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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02599 The first two partes of the actes or vnchast examples of the Englysh votaryes gathered out of their owne legenades and chronycles by Johan Bale ...; Actes of Englysh votaryes. Pt. 2. 1551 Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1551 (1551) STC 1273.5; ESTC S100594 173,038 418

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all his successours kinges after him In the thyrd yeare after his deathe was he proclamed a saynt by the popes autoritie and his daye triumphasitly celebrated ouer all Englande hys masse beginnynge with Gaudeamus The king came in all naked sauynge that he hadde a liuen breche about hys nether partes He receyued of the monkes a discipline wyth roddes and was so absolued of them in theyr chaptre howse He resygned his power vpon their hygh aultre consented to their vsurped lybertees and professed him selfe a perpetuall subiect to Antichrist and the serpent Apo. xiij O blasphemers of God and shamelesse mockers of men But Cesarius sayth in the. viij boke of hys dyaloges ca. lxix that in the. xlvij yeare after hys deathe a questyon was moued in the open scholes at Parys whether he were saued or dampned Where as Roger Norman proued hym wurthie to be dampned for obstynate rebellyon against his kinge whiche was Gods appoynted mynyster Peter the great chauntre of Paris hauing nothinge to obiect in the churches quarell to the contrary but his miracles whiche were most manifest lyes and illusions ☞ Kynge Henry smelleth out Antichrist and is agayne blynded SVmwhat must I saye here of the kynge called Henry the seconde whyche was a verye wyse well learned and godly prince Petrus Blesensis sayth in epistola ad Gualterum archiepiscopum Panorimtunum Though he in the yeare of our lord a. M.a. C. and. lxvi permitted at the popes request a grote to be giuen of euery plough lande within all his dominions for ayde of the christen warres agaynst the Turkes yet perceyuinge ● yeares after the crafty bestowynge therof and how the seide pope had mayteined the treason of Becket agaynste him he caused all hys people to forswere his obedience from the childe of xij yeares to them of extreme age Loke Mathew of Westminstre li. ij de floribus historiarum In the next yeare after to please hym agayne pope Alexandre confirmed vnto him the bulle of Adriane the. iiij for the conquest of Irelande and made him the hygh lorde of that region vndre him the Peter pens for euerye chymney that smoked alwayes to hys fatherhede reserued And thys was Iohan hardynge sayth in hys chronycle for an errour whiche the Iryshe men helde against the spyrytualte and for certen heresyes wherwyth they hadde bene long infected In the yeare therfor of our lorde a. M.a. C. and. lxxi were bothe the nobylyte and clergye of the lande sworne vnto hym to take the kynges of Englande for their lordes euer after Rogerus Houeden A lyke chaunce hadde the Scottes in the yeare of our lorde a. M. a. C. and. lxxxviij Pope Clement the thyrde in hys hyghe dyspleasure subiectynge that whole realme to the crowne of Englande wyllynge their kinges nobylyte and clergye to gyue alwayes to the kynges of Englande theyr othe of obedyence as to theyr superioure lordes Nicolaus Treueth ☞ A patronage proued lawfull by v. marryed prestes NOwe wyll I brynge a matter whyche Barnes rehearseth in his boke of prestes marryage bicause it fell in thys age In the tyme of pope Alexandre the. iij. sayth he there was a controuersye for the patronage of a benefyce betwene the priour of Plympton in Deuenshyre and one Iohan de Valletorda Iudges were deputed to heare the master Rycharde the archebyshoppe of Canterbury and Roger the byshoppe of Wynchestre Before whome the priour of Plimpton proued his personage by reason that he was in possession therof had gyuen it out afore to dyuerse persones Fyrste he sayde there was a preste of Plympton called Alphege whych hadde by the gyft of the seyd pryour of Plympton the benefyce of Sutton nowe called Plymmouth Thys Alphege hadde a sonne called Cedda whyche hadde also the benefyce after hys father And after thys Cedda was there an other preste called Alnodus whyche hadde the benefyce lyke wyse Thys Almodus hadde a sonne called Robert Dunpruste which after the decease of hys father had also the seyd benefyce And after thys Robert Dun●rust William Bakon hys sonne enioyed the benefyce lyke wyse ▪ Ex monumentis eiusdem coenobij Thys is a wytnesse suffycyente to proue that it is no newe learnynge nor yet so longe a go sens prestes hadde lawfull wyues as the ydell