be a certain truth that we offend all in many things And therefore he saith to such that if they would shew themselves good and excellent Christians who are so ready to be masters in their reprehensions of others they would first bridle their owne tongues I wish Quakers would learne this See Calv. on the place 3. They may be called Perfect in regard of the Uprightness Sincerity Honesty godly Simplicity and Singleness that is in their way thus the word frequently signifieth as we saw above and is rendered b● the Dutch and in the margine of our Bibles Vpright Gen. 6 9. 17 1 Deut. 18 13. Iob 2 3. and in several places it is rendered so in the text Ps. 18 23 25. 2 Sam. 22 vers 24 26. Iob 1 vers 1 8. 12 4. Psal. 19 v. 13. 37 18 37 and elsewhere Hence oft Perfect and upright are joined together as Iob 1 1 8. 2 2. 4 They may be and are called Perfect in regaird of Perfection of Parts as being compleet and wanting nothing of the integral parts of Christianity thus a childe may be called a perfect man as having all the Essential and Integral parts of a man though but in their infant and tender grouth The saints are thus perfect as having the Spirit and thereby the seeds and beginnings of all grace In regeneration the whole man is changed so that he is new borne a new creature sanctified wholly in Minde Heart Spirit Affections Conscience Memory and Body though but in a small degree and measure See 1 Thes. 5 23. 5. They may be called Perfect because Respecting all the commands of God Ps. 119 6. and yeelding impartial obedience through the grace of God unto all God's precepts waving none 6. In that their good works have all the Essential Parts requisite as proceeding from a right principle done for a right end c. though not in the degree called for by the Law 7. They may be called Perfect in regard that the state whereinto they are is a state that certainly tendeth to perfection they are advancing thereunto and shall certainly reach that top of perfection in end which they look for and strive to attaine Ephes. 4 13. Phil 3 15. For as the several lusts of the body of death are more more weakened and mortified dayly so they are more and more quickened and strengthened in all saving graces Rom. 6 6 14. Gal. 5 14. Rom. 8 13. Ephes. 3 16 17 18 19. And so are perfecting holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7 1. and advanceing Phil. 3 12 13 14. 8. They may be called Perfect Comparatively in respect of others who are yet lying in nature And they may be so called in comparison of what sometimes they were themselves while Blinde Ignorant Dead and Lifeless lying in the state of nature which is indeed a fearful state of imperfection misery and woe 9. So in respect of young believers weak in knowledge and babes in Christ Others who are further avanced may be and are called Perfect as having attained an higher degree and measure of grouth in grace Thus Beza thinketh the word is taken Phil. 3 15. 1 Cor. 2 6. And it is clearly so taken 1 Cor. 14 20. Heb. 5 14. Ephes. 4 13. where each hath his owne stature according to the measure of the gift of Christ vers 7. Rom. 12 3 6. and its meaning and import we may see 1 Cor. 3 1. where such an one is only called spiritual 1 Cor. 13 11. where such is called a man 10. Why may they not also be called perfect in regard of Justification seing the Righteousness wherewith they are cloathed which is imputed unto them upon the account of which th●y are justified is a Perfect Righteousness being the Rghteousness of Jesus Christ And seing the sentence pronunced upon them to wit of Absolution in their Justification shall never be recalled they brought againe into Condemnation Rom 8 1. As also seing the state they are brought into thereby is an unchangeable state so that once in a justified state alwayes in a justified state 7. But all this will not satisfie our Quakers who with Familists Antinomians and Libertines will have this to be the privilege of all Christians after their Mode that they be as Perfect as Adam was in the state of innocency free of all sin and from yeelding to Temptation or Corruption and this taketh-in much if not a Perfection of parts and degrees Now to assert this Perfection which even Papists are ashamed of and to assert this as common to all them in whom this new birth is fully produced as it must be in all Justified and Sanctified Persons according to his owne principles is false and dangerous For 1. There are in Christ's house diverse syzes and degrees of persons some babes 1 Cor. 3 1. Heb. 5 13. or children or little children 1 Ioh. 2 12 13. and others young men and old men or Fathers 1 Ioh. 2 13 14. 2. Christians are exhorted to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Iesus Christ 2 Pet. 3. last and to put off the old man which is corrupt according to deceitful lusts and to put on the new man Epes 4 22 23 24. And to mortifie their members which are upon the earth Col. 3 5. But to cry up this perfection is to render all Gospel comman●s useless whereof we have abundance in the Epistles 3. This takes away the exercise of Repentance for where there is no sin there can be no sense of nor sorrow for sin and the exercise of Faith in running to the fountain for washing and the exercise of Prayer in seeking grace to withstand Temptations to strive against Corruption in seeking for pardon in the bloud of Christ. And 4. So this maketh these petitions in the Lords prayer useless forgive us our sins and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil 5. This saith that either beleevers are fully freed from an indwelling body of death contrary to Rom. 7 11 17 18 23 24. or that the motions of this body of death are not sin or sinful contrary to Rom. 7 5 7 8 15. Gal. 5 v. 17. Iam. 1 ver 14 15. 6 This tendeth to foment Pride and Security
