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A00778 A profitable exposition of the Lords prayer, by way of questions and answers for most playnnes together with many fruitfull applications to the life and soule, aswell for the terror of the dull and dead, as for the sweet comfort of the tender harted. By Geruase Babington. With a table of the principall matters conteyned in this booke. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1588 (1588) STC 1090; ESTC S101499 244,374 582

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inlarge our heartes and soules to receiue the vse of these things that assured of wil and assured of power our praiers in fayth may pearce thy dwelling place win our good on Christ for euermore Amen Secondly these words serue to lift vp our hearts and minds from all earthly base and lowe conceites of the Lorde Yea euen to set vs as it were out of our selues and beyonde all remembraunce either of body or soule in our heauenly eleuation of inward powers to that throne so high glorious the seat of that mightie God we pray vnto And cōsequently to make vs aske nothing of him that might bee vnseeming so imperiall a maiestie to deale in and care for But euer to remember that hee being in heauen and wee in earth hee holy and we vnholy hee glory and we shame hee God and wee men it is true that the Prophet sayth his thoughts are not our thoughtes his wayes our wayes But as the heauens are mightier then the earth so are his wayes higher then our wayes and his thoughts aboue our thoughtes To which end it serued also in the Church of olde as Cyprian witnesseth that the Pastor being about to make publique prayers should cry to thee people Sursum corda Lift vp your hearts And the people did answere Habemus ad Dominum Wee lift them vp vnto the Lorde thereby declaring that they thought of no base and earthly lowe matters but of the Lorde and the Lorde in heauen euen as wee do and are euer taught to do by these wordes Which is in heauen Thirdly they serue to strike vs not a litle but euer thorow and thorow with a reuerence of his maiestie whom wee pray vnto For heauen and the height of heauen is his dwelling place and we ought most earnestly euer to thinke of it that wee may come humbly to him This caused the seruants of God not only to crouche their bodyes but to bowe their heartes when they came before him euen the knees of their hearts as thinking neuer their reuerence great inough towarde so mightie a God Heauen is his earth is his hell is his al is his Deuouring fire goeth before his face and mightie tempestes are stirred vp about him He rideth vpon the heauens as it were vpon an horse yea the earth shaketh the heauens drop at the presence of him His charets are twentie thousande euen thousands of Angels It is he that commaundeth the waters it is this glorious God that maketh the thunder It is hee that ruleth the sea it is his voyce that is mightie in operation yea and a glorious voyce Such a voyce as breaketh the Cedar trees yea the Cedars of Libanus such a voyce as deuideth the flames of fire and shaketh the wildernes euen the wildernes of Cades Let vs make hast therefore with the great seruant of God Moses and bow our selues to the earth and worship yea let vs in the true conceit and reuerence of this mightie maiestie couer as it were our faces with our mantels when we pray vnto him So shall we come before him rightly and shew the vse of his glorious dwelling in the heauens noted vnto vs. But alas where is it with thousands thousands that yet take thēselues to be great Christians We clap our selues downe to pray and we thinke of any thing rather then of the mightie maiestie of him before whom wee are come and and therefore we gaze here and gaze there wee note this man and that woman their gesture their apparell yea the least toy especially strange about them And yet wee pray well we huddle and tumble vp in hast the labour of lippes without touch of hart and the faster the better wee long to haue done for feare dinner bee marred and yet we pray well Wee gape and wee yawne we hem and we hawke not for necessitie of nature which is allowed but in the drowsines of our Spirits and to shew our authoritie we are chiefe men in the Church c. and yet we pray well But O we sencelesse wretches in this behalfe for then come we rightly before the Lorde as we learne here when remembring that hee is in heauen that is of such glory maiestie and power as hath bene declared wee throwe downe our soules and bodies in al reuerence and comly feare before him speaking to him as dust and ashes to the immortall king of heauen and earth humbly euen with a reuerent trembling as it were and affection of al our partes leasurely carefully heartily and with all true properties and testimonies of a mind considering the puissance the might the glory and imperiall maiestie of him to whom wee speake Which whether these things that I named declare in vs or no let all christian hearts be iudges It is too true they conuince vs of the contrary and therefore euen in dread of their witnesse to our wo at the day of doome let vs leaue them and vse the place of prayer as we should in all humble lowly and possible reuerence We are so willed and by Christ himselfe that shall iudge vs if wee doe not To this end wee say it euer thinke of it which art in heauen Lastly this notation of the place where our God dwelleth teacheth vs that our Prayers are not tyed to any certaine place as in olde times neither bettered by any place be it this mountaine or Ierusalem or whatsoeuer But the hower commeth yea now is that the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth and in euery place haue libertie and leaue to lift vp pure handes to his maiestie in euery place he sayth and marke it And why so For our God is in heauen and heareth euery where without respect of place now I meane without respect of place as then touching any commaundement from him of particular place but not hereby to ouerthrowe any ciuill order for better meeting together in appoynted Churches of Gods people Yet euen herein beware Superstition againe a fresh in respect of place more than elswhere when true warrant beareth me out as wel there then as in the Church at other times to make my prayer But of Churches and publique meetings there enough hath bene sayd before Where it may be read againe if you will Great is the vse I see well of this short preface so often said so little thought of but now I pray you let mee aske a question doth not this inuocation of God by the name of Father exclude both the other persons Sonne and holie Ghost from both our speech and meaning No indeede for the name of Father being opposed to creatures is taken essentially not personally and agreeth rightly to all the three persons in Trinitie being in essence nature and substance one and so is it here But if it bee put and ioyned with any other person of the Trinitie then is it not taken essentially but personally and agreeth to that person onely and so is it not here for you see here in this prayer there is no mention either of Sonne or
