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A00587 Ancilla pietatis: or, The hand-maid to priuate deuotion presenting a manuell to furnish her with necessary principles of faith. Forcible motiues to a holy life. Vsefull formes of hymnes and prayers. ... By Daniel Featly, D. in Diuinity. Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. 1626 (1626) STC 10725; ESTC S115083 203,491 770

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of the Spirit of Life in Christ Iesus hath made mee free from the Law of sinne and of death Romans 8. 2. Yee haue not receiued the Spirit of bondage againe to feare but the Spirit of Adoption whereby wee cry Abba Father verse 15. They despight the Spirit of Grace Heb. 10. 29. The Spirit maketh Intercession for vs with sighs and grones that cannot be expressed Romans 9. 29. To one is giuen the Spirit of the Word of Wisedome to another the Word of Knowledge by the same Spirit 1 Corinthians 12. 8. All these worketh one and the same Spirit verse 11. The Father of Glory giue vnto vs the Spirit of Wisedome and reuelation in the Knowledge of him Ephes. 1. 17. The Spirit of Glory and of GOD resteth in vs. 1 Peter 4. 14. When the Spirit of Truth is come hee will leade you into all Truth Ioh. 16. 13. Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 1 Corinthians 3. 17. He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reape life euerlasting Gal. 6. 8. Walke in the Spirit and yee shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh Gal. 5. 16. The fruits of the Spirit are loue peace ioy c. verse 17. If yee be led by the Spirit yee are not vnder the Law verse 18. Whosoeuer speaketh against the holy Ghost it shall not bee forgiuen him neither in this world nor in the world to come Mat. 12. 32. Of how much sorer punishment shall hee bee thought worthy who hath troden vnder foot the Sonne of GOD and hath accounted the blood of the couenant wherewith hee was sanctified an vnholy thing and hath done despight to the Spirit of God Hebrewes 10. 29. A Prayer for Whit sunday INcomprehēsible Spirit the third Person in the blessed and glorious Trinity who after the Father had manifested himselfe to the world in the works of Creation and the Sonne in the works of Redemption finished in the flesh diddest manifest thy selfe on this day in a wonderfull manner by the sound of a rushing winde and the light of fiery tongues Manifest thy selfe most powerfully and gloriously in the vniuerfall Church by enlarging her bounds and making vp her breaches and hallowing her Assemblies and furnishing her Pastors and knitting the hearts of all her members in true loue the bond of perfection Perfect the work of sanctification in all thine Elect manifest thy selfe also graciously this day and declare thy gifts in the tongues of the Preachers and eares of the hearers and the hearts of all the Congregation Direct the mouthes of the Preachers that they may skilfully sowe the Seede and open the eares and mollify the hearts of the hearers that they may receiue it profitably and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit abundantly which are loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith meeknesse temperance c. O Eternall and infinite holy Ghost the loue of the Father and the Sonne who diddest descend vpon our Sauiour in the likenesse of a Doue without gall purge out of my conscience all gall of malice and bitternesse and grant that with meeknesse I may receiue the ingraffed Word which is able to saue my soule O holyest Spirit eternall breath of the Father and the Son and former of the Word in the wombe who camest with a sound come down vpon me in the sound of thy Word Preached though not in the extraordinary gifts of Prophecy tongues and healing yet in the ordinary graces of faith hope and charity the Spirit of supplication and Prayer of wisedome and spirituall vnderstanding of power and ghostly comfort O heauenly Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Sonne who descendedst from heauen like a mighty rushing winde throw mee downe to the ground in humility and prostrate my heart and soule before thee Beate downe all strong holds of carnall imaginations and worldly thoughts resisting thy grace Chase away all cloudes of error out of my vnderstanding cleare my will of all foggs of noysome desires coole and refresh me in the heate of persecution fill the sailes of my affections and driue mee speedily into the faire hauen where I would bee O diuine fire burning continually in the hearts of the faithfull and consuming all our spirituall sacrifices who this day diddest descend and appeare in the likenesse of fiery tongues bee a fire in my heart and tongue that I may be feruent in my Meditations and Prayers and Zealous in the profession and