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A02043 Lectures of I.B. vpon the xii. Articles of our Christian faith briefely set forth for the comfort of the godly, and the better instruction of the simple and ignorant. Also hereunto is annexed a briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith, conteining an hundreth articles, according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles. Written by that learned [and] godly martyr I.H. sometime Bishop of Glocester in his life time.; Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. Baker, John, minister.; Hooper, John, d. 1555.; Garnier, Jean, d. 1574. Briefve et claire confession de la foy chrestienne. English. 1581 (1581) STC 1219; ESTC S110441 203,151 484

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entreateth of the benefites or fruites which we receiue by the same fayth which he maketh in number three the first is the forgiuenesse of sinnes the second is the resurrection of the fleshe the third last fruit is life euerlasting Of these fiue parts he hath made an hundreth seuerall articles the first parte conteyneth 14. The second 27. The third 5. The fourth 41. The fifth and last part conteyneth thirteene articles the contents of which articles are handeled as followeth A briefe and cleare confession of the Christian faith containing an hundred articles according to the order of the Creede of the Apostles I beleeue in God the father almighty maker of heauen and earth The first Article I Beleeue in one God onely one in essence and substance three in person the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost I beleeue in the Father as the originall and beginning of all things as well visible as inuisible Of whome also they depende as well in their being as also in their conseruation and he dependeth vpon none but on him selfe being eternall and euerlasting without end or beginning I beleeue in the Sonne as the diuine worde and wisdome of the father which is eternally and before al worlde 's engendred of the father of his proper substance and nature because in him shineth his shape and proper Image which otherwise is inuisible vnto mortal man I beleeue in the holy Ghost as a vertue eternall power which neither is made nor created neither engendred but proceeding of the father and of the sonne eternally euen as a loue proceeding from both persons The second Article I beleeue that these three persons are of one and the selfe same essence and substāce nature authoritie power will goodnes wisdome and eternitie and that these three are but one spirituall substance eternall without ende or beginning true good iust mercifull of a souerayne power and wisdome hauing and containing in it selfe all goodnes not needing any thing The third Article I beleeue that this God which is one in essence and three in person ought onely to be serued honored feared loued worshipped and to be called vpon in all our necessities as he that onely can and will prouide therefore and none other And therefore I say and confesse that I beleeue in one God onely that is to say that I knowledge and receiue him for one onely Lord master and sauiour of whome proceedeth all that is good in me by whom I can do al things without whom I can do nothing In him onely doe I set mine affiance and set mine heart hoping that he assisting me with his holy spirit shall be with me against all mē and that he will deliuer me from al perils and daungers through his grace and mercie without any merites of mine owne and that he shall minister to me all things necessarie as well for my soule as body euen like a good father as hee hath promised by his holy word The fourth Article I beleeue that the same God almightie hath of nothing created from the beginning both heauen and earth and all things in them conteined that is to say all things as well heauenly as earthly visible as inuisible reasonable as vnreasonable sensible as insensible the which hee doth entertaine leade guide gouerne by his diuine wisdom without whose prouidēce nothing commeth to passe either in this world or in the other The fift Article I beleeue that the same God the father the sonne and holy Ghost after that hee had created all things did create and shape man to his own image likenes that is to say immortal good iust true wise mercifull and perfit in all things making him partaker of the goodnes iustice and other perfections of God hauing a will that could agree in all things vnto the will of his Lorde but all that thorowe grace without any kinde of merit The vi article I beleeue also that as the Lord hath created al things heauenly and earthly for the seruice of man and to the ende that by his creatures he might come to the knowledge of the creator euen so also hath he formed made man for thim selfe that of him and by him he might be knowen loued feared serued honored which is the greatest good thing that is or can be in man and that in him might shine the image of diuine vertues and perfections through good works the which God hath ordeined because wee should walke in them vnto his honour and praise to the confusion of the aduersary and that by this meane the fal of the Angels might be repaired and that mā might possesse the euerlasting kingdome made and prepared for him before the foundations of the worlde were laide The vii article I beleeue that the same man was ordeined of the Lord God a master ruler ouer all his creatures the which thing he hath lost through his sinne aswell for his owne part as also for al his posteritie The which rule Lordship I beleeue doth chiefly appertaine vnto Iesus Christ verely God man to those vnto whom he wil communicate the same as vnto his owne faithfull and not vnto the infidels and damned The viii article I beleeue that the first man through the craft and subtiltie of Satan did slide and fall from the excellencie wherein the Lord had created him consenting thorowe his owne free will which at that time he had vnto the subtil suggestion of the Serpent whereby he lost the graces that the Lorde had giuen him in such sort that of wise hee became foolish of iust vniust of true a liar of perfit altogether vnperfect hauing frō thenceforth a will wholly corrupted which neither could nor would agree with the will of God but altogether with the wil of the deuil the worlde the flesh sinne which could do nothing of him selfe but euill seeing that he is altogether carnal bond captiue and sold vnder sinne This is the free yea to say more truely the bond will that man hath in this present life The ix Article I beleeue that this disorder and corruption of nature was not only in Adam because of his sinne but is also in all men generally which come of him Iesus Christ only excepted and that in such sort that all men after their own nature are corrupt vniust lyers ignorant vnkind and imperfect in al things haue no power of their owne nature to do thinke speake or will any thing that may please God vntil that they be regenerate renewed by the spirit of the Lord. The x. Article I beleeue that this corruption of nature otherwise called original sinne is the fountayne roote of all other sinnes for the which all the miseries aduersities that wee endure in this present life aswell in bodye as soule do come vnto vs yea in the end double death that is to say both of bodie soule These be the fruites rewards of sinne But although the same
that hath made all for vs as good seruantes should be more carefull of their masters honour profite thē of their own Nowe let vs giue thankes to such a God that hath vouchsafed to giue vs faith to beleeue in him being so mightie a God and we so lowe and base children so mercifull a father vnto vs notwithstanding we are vnthankefull sonnes to him And let vs praye vnto him to confirme this faith and to encrease it in vs euery day till we come to a perfect man in Iesus Christ Let vs desire of him to giue vs grace to behold this his wonderful and diuine worke of his creation wherin hee hath shewed his wisedome power mercy and iustice vnto al men that we may magnifie it as it doth require worthyly with our heartes and set forth his honour and glory in these thinges with thankes giuing for all his benefites seeing they appertayne vnto vs our bodyes and soules which are fed and nourished by them This grace and mercy let vs desire him to continewe vnto vs for his Christes sake our sauiour who hath dearly bought vs to whom with the holy ghost his infinit power three persons and one euerliuing God bee rendred all power prayse glory honour and thankesgiuing both nowe and for euer Amen The seconde Lecture vpon the creede which is vpon the seconde article And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lorde which was conceiued by the holy Ghost WE haue seene in the first article going before the thinges which we haue to beleeue as concerning God the father in his creation now followeth consequently what we haue to beleeue of God the sonne Iesus Christ as concerning his incarnation and all the benefites of his death and passion which is the second part of the creede as we deuided it And here in this article you must vnderstande and repeate as in the former so in this also I beleeue in Iesus Christ that is I trust in him and put my whole confidence in him that hee is my onely sauiour and that God will for his sake forgiue me all my sinnes For it is not sufficient to beleeue in God the father to know him vnlesse we also beleeue in his only begotten sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde and knowe him also As Iohn repeating the wordes of our sauiour Christ saith This is life eternal that they know thee to be the onely very God whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ Ioh. 17. So that our sauiour Christ ioyneth and matcheth in one the knowledge of him selfe with the knowledge of the father as he sayeth also in another place Except ye beleeue that I am he ye shal die in your sins We see then that if we must beleeue in Iesus Christ he is one God with the father and a creator other wise it were idolatry to beleue in any that is not God And that we may beleue in him this is warrāted vnto vs by his owne commandement saying in the 19. of Iohns gospel to his disciples Let not your heart be troubled beleeue ye in God beleeue also in me A notable place to prooue this matter Where we may also learne that if we beleeue in God our hearts shal not be troubled nor wauer hither thither not hauing any place to rest in For therfore in our miseries dāgers are we vexed troubled out of measure because we put not our full trust in the father the sonne Nowe let vs see with what titles our Christ is beautified adorned with for our cōfort consolation first of all he is here called Iesus which is an Ebrew word soūdeth in English as much as Sauiour which name the Angell gaue vnto him by Gods appoyntment before he was conceaued in the wombe of the virgin Mary his mother As we reade notably set forth vnto vs in the first of Matth Shee shal bring foorth a sonne and cal his name Iesus or sauiour for he shall saue his people from their sinnes and offences And for this cause he came into the worlde as he testifieth of him self The sonne of mā came to saue that which is lost not to destroy soules but to saue and to giue his life a redemption for many Luk. 19. By this we learne that there is no other Sauiour appoynted for mā either in heauē or earth but only Iesus and they that wil haue saluation of God the father must haue it onely at his handes Therefore doeth the scripture pronounce of him that there is no other name giuen vnder heauen vnto men wherein they must be saued but only in the name of Iesus Christ For this is the stone which is become the head stone and the chiefe in the corner neither is there any saluation in any other Act. 4. We haue then to seek our saluation not in Angels not in saints not in men or in our selues but in him onely that hath the key of Dauid that shutteth heauen and no man openeth it and openeth it no man shutteth This is the first title of dignitie and honour that is giuen vnto him of his father the next is that hee is called Christ which is a Greeke word and signifieth in English Anoynted which doth more plainly effectually declare his office function giuen him of the father for vs. For he was anoynted for three especiall purposes first to bee our Prophet to teach vs secondly our priest to offer him selfe a sacrifice for vs and thirdly our king to rule to defēd vs from our enemies These things are al giuē vnto vs to vnderstande in this name Christ For as al the Prophets and priestes and kinges in the time of the olde law before the comming of Christ were anoynted with oyle by the commandement of God as God cōmanded Elias to anoynt Eliseus Prophet in his stead Moses was cōmaunded to anoynt Aaron hye priest and Samuel to anoynt Saul Dauid to be kinges so was Christ also anoynted not with oyle materiall as they but with spiritual oyle of gladnesse as Dauid saieth aboue his fellowes that is with the holy ghost aboue al mē for he had it without measure Ioh. 3. 34. So then as the Prophets priests kings were all figures shadowes of Christ anoynted with oyle to signifie that they must be gentle meeke soft to al their brethren so it was also necessary that Christ should performe al this that was prefigured by him And first we see that Christ toke vpon him the office of a Prophet to teach the people his fathers wil not thrusting in him selfe as the false prophetes did whom the Lord sent not at al but being thereto lawefully called authorised by his father from heauen saying Heare him that is to be our doctour and teacher our Prophete and Scholemaster Being thus ordayned a Prophet to teach vs he executed his office and calling most diligently most paynfully and faithfully for he taught them in season and out of season earely and late
