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A06346 A treatie of the churche conteining a true discourse, to knowe the true church by, and to discerne it from the Romish church, and all other false assemblies, or counterfet congregations / vvritten by M. Bertrande de Loque ... ; and faithfully translated out of French into English, by T.VV. Loque, Bertrand de.; T. W. 1581 (1581) STC 16812; ESTC S123131 175,246 422

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August ad Ianuarium There is no better rule in this behalfe saith hee than a wise and sober Christian himselfe which will frame himselfe to that custome which he shall see vsed in that Church wherein he liueth For that which is not established against faith or against good manners must bee helde for indifferent But the Church alloweth not that which is against faith and good life yea she dissembleth it not neither doeth it To be shorte then for so much as wee cannot be present at the seruice and ceremonies of the Romish Church without defiling our selues in their manifest idolatries you may see wherefore we doe wholy and altogether renounce and forsake the same And in this deede of ours wee followe the example of the Prophets For in the kingdome of Israel in the dayes of Ieroboam Circumcision was administred and there they offered sacrifices yea the lawe was esteemed there amongst them as holie and which is more GOD him selfe was called vpon and prayed to there yet notwithstanding by reason of their superstitions and ceremonies which men had deuised and set vp against the ordinance of God all that seruice was reiected and condemned neither can any man shewe that Elijah or any other whether he were a prophet or of any other calling did at any time worship or offer vp sacrifice in Bethell But see more largely touching this matter in that which M. Caluine hath written thereof in the fourth booke of his Institutions Chap. 2. sect Caluin lib. 4 Instit ca. 2. sect c. c. Moreouer when we doe thus separate our selues from the Romish Church we breake not the vnitie of the Church bicause that in the Romish Church there is no true vnitie For first of all it is not at vnitie in it selfe as appeareth by the seuerall sects and rules which are amongest them one saying I am of the order of S. Augustine an other I am of Saint Dominicke his order and other I am of S. Frauncis an other I am a Iesuite contrarie to that which S. Paul writ to the Corinthians 1. Cor. in the first Chapter Secondly that Church is not vnited with God which vnion or vnitie is necessarily ioyned with the former 1. Ioh. 1.3 as S. Iohn declareth it And that this is true that it hath not any vniō or felowship with God it is sufficiently plaine by this only reason that he that hath vnion or fellowship with God ought by the testimonie of the holie spirit and by faith to be assured hereof that God dwelleth in him and he in God euen as the scripture teacheth vs. But the faith of Papists is this that we must alwayes doubt whether we be in the grace and fauour of God wherefore they can not haue vnion or fellowship with him Furthermore this is to be marked that there is no vnion or agreement betweene the doctrine of Papistes and the word of God wherevpon it followeth that they are not at all vnited with him Which being cōsidered to what end and purpose would they haue vs to remaine and abide in the vnitie of the Romish Church seeing there is not in it any vnitie I meane holie vnitie and such as agreeth well to good Christians and the true members of Iesus Christ They will obiect further you hold indeede that baptisme ministred in the Romish Church is true baptisme why then doe you not hold this Church for the true Church I aunswere that this reason is verie weake For we doe not acknowledge the assemblie of heretikes for the true Church although we cease not to allowe the baptisme ministred amongest them for true and profitable euen as the Councel of Carthage decreed the same bicause that baptisme is alwayes the baptisme of Christ and not of heretikes although it be ministred by heretikes who haue notwithstanding some vocation and allowance of the people Wherein let vs heare Saint Augustine August lib. 3 cont Donatist cap. 10. The water saith he ouer which the name of God is called vpon is not bastardly for neither the creature nor the name is prophane or bastardly Wherefore the baptisme of Christ being sanctified and hallowed by the words of the Gospell is holie among the adulterous and in the adulterous although they thē selues be shamelesse and vncleane And in an other place Aug. cont Crescent li. 3. cap. 6. The baptisme is such as is he by whose vertue it is administred and not such as he by whose handes it is administred August de fide ad Pet. cap. 36. Also bicause it is