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A14033 The whole booke of psalms, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth..; Whole book of psalms. 1565 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1565 (1565) STC 2434 175,429 234

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our mindes into vs thy heauenly grace inspyre that in all truth and godlines we may haue true desyre Thou art the very comforter in all woe and distresse The heauenly gift of God most high which no tonge can expresse The fountaine and the liuely spring of ioye celestiall The fyre so bright the loue so cleare and vnction spirituall Thou in thy giftes art manifold wherby Christs church doth stand In faythfull hartes writing thy lawe the fynger of Gods hand According to thy promise made thou geuest speech of grace That through thy helpe y e praise of God may stand in euery place O holy ghost into our wittes send downe thy heauenly light Kindle our hartes with feruent loue to serue God day and night Strength and stablish all our weaknes so feable and so frayle That neither flesh the world nor deuill agaynst vs doe preuaile Put backe our enmies far from vs and graunt vs to obtaine Peace in our harts with god and mā without grudge or disdaine And graunt O lord that thou being our leader and our guide We may eschew the snares of sinne and from thee neuer slyde To vs such plenty of thy grace good Lord graunt we thee pray That thou maist be our comforter at the last dreadfull day Of all strife and dissention O Lord dissolue the bandes And make the knots of peace loue throughout all christē̄ landes Graūt vs O Lord through thee to know the father most of myght That of his deare beloued sonne we may attayne the sight And that with perfect fayth also we may acknowledge thee The spirit of them both alway one God in persons three Laude and prayse be to the father and to the Sonne equall And to the holy spirite also one God coeternall And pray we that the onely sonne vouchesafe his sprit to send To all that do professe his name vnto the worldes ende Amen Venite exultemus Psalme xcv Syng thys as the Benedictus O Come and let vs now reioyce and sing vnto the Lord And to our onely sauiour also with one accorde O let vs come before his face with inwarde reuerence Confessing all our former sunnes and that with diligence To thanke him for his benefites alwaye distributyng Wherefore to him right ioyfully in Psalmes now let vs sing And that because that God alone is Lord magnificent And eke aboue all other gods a kyng omnipotent His people doth not he forsake at any time or tyde And in his hand are all the coastes of al the world so wyde And with his louing countenaunce he looketh euery where And doth behold the tops of all the mountaines far neere The sea and all that is therin are his for he them made And eke his hād hath facioned y e earth which doth not fade O come therfore and worship him and downe before him fall And let vs wepe before y e Lord the which hath made vs al. He is our God our Lord and kyng and we his people are His flocke and sheepe of his pasture on whō he taketh care This day if ye do heare his voyce yet hearden not your hart As in the bitter murmuring when ye were in deserte Whiche thing was of their negligence committed in the time Of trouble in the wildernes a great and greuous crime Where as your fathers tempted me and tryed euery way They proued me saw my workes what I could do or say These forty yeares I haue bene greued with this generation And euermore I said they e●d in their imagination Wherwith their harts wer fore combred long time and many daies Wherfore I know assuredly they haue not knowen my wayes To whom I in mine anger swore that they should not be blest Nor see my ioy celestiall nor enter in my rest Gloria patri All laud and prayse be to the Lord O that of might art most To God the father and the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it in the beginning was for euer heretofore And is now at this present tyme and shal be euermore The song of Saint Ambrose called Te deum WE prayse thee God we knowledge thee the onely Lord to be and as eternal father al the earth doth worship thee To thee al angels cry the heauēs all the powers therin To thee Cherub Seraphin to crie they do not linne O Holy Holy Holy Lord of Saboth Lord the God Through heaū earth thy praise is spred glory al abrod Thapostles glorious company yelde prayses vnto thee The prophetes good ly felowship prayse thee continually The noble and victorious host of Martirs sound thy prayse The holy Church throughout the world doth knowledge thee alwayes Father of endles maiestie they do acknowledge thee Thy Christ thine honorable true and onely sonne to be The holy Ghost the comforter of glory thou