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A22474 The badges of Christianity. Or, A treatise of the sacraments fully declared out of the word of God Wherein the truth it selfe is proued, the doctrine of the reformed churches maintained, and the errors of the churches of Rome are euidently conuinced: by pervsing wherof the discreet reader may easily perceiue, the weak and vnstable grounds of the Roman religion, and the iust causes of our lawfull separation. Diuided into three bookes: 1. Of the sacraments in generall. 2. Of Baptisme. 3. Of the Lords Supper. Hereunto is annexed a corollarie or necessary aduertisement, shewing the intention of this present worke, opening the differences among vs about the question of the supper, discouering the idolatry and diuisions of the popish clergy, ... By William Attersoll, minister of the Word of God. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Principles of Christian religion. aut 1606 (1606) STC 889; ESTC S115827 366,439 472

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This also is expresly set downe Math. 28. Go teach all nations baptizing them into the name of the father and of the sonne and of the Holy-ghost This both declareth the vse of the Sacrament and promiseth Christ with all his benefits For to be baptized into the name of the blessed Trinity is to be made one of Gods family which is his church and to be partaker of the priuiledges thereof I his promise is contained vnder the commaundement as we may see by sundry testimonies of the Scripture as Gen. 48. Iacob saith The Angell that hath deliuered me from all euil blesse the children and let my name be named vpon them and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac whereby he meaneth they should be ioyned to his family accounted in the number of them Now the vses remaine to be considered First heereby it is manifest what a solemne couenant and contract and what a neere coniunction is made by the washing in baptisme betweene God and the persons baptized for god the father vouchsafeth to receiue them as his children into fauour the sonne to redeeme 〈◊〉 the Holy-ghost to purifie and preserue them to comfort and regenerate them to protect and defend them from all euil This is the staffe and stay of our hope and comfort Secondly consider on the other side that the parties thus baptised do promise and vow to acknowledge beleeue serue worship and call vpon the name of no other Gods but of the true God which is the father the sonne and the Holy-ghost and consequently to renounce the works of the deuil the fashions of the world the lustes of the flesh Baptisme is as it were a solemne othe taken in the sight of God and in the face of the congregation whereby the person baptized bindeth himselfe wholly to God three in persons but one in substance Indeede we deserue to be cast out of the fauour and family of God yet he vouchsafeth to entertaine vs to receiue vs and to acknowledge vs for his children therefore we must in euery estate depend vpon him honor him as our God serue him as our maister obey him as our Lord and looke for saluation from him as from our redeemer Againe as we haue beene baptised not in the name of one person alone not in the name of the father alone or of the son alone or of the holy ghost alone but in the name of the father and of the son of the Holy-ghost so we must all beleeue 〈◊〉 confesse as an article of our faith that the Trinity in vnity and vnity in trinity is to be worshipped For albeit here are three reckoned vp as speaking of many yet heere is also mentioned their name as speaking only of one not of their names baptise them in the name of the three persons So many as deny the doctrine of the trinity are iustly to be condemned of falsehood and heresie Such is the religion of the Iewes Greekes Turkes Persians and in some sort the Papists albeit in words these last acknowledge one God in three persons The Greeke church at this day denyeth the God-head of the holy ghost the Turks and Iews deny the deity both of the sonne and of the Holy-ghost the present church of Rome more glorious in shew but not much more sound in saith hath defiled the whole trinity with their Imagerie and set vp a false CHRIST partly denying him to be GOD of himselfe and partly repealing all his offices so that howsoeuer they professe him in wordes and leaue him the name of a sauiour yet they make a mocke of his sacrifice and haue turned Christian religion into Antichristian 〈◊〉 Wherefore as we are baptized into the most worthy name of the blessed Trinity let vs hold fast the true profession thereof and renounce al errors and heresies oppugning our holy 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 vs of the sweete comfort we haue therein Thirdly are these words of institution baptizing them into the name of the father and of the son of the Holy-ghost the outward forme of baptisme Then we hold that manner of baptizing must bee retained this ought not to be changed no other ought to be vsed then this prescribed by Christ our sauiour We must not therefore let passe or leaue out any of the three persons in trinity as some heretiks haue done though we shall vnderstand the other by naming and speaking of one If any say that the Apostles baptized in the name of Christ as Act. 2 38 and Ch. 10 48 and 19 5. To this 〈◊〉 I answere the Apostles do not set downe in those places the forme of baptisme or the words of institution but the substance and end which is to assure remission of sinnes in the name of Christ. They shew not the forme but the fruite not how it should be ministred but what spirituall grace is signified thereby For why should the Disciples change the ordinance of their maister who deliuered nothing to the churches but what they receiued of the Lord Againe it cannot be denyed but that the Apostles baptized in this forme in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost as Act. 10 47. Can any forbid water that these should not be baptized which haue receiued the holy-ghost as well as we As if he should say these haue receiued the gifts of the Holy-ghost therefore they may be baptized in the name of the Holy-ghost And more plainely Act. 19 when the Diseiples had answered Paule that they knew not whether there were an holy ghost he saith Vnto what were ye then baptized Whereby he sheweth it was the manner and custome to baptize in the name of the Holy-ghost and consequently of the whole Trinity The Euangelists also teach that at the baptisme of Iohn the father sonne and Holy-ghost were present And as hee baptized with the same matter why should we imagine he obserued not the same forme that Christ eommaunded expresly to his Apostles Nay seeing in the baptisme of Iohn we haue proued there was the same promise the same grace the same vertue the same signe the same signification which was in the baptisme of the apostles as we haue proued before why should we onely doubt of the wordes of institution Wherefore we conclude that the Apostles would not alter any thing of the direct-and expresse wordes of their lord and maister prescribed Math. 28 where he chargeth them both what to preach and how to baptize For as hee enioyneth them to teach the nations to obserue whatsoeuer he commaunded them so he willeth them to baptize in the name of the father of the sonne and of the Holy-ghost And as they altered nothing in the matter of teaching no more did they in the manner of baptizing considering that as the doctrine they preached was the doctrine of God so the Sacraments they deliuered were the Sacraments of God and they had no more leaue in the one then liberty in the
made vs Kings and Priestes vnto GOD euen his father And Col. 1 14 the A postle saith In him wee haue redemption by his bloode that is forgiuenesse of sinnes Againe when wee see with our bodily eyes the Water poured vpon the body of the baptized we must behold and consider with the eyes of faith the blotting out of all our sinnes as well originall as actuall as well after baptisme as before baptisme by the pretious blood of Christ that wee may assure our selues it is no idle action For wee must not behold the Sacramentall rites as certaine dombe gestures or stage-like shewes without substance and signification but wee must make them serue to further our faith and edification Lastly it teacheth vs not to be led by the outward senses to measure the truth or to iudge of the substance of baptilme by the outward signe and visible partes but to haue our faith fixed on Christ crucified on the Crosse and signified in baptisme The infidell seeing children solemnely baptized in the name of the father of the sonne and of the Holy-ghost will rashly and ignorantly coniesture nothing to bee there but naked rites and bare Water but the faithfull and true Christian doth beholde the washing of the soule and clensing of the heart by the dearest blood of Christ. So in the Lordes Supper to the vnbeleeuer appeareth nothing but Bread and Wine because we see with our eies wee receiue 〈◊〉 our handes wee tast with our mouth no more but the beleeuer knoweth that together with these signes GOD the father offereth the body and blood of his Sonne to bee spiritually receiued and digested Euen as he that is vnlettered and vnlearned if hee looke vpon the face of a booke beholdeth onely blacke coulours and spottes vppon the Paper seeth certaine figures and charusters of Letters differing each from other but cannot read the writing or comprehende the meaning but hee that hath learned his Letters and is able to reade them reapeth greate profit and instruction thereby So is it in the 〈◊〉 Hee that resteth in the outward signe deceiueth himselfe but hee that respecteth the thinge signified receiueth the profit and aduantage The Crosse of CHRIST and preaching of the Gospell are a stumbling blocke to the Iewes and foolishnesse to the Gracians For the infidell hearing that christ was crucified and nailed vpon the crosse is offended at him accounting it a foolish weak means to saue mankind that life should spring out of death glory come out of shame power proceed out of weakenesse and triumphant victory arise out of his contemptible sufferings but the faithfull soule acknowledgeth in this mystery of Godlinesle the high hand and vnsearchable wisedome of God It may seeme ridiculous vnto some men that God should require circumcision of Abraham and of his houshold young and old bond and free maister and seruants to vncouer all their shames and to open the hidden partes of nature yet Abraham submitttd himselfe to the ordinance of God Naamaen the Syrian thought it a toyish precept prescript when he was bidden to wash himselfe 7. times in Iordin hauing many riuers in his owne countrey as good as that yet by obeying the prophet he was clensed of his Leprosie The inhabitants of Iericho scorned Ioshua and the men of Israell when they saw them compasse their Citty strong and walled and to blow with their Rammes hornes yet by this weake meanes the wall fel downe the enemies were destroyed the citty was sacked and the people of God 〈◊〉 Christ seeing a blinde man and willing to heale him he spat on the ground and made clay of spittle and annoynted the eies of the blinde with the clay and said vnto him Go wash in the poole of Siloam he obeyed he went he washed he returned seeing Thus doth God by simple base and weake things oftentimes confound the mighty strong and wise of the world that no flesh should reioyce in his presence and crosseth all the high conceites and proud imaginations of mans wil and wit Wherefore we must not follow our owne vnderstanding nor measure the matters of God by the crooked rule of our carnall reason Whosoeuer will yeald obedience to God must deny himselfe and renounce his own wisedome and become a foole that he may be wise in God as 1 cor 3 Let no man deceiue himselfe if any man among you seeme to bec wise in this world let him be a foole that he may be wise for the wisedome of this world is foolishnesse with God Thus we see that in the Sacramentes we must vnderstand more then we see and beleeue more then we can behold Such 〈◊〉 are without knowledge and faith 〈◊〉 no more of baptisme then the bodily eie directeth them vnto but the faithfull conceiue the blood of Christ to be offered to 〈◊〉 the soule and conscience from all sinn as the riuer watered the garden of Eden Chap. 11. Of the foruth inward part of baptisme THe last inward part of baptisme is the soule clensed most liuely represented by the body that is washed For as the outward receiuer giueth his body to be washed so the saithfull receiuer doth consecrate himselfe to God with ioy and forsake the flesh the world and the diuill and feeleth the inward washing of the spirit as Tit. 3 5 According to his mercy he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the Holy-ghost And the same Apostle Eph. 5. Christ gaue himselfe for the church that he might sanctifie it and clense it by washing of water through the word that he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious church not hauing spot or wrinkle Wherefore this outward washing of the body commaunded by Christ fignifieth vnto me that I am no lesse assuredly clensed in his blood by the working of his spirit from the spottes of my soule that is from all my sinnes then I am outwardlie washed by water whereby the staines of the body vse to be washed away and it bindeth vs that we ought euer afterward by our workes and deeds to declare newnes of life and fruites of repentance Let vs now come to the vses of this last part of baptisme Doth the washing of the body represent the clensing of the soule And doth the soking vp of the filthines of the flesh signifie the remouing of the remnants of rebellion Then we are all by nature vnwise vncleane 〈◊〉 vnregerate vnholy disobedient disordered deceiuing and being deceiued we are the vessels of wrath the children of death the bond-slaues of Sathan the heires of damnation we haue our part and portion in the offence of Adam as Rom. 5. By one man sinne entred into the world and ch 7. I see another law in my members rebelling against the law of my minde and leading me captiue vnto the law of sinne which is in my members O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of