be common to all of what use can a special Office be for this work And what necessity were there for a call authorizing some to the doing of the work of that Office Eightly That Officers and Church members as such are different and to be distinguished so that all Church members are not Church Officers This is clear from the preceeding Ninthly That a Call differeth from Gifts and Qualifications for a call to an office if it be right such as God will approve who sendeth not a message by the hand of a fool doth presuppose that the person called is fitted qualified and that this qualification was not a sufficient ground for him to take upon him the office or to performe the proper work of the office for if his qualification had sufficiently warranted him for the office for the work the call had been useless wholly superfluous when then our Quaker speaketh of a Call he must mean a proper real and formal call not a false imaginary supposed one nay nor yet what may be said to be a virtual call Tenthly When he speaks thus of a Call to the Office of a Pastor or Doctor he must needs suppose that there are real and sure Rules Grounds and Evidences of a lawful call laid down in the word Whereby a true call may be distinguished from a false supposititious call that the solution of this question what is a right and what is a wrong call doth not depend upon our imaginations and phancies but must be had in the word And therefore if he would describe or lay forth unto us what is a right call unto the office of a Pastor in the Church he must not think it enough to tell us his dreames and suppositions but he must give us grounds from the word whereupon we must rest That by the question which he here moveth he must presuppose all these Ten particulars as unquestionable truths is from what is said I judge most clear and if so how he shall in several of these agree with other Quakers I leave it with himself to judge and how as to some of them at least he shall agree with himself in what followeth we may have occasion to remarke as we go on 4. When he speaketh of a Call to a Ministerial Office we may observe that he is very indistinct confused holding himself in the general that he may the more easily inveigle his Reader and leave the matter still in the dark He cannot but know that our Divines make mention of several sorts of calling to the Ministrie not to mention that which commonly in our language goeth for a call and is performed by the people inviteing makeing choise of and submitting to the Ministerie of such or such a person which is more prop●rly called Election and is contradistinct from that which is called Ordination but to speak to that which is otherwise called mission or missio potestativa that is that which formally impowereth the person called to performe the Work belonging to that Office and legally authorizeth him thereunto for Paul Gal. 1 1. saying of himself that he was an Apostle not of m●n nor by man but by Iesus Christ God the Father giveth ground to distinguish of calls not to mention that which is imported by the first expression of men which is commonly taken for an unlawful call that is meerly of man of themselves or others such as the false Prophets had of old and the false Apostles in the primitive times to wit That there is one call Immediat by God and Christ without the interveening of Man There is another Mediat which though also of God yet it is by the Intervention of some deed of man so is said to be by man The first is attributed unto the Apostles and some others whom Christ immediatly sent forth adjoyning that call of Matthias Act. 1. which as to the person on whom the lot fell was immediatly from God The other unto other Church officers appointed to their office by them so forth in succeding generations according to the way method set down in the word The Mediat call is that which we are now to enquire after to look for seing the Immediat call is ceased with these extraordinary persons who were called by it were with alendued with extraordinary gifts as we see Mat. 10 1. 2 Cor. 12 12. or had some other extraordinary thing in their mission which did abundantly evince it to be immediatly divine We may note further That there is a Mediat call which may be called Singular Rare or not very ordinary as when a Church is in erecting not yet constituted all things are out of order so that through necessity many or several things requisite in an orderly call must be passed by dispensed with And there is a Mediat call which is Ordinary is usually to be followed according to the rules set downe in the word Againe it may be noted that there is an Outward call an Inward call The Outward call or mission is that which is done by men according to the appointment of Christ after examination tryal of the person separating him setting him apart with solemne prayer imposition of hands for the ministrie that is a committing of the work unto faithful men an appointing of them to the work of the ministrie The Inward call is the Lords signification of his minde will inwardly to the mans self of his calling appointing him to the Ministrie not only endueing him with gifts qualifications requisite but also powerfully sweetly inclineing his minde determining his will to a willing susception of this Imployment for holy pure ends by other passages of his providence manifestly signifying that to be his minde that the man shall serve him