manifest that in what so euer place where baptisme is administred it ought to be but once ministred this is to be marked that though it be administred by heretikes in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost it ought to be reuerently receiued and at no hand reiterated Wherefore we esteeme and take the baptisme of the Romish Church for true baptisme bicause it is ministred not in the name of the Pope but in the name of the Father of the Sonne of the holy Ghost and confesse that the infants which receiue it are truely baptised euen as they which were circumcised in the time of Ieroboam and of Caiaphas were helde for true circumcised persons although at that time the state of the Church was almost altogether peruerted and corrupted But yet this remaineth that albeit we haue receiued baptisme in the Popish assemblie and that we hold the same for true baptisme yet we are farre off from holding or accounting that assemblie for the true Church Caluine hath sufficiently answered this difficultie or doubt whose wordes I will bring in place here Caluin lib. 4 Inst cap. 2. sect 11.12 contenting my selfe therewith As in the time of Ieroboam saith he there were certaine prerogatiues belonging to the Church which remained amongest the Iewes although at that time the seruice of God was very much corrupted so we denie not but that the Papistes haue at this day some steppes pathes of the dissipation or scattering of the Church which through the grace of God haue remained with them For as Circumcision could not be so defiled by the vncleane handes of the Iewes but that it was alwayes a signe and a sacrament of the couenant of God for which cause God called the infants or children which were borne of this people his which could not any manner of way belong vnto him but by a certaine speciall blessing and priuiledge After the same maner also bicause he hath once placed his couenant in Fraunce in Italie in Germanie and other countreyes although that all that was afterwards oppressed by the tyrannie of Antechrist yet to the end that his couenant might remaine amongest thē inuiolable and vnbroken it hath pleased him that baptisme shuld there remain for a testimonie witnesse of that couenant which bicause it is ordained and hallowed by his owne mouth retaineth and keepeth her owne
his neighbour Iere. 31.34 and euery man his brother saying Know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them vnto the greatest of thē This promise must be referred to the state of the Church vnder the new Testament therfore it followeth that the ministerie of the worde ought not any more to haue place now in the Church I answere that the application of the place of Ieremie is altogether contrarie to the meaning intent and purpose of the holie Ghost For first formost the Lord making comparison betwene the old people and the newe meaneth not any other thing but that vnder the Gospel he would send vnto his people so great a light by the means of Iesus Christ his sonne that his knowledge should be common familiar to all whereas vnder the lawe he manifested declared him selfe darkly that vnder certaine shadowes figures As indeed the ancient people that is to say they which were in the time of the olde Testament were not so familiarly plainely and perfectly taught as we be at this day by reason whereof also the Prophet Malachie calleth Iesus Christ the sonne of righteousnesse Malach. 4.2 signifying therby that the fathers vnder the law had indeed som light but yet not such a light as we through his goodnes haue at this day Furthermore we must marke that the Lord doth not say simplie They shall teach no more euery man his neighbor euery man his brother but he addeth saying Know the Lord. By which restriction or strayning it into a narrow roome he plainly declareth that he promiseth to his children such a knowledge that they shal not be any more learners of the A.B.C. neither young scholers in the doctrine of saluation For these words Know the Lord denote point out the first rudiments or instructions of faith and of the heauenly doctrine And indeed if we wel weigh mark how rude grosse and ignorant the old fathers were we shall finde that they were as it were little children Gal. 4.1 c. euen as Saint Paule saith and as yet in their A.B.C. But God hath shewed vnto vs a farre greater grace bicause that we haue a more manifest cleare and shining light to leade vs to the knowledge of God and of the mysteries of our saluation For this cause Iesus Christ saide Matth. 