at the doore life and saluation are absent so that we are neuer partakers of his graces except webe as neerly coupled to his humanity as meat and drink are coupled with our body which of al other is a most neer vnion and inward coniunction Thus we see we are seuered from the world to haue fellowshippe with CHRIST and are set once in him for euer because he that commeth to CHRIST once he casteth him not away hee shall neuer hunger he shall neuer thirst he shall not be lost but hue for euer as the Apostle saith If they had been of vs doubtles they had continued with vs And paule to this purpose saith Rom. 8 Who shal lay any thing to the charg of GODS chosen it is GOD that instifieth who shall condemne Who shal seperate vs from the loue of CHRIST shal tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or perill or sword in all the se we are more then conquerours through him that loued vs for I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor thinges to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to seperate vs from the loue of GOD which is in CHRIST IESVS our LORDE If once wee bee ioyned to him in spirituall Marriage notwithstanding the difference and disparagement between him and vs nothing shall bee able to worke our deuorcement from him True it is God 〈◊〉 vs wallowing in our owne filthines polluted in our owne bloode defiled by our owne vncleannes he hath made an eternall couenant with vs he hath spoken peace vnto oursoules saying Thou shalt liue euen when wee were sunke downe in sinne to death hee saide vnto vs Thou shalt liue so that he will neuer turne from vs to do vs good but we shall be his people and he will be our God he will giue vs one hart and one way that wee may feare him for euer and that it may be well with vs and with our children This made the Apostle to write Ephe. 5. 30. 32. Wee are members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bones this is a great misterie but I speake concerning christ and concerning the church Where he seemeth to allude to the first creation of the Woman made of one of the ribs of the man shadowing and 〈◊〉 our knitting and coniunction with Christe which we haue by faith not by nature by vertue of the spirit not of the flesh Now as we haue shewed that this coniunction made by Gods spirit and by our faith which he hath giuen so the meanes and instruments to worke it are the word and sacraments This is a dignity peculiar and proper to the elect to haue perpetuall fellowshippe with Christ and to growe vp into one body with him as he teacheth Iohn 17 20. 21. I pray for all them which shall beleeue in me through theyr word that they all may be one as thou O father art in me and I in thee euen that they may be one with vs that the world may beleeue that thou hast sent me If then there be not an vnion betweene Christ and vs we haue no accesse to God the father being quite cutte off from all hope of life and sa'uation As then all the substaunce and nourishment of the tree commeth from the roote and all the vitall powers of a true naturall body come from the head so it is betweene the sonne of God and vs we haue not so much as one drop of the heauenly life in vs of our selves CHRIST is the waye the truth and the life no man commeth vnto the father but by him To conclude this first vse seeing such as come to this sacrament must be christians before it appeareth to be a very corrupt custome of the people when they require Baptisme of the pastor for their children to say God hath giuen me a Pagan I desire you to make him a Christian. For Baptisme cannot make a Christian but signifie the Sacraments cannot make that which is not but assure that which is already made as seales do not giue the right but confirme it Thus much of the first vse of Baptisme the second followeth Chap. 13. Of the second vse of baptisme BEing made one with Christ we are partakers of the 〈◊〉 of his death to wit of forgiuenes of sinnes and of regeneration or new birth So then the second vse of Baptisme is to assure vs of the remission and pardon of our sinnes that we may be vnblamable and acceptable to god This is signified by the outward ceremony of washing and sprinkling to wit the sprinkling of our soules with the blood of Christ for the forgiuenes of all sinnes as appeareth Act. 2 38 Then Peter said vnto them Amend your liues and be baptized euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for remission of sins And Act. 22 Ananias said vnto Paul immediately after his conuersion Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lorde So the Euangelist witnesses Marke 1 4. that Iohn did baptize in the wildernesse and preach the Baptisme of amendment of life for the remission of sinnes And the Apostle maketh this vse col 2 12 13. Ye are buried with him through Baptisme in whome ye are also raised vppe together through the faith of the operation of GOD which raised him vp from the dead and you which are deade in sinnes and in the vncircumcision of your flesh hath hee quickned together with him forgiuing you all your trespasses The meaning of these places is not that baptisme bestoweth or giueth forgiuenesse but onely signeth sealeth and assureth our pardon euen as remistion of sins and the righte ousnesse of faith were not in the old Testament by circumcision conferred but confirmed vnto the faithfull The grace of pardon and forgiuenesse of sinnes is not attained but by faith in Christ so that the worke of baptisme will not effect it Moreouer we haue proued that it is not lawfull to baptize such as are in yeares vnlesse they make open profession of their faith in Christ and repentance from the workes of the olde man wherefore they obtaine them not by the outward washing with water in baptisme So then we are no lesse assuredly washed by the blood of Christ from the spots of our soules then outwardly we are washed with water from the filth of the body For the force of his death hath that effectuall working in clensing our soules from the corruption and filthines of sinne which naturall water hath in washing our bodies By the merit of his death we haue full forgiueneste of all our sinnes not onely originall but actuall not onely past but present and to come whose blood is neuer drawne dry but is euer fresh and full of efficacy Therefore the wordes deliuered by the minister in baptisme at the commaundement of christ namely I baptize thee in the
it is the Lords supper may after a sorte be called a sacrifice not as the church of Rome meaneth but bycause therin we offer vp praises thanks giuings to god for that sacrifice of attonement once made vpon the crosse which is most acceptable to god and because such as come aright thereunto offer vp themselues wholly to god a reasonable holy and liuing sacrifice and lastly because thereby we cal to our remembrance 〈◊〉 bloody sacrifice of christ withal 〈◊〉 circumstances therof the shame of the crosse the darkenes of the heauen the shaking of the earth the renting of the aire the cleauing of the rocks the reproches of the Iewes the taunts of the soldiers the opening of the graues the conquering of the deuil For the christians in former times perceiuing that many both Iewes and gentiles refused to embrace the faith of christ and to ioyne themselues to the church because they pretend the want of sacrifices among them and nature engrafted in all nations this principle that we haue no free accesse to God no true peace to our selus without a sacrifice the fathers to win such as were without affirmed that the church had also a sacrifice and thereupon entituled the sacrament of the supper with the name of a sacrifice for the causes before remembred But for a mortall man whose breath is in his nostrils to presume in the prid of his hart vnder the formes of bread and wine to offer vp christ the son of God in the sacrifice to his father and to dare to desire the father fauourably to behold and accept his owne sonne is idolatry blasphemy and horrible impiety to be detested of all true hearted Christians Touching the originall of the word Masse it seemeth to come from an ancient custome of the church sending away such as communicated not For the deacon was accustomed to bid them depart that were nouices in the faith and such as by Church-discipline were remoued from the communion This dimission of them was noted by the word Missa signifieng a sending away and licensing to depart and thus some of the heathen vsed it The name then being in it selfe not euill is turned into an euill practise and therfore as it is vsed and vnderstood of our aduersaries we reiect both the name and thing it selfe for these causes First no angell no man no creature is of that dignity and worthinesse that he may offer vp and sacrifice the sonne of God for the priest is aboue the sacrifice they therefore that will be the priests to offer christ aduance and lift vp themselues aboue christ Secondly if christ be really offered in the Masse then he is killed truely and indeed for a reall sacrifice proueth a reall death and when christ was sacrificed really he dyed really as when the beasts were sacrificed they wer killed And Holcot one of the schoolemen saith If there had been a thousand hostes in a thousand places at the same time that Christ did hang vpon the crosse christ had beene crucified in a thousand places Wherfore they that really sacrificed our Sauiour Christ did in that act really and wickedly kill him so that the prieste s of Baal if they wil be sacrificers of Christ must acknowledge themselues therein the reall murtherers of Christ. Thirdly new sacrifices are not to bee instituted by men without commaundement of god as Moses teacheth Deut. 12. we must not do h what seemeth good in our owne eyes but take heede and heare all these words which he commaundeth vs. Now Christ neuer saide Sacrifice ye my bodie and blood to God Fourthly Christ tooke the bread and gaue it to his disciples he did not offer it vp to God the father he tooke the cup and bad them all drinke of it he did not turne himfelfe to God and desire him then to accept the sacrifice of his body and blood Fiftly if the bread and Wine remaine in their former substance in the Lords supper then bread and wine onely are offered not the body and blood of Christ but they remaine for christ deliuered bread to his Disciples and Paule teacheth that it is the bread which is broken that as ofren asthe 〈◊〉 eat this bread and drinke of this cup they shew the Lords death therefore their reall Sacrifice is reall idolatry Sixtly it appeareth in the institution of the Supper that Christ consecrated the Bread apart and the wine 〈◊〉 and afterwarde deliuered them both apart but the bodye of Christ was neuer sacrificed without the blood nor the blood without the flesh for Christ offered vppon the Altar of the crosse the sacrifice of his bodie and blood together this is the cause that he saide Take ye eat ye drinke ye not take ye to offer and to Sacrifice Seuenthly the Scripture teacheth vs one offering and Sacrifice for sin once performed and offered Heb. 10. Wee are sanctified by the offering of Iesus Christ k once made and ver 12. This man after he had offered one saerifice for sinnes sitteth at the right hnnd of God And the Apostle 1 Tim. 2. There is one mediator betweene God and man the man Iesus Christ who gaue himselfe a ransome for all men So 1 Iohn 2. If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the righteous and hee is the propitiation for our sinnes Likewise Heb 9. By his owne blood he entred in once vnto the holy place and obtained eternall redemption for vs not that he should offer himselfe l often as the high Priest entered into the holy place euerie yeare with other blood for then must he haue often suffered since the foundation of the worlde but now in the end of the worlde hath he bene made manifest once to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himselfe We haue plentifull testimonies of this truth in this Epistle as chap. x. Where remission of these things is there is no more offering for sinne If then we haue remission by the sacrifice of Christ all other sacrifices are superfluous and abrogat his al-sufficient sacrifice So Rom 6. In that he died he died for sinne once And 1. Pet. 3. Christ also hath once suffered for sinnes the iust for the vninst If then this perfect offering were once onely to be offered then he is not offered neither can be offered againe in the Masse And if the onely oblation of Christ once offered by himselfe be sufficient all other oblations and Sacrifices are vaine and superfluous For how is that perfect which is often repeated Eightly to make a lawfull sacrifice there is required necessarily a fit minister lawfully called of God for no man taketh his honor to himselfe but he that is called of God as was Aaron so likewise Christ took not to himselfe this honour to be made the high-priest but he that saide to him Thou art my sonne this day I begat thee gaue it him But Christ is the onely priest
Thus much of consecration and the vses thereof Chap. 8. Of the first inward part of the Lords supper HItherto we haue spoken of the outward parts of this Sacrament by doing whereof confirmation is performed now follow the inward parts to be considered For in Sa. we must consider not what they be of themselues but what they signifie vnto vs These inward partes are foure in number to wit the father the spirit the body blood of christ and the faithfull All these haue a Sacramentall relation to the outwarde partes and declare the inwarde truth of them The actions of the minister are notes of the actions of God the father the word of institution is made effectuall by the holy spirit the breade and wine are signes and seales representing the bodye and blood of Christ the outward actions of euery receiuer do note out the inwarde actions and spirituall workes of the faithfull Thus then the agreement answeareth aptly and the proportion falleth fully betweene the parts As the Minister by the words of institution offereth vnto the communicants the bread and wine to feed thereupon corporally and bodily so GOD the Father by the Spirit offereth and giueth the body and blood of CHRIST to the faithfull receiuers to feede vppon them spiritually Now then let vs remember the sencible and externall actions of the Minister that thereby we may consider the spirituall and inward actions of God the Father And first of all the taking of the bread and wine into his hands and the consecrating or blessing of them by reapeating the promise by 〈◊〉 and thanksgiuings doth seale vp these holie actions of God the father by which he from all eternity euen before the foundation of the world did seperate elect ordaine chuse and call his son to performe the osfice of a mediator between god and man and when the fulnes of time came did send him into the worlde to performe that Osfice whereunto he was appointed This we see proued vnto vs in many places as Iohn 6. Labour not for the meat which 〈◊〉 but for the meat that endureth vnto euerlasting life which the sonne of man shall giue vnto you for him hath God the father sealed that is hath installed him into his office to reconcile men vnto God and to bring them to euerlasting life And Ch. Iesus gaue himself that he might deliuer vs from this present euill world according to the will of God euen our father so that whatsoeuer Christ did he did it by the will and appoinment of his Father According to the testimony of the Apostle Heb 5 Christ took not to himself 〈◊〉 honor to be made the high Priest but he that saide vnto him 〈◊〉 art my sonne this day I begat thee gaue it him And as the father ordained him to that office so in time he sent him as the Euangelist 〈◊〉 The spirit of the L. is vpon me because he hath annointed me that I should preach the 〈◊〉 to the poore bind vp the broken hearted preach liberty to the captiues c. So likewise 1 Iohn 4. Heerein is that loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to be areconciliation for our sinnes And Gal. 4 When the fulnesse of time was come God sent 〈◊〉 his sonne made of a 〈◊〉 and made vnder the lawe that hee might redeeme them that are vnder the lawe Thus we see the inwarde actions of God the Father aunswearing to the outwarde actions of the Minister Now let vs come to the vses of this part First of all this sealing and sending of his sonne serueth to confirme and assure vs of our saluation in Christ. For seeing GOD hath 〈◊〉 and appointed him into this office our faith cannot faile our confidence cannot fall our hope cannot make ashamd seeing the loue of God is thus shed abroad in our harts through the Holyghost who beareth Witnes with our spirit that we are the children of God and by whom we are sealed vnto the day 〈◊〉 redemption Againe let vs seeke saluation no where else then in him alone whome God the Father hath sealed and set apart to that end For euen as the body is norished by no other meates and drinkes then by such as God hath appointed to this purpose as a staffe to sustaine vs so is the soule fed by no other meanes then God hath before ordained The cause of our saluation is in the loue of God toward vs which is notably represented by the taking blessing of the outward elements He might haue left vs to our selues to work out our own destruction but his mercy is greater then his iustice Thirdly by these outward actions of the minister wee must seeke confirmation and strength of our faith being assured that God the father tooke his sonne and appointed him to these endes We must not wander and gaze about and thinke we haue nothing to do but when we take and receiue the bread and the cup into our hands we must in euery sacramentall rite consider the thinges signified and ponder in our hearts the fitnesse and agreement betweene them both So then as we behold with our bodily eies the minister representing the person of the father taking blessing and separating the bread and wine to that bodily vse so surely and certainely we must learne that God the father hath ordained and sent his only begotten sonne in whom he is well pleased to bee the meditator for the pardon of our sinnes Hence we see the infinite loue of God toward vs and let vs labor to comprehend the length bredth height and depth therof that spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all vnto the death hence we see that exceeding compassion of the sonne that loued his enemies more then himselfe and accounted not his owne life precious to himselfe hence we see the gratious and glorious worke of our redemption wherin the mercy and iustice of God meete together and kisse each other teaching vs to take sweete delight and comfort in the meditation thereof day and night withal thanksgiuing hence wee haue assurance of saluation and consolation in all troubles and tentations hence we see the greatnesse of our owne sinnes that could not be pardoned but by the death of the son of God and therefore we must hate them with an vnfained hatred as our greatest most dangerous and deadly enemies and lastly hence wee see that if God the father thus loued vs we ought earnestly to loue him againe and to serue him in all duties of holynesse and true righteousnes neyther ought we to loue him onely but for him all our brethren as the Apostle reasoneth Brethren if God so loued vs wee ought to loue one another Thus we haue shewed how the taking of the bread by the minister signifyeth the fathers appointing of his sonne the ministers blessing the fathers separating and setting a