in the work of the Ministrie These considerations are considerable in this case others might be mentioned but our Quaker loving confusion walketh in the dark and tels us not what call he meaneth Nor whether he meaneth all sorts of calling or only one kind and if one he tels us not what that one is 5. Let us see if his answere will help us to understand the question His answere is this He ought to be instructed by the inward power and vertue of the Spirit of God in his heart A suteable answere for such a question that is a confused answere to an indistinct question He should have told us what is the nature of a Pastors Call his answere is concerning a qualification Afterward he speaketh of qualifications how I pray shall he difference this from what he handleth there Next I would enquire concerning the meaning of this answere whether he thinketh that all who are instructed thus are called to be Pastors or only that this is a qualification requisite in Pastors if the first be his meaning he destroyeth the distinction betwixt Officers and Church
Socinus his followers policy or prudence who afterwards perceiving what an odium this would be to all Christendome how detestable it would render them condescended at length that the outward forme should be observed but peremptorily adhered to this that it was no Ordinance of Jesus Christ constantly to be observed by the Churches by vertue of a command but only a meer indifferent thing These men with gigantine audacity dar appear and downe right plead against any use of it at all upon any account whence it is evident that they would have this Ordinance quite taken away that so there might not be so much as an outward signe of Christianity left or any thing remaining that might give the least import or signification of a relation that people have unto Jesus Christ as being once baptized in his name and solemnely by profession given away to Him and publickly received in his Kingdom and visible Church and so distinguished from such as are without What a paganish designe this is to take away all outward and visible discriminating difference betwixt Christians and Turks or Pagans every one may see Thus would they bring-in Pagans as equally sharers of all external privileges of the Church with Christians that so Christ might have no distinct house or Kingdom This was several times hinted to us before but now the vaile is taken off their faces and their designe is open and manifest Hereby also we see how near a kin this Spirit that acteth them is unto the Spirit that covenanteth with and acteth in the witches for as these miserable creatures must in the entry of their covenanting with the Devil renunce their bap●isme so the Quakers as being more active and masculine servants will not only renunce it for themselves but will have all others whom they can seduce to their party do the like and so far as they can by their penne make it null every where that so the very profession of Christianity might be banished out of the world O! what desperat Runagadoes must these men be 2. We need not here spend time in the confirmation of this Institution which was never in all the ages of the Christian world called in question till Antichristian Socinus and Swenkfeldus arose except what the Manichees of old said and a Seck called Whippers It cannot be denyed that Iohn baptist had a commission from heaven to baptize Ioh. 1 25 26 28 33. Luk. 3 2 3. Mat. 11 25. Luk 7 29 30. It is also certaine that Christ who came to fulfil all righteousness did submit unto it Mat. 3 13 c. Mark 1 9. It is likewise unquestionable that the disciples of Christ baptized which would not have been without his warrand for it is said of him that he baptized though not in his owne person Ioh. 3 22. 4 1 2. And a commission is amply in full forme given to the disciples by him after the resurrection to baptize in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Mat. 28 19. Mark 16 15 16. And it is no less evident that in obedience to this command his Apostles did baptize wherever they came and made converts Act. 2 41. 8 12 13 38. 9 18. 10 48. 16 15 33. 18 8. 22 16. 1 Cor. 1 13. What unparalleled boldness must it then be to call this ordinance into question which hath such a divine original such a manifest divine warrand and was so religiously observed by the Apostles and by all the Churches of Christ since their dayes unto this very day And who can sufficiently admire the madness of these men who would have us lay aside and cast away such an ordinance so appointed and so observed and which withall is so usefull and necessary being not only ordained to be for a solemne admission of the party baptized into the visible Church 1 Cor. 12 13. but also to be a signe and a seal of the covenant of grace whereof these Quakers know nothing Rom. 4 11. Col. 2 11 12. And to be unto the beleever a signe seal of his ingrafting into Christ. Gal. 3 27. Rom. 6 5. of his Regeneration Tit. 3 5. of Remission of sinnes Mark 1 4. of his Adoption Gal. 3 26 27. and Resurrection unto life 1 Cor. 15 13. And of his giving up unto God through Jesus Christ to walk in newness of life Rom. 6 4 And by which when rightly used the grace promised is not only offered but really exhibited and conferred by the holy Ghost to such whether of age or Infants as that grace belongeth unto according to the counsel of God's own will in his appointed time Gal. 3 27. Tit. 3 5. Ephes. 