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A05999 A commentarie vpon the first and second chapters of Saint Paul to the Colossians Wherein, the text is cleerly opened, observations thence perspiciously deducted ... Together with diuers places of Scripture briefely explained. By Mr. Paul Bayne. B.D. Baynes, Paul, d. 1617.; Stubbs, Justinian, 1604 or 5-1681. 1634 (1634) STC 1636; ESTC S101082 229,900 390

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King so graced with mentall endowments a great Potentate and most Christian King if God had given us one though of obscure parentage it had beene a blessing but much obscured even by this circumstance So if that noble quality of the person ruling hath this force in earthly States what a thing is this that we have one annointed over us who is God over all Now as this increaseth our happinesse and is matter of thanksgiving So it must augment in us all reverence and dutie all holy confidence of obtaining good of getting aid and deliverance against and out of all evils We see the more excellent the gifts are as the strength wisdome of our King the more awfully they are respected the more obsequious we are to them the more confidently we promise our selves all things under their regiment Looke at Salomon one part of wisedome made feare fall on all Israel see their subjection though he taxed them heavily yet none durst quitch against him What shall we be to our God who in his abasement was greater than all Salomons This shall suffice to have observed out of the scope Now for the words themselves 1 For the opening of them 2 The deductions or use of them 1 He is said to be an Image but coessentiall with God the Father whose Image he is 2 He is that is Christ whole CHRIST God and man is said to be this Image of the invisible GOD and that not onely as invisible GOD with the Father but as man visible But this must bee warily understood not that CHRIST man hath qualities of other nature than wee have for more and lesse change not the kinde but because the man is taken into personall union with God the Son So that this man secundum Esse personale is God 3 It is to be marked of what he is the Image not of the personall difference in the Father but of the invisible God-head common to the Son with the Father as the childe is the image of his parent not in regard of the characteristicall property which his father and every one hath in singular to themselves but in respect of the same substance and nature derived by generation from the Father Look Heb. 1.3 Character Personae and that derived by generation from the Father We may learne to see the reason of that truth which our Saviour uttereth to Philip Vse 1 Philip Hee that seeth mee seeth the Father This teacheth us how wee must come into the knowledge of God invisible Vse 2 even by looking unto this visible Image of IESUS CHRIST our LORD Cast thy eyes to that nature of thine thou seest not onely where God is but that which personally is God if one had seene where the HOLY GHOST was and a figure with which Hee did extraordinarily and temporarily testifie His presence yet he should not have seene the HOLY GHOST because the Dove was not so taken in one Person with the HOLY GHOST but this humane nature is taken into fellowship of Person with GOD and so is become GOD. He that seeth this or that body hee seeth the man though he seeth not the spirituall nature in man because he seeth that visible nature which is a part and belongeth to the person of man So who so seeth this visible nature of God the Son may be said to see God though he see not the invisible Godhead because he seeth the nature which is joyned in unity of Person with God 2. By looking at the divine workes which this man wrought we come to conceive of the God-head in this Person as in His giving sight to the blinde raising the dead stilling the Sea I come to see that He is Almighty a quickening Spirit Setting before me that which He speaketh of Himselfe Vse 3 as in a glasse I see a reflected Image with the eye of my minde thus Moses by Faith saw the invisible God Considering such sentences who commeth downe from heaven but the Sonne of man which is in heaven Ioh. 3. I see an omnipotent nature I am the resurrection and the life When He knew their thoughts Lord thou knowest all things who can subdue all things to Himselfe In these and such like sentences let mee see the Image of an All-knowing Omnipotent Life-giving Nature Now thus seeing CHRIST in regard of both Natures I come to see the Father who hath the selfe-same Nature and the Spirit for in this Sonne is the Father and the Father in Him in the Sonne and Father is the Spirit and they in the Spirit This shewes us the grosse idolatry of the Papists Vse 2 who looke at Images of wood and stone at pictures of old men leaving this lively Coessentiall Image that is painted before us in the Gospell This is an introduction to us how wee may come to know the Father and Spirit get CHRIST Vse 3 know Him and thou knowest all The second Person onely is incarnate but the three Persons are all made manifest in that flesh with which the second Person is coupled For the selfe-same divine Nature of the second is the Nature of both the other also We say of a childe like his parent Doe you see this boy you see his father he resembles him up and downe But if thou seest this Sonne then thou feest the Father and Spirit for they are in Him as if wee could suppose three Persons all subsisting in one onely soule and body he that should see the one should see the other for the same soule and body which one hath the other two have also Now followeth his description in regard of that respect He hath to the Creature set downe in this Verse Hee is the first begotten of every creature Secondly Hee is proved both to be the Coessentiall Image of God and first begotten of the Creature by three arguments 1 His creating all Creatures 2 His antiquity and being before all Creatures 3 His susteining all Creatures But these words are doubtfull Two principall constructions are these the one that these words note Christs eternity begotten before all Creatures of the Father by eternall generation Secondly these words may signifie Him to be Heire of the Creatures the Lord of them by a metonymie of the subject for the adjunct the right of inheritance and dominion belonging by God's Law to the first begotten and this I take to be the true meaning for these reasons 1. CHRIST's eternall existence before all Creatures is laid downe in the next Verse save one in plaine words 2. The Holy Ghost construeth this being the first begotten as having this annexed the preeminence over other 3. Hebr. 1.2 Hee is said to be made heire of all things and this followeth For by Him all things were created as a reason both of His being the naturall Son of God with God and true Heire as here the same words are set downe to prove Him the Essentiall Image or naturall Sonne and the first begotten that He is Heire or Lord of all the
a fulnesse of mercie to heare our supplications a fulnesse of merit to make a full atonement for our foulest sinnes a fulnesse of favour to prevaile with His Father in any request if therefore there be such a fulnesse in Christ as there is be not discouraged though thy sinnes abound yet his grace abounds much more they cannot be so out of measure sinfull as he is mercifull Remember but the two metaphors in Scripture I will scatter your sinnes as a mist I wil drowne them in the bottome of the Sea Now the Sunne by reason of his force can scatter the thickest mist as well as the thinnest vapour and the Sea by reason of his great vastnesse can drowne mountaines as well as mole-hils So CHRIST by reason of the great vastnesse of grace that is in Him is able yea forward and willing to forgive the greatest as well as the least sins For mercy though it be a quality in us yet it is a Nature in God now that which is naturall there is no unwillingnesse nor wearinesse in doing of it as the eye is not weary of seeing the eare is not weary of hearing therefore though our sinnes be never so great and many His grace is all-sufficient for the pardon of them Now I beseech you take not this exhortation in vain for there is nothing more effectual to heale a rebellious disposition and to cause a sinner to change his course than to bee fully perswaded that hee shall be received to mercy and that his sinnes shall be forgiven him in Christ Therefore let this fulnesse of mercy in Christ be an effectuall motive to us all to come in and to give up our selves wholly to Christ to serve Him with perfect hearts all our dayes Secondly Obs marke Into what glory our nature is exalted that God should dwell personally in our nature and take it to Himselfe so as to be of the substance of his Person It is an unspeakable dignity all the conceits of men and Angels put together cannot devise an higher exaltation of it See what love the Father hath shewed us 1 Ioh. 3.1 that we should be called the sonnes of God having the title and thing through grace of adoption but that our Nature should be made the true Naturall Sonne of God of the substance of His Person what admiration is here sufficient Which must be taught diligently to the people for this is the rocke to see the Son of God God with the Father blessed for ever Personally existing in this our Nature which Hee hath taken unto Him to see God dwelling in this His owne soule and bodic no lesse now through free grace of His Person than my soule and body are of mine This is the rocke against which Hell-gates cannot prevaile this is the onely rocke of Israel But there is place of speaking more fully of this in the next Chapter VERSE 20. And by Him to reconcile all things unto Himselfe and to set at Peace through the bloud of His Crosse both the things in earth and the things in heaven NOw followeth the benefit hee had said before In Christ wee had pardon and were received to favour Now he sheweth the ground of this viz. It pleased God as to qualifie the Person of Christ in manner above-named so to doe it to this end that we might by Him be reconciled The benefit is first simply propounded then applyed The simple propounding hath two parts 1 The thing to be done by Him To reconcile all things to Himselfe 2 The manner of doing in those words Pacifying all things by His bloud Marke first in the coherence Observ What gave occasion to the incarnation of the Son of God viz. our enemy like estrangement from God We see here that to the intent God might reconcile us He calleth His Sonne to be a Mediator Evill manners give occasion as we say to good lawes You know what brought forth first that secret of the Gospell The Seed of the woman shall breake the Serpents head Gen. 3. This is the nature of God to bring light out of darknesse to overcome evill with good As there is nothing so good which the Divell will not draw evill out of as when he perverteth this grace shewen in Christ to become a cloake of wantonnesie which Gregory observing exclaimeth O foelix flagitium and indeed the event to the faithfull is happie but we must not take heart to doe evill that the miracles of grace might be discovered you know what the Apostle saith Shall we sin that grace may abound Rom. 6. ● God forbid though the Physitian restore life with poyson none will therefore eat it who is wise but let us expresse the vertue of our heavenly Father who hath called us out of darknesse into His marvellous light and learne out of evill to doe good and to wound the Divell with