communion with the body and blood of christ Heere God is present and sitteth as president at this table he offereth vnto vs his owne sonne for our iustification and therefore this supper must be reuerently regarded and diligently frequented of vs. In this sacrament we are in like manner to consider the partes and the vses thereof The parts are partly outwarde and partly inwarde The outwarde partes are foure First the Minister who is to take the breade and Wine into his hands after the example of christ to seperate the breade and Wine so taken from their common vse to an holy to breake the breade to poure out the Wine and deliuer them both into the hands of all the people present So then they are not consecrated to be priestes of the new testament but preachers of the gospel and ministers of the sacraments and therefore priuate persons may not take this supper to themselues or deliuer it to others The second part is the word of institution this is my body that is this bread is a signe of my body which shortly shall be crucified for you this cuppe is the new testament in my blood that is this wine in the cup is a true sign of my blood presently to be shed to confirme the new couenant of God touching forgiuenes of sinnes and eternal life These words are not properly but figuratiuely to be vnderstood being sacramentall speeches Thus the Scripture speaketh of Circumcision and of the paschall Lambe The third outward part are bread and wine fit signes to signifie our spirituall nourishment by eating the body and drinking the blod of Christ In Baptisme we haue one onely signe but in this supper we haue two to note out our ful and perfect nourishment by Christ. Nether did christ deliuer the deceiueable shewes of bread and wine or cast a mist before the eyes of his desciples to make them thinke it breade which was no bread or wine which was no wine but he gaue them true breade and the true fruit of the vine as the apostle calleth them after the blessing breaking consecration Hereby falleth to the ground the mystery of transubstantiation the most misshapen monster that euer liued or was deuised It bringeth in a false Christ and turneth him into an idoll it maketh Sacraments without signes it maketh Christ to haue an infinite body who is like to vs in all things sinne onely excepted lastly it confoundeth heauen and earth together Neither let any obiect that Christ hath now a glorified body sitting at the right hand of his father and therefore his body hath a great priuiledge aboue ours to be in diuers places at the same time For first when the holy supper was instituted the body of Christ was not glorified Againe glorification doth not take away the nature of a true body but taketh away the infirmity and weaknes thereof Take away space of place from a body and it remaineth no longer a true body but the essence of it is abolished as Austine hath well determined Againe if Christ deliuered both signes the people ought to receiue vnder both kindes so that they may be iustly called church-robbers who haue taken from the people the vse of the cup and wretched depriuers of christes testament depriuing the right heires of their inheritance and ingrossing into their hands the goods of others They make it of the essence of the Sacrament to vse 〈◊〉 bread and to mingle water with wine which christe neuer ordained or commanded but that which is necessary they esteeme as needlesse and superfluous b thus transgressing the commaundement of God by their owne traditions The fourth outward part are the communicantes whose duty it is to take the breade and wine into their hands to eate the bread and to drinke the wine to the norishment of their bodies He did not bid them to reserue the outward signes to holde them and adore them or call the sacrament their Lord and their God he did not command them to offer thē vp to God the father as a propitiatory sacrifice for the quicke and dead as is vsed in their vnbloody or rather most bloody Masse which hath caused so much innocent blood of the blessed martyrs to be shed who being kild for theword of god and the testimony which they maintaind their souls vnder the altar cry day night with a loud voice vnto the L. holy and true to iudg and auenge their blood on them that dwell on the earth Lastly hereby are ouerthrown the priuat Masses of the church of Rome which now grow to be too common canot stand with the communion of Christe who deliuered the signes of bread and wine to all the disciples that were present they did not stand by and gaze one vpon another but receiued the supper of the Lord 〈◊〉 The outward parts haue bin hitherto handled which being rightly perfourmed there followeth consecration which is a seperation of the outward signes from their ordinarie vse to an holy and spirituall vse that whereas before they serued for the body now they are made instrumentes of grace and seales of the righteousnes by faith The inward parts follow which are foure First god the father who appointed his sonne to performe the gratious work of our redemption and in the fulnes of time sent him into the world who died for our sins and rose againe for our iustification Secondly the Holyghost who assureth vs of the truth of gods promises This sheweth that he is true god equall with the father and the son proceeding from the father and the son This 〈◊〉 such as suppose no partaking of the body and blood of christ except he be giuen vs in a carnall and fleshy manner whereas the spirite worketh faith in our hearts which is the ground of thinges which are hoped for and the euidence of thinges which are not seene The thirde inwarde part of the Lordes Supper is the body and blood of Christ deliuered for vs vnto death This conuinceth such of a spirit of errour who make vnbeleeuers and reprob partakers of Chr. body and blood thus his body should be prophaned and his sauing graces seperated from his person But euen as where Satan dwelleth and possesseth the heart there alwaies raigne the workes of darkenes and damnation so the gifts of Christ accompanying saluation are inseperably ioyned with the person of Christ. This also condemneth the reall presence and carnall eating of Christ which forgeth many Christs and reuiueth the Haeresie of Eutiches it crosseth sundry Articles of the christian faith and maketh faithfull men like the vnfaithfull Barbarians that deuoured mans flesh and drunke his blood True it is christ is truely present in the Sacrament howbeit not carnally and corporally but spiritually and mistically He hath giuen himselfe to be the foode of our soules let vs hunger and thirst after him and lay hold on him to
23 1 Psal 15 3 Q what is the tenth commaundement A Thou shalt not couet Q what is forbidden and commaunded in this law A The first motions and lustes to sin before consent are forbidden and loue out of a pure heart and a good conscience is required Rom. 7 7 Q 〈◊〉 any man able to 〈◊〉 these commaundementes A No man is able to 〈◊〉 them Rom iii. xxiii i Ioh i 8 Galath iii Q In what estate stand we by meanes of the breach of the law A We are the children of wrath and euerlasting damnation Gal 3 x Q What is the second part of religion A Faith to beleeue whatsoeuer God hath set down in his word the sum whereof is contained in the apostles creed consisting of twelu articles Q what is the first Article A I beleeue in God the father almighty maker of heauen and earth Q what is the second Article A And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord. Q what is the third Article A which was conceiued by the holy ghost borne of the Virgin Marȳ Q what is the fourth Article A Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell Q what is the 〈◊〉 Article A He rose a gaiue the third day from the dead Q What is the 〈◊〉 article A He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of god the father almighty Q What is the seuenth article A From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead Q What is the eight article A I beleeue in the Holi-ghost Q What is the ninth article A I beleeue the holy Catholick church the communion of Saints Q What is the tenth article A I beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes Q what is the eleuenth article A I beleeue the resurrection of the body Q what is the twelfth article A I beleeue the life euerlasting Q what are the 〈◊〉 points of this Creed A Two concerning God or concerning the church Q what consider you in God A The vnity and the trinity 1 Iohn 5 7. Q what beleeue you of the vnity A I beleeue that in substance there is one only true and almighty God 1 cor 8. 4 Deut. 6 4 Q what beleeue you of the Trinity A I beleeue that in one God there are three distinct persons the father the sonne and the Holyghost Math. 28 19. and 3 16. 17 Q what beleeue you of God the father A I beleeue that he is almightie and therefore hath made all creatures good and gouerneth all things wel Gen. 1 1 Nehem. 9. 6 act 4. 24 Q what beleeue you of the 〈◊〉 A I beleeue that we being borne dead in finnes he came into the world to be a mediatour betweene God and man 1 Tim 2 5 Q what meane you by a mediator A I beleeue that he was sent to reconcile vs to his father and his father vnto vs and so to make peace between God and man Esa 9. 6 Eph 2 16 Q What is required of a mediatour A Two natures Iohn 1 14 Heb. 5. 6 Q what are they A The diuine nature and the human nature Heb 2 16 Q what beleeue you of 〈◊〉 diuine nature A I beleeue that he onely is the naturall sonne of God and therefore God and our Lord Heb. 1 3 Q what beleeue you of his humane nature A I beleeue two things his entrance into the world and the things that followed the same Luke xxiiii xxv xxvi Q what haue we to consider in his entrance into the world A Two things his conception and his birth Q what 〈◊〉 you of his conception A I beleeue he was begotten by the myraculous power and working of the Holi-ghost Luke i 35 Math i. xviii Q what 〈◊〉 you of his birth A I beleeue that he tooke flesh and was borne of a virgine whose name was Mary Math. 1 xx Esa 7 xiiii Q what be the things that followed his entrance and comming into the world A two his fufferings and his glorie Luke xxiii xxv xxvi 46 Q what were his sufferings A Of two sorts in bodie or soule Q what were his sufferings in body A I beleeue that Pontius Pilate the iudge giuing sentence his hands and feet were nailed to a crosse and thereby dying his body was buried in manner as others were and lay for a time vnder the dominion of death Iohn xix xviii 1 cor xv 3 4 Actes xiii xxviii 29 Psal. xxii xvi Q what 〈◊〉 you of his sufferings in soule A I beleeue that he suffered in his soule the fierce wrath of his father kindled for our sinnes to deliuer vs from the curse of the law Luke xxii 44 Gal 3 xiii Q what things are to be considered touching his glory A Three things eyther his glory which is past or present or to come 1 Pet 3. xxi xxii act i. xi Q what beleeue you touching his glorie past A His resurrection and his assention act 1 2 3 Q what beleeue you touching his resurrection A I beleeue that although for a space his bodie laie dead in graue yet after three dayes he raised it vp and gaue it life againe Math 28 6 2 cor 13 4 Ioh x 17. xviii Q what beleeue you of his ascending into heauen A I beleeue that his body being vnited againe to his soule he was personallie taken vp into the heauens after that he had bene conuersant vpon the earth 40 dayes acts 1 9 Q what is his glory present A He sitteth at the right hand of the father Marke 16 19 Q what meane you thereby A I beleeue that his father hath aduanced him into the highest honour and hath committed vnto him the gouernement of all things in heauen and earth Heb. 1 3 Psal. 110. 1 Q what is his glory to come A He shal come from heauen to iudge the quick and the dead Math. 25 31 Act 1 xi Q what meane you thereby A I beleeue that in the end of the worlde all flesh shall appeare before him both of those that haue bene deade from the beginning of the world and of those also that then shall be liuing and that then as an vpright iudge he shall throw the wicked into perpetuall cursednesse and aduance the righteous to euerlasting blessednes Math 25 32 33 1 Thes. 4. 16. 17. Reuel 20. 12 xiii x iii. Q what beleeue you of the Holy-ghost A I beleeue that he is God proceeding from the father and the sonne and 〈◊〉 all the children of God Rom 8 xi Q what beleeue you of the Church A Two things first that there is one holy Catholicke church Secondly that there are 〈◊〉 giuen vnto it Math xvi 18 Q what meane'you by a chruch A The whole company of the faithfull seruants of God which euer wer from the beginning which also be now and shal be to the end of the 〈◊〉 of which number I beleeue that I am one Iohn 10. 16 Q why do you call it holy A because none can be 〈◊〉 to God vnlesse he
