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A16820 A treatise made in defence of the lauful power and authoritie of priesthod to remitte sinnes of the peoples duetie for confession of their sinnes to Gods ministers: and of the Churches meaning concerning indulgences, commonlie called the Popes pardo[n]s. By William Allen M. of Arte, and student in diuinitie. Allen, William, 1532-1594. 1567 (1567) STC 372; ESTC S100097 165,800 456

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In the meane tyme arme thy selfe agaynste falshode wyth this approued and certen truth that not onely God by his passing prerogatiue maye forgiue sinnes but that he hath so souerainglye anoynted Christ our highe prieste and head that as he is man and occupieth the sayde functions in earth he maye remitte by the vertue of the holy Ghost oure offenses also Lette the prowde cogitations of men here attend that so highlie doe disdayne the ministery of mortall men in the remission of their sinnes lett thē controlle the wonderfull wisdome of God which would no otherwise salue the pityfull sores of our soules but by the seruile fourme of our owne nature ioyned merueilously in one person to the woorde and eternall Sonne of God the Father let them reprehende the vnsearchable secrete counsel of the holy Trinitie which beinge of power infinite to woorke their will in all creatures yet wolde not repayr the worlde nor remitte our sinnes any otherwise but by the seruice of the Sonne of man lette them mislike that flesh bloud and the soule of our blessed Sauiour beinge all creatures should ioyne wyth the onely almightie creatour of all thinges in the remission of our offences lette the presumptuose thus doe and lette vs humbly reuerence Goddes ordinance and gloryfie him in his Sonnes high calling in our kinde through whose singular prerogatiue we shall vndoubtedly finde excedinge power to the geuen to his body and brethren in earth to his moste deare spouse the Church Here it is declared by scripture that the same power of remittinge sinnes which God the father by cōmission gaue vnto his sōne as he was mā was also by Christ bestowed on the Apostles after his resurrection The second Chapter IN what high reputation man hath euer bene wyth God his maker it is not mi● purpose now to treat of neyther will I make anie tediouse talke though it be somwhat more neare the matter howe his estimation is encreased by the honourable and moste merueylous matchinge of Gods onely euerlasting Sōne wyth our nature and kinde wheerof whosoeuer hath any woorthy cōsideration he shall nothing wonder I warrāt him at the soueraingtye of such as be placed in the seate of iudgment and gouernement for the rule of that common welth whereof Christ is the head These thinges though they be well woorthie our labour and deepe remembrance and not very farre from our matter yet so wil I charge my selfe wyth continuance in my cause that I wil onely seeke out the dignitie of priesthood touchinge the right that the order claimeth in remission and reteining of mannes sinnes In al which cause I take this a grounde that our Maysters messenger stoode vpon when his disciples grudged that Christe had his folowers and practised Baptisme no lesse thē him selfe did which is That no mā can rightlie receyue any thinge that is not geuē him from aboue Iohan. 3. Therfore if it may be sufficiently declared that the order holdeth by good warrant this their preheminence of pardoninge or punishinge the peoples offences that by commission from him who wythout all controuersie is the Heade of the Church then the matter is good in it selfe and the contrarie must learne to leaue their contentions reasoninge and vniuste contempt of that order which is honoured by power and prerogatiue proceding from Christ Iesus And of two or three places in holy scripture perteininge to this purpose that shal be firste proposed which wyth moste force dryueth downe falsehood and moste properly perteynethe to the pithe and principall state of the cause whiche we haue in hande Thus then we finde of Christes wordes will and behauioure concerninge the commission graunted out to his holy Apostles for the remission and punishment of our sinnes in the xx chapiter of the gospell of S. I. where the Euangeliste thus reporteth Cap. 20. that Christe after his glorious resurrection came into a secret chamber where his disciples were togeother the doer beinge shutte for feare of the Iewes and there after he had geuen them as his custome was his peace blessinge and shewed him selfe to their infinite comfor● ye●he was perfectly rysen agayn in the same body that so lately was buried he then streight afterwarde to make woorthye entrance to so highe a purpose gaue them his peace agayne in manner of a solemne benediction and there with sayd Sicut misit me parer ego mitto vos Euen as the Father hath sent me so I doe send you And when he had so spoken he breathed on them and sayd Accipite spiritum sanctum quorum remiserit is peccata remittuntur eis quorum retinueritis retenta sunt Receyne yow the holy ghoste whose sinnes soeuer yow shall forgiue they are forgiuen them and whose sinnes youe shall retein they be reteyned This is the place lo in which the iudgement and rule of our soules wyth all authoritie in correcting our sinnes in moste expresse and effectual termes and in moste ample maner is geuen to the Apostles and their successours Christe him selfe dooth communicate vnto them the iurisdiction that he receiued of his Father he giueth them in a solemne ceremonie the same spirite of God by which in earth him selfe did remitte sinnes he maketh them an assured promise that whatsoeuer they pardoned or corrected in mans life the same shoulde stande in force before God What dignitie could euer be giuen more in what termes more plaine by what order more honourable for surely if either Christ could remitte sinnes as we haue at large proued that he could by the commission sending of his Father or if the holie spirite of God maye remitte sinnes or if Christes woorde may procure man any power to remitte sinnes then vndoubtedly may the Apostles remitte sinnes For they haue the expresse warrant of them all Much sayd Paule 2. Cor. 5. whē he affirmed in the Apostles name and person of al Priestes Quòd Deus erat in Christo mundum reconcilians sibi posuit in nobis verbum reconciliationis Pro Christo ergo legatione fungimur That God was in Christ reconciling the worlde to him selfe and hath putte in vs the woord of reconcilement therfore our callinge is to serue as in Embasie in Christes own stead These wordes be of great weight excedingly set forth the vocation of the spiritual gouernours as of those that hold by the warrant of Goddes sending and thereby occupie Christes owne rowme Mary the place for all that apperteineth to their calling generallie as wel to preach as otherwise to guide the people of God in the behalfe of their Maister to whome we all be subiect but this present texte wherevpon we nowe treate doth properlie concerne the commission geuen to the Apostles for the sacrament of penaunce and remission of sinnes For it doth in most cleare and vndoured sense geue to them the like right in that case that Christ him selfe had by the sending of God the Father that is to saie the very same
of their aduersaries to impugne their Aduersaries withall there is no doubte but that it hath in it selfe exceding muche light and force of truth as a thing hauing so litle need of proofe that it may be made and taken for a probation of other matters that be doubtefull and vncertaine Practise of priesthod in remitting sin vsed for a groūd of faith in argumēt The matter which we haue now in hand is of that sort For the authoritie and power practised of Priests in the vertue of the holy Ghoste hath euer ben in it self both so plaine and so firme that the holy Fathers haue vsed it as a ground to proue against heretikes of Eunomius and Macedonius secte the Godhead of the holy Ghost the third person in Trinitie S. Bernard is to yong good man to name amongest these old fathers of our new Church els perdie with the vertuous his words soūd ful sweetly Thus saith he to proue the equalitie of the holy Ghoste with the Father and Sonne Sicut in nobis interpellat pro nobis Serm. 1. Pentec it a in patre delicta donat cum ipso patre vt omnino scias quòd remissionem peccatorū spiritus sanctus operatur Audi quod aliquando audierunt Apostoli Accipite spiritum sanctum quorum remiseritis peccata remittuntur eis In English thus Like as in vs he maketh sure for vs so in the Father he pardoneth sinnes with the Father and that thou maist vnderstande that the holy Ghost worketh remissiō of sinnes heare that which the Apostles once heard receiue you the holy Ghost whose sinnes you doe forgeue thei are forgeuen Thus he And S. Ambrose his auncient to proue the holy Ghost to be God allegeth that he remitteth sinnes by the Priests ministerie which he could not in anie wise doe if he were not in al points equal and omnipotēt God with the Father and Sonne Let vs see saith he whether the holy Ghost doth pardon sinnes and he answereth himself thus Sed hinc dubitari non potest Lib. 3. de Spirit S. Cap. 19. cum ipse Dominus dixerit accipite spiritum sanctum quorum remiseritis peccata remittuntur ecce quia per spiritum sanctum peccata donantur homines autem in remissionem peccatoris ministerium suum exhibent non ius alicuius potestatis exercent It is thus much to say There can be no doubt hereof seing our Lord said receiue you the holy Ghost whose sinnes you doe forgeue they shal be forgeuen loke ye that by the holy Ghost sinnes be forgeuen men doe but exercise their seruice and ministerie and claime not the right of power and principalitie therein And S. Basill vppon this assured ground frameth in ful fourme against Eunomius this argument Lib. 5. Dominus sanctis Apostolis insufflans inquit accipite spiritum sanctum quorumcunque dimittetis peccata dimittentur eis si ergo nullius est peccata dimittere nisi solius Dei dimittit autem spiritus sanctus per Apostolos Deus ergo spiritus sanctus Our Lord breathing on the Apostles said take ye the holy Ghost for whose sinnes so euer you shal pardon they be pardoned therefore if it be the ōly property of God to forgeue sinnes and the holy Ghost so doth by the Apostles Ergo the holy Ghost is truelie God Thus you perceiue that the ground of this our faith and assertion was of olde accompted so sure that it was a singular aide and fortresse of faithe against the vnfaythfull attemptes of moste wicked persons in diuerse ages The onelie practise that Priestes did vse by the Sacramente of penance to pardonne sinnes was a full proofe that the holy Ghost was God by whose authoritie and propre power they did alwaies since Christes word was spoken remitte the same The which being true as it can not be false that is so agreeable both to scriptures and to all our Fathers faith the Heresie of our time must needs directly impugne the vertue and power of Gods own spirit For as the proofe of mans ministery in this foresaid function induceth the true and euerlasting Godhead of the holie Ghost by whom they practise that power so the denial thereof and robery of Priesthoode of this their moste iust claime doth directly spoile God of his honour and of the euerlasting right that he hath in remission of sinnes ōtemp of mans ministeri is contēpt of Gods authoritie So whiles these good men seeke to abase man vniustlie they blaspheame God highly and together with mans ministerie they bring vnto vtter contempte Gods owne authoritie But for the Readers case and more light of our cause I ioyne thus in argument with them againe