4 25 26. Act. 2 38 41. Would we but seriously ponder What is briefly set down in answere to the 167. Question in our Larger Catechisme we might see what desperate enemies unto true Christianity these Quakers are who would despoile us of this profitable and advantagious Ordinance which might and should be improved to rich advantage How is our baptisme to be improved by us Answ. The needful but much neglected duty of our improving our Baptisme is to be performed by us all our life long especially in the time of temptation and when we are present at the administration of it to others Col. 2 11 12. Rom. 6 4 6 11. by serious and thankful consideration of the nature of it and of the ends for which Christ instituted it the privileges and benefites conferred and sealed thereby and our solemne Vow made therein Rom. 6 3 4 5. by being humbled by our sinful defilements our falling short of and walking contrary to the grace of baptisme and our engagments 1 Cor. 1 11 12 13. Rom. 6 2 3 by growing up to assurance of pardon of sin and of all other blessings sealed to us in that sacrament Rom. 4 11 12. 1 Pet. 3 21. by drawing strength from the death and resurrection of Christ into whom we are baptized for the mortifying of sin and quickning of grace Rom. 6 3 4 5. and by endeavouring to live by faith Gal. 3 26 27 to have our conversation in holiness and righteousness Rom. 6 22. As those that have therein given up their names to Christ Act 2 28. and to walk in brotherly love as being baptized by the same Spirit into one body 1 Cor. 12 13 25 26 27. 3. These things considered and thereby it being manifestly discovered what a relation this Ordinance hath unto the cardinal duties and privileges of Christians to wit Faith Repentance Remission of sinnes Regeneration Adoption Justification Sanctification and Salvation Luk. 3 3. Mark 16 16. Act. 2 38 41. 8 36 37. 16 14. 18 8. 12 6. Rom. 3 4 5 6. 1 Cor. 12 13. Gal. 3 27. Ephes. 4 5. Col. 2 2. 1 Pet. 3 21. And withall considering how dangerous it is to neglect it and contemne it Luk 7 39. And how by Christ's owne appointment it
who could not understand these questions and this will justifie him in persecuting the Christians for he acted according to his knowledge Ans. 1. And are there not many questions in moral things as our Quaker calleth all civil maters that are hard and difficile for every Magistrate Shall he therefore be no Magistrate having power to judge in any particular who cannot understand all the intrigus of every question and controversie See Deut. 17 12. If this argument hold many commands must be laid by as that given to every Master of a family 2 Ioh. 10. and these 1 Cor. 5 11. Rom. 16 17 18. and the like for every person is not sufficiently qualified in these maters 2. Though Nero be here included Yet he alone is not here understood and so though he being an heathen was not qualified to judge hereticks in Christianity Christian Magistrates being qualified may judge and should judge such evil doers Magistrates as such have power to judge evil doers some Magistrates in particular cannot judge of some particular evil doers Yet others who can may and ought Fathers as Fathers are to teach and instruct their children Gen. 18 18 19. Exod. 12 26 27. Ephes. 6 4. 2 Tim. 3 14 15. Prov. 4 3 4 5. Yet heathen Fathers cannot teach Gospel doctrine shall therefore Christian Fathers be exeemed from this duty It followeth not 3. Hence no ground to justifie Nero in persecuting the truth no more then for an ignorant Magistrate to kill an innocent man as guilty of murther because he so judged through want of understanding 15. He adduceth next Gal. 5 12. And tels us that it proveth no more than that such should be cut off from the Church by excommunication Ans. I shall urge it no further as also that Revel 2 20. When it is said that heresie is reckoned among the works of the flesh Gal. 5 19. He tels us Pag. 321. that Magistrates may not punish all the works of the flesh as hypocrisie anger envy hatred And we grant this Yet heresie is a work of the flesh that is open and apparent can be proven by witnesses and evidences but these latent evils cannot as neither can heresie that is latent in the heart but then it cannot be called properly heresie But he saith that heresie falleth not under the Magistrates authority as long as it breaketh not forth to the hurt of humane society but only abideth within these duties of doctrine and worshipe that stand immediatly betwixt God and men Yet if these duties of doctrine and worshipe wherein this heresie consisteth appear openly and how opinions lying in the heart can be called doctrines and worshipe I see not they tend to the hurt of humane society as being of an infecting nature and a God-provoking evil and so being tolerated or connived at become the evil and guilt of the whole society before God and render all obnoxious to his wrath who are not in their places and stations seeking to root it out 16. Passing all the rest of our Arguments he cometh Pag. 322. § 4. to tell us that this compulsion of conscience is contrare to sound reason and to the Law of Nature And in this he beateth the aire for we speak not of such a compulsion as he imagineth We know as well as he that the intellect cannot be forced but we are speaking of outward actions and words spoken by the tongue which can be suppressed and which if not suppressed are noxious and hurtful We know the Ma●istrates sword cannot convert yet it can drive away ravenous Wolves and punish evil deeds We know the civil Sword cannot make sincere Professours Yet it can keep persons from blaspheming God and his Truth If to make Lawes for preserving of Religion were against the Law of Nature how came it that Heathens that had no other light did make such Lawes as Historians witness such as