his owne weapon Secondly marke that whereas we were the offenders and should have sought to God He doth when we goe on in our enmitie seeke out a way to reconcile us Observe then Obs How God followeth froward man He had never done but good by us we had revolted to the divell from Him highly provoking Him yet see He seeketh us O gracious Shepheard of soules that commest downe from heaven to seeke stray soules that are as willing to wander as they wickedly strayed God was in Christ reconciling the world you never heard the world first sought Him mark it for it setteth out His love Hee is faine to love us first and to overcome our peevish wickednesse with love or we should never leave our enmitie It teacheth us our duty rebuking the pride of many Vse who if one have done them any wrong and bee stiffe through weaknesse they will say A God's name let him seeke to them they are as good as he they are sure he did the injury But what if God should have stood on such nice termes with you Let us overcome evill with good doe good to those that hate you Seeke Peace and follow after it when through peevishnesse of men shee is running from you Thirdly marke Obs That Christ must have the God-head first dwell personally in Him before He can take up the matter betwixt God and us Whence note what it is that maketh the death of Christ accepted for all our reconciliation even this that He is not bare man but God also God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himselfe who not being God durst have ventured on this worke 1 Sam. 2.25 If man offend the Iudge can determine but if a man sinne against the Lord who will plead for him who could have endured the wrath which was to be borne before attonement could be made whose death could have beene a sufficient pacification the Scripture doth hold out this with emphasie God hath redeemed us with His bloud Act. 20.28 Tit. 2.14 the great God hath given Himselfe for us to redeeme us and purifie us
obedience which should of grace have that acceptance and the glorious fruit which followed upon them and therefore the Scriptures yea CHRIST Himselfe referres all those benefits to God's grace which upon the death of CHRIST are given us For it was the fatherly love of God which made Him pleased in the death of His Sonne and smell a savour of rest not that the merit of His death did extort so much derigore justiti● And truly that the second Person should ever be so joyned to our Nature was unspeakable grace the Nature of Angels more excellent than ours found not this favour He tooke not the Angelicall Nature but the seed of Abraham If a King doe but light and rest Himselfe in some meane Cottage it is no small favour But for the immortall God to dwell by indissoluble bond of union personally in such an house of clay as our Nature is sinne excepted it is grace that cannot be comprehended The greater if we consider how that God full of all Majesty and glory by His incarnation thus dwelling in the forme of a servant did emptie Himselfe by vayling under this flesh the brightnesse of His glory We are then hence to learne Vse that all things must be ascribed to God's grace and with CHRIST to rest in this Father it hath pleased thee to give me CHRIST this or that benefit in CHRIST yea to doe all both in me and CHRIST my SAVIOUR to the glory of thy rich grace all must come hither God hath made me good in His eyes for this or that As for the Papists merit even in rigour of justice not onely in gracious fidelity it is prejudiciall to God's grace I think not to be found betweene the Father and the Sonne much lesse betwixt our God and us with whom it were woe if all our merits were not free mercies This in generall Now for the matter affirmed which first is the Qualification of the Person to be a Mediator 2. The work of mediation touching which 3. Things must bee opened 1 How wee are to conceive of the Person here spoken of in Him 2 What is meant by all fulnesse 3 What is meant by dwelling For the first he meaneth the beloved Sonne as Man as of the Person of CHRIST as incarnate the reason is because the Sonne of God absolutely considered as the second Person in Trinity hath all fulnesse not by voluntary dispensation but by naturall necessity in as much as the eternall Father never was nor could be without His eternall Sonne God with Himselfe this thing never was in the power of His free-will For the second you must know that there is in Christ His Person a three-fold fulnesse The first fundamentall the other two following as derived from it The first is the fulnesse of the divine Nature which doth personally dwell with that Man-hood in Christ whence it commeth to passe that this Man is truly called God that is the Man-hood taken into fellowship of the selfe-perfect and eternall Person of the Sonne of God so that it is become as a part of His Person The second fulnesse is the fulnesse of Office to which even Christ Man is called of being our Mediator Priest Prophet and King For in regard of his humane Nature now united to the second Person He is as Man called to be the Christ of God that is Anointed Thirdly the fulnesse of created or habituall graces wherewith the divine Nature doth fill the soule of Christ which are not the divine Properties but effects which the God-head worketh distinct from it as the soule giveth the body a life which is not the life wherewith the soule liveth for then when the body dieth the soule should die likewise but is an effect of it Now all of them may be here understood for they are all antecedent qualifications fitting him for this worke which in the next words is mentioned especially the first Now for the dwelling of all fulnesse in Christ Man the later two are in Him subjectively the former viz. the God-head doth dwell in Christ Man not as in the Saints 2 Cor. 6.23 I will dwel with you you are the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the habitation of God of God by the Spirit the Temple of the HOLY GHOST which is onely a dwelling by relation of love and communion of the effects of it in grace nor yet as God dwelleth in the glorified Saints 1 Cor. 15. when God shal be all in al which is likewise a dwelling together in regard of aboundant love manifested in the gift of glory nor any such simple cohabitation but it dwelleth with this man-hood as with a Nature which is taken to Vnity of Person in the Sonne of God and so is through grace become of the substance of the second Person So that He is now as truly said to be Man also as before He was said to be God only Now then the summe is Christ as Man or the Manhood of Christ hath the second Person of Trinity God with the Father and Spirit dwelling personally in it So that this Man-hood is essentially and substantially coupled with the Deity in unity of one selfe perfect and eternall Person Secondly it is anointed with fulnesse of Office and of Created gifts that Christ God-man that every way filled might be a fit Person to work our reconciliation following and to be an Head replenishing His Church which went before First then from the matter we see what an all-sufficient Head we have Looke to thy Nature in heaven Such a man as hath Plenitudinem Potestatis in regard of office full of all habituall graces which our nature can receive farre above all Angels yea full of that never drying Fountaine of life grace and glory it being taken into one Person with God neither could he else bee an Head quickening His Church He that must fill all the blessed Angels and all the redeemed peculiar people of God had need to have the Fountaine of life residing in him Which doth both refute that presumptuous usurpation of the man of sinne Vse 1 I meane the Pope in challenging to be an head of all the visible Church whereas Christ could not be our Head were He not God as well as Man As also it teacheth us our duty Vse 2 both whither to run for supply even hither to the Well-head of grace and life all fulnesse is in Him that we might draw from Him grace plenteously grace heaped on grace Oh blessed are those streames of grace which have this Head of living waters to feed them As likewise it teacheth where to offer prayse for the measure of grace we have received we should be affected as receivers in thankfulnesse to GOD in humility towards men For what have wee that wee have not received Lastly this is very comfortable for if there be such a fulnesse in CHRIST then what though there be abundance of sinne in us and guiltinesse yet there is a fulnesse in Him to remove it and take it away
much lesse canst thou divide the Divine Nature And this is to be marked against the Lutherans Vse who imagine a communion of the Divine properties with the humane nature in part onely for they give it an omnipotency the omniscience of the God-head but not the eternity and simplicity whereas the Scripture knoweth no union nor communion of the Divine Nature with the humane which is not of all the fulnesse of the God-head No it is so absurd that sound reason cannot imagine it without making the essence of GOD such as may bee divided one part being where another is not 3 That he faith the fulnesse of the God-head is in Christ hence it is to be noted That not created guifts Doct. or miraculous effects of the Divine Nature are united with Christ man but the deity it selfe the fulnesse of it yea the whole fulnesse which is to bee noted against Arrius and all such spirits Againe this sheweth that the same singular Nature is in all the three Persons for he speaketh of the God-head in the singular number as being but one and as it is in the Father without controversie so it is wholly in the Son also as but one Sun in the firmament in which the whole kind of the creature subsisteth So there is but one Divine Nature neither indeede can be for the Divine Nature is most perfect infinite omnipotent the most absolute thing that can bee imagined Now were there many Gods having every one a distinct deity none of them were most perfect powerfull for every one had but his owne wanting that which is with others as no man hath all the perfections of mankind for he wanteth all that which is out of himselfe in others This is to bee marked for hence we come to know that there is but one God though three persons because the same fulnesse of the Divine Nature that is in the Father is in the Son and the same that is in the Father and the Son is in the spirit for He is called Iehova and it may as well bee all the fulnesse of it in the spirit with them both as in the Son with the Father as well be the essence of three as two Now hence it is manifest that these three persons are but one God for as Iohn Richard and Thomal if they all had but one body and one soule should all bee but one man So these all having but one God-head can bee but one God To be three Gods there must be not onely three Persons but three distinct Natures differing the one in number from the other for so many men as you have so many soules and bodies must be multiplied in which standeth the nature of man But how can three persons be one in nature I answer we are content to know it is so though how it is so we know not aspici Deus potest introspici non debet Though why not three persons in one nature as well as three Natures in one Person which is in Christ A bodily a spirituall created as His soule a spirituall increate And as the same light is originally from no other in the Sunne and secondarily by communication in the ray or beame of it So what hindereth c. Dwelleth bodily Obs The manner of GOD's