vppon the second parte of Christes own woordes and action had in the authorising of his Apostles what soeuer the holie Ghost maye doe in this case by the proper power of his Godhead that maye the Apostles and priestes doo by seruice ministerie throughe the power of the holie Ghost but the holie Ghost properly rightly doth remitt sinnes therfore the Apostles doe rightly and truely remitt sinnes by their ministerie in the said holie Ghost All partes of this conclusion stande vppright and feare no falshod they be guarded on euery side by Christes action by woordes of scripture by the doctours plaine warrant and by al reason with all which whosoeuer is not contented but wil needes extinguere spiritum extinguish Goddes spirite 1. Thes 5. and violently take from the Church the greatest comfort of all mans life that in this infirmitie of our flesh standeth in moste hope by his gifte in remission of sinnes for which especiall cause the said spirite was mercifullie breathed vpon the Apostles peculiarly before the more common sending of the same from heauen aboue if al this reason and iust demonstration of trueth wil not serue them I wil chardge them with this graue cōclusiō of S. Augustine vttered partly agaynst the Nouatians especially against the desperate that would not seeke for Gods mercie by the Churches ministerie in the sacramēt of penaunce To be brief I wil speake it in English Cap. ●3 Enchir. who so euer he be that beleueth not mans sinnes to be remitted in Goddes Church and therfore despiseth the boūtifullnes of God in so mightie a work if he in that obstinat mind cōtinue til his liues end he is giltie of sinne against the holie Ghoste in which holy Ghost Ch●ist remitteth sinnes The power to remitte sinnes is further proued to be giuen to the Apostles by these woordes of Christ Whose sinnes you doo forgiue cet by the doctours exposition of the same and by conference of other woordes of scripture of the like sense The Fourh Chap. HOwe the priestes of Christes Churche haue defended their right and calling for remission of sinnes as wel by the commission that Christe firste receyued of his Father afterward bestowed vpon them as by the assured receiuing of the spirite of God from Christes blessed breath
in earth whiche both he and his eternall Father with the holy Spirit of them both do woorke by their own one equal authority in heauen euerlastinglie And though God hath euer sithens mans fall God hath euer vsed mans ministeri in reconciliation vsed the meanes and seruice of man to his restore againe and to ●he reliefe of his lackes and therefore ●ath geuen authoritie by his holy Spi●ite and vnction to diuerse of the ●lde Lawe to offer sacrifice praie and procure remission to the people of all ●heir offenses and no lesse as occa●ion serued and the matter required ●o correct their misdeedes by iudgemente and iurisdiction geauen vnto them for which soueraigne calling thei were called the annointed of God an external ceremonie of anoyling being solemnly annexed therevnto yet our Lord and maister whether you cōsider his high priesthode by which in most ample maner through commission receiued he may procure our pardon or his calling to be the head of the church by which he ruleth and keepeth all the body in due subiection and order or his ministerie of preaching whereby farre aboue al the prophets and preachers of the old law he openeth to his flock the Church the secret mysteries of Gods truth Christ I saie in al these respectes being man is yet much more abundantly blessed and annointed without comparison Psal 44. aboue all his fellovves and coparteners as the holy Prophet Dauid doth testifie Vpō whose words touching that matter S. Hilarie writeth thus De Trinit 10. Vnxit te Deus Deus tuus oleo exultationis prae participibus tuis non secundum sacramentū aliud quàm secūdū dispensationē assumpti corporis Vnctio enī illa nō beatae illi incorruptae in natura dei manēti natiuitati ꝓfecit sed sanctificationi hoīs assumpti Namet in Actis ait Petrꝰ vnxit illū Deus in spiritu sancto virtute Thus he meaneth in English God euen thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl of ioy far aboue thy coparteners not in any other meaning but according to the dispensatiō of a body receiued For that vnction could not be beneficial to the holy vnspotted and euerlasting natiuitie in the nature of his Godhead but only it was agreable to the mysterie of his manhod and flesh assumpted in his temporall natiuitie whereof S. Peter speaketh in the Acts that God hath annointed him in the holy Ghost and in power The holie Father also S. Cyril agre●th herevnto De recta fide ad Reginas confessing that al this honour power and authoritie which the Prophets haue signified so long before ●y the annoynting of the sonne of God ●ame vnto Christ in consideratiō of his manhode thus he saith Quòd vnctio sit ●ecundum humanitatem nemo qui rectè sapere ●●let dubitabit quia absque omni controuersia ●inus à maiore benedicitur That the an●ointing of Christ shoulde be meant of his humanitie no man doubteth that is of any right vnderstanding For without al controuersie the inferiour and lesse euer receiueth blessing of the superiour and greater There can be no question then but al soueraignty and supreame iurisdiction which he exercised ouer the Church being his body and spouse in that respect that he was either Priest and Bisshop of our soules 1. Pet. 2. as S. Peter calleth him or els as he was our head and pastour it is certen that al this came vnto him by his Fathers sending and the vnction of the holy Ghost and the benediction of the holy Trinitie to which he was inferiour according to his manhode If thou doubt of this Priesthode in this case heare Theodoretus Christus autem quod ad humanitatem quidem attinet Dialog 1. Sacerdos appellatus est non aliam autem hostiam quàm suū corpus obtulit Christ saith he touching his humanity was called a Priest and he offered no other hoste but his owne bodie But we maie haue more forcible testimony herof in S. Paule him selfe who in sundrie other places that are knowen Heb. 5. 9. professeth euery Bisshop to be elected ād chosen out amōg an number of men to offer sacrifice for sinne And that he is made the supreame gouernoure and heade of the Churche in his humanitie yea and in respecte thereof is appointed to be the high minister of God the Father in pardoning or iudging the worlde it is an assured ground of our faith approued not onely by the consente of all Doctours but also by the Scriptures euerie where protesting that al power in heauen and earth is geuen to Christ in so muche that the Apostle calleth him the man Act. 7. in quo viro statuit iudicare orbem terrarum In which or by which appointed man he will iudge the world Al these things though they may seme to the simple to be farre from the matter yet they be both neare our purpose and necessarie to be laied vppe in memorie for the further establisshing of our faith in the Article proposed and diuerse other profitable pointes of Christian beliefe nowe impugned For as the due cōsideration of Christes authoritie and excellent office touching his manhod wil helpe vp the decayed honour and iurisdictiō that the guides of Gods Churche by the right of his high calling doe iustlie chalenge so it shal represse the boldnesse of certaine miscreants of this age who to further their sundrie euil entents and detestable doctrines haue dishonoured Christes dignitie touching his incarnation and office of his redemption exceding much both in him self and in the persons of his Priestes and substitutes Some of them fearing as I take it least the honour and office of Christes Priesthod might by participation descend to the Apostles and Priests of the Church letted not to hold that Christ was his Fathers Priest according to his diuine nature of which blasphemie Iohn Caluin was iustly noted Vide Oricouij Chimer wherin the wicked man whiles he went about to disgrace the dignitie of mortall men became exceding iniurious to the second person in Trinitie One other of that schole and of his own neast denied that Christ in his manhode should ●udge the world least there might seme ●o be some force of punishment and cor●ection of wickednes practised by mās ministery in this life for the resemblāce of Christes iudgement to come And so ●aught one Richerus of a Carmelite a Caluinist Vide Villegag contra articulos Caluini Ita Hartop Mōhem alij Heb. 7. Other denie Christ being now in heauen to make prayer for vs ●ccording to his manhode because it ●endeth towardes the intercession of Saints though S. Paule in expresse wordes recordeth of him Quòd salua●e in perpetuum potest accedens ad Deum persemetipsum semper viuens ad interpellandum ●ro nobis That for euer he is of power to geue saluation hauing accesse to God by him self and alwaies liuing to make intercession for vs. Yea most of the Sacramentaries
God the Father to his only Sonne from him again to such as he hath sent and made the messengers of his blessed mind and disposers of mysteries he hath no feelinge at all of the wayes that he wrought for mans redemption he can not atteyne to the intelligence of Christes vnction wherby he is made our head and prieste he in the middest of the glorious light of the Churche can not heholde the practise of so heauenlie ministeries In Epist sua Cano●●ca therefore such thinges as he knoweth not he blasphemeth sayth S. Iude. But to woo●k all in light order I wil build vpon the forsaid the intended conclusion that the Aduersaries maie see and beholde the force of our faith and the singular weaknes of their assertions I thus ioyne with them in argumentes barely and playnly without couert That power and Commission which was giuen to Christe by his heauenlie Father concerninge remission or reteining of sinnes was geuen to the Apostles at his departure hence but Christe him selfe did truelie effectuallie and in proper fourme of speach by his Fathers sending and commission remitte sinnes Ergo the ministers of Christ may and doo truly perfectly remitte sinnes Or thus more brieflie As Christ was sent of his Father so are the Apostles sent by Christ but Christ was sent to forgeue sinnes Ergo the Apostles be sent to forgeue sinnes also The second part of the reasons which is that Christ had power of his Father to remit sinnes was sent for the same purpose is sufficientlie proued in the chapter before The first part of the argumēt standeth vpō the sure groūd of Christes owne woordes which be these Like as my Father sent me so I doo send you Which woordes were so plaine and so deeply noted for this intent of S. Chrysostome that with admiration of the dignitie and excellent calling of priesthod he thus trimly difcourseth vpon them I will report his saying in Latin De sacerdot lib. 3. as Germanus Brixius hath translated it all that he speaketh for that purpose hereafter shall be reci●ed but nowe no more but this Quid hoc aliud esse dicas nisi omnium rerum coelestiū potestatem illis à Deo esse concessam Ait enim quorūcunque peccata retinueritis retentae sunt Quaenam obsecro potestas hac vna maior esse queat Pater omnifariam filio potestatem dedit caterum video ipsam candem omnifariam potestatē à Deo filio illis traditam Nam quasi iam in coelū translati ac supra humanam naturam positi atque nostris ab affectibus exēpti sic illi ad principatum istum perducti sunt And in English thus it is What els canst thou make of this or what lesse then that the power iurisdiction of al heauenly things is by God graunted vnto them For it is said Whose sinnes so euer you do hold or reteine they be reteined For Gods loue what power can be geuē in the world so great the Father bestowed