holy Ghost together with this word of Father which if there were then should it bee a name of person and not of essence but here is onely mention of Father graunting and creatures asking and therefore Father a name of essence comprehending Father Sonne and holy Ghost As it doth diuers times in Scripture Esay the 9. Chapter calleth Christ the euerlasting Father The Apostle sayth Though there be that are called Gods whether in heauē or in earth as there bee many Gods and many Lords yet vnto vs there is but one God which is that father of whome are all things and wee in him In which place the name Father includeth Sonne and holy Ghost But the name Father is put downe because it is the beginning of the Deitie So in the 14. of Iohn elswhere Wherefore though wee are taught in this forme of Prayer to say Our Father yet do wee pray to all the three persons without exception of any because so the name Father includeth But the Scripture calleth Christ our brother how is he then our Father Very well by distinction of two natures for he his our Father in respect of his Godhead and hee is our brother by reason of manhood Yet am I not satisfied For thus me thinke is reason against you He that receiueth vs into fauour for Christ and graunteth our petitions for Christ that is not Christ himselfe For there is a manifest distinction of persons implyed in it but this father here whom we call father in this Lords Prayer receiueth vs heareth vs and helpeth vs for Christ and therefore this father in this place cannot be Christ You trouble your selfe in an easie matter and you doe not distinguish as wee needes must doe to keepe a truth in these causes I tolde you before there are two natures in Christ diuers seuerall things in that one person in respect of those seuerall natures Now you must consider againe that in Christ there is a nature of Godhead and an office of a mediatour betwixt God and man he and his office are seuerall things yet he one Christ Then concerning your maior proposition true it is that he that receiueth vs into fauour and heareth and helpeth vs for Christ is not Christ himselfe in that one respect but in an other he is For Christ as mediatour is hee for whome wee are receiued heard and helped but as GOD it is he also that receiueth heareth and helpeth So doth distinction of things seuerally to bee considered aunswer your doubt and leaue Christ included in this word and name of Father in this Prayer aswell as any other person Then this nomination of him to bee in heauen how agreeth it to him that is in euerie place Dooth it not restraine that vbiquitie of his No indeede no more than other speeches in Scripture doth which yet at the first blushe seeme to doe it as this dooth Wherefore that we may vnderstand both this and them lette vs remember that not onely in this Prayer God is sayd to bee in heauen but the Prophet also saith he hath prepared his seate in heauen many other places the lyke Then agayne it is sayde Doe not goe vp for the Lorde is not with you Thirdly If any man loue me I and my Father will come to him c. which comming going should séeme to infringe his vbiquitie But concerning the first we are to know that in these or any other places God is not meant to bee in heauen either circumscriptiuely as men limitted by place heere and not else where for that time either definitiuely as Angels by proprietie of their substaunce but that we may so speak repletiuely because with his absence he replenisheth and filleth heauen and earth and all places as the Prophet sayth Againe because there as in his throne and place of greatest dignitie hee sheweth his power his wisdome his goodnesse and maiestie more than in other places of the worlde and therehence more reuealeth and declareth the same than from anie other place The heauens declare the glorie of God and the firmament sheweth his handie worke The Lord heareth the heauens and the heauens the earth the earth the corne and the corne the people From heauen the wrath of GOD is reuealed against all vngodlynesse From heauen he sendeth his Angels from heauen the sonne of man descendeth from heauen the holy spirite commeth and from heauen shal he come to iudge the quick and the dead Wherefore in these respects and a number like heauen is called his throne and he is sayd there to bee more than in all other places and we when we pray lifting our eyes mindes vp to this chiefe throne of his maiestie when it pleaseth him to communicate life motion light and all goodnesse to his seruaunts saie Our Father which art in heauen And remember with your selfe that euen in the same place where heauen is called his Throne the earth also is called his Footestoole as noting his presence notwithstāding euery where though his seate be prepared in heauen and what place will you build vnto mee sayth the Lord that is how may I be apprehēded of anie one place that am infinite and fill all places Nothing therefore this clause in our Praier infringeth his vbiquitie Touching the second thing that God is sayd in the Scripture not to bee with some men sometimes wee must vnderstande it is not meant of his essence as though that were not in some places but of his efficacie and working by his holy spirite and by his strength to saue and deliuer sometimes Thus is not the Lorde in the reprobate and wicked For what is it to be in a place rightly and fully but as in his own proper place there to rule and raigne to exercise his power to the good of the place which the Lord doth not in the wicked Thus was it tolde the people that God was not with thē therfore they should not go vp namely not to fight on their parte not to saue them and deliuer them by his power and strength otherwise by his essence hee was with them and hee is euerie where This well considered giueth a light to diuerse places of Scripturs where it is said the Lord is neere or far of telling vs they are meant not of his essence but of his grace which grace when it is mercifullie offered to men and women by the worde preached vnto them by blessings and comforts bestowed vpon them able to moue a heart of steele to thinke of a gracious God that giueth such giftes then is the Lorde sayde to be neere and when vnkindly notwithstanding al his goodnesse he hath ben reiected despised and refused and therevppon ceaseth to offer vs anie more fauour but shutteth vp
euer And the want of this reformation preacheth nothing vnto vs but that as yet we knowe no interest we haue to those lasting ioyes and that heauenly father The Lord strengthen vs and the Lord change vs that we may be changed Amen You say this Sanctification must bee true and right or else it doth not proue vnto vs our election I praie you therefore how may this be knowen namely when it is true and right and when not To knowe this we must euer looke at the matter and manner of our actions whereby we worship God For if either of these be wrong then is it not that holines which the Lord alloweth Concerning the matter wee must looke that the thinges wherewith we serue God bee commanded of GOD and not inuented and deuised by our selues or any man else For in vaine sayth the Lorde Iesus doo you seeke to worshippe mee teaching for doctrines mens precepts Which one thing sticketh to the verie hart a thousand will worships in Poperie neuer commaunded of GOD but brought in of sinfull man for aduauntage sake as Masses Pilgrimages holie water holy bread censings creepings and such lyke Then though the matter bee good yet if the manner be euill wee fayle to please God And therefore euen those sacrifices and ceremonies that the Lorde himselfe ordayned hee often teacheth hee doth abhorre for want of a right maner of doing them What haue I to doo sayth hee with the multitude of your sacrifices Bring no mo oblations to mee in vaine Incense is an abhomination to me I cannot suffer your newe Moones nor your Sabboth dayes it is iniquitie my soule hateth them they are a burthen to me c. Agayne of prayer When you stretch out your handes I will hide mine eyes and though you make many prayers I will not heare An example we see in the Scribes and Pharesies almes and long prayers reiected Alasse Lorde and why so might the Iewes saie Surely would he answere because though you doe these things rightly in respect of matter because I commaunded them yet doe you not rightly in respect of maner that also I seeke of all men I pray you then what is the right manner that God alloweth This must wée learne by diligent hearing and reading of the word For therein hath the Lorde layde downe both what we shall doe and how we shall doe Generally thus much nowe consider and take with you that without faith it is impossible to please God and therefore concerning manner no action can please GOD though it were neuer so glorious except it proceed frō an hart purified by faith Cain and Abel offered both sacrifices the one pleased the other not And why But for this thing because Abel had true faith in his hart from whence that action flowed and Cain had none but onely did the outward worke for fashion sake and order So thousands mo then in those daies and now in ours that one day shall knowe with wo what it is to haue outward shew without inward