Plutarch Livie Iustin Diogenes Laertius Caelius Diodorus Siculus Herodotus Xenophon and others Seneca de Benefic Lib. 3. C. 6. is express for this saying Violatarum religionum aliubi atque aliubi diversa poena est sed ubique aliqua And all this way of argueing will take away the Church censures which yet he hath granted for they cannot truely convert but rather make hypocrites and then let this man answere all his owne Arguments He inferreth Pag. 323. this absurdity That Christ was deficient in not useing Legions of Angels to defend his Church But how this will follow upon our Assertion I desire him to show He ma● with more coloure say that if God hath given power to Magistrates to punish civil crimes he should be deficient to humane society in not making all Magistrates wise as Angels to understand the mysterie of all questions But it becometh us to adore and not call God to our bar The next absurdity which he mentioneth hath bin spoke to already for our doctrine giveth no countenance to persecution for righteousness sake and he might hence as well argue that Magistrates might not punish murtherers because hereby they teach Murtherers to pursue them when they have power in their hand Nor doth our doctrine give ground to say that as heathens persecuted Christians with fire and Sword Christians when they have power should deal so with heathens So that all that which he saith Pag. 323 324. is to no purpose Because men in power abuse their authority to suppress truth it will never follow that Magistrates should not use their power to suppress wickedness and Errour that eateth as doth a Canker So an heretical Church may excommunicate an Orthodox person yet he himself will not hence inferre that an orthodox Church may not cast out of their fellowshipe an heretical person as we saw above 17. The sayings of some Fathers which he adduceth Pag. 325. 3●6 are to no purpose for we willingly grant that Christianity is not to be propagated by Fire and Sword and that ministers ought not to use violence And none of these Fathers say that Christian Professours should not be punished by Christian Magistrates when they openly practise false worship and seduce others by errour and heresie openly vented and preached And what they wrote was against the persecution that heathens exercised against Christians or what the wicked Arians used against the orthodox And though Augustine spoke sometimes after this manner yet he retracted it Retract Lib. 2. C. 5. and declared that Donatists were to be punished by the Magistrate And our Quaker might as well inferre that because a Magistrate cannot make persons abstaine from theft murther and other wickedneses in a Christian manner but at most hypocritically th●refore he cannot he may not punish murtherers theeves and the like What he citeth out of Luther Pag. 327. will make as much against his owne concession vi● that Churches may exclude erroneous persons as against us What he saith of Calvines procureing the death of that blasphemer Servetus is sufficiently answered by Calvin an●
defate they changed the question vers 23 26 c. He saith 3. Their warres against the nations were figures of the inward war of Christians against the World the Flesh and the Devil Answ. 1. This is said but not proved 2. What saith this to the warres among themselves or betwixt Iudah and Israel This was said by Saltmarsh the Familist before now He saith 4. Something is prohibited by Christ Mat. 5 26. which was permitted to the Iewes because of their rudeness Answ. The contrary is manifest as appeareth from what is said It is but a groundless notion of Socinians to say that Christ there giveth any new precepts while as he who came not to dissolve or weaken the Law in the least did only vindicate the lasting moral Law from corrupt glosses and interpretations as is manifest 7. To a second Argument to wit That defence is of the Law of nature which Religion doth not destroy he Answereth Be it so yet by obedience to commend ourselves to God in faith and patience is not to destroy nature but to perfect it Answere But the argument is not taken from the corrupt nature of man which grace changeth but from the standing Law of Nature which is Gods perpetually obligeing Law and is not weakened or altered by the Gospel whatever alteration grace maketh in us To a 3 Argum. taken from Iohn Baptists not disproving of warres in the Souldiers that came unto him to ask him what they should do Luk. 3 14. He answereth What then The question is not of Iohns but of Christs doctrine Iohn was not that Prophet yet Iohn did prohibite them what is proper to Souldiers to wit violence and deceit without which there is no warre Answ. 1. Though Iohn was not that Prophet yet he was his fore-runner and preached Repentance and would have taught Repentance from warring if it had been unlawful 2. Even Christ himself when he spoke with the friends of the Centurion at whose faith he marvelled saving he had not found so great faith no not in Israel Luk. 7 9. Yet doth not say to them that the Centurion should warre no more And Mat. 22. He bids render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars among which things was tribute wherewith the Souldiers were payed but if war had simply been unlawful Christ would not have permitted this for that end 3. He fo●ba● them to use violence or deceit towards friends to use any rapine c. and for a remedie prescribeth to them to be satisfied with their wages whereby it is manifest that he meaneth not their actions against enemies for if they were not to fight against enemies why were they to receive wages The