art kyng O Christ and of the father art the sonne euerlastyng When sinfull mans decay in hand thou tookest to restore To be enclosd in virgins womb thou diddest not abhorre When thou hadst ouercome of death the sharp cruell might Thou heauēs kingdom didst set ope to ech beleuing wight In glory of the father thou doost sit on Gods right hand We trust that thou shalt come our iudge our cause to vnderstand Lord helpe thy seruāts whō thou hast bought w t thy precious bloud And in eternall glory set them with thy saintes so good O Lord do thou thy people saue blesse thine inheritaunce Lord gouerne them and Lord do thou for euer them aduaunce We magnifie thee day by day and world without end Adore thy holy name O Lord Vouchesafe vs to defend From sinne this day Haue mercy Lord haue mercy on vs all And on vs as we trust in thee Lord let thy mercy fall O Lord I haue reposed all my confidence in thee Put to confounding shame therefore Lord let me neuer be ¶ The song of the three Children praysing God prouokyng all creatures to do the same O Alye workes of god the Lord bles ye the Lord praise him magnifie him for euer verse 2 Oye the aungels of the Lord bles ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye him for euer verse 3 3 O ye the starry heauens hye blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye him for euer verse 4 O ye waters aboue the skye bles ye the Lord. c. verse 5 O ye the powers of the Lord bles ye the Lord. c. verse 6 O ye the shining sunne moone bles ye the Lord. c. verse 7 O ye the glistring starres of heauē bles ye the Lord. c. verse 8 O ye the showers dropping dew bles ye y e Lord. c. verse 9 O ye the blowing windes of god bles ye the Lord. c. verse 10 O ye the fire warming heate bles ye the Lord. c. verse 11 Ye winter and the sommer tyde bles ye the Lord. c. verse 12 O ye the dewes binding frostes bles ye the Lord. c.
verse 13 O ye the frost and chilling cold bles ye the Lord. c. verse 14 O ye congeled I se and snow bles ye the Lord. c. verse 15 O ye y e nightes lightsome dayes bles ye the lord c verse 16 O ye the darknes and the light bles ye the Lord. c. verse 17 O ye the lightnings the cloudes bles ye the lord c verse 18 O let the earth eke bles y e Lord bles yea the Lord. c verse 19 O ye the mountaines the hils blesse ye the lord c. verse 20 O al ye grene things on the earth bles ye the lord c verse 21 O ye the euer springing wels bles ye the Lord. c. verse 22 O ye the seas and ye the flouds bles ye the Lord c. verse 23 Whales al that in waters moue bles ye the lord c verse 24 O al ye flying foules of thayre bles ye the Lord c. verse 25 O al the beastes and cattel eke bles ye the Lorde c. verse 26 O ye the children of mankind bles ye the Lord. c. verse 27 Let Israel eke blesse the Lord bles ye the Lord. c verse 28 O ye the priestes of God the Lord bles ye the lord c verse 29 O ye the seruantes of the Lord bles ye the Lord c. verse 30 Ye sprites soules of righteous mē blesse ye y e lord c verse 31 Ye holy and ye meeke of hart blesse ye the Lord. c. verse 32 O Ananias bles the Lord bles thou the Lord praise him and magnify him for euer O Azarias bles the Lord bles thou the Lord praise him and magnify him for euer And Misael bles thou the Lord bles thou the Lord prayse him and magnify hym for euer ¶ The song of Zacharias called Benedictus THe onely lord of Israel be praised euermore for through his visitation and mercy kept in store His peoplenow he hath redemde that long hath bene in thral and spread abrode his sauyng health vpon his seruantes al. In Dauids house his seruant true according to his mynde And also his annoynted king as we in Scripture fynde As by his holy prophetes al oft times he did declare The which were since y e world began his way for to prepare That we might be deliuered from those that make debate Our enemies and from the handes of all that do vs hate The mercy which he promised our fathers to fulfil And thinke vpon his couenant made according to his wyl And also to performe the othe which he before had sworne To Abraham our father deare for vs that were forlorne That he would geue himselfe for vs and vs frō bōdage bryng Out of the hands of al our foes to serue our heauenly king And that without al maner feare and eke in rightuousnes And also for to leade our lyfe in stedfast holines And y u O child which now art borne and of the Lord elect Shalt be the prophet of the highest his wayes for to dyrect For thou shalt go before his face for to prepare his wayes And also for to teach his wil and pleasure all thy dayes To geue them knowledge how that their saluation is nere And that remission of their sins is through his mercy mere Wherby the day spring from an hie is come vs for to visit And those for to illuminate which do in darkenes