faith Then is it required concerning maner that all our works be done in humilitie and lowlinesse of minde we euer confessing truly that we notwithstanding all our workes are vnprofitable seruants The want of this made the Pharesies actions abhorred which otherwise in respect of matter were well For who doth not acknowledge y t not to be an extortioner vniust an adulterer to fast to giue tithe truly of all we haue are good things but to doe these in pride and conceit with boasting and bragging and without humilitie alas the Lord abhorreth it and sendeth vs away like proud praters not like Christian praiers to his heauenly maiestie Thirdly it is required that we haue hope For although we ought to be humble yet not so throwen downe must we be but that still we rest assured of acceptāce with God for Christ although not for the worthynesse of our worke and in that hope offer cheerefullie our obedience to the Lord. Thus teacheth Peter when he sayth Yee also as liuely sons be made a spiritual house an holy Priesthod to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christe Marke these words acceptable to God by Iesus Christ vpon which words our hope is euer surely built which nowe I speake of Fourthly our actions must bee done in loue both to God and man For if we could speake with tongues of men and Angels if we haue no loue we are but as sounding brasse and tinckling Cymballes Yea though wee feede the poore with all our goods and giue our bodies to bee burned hauing no loue it shall profit vs nothing Lastly all our works words and thoughts should respect the Lords glory and not our owne For if wee do any thing to bee seene of men verely sayth our Sauiour they haue their reward And thus doe you see nowe which is true sanctification and holynes of life such as will truely moue to vs our election and future glorification with Father Sonne and holy Ghost in the kingdome of heauen Euen woordes deedes and secret thoughtes thus warranted both for matter and manner as hath bene shewed Thinke of these rules and examine your selues by them My heart consenteth to all these properties of a true Sanctification and right obedience but yet giue mee leaue to question for my most comfort What now if these things be in a man or a woman with great imperfection shall therefore their woorke be reiected and yeld no comfort cōcerning their election God forbid And therefore thus much take with you further y t exercising your self in things commanded doing thē in this maner as hath bene sayd so nere as y e Lord inableth you wrestling according to y e measure of your fayth euery day to bee lesse sinfull and more righteous though y t perfect righteousnes which y e law requireth be not found in you by reason of your weakenes yet are you counted in the sight of GOD Sanctified holy and acceptable in Christ Iesus and so Sealed vp to the day of redemption And that I may not say it to you but proue it consider I pray you the example of S. Paul himselfe who though hee were so sanctified and borne a newe as that thereupon hee might safely and surely conclude his election for euer to inherite heauen by Christ yet felt he and found hee very many imperfections in himselfe and sayth playnely I alow not that which I do For what I would that do I not but what I hate that doe I. Againe when I would do good I am thus yoked that euill is present with me Againe In my minde I serue the lawe of God but in my flesh the lawe of sinne O wretched man that I am therfore who shall deliuer me from the body of his death with sundry other speeches to the same ende in that place Whereby I say wee are playnely taught that humane imperfection is farre from prouing any
that which our teachers themselues refuse for their owne partes to ioyne with vs as in a course that is neither comfortable nor safe Let vs hearken rather to the Apostle truely aduertising vs to suffer none such as these neither any man liuing at his pleasure to beare rule ouer vs by humblenes of mind and worshipping of Angels aduauncing himselfe in these thinges which hee neuer saw rashly puft vp with his fleshly minde and holdeth not the head c. For assuredly if the consciences of all thē were examined y e delight in other mediators beside Christ to offer vp their prayers to GOD and to speake for them and true confession made of what they finde it would appeare to vs all that this sinne springeth of none other roote than of a persuasion that Christ is not so pitifull and mercifull and willing to bée spoken vnto as other Saints and creatures be Which how blasphemous it is against him to giue his creatures preeminence aboue him in any goodnesse let euery feeling hart discerne and iudge Farre was the godly father from such opinion of our Sauiour when he made him all in all and with truth sayd of him what all true Christians firmely beleeue and holde Ipse os nostrum est per quod patri loquimur oculus noster per quem patrem videmus dextra nostra per quam nos patri offerimus He is our mouth wherewith wee speake vnto God our eye wherewith wee see GOD and our right hande wherewith wee offer our selues vnto GOD. Quo nisi intercedente nec nobis nec Sanctis omnibus quicquam cū deo est But by whose intercession neyther we nor all the Saints in heauen haue any thing to do with the Lord. And y t there remaine no scruple of feare in vs to goe to this gratious mediator euer when we pray consider it in the Scriptures and consider it earnestly that that glistering reason which they vse of our indignitie to goe to him at the first for so I call it because it seemeth so faire at the first vewe neuer discoraged any of the godly mencioned in the worde euer but euen then when they haue seene and thought of their vnworthynes most they haue yet gone vnto God and to no others for helpe Dauid when hee sawe that multitude of offences in him and himselfe so horribly defiled as that there remained almost nothing of olde Dauid in him that is of a good seruant of God neuer yet cried to Abraham Isaac and Iacob nor to any of all the godly departed or Angels in heauen but Miserere mei deus haue mercy vpon me O God and according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine iniquitie Iohn Baptist though hee sawe himselfe vnworthy to loose the very latchet of Christ his shoone yet taught he no other Mediatour to God neither had any other himself but only him The good Centuriō that in so true feeling both of himselfe and Christ confessed he was not worthie vnder whose roofe the Lord should come yet with all that vnworthinesse was not feared from him to aske his helpe euen for his seruaunt The poore Publican vnworthie in his owne eies to looke vpon the heauens yet feareth not to loke vpon his God and to say God be mercifull vnto me a sinner when he might haue called vppon Saints and Angels for mercie if it had béene as good or better as these mad men affirme And so farre was this his doing from presumption displeasaunt to God and vnséeming an vnworthie sinner as that sentence is giuen by the Lord himselfe of it it was pleasant acceptable to God and he iustified more than the other Finally the Prodigall Sonne with the same mouth that confesseth his indignitie euer to be counted a Sonne any more yet calleth vpon his Father for pittie and not vpon any of his Fathers seruaunts Wherfore let vs open our eyes and sée the truth let vs not harden our hartes to day when we heare his voyce the mediator betwixt God and man is thr man Christ Iesus none but he it is he that sitteth on the right hand of God and maketh intercession for vs and there is no other And if any man sinne wee haue him our aduocate and wee must know no other Yea Sir but you knowe their answere in this matter if they bee charged they doe not denie they saie but Christ and onely Christ is mediatour of redemption but not of intercession and that which they ascribe to holy spirites it is onely to make intercession for them Indeede they so answere but alasse in vaine For it is but a shifte deuised of Satan to deceiue our soules by if wee receiue it and that may appeare both to them and vs if we haue care to see the truth For hath it first anie warrant in