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A08201 Abrahams faith: that is, The olde religion VVherein is taught, that the religion now publikely taught and defended by order in the Church of England, is the onely true Catholicke, auncient, and vnchangeable faith of Gods elect. And the pretensed religion of the Sea of Rome is a false, bastard, new, vpstart, hereticall and variable superstitious deuise of man. Published by Iosias Nicholls, an humble seruant and minister of the gospell in the Church. Nichols, Josias, 1555?-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 18538; ESTC S113254 207,023 348

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many moe seuerall braunches thereof But my second cause is more speciall and of greater wayght namely that God made choise of Abraham in calling of him to bee the father of all belieuers and that the same faith which hee receyued of God should bee the religion of all nations wherein and whereby they should bee saued to the end of the world Which thing Saint Paule teacheth when hee saith b Gal. 3.8 The scripture foreseeing that God woulde iustifie the gentilles through faith preached before the Gospell vnto Abraham saying In thee shall all the gentils bee blessed Where we learne that the gospell which teacheth this religion that men should bee iustified by faith was preached to Abraham and namely for the vse of the gentilles that they should bee made of the same religion with Abraham and with him by faith onely bee iustified as hee saith in the next verse Vers 9. So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham This did GOD signifie vnto Abraham when hee chaunged his name saying a Gen. 17.45 Behold I make my couenant with thee and thou shalt bee a father of many nations neither shall thy name any more be called Abraham but thy name shall bee Abraham for a father of many nations haue I made thee Hereof the Apostle teacheth that Abrahams seede is twofold b Rom. 4.16 not onely of the law which is meant of the Iewes but also that which is of the faith of Abraham that is the gentilles who not hauing the lawe are yet his seed through faith and therfore he addeth He is father of vs all that is both of Iew gentil which belieue alleadging this place for proofe saying as it is written I haue made thee a father of manie nations c. Whereby it is pregnantly proued that Abraham is made in regard of faith and religion a father both to Iewes and Gentils The Iewes are first admitted to be his children to walke in his religion and steppes of faith after we succeed in their roome to walk in the same steps of faith religion of Abraham they as the Apostle els where c cap. 11.17.18 saith being naturall braunches for vnbeliefe were cut off But we though braunches of the wild Oliue are grafted in by faith Now because it is here manifest that Abraham receiued the couenant for vs and the whole religion of God as well for vs as for the Iewes and that God wold not haue the Iews to haue one religiō the gentils an other the one to be saued by one faith the other by another but both to be of that faith and religion which was taught and found in Abraham and that Christ comming of his seed should bee sauiour both of Iewes and gentils d Luc. 2.32 A light to be reuealed to the gentils the glorie of Israel religion then being one the same one being the same only which was taught Abraham I thought it best to choose him and his storie because that neither the law nor the gospel could or ought to differ in religion and faith from that of Abraham that if our religion in Englande agree with that of Abraham then it might bee knowen to be the true auncient and catholike religion and faith no new broached religion or doctrine such as that is of the Church of Rome as in the processe of this booke shall be seene But for thy better help good Christian reader I will follow this order I will shew the seuerall points of religion which are most materiall one after an other as they are in nature first second and then in euerie part or article Abrahams faith first And secondly except some special reason draw me to alter this order I wil shew how our religion agreeth with his faith and lastly how Moyses the prophets and the new testament confirme the same And thus they follow The first Article of faith and religion concerning God 1. There is one true euerliuing Almightie God and three persons God the father God the Son God the holy Ghost which are not three Gods but one God THis Article hath two partes first of the vnitie of the Godhead and secondly the trinitie of persons The first God taught Abraham when in his calling he brought him to forsake the a Ioshuah 24.2 strange and many Gods of his fathers to embrace one and the onely true God shewing this perfect marke that he could set downe order what should become of b Gen. 12.3 cap. 15.13 cap. 17.1 cap. 18.14 all the families of the earth and particularly of his posteritie that hee was God all sufficient and that nothing was harde to him Therefore Abraham hauing learned this professeth it to be his faith and religion calling the Lord c cap. 14.22 The most high God possessor of heauen and earth and hee gaue him this d Rom. 4.18.19 glorie of God that although himselfe were an hundred yeare old Sarah his wiues wombe now dead yet did he beleeue Gods word concerning his seed being assured that he which had promised was also able to do it The second God taught Abraham when hee e Gal. 3.8 preached the gospell vnto him in these wordes f Gen. 28.18 In thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed For by the seed being vnderstood Christ namely the son of God to be made man of the seede of Abraham God speaking in these words to Abraham concerning his son Abrahā must needs vnderstand the first person of the father in him that speaketh and the second person of the Sonne in him that is spoken of And of this second person in the knowledge and faith of Abraham speaketh Christ saying g Ioh. 8.56.58 Abraham reioyced to see my day and hee saw it and was glad And againe before Abraham was I am And as concerning the holy Ghost the third person Abraham vnderstood that in all the wordes because they are as the Apostle teacheth h Gal. 3.14 the promise of the spirit which thing you shall perceiue if you looke vpon Abrahams seed for it came not by the naturall vertue and power of man but by the holy Ghost as first Isaacke was borne when Abraham and Sarah were past age of the naturall begetting and conceiuing of a child by the vertue of the promise of God which being performed by the power of the holy ghost he is said sometime i Rom. 9.7.8 Gal. 4.23.29 to be borne by promise and sometime to be borne after the spirit Secondly Christ the seed of Abraham by whom all are made blessed is also borne a man without the seed begetting of any man onely of a virgin and conceiued by the holy Ghost as the k Luk. 1.34.35 Angell in Luke declareth Lastly all the faithfull which are the spirituall seed and children of Abraham and made blessed by this promise of Christ are no otherwise made partakers of this blessing
but by the holy ghost as Christ plainly a Ioh. 3.5 expoundeth saying No man can enter into the kingdome of God except he be borne againe by the holie ghost Abraham doubtles being taught the true meaning of these words who spake and of whom and what maner of promise this was and how it shoulde be performed could not but behold therin learne the most excellent misterie and doctrine of the trinitie And in this sence and meaning doth the church of England hold this article of religion with Abraham as may appeare not onely by the vniuersall and notorious knowledge of our profession but also by fower Creedes set downe in the booke of Common praier to be heard learned and confessed of all men The Apostles creed Te Deum Athanasius creed and the Nicen creed and in the first article of religion agreed vpon by our church and established by lawe Ann̄ 1562. Moses consent in this article is to bee seene in these words b Deut. 6.4 Here O Israel the Lord our God is Lord only Where this word Lord being in Hebrew Iehouah noteth out the true God being all sufficient of him selfe and therfore Moses was c Exod. 3.14 taught to call him Eheie that is I am or shal be meaning a continuance without beginning or ending Secondly this clause our God in hebrew is * Elohenu a word of the plurall number noteth out the pluralitie of persons then adding in the singuler number that he is Lord or Iehouah onely signifieth that although there is pluralitie that is three persons yet there is but one God And therefore that which is spoken Psal 95. of the tempting of God out of Deut. 9. ver 8. where is said by Moses they prouoked Iehouah to anger the prophet d Esai 36.10 Esay the epistle e Heb. 3.7 to the Hebrewes expound it to be the tempting of the holy ghost f 1. Cor. 10.5 and S. Paul to bee tempting of Christ so that Moses by these places is to bee vnderstood to haue taught the same doctrin of the Trinitie namely one all sufficient Iehouah the same three persōs God the father God the son God the holy ghost The prophets who are the true and perfect interpreters of Moses doe vtter this doctrin yet more plainly speaking in the person of God g Esai 44.6 I am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no God h Cap. 4.3.13 Before the day was I am there is none that can deliuer out of mine hand i 45.21 a iust God and a Sauiour and there is none beside me k Malach. 3.6 I the Lord change not l Nahum 1.5 The mountains tremble for him and the hils melt c. And as touching the Trinitie in plaine termes thus m Hag. 2.5.6 I am with you saith the Lord of hostes with the word wherewith I couenanted with you when you came out of Egypt and with my spirit remaining among you where you see the father by excellencie called the Lord of hosts the son being the mediator of the couenant is called the word by whom and for whom God couenanteth and the holy ghost his spirit placed in his church by his manifold gifts and mightie works Heb. 2.4 the like place is in a Esai Esay where in the person of the father is shewed Gods mercie loue and kinde prouidence ouer his people and he pointeth out the second person by the name of the angel of his presence who saued them and the holy ghost he calleth his holy spirit whom they vexed But the new Testament is plainest of al. First Math. 3. where the father witnesseth of the son and the holy ghost in the shape of a doue commeth vpon him and Christ commandeth to b Math 28.19 Baptise in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost And c 1. Ioh. 5.7.9 S. Iohn calleth this the witnes of God that there are three which beare record in heauen the father the word and the holie ghost and these three are one In which article wee must vnderstād the three persons not as we do three persons of men who though they be but of one nature which is the nature of man yet are they in such sort 3. persons in one nature as they are also 3. diuers men But in God is a more neere vnion namely that they being 3. persōs distinguished in property the father begetting the son begotten the holy ghost proceeding yet these three so distinct in person are not onely of one kind of nature which is to be God for so they might be vnderstood to be three gods as Peter Iames and Iohn though of one nature are yet three men but also of one and the same essence in vnitie of number namely that the father son and holie ghost are all in one God and do make and be all but one and the same God of the same inseperable power eternitie wil wisdom and goodnes as is very excellently expounded in the creed of Athanasius The second article is of the Cause of Causes 2 By the decree of God all thinges were fore ordained how they should be and concerning man who should be saued by faith in Christ and who should be damned for their sinnes THis doctrine GOD teacheth Abraham two waies first in the promise d Gen. 12.3 how al the families of the earth should be blessed in which there is the reuelation of Gods decree what should become of all nations in the world namely that they of al nations which attaine blessednes shoulde haue it by Christ and all other should be damned then e Cap. 17. when he seperateth the Iewes by circumcision kept out the gentils till the fulnes of times it argueth that according to his decree he dispenseth the times and seperateth the nations and that in the matter of the saluation and damnation of men euen as saint Paul expoundeth it saying f Eph. 1.9.10 And hath opened to vs the mistery of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in him selfe that in the dispensation of the fulnes of times he might gather together in one all things both which are in heauen which are in earth euen in Christ The other way is in trying of Abraham whē he was so olde before he had his son Isaac for hauing made the promise to Abraham generally First a Gen. 12.3 cap. 15.5 In thy seed and secondly So shall thy seed be Sarah finding her selfe barren b Gen. 16. gaue her maide to Abraham thinking to haue the seed that way and he went into her and she brought him foorth a sonne when he was fower score and six yere olde and he called his name Ismaell But after this God c Cap. 17.15 commanded Abraham to change his wiue Sarahs name from Sarai to Sarah because he would giue her a son and blesse and