Roman Lawes though they allowed Souldiers to take prey from enemies yet did not permit the least injury to friends nor suffer the taking so much as a chicken or e●ge See what Beza on the place citeth to this purpose He may consult Calvin also on the place who expresly saith it is a frivolous cavil to think that Iohn here prescribeth to rude persons what is not consistent with Christian perfection seing his work was to fit them perfectly for his Master and that they load the Gospel with a sacrilegious calumny that would thus set it in opposition to all humane command as if Christ would destroy what his Father had ordained and without the sword Lawes die and justice hath no efficacy nor can the Magistrate without souldiers maintaine peace 8. To our Arg. taken from that Centurion mentioned Mat. 8 5 and him of whom we read Act. 10. He might have added another instance Act. 13 12. He answereth we do not read that they did continue in that office Answ. But our Argument is not taken from their not laying downe that office but from Christ and his Apostles their not enjoyning them so to do or not showing that it was repugnant unto their Christian state As for what h● cireth out of Marcus Aurelius and others is sufficiently confuted by the Legio fulminatrix which consisted of Christians and did serve in the warres To that Luk. 22 36. and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one He tels us that Ambrose thought that this was only for that occasion and that Origen interpreteth the words mystically And himself addeth that Christ by his answere saying that two was enough would not have the rest selling their garments to buy swords but however sayes he the use of Armes is unlawful under the Gospel Answ. Then the Quakers conclusion must be good whatever the Scripture say to the contrary But the Disciples saying they had two swords of metal and Christ saying it was enough without the least hint of their being in a mistake is enough to prove that there is no allegory here Nor have we warrand to suppose that this was only for that occasion as if Christ after would have none of his followers thinking it lawful to fight for their civil Magistrates and Masters against their enemies be the cause never so just 9. To that which we say to wit That though the Scripture prohibiteth privat revenge Yet it doth not prohibite Subjects under the command and conduct of their Magistrate to fight in defence of their Lands Lives Wives Children and Goods he answereth That if the Magistrate be a Christian he himself should love his enemies and so not command his Subjects to fight but if he be not a true Christian the Subjects should obey Christ. Answ. We have showne above that lawful war●es are not inconsistent with this duty which was required under the Law as well as under the Gospel He addeth Pag. 370. As concerning the present Magistrates who are in the world though by reason of the publick profession they make of the name of Christ we do not deny them the title of Christians Yet we may confidently say that they are far from the perfection of the Christian religion and while they are in that state we grant that war is lawful for them upon just causes as the use of circumci●ion and Iewish ceremonies was permitted for a time not as being either necessary or yet lawful in themselves aft●r Christ's resurrection but because as yet that Spirit was not risen in them whereby they were to be delivered from these rudiments Answ. 1. He taketh that here for granted which is denied and which he will never be able to prove to wit that warring was a part of the ceremonial Law or a Law peculiarly given to the Jewes And why doth he not once tell us where and when this Law was first made and where we shall finde it among the ceremonies 2. If it were granted to have been a ceremonial Law how can he now say that it is lawful in any case to any person whether Christian or not Christian Is it lawful now to use circumcision or the passeover and other such ceremonies Will he say that Christians who are not become Quakers or are not come to that pitch
the earth shall swear by the God of truth he answereth That it was usual with the Prophets to express the great duties of the Gospel times in Mosaick termes as Ier. 31 38 39 40. Ezech. 36 25. 40. Esa. 45 23. And what the Prophet here speaketh of swearing Paul interpreteth it of confessing Rom. 14 11. Answ. That the Prophets use this way I confess But see no ground for this from Ier. 31 38. c. where the Prophet is foretelling the rebuilding of I●rusalem which was accomplished in the dayes of Nehemiah And that Ezech. 36 25. is but a poor ground Nor doth that place Esai 45 23. give any countenance unto this though the Apostle Rom. 14 11. useth another word for swearing which is but exegitical thereof and the same upon the mater The only doubt remaineth whether swearing was properly ceremonial or not which the Apostles frequent practice mentioned in the preceeding argument and other arguments mentioned and to be mentioned evince not to have been ceremonial And there is more ground to make the bowing of the knee ceremonial then swearing by the name of the Lord. 12. In the tenth place he mentioneth that argument taken from Heb. 6 16. For men verily swear by the greater and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife he answereth Pag. 359. That Paul only sheweth what men in those dayes of controversie were wont to do but not what they should have done nor what the Saints did Answ. This being a practice not of any one age or people but of all ages and people whereby a principal end of swearing to