from thence which dyed in his faith before his comming in the flesh for they were in heauen already as concerning the soule for the soules of the righteous are in the hands of God and no torment shall touch them Wisd 3. Here then seeing Christ hath suffered and fulfilled all things for vs we may saye to God as concerning his iustice O righteous God if shame confusion and ignominie bee due to sinners for their euill desertes if death bee the stipende and reward of sinne Rom. 6. 23. If it deserue thy wrath and indignation most seuere If it be worthy to be punished not onely with most sharpe paynes of body but also extreeme torments of mynd and conscience briefely if it deserue hell and damnation for the vilenesse and filthinesse of it Then O most iust Father and God Christ thy Sonne hath suffered all these thinges to the vtmost hee hath paide al whatsoeuer thou canst require of mee for sinne he hath perfourmed thy bande and obligation and hath clearely canceled the handwriting that was against me For can there bee a greater burden with measure more heaped and full and pressed downe appoynted for sinne and iniquitie then this was which Christ Iesus thy beloued only Sonne which was in thy bosome hath borne already for me Therefore I beseeche thee most deare and tender Father whensoeuer my sinnes shall come into thy sight or question with thee which my aduersarie the deuill layeth before thee and me that then thou wouldest looke vpon Christ thy Sonne which is thy true looking glasse in whom thou shalt finde me to be most pure and innocent and to be of the same white colour with him and to shine most bryght in his righteousnesse which he giueth vnto me by faith if I beleeue in him as I can perswade my selfe most certainely and vnfaynedly that I doe Good Father for his sake receiue me into mercie and bestowe thy heauenly blessings vpon me because hee hath deserued them well at thy handes This prayer with boldnesse and confidence in Christes blood may a true Christian man make to God the Father when his sinnes shall begin to accuse him and herein may he finde comfort otherwise none at all For God is not pleased but in Christ and in his doings as he saith This is my welbeloued Sonne heare him Matt. 3. and 17. Where we note that Christ is our onely reconciler to God and our onely scholemaster to teach vs the trueth of Gods worde Thus haue we heard in this article the death of Christ a wonderfull and vnspeakable mysterie the circumstances of it the cause of the same the paines he suffered and what comfort we haue and enioy by it Nowe let vs giue to our heauenly Father most heartie earnest and continuall thankes for it and likewise to Iesus Christ that woulde vouchsafe to take it vpon him for our sakes such poore and miserable wretches as wee were It is the greatest and most precious Iewel and Diamonde that God coulde bestowe vpon vs. Let vs therefore pray vnto him to make vs deepely consider of the valewe of it in our hearts and mindes that we slightly esteeme not of so excellent a treasure but that wee may sell all and buy it Let vs furthermore desire of him that by the death of his Sonne hee woulde kill in vs all carnall and worldly lustes and mortifie our earthly members pride concupiscence ambition hatred couetousnesse and such lyke sinnes that wee walke in them no more Nowe seeing Christ hath dyed for them to put them all away and hath fastned and nayled them to his Crosse that we shoulde serue him being deliuered from the handes of our enemies without feare all the dayes of our life in holinesse and true righteousnesse before him This God graunt vnto vs for Christs sake to whome with the holy Ghost one blessed God be rendred all prayse and glory and thankes giuing for euer and euer Amen The fifth Lecture vpon the fifth article The third day he rose againe from the dead WE haue seene before three articles concerning the person of our sauiour Christ as his conception his birth his death which we haue expounded as God hath giuē vs ability by his grace Now foloweth the fift article concerning his resurrection from the dead And this doth folowe orderly in the beliefe after his death passion for so did Christ alwaies ioyne these two together his death and rising againe saying to his disciples Mat. 26. 21. Behold we goe vp to Ierusalem and the sonne of mā shal be deliuered vnto the chiefe priests and scribes and they shall condemne him to death shal deliuer him to the Gētiles to mocke to scourge to crucifie but the third day he shal rise again This was spoken to comfort them that although they cōceyued great care sorow in hearīg that he should be killed yet they might take as great comfort againe to heare that hee was risen from the dead Christes enemies did in deede what they might and coulde to keep him downe still they layd a great stone and heauie vpon his graue they sealed the stone they made the sepulchre sure with a watch of souldiers Matth. 27. 66. But all was in vayne for Christ must needes be true of his worde and promise to arise againe the third day as he had often foretolde and prophecied of to his Apostles and of the which they were al witnesses and as S. Paul saith moe then fiue hūdred brethrē at once did see him If any require testimonies of his resurrection out of scripture let him read the 28. of Matth. the 16 of Mar. the 24. of Luke the 20. 21. of Iohn the 1. Cor. 15. with many other places of scripture Wherefore no man can doubt of the trueth of this article being confirmed by so many places of the word of God This resurrectiō was very necessary for vnlesse it had folowed and Christ risen again nothing had bene wrought concerning our saluation neither had death bene conquered nor satā destroied nor we redeemed perfectly from the dolours of death Therefore S. Peter saith that God hath raised him vp loosed the sorowes of death because it was vnpossible that he shoulde be holden of it Acts 2. 24. as Dauid also proueth Psa 16. Thou shalt not leaue my soule in the graue neither shalt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption This article doth proue vnto vs that Christ is both man and God man in that he did rise with his body in the which he fell and died before for it is vnproper to say that God doth rise againe for he doth neuer fall His resurrection doth proue him to be God also because he raysed vp himselfe the third day as he testifieth Destroy this temple meaning of his body and in three daies I wil reare it vp agayne Ioh. 2. 20. It is also saide that he was raysed vp by the glorie of his father but that is spokē as concerning his humanity
we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ to receiue euery man according to his woorkes which he hath done here in his body whether they be good or bad for the more orderly proceeding in this matter let vs cōsider howe many things are necessarily to be marked in this iudgement There are seuen points to be obserued in this matter first the iudgemēt it self secondly the iudge thirdly the persons that shall bee iudged fourthly the maner of this iudgemēt after what sort it shall be fiftly the time sixtly the place and last of all the finall cause or ende of this iudgement wherefore it is ordeined and reserued But before we speak of these things in order we must answere to an obiection which is cōmonly made of the vnskilfull and vnlearned against this iudgement for when they hear of this iudgemēt they aske to what ende it shall be seeing euery man that dieth is iudged already either to heauen or els to hel as soone as the breath is out of his body therefore it may seeme that this day is superfluous needeles To this we make answere that iudgement is of two sortes for there is a particular iudgement and a generall In the particular iudgement of God euery mā is iudged in soule incontinently as he departeth this life but this is for the soule only In the generall iudgement both the body soule shal be ioyned together and so enter either into ioye if they beleeue in Christ or into payne if they beleeue not For vntill this day the man is but vnperfit as hauing the soule onely in blisse and not his bodye which shall in this iudgement bee raysed vp and put vnto the soule To this ende is the generall iudgement and this article doeth proue vnto vs the resurrection of our bodies for if all must bee iudged euen in the bodyes also then the bodyes of the dead must rise agayne and come to iudgement to receiue in their bodies either euerlasting life to immortalitie if they haue done well here or els euerlasting death to their endles payne and griefe Agayne this daye is to make manifest vnto all men in the worlde euery mans estate eyther to saluation or condemnation for all shall appeare together before their iudge visibly The scripture doeth make mention of three commings of Christ The one was in the flesh among the Iewes in very poore estate base and simple when hee did redeeme vs this we doe beleeue to bee past and fulfilled already according to the Prophets against that wicked opinion of the Iewes which deny he is come in the flesh Another comming of Christ is by his holy spirite grace power and worde into our heartes and when his ministers doe come vnto vs in his name to preache his worde and Gospell vnto vs then is he sayde to come vnto vs. Of this cōming vnto euery faithfull mans conscience our sauiour speaketh of in the 14. of Saint Iohns Gospel on this wyse If any man loue me hee will keepe my worde and my father will loue him and we will come vnto him and dwell with him And againe a litle before He that loueth me shal be loued of my father and I will loue him and will shewe mine owne selfe vnto him So we doe pray that his kingdome of grace may come vnto vs and wholy possesse our heartes and myndes But neither of these commings doe wee speake of in this place The thirde comming of Christ is to iudgement most royally in his glorious kingdome with all his mighty and holy Angels and whole number of his Saintes at the last daye when all shall appeare before him The last iudgement of Christ which was the first part of our diuision is most certayne and sure to come if any doubt of it let him reade these places for his confirmation for to recken thē all vp were too long and tedious a matter Matth. 24. 25. Mark 13. Luke 21. Iohn 5. Act. 1. 17. 10. chap. Rom. 14. 1. Cor. 15. 2. Cor. 5. Phil. 3. Colo 3. 1. Thes 4. 2. Thes 1. 1. Tim. 6. 2. Tim. 4 Titus 2. Heb. 9. Iam. 5. 8. 1. Pet. 1. 5. cha 2. Pet. 3. 1. Ioh. 3. 2. Iude 14. Reuel 1. 20. chap. This iudgemēt of Christ shal be most iust and vpright although hee were most falsly iudged and condemned yet shall he iudge his enemies most truely Iohn 8. frō whose iudgement it shall not be lawful for any man to appeale Wee knowe saieth Paul that the iudgement of God is according to righteousnes Rō 2. And Abraham affirmed the like and so did Dauid The Lord shal iudge his people with equitie Although iudges here be corrupt and faulty as bribed with giftes affectioned with friendes lead with feare moued with fauour or by any other meanes induced to peruert iustice yet Christes iudgement shall haue none of all those corruptions and infirmities He shall haue most diuine yea infinite wisdome that hee be not deceiued not onely to see thinges open and manifest but also to iudge and to discerne the very secretes and thoughtes of the heart as Paul sayth Hee will lighten the things hid in darkenesse and make the counsels of the heartes manifest 1. Cor. 4. His sentence shall be sincere and sounde not partial inclining more to one part then to another in whome neither the loue of friendes nor feare of foes nor bribery by giftes and rewardes shal haue any part or place For there is no respect of persons with Christ Roman 2. Seeing then beloued that this iudgement is so seuere and straight let vs be diligent that we may be founde of him in peace without spot and blamelesse as S. Peter doeth counsell vs. Thus much for the iudgement it selfe which was the first thing proposed Now let vs come to the second part to consider who is our iudge It is sayde that he shall come to iudge that is Christ for to him is al iudgement committted the father doth iudge in the person of his sonne Iohn 5. because all men shoulde honour the sonne as they honour the father I neede not to bring many places for the proofe of this the scriptures are full of it that Christ is the supreme iudge and I hope I neede not to perswade men in the doctrine Let vs rather see what we may gather out of this doctrine and apply it to our consciences for our consolation cōfort The vse of this doctrine y● Christ is our iudge is two fold either in respect of the wicked or els as concerning the good As concerning the good y● Christ shall be their only iudge they cā not but greatly reioyce conceiue a wonderful comfort that their sauiour brother shal be their iudge who although he wil not iudge partially yet surely being a brother sauiour yea the head of his body will iudge most mercifully therefore our sauiour biddeth vs when we see this iudgement drawe neere to lift vp our heades and