dwelling in this man Doct. He doth dwell personally in Him that is so as that GOD the SONNE is thereby become personally man as he was from all eternity personally God with the Father and Spirit the God-head so dwelleth in this man that with the man-hood it maketh but one Person even as the soule and body in man make one man So this divine Nature and humane are now joyntly but one Person of CHRIST He which was a compleat Person from everlasting in fulnesse of time creating within His owne Person a singular body and soule such as we have sin excepted as a substantiall part of His Person not a part which made up the Person of God as before imperfect but a part because a new thing substantially that is personally assumed to that which before was perfect thus much this word Bodily or personally teacheth For it putteth a difference 1 betweene God dwelling in every thing as an efficient and preserver of them 2 betweene His dwelling in the Saints and Prophets by His assistance and workes of grace in them 3 Betweene His dwelling in the Saints in heaven God shall be all in all by His presence of glory and this dwelling in CHRIST which is by being united personally with this humane Nature As the Arrians abuse the similitude in the first Chapter when CHRIST is said to be the Image of His Father they gathered that therefore Hee had not the same substance with Him for we see a mans image or picture is not of the very same substance with the man whose picture it is not distinguishing betwixt naturall things properly so called and these artificiall ones which are but respectively and abusively so termed So here Nestorius Loe saith he GOD dwelleth in CHRIST man therefore he is not personally united with man For a man is no part of person with the house he dwelleth in not distinguishing betwixt common inhabitation and that which is personall But we see here the Text is plaine that He so dwelleth in this Nature that it is essentially or substantially united to Him as a part of His Person Againe He so dwelleth or doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in our Nature that He is made flesh the Word was made flesh which cannot be understood of a simple but bodily or personall inhabitation This therefore doth first serve to confute all erroneous opinions touching the union of Christ Vse 1 for first wee see all Arrius his opinions overturned who granted that there were most divine qualities in Christ and wonderfull effects wrought by God in the man Christ but would not yeeld Him true God Marke all the fulnesse of the Godhead 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the divine Nature as Saint Peter speaketh dwelleth in Him All Eutiches his schollars Vse 2 who grant that God Himselfe was man but they say that this Vnion stood in that the divine Nature did swallow up the humane for they could not else see how they could make up one Person The Monothelites granted two Natures but one action For they could not see how divers actions would not conclude that there were many Persons But marke the divine Nature dwelleth in Christ Now the inhabiting and the inhabited are not confounded therefore both the Natures and their actions are distinct and if there were such a swallowing up of the humane Nature then flesh were made God not God flesh by force of the Vnion As for diversity of Persons it doth not follow upon the diversity of actions for there may be as well three actions in one Person as there are three Persons all having but one action If the multiplicity of action did come from the number of Persons then there
see one that should sinke when any thing were laid on him we would say hee were but a weake man Which convinceth that valour falsely so called Vse many thinke that valour to challenge the field and cast their gauntlet of defiance downe upon any trifling provocation to sweare GOD out of heaven if any thing crosse them but blinde men discerne not of colours this is notable impatience and weaknesse As a man whom with halfe a finger we may throw downe to the ground is a weake body So thy soule which every thing moveth out of place is a very weake spirit Marke how Long-suffering is an argument of great spirituall strength Obs 2 This is a vertue which maketh us hold out in patience under the continuance of evill on us it maketh Patience have her perfect worke and be at length no lesse than in the beginning it is not counterfeit biting in of anger by two yeares together like as in Absolom but a continuance of true patient bearing our crosse to lift up a quarter of wheat or two were rare strength though one should stand under it but a while but to carry it foure or five miles were a token of ten-fold strength So to beare our burthens any time is a fruit of glorious strength but to carry them at length argueth treble vertue To convince the false estimation of men touching this matter To assure those that long have endured Vse 2 of GOD's strength dwelling in them Now as Paul desireth these three things for the Colossians so he teacheth us thus much Obs 3 That wee have need of these vertues we have need of Patience saith the Scripture Heb. 10.36 need indeed to beare our evils to forbeare and expect the receiving of our good things wee looke for a Porter whose calling is to beare had need of shoulders So we that are called to beare many afflictions had need of patience but wee have no lesse need of long-suffering for so deepe are our staines that they will not come out unlesse we be long dowsed in these waters of afflictions which maketh GOD many dayes continue our evils Now how shal we hold under long afflictions without long-sufferance yea we have need of the joy of the HOLY GHOST No life can last without delight and though to the being it be not so necessary yet it is altogether needfull for the well being of us that like Paul and Silas we sing not able to sleepe for joy To seeke these things Vse we have need of them and may have more it is not good to seeke them when we should use them begge them before Observe how hasty and impatient thou art short-spirited not able to beare any thing Pray the Lord to give thee wisdome patiently to endure his will he will give it and not upbraid thee think how though thou art patient now yet ever and anon it is ready to be crazed yea broken in thee pray for long-suffering treasure up joy against evill houres fire doth well against winter and while thou mayest take it deny thy foolish rejoycing exercise thy heart with godly sorrow Such as sow in teares Psal 126.5 shall reape in joy We live neither having exercise of these things nor feeling want of them nor seeking after them our hearts love to be in the house of vaine mirth woe will be to this security and this laughter shall end in mourning Woe to you that now laugh Luk. 6.25 yee shall weepe VERSE 12. Giving thankes unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light THus having laid downe his Prayer he commeth to mention expresly the matter of his thanksgiving which was first named in the third Verse In it two things are to be considered 1 The fact it selfe of giving thankes with the person to whom they are offered of which we have spoken something above Verse 3. 2 The arguments moving him or the things for which he is thankfull The first in those words Giving thankes to GOD the Father The matter is two-fold first a benefit a great good thing given them even an inheritance Part in an inheritance which is set downe with three circumstances 1 Their qualification which maketh them capable this goeth before 2 From the quality of their being fellow-heires with whom they were joyned the Saints 3 From the matter of this inheritance in light The second argument of his thankesgiving is a great evill from which they were delivered in setting downe which 1 Hee sheweth the point or passe from which GOD did deliver them From the power of darknesse 2 The state to which hee brought them and hath translated us into the kingdome of His deare Sonne Now to amplifie the greatnesse of this last benefit he describeth the Sonne first from the effect Verse 14. which is propounded in whom wee have redemption after expounded that is the remission of Sinnes Secondly he describeth the nature of His Person to the nineteenth Verse three wayes 1 As He was in reference to GOD Who is the Image of the invisible GOD. 2 As He was in relation to the creature in generall in those words The first begotten of every creature Verse 15. and sustainer of them Verse 16 17. 3 As He is in regard of His Church And Hee is the Head of the body the Church Then followeth the reason how came this man to be personally GOD the Creator of all things the Head of the Church It pleased the Father that in Him all fulnesse should dwell Vers 19. How come we to have redemption by Him It pleased the Father by Him to bring us to these benefits the benefit is repeated First in generall Verse 20. Secondly with application to the Colossians Verse 21 22 23. Where first he setteth downe what they had their state antecedent Secondly their state present where we have the worke of their reconciliation and the manner of working Verse 21 22. Thirdly to shake off security the condition of all is annexed Verse 23. Whence the Apostle taketh occasion to digresse in signifying his Apostolical affection to them to the eighth Verse of the second Chapter Giving thankes Observe first From his suffixing thanksgiving Obs That we must as well give thankes for the things given us as begge for that we want Many are suiters when any necessity presseth but few returne to give thankes we see it in the ten Lepers one onely returned to give thankes Eaten bread is soone forgotten that we have we take no further thought of but we must remember to couple these together For first in this is GOD's chiefe honour Reas 1 He that offereth praise honoureth me Psal 50. This is forcible to make us speed in that wee intreat Reas 2 a thankfull petitioner hath alwayes gracious hearing We have more cause when GOD hath given us faith c. to give thankes than to intreat Reas 3 for the things we have are more than those we desire the Apostle maketh