are present to communicate and receiue this were to commit sacriledge not to deliuer a Sacrament Wherefore vnlesse there be a body to be washed except there be communicants to partake the Supper there can be no Sacrament This appeareth by the words of God to Abraham giuing vnto him circumcision saying Euery male-child of eight daies old shall be circumcised This also appeareth in the words of Christ speaking of baptisme and charging the Apostles to baptize the nations in the name of the father and of the son of the Holy-ghost Where he teacheth that it is not sufficient to take water but there must be a washing So. when he speaketh of his supper he saith Take ye eate ye drinke ye so that there must not only be bread but giuing taking and eating there must not onely bee wine but giuing taking and drinking thereof This truth being euidently deliuered let vs see how it may be profitably applied First of all must the Sacraments necessarily be receiued Then it teacheth that the Sacraments without their lawfull vse are no sacraments at all they are no signes of grace if they be not vsed This condemneth the keeping reseruing holding vp and carying about with pompe and ostentation the Lords supper offering vp kneeling downe vnto and adoring a piece of bread all which are horrible prophanations of that comfortable Sacrament whereby the people isrobbed and depriued of a precious part of their peace in Christ. The bread feedeth not the body reuiueth not the spirits strengthneth not the heart by looking and gazing vpon it by touching and handling it but by eating digesting and feeding vpon it so doth the sacrament strengthen faith not by reseruing and keeping it but by vsing and receiuing of it For sacramentes are actions not dumbe shewes Christ saide not Heare ye see ye gaze re on but baptize ye eate ye drinke ye doe ye this in remembrance of me Secondly are the receiuers an outward part of the Sacrament Then the persons that are to receiue must know that diuers duties are to bee done and performed of them The persons then that are to receiue must ioyne with the Minister in prayer in quickning their faith in the couenant and promises ofGod beholding the former works of the Minister blessing breaking pouring out and distributing ratifieng them in their harts and lastly by receiuing and applying to themselues the visible signes For as we haue shewed if the words of baptisme should be rehearsed ouer the water and no person to be present to be baptized it is no baptisme so if the words of institution in the supper should be spoken and repeated without eating without drinking without receiuing it were no Sacrament Wherefore we must all learne to detest the absurd opinion of Bellarmine and other procters of the Romish religion which teache that the breade and Wine being once consecrate whither they be receiued or reserued whither they bee distributed to be eaten and drunke or whether they be kept in boxes and vessels of the Church for daies moneths and long times and carried solemnly in procession are notwithstanding still the Sacrament of the body and bloode of Christ. Against which dotage wee spake in the former vse and shall speake more in the third booke following Lastly if the receiuing be an outward part then we are not to rest in the outward participation for so farre went Iudas in the Passeouer so farre went Simon that sorcerer in baptisme and so farre went the Israelites as the Apostle sheweth They were all baptized vnto Moses in the cloud and in the sea they did all eat the same spirituall meat and did al drink the same spirituall drinke c yet with many of them was not god pleased but they were ouerthrowne in the Wildernesse And therefore Iohn Baptist said to the Pharisees and Saduces when he saw them come to his baptisme O generation of vipers who hath forewarned you to flee from the anger to come bring foorthe therefore fruit worthy amendment of life Now our righteousnes must exceede the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharisees if wee woulde enter into the kingdome of heauen Let vs all therefore haue this profitable meditatiō so often as we deale with the Sacraments and come vnto them we must looke further then to the outward sight we must consider more then the externall signe otherwise as we approch without preparation so we depart without edification And thus much of the foure outward parts of a Sacrament to wit the minister the word the signe and the receiuer Chap. 8. Of consecration BEfore we proceede to the inward parts of a Sacrament answerable to the outward by a fit proportition it shall not be amisse in this place to speake somewhat of the Consecration of a sacrament First wee must consider what it is for the truth being knowne it will cast downe errour as the light scattereth the darknesse To consecrate then is to take a thing from the ordinary and common vse and to appoint it to some holy vse This therefore is Consecration sanctification and dedication of the outward signes to apply them to an holy purpose This is done partly by the minister partly by the people and partly by them both The minister taketh the water in Baptisme which signifieth the blood of Christ and he poureth it on the person of the baptized he taketh the bread in the Lords supper and breaketh it he taketh the wine and poureth it out he deliuereth them both the people take and receiue they eate and drinke in remembrance of Christ and both minister and people ioynein praier and thanksgiuing vnto God the father for the mistery of our redemption accomplished by Christ our sauiour so that the sacrament is consecrated by the whole action of the minister and people together This maketh the difference betweene common water and the water in Baptisme this maketh the difference betweene that bread and wine of the Supper and the bread and wine which is vsed for ordinary meate and drinke True it is in nature in essence in substance there is none but in the ende and vse Common water we vse for the washing of our bodies but the water in Baptisme is sanctified by prayer to an other vse to be a signe of the clonsing of the soule Bread and wine at mens tables in their houses are set before them for the nourishment of their bodies but at the Lords l'able they are ordained of God to an higher and holier vse euen to be signes of the bodye and blood of Christ. This is noted by the Euangelistes and by the Apostle Paule that the Lord Iesus before he brake the bread and gaue it he blessed and gaue thankes to his father that he had appointed him to be the redeemer of the world and giuen him authority to institute this Sacrament in remembrance of his death and passion For wheras the Euangelist Mathew saith he blessed the other by way
condemneth those that speake euill of men as too precise too nise too pure for their profession because they run not into the same excesse of ryot with others These are not too precise but such as scoffe at al profession are too prophane It is good to be earnest in the matters of god prouided that our zeale be tempered with discretion and all Newtets be odious to God as it is said to the Church of the Laodiceans I knowe thy workes that thou art neither cold nor hot I woulde thou werest colde or hotte therefore because thou art Luke warme and neither colde nor hot it shall come to passe that I shall spew thee out of my mouth Wherefore let vs not be discouraged in wel-doing but walking through good report and euill report let vs remember that as christ is our Lord and master so our profession and the sacraments are our badges Lastly we see what our estate and condition is that we are not our owne but are subiect to Christ to serue him For we do beare his badge then he is our maister If he bee our Maister where is the feare and reuerence due vnto him Is it not meet we shoulde shewe our selues thankefull for so great mercies and gifts Were it not intollerable vnthankefulnes and vnsufferable pride for any man to wear the cognizance of another and yet to scorne his seruice and deny him duty Might not one worthily check and controul him as Christ did the 〈◊〉 who vnwillingly paid such taxes and tributes as were laid vpon them Hee called for a penny said unto them Whose image and superscription is this They said vnto him Caesars He ansuered Giue therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesars and giue to God the thinges that are Gods So likewise might one say fitly whose badge wearest thou whose Armes bearest thou on thysleeue Doth not this put thee in mind of thy state and condition and of the seruice and honor thou owest thy Maister In like manner may it be said to vs whose badge bearest thou Is it not Christes we are not therefore our owne men as the Apostle reasoneth and concludeth 1. Cor. 6. Know yee not that your bodie is the temple of the Holy-ghost which is in you whome ye haue of God and ye are not your owne For you are bought with a price therfore glorifie God in your body in your spirit for they are Gods So many therefore as come without knowledge and true repentance break their faith giuen to Christ and betray the body of christ as much as in them lyeth Wherefore to the right vse and partaking of the sacraments there is required the knowledge of god in three persons especialy of the persō of christ perfect God and perfect man and of his three offices to saue his people to be their Priest perfectly by his sacrifice to reconcile and iustifie them to be their king by the gouernement of his church to kill sin in them to sanctifie them to be their teacher to instruct them in the wil of his heauēly father After these is required true faith and earnest repentance otherwise we cannot receiue christ in the sacraments Put food into the mouth of a dead man it cannot nourish him so if one that is vnworthy and vnfit lying dead rotting in his sin do come to the sacramēts certainly they do not giue him life and worthines but such a one doth lade himselfe with a greater burden of sin and punishment Whosoeuer shall eat this bread and drinke the cup of the Lord vnworthily shall be guiltie of the bodie and blood of the Lorde he eateth and drinketh his 〈◊〉 iudgement because he discerneth not the Lords bodie Chap 16. Of the number of Sacraments HItherto we haue spoken of the chiefe vses of the sacraments now we are come to speake of the number of sacraments according as we take the name and haue declared the nature of them Let vs see then howe manie such visible signes and seales of spirituall grace in the new testament were iustituted of God to set forth the benefits of christ for the continuall vse of the church Many liue in the bosom of the church hear the word come to publick praier take themselus to be goodly christians offer themselues to the lordes table and are made partakers of the Sacrament who yet are ignorant how many sacraments ther are what they are None almost so simple but can number his sheep and cattel he knoweth their marks he knoweth their differences but aske him how many commaundements of the law how many Articles of faith how many petitions of the Lords prayer or how many Sacraments of the New Testament he can answere nothing Such haue their wits wholly exercised on the world and on wordly things which iustle out religion the knoledge of heauenly things If we haue eares to heare let vs heare what is the faith os the Church in this point grounded vpon the infallible rule and rocke of the word of God The sacraments of the church ordained by Christ to assure our communion with him are onely two baptisme whereby we are receiued into the couenant of God in steed of circumcision and the Lordes supper whereby we are nourished maintained and retained therein insteed of the Passeouer For albeit the couenant be but one yet the seales there of are two to assure vs that by vnion with Christ we are regenerated and shall be nourished to eternall life He hath deliuered vs a few sacraments insteade of many he coulde haue instituted moe if he had thought it good for the benefit of the Church These are as it were the two eies wherby we see and behold the promises of God These are as the two hands whereby we after a sort do handle Christ crucified and lay hold on the graces of saluation Christ hath appointed no mo sacraments he hath laide on vs an easie yoke and a light burden That these two are the onely sacraments of the new testament may appear by these few reasons following First christ taught no more to his Apostles the Apostles deliuered no mo to the churches the churches embraced no moe for many yeares When the Lord Iesus liued on the earth he instituted baptisme by the ministery of Iohn baptist who as he was sent to prepare the harts of the people so he preached the baptisme of repentance Afterward the Lord Iesus established it with his owne mouth in the commission giuen to his disciples he appointed and himself first administred his last supper in remembrance of his deth vntil his 2. comming againe with power and great glory These two true sacraments of the church to wit baptisme and the lords supper were instituted and warranted by the mouth of christ himselfe and none other beside these These we receiue because christ ordained them other we receiue not because he ordained them not Secondly the Apostle Paule admonisheth the
other If then any should baptize otherwise then in the name of the Trinity or should name the sonne to be vnequall to the father or should deny the proceeding of the Holy-ghost or should baptize in the name of the Virgin Mary and the Saints this cannot be the Sacrament of baptisme instituted by Christ but a Ceremony made voide and frustrate by our owne inuentions Chap. 5. Of the third outward part of baptisme THe third outward part of baptisme is the element of water which is the matter whereof baptisme consisteth This truth is taught in diuerse places of the new testament Indeeds I baptize with water And Ioh. 1 because he should bee declared to Israell therefore am I come baptizing with water Knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water he saide vnto me vpon whom thou shalt see the spirit come 〈◊〉 and tarrie still on him that is he which baptizeth with the Holy-ghost So Act. 8 36. As they went on their way they came vnto a 〈◊〉 ater and the Enuruch said See heere is water what doth let me to be baptized then he commaunded the chariot to stand stil and they went downe both vnto the water both Phillip and the Eunuch and he baptized him And chap. 10. Can anie man forbidde water that these should not be baptized which haue receiued the Holy-ghost as well as we Nothing is so apt to set sorth the blood of christ and his merits as water which is sit to clense and wash and leaueth no filth behind vpon the body by which outwarde worke Christ would haue vs feele the inward purging and purifying of the soule The vse of this outward part is three-fold First it teacheth that the minister may not baptize with any other liquor and element then with naturall common and ordinarie water whereunto answere the flood the red sea and the Iewish purifyings vnder the law The curious questions whether wanting water we may baptise with sande or water distilled and compounded came at the first from the dangerous and bloody opinion that they are damned which die vnbaptised If any demaund whether sweet waters and distilled may be taken and vsed or mingled with common water especially when children of such as are in high place are to be baptised sealed into the couenant therby to note a difference betweene person and person forasmuch as god hath listed vp the head of one aboue another I answere all power is indeede of god and we with hart and tongue do giue honour to whome honour pertaineth and feare to whome feare belongeth Notwithstanding all mixture of the water is mans inuention and an human tradition which in GODS woorshippe is not to be admitted Whatsoeuer is mingled with common Water is a corruption whatsoeuer the partie be that is baptised The Apostle teacheth that the church hath all one baptisme not one manner of baptizinge the poore and another of baptizing the rich Besides why might wee not allowe mixture of water with Wine in the Lordes supper as well as the mixture of compound water with common water in the sacrament of baptisme Furthermore if there might lawfully bee admitted a different manner of baptising the children of rich-men and the children of poore men then in the other Sacrament the like distinction might be receiued and so a finer kinde of breade be prouided for the richer sort by themselues and a courser sort for the poore by themselues which seperation the Apostle reproueth in the church of 〈◊〉 and calleth it a despising of the Church and a shaming of the poore For in the exercises of religion there ought to be no difference of persons for all are one in Christ Iesus and therefore the Noble Eunuch mentioned Act 8. was baptised by Phillip with ordinary water Now if no composition may be mingled then much lesse may any other signe be vsed and so the element clean chaunged and the ordinance of God altred for the church of God hath no liberty to bring any other signe in place of water If a man were baptised with sande with bloude with wine with milke with snowe