because he hath all knowledge and vnderstanding This is the doctrine that we gather generally of this that the holy ghost is true very God For verily except he were God Christ would not cōmaunde his disciples to baptise in the name of the holy ghost putting him in equall condition and estate with the father and him selfe Not that we affirme that there be three Gods but this we meane In the one and inseparable diuine nature and essence of God we vnderstand three persons by them selues distinct one frō another But this mistery of the trinitie may better be beleeued and so it is of the faithfull then fitly expressed of any I leaue it therefore to speake any further of it vntill in the resurrection we shall see it as it is and perceiue that by sight euē face to face which nowe wee conceiue by our fayth onely Thus much of the holy ghost the third person in this trinitie Now let vs consider the wonderfull effectes of it which is a thing more profitable for vs. The effectes of the holy ghost are of two sortes eyther as they are considered in him selfe or as they are in the children of God the effects of the holy ghost in him selfe are the creation of the worlde the preseruation of it with al things therein from the beginning vnto this day Wherein we learne to giue thākes to this holy spirit for his goodnes extended vnto vs to pray to him cōtinually to mainteine vs by his power vertue that we fall not away from him For if hee take away his strength and operation from vs wee are as blynde men groping for the waye And this is that that Dauid speaketh of in his Psalme 104. If thou hide thy face they are troubled meaning all his creatures Agayne If thou sende foorth thy spirite they are created and thou renuest the face of the earth But our purpose is especially to speake here of those good giftes and effectes which this holy spirite doeth worke in men chiefly in the elect For there is no man but hath had some good gifte at one time or an other either in body or in soule from this holy spirit For strength beauty learning eloquence witte knowledge vtterance policie the gift of healing of tongues of miracles and such like are from aboue although these are common as well to the ill and reprobate as to the good and elect sonnes of God as Paul doth shewe and declare more at large in the 12. 13. 18. chapters of the 1. Corinthians Our meaning is to speake chiefly of the graces of Gods spirite in the hearts of his chosen as of fayth hope and loue vnfayned of the spirit of sanctification and adoption which are proper only to the elect and good are neuer cōmunicated to the wicked Of this spirit spake our sauiour Christ to his disciples that he would sende him vpon them and that the world could not receyue him This is that spirit by whome the father doeth place and put the elect in ful possession of all the goodes and inheritance of Iesus Christ and doeth keepe and preserue vs euery houre and doeth make vs partakers of all thinges necessary to saluation which thing it bringeth to passe when as it doeth create in our heartes and beget that excellent instrument of faith the chiefest worke of the spirit which bringeth foorth as a most fruitefull tree all other good fruites and workes of a Christiā man This faith doth the holy ghost ingender in our heartes when we heare the Gospel of Christ preached it is confirmed encreased in vs by the duely and reuerent receiuing of the sacraments of Christ By this faith after it is wrought in vs by the motion and operation of the holy spirite wee apprehend and take holde of all Christes benefites merites works and good deedes whatsoeuer and they are made accounted ours as if wee had done them our selues O wonderfull gift of the holy ghost that worketh so precious a iewel pearle in our heartes as farre surmositeth the price valew of euery thing beside This is the first effect of the holy ghost is marueilous in our eies An other property effect of this holy spirit is sanctification holines of life in the good godly only therfore he is called the holy spirit for this worke of holines in vs. For as it is proper to the father to create to the sonne to redeeme and rāsome so in like sort it is proper and peculiar to the holy Ghost to sanctifie Gods childrē effectually to moue their mindes to true holinesse And of this effect doth S. Paul speake in the 1. Cor. 6. shewing the Corinthians that they were wicked men as fornicatours idolatours extortioners couetous theeues such like but saith he you are washed but you are sāctified but ye are iustified in the name of the Lorde Iesus and by the spirite of our God As if we would say those good graces gifts of God were wrought imprinted in their consciences hearts by the persuasion of the holy ghost Necessarily therfore after our beleefe in the father the sonne followeth our beleefe in the holy ghost For whatsoeuer cōmeth frō thē as all graces do they are signed sealed vnto vs by the warrāt of the holy ghost Wherefore it is fitly compared to a seale whereby al the promises of the blessings of God through Christ are deepely ingrauen in our hearts that they cā neuer thēce be rased out any more but shal cōtinue for euer As we see the writing to be to no effect without a mans hand seale no more are the graces of God vnto vs to any purpose vnlesse he sēd the earnest of his spirit into our hearts which doth cōfirme thē vnto vs and assertaine our cōsciences the we are his childrē he our father Rom. 8. This is a notable effect is in such sort tasted of the godly approued of thē as neither the wisedōe of that world nor the sense vnderstāding of man is able to cōprehend neither cā yet be perceiued by the eyes of mē for these things are spiritually iudged discerned therefore no maruel if godly mē hauing the spirit of God and speaking therewith are mocked and derided of the carnall men in this worlde which haue him not neither can iudge any thing of him 1. Cor. 2. This spirit although it be one the same not many or deuide 1. Cor. 12. Ephes 4 yet in respect of the diuers sundry effects operatiōs of him in the church of Christ hee is called termed by the name of seuē spirits that is of many for his manifold gifts As in the fourth of the Reuelat it is said There were seuē lāpes of fire burning before the throne which are the seuen spirites of God that is a seuen fold spirit of God This spirit is called A spirit of wisedome and vnderstāding a spirit of strength and
Ephe. 1. and therfore in the place aboue recited this spirit is called the spirit of promise because it doeth assertaine and assure vs of all the blessinges and promises of God that are made vnto vs. In the Actes it is sayde that Lydia a woman being a seller of purple came to heare Paul preach the Gospel but marke what Saint Luke saieth whose heart sayeth he the Lord opened that shee attended to the things which Paul spake So that except God open our closed and hard shutte hearts by the secret inspiration of this holy spirite in vayne shall we eyther preach or the people heare We haue neede then all of vs before we come to heare his word pray to God to giue vs grace to perceyue vnderstand his will and mysteries to soften our stony hearts that they may receiue the worde and to circumcise our eares to heare it This it that Dauid sayde O Lord open thou mine eyes that I may see the wonderfull things of thy Lawe and againe O giue me vnderstanding I wil keepe thy Lawe Now Dauid knewe very well that all these things were done by the operation of Gods spirite as Paul sayeth The spirit hath reuealed these things vnto vs 1. Cor. 2. for it is hee that helpeth all our infirmities Rom. 8. This is the marke whereby God doeth seale and print in the forehead to be seene of all men those that are his and without the which no man can truely assure him selfe that he belongeth vnto Christ for as the same Apostle witnesseth If any man haue not the Spirite of Christ the same is none of his Nowe how greatly this holy spirit is to be desired of all of vs there is no man that hath read the Scriptures but well vnderstandeth This made Eliseus a notable man the scholer of Elias when his master bad him to aske of him what he would that he might do it for him before he was taken away from him into heauen that he asked his spirite to bee doubled vpon him whereby he might the better serue the Lord and his Church in his vocation and calling 2. King 2. and so by this spirit he wrought wonderful miracles and did much good by it to the whole kingdome of Israel Wee see by this petition of this notable father godly man what we also shoulde especially desire of God in our prayers not riches or wealth so much which al do perish but this holy spirite which liueth remaineth for euer in them that haue him and can neuer be lost or taken away And this is the self same thing that our Sauiour Christ would haue vs to aske in our praiers of God his father for speaking of praier to his disciples he sheweth that God his Father is most ready to giue vs our requests as soone as we aske of him as our earthly father is willing to bestow that vpon vs which he is able to giue And of all other things that God giueth he maketh mention of this spirit saying If ye which are euill can giue good giftes vnto your children how much more shall your heauenly Father giue the holy Ghost to thē that desire him Luk. 11. Signifying this Spirite to be the excellentest gift that God coulde giue or we desire of him We haue nowe heard the meaning of this article of the holy Ghost what it is and what are the wonderfull and comfortable effectes of it in the Church and howe the Lorde hath promised neuer to leaue his destitute of it vnto the worlds ende We haue seene also howe we must beleeue in him as the true and euerlasting God equally proceeding from the Father and the Sonne because he is the power and vertue whereby they doe worke and create all things Seeing therefore this heauenly spirit is so necessarie and so great a treasure let vs that are true Christians most duetifully thanke our heauenly Father for bestowing of him vpon his whole familie here in earth and vpon euery one of vs that are his seruants wherby we are knowen in the worlde and among our selues that wee are his owne And let vs also pray vnto our Lorde Iesus Christ the sender of this holy spirit to kindle and stirre him vp in our heartes dayly more and more that by his assistance we may haue an earnest feeling and lothing of our sinnes and so bee brought to doe his will and pleasure with a carefull keeping of all his commaundements vntill we all come to a full perfection in Iesus Christ euen vnto that hope which is layde vp for vs in the newe and heauenly Ierusalem which Christ hath purchased full dearely for vs with his owne precious heart blood To whom with his Father and the holy ghost three persons in trinitie and yet one God in vnitie be rendred all prayse honour glorie and thankes giuing both nowe and for euermore Amen The ninth Lecture vpon the ninth Article of our Christian fayth The holy catholike Church the communion of Saints WE haue declared alreadie vnto you three parts of this our Christian fayth the fyrst wherein we doe beleeue and confesse the Father to bee the Creator and maker of all things the seconde part wherein we acknowledge the Sonne Iesus Christ the redeemer of mankinde the thirde sheweth vnto vs the holy Ghost the comforter of our heartes and the confirmer of all these things which are conteyned in these former eyght articles which we haue proued all out of the euerlasting worde of GOD. Nowe followeth consequently the fourth part of our Christian beliefe which is concerning the Church the ninth article with other three which are annexed vnto the Church as the especiall blessings and benefites which flowe and issue out of the former partes and alwayes doe accompanie and followe the spouse of Christ The causes and matter of our saluation being alreadie handled the effect doeth followe which is the Church Otherwise in vayne shoulde God create and Christ redeeme and the holy Ghost inspire and confirme these benefites and giftes vnlesse there were some that myght bee partakers of those treasures brought out and founded by the blessed Trinitie Againe seeing the kingdome of Christ is euerlasting it is very necessarie and requisite that there be alwayes some which may acknowledge him for their King and gouernour To this ende hath Christ his continuall Church and shall haue to the ende of the worlde as he hath had euer from the first beginning The meaning therefore of this article is this I beleeue that God almightie hath alwayes had from the first creation of the worlde and hath presently and shall haue vnto the consummation of the worlde his Church here in earth which is the cōmunion of Saints that is to say a company and congregation of faythfull men and women which doe truely beleeue in Iesus Christ acknowledging him for their onely Sauiour and seruing him according to his worde receyuing his Sacraments and taking holde of all his mercies and benefites by fayth onely