defence of thy Truth Inlighten the darknesse of my vnderstanding inflame the coldnesse of my affections purge out the drosse of my corruptions direct me in all the affaires of this life assist mee in all the exercises of Deuotion strengthen me in al the assaults of temptation comfort me in all the miseries and afflictions seale all thy gracious promises of thy Gospell vnto mee and seale mee to the day of redemption So bee it Amen Into my minde descend ô Doue Purge gall cleane out of me With siluer wings raise me aboue My Sauiour Christ to see PART 1. SVPPART 4. The Christian FAST'S Deuotion Of FAST'S in generall There is a 3-old fast 1 Fast from sinne 2 Fast for sinne 3 Fast against sin THe fast from sinne ought to bee perpetuall The fast for sinne is extraordinarie vpon speciall occasions to auert some dreadfull iudgement or auoide som imminent danger The fasts against sinne ought to be more frequent and according to the customes of the ancient Church and the present practise of the Church of England They are Weekly on the Fridaies Monethly on the Holy-day Eeues Quarterly in the Ember weekes Yeerely in the Lent THe Doctrine of fasting hath met with errors and superstitions on both hands Some ascribing too much to it and placing the immediate and principall worship of God in it some ascribing too little and making it no matter of Religion at all Some superstitiously obseruing and others out of a contrary superstition scrupulously declining the obseruation of all Fasts appointed by the Church To steere the iudgement in a middle course betweene these rocks on both sides conceiue thus of the nature of Religious acts the seuerall kindes of Fasts and the vse thereof A Religious act or work may be taken 1 In a larger sence for any work commanded by Christian Religion in vvhich sence all the duties of the second Table may be called Religious acts or workes as well as the first 2 In a more restrained acception for such workes and acts in which Religion properly taken for the worship of God consists And these are of two sorts 1 Principall as Believing in God Praying the like 2 Accessarie seruing as helps or preparations to the princi pall as Watching Fasting and the like FAsting is not to be esteemed such an act of religion as wherein principally and immediatly we worship God for the Kingdome of God as the Apostle reacheth consisteth not in meates and
come and offer thy gift Mat. 5. 24. Yea tithe Mint and Rue c. These things yee ought to haue done and not left the other vndone Luke 11. 42. Let him that is taught in the word make him that taught him partaker of all his goods Gal. 6. 6. If we haue sowed to you spirituall things is it much if wee reape of you carnal things 2 Cor. 9. 11. Abraham gaue him Tithe of all that he had Gen. 14. 10. Of all that thou shalt giue me will I giue the tenth vnto thee Gen 28. 2. Then Dauid said behold I dwell in Cedar trees but the Arke of the Lord remaineth vnder the curtaines 2 Sam. 7. 2. Then euery one whose spirit made him willing came and brought an offering to the Lord for the worke of the Tabernacle Exod. 35. 21. I will not come within the Tabernacle of mine house nor climbe vp into my bed Psal. 132 3. I will not suffer mine eyes to sleepe nor mine eye lidds to slumber nor the Temples of my head to take any rest verse 4. Till I haue found out a place for the Temple of the Lord an habitation for the mighty God of Iacob verse 5. I giue Tithe of all that I possesse Luke 18. 12. So should thy barnes bee filled with abundance and thy presses shall burst with new wine Prou. 3. 10. Bring all the tithes into the store-house that there may bee meate in mine house and proue me heerewith sayeth the Lord. Mal. 3. 10. He will multiply your seede and increase the fruits of your beneuolence 2 Cor. 9. 10. You looked for much and loe it came to little and when yee brought it home I did blow vpon it Why saith the Lord of Hosts Because of mine house that is waste and yee runne euery man to his owne house Hag. 1. 9. Therefore the heauen ouer you is staied from dew and the earth is stayed from her fruit verse 10. Yee say wherein haue wee robbed thee In tithes and offerings Mal. 3. 8. Ye are cursed with a curse for yee haue robbed mee euen this whole nation verse 9. He that soweth sparingly shall reape sparingly 2 Cor. 9. 6. Be not deceiued God is not mocked Whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he reape Gal. 6. 7. A Psalme for Twelfe-day O Praise the Lord of heauen praise him in the height Psal. 148 1. Praise him all yee his Angels praise him all his host verse 2. Praise him Sunne and Moone praise him all yee starres and light verse 3. Thy seate ô God endureth for euer the scepter of thy kingdom is a right scepter Psal 45. 