couenant of faith to be their God in the promise of Christ vpon this he requiring obedience in a godlie life doth insinuate that they which professe the faith that God is their God must declare their faith by obedience to his commaundements and therefore he saith in an other place e Deut. 6.11 Beware thou forget not the Lorde thy God not keeping his commandements c. which sheweth plainlie that where disobedience is there is no faith for how can he haue faith that forgetteth him in whom hee should beleeue Hereupon all their disobedience rebelling and prouoking of God in the wildernes is said to be this a Psal 78.22.32 Heb. 4.1 They beleeue not God And this doth Moises aime at when hee saith Thou hast set vp the Lord this day to be thy God and to walke in his waies and to keepe his ordinances c. whereby it appeareth that vnto faith in couenanting with GOD this is an inseperable consequent that if we embrase God by faith we ought to follow his commandements by our deeds and he that doth not this latter bewraieth that he hath not with a true hart and faith receiued the former Therefore the prophets which expound the law in the person of God say thus a Mat. 1.6 A sonne honoureth his father and a seruant his Master If then I bee a father where is my honour and if I be a master where is my feare c. Nowe we know that wee are sonnes no way but by faith Therefore this prophet intendeth that we are not ioined to the Lorde by faith either as his people children or seruants or that hee is our God father and Lorde except our deedes shew the vnfainednes of our faith in honor and feare Therefore saith an other prophet b Psal 116.10 I beleeued and therefore I spake making it a most assured thing that a liuely faith cannot bee secrete and idle but will shewe it selfe by the outwarde deedes and namely profession Therefore a iust and righteous man in the prophets is thus described a Psal 37.30 The mouth of the righteous will speake of wisedome and his tongue will talke of iudgement for the law of his God is in his heart c. Who is righteous but the beleeuer and how are we righteous but by faith this teacheth then that the beleeuer hauing the law of his God in his heart cannot but bring foorth good workes both in worde and in deed euen as the vnbeleeuer cannot bring forth any other but euill deeds therefore by the prophetes euill doers and beleeuers are made contraries as it is written b Verse 9. Euill doers shall be cut off but they which waite vpon the Lord shall inherite the lande And againe c Psal 32.10 Many sorrowes come to the wicked but he that trusteth in the Lord mercie shal compasse him But the Gospell doeth shewe this yet more brightly as namely where it is said d Gal. 5.6 In Iesus Christ neyther circumcision auaileth any thing neither vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue that is to say faith doeth not onely take holde on Christ for righteousnes but also buddeth out before God and man the sweet blossoms of loue in the workes of pietie and honestie And therefore Christ challengeth them for no beleeuers in him which walke disobediently saying e Luk. 6.46 Why call ye mee master master and do not the things that I speake Whereupon the blessed Apostle is not afeard to say that he which is not a new man in holines righteousnesse but runneth greedily after his lusts in wickednesse hath not f Eph. 4.10.11 learned Christ as the truth is in Iesus And S. Iohn speaking of the hope of Gods children what they shal be at the ioyful appearance of Christ constantly affirmeth that i 1. Ioh. 3.3 euerie man who hath this hope purgeth himselfe euen as he is pure And againe k Vers 10. In this are the children of God knowen the children of the Deuil whosoeuer doth not righteousnes is not of God neither he that loueth not his brother So that as clearely as the sunne is seene to shine in the middest of the day it is most apparant both by Abraham Moses and the prophetes and also by Christ and his Apostles that our faith and doctrine taught in England touching workes is most sound and catholicke namely that works necessarily follow faith declare it to be a true and a liuely faith and he that liueth licentiously and wickedly hath not faith The ninth Article of the meanes of religion which is the word of God 9 The word of God is the onely perfect rule of religion teaching all things whatsoeuer is necessarie vnto saluation and the same is fully wholy and onely contained in the holy and canonicall scriptures of the old and new testament IN this Article it is first necessary to know distinctly what is this word of God For some men confound this with the second person in the trinitie because the sonne of God is called the word by the holy Euangelist a Ioh. 1.1 1. Ioh. 5.7 S. Iohn Where they are to know that we consider in God two things what hee is in himselfe and what outwardly he doth or commeth from him Now the worde which is the sonne of God which is the second person in the trinitie is alwaies in God verie God as we truely say The father the word or the sonne and the holy ghost are ouer the same God But the word of God which wee heere speake of is the knowledge and reuelation of Gods wil touching godlinesse therfore called Gods word because it commeth not nor can come by the will or vnderstanding of man or any creature but by God himselfe is deliuered to his saintes as it were spoken by Almightie God as wee see in our first parente b Gen. 3. Adam after his fall hee was deade in sinne he had no will wit nor vnderstanding touching saluation till God called him and taught him by his word and gaue him the promise of Christ saying The seed of the woman should breake the serpentes head For which cause it is called c Eph. 1.9 Colos 25.26 The mystery of Gods will Which God in diuers maners in diuers times hath reueiled to his church d Numb 12. c. 7.8 2. Pet. 1.21 In darke speeches by dreames and vision openly and plainly as vnto Moses and by inspiration of the holy Ghost Of which it is thus written e Heb. 1.1.2 At sundrie times in diuers manners God spake in the olde time to our fathers by the prophetes in these last dayes he hath spoken to vs by his son And therfore these phrases in the prophets are plentifull The f Esai 1. Hier. 1. Lord hath said The word of the Lord came c. And many such like as all men know ●hich are acquainted with the holy scripture Now this being vnderstood we are to obserue
corruption the wrath of God and damnation into the estate of righteousnes saluation and fauour of God this did his g Ge. 12.17 22.9.13 17.10 alter which he made and sacrifices which he offered and his circumcision which God gaue him mystically shadow and teach him as the holie ghost interpreth those things that Christ should h Heb. 9.18 once be offered for the sins of many that he should be our i cap. 13.10.15 alter in whom wee should offer our sacrifices of praise alwaies to God and that k Colos 2.11 by him we should put off the sinfull bodie of the flesh But amongst all other things this person and office of Christ is most liuely figured out vnto him in l Gen. 14.17.18 Melchizedeck king of Salem priest of the most hie God who met Abraham as hee returned from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him to whom Abraham paid tithe of al his spoiles For in that Melchizedeck being a verie man came forth and met Abraham brought him bread and wine for his soldiers he representeth the manhood of Christ and in that the storie leaueth out the mention of his father and mother and telleth not when he was borne or whē he died he representeth the godhead of Christ who hath no beginning of daies nor end of life and in that he is called a priest of the most hie God he representeth the priestly office of Christ And being called Melchizedeck that is king of righteousnes againe king of Salem that is king of peace he representeth the kingly office of Christ who as a king by his a 2. Cor. 5.19.20 Rom. 1.16.17 cap. 5.1 embassadors which ar the ministers of the word of reconciliation which is the gospel he teacheth vs righteousnes by faith peace towards God And so doth God himselfe declare and expound this storie saying concerning Christ b Psal 100.4 The Lord sware and will not repent thou art a priest for euer after the order of Melchizedeck which thing is interpreted to belong vnto Iesus Christ by the holy ghost saying c Heb. 6.20 This Iesus is made an hie priest for euer after the order of Melchizedeck d cap. 7.1 For this Melchizedeck was king of Salē the priest of the most hie God who met Abraham as he returned from the slaughter of the kings blessed him to whom also Abraham gaue the tith of al things who first by interpretation is king of righteousnes after that he is also king of Salem that is king of peace without father without mother and hath neither beginning of daies nor end of lif but is likned vnto the son of God continueth a priest for euer And this is verily the faith of the church of Englād touching Christ for we confesse affirme that e Artic. 2. of the word or son of God The son which is the word of the father begotten from euerlasting of the father the verie and eternall God of one substance with the father tooke mans nature in the wombe of the blessed virgin of her substance So that two whole perfect natures that is to say the godhead and manhood were ioined together in one person neuer to be deuided whereof is one Christ verie God and verie man who truelie suffered was crucified dead and buried to reconcile his father to vs and to be a sacrifice for all sinne both original and actual f Artic. 4. of the resurrection of Christ Christ did truely rise againe from death and tooke againe his bodie c. wherewith hee ascended into heauen and there sitteth vntil he returne to iudge all men at the last day Wherein expresse termes the vnion of the two natures in Christ is declared the office of his mediatorship reconciling vs to the father his priesthood in his sacrifice his kingly office in the iudgmēt and sitting at the right hand of God which will yet appeare more plainly when wee shall speake in particuler of his sacrifice and of his kingdom how he is head and Lord of his church Let vs then heare Moses most sweete consent First hee sheweth the godhead of Christ and his kingly office g Exod. 23.20 Where God promiseth his angel to go before him and bring him to the place which he hath prepared to the Amorits Hittits c. and he saith of his angel Beware of him and heare his voice and prouoke him not for he wil not spare your misdeeds because my name is in him and least this phrase were not sufficient to expres his godhead he calleth him his face saying a Cap. 33.14 My face or presence shal go with thee and I vvil giue thee rest and againe b Deut. 7.21 Thou shalt not feare them for the Lord thy God is among you a God mighty and dreadfull Thus doth Moses describe the Godhead of Christ to be Gods angel in whō is Gods name that he equally may be called God as well as his father vvho is the true face and presence of God that is the brightnes of his glorie and ingrauen forme of his person Lastly he is a God mighty and terrible and that he is there king he would haue him obeied and to rule lead and defend them And therefore where as Moses saith when the c Num. 21.4.5 people were sore greeued because of the way when they compassed the land of Edom that they spake against God The holy ghost sheweth that hee ment Christ saying d 1. Cor. 10.9 Neither let vs tempt Christ as some of them also tempted him and were destroied of serpents The manhood priestly office of Christ his mediatorship c. Moses teacheth when he said God would raise vp a prophet from among their brethren like vnto him c. and by all the leuiticall priesthood sacrifices sheding of bloud c. as is most liuely expounded by the holie ghost in the Epistle to the Hebrews and the 9. Chapter Exod. 9.10 so plainly that a verie child might vnderstand it if he doe but carefully read it where thou maist see that he calleth all those things a e figure for the time present vntill the time of reformation and as there was an hye priest f 7.11 so Christ is called an hye priest and as there was g 12.13.14 bloud of goates and calues c. so Christs bloud was offered without spot and as h 7.24 the hie priest entred into the holiest of all once euery yere so Christ is entered into heauen to appeare in the sight of God for vs. The prophets speake more familiarly and cal him i Esai 7.14 Emanuel that is God with vs or as the Apostle declareth k 1. Tim. 3.16 God manifested in the flesh and thus they speak both of his person and of his office l Esai 9.6 Vnto vs a child is borne and vnto vs a son is geeuen and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder and he shall