13.16.17 Luk. 20.23.24 Blessed are your eyes for they see and your eares for they heare For verily I say vnto you that many Kinges Prophetes and righteous men haue desired to see those thinges which ye see and haue not seene them and to heare those thinges which you heare haue not heard them In summe the Lorde promiseth here that his people shal not be found grosse and ignorant vnder the newe couenant or testament that they shall haue neede of the principles and beginnings of Christian doctrine But if we would not take this place in this sense how shal we expound an other of Isaiah Isai 2.2.3 which seemeth to be contrarie to this He saith It shall be in the last dayes that the mountaine of the house of the Lord shall be prepared in the toppe of the mountaines and shall be exalted aboue the hilles and all nations shall flowe vnto it and many people shall goe and say Come and let vs goe vp to the mountaine of the Lorde to the house of the God of Iaacob he will teach vs his wayes It is certaine that he prophecieth euen as Ieremiah of the grace of God which should be made manifest through Iesus Christe in the time of the Gospell Nowe one of them saith Euerie one shall not teach his neighbour for they shall all knowe the Lord The other saith The people shall runne together and say Come Let vs goe vp to the mountaines of the Lord and he shall teach vs his wayes How shall we make these two places agree seeing that both of them prophecie of one and the selfe same thing Verily Ieremiah meaneth that the people of God shal be in such sort lightened vnder the new Testament by the light of the Gospel that they shal haue no more neede of the rudimēts or first instructions of religiō neither to be so taught as the olde people were by the shadowes ceremonies of the law And as touching Isaiah he meaneth that vnder the same newe Testament the people shal though they be wel aduanced and instructed in the points of christian doctrine notwithstanding diligently indeuour more more to aduance them selues grow forward therin and that for that purpose they shall continually exhort one an other to the end they may better profite in the knowledge of the lawe Ioel. 2.28.49 The fourth argumēt It is written in Ioel At that time that is to say in the time of the new Testament I will poure out my spirit vpon all flesh saith the Lorde and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecie your olde men shall dreame dreames and your young men shall see visions And also at that time I will poure out my spirit vpon the seruants vpon the maids Nowe by this promise the charge office to teach is without any difference laid vpō al vpon fathers children vpon sonnes vpon daughters vpon olde folke and vpon yong vpon seruants and maides wherefore it followeth that the ministerie of the word is not necessarie in the Church I aunswere that there is nothing in this argument or reason but a meere cauil It is true that this prophecie ought to be referred to the kingdome comming of Iesus Christ that the gift of prophecying should then be common both to men women to old and yong to be short to all estats But in the first place this is to be marked that the prophet speaketh here by comparison vsing a figure commonly called Hyperbole that is to say a maner of speach very excessiue because of our wearisomnes slacknes and negligence for hee doth not presently promise that all vnder the Gospell frō the first to the last shall bee partakers of this gifte but in respecte of the olde people vnder the lawe For if wee compare the estate condition of the old Church with the singular treasures which God hath powred out and giuen vnto his people after the manifestation and reuealing of Iesus Christ we shall finde that in this latter time the Lorde hath spread abroad and powred out the giftes of his spirite vpon all fleshe that is to say almost vpon all men when as vnder the lawe a verie smal number was partakers therof Wherfore when he saith That the Lord will powre out his spirite vpon all fleshe this particle or worde all is not here taken in his proper signification as though it were simply and altogether vniuersall but is indefinite and must be referred to all estates and conditions of people and not to euerie singular person as in this sentence of S. Paul where it is saide
belong but by sheep are meant the electe Matt. 25.32.33 as appeareth by that which is said Math. 25. The Church then is nothing else but the sheepefold or congregation of the elect Fourthlie the auncient writers haue so declared it and set it out For behold how Saint Augustine hath spoken thereof August in psal 122. All faithfull Christians saith he are the Church And Chrysostome The Church saith hee consisteth not in Walles but in the multitude of faithfull people Homel 20. de expuls ipsius Lib. 7. de stroma Clemens Alexādrinus saith also I cal the church not the place or the temple but the congregation of the elect This Church is called Catholike or vniuersall for three reasons First in consideration of the place for it is not tied to one