7. The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Sion bee thou ruler euen in the middest among thine enemies Psal. 110. 2. In the day of thy power shall the people offer thee free will offerings with an holy worship the dew of thy birth is of the wombe of the morning verse 3. Thy dominion shall bee from one sea to the other and from the floods vnto the worlds end Psal. 72. 8. They that dwell in the wildernesse shall kneele before thee thine enemies shall lick the dust verse 9. All Kings shall fall downe before thee all nations shall doe thee seruice verse 11. Thy name shall endure for euer thy name shall remaine vnder the sun among all posterities which shall bee blessed through thee and all the heathen shall praise thee verse 17. Blessed bee the name of thy Maiesty for euer and all the earth shall bee filled with his Maiesty Amen Amen A Prayer for Twelfe-day FAther of lights who didst guide the heathen Sages by a starre to seeke after and find thy sonne the true light which enlighteneth euery man that commeth into the world giue mee grace to giue eare to the more sure Word of Prophecie in the Scriptures til the day dawne and the day starre arise in my heart As thou calledst the wise men obseruers of the starres by a star the sheepheards lying abroad by an apparition in the fields Zachary the Priest by a Vision in the Temple Peter the fisher by a draught of fishes Mathew the Publican at the receipt of custome and Saint Austin enamourd with eloquence by the lustre of Saint Ambroses stile and enticing eloquence I beseech thee take the aduantage of such seasons and apply such meanes for my vnfeigned conuersion vnto thee as are most agreeable to my inclination disposition and condition So will I come vnto thee and fall downe before thee and present vnto thee gold frankinsence and mirrh gold in acknowledgement of thy kingdome frankinsence of thy Priesthood and mirrh of thy death I will offer willingly freely vnto thee incense of praise thanksgiuing for thy benefits the mirrh of bitter teares for my sinnes and gold according to my ability for the maintenance of thy seruice and adorning thy Temple Lord who by this rich present prouidedst for the virgins wants to supply them in her iourney to Aegypt extend thy goodnesse to mee in al necessities and establish my faith and confidence in thee in al dangers and difficulties whatsoeuer For thou hast promised neuer to leaue nor forsake them that trust in thee The stony rocke shall yeeld a fountaine of water and a dry cr●re a spring of oyle the loaues shall multiply by spending nay the Clouds shall be Store-houses of Bread and the winde serue in Fowle and the Rauens bring in prouision the Fishes pay tribute of money and Heathen Sages from the East by the conduct of a Starre bring in costly presents and New yeeres-gifts before thy children shall want their necessary maintenance or sustenance Blessed Babe who at thy birth didst presage thy death and assayedst the Crosse in thy Cratch and being excluded as it were from all men wast constrained to take vp thy lodging with beasts in a Stable teach me what I am to looke for in this world If it giue me course and base and beastly entertainment it gaue thee worse and the seruant is not to expect better respect then the Master O King of glory who hadst no Palace in this world but an Inne no Chamber of Presence but a Stable no Tapestry but Straw no Chaire of estate but a Cratch no Scepter but a Reede and no Crowne but a wreath of thornes worke in me an holy high-mindednesse to despise this world which so despised thee Make the worldly greatnesse seeme small honour base estimation vile and pompe vaine vnto me Let not the glittering shew of gold siluer or precious stones or the luster of eminent conditions dazell the eyes of my minde but let the beames of this starre light and guide me rather to honour thee in a Stable then leaue thee to follow Herod in his Palace vpon any hopes whatsoeuer The wise men after they had seene thee neuer returned backe to Herod but went another way to their owne home so let me after thou hast called me to the knowledge of the