wit the ending of a controversie and the right manner of going about it to wit in swearing by the greater is held forth and this being brought-in hereas an argument from the less to the more as if the Apostle had said if we believe a man who by nature is a liar when he sweareth and confirmeth what he saith by attesting God how much more ought we to believe God who is truth it self when he sweareth by himself having no greater to swear by sheweth the lawfulness and usefulness of this practice So that if this had been or were in it self a thing ●imply evil the Apostles argument would want its due force and cause men question if ever G●d did or would swear it being such a sinful and an abominable thing ●roceeding from the Devil And so the whole argument and conclusion of the Apostle should be annulled and the maine pillar of our assurance and hope s●aken And though this differeth from these instances 1 Cor. 9 ver 24. and Luk. 14 vers 31. which he adduceth to invalidate this Yet neither can he prove that these are simply sinful and unlawful in all cases 13. As for the argument he proposeth next I owne it not and so am less concerned in his answere Only I would know what he meaneth by that expression a Christian whom God hath called unto his essential verity may no way swear What meaneth he by this essential verity And was not Paul called thereunto whatever it be How came it then that he did swear some way Were not the holy men of old called unto this essential verity how came it then that they did also sweare Such as Abraham Gen. 21 24. Iacob Gen 31 53. Ioseph Gen 47 35. Moses Iosh. 14 9. David 1 Sam. 20 3. 24 22 Ionathan 1 Sam. 20 16. Eliah 1 King 17 1. Gedaliah 2 King 25 24. Asa. 2 Chron. 15 14. Obadiah 1 King 18 10. Elisha 2 King 2 6 Are not Angels called unto this essential verity How came it then that they did swear Dan. 12 17. Revel 10 5 6 He citeth some passages of some heathens Pag. 360. who would not swear And what can this prove And what will Pythagoras prohibition evince Or Socrates his requireing that mens words should be firmer than oaths Or Plato's appearing against it These and the like may be good arguments for him whose Religion is but Paganish but have no force with us though I grant these and the like may shame Christians who regard even oathes so little He hath Pag. 361. a number of bare citations of places of some Fathers and Others without giving us their words any who hath these books may peruse them and see what they say All that I shall say is this Though it be true that many of the Fathers did in this assent to Pelagius yet the more common opinion was that Christians might in some cases lawfully sweare which they grounded upon the practice of Paul See Vossius Hist. Pelag. lib. 5. par 2. Antith 1. Pag. 513. c. And let the Reader peruse the citations he hath there adduced and he will see that some of this Quakers citations and Authors are against himself such as Cyprian Tertullian Augustine Polycarp and others The primitive Christians would not swear it is true neither by the Genius nor by the fortune of the Emperious See Tertul. Apol. Cap. 31. and from this some might gather that they would not swear at all which was certainly a mistake And we read that the Primitive Christians did sweare to be faithful to the Emperour as Vossius sheweth out of Vegetius lib 2. Cap. 5. Arnobius lib. 4. see also Dio in M. Antonino Tertul. de Cor. mil. c. 1. Eusebii histor lib 5. c. 5. He sheweth also how they used to sweare by the Eucharist out of Eusebii Histor. lib. 6. Chap. 35 The last argument which he mentioneth is not worth the naming and so I leave it 14. For a Conclusion to this let us take notice that Augustine was only labouring to keep oft unnecessary oathes and would have one and other shuning what they could the giving of oathes But would not simply condemne the taking or giving of oathes in weighty maters even under the Gospel And therefore speaking upon that sermon of Christ on the mount and having mentioned the expressions of Paul formerly spoken of he addeth Ita intelligitur praecepisse Deum ne Iuretur ne quisquam sicut bonum appetat jusjurandum assiduitate jurandi ad perjurium per consuetudinem delabatur Quapropter qui intelligit non in bonis sed necessariis jurationem habendam refrenet se quantum potest ut non eâ u●atur nisi necessitate cum videt pigros esse homines ad credendum quod ets utile est credere nisi juratione firmetur CHAP. XXXI Of Civil Honour 1. BEside what belongeth properly to Civil Honour of which we are now to speak there are other two particulars which he is pleased to speak something to in his Vindication of his last Thesis to wit against Vanity Prodigality in apparel and against Comoedies and such Playes concerning which I minde to be no adversary unto him only I must say he must be very affronted and shameless to suppose let be to say That all his Adversaries conten● for these as lawful and as no way contrary to Christian Religion