it were one sheepfold wherof Christ alone is sheapheard And therefore the Church of the fathers before the law the Church of the Iewes vnder the law and of the gentiles vnder the gospell are not three Churches but one in one felowship with God by one Sauiour Iesus Christ as it is written a Ephes 1 1● That in the dispensation of the fulnes of times he might gather in one all things both which are in heauen and which are in earth euen in Christ Then must it needs follow that distance and difference of time place nation or language doth not disanul this vnitie so long as it may be said a Act. 15.9 God put no difference between them and vs after that by faith he had purified their hearts By vniuersalitie we vnderstand that the Church is not tied vnto any one place person nation or language citie or countrie but as Saint Peter saith b Act. 10.31 In euerie nation hee that feareth God and worketh righteousnesse is accepted with him How be it in the dispensation of times there is some difference for it pleased God for the wickednesse of the nations for a time to place his holy oracles couenantes in that one nation of the Iewes vntill these last daies when Christ came and tooke away the partition wall and opened the kingdome of heauen for all people to enter in and to bee made one church with the Iewes Yet although the sinnes of the gentils did shut them out for a season God so disposed it that the time of the fathers and Moses the prophets do witnesse that now in the end of the worlde they should bee admitted into the same fellowship and no nation barred from being of the Church of God The last point in the nature of the church is the chiefest without which they cannot be the church for it is Christ c 1. Pet. 3.18 that bringeth vs to God And as S. Paul saith d Ephe. 2.18 we both that is Iews gentils haue an entrance to the father by one spirit Therefore this is the true proper and onely being nature of the church That e Gal. 3.26 we are all the sonnes of God by faith in Iesus Christ haue f 1. Ioh. 1.3 fellowship one with an other in the fellowship which we haue with the father and with his sonne Iesus Christ Now this faith and fellowship doth appeare to the world by our profession that is commonly seene and discerned in all constituted churches by these two marks Gods word and sacraments And this thou mayest directly learne in the story of Abraham first for the nature of the church where God preached the gospell to him there he describeth what it should be First the vniuersalitie when he saith all nations or families of the earth secondly the vnitie whē he propoundeth thē vnited in one seed in one the same happines And lastly seeing that this seed is Christ and this happines is the blessed estate wee haue in the fellowship with God in whose presence as the g Psal 16. ●● psalme saith is the fulnes of ioy It must needs follow that God herein taught Abraham that this should be the nature of his church To bee in his fauour by fath in Iesus Christ This verie thing in all these three respectes was further shewed him h Gen. 17. in the change of his name addition of circumcision as is plainely expounded by S. Paul in the fourth to the Romanes Then as touching the marks Abraham professed the true and liuing God faith in Iesus Christ which is testified i Gen. 18. 12. 15. by teaching his familie the way of the Lord that is the word of God sacraments by his altar circumcision sacrifices so was Abrahams house knowen to be the visible church of God as it is written k Gen. 20.22 1 Cor. 14.25 God is with thee in all that thou doest And verily such is the church of England which hauing bin taught of God as Abraham was doth also beleeue concerning the Church of God in the verie same maner For we say that l Apolog. part We beleeue that there is one Church of God and that the same is not shut vp as in times past among the Iewes into some one corner or kingdome but that it is catholike and vniuersall dispersed through out the whole world So that there is now no nation which may truely complaine that they be shut out and may not bee one of the church people of God and that this Church is the kingdome the bodie and the spouse of Christ and that Christ alone is the prince of this kingdome and that Christ alone is the head of this bodie and that Christ alone is the bridegroome of this spouse And againe a Artic. 19. of the church The visible church of Christ is a congregation of faithfull men in the which the pure worde of God is preached and the sacraments bee duely ministred according to Christes ordinance c. Which our beliefe if you marke it nothing differeth from that of Abrahams time and is further confirmed by Moses Moses tought Israel this vnitie and fellowship of faith in one Church when hee gaue them b 1. Cor. 10.1.2 all one spirituall Manna and made them all drinke of the spirituall rocke which followed them which rocke was Christ and he taught them that there should be an vniuersalitie namely that the gentils should bee of the church as well as they together with them where he saith c Deut. 32.43 Sing ye gentils with his people Which the d Rom. 15.10 Apostle doth interprete to meane the calling ingrafting of all nations into the same fellowship of the Church The markes are cleare in his time For they had the preaching of e Deut. 4. vers 6. Gods word and nothing els and the administration of such sacraments as God did ordaine for that time as the f Exod. 12. passeouer and other sacrifices therefore Moses taught constituted no other church then is before described But the Prophets open this matter more fully in many places but I wil onely recite that where God saith concerning Christ g Esai 49.6 It is a small thing that thou shouldest be my seruant to raise vp the tribes of Iacob to restore the desolations of Israel I wil also giue thee for a light that thou mayest be my saluation vnto the ende of the world Where is plaine to be seene the vniuersalitie of the Church in that all nations are restored in and by Christ as well as the Iewes the vnitie and felowship with God is plaine in that one Christ saueth Iewes and gentils Wherefore in anohter place it is said h Zachar. 13.1 In that day there shal be a fountaine opened to the house of Dauid and to the inhabitants of Hierusalem for sinne and for vncleanesse i Cap. 14.8
they met or came by euen as wee read of rhe papist in France in our daies most cruelly murdering Gods beloued Saints And as the papists haue their coniurations of their holy waters and Agnus dei and exorcismes in Baptisme so these wicked donatistes with those abominable heretikes called Basilidians and Eunomians had their enchantments and coniurations These filthie heretikes the donatistes together with that horrible heresie of Arius did so far account themselues the holie and catholike church that they would baptise againe them which were of the true church making thēselues only the catholike church And there were other heretiks called Apostolici that is apostolike which so termed thēselues because they thoght thēselues more apostolike then others namly because they receaued not into their cōmunion maried persōs such as possessed goods proper to them selues So find we among the papists these vnmaried persons religious without proprietie of goods the papists call themselues the holie mother church of Rome the Catholike and apostolike church and are in deed verie like their fathers these heretikes hauing in deed no more but the name of the holie catholike and apostolike church banishing from them and by fire and sword persecuting the true religion and doctrine and faithfull members of the holy catholike apostolike church But what should I endeuour to shewe all the popish stocke linage and kindred what neere affinitie they haue with Iudaisme in plentie and maner of ceremonies traditions of elders meritorious righteousnes and fained holines what bastardlie conformitie they haue with all pagainisme in innumerable idols and sorts of religions and in sundrie patrons of saints and Gods of countries and nations what perfect consanguinitie they haue with Mahumetisme making vp as it were one entire bodie of Antechrist engendred bread compact and compound of all heresies religions superstitions and rudiments of this world whatsoeuer by east and by west raysing vp wars seditions and all maner of vilaines to put downe the glorious and blessed name and gospell of Christ by their owne Alcorans lawes decrees and decretals with innumerable forgeries that they them selues may raigne as the chiefe prophets of GOD and head of his church Only this one thing would be remembred that after Anno domini 600. these two monstrous twins began to come foorth into the open sight and light of the world and to shew them selues blasphemous against God and his Christ being engendred with the cursed seed of Sathan and of a long breeding in those former heretikes euen from the Apostles times of which times and generation it is said by Saint Paul the blessed seruant of Christ 2. Thess 2. The mysterie of iniquitie doth alreadie woorke Therfore one of their owne popes Gregorie whom they call the great the first of that name and Pelagius his predecessor resisted most mightelie Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople for presuming to take vnto him the name of vniuersall patriarke priest of priestes or Bishop of Bishops affirming that hee which so did was the forerunner of Antechrist And so indeed it fell out for it was not long after that Mahomet came forth in the East and began to supplant the church of Christ with his abominations And pope Boniface the 3. which in a few yeres after this Gregorie got this vniuersall title of Bishop of Bishops and so began Antechrists first birth in the open eies of the world And these two brothers haue since growen to their perfection and the more they haue growen the lesse hath been the honour and name of Christ and the knowledge of his gospell amongst the sons of men Till now it hath pleased God of his gracious goodnes and free fauour to make them knowen what they are and by the breath of his mouth to consume thē Now the glory of Christ crucified and the truth of his gospel beginneth like the morning light to take holde on the corners of the earth The Lord our God and merciful father be blessed and praised therefore Amen CHAP. IIII. Of the original of poperie Wherein is declared 1. that by the precedent Chapters it may appeare to be of a late birth 2. That neither the difference os calculation in stories nor forging of writinges nor managing of good authors doo hinder the knowledge of their new birth 3. Their owne toongs and traditions proue poperie new 4. Many particulers are rehearsed out of popish authors and the former counsels 5. Fiue foundamentall points more largelie examined by antiquitie 6. The latter ouergrowing and lopping and dailie now sprowting of poperie 7. That popery is not yet a perfect bodie of his fulshape proportion and members NOw am I come to the arising of poperie how it therein agreeth with heresie For if it may be plainly and directly shewed how poperie had his beginning both in regard of the author thereof and of the time wherein it bread and came forth diuerse and a disagreeing and seperate from the true religion whose authoritie and time came from God that it is of a later generation and off-spring then euerie wise christian will readily see and acknowledge that it is borne in these last times with other filthie heresies and that it cannot be the true ancient catholike religion but new borne and late vpstarted superstitious and counterfeit like as a 1. King 3.16 she that pleded for her selfe to be mother of the liue child was foūd by wise Salomon to be in deed the mother of the dead child And this by gods grace I doubt not but to make manifest to euery honest man who wil not wilfully blind his eies against the knowne truth And this I may so much the more boldlie affirme because that vnto him that marketh it well it doth alreadie sufficientlie and plainely appeare by that which is written before And that by foure arguments of great demonstration in my conscience First because that the true religion is the same which is now in England and this is proued to haue beene from the beginning of the worlde by Gods ordinance set foorth in holie Scripture and because by the learned men of this lande it is euidently taught and defended in the chiefe and maine heads thereof out of the fathers for 600. yeeres after Christes incarnation and by historie knowne to haue remained in the greeke church and in diuers partes of the west till our time Secondly because the religion of Rome is directly contrarie and disagreeing thereunto And thirdly that they follow not the doctrine taught by Saint Paul and Peter and lastlie that they agree with the heretikes of the primatiue Church and be as it were compact of many heresies which sprang vp in the first 600. yeeres which foure thinges being apparant in the former Chapters of this booke there needeth no more to proue the new learning of popish superstition to bee of a late off-spring and generation 2. Howbeit I wil here adde a fift argument which is this that popery may be shewed how it is
then the gospel adopteth vs into Abraham to be his children and the same religion faith way of saluation which the new Testament teacheth is the summe of the law and prophets and of the fathers before the law namely of Abraham who is the i Rom. 4.16 father of vs all 5. But it may bee obiected that the religion of Gods church did differ and alter namely that before the law from that which was after that of the law from that which is now vnder the gospel For the first age had not the law of Moses the second were altogether subiect to that law and we after the law are ruled by the gospel are free from that law For the ease of which scruple we are to consider that as in material things there are somthings of the substās essence which cannot be altered except the thing it selfe perish somthings are adioined as it were hanging vpon the thing as moueable properties accidents or ornaments as in a man the bodie soule vnited are so farre off the substance that if these or either of these faile he is not a man there be also ioined to a man his outward countenance apparel stature age these make a man in outward shew to differ much from himselfe yet is he one and the same man stil So is it in the case of religion there are som things of the same nature that if they be absent there can be no religion at all such is faith and loue some thinges are seruants and dependances vpon these as ceremonies and manner of gouernment and these differ according to the time and change not the nature of religion For as a childe is a true naturall man though hee haue not the same stature or countenance of face as when hee is olde and growne vp and howsoeuer hee change his apparell yeeres stature or countenance yet is hee the same verie man hee was before So in religion ceremonies and maner of gouernment haue altered in their times and yet make no alteration or change of religion but doe further garnishe and beutifie it more or lesse according to their seasons which similitude I vse because the holie ghost hath the like comparison Gal. 4.1 shewing the state of religion vnder the law to be as a child that although he be heire yet is vnder tutors c. So God appointed the fulnes of time vnder the gospell when hee woulde beutifie religion which such ornaments that it shold be like the freedome of an heire when he enioyeth the possession of his inheritance the like wee finde