the worde If it haue let them produce it if not let them knowe that euen for this cause it faulteth and we reiect it For if this bee graunted that men may frame distinctions at theyr pleasures there is not the truth to bee named but it may be ouerthrowen Wherefore this is one reason agaynst it it hath no warrant in the worde Secondly was not the high Priest in the lawe mediator in figure both of expiation by sacrifices and of intercession by prayers That is more plainly did not he both offer the sacrifice make prayer And what was this but in shadow to shew that so in the new Testament both these things should bee conioyned in one man also euen the man Christ Iesus he that was mediator of redemption should also be mediatour of intercession To diuide these thē is to make the bodie not answere to the shadowe neither the truth to the figure which may not be For looke whatsoeuer was typically shewed Christ should do that hath he truelie done and performed and to affirme otherwise is great impietie Thirdly these two are both duties of the mediatour and in truth none can be a mediator vnlesse he performe both these things namely both redemption and intercession Now of two duties or partes of the office of a mediatour shall we make two sorts of mediators Truely it is euen all one as if because man consisteth of bodie and soule as of two partes that make but one whole we should say there are two sortes of men one consisting of bodie another of soule which were a trimme speech Or agayne because the Prince hath power ouer body and goods and they both are incident to the prerogatiue of his kinglie office therfore of two things belonging to one person we should make a distinction of persons say there are two sorts of Princes one hauing power ouer body and an other hauing authoritie ouer goods For euen so it is in this matter of a mediator whose office consisteth in both these duties as parts of the same to redeeme the people and to make intercession for them Remember also in the
there any true goodwill which is not allowed by God Should not his liking and allowance bee the rule and guide of vs and all our doings If then we can finde where hee biddeth vs shewe our goodwill in this sorte vse it and feare not if we cannot neuer thinke that is goodwill which wanteth the Lordes stampe vpon it vnlesse you will affirme that GOD condemneth good dueties to our Brethren which God forbid Then consider againe that albeit it neither hurt nor profite them yet in truth it hurteth vs that doe it both because it is an action without warrant and therefore not of faith and so sinne and because also it confirmeth and proppeth vp that lewd opinion of Purgatorie so derogatorie to the truth of God the comfort of his children Therefore if we will shewe goodwill to our friendes departed let vs speake of them as men and women in the hands of God and in such comfort as that they neede not any prayers of vs departed in a true faith and therfore now possessors of the promise euen of such ioyes as no eye hath seene no eare hath heard neither any hart bene able to conceiue of For thus to hope of them is like friendes to hope of them and thus to speake hurteth not our selues Our phrases may be as easely God hath had mercie on him I trust as GOD haue mercie on him he is with GOD I hope he is at rest from his labours he hath finished his course or any such like If wee will a little at first labour to forget a bad custome when it seeketh to come vpon our tongues so readily Then for the place in the Machabees our answer first toucheth the books and then the matter The bookes we except against as not Canonicall that is of authoritie to build our faith and obedience vpon and the reasons of our so doing are such as neuer haue neither can bée truely answered by any aduersarie I pray you let it not greeue you both to heare thē and very diligently to marke them First the holy Ghost neuer vseth to epitomise contract and prophane mens workes and writings but is able of himselfe to write and lay downe whatsoeuer may be profitable for his Church and so hath euer done But y e second booke of Machabees whence this place for Prayer for the dead is taken is an abridgement wholly out of the fiue bookes of Iason the Cirenian as the author himselfe confesseth and therefore not a writing or booke of the holy Ghost Secondly the Author of this booke craueth pardon for his wants and saith it is aswell as he was able to doe but thus neuer the holy Ghost at any mans hands For how should God craue pardon of man and say it is as well as he was able to doe Therefore this most mightely and euidently vnlesse we shut our eyes and stoppe our eares against the truth telleth vs this booke is not as the rest of the Scriptures whereon we safely stay our selues Thirdly in the writings of the holy Ghost there are no contrarieties euer but in these bookes there are and therefore no Scripture by inspiration from the holy Ghost Wil you thinke of some of them In the first booke it is said of Iudas that hee was slaine of Bacchides his armie and that Ionathas and Simon his brethren buried him in his fathers Sepulcher in the Citie of Modin and all the Israelites wept for him c. In the second booke he is aliue againe and writeth letters 36. yeeres after he was dead Can both these be true If not then marke the credite of this booke Not vnlike to this is that which is written of Antiochus his death In the first booke it is sayd he laide him downe vppon his bed sicke and there dyed with such circumstances of the matter as there you may reade and see your selfe In the second booke and first Chapter it is sayd that he entring the temple of Nanea the Priestes opened a priuie doore of the Vaute and cast downe stones like Thunder vpon him and his companie and brused them in peeces cut off their heades and threw them out to the rest of their companie that were without In the 9. Chapter of the same booke it is sayd he dyed a miserable death among the mountaines These be greater contrarieties thā I trust any man that feareth GOD will thinke may be in bookes whereof the holy Ghost is author And therefore you see wee doe not without great cause refuse to learne our faith out of these Bookes If mens iudgements bee regarded of vs we heare and see what the Fathers thought Hierom Epiphan Athanasius and Cyprian reiect these bookes in this sorte as not to be rules of faith Yea the Bishop of Rome himselfe Gregorie 200. yeeres after Austen reiecteth them as not Canonicall and if other men be of small regard with them yet would GOD the Papistes would respect their owne Bishop But Austen they say affirmeth them Canonicall O why should not loue of truth banish all cauilles Austen doth so and in the very same place that they alleage sayth the contrary How then is Austen contrary to himselfe No their owne eyes see as well as we if they will that when he calleth them not Canonicall he taketh the worde strictly and properly and meaneth they are no groundes and rules for our faith when hee calleth them Canonical he taketh the word largely and meaneth they are such as may bee read in the Churches for examples of the great and marueilous passions and persecutions of the Martyrs Beleeue not me but heare himselfe First that they are not Canonicall In Machabaeorum libris c. Although there may some thing bee found in the bookes of the Machabees meete for this order of writing and worthie to bee ioyned with the number of miracles yet hereof wee will haue no care for that wee haue intended only to touch a short rehearsall of the miracles contayned in the bookes of holy Canon See how he saith they are not Canonicall and therefore hée will not accept of the miracles in them Againe Haec supputatio non in scripturis sanctis quae appellantur Canonicae sed in alijs inuenitur in quibus sunt Machabaeorum libri This reckoning is not founde in the holie Scriptures that are called Canonicall but in certaine other bookes among which are the bookes of the Machabees Many such testimonies might bee alleadged out of this Father but these suffice in this treatise Now that they are Canonicall heare himselfe againe Libros Machabaeorum ecclesia habet pro canonicis propter quorundam Martyrum passiones vehementes atque mirabiles The Church accompteth the bookes of the Machabees as canonicall not for the aucthoritie and weight of trueth but for the great and meruailous passions and persecutions of Martyrs therein contained And againe that scripture that beareth the name of the Machabees is receiued not vnprofitably of the Church so that