Title He hath to the Lordship and inheritance of all the Creatures It had beene enough if he be granted the onely begotten Sonne of the eternall Father to proove Him heyre justly but He that together with the Father created all the Creatures as Christ did Ioh. 1.3 Heb. 1.3 the case is cleere Hee must needs be Lord of all but if these were too weake it might be strengthened with a third even the redeeming of the Creatures subjected to vanity through sinne yea a fourth Heb. 1.3 His bearing up of all with His mighty power Let us therefore give glory to Him Vse even as in our nature and say thou art heyre of all the creatures and thou art worthy This for the coherence Now for the matter of this first reason viz. His creating all things is first set downe then each part the order inverted hath his amplification set downe in these words by Him all things were created expounded in the words following And first what those all things are which are set downe by a double distribution the one of the subject or place the other of the property in heaven and earth all visible or invisible 2. By a particular enumeration of those spiritual creatures which of al other might seeme to be exempted from the common law of creation which point also soone after Valentinus and Basilides did contend for viz. That these were not created but begotten of God Now they are described from the ministeries in which God doth imploy them for the administring of this world to the good of his Church 2. He repeateth the other that by Christ all things were created opening the manner of his working and adding the end for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie that Christ was not a secondary instrument by whom the Father made all things unworthy of Himselfe but a formall worker of all the creatures which is confirmed also that He is made the finis reductionis the end to which all the creature is reduced to Him to His glory whereas if He had beene to His Father as a hatchet is in the hand of a Carpenter the end of the creature should not have beene to have served His glory 1 Then we see Observ that Christ our King is the Creator of all things Ioh. 1.3 All things were made by the Word and without it nothing was made Heb. 1.1 It is most cleere for what ever the Father doth He also doth worke for the selfe same will is in all the Persons that what one worketh the other must worke also Which consideration of CHRIST Vse 1 doth serve first to strengthen our faith and to let us see with what reason he calleth us to trust in Him You beleeve on the Father beleeve also in Me we doe beleeve many things which we see not yea which we find much in disposition making desperate in us but here is a proppe of faith we know whom we have beleeved even the beloved Sonne who though there bee no print appearing of them is able to create them He created these things of nothing who though we be indisposed to receive things we beleeve yet this is no let to Him who out of darkenesse and a confused Chaos brought light and this goodly harmony of all things Therefore looke to CHRIST the Author and finisher of thy faith stand thy ground feare not the Creator of heaven and earth is He that hath spoken lay it at His doore and there rest thee thou shalt find all Amen as He hath promised so He is able to performe shall not He who hath made all the Hosts of the invisible Angels so bright in knowledge so burning in love so uncessant in action shall not he be able to effect in thee that small measure of Sanctification which Himselfe hath promised and thy heart desired be confident in Him that is made of God thy Sanctifier This Vse 2 that CHRIST is Creator of us doth teach us our duties even to offer our selves up unto Him if He never had done any thing to redeeme us yet we owe our selves unto Him for that He is our Creator how much more when that three fold cord commeth His Redemption by His bloud and saving us by sending His spirit into our hearts those that give us our lives as our Parents we say we owe them our lives those that save out lives as when we are ready to be executed we hold our selves their bounden servants for ever Christ the Father of eternity hath given thee thy life by creation hath saved thee by redemption It letteth us see the decency of the order enacted in that great Councell of the Trinity Vse 3 that the second Person should redeeme us for what could be more fit then that He by whom we were made by Him I say we should be restored That there is no creature whereof Christ is not the Creator Obs 2 both high and low are the worke of His hand It is in correspondence to that He is the first begotten of all the Creature Lord of it and reason good for He was the Creator of all of it and this must be understood with Saint Iohns limitation by Him were made all things that were made for defects of sin and penall evils as death c. which are not matter poysonfull as serpents but the destruction of things that have being these are not made by God but come from the suggestion of the Divell the will of man falling sinfully from God the fountaine of life and well being It doth not debase Gods glorious power to create small things as we see He caused Ionas his gourd to come up but often setteth it forth when all the strength of the creature cannot quicken a fly And we see that in the lice the finger of God was acknowledged by them whom greater things did not convince Yea it is needfull for if any thing could have being without it were God with Him We must sanctifie His name in all things Vse 1 not with cruelty abusing nor with disdaine rejecting any of the creatures for they are all the workes of His hands and as Salomon speaketh in another case so we may truely say he that despiseth or abuseth any creature abuseth his Maker Say our selves have made any thing if any marre it and unlawfully otherwise then our mind standeth useth it doe we not hold it an injury so will God hold Himselfe abused in such misusing His workemanship We must learne to consider of the least creatures Vse 2 and looke into the natures of them if a workeman doe make a fly finely in silke we will view it admire commend it and what new thing doth art invent the sight whereof we will not rather pay for then be without yet for Gods creatures we passe them over as contemptible that have things in them admirable a Spider an Ant a little kinde of Mouse the Holy Ghost setteth these as it were into the Pulpit to reade a Lecture to the wisest of
for the people yet not inferior to them Answer Emperors are so for the people that they are Lords over them and the people are for them even their Subjects and bodies politique but Saint Peter nor no Apostle are so for the Church that they are Lords of it and that the Church is their Church and body mysticall therefore they are so for the Churches that they are inferiors to them Object Was not Saint Peter and the rest immediate legates from Christ Object and had they not authority which all the Churches were to obey Answer They had yet their persons still under the Church and their worke of Ministery not to domineere over the Churches the reason is because it was the message and order of the Churches Husband which was of authority above her not their persons that did relate it If a man send one of his servants with a command to his Wife the servant when he hath got this errand is not a Lord over the Wife but a servant under her though his message from her Lord is such which she may not gainesay Fiftly Observe Obs the dignity of the faithfull and their neere conjunction with Christ they are the body of Christ not the naturall body united to the second person nor the Sacramentall body but a mysticall body such who by force of Christ His Spirit are knit to Him and receive all things from Him proportionably as the body naturall doth from the head Many other comparisons as of Vine and branches Man and Wife c. doe set it downe but none more lively then this which is the oftenest frequented To shew us the excellent condition to which we are brought Vse 1 to assure us of Christs love who ever hated His owne flesh He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of Mine eye This letteth us also see the fearefulnesse of abusing the godly that are truely faithfull Vse 2 they lift at mill-stones Lastly Obs seeing Christ is risen from the dead we must labour and strive thither also if a Captaine hath made a breach and entered the hold of the enemy will not the souldiers presse after and ambitiously affect who should get next him so we Christ hath led us the daunce and broke through the gates of death into the City of God we should affect to come after as Saint Paul did strive for conformity with Christ in this point both in the first and second Resurrection The third point is Observ That Christs Resurrection hath speciall priviledge above all others for all others before were not begotten from among the dead because they were raised up with mortality tending to death againe but our Saviour Christ in that He dyed He dyed at once not long to be held of it but in that He is risen He is raised to live for ever death shall no more have dominion over Him 2 All other rose as private and singular men not as publique persons in the name of other making hope to all the dead of their resurrection therefore they were not the first fruits duely gathered but like a singular eare of corne by occasion more timely gathered Now Christ is risen as He dyed not for Himselfe onely but for all us so Christ is risen in al our names so that as we all dyed in Him so we all are raised in Him as a Burgesse of a Parliament what he doth or speaketh it is in the name of the Corporation who doth it in him When God created Adam He made all mankinde in as much as He made him who was to be a Principle of naturall generation to all mankind conveying life and being to them in their order so when He raised Christ He raised us all in as much as He hath raised up a second Adam a Principle of spirituall regeneration even of the first and second resurrection to all Gods chosen in their order Hence it is that Paul saith Eph. 2.6 We are raised up in Christ and set in heavenly places in Him that Peter saith 1 Pe● 1.3 God hath begotten us to that happy hope in the Resurrection of Iesus Christ Lastly He raised Himselfe as who was the Lord from heaven the quickening Spirit Destroy this body and in three dayes I will raise it up Great therefore every way is the prerogative of our Lord IESUS CHRIST even in regard of that Nature which was dead but now is alive He was slaine before the foundation of the world Hee is raised up as the hope and fore-runner of all our immortality Thou lookest at His death as thy death and against all guilt of sinne and terrour of conscience threatning the Curse doest say I have borne the Curse in my Lord Gal. 3.13 made a curse for me So against all terrours of bodily death hold this I am raised up in CHRIST for He is risen in all our names who beleeve on Him If wee beleeve that IESUS is dead and risen againe 1 Thess 4.14 so also God shall bring those who are slept in Iesus say to life eternall with Him VERSE 19. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fulnesse dwell NOw he commeth to give a reason of the former opening the fountaine where the Man IESUS CHRIST found such grace as that in Him all of us should be redeemed that Hee should be God in Person over all creatures yea the Head of His Church filling all in all Now the Reason is here set downe to be the good pleasure of God the Father First that the fulnesse of the God-head for so it is best construed out of the second Chap. Vers 9. and not only that the fulnesse of created gifts should dwell personally in this humane Nature as a Temple 2. That this Person God-man should by the Sacrifice of Himselfe reconcile all unto God First then in generall we see Obs That whatsoever the manhood of CHRIST is lifted up unto it is the meere grace of God not the merit of the Creature What could this Man doe which could deserve this grace that it should be personally united with God and so lifted up to be incomparably above all the Angels in heaven And therefore Saint Augustine doth not doubt to make CHRIST the Sampler of GOD's free Predestination the free grace of God appearing in none so much as in Him which is the Head of all This CHRIST looketh to in His members Lord I thanke thee that thou hast beene pleased to reveile these things unto babes and sucklings and hast kept them from the wise and learned Even so O Father because it pleased thee Yea I doubt not but as God did predestinate him of grace to this honour of being God in fellowship of Person and of being the Prince of our salvation So God in the Covenant He did make with Him and the commandement He gave Him of laying downe His life did strike it and fulfill it of grace not requiring any thing Hee imposed on His Sonne more than duties of free