headed papystes do make the ignoraunt multytude beleue And thys was in those dayes an vse throughe oute the realme that the sonne shulde in benefyces succede the father eyther els the next of his kinne that was learned tyll the monkes hypocresye procured the alteracyon for theyr bellye 's sake ☞ Examples dyuerse that prestes in that age hadde wyues FVrthermore the seyde pope Alexandre in hys epistles decretall sheweth manye of the ●yke examples And in one to Iohan of Oxforde than byshop of Norwyche he commaundeth that Wyllyam the newe person of Dysse for claymynge the benefyce by inheritaunce after the decease of his father person Wulkerell whyche begate him in his presthode shulde be dyspossessed no appellacyon admitted The deane and chaptre of Salisbury in an other place he chargeth not to admyt Hughe Howet to the prebende of Baphorde whyche was hys fathers afore hym least it so shulde growe agayne into a custome The lyke he wrote to the Archedeacon of Lyncolne and to other diuerse prelates of the realme specyallye to the byshoppe of Excestre of one Iohan a prestes sonne whyche after lyke sorte wolde haue succeded hys father To the byshop of Wyncestre he sheweth there also that the monkes of Lenton abbeye by Notyngham molested one Oliuer a prest whiche had peceably holden the benefyce of Mapleshalle by the space of xxx yeares The greattest matter they hadde agaynste hym was that he hadde bene that prestes sonne whyche had bene curate of the same parryshe afore hym But in thys he defeated the monkes and shewed hym fauer bicause he hadde there contynued so longe The exampels of thys kynde are so manye that I leaue them for tedyousnesse Lete those lewde papystes be ashamed than whyche folowynge the lowsye learninge of that bawdye dronkarde Iohan Eckius in hys folyshe Enchiridyon reporteth wyth hym and wyth doctour Coole in theyr ignoraunt frenesye that it hath not bene heard sens Christes ascensyon that a preste euer marryed or had a wyfe Questyonlesse theyr brutysh heades are to blockysh ☞ Remedyes taughte of S. Godrycke for vowes kepynge SAynte Godrycke borne at Walpole in Northfolke went firste abroade with pedlary wares and afterwardes on pilgrimage to Rome and Hierusalem In hys returne he professed the chast life of an hermyte at Fynkale by Durham and bicame the great foūder of dyspersed Hermytes here in Englande Muche was he tempted wyth the sprete of fornycacyon and had no small a do to kepe hys vowe of chastyte To abate the great heates of hys fleshe he soughte dyuerse remedyes but marryage was none of them for that was
they said a spirituall ordre a lyfe of Angels and an holye religon which pleased God aboue all other what though they neuer had it in their liues For true virginite is a fayth vncorrupted or a beleue gouerned by the onlye worde of God without all supersticions of men This was the onlye virginite that Marye was commended of Lucc 1. This virginite perteineth chefely to marriage as testifieth Saynt Paule 2. Cor. 11. And as apereth in Abraham and other iust fathers which had faythfull wiues No people are lesse acquaynted with this virginite than sectaries or they that vowe virginite for they chefelye depende vpon mennis tradicions and rules But if a tre maie be knowne by his frutes and a man by hys dedes as oure sauer sayth they maye Math. 7 ye shall easely perceyue by their actes that these virginall votaries hath bene the verye Angels of darkenesse Marke their gostlye conueyauntes and their other good workes as they will haue them yet called like as they are here regestred in course And ye shall finde them more fyt for hell than for heauen Yea must they be canonised sayntes and do most wonderfull miracles But those miracles are the stronge delusions saynt Paule sayth that the Lord will sende vnto them that shall perish for their vnbeleues sake 2. Thessalon 2. I doubt not but this labour of mine though it be very simple will ministre some light as wele to the learned as vnlearned At the least it shall teache them to iudge false miracles that they be no more so deuylishly deceyued Lete not the oft citing of autours be greuouse to the readers my occasion iustly considered For therby shall the papistes haue shame alwayes if they report them fables or els me a liar for the tellynge of them beynge in their writynges so manyfest And as concerninge those autours they were their owne dere fryndes and wrote the best they coulde of them If they had bene their enemyes and so shewed the worst of them or els but indyfferent wryters as they were most parcyall witnesses it hadde bene a farre other shew of their mischefes than here will apere Men trusted they wolde haue seane them selues in this clere lyght of the Gospell and so haue repented their former factes of falsehede But truly they are of a farre other kynde than so Their nature is not to repent do they neuer so manye mischefes Rather stody they out newe practyses of tyrannye and cantels of cruelte to adde myschefe to myschefe tyll the great vengeaunce promysed lyght fullye vpon them Who so euer hath promoted forewarde Gods veryte they thanke God of it they haue bene non of them as yet Yf they shuld make their boastes with Paule 1. Corin. 