distinction is Tertullians against Martion and receiued vsually That euill which is called the punishment of euill there is no question neither but God willeth and is the author of it he being y e iudge of whose warrant it is done and the punishment it selfe being a worke of iustice against sinne being also good The question is de malo culpae of that euill that is the euill it selfe howe God willeth it or not And concerning this matter see first on the one side what is truth thou art not a God sayth the Prophet Dauid that louest wickednes neither shall any euil dwel with thee No thou louest righteousnesse hatest iniquitie Perditio tua ex te Israel et auxilium a me thy destruction Israel is by thy selfe and of thy selfe and in mee is thy helpe When the deuill speaketh a lye hee speaketh of his owne for hee is a lyar and the father thereof Sée then the true author of euill not God but Satan Furthermore if God be all good how can hee will the thing that is euill euery thing willing but that which is agreeable to the nature thereof This striueth therefore with his goodnes It is contrary also to his power for what good that hee will is not hee able to bring to passe without the meanes of euill and if he be then needeth not he to wil any euil to the end to compasse some good by it that otherwise he could not It is cōtrary to his mercy which extendeth it self vpon them that haue done euill It is contrary to his iustice which promiseth it in others And playnely wee see then that the Lord doth not will any euil Which Saint Austen acknowledged when he said Deus non est author vllius rei qua homo fit deterior God is neuer author of any thing wherby man may be made the worse Now on the otherside heare againe what is truth also The Lorde hardened Pharohs heart The Lord deliuereth men vp into a reprobate mind to do those things which are not conuenient the Lorde sendeth men strong delusions to beleeue lies the Lorde sent a spirit to seduce Achab and put him in the mouth of all Achabs Prophets with many such things testified of the Lorde in the word which in vs were euill and séeme so to be in the Lord also if our knowledge be not better to distinguish and to cleare him in whom there can be no vnrighteousnesse euer Hereupon swell the Libertines in blasphemy against the Lord and excusing themselues charge him with their wicked wayes Hereat also stumbled the Manichees and therfore made duo principia two originals or first causes of actions the one most good from whence came al goodnes the other most euill from whence came all euill and the punishment of all euill And hereat also sticke many saying God suffereth these thinges to bee done but no further But I pray you let vs aske them whether God suffer them willingly or against his will If they say willingly then confesse they that God hath a part in the action and that is more than suffring if they say vnwillingly then make they him not omnipotent for cannot he let any thing that he wil not we know he can and there is none that can resist his will sayth the Apostle Wherfore to helpe this matter and to answere with truth we must vnderstand a fewe thinges and I pray you hearken We must distinguish of sinne and we must distinguish of will Sinne hath two distinctions fit for this purpose to bee knowne For either it is considered simply in it selfe and by it selfe as a thing contrary to the law of God or it is considered as a cause of sinne and euill folowing or thirdly as a iust punishment of sinne that went before The first GOD neuer willeth neither can will the second so also But in the third respect God is sayde to will euill to wit not as it is euil but as it is poena peccati the punishment of euill Which in deede is a iust thing of the Lord. So doth hee punish sinne with sinne as in the place before named hee punished the Gentiles with deliuery vp to a reprobate minde to worke euil because when they knewe God they glorified him not as God neither were thankfull The second distinction is this in sinne and all euill there is the action and the deformitie or euill of and in the action The first God may well for he is in deede the very first efficient cause of euery action according to that saying in him we liue moue haue our being and deus operatur in omnibus 1. Cor. 12.16 and of him for him c. omnia Rom. 11.16 Touching the second we must vnderstand that will is either proper or improper Proper when wee will a thing for it selfe either as a good thing in deede or at least so iudged of vs improper when we will a thing not for it selfe as good of it selfe but for some other good that shal folow it And thus may we will that thing that is euill as a man willeth the cutting of some member for the safety of all y e rest So God willeth euill things not because he alloweth them or loueth that which is properly to will but seeth in his mercy hee so disposing them some good shall followe of them which as I say is to wil improperly and herein we sée howe still the obiect of will is good in the Lord. To apply then all this to God so farre as our question requireth let vs vnderstand that that euil which is a punishment inflicted by God for some former euill we may say that God willeth For so teacheth vs the same God himselfe by his Prophet saying I forme the light and create the darkenes I make peace and create euill I the Lord do al these things Marke howe the Lorde sayth hee createth euill That is the euill that is a iust punishment of some former euil or sinne The like againe by the Prophet Amos shall a trumpet be blowne in a Citie and the Lord hath not done it Out of the mouth of the most high proceedeth not euill and good Is it not a knowne trueth in diuinitie that the Lorde punisheth often sinne with sinne Now all sinne we knowe is euill if we respect it selfe but if we respect it as it commeth from God to punish sinne withal then is in that respect not euill but a iust right and good thing The hardning of Pharohs hart in Pharoh was euill in God it was a iust punishment of his sinne The deceyuing of Achab with a lye in it selfe considered was euill but as God did it for a punishment of his sinne it was not euill but iust That strong delusion whereof Paul speaketh in it selfe is euill but if we marke it inflicted by God as a punishment for want of loue to the trueth so it is a iust thing
we not sée the guilty quitte and the halter put ouer the innocents head Shall we not see the wicked aduanced and the godly depressed wreaked and wronged and troad vppon Surely we shall see fooles bid speak and wise men bid peace Yea we shall see euery mans mouth ouer foule with loosenesse and fewe mens liues gouerned with vertue Alasse then againe what a place is this Shall the sinnes of himselfe make the Apostle crie Cupio dissolui I desire to bee loosed and to be with Christ And shall not all the sinnes of so sinfull a world together with our own make vs desire it What pleasure had the good prophet who for the very sinne that he sawe hee desired death Did not our Sauiour say it when time was Non rog● pro mundo I pray not for the world And shall wee ioy in the place so fearefully excepted in the prayer of Christ If wee thinke heauen to bee our home are we not so long from home as we are heere If to depart here hence be to go to lyfe is not to tarrie heere to abide in death If that life be freedome is not this bondage Finally if to bee with God bee our true felicitie to be absent from GOD is it not our sure miserie But whilest we are at home in the bodie we are absent from God sayth the Apostle and therfore think of it What may you now think you beloued to staie you from a true and Christian lothing of this wretched life in so vil● a world Truely I knowe not excepte you should vnwisely