certaine place as citie prouince or kingdome but is dispersed and scatered abroad throughout all the worlde euen as Iesus Christ hath said that he hath receiued all power both in heauen and in earth and as the seconde psalme sheweth that all nations and all the endes and coastes of the earth Math. 28.18 are by the Father appoynted to his sonne for his inheritaunce and therefore also did Iesus Christe sende foorth his disciples through out all the worlde to preache the Gospell and to minister the sacramentes Wherefore Donatus erred Psal 2.8 Matt. 28.19 when he went about to tie the Church to a certain corner of Affrica onely The Romish Catholikes also doe at this day abuse themselues when they indeuour to tie it to Rome alone For though it were so that the Church of Rome were a true Churche wherof we wil speak in a whole plaine chapter afterwards yet it could not be but a particular Church at no hand the vniuersal church wherof we speak They also are likewise deceiued who thinke to chase and banish this Church out of the world For seeing that it is vniuersall it shall neuer want place but it shall alwayes be gathered together receiued in some quarter or corner of the earth Secondlie it is called Catholike in consideration of the persons for it receiueth and containeth al the faithful of what estate sex or condition soeuer they be as S. Paul sheweth when he saith That there is neither Iewe nor Greeke Galat. 3.28 Colos 3.11 bonde nor free man nor Woman but that all are one in Christ Iesus And in the Apocalipse this Church is described and set out in this behalfe as a certayne Citie hauing twelue Gates Reuelat. 21.13 three on the East side three on the North side three on the South side and three on the West side And therefore the Iewes are deceyued whē they suppose that the Church ought to bee restrayned to the onlie fleshly race and linage of Abraham Thirdlie in consideration of the time for it shal indure and continue in the world not as some doe imagine a hundred or two hundred yeares a thousand or two thousand yeares onelie but euen as long as the worlde it selfe shall last as we will declare more at large when we shall speak of the perpetuitie or continuance of the Church Furthermore we hold that this Church is one euen as it is sayde Cantic 6.8 Iohn 10.16 2. Cor. 11.2 Reuel 21.9 1. Cor. 12.12 that there is but one onely Doue perfecte and the onely Daughter of her Mother one sheepefolde one spouse of Christe one bodie And indeede this vnitie or onenesse of the Church doeth not consist in a common and bodilie dwelling together nor in certayne outwarde ceremonies but in a certayne verie spirituall vnitie and in an assured consent of doctrine and faith For amongest all those which truely beleue in Christ there is one bodie and one spirite one hope one Lorde one faith one baptisme one God and father of all which is aboue all and in all and through all and therevppon it is that Saint Paul saith of the whole church Ephe. 4.4.5 Gal. 3.28 That we are all one in Iesus Christ All the particular churches then which consent in true doctrine ought to be holden esteemed for one onely Church seeing that the Church is but one Wherevpon Saint Cyprian saide There is no more but one onely Church which is spreade abroade or stretched out farre and wide as there are manie beames in the Sunne De simplicit praelat and yet the light thereof but one and in a tree there are manie branches or bowes and yet but one bodie which is stayed vpon his owne roote and from one onely fountaine runne manie riuers which no whitt at all hinder or let that the vnitie or onenesse shoulde not abide in the fountaine Now herevpon it followeth that al Scismatikes which by factions sectes partakinges do breake the vnitie of the Church doe sinne greeuously 1. Cor. as also S. Paul declareth the same writing vnto the Corinthians We say also that this church is inuisible and that there is none but God alone who knoweth the same therefore Iesus Christ saith Iohn 10.14 That he knoweth his sheepe and that he knoweth them whome he hath chosen And Saint Paul Iohn 13.18 The Lorde saith he knoweth those which are his And as concer-cerning our selues we beleue it as we protest confesse 2. Tim. 2.19 in the christian articles of our beleefe when that by outward signes we cannot point it forth or marke it out For albeit we do not many times see behold the same yet it ceasseth not for all that to be as it was declared vnto Elijah when hee cōplayned that he was alone making profession of the name of God 1. Kings 19 10.18 Rom. 11.3.4 No no saith the Lorde vnto him I haue reserued vnto my selfe seauen thousande men which haue not bowed the knee to Baal But let vs marke that wee speake of the bodye of the church generally and not of the members thereof