15. that they haue done therin more labours than the other discyples men of knowlege wolde by and by saye that they lyed most falselye In dede they haue wyth Menelaus Alchimus Auantas and with Cayphas gone afore all worldlye tyrauntes in the murtheringe vp of them whice hath done it And for errours they saye But wha euer erred as they haue done sens the worldes begynnynge Trulye non as yet Neyther Turke Iewe Saracene Pagane nor deuyll as the examples herafter wylll shewe they shall not be able to auoyde yt vnlesse they dyspute with fyer and faggottes as they haue done hytherto For starke nought are they in dysputacyōs where as they are not at hād For this boke I shall haue their common lyuery and be called a thousande tymes heretyke But neyther loke I for reasonable answere of them nor yet for amendement of their knaueryes In this boke of mine is one face of Antichrist chefelye disclosed parauenture iij. vndre one wherwyth he hath of longe tyme paynted out hys whore the Rome churche that she mighte to the world apere a gloriouse madame That face is her vowed chastyte wherby she hath deceytfullye boasted herself spirituall beynge but whore and thefe and dysdayned marryage as a vyle draffe sacke and dyrtye dyshe cloute callynge all them but lewde laye persones that were vndre yt though they were kynges and quenes Lordes ladies Ye noble gouerners and learned lawers vnto whom God hath in thys age delyuered the measurynge rodde of hys worde as he ded to Iohan. Apocal. 11. that ye shulde measure all thynges rightly Be not now slacke in your offyces as in the blind tyme but thorow fourth that wretched bonde woman with her doughter that Rome churche with her whorishnesse No poynt of nobylyte were it nor yet of learned worthinesse to be as ye haue bene of late yeares styll seruaunte slaues to a moste filthye whore and to her whoredome and whoremongers Our most christen Emperour of Englande kinge Hērye the. viij of that name now his most learned graciouse sonne kynge Edwarde the .vi. a moste worthye ministre of God hath gone before yow in that behalfe They haue made open vnto ye the way and dryuen away from your gates the great aduersarie that shuld most haue noyed yow Disdayne not than yow to folowe Take from your true subiectes the popes false Christ with his belles and bablinges with his miters mastries with his fannoms and fopperyes and lete them haue frely the true Christ again that their heauenlie father sent them from aboue fashioned out vnto thē in the Gospell For much more bewtifull is he in the sighte of true beleuers than are all the corrupt children of men with all their gorgiouse aparelinges Loke you therunto with earnestnesse for nothinge will be at the lattre day more straightly required of you than that ¶ The fyrste part of the Actes of English votaries comprehendynge their vnchaste practises and examples by all ages from the worldes begynnynge to the yeare of our Lorde a. M. collected owte of their owne legendes and Chronycles By Iohan Bale ¶ Marryage instituted of God IN paradyse our eternall and mercyfull father instituted marryage immedyatly after mannys fyrste creacion and lefte yt wyth hym as an honeste comely wholsome holye and nedefull remedye agaynst all beastlye abusyons oft he fleshe that shulde after happen and graunted thervnto hys eternall blessynge Increase sayth he multyplye and fyll the earthe Gene. 1. And thys repeted he thryse after that Gene 8 9 30 to the intent it myght be g●●undedlye marked and wele knowne of 〈◊〉 to be hys most ●ernest ordinaunce Thys was the fyrste ordre of Religion that ●uer w●s made and of moste holynesse yf we dewlye respecte the maker therof wyth the other circumstaunces besydes preferrynge hys wysedome to mānis wisedome And for that it shuld not be reckened a thinge vnaduyselye done of him he loked thervpon agayne amonge all his other workes and could beholde no imperfeccyon therin but perceyued that it was of excedynge goodnesse Yet hath there sens rysen a sort whych haue agaynste Gods heauenly wisdome set theyr fleshlie folishnesse whiche