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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A25250 Ultima, = the last things in reference to the first and middle things: or certain meditations on life, death, judgement, hell, right purgatory, and heaven: delivered by Isaac Ambrose, minister of the Gospel at Preston in Amoundernes in Lancashire.; Prima, media, & ultima. Ultima. Ambrose, Isaac, 1604-1664. 1650 (1650) Wing A2970; ESTC R27187 201,728 236

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knowledge and our tongue the lively image of his revealed will God therefore before he made the body said Let us make man in our own image Gen. 1.26 and what was the meaning but that soul and body should both bear the image of his Majestie Be astonished then ye men of the earth If this dust this clay this bodie of ours be so glorious what think ye of the soul whose substance faculties qualities dignities every way represents Gods omnipotent Essence Look on this glass and first for substance is the soul invisible why so is God No man hath seen him at any time Joh. 1.18 John 1.18 Is the soul incorporeall why so is God We ought not to think him like unto gold or silver or stone graven with art Acts 17.29 Acts 17.29 Is the soul immortall why so is God He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords who onely hath immortality 1. Tim. 6.16 1. Tim. 6.16 Is the soul spirituall why so is God God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit John 4.24 John 4.24 Is the soul one essence why so is God There is one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all Ephes 4.6 Ephes 4.6 See here the lively image of God in every soul of man But there is another character imprinted in every faculty so that not onely the substance but the powers of the soul bear this image in them As there is one God and three persons so there is one soul and three faculties the Father Son and holy Ghost are but one God the Vnderstanding Will and Memory are but one soul the Father is not the Son nor the Son the holy Ghost so the Vnderstanding is not the Will nor the Will the Memory and yet the Father is God the Son is God and the holy Ghost is God so the Vnderstanding is the soul the VVill is the soul and the Memory is the soul I dare not say but there is some difference Trinitatem in nobis videmus potius quàm credimus Deum verò esse Trinitatem credimus potiùs quàm videmus Aug. de Trin. l. 15. c. 6. Psal 45.13 Ecclus 17.6 This trinity in us we rather see it then believe it but that Trinity of Persons we more believe it then see it Howsoever then our soul is no proof of the Godhead yet is it a true sign of that image of God in the soul Nay yet as if this stamp were of a deeper impression see the dowrie of Gods Spouse and who wonders not at the qualities conditions with which the soul is arrayed The Kings daughter is all glorious within her clothing is of broydered gold What say you to that heavenly knowledge inspired into us God that created man filled him with knowledge of understanding and shewed them good and evil Ecclus 17.6 What say you to those heavenly impressions that are stampt upon us Ephes 4.24 such are the new mans marks which after God is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse Ephes 4.24 These make the soul like God and God loving to the soul is it not clad with righteousness as with a garment witnesse the integrity of Adam in that sweet subjection his soul to the Lord his affections to the soul his body to the affections the whole man to God as to the chiefest good and as truth and mercy meet together so righteousnesse and holinesse kisse each other this righteousness to God is it that makes us righteous afore God and this is that holiness wherein we are created O blessed image how nearly dost thou resemble thy Creatour he is the pattern of perfection and we bear the image of that pattern Be ye holy for I am holy 1. Pet. 1.15 1. Pet. 1.15 And yet again as if this picture were of deeper die how like is the soul to its Creatour in her full dominion over all the creatures Cant. 6.3 Thou art bountifull O my soul as Tirzah comely as Jerusalem terrible as an army with banners What is it will not stoop to this Gods Vice-gerent Beasts and birds and serpents and things of the sea are tamed and have been tamed of the nature of man Jam. 3.7 Jam. 3.7 What a thing is this soul she can came the wild command the proud pull down the loftie do what she will by compounding comparing contemplating commanding O excellent nature that sittest on earth canst reach to heaven mayest dive to hell nothing being able to resist thy power so long as thou art subject to that power of God Psal 8.6 Is this the soul Lo what is man that thou art mindfull of him thou hast made him to have dominion in the works of thy hands thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet Psal 8.6 O my soul my soul what can we say