beleeueth in him should not perish Ioh. 3. 15. The Father hath committed all iudgement to the Sonne that all men should honour the Sonne as the Father Ioh. 5. 23. There is another that beareth witnesse of me and I know that the witnesse he witnesseth of me is true Ioh. 5. 32. The Father who hath sent me himselfe beareth witnesse of me Ioh. 5. 37. The Lord sware and will not repent thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchizedeck Psal. 110. 4. God willing more aboundantly to shew to the heires of promise the immutabilitie of his counsell confirmed it with an oath Heb. 6. 17. That by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lye we might haue a strong consolation who haue flied for refuge to lay hold vpon the hope set before vs ver 18. Go into all the world he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued he that beleeueth not shall be damned Mar. 16. 16. Verily I say vnto you if any man keepe my sayings he shall neuer see death Ioh 8. 51. I am the resurrection and the life he that beleeueth in me though he were dead yet shall he liue Ioh. 11. 25. And whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in me shall neuer die v. 26. For their sakes I sanctifie my selfe that they also might be sanctified through the truth Ioh. 17. 19. Neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall beleeue in me through their word ver 20. The Spirit it selfe beareth witnesse to our spirits that we are the children of God Rom. 8. 16. He which stablisheth vs with Christ and hath annointed vs 2. Cor. 1. 21. Who hath also sealed vs and giuen the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts ver 22. He that wrought vs for the selfe same thing is God who also hath giuen vnto vs the earnest of the Spirit After that ye beleeued ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise Eph. 1. 13. Which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the purchased possession vnto the praise of his glorie ver 14. He that receiued his testimonie hath set to his seale that God is true Ioh. 3. 33. He receiued the seale of righteousnesse Rom. 4. 11. Grieue not the holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed to the day of redemption Eph. 4. ●0 If ye haue faith and doubt not ye shall not onely do this which is done to the figge-tree but also if ye say to this mountaine Be thou remoued and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done Mat. 21. 21. If I had all faith so that I could remoue mountaines c. 1. Cor. 1● 2. Thes● signes shall follow them that beleeue in my Name they shall cast out diuels they shall speake with new tongues Mar. 16 17. They shall take vp serpents and if they drinke any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sicke and they shall recouer ver 18. Verily verily I say vnto you he that beleeueth on me the workes which I do shall he do also and greater workes then these shall he do Ioh. 14. 12. See Heb. 11 from the 14. verse to the 35. Aboue all take the shield of faith whereby ye shall be able to quench all the fierie darts of the wicked Eph. 6. 16. Your aduersarie the diuell as a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking whom he may deuour 1. Pet. 5. 8. Whom resist stedfast in the faith ver 9. This is the victorie that ouer-commeth the world euen our faith 1. Ioh. 5. 4. Who is he that ouercometh the world He that beleeueth c. ver 5. For ye are the children of God by faith in Iesus Christ Gal. 3. 26. God who knoweth the heart bore them witnesse giuing them the holy Ghost as he did vnto vs Acts 15. 8. And put no difference betweene vs and them purifying their hearts by faith Acts 15. 9. Whosoeuer beleeueth in me shall not be ashamed Rom. 9. 33. Behold I lay in Sion a chiefe corner stone elect and pretious and he that beleeueth on him shall not be confounded 1. Pet. 2. 6. See Isa. 28. 16. Psal. 118. 22. Mat. 21. 42. Acts 4. 12. Iesus seeing his faith said Son be of good cheere thy sinnes be forgiuen thee Mat. 9. 2. Daughter be of good comfort thy faith hath made thee whole ver 21. Behold his soule which is lifted vp in him is not vpright but the Iust shall liue by his faith Heb. 2. 4. And Abraham beleeued in the Lord and it was counted to him for righteousnesse Gen. 15. 6. And by him all that beleeue are iustified from all things from which ye could not be iustified by the Law of Moses Acts 13. 39. The righteousnesse of God without the Law is manifested being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets Rom. 3. 21. Euen the righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ to all that beleeue ver 22. Whom God hath set foorth to be a propitiation through faith in his bloud ver 25. It is one God which iustifieth circumcision by faith and vncircumcision through faith ver 30. To him that worketh not but beleeueth on him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse Rom. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. verses Being iustified by faith we haue peace with God Rom. 5. 1. With the heart man beleeueth to righteousnesse Rom 10. 10. Knowing that a man is not iustified by the workes of the law but by the faith of Iesus Christ that 〈…〉 iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the workes of the law Gal. 2. 16. Who are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation 1. Pet. 1. 5. For by grace ye are saued through faith Eph 2. 8. Receiuing the end of our faith the saluation of our soules 1. Pet. 1. 