in an other place where he compareth this life vnto the life to come by these wordes k 1. Cor. 13.11 When I was a child I spake as a child I vnderstood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things And hee expoundeth this case where hee saith l Gal. 3.17 The lawe which was 430. yeeres after cannot disanull the couenaunt that was confirmed before of God in respect of Christ that it shoulde make the promise of none effect Whereby he sheweth that the law came not as a new religion faith or doctrin of saluation that the religion before the law should be abolished the law as a new come in the roome therof But that it had some other vse as an accidentarie ornament or seruant to that former religion which God had taught Abraham shold belong vnto all nations as after he sheweth that the law was added because a 16. ver 19.23.24 of transgressions we were shut vp vnder the law and the law was our schoolemaster to bring vs to Christ that we might be made righteous thorow faith wherby it appeareth that the giuing of the law altered not the religion faith and doctrin of saluation but was as an helping seruant to further the same as a prison or schoolemaster to driue vs to the true and pure religion of Abraham that by faith in the promise concerning Christ we are iustified and saued as Abraham was 6 But that you may the better vnderstand what is now in hand I will open vnto you what I meane by faith and loue and what by ceremonies and maner of gouernment By faith I vnderstād the doctrin of the couenant of mercy and grace which is so called because it is apprehended by faith as in these words b Gal. 3.2 Receiued ye the spirit by the workes of the law or by the hearing of faith In which doctrine wee beleeue the trinitie and vnitie of God the person and office of Christ the creation and fall of man his corruption redemption iustification resurrection of the dead eternall life and such like For all these depende one vpon an other as in the first eleuen chapters to the Romanes to the discreete and attentiue reader may appeare By loue I vnderstand all the duties in the morall law both to God and man as they are the fruites of faith and as it is expounded by our Sauiour Christ saying c Math. 22.37 Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with al thine hart with all thy soule with al thy mind this is the first and greatest commandement and the second is like vnto this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe By ceremonies and maner of gouernment I vnderstand all outward rites and ordinances with the manifestation of the spirite which serue for the furtherance beautifying and more fit expressing and exercise of these two aforesaid And ceremonies I find to be of two sorts some which are for the time maine parts of Gods worshippe and such are all Sacraments as the sacrifices and circumcision before the law the passeouer al sacrifices commanded by the law by signes and figures of Christ to come such are Baptisme and the Lords supper now vnder the gospel The other ceremonies concerne the time and place of the Church meeting and the maner order in the decent vsage of all the partes of Gods worshippe which before the law is said a Gen. 21.33 to bee in groues and as for other circumstances there is little mention as matters of no great moment vnder the law they b Luc. 4.16 Act. 15.21 had sinagogues and appointed ministers for the same and the reading of the law with preaching euerie Saboath day in the gospell touching all such thinges wee haue this rule c 1. Cor. 14.4 Let all things be done honestly and in order The ordinaunces with the manifestation of the spirit be conteined in the persons their offices degrees and dignities their excellencie and power in their giftes and the order of adiministration As before the law the d Gen. 12.7 cap. 17.23 father of the family e Exod. 24.5 Numb 3.40 or the first borne was the person by whom the word holy thinges of God were administred Their degrees dignities c. are not much spokē of saue only they are cald f
the image of God in knowledge holines and righteousnes his religion was pure and his faith in God and his loue towards God al creatures were righteous his estate happy enioying the presence glory of God But this estate indured not long for the diuel enuying mans happines allured the womā Euah to eat of the forbiddē fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and euill and by her Adam was partaker of the same transgression b Ep. Tit. 3.3 Gen. 6.5 so man fell cleane from al religion and became the vassal of Satan dead in sinne lost that holie image so far that both mind will and affections were onely euill and by his very nature he was the child of wrath and without God in the world that is to say he was of no religion and in this estate he was most miserable cursed and damnable Here our most gracious and mercifull God pitying our most wofull condition c Gen. 3. calleth man to an accompt chastiseth him condemneth the serpent and teacheth him againe the true religion by giuing him the promise that The seede of the woman shoulde breake the serpents head that is that by Christ hee would ouer throw the power of the diuell Vpon which promise he buildeth his church of such of the sons of Adam as he d Eph. 1.4.5 in his eternal counsel had chosen to be adopted to himselfe in Christ Iesus d Eph. 1.4.5 c Ro. 9.18.22 leauing all others vnto themselues to remaine in their sins for their iust cōdemnation And these his elect he restoreth to that former happy estate wherin they were created which thing hee doth during this world by f Math. 28.19 Eph. 4.11 instructing them in the true pure religion which is the faith of Christ the fruits thereof in true repentāce amendement of life by the loue of God of his neighbor which two things haue their measure and are vnperfect in this life but they shal be perfect in the life to come Faith is vnperfect because our g 1. Cor. 13.9 knowledge is vnperfect yet because it is fixed in Christ the son of God it is a h Eph. 6.16 shield to quēch the fiery darts of the diuel so that by it we i Rom. 5.1 are righteous in gods sight haue peace with God thorow Iesus Christ but when in the life to come wee shall haue a k Psal 17.15 1. Io. 3.2 perfect sight of God see him as he is then that which is vnferfect shall be done away our loue in this life is much more weake because it answereth not l Iacob 3.2 to the perfection of the law moral or Gods holy image and therefore vnles by the shield of faith in Christ we were defended we should neuer recouer our former estate of happines but by faith there is giuen vnto vs the a Rom. 8.23 Eph. 1.13 first fruits of the spirit and an earnest of our saluation euen in this our pilgrimage but afterward the same also shal be made perfect when b 1. Cor. 15.54 our corruption shal put on incorruption our mortality shal be swalowed vp of life enioying the glorious liberty of the sons of God we c 2. Tim. 4.8 shall be crowned with the crowne of righteousnes which is laid vp in store for all them which loue the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ 2. And here is to be noted that between this time of mans innocencie the time of the glory of Gods elect is the d Eph. 1.10 dispēsation of times wherin God gathereth his elect and nurtureth his church in one certain kind of religion holy right pure catholike so far as by his gracious gift in this life his people are made capable therby sanctifying them seperating them from this present euil world e Colos 1.13 translating thē out of the power of darknesse into the kingdome of his deer son And this we find to be in iij. sorts in regard of the maner of gouernment in the dispensation of iij. diuersities of times yet but in one rule of faith religion The times were these 1. From the promise of God made to Adam vntil the giuing of the law in mount Sinay or Horeb during the space of 2513. yeres 2. From the giuing of the law vntil the preaching of Io. Bap. and sending of the Apostles to preach to all the world about some 1445. yeres 3. From that * That is 30. yeres after Christ birth time to our daies som 1569. yeres this is to continue till the end of the world when Christ shal come again to iudge the quick and dead In the first the maner of gouernment in regard of the persons ouer whom it was extended they were the fathers of the first world al the whole world of al nations languages in regard of the things then in vse Read Gen. Rom. they had not the law of God nor any part of his word written but were taught cōmanded by visions dreams from heauen many were endewed with the spirit of prophesie In the second the manner of gouernment touching the persons was this they were one nation called lastly Iews first Israelits and somtime Hebrewes and in regard of the things they had Moses law written and so preserued in bookes for the perpetual vse of the church and this law was in three sorts the morall written in two tables shewing in ten words all dueties to God and man the ceremonial law consisting in ordinances of rites sacrifices and the leuiticall priesthood by which order it pleased God in those daies to be outwardly worshipped the iudicial law which were ciuil lawes and statutes for the punishment of euill doers and ordering of the common wealth of that people as was most fit for the time for the true and holie religion And vnder these three they were gouerned vntill the comming of Christ And because they often times fell away vnto idolatrie God raised vp prophets to bring them to repentance who instructed them according to the law shewed them alway the true faith and religion with the right order and maner of gouernment Now a Eph. 2.11.12 while that the church was in this one nation of the Iewes the gentils which are all the nations and languages of the worlde beside were left out from being the people of God of his visible church which thing began at the circumcision of Abraham in that God ordaining it did call it the couenant that is a signe of the couenant namly that Abraham and his seed should be the people or church of God and they that were not circumcised shold be none of his church which being some 400. yeres before the giuing of the law in that space the sin of the gentils came to their perfection and so the Iewes were then and thenceforth distinctly knowen to bee of a
differing religion and faith concerning God from all people vnder heauen whatsoeuer b Rom. The third sort in regard of the persons are the gentils that is all nations and languages after the comming of Christ and in regard of the things they had the gospel which Iesus Christ the sonne of GOD being made man of the virgin Marie did preach ordaine and commit to writing to be preserued for the euerlasting benefit of the church which being preached by the Apostles of Christ as well to the Iewes as to the Gentils at his commaundement and by his commission the Iewes for their vnbelefe fel away and being left to the hardnes of their hart were reiected and ceased to be the visible church of God remaine scattered ouer the face of the whole earth vntill this day and the gentils hearing and receiuing the gospell and submitting them selues by faith vnto the doctrin of Christ became Gods people againe and his visible church and so the true religion hath remained among the gentils in one place or other vntil this day and of this number are we of the church of Englande one happie part The Lord our God and merciful father in Iesus Christ be praised therefore 3. Now in all these times notwithstanding that the outward face of the church by the ceremonies and maner of gouernment did verie much differ yet in all these was but one substance of religion consisting in the knowledg of one true and liuing God and in the worship of his diuine maiestie by faith in the holy promise of Iesus Christ which promise was made vnto Adam Abraham and Dauid declared by the prophets preached to the gentils in the gospel For so Adam a Gen. trained vp his sons by sacrifice to worship God arguing their expectation of the Messias or seed of the woman to come And therfore b Heb. Abel Enoch Noe Abraham are wel reported of for their faith and to haue pleased God Vnto c 1. Pe. 3.10.11 Noe the ark vnto Abraham circumcision being types and figures of Christ were helpes in this faith religion so in the law all the priestes their sacrifices and seruice yea al the law d Rom. 10.4 Gal. 3.22 ponited out Christ as thend therof and concluded all vnder sin that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ might be giuen to them that beleeue And the prophets which best vnderstood the law shew the maine substance of their religion to be in faith when they say e Esai 26.16 He that beleeueth in him meaning Christ shal not make hast f Aaback 2.4 The iust shal liue by faith g Psal 34.8 Tast and see how gracious the Lord is blessed is the mā that trusteth in him Which thing witnesseth the Apostle saying h Rom. 15.4 Whatsoeuer things are written afore time are written for our learning that we thorow patience and comfort of the scripture might haue hope and that the i 2. Tim. 3.15 scriptures speaking of the law and prophets are able to make one wise vnto saluation thorow faith in Iesus Christ And lastly touching the gospell it is most cleare that by k Gal. 3.26 Act. 24.14 beleefe in Christ wee are made Gods people in this beleef we worship and serue God as in one true pure religion Therefore they which are taught l Math 28.19 Act. 2.38 cap. 16.31 Iacob 1.6 Heb. 11.6 are baptized when they beleeue and so receaued into the church such are said to be saued such are said to pray aright and generally such are said to please God 4. Now to conclude this place we may obserue the wonderful administration of God in vpholding of this one true religion faith of Christ in all ages of the world and that in two things First in his iudgments and secondly in the diuers manifestation of his spirit as concerning the first the ould world falling into a most horrible apostasie m Gen. 6. by prophane and vnequal yoking of the children of God with the children of men God stirred vp Noe the preacher of righteousnes in his family preserued the true faith when all the whole world was fallen away therefore drowned by waters Then after the floud som 400. yeres when idolatry had ouercrept the world in the posterity of Noe namely after the confounding of the languages and that they were become many nations God a Gen. 12. Ioshuah 24.2 called Abraham and taught him the faith and pure religion of Christ when hee gaue him the promise That in his seede all the families of the earth should be blessed and in his posteritie namly of his son b Gen. 17.19 Act. 14.16 Isaak when all the nations of the world were left to their own waies the same was preserued and althogh the Israelits c Ps 78. 