him selfe a ransome for all If this bee so we may boldely come vnto him at his commaundement especially when hee calleth Come vnto mee all yee that doe labour and are laden and I will refresh you Matt. 11. The whole scriptures both of the newe and olde testament doe propounde no other redeemer vnto vs then Iesus Christ All the sacrifices were figures of remission of sinnes by Christ alone for it was vnpossible as the Apostle saith that the blood of goates and calues shoulde take away sinne but yet sinnes were taken away vnder the lawe It remayneth therefore that they shoulde bee taken away by Christ for Abraham reioyced to see his day and sawe it gladly Iohn 8. There was but one temple but one hie priest but one altar so there is but one Christ to men to take away sinnes for all these thinges were shadowes of him He is the true temple in whome wee must pray the hie priest that offereth his body for vs and the true altar vpon whom we must offer all our sacrifices of prayer and thankesgiuing if wee will haue them to please God and to be accepted of him Wee haue saith the holy ghost an altar meaning Christ whereof they haue no authoritie to eate which serue in the tabernacle meaning the vnbeleeuing Iewes Let vs therefore by him offer the sacrifice of praise alwayes to God that is the fruite of the lips which confesse his name Hebrews 13. Our sauiour Christ when he sent forth his apostles to preach willed not them to preach remission of sinnes but in his name onely Luke 24. and this doeth Peter in the Actes declare vnto vs chapter 10. Through his name euery one the doth beleue shal receiue remission of sins Healings of the body were done wrought in his name by y● Apostles Actes 5. and therefore the clensing and curing of the soule which is by remission of our sinnes is much more to be looked for at his hands And as it was in Egypt in the great dearth and famine of corne none could haue any food of Pharao the king but by the hāds of Ioseph whō he had made ouerseer ruler of the land in his name for when they cryed to him for breade he sayde Goe yee to Ioseph and what he sayth to you do ye Genesis 41. so it is nowe in the famine and dearth of our soules for spirituall foode we can haue nothing to feed our hungry soules from the king of heauen but by the meanes of the true Ioseph which is Iesus Christ who is ordeined of his father to rule and gouerne all thinges in his name so that hee sendeth vs to his Sonne when wee aske any thing of him for in him hee is wel pleased and for his sake onely and for no mans else doeth hee bestowe this benefite vpon vs for GOD hath in deede giuen lyfe vnto the worlde but this lyfe is in his Sonne that all should honour the Sonne as they honour the Father And as among the Israelites none coulde bee healed that were stung of the fyerye Serpentes but all such as looked vp to the brasen Serpent which Moses made so it is as certaine that none can bee deliuered from the stinging of the olde serpent which is the deuill but they that looke vp to the sonne of God on hie in heauen they haue redemption by his blood that is the remission of sinnes Ephesians 1. There is no other name vnder heauen wherein we must be saued no other fundation whereupon wee must builde vp into heauen no other stone that coupleth the building together no other key that openeth heauē gates vnto vs but Iesus Christ Reuelation 5. Except therefore we beleeue that it is he that taketh away all our sinnes wee shall die in them Iohn 8. Neither is this doctrine onely confirmed vnto vs by the authorities of the worde but also by the examples of all the godly Dauid was ignorant in the way of the Lord but to whom doth he goe for knowledge Teach me O Lorde saith hee the way of thy statutes Psalme 119. Neither shall ye reade that he went at any time to any other in that his whole booke of prayers thankesgiuings saue onely to the Lorde he did knowe well ynough that all other scholemasters were vnlearned and domme and as Idoles that could not speake The woman of Canaan went at the first to Christ to haue her daughter cured Saint Paul praied to the Lorde to haue the messenger of Satan to depart from him 2. Cor. 12. Neither can there be any example brought of any that euer he went to any other then to the Lord onely to haue his sinnes and offences taken awaye By this that our sinnes are forgiuen in Christ alone we learne that we of our selues by nature are hatefull vnto God before we bee reconciled vnto him by the death of his Sonne so that except he behold and looke vpon our sinnes in the face and countenāce of Iesu Christ wee are but castawayes Wherefore brethren let vs looke vnto it that wee may perswade not men but our owne selues not in tongue and mouth onely but in heart and deede that we are surely members of Christ Furthermore we gather by this that the Papist the Turke the Iewe haue all gone astray for they seeke for remission of sinnes by other meanes then by the death of Christ The Papist by his satisfactorie woorkes of his owne deuice by pardons from the Pope when as no man can forgiue sinnes but God onely by his praying to Angels to Saints whome he maketh intercessors and mediators to God and so leaueth the waters of life Christ Iesus and diggeth such broken pittes and cisternes as can holde no water at all I see not therefore howe hee can haue remission of his sinnes seeing he seeketh it els where then in the blood of Christ and of Christ alone for they giue something vnto him but not all and so they make him but halfe a sauiour But eyther hee will bee a whole Sauiour vnto them that hee may haue all the glorie and prayse or else he will be none at all Christ can not abide any thing to be ioyned with him in the way to saluation and euerlasting life but he will bee the onely and whole Sauiour to men The Turke that hateth this name of Christ and goeth not about to haue remission of sinnes by it can clayme no part in the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen hee thinketh to bee saued by God the Father when hee honoureth not God the Sonne Agayne he trusteth to his Alcoran and his false prophet Mahomet and forsaketh the true and euerlasting Prophete Iesus Christ whome God sent into the worlde to giue life vnto it They can saye I beleeue in God the Father Almightie but they will not confesse that which followeth of Iesus Christ the onely Sonne of God and therefore they are not vnder the Couenaunt of grace and saluation but stande all accursed before the lyuing
be due common to all men generally neuerthelesse the Lord through his mercy hath reserued to himselfe a certaine nūber which are onely knowne to himselfe the which he hath drawē from this corrupt heape hath sanctified clensed the same in the bloud of his sonne Iesus Christ by meanes thereof hath made them vessels of election honour apt vnto all good workes The xi Article I beleeue that the Father in Iesu Christ his sonne thorow the holy Ghost hath elected chosē those y● are his owne according to his good will before the foundations of the world were layed whō he hath predestinate vnto eternall life that there by they might be his children adoptiues ouer whom he hath without comparison a much greater care thē the best father can haue ouer the best child in the world for he suffereth not that any thing shall come to passe either on high in heauen or beneath on earth which shall not be for their good and great profite The xii Article I beleeue that the father through his sonne with the holy ghost hath alwaies frō the beginning intended to restore mā vnto whom after he had sinned he shewed him selfe promising vnto him that blessed seede by whome the heade of the serpent should be troden downe and by whome the faithful shoulde receyue blessing By this promise which hath since bene oftentimes ratifyed and confirmed to the holie fathers man which otherwise had dispayred in sinne is releeued holpen comforted and clothed with hope euen vnto the ful performing thereof The thirteenth Article I beleeue also that after this promise the Lorde hath prescribed and giuen the lawe of the commandements to man promising life to the obseruers therof death to the transgressours of the same and hee gaue them not to the ende that man should seeke iustification saluation or life therein but for the policie peace and tranquilytie of his people for the defence of the good for the chastenyng and punyshing of the wicked to preserue eche one in his office but especially that therebye man might the better know himselfe his disease his pouertie and imperfection and by meane thereof to take an occasion to humble himselfe before this lawe giuer to seeke remedy saluation life in some other that is to saie in the holie promised seede which is Iesus Christ For this cause the lawe is called a scholemaster to come to Christ the which also serueth vs for a glasse to knowe our sinnes by and to encrease the same knowledge in vs. Likewise it serueth vs for an accuser to accuse vs before the Lorde and for a seuere and cruell iudge to declare the wrath and iudgement of God ouer vs and his condemnation vnto eternall death and by this meane to make vs afraide and to bring vs vnto dispaire vntill we be comforted by the Gospell through faith in Iesus Christ wherby we are deliuered frō all these causes These are the offices of the lawe the which are turned into our good through fayth in the Gospell the which hath other offices and cleane contrary For the rest I confesse that the lawe of the Lorde is good iust holy and perfit and where the same doth not bring vs vnto perfection it is not long of it selfe but of vs which are altogether vnperfect and can in no wise accomplish the same no not to touch it with our litle finger The xiiii article I beleeue and confesse Iesus Christ to be the fulnes the ende and accomplishmēt of the Lawe to the iustification of all that beleeue thorow whom and by whom only all the promises of the father be accomplished yea euen to the vttermost the which also alone hath perfectly satisfied the Lawe in that which no other amōgst men coulde persourme for so much as the law doeth cōmaund things impossible y● which neuertheles mā must accōplish not by working but through beleeuing For so is the lawe accomplished through faith and not through works by this meanes shal man find the righteousnes of faith to be auaileable before the Lord not the righteousnesse of works y● which leadeth nothing vnto perfection As concerning the first poynt of my faith this is y● which I beleeue of the father y● things that are made by him consequētly of the holie Trinitie also of the soule of man Nowe let vs come to the second point which is of the Sonne of God and of the thinges done by him especially of the restoring repairing agayne of man 2 And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lorde which was cōceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Marie suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descēded into hel the third day he rose againe frō the dead he ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almightie from thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead The xv Article I beleeue that Iesus Christ is veryly God and verily man hauing two natures comprehended in one person a nature diuyne after the which he is the onely naturall sonne of God equall with the father in all thinges and a nature humane after the which he is verye man in al things like vnto vs synne excepted The xvi Article I beleeue that Iesus Christ the sonne of God in the fulnesse of the tyme appointed of the father from the beginning was sent into the worlde by the father was made perfect man and was conceiued in the wombe of a woman being a pure virgine called Marie of her proper substance of her proper bloud so that he was found a perfect man descēding of the seede of Adā Noe Abraham Isaac Iacob Dauid other fathers vnto whome the promise was made The .xvii. Article I beleeue also that all this was done by the working of the holye Ghost without the worke of man to the ende that all that was wrought therein might be holye and without spot pure and cleane And that thereby our conception might be made cleane holy which of it selfe is altogether spotted and defyled with sinne The xviii Article I beleeue that Iesus Christ was borne of the Virgyne Marye without any manner of sinne and without breach of her virginitie so that by his pure and holye natiuitie he hath purified and made holye ours which of it self is altogether vncleane defyled with sinne In this Natiuitie of Christ I see and consider the first estate condition of man with his fall which was y● cause of Christ his cōming into the world Likewise in this I see and consider the fauour and inestimable loue of God the father which hath presented and giuen his onely sonne to serue vs. I see also and consider in this Natiuity the charytie of the sonne which hath abased humbled himselfe to lifte vs vp became poore to make vs riche became bonde to make vs free became the sonne of man to make vs the children of God