particularly For there is no doubt but that wee may by signes and outwarde testimonies profitably iudge of election euen as men iudge the tree by the good fruite and yet this must be vnderstoode singularly and specially when the questiō concerneth our selues For according to the testimony of S. Peter 2. Peter 1.10 We make our calling election firme sure through good workes Moreouer this church containeth also many persons which are not yet called vnto the visible church euen as our Sauiour Iesus Christ sheweth in S. Iohn Ioh. 10.60 when he saith Other sheepe I haue also which are not of this folde them also muste I bring and they shall heare my voyce and there shall bee one sheepefolde and one sheepehearde And hereof wee haue an example in Saint Paul for when hee persecuted the Church it seemed verilie that hee did not appertaine to the Churche being not yet called to be a sheepe of the visible sheepfolde of Christe Notwithstanding the Lorde saith vnto Ananias Goe thy way to him Actes 9
15. for he is a chosen vessel vnto me to beare my name before the Gentiles and Kinges and the children of Israel Which is a matter worthie to bee noated to the ende that we shoulde carefully looke vnto our selues that we take not vppon vs to iudge of any man rashlie and before the time CHAP. III. Of the visible Church and of the true markes thereof THe visible Church is the cōpanie of all those who by the preaching of the Gospell are called to be of Christs flock as indeed they are supposed to be amongest whome notwithstanding manie are not of the number of the elect as appeareth by the parable of the seede whereof Iesus Christ maketh mention in the 13. chapter of the Gospell according to S. Matthew and by that which he saith that all they which say vnto him Lorde Lord Math. 13.24 Matth. 7.21 Matt. 20.16 shal not enter into the kingdom of heauē Also that many are called but few are chosen Also by that Saint Paul saith Rom. 9.6 that all they which are of Israel are not therefore Israel And S. Iohn They went out from amongest vs Iohn 2.19 but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they would haue continued with vs. We haue an example hereof in Iudas as Iesus Christ himselfe witnesseth the same in Saint Ioh. Here then we haue to marke this Iohn that the outward profession of Christan religion is not sufficient to saluation Furthermore this Church is knowen by her own proper marks which are two verie principall and substantiall The first is the pure preaching of the worde with a right and common consent thereto There was neuer yet any religion which was not vpholden maintained and pointed out by some doctrin So we se that the gentiles haue had their seruices hymnes songes praises vnto their Gods The Iewes haue the barke or huske of the lawe and their own Thalmude The Turkes haue the Alcoran of their Mahumet and the heretikes also boast thēselues of the doctrin of the Gospell and yet all these are false signes or markes But the true church hath for her first and principall marke the worde of God purely preached to the which the church consenteth conformeth hir selfe as we proue it plainely by these places of scripture Iohn 10.27 Iesus Christ saith My sheepe heare my voyce and I knowe them and they followe mee And Saint Paule in his Epistle to the Ephesians Ephe. 2.20 you are saith he builded vppon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes Iesus Christe himselfe being the cheife corner stone And indeede if this be true as of necessitie it must needes be that by the Scriptures wee are brought to the knowledge of Christ as Christ himselfe affirmeth Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures diligently for they are they which beare witnesse of me ought we not then by the same scriptures to be guided and leade to the knowledge of the true and right Church This matter the auncient fathers respected when they taught the the true Church ought to shewe and declare it selfe by the holy scriptures as Saint Augustine saying There is great disputation betweene vs and the Donatistes Contra pitilia cap. 2. to knowe where the Church is What is then that we haue to doe herein Shall we search it out in our owne wordes or rather in the wordes of our Lord Iesus Christe the head thereof verily we ought rather to seeke for it in the wordes of him that is trueth and knoweth very well his owne body For the Lord knoweth them that be his And againe 2. Tim. 2.19 Cont. Pitili cap. 3. Aug. epist 166. I will not shew or declare the Church by the doctrine of men but by the word of God Also by the scriptures saith he we haue learned Christ by the scriptures likewise we haue learned to knowe the Church We haue these scriptures common amongest vs wherefore then doe we not retaine and holde in them both Christ and his Church And Chrysostome saith Supr Matth. exposit 2. Homil. 