importing reverence and respect accordi●g to the common usage and custome but they speak to such in the very same dialect and manner that the greatest useth or can use while talking with or speaking to the meanest of their inferiours Hence is there Thou and Thee instead of you and yee Yea which is also remarkable in their answers they use yea and nay and will not say yes and no so Mr Grigge the writer of the Quakers Iesus informeth me in his Epistle Prefixed to that book And what can this import but some characteristick Tessera or note of distinction whereby they may be discerned from all others whatsomever and who can tell if in such foolish niceties there lye not some piece of outward homage which they must pay to their Master who will take little ere he want all and will be as well pleased with a toy if it be given in signe of homage as with a greater mater And it is remarkable that the first and only person among Christians that we can hear of using this mode was the founder of the Jesuites Loyala but he did it but once that we hear of before a Governour where he was challenged for a Spye and yet it may be sufficient to make him also the Father and founder of the new order of uncivil Quakers 4. It may seem strange that these Men who owne no other Christ or Scripture but the Light within and take that for all are thus against all good manners and civility refuseing to salute persons in the way or to give the least civil signification of honour and respect to equals or superiours when even among the wilde savage Indians such moroseness and pedantick clownishness would be abhorred being taught some other thing by the natural Light within them However as upon the one hand we may observe the enmity that Satan hath at Mankinde is such as maketh him hate all things that looketh like humanity for their sakes and therefore will have these his deluded followers weare no other character of cognizance but such as may make them openly appear as enemies to humanity and civility so upon the other hand we may observe the holy hand of a righteous God in this giving them up to an unmanning of themselves to a denying of that which in their outward carriage and gesture might difference them not only from the ruder and more clunish sort of mankinde but even from beasts who have renounced all Christianity and every thing that looketh like serious Religion 5 But as to the mater it self we know that honour is to be rendered to whom hon●ur is due and fear to whom fear is due Rom. 13 7. that Elders are to be accounted worthy of double honour 1 Tim. 5 17. that we must honour all men 1 Pet. 2 17. and in honour preferre one another Rom. 12.10 We read that the vertuous woman's children arise up and call her bl●ssed Prov. 31 28. We read that Sarah called Abraham Lord 1 Pet. 3 6. It was given for a Law that they should rise up before the h●ary head and honour the face of the old man Levit 19 32. We read that even Solomon a King rose up to meet his mother and bowed himself unto her 1 King 2 19 the Angels called Sarah Agars Mistress Gen. 16 9. the Disciples hath a Master and the Servant a Lord Mat. 10 24. Paul said to the Gove●nour Festus most noble Festus Act. 26 25. We read of some women stiled honourable Act 13 50. 17 12. Iohn writteth to a Lady 2 Iohn 1. Moses said to the two Hebrews that strove against other Sirs Act. 7 26. one said to Elisha Alas Master 2 King 6 5. Paul Barnabas said to such as were ready to sacrifice to them Sirs Act. 14 15. The jaylour said to Paul Silas Sirs Act. 16 30. So did Paul to the mariners Act. 2● 10 21 25. Luk stiled Theophilus most excellent Luk. 1 3. Shecaniah called Ezra my Lord Ezra 10 3. Christs sermon on the Mount teacheth us not to salute our brethren only as the Publicans did Mat. 5 47. We read that Abraham bowed to the children of Heth Gen. 23 7. Jacobs Sones to Ioseph Gen. 43 26 28. David bowed to Saul 1 Sam. 24 8. Mephibosheth to David 2 Sam● 8 So also Abigail 1 Sam. 25 23. Araunah 2 Sam. 24 20. and Nathan the Prophet 1 King 1 23. the Shunamit fell down at the Prophets feet and bowed herself to t●e ground 2 King 4 36. Abraham bowed to the three Angels supposing them to be men Gen. 18 2 3. So did Lot Gen. 19 1 2. Iacob bowed himself seven times before his brother Esau Gen 33 vers 3. and stiled himself Esaw's servant vers 5 14. And Esau Lord vers 8 13 14 15. Jacob's wives and his children also bowed vers 6 7. Ioseph bowed to Iacob Gen. 48 12. Ioab bowed to David 2 Sam. 14 22. and also Absolom vers 33. How oft read we of that title O King used by good folks Dan. 2 29 31. 3 17 18. 4 22 27 31. 5 18. Act. 26 13 19. and of my Lord O King 1 Sam. 26 17. 2 Sam. 14 9.22 16 4. 19 26. 1 King 1 13 20 24. 20 4. 2 King 6 vers 12 26. 8.5 Moses did obeisance to his Father in Law Exod. 18 7. Bathsheba to David 1 King 1 16. Mary saluted Elizabeth Luk 1 40. Paul the Church Act. 18 22. the brethren at Ptolemais Act. 21 7 Iames and the Elders at Ierusalem Act 21 21. Christ commanded the seventy disciples to salute the house they came to Mat. 10 12. How often doth Paul desire such as he wrote unto to salute others in his name See Rom. 16 5 12.13 Phil. 4 21. Heb. 13 vers 24. and how oft doth he mention others as saluting them Heb. 13 24. Tit. 3 15. Phil. 2 3. 1 Cor. 16 9. 2 Cor. 13 13. Phil. 4 22 Rom. 16 16 23. Col. 4 10 12. So doth Peter 1 Pet. 5 13. and Iohn 3 Ioh. 14. Here is enough to shew how groundless their rustick singularity is and that there must be something else in this then what they give out and pretend I grant it suiteth them well who would have us renunce all Christianity and turne Pagans to drive us at the next step to outstripe Pagans in incivility but we know Religion is no enemie to Civility nor Christianity to Courtesie and that we should think on such things as are Honest or Venerable Pure Lovely and of good report Phil. 4 8. 6. We shall now come and see what this man can say in defence of their practice He beginneth to speak hereof Pag. 336. And first speaketh to the mater of titles telling us That they expressly affirme that it is not lawful for Christians either to give or receive such titles of honour as Your holiness majesty excellency Eminency c. Answ. But what if all this were granted All this might be granted and yet