other aduersaries of Christ the which presently doe yet exercise tyrannie vpon all his members and holde them vnder their clawes chaynes and bondes But then we as people rauished with ioye shall saye this worde which is written O death where is thy victorie Thankes be vnto God which hath giuen vs victorie thorow Iesus Christ our Lorde The xl Article I beleeue that this maruaylous terrible and fearefull iudgement vnto the euill wicked and reprobate is very much desired and of great consolation vnto the good the faithfull and the elect because that then their whole redemption that is to saye of the bodie shall bee made an ende of and they shall receyue the fruite of their labours Then their innocencie shall openly bee declared and knowen to all the worlde and they shall see the vengeance and condemnation of the wicked which haue vsed them tyrannously afflicted and tormented them in this worlde whose iniquitie shall bee manifested by the Lorde and shal be clearely knowen of all to their great confusion and to the honour and glory of the righteous children of God the which shall be in peace and perfite tranquillitie and shall haue full reioysing and fruition of all that he hath promised and prepared for all those that loue him the which no eye hath seene no eare hath heard neyther can bee comprehended by the heart of man Therefore doe I abyde this great daye of retribution with a great desire as the same which shall bring and shewe vnto mee the selfe same good thing The xli Article I beleeue that we shall not all dye but that we shall bee chaunged in a moment that is to saye that in this last daye and iudgement generall some shall be founde aliue the which dyed not neyther shall they die as concerning the separation of the bodie from the soule but shall continue aliue eternally to the ende that Christ may be knowen to bee Lorde and Iudge of the liuing and dead and that his grace and merites may be found greater then the sinne of Adam For as sinne hath raygned vnto death so likewise must grace raygne thorowe Iesus Christ vnto eternall life The same neuerthelesse shall be changed transformed from corruption vnto incorruption from mortalitie vnto immortalitie from contempt and ignominie vnto glory after such sort that they shal be made partakers of all the giftes graces benefites the which the Lorde shall giue vnto those that before were dead in him the which shall not be before the others but all together shal be taken vp in the cloudes and in the ayre and shall all together be with the Lord. This is the second poynt of my faith touching Iesus Christ the seconde person in Trinitie and of his restoring and repayring of man let vs nowe come to the third poynt which is of the holy Ghost by whom man beyng restored is mayntayned and preserued in his integritie and perfection 3. I beleeue in the holy Ghost the holie Catholike Church the communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes the resurrection of the bodie and the life euerlasting Amen The xlii Article I beleeue that the holy Ghost is a diuine person distinct from the Father and the Sonne proceeding from them both in and through all thinges equall and coeternall with them by the which holy Ghost the Church hath alwayes bene is nowe and shall be ruled guyded directed and gouerned vnto the ende of the worlde By whome also all the Saintes Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles of our Lorde Iesus Christ haue spoken And therefore I do neither beleeue nor receiue any other Vicar or Lieutenant to Christ vpon earth within his Church then this holy Ghost which can not be receiued of the wicked The xliii Article I beleeue that the holy Ghost is the pledge and earnest of our heauenly heritage by the which we be assured ascertained and certainly perswaded in our consciences that we be the children of God brethren adoptiues to Iesus Christ and consequently coheires of eternal life The same holy Ghost also is the finger of God the which imprinteth in our heartes and spirites the faith of these things aforesaide It sealeth and confirmeth the promises of the Lord within our hearts thorowe his goodnes and grace because we should in no wise doubt The xliii Article I beleeue that this holy Spirit dwelling in vs through his grace and vertue doth regenerate vs into a newnesse change of liuing mortifying in vs all that is of vs and of the old man of the flesh and of the world and quickening al that is his in vs So that we liue not thenceforth after our own lusts but according to the wil of God Which holy Ghost also worketh in vs all good workes and doeth reprooue rebuke condemne the world of sinne of righteousnes iudgemēt The xlv Article I beleeue that the holy Ghost is the teacher of the ignorant which teacheth guydeth and leadeth vs vnto the knowledge of the trueth and by it onely are we brought deliuered out of darkenes set in the perfit light Likewise I beleeue that it is the comforter of the poore afflicted persecuted in all their troubles vexations and aduersities doeth so helpe strengthen comfort and assist all such that it will not suffer them to despaire as doe the wicked reprobate but maketh them to taste and feele the sweetenes goodnes mercy of God the Father which by persecution and diuers tribulations leadeth his owne vnto eternall glory The xlvi Article I beleeue that this holy Ghost is the spirit of life which quickeneth al other spirits as well heauenly as earthly that the same only of it selfe is holy that all others by it are made holy So that if any spirits be holy as there be either in heauen or in earth they are none otherwise holy but by the holines of the same holy Ghost and that is the cause why I beleeue in him that is to saye for that cause I put my whole faith hope trust affiance in him euen as I haue sayd before of the Father the Sonne This is the third poynt of my faith which is concerning the holy Ghost the third person in the holy Trinitie by the which holy Ghost after that we are made by the Father and repaired and restored by the Sonne wee are maynteyned and gouerned vnto the ende There remayneth nowe to entreate of the fourth poynt of my faith which is concerning the Church and of the things that concerne the same 4. I beleeue the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saintes I beleeue and confesse one onely Catholike Vniuersal Church which is an holy congregation assemblie of all faithful beleeuers which are chosen predestinate vnto euerlasting life before the foundations of the worlde were layde of whose nomber I count my selfe beleeue that I am through the onely grace and mercy of the Father by the merits of my good Lord and Master Iesus Christ not
same nature with the father for he is one with his father This is the third title giuen to our sauiour Christ that he is the only begottē sonne of God but there may a question bee inade How is Christ the only sonne of God seeing we also are sōnes as he is as Iohn saith As many as beleeue in Christ he gaue thē power to be the sōnes of God To this we answere that Christ is the only sonne of God by nature substance and we by grace adoption which before were not For as when a man hath no childrē he maketh some by adoption and fauor whō he loueth to enioy his lands and inheritāce ●ounting them as his owne so it is with God and vs. He hath no moe sonnes but one onely by nature substance but by his loue and grace he maketh vs his deare children by adoption in Christ for all is done for Christes sake our elder brother as Paul proueth Ephe. 1. He hath predestinated vs to be adopted for sonnes in Iesus Christ For this then that we are sonnes to so high great a God a Lord and king ought we not to be very thankeful ought we not by all meanes to set forth his honor glory more then our own Surely we should do so for how would I loue that king here in the earth or that Queene or that noble mā that should make me a poore begger borne his louing sonne by adoption Now much more ought I to loue the sonne of God that hath made me sonne to his father by his death satisfaction And whē Christ is called the only begotten sonne of God we must not imagine a carnall or grosse begetting as is here among mē but a diuine and heauenly incomprehēsible and vnspeakable to our capacity before al beginnings most mystical secret The last title that is giuē to Christ here is the dignity honor of a Lord. We cal him our Lord that by right for his we are who hath bought vs redeemed vs by his owne body from the deuill sinne al other euils and mischiefes And this is that that the Apostle speaketh of that therefore Christ died and rose agayne that he might be lord of al both dead quicke Rom. 14 and againe Ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price 1. Cor. 6. And therefore is he made lord and king of his father ouer all the world that al should worship and honour the sonne as they honour the father him selfe for he is not only the head of men but of all the Angels in heauen as it is said Let all the Angels of God worship him Heb. 1. Ephe. 1. Thus ye see how Christ is appoynted Lorde and heyre of all thinges therefore is he called here our Lord and we then confesse our selues to be his seruantes and subiectes to do his wil and commaundement He is called also our Lord because we should conceaue comfort by it in trouble that he will be a most gratious lord vnto vs also as wel as vnto others as Thomas said of him so must we say and bee perswaded My God and my Lord. Iohn 21. Which was conceiued by the holy Ghost Nowe foloweth his cōceptiō by the holy ghost not by the seed of man for if he had bin conceiued by man he had not bene voyde of sinne as Ioh chap. 3. ver 6. Iob. 6. chap. 25. verse 5 6. and so shoulde he haue bene vnfit to deliuer vs from sinne Therefore our sauiour saith For them I do sanctifie my self And such an high Priest it became vs to haue which is holy harmeles vndefiled seperated from sinners and made hier then the heauens As that which went before did proue vnto vs sufficiently his diuinitie and godhead that he was yesterday to day for euer as is proued in the Epistle to the Hebrews cha 13. so this cōception in the wombe of the virgin doth proue that he is very and true man had a beginning according to his humanitie as the scriptures doe witnes vnto vs that he was made of the seede of Dauid according to the flesh Rō 1. And that God sēt his sōne into the world made of a woman Gal. 4. The maner of this conception is described liuely vnto vs by S. Luk. Cha. 1. For after that the Angel had told Marie that she should conceiue in her wōbe and bring forth a sonne and cal his name Iesus she asked howe it should come to passe saying she knew no man then the Angel telleth her that the holy ghost should come vpon her the power of y● most high should ouershadow her therefore that holy thing which shal be borne of thee shal be called the sonne of God So likwise in Matth. 1. we reade that when Ioseph her husband would haue put her away priuily thinking she had bene with child of some mā the Angel called vnto him being thus minded in a dreame saying Ioseph thou sonne of Dauid feare not to take Mary for thy wife for that which is conceiued in her is of the holy ghost We see then that al flesh in Adam had corrupted his way before the Lord that the ordinary generatiō of mā was vncleane therfore it was necessary that Christ that should redeeme others from sinne should not be subiect to it himself but bee borne by an extraordinarie meane to cleanse vs frō all our sinnes both original actual which he was voyde of by reasō of this cōceptiō wherfore Christ must be both mā God to redeeme vs Man because mā had offended our sinnes had deuided him frō vs as a cloude doth the bright sunne from our eies he must be God also to make reconciliatiō to God his father for vs for no Angel in heauen was able to do this office of mediation but the only God mā Iesus Christ the true mediator for al our sinnes past present or to come Here cōsider the great loue of Christ toward mankinde that despised not our flesh to take it vpō him beeing God equall to his father and hath inuested and couered himselfe with our nature but yet without sinne This doth teach vs our duety towards him in thākfulnes our duty towards our neighbors in yelding vnto them in matters for their behalf not to please our selues but to beare with them debase our selues for them as Christ hath done for vs already Phil. 2. Let the same minde be in you which was in Christ Iesus We learne by the cōceptiō of Christ by the holy ghost that he was thus cōceiued to make our sinfull conception pure For we are conceiued and borne in sinnes euery one of vs euē the best of vs al that come of Adam Dauid lamenteth the impurity imperfection of his conception and birth saying Behold Lorde I was borne in iniquitie in sinne hath my mother conceiued me Psal 51. as if he would say The cause of this my outward