al maner of power vpon his Son I find the very self same power of al things to be deliuered to the Apostles by God the Son For now as though they were already translated out of this life to heauen and there promoted aboue mans nature and discharged of al our feeble affections they are aduanced to the princely soueraigntie wherof we now haue said Thus farre Chrysostome So doth this woorthie Father helpe our cause and so doth he thinke of the excellent authoritie geuen by the Father to his Sonne and deriued frō him to the ministers of his holie will testament in earth Whose iurisdiction so highly holden so truely obteined so nerelie ioyned vnto Christes honour and so daily practised no otherwise but in his right and name whosoeuer shal comtrolle or contemne they not onely irreuerentlie touche Gods annointed but they sacrilegiouslie laie handes on ipsum Christum Domini euen on him that is annointed aboue all his fellowes Lib. 1. de Poenitēt Cap. 7. Wel I conclude vp this matter with these few woordes of S. Ambrose Vult Dominus plurimum posse discipulos suos vult à seruis suis ea fieri in nomine suo quae faciebat ipse positus in terris Our Lordes pleasure is that his disciples should haue great prerogatiue he will haue the same things wrought by his seruantes in his name that him selfe did in his own person when he was in earth The power of priesthod touching remission of sinnes is proued by the solemne action of Christ in breathing vpon his Apostles and geuing them therby the holie Ghost The third Chap. THE commission power that our maister Christ receiued of his euerlastinge Father beinge in most ample maner communicated with the Apostles made great proofe and euidence for the right that they claime in remission of sinnes but the present power of Gods Spirite breathed by Christ vpon them and geuen vnto them for the ministerie and execution of that function helpeth our matter so much that who so euer nowe denieth this authoritie of the Apostles concerning the pardoning of our offenses doth not so much sinne against the Sonne of man which of it selfe is greuous inoughe as he doth controll the worke of the spirite of Christ which is the holie Ghost in whome both he and his Church doth remitte sinnes The more plaine and more exact our master Christe was in the bestowing of that power to remitte and reteine sinnes the more is our contempt in the disobedience deniall thereof He sendeth them forth with his owne authoritie in this case he geueth them the very spirit of God by whose diuine power they maie execute the function to which he called them he geueth them the expresse warrant of his own woord that sinnes they might pardon and punish and yet we make doubt of their vsurpation But howe they mighte forgeue sinnes by Christes sending we haue alreadie said Nowe for the holie Ghostes power prerogatiue in the same action which was breathed on the Apostles we must further conferre with suche as call in question matters so plaine And firste I am in good hope that no man will denie but Christ gaue them the holie Ghost for no other purpose so much as to remitte sinnes secondly I doubt not of their faith and beliefe in this point but they wil confesse the holy Ghost to be of power by nature and propriety to forgeue sinnes Thirdlie I claime of their sinceritie thus muche more that Christ being as wel God as man was well able for the furniture of their calling to geue them the holy Ghost all which being confessed of al men and denied of no Christian aliue how the cōclusion so besette with al proofe on euery side standeth not vpright let the Aduersaries tel me In the Apostles there can be no lacke touching that office for the execution whereof they receiued both Christes commission first and the holy Spirit of God afterward In Christ there
can be no default who was well able to geue and in deede did giue the holie Ghost In the holie Ghoste there can be no lette nor lacke whose power is infinite and his verie propriety to remitte sinnes Al things then standing on so safe and sure groundes the giuer the gift and the receiuer competent and fullie answerable eche to other on euery side let the discontēted ioyne in argument let him alledge why the Priest so authorised by Christe and so assured of the holie Ghost may not either pardon or geue penance Neuer man auouched that he exercised the high actiō vpō his own authoritie but that he may not as a minister and seruaunt practise it vppon the warrant of Christ present power of the holy Ghost that no faithful person can affirm nor any reasonable man stand in Some holy writers vpon this text of S. Iohn in which the order of Christes authorishing his Apostles for the remissiō of sinnes is described do dispute of the differēce of geuing the holy ghost then to his Disciples afterwarde on whitsonday some note the external ceremonie that our Maister vsed when he gaue them the holy Spirite whiche was by breathing on them that suche outwarde actions might bothe be an euidence to them of that excellent gift which they inwardlie then receued Grace ioined to external elements ād vvhy and should further be an euerlasting instruction to the Church that Gods grace gifts be oftē ioyned to external elemēts for the solace of our nature that deliteth to haue our outward man schooled as well as the inward man nourished These and many things moe be of profitable remembrance and consideratiō but not so much to our purpose Therfore let vs see whether the iudgement of the holy Fathers do not wholy help our present cause by prouing the Priests ministerie through the holy Ghostes authoritie that our declaration stāding on the plaine wordes of scripture with their vndoubted sense may obtein inuincible force against the aduersaries and woorthy credite of the true beleuers Hovv Priestes being but men m●ie remitte sinnes cōmitted agaīst God We wil make our entrance first with S. Cyril who debating with himselfe vpon the incomparable authoritie and power geuen to the Apostles for remission of sinnes standeth first as in contention with him self and with Christes wordes how it may be that they being but mē shuld forgeue the sinnes of our soules being sure of this that it is the proprety only of the true and liuing God to assoile vs of our sinnes against whom only al sinnes be proprely committed And therefore being not of stomake as men be now a daies to deny that which Christes wordes so plainly doe import he made answere that the Apostles were in deed deified made as you would say partakers of Gods nature to woorke Gods own office in the world Cap. 5● lib 12. In Ioan. interpre Trapezū Qua igitur ratione saith he diuinae naturae dignitatem ac potestatem discipulis suis saluator largitus est Quia certè absurdum non est pec●ata remitti posse ab illis qui spiritum Sanctum in seipsis habeant Nam cùm ipsi remmittunt aut detinent spiritus qui habitat in eis remittit detinet By what meanes did our Sauiour giue vnto the Apostles the preheminence power of Gods own nature Surely because it agreeth very well that they should remit mans sinnes that haue in them selues the holy Ghost For when they assoyle or reteine sinnes it is the holy Spirit that dwelleth in them whiche by their ministerie doth remitte or reteine sinnes Thus he I marueil not nowe Lib. 6. cont Iul. why this same Father termeth the Apostles somtimes Protectores curatores animarū corporū Titles geuen to priesthod the protectours and curers both of bodies and soules it is not strāge why S. Ambrose should cal the whole order of priesthod Ordinē deificū De Sacerdot Neither that he should terme officiū Sacerdotis munus spiritus Sancti The Priestes office to be the function of the holy Ghost No I doe not wonder at some of our forefathers that in the admiration of Gods Maiestie which they saw to be so present in the execution of so high an office they did simplie and plainlie terme the principall Pastours of the Churche halfe Gods and not mere men not hauing respect to their persons whiche be compassed with in firmities as other the sinfull sort of people in the worlde be but casting eye vpwarde to the holie and excellent functions whiche they practised by the spirite of God which dwelleth in them and deifieth their persōs to make them of habilitie to exercise the works of God But S. Ambrose helpeth our matter with a long discourse al I wil not now report for the present purpose thus he saith disputing against the Nouatiās for the assertiō of priestlie dignity inassoyling our sinnes Qui Spiritū sanctū accipit sol uëdi pec●a●a potestatē et ligandi accipit Cap. 2. li. 1 De Poen sic enī scriptū est Accipite Spiritum sanctū quorū remiseritis peccata remittūtur eis quorū retinueritis retēta sunt Ergo ꝙ soluere peccatū non potest non habet Spiritū sanctū Munus spiritus sancti est officium sacerdotis ius autem spiritus sancti in soluendis ligandisque criminibus est He that receiueth the holy Ghoste h●● meaning is in the taking of orders receiueth therewith the power to bind loose For so is it writen Receiue you the holy Ghost whose sinnes you do forgeue they are forgeuē them whose sinnes you do reteine they are reteined Therefore they which can not forgeue mēs offēces thei haue not the holy ghost that is to say thei haue not the gift of the holy ghost which is geuē to the officers for th executiō of their functiō in Christes behalfe for the gift of the holy Ghost is the office of the Priest the proper right of remission of sinnes stādeth in the holy Ghost Thus wrote S. Ambrose against the heretikes of his time both toucheth and ouercōmeth all the falshode of our daies against the ministerie of man which so ioyneth with Gods Spirit in al these diuine functions that it can not without blasphemie and special contempt of God be contemned Contra Pelagianos Manichaeos Donatistas passim But I remember S. Augustine the Churches great Capitaine against her aduersaries of those daies did euer in disputation against the Pelagians and other like ennemies of faith make the greatest accompt of victorie and their ouerthrow when they were driuen to denie that which euer before had bene not onlie acknowledged of al men for truth but also had ben vsed as a graūted truth ground and principle for the notable euidence thereof to the impugning of other falsehodes For there can be no doubt but that whiche our holy Fathers did vse without controling and contradiction euen