with oyle and such lickor it is no baptisme at all but a meere voide and ydle action such a person must afterwarde be sprinkled or washed with water not that any should be rebaptized but because all persons should be once baptised the former action being meerely frustrate Although the forme of words be retained in the administration which our sauiour commandeth and the body be washed in the name of the three persons the father the sonne and the Holy-ghost yet if such an errour be committed in the matter that the signe be changed and another foysted in contrary to the precept of Christ and practise of the Apostles ther is a nullitie of the whole work the partie be-sanded or be-bloodied or oyled is erroneously and vnlawfully not truely and effectuallye baptised Nadab and Abihu are smitten with lightning from heauen for bringing strange fire into the tabernacle whereas they should haue taken of that fire which GOD had appointed though other fire would as well haue consumed the offering And are not all other elementes as strange fire that are brought into this sacrament beside water Or haue we greater liberty to change Gods ordinaunces in the gospell then the Iewes had vnder the Law When GOD appointed the burnt offering to be offered and commanded the people to bring either bullocks out of the heard either Sheepe or Goates out of the folde either Turtle-doues or young Pigeons from amonge the birds being thus limited and restrained might they bring an Asse or an Elephant or a Camell unto him might they cut osf a dogges necke or offer swines flesh before the Lord So whereas God hath ordained the sacrament of baptisme to be administred and hath willed it to bee done with water most common most vsuall most plentifull most fit most significant shall we take sand or saw-dust oyle or other element then god hath allowed The Lorde likewise threatning a generall dearth of Corne Wine and Oyle of which things many of their offeringes and oblations consisted sheweth that the priestes shoulde Weepe and waile because the Meat-offerings and Drinke-offeringes should cease But what neede was there either that the priests shoulde haue lamented or the offeringes haue ceased if they might haue vsed other elementes other signes or other matter then GOD approoued If they might haue taken water in steed of wine or Milke in stead of oyle Or if they might haue taken vncleane beastes in stead of cleane Or the Fishes of the Sea in steade of the Beastes of the fielde Or creeping thinges for their Offerings in steed of such as chewe the cudde and diuide the hoofe Nowe howe can it bee better Warraunted to vs to take oyle for Water then it was for them to take Water for oyle Againe heereby all Popish corruptions and mixtures brought into this
yet I saw neuer the righteous for saken nor his feed begging bread And againe Tast ye and see how 〈◊〉 the Lord is blessed is the 〈◊〉 that trusteth in him Feare the Lord ye his saints for nothing wanteth to them that feare him The Lyons do lacke and suffer hunger but they which seeke the Lorde shall want nothing that is good Loe how the man shal be blessed that feareth God not onely in his owne person but in his children inasmuch as our seed is no lesse dear to him then we are as Psal 115. He will blesse them that feare the lord both small and great the Lord will encrease his graces towarde you and toward your children And to the same purpose the prophet 〈◊〉 Chap 32. saith They shal be my people and I will be their God and I will giue them one heart and one way that they may feare me for euer for the wealth of them and of their children after them Let vs all rest in his words and rely vppon his mercifull promises He is not as man that he should lie nor as the sonne of man that he should deceiue He hath said he will be our God and the God of our seed that we leaue behind vs. Behold O Lord the words of thine own lips consider the promises that are gone out of thine owne mouth We know thou art true and faithfull in all thy sayings thou wilt not alter the things which thou hast written with thine owne finger on thee we wait and in thee we put our trust let it be vnto thy seruantes according to thy free promise and according to thy gratious couenant that we may feele the accomplishment thereof in our soules Seuenthly all parents are heereby to be warned and admonished that seeing the promise of forgiuenes of sinnes and the kingdome of heauen belongeth to their seede and consequently the signe and seale therof they must be carefull to bring them vp in the true knowledge and feare of God as Eph 6. Fathers prouoke not your chrildren to wrath but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lord So Moses teacheth Exod 12 26 27. When their children should aske them touching the paschall lambe that then it is their duty to declare and deliuer to them the true cause and occasion thereof Likewise so often as we consider how our children are by grace accepted by baptisme consecrated vnto God and 〈◊〉 made heires of life and saluation it standeth vs vppon to plant and water the sauing knowledge of Christ Iesus in them For what should it profit vs to leaue them great riches and large possessions and make them for want of instruction and information in the waies of God the children of hel If we do no more but feed them and giue them meat and drinke what do we for them which we do not 〈◊〉 the Oxe and Asse Or if our chiefest care be to cloth them wel and to apparrell them warme what doe we which the Turkes and infidels do not as wel as we Haue not they as great a portion in this as we but our obedience to the wil of God and duty to our children must exceede theirs if we will enter into the kingdome of heauen Whereby we see that they are greatly deceiued who when they haue made honest prouision for the sustenance and sustentation of their children in this world wil say they haue done their part although they haue not taught them to know God these haue the greatest and chiefest account to make for their soules Now if this be a greeuous sinne to neglect the teaching of our children the feare of God then they increase and double their iniquity who by their corrupt example do lead them into euil and so murther their soules For children in steade of godly and religious instruction do oftentimes heare their fathers sweare swagger lie raile and slaunder see them deale deceitfully and vniustly and marke their walking in euery euill way making their houses as it were any mage and representation of Hell it selfe by practise of all manner of abhominations leading therevnto Lastly this doctrine is very comfortable to children themselus For howsoeuer they cannot know or remember their owne baptisme yet they are to consider that they liue in a church and among a people where infants are ordinarily baptized and sealed with the signe of the couenant of God Besides it is and euer hath bin of auncient time a laudable custome in the church to haue speciall witnesses men of credit and estimation of euery childes and infants baptisme whome commonly wee call God-fathers and God-mothers The steps of this truth may be traced out if we consider what the Pprophet Esay saith Chap 8 where he declareth that so soone as his wife had borne him a son he gaue him his name which was done at circumcision and tooke two faithfull witnesses Uriah and Zechariah to testifie the circumcision of his sonne and the solemne giuing to him of that name in the presence of the congregation And howsoeuer Uriah walked not with a right foot but turned aside from the pure worshippe of God to set vp the idolatrous Alter after the fashion of Damascus to seede the fancy of Ahaz yet he was a man of reputation whose testimony was sufficient to assure the naming of the prophets sonne because the times to come woulde be troublesome and full of many calamities For their children were named when they were circumcised as now our children are named when they are baptized So likewise the Church oftentimes lyeth vnder the crosse and is subiect to persecution as the Woman driuen into the Wildernesse Reuelations 12 6 and so the baptisme of many members might many times be doubted of and called into question forasmuch as no impressionabideth in the flesh as there did in circumcision the Churches haue thought it conuenient to require certaine men to bee as speciall witnesses of infantes their bringing to Christ and to the church by baptisme and of their names giuen them in their baptisme Seeing therefore children are baptized and haue by this meanes no assurance giuen them of their baptisme they haue a marueilous benefit bestowed vpon them that they so soone obtaine the partaking of CHRIST and all his benefits God worketh in the children of the faithfull belonging to his couenant by waies vnknowne to vs as Iohn Baptist is saide to be filled with the Holy-ghost from his Mothers 〈◊〉 and they are called holy by the Apostle insomuch that they cannot perish whom God calleth some sooner and some later all in his owne appointed time as seemeth good to his heauenly pleasure The remembrance whereof when children come to age greatly comforteth them in the loue and feare of God when they call to mind that they are so greatly esteemed and highly regarded of GOD from the first comming into the worlde before they had the vse of speech of reason and of vnderstanding
Christ Iesus shed his blood for them he dyed for all the children of God he redeemed them whether they be old or young smal or great as Ioh. 11. He must die not for that nation onely but should gather together in one the children of God which are scattered And the same Apostle Reuel 12. saith I saw the dead both great and small stand before God and the bookes were opened and another booke was opened which is the booke of life and the dead were iudged of those things written in those bookes according to their workes Wherefore when children shall come to yeares of discretion and vnderstanding they must heereby be pricked forward to an earnest care and indeuour to walke in the feare of God and to serue him in holynesse and righteousnesse all the daies of their life by whom they were receiued for sonnes and adopted for his children by a solemne pledge of their adoption before they were able through their age to know and acknowledge him for their father Let them giue the first fruites of their life to God let them learne to beare the yoake of obedyence from their youth let them redresse and reforme their waies by taking heede to the word of truth and seeing God hath remembred them in their baptisme let them also remember their creator in the daies of their youth and begin to be wise betimes least death come suddainely and cut them off as the sluggard that for-sloweth the seasons of plowing and reaping wisheth for them in vaine at another time of the yeare Thus we haue shewed the baptisme of children the certaine truth thereof hath beene euidently proued the obiections against this truth aledged haue been susficiently answered and the vses of it to the great comfort of all faithfull parentes and Children haue beene particularly remembred Chap. 8. Of the first inward part of baptisme HItherto we haue handled al the outward parts of baptisme now we are orderly to proceede to the inwarde partes The inward parts of baptisme are such as are represented by the outward Those are foure in number first God the father secondly the spirit thirdly Christ fourthly the soule clensed as we see Math. 28 19. Teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy-ghost he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued Heer we see these foure inward parts are named and expressed This is also euidently proued Math 3 in the baptisme of Christ where the Trinity of persons was manifested These inward parts do directly and fitly answeare to the outward The father is represented by the Minister the spirit worketh by the worde Christ is sealed by the water and the soule clensed is signified by the body that is washed Now there is a notable agreement a singular vnion and fit proportion betweene these partes where the minister hath relation and reference to the father the word to the spirit the water to Christ and the body dipped to the faithfull clensed For euen as the minister by the word of institution taketh and applyeth the water to the washing of the bodye so God the father through the working of the spirite offereth and applyeth the blood of Christ to the clensing of the faithfull Hauing seene the proportion of the parts between themselues let vs consider of them particularly and in order The first inward part is God the father represented by the minister The minister calling vpon the name of God vseth the water to wash and washeth the party baptized with the element of water which sealeth vp gods incorporating and ingrafting of the baptized into Christ and our spirituall regeneration Hence it is that when Iohn baptized the father was present as president of the worke when loe his voice came from heauen saying This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased Now let vs come to the vses This 〈◊〉 first of all to strengthen our faith in the remission of our fins in imputation of Christs righteousnes in mortification of sinne by the force of Christs death and in sanctification through Christs resurrection Wherefore although the Minister doth nothing touching or towarde the clensing of the soule yet in regard of Gods ordinance and our benefit the ministery of man is somewhat which whosoeuer despiseth doth despise God the author of it For whensoeuer the eye of the body seeth the minister powring on the water and washing the body we must behold by saith god the father offering the blood of his own son to be water of life to our soules And let vs all make this vse of the Churches baptism to the comfort of our own harts so often as we see it administred let vs not rest in it as in a work done to another and nothing concerning our selues but euermore helpe our inward affection by the outwarde action and alwaies as the eye of the body beholdeth the Minister let the eye of the faith be fastned firmely vppon the Father who maketh the Sacramentall rites auaileable which are openly done before vs for our edification Again it teacheth that we must not rest in the outward washing nor in the externall actions of the Minister but euer consider what is offered to our considerations therin and when the father offereth to vs his sonne let vs not refuse him For he that satisfieth himselfe with the outwarde work is as he that catcheth after the shadow and regardeth not the substance or as one that maketh much of the garments but respecteth little the body it self which ought to be had in greatest price and estimation Lastly is God the father an inward part of baptism then we must take heed we giue not that to the Minister which is proper to god the father whereby hee is robbed of the honor and glory due to his great name The Minister may wash the body and clense the flesh but can goe no further he medleth not with sanctification of the conscience from dead workes which is not in the power of mortall man to do so that god giueth the thing and men giue the signe yea while the Minister offereth the one God the father giueth the other Chap. 9 Of the second inward part of Baptisme THe second inwarde part of baptisme is the spirit of God hauing relation to the word and promise of God This appeareth Math 3 11 He baptizeth with the holy-ghost and with fire And verse 16 When Christ was baptized the heauens were opened vnto him and he saw the spirit discending like a doue and lighting vpon him So the apostle 1 Cor 6 saith ye are washed ye are sanctified ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our God And chap. 12 of the same Epistle By oke spirit we are all baptized into one body whether we be Iewes or Graecians whether we be bonde or free and haue beene all made to drinke into one spirit And Tit 3.