sinne actual as murder adultery is that I was conceiued in sinne and can doe nothing els of my selfe but sinne euery houre as Paul also cōplaineth of himselfe Rō 7. O wretched mā that I am who shal deliuer me frō the bodie of this death and then cōmeth vnto Christ thanketh him that he hath deliuered him from it We haue thē to cōfort our selues in this that Christ was conceiued for vs borne for vs died for vs whatsoeuer he did he did it for our profite and cōmodity In that that Christ was conceiued we also vnderstand the verity of Gods promises made vnto vs in the prophtes which had lōg before prophecied of it As in Esai 7. Behold saith he A virgin shall conceiue beare a sonne and she shall call his name Immanuel So we gather that God hauing perfourmed this he is alwayes iust true in his promises that he maketh to a thousād generatiōs And furthermore that the Prophets spake not by their own wil as Peter saith but by the wil spirit of God euen as they were led moued by the holy ghost 2. Pet. 1. So the whatsoeuer God ether speaketh or promiseth to the good godly to their comfort it shal come to passe as here in Esai God promiseth the cōceptiō of Christ for a cōfort to Hierusalē besieged w̄t her enemies whē Achaz was king Esa 7. Likewise on the contrary part whatsoeuer the Lord of hosts threatneth to the wicked destroyers of his Church shal also in due time be fulfilled and accōplished to the vttermost as vpō the Iewes for murdering of Christ vpon the Romane Emperours for going about to ouerthrow his cōgregatiō flock Although it be many times long before the Lord doth either deliuer the godly or punish the reprobate yet it is most sure certaine because his mouth hath spokē it that can not lie or deceiue as Balaam saith of him Hath he spoken shal he not performe it said it shal he not make it good That were vnpossible When we say that Christ was conceiued in the wombe of the virgin Marie his mother by the operation and worke of the holy ghost we meane that to bee spoken according to his humanitie only and not according to his diuinitie for so hee is likened to Melchisedech without father as touching his flesh without mother as concerning his godhead and yet we say that Christ was conceiued because Christ both God mā was ioined together in one person Therfore we must wisely distingush make a differēce betweene y● two natures properties of Christ his māhod Godhead Whē Christ saith he can of him self do nothing he iudgeth no mā he knoweth not the day of iudgemēt that the father is greater thē hee with such like sentēces in that Gospel you must vnderstand these things to be spokē as he was only man In that he saith he was before Abraham and the father and he are al one and that the scripture termeth him The first begottē of all creatures the lord of al things the brightnes of his father these sayings are all applied to Christ as he is the sonne of God and God himselfe that made al things as Iohn saith of him By him al things were made If we marke obserue these two points the diuinity of Christ his humanity we shal finde great light and easines in reading the newe testament and things which were hard before wil seeme plaine euident vnto vs by this rule Thus haue ye heard the meaning the good lessons that may be gathered out of this 2. article of our christiā faith y● cōception most pure most cleane of our sauior Iesus Christ First that he was conceiued as the word doth testifie Secondly wherefore he was conceiued which was because he might become very man to redeeme and suffer for man offending the maiestie of the almightie God Nowe let vs giue most hūble and heartie thankes as we are bound to this Iesus Christ y● being so hie he woulde vouchsafe to descende so lowe for vs poore wretches as to be conceiued in the wombe of a maide to make vs pure and let vs also pray vnto his Maiestie that seeing his conceptiō is pure vnspotted he would also make ours so to be with the free imputatiō of his conception all other benefites of his death and passion that he would kill sinne in vs more and more daily by his spirit of sanctification that we may liue here in righteousnes and holines before him without feare al the daies of our life whē the sinfull course of this trāsitorie life is ended we may haue that life which neuer shall haue ende whose ioyes neither eye hath seene nor eare hath heard nor heart of mā can possibly conceiue or thinke which God grant vnto vs for his Sonne Christs sake to whom with the holie ghost be rendred al power dominiō praise and thankesgiuing both now and for euer So be it The third Lecture vpon the third Article of our Christian fayth which is Borne of the virgin Marie IN this article is mentioned and set downe vnto vs the natiuitie and birth of our Sauiour Iesus Christ how that he was borne not after the cōmon sort of men but of a maide or virgin not a married woman which knewe any man so that the meaning of this article in moe wordes is this I that am a Christian man or woman doe beleeue also that as Iesus Christ was conceyued by the holy Ghost so was he borne likewise for mee of his mother Marie she notwithstanding remayning still a virgin Out of the which article we haue to note these three good lessons and poyntes for our instruction and consolation First the birth it selfe secondly the maner of it with all the circumstances of the same thirdly the profit and commoditie that we may reape by it beleeuing it truely as we ought to doe 1 As concerning his birth Esai in his seuenth and ninth Chapter saith The Lord him selfe shall giue you a signe Beholde a virgin shall conceiue and beare a Sonne and she shall call his name Immanuel butter and honie shall he eate till he haue knowelege to refuse the euil and to chuse the good Likewise the ninth Chapter Vnto vs a childe is borne and vnto vs a sonne is giuen and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder and he shal call his name Wonderful Coūseller The mightie God The euerlasting Father The Prince of peace the increase of his gouernment and peace shal haue no end he shal sit vpō the throue of Dauid and vpon his kingdome to order it and to establish it with iudgement and with iustice from henceforth euē for euer The zeale of the Lord of hosts will performe this Thus we see howe euidently Esai long before prophesied of this birth to the comfort of the people in his time The like thing doeth Ieremie also declare vnto vs in
noted vpon Christes birth the circumstances of it with the fruite that commeth vnto vs by it and howe wee shoulde vse this day and what is our duetie in it Let vs thanke our sauiour Christ that he woulde be thus borne for vs and pray vnto him that we may remember it and haue the ende of this his cōming in the flesh the saluatiō of our foules which he graūt vnto vs to whom with his father and the holy ghost be giuen all prayse and glory for euer and euer Amen The fourth Lecture vpō the 4. article of our Christian faith Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried descended into hell WE haue seene in the other two articles going before the cōception of Christ and his birth and what things were in them to be considered of now cōsequētly foloweth his death with certayne circumstances of it as what foloweth after it But here may a question be asked why there is no mention made of his life which went betweene his birth and death To this it may be answered that seeing the benefites of his life be cōprehended in his death for whatsoeuer he did in al his whole life we inioy it in his passion therefore his life is not here set down because we do beleeue it in his death This article of Christs death is very necessary for nothing had bene brought to passe for our saluation neither should we haue had any profite at al by Christ vnlesse he had bin crucified for vs. Therefore it is not sufficient to beleeue his conception natiuitie except we also confesse with our mouthes and beleeue in our hearts stedfastly his death and bitter passion for vs. Therfore Christ is alwayes to be cōsidered of a Christian man as he was crucified for his sinnes The meaning of this article is this in other words I that am a christian man or woman do beleeue confesse that Christ my sauiour suffered whē Pilate was deputy in Iurie was condemned by him most vniustly and that he was crucified vpō the crosse or tree for my sinnes to redeeme me that he died for me to bring me to life that he was buried and laide in the graue as other men suffered the tormēts of hell in body soule to acquit me before the iudgement seat of God his father In this article are fiue things noted vnto vs. First vnder whom he suffered what iudge condemned him secondly what maner of death he died he was crucified thirdly his death it selfe fourthly what was done after he was buried lastly what paines he suffered he descended into hel Al these things are expressed vnto vs in this one article first is declared vnto vs the name of him that condemned Christ which is Pilate a Romane as Iohn 19. And this his name is set downe not only for the credit of the historie to beleeue it the better but also because this appertained to the misterie of our redemptiō that we might knowe his death to bee ioyned with the condemnation of an earthly iudge For seeing that by the death of Christ not onely our sinnes must bee purged but also the condemnation for them to be taken away it was necessary that hee should die by the sentence of a iudge and no otherwise that we might be absolued before the great iudge of all the worlde If Christ had been killed by theefes or murdered in a tumult or sedition by priuate men there had bene no redemption for vs in such a death no kinde of satisfaction But when we reade in the Euangelistes in their Gospell that he was arraigned at the barre accused by witnesses and condemned by the sentence of Pilate although iniuriouslye hee pronouncing him iust once or twise confessing that he found no fault in him we vnderstand by those thinges that hee sustayned not the person of him selfe but of al vs most miserable sinners that should haue bene so condemned before his father if he had not suffered this vnder Pontius Pilate for vs. And here are two things to be noted of vs which are both confirmed by the testimonies of the Prophets and do also giue a notable consolation and confirmation to our fayth for when wee heare that Christe was sent to death from the iudgement seate and was hanged betwene the theeues wee haue a full accomplishment of that prophesie which is cited of the Euāgelist He was reckoned or counted among the wicked Esay 53. And why was this so truely that he might sustaine the condition and estate of a sinner and not of a iust man as hee suffered death not for righteousnes sake but for sin and the transgressions of the wicked Againe when we heare that he was pronounced innocent by the same man of whome he was condemned let vs remember that which another Prophet speaketh of him I restored that which I tooke not Psal 69. that is Christ payed for sin bought if full dearely which he neuer had nor committed for there was no guile found in his mouth And why did Pilate then condemne him Because he feared man more then God Cesars displeasure more then the wrath of God for when the people cryed If thou let him goe thou art not Caesars friend then he consented vnto them to crucify him against his owne conscience to pleasure the people to gratifye the Emperour Tiberius So we see that he was a parcial feareful vniust iudge had not the properties of a good iudge as is required Exod. 18. First that they should be mē of courage secondly fearing God thirdly men dealing truely fourthly hating couetousnes Let all Iudges take example warning by Pilate to execute iustice and iudgement indifferently to all men For Pilate afterward as histories recorde for anguish and sorowe of minde hanged himselfe as Iudas did before him And here wee see that as a Romane then condemned Christ and as alwayes afterwarde hee was persecuted by the Romaine Emperours so it is at this day by that great Antichrist of Rome the Pope and his adherentes he is still persecuted in his members This is the iust iudgement of God vpon them God giue them grace if it bee his will to repent to come to the knowledge of the trueth Amen Secondly let vs consider the maner of his death what it was It was the crosse most shamefull and accursed not onely in mans sight but also of God him selfe Deut. 21. The curse of God is on him that is hanged This Paul repeateth Gala. 3. and saith Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the lawe being made a curse for vs for it is written Cursed is euery one that hangeth on tree Thus we see still in euery article and in euery point of our saluation that exceeding great loue of Christ our master to vs that not onely he was contented to suffer most grieous paine for vs but also shame and reproche ignominie and contempt of the worlde He was at the first taking