saie there be few that doe it and many that doe it not Which if you should saie then must I answere you as he did that said it Neque minor erit gloria tua si foelix eris cum paucis neque poena leuior si miser eris cum stultis Neither shal thy glory be lesse if thou be happie with fewe neyther thy punishment lighter if thou be miserable with many But I hope you are far from being holden in euill with so bad arguments and therfore I pray you let vs all remember what is sayde vnto vs Loue not this world neither any thing that is in the world For if wee loue the world the loue of the father is not in vs. And the Lord strengthen vs. Seuenthly we see heere by this petition and forme of praier the verie true nature of a childe of God namely to desire pray heartely that both in himselfe and others Gods wil may be knowen and done Yea so heartely and earnestly doth he wish this that to see the contrarie is a vexation to his soule very vehement and great And he deliuered iust lot sayth Sainct Peter vexed with the vncleanly conuersation of the wicked And I saw the transgressours sayth Dauid and was grieued because they kept not thy word yea mine eyes gush out with teares for this cause But of this some thing was sayde before The Lorde enter not into iudgement with vs euer for the want of this sorrow to see other men doe euill saying nothing of our selues our owne euill For how may we answer not our sorrowing but our laughing euen as wee were tickled to see dronkards to heare rimers and railers and idle counterfaiters tearing their tongues against theyr teeth to the dishonour of God the gauling or slaunder of others and the death of their owne soules for euer without repētance which in many of them God may worke but it is smally to bee hoped of as yet God that shall iudge vs knoweth it and telleth vs now whilst we haue time to leaue it that wee cannot answer it The Lord therefore chaunge vs and wee shall be chaunged and make the breach of his will to touch vs deepely both in our selues and others Lastly wee may note here if there were no other Scriptures to shewe vs what an acceptable thing to the Lord the readie and carefull doing of his wil is by this that our Sauiour placeth this petition amongst the first and chiefe desires of his children wee may see our dulnes that must be taught to pray for this obedience and wee may see Gods rich great goodnesse that wil giue vs strength to obey him and then crowne vs for so doing with an immortall crowne as if wee had done all of our selues The Lord giue vs feeling And let thus much suffice of this petition A Prayer O Sweete and gracious Father how deere both is ought to be to a good child the goodwill of his earthly Father And if so how much more deere to thy child the iust and euer holy will of thee his heauenly father In deede hee should pray with hart soule that it may be done And therefore feeling our onely sweete comfort this that wee are thy children wee againe and againe beseech thy maiestie that it may so be Concerning thy secret will reserued to thy selfe O Lord let vs neuer curiously bee searchers and seekers to knowe aboue that which is meete for vs to knowe Much lesse let vs giue our selues by spirites and deuilles and vile meanes to wring out as it were by force from thee the knowledge of tymes and seasons and matters reserued in thy power but let vs euer concerning this bee thus disposed by thy grace in our selues that whatsoeuer this hidden will of thine shal be concerning vs whether to liue or dye to bee poore or rich to be high or low in this world with the same and in the same wee rest and be contented saying in our harts as obedient children let my God and Father do with mee and dispose of mee at his pleasure And when it shall appeare and be reueiled to vs then euen more if more may bee to be contented giuing true and hartie thankes to thy maiestie as well for wo as well for little as much for lowe degree as high degree if so thy pleasure be taking well in worth as thy seruant Iob at thy hands euill things as good things sower as well as sweet and lowring nightes as well as Sunneshine mornings Deere GOD make vs euer blesse thy name with a single hart when we knowe thy will and till thou shewest it leaue it to thy selfe Concerning next thy reueiled will that is all that which in thy worde thou hast layd downe and declared to bee the duetie which thou wilt haue performed of vs toward thee O Lord of mercie wee beseech thee that whereas our mindes burning with lusts are commonly caried to desire and to doe those things that most displease thee thou of thy gracious goodnesse wouldest vouchsafe so to chaunge vs by the power of thy blessed Spirite that we may wil and wish nothing but what thy holy will alloweth Giue vs faith firme and stedfast in thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ And to this faith ioyne in mercie a pure and cleane life graunting vs grace to possesse these vessels in holinesse and honour and not in the lust
onely shoulde bee a lie and a fained humilitie And as Austen pretilie speaketh Humilitas statuta in parte falsitatis perderet praemium veritatis False humilitie should loose y e blessing that truth should haue Non ergo debemus sic laudare creatorem vt cogamur dicere imo verò conuincamur dicere superfluum saluatorèm We must not so prayse our creator as we be compelled yea conuinced to saie that superfluous is a Sauiour And agayne Quia nos creauit ita simus grati vt non simus quia sanat ingrati Let vs so be thankfull to the Lord for creating vs as wee bée not vnthankfull to him for healing vs. With many such like sentēces noting our too true corruption and their most highe pride that think they haue attained to such holynesse as y t they neede not saie Remitte nobis debita nostra Forgiue vs O Lorde our trespasses Is there anie man now a dayes better than the Disciples Yet the Lord teacheth thē we sée to pray this prayer And surely as our garments though dayly brushed yet dayly and still need brushing agayne because euer when they are brushed newe dust and foulenesse lighteth vppon them euen so our soules and bodies though many times altered by a gracious pardon from God in Christ yet daily and still so gathering dust agayne as that dayly and still they neede to bee cleered And therefore euer must all men praie this praier Furthermore euen here also haue the Nouatian heretiques a playne fall with their most vncomfortable assertion or heresie thinking and auouching that there is no pardon for any that after he is baptized committeth any publique sinne For doth our Sauiour here make any distinction of publique or priuat offences of men baptized or vnbaptized of tymes before or after No no to our great comfort he doth not as hath before bene shewed but al men hee biddeth pray thus at all tymes he biddeth pray thus and for all offences hee biddeth pray thus indefinitly And except wee shall make a mocker of the Lord what hee biddeth aske he is ready to giue and a sure comfort by his commaundement to pray may be drawen to my soule that I shal obtayne And therefore litle children these things I write that yee sinne not But if any man doe sinne wee haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Yea let vs adde to his wordes but not to his meaning for sinnes both before and after baptisme Nowe do you put me in mind of a question which I only also will aske you Namely what comfort there is for a frayle creature that after repentance and purpose neuer to offende so any more yet shall fall againe euen into the same fault of frayltie not of malice Surely you name a very notable testimony of our most vile corruption that solemnely professing our repentance for any bad behauiour and vowing to the Lorde and with our selues that no more wee will do so yet contrary both to promise and purpose we fall againe into the selfesame offence and sinne And if the Lord should neuer receyue vs againe after such a transgression we had but what iustly and greatly wee deserued Yet is this mercy more not to imbolden to so great impietie but to comfort grieued ones with so great frailtie Wherefore with desire to stand and al possible