of such a creature to summe up all she is in nature a substance created by God invisible of men incorporeall with Angels immortall through grace most like to God in a way of nearness and bearing his image in the glorious stamp of her created likeness Is this the darling of our Lord where then is the rich man that hath lost this pearl he that could tell his soul Soul Vers 19. thou hast much goods laid up for many years live at ease eat drink and take thy pastime Now on a sudden his soul is taken and whose shall those things be which he hath provided The loss of all losses is the loss of a soul without which had we never so much we could truly enjoy nothing what trust then in your earthly treasures what stay in such broken staves of reed one day you shall finde them most deceitfull leaving your naked souls to the open rage of wind and weather to the scourges and scorpions of guiltiness and fear Could you purchase a monopoly of all the world had you the gold of the West the treasures of the East the spices of the South the pearles of the North all is nothing to this incarnate Angell this invaluable soul O wretched worldling what hast thou done then to undoe thy soul was it a wedge of gold an heap of silver an hoord of pearl to which thou trustest see they are gone and thy soul is required Alas poor soul whither must it go to heaven to its Creator to God that gave it no there is another way for wandring sinners Go yee into everlasting fire Mat. 25.41 prepared for the Devill and his Angels thither must it go with heaviness of heart into a kingdome of darkness a lake of burning a prison of horrible confusion of terrible tortures O poor soul what a misery is this darkness burning confusion torments are these the welcomes of his soul to hell what meant the rich man in his unhappy fore-cast he propounded to his soul a world of ease of pleasure of pastime it proves far otherwise this other world is a world
soul the object is too clear for our weak eyes our eyes are but earthly the soul of an heavenly nature O divine being not onely heavenly but heaven it self as God and man met both in Christ so heaven and earth met both in man would you see this earth that is the body Out of it wast thou taken and into it must thou return Gen. 4.19 Gen. 4.19 would you see this heaven that is the soul the God of heaven gave it and to the God of heaven returns it Eccles 12.7 Eccles 12.7 The body is but a lump but the soul is that breath of life of earth came the body of God was the soul thus earth and heaven met in the creation and the man was made a living soul Gen. 2.7 Gen. 2.7 the sanctified soul is an heaven upon earth Est coelum sancta anima habens solem intellectum lunam fidem astra virtutet Bern super Cantic where the sun is understanding the moon is faith and the stars gracious affections what heaven is in that body which lives and moves by such a soul yet so wonderfull is Gods mercy to mankinde that as reason doth possesse the soul so the soul must possesse this body Here is that union of things visible and invisible as the light is spirituall incorruptible indivisible and so united to the air that of these two is made one without confusion of either in like manner is the soul united to this body one together distinguished asunder onely here 's the difference the light is most visible the soul is invisible she is the breath of God the beauty of man the wonder of Angels the envie of devils that immortall splendor which never eye hath seen never eye must see And yet we must up another step it is fourthly incorporeall as not seen with a mortall eye so neither clogg'd with a bodily shape I say not but the soul hath a body for his organ to which it is so knit and tyed that they cannot be severed without much sorrow or strugling yet is it not a body but a spirit dwelling in it the body is an house and the soul the inhabitant every one knows the house is not the inhabitant and yet O wonder there is no roome in the house where the inhabitant lives not would you please to see the roomes the eye is her window the head is her tower the heart is her closet the mouth is her hall the lungs her presence chamber the senses her cinque-ports the common-sense her custome-house the phantasie her mint the memory her treasury the lips are her two leav'd doores that shut and open and all these and all the rest as the motions in a Watch are acted and mooved by this spring the Soul See here a composition without confusion the soul is in the body yet it is not bodily as in the greatest world the earth is more solid the water less the ayr yet lesser the fire least of all so in this little world of man the meaner parts are of grosser substance and the soul by how much more excellent by so much more spirituall and wholly with-drawn from all bodily being And yet a little higher it is fiftly immortall It was the errour of many Fathers Scaliger notae in nov Test That bodies and souls must both die till doomes-day and then the bodies being raised the souls must be revived Were that true why then cryes Stephen Lord Iesu receive my spirit or why should Paul be dissolved that he might be with Christ Act. 7.59 Philip. 