heauenly thinges and not earthly for wee are dead and our life is hidde with Christ in God Colossians 3. vers 1. and so let vs altogether mortifie our earthly members and fleshly lustes fornication euil concupiscēce vncleannes inordinate affectiō and couetousnes which is of all vices the worst called Idolatrie doing these things in the first resurrection when Christ which is our life shal appeare then shall we also in the seconde resurrection appeare with him in glory The which assurance of our resurrection is the thirde benefite we haue to note in this resurrection of Christ for by it we are made surc and certaine of the rysing againe of our bodies at the last and generall day of iudgement when Christ shal come to iudge all the worlde in righteousnes I say that his rising is the earnest of our immortalitie not onely in our soules but also in our bodyes He is become the first fruits of thē that sleepe and as in Adam we al die so again by Christ and his resurrection we shal al be made aliue at the great and last day in as much as he is the resurrectiō the life and he that beleeueth in him although he were dead yet shal hee liue Iohn 11. And hee is the head that is risen therefore the body and all the members of the same shal followe in due time For as when a man hath fallen into some deepe and dangerous riuer and hath nowe recouered his head from vnder the water and swimmeth aboue out of danger with his head although his other parts members of his body be not yet seene discouered yet wil al mē say he is escaped from death already so is it with our head Iesus Christ and with vs his body Seeing he is escaped and tisē from the deepe gulfe of death notwithstanding wee seeme as yet to be couered therein in this our mortall state why may it not be iustly saide that we are risen with him being so neerely ioyned and vnited vnto him vnlesse we will denie him to bee our head Wherefore if wee professe our selues to be his wee must lykewise acknowledge that our resurrection is already begun in his that we do by hope which neuer maketh ashamed in this life retaine the assurance of that state which hereafter wee shall with ful possession accomplishmēt in heauen with him enioy for euer This can not bee but a great and singular comfort to al the faithfull seruauntes of Iesus Christ to consider that their bodyes shal not lie for euer in the graues as the bodyes of beastes do but that they shall rise againe with Christ which is before entred into heauen to prepare a place there for vs that hee may come againe at the last day to receiue vs wholy vnto him selfe If wee were by the death of any friende of ours made sure by good and sufficient warrant of an hundred pounde lande a yeere howe greatly woulde wee reioyce thereof both night and day And how ought we to reioyce continually beyng put in assurance by Christes death and resurrection not of landes and goodes here which are but short and transitorie but of the possession of the euerlasting and immortall kingdome of God where are pleasures without ende and ioyes without any wearinesse O howe ought this to stirre vs vp to be in loue with that life but especially and aboue all things to loue him that was the authour and purchaser of these things vnto vs euen Iesus Christ the sonne of God both God and man I woulde to God we did thinke of these thinges and consider deepely with our selues what is prepared for vs by his resurrection surely then wee woulde not sinne at the least we would not wallo we with the sowe and delite in our sinnes as many men do the more is the pitie Wel this is the greatest benefite we obteine by this resurrection euen our owne rising if it were not for this we were not better thē bruite beastes yea farre worse especially the godly who suffer many iniuries and tauntes with mockings and paynes of the wicked if they shoulde not be assured of this grace and happinesse their life were very miserable they surely would despaire But of these things which are very incident to the article of our resurrection mo things by Gods grace shal be spokē whē we come to that point In the meane season dearely beloued let vs giue to Iesus Christ most humble and heartie thankes for the benefits that we receiue of his gratious goodnes by his victorious resurrection in that hee hath gotten to vs life and opened the gates of paradise vnto vs which were shutte before And with all because we neede continually to craue many thinges at his handes let vs meekely pray vnto him that hee woulde vouchsafe to woorke so in our harde heartes by his holy spirit that we may by his resurrection mortifie and kil all the wicked vnruly desires of the flesh other sinnes which are crept into vs and beg we of him that we may all of vs leaue the olde finfull life of Adam and walke in a newe life and put on the newe man Iesus Christ and to make no prouision for the vnbrydled flesh to fulfil the lustes of it that we may walke before him and serue him not for a day or weeke or moneth or yere but as the holy ghost saith al the dayes times of our life in holinesse and true righteousnesse to his honour and glorie to the profite and commoditie of his Church our brethren and in the ende to the consolation and comfort of our own soules which God graunt vs for his sonnes sake to whom with the holy spirit be rendred all praise and glory and wisedome and thanks and honour and power and might for euermore Amen The sixt Lecture vpon the sixt article of our Christian fayth He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty THis is the sixt Article of our Christian faith yet but the fift of thē that appertaine to Christ his benefites from his conception to this his ascension into heauen and it followeth consequently in order after his resurrection not but that there was some time and space betweene for Luke doeth recken fourty dayes to this ende that hee might instruct and confirme his disciples in the veritie of his resurrection to the which ende he did eate and drinke with thē after he was risen Nowe the meaning of this article in mo wordes for the capacitie and vnderstanding of the simple and vnlearned is this I that am a Christian doe beleeue according to the scriptures that Iesus Christ in the same body that he rose is ascended into heauen for to prepare a place for me and to pray continually vnto God his father for vs to bee mercifull vnto our sinnes This is the true sense and meaning of this article Now let vs consider what things wee haue to learne out of it
of heauen for y● elect not their works but because they were blessed of his father and that the kingdome was prepared for thē before they were borne or did any good workes for it yea before the fundations of the worlde were layde as Paul Ephes 1 sheweth most notably Wherefore good Christians flee the corruption which is in the worlde and giue great diligence to bring forth good works for those are good and profitable vnto mē and so ye shall be knowen to bee good and fruitfull trees Ioyne moreouer vertue with your faith with vertue knowledge with knowledge tēperance with tēperāce patience with patience godlines with godlines brotherly kindnesse with brotherly kindnes loue For if these things be amōg you and aboūde they wil make you that ye neither shall be idle nor vnfruitfull in the acknowledging of our Lorde Iesus Christ and he that hath not these things is blinde and can not see a farre off and hath forgotten that he was purged frō his olde sinnes Giue therefore diligence to make your calling and election sure for if ye doe these things ye shal neuer fal for by this meanes an entring shall be ministred vnto you abundantly into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ We haue heard nowe the sixe articles that appertaine to the person of Iesus Christ and conteine the benefites he hath wrought for vs wherein is our whole saluation For if we seeke saluation his name Iesus doeth shewe it is in him alone If we desire puritie it is in his conception If we require a kinde of familiaritie and gentlenes wherewith he hath made him selfe like vnto vs we shall haue it in his natiuitie Wouldest thou haue redemptiō for thy sinnes looke it in his passion and death If newnes of life thou hast it in his resurrection If inheritance of the heauenly kingdome it is in his ascension If thou askest a full possession of it thou shalt haue it when hee commeth to iudgement To be briefe If thou desirest the giftes of the holy ghost absolution remission of sinnes satisfaction and purgation for thy vnclennes reconciliation mortification of the flesh and at a worde all treasures of euery heauēly gift thou hast them all in Iesus Christ as in a well euer springing and a fountaine that is neuer drie Of whose fulnes thou and all men haue receiued and he is made of God the father vnto thee wisedome righteousnesse holinesse and redemption that thou shouldest glorie in him alone Take heede therefore that seeing he is all in all to thee that thou goe not from him to any other or ascribe any one part or portion neuer so litle of thy saluation to any creature whatsoeuer For if thou doe thou marrest all Iesus Christ will haue all or neuer a whit as Esaie sayeth I will not giue my glorie to an other Well to conclude this article let vs giue to Iesus Christ most humble and heartie thanks that he wil one day come downe from heauen to fetche vs vp thither vnto him to immortall blessednesse and let vs in the meane time desire of him the spirit of patience to wayte for his comming to iudgement for our full redemption that we may haue our oyle our garmentes and our lampes ready that we may be waking when he shall knocke and open the doore forthwith vnto him that in so doing we may enter in with him to the mariage there raigne perpetually with him in the glorie of his father Which he graūt vnto vs for his sonnes sake to whom with the holy ghost three persons and one immortall God in vnitie bee rendred all prayse glorie and giuing of thankes from this time forth for euer more Come Lord Iesus quickly Amen so be it The eight Lecture vpon the eight article of our Christian fayth I beleeue in the holy Ghost HAuing ended two partes of our Christian faith the one cōcerning God the father in the first article the other concerning Iesus Christ the second person in trinitie conteined in the sixe articles folowing nowe foloweth in order the third part concerning our faith in God the holy Ghost which is the third person in trinitie And this is the eight article of our beliefe I beleeue in the holy Ghost that is to say I that am a Christian man do beleeue and trust in God the holy ghost the third person in the blessed trinitie which proceedeth equally from the father and the sonne being the naturall essentiall power of them both of the same substance Which spirite sanctifieth comforteth me in all troubles and assureth me that I am the childe of God and seruant of Iesus Christ and shall haue his benefites plentifully powred vpō me Out of this article we learne two things first what is the holy ghost secondly what are his effects workes as well in it selfe as in man in whose heart it worketh and moueth him forward to that which is good to imbrace and followe it with all earnestnes but to hate and abhorre from the heart that which is naught and wicked This holy ghost or spirit is the euerlasting power and infinite might of God the father which spirite is no creature but a creator of all things and very God because we are here taught to beleue in him which suerly except he were very God were idolatrie to do for we must not beleue in any creature or put our trust in any but in God onely And that the holy ghost is God which certaine heretikes haue denied it is manifest in the fift chapter of the Actes of the Apostles where saint Peter speaking of the holy ghost nameth him God For he reprehendeth Ananias and Sapphira his wife for their hypocrisy and dissimulation and telleth them that they lyed vnto the holy ghost and immediatly after sayth that they lyed not vnto man but vnto God In the first of Genesis it is sayde that the spirite of the Lorde moued vpon the waters This was the third person in trinitie which except he had bene God could not haue so moued vpon this great depth and secretly by his power and maiestie preserued and maintained it from falling to nothing Dauid saieth All things were made and created by the breath of his mouth Therfore if he made al things he was very God For this is proper to God alone to make to create things That argument of Paul in the 1. Cor. 2. chap. doth sufficiētly proue this matter vnto vs where hee saieth that this spirit searcheth al things yea the deepe things of God and that no man knoweth the things of God but the spirit of God Now if the spirit of God knoweth al things searcheth al things thē is he very God for no creature doth this If this be so thē we rightly beleeue in the holy ghost here we gather this singular comfort that we may pray to this holy ghost at all times for his helpe to impart some of his knowledge vnto vs