sit To lighten those that shadowed be with death eke opprest And also for to guide their feete the way to peace and rest The song of blessed Mary called Magnificat MY soule doth magnify the Lord my sprite eke euermore reioyseth in the lord my god which is my Sauior And why because he did regard gaue respect vnto so base estate of his hadmaid and let the mighty go For now behold al nations and generations all From this tyme forth for euermore shal me right blessed cal Because he hath me magnifyed which is the Lord of might Whose name be euer sanctified and praysed day and night For with his mercy and his grace all men he doth inflame Throughout al generations to such as feare his name He shewed strength w t his great arme made y e proud to start With al imaginations that they bare in their hart He hath put downe the mighty ones from their supernal seat And did exalt the meeke in hart as he hath thought it meete The hungry he replenished with al thyngs that were good And through his power he made y e rich oft times to wāt their fode And calling to remembraunce his mercy euery deale Hath holpen vp assistantly his seruant Israell According to his promise made to Abraham before And to his seede successiuely to stand for euermore The song of Simeon called Nunc dimittis O Lord because my hartes desire hath wished long to see my onely lord sauiour thy son be ●ore I die the ioy health of al mankind desired long before which now is come into the world of mercy bringing store Thou sufferest thy seruaunt now in peace for to depart Accordyng to thy holy worde which lighteneth my hart Because mine eyes which thou hast made to geue my body light Haue now behold thy sauing health which is the Lorde of myght Whom thou mercifully hast set of thyne aboundant grace In open sight and visible before all peoples face The Gentils to illuminate and Sathan ouerquel And eke to be the glory of thy people Israel The Creede of Athanasius Norton WHat man soeuer he be that saluatiō wil attain the catholike beliefe he must before al things retaine Which faith vnles he holy kepe and vndefiledly without al doubt eternally he shal be sure to dye The catholike beliefe is this that God we worship one In Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie alone So as we neyther do confound the persons of the three Nor yet the substance whole of one in sunder parted bee One person of the father is another of the Sonne An other person proper of the holy ghost alone Of father Sonne and holy Ghost but one the Godhed is Like glory coeternal eke the maiestie likewyse Such as the father is such is the Sonne in ech degree And such also we do beleue the holy Ghost to bee Vncreate is the Father and vncreate is the Sonne The holy ghost vncreate so vncreate is ech one Incomprehensible Father is incomprehensible Sonne And comprehensible also is the holy Ghost of none The Father is eternal and the Sonne eternall so And in lyke sort eternal is the holy ghost also And yet though we beleue that eche of these eternals bee Yet there but one eternal is and not eternals three As ne incomprehensible we ne yet vncreat three But one incomprehensible one vncreate holde to bee Almighty so the father is the sonne almighty so And in lyke sort almighty is the holy Ghost also And albeit that euery one of these almighty bee
yet there but one almighty is and not almighties three The father God is God the Sonne God holy Ghost also yet are there not three Gods in al but one God and no mo So like wise Lord the Father is and Lord also the Sonne And lord the holy ghost yet are there not thre lords but one For as we are compeld to graunt by christian veritie Eche of the persons by hymfelfe both God and Lord to be So catholike religion forbiddeth vs alway That eyther gods be three or y t there lordes be three to say Of none the father is ne made ne create nor begot The Sonne is of the Father not create ne made but got The holy Ghost is of them both the father and the Sonne He made ne create nor begot but doth proceede alone So we one Father hold not three one Sonne also not three One holy Ghost alone and not three holy Ghostes to bee None in this Trinitie before nor after other is Ne greater any then the rest ne lesser be likewise But euery one among themselues of all the persons three Together coeternal al and al coequal bee So vnitie in Trinitie as said it is before And Trinitie in vnitie in all thynges we adore Therfore what man soeuer that saluation wil attayne This faith touching the Trinitie of force he must retayne And nedeful to eternal lyfe it is that euery wight Of the incarnating of Christ our Lord beleue aright For this the right faith is that we beleue and eke beknow That Christ our lord y e son of God is God and man also God of his fathers