the malicious man as the Apostle teachech 1 Cor. 11 18 20. When ye come together in the church I heare that there are dissentions among you this is not to eate the Lordes Supper Wherefore in that the people communicate of one and the same bread of one and the same wine it signifieth the vnion and agreement betweene all the faithfull in one body where of Christ Icsns is the head who loued vs decrely and spared not his life for vs. Let vs ioyne our selues together in loue according to the exhortation of the Apostle Rom 15 5 6. The God of patience and consolation giue you that ye 〈◊〉 like minded one toward another according to Christ Iesus that yee with one minde and with one mouth may praise God euen the father of our Lord Iesus Christ. All beleeuers must bee of one heart and minde the Wolfe and the lambe the Lyon and the calfe must dwell together in the kingdome of Christ for all are one in Christ Iesus For the Apostle hauing taught that the cup which we blesse and the bread which we breake are the communion of the body and blood of christ he addeth We that are many are one bread and one body because we are all partakers of one bread and therefore he saith 1 cor 11. When ye come together to eate tary one for another The second title giuen to this Sacrament is the Lords Supper by which name it is nowe most vsually and commonly called both because it was so instituted by Christ after his last Supper and is celebrated in the remembrance of CHRIST Heereby we learne first who is the author of this Sacrament not Peter not Paule not any of the Apostles not any man not any angell but Christ Iesus God and man and therefore it is not called the Supper of the Apostles or of any man but of CHRIST himselfe as the Apostle speaketh of baptisme Was Paule crucified for you Either were yee baptized into the name of Paule I baptized none into mine oxne name Wherefore this title serueth to teach vs and to put vs in minde of the author of this Sacrament Secondly seeing this sacrament is not a common supper but an holy and heauenly banket fully furnished not to fill the body but to feede the soule we must come with an earnest desire and longing after CHRIST hungring and thirsting after his righteousnesse and merites as after our life to bee made pattakers thereof For neuer did the body more stand in neede of corporall foode then doth the soule of this Bread of life which came downe from heauen which the father hath promited to giue vnto vs Lastly it condemneth our English Rhemistes and other romish readers of Popish diuinity that wholly condemne this name and title as vnproper and vnfit for this sacrament and vnderstande the Apostle to speake of the loue-feastes when he speaketh of the Lords Supper Indeed in the Apostles times they vsed to meete to gither in one common place not onely for the hearing of the worde for the receiuing of the Sacraments and for prayer to God but to keep certaine feasts which of their end or vse were called feasts of charity as Iude speaketh But of these the Apostle speaketh not when he named the Lordes Supper For first let them shew vs the place where euer these Loue-feasts are called the Lords Supper and then they may warrant their exposition by some colour otherwise wee cannot receiue their interpretation being of priuate motion Secondly if this title were ment of Loue-feastes to what purpose should the Apostle bring in the institution of the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ and largely handle the doctrin therof Wher as their abuses in their loue-feasts might be reformed and 〈◊〉 without this mention and remembraunce of the supper Thirdly to what end should these solemn feasts and bankets be called the Lordes supper which were not instituted in the honour of Christ but to testifie the mutuall loue of those that were members of the same body hauing God for their mercifull father the church for their tender mother and Christ for their elder brother These might rather be called the supper of men then of the Lorde being feasts of charity not of piety Fourthly the Apostles drift and purpose in this place is to teach that such as norish discention and diuision partake the Lords supper vnworthily and therefore willeth them when they come to communicate with the Lord to shake out of their minds all vncharitable affections as chaffe from good corn that so they may assemble togither with profit and not with hurt Last of al to call this sacrament by the name of the lords supper is vsuall among the ancient fathers of the church grounding themselues from the authority of the scripture and example of the Apostle 〈◊〉 some of their owne Writers call this sacrament and expound the words of saint Paule to the Corinthians If therefore they will rest themselues either in the true interpretation of the scripture or in the exposition of the auncient fathers or in the confession of their owne Writers we cannot doubt but the Apostle meaning the Lords Supper vnderstandeth the sacrament of the bodye and blood of Christ. The next title giuen to this sacrament is the breaking of bread which offereth to our considerations these vses not to be passed ouer First it she weth that the substance of bred remaineth after the words of consecration and is not altered by any strange transubstantiation For when the Apostle saith This is my body which is broken for you properly it cannot be vnderstood of the body of Christ which was not broken but of his crucifying and death by a figuratiue speech taken from the substance of the bread which christ brake to distribute it among his Disciples and to represent effectually his suffering for vs. The accidents of bread cannot be broken as we shal see afterward no more then they can feed and nourish Besides we learne heerby that tropes and figures are vsed in the Sacrament contrary to the opinion and assertion of the church of Rome as wee make plaine by the institution and as we constraine the aduersaries themselues to confesse as when it is said his body was broken where the lyterall sence cannot be retained seeing a bone of him could not be broken Likewise when it is saide the cup is the newe testament the rock was Christ the bread is the communion of the body of christ these and such like cannot be interpreted without a figure Lastly seeing of this one action the whole sacrament hath his denomination as appeareth in many places Act ii 42. and xx 7. and 1 Cor xi xxiiii we must hold that as the Apostles and other Ministers of the church were wont in the administration of the supper to breake the bread so must we follow their example as they also followed the example
serpēt which was not before and Lots wife was turned into that pillar which was not before But the body of Christ is before their transubstanriation wherupon it follow weth that the bread cannot be changed into his body The 15. reason if Christ did 〈◊〉 the bread into his body when he saud This is my body then in like manner the Apostle did 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of the Corinthians into the body of Christ when 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Now ve are the bodie of christ and members for your 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 can they alleage why 〈◊〉 should be in the one sentence more thē in the other For the whole colledge and company of diuines of Rome and Rhemes and all the multitude of papistes through out the world shall neuer be better able to proue their transubstantiation out of these words This is my body then out of the other 〈◊〉 are the body of Christ. The 16. reason if the bread were turned into the body of Christ and receiued in the mouth it should go farre better with our bodies then with our soules because our bodyes should really receiue the body of Christ but our soules should not being spirits and bodies cannot be mingled and intermedled with spirits Wherefore we cannot beleeue and receiue this real conuersion of one substance into another The 17. reason if the bread be transubstantiated into the body of christ and so receiued by vs then either it is turned into our bodies or vanisheth away into nothing or returneth and departeth back into heauen But it is not turned into our bodily substance for then we should grow bodily and not spiritually carnally not mistically into one person with him neither doth it vanish to nothing for this were horrible blasphemy once to imagine and conceiue of the body of christ neither doth it depart into heauen for he was there before and the heauens containe him to the end of all things Therefore the bread cannot be said to be turned into the body of christ except one of these be granted And thus also we may reason of the wine If it be turned into the blood of Christ it must necessarily passe into our substance or vanish away or returne to the heauens for no fourth way can be imagined But none of these can stand either with diuinity or phylosophy either with faith or reason either with scripture or nature and therfore consequently transubstantiation must fall The 18. reason if the disciples had not vnderstood christ to call the bread his body sacramentally they would haue beene greatly troubled who often doubted of the least things and demaunded the vnderstanding of them As the hearers of Christ Ioh. 6 supposing he had spoken of a carnal manner of eating his flesh were troubled and offended saying How can this man giue vs his flesh to eate And vers 60 This is an heard saying who can heare it Wherefore who seeth not that they would haue marueiled and required farther if they had vnderstood christ to haue changed the bread into his body and the wine into his blood But they doubt not they demand not they maruaile not they murmur not and therfore beleeue not this iugling of transubstantiation or turning of one substance into another And if they beleeued it not how should we receiue it The 19. argument it ouerturneth sundry Articles of our Christian faith Wee beleeue that Christ Iesus was begotten of the father before all worldes and borne in time of the Virgin Mary this the Scripture teacheth this the Creed deliuereth this euery true Christian professeth and beleeueth But if the bread be transubstantiated into the body of Christ and the wine into the blood of christ then his body is made and borne of bread and wine and the priest after the words of consecration may say a little pretty son is borne vnto vs and newly made Againe we beleeue that Christ was crucified and died for our sins that he was buried rose againe ascended and sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty But if the body of Christ bee made of bread as often as the Eucharist is celebrated then Christ being on the Crosse might be elsewhere then on the Crosse when he died he might be where he suffered nothing lying in the graue he might bee out of the graue yea hee might be in the graue after his resurrection and rising out of the graue wherof notwithstanding the Angels said he is not heere Lastly we beleeue that christ shall come from heauen to iudge the quick and dead and that in the same manner he ascended whom we doubt not but men shall see as Reuel 1. 7. Euery eye shall see him yea euen they which pierced him through But if Christes body be made of bread he shall stare and start out of the pixe and not come from heauen and that in another shape then when he ascended nay thus he shold come daily vnto vs yet no man can see him nor perceiue his cōming Al these deuises ouerthrow foundation of faith sauour of nouelty and bring in heresie against all certaine grounds of true religion The 20. argument if by vertue of Christs words transubftantiation were brought to passe and the true body of christ were really present on the earth then the bread should be changed into whole Christ that is into his body indued with his magnitude quantity quality colour and all his dimensions For Christ said not at his supper this is the substance of my body without accidents but This is my body which is giuen for you and which is broken for you Therefore the body was visible and seene of them all it was felt it had all accidents agreeable thereunto and the substance of Christs body alone without his qualities was not crucified on the Crosse neither yet could be crucified Not withstanding we see not Christs body vpon the earth nor any adioy nt thereof is perceiued or discerned Where are they then Are they in substance of christs body which is in heauen And not in the substance of his body which is on the earth Then they make Christ to haue two distinct bodies for one and the same body cannot haue his properties and dimensions and yet bee without them which necessarily implyeth a contradiction and consequently falsehood especially considering how great a difference they make betweene the body of Christ in heauen and this body that lieth and lurketh vnder the accidents and shewes of bread in their box The 21. reason it destroyeth the nature of a true body it taketh away the defence vsed against heretickes and bringeth in the heresies of Marcion of Eutiches and the Manichics which denied Christ to haue a solid and true humane body held that he had only a phantastical body without any materiall flesh blood or bone in appearance and sight some what but in deed and substance nothing For they teach that his body is in infinite places at once those discontinued voyd of quantity and
the graue with them I thinke to declare it to all the world they wish Christ dead buried and forgotten for euer that the byshop of Rome might with his shauelings rule and raign as a God vpon the earth Can light and darkenesse can heauen and earth fire and water sweete and sower be more contrary then these vaine things to the institution of Christ Who neuer said keep it in vessels hang it vnder Canopies carry it in processions giue it to the dead lay it vp in their tombes bring it abroad in common iudgements but take ye eat ye drinke ye and by receiving eating and drinking shew yee forth the Lordes death vntill hee come to iudgement to iudge the quicke and the dead This Sacrament is an holy feast an heauenly banket and therefore not to be hidden in a box as a light put vnder a bushell but to be set on the lords table for all his ghuests to feede thereon Againe if the substance and essence of this sacrament stād in the lawful vse of eating and drinking then al eleuation holding vp of the sacrament ouer the priests head all adoration falling downe honoring it with diuine worship and calling the sacrament their lord and God as it is destitute of all antiquity so it is full of grosse and palpable idolatry For wheras it was accustomed to hold vp the almes offerings consecrated to God for the poore thereby imitating the heaue-offering of the Iewes and stirring vp the people to the like charity and deuotion degenerated to the lifting vp of the host and bread in the sacrament So that where Christ saith take ye eate ye these bread-worshippers haue changed it into looke ye gaze ye worship ye giuing his glory to dumbe and senselesse creatures True it is we confesse that the Sacramentes as mysteries sanctified to an holy vse as vessels of gods grace and as instrumentes fitted to worke great things are not to be contemned or refused but to be receiued with due regard and to be vsed with all sobriety 〈◊〉 yea we confesse that christ God man is to be worshipped euery where we honor his word we reuerence his sacraments Notwithstanding we put a difference between God and the sacrament of God the same honor is not due to the one that is due to other and therefore we cannot adore the elemēts with diuine worship for many reasons First because christ in the institution of his supper said take eate drink he said not worship fal down bow the knees before the Sacra and call vpon it in time of need We heard before in the case of vnleuened bread they appealed to the institutiō of cstrist why do they now fly from it turning eating and drinking into worshipping and adoring Wherefore is it not a great iniquity and wickednes to omit what christ commaundeth and do what he commaundeth not Secondly God only is to be worshipped with diuine honor as Math. 4 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only thou shalt serue And Exod. 20. Thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them Now the sacrament is not christ it is an institution of christ it is not god but an ordinance of God for god is not visible but the sacra is visible that al may know it and see it with their eies the sacrament is eaten but God cannot be eaten and swallowed vp of vs whom the heauens and the heauens of heauens cannot contain or cōprehend Thirdly christ reproueth the Samaritans because They worshipped that they knew not but the Papistes know not the body of Christ to be contained vnder the accidentes ofbread and Wine for the scriptures haue not taught it CHRIST hath not deliuered it the Apostles haue not shewed it Besides they knew not the priests intent whereon they say the essence of the Sacrament dependeth so as if he had no purpose of consecration they cannot deny themselues to be idolaters and bread-worshippers Fourthly the true worshippers must worship God in spirit and in truth as Christ setteth downe Ioh. 4 24 that is not according to our owne imaginations and diuises but as God hath prescribed but to fall downe to the sacrament is a bodily sernice a new-forged worship and an humane inuention Fistly without faith no man can please God but saith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God which yet they could neuer shew vnto vs therefore they can haue no assurance of pleasing God in their wil-worship Sixtly if this sacrament be to be worshipped then it is vnited personally to Christ because adoration should not be due to Christ as man except God and man in the vnion of person were one Christ but there is no personall vnion betweene 〈◊〉 and the sacrament of Christ therefore not to be worshipped Seuenthly no man in his wits and right mind wil honor that with diuine worship which himselfe may take in his hand and eate with his mouth and which may be deuouied by Mise Rattes dogs Wormes or other venime for how shall that be adored as God that cannot defend it selfe from the teeth of men and beastes As Ioash answeared Will ye plead Baals cause If he be God let him plead for himselfe against him that hath cast downe his altar Lastly seeing they adore Christ in the pixe where the bread is and in the chalyce wher the wine is why do they not likewise worship him in the priest and in the faithfull people and euery man in his brother when they haue created and eaten him vp The same Christ that was surely inclosed in the pixe is by their doctrine really contained in the body of priest and people when they haue eaten and drunken their supposed sacrifice Why then adore they not the flesh of christ after that it is entred into the mouth of man as well as in the golden boxe or in the gilden chalice Nay why may he not be adored in the bodies of mise and vermin by them if it fall out that they eate vp their God Shall he be any where without honor Or wil they worship him wher they list and ouerskip him where they please Howsoeuer therefore Christ is to be worshipped yet we must take heed we worship not a piece of bread in stead of christ which is most grosse and 〈◊〉 Idolatry Moreouer if christ command the bread to be eaten and the wine to be drunk then they are not to be offered vp to God the father as is vsually wont to be done in the pageant of the Masse This is a deep dungeō of iniquity and a monster of many heads turning the holy sacrament into an vnbloody sacrifice for the quicke and the dead abolishing the fruite and remembrance of the death of christ disanulling his priesthood giuing him to his father wheras the father hath giuen him to vs and imagining thereby to pay a price to god which he should receiue as a fatisfaction for our sins True