1.23 Blessed men are but men and therefore no wonder if subject to some errour Others more absolutely deny the souls immortality We are born say they at all adventures and we shall be hereafter as though we had never been Why so for the breath is a smoke in our nostrils and the words as a spark raised out of our hearts Wisd 2.2 3. which being extinguished the body is turned into ashes and the spirit vanisheth as soft ayre What is the soul a smoak and the spirit no better then the soft vanishing ayre Matth. 22.32 wretched men Have you not read what is spoken of God saying I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob now God saith Christ is not the God of the dead but of the living Abraham Isaac Iacob they are not dead then in the better part their souls but passed indeed from the valley of death unto the land of the living Whosoever liveth and believeth in mee saith our Saviour shall never die Iohn 11.26 John 11.26 Not die against some never die against others what can we more onely live and believe in him that redeemed us and be sure his promises shall never fail us our souls must live live for ever Sweet soul blessed with the felicity of eternall life here 's a joy unspeakable that this soul now clogged with cares vexations griefs passions shall one day enjoy those joyes immortall not for a day or two Nullus erit defectus nullus terminus though this were more then we can imagine but through all eternity There shall be no defect nor end after millions of ages the soul must still live in her happiness it is not of a perishing but an everlasting substance And yet the perfection of the soul goes higher it is most like to God so far it transcends all earthly happiness I cannot say but in some sort all creatures have this likeness every effect hath at least some similitude with its cause but with a difference some onely have a being as stones others being and life as plants but man above all hath a being life and reason and therefore of all other the most like unto his Creatour Can we any more yes one step higher and we are at the top of Jacobs ladder The soul is not onely like God but the image of God I cannot denie but there is some apparance of it in the outward man and therefore the bodie in some measure partakes of this image of the Deity it was man and whole man that was corrupted by sin and by the law of contraries it was man and whole man that was beautified with this image Please you to look at the body is it not a little world wherein every thing that God made was good as therefore all goodness comes from him so was he the pattern of all goodness that being in him perfectly which onely is in us partly This is that Idaea whereby God is said to be the exemplar of the world man then in his body being as the worlds map what is he but that image in which the builder of the world is manifest but if you look at the parts of his body how often are they attributed though in a metaphor yet in resemblance to his Maker our eyes are the image of his wisdome our hands are the image of his power our heart is the image of his
1.12 His infirmities are now at full and the symptomes which make it evident unto us are some inward some outward inward in his soul outward in his body we 'll take a view of them both Matth. 26.37 Mar. 14.33 Luk. 22.44 Ioh. 12.27 First his soul it began to be sorrowfull saith Matthew to be amazed and very heavy saith Mark to be in an agony saith Luke to be troubled saith Iohn Here is sorrow and heaviness and agony and trouble the estimate whereof we may take from his own words in the garden My soul is exceeding sorrowfull Matth. 26.38 John 12.77 even unto death Now was the time he purged not onely in his body but his soul too now is my soul troubled and what shall I say Father save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour A fatall hour sure of which it was said before often his hour was not yet come but being come he could then tell his Disciples the hour is at hand and after tell the Iewes Matth. 