substance got before the world began And of his mothers substance borne in world a very man Both perfect god and perfect man in one one Iesus Christ That doth of reasonable soule and humaine flesh subsist Touchyng hys Godhode equal with his father God is he Touching his manhode lower then his father in degree Who though he be both very God and very man also yet is he but one Christ alone and is not persons two One not by turning of Godhode into the flesh of man But by takyng manhode to God this beyng one began All one not by confounding of the substance into one But onely by the vnitie that is of one person For as the reasonable soule and flesh but one man is So in one person God and man is but one Christ lykewyse Who suffred for to saue vs all to hell he did descend The third day rose agayne frō death to heauen he did ascēd He sittes at the ryght hand of God the almighty father there From thence to iudge the quicke dead againe he shal retire At whose returne all men shall rise with bodies new restorde And of their own workes they shal geue accōpt vnto y e lord And they into eternal lyfe shall go that haue done wel Who haue done il shal go into eternal fire to dwel This is the Catholike beliefe who doth not faithfully Beleue the same without al dout he saued cannot be To Father Sonne and holy ghost al glory be therfore As in beginning was is now and shal be euermore The Lamentation of a synner Marckant O Lord turne not away thy face frō him that lieth prostrate Lamenting sore his sinful life before thy mercy gate Which gate thou openest wide to those y t do lament their sin shut not y r gate against me lord but let me enter in And call me not to mine accomptes howe I haue liued here For then I know right well O Lord how vile I shall appeare I nede not to confesse my lyfe I am sure thou canst tell what I haue ben and what I am I know thou knowest it wel O Lord thou knowest what things be past eke the things that bee Thou knowest also what is to come nothing is hid from thee Before y e heauēs earth wer made y u knowest what things wer thē As all things els that haue ben since among the sonnes of men And can the thinges that I haue done be hidden from thee then Nay nay y u knowest thē all O Lord where they wer done whē Wherfore with teares I come to thee to begge and to entreate Euen as the child that hath done euill and feareth to be beate So come I to thy mercy gate where mercy doth abound Requiring mercy for my sinne to heale my deadly wounde O Lord I nede not to repeate what I do begge or craue Thou knowest O Lord before I aske y e thing that I would haue Mercy good Lord mercy I aske this is the totall summe For mercy Lord is all my sute Lord let thy mercy come The humble sute of a sinner O Lord of whom I do depēd be hold my care full hart whē thy will pleasure is release me of my smart y u seest my sorowes what they are my gref is knowne to thee and there is none that cā remoue or take the same frō me But onely thou whose ayde I craue whose mercy stil is prest To ease all those that come to thee for succour and for rest And sith thou seest my restles eyes my teares greuous grone Attēde vnto my sute O Lord marck wel my plaint mone For sinne hath so inclosed me and compast me about That I am now remediles if mercy helpe not out For mortall man cannot realease or mitigate this payne But euē thy Christ my lord god which for my sinnes was slaine Wose bloudy woūdes are yet to see though not with mortall eye yet doth thy saints behold them all and so I trust shall I. Though sinne doth hinder me a while when thou shalt see it good I shall nioy the sight of him and see his woundes and bloud And as thine angels thy saintes do now behold the same So trust I to possesse that place with them to prayse thy name But whiles I lyue here in this vale where sinners do frequent Assist me euer with thy grace my sinnes still to lament Least that I treade in sinners trace and geue them my consent To dwell with them in wickednes wherto nature is bent Onely thy grace must be my stay least that I fall down flat And beyng down then of my selfe cannot recouer that Wherfore this is yet once agayne my sute and my request To graunt me pardon for my sinne that I in thee may rest Then shall my hart my tong and voyce be instruments of prayse And in thy church house of saints sing Psalmes to thee alwaies The Lordes Prayer or Pater noster OVr father which in heauē art lord halowd be thy name thy kingdom come thy wil be done in earth euen as the same in heauē is Geue vs O Lord our dayly bread this day As we forgeue our detters so Forgeue our dettes we pray Into temptation leade vs not From euill make vs free for kingdome power and glory thine both now and euer be The .x. Commaundementes of