49. cap. 24. He that will knowe which is the true Church of Christ by what meane can he knowe it in such and so great a confusion of outward shewe if it be not onely by the scriptures Lib. 2. de Iacob cap. 7. Saint Ambrose saith also The true and Catholike Church is there where GOD him selfe appeareth and speaketh to his seruantes by his owne worde The other marke of the Church is the lawfull administration of sacraments Cont. Faustū Manich. lib. 9. cap. 11. Saint Augustine hath sometimes saide that men can not vnite or knit them selues together in any religion what so euer be it true or false but by the meanes of some sacramentes or visible signes So the Gentiles had their sacraments and sacrifices The Iewes had Circumcision and some other outward signes of their religion But the true Church hath for the second of her markes her owne sacraments instituted by Iesus Christe the head thereof that is to say baptisme and the holie supper And therevnto must be referred that which Saint Augustine saith The Lorde hath vnited or knit together the newe people that is Ad inquisit Ianuar. ca. 1. the people vnder the newe Testament by the sacraments which are few in number easie in obseruation and very great in signification to wit by baptisme consecrated or administred in the name of the blessed Trinitie and by the communicating or partaking of his body and of his bloud Besides Saint Paule doth in like sort rightly teach vs this when he saith first of baptisme 1. Cor. 12.13 that we are all baptised by one spirit into one body and afterward of the supper we that are many 1. Cor. 10.17 are one breade and one body bicause we al are partakers of one and the selfe same breade meaning thereby that these two sacraments are in such sort the two common signes of the Church that by the same we are visibly gathered together into the house of God that we may there be accounted in the number of his housholde seruants and contained in the vnitie of the body of the Church withall the faithfull and by consequent drawne taken and separated from all other people prophane nations CHAP. IIII. Whether these true markes of the Church are to be found amongst the Romish Catholiks THese then are the two certaine and infallible markes of the true Church by which men must examine all assemblies that pretend the name and title of the Church least otherwise they be seduced and deceiued Wherfore if a man will knowe whether the true Church be among the Romish Catholikes or no we neede not haue recourse to any other proofe or touchstone then this onely But it shall behoue vs to holde and to keepe in memorie one foundation or sure ground to wit that these two markes must alwayes be retained and kept in their puritie without being any manner of way
eight dayes vnder Claudius also his successour And it appeareth by the historie of the Actes and the Epistles of the Apostles howe the churches were tossed and persecuted in Asia Antiochia Pisidia Iconium Lystra Galatia Ephesus Macedonia Philippi Thessalonia Corinthus Berrhoe Rome and many other places but all these persecutions were as yet particular and but in some one place or other God moderating and mitigating the hearts and hands of men and gouerning after a wonderful sorte his Churche in those Emperours dayes to the ende it mighte more blessedly and plentifully growe But omitting these let vs speake of the ten great and generall persecutions as they are called by which the Church was eagerly assaulted and cruely tormented on all sides The first persecution was vnder Nero the sixt Emperour who was called Claudius Domitius Nero. He was ordeined Emperour in the yeere 57. after the birth of Christe and reigned xiiii yeeres seuen monethes and certaine dayes And some say that the fiue first yeeres hee was a good man but that afterwards he so disordered himselfe and fell into suche excesse by incests murthers and all maner of wickednesses that hardly there is as yet any other Emperour to be found who was defiled with such filthinesses Tertullian rehearseth in his Apologetico that this Emperour was the first persecutor of the Church Tertul. Apolog. Cap. 5. Looke saith hee into your histories and registers and you shall finde that Nero was the first which exercised crueltie against the christians which were vnder the Emperours authoritie principalie against the church which was established at Rome Corne. Tacitus lib. 15. And Cornelius Tacitus declareth that the ocasiō which Nero toke to persecute the church for was this that he cōmāded secretly to set on fire the citie of Rome that he might see some forme or image as it were which might represent set out vnto him the fire of Troy And so the fire continued in the Citie sixe daies space