in his blood and for this cause doe wee beleeue that there is but one true Catholique Church and no moe which shall continue for euer although Satan and his ministers goe about by all meanes possible to ouerthrowe and subuert it Wee are then taught here to beleeue that there is an vniuersall Church of Christ and not to beleeue and trust in it as we doe in God for that were idolatrie to trust in men and put our confidēce in them But wee must trust in GOD onely and not in this Church as the Papistes woulde beare vs in hande because the Church is but the company of the elect and chosen and are men Nowe wee can not beleeue and put our hope in any thing that is a creature for that were blasphemie to say and wee are also accursed if wee do so as the holy Prophete Ieremie hath by the mouth of the holy Ghost forewarned vs saying Thus sayth the Lorde Cursed bee the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arme and withdraweth his heart from the Lorde for hee shall be like the heath in the wildernes and shall not see when any good commeth but shall inhabite the parched places in the wildernesse in a salte lande and not inhabited Ier. 17. By these woordes then of the holy ghost we learne not to beleeue in the Church but that there is an holy Church of Christe in this worlde euery where dispersed and scattered abroad through the face of the whole earth This article doeth declare vnto vs what the Church is terming it the communion of Saintes or fellowshippe of the godly eyther with Christ or els with themselues in loue furthermore what maner of Church this is is here likewise set downe that it is holy by reason of Christ her head catholike because it is not tied to any one place as Rome but generally is in all places of the earth tossed as a ship vpon the sea frō one coast to another as pleaseth God to dispose of it To these things two other pointes may be adioyned to make vp the perfit discourse of it and to the which all other thinges incident to any maner question of the Church may bee easely referred The one is to consider who is the vniuersall head and gouernour of this catholique Church the other by what true markes notes signes and titles this Church may be knowen and discerned from the false and counter faite synagogue of Satan that is from the whorishe and Babylonicall strumpet of Rome which falsly taketh vpon her the name of this chaste wife and spouse of Christe being an vncleane and a most adulterous harlot which hath long agoe forsaken her bridegrome Iesus Christ as it shall God willing hereafter better appeare in the discourse and tract of this matter Seeing the Church is likened to an house 1. Timothie 3. and euery house is builded and gouerned of some man Hebr. 3. it is necessarie that this house also which is the Church of the liuing God haue some builder head of it to looke vnto it which is both able to do it most ready to helpe it The builder of this Chruch is Iesus Christ Mat. 16. 18. he is the only head of it as S. Paul doth proue most manifestly vnto vs both in the 1. 4. chap. of the epistle of the Ephesians and the 1. chapter to the Colos saying God hath made all thinges subiect vnder his feet and hath giuen him ouer al thinges to be the head to the Church which is his body euen the fulnesse of him that filleth all in al things And againe Let vs folow the trueth in loue and in al things growe vp vnto him which is the head that is Christ by whom all the body being coupled and knit together by euery ioynt for the furniture thereof according to the effectuall power which is in the measure of euery part receyueth increase of the body vnto the edifiyng of it selfe in loue Ephe. 4. So in the Colos 1. 18. He is the head of the body of the Church Out of this doeth the body of Christ which is his Church receyue a special and singuler comfort against al tētations that they shal be defended preserued for euer for Christ cā not forsake his body he cā not but loue it nourish it with those spiritual graces which come proceede frō him the head fountaine For as we see in the body naturall how that the head receiueth not meate for it selfe but for the cherishing and increasing of the strength of the body and the rest of the members so the Lorde Iesus is not an head for himself but for vs neyther hath hee receyued all power and authoritie of his father with the fulnesse of the holy Ghost to keepe it to him selfe but to giue and to impart it most louingly and liberally to his true members to make them to grow vp more and more till they come to a perfection in him If Christ therefore haue strength holinesse power and all other good giftes and graces of the spirite then may the Church assure her selfe of them all because the wife may recken that all the goodes and landes of her husbande are hers and wee knowe that the Church hath this dignitie and prerogatiue which is inestimable and full of wonderfull loue that shee is counted and called as shee is in very deede the chaste wife and spouse of Christe here vpon the earth to whome hee is ioyned with the coniunction and fellowshippe of his heauenly spirite I haue sayth Paul prepared you for one husband to present you as a pure virgin vnto Christ 2. Corin. 11. Cantic 4. Ezechiel 16. Ephesians 5. What noble man will bee content to take a poore wretched beggerwoman out of the streetes full of ragges and filthinesse to make her his wife And yet the Lorde Iesus hath done greater thinges in mercie for vs then this for when hee passed by hee looked vpon vs and beholde our tyme was as the time of loue hee spredde his skirtes ouer vs and couered our filthinesse yea hee sware vnto vs and entred into couenant with vs and we became his owne So is the Lorde in mariage become nowe our head and wee his spouse let vs then take heede that wee admitte no others into his loue or defile our selues with whoredome and idolatrie in giuing our faith and allegeance to straungers and false goddes whome wee knowe not Our husbande is very ielous ouer vs hee can not abide another man to bee admitted vnto his bedde for that were spirituall fornication and adulterie before him which hee wyll punishe most seuerely as hee did in the Israelites which brake couenant with him and betooke them selues to Idoles and bowed downe to them in steade of him as the Prophete declareth Ezechiel 16. Seeyng then Christ is appoynted the head of his Church and that one wife as there is but one bodie which is the Church can haue but one husbande to bee her
as if wee had done them if wee doe but beleeue in him Good workes must bee done of vs for these three causes first because God hath commanded them secondly because he is glorified by them as our Sauiour sayeth Matthewe the fift Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen Thirdly they must be done because they profite and further our poore neyghbours and brethren the needy members of Iesus Christ and in helping them wee helpe Iesus Christ himselfe Matth. 25. For so doeth hee account it as done to himselfe You may adde to these a fourth cause why good workes are to bee done although they saue vs not because they shall bee signes and tokens to men of our faith which is hid and within vs and shall declare that we are good Christians euen as the tree is knowen by his fruite for if wee haue no good workes surely wee haue no good faith but a deuils faith as Iames sayeth although wee bragge neuer so much of our faith This faith doeth not saue but is a dead faith without any workes The true faith that wee spake of before it doeth not saue vs in respect of the worthinesse or dignitie of it but because it doeth looke vnto Christ his marke or obiect and doeth apprehende him with his workes The Papistes saye that faith alone can not iustifie vs because it is vnperfect as wee say workes are which therefore can not saue vs. But we must vnderstand that the reason is not alike for we may haue a true a liuely faith in Christ although it be not in euery poynt perfit absolute No man can haue a perfit faith in this life for it doeth stil increase and growe in greater measure but the children of God they haue and may haue a true faith cleansed from hypocrisie and dissimulation And this true faith doeth iustifie euery one that looketh vp to Christ as well as a perfite faith Faith is likened to an hand whereby a man doeth receiue any thing Now we knowe by experience that one with an vnperfit hande that either lacketh a finger or a thumbe or that hath his hand sore or otherwise blemished may as well with his lame hand receiue a good and fine piece of golde from a riche man for his almes as one that hath a whole or sounde hande so may wee receyue from Christ if wee beleeue but a litle as much as a grayne of mustard seede in quantitie wee may receyue remission of sinnes and all other benefites of his death and passion as well as he that hath a stronger faith and a greater And nothing shall be vnpossible vnto vs as Christ sayde to his disciples in the like matter Matth. 17. Nowe faith is sayde to bee a firme and a constant assent of the minde to the wordes of God wrought by the motion of the holy ghost for the saluation of all the beleeuers Seeyng then so many excellent thinges are giuen vnto vs if wee abide faithfull and beleeue in the Lorde and seeing furthermore on the contrary part wee are depriued of all these promises and giftes if we haue no faith it behoueth vs to looke about and to examine well our selues our hearts our cōsciences our inwarde parts and affections to see whether we be in this faith or no and whether we cā vnfainedly persuade our selues before the Lorde that wee haue this true faith in Iesus Christ If we haue it let vs continue and abide in it to the end that we may be saued let vs vse the godly meanes and exercises of Christianitie whereby it may increase and waxe stronger in vs let vs frequent the hearing of sermōs and the worde of God in reading it also priuatly and let vs ioyne prayer to the Lord for this excellent gift of faith Likewise the sacraments are to be vsed which are an increasing of this faith vnto vs but with reuerence let vs often vse them Finally the cōpany and societie of the godly shall helpe much to this matter For as faith is gotten by these meanes so is it continued in vs and is lost if these exercises bee away If any feele him selfe voyde of faith let him beseeche the Lord Iesus the author of faith and giuer of it and say with the Apostles Lorde increase my faith and let him vse the wayes that I spake of euen now for faith commeth by hearing of the word of God which when we heare the holy Ghost worketh in vs yea the holy Ghost it selfe then commeth into our heartes by hearing the worde as it is reported in the Actes that while Peter spake the holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the worde Actes 10. This fayth is our wedding garment without it wee shall be excluded and shut out from the marriage of the Lambe It is the oyle which we must alwayes haue in our lampes in a readinesse against the bridegrome come at midnight As the fire goeth out for lacke of wood so is fayth extinguished in vs for lacke of the worde of God and earnest hearty prayer wherby it is mainteyned The Iewes were cut off for their meredulitie Well we stand yet by faith let vs take heede least in thinking we stande we fall If the true and naturall oliues were not spared how shal we escape that are the wilde oliues if we prouoke the Lord These things although partly they haue bene touched already yet they cannot be spoken of too much seeyng they are the dueties of of all Christians the cōmandemēts of the Lord. This doctrine of faith in Christ Iesus that we are iustified by it alone by it obtaine remission of sinnes without the works of the law is not priuate to some but cōmon to al that do vnfeynedly beleeue it whether they be rich or poore prince or begger bond or free Iew or Gētile in this countrey or that al are one in Christ Iesus who is brother to all alike and there is no respect of persons with God Actes 10. which is a father alike to all that call vpon him in faith and trueth This as it is ioyfull and comfortable to all so is it most specially to all them that are afflicted in minde to them whose calling is but base and abiect in the worlde to such whom the worlde maketh no account of briefly to all that are in pouerty and miserie forsaken of the worlde for Christes sake Neyther is this doctrine new or strange as the aduersaries doe falsely slaunder it which say it was neuer heard of before the time of Luther It is not so this doctrine is as ancient as the Prophets of God are all they are witnesses vnto it and was in the primitiue Church taught of the Apostles For what els do we say but that we receiue remission of sinnes through faith in Christes name And doth not S. Peter in the Actes the tenth chapter say the very same and confirmeth it