that fruteful are The Ceders great and tal His worthy prayse declare verse 10 Beastes and cattel Hea birdes flying And wormes crepyng That on earth dwel verse 11 Al kynges both more and les With al theyr pompous trayne Princes and al Iudges That in the world remayne Exalte hys name verse 12 Yong men and maydes Old men and babes Do ye the same verse 13 For his name shal we proue To be most excellent Whose prayse is farre aboue The earth and firmament verse 14 For sure he shal Exalte with blisse The borne of hys And helpe them al His Saints al shal forth tel His prayse and worthynes The children of Israel Ech one both more and les verse 15 And also they That with good wil His wordes fulfil And hym obey Cantate dominum Psalme Cxlix N. ¶ An exhortation to the Churche to prayse the Lord for his victory and conquest that he geueth his saintes agaynst all mans power verse 1 SIng ye vnto the Lord our God a new reioysing song and let the prayse of him be herd his holy saints among verse 2 Let Israel reioyce in hím that made him of nothing And let the sede of Sion eke be ioyful in theyr kyng verse 3 Let them sound prayse with voyce of flute vnto his holy name and with the timbrel and the harpe sing prayses of the same verse 4 For why the Lord his pleasure al hath in his people set and by deliueraunce he wil rayse the meke to glory great verse 5 With glory and with honor now let al the saintes reioyce and now aloud vpon their beds aduaunce their singing voyce verse 6 And in their mouthes let be the actes of God the mighty Lord And in their handes eke let them beare a double edged sword verse 7 To plague the Heathen correct the people with their handes verse 8 To bynd theyr stately kings in chaines their Lordes in yrō bādes verse 9 To execute on them the dome that written is before This honor al his saints shal haue prayse ye the Lord therfore Laudate dominum Psalme CL. N. ¶ An exhortation to prayse the Lord without sease by all maner of wayes for all his mighty and wonderfull workes verse 1 YElde vnto God the mighty Lord prayse in his sanctuarye And prayse him in y ● firmamēt y ● shewes his power on hye verse 2 Aduaunce his name and prayse him in his mighty actes alwayes according to his excellency of greatnes geue him prayse verse 3 His prayses with the princely noyse of sounding trompet blow Prayse him vpon the viole and vpon the harpe also verse 4 Prayse him with timbrel and with flute orgaines and virginals verse 5 With sounding cimbals praise ye him praise him w t loud cimbals verse 6 What euer hath the benefite of breathing praise the Lord To prayse the name of God the Lord agree with one accord ¶ The ende of the Psalmes of Dauid in metre ¶ An exhortation vnto the prayse of God to be song before Mornyng Prayer T. Becon Syng this an the .100 Psalme PRayse the Lord O ye Gentils al which hath brought you into his lyght O praise him al people mortal as it is most worthy right For he is ful determined on vs to poure out his mercy And the Lordes truth be ye assured abideth perpetually Glory be to God the father and to Iesus Christ his true sonne With the holy Ghost in like maner now and at euery season ¶ An exhortation vnto the prayse of God to be song before Euening prayer T. Be. BEhold now geue hede such as be the Lordes seruaunts faithful and true Come praise y e Lord euery degree with such songs as to him are due O ye that stand in the Lordes house euen in our own Gods mansion Praise ye the Lord so bounteous which worketh our saluation Lift vp your hāds in his holy place yea that in the time of night Praise y ● Lord which geueth al grace for he is a Lord of great might Thē shal y e Lord out of Siō which made heauē earth by his power Geue to you your nation his blessing mercy and fauour Glory be to God the father c. ¶ The .x. Commaundementes of almighty God ¶ Exodus .xx. VV. VV. AEtend my people and geue eare of ferly thyngs I wil thee tel see that my wordes in mynde thou beare and to my preceptes listen wel verse 1 I am thy Soueraine Lord and God Which haue thee brought from careful thral And eke reclaimed from Pharos rod Make thee no Gods on them to cal verse 2 Nor facioned forme of any thing In heauen or earth to worship it For I thy God by reuengyng With greuous plagues this sinne wil smit verse 3 Take not in vayne his holy name ❧ Abuse it not after thy wil For so thou might sone purchase blame And in his wrath he would thee spil verse 4 The Lord frō worke the seuenth day cest And brought al things to perfect end So thou and thyne that day take rest That to Gods hestes ye may attend ❧ verse 5 Vnto thy parentes honor geue As Gods commaundements do pretend That thou long dayes and good mayest lyue In earth where God a place doth lend verse 6 Beware of murder and cruel hate verse 7 Al filthy fornication feare verse 8 Se