men make of the Apostles spirite woorde and writing that they haue cōdemned the whole vse therof as superstitious Holy Orders not helping thē selfes by figures but by opē force Grace is giuen to Timothy as in a sacrament when he tooke orders of Paule 1. Tim. 4 the Apostle sayeth so much in expresse termes yet this grace and the whole sacrament of Orders these holy men reiecte Matrimonie Matrimonie to S. Paule is a great sacrament of oure ministers not misliked so farre as concerneth their fleshly coniunctiō which they onely lust after Ephes 5. but grace they list not receiue thereby least it should be a sacrament wherby the vnitie of Christ and his spouse the Church which in no sauce they can abide might be fullie represented and signified These felowes therfore that dare be so bold to disturbe al the orders and sacramentes of Goddes Church and to mainteine their phantasies dare brast the sacred bandes of expresse scriptures in such poyntes as doo directly touche the whole policie of oure Christian common wealth and ordered wayes of oure saluation euen in those which Christ moste carefully left to be practised for the vse of his louinge flocke by the warrant of woordes moste playne what shal wee saye to such bolde and impudent faces that thus dare doo and yet which I more merueyl at in this their vncurtesie and moste vnhonest dealing will not sticke to crie and call vpon Goddes woorde as thoughe they did that by scripture the contrarie whereof they expressly find in scripture And truely where they be not holpen by the verie woordes vaine it shall be for them to stand with vs and with all oure Fathers and with the practise of al nations and with the verie expresse iudgment of the Church of God it shal not boote them I say in their dark ignorance and infinitie pride to stand with vs hauing so many helpes for the true meaning and the expresse text of the woorde for oure selues and side Sometymes where it maie appeare that the woordes and outwarde face of scripture serue not oure assertions so playnly as the holy traditions of Christes Church doo there they cal vpō vs with infinite clamoures to abide the iudgment of the woorde which they would be thought to esteme aboue al mans meaning But whither wil they now runne thincke you where al oure sacramētes stand vpō euident woordes more thē woordes vpon the verie expresse notorious actiō of Christ him selfe all instituted sincerly to be practised of the Churce after his departure hēce al cōmended in knowen termes of greatest most efficacie that could be not by way of preaching in which he vsed sometyme figures not at suche tyme as he vsed other then common knowen speach but after his resurrection when he now vttered no more parables as he did before Matt. 13. Marc. 4. that suche as sawe should not see and such as were of vnderstanding might not vnderstand but did open vnto his dearest their senses that they might vnderstand scriptures and more carefully expressed his meaning for the instruction of his holy Disciples to the better bearing of that charge which he ment to leaue them in after his departure whither wil these men I say where they see al thinges so enuironed with trueth whither wil they flye The scriptures be playnly ours the doctours thei dare not claime reason is against them ther is then no waye to beare it oute but with boldnesse and exercised audacitie Yet here we wil assaye by the notorious euidence of this one cause that we now haue in hande to breake their stonie hartes to the obedience of Christes Church and woorde for whose faith if they haue seen great light and force of argument allready and shall yet see much more I truste they will not still withstande the knowen trueth Al woordes then of institution of sacramentes being literaly to be taken thinges of so great charge not otherwise to be vnderstanded then are both by act and woord of Christe sincerely vttered we neede not doubt but the fourme of Christes sentence in which he giueth the Apostles power to remitt sinnes is plainely to be taken in that common sense as the same by woordes importeth and therefore that by force thereof they maye remitte sinnes And yet to make more proofe to satisfie all men I wil ioyne to these woordes of oure Sauioure that most properly concerne the sacramente of penaunce other his woordes touching oure principall conclusion not vnlike wherby in cōferēce of the like sainges together which our Aduersaries doe alwayes as they would seeme wel to allow trueth may trie it selfe Therefore as our Maister here saieth vnto them whose sinnes you shal forgiue they be forgiuē And whose sinnes you reteine they be also reteined euen so said he twice before vnto the Apostles expressing in other woordes almoste the same meaning and sense once to them altogether in the xviij of S. Matthew an other tyme before that in the xvi of the same Gospel to S. Pecer alone To them in general thus saith Christ If thy brother haue committed any offence towards thee go to him and admonish him priuately betwixt him and thy selfe If he take it wel thou hast then wonne thy brother if he regarde thee not take one or twoo with thee that in the mouthes of two or three wittnesses euerie vvoord may stande if he regarde not them neither then make complainte of him to the Churche that is to saye as S. Chrysostome expoundeth it Super hūc locū to the Gouernours of the Churche and if he will not obeye the Church thē take him for no better thē a Heathē and a Publicā And streight vpon these woordes De fide operib cap. 3. least any mā should sette light by the Churche or rulers thereof Christ added sayth S. Augustine a wonderfull terrour of her seuere authoritie saing Amen dico vobis quaecunque alligaueritis super terram erunt ligata in coelo quaecunque solueritis super terram erunt soluta in coelo surely I saye vnto you what thinges soeuer you binde in earth it shal be bounde in heauen And what soeuer you loose in earth it shal be loosed in heauen This text is cleare for the Churches claime in remission of sinnes thoughe it properlie perteine rather to the outwarde power iudiciarie and courte of external iudgment for open crimes and notorious contemptes then for the sinnes of the people that be secrette and onely subiect to power practised in the sacrament of penaunce which nowe lightly is closse and onely vttered in secret to him that hath charge of his soule Neuer the lesse if the priestes of God haue receiued power to loose and bynde which is to pardon and punishe open notorious crimes and contemptes whiche towchinge the giltinesse of the faulte doth no lesse perteine to the proper power of God then the absoluinge of secrette sinnes doth then without question they
I thinke no man hath yet so shakē of shame and feare of God that he dare holde that Christe was not hable to mainteine all power rule and iurisdiction with all kind of functions whiche he instituted for the benefite of the people till the worldes end both him self and the holy Ghost promised to be present for that purpose til the general iudgemēt And that those functions were necessary for his euerlasting cōmō welth his solēne institutiō careful prouisiō of them doe declare that he meneth no lesse to establish the same which he thē instituted not only the foresaid reasōs but the saing of S. Paul doth proue Ephes 4. He gaue vnto the Church som to be Apostles som to be prophets some to be Euangelists some to be pastours and Doctours and al this to the worke and maintenance of the ministerie for the perfiting of the Saincts ād vpholding of Christes body til the time of the acknowledging of Gods Sonne Thus doth Christ prouide for his deare Church in al maner of seruice office euen til the last day Wherby it is most cleare that the power of remission of sinnes being once geuē to the Church cā neuer ceasse whiles man of his continual frailty ceasseth not to sinne That which was then cōpted a necessarie refuge remedy for sinnes cōmitted can not nowe perish in the worlde where sinne is a great deale more rife and the remedie more needful But to conuince them plainlie that thinke contrary Ioan. 20. Thomas had like povver to other tho●gh he vvere absent vvhen Christe spake to them let them tell me whether Thomas being not thē present as the Euangelist saith and therefore the woordes not vttered to him in person let them shewe me whether he had not afterwarde by force of that institution power also to remitte sinnes If he had as by reason I am sure they can not denie as ful preheminence and power to doe al things that then Christ charged his ten Disciples which were present to doe in his name then the power of remission of sinnes was not so streightlie limited as the woordes might seme to be vttered by which no doubt a Sacrament was instituted to take force in the Church both then and afterward to the worlds end not that any man may of his owne head vpon force onelie of Christes commission geuen at the time to his Apostles take that high function vpon him but that he which ordinarilie shal be called by receiuing of grace and the holy Ghost in externall Sacrament by laying on of handes of Priesthoode may likewise vpon his owne flock and cure exercise that office no lesse then those holie men might after Christes calling therevnto occupie the same worke of binding and loosing of suche sheepe of Christes fold as to them were committed And so did S. Thomas who then was not there so did S. Mathie who then was no Apostle so did Barnabas so did Timothie and Titus who were ordered by S. Paule Lib 1. de Poenit. Cap. 16. and so did Paule him selfe of whom S. Ambrose saith that he did remitte sinnes without al derogation to Christ The good studiouse Reader must marke wel then that al these holy functions or passing preheminencies are not geuen to the priuate persons in respect of them selues neither of Peter nor of Paul nor any other but they are bestowed vpon them for the vse of the Churche which dieth not in their persons and therefore must be honoured with the same offices by other after they be dead by perpetual succession that shal neuer cease De doct Christ lib. 1. c. 18. And that caused S. Augustine and other holie Fathers to say the keies were geuen to the Churche and authority to remitte sinnes to baptise and to enioyn penance not because the whole Church by gathering al her Children together A fond reason must geue sentence vpon euery sinner or els the Priestes iudgement to be nothing as some foolish seditiouse heades haue now to the disturbance of the worlde deuised but because it is our common wealth and house of faith which is so bewtified in her ministers with al kinde of Sacraments and good orders for the gouernment of her children and because al mē may see it was the earnest loue careful prouidence for this his spouse and not the persons of the Apostles in respect of them selues which moued his wisdome to the iustitution of such perpetual offices in the Church Herevpon therefore and in consideration that the keyes of opening and shutting heauen by binding and loosing mans sinnes shall euer remaine for the vse and honour of the Churche the saied holie S. Augustine hath these woordes Li. 1. c. 18. De doct Christ Claues dedit Ecclesiae saue vt quae soluerit in terrae soluta essent in coelo quae ligauerit in terra ligata essent in coelo Christe deliuered the keyes to the Churche that who so euer shee loosed in earth should be loosed in heauen and what so euer shee bound in earth shoulde be bounde likewise in heauen Li. 1 2. cont Donatist And Optatus his equall striuing with the Donatistes for all holie giftes which Christ bestowed vpon his Churche chalengeth all other Sacramentes and namely the keies for the Catholique and vniuersall Churche from the parte of Donatus the heretike as in the right of Peter He saith exceeding pithelie Claues datae sunt Petro ☜ non haereticis and afterward Cathedram Petri quae nostra est per ipsam caeteras dotes apud nos esse probamus etiam sacerdotium The keyes are geuen to Peter ād not to heretiks by the chair of Peter whiche is oures we proue all other giftes of the church to be ours yea euē priest hode This he hath in sense in diuers places by which we see the iurisdictiō power geuen to the principal Apostle yet to remaine and by it all other the Churches notable preheminences whiche he calleth Ecclesiae dotes The douries of the Churche through his whole discourse against the Donatists So doth Epiphanius attribute the power of penaunce and pardon to the Church likewise not only in baptisme whiche he calleth the moste perfect penance but also afterwarde vppon the parties relapse in which case the heretikes called Cathari Cathari affirmed that the Churche had no authoritie to pardon them any more Against which pernicious sect he saith if any man fall after his baptisme the Churche will not be vnmerciful to him Lib. 2 Tō 1 haeres 59. Dat enim reuersionem post poenitentiam poenitentiam For shee geueth him leaue to returne and hath penance after penance By whiche he noteth that the Churche hath two Sacraments for remission of sinne the one is baptisme which he termeth perfect penāce Cap. 6. with S. Paul to the Hebrews And S. Augustin doth cal it in his Enchiridion Cap. 64. Magnam indulgentiam a graūd pardon and afterwarde the