9. I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith 2. Tim. 4. 7. From hence foorth is laide vp for me a crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me onely but to all them that loue his comming ver 8. Be faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee a crowne of life Reuel 2. 10. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him Psal. 2. vlt. Verily I say vnto you whosoeuer heareth my word and beleeueth him that sent me hath euerlasting life shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life Ioh. 5. 24. THE PRAYER FOR Friday Euening composed of Petitions sutable to the worke of the day Motiues to faith in Christ agreeable to the precedent exhortation MOst bountifull and mercifull Lord God who this day createdst man and redeemedst him formedst and reformedst him inspiredst him with the breath of life and expiredst and diedst for him vpon the Crosse shew thy selfe a faithfull Creator in preseruing thine owne workes and a faithfull Redeemer in
7. Purge me with Hysope and I shall be cleane wash me and I shall be whiter then snow Psal. 51. 7. I will purge away thy drosse and take away all thy Tinn● Isa. 1. 25. For their sakes I sanctifie my selfe that they also may be sanctified Iohn 17. 19. Being sanctified by the holy Ghost Rom. 15. 16. Such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified 1. Cor. 6. 11. That he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word Eph. 5. 26. For by one offering he hath perfected them for euer that are sanctified Heb. 10. 14. To them that are sanctified by God the Father c. Iude 1. 1. I know that my redeemer liueth c. Iob 19. 25. Though after my skin wormes destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God ver 26. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsell and afterwards receiue me to glorie Psal. 73. 24. Father I will that they also whom thou hast giuen me bee with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast giuen me Ioh. 17. 24. Come yee blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world Math. 25. 34. Feare not little flocke for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue you the kingdome Luke 12. 32. If so be we suffer with him we shall also bee glorified together with him Rom. 8. 17. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glorie that shall be reuealed in vs ver 18. Whom he iustifieth them also he glorifieth ver 30. Who shall change our vile bodie that it may be fashioned to his glorious body Phil. 3. 21. I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith 2. Tim. 4. 7. Henceforth there is layed vp for me a crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me onely but vnto them also that loue his appearing ver 8. Blesse the Lord ô my soule and forget not all his benefits Psal. 103. 2. Which forgiueth all thy sinne and healeth all thy diseases ver 3. O Lord thou hast brought vp my soule from the graue thou hast kept me aliue that I should not go downe to the pit Psal. 30. 3. The Lord killeth and maketh aliue c. 1. Sam. 2 6. It is God that girdeth me with strength and maketh my way perfect Psal. 18. 32. He teacheth my hands to warre so that a bow of steele is broken by mine armes ver 34. Which satisfieth thy mouth with good things and maketh thee young and lustie as an Eagle Psal. 103. 5. Come and let vs returne vnto the Lord for he hath torne and he will heale vs he hath smitten and he will bind vs vp Hos. 6. 1. I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which thou hast shewed vnto thy seruant for with my staffe I passed ouer this Iordan and now I am become two bands Genes 32. 10. Also the Lord gaue Iob twise as much as he had before Iob 42. 10. Charge the rich in this world that they bee not high minded nor trust in vncertaine riches but in the liuing God who giueth vs richly all things to enioy 1. Ti. 6. 17. Thou hast set me at libertie when I was in thrall Psal 4. 1. Cornelius a iust man and of good report Acts 10. 22. And these all hauing obtained a good report through faith receiued not the promises Hebrewes 11. 39. Oyntment and perfume reioyce the heart so doth the sweetnes of a mans friend by heartie counsell Prou. 27●9 Then came to Iob all his brethren and all his sisters and all they that had bene of his acquaintance c. Iob 42. 11. Thou Lord onely makest mee dwell in safetie Psal. 4. 8. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide vnder the shadow of the Almightie Psal. 91. 1. Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleepe Psal. 121. 4. The Lord shall preserue thee from all euill he shall preserue thy soule A preparatorie Hymne collected out of diuerse Psalmes where in the deuout soule desireth Accessea. Audienceb. Assistancec. Acceptanced. a Thou sayest seeke ye my face my heart said vnto thee thy face Lord will I seeke Psal. 27. 