106 many times departed from the true God to follow the maners fashions of the gentils yet he reduced thē home again by his plagues punishments somtimes by his d 1. Kin. 18 3● Esai 6.13 prophets and somtimes destroying the multitude reserued a smal remnant as a seed plot among whom he preserued the true faith and religion And last of all when they had many times prouoked God by their vnbeleefe and rebellion he cast them vtterly off and ingrafted the gentils although among these there hath bin great * The first 300. yeres after Christ persecution a most horrible apostasy both by ⁂ Mahomet and the Pope east and west yet hath he alwaies had his witnesses who keeping the faith haue professed the true religion of Christ and nowe according to his e word the same is renewed and taketh hold againe in the open eyes of all the world amonge the elect of God his chosen people whō he calleth by his gospel A thing verily fore prophesied by f Gen. 9.27 Gen. 12.3 Deut. 32.21 Esai 49.6 Rom. 15.18 Noe taught and promised to Abraham threatned by Moses plainely foretold by the prophets and fully accomplished by Christ and of these things we haue now had 1602. yeres triall experience the Lords most holy name be praised But as touching the manifestation of the spirit marke with me that the same promise which to Adam was generall g Gen. 3. cap. 12. cap. 49.10 Esai 9.6.7 Matth. 1. in the seede of the woman was more speciall to Abraham to be in his seede and in his posteritie more certaine in Iuda and yet in Iuda more particuler in the house and linage of Dauid and yet more plainly and neerly by the prophets that he should be borne of h Esai 7.14 a virgin yea hee is also so thoroughly described in the prophets that there is scarse any action of Christ or accident befalling him which Matthew the euangelist in his historie doth not confirme by some prophet or other Yet is Iohn Baptist more cleere then they all
kingdoms But as concerning the saluation or damnation of men they say thus g Pro. 16.4 God made all things or men for himselfe yea euen the wicked for the day of euil which words sheweth that the coūsel of God in making all things regarded this ende Gods glorie not only in those which are elected vnto saluation but euen in those which are reprobated vnto euil that is to damnation as in Malachie he also saith h Malach. 1. ver 2.3 Iacob haue I loued and Esau haue I hated which words are before cited by saint Paul for Gods eternal decree touching mans saluation and damnation But the new Testament is somewhat plainer where we are taught to confesse Gods eternall purpose before the creation how all things should be in these words i Reuel 4.11 Rom. 11.36 Thou art worthie O Lord to receiue glorie and honour and power for thou hast created all thinges and for thy will sake they are and haue been created And againe Of him and through him and for him are all things to him bee glorie for euer Amen But more particularly touching man it is said first for the elect k Eph. 1.4 He hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world c. And of the reprobate Christ is l 1. Pet. 2.8 a stone to stumble at and a rocke of offence euen to them which stumble at the word vnto the which thing they were euen ordained Which is so plaine that all men may see euidently that the counsell and decree of God ruleth ouer all and in all things His holy name be blessed for euer Amen Therefore in this Article our English beliefe is the same which God teacheth Abraham by himselfe and Israel by Moses and the prophets and both Iewes and gentils by his Christ and his Apostles The third Article of the estate of man by the fall of Adam and before his calling 3 The heart of man before and without the grace of God is altogether corrupt by originall sinne descending from Adam so that in him there is no power to do any worke of godlines pleasing God THis Article doth shew the damnable estate of man before hee haue faith in Christ in three things 1. in the vniuersall corruption of his soule by originall sin which consisteth in the want of knowledge and freewill vnto godlinesse 2. That it commeth from Adam descending from father to sonne 3. And in that before grace all his workes are sinne in the sight of God Before the fall Adam being made a Gen. 1.26 Colos 3.10 Eph. 4.24 after Gods image in knowledge holinesse and righteousnes could not be corrupt in soule but as the preacher saith b Eccles 7.3 Gen. 1.31 God made man righteous And Moses saith God saw all that he had made loe it was verie good But after Adam c Cap. 3. had eaten of the forbidden fruite the tree of knowledge of good and euill then lost he this holy image and goodnes of soule as appeareth in that he could not abide the presence of God he was ashamed and hid himselfe and whē God called him to an account he posted the matter to his wife and in a sort charged God saying d Vers 12. The woman which thou gauest to be with me she gaue mee of the tree c. Which declareth how hee was vtterly voide of goodnes in that hee shewed no inclination to repentance or submission to God and this further appeareth in his sonnes Caine and Abell e Gen. 4. Heb. 11.4 the one being without faith alas altogether set on euil works could not please God with his sacrifice the other by faith shewing his new birth offered an acceptable sacrifice So that it is apparant that this corruptiō is exceeding great is hereditarie descending from Adam and so from father to sonne making euerie soule vnable to doe any godlines Wherefore when the world was multiplyed in people they became most shamefull in wickednes which God not able to abide therefore minding their destruction sheweth the ground to be this originall sinne namely f Gen. 6.5 cap. 8.21 All the imaginations of the thoughtes of his heart were onely euill continually And againe the imagination of mans heart is euill euen from his youth Where thou maist see that being in the heart and from the youth this corruption is naturall and originall comming from the parents and being onely euill and imaginations it sheweth the vniuersal corruption and then being continually this bewrayeth the emptinesse of knowledge free wil vnto God also that nothing can be done by a mā vnregenerate godly pleasing to the Lord. Now looke we vpon the storie of Abraham Noe was a iust man he his three sons had seen the great plague vpō all the world by the floud yet there posterity fell from God this was found in Abraham and his fathers house so that they were cleane fallen from God worshipped other Gods which in deede were no Gods which doubtlesse had not beene but by this originall corruption For what did they either by vnderstanding or will to prepare or dispose themselues to grace or what worke find wee they did to please God iust nothing But God called Abraham and in calling of him endewed him with faith and so he by faith obeyed pleased God as is interpreted by the holy ghost in the Epistle to the a Heb. 11.8 Hebrewes By faith Abraham when he was called obeyed God c. And if it were by faith it must needs be meerely the supernaturall gift of Gods spirit as the Apostle saith b 1. Cor. 12.8 To one is giuen by the spirit the word of wisedom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another is giuen faith by the same spirit Then surely before this gift of the spirite Abrahams heart was altogether corrupt which the prophet Ezechiel openeth more plainly who Ezec. c. speaking of the first founding of the church of Israel Iews in the persō calling of Abr. cōpares that time of their first ingrafting into the couenant to bee made Gods people vnto the time of a childe newly come into the world Namely that God saw their father Abraham in whom he adopted them to be his church and Sarah his wife their mother as a child whose nauel was not cut nor washed with water nor softened nor swadled with clouts whom no eye pittied but was cast out in contempt of his person then saith God to the whole generatiō of Israel as one man that began in Abraham When I passed by thee I saw thee polluted in thine owne bloud I said vnto thee when thou wast in thy bloud thou shalt liue And a little after I spread my skirt ouer thee and couered thy filthinesse yea I sware vnto thee entered into couenant with thee saith the Lord God and thou becamest mine c. In which wordes allegorically
call his name wonderfull counseller the mightie God c. m cap 53.10 he shall make his soule an offering for sinne a Zach. 6.12.13 Behold the man whose name is the branch and he shall grow vp out of his place and hee shall build the temple of the Lord euen he shall build the temple of the Lord and he shall beare the glorie and shall sit and rule vpon his throne and he shal be a priest vpon his throne and the counsell of peace shall be betweene them both And many other places where his godhead manhood mediatorship priesthood kingly office are expresly described But yet most abundantly and most euidently in the gospel where of his person it is said b Rom. 1.3.4 He was made of the seed of Dauid according to the flesh and declared mightely to be the sonne of God touching the spirit of sanctification by the resurrection from the dead c Rom. 9.5 Of the Israelites concerning the fleshe Christ came who is God ouer all blessed for euer Touching both person and office When the fulnes of time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made vnder the law that he might redeeme them which were vnder the law that we might receiue the adoption of sons d 1. Pet. 3.18 Christ hath once suffered for sins the iust for the vniust that he might bring vs to God and was put to death concerning the flesh but was quickned in the spirit His kingly office thou hast where it is said e Eph. 1.20.21 God set him at his right hand in heauenly places far aboue all principalitie power and might and domination and euerie name that is named not in this worlde only but also in that is to come and hath made all things subiect vnder his feete and hath appointed him ouer all things to be head to his church and his priestly office in these words f Heb. 7.24 This man because hee endureth for euer hath an euerlasting priesthood Wherefore hee is able perfectly to saue them which come vnto God by him seeing hee euer liueth to make intercession for them O blessed harmony and sweet consent in so ioyfull a description of our louing God and sauiour Happie art thou O England who hast fellowship with Abraham Moses the prophets Apostles in so heauenly holy g 1. Tim. 3.16 great misterie of godlinesse Which God doth not reueile to all people but only to his h Colos 1.26 Saints All thanks therefore bee giuen vnto the most glorious name of our good God for his most excellent gift and rich grace Amen The sixt Article of the applying of Christ Faith onely iustifieth and who so euer beleeueth in Christ shal be saued THe meaning of this Article is that there is not in man either before or after hee beleeue any inherent righteousnesse or goodnes of mind neither any kind of workes done by him which can either deserue any thing at Gods handes or in any part satisfie his wrath wherby we should be accounted righteous in his sight but that Christ alone hath paid our ransome for our sinnes and wee are saued by the meere and free grace of God thorow his bloud and wee are then onely accounted iust and iustified before God made inheritors of saluatiō when by a true vnfained faith beliefe in Christ bloud wee acknowledge embrace and receaue this grace and fauour of God and this faith onely in this sort apprehending Christ maketh vs righteous and iustified before God And thus surely it befell vnto Abraham our father For first he was taught it Secondly hee found and felt it Thirdly God wrote it for euer with great and golden letters in the image of his house that all posteritie might reade it and learne it to their euerlasting comfort That he was taught it is apparant in that God finding him void of all goodnesse and righteousnesse as is before declared gaue him the promise that a Gen. 12.3 in him all the families of the earth should bee blessed This the Apostle interpreteth to bee meant that the nations should bee iustified by faith in Christ and not by works saying b Gal. 3.8 The scripture foreseeing that God wold iustifie the Gentils through faith preached before the gospell vnto Abraham saying In thee shall all the gentils bee blessed Where thou mayest obserue two thinges First that this vttering of this promise to Abraham was the preaching of the gospell Secondly that the summe of the gospell is Iustification is by faith onely And that all nations should haue no other but the same order of iustification which God taught Abraham namely by faith onely In the second place Abraham found and felt this when he c Gen. 15.2 mourned to God because he had no child and God shewed him the starres and said looke now vp into heauen and tell the starres if thou be able to number them and hee said vnto him So shall thy seede bee And Abraham beleeued the Lord and hee counted that to him for righteousnesse Which the Apostle doth interprete to be vnderstood that faith without workes doth iustifie not onely in the person of Abraham but also that it pertayneth to all other in the like and verie same manner to be iustified and in none other First of Abraham he saith a Rom. 4.1 What shall we say that Abraham our father hath found concerning the fleshe for if Abraham were iustified by workes hee hath wherein to reioyce but not with God For what saith the scripture Abraham beleeued God and it was counted to him for righteousnes In which wordes it is plaine that Abraham was iustified by faith onely and if hee had beene by workes hee had had no reioycing with God And as touching all other that it is the onely and perpetuall rule of iustification hee saith b Verse 23. Now it is not written for him onely that it was imputed to him for righteousnesse but also for vs to whom it shall be imputed for righteousnesse which beleeue in him which raysed vp Iesus our Lorde from the dead Thirdly the great and golden letters wherewith this doctrine is written in Abrahams house be Sarah his wife and her sonne Isaack and Hagar his bond seruant and her sonne Ismael in whom God hath set forth as in a wide open book the two couenants the couenant of works and the couenant of mercie the one of the law and the other of the gospell For Sarah representeth the couenant of mercie and the estate of the Church vnder the gospell and her sonne the true and faithfull beleeuers in Iesus Christ Read Gen. 16. 21. Hagar representeth the couenaunt of workes and the state of the Church vnder the lawe and her sonne Ismael such as seeke righteousnesse by their workes Now as Sarah being the free woman her sonne Isaack was the heire vnto Abraham and remayned in his house for euer so the couenaunt of mercie and the