Churche hath an other kind of remission whiche Epiphanius calleth poenitentiam post poenitentiam But of these two more shal be said anon After this sorte Lib. 4. de Sap. ca. 30 doth Lactantius ascribe to the true Churche confession penance and profitable healing of our wounds and suche sores as be founde in our soules By al which euery man may conceiue casely that this honour and commission of priesthod for the remissiō of our sinnes did not decay with the Apostles appointed by Christe nor shal cease till Christes cōming to iudge the worlde But he that listeth to see in what office and by whom she holdeth this singular honour of remission of sinnes he shal find not onelie the Apostles who were called by Christ but al other Bishoppes also that succeede them in the Churche to be her ministers herein Gregorius wherof let him read the xxvj Homelie of S. Gregorie perteininge almoste wholy to that purpose I will repeat a few wordes onely out of it committing the rest to the diligence of the Reader Libet intueri saith he illi Discipuli ad tanta ouer a humilitatis vocati ad quantū culmen gloriae sint perducti Ecce non solùm de semetipsis securi fiunt sed etiam alienae obligationis relaxationis potestatem accipiunt principatumque superni iudicij sortiuntur vt vice Dei quibusdam peccata retineant quibusdam relaxent Ecce qui districtum iudicium Dei metuunt animarum iudices siunt et alios damnant vel liberant qui semet ipsos damnari metuebant Horum profecto nunc in Ecclesia Dei Episcopi locum tenent ligandi atque soluendi authoritatem sumunt Grandis honor sed graue pondus est istud honoris It is my meaning nowe to beholde to what marueilouse honour the Disciples of Christe be exalted whiche before were called in their base state to great burden and troubles For nowe they be not onelie in assurance of their owne state but they haue obteined power of binding and releasing other and the verie soueraigntie of heauenlie iudgemente that in Goddes owne steede they may some mans sinnes release and other offences reteine Loe those that once feared the straict sentence of Goddes owne iudgemente are made the iudges of other mens soules to cōdemne or deliuer where they list Bishops are in the roomes of the Apostles that before doubted of them selues And nowe tru●lie in these mens roomes are the Bishoppes of Goddes Church and receiue the authoritie of binding and loosing and their owne state of regimente High surely is their Chair but greater is their charge S. Gregorie said so farre But Sainct Augustine shall make vppe this matter with woordes of suche weight that I trust euerie man shall see the trueth and almost feele the grossenesse of falsehoode thereby He writeth thus vppon this verse of the Psalme Eructauit Psal 44. The Catholike Churche hath continual successiō in lauful ministerie whiche is the xliiij in number with him Pro patribus ●uis nati sunt tibi filij constitues eos Principes super omnem terram In place of thy Parentes thou hast children born thee them thou mayest make the Princes of the vvhole earth The Apostles did begette thee they were sente them selues they preached in their owne persons and finallie they were thy Fathers But could they alwayes corporally abide here And though one of them saied Phil. 1. I would gladly be dissolued and be with Christ yet for your sake I coūted it more necessarie to tarie in flesh Thus he said But how long coulde his life last He might not remaine til this daie muche lesse for the time to come What then is the Church desolate after the departure of her parents God forbid In steed of thy parentes thou hast sonnes saith the text What is that to say Marie the Apostles sent by Christ are as Fathers and for them God hath raised vp childern or sonnes which be the holy Bishops of the world For at this day the Bishoppes that be throughout al Christendome how rose thei to that roome The Church calleth them Fathers and yet shee did begette them and shee placed them in the roome of their Fathers Non ergo te putes desertam quia non vides Petrum quòd non vides Paulum quòd non vides illos per quos nata es de prole tua tibi creuit paeternitas pro patribus tuis nati sunt tibi filij constitues eos principes super omnem terram Doe not therfore thinke thy selfe desolate because thou seest not Peter because thou hast not Paul ☜ because thou hast them not nowe present by whome thou wast borne of thy owne issue Fatherhode is growen to thee and for thy Fathers thou hast brought foorth sonnes them shalt thou make the rulers ouer al the earth Thus muche out of S. Augustine By whom you may perceiue the great prouidence of God that euerlastingly vpholdeth the ordinance of his Sonne Christ Iesus as wel now by the children borne from time to time in the Churches lappe as b●fore in the spring of our faith by the Apostles sent and appointed in person by Christ him selfe And here you must note Note that not only Bishops who succeede the Apostles in al kind of power and regiment but also all other inferiour Priestes to be compted with them as successours in ministring diuerse sacramentes as baptisme penance the reuerend Sacramēt of the Aultar and suche like but looke what power either Apostle or Bishop hath in remission of sinnes in consecrating Christes body in baptising the same hath the whole order of holy priesthod by the right of their order may practise the same vpō such as be subiect vnto them in al cases not exempted for reasonable causes by such as haue further iurisdictiō ouer the people Whereof I will not now talk particularly the lerned of the order know the limits of their charge cōmission better then I cā instruct thē the simpler sort must seek for knowledge of their duty by the holy Canons of Coūcels decrees of Bishops made for that purpose I can not now stād theron meaning at this present only to defend the holy Order chalēge for it such right as the scripture and Christes own word geueth which in this cōtempt of vertue and religiō is most necessary for al men to consider Therfore vpon our large discours for this last point I now deducte the particulars to this summe which may stād for a certaine mark as wel for the good to discern the truth as for the Aduersaries to shoote at whiles they liue Al power euery iurisdiction or right of Christes church remaineth as amply in as ful force strēgth at this day shal til the worlds end so continue as they were by Christ graūted first in the persōs of the Apostles or other instituted But the power of remissiō of sinnes was geuē proprely in expresse termes to the
absurde and wilful maintenaunce of sinne For by this rule he that killed and murdered thousandes shoulde confesse no more after his wicked actes then before Confession by a general clause is not sufficient to saluation not aunsvverable to Christes meaning nor no more then the innocentest man that liueth Dauids weeping and confession shoulde haue bene one after his dooble deadly sinne committed as before in his innocencie Peter should not haue more bitterly wept after his forsaking of his master then before Neither should our confessiō then pertein more to ourselues then to other who by like general clauses may truely make the like the same confession as it is nowe in the Church of England But the holy King Dauid confessed not sinnes common to himself and other men but my sinne my wickednes my impietie saith he and this in confessing to God that knew already his sinnes Howe muche more nowe where Gods iudgement is exercised by man that cannot discerne oure faultes him selfe must we confesse oure sinnes that he may rightly iudge thereof Penaunce must be doone for euery of oure sinnes So Peter prescribed Simon the sorcerer when he attempted to haue bought the gifte of Goddes Spirite that he shoulde doo penaunce for that especial greuous crime Poenitentiam age saith he ab hac nequitia tua Doo penaunce for this thy wicked attempt if perchance God wil forgiue thee this abhominable intent Act. ● The mā was baptised not long before and then no suche Penaunce was prescribed for his most greuous and blasphemous practises of Nicromancie witche crafte lōg exercised before But now after he was of the howsholde euery sinne that is greuous must seuerally be cured Wherin this noughty packe Simō Magus is a thousād partes more religious thē our newe maisters For he desired the Apostles to pray to God for him that this sinne might be forgiuē him wher these care no more for the priest or Apostle concerning their sinnes then they doo for dogges Againe S. Paule did not onely confesse his sinnes by a general clause but acknowledged his owne sinnes 1. Tim. ● wherin he in his owne person had offended he confessed he was of all sinners greatest that he had persecuted the Church of Christ that he had obteined commission to attache them that beleued in Christes name and so furth Suche as were faithful also at Ephesus Act. 1● as we reade in the xix of the Actes came to the Apostles Et confiteban●ur actus suos and confessed their owne proper actes and misdeades In so much that certeine which had folowed vnlawfull artes as Magike Nicromancie and such like curiosity cōfessed their faultes and burned their bookes before all the people If the priestes had nothing elles to doo with oure sinnes but as they had in the olde lawe to doo with the leprous persons that is to say should onely discerne which were by God remitted or not remitted they coulde not that doo expcepte they sawe the variety of the sayde sinnes by mans confession But now seing they haue further interest in oure matters and must properly both pardon and giue iust penaunce for sinne The benefite of a generall Confessiō how is it possible they should doo this without exacte knowlege of euery of oure greuous offences In deed a general confession suche as is often made in diuine seruice to God or his priestes such as be Catholik doth some times take away the common infirmities of oure sinfull life that oure light trespaces be not imputed to vs or suche as we haue so forgotten that we can not by any conuenient search cal againe to oure remembraunce But other greatter crimes and deadly sinnes for which the sacrament of discipline was instituted and the priestes iudgement seat erected in the Church are not discharged before God without seuerall contrition and distincte confession with ready intent of the penitent to accomplish such fructes of penaunce as by the priest shal be appointed for the satisfiyng for his sinnes And what a merueilouse disorde● is brought into Christes Churche by playne flatterie of oure selues herein whiles we holde that this generall confession is sufficient we see by experience of these oure euell dayes The fructe of this nevv doctrine where there is nowe putte no difference betwixte small offendours and moste greuouse sinners no diuersitie of penaunce no more sorowe in one then in other no confession of the most wicked no more then of the smallest sinner or most honest liuer A common murtherer a filty hooremunger a daylie drunkerd a false robber a gredy extorcioner confesse as litle doo as litle penaūce lamēt as litle yea a great deale lesse thē the honest sorte of people doe for much more smal fewer faultes All mē repose them selfes now of dayes so much in Christes passiō and their onely no faith that they will neither confesse to God nor man neither sigh nor sorow nor doo satisfactiō for their sinnes Well There must be in