26.45 Luk. 22.53 this is your very hour and the power of darkness Now was it that Christ yielded his soul for our souls to the susception of sorrow perpession of pain and dissolution of nature and therefore even sick with sorrow he never left sweating Heb. 5.7 weeping and crying till he was heard in that which he feared Secondly as his soul so his body had her symptoms of approaching death Our very eye will soon tell us no place was left in his body where he might be smitten and was not his skin was torn his flesh was rent his bones unjoynted his sinews streyned should we summe up all See that face of his fairer then the Sons of men Psal 45.2 Revel 1.14 how it is defiled with spettle swoln with buffets masked with a cover of gore-bloud see that head white as white wooll and snow how is it Crowned with thorns beaten with a reed and both head and hair dyed in a sanguine red that issued from it see those eyes that were as a flame of fire how they swim with tears are dim with bloud and darken at the sad approach of dreadfull death Revel ibid. see that mouth which speak as never man spake hovv it is vvan vvith stroaks grim vvith death John 7.46 and embittered with that tartest potion of gall and vinegar Should we any lower See those arms that could embrace all the power of the world how they are strained and stretched on the Crosse those shoulders that could bear the frame of Heaven how they are lasht with knotty cords and whips those hands that made the world and all therein how are they nailed and clenched to a piece of wood that heart where never dwelt deceit nor sinne how it is pierced and wounded with a souldiers spear those bowels that yearned with compassion of others infirmities how they are drie and pent with straining puls those feet that walked in the wayes of God how they are boared and fastened to a Crosse with nayls from hand to foot there is no part free but all over he is covered in a mantle of cold bloud whose garments were doft before and took of them that were his hangmen Poor Saviour what a wofull sight is this A bloudy face thornie head watery eyes wan mouth strained arms lashed shoulders nayled hands wounded heart griping bowels boared feet Here is sorrie pains when no part is free and these are the outward Symptomes of his state that appear in his Body We have thus far seen our Sun the Sunne of righteousnesse in the day-break and rising and height of his suffering Mal. 4.2 what remains further but that we come to the Declination and so end our journey for this time This Declination say Physicians is Galen lib. 3. de Cris cap. 5. when Nature overcomes sicknesse so that all diseases attain not this time but those and those onely that admit of a Recovery yet howsoever saith my * Senert institution medicinae lib. 2. par 1. cap. 12. de morb temp Authour there is no true declination before death there is at least a seeming declinatian when sometimes the symptoms may become more remiss because of weak nature yielding to the fury and tyrannie of death overcoming it I will not say directly that our Saviour declined thus either in deed or in shew for neither was the cup removed from him nor died he by degrees but in perfect sense and perfect patience both of body and soul he did voluntarily and miraculously resigne his Spirit as he was praying into the hands of his Father Here then was the true declination of this Patient not before death but in death and rightly too for then was it that this Sunne went down in a ruddy Cloud then was it that this Patient received the last dregs of his Purge then was it that Gods Justice was satisfied the consummatum est was effected all was finished as for his buriall resurrection and asscension which follow after this time they serve not to make any satisfaction for sinne but onely to confirm it or apply it after it was made and accomplished Vse 1 But what use of all this Give me leave I pray to shake the tree and then do you gather the fruit from the first part his birth we may learn Humility a grace most prevailing with God for the obtaining of all graces this was it that made David King Moses a Governour nay what say we to Christ himself who from his first entrance untill his departure to his Father Matth. 11.29 was the very mirrour of true Humility it felf Learn of me saith he to be humble and lowly in spirit and you shall find rest unto your souls Hereunto accorded his Doctrine when he pronounced them Blessed who were poor in spirit Matth. 5.3 hereunro accorded his reprehension when he disliked their manners who were wont to choose out the chief rooms at feasts Luke 14.7 Iohn 13.5 hereunto accorded his practice when he vouchsafed to wash his Disciples feet and to wipe them with the towell wherewith he was girded O Humility how great are thy riches that are thus commended to us thou pleasest men delightest angels confoundest devils and bringest thy Creatour to a Manger where he is lapped in raggs and cloathed in flesh Had we Christian hearts to consider the Humility of our Redeemer and how far he was from our haughty dispositions it would pull down our Pharisaicall humours and make us farre better to remember our selves Vse 2 Secondly as we learn humility from his birth so we may learn patience from his life Matth. 16.24 If any man will come after me saith our Saviour let him deny himself and take up his crosse and follow me Dear Christian if thou wilt be saved mind thy Christ Art thou abused by lies reproaches evil sayings or doings we cannot more shew how we have profited in Christs School then by enduring