slaine yea there is a sacrifice for the leaper the running issue for women newely deliuered of child and for touching any vncleane thing for vnwittingly speking or doing any euil which one perceiueth not all sins of ignorance had their sacrifice what doe all these mean but the sin of concupiscence imperfection in the regenerate And whē he saith thou f Exod. 20.17 Rom. 7.7 shalt not lust he declareth plainly that this concupiscence in the regenerate is sin as the holie Apostle doth expound it And as touching the want or vncleanes in good works there is an especial feast g Leuit. 16. of reconciliation to purge the holie sanctuary the tabernacle of the congregation to cleanse the alter to make atonement for the priest for al the people of the congregation that this shal be don once euery yere where in euerie soule shal humble himselfe what doth this argue but that the best things and workes of the best men are vncleane and haue neede to be cleansed by faith in Iesus Christes holie sacrifice But the prophets speake yet more plainely First the Psalmist saith a Psal 19.12 Who can vnderstand his faultes cleanse me from secrete faultes b Psal 119.5 O that my waies were directed to keepe thy statutes c Psal 141.4 Set a watch before my mouth and keepe the doore of my lips incline not my hart vnto euill c. These wordes shewe directly and expresly the sinfull concupiscence in man regenerate to cause sinne vnawares and secret and that the children of God saw their owne inhabilitie vnto good thinges and that no regenerate man could doe all Gods commandements especially at all times to which the preacher accordeth saying d Eccl. 7.22 Surely there is no man iust in the earth that doth good and sinneth not and as touching the sinne of their good workes they teach the Church to confesse and say e Esai 69.6 Wee haue been all as an vncleane things and all our righteousnes as filthie cloutes vpon this the gospell speaking of the regenerate saith f Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrarie one to an other so that ye cannot doe the same thinges that yee woulde wherefore the regenerate man confesseth this and saith g Rom. 7.19 I doo not the good things which I would but the euill which I would not that doo I which sheweth expressely the imperfection of the regenerate and righteous man in this life that hee hath sinne in him and cannot but sinne yea in his best deeds For where such resistance is there must needes be weakenesse and sinne and therefore in this place h ver 7. concupiscence in the regenerate is directly called sinne And Saint i Iacob 3.2 Iames confesseth that in manie thinges wee sinne all And that wee may further see our imperfection in our best dooings this also doth the regenerate k 1. Cor. 4.4 acknowledge that although in some one thing he doo knowe nothing by him selfe as the Apostle in his ministerie yet he is not thereby iustified thereby teaching that a good man cannot see what escapes there be in his perfectest doings as God can therfore he wil not cleere himselfe no not in that wherin he cannot accuse himselfe for seeing as elsewhere he affirmeth l Rom. 7.21 When he would doo good euil is present with him it must needs follow that although the regenerate man do not in euerie action perceiue it yet this euill concupiscence which is alway present with him doth make his good deedes vnperfect and sinne that it cannot aunswere to the righteousnes of the law nor stand before Gods iudgment seate if he should iudge by mans deeds according to the law and not by his faith according to the gospel and therfore the spirit of God a 1. Ioh. 5.3.4 teacheth that the reason why Gods commandemēts are not greeuous to the beleeuer is our faith by which we haue victorie ouer the worlde Then may I boldly conclude that Abraham Moses the Prophets and Apostles felt and found this doctrin to be true that in the regenerate man there is sinful concupiscence which dwelling in our harts and resisting the spirit doth not onely make vs sin in many things but also stayneth our best deedes with greeuous spottes of corruption and imperfection in Gods sight so that only faith in Christ must be our b Ephe. 6.16 shield against the firie darts of the Diuel and c 1. Pet. 1.5 by faith onely doth God preserue vs through his power vnto eternal saluation And this is for certainty the doctrine which the church of England now holdeth For we publish to all the worlde that Although for Christ sake d Artic. 9. of original sin there is no condemnation to the regenerate and beleeuing yet concupiscence in it selfe is verie sin and that e Artic. 12. of good workes our good workes which are fruits of faith and follow after iustification cannot put away our sins and endure the seueritie of Gods iudgement And that f Artic. 15. Christ onely without sin Christ onely was without sin as a lambe without spot but we although we be baptised and borne againe in Christ yet we offend in many things g Apolog. cap. 19. diuis 1. The most righteous person is an vnprofitable seruant the law of God is perfect and requireth of vs perfect and ful obedience we are able by no meanes to fulfill that law in this worldly life Therefore it is clere that in this article also we consent and agree to the most ancient and catholike faith of the fathers law Prophets and Apostles of Christ The eight article of the right place and vse of good woorkes 8. Good workes are the fruits of the iustified Christians and do make knowen their true and liuely faith and where they are not their faith is dead THis article doth declare that although by faith onely we are iust in Gods sight made heires of saluation without any workes of our owne as causes adiuuant and concurrent and that the law cannot iustifie or saue any man yet in the true religion allowed of God good workes are not excluded altogether neither is the law so abolished as that it were not our dutie to liue godly and vprightly according to the law But according to the law of iustice they hauing no place in the matter and causing of saluation should yet haue their own proper right place and honour according to their dignity vse and vertue For if by the law and good workes wee all haue been iustified it had been their due place to haue ioined them in that article of iustification and to haue honored them with the glorie of merite and deseruing but because we men are so corrupt that in this life our good workes attaine not to the righteousnes which the law exacteth wee must graunt them a lower place euen so great
dignitie as they doo properly and naturally require Namely that it is a 1. Thess Gods pleasure that they whom hee freely iustifyeth by his grace and clenseth by faith should not wallow in the puddle and filth of sin like the gentils who know not God but shew thēselues to be the redeemed of the Lord his saints and children by their godly life and honest conuersation And for this cause sanctifying those whom he iustifieth he would haue them approue their faith by their good works as it is written b Eph. 2.10 We are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath ordained that wee should walke in them c 1. Ioh. 3.9 whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his seede remaineth in him c. In which two places first you may obserue our sanctification in the words creation and seed For by the one is signified our new birth and renewing of the holie ghost and by the other the spirit sanctifying which as seed beginneth a godly life in vs. Secondly our faith in being in Christ and gods children for we are no otherwise in Christ and gods children but by faith The doctrin of these places agreeth with the article that they which are made Gods children by faith are so farre sanctified and renued by Gods spirit that they walking a more vpright course of life then infidels do make manifest their faith by their workes and they which be otherwise haue no faith Heere me thinketh I see Abraham approouing himselfe to haue a liuely faith by a most constant change of life in following of God and attending vpon his worde First he frankely left d Gen. Heb. 11.8.9 his countrie and kindred and forsooke all strange religions and idolatrie to follow God Secondly he contentedly abode in the land of Canaan as in a strange land and walking from place to place remained in tentes and in euerie place shewed his godly deuotion in making an altar and calling vpon the name of the Lord a Cap. 13.8 he kindly yeelded to his nephew Lot 14.19 for auoiding of contention 24.1 18.23 20.17 charitablie rescued him when hee was taken prisoner carefully prouided a wife for his sonne Isaack feruently intreated for the Citie of Sodom meekly praied for him that had taken away his wife 23. 25. decently prouided for his wiues buriall and wisely before his death set an order betweene his children concerning his substance according to Gods word And is b Cap. 18.19 honourably commended by God himselfe for his good instruction to his houshold children posteritie that they might walke in the waies of the Lord. But aboue all other he approued his fayth in this that vpon Gods commandement he so readily offered vp his sonne Isaack being after Ismaels expulsion his onely sonne his beloued sonne and concerning whom hee had receiued the promise of life and saluation and the establishment of the couenaunt by this worke hee made knowen to men and Angels that hee had a true and a liuely faith whereupon Saint Iames interpreting this fact of Abraham to be wrought by faith bringeth this example to proue that faith without workes is dead And thus hee speaketh c Iacob 2.20.21 But wilt thou vnderstande O vaine man that fayth without workes is deade Was not Abraham our father iustified through workes when hee offered Isaacke his sonne vppon the Altar Seest thou not that fayth wrought with his woorkes and through the workes the faith was made perfect and the scripture was fulfilled which saith Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed to him for righteousnes c. Heere I am enforced because of S. Iames maner of speaking to clere a doubt before I can conclude this point For in as much as Saint Paul d Rom. 4. contendeth that Abraham was not iustified at all by workes but by faith without workes and heere saint Iames seemeth to auoutch the contrarie saying was not Abraham our father iustified through workes it is to be considered how these two may be reconciled For the clearing of which difference I aunswere that in deed they both vse one worde but not in one meaning nor to one and the same ende For Saint Paul by this woord iustified meaneth that God freely imputeth righteousnes vnto him as namlie Read Rom. and cap. iustified by faith in saint Pauls mind is as much as to say righteousnes is imputed vnto him for his beleefes sake and for nothing else And his end was to prooue that no man can be iustified by workes in the sight of God but that this blessednes to bee iuste before God commeth by faith without workes But Saint Iames hauing to doo with such as boasted of faith and tooke to them selues licence to sin had this end namely to proue that faith without workes was in deed no faith properly and in the sight of God but a dead faith and therfore by this word iustified meaneth onely this that by workes a man is declared and made knowen tn be iustified by faith that is that he hath not a vaine dead and fruitles faith And therefore seeing that Abraham was so iustified that is declared and made knowen to be a iust man of a true and liuely faith testified by such a notable woorke he being our father we must be found to haue such a woorking faith or els we cannot be knowen to bee any other but hypocrites of a dead and counterfait faith And that this is the true and proper meaning of Saint Iames First consider that this word iustified is diuersly vsed and to be taken in the holy scriptures as all other wordes be according to the scope and purpose of euerie place For Rom. 6. where he sayth a Rom. 6.7 He that is dead is iustified from sinne there it signifieth to be free as it is by som translated And in b Cap. 7.29 Luke it is said that the Publicans iustified God being baptized with the Baptisme of Iohn where it signifieth to praise God for his mercy goodnes and righteousnes In c Math. 11.19 Mathew it is said Wisedome is iustified of her children where it signifieth acknowledged or professed or declared iust In which places this worde of necessitie hath such sence and meaning as the scope of the seueral places aforde So here Saint Iames intention being to teach the vanitie of him that boasteth of faith and yet liueth wickedly by all reason must be vnderstood to meane by the word iustified the declaring of the righteousnes of his faith by his workes And this wil easilie appeare if you marke his propounding of this question the order of his reasoning and his conclusion First his proposition vers 14. What auaileth it my brethren though a man saith he hath faith when he hath no workes can the faith saue him where you may perceiue he speaketh against pratlers and hypocrites which say they haue