of the new testament his priesthood is immortall and eternall he liueth for euer therefore the Popish priesthood is a plant neuer planted by the heauenly father the true husbandman and the popish priests were neuer called of God to sacrifice the body and blood of Christ he gaue vnto them no such authority therefore in time shall be rooted vp If they pretend the precept and planting of God let them shew their commission that we may see it and let them bring forth their charter that we may trie it otherwise wee must take them for vsurpers and counterfait Officers in the cittie of God Ninthlie the Apostle teacheth that without shedding of blood is no remission But in the vnblodie Sacrifice of the Masse there is not effusion of blood he doth not suffer he is not killed he doth not shed his blood he doth not die therefore in the Masse is no remission of any sins Tenthly if Christ be daily offered in the Masse then hee doth dailie satisfie for sinne for the end of his offering is to make satisfaction as Romaines 4. 25. He was deliuered to death for our sinnes and is risen againe for our instification And Gal 1 4. He gaue himselfe for our sinnes that he might deliuer vs from this present euill world But he doth not make satisfaction for our sinnes no more then now he dieth and riseth again for then Christ would not haue said It is finished nor the Apostle u He entered once into the holy place Wherefore no more sacrifice for sinne remaineth to be offered by such as iniuriously vsurpe the priesthood of christ Last of all all true christians are Priestes to offer vp their bodies an acceptable sacrifice to God which is their reasonable seruice of God and to offer vp a broken contrite spirit as 1 Pet 3 9. Ye are a chosen generation a royall priesthood and an holy nation And Reuel 1. He hath loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his blood and made vs Kings and priestes vnto God his father These are the Priests that now remaine this is the priesthood which we professe Whosoeuer maketh himselfe any priest of another order in the new testament abrogateth and abolisheth the Priesthood of christ being after the order of Melchizedech who was both king and priest Now then as they commit sacriledge against Christ that presume to offer him vp an vnbloody sacrifice to God the father to make peace and attonement betweene God and man so they adde another iniquity as drunkennesse to thirst making their oblation not onely profitable to take away the sinnes of the liuing but auaileable to clense the sinnes of the deade that are come to the ende of theyr daies Indeede we deny not but the Masse may be beneficiall to the rabble of Friers and sacrificing Priestes that make it gainefull to themselues who through their sale and merchandize of Masses dwell stately goe sumptuously fare delicately drinke wine in siluer and gold abound in pleasures and heape vp great aboundaunce of all riches shall we not now say the Masse is profitable But other profit of the Masses then these to the Masse-mungers we know none We know we find we feelethem otherwise many waies pernicious in themselues dishonourable to God and hurtfull to the people For first the Sacrament was instituted to no such end and purpose as to helpe the deade and to be a propitiation for their sinnes For Christ sayde take and eat this is my body drinke ye this is my blood but the deade cannot take any thing offered vnto them they can neither eate nor drinke wherefore this supper being spirituall meat and nourishment for the soule cannot auaile the deade who are neither fed nor nourished Secondly it profiteth as much to be baptized for the dead as to receiue the Supper of the Lorde for the deade for both Sacraments were instituted of Christ and there is the same respect of both But it can doe no good to baptize one for another the liuing for the dead therefore the living comming to receiue the Sacrament of the Supper cannot releeue the dead Thirdly there is no forgiuenesse of sinnes after this life we haue forgiuenes in this life or neuer Whatsoeuer is bounde on earth is bound in heauen Heere is the time heere is the place heere is the occasion offered to worke as the wiseman teacheth Ec 9 All that thine hand shall find to do do it with all thy power for there is neither worke nor inuention nor knowledge nor wisedome in the graue whither thou goest And Heb 3. To day if ye wil heare his voice harden not your harts Wherfore then is a sacrifice offred for the dead for whom there is no releefe no redresse no remission Fourthly it is vaine to offer for those that haue ended their daies and are already come to the ende of their race whose estate can neuer be changed The night commeth when no man can worke and Chapt 11 Are there not twelue houres in the day if a man walke in the day he stumbleth not because he seeth the light of this world If a man walke in the night he stumbleth because there is no light in him And Paule 2 Tim 4. I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my race I haue kept the faith from henceforth is laid vp for 〈◊〉 the crowne of righteousnes But this is the state of all the dead they are entred into iudgment they are not subiect to any chang Lastly if the sacrifice of the Masse could wash away the sinnes of the dead then the sacrifice of the Masse should surmount and exceede the sacrifice offered by christ himselfe vpon the Crosse. For this helpeth the liuing it auaileth not the dead and so we should haue other meanes to take away sinne then his oblation and there should be another propitiation for the sinnes of the world And thus much of the popish idoll of the blasphemous masse Furthermore did Christ deliuer his last Supper to all his Disciples that were present Did none stand by and gaze on while other receiued Then heereby fall to the ground the priuate communions of the popish Church where al is deuoured by the priest nothing deliuered to the people For whereas the ordinance of Christ and ancient order of the church was for the minister and people to receiue the Sacrament together among them the priest accompanied with his boy to make answer receiueth the sacrament himselfe alone without distribution made to others yea although the whole congregation be present and looke vpon him whereby God is dishonoured the communion is abolished the people of God are there by depryued and robbed of al comfort How is this a feast which the priest prepareth for himselfe not for others receiueth by himselfe not with his bretheren he speaketh to himselfe and not to the assembly he vseth a strange tongue and no man knoweth what he meaneth the people is
the time that all things are restored Likewise Phil. 3. Our conuersation is in heauen from a hence we looke for a sauior And again Luk 24. 〈◊〉 he blessed them he departed from them and was carried vp into heauen So Ioh. 12. The poor alwaies ye haue with you but me ye shall not haue alwais I am come out from the father and came into the world againe I leaue the vvorld and goe to my father If these thinges be true that Christ is departed from vs if he be no longer among vs if he be taken vp into heauen if he must be contained there vntill the restoring of all thinges if we must looke for a sauiour from heauen to change our vile bodies if hee be carryed vp to his father and haue left the world then he is not now present with vs his body is not in euery altar he doth not lurke and lie vnder the shewes of bread and wine For to be departed from vs and not to be departed from vs to be contained in heauen and not to be contained in heauen to leaue the world and yet to remaine in the world to sit at the right hand of God and to lie hid vnder euery altar cannot stand together any more then to be a man and no man to be christ and not christ to be a sauiour and no sauiour to be God and not God Fiftly christ reproueth the caparnaits because they thought his body was to be eaten infleshly manner with the mouth of the body and shold descend into the stomck which is the way that all other meates do passe when they heard him preach of eating his flesh and drinking his blood they saide This is an heard saying who can heare it They murmured and departed from him because they thought they must eate him with the mouth and teeth chew him and swallow him vp But christ expoundeth himselfe and declareth that 〈◊〉 ment not carnally but spiritually It is the spirit that quickneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speake vnto you are spirit and life that is the flesh of Christ thus eaten thus chewed thus digested bodily carnally and grosly cannot profit but truely and spiritually taken it is meat indeede Now to shew what it is to eate spiritually and to pull off the garment of this similitude that the truth may more plainely appeare by spirituall eating we doe not vnderstand that which is fained standing in a conceit opinion or imagination neither that the body blood of christ are turned into a spirit but we meane by spirituall eating sucha communion participation of christ as is wrought by the powerfull working of the Holi-ghoast inasmuch also as it is attained by faith onelie and pertaineth to a spirituall and eternall life And howsoeuer the benefit of this coniunction reach vnto the body which thereby is mortified and sanctified and afterward shall be glorified yet this fruition of christ is not called corporall but spirituall because this food doth not pertaine to the maintaining of this present life but it is referred to the life which is eternall Now this 〈◊〉 euerlasting is called spirituall 〈◊〉 the bodies themselues shall bee partakers thereof which therefore by the Apostle are called spirituall bodies Thus then standeth the comparison as there is a present life that is bodily so there is another life to be thought vpon which is spirituall and eternall as we are borne to this present life so are we borne againe to life eternall as this bodily life is sustained by bodily meat and drinke so Christ with al his merits and mercies is the food of the spirituall life as the bodye hath his mouth whereby the meat and drinke is receiued and so passeth into the bodye by bodily feeding so the soule hath her mouth namely faith which apprehendeth the most holy nourishment of the body and blood of christ and lastly as the meat by a naturall force is concocted and digested that it may passe and disperse it self into the whole body so the efficacy of the spirit beginning faith in vs doeth so powerfully and mightily worke in our soules that it quickneth vs throgh christ to whom we are nearely vnited Thus we see wee haue no carnall communion with christ nor bodily eating of christ Wherefore let the capernaiticall papists or popipish 〈◊〉 prepare their faith not their teeth their Soules not their bellie to eat the flesh of christ and drink his blood And if they be ashamed of the name of the Capernaites let them also be ashamed of the error of the capernaits but if they cleane to their errour they must bee content to borrowe their name for the name and opinion must go together Sixtly Christ exhorteth the people to beware of false Prophets that come in Sheepes cloathes but indeede haue Wolues harts saying If any shall say vnto you Lo hoere is Christ or there beleeue it not behold he is in the 〈◊〉 go not forth behold he is in the secret places beleeue it not And the Apostle Paule exhorteth Col 3 To seeke those things that are aboue where christ sitteth at the right hand of God But if Christ lurke and ly hid vnder the accidents of breade and Wine then we might beleeue such as say Loe heere is Christ there is Christ he might be pointed out with the finger on euery altar and so often as the Priest lifteth vp his idoll he might say to the people behold heere is Christ whom we haue newly made looke vpon him whom we haue newly fashioned Seuenthly the fathers vnder the lawe did eat the same spirituall meate and drinke the same spirituall drinke that the 〈◊〉 and other Christians did though they had differing signes they had the same christ But they did not eate the flesh of Christ and drinke his bloode bodily for as yet he was not come in the flesh therefore he is not present in his naturall body in our Sacramentes This Paule setteth downe 1 cor 10. They did all eat the same spirituall meat they did all drinke the same spiritual drinke for they dranke of that spiritual rocke that followed them and that rocke was christ Where the Apostles 〈◊〉 is to proue that the Israelites were not inferiour to the Corinthians in respect of the Sacramentes of Gods fauour and therefore had no more to boast of then the Israelites had whereuppon he satith they had the same drinke the same Christ. Now if they did not eat the same in substance which the corinthians did eate then the Israelites were farre inferior to them touching their Sacramentes and so the Apostles reason should be of no force Eightly Christ is in such sort in heauen in his humanity as that he is not on the earth with his bodie and consequently not in the Sactament as we see Math. 9. Can the children of the bride-chamber mourne as long as the bride-groome is with them but the daies will come when the