thou steale not in any rate verse 9 False witnes agaynst no man beare verse 10 Thy neighbours house wish not to haue ❧ His wife or ought that he calth myne His field his Oxe his Asse his slaue Or any thing which is not thine A Prayer Thy spirit of grace graunt vs O Lord To kepe these lawes our hartes restore And cause vs al with one accord To magnify the name therfore For of our selues no strength we haue To kepe these lawes after thy wil Thy myght therfore O Christ we craue That we in thee may them fulfil Lord for thy names sake graunt vs this Thou art our strength oh Sauiour Christ Of thee to spede how should we mis In whom our treasure doth consist ❧ To thee for euermore be prayse With thy father in respect and with thy holy spirit alwayes The comforter of thyne elect ¶ The Lordes Prayer D. Cox OVr father which in heauen art And makst vs al one brotherhod to cal vpon thee with one hart Our heauenly father and our God graunt we pray not with lips alone but with the harts depe sigh and grone Thy blessed name be sanctified Thy holy word mought vs inflame In holy lyfe for to abyde To magnifie thy holy name From al errours defend and kepe The litle flocke of thy poore shepe ❧ Thy kingdome come euen at this houre and henceforth euerlastyngly Thine holy ghost into vs poure With all his giftes most plenteously From Sathans rage and filthy band Defend vs with thy mighty hand Thy wil be done with diligence Like as in heauen in earth also In trouble graunt vs pacience
weary of the manifolde mischiefes of thys lyfe and wouldest comforte thy selfe thou haste the 102. Psalme Forasmuche as it is meete and conuenient alwayes and in all thynges to geue GOD thankes when thou wilt prayse hym thou hast wherwith to exhort thy soule the 103. Psalme If thou wilt prayse god and know how to prayse him for any thing and what wordes he that prayieth ought to vse thou hast .113 127. 146. 133. 147. 148. 149. 150. Psalmes If thou hast faith as the Lord hath said and beleuest in those things which thou speakest when thou prayest say the .96 Psalme If thou be captiuated with straunge cogitations and hast perceyued thy selfe to be ledde out of the way and art sory therfore cease from henceforth and staying where thou perceiuest thy selfe to synne sit and mourne also as the people did saying the .137 Psalme If thou suppose temptations to bee for thy triall geue thankes after the temptation vnto God saying the .139 Psalme If thou art agayne caught of thine enemies and wouldest be deliuered say the 140. psal If thou wilt make thy prayers say the .5 Psalme and the .141 142. 143. 144. Psalmes If an enemy and tyrant be risen vp against the people feare thou no more then Dauid did Goliath but with Dauid beleue and sing the 144. Psalme If thou cal to remembraunce the goodnes of God toward thee and all men and wouldest prayse God say the .85 Psalme If thou wilt syng vnto the lord thou hast to say in the 96. Psalme in the 98. Psalme If thou beyng but a meane man peraduenture art set before thy brethren in some thing puffe not vp thy selfe in pryde against them but geue the praise to god and sing the 152. or the 151. psalmes If thou wilt syng obedieuce thou hast the 105. and the 106. 107. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 134. 145. 147. 148. 149. 150. psalmes If thou wilt sing particularly of the sauior thou hast of him in euery psalme but specially in the .25 and the .110 Psalme Such psalmes as shewe hys lawfull generation of the father and hys presence is the .11 Psalme Such as preache of the diuine crosse and how much lying in wayte he receyued for vs. and how great thinges he suffered are the .2 psalme and the .119 psalme Such as signifye the lyinges in wayte of the Iewes and the malice and Iudas Iscariothes betrayinges are the .21 psalme and the .50 72. psalmes Such as declare his kingdome and power to iudge and his presence in the fleshe is the 16. psalme For declaration of hys glorious resurrection in the fleshe read the .24 the .47 psalmes For his ascention into heauen read the .93 psalme .96 and the .98 the .99 psalmes Which if thou read thou mayst espye what benefites the Lorde bestowed vpon vs by hys passion To him be glory for euer ❧ The vse of the rest of the psalmes not comprehended in the former Table of Athanasius IF thou wouldest prayse God because he hath geuen vs a good prince which will and doth punishe the enemies of Christes religion vse the 21. Psalme If thou be persecuted without a cause if thou wouldest haue no affinitie with vice nor with the vicious vse the .26 Psalme If thou wouldest not be wicked if not accoūted as a malefactor but wouldest haue thē punished and thy self and such other godly men defended from their tiranny vse the .28 Psalme If thou seest the nobilitie the councell