time and with the preaching of Christ and his Prophets and Apostles is most comfortablie sealed vp and confirmed the Lords name be praised therefore The Lords name I say be praised who hath bin so mercifull and gratious vnto this little Ileland that passing ouer many greater richer and mightier nations hath set such an especial loue vpon vs as he hath vouchsafed to preferre and exalt our nation aboue many other to be of his holie and catholike church of the blessed communion of his saints and a true member of his visible people vpon whom his name is called That we may truely iustly and boldly say that the religion which we follow and the faith and doctrine which wee confesse is the faith of Gods elect the knowledge of the truth according to godlines vnder the hope of eternall life the verie true and onely way of saluation which God and not man teacheth Which he hath taught al the fathers before the law was giuen or any part of Gods woord written during the space of 2517. yeeres In the ende of that time Abraham our father euen the father of all beleeuers 430. yeeres before Moses when the world began to be corrupted receaued and professed for al nations which should be after him Which Moses and the Prophets proclaimed and maintained some 1445. yeeres vntill the blessed time of Christes holie incarnation And which the same Iesus Christ the glorious son of God euen the Lord of life preached in his owne person and his holie Apostles which heard him and saw al his great works did witnes and publish to all the gentils and was confirmed by gods holie testimonie from heauen with great signes and wonders and gifts of the holie ghost And which the same euerlasting God euen the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ commanded to be taught vnto all people out of the holie Scriptures of Moses the Prophets and Psalmes and hath opened and made manifest by the holie inspired writings of the Euangelistes and Apostles and left and commended vnto his Church for the saluation of his elect vnto the worlds end By which al gods people ar to be known by which God will be glorified in his saints and out of which no man hath been shall be or can be saued I say therefore againe the Lords name be praised for euer Amen CHAP. IIII. Where is declared First that antiquitie vniuersalitie and visible succession is no perfect marke of the church much lesse of the popish Synagogue which is but of yesterday 2. The measure order of the visible succession of the Church from Christs time forward is shewed by the Scripture 3. Therefore the papists do prooue themselues to be no church when they ground themselues on this false principle the church cannot erre 4. How the true religion hath shewed it selfe by manie witnesses from the Apostles time euen vnto our dayes THE Synagogue of Rome claimeth antiquitie vniuersality and succession visible from the time of Christs Apostles to be vndoubted markes of the church of God and so of the pure religion addinge thereunto as it were the sinewes and ioints to make them all holde together the faithfull and constant grace of the church visible vnder the ghospell namly this false principle that It cannot erre And therfore when they are convicted to haue fallen from the true christian religion and find themselues openly bewraied being tried by the perfect touchstone of Gods holie written woord to be lately vpstart and of a new deuised religion doctrine and faith brought forth into the world by the fanatical and superstitious humor of heretical prauitie and humaine follie and begotten by the cunning insinuations and coulorable suggestions of him which vseth all spirituall craftines and profoundnes of wisedom to bruse the heele of the womans seede and to darken the glorious light of the heauenlie faith of Gods chosen least happely they should not be found the very true Antechrist after the maner of him that trāsformeth him selfe into an angel of light they would beare downe the world with the vaine titles and goodly shew of antiquitie vniuersalitie visible succession of the vnerring and vnchangeable persistance of the visible church in the truth and leaue out altogether that which is indeede the very nature and foundation of the church the true religion faith and doctrine of Apostles and Prophets of God But alas these are but the figge leaues of Adam which cannot couer their shame for as all men knowe that the serpent cannot proue himselfe a man by his auncient continuance and remaining in the world vnlesse hee had those essential properties of bodie and soule whereof euery man doth naturally consist So for so much as all these things antiquitie vniuersalitie c. are such as heretikes Ethnikes did and could claime from Caine and Cham or Iaphet as wel as Christians from Seth and Shem and that the true nature of the church cōsisteth in the fellowship of the true religion doctrine and faith the sygnogoge of Rome vnlesse it hold the true faith and religion cannot for these things be the true visible church of God For no antiquitie vniuersalitie or succession can make the whore of Babel to be the true and chast spouse of Christ And who knoweth not that Caine was before Sheth and that their two posterities were the two churches one which is of Caine called the children of men because their religion came of a runnagate man the other was called the childrē of God because their religion was giuen and taught them of God Likewise in the Apostasie of the time of Abraham the nations were almost setled vpon the dregges of their filthie idolatry when Abraham was now but newly called Ismael and Esaue which fell out of the church and house of Abraham became goodly states and monarkes before Iacob was established and the people of Israell were gathered into a knowen and visible floorishing forme of a church which was 430. yeeres after the calling of Abraham Lastlie the gentils continued in that apostasie and idolatrie ouerspreading all the world from the time of Abraham vntil Christ eighteene hundred yeeres when the Church was but in a little corner of the world the land of Canaan and of that a great space in the territories of Iuda and Hierusalem onely Because Caine Ismael and Esaie calling antiquitie and visible succession before Sheth and Isaack and Iacob is their religion the true religion or were they the true church or shall the Gentils iustifie thē selues to be the true worshippers of God or to haue the true God because they can brag ouer the Iewes christiās with al these termes of antiquity vniuersality succession visible c. therfore he that readeth the stories shall find how they scoffe at the Iewes christians euen as the papist do at vs because that although they haue no truth on their side yet they thinke these painted paper walles and leaden weapons of long continuance and open appearance and flowrishing in
the world doth sufficiently couer and defende their filthie follie Whereas they foolishlie know not and consider not or at the least thorough maliciousnes and hardnes of hart wil not know that an ill thing the more vniuersall the longer the larger the stronger the more in custome vse authoritie and open familiaritie of men the more dangerous infectious incurable and deadly it is And this gentilisme and poperie are so much the more stronge in dilusion for the damnation of soules by howe much they being void of godlines and truth are and haue been ancient vniuersal visible c. And therefore it hah cost the more sweat and bloud vnto the faithfull seruants of Christ to cure the infected people and to bring them againe into the bosom of Abraham and arcke of Noe the folde and church of Christ We may then boldlie say that such ministers are to be obeied who as an a Ian. lib. 4. cap. 43. auncient father saith together with the succession of their Bishopricks according to the good will of God the father haue receaued the certaine gift of the truth which while the church of Rome that now is hath not done because they doo not beleeue in those things which are they are fallen into those things which are not hauing forsaken the pure and chast nature and beutifull ornaments of the true spouse of Christ which is the sincere doctrine of holie scripture they are faine to array themselues in the counterfait and comon whorish apparel of al the filthy idolaters of the world the vaine pretence of antiquitie vniuersalitie c. But yet this suit of apparel will not serue them no more then that can fit a childe borne yesterday which is large and wide for a man of a great and full stature For how doo these termes agree to that apostalical sea of Rome which is one of the last lowest borne children of superstition begotten of the diuell in this last furie of his old age euen now he knoweth his time is verie short For as it shall appeare in the latter part of this booke through Gods gracious assistance the synagogue of Rome wil want at the least 4500. yeres of that antiquitie vniuersality and visible succession which I haue here already shewed to appertaine to the true auncient catholike religion of Gods most holie vndoubted church founded in Adams promise seperated in Abrahams posterity published offered to all the world by Christs most blessed Apostles For an introduction into which matter I will in this Chapter through my Lord Christes fauour and grace shew vnto thee good Christian reader how this religion of ours now professed and openly maintayned in Englande which is manifestly proued alreadie in the Chapter going before to be the ancient true faith from the beginning of the world and namely and especially from our father Abraham now in these latter daies hath descended and continued by succession visible in the worlde from the Apostles time vnto ours For although wee bragge not of antiquitie and vniuersalitie yet wee doe humblie thanke our louing God and mercifull father in Iesus Christ that vnto vs the pure doctrine and true Christian religion is come and is fruitfull as euer it hath bin in any part of the world and we are made the children of Abraham through faith in Iesus Christ 2 And that you may vnderstand this the better you are to know the measure hereof by the holy scriptures of God which as a line being gone ouer all the worlde doth shew the tract and footesteppes of religion among the gentilles vnto the ende of the worlde In the 24. of Mathew the 17. and 21. of Luke and in the Reuelation of Saint Iohn is fore described the treading vnder feete of Hierusalem and the Iewes vntill the times of the gentils bee fulfilled and that in these times should arise false prophets and false Christes and deceiue many yea great chaunges and alteration in religion should be in all the Christian world The kings and princes of the earth should obey the will of the least and this obedience should be so vniuersall that no man should be permitted to buy or sell without his marke in their foreheades the prophetes and witnesses of Christ should bee slaine and there should bee the patience and triall of the Saintes Smoke comming out of the bottomlesse pitte couereth the aire and hideth the Sun Moone and stars What doth this shew but that the world should bee found a continuall enemie to the true religion and that the faith of Christ should not alway be vniuersally professed and maintained but that the Christian Churches should fall into errors and that the true religious and faithfull people of God should passe through the furnace of the fierie triall and bee as it were heere and there certayne scattered stones of a building that is witnesses standing vp for the truth testifying that there is a pure religion ordained and accepted of God And not that the Church shoulde bee alway a beautifull pauilion and goodly temple wherein the King dwelleth seene and admired and honoured of all men According to that of Christ a Math. 24.13 Because iniquitie shall abound the loue of many shall waxe colde And this coldnesse shall bee so great and so vniuersall that the true professors of Gods true religion b Vers 9. shall be hated of all men and men c Ioh. 16.1.2 shal thinke they do God seruice when they kill any of them And the ground of this Saint Paul sheweth saying d 2. Tim. 4.3 The time will come when they will not suffer wholesome doctrine c. And yet it seemeth to be more fully opened where hee foretelleth that there must bee an e 2. Thess 2.3 Apostasie or falling from the faith before the world could haue an ende and the man of sinne disclosed 4 which is an aduersarie and exalteth himselfe against that is called God or that is worshipped so that he doth sitte as God in the temple of God And a little after 7 For the misterie of iniquitie doth alreadie worke c. Wherein hee teacheth plainely foure thinges First that there should be a generall decay of religion in the Church Secondly that it should be by such an aduersarie of Christ as should raigne in the Church Thirdly that he should bee reuealed in his time And fourthly that this was an hidde and secret thing which did beginne to worke secretely euen in the Apostles time By which wee may perceiue the succession and vniuersalitie of the Church in the visible shew and flourishing of the true religion is not to bee found nor looked for in all the times of the gospell after the Apostles daies but that by little and little it should bee darkened corrupted and hidden For howe can that bee saide to bee the true visible Church of Christ where his aduersarie dwelleth and beareth all the rule aduauncing himselfe as God And whereas touching the true faith the people are