which made such a destruction that he became hereby very odious among the people And seeing that hee could not put out this hatred and waiting of him to doe him som mischiefe for al the good turnes which he could do to the people he foūd out this deuise to sow abrode this bruite rumor and report that it was the Christians who had ben the blowers of that fire and the authours of that destruction and from that time forward he began to persecute them and to put them to death both because they were as he said the blowers of that fire and also because they were enimies of all mankinde by reason of that confession which they made of the name of Christ And to make them to die his vpholders put vpon their backes the skinnes of wild beasts that they might be torn and rent if it were possible in peeces with dogs where also they crucified them burned thē al aliue although the day failed thē yet they burned them that they might therby giue light to the night This first persecution began about the yeere of Christ 66. the x. yeere of Nero his raigne lasted 4. yeres somwhat more vntill the death of that tyrant Some say Eusebius amōgest those reciteth it that this Nero about the end of his daies or reigne caused S. Peter S. Paul to be put to death The 2. persecution was vnder Domitian the xii Emperour who was appointed Emperor in the yeere of Christ 83. reigned xv yeeres and vi monethes He was so lifted vp in crueltie and pride that he would haue his subiects call him God Lord caused images of his owne person to bee made of gold siluer He ordeined as his father Vespasiā had done before him that inquirie should be made against the race of Dauid that they which were foūd to be therof shold be put to death for he feared the comming of Christ about the 14. yere of his reigne the yeere of Christ 97. he caused by an Edict to be published and proclaimed a cruell persecution against the Christians insomuche that the Church was miserably and a long time tormented vnder him The third persecution was in the dayes of Traian the fourteenth Emperour who was appointed Emperor about the yeere of Christe 100. who gouerned the Empire nienteene yeeres sixe monethes and fifteene dayes Hee is greatly praised of the Historiographers as a courteous and gentle Prince and some say that hee was so renowmed and famous by reason of his iustice curtesie that euer after so often as any was created Emperour the people yeelded this blessed exclamation outcrie and consent Bee hee more happy then Augustus and better then Traian yet notwithstanding hee persecuted the Church and mark the occasion that he tooke so to doe Hee was brought vp from his infancie in the Paganish and Heathenish superstitions by reason whereof hee disdained and despised christiā religion because that it was contrary to these superstitions Besides that hee had about him certaine courtiers which were blowers of that fire in him augmented that disdain and dispite in him insomuch that diuers Historiographers recorde that hee was not so much of his owne nature inclined to shed blood as deceiued and stirred vp thereto by his councellers and principally by the Pagane Priestes Freculph lib. 2. Cap. 20. who as Freculphus witnesseth gaue good store of siluer to the gouernours and bribed freely to the end that they would put the christiās to death as their deadly enimies Some adde that the number of Christians was very much increased whereupon many inconueniences might come to the Romane Empire if the dāger were not preuēted which also was a cause that Traian was the more inflamed and kindled against them as also Sabellicus writeth Sabellicus that the great number of christians were more suspected of this Emperour then the religion After this sort then did they accuse the christians of sedition and blasphemie and for these causes they were cruelly persecuted insomuch as it appeareth by that which Plinie the second hath written Plinius secund That publik commandements were sent from the Emperour to the gouernours of all the Prouinces by which euery gouernour was inforced too persecute and so the persecution was spread abrod through out al the places of the Romā empire which at that time cōteined not only Europe but also a great parte of Asia Affrica And the said persecutiō indured about fourteene yeeres but yet in suche order that in the beginning of the reigne of Traian it was some what lesse sharpe but afterwards it flamed out and burst foorth more and more Tertul. Apologi Capt 2. Nowe the sayde Plinie the seconde had at that time the gouernment of a certaine Prouince to wit of Bethina and as Tertullian saith hee was appointed too persecute the Christians about the yeere of Christ 112. and of Traian the xiiii yeere Wherefore hee being astonished with the great number of martyres