the magistrates and princes not geuen to religion nor to the praysing of God vse the .29 Psalme If thou desirest to be iust and vertuous vse the .33 Psalme If thou be afflicted with any sickenes and wouldest fayne lyue and see good dayes and Christes glory to be encreased vse the .39 Psalme If thou be banished for religion and art almost in dispayre of returnyng to the country vse the .42 Psalme If thou perceyue thy selfe forsaken of God and therfore persecuted for religion and vertues sake vse the .44 Psalme If thou wouldest complayne of Doeg of a wicked man and wouldest haue him to bee rooted out and thy selfe to haue prosperitie vse the .52 Psalme If thou wouldest be deliuered from thyne enemies whiche persecute thee vnto death vse the .54 Psalme If thou wouldest haue the helpe of God agaynst such as persecute thee without a cause vse the .59 Psalme If thou wouldest prepare thy selfe to fight agaynst the Idumeans or such lyke enemies of Christ vse the .60 Psalme If thou wouldest haue Christ to come conquere and beate downe the Sirians Idumeans Aimnonites Papistes Antichristians Nullifidians Neutralles and vngratious Pelagians vse the .68 Psalme If thou be perswaded that Christ will come and punishe offenders ayde the true worshippers and poure out the dregges of wine and the vengeaunce of his cup on the vngodly vse the .75 Psalme If thou neyther wouldest haue Idolatry neither any lycentious lustes rayne in Christes common wealth thou must geue God thankes if thou be perswaded he both will and cā take them awaye vsing the .81 Psalme If thou wouldest gladly know Christes Churche how that Sion signifieth it and how that the true religion shal be delated and spred through the whole world vse the .87 psalme If thou goest to fight against the Idumeans or any of Christes enemies whether they offend in maners or in doctrine and wouldest desire God to geue the victory vse the .108 psal If thou wouldest liue a godly life if y u wouldest replenish thy minde with godly preceptes and therby obt●ine immortalitie and eternall felicitie Study diligently the .119 psalme If thou be thrust into a college or into a parish town or country whose inhabitours are wicked crafty malicious pickequarels wouldest be deliuered frō thē vse the .120 psalme If thou wouldest haue the congregation of Christ to prosper vse the .122 psalme If thou wouldest be deliuered from contempt infamy and the derision of the wicked vse the .123 psalme When thou art deliuered out of prison captiuity or any distres in geuyng thankes to God vse the .124 psalme To vnderstande the safety that those are in whiche are vnder the tuition of the Lorde Iehoua and how that the wicked shal be punished consider the .125 psalme If thou desirest to knowe the felicitie that he hath whiche reuerenceth God and lyueth godly the trāquilitie and peace of conscience which he enioyeth in this life and the vnspeakable ioye in the lyfe to come meditate diligently the .128 psalme To vnderstande howe the good and godly are defended by the ayde of the Lord and the wicked perishe consider the .129 psalme If thou wouldest not be arrogant and proude vse the .131 Psalme If thou wouldest prayse vnitie and concorde among brethren vse the .133 psalme To sing prayses to God for his mercies vse the .134 Psalme FINIS Veni Creator COme holy ghost eternal God procedyng frō aboue both from the Father the sonne the God of peace loue Visite
that am vniust and rightuousnes none haue Whereto then shal I trust my sinful soule to saue But truly to that post whereto I cleaue and shal Which is thy mercy most Lord let thy mercy fal And mitigate thy moode or els we perish al The pryce of this thy bloud wherin mercy I cal Thy scripture doth declare no drop of bloud in thee but that thou didst not spare to shed ech drop for mee Now let those drops most swete so moist my hart so dry that I with sin replete may liue and sin may dye That beyng mortifye this sinne of mine in mee I may be sanctified by grace of thyne in thee So that I neuer fal into such mortal sinne That my foes infernal reioyce my death therin But vouchsafe me to kepe from those infernal foes and from that lake so depe wheras no mercy growes And I shal sing the songs confirmed with the iust That vnto thee belongs which art my onely trust The Lamentation ¶ Through perfect repentance y ● sinner hath a sure trust in god that his sinnes shal be washed away in Christes bloud O Lord in thee is al my trust geue eare vnto my woful cry refuse me not that am vniust but bowing down thy heauenly eye behold how I doo stil lament my synnes wherin I doo offend O Lord for them shall I be shent syth thee to please I doo intend No no not so thy wil is bent To deale with sinners in thyne ire But whē in hart they shal repent thou