to Himselfe a peculiar people Zealous of good workes Rom. 8. It is God that Iustifieth Which doth first serve for confutation of the Papists Vse 1 who though they yeeld Christ God-man yet will have His sacrificing praying c. onely to come from His humane Nature whereas all the efficacy commeth hence that the divine Nature and the humane are conjoyned as the body to the soule the humane nature being but an instrument to the divine neither is it absurd that the same Person who as God is to be prayed unto should as God-man pray to Himselfe as God absolutely considered with the Father and spirit for Christ susteyneth a double person one as God absolutely considered with the Father and Spirit and offended by man as they another as God-man undertaking to reconcile man offending to the Father Himselfe and the Spirit offended This doth teach us what we must looke at in Christ Vse 2 if we will have our consciences comfortably setled in the perswasion of our reconcilement we must looke at Him as God who goeth betweene us and God this doth still the conscience and fill it with good hope When we have offended some great personages if some meane one should moove them in our behalfe it would not so stay us for we know they will often not heare them speake or have them in light regard if they doe give them the hearing but if we can procure such as are their peeres to deale effectually for us we doubt not but that things shall be well compounded what will they deny to such as shall be equall to themselves and most neerely acquainted with them so with us c. Now in the coherence it selfe these things being marked come wee to the action it selfe where are three things 1 The reconciler by Him 2 The thing to be reconciled 3 To whom these things were to be reconciled to Him which is to be supplied out of the ver before where either 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 indefinitely or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may bee understood out of the first and third circumstances wee gather these things joyntly By Him Obs Observe hence Who is the worker of our reconciliation with God even this deare Sonne the Father testifieth from heaven saying this is my beloved Sonne in whom I am well pleased So Rom. 3.25 Him hath God set forth speaking of Christ as a reconciliation as a propitiatory sacrifice in which He would returne into favour with us God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himselfe The Father and the spirit reconcile us to themselves but by Christ Christ immediately by Himselfe doth procure us favour and this was it which all the attonements made by propitiatory sacrifices did presignify unto us even how this High Priest Iesus Christ should with the sacrifice of His bloud make God and us one againe in mutuall love as He and His Father are one Which doth let us see what we must looke to in all terrors of conscience caused by apprehension of God Vse 1 wrath even to Iesus Christ He hath with His bloud quenched this wild fire for Gods wrath is a consuming fire We with screenes doe keepe the fire from face and eys but they are wise which put between their soules and Gods wrath this screene of Christ His reconciliation least this fire burne to the pit of destruction This must make us cleave unto Christ even to let our tenderest bowels love Him that hath done this for us ô if one doe but take up some hurtfull jarre betwixt us and some other whose favour we have found very beneficiall whose displeasure we find very prejudiciall wee would be very thankefull to Him If one should mollifie the Kings displeasure and make Him favour us would we not with all love imbrace Him Christ hath healed worse things betwixt God and thee love Him with all thy soule If one should interpose his mediation to the King for some malefactor say a Theefe that hath greatly wronged some man in his estate the King will say out of justice thou must see the dammages done bee made whole and undertake that he shal leave that course of life els in justice and wisedome I cannot but refuse the suite even so if Christ had not giuen such satisfaction as was accepted and undertaken to kill the raigne of sinne and enmity against God for the time to come this blessed reconciliation could not have beene concluded The use of it is to stirre us up Vse 1 if we have care to have God reconciled to us to make sure that our sin is covered and that there be no enmity raging in our hearts against Him for hereafter As he said to Iehu peace Iehu he answer'd how can there be peace whiles Iezabels fornications are not revenged Say thou to God in thy enemylike courses not subject to his commandements art thou reconciled Lord He wil say how should I thou hast that uncovered in thee which maketh all the quarrell for I cannot see iniquity so as to like of it I am God that hate it This teacheth us what is the true way of reconciling to take away that which maketh the difference for else truce we may have which souldiers hostilelike affected have but true reconcilement will be far from us Marke Obs 2 in what all our peace is grounded the bloud-shed of Iesus Christ the phrase is to be noted by the bloud of the Crosse by Him the latter pointing at the excellency of of His person as the thing which made His bloud-shed so forceable 1 Ioh. 2.7 This purgeth all our sinnes saith Saint Iohn This doth worke a death of sinne our sinfull life being crucified in Him and through Him this maketh way for the Father of all mercies to exchange and that without wrong to His justice His just wrath with fatherly favour yea the conspiring Angels with the heyres of salvation and joy they have in them yea peace w th all the creatures yea inward and outward agreement of man with man must hence be derived for what breakes downe the partition wall what killeth sinne in vs but this alone ô pretious bloud that cryest not for revenge but speakest better things then the bloud of Abell But here three things are to be layd downe for the cleering of this point 1 The true order of our reconciliation 2 What is meant by the bloud of His Crosse 3 Why the Scripture doth attribute this every where to His bloud and externall sufferings 1 To the first we are reconciled in this order 1 All cause of inward and outward enmity is taken away the matter of enmity betwixt God and us being sinne betwixt man and man Iew and Gentile the ceremoniall law now Christ by His death did take both away 2 This done away God doth lay aside wrath and is quieted toward us God is said to smell a savour of rest in Christs death so that He saith wrath is not in Me. 3 He doth come to take us to grace
discipline practised where those duties flourish to which the communion of Saints doth tye us They that are estranged from Gods Church can have no society with God He is walking amongst the golden Candlesticks amongst His Saints onely where two or three are met together in His Name He is present among them As they have no acquaintance with God so they are under the power of Sathan where it is that Saint Paul calleth excommunication the giving up to Sathan Hee that hath not the Church for his Mother cannot have God for His Father In a word heaven and earth the Eden and Paradise of God is His Church So that miserable is that state neverthelesse this was ours sometime in our predecessors We were all of us alients from Israel but God hath kept us for happy times Let us therfore be thankfull and bring forth fruites least he take away our Candlesticke Vse 1 and deface the face of our Churches causing us to want our holy assemblies Let us not leave our fellowship Vse 2 and estrange our selves from Gods people from the assemblies as Brownists and other Novelists doe To be discommoned a Towne for a Citizen to be banished a City is a great reproach but to be an exile from Gods City and discommoned from the communion of Saints this is lamentable indeede being alients from this Common wealth of the Church they have nothing to doe with the covenants of grace and of the Gospell but strangers from all meanes of salvation This letteth us see that all true comfortable affinity Vse 3 kindred and society is in Christ onely and in the Word and Ordinances count all strangers that are not allyed to us in Him count them forreyners that will not communicate with us in the Word and Ordinances of GOD strangers as men of another Nation though never so neere allyed in Nature and let our neerest society fellowship and acquaintance be with Saints and holy Christians in the word and ordinances as our neerest kindred our spirituall brethren in CHRIST Therefore Abraham after he was called of GOD and sanctified was commanded to come out from his kindred and fathers house to count them Aliens and strangers to seeke new kindred a new Nation of his owne nature and bloud the generation of the righteous Why should we like prodigalls withdraw our selves from our fathers house and bring upon our selves by such singular separations this great misery to be estranged from them who are Gods true Israell Againe he saith they were enemies in mind and workes affection and action note hence What is our estate by nature Observ we are enemylike affected to God and His people the wisedome of the flesh is enmity against God Rom. 8. it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be In his Iudgement he counteth the things of God foolishnesse in his affections he doth not savour them he counteth of His Commandements as a yoake intollerable and maketh a tush at sincere obedience so for the Saints the righteous is an abomination to the wicked Gal. 4.29 Were not the Iewes a mocking in the mouth of the heathen did they not reproach them for their circumcision To let us see our selves Vse 1 we are altogether by nature thus heathens beasts the most of men in part we have a law in our flesh rebelling against the law of our mindes not enduring the spirituall obedience of Gods law What is all our love of this world know you not that the amity of the world is enmity with GOD If a woman cared not for her husband but were bent to the imbraces of other men were she not enemylike affected to him so we to God what is enmity if this be not not to care for him and his wayes to incline and looke another way for the Saints they are our enemies as we thinke and they are hatefull of all other to us our spirituall phrensie like not them of all others whose presence doth binde us in some sort We must labour to be changed Vse 2 seeking to God to give us another mind who can endure to heare these termes thou art an enemy a hater of God yet who laboureth to be free of the thing praying to God to purge forth the secret hatred which maketh him hee cannot assent to and affect that which is good Could an honest woman find a heart strange to her husband would shee not be ashamed of it labour to the contrary doest thou finde a heart averse not affected toward thy God ô wilt thou not cry who shall deliver me from this body of death Seeke to GOD to put enmity against the seede of the Serpent and to circumcise thy heart making thee love Him Deu. 30.6 Who ever hardened his heart against GOD and prospered Your mindes were set in evill workes By repeating the words from the part of the sentence before it teacheth thus much Obs What it is that maketh discovery of this enemy-like affection our naughty actions when we do that which crosseth God's will that evill worke is the triall of the inward affection He that loveth me keepeth my Commandements he that keepeth them not and saith he knoweth me is a lyar and the truth is not in him As the tongue is the interpreter of the minde so is the action to the affection A traytor we see may be a traytor in heart and not in attempt but when his treason breaketh forth in some disloyall action then it is manifest that he bare a trayterous heart So it is with this inward corruption when now ripe it practiseth the rebellion of it in the workes of unrighteousnesse Which meeteth with such as will say they love God Vse he were unworthy to live that is an enemie to God but if we looke at their course of life they leave the wayes of God and will have leave to walke in their owne wayes This is to give God good words and speake Him faire but indeed to deny Him But we have no such intention in any thing we doe Object If we through ignorance sinfully contracted Answ doe not know that we sinne against God when we doe this mitigateth not our offence If one should make himselfe drunke and after practice against the life of the King and State would this excuse him from being a traytor if he say I had no such meaning in that I did I meant the Kings person no hurt Lastly marke hence That men by nature are altogether occupied in evill works None doth good no not one the thought of man is evill onely and continually It is strange how the naturall man is devoted to his owne wayes which are all evill He museth mischiefe on his bed hee sleepeth not if hee have not done his mind For his mind is as meat and drinke to him and hee is fasting not able to take rest when hee hath not effected it He committeth sinne and doth his owne will with greedinesse he hateth to be reformed in these wayes