penaunce som representation of Goddes iudgmēt to come let al men be assured that God in the next world will not goe by generall chapters but will haue an accompte of all our proper woorkes and misdedes till it come to our idle woords vaine thoughtes The which iudgement because Gods Churches Ministers sentence to whom Christ gaue all iudgmēt of our sinnes in earth doth most clearly resemble we may be out of doubt that the like particular discussing and examination of oure owne selues here before his ministers must needes be had that we be not iudged of owre Lotde in the life to come And this particular discussing S. Paule ment by 1. Cor. 12. when he commended vnto the Corinthians and by them cōmanded all Christian mē to proue trie and iudge them selues especially afore the receipte of the blessed Sacrament of Christes body and bloude which requireth moste puritie of life in the receiuer that can be For to attempt to receiue the holy body of Christ before we haue in contrite maner confessed oure selfes Cōfessiō is necessarie before the receiuēg of the sacramēt for suche as be in deadly sinne and purged oure consciences by the iudgemēt of Christs Church of the gilt of deadlie sinne is exceeding damnable to vs and much dishonoure to Christes owne person Which prouing and iudging of mannes selfe to be meant by the diligent discussing of oure consciences sinnes and misdedes by contrition and confession of them to oure ghostlie father the practise of the Church doth most plainly proue which neuer suffered any greuous sinner to communicate before he had called him selfe to a reckning of his sinnes before the minister of God and so iudged him selfe that he receiue not to his damnation that which to euery worthy person is his life and saluation De Ecclesiast dog cap. 53. Whereof S. Augustine or the authour of the booke de Ecclesiasticis dogmatibus set furth withe his name geueth vs good notice for his time
Quem mortalia crimina post Baptismum commissa premunt hortor prius publica poenitentia satisfacere ita sacer●otis iudicio reconciliatum communioni sociari si vult non ad iudicium condemnationem sui Eucharistiam percipere sed secreta satisfactione solui mortalia crimina non negamus I exhorte euery man saieth this holy doctour that is burdened after his baptisme with mortall sinne to satisfie for the same by publike penaunce and to be reconciled by the priestes iudgement and to be restored to the communion of Sainctes if he meane to receiue the holy Sacrament not to his iudgement and condemnation And I deny not in this case but deadly sinnes may be remitted by secrette satisfaction Thus he By whose woordes you see in what a damnable state moste men now of dayes stand seeing that who so euer receiueth the Sacrament of Christes body and bloud besore he be reconciled by a priestes sentence and assoiled of his sinnes he doth receiue it to his euerlasting damnatiō Vnto whose iudgemēt I ioyne S. Cypriā in this same matter complaining very earnestly vpon certayne Conuersies in his dayes that would aduenture vpon Christes body and bloude Serm. de lapsis aute exomologesim factam criminis ante purgatam conscientiam sacrificio manu sacerdotis Besore their sinnes be confessed and their cōsciences purged by sacrifice and the Priestes hande Al these thinges might be at large declared and confirmed further by the iudgemēt of most auncient Fathers but because I haue bene very long and enough already may seme to be sayde for suche as by reason wil be satisfied and a great deale more then any Protestant wil aunswer vnto and also the scriptures thē selues giuing the priest so plainl power of binding and reteining as we● as of remitting and loosing will doo more with these that haue charged them selues with the belief of nothing that is not in expresse writing of Gods woord then the vniforme consent of al ages and the moste notable persons in the same In respect of their humour therfore I wil not say much more for this pointe then I haue sayed onely my meaning now is for the Catholiques comforte to repete a fewe suche euident sentences out of most authentique authors by whom we may take a taste not onely of their meaninges which is much for the matter but especially of the Churches practise in al ages most coūtries christened since the Apostles time which I accōpt the most surest way to touche and trye trueth by that by the example of al our forefathers euery man may willingly learne to submit him selfe to the sentēce of suche as God hath made the iudges of his soule and sinnes That confession hath euer bene vsed of al mortal sinnes in al coūtries and ages since ●hristes time it is proued by the witnesse of moste learned fathers with an aunswer to suche thinges as oute of the fathers be sometimes obiected to the contrarie The eleuenth Chap. I am the longer in this approued trueth because I remember what S. Chrisostom saieth D● sacerli 2. And I see by these dayes that it is very true which he writeth Multa arte opus esse vt qui laborant Christiani vltrò sibiipsis persuadeant sacerdotum curationibus sese submittere That it is a pointe of highe wisdom and conning to bring to passe that Christian men which are sicke in soule would persuade them selues to submitte in all causes them selues to the priestes curing For in deede in Nectarius his predecessours dayes ther was suche an offence arose to the simple sorte and such a Trageady in Constantinople Church by the noughty facte of a Deacon there An aunsvver to a certaine storie alleaged by the aduersaries against Cōfession that their Bishoppe was gladde to make the state of penaunce whiche then was often publiste euen for priuate sinnes to be a great deale more free then before Whervppon the people tooke occasion of suche liberty and licentious life that when their common Penitenciarie by the commandement of Nectarius was remoued they were exceding loath to confesse or doo iuste Penaunce for their sinnes att all Thughe that good man condescending to the peoples weakenes ment neuer to take away that whole order wherein he had no authority because it is no politike prouision but Christes institution but onely that the penaunce should not be publike except the party listed of those sinnes which were to the saied Penitenciarie confessed in secrette Which facte of his thoughe perchaunce it was necessary for that tyme yet it was not allowed of the Writers of the same History Lib. 9. ca. 35 tripar histor as a thing sayeth Sozomenus that broughte muche dissolute life and alteration of the peoples manners in to the Churche Yet oure aduersaries are in such distresse for the maintenaunce of their contrary assertion against holie Confession that they be not ashamed to alleadge this mans doubtfull example Whiche if it were good and to be folowed yet made yt nothing against priuate shrifte which they call nowe auricular confession or if it did make againste the whole Sacrament euery way ministered yet it coulde not of reason be folowed being but one Bishoppes compelled acte and that disalowed euen of the reporters them selues and proued to be euel by the practise of all Churches christened to the contrary And sure it is that S. Chrysostome who succeded Nectarius had much a doo to bring the people made more licencious by the foresayd graunt to the distincte numbering of all their sinnes to the priest Sermon de paenit cōfess againe which he knewe to be necessary by Christes institution and therefore in exhorting them to confession he speaketh much of bashfullnes which the people had in vttering their sinnes and of feare of vpbraiding of suche thinges as they had confessed to the priestes and of comming furth as it were to a publike stage to open their offences as the vse was in his predecessours dayes Of al which thinges and other impedimētes of confession this doctor doth discharge the penitents by awarranting them that priuate confession which is made without witnesse and to him that shall no laye any thing confessed to theire chardge or open it to the worlde is enough thoughe the open order vsed before he counteth the more perfect and better wherin he saieth that Iob was not a shamed to confesse his faultes before the worlde muche lesse Christen men shoulde be abashed to open them selues to God not meaning so by confession made to God as thoug●e he discharged them of opening their sinnes in the close consistorie of the priestes iudgment which he in deede did not but he meaneth Magister qua●to sētentiarū as the Maister firste aunswered and other schole men of greate and exacte iudgement after him that in steede of publike confession made in the face of the Church secrette opening to the priest who occupieth there the seate of God and therefore would
Iurisdictiō sometimes ioyneth with the sacramēt of penāce the power of Orders as when any Indulgence is geuē furth by the Pope in which is expressed that who so euer shal be partaker therof must cōfesse him selfe be cōtrite for his sinnes past therwith receiue the holy sacramēt of the Altar such like Sometymes a pardon ioyneth vvith the Sacramēt of Cōfession by this pardon so ioyning with the sacramēt of remissiō or in a maner includīg the same a ful forgiuenes is had of al sins payn therfore which in that case may be called as it is a plenary remissiō or a pardon à poena culpa frō both the fault the payn due therefore Ther be also certain greuous crimes which euery curat or priest Parochiā cā not remit Of causes reserued because they be reserued to the audiēce of the higher pastours For in the sacramēt of Penāce ther is a power iudiciary therefore can not be practised laufully but vpō subiect persōs causes not exēpted frō their iugemēt excepted frō their audiēce In which cases the persons of higher iurisdiction to whom by right and law the cognition of those reserued sinnes belong doe sometimes vpon occasion giuen communicate their power to the said simple Priests and doe license them to exercise their iurisdiction vpon persons causes not proprely perteining vnto them as when the Popes Indulgēce geaueth the sinner leaue to choose his Ghostly Father and by him that he may be assoiled euen from such sinnes as be reserued to the supreame power of the Church In this matter also the Indulgence ioyneth with the ordinary sacrament of penance and the Minister receiueth iurisdiction by the Indulgence to heare and assoile the Penitent of such sinnes as before were not subiect to his peculiar regiment therefore this is also called a pardon from sinne and the paine for sinne and a ful remission That thou be not deceiued herein vnderstand good Reader that euery Priest in his taking Orders and by Christes graunt hath ful power to remitte al sinnes and al men of their sinnes that be penitent yet that this power can not be practised by the lawe of nature indifferently vpon all because this sacrament and none other is iudicial therefore profitably can be extended no further but to them that be of their subiection and regiment Where so euer the priest consecrateth it is effectual whome so euer be baptiseth he is lawfully Christianed whome so euer the Bishoppe ordereth he standeth truely ordered so furth though they should not herein medle in other mens cures without special licence No Bishoppe nor prist can absolue thē which be not their subiects sufferance or necessity But no man can assoile any persō at al that is not subiect vnto him either ordinarily or otherwise because it is an acte of Iurisdiction therefore though his power of orders be in it self sufficient yet by that onely he can not absolue any man but in necessity excepte he haue withall authority ouer the person and in that case wherein the penitent requireth his