indeuour against such second fals let vs heare yet what the Lorde sayth if in our great weakenes wee doe fall I meane into the same offence againe after repentance For we see the Prophets in euerie place exhort men to repentance not which had once offended but which with an obstinate contempt of God had not stayed to runne into all kind of wickednes which after a shewe of repentaunce yet returned to their sinnefull course agayne the Prophet Ieremy of all other is full of places if you list to read any Agayne the Lorde in his law would haue dayly sacrifices offred sometime in the name of the whole people sometimes in the name of a priuat person aswell for offences committed by ignorance as for voluntary transgressions and falles which assuredly shoulde not haue bene done except there had bene mercy euen for second faults For the Lord would not deceiue his people with vaine figures Thirdly in the Psalme we very playnely sée that God was intreated to forgiue most hypocriticall and obstinate sinnes And nowe in the tyme of his Gospell his goodnes is not streyted or diminished but euen nowe also more playnely it is proclaymed to the worlde that at what tyme soeuer a sinner soroweth from his heart there is pardon with the Lorde without exception against often committing of the same offence When the Lord inioyneth vs to forgiue our brethren seuentie times seuen times doth he meane newe offences only such as they neuer committed agaynst vs before or hee meaneth all whatsoeuer or how often soeuer fallen into by their frailtie And if so doth he require more mercy of man than he the God of mercy wil shew or shall the creature excell the creator in any goodnes God forbid Sée it therefore and be with comfort most assured of it that if wee sinne not seuen times but seuentie times seuen times against his maiesty and euen in the same thing and so often with weeping eyes and sobbing soule fall at his feete for mercy to so great frailtie there is mercy with him and pardon to true repentance But take heede wee turne not the grace of God into wantonnes presumption For if I sucke the libertie out of this doctrine be sure I sauoure it to death and not to life and what knew I whether euer I shall haue grace truely to repent what so bouldly and presumptuously I haue dared to commit When the Apostle sayth If any man sinne wee haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes Doe you thinke wee may tye this to onely such sinnes as were neuer committed before without a very playne and great iniury to that place of scripture No no we cannot therefore a true ground of comfort euen for sins often fallen into so y t frailtie and not loosenes bee the cause and read the 9. of Daniel and see if hee confesse not sinne often committed and as it were in a continued course and yet dispaireth not of mercy What meaneth that article of our fayth I beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes shall we glose vpon it thus that is of such sins as I neuer cōmitted but once Surely if wee doe it must bee sayd cursed be the glose that corrupteth the text For that article compriseth al sinne before baptisme after baptisme before repentance after repentance euer through the course of my life in this worlde whatsoeuer it is howe often so euer I haue slyded
cursed speakings are euen fearefull when wee reade them So that we sée now in these how aduersitie bewrayed corruption incredulitie impatiencie and many foule faults hidden before from men and happely euen from their owne eyes The like might be shewed in many moe Euen the Apostles themselues declared their weaknesse when they were thus tried by the apprehēsion of their maister and they fled away Peter more than all the rest when a poore mayde made him denye and euery question redenye and forsweare Euery way therefore aduersitie is a tell tale And being sent in the wisedome of the mightie GOD to any man or woman with commission to examine them and to discouer them it doth in deede effectually and quickly shewe what is within If faith patience hope humilitie loue of God and such like vertues bee there so he sheweth by and by and if not so he sheweth also without partialitie and maketh euen a world often witnesse of it Truely therefore sayth Iesus Syrach The fornace trieth the potters vessell and affliction trieth the iust and godly And Salomon as siluer and golde is tried by fire so doth God proue and trie the harts of men Your fathers saith Iudith were tempted that they might bee tried and proued whether they truely from their heart worshipped GOD. The want of the true knowledge hereof maketh many hastie Iudges iudgements in the worlde men by and by entring into some euill conceipt of their estate with GOD whom they see in this case Truely it is too true For euen as the Prophet sayth of the head so is it found in the members they are iudged as plagued and smitten of God wee hide as it were our faces from them they are despised and wee esteeme them not A very greeuous fault in whosoeuer doe so and checked with the practise euer of the liuing God vppon his children and many sweete and true comforts out of the worde For what sonne is it sayth he whom the father chasteneth not As if hee should say there is none neither euer was or euer shalbe But euen all and euery one lesse or more is thus tempted tried and proued of God in time And therefore if ye bee without correction whereof all are partakers then are ye bastards and not sonnes Whosoeuer will be my disciple let him take vp his crosse and followe me For through many tribulatiōs must the entrance into Gods kingdome be Wherefore forget not saith the Apostle the consolation which speaketh vnto you as children My sonne despise not the chastining of the Lord neither faint when thou art rebuked of him For whome the Lord loueth he chastineth and hee scourgeth euery sonne that hee receiueth And Iames againe most comfortably Blessed is the man that indureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receiue the crowne of life which the Lorde hath promised to them that loue him But my purpose is not to enter into this common place now I haue done it elswhere and there is scarce a leafe of the whole scripture that stayeth not our harts against this hellish conceipt that aduersitie affliction and these crossing tryalles or trying crosses should import an angrie God towards vs euer God forbid The truth is otherwise as I say And I also very willingly confesse it But yet giue mee leaue I pray you a little This generalitie in my opiniō contenteth not euery man for oftentimes when a man confesseth the generall namely that the Lorde by aduersitie proueth his children yet fayleth he in the particular looking at his owne estate entreth into some feare y t yet not in such such a sort hee dealeth with any but whō he hath cast off And therfore in my opinion it should not bee amisse to deriue the generall into particulars and to shewe some seuerall tryalls of this kinde with their comfortes or examples out of the word of God Let it be so since that contenteth you And then taking this course let vs remember that these things are eyther inward in the soule and conscience or outward in bodie goods children friendes fame such like Of the inward speaketh with no litle vehemencie Iob when hee sayth The arrows of the almightie are in me the venome whereof doth drinke vp my spirite and the terrours of God fight against me For heereby hee declareth that hee was not onely afflicted in bodie but wounded in conscience which is the greatest battaile the faithful can haue Now of inward conflicts the greate maine one is when a man or woman falleth into feare and faintings concerning election doubting in themselues after some sorte least they belong not thervnto and therefore let vs make this our beginning yet speaking but briefly of it because many haue handled the point right well Knowe wee then our comfort herein if the Lorde euer please to trie vs thus Election is a thing reuealed by steps and whosoeuer wil surely and safely find it out must keepe the same For as it were a madnesse if I desired to climb a ladder to seeke to set my foote at first vppon