8. Hide not thy face farre from mee nor put thy seruant away in anger ver 9. Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy Spirit from me Psal. 51. 11. b Heare ô Lord when I crie vnto thee haue mercy also vpon me and answer me Psal. 27. 7. Ponder my words ô Lord consider my meditation Psal. 5. 1. My heart is enditing a good matter my tongue is the pen of a ready writer Psal. 45. 1. c O Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise Psal. 51. 15. Let my prayer bee set forth before thee as incense and the lifting vp of my hands as an euening sacrifice Psal. 141. 2. Set a watch ô Lord before my mouth and keepe the doore of my lips ver 3. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart bee acceptable in thy sight ô Lord my strength and my redeemer Psal. 19. 14. A preparatorie Prayer wherein all the conditions requisite in Prayer are expressed and prayed for HEauenly Father whose gift it is that I can aske any good gift at thy hands without whose grace I cannot desire thy healthfull and sauing grace Infuse into my heart the Spirit of supplication that in an awfull reuerence of thy Maiestie out of a true sence and feeling of my wants and infirmities and a liuely faith in thy promises I may with chearefulnesse of mind and feruencie of Deuotion and constant perseuerance lift vp a pure and plaine heart vnto thee at all times humbly intreating thy souereigne bountie for such things onely as thou in thy eternall wisdome hast pre-ordained to giue and calling vpon thee in such order and manner as thou hast prescribed me to aske in that absolute patterne of all prayer set downe in the Gospell by my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. In whose name mediation and words I crie Abba Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy Name c. A preparation to the hearing of the word GOd in his infinite wisedome hath so disposed the meanes of our saluation that the soueraigne Antidote against sinne death is conueyed into the soule through the same passage whereby the deadly poyson first entered Death stole in at the eare by suggestion of the euill spirit and now life in the hearing of the word passeth in at the same gate of the soule by the operation of the holy Spirit Hast thou an eare ô Christian by thy profession for the diuell and none for God An eare to receiue poyson dropped in and not to
in the middest of the Doctors in the Temple opposing and answering them Propound such Questions by me and returne such Answers by them as may cleerely expresse to our vnderstanding and imprint in our memories the necessary points of sauing Truth and foundations of Christian Doctrine and may serue for the instruction of the ignorant admonition of the learned and the building vp of vs all in our most holy faith So be it Amen PARS PRIMA THE SVMME of sauing Knowledge SECT Prim. DOMIN Prim. Of Catechisme the parts and proper ends thereof Q. WHAT is Catechisme A. The summe of Christian religion reuealed by God in holy Scriptures for mans perfect instruction in the mysteries of eternall saluation Q. What doth Christian Doctrine containe in it A. The true knowledge and worship of God in Christ. Q. Where finde you the summe of this Doctrine A. 1. In the Decalogue written by God the Father 2. In the Lords Prayer conceiued by God the Son 3. In the Créed set down by the Apostles inspired by the holy-Ghost Q. What containeth the Decalogue A. All duties to bée performed by vs to God and our neighbours Q. What containeth the Lords Prayer A. All benefits to be desired of God Q. What containeth the Creed A. All things the ●are to be belieued concerning God and his Church Q. What is the vse and proper end of Catechisme A. To instruct the ignorant and confirme the learned in the principles of Religion and prepare both to the profitable vse of the speciall meanes of their saluation which are Hearing the Word preached Receiuing the Sacraments Publique and priuate Prayer SECT 2. DOMIN 2. Of blessednesse and the meanes of obtaining it Q. What are the chiefest things to bee desired of all men A. Gods fauour blessings and grace in this present life and eternall blessednesse in the vision and fruition of him in the life to come Q. How may wee attaine hereunto A. By true Religion or godlinesse which hath the promise of this life and the life to come Q. What is godlinesse A. The true worship and seruice of the true God Q. Where is this true God's worship and seruice to bee learned and knowne and how A. Obscurely and imperfectly it may be learned in the booke of the creatures by the light of nature but cleerely and perfectly by the light of the Spirit in the Canonicall bookes of the old and new Testament