out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carryed away of the flood that is of the reproaches which he spit out at the true Church of God As one that would winne the love of a woman doth insinuate dislikes of her husband that having loosened her affections at home hee might the more easily bring her to his lure So doth Sathan by his instruments weaken the affections of people toward Christs servants that he may after bring them to Himselfe and His Prophets thus he now buzzes into peoples eares that the faithfull Ministers are so proud so censorious that it is no living with them so strict they will allow no liberty enemies to all good neighbourhood and fellowship where they come But knowing whereto these things tend Vse let us bee wise in time if we know Ministers to be faithfull upright and godly in their places let us bee to them as an honest woman is to her husband faithfull loyall and constant shee hath no eares to heare any suggestion against him 2 This coherence teacheth us When it is lawfull to protest our owne care love and faithfulnesse to our people when it serveth to breake the snares of beguilers and such as lie in waite to seduce But to come to the matter The verse layeth downe two things 1 The Apostle his caution 2 The evill which he doth so warily keepe off The first this I say warily preventing The second that you may not be deceived with flattering speech The evill is set downe by a double cause The one inward to bee gathered out of that word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is craft and wilinesse of false teachers for this word signifieth to deceive sophistically with shew of reason which hath not sound reason under it The second outward perswasive speech fitted to seduce and deceive The Summe is I speake this out of a cautelous feare I have that no evill instrument may deceive you either by wyles or glozing words with which these use to lie in wayte for to pervert and corrupt unstable soules 1 Observe hence Doct. How carefull wee must bee to keepe our people out of the hands of deceivers hence come all those faithfull watch-words when a Prophet ariseth if daughter wife or any withdraw you from God though they foretell things or worke wonders believe them not Our SAVIOUR CHRIST giveth this advertisement Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheepes cloathing Many false Prophets shall come and false Christs which shall deceive the very Elect if it were possible Often Saint Paul be not deceived let no man deceive you No wonder is not a faithfull Shepheard shy of Woolves If flocks of five pounds a score be so carefully kept how much more must wee bee carefull of our soules whom Christ hath redeemed with His pretious bloud This then must teach Pastors wisedome Vse Saint Pauls example is their instruction every bad leven which any spreadeth is doctrine of divells we must encounter these Woolves and keepe our charges untouched of them What a pitty is it when so many doe by life and doctrine adificare ad geheunam that none is found who hath courage once to barke at it we faile herein of that charge the Apostle giveth Take heede to the flocke of God Acts 20.28 whereof the Holy Ghost hath made you over seers 2 Marke the force of seasonable speeches Doct. they preserve the people A word spoken in season is like Apples of gold with pictures of silver In civill dangers the barke of a dogge frayeth a theefe and awakeneth a family and so saveth a household how much more shall the voyce of the Lords Pastors affright these wicked impostors and awaken the Saints Their voice with which God Himselfe goeth is able to make hell shake at the sound of it Wherefore let us awaken our selves Vse yea the Lord open our mouthes who are His watchmen every where that we may speake in this kind The theefe I meane the Divell spoyleth at pleasure whyle we keepe silence 3 Marke what false teachers fight with namely with deceite Doct. 1 Co. 11.3 show of reason not sound reason I am affrayd saith St. Paul least any by subtilety hath beguiled you as the Divell did Eve Ephes 4. Bee not carryed about through the deceit of false teachers wherewith they lie in wayte to deceive Lying Sophistry is the Divells logicke His logicke is made onely of fallacyes Thus looke at the Papists what are all that Goliah his volumes but very sophistry showes of Scripture of councills Fathers reasons as is at large prooved by many of our Writers Let us not then be carryed away w th babie cards Vse when we heare all the Fathers Scriptures reasons brought for thus have Heretiques as Dioscorus and the Divell done though they have no sound reason yet they have sophisticall shewes and falsehood hath such colour sometime that shee seemeth more true then truth it selfe Let us whet up our diligence by it Vse 2 and fly to him who hath treasures of knowledge and wisdom that He would keepe us in His truth and make us descry the things that differ Lastly observe Doct. what kind of language they use such as is full of flattery and glozing Even as a foule faced Whore paynteth her face so doe they their bad cause with eloquent insinuation and such kindnesse and curtesy as smelleth strong of craft and subtilty in a wise mans senses They are sayd Ro. 16.18 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with faire speeches and flatterings to deceive the hearts of the simple this is their sheeps garment at least a part of it this is the Iezabels painted face All false Prophets dwell at Placenza as the Italian speaketh they will speake pleasingly sometimes tickle itching eares with such compt elegancies as may make them admired sometime fawning and pretending such kindnesse as the Divell their father did to our first Parents you shall bee like Gods when indeed he knew they should become like Divels Yet all perswasive force of speech is not to be condemned which Saint Paul himselfe frequenteth I love you from my heart roote what is our glory our crowne of rejoycing but you in the day of the Lord Iesus But when a man laboureth by affected Rhetorique and sweete eloquution without the power of Gods spirit and evidence of matter to winne an acclamation to that he proposeth touching this saith Saint Paul 1 Cor. 2.4 My word and my preaching stood not in the entising speech of mans wisdom but in plaine evidence of the spirit and of power Otherwise Apollos was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 eloquent and who a better orator then Chrysostome Neither is it unlawfull to give kind words to people but when one speaketh all to flatter and beyond truth speaketh pleasingly will no where offend nor freely rebuke and still doth this that he may worke them to the liking of the opinions he falsly venteth In briefe when it
did Tertullian then shew that traditions were not to be regarded which were beside the authority of the Word in matters of faith and manners even thus The Apostles were sent by Christ If therefore they did not publish things faithfully either they wey were unable or not sincere and Christ blame-worthy that would send those so qualified we may say either they could and would not would but could not or else were willing and able but might not That they could not is absurd who had the guifts of the Holy Ghost so abundantly That they would not is unlikely who were so faithfull and who suffered all things yea death it selfe for the Churches good That they might not least holy things and that more perfect should be too much divulged and so Pearles cast before Swine for Christ bid them speake all things they heard from Him yea though in secret upon the house toppes And as for Dogges and Swine there is no feare for the Bible though open is a clasped booke to them as for others all the counsell of God belongeth to them Thus you may see the truth of this that humane authority hath beene a backe to error and an allurement from the faith Let them not deceive you with things after the tradition of men First then by this we come to discerne the deceived estate of the Romane Church Vse 1 for one egge is not liker another then they to those old Heretiques and the Principall part of their beliefe and practice hath no better ground then tradition without the Word 2 This must teach us not to stand too much upon the bare authority of men as to pinne faith upon their opinion Omnes patres tota schola are not the Old and New Testament We all incline to speake as they Which of the Rabbins and Doctors of the law believe in Him and to reject that which commeth not ushered in with humane testimonies whereas we should not receive any thing because men affirme it nor deny any thing in this regard simply because greate Clerkes are of another judgement though we must not on the other extreame passe by Antiquity and moderne judgements upon a selfe willed fancy as if they were not to be heeded You will say then what use are we to make Object how are wee to be disposed to them Say I conceite this or that opinion but I see Answ as it is told mee such are against me in it of worthy note knowing this 1 I am so farre to respect this not as therefore to discard it and judge of it as erroneous but onely not to precipitate any determination against them 2 I am to have the more jealousie of that which by opinion I conceive 3 I am to excite my selfe to the more full inquiry to see what grounds they had what verisimilitude at least for their sentence 4 If I find my selfe in the truth I am with the more humility and thankefulnesse to imbrace it when I see that even men of greater parts had it not shewed unto them So on the other side the Fathers say this unanimi consensu I doe not therefore beleeve it this were humane faith but I account it a presumption that the thing is true Secondly I search the grounds of it with more alacrity and confidence Thirdly I having grounded my faith on GODS Word am in this regard more confident in my perswasion Lastly