sentence which Iurisdiction he may haue either ordinarily as vppon all those that be of his charge or els extraordinarily by some special graunt of the superiour as Bishope or Pope as we may see in the formes and course of Indulgencies diuers times And thus cōsidering of the matter you see that the Popes Pardons as they be onely proper to the acte of Iurisdiction separated from the power of priesthod and sacramental confession can not remitte the sinnes them selues neither damnatiō due for their reward thoughe because licence commeth and procedeth by thē to the inferioure priestes to remitte sinnes in al cases they may be called as I sayde plenary and most liberal graces and grauntes to assoile man both from sinne and the punishement that is due therefore Venial sins may be remitted by pardons and many other vvaies vvithout cōfession The Popes Pardons also may well reache so farre as to take away veniall and daylie infirmities which be of their nature punishable but by some temporal payne and correction because they be remissible many wayes out of the sacramēt both here in this life and in the next For the merites of Christ may be applied sufficiently to the offenders in suche light maner of trespaces without the especial grace of a sacrament as by saing oure Lordes praier saith S. Augustine and by almose and by the holy Sacrament of the Aultar either receiued or deuoutelie adored by sacrifice now of the holy Masse much more then in olde time in the sacrifices of the law and by the holy peace or blessinges of Christ and his Apostles and Bishopes after them and by their Pardons Therfore to him that is free from greuous sinnes or pardoned of the same al these thinges shal be commodious towards the remissiō of his lesser infirmities but if he be in state of damnation and out of Goddes fauour which grace must be procured onely by the Sacraments of Baptisme or Penaunce he can not obteine any Pardon at the Pop●s handes neither aliue nor dead nor none was euer meant vnto him That the Popes pardōs properly perteine to the remission of temporal paine due for mortall sinnes remitted before in the Sacrament of penaunce whervpon the ful meaning of pardons is opened The Third Chapter THE Popes Holines then being disburdened by most iust meās frō all causes of enuy rising vpon the surmise or open sclander that he would forgiue mēs sinnes euen before they were cōmitted as thoughe he should graunt furth a licence for men to conmit notorious crimes yea being proued to be so farre from that facte that he taketh not vpon him by his Pardons so much as to release any mortal sinne at al therefore that he neuer arrogated so muche vnto him selfe in these matters in respecte of his iurisdicion onely as is must iustely graunted to the simplest priest aliue that is lawfully ordered the case standing then before God and al the worlde so cleare with him lette vs see what he claimeth by his iurisdictiō and in what sense his Pardons doo remitte or release any thinge to man seing in matters of mortal sinne otherwise then by ioyning with the Sacrament of Penaunce he doeth not intermeddle with remission at al. Truely to be plain and briefe The true meaning of the Popes Pardons they that be the gouernours of Gods Church doe chalenge nothing els nor meane nothing ells by their Pardons but the release and pardoning of such punishement as is often due after the sinnes be remitted in the sacrament of Confessiō that is to saye they pardon the Penaunce enioyned by the ghostly Father or that should haue bene enioyned by the rigour of their Canons and by the lawe according to the quantitie of the sinne confessed And what lesse can they being the appointed pastours of oure soules and gouernours of the Church what lesse can
doo alwayes haue done is founded most fast vpon this place of S. Matthew spokē first and principally to S. Peter Cap. 16. ●● Cap. 18. and thē to other Apostles vniuersally Now if any list be assured by the doctours interpretation that the woordes of our Sauiour of binding and loosing do directly giue power to the pastours of his Churche to punish the offenders and release their sentence of seueritie againe lett them read Ad Auxiliū Epischop●● S. Augustines 75. Epistle where they shall finde muche of this matter thus amogst other thinges spirit alis poena de qua scriptum est Quae ligaueritis in terra erunt ligata in coelo ipsas animas obligat The spirituall punishmēt wherof Christ spake whē he sayde what so euer you binde in earth it shall be bounde in heauen doth fast binde the soules them selues And S. Chrisostō disputing excellently vpon these woordes of binding or loosing compareth the iurisdictiō of Princes temporall vnto the spiritual power herein maketh this to excelle that as farre as heauen passeth the earth the soule in dignitie surmounteth the bodie If any king saith Chrysostom should giue vnto some subiect suche authoritie vnder him Lib. 3. de sacerdot that whom so euer he would he might cast into prison and againe release him when he list all men woulde accompte that subiect most happie But he that hath receiued not of an earthly Kinge but of God him selfe a power that passeth that other as farre as heauen is frō the earth and the soule excelleth the bodie I trow him euerie mā muste both wonder at and highly reuerēce Thus far said the Doctour acknowledging that as some by princes grauntes maye prison or pardō the bodies so the priestes maye punishe mens soules loose or pardō thē again For the proof whereof he applieth fitly both the woordes of Christ spokē to S. Peter the like afterward to al the Apostles concerning binding and loosing Againe S. Cypriā other holy Bishopes of Affrike Epist 2. lib. 1. which had enioyned long penaunce to certaine that had fallen in time of persecutiō frō their faith for flattery or feare of the worlde and had thought not to haue giuē thē any Indulgence peace or pardō for that thē they called dare pacem which we now terme to giue a pardon till the houre of death came Statueramus say they vt agerēt diu plenā poenitentiam we had veryly determined that they should haue doone out all their full enioyned penaūce but now vpon other great respectes we doo agree to giue peace or pardon to those that haue earnestlye done some penance alreadie and lamēted bitterly their former fall But mark wel here by what authoritie they chalenge this power what they doe chalēg They chalēg pardy power to giue penaunce to the offenders they claime by right the release therof Again they clerely take vpō thē in consideration of the fault to enioyne what they list how long they list and vpō like iust respect by their wisdōs to pardō some peece of the same again either after death or els if good matter moue them long before But by what scripture doo they claim such iurisdictiō that they may giue discipline to offenders euen without the sacramēt of penance only by their iurisdictiō right of regimēt then by their only letters to giue thē in absēce peace pardō of their enioyned penaunce againe By vvhat scripture the Bishopes chalenge Iurisdiction S. Cyprian al his honorable felowes shall aunswer you in the same place for there they giue a reason of that their proper right Quia ipse permisit qui legē dedit vt ligata in terris etiam in coelo ligata essent Solui autem possent illic qui hic prius in ecclesia soluerentur that is to saye he doth permit vs who made this law that what soeuer we boūde in earth shold be bounde in heauen and those thinges should be loosed in heauē aboue which the Church her beneth releaseth before vvhat the pope forgeueth by pardons Let vs therefore be bold also to aunswere our Aduersaries with the said holie fathers if they aske vs by what right the Pope or Bishope doth giue pardō or what it is that he doth forgiue by his pardō let vs aunswer for thē for our Mother the Church that they pardon onely the penaunce enioyned or other paine due for greuous sinnes after they be remitted in the sacramēt of penance And that they maie so doo by good authoritie we alleage Christes owne woordes with the named holy Fathers what so euer you bind in earth it shal be bound in heauen and if you loose in it earth before it shal also be released in heauen But vpon this practise of Goddes Church I will charge them further hereafter And now to make vp this matter for the true meaning of the said text which we now proue to perteine to the establishing of the true title of giuing pardons I wil recite the saing of S. Clement him selfe in time the Apostles equal expert in their regimēt priuie to all their dooinges He liuely expresseth the dignitie of the chefe pastours power of their gouernmēt vnto which he applieth the power of binding loosing in suche sorte as we haue sayd But heare his owne woordes as Carolus Bouius hath translated them Cap. 11. li. 2. de cōst O Episcope stude munditie operum excellere cognoscens locum tuum ac dignitatem tanquam locum Dei obtinens eò quòd praees omnibus Dominis Sacerdotibus Regibus Principibus patribus filijs magistris atque subditis simul omnibus sicque in ecclesia sede cum sermonem facies vt potestatem habēs iudicandi eos qui peccauerunt quoniam vobis Episcopis dictum est quodcunque ligaueritis super terram erit ligatū in coelo quodcunque solueritis super terram erit solutum in coelo ●udica igitur o Episcope cum potestate tanquam Deus sed poenitentes recipe In Englishe O thou that arte a Bishope study endeuoure to excel other in the bewty of good workes in respect of thy place and dignity and consider thou sittest in Goddes owne roume being promoted aboue al Lordes Pristes Kings Princes parentes childrē masters seruaunts euery one The high state of Bishops Therefore so sit in the Church when thou doest speake as one that hath power to iudge al those that haue sinned For to you Bishoppes it was saide what so euer you binde in earth it shal be bound in heauē and what so euer you shal loose in earth it shal be loosed in heauen Iudge then o Bishoppe with power maiesty as God but yet haue mercy on the penitent Thus saith S. Clement By whose woordes you may perceiue Gods right to be in a maner conferred vpon his ministers by the termes of binding and loosing not onely geuē for the remitting or reteining