SECT 3. DOMIN 3. Of Religion and the parts thereof Q. What do the Scriptures teach in general concerning the true God and his worship A. That we ought to know and acknowledge the true God his Nature Attributes Workes as farre forth as God hath made himself knowne to vs. 2. That we ought to know and acknowledge Iesus Christ the Mediator betwéene God and man his Person State Office 3 That wee ought to worship God in Christ and serue him both Immediately by religiously adoring him and performing all such holy rites vnto him as hée requireth in the first Table Mediately by readily obeying him and performing all such duties to our selues and our neighbours as hee requireth in the second Table SECT 4. DOMIN 4. Of the Nature of God Q. What do the Scriptures teach concerning the nature of God A. That he is One true eternall simple all-sufficient immutable infinite incomprehensible spirit hauing being of himselfe distinguished into thrée persons of the same nature dignitie and power The Father begetting The Sonne begotten The holy-Ghost procéeding from them both SECT 5. DOMIN 5. Of the principle attributes of God Q. What doe the Scriptures teach concerning the attributes of God A. That he is a liuing blessed and glorious God the great high and mighty Lord and possessor of heauen and earth and our most gracious and louing Father most holy wise iust faithfull and good SECT 6. DOMIN 6. Of the workes of God in generall Q. What do the Scriptures teach concerning the workes of God A. That he decreeth and executeth al things for his glory according to the counsell of his own will powerfully working all the good of nature and grace in all things and wisely disposing of al the euil both of sinne and punishment SECT 7. DOMIN 7. Of God's Decrees Q. What decrees of God are registred in holy Scriptures for our instruction and comfort A. Two Especially 1. His decrée of creation of all things 2. His decree of prouidence ouer all which is two-fold 1. Generall concerning the present state of all things in this world 2. Speciall concerning the eternall state of Angels and men in the world to come Q. What is this speciall decree properly called A. Predestination Q. What are the parts of it A. Two Election Reprobation or reiection Q. What is Election A. Gods eternall counsell and purpose of chusing certaine Angels and men and bringing them to euerlasting happinesse for the declaration of his infinite mercie Q. What is Reprobation A. Gods eternall counsell and purpose of reiecting others and reseruing them to euerlasting miserie and torments for the manifestation of his iustice SECT 8. DOMIN 8. Of the Creation Q. What learne you out of Scripture concerning the execution of Gods decree of Creation A. That in sixe dayes he made all things visible and inuisible of nothing by his word to the glory of his infinite power SECT 9. DOMIN 9. Of Gods generall Prouidence Q. What learne you concerning the execution of God his decree of generall Prouidence A. That he preserueth al things in their state and kinde and gouerneth them after an excellent manner to the glory of his manifold wisedome and goodnesse SECT 10. DOMIN 10. Of the Predestination of Angels Q. What is reuealed in Scripture concerning the execution of Gods decree of Predestination and first of Angels A. That hee suffered the reprobate Angels voluntarily without any temptation to fall into the vnpardonable sinne of Apostasie and that hee reserueth them in chaines of darknes ti● the iudgement of the great day But contrarilie that hee hath confirmed the Elect Angels in their holy and blessed estate SECT 11. DOMIN 11. Of the Predestination of men Q. What is reuealed in Scripture concerning the Predestination of men A. That hee gaue all men in Adam and Eue a Lawe and free will to kéepe it or breake it and after they abused their frée will and brake that Lawe and thereby brought a curse vpon them and all their posterit y that of his mercy grace he chose chooseth some out of the estate of misery and corruption maketh them his sonnes by adoption calleth them to the knowledge of the truth regenerateth them by his spirit iustifieth them by faith and in the end crowneth them with euerlasting glory Others he left and leaueth in the state of misery and corruption offereth them some outward meanes which make them vnexcusable for their refusall or abuse of them hardeneth them casting them into a reprobate sence and in the end after many iudgements and Plagues in this life