godlinesse which burden Gods house with such great volumes of new laws made by men contrary to the true faith religion when God telleth vs expressely that his c Psal 19.7 Deut. 4. law written in his word is perfect and conuerteth the soule and that to it nothing is to be added or taken away In the tenth Article the contradiction is manifest to the whole worlde for all men see that they restraine the worde Catholike to one place and that the whole Church should be ruled by her square the whole vniuersall worlde made catholike by one citie wheras one city cannot be the vniuersal church of the whole world which containeth the meanest and smallest part of the whole Besides this they doe not hold professe the onely true catholike faith but do most earnestly fearsely and cruelly persecute Christ his members stand only vpon vain titles of antiquitie vniuersalitie visible succession other false grounds which are common to all the wicked pagans which notwithstanding their brags can not be found in their sinagogue and profession And as is their faith such is their preaching mans traditions and deuises altogether strangers from the life of God their sacraments as they handle the matter are not only ful of vnclean mixtures but also peruerted without authority from God All which to him that considereth will bee found true in the examination of the articles going afore following after namely that they haue nothing in doctrine or practise of the nature of the true Church of God nor yet those visible marks which do indeed truely shew discerne and make knowne the true church and chast spouse of Christ In the eleuenth Article there need but few words for when they worship the Roode and other idols relickes of Saints and the sacrament and when they pray to the virgine Marie to the Apostles and all canonized Saints of that sea euerie man may by by perceiue that they worship not God onely And if they would shift vs off with their blind distinction of Latine doulia hyperdoulia it is not the daliance of termes that can helpe the matter except the word of God made such a difference Againe they themselues a Preceptoriū Nider precept 1. cap. 6. Latria idem est quod seruitus Deo exhibita c. teach that latria which themselues say is a worship due and proper to God alone may be done and might lawfully be done to these namely to the trinitie of the persons diuine to the three Angels whom Abraham saw to the done appearing vpon Christ to the voice of the father to the wordes of the holy scripture in as much as they proceede from God to the manhoode of Christ vnited to his Godhead to the crosse of Christ to the image of Christ to the sacrament of the Eucharist to the garments nailes and speare of Christ If here the proper honour and worship of God bee not giuen to creatures and that these things be not disagreeing to the holy and ancient religion allowed by God I know not what is Let it be tried by that which God saith in the old testament b Psal 50.15 Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me And in the new Christ speaketh in the minde and meaning of the old c Math. 4.10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serue In the twelfth Article there are many disagreementes of Romish superstition and idolatrie from the true catholike religion First in the generall nature of a sacrament they add a further power namely that the sacraments containe grace giue grace and a Concil trident ses 7. that of the worke wrought yea and this alway and vnto all on the part of God and that without them or the vow of them a man doth not receiue of God the grace of Iustification and that the intent of the Minister is required at least according to the generall intent of the Church In which are two manifest cut-throats of the nature of a Sacrament for by conteyning grace c vnderstanding that grace is in the outward signe and so by the only outward ministerie as it is wrought by the Minister grace is giuen this maketh it more then a signe and a seale of the couenant and giueth that to the outward signe worke wrought of man which is due to the spirit of God And secondly the necessity of the Priests intention is made an efficient bearding outfacing the institution of God as though that the being of the Sacrament depended not onlie and wholly vpon Gods ordaining and institution but that it must haue the intent of the minister to make it a Sacrament And here they are to be vnderstood of the Sacraments of the new testament therfore let vs heare how God in the new law of the gospel doth teach the contrarie For he applyeth the vertue of both Sacraments to the spirit saying b 1. Cor. 12.13 By one spirit are wee all baptized into one body whether wee be Iewes or Grecians whether wee be bound or free and haue beene all made to drinke into one spirit therefore the power is not in the outward signe or worke but onlie in the spirit because that c Ver. 4. 11. the diuersities of gifts come of the same spirit and he distributeth them to euerie one seuerallie as he will And as for the Priests intent he saith in the same chapter a Ver. 6. There are diuersities of operations but God is the same which worketh all in all If then God worke all where is the ground of the Priests intent and if the spirit distribute as hee will where is the worke wrought c There is yet a third addition namely that they lay vpon these sacraments the grace of iustification which God saith euidently is imputed to faith without any workes euen as b Rom. 11. c. Gal. 3.6 Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed to him for righteousnes Secondly for the number the presuming sea addeth fiue matrimonie orders confirmation penance extreame vnction not one of them hauing the true nature of a sacrament for they are no where ordeined and commaunded of God to any such purpose except we would childishly say as they doe namely c Manipul curat cap. 1. de instit sacra that hee ordained confirmation when he laid his hands vpon children and said suffer little children to come vnto me and orders when he said Doe this in remembrance of me penance when he said to leapers Go shew your selues to the Priest and extreame vnction when hee sent his Apostles to anoint and heale the sicke that he made matrimony a sacrament when in the wombe of the virgin M. he would ioyne our nature to the diuine in the vnity of person c So might wee make a multitude of sacraments making of clay to
1. § 21. there neuer was a greater scisme in the Church in the time of any heresie few men keeping themselues chaste some feyning continencie for gaine and boasting and many encreasing their incontinencie with periurie and diuers sortes of adulterie c Balaeus de Act. Rom. Pont. de Greg. Christianis It is recorded that Gregorie the first did among the first commaunde single life vnto priests but after finding that they did commit filthinesse secretly that thereof many children conceiued were murdred he did abrogate that commādement and said it was better to marry then to giue cause of slaughter For when on a time hee sent to fish in a ponde there were found in the same sixe thousand heades of drowned children which hee seeing to come of this constrained single life mourning and sighting from the depth of his heart did forthwith reuoke his decree Hee that readeth the liues of popes if it were onely in popish writers or could trauell and learne the guise of Rome or could but vnderstand what the commishioners of King Henry the eight of noble memorie found and saw in putting downe of Abbies hee would easily in this point beleeue the papist d Metropol lib. 9. cap. 34. Krantius where hee saith That in the cittie of Rome Continencie is more rare then a white Swanne among seculer men And this soare is growne grieuous that euerie where it is complained of So that their a Campegius reade Ioh. Sleid. coment lib. 4. verie champions and defenders are forced to confesse that the popish bishops doe not onely wincke at the beastly filthinesse of their priestes but also take money to suffer such wickednesse yea they are not ashamed to face it out with this whoorish boldnesse as to say Shrift foster father of filthinesse It is a much more grieuous sinne for a priest to haue a wife then to keepe many whoores at home This sinne of vncleannesse shall you also finde to bee nourished by shrift For beside many other things we b Histor tripart lib. 9. cap. 35. reade that Nectarius Bishop of Constantinople finding by experience how apt this confessing to a priest was to breed and nourish whoordome tooke it vtterly away in those Greeke Churches But in the Latine churches remaining still one example may suffice to shew what a rich and fatte dunging vnto a single life this shrift hath beene and is to bring forth such vncleane and beastly fruit We c Discouerie of the holy inquisition of Spaine printed at Londō 1569 reade of the Spanish inquisition that on a time it pleased the Lords inquisitors of the holy house to cause proclamation to bee solempnly pronounced in the prouince of Siuill that whosoeuer knew of their certaine knowledge or by report that any Monks or other religious or spirituall persons had abused their holy sacrament of confession to any such abhominable vse or that any ghostly father had dealt in any such sort with their shrift children they shall signifie it to the house of inquisition But this proued to be so great and plentifull an haruest to that holy house for so many so sundrie women of all sortes yea of the grauer matrons were touched in conscience to enforme the holie fathers as obedient children that they were faine for verie shame to leaue it of as they began and secreatly to hang vp these holie men which heard confession by their purses whom they durst not for the multitude call into open question for their adulterous and filthie liuing But this shrieft The greatest policie in the world did the pope compasse by the setling of auriculer confession if you marke it is not onely naturally fit to foster this kinde of filthinesse but also all treasons and sedition and all licence to euerie kinde of wickednes noisome to the common wealth For howe thinke you was the Pope able to wrestle with the Emperours and Kings of the worlde if hee had not all the ghostlie fathers at commaundement who vnder Benedicite might and did lead the people whither they list and who is it that being so easilie as by confession pardoned of all his sins which would not be encouraged to run after the like or greater exces Moreouer what thing could be kept secreat from his beastlie holines when his seruants were the princes confessors councellors To maintain theeues Sanctuaries for maintenance of euill doers murderers and traitors they haue sanctuaries cloisters and monasteries to hide keep them from the ciuil power Their imagery keeping their seruice in an vnknowen tong with conceiling of holy scriptures kept the people in such awe and motherly deuotion that they might easily carie the people not onely against their liege Lords on earth but euen against the Lord God of heauen Their holie daies and fasting daies grewe to such numbers that the meaner people could not tell howe to liue Their merites praiers for the dead oblations sacrifice of the masse and such like superstitions stale away the ritches of the comminaltie and made manie good heires begge a crust at their religious monasteries Of all these things not onely stories and experience Polydor verg hist Angl. li. 7. Lex ad Manumortua but also the Lawyers can certifie by the statutes that haue been made against incest buggerie appeales holie daies and dead mens deuotions But the thing that I will specially stand vpon is this that beside all these which doo naturally in that religion afflickt and keepe vnder the comely and honorable estate of the common wealth there are other things in the lordlynesse and spirituall preheminence of the prelacie and especially of the Pope that make the ciuill state as no state except as a meere slaue and they tread vnder foote all earthlie kingdoms First I obserue the popish doctrine as it was suffered by the Emperour Poperie ouerthrew the east Empire by his ouergrowing to haue wayed downe the imperiall authoritie namely by graunting to Boniface the third the title of vniuersall Bishop he lost his authoritie ouer the pope and cleargie as is before at large declared And when in the second Councell of Nice the Empire condescended to images it was presently so weake that it had no more power to holde out in Italie And lastlie when the Greekes agreed more generallie vnto poperie at the Councell of Basill The Turke by and by ouercame Constantinople and so the Empire of the East was vtterly abolished Secondly though Charles the great rose vp about that time Emperour in the West and so from thencefoorth the Pope hath seemed to allow and maintaine an Empire in the west yet all men knowe that the warres raysed against the Emperours by the Popes for the Primacie in their inuesting of Prelates and such like hath made it a verie poore thing for that it was in the daies of the said Charles For though poperie vse the ciuill sworde for her defence yet it suffereth not the glorie and power of the