the highest step so shall it be if I seeke out my election first before I looke vnto other things And as there the highest step is truly troad vppon at the last if I begin at the lowest and so goe vpward so is election certainly found if we keepe the like order This spirituall ladder then standeth thus Whome the Lord electeth before all time them doth he euer call in time either at the morning at the ninth houre or eleuenth houre or some houre Then Whom he calleth them doth he iustifie that is whome hee effectually calleth Whome he iustifieth them doth he sanctifie and whome hee sanctifieth them doth he glorifie So now then I would come to my election and consequently my glorification which is the highest step and is in heauen with GOD then must I begin at the lowest steppe to wit Sanctification which is in my self and ascend thus If I be sanctified then iustified if iustified then called if called thē elected and so sure to be glorified Our sanctification euerie one of vs knoweth feeleth and findeth how truly it carieth with it a note of Gods childe chosen in time to inherite heauen Marke the Scriptures As the braunch saith our Sauiour Christ cannot beare fruit of it selfe excepte it abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth foorth much fruite for without me ye can doe nothing Heere you see a coniunction comfortable namely of holy fruites and Christ of fruitfull braunches and the vine so that if the Lord haue wrought this blessed worke in vs that we are dead to sinne and aliue to righteousnes then are we in him and he in vs yea euen so surely as it is certaine that the bearing bough is not
confessing it to bee their infirmitie as in deede it is And the Lord of comfort worke our comfort Will God then accept some obedience Yet again do you aske mee that Was it not proued euen now that sanctification with imperfection is neuerthelesse true sanctification and accepted But you shew a passion still following the godly minde that what it wisheth to haue it feareth to want and therefore neuer is wearie of proofe to haue what heart desireth Therfore euen agayne I aunswere you that hée doth And be iudge your self Whē the Father cried w t wéeping eyes Lord I beleue helpe my beleefe Did the Lord answer him roughly sirra I accept no imperfecte faith No no he most gratiously accepted his some faith and helped his childe Doe we not reade it to our great comfort what the Lorde badde the Prophet aunswere to Ieroboams wife that came disguised to aske concerning her sicke sonne namelie that he onely of Ieroboam should come to the graue because in him there was some goodnesse toward the Lorde of God of Israel Therefore euen some goodnesse some grace some faith some loue some obedience you see is not ouerlooked of our most mercifull father though it be but little For it is not the quantitie but the qualitie that is not how much but how true that the Lorde regardeth All those eies that looked vpon the brasen Serpent were not alyke great and yet the least eie receyued health by that looking So are not all mens faith alike For the Lorde giueth at his owne good pleasure in greate diuersitie and yet the least being true looketh vppon the true salue of our stings resembled by the brasen Serpent Christ Iesus to eeternall life as wel as y e greatest Though our father chidde them for their little faith yet did he neuer reiect them that had anie Euery poore beggars hand is not alike and yet the least serueth him to take a penie as well as the greatest So shall our hande of faith do I warrant you and therfore reach it out with cheere feare not And what if euen in that little obedience there be also some imperfection mingled Bee it neuer so little if it come from vs be you sure it will haue his dregs and impuritie For euen all our righteousnesse is lyke a stayned cloth But what then O sweete God What did he when the midwiues with a good action intermingled a lie Did hee refuse their good for their euill No no hee receiued their obedience though thus stayned and mercifully hee turned away his face from the other as a deere father that hath an Eagles eie to spy any thing well in his child and euen no eie to see what hee woulde not see beeing the frailties of his chosen children whereof they sigh to bee disburthened And it is a heaten truth and knowen to vs that if hee looked not awaie from imperfections and wrath yea euen winowed as it were his childrens actions keeping the grayne and blowing awaye the chaffe with a breath of mercie in Christ hee shoulde neuer accept any obedience in this world at anie mans hand Alasse then why should wee feare so often and much as we doo and faint since all things are thus comfortable to the Lords children O sir these feares and wreastlings and spirituall struglings that the godly are euer subiect vnto are as the Lordes plowe to breake vp the fallowe grounde of our heartes and to teare them that otherwise would bee whole lumpes vnfit to receyue seede into fine small earth softe and mellowe and fruitfull that no sooner the seede may be throwē in but it sinketh is couered and setteth it selfe to fructifie when otherwise it would not nor could not vpon whole ground but lying onely vppon the outwarde face and not sinking the foules would deuour it or at least it take no rooting And therefore thrice necessarie and profitable are these spirituall buffets nowe and then to worke in vs that broken and contrite heart which the Lorde shall neuer despise To take from vs our stonie hearts and to giue vs fleshie in their places Let them bee then as the Lorde pleaseth espeally when hee hath giuen vs so sweete a promise that hee will neuer lay more vpon vs than hee will make able to beare Lette him plowe vs and bruse vs and breake vs at his pleasure it is the Lord lette him doe what seemeth him best hee knoweth our mould and his mercie helpe vs in all our feares Amen And Amen saie I againe to this prayer leauing you now to your libertie to go forwards with other temptations as you will It is a spirituall tryall many tymes to Gods children to crie and pray and as they thinke not to be heard because their petitions are not by and by graunted But they forget then other deere ones of the Lord and the Lords often practise For Dauid in many Psalmes sayth I crye and thou hearest not Iob sayth When I cry vnto thee thou doest not heare mee neither regardest me when I stand vp The woman of Canaan cried hartely and receiued no comfort of long yet did hee heare her well enough but the ende made amendes and so shall it to vs all as may be our good which he best knoweth and not we It is a temptation to bee heauie harted and wee thinke O Lorde why should I bee thus Surely sorrowe consumeth the life and a cheerefull hart prolongeth our daies But yet we must knowe what befalleth the godly My soule is powred out vppon mee and the daies of affliction haue taken hold vpon me sayth Iob in his heauines Dauids soule was sad and it would not presently be lighted Yea from the endes of the earth sayth he will I call vnto thee when my heart is in heauines My heart is smitten down withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread with many such places Sometime for sinne sometime for worldly accidents sorrowe will assault the godly and being men and women we must bee content to indure the smarts incident to our nature Yet euer remembring to holde faith and a Christian measure in all our sadnesse And many times beating it into our mindes that a cheerefull heart pleaseth GOD and man Reioyce in hope sayth the Apostle reioyce in the Lorde reioyce in the Lorde alway againe I say reioyce and euermore reioyce What iterations and dublings are these And if the Lord must bee heard when hee speaketh single how will hee take our deafnes whē he speaketh dubble The fruit of the Spirite is ioye It causeth good health sayth Salomon and refuse it not then The greatnesse of sinne is an other of the vncomfortable meditations now and then of Gods deere ones they fearing and shaking to behold the same least the Lords iustice should breake out against it and consume them But good beloued let vs bee wise as the Lorde would haue vs