side grace mercy on the other not only in the gouernmēt of Popes and Bishopes but in Christes owne regiment his holy Apostles from whom to our priestes all this power procedeth In them then of whome heresy and falsehod doo stand in awe lette vs see whether any examples may be founde of pardoning the payne due for sinne The seuen diuels possession of one womans body Lucae 7. 8. Christe him selfe gaue a pardon was no smalle punishment for sinne yet when it pleased Christ he both forgaue her the sinne discharged her of that horrible punishment for the same she had a graūd Pardō a plenary Indulgence because she loued much Yea a woman that had committed adultery Ioan. 8. therefore by the law subiecte to death was pardoned by Christ not only of her sin damnatiō but of the penalty which by Gods law she was subiect vnto for the same syn wherby he declared that he had ful power not only to remit sins but also to giue pardō for any temporal paine or punishment prouided by lawe for sinne where are they woman that do accuse thee quoth Christ Here is none here sayd she Lorde If none haue condemned thee saith Christ thē doe not I condemne thee go thy way therefore and sinne no more And this is in the viij of S. Iohns Gospell Which exāple I alleadge the rather because S. Augustin noteth it as a straūge power iurisdictiō Epist 54● that should remit the punishement enioyned by the law it selfe for a publike crime wher the person was taken with the maner Yea he applieth it to Priestes Bishopes proueth that it becommeth thē at the least to make intercessiō to the tēporal officers by occasion for the release of offenders euē ther wher they be subiect vnto the apointed punishment of the lawes Wherin he saith that though they cā not by their authority cōmaund their release yet that it behoueth the Ciuile Magistrates to release the payne wher they doe make request For which cause Macedonius a Magistrat had chalēged S. Augustin or rather asked him the questiō why Bishopes did so much intermedle in the tēporal iudgmēt for procuring pardō to offēders in so much that they woulde not take it wel if they obteined not the remission of the parties punishment for whome they made intercessiō To whome S. Augustin answereth trimly and largely where amongest other thinges he saith Ipse Dominus intercessit ne lapidaretur adultera eo modo nobis commendauit intercessionis officium Oure Lorde him selfe made intercession for the woman taken in adultery and by that facte commended vnto vs the office of intercession And S. Augustin excommunicated County Bonifacius that he tooke from the Churche an offender Epist 187 and put him to execution when he came to the Church for mercy and pardon So prone hath Goddes Church euer bene to remitte the paine for sinne deserued not onely wher she had ful authority to pardon at her pleasure but euen there where it could not otherwise be had but by intercession to other men who had to doe therwith Again Christ deliuered in the fifte of S. Iohn one that had bene feeble eight and thirty yeares long for a punishmēt of his sinnes and that he might vnderstand that that sickenes came vnto him for correction of his former offences he said vnto him after in the temple Loe now thou art made whole look thou sinne no more least a woorse thinge happē vnto thee Neither is it vnlike but the party had his sinnes remitted long before Christ healed him of his corporal infirmity by the sacrifices of the lawe and by ordinary meanes of that time through the faith in Christ Iesus Whereby you may perceiue that oure high Bishope Christ hath giuen pardon to many not onely of their sinnes and euerlasting damnation but also of the temporal paine and punishment either prescribed by the lawe or enioyned by Goddes owne appointment Then we neede not wonder that the Churches officers holding by his right both the title to pardon and to punishe should be by his example so proue to mercy which of the twoo is alwaies most cōmended in spiritual regiment Neuer the lesse we meane not that the priest hath alwais such power as Christ had in remouing of bodyly sicknes not only because they know not when it is the deserued paine for sinne as he did but also because as S. Augustin saith Remissio in Ecclesia magis fit propter futurum iudicium Enchir. Cap. 66. Pardoning in the Church hath more respecte to the iudgement of the next worlde He meaneth by the temporal iudgement and for that he alleageth out of S. Paule that the iudgmēt which he willeth vs to preuent by punishing our selues is the correction of such as God loueth least they be damned with the worlde which can not signify the euerlasting iudgmēt We meane not then that the Pardons of the Ecclesiasticall Magistrates should perteine alwaies to the releasing of bodyly paines duely deserued for sinne or for other causes appointed because Christ so did not vnto al but vnto some as it pleased his wisdom but this we say that as he of his mercy tooke away and released the sinners of certaine temporal afflictiōs as well appointed by the Law of Moises as enioyned by Gods owne hande and so gaue a pardō of that which both Moises and his owne Father appointed euen so may the Apostles and their successours pardon any man that is worthy of that benefite of some parte or al such penaunce as their owne law prescribed or the iustice of God vpō the bonde of their decrees and the debt of the sinners hath in the next life prepared Although as I haue once noted before not only the Apostles miraculously but also Gods Priestes dayly doe heale in the sacrament of extreme vnction prayers not onely sinnes Iacob 5. but the penitēt of their sicknes and infirmity wher the disease especially came of sin as I suppose or otherwise whē it is expediēt to the party and glorious to Gods name But in S. Paul we haue an inuincible proufe f the authority iurisdiction of Bishopes and principal Pastours Iurisdiction exercised by S. Paule touching as wel the power of enioyned penaūce satisfactiō for sins cōmitted as the lawful power of pardoning the same which before was enioyned so in one fact of the Apostle a cleare practise of binding loosing He first boūd him by excōmunicatiō that had so greuously offēded and to showe what a terrible torment this kinde of punishment is and how much it is to be dred he maketh it euident by a straunge corporal vexation that al Christian men might conceiue the misery of those persons which be excōmunicated hereafter whē the external sign miraculous torment should ceasse in the Church I will reporte the matter fully There was amongest the Corinthians one of reputation 1. Cor. 5.
that kept vnlaufully his fathers wife the which being knowen to their Apostle S. Paule who then was absent from them being accōted of him as in deede it was an exceding greuous facte and notorious he gaue in charge to the Church of Corinth to take the person that had so offended as excōmunicated that is to say to be seperated from the sacramēts the seruice the common felowship of Sainctes But see with what a maiesty might of operatiō with what force of woordes and authority of his calling with what a straunge kinde of punishment Christes officer here correcteth the offender Thus runneth his determinate sentence on the offender that al the worlde may take heede and wonder at the Churches autority and contemne the vaine voices of thē that doo restrain the power of Gods ministers only to the preaching of the Gospell The form of excommunication and binding offenders vsed by S. Paule I being absent in bodie but present in spirite haue alreadie giuen iudgemēt as well as if I were present that the person that hathe thus wickedlie wrought should be deliuered vppe to Sathan in the vertue of oure Lorde Christ Iesus you there being gathered with my spirite in the name of oure said Lord Iesus ād al this for the vexation of his flesh that his soule may be safe in the day of our Lord Iesꝰ Christ This in effecte is the Apostles sentence on that Incestous person wherby he was temporally tormented by the force of S. Paules power of binding sinners giuen by Christ and exercised no otherwise as you may see but in Christes vertue and holy name Where it may be noted for a straunge efficacy of mans woorde that the diuel him selfe should be therby appointed to tormēt a sinners body not as he would but as far as the diuine Magistrat shal limite him Diabolus enim quia ad hoc paratus est vt auersos a Deo accipiat in potestatē audita sententia corripit eos The diuell saith S. Ambrose who is alwayes ready to take them to his power In 1. Cap. 1. ad Tim. that ar turned frō God streight as sone as he heareth the sentence pronounced vpō sinners he doth afflict ād correct thē As it may also appere by our Sauiors woords in the Gospel Lucae 13. of a womam y● had spiritum infirmitatis the spirite of infirmity whō that diuel had xviij yeares together faste bound in sicknes for her sins to whom also Christ gaue a pardō by impositiō of his holy hands Wher we may haue an other example of his mercy in loosing the tēporal band punishment appointed for sinne But let vs turne to S. Pauls patiēt whō we lefte by the key of the Apostles iurisdiction so fast locked bound for his wickednes let vs cōsider whether by the same iurisdictiō he may not receiue pardō be loosed by wich he was boūd punished before Yea let vs not doubt but it stoode in Paules pleasure to pardō the man soner or later as he thought most cōueniēt for the Churches edifiyng the parties profit therfore might haue tyed him for twēty yeares together either in Sathās bōdes or other ēioyned penaunce or cōtrary if he had thought expediēt might haue loosed him within one houre so haue giuen him so many dayes of pardō as he list meant to recōpence by Christes satisfaction and the communion of Sainctes in which the lackes of certaine may be supplied by the abundance of others S. Paule gaue pardon 2. Cor. 2. Thus then S. Paule meaning to pardon the penitent giueth the Church of Corinth to vnderstande his pleasure touching the said sinner that there stoode in the bandes of penaunce vpon his former sentence Let this rebuke and checke giuen him of many be enough And now rather it were expediēt that you did forgiue him and comforte him least perhaps he be drowned ād ouerwhelmd with excessiue sorow Therfor I pray you renew ād cōfirme your loue towardes him againe I moue you in this matter to proue whether you be obedient in al things And where you pardō there doo I forgiue also In deed as for me whē I pardon it is for your sakes and in the person of Christ that we be not circumuented of the diuel whose meaning in suche matters I wel vnderstande Thus yow see did that Apostle punish thus did he remit again Hauing the moderatiō of the Churches discipline in his hādes so far as his iurisdictiō did extēd amōgest Christs people whose obediēce in all suche matters he claimed as you may perceiue by his owne woords not yet without great respect cōsideratiō of the offenders case especial care of the Churches edifying Cap. 65. Enchir. For ful truly S. Augustin said In actione autem poenitentiae vbi tale crimen commissum est vt is qui cōmisit a Christi etiā corpore separetur non tam consideranda est mensura temporis quàm doloris In the dooing of penaūce wher the sinne is such that it deserueth excōmunication ther is not so much respect to be had of the time as of his sorowfulnes that cōmitted the facte That the Churche of God meaneth not to make al men partaker of her Pardōs which would seme to be relieued therby but suche onely as be of fit disposition therefore and how they ought to be qualified that must be partakers thereof The tenth Chapter IT is here necessarie therfore that we should aduertise all mē that the Popes Bishops of holye Churche thoughe they haue not only by Christes expresse woorde but also by the warraunt of the Apostles Pardons are not al vvays beneficiall no more thē the sacramēts thēselues and practise of their predecessours authoritie to binde and loose yet euery of their Pardons or releasing of penaunce not alwaies to be beneficiall to euery one that shall claime benefite thereby either in the world present or the nexte For the holy sacramentes them selues doe not at all times atteine to that effecte in man for which they were instituted by Christ through the vnworthines of the partie that shoulde receiue them Therefore to make the Pardon 's beneficiall as there must be good consideration and respect in the giuer so the receiuer must by especiall loue zele and deuotion be made fit and apte to be partaker of so singular a treasure The giuer of the Pardons because he is a man may haue sinister respect to the parties person whom he seeketh to pleasure either for kinred for frendship for feare for ritches for honoure suche like and they which required thē may for slouthfullnes because they list not doo penaunce for their sinnes or for delicatenesse whiles they refuse to absteine from thinges that be pleasaunt for recompense of their pleasures paste in these and suche other cases some Popes may giue by the abuse of their Keies and authoritie or by errour proceding on false suggestion a pardō as the penitent