graūtst with spede their iust desire To thee therfore stil shal I cry To wash away my sinful cryme Thy bloud O Lord is not yet dry But that it may help me in time Hast thee O Lord hast thee I say To poure on me the gifts on grace That when this life must flit away In heauē w t thee I may haue place Where thou doost raigne eternally with god which once did down thee sēd Where angels sing continually To thee be prayse world without end A thankes geuyng after the receiuyng of the Lordes supper Syng this as the .37 Psalme THe Lord be thanked for his gifts and mercy euermore that he doth shew vnto his saints to him be laud therfore Our tonges cannot so prayse y ● Lord as he doth right deserue Our hartes cannot of hym so thynke as he doth vs preserue His benefites they be so great to vs that be but synne That at our hands for recompence there is no hope to win O synful flesh that thou shouldst haue such mercies of the Lord Thou doost deserue more worthely of hym to be abhord Nought els but sinne and wretchednes doth rest within our harts And stubburnly against the Lord we daily play our parts The sunne aboue in firmament that is to vs a light Doth shew it self more cleane pure then we be in hys syght The heauens aboue and al therin more holy are then we They serue the Lord in their estate ech one in his degree They do not stryue for mastership nor flacke their office set but feare the Lord and do his wil hate is to them no let Also the earth and al therin of God it is in aw It doth obserue the formers wil by skilful natures law The sea and al that is therin doth bend when God doth beck The sprites beneth do trēble al feare his wrathful check But we alas for whom al these were made thē for to rule Do not so know or loue the Lord as doth the Oxe or mult A saw he gaue for vs to know what was his holy wil He would vs good but we would not auoid the thyng is il Not one of vs that seeketh out the Lord of lyfe to please Nor do y ● thing that might vs ioyne our Christ quiet ease Thus we are al his enemies we can it not deny and he agayn of his good wil would not that we should dy Therfore when remedy was none to bryng vs vnto lyfe the sonne of God our flesh he toke to mend our mortal strife And al the law of God our Lord he dyd it ful obey and for our sins vpon the crosse hys bloud our dets did pay And y ● we should not yet forget what good he to vs wrought A sygne he left our eyes to tel that he our bodies bought In bread wyne here visible vnto thine eyes and tast his mercies great thou maist record if that his sprite y u hast As once the corn did liue grow and was cut down with sithe and threshed out with many stripes out frō his husk to driue And as the mil with violence did teare it out so smal and made it lyke to earthly dust not sparyng it at al. And as the ouen with fyre whote did close it vp in heat and al this done that I haue said that it should be our meat So was the Lord in his ripe age cut down by cruel death his soule he gaue in torments great yelded vp his breath Because that he to vs might be an euerlastyng bread with much reproch and trouble great on earth his life he led And as the grapes in pleasant tyme are pressed very sore and plucked down whē thei be ripe not let to grow no more Because the iuyse that in them is as comfortable drinke He might receiue ioyful be whē sorowes make vs shrink So christes bloud out pressed was with nayles eke with speare The iuise wherof doth saue al those that rightly do him feare And as the cornes by vnitie into one loafe is knit So is the Lord and his whole church though he in heauen sit As many grapes make but one wyne so should we be but one In fayth and loue in Christ aboue and vnto Christ alone Leading a lyfe without all stryfe in quiet rest and peace From enuy and from malice both our hartes and tonges to cease Which if we do then shal we shew that we his chosen be By faith in him to lead a lyfe as alwayes willed he And that we may so do in dede God send vs al his grace Then after death we shal be sure with hym to haue a place Robert VVisedome PReserue vs Lord by thy dere word frō Turk and Pope defend vs Lord which both would thrust out of his throne our Lord Iesus Christ thy deare sonne Lord Iesus Christ shew forth thy might That thou art Lord of Lordes by ryght Thy poore afflicted flock defend That they may prayse thee without end God holy Ghost our comfortor ❧ Be our Patrone help and succor Geue vs one mind and perfect peace All gifts of grace in vs encrease Thou liuing God in persons three Thy name be praysed in vnitie In all our nede so vs defend That we may praise thee world without end ¶ A forme of Prayer to be vsed in priuate houses euery morning and euenyng ¶ Mornyng prayer ALmighty God most merciful father we do not present our selues