this must teach us to adore the fulnesse of the Scripture Vse according to the which who so speaketh not in the things of God speaketh without understanding for whatsoever any knoweth out of his naturall wisedome is foolishnesse in Gods matters but what he knoweth without the Word he hath it out of his own wisedome there is no shift unlesse we will say there is place for revelation without the meanes of the Word therfore what he thus speaketh is foolishnesse the Word conteyneth all things if not in syllables yet in sense that are needfull for faith and manners yea directions for all indifferent things which are variable According to the elements of this world Observe first What maketh error Doctr. and false worship so infectious even because they are carnall savoring of the flesh and after the fashion of this world like lipps love like lettice now we are by nature in error and therefore Saint Paul saith that heresie is a worke of the flesh Againe we are sensuall and therefore delight in such fashion of worship as is not spirituall but feedeth the sense and hangeth us so up by the senses that we ascend not to spirituall contemplation Many mervaile why so many professe and daily fall to Popery but they might as well marvaile why frogs love the fennes for the truth is it is naturall to the corrupt man all is sensuall and of this World Such a Prince-like Clergy such sumptuous Temples and goodly pictures heavenly musicke odoriferous incense al exercises such as their owne strength may undertake every thing of this world the world cannot but love his owne and therfore unregenerate men cannot but affect these things yea we neede no better confirmation then that petitioner who did preferre this as one motive for tolleration in commendation of their religion that it was sensuall it had to please the sense in it and is the reason why the sincerest reformed Churches that have cut off all these fleshly services are by all sorts of worldly men the most maligned because they have the least with them to feed the senses nay nothing but that which CHRIST hath left which because it is commanded is therefore odious The use is Vse that we would take heed of worldly fashions and such things as please the carnall understanding and naturall man this is a presumption against them that they are not right for as Saint Paul saith of men so we may say of religious observancies if they then please corrupt men and suite with their corruption they are not the ordinances of CHRIST Yea even hence they are to be resisted because they are after the guise of this world The Primitive age kept it that they would not admit the least Pagan rite or Iewish ceremony they would not have a Sermon on Saturday and allowed a kind of trading on Sunday out of exercises on this ground Ages following were not so cautelous Againe seeing these words doe not onely point at that which maketh these deceits effectuall but also give a reason to us that are in CHRIST why we should beware of them Doct. note hence That upon this ground we are to resist all false superstitious rites of religion because they are after the fashion of this world The things of this world are enmity to GOD and in this that exhortation taketh place Rom. 12.2 Fashion not your selves to the World The not observing of this rule hath brought all miseries upon the Church when men to gaine the Gentiles would take up their rites a little altered when they would come to the world a little thinking
they should never meete till they yeelded a little Thus many now a dayes thinke it wisedome to retaine some things though altered common with the Papists that we might gaine them more commodiously But though there be place for some indulgence this way and therefore for a while tolleration and practice of some thing more indifferent yea and so far as edification and avoyding offence a law made for such things yet this must be in indifferent things onely and that for a time onely least they plead themselves as perpetuall by a kind of prescription which was the ground of the Nazarites heresie as S. Augustine thinketh Wherefore when we would heale men Vse let us not be ficke with them for this is folly But remember that safe maxime contraria contrarijs curantur Let us recover them with giving them an example of spirituall worship least admitting a little poyson we hurt our selves more then with all our good beside we can helpe them You that will walke in CHRIST be not deceived with things after this world Lastly marke by the opposition Doct. That what is meerely grounded on tradition and what is carnall and sensuall in Gods service is contrary to CHRIST In CHRIST all things are new the old carnall worship is changed into a spirituall according to that Iohn 4. and for all pure humane traditions in GODS matters they are accursed Gal. 1 9. Which is to be marked against the Papists Vse who reconcile humane traditions and make them according to Christ who will also have all their carnall rites agreeing with Christ. VERSE 9. For in Him dwelleth all the fulnesse of the godhead bodily NOw he setteth downe the reasons why these things not being after Christ must bee avoyded the first taken from the alsufficiency which he hath in himselfe the second from his alsufficiency to us You must not listen to others besides him who is not man onely but very GOD in one Person But such is CHRIST or in CHRIST dwelleth the fullnesse of the GOD head Corporally these are all one in sense To open the words before wee come to the Doctrine In Him That is in Christ-man or in that person whom we know to have had a body and soule like us is the same divine Nature which the Father and the Spirit have Or it may be constred thus in Christ that is the humane Nature of Christ dwelleth all the fulnesse of the God-head that is God the Son with His infinite deitie which commeth to no more then this God the Word was made flesh But the former is better because this phrase the fulnesse of the deitie doth note the divine Nature without any personall relation of it whereas the second sense doth necessarily take it to signifie the Person of God the Son with His Nature Secondly Christ man is fitly called God and therefore in Christ-man the God-head is sayd to dwell properly But CHRIST His humane Nature may not be sayd God and therefore the God-head is not so fitly sayd to dwell in the humane Nature as in the person denominated after it that is in Christ-man All the fulnesse That is the whole infinite indivisible Nature of GOD. bodily that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Essentially or Personally the Greekes call body as we in our vulgar tongue here is no body that is no person so we say bodily perill for such danger as toucheth ones person The summe For in that man Christ Iesus the whole infinite Nature of God dwelleth not as in all believers who are His habitation nor as in His beloved Prophets in whom hee spake and gave His Oracles nor as in a materiall Temple which is different from the substance of him that inhabiteth but bodily that is so that this Divine Nature with the humane maketh one Person For the Doctrines 1 We see in generall What must make nerest in Christ onely as alsufficient even this that we know Him God blessed forever Shall not God allsufficient in Himselfe to Himselfe to all the creatures shall not He undertaking to be our King Priest and Prophet be allsufficient for it We fitly leave men seeking supply at God but to turne from God to men is to dig puddles and leave the spring of living waters Hence then first gather to thy selfe Vse how absurd those Papists are and how far from considring that which they know that Christ is God would they did they weigh this be so bold as to adde to His institutions to take away as in the Supper the Cuppe would they leave this Sunne of righteousnesse to follow the blind starre of their traditions let them say what they will they doe not truly consider this Let us likewise confirme our selves in our resting onely on Christ even from hence that He is God Vse 2 let us say with Saint Peter Whither shall wee goe thou hast the words of eternall life thou art the naturall Son of God thou art allsufficient In particular marke three branches of this Text 1 In whom this dwelling is sayd to be 2 What is sayd to dwell 3 In whom 1 Note That we must not looke at Christ as meere man Doct. but life up our mindes to that invisible nature which is in him Those that saw Him on earth whose eyes God opened not they saw nothing but man and therefore not knowing any thing else they crucified the Lord of glory And thus we al naturally are ready to know him after the fresh but when God giveth us that eagles eye of beliefe the evidence of things not seene then we see that God is with this man as being now substantially united to Him and made a part of His person This maketh Christ say when Saint Peter told Him Thou art the Sonne of God Flesh and blond hath not reveiled this to thee Peter And what doth make the Apostle often inculcate such descriptions but that we are slow of heart in considering this point For as many see a house or a tent that see not the inhabitant and as the body is hidde when the apparell is discerned So this humane nature unles we get the better eyes may be seene when the deity which dwelleth in it is not perceived 2 Marke Doct. That all the fulnesse of the God-head is communicated with Christ as man the whole entyre nature of God I understand by communicated as much as is united dwelleth bodily that is in unity of person w th Christ-man or in the same person with the humane nature For the divine Nature is a thing most simple not having bodily quantity one part out of another nor yet any composition in it Now that which is not compounded of parts cannot be divided If a man have house and land he may give to one Son one part to the Wife another but when the divine Nature is communicated it is all of it given or none at all Thy soule cannot bee divided one part from another thou canst not cut the light how