can clense and wash the things that are without reason without vnderstanding without sense and without life But in the sacrament of the supper a reuerent giuing an attentiue hearing a certaine vnderstanding of that which is spoken a wise receiuing and eating and a carefull considering of whom to take and what to take is required into the outward work how much greater iudgement is required to know that God the father giueth the body and blood of his sonne to be receiued by faith Thus then this examination maketh a distinction betweene both the sacramentes of the new testament and sheweth that it is not necessary to the saluation of infants that they com to the Lords table Thirdly seeing no man must presume to come thither without a serious examination of himselfe it debarreth from the Lords supper fiue sorts of persons to wit children furious and mad men ignorant persons prophane persons and all sorts of insidels First of all if there be a necessity of searching and trying our selues it excludeth all infants and children in age who vnderstand not what the holy spirit speaketh in this Sacrament what God the father offereth what the Sonne performeth and what faith receiueth they know not what it is to eate christ spiritually and to be nourished by him effectually Secondly all foolish furious and mad men being such as want the vse of naturally gifts of reason wit descretion and iudgement the defect whereof whatsoeuer they are in age and yeares maketh them as children in gifts not being able to examine themselues are to be separated Thirdlyly howsoeuer many haue yeares of discretion and the common vse of naturall gifts of vnderstanding yet if they neither haue the knowledge of God nor the knowledge of themselues nor the knowledge of the doctrine of the Sacramentes and other fundamentall points of religion they are not to be admitted but refused Fourthly if they haue all these things and want neither ripenesse of age nor yeares of discretion nor vse of reason nor knowledge of the doctrine which is according to godlinesse yet if they remaine prophane vngodly vnrepentant stubborne malicious reuenging open contemners of God of godlinesse and of his word idolaters adulterers blasphemers drunkards and such in whom appeareth no amendment of life these and such like are not interessed in this Sacrament Lastly it excludeth and shutteth out all such as are without God in the world all Atheists Insidels Turkes Iewes and Heretikes all such as haue not yealded themselues to the Church of GOD and haue not made profession of their faith and such as are worthily excommunicated from the Church by the power of the keies Whereby we see that al infants and children that want years all furious and foolish persons that want the vse of reason all blind and ignorant persons that want the knowledge of God and of themselues all vnrepentant persons that bring not with them faith and repentance all infidels and vnbeleeuers with others that are out of the bosome of the church are to bee kept backe from this Supper being such as either cannot or will not submit themselues to this holy necessary duty of examination thereby hauing no right or title to come to his table For such as haue not the church to be their mother cannot be nourished with this meate of the church to wit the Supper of the Lord. Fourthly if all persons are to prepare themselues to this Sacrament then none are willingly and wilfully to abstain and refraine from comming vnto it For as such sinne grieuously who present themselues vnworthily to this blessed communion so do they greatly offend on the other side that ofset purpose absent themselues from this spirituall banket prouided for them God is dishonored both these waies as well by receiuing vnreuerently as by abstayning carelesly from this Sacrament For he lyeth vnder an heauy curse deseruedly that doth any of the Lords works negligently Euen as the patient which being sicke maketh no account of the dyet which the Physition hath prescribed is no lesse blame worthy then he that abuseth it disorderly in as much as both sorts do it oftentimes to their danger and destruction so is he no lesse faulty that maketh that reckoning of the receit which the chiefe Physition of our soules the Lord Iesus hath appointed then he that misuseth and misapplyeth the same because both do it with great perill and hazzard to themselues We know that such as being bidden by the King to the wedding of his Sonne made light of it and refused to come were destroyed as wel as he that came without his wedding garment We know when the word of God is preached which is the power of God to saluation to all that beleeue such as absent themselues from the hearing of it perish iustly as wel as they that come without faith and repentance We know when the passeouer was celebrated such persons as were negligent to obserue and keepe the same according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses were to be cut off from his people Because they brought not the offering of the Lord in his due season they shal be are their sin In like manner such as neglect to come to this communion and abstaine from it for feare of communicating vnworthily depriue themselues of great comfort And this is the very cut-throat of al godlines and religion For why doe they not by like proportion of reason refrain from inuocation and calling vpon the name of god for feare of praying amisse And why may they not absent themselues from hearing the word of God fearing to hear amisse So that if this pretence were a lawful warrant to abstaine from the Lords Supper for feare of vnworthy receiuing we might bid all godlines farewel in asmuch as it openeth a gap for men to abstaine from performing all duties of piety and godlines Wherfore let not such persons flatter themselues with vaine excuses and lying words that cannot profit neither daube with vntempered morter saying we are vnworthy we cannot come rather let them labor to shake off their vnworthines and to cast away euerything that presseth down and the sin that hangethso fast on that so they may be worthy receiuers Let them not contemne the commaundement of christ which saith take ye eate ye do this in remembrance of me Christ hath commanded we must obey he saith come shall we be so vnthankfull to say we will not come He calleth shall we not answer He biddeth his ghests shall we make excuses He sendeth his messengers and prepareth his feast shall we not prouide and prepare to eate thereof He offereth himselfe vnto vs shall we contemne the blessed remembrance of his death and passion euen the price of our redemption and shut our selues from the communion which the faithfull haue with him and one with another So that wee are to perswade our owne hearts that God is prouoked to anger as well by negligence in abstaining as by
vnworthinesse in receiuing the Supper Chap. 16. Of the knowledge of God the first part of examination AS we haue waighed the necessity of preparing and examining our selues so let vs consider the manner how it is to be performed Such as will in an holy manner prepare themselues to celebrate the Lords Supper to the glory of God and comfort of their owne soules must diligently acquaint themselues with these 4. pointes with knowledge faith repentance and reconciliation to those whom they haue offended It is required of all persons that come to this Sacrament to know the grounds of religion and vnderstande the doctrine of the sacramentes Secondly to beleeue in christ and to looke for saluation in him alone inasmuch as there is no other name vnder heauen by which we must be saued So then we must come with faith which is the hand to apprehend christ Thirdly to abhorre and detest our sins to hate them with an vnfained hatred as our deadly and most dangerous enemies and to haue godly sorrow for them which may cause repentance not to be repented off Lastly to loue our bretheren truely and sincerly yea euen our enemies If we find not these things in our selues we must carefully vse al holy meanes appointed for this purpose to begin them in vs otherwise our estate will proue to be fearefull and dangerous We must with al sincerity conscience and zcale vse prayer the word read and preached conference meditation and such like helpes as may further them in vs. If we do find them in vs though feeble and in great want and weakenesse we are not to abstaine from the sacrment but to come thereunto to seeke strength of faith encrease of obedience Wherfore our sauiour calleth such vnto him come to me all ye that are weary and sore laden and I will ease you take my yoke on you and ye shall find rest vpon your soules for my yoake is easie and my burden is light And Chap 12. A brused reede shall he not breake and smoking flaxe shall he not quench till he bring forth iudgment vnto victory Touching the first we are to obserue that such as wil come aright to the lords Supper must haue the knowledge of Gods word which is the foundation and ground-work of faith We must know what to beleeue and must learne the doctrine of saluation out of the Scripture Our Sauiour Christ in that heauenly prayer which he made a little before his passion vseth these words to his father This is eternall life to know thee to be the onely very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. We must know how miserable all men are of themselues that we are seperated from God the children of wrath by nature as wel as others and the very firebrands of hel They that want this knoledge cannot iudge aright of the partes and vses of this Sacrament nor desire this heavenly meate which nourisheth to eternall life So then knowledge must necessarily go before faith for it is the nature of faith to beleeue that which it knoweth and therefore where there is small knowledge there is a little faith and where there is no knowledg ther can be no faith according to the doctrine of the Apostle Roman 10. Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God The knowledge required of vs when we approach to this Sacrament standeth in these two pointes first in the knowledge of God Secondly in the knowledge of our selues In these two braunches standeth the first part of examinarion And these two pointes are so neerely ioyned and knit together that no man can throroughly know God vnlesse he know himselfe and no man can haue the perfect knowledge of himselfe except he know God in whom he liueth moueth and hath his being Vnder these two heads many particular points are containd necessary to be known of those that offer themselues to bee partakers of this sacrament First that there is onely one God that hath made himselfe knowne in three persons the Father the sonne and the Holy-ghost Secondly that God made man and all other creatures good and gouerneth all thinges well Thirdly man did fall through the entisement of the Deuill and his own wilful disobedience in breaking the commandements of God Fourthly there are ten commaundements diuided into two tables where of the foure first commaundements concern our duties to God the sixe last our dutyes toward our neighbour Fiftly we cannot keepe these commandements nor any one of them but we breake them daily in motion in thought in worde and in deede the breache where of deserueth the cursse of God that is all miseries in this life death in the ende of this life and Hell fire after this life Sixtly there is no meanes or remedy in ourselues or in any creature but onely in Iesus Christ the eternal son of god who is god man God that he might ouercom death and man that he might die for our sins He hath pacified gods wrath fulfild the righteousnes of that law sanctified our nature adopted vs to be the children of god and maketh our duties though weake acceptable to his father Seuenthly all haue not deliuerance by him but onely such as beleue in Christ whose obedience and righteousnes is made ours by a liuely faith whereby we are perswaded that through him our sinnes are forgiuen and wee made the children of God Eightly faith is a gifte of God applying Christ and al his merits particularly to our selues and teaching that he is a Sauiour vnto vs. Ninthly beeing saued by christ thrugh faith we may not liue as we list this vnspeakeable mercy teacheth vs to deny all vngodlinesse and all worldly and sinfulllusts to to liue soberly righteously and godly in this present euill world and to walk in newnes of life because no vnrighteous person shal enter into the kingdome of heauen Tenthly this faith which bringeth forth a reformed life is wrought in our heartes by the Holy-ghoaste through the preaching of the word being truely expounded and profitably applyed with doctrin confutation exhortation correction reformation and consolation and it is encreased besides by reading praying and receiuing of the sacraments Eleuenthly touching prayer we haue a perfect platforme left vs by Christ in the Gospell which containeth sixe petitions the three firste concerning the glorie of God and the three last concerning the necessities of our owne bodies and soules 12. the sacraments are another help to strengthen and increase faith which are outward signes and seales ordained of God to assure vs that Christ all his sauing graces are giuen vnto vs. These are two in number Baptisme the Sacrament of our regeneration and new birth assureth vs by the washing of water that our sins are for giuen by the blood of Christ and wee borne a new to god The Lords supper assureth vs that by bread and wine giuen and receiued according to gods ordinance
promise the partakers of the same hope the members of the same bodye and the professors of the same faith to contend and striue one against another to delight in brauling fighting quarrelling and to norish hatred malice rancour spite enuy biting and backbiting one of another If Ephraim be set against Manasses and Manasses against Ephraim if Brother be diuided against brother if we bite one at another let vs take heed least we be consumed one of another The sonnes of God are renewed into the image ofGod to resemble their heauenly father in true holines and doe all weare the same cognizance and liuery For the Sacraments are the marks of Ch. sheepe whereby they are knowne and discerned so that all our discentions diuisions railings reuilings disgracings and defacings one of another tend to the reproch and dishonour of our common father and do giue an heauy testimony against our souls with God and his elect Angels For how do we approach vnto God how do we come into his presence With what harts do we pray before him and vnto him Are we not taught to aske forgiuenes of our sins as we forgiue the trespasses done vnto vs It then we be malicious and enuious and carry the fresh remembrance of wronges in our hearts to pursue them with reuenge do we not pray against our selues Do we not beseech God to poure out vengance vpon vs Do we not open our mouths to our owne destruction For when wee vse our tongues to say Lord forgiue vs for euen we forgiue is it not asmuch as if we should pray forgiue vs not Lord for we do not we will not forgiue others Therefore after the forme of prayer giuen to the Disciples Christ addeth If ye do forgiue men their trespasses your heauenly father will also forgiue you but if ye do not forgiue men their trepasses no more will your father forgiue you your trespasses And as he exhorteth that when they stand and appeare before the Altar they must forgiue so when we appeare at the Lords table we must forgiue if we haue any thing against any man that our father also which is in heauen may forgiue vs our trespasses Now if we woulde be directed to knowe whether this loue be is vs or not wee may try our owne hearts by these holy properties and blessed effectes described by the Apostle 1 cor xiii Loue saith he suffereth long it is bountifull loue enuieth not loue doth not boast itselfe it is not puffed vp it disdaineth not it seeketh not her owne things it is not prouoked to anger it thinketh not euill it reioyceth not in iniquity but reioyceth in the truth it suffereth all things it beleeueth al thinges it hopeth al things it endureth al things Heere we may see what manner of loue ought to be in vs. Euery one of vs must indeuour that all the parts of this description may rightly agree to euery one of vs and truely be found in vs toward all men euen our enimies as we see Iesus Christ hath left vs an example of his loue when he praied for his enimies that crucified and cruelly entreated him father forgiue them for they know what they do and this did stephen to those that stoned him Lord lay not this sin to their charge This is the way let vs walke in it this was their practise let vs follow it Thus we haue shewed the necessity of examination of ourselues before we come to the Lordes supper and declared the parts wherein it standeth and the manner how it is to be performed If we come furnished with these things with sauing knoledg with iustifieng faith with vnfained repentance with a louing and longing reconciliation towarde our brethren among whom we liue hauing as much as is possible Peace with all men yea euen our enimies let vs not abstaine from the Lordes table by reason of some frailties and infirmities in vs for God couereth them and will not bring them into remembrance as we see 2. Chron 30. A multitude of people had not clensed themselues yet did eate the passeouer but not as it was writen wherfore Hezekiah praied for them saying The good God be merciful toward him that prepareth his whole hart to seeke the Lord god the god of his fathers though he be not clensed according to the purification of the sanctuarie and the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people Where we see that because their hart was vpright and sincere their wants and imperfections were not imputed vnto them For God respecteth the truth of the inward partes and pard oneth their sinnes that thus prepare their harts to seeke him So then they were greatly deceiued that thoght they honoured the Sacrament by abstaining from it it is not honoured but dishonoured not hallowed but prophaned not regarded reuerently but reproched greeuously by our wilfull abstinence as the Apostle teacheth 1 cor 11. let a man examin himself and so let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup. He doth not say let him proue himselfe and so let him abstaine For the Sacrament is abused as well by forbearing hauing examined our selues as by not examining our selues and receiuing vnworthily And thus much of examination and the manner to be obserued therein Chap. 20. The conclusion containing an abridgement of the whole treatise THe effect of that which hath bene deliuered hitherto in these Books may thus be gathred into a short sum and abridgement We haue declared that God in al times and ages of the church from the first being of our first parents hath to his word and promises anexed sacraments as seales of assurance for the confirmation of them therby magnifieng his owne mercy toward his people shewing our weaknes and vnworthines and condemning such as oftentimes desire to come to the Lordes table but esteeme little of the preaching of the word whereas the word and Sacraments haue one and the same author they are instruments of the same grace their whole force and effect dependeth on God they require faith to be mingled with them they profit not alway at the very moment of hearing and receiuing Notwithstanding some differences wee find betweene them as namely in the greater necessity of the worde then of the Sacramentes Infidels were neuer barred from hearing the word when they would become hearers thereof and whereas the word affecteth one only of the sences to wit the hearing the Sacraments 〈◊〉 offered to the eies as well as to the eares and so in some sort become more effectuall then the word Touching the worde Sacrament it is drawne from martiall discipline and properly signifieth the Souldiers othe whereby hee bindeth himselfe to his Captaine which worde being vsed by the olde Latine interpreter is now become ordinary and common in the Church which is not mentioned in so many sillables in the Scriptures And howsoeuer the word be often taken in a large and generall signification yet