the blood of the euerlasting Couenant 21. Make you perfect in all good workes to doe his will working in you that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ to whom be praise for euer and euer Amen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 FINIS Pretiosissimum de locis sanct●● monile per●●idi●●● Fascinant laudando S. Cyprian lib. de exhortatione Martyrij Cant. 4. 16. Of deuotion Math. 6. 6. Greg. in Cant. Lachrimae sanguie animae August Plin. lib. 21. c. 16. Flos nasc●tur non euidens sed in occulto intùs germinatus Plin. 37. c. 7. Garamantitis summa commendatio est quod velut in translucido stillantes intus fulgent aur●ae gu●●ae semper in c●●te non in corpore Cypr. epist. l 2 Sentitur priusquam discitur Val. Max. L●u 2. Cor. 5. 13. Epist. tom 1. Mar●an inuit Ieron T●stor deum po●t heudomid● 〈◊〉 c. v●su● sum mihi versari inter agmina angelor Math. 6. 6. Math. 14. 27. Math. 26. 36. Ma●ke 1. 35. Luke 6. 12. Luke 9. 8. 28 Luke 11. 1. Luke 22. 45. Iohn 17. Dan. 6. 10. Psal. 6. 6. Psal. 77. 6. Acts 10. 30. Reuel 1. 10. 2. Cor. 7. 11. Commodius ista inter transiguntur Ex. Luke 22. 44. Math 26. 36. Math. 17. 2. Exod. 34. 29. Purgation Exod. 3. 5. Acts 7. 53. Psal. 26. 6. Math. 12. 44. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Esay 5. 6. 2. Sequestration 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ab 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Math 5. 8. Bern. de nat dom Tergat speculum mundet spiritum suum qui scitit videre deum 3. Preconsideration Eccles. 5. 1. Wo●erus de polymathiâ sacris religiosae debetur Suspenso gradu Psal. 26. 6. Heb. 12. 29. Nesci●bam me tibi eam familiarem esse Eras. Apoth Tremenda mysteria Psal. 45. 1. 2. Psal. 39 3. Eccles. 6. 5. 2. Senec. Epist. Pers. introrsum obmurmurat ôsi ebullet patruij preclarii sumis ôsi c. Sancte magis quam scite Macies illis pro sanitate est iud●cij loco infirmitas cedit Qui●● instit orator Exod. 30. 25. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. 23. 14. Prayer must bee SHORT Conformable to the patterne consisting of three parts Humble cōfession Wherein must be cōsidered God his terrible Name Glorious Maiesty His al-seeing eye Infinite purity and holinesse Strict iustice Fierce w●ath against sinne and sinners Man his vi●enesse Wretchedness● Sinfulnesse Wants and V●abilitie Consident inuocat●on wherein to be considered God his Loue. Mercy and long-suffering Gratious promises Omnipotent goodnesse Christ his perfect obedience Full satisfaction Perpetuall intercession Harty thanksgiuing Whereinto be numbred God his benifits spirituall Election Creation Redemptiō Vocation Iustification Sanctification Hope of glorificaetion Temporall as Health Strength Wealth Libertie Good name Friends Safetie Bern. serm 2. de Penth. vt eadem v●a intraret antidotus q●a v● nenum intra uerat Heb. 10. 5. Psal 40. 6. Acts 2. 41. Plut de tranquill auima Lactan. instit diuin lib. 1. c. 1. Potentius inanimos influit visuâ instructa luce orationis ornata Sen Epist. 1. ad Lucsliū Pungst non penetrat Heb. 4. 12. Peircing to the deuiding c. ● We are commanded by the Father The Sonne The holy Ghost to beare heedfully the Word of the Preacher Not as the Word of Man but as the Word of God Which will proue the meanes of our saluation Or damnation 2. Wee must pray for the Preacher For our selues that we may Attend. Vnderstand Discerne Belieue Remember Practice Ber. Serm. de purificatione Hodie dominus Templi ingressus est Templum Domini Caluin instit par 2. sacram 1 Cor. 11. 29. He that worthily receiueth must 1. Examine 2. Desire 3. Know 4. Belieue 5. Repent 6. Loue. Vse also this forme Or this Or this Or this Quint instit Orat. Tumor licet grandis contrarius est sanitati Ierom. ad Rusticum Luxuriantes flagellis vineas falcibus reprimebant vt eloquent●● torcularia non verbori● pampinis sed sensu●● quasi vuarum expressionibus redumdarent Origen in Cant. Aug. Epist. ad Ianuarium Bern. Serm. de Pent. 1 Grounds in the Law Precepts Promises 2 Grounds in the Gospell Christs resurrection on this day The spirits comming downe on this day The Apostles iniunction Practise In heauen no sinne No tempter No thraldome No labour No sorrow No paine No night No death No curse No feare Indesiezable estate of inheritance Royall honours and dignities Inualuable wealth and riches Inspeakable loyes and pl●asures In the light and fruitiō of God Here thou mayest insert the principale Doctrine which thou hast heard from thy Pastors mouth * * Non est ad Deum to●o corde redite nisiscisso corde * * Dolet de dolore gaudet By regeneration we obtaine 1 Entrance into the kingdome of God 2 Knowledg 3 Liberty from our corruption From our reigning sin 5 The preheminencie of the first borne 6 Spirit of supplication 〈…〉 The Prophet speaketh in his own person 2 In the person of Christ. 3 In the person of God the Father 4 Of the Church God desireth the circumcisiō of the heart Commandeth it Loueth Obserueth Praiseth Rewardeth Brandeth the contrary Precepts in the old In the new Examples Abraham Iacob Dauid Israelites Pharisee Promises Threats