dying was after a sort all of us for in our Nature Hee made Himselfe one with us and had us all by name as a body unto Him and all our sinne He tooke as His owne having made Himselfe one mysticall Person with us Secondly you must know that CHRIST thus having us all with Him as members belonging to Him through the gift of His Father and having all our sinne made His He dyeth for us all and for the abolishing of all our sinnes so that we all lye dead with Him and out sinne is all crucified with Him for it beginneth not to be crucified when wee dye to it no here was the beginning of it Thirdly CHRIST lying dead with all His dead in Him having taken away the guilt and wrought the death of sin in all His or the death of all His members to sin CHRIST with His body being dead is raised and receiveth that treasury of supernaturall life which is to be derived in the order of it to all His so that CHRIST rising all of us rise in Him as our Head for the members have society in whatsoever is done in the Head 2 As a thing may be said to be in the cause of it so was all our resurrection in His which was to be the cause of all our resurrection As Adam and Eve were the cause of propagating a naturall life to all mankinde Fourthly CHRIST thus raised and made the conceptacle and fountaine of supernaturall life sendeth out His vitall influence into such as belong to Him 1 By faith giving them a being spirituall or an union in Him even as Adam gave a naturall being or participation of his substance unto his members 2 He doth send into them thus united with Him the Spirit of life from Himselfe that is the HOLY GHOST to dwell in them by the created gifts of grace which is life supernaturall They shall heare my voice who are dead that is they shall beleeve and they shall live 3 CHRIST doth successively perfect this life never leaving till He have in soule and body conformed us for our module to His blessed Soule and glorious body And these may serve to open this point of beliefe The difficulty of conceiving it commeth hence 1. That we know not how straitly and neerely we are united to Him for as all were within the loynes of Adam by the determinate Counsell of GOD to come from Him so all the Elect by GOD's predestination and donation were within CHRIST as one in Him and with Him 2. Wee are not able to see that vertue of His resurrection The use is first Vse to incite us to seeke to have our eyes opened that we may know the treasury of good things we have in CHRIST and the power which Hee hath put forth in us We should love CHRIST a thousand times more if wee knew feelingly what Hee were to us We are not able to see how we in the womb are formed how much more will our eyes dazle here further than GOD doth cleare them This also must make us hold to our head CHRIST even as we will have life in us get a member away from having communion with the Head it is presently livelesse having neither sense nor motion So in us with CHRIST We see whither we must have recourse for life Even to CHRIST Come to me and your soules shall live to GOD in our Nature looke at thy owne flesh in heaven and draw from it as a Conduit-pipe increase of grace sent thee from it by the Spirit which dwelleth with it Having forgiven you all trespasses Now he commeth to the order of our new quickening which hee setteth downe by three antecedents which made way to it 1 He pardoned our sinne 2 He crossed our Bill 3 He freed us from the power of Satan and all infernall spirits Before I enter them let this in generall be premised to cleare the text Suppose that we stood in great debt unto any say againe that he had to shew for all the debt under his owne hand Put the case thirdly that wee were cast into prison and in the custody of some Gaolour or any officers to that purpose If hee at whose suite wee are in hold be willing to set us free what doth he first he doth pardon the debt Secondly he doth Cancell our bills and bonds for he that keepeth our bonds seemeth not to forgive nor willing to let us goe otherwise than that he may have a saying to us when he pleaseth Thirdly he doth release his action and setteth him out of bands that held him and after all this dismisseth him to his liberty So here we are in for debt such debt as toucheth life it selfe the matter is under our owne confession the Divell holds us under chaines of darknesse GOD is willing to restore us to life 1 He pardoneth our faults 2 Rendeth the Articles of our confession 3 Taketh us out of their hands who were ministers of His justice in the close keeping of us This shall suffice to illustrate it in generall We see hence Doct. That in order of nature first we have pardon of sinne before wee have the life of grace begun in us there must be a removall of evill before there can be a conferring of good Thus in CHRIST Himselfe He was acquit from all our sinne which was upon Him before He was raised up yea if the least sinne of any of us who are His had beene unanswered Hee had not beene raised up and for this cause Rom. 4.25 The raising of CHRIST is said to be our justification that is God in raysing Him up did manifest that Hee was fully answered for all our sinnes so that we now are quit from all our sinnes in CHRIST our Head Even as if one lye sentenced a dead man for treason against the King he cannot have His life given him but pardon of his fault is first given So here answerably we are not restored to feele the life of God take place in us till our sins which caused our death are removed In a sinners restoring this is the order 1 God by faith setteth Him into CHRIST who is His righteousnesse in whom belongeth to Him forgivenesse 2 God when by beliefe He is in CHRIST doth pronounce Him just or acquit Him from sinne 3 The LORD doth send the Spirit of His Son into His heart This is the order in Nature though in time these things goe together This is to be noted against the Papists who when a sinner hath by deadly sinne lost the life of grace as they say though he after come to have never such love to God yet will not have the sinne forgiven till the Priest hath absolved him As if God did restore the life of grace before He gave the pardon of sinne This out of the order The words have foure things to be marked 1 Who forgiveth God the Father He raised up both CHRIST and us when He had forgiven 2 The manner of forgiving in
this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of meere grace and free favour 3 The Persons Vs which is to be marked for He had said Who quickened you Now he returneth The Person speaking in the first Person 4 The things forgiven all sinnes past present to come originall and actuall of each a little We see who it is that forgiveth our sinnes Doct. 1 properly God the Father Son and Spirit We pray to God therefore for forgivenesse and we see that the Scribes and Pharisies kept this perswasion that GOD only can forgive sinnes Concerning forgiving here thus much 1 We must know that forgivenesse of sinne properly is an act of God's will whereby Hee no longer holdeth our guilt and keepeth wrath against us but returneth into favour with us 2 That God forgiveth all penitent beleeving sinners holding the impenitent and unbeleever guilty 3 That God useth in an eminent manner His Ministers for applying this forgivenesse The question is how farre God useth them whether to testifie unto them what GOD doth or hath done to them repenting and so to raise up their faith toward Him with whom is forgivenesse or whether God useth them judicially that is as Iudges with power to forgive Himselfe onely executing what they determine ratifying that they pronounce suspending all His action till the Priest passe his sentence so that as the Iudges sentence doth make one innocent the King who giveth the power doing it by Him yea God Himselfe whose judgement was after a fingular manner in the Common-wealth of Israel not otherwise absolving and condemning thus by them So here God should forgive by His Priests whom He hath delegated with power in these courses Now this cannot stand For 1 The Priest should more properly forgive than God though he doe it as a Minister from God As the King doth not judge causes in triall formally but by his Iudges in Courts who have the power from Him though hee doth it in some sort because he giveth the authority ratifieth it and upholdeth the execution of it 2 If God gave power to Priests as Iudges to absolve that they had authority within themselves to doe this then they could not fitly be said to pray to God to forgive those they absolve as for example The King giveth his Iudges power to heare causes of this or that nature and to sentence them now what a folly were it for a Iudge who hath per demandationem power from the King to order this or that to petition to the King to order it would not the King say though of your selves you have no power yet is not the Law in your hands have I not given you power within your selves and am I not ready to ratifie what you determine But a good Priests chiefe efficacie in pardoning standeth in his intreating God to pardon therefore he hath no power judicially to doe it no this power is not delegable to creatures First because it is a personall royalty which God cannot give to others unlesse He would make Himselfe an underling to others and so suspend Himselfe upon man that His pleasure should sway Him For the forgiving of sinnes is the power of pardoning treason against His person Yea no inferiour can determine and sentence the matter of a superiour till his superiour have put himselfe in that cause under his inferiour Secondly this is such an act wherein no man can be a competent Iudge as man may be in causes betwixt man and man which are civill because a man cannot know certainly the truth of faith and repentance in any according to which the sentence must be pronounced if truely All the Ministers can doe is to certifie what God doth not as a private Christian doth but as a publike messenger who bringeth from God's Majesty the word of Pardon as Saint Paul saith the Word of reconciliation that thus he may excite the faith of the penitent beleever to behold God pardoning him and feele the pardon of God as it were sealed within him My Lord Chancellour doth not give the Kings pardon which he giveth to those that come to take it forth at his first entrance he doth not as a Iudge give them forth as his pardons but delivers them as the Kings sole deed out of his Princely clemencie Thus the Priest in the Law did not make a Leper cleane but did manifest him to himselfe and to all Israel to be that he was The Minister of God hath no power to pardon but ministerially he doth co-operate with God that God's pardon may be applied and sealed within the consciences of them that beleeve Wherefore Vse 1 let us hate those most arrogant wretches who would justle God out and as it is with the Pope himselfe so would every one thrust himselfe into the roome of God This is a fruit of their monarchicall ambition they will in all their doings not be content with an Oecumenicall steward-like power but challenge a regall authority over the LORD's heritage Let us seeke to the Lord who saith Vse 2 I am He that blot out your transgressions and forgive iniquity Yet seeing that He maketh Ministers His Messengers in whom Hee putteth this word of Pardon yea such as co-operate with Him in applying this His only Pardon unto us let us likewise looke to them as men of GOD who can testifie to us what he doth in His Name Further observe hence Doct. That GOD's pardon is of meere grace to us we are justified freely by His grace through the redemption in CHRIST IESUS that is we come to have pardon of sinne and to bee taken to favour freely CHRIST indeed bought it deare we have it freely Which is to be marked against satisfactions which are satisfactory to the Iustice of GOD the revenging Iustice of GOD. Satisfactions were indeed anciently used in reconciling penitent ones but they were to the Church offended not unto GOD whom none but CHRIST can satisfie And though GOD is said to have rested as satisfied in some punishment taken at the hands of His children yet this is the quieting of a fatherlike and temporary displeasure not of a revenging justice with which wee have to deale in answering the guilt of the least sinne Let us therefore hate this popish arrogancie Vse which will teach men to deserve their pardon no no it must be begged of free gift at God onely of grace or it is buying our selves out not seeking pardon 3 That He changeth the Person You hath Hee quickened Doct. having forgiven us Observe hence That wee must remember what God hath done for us while we shew to others the things bestowed on them The holy Apostle could not stand out from the thankfull acknowledgement of God's favours to him when he telleth others what GOD had done for them There are some like such schollars that can learne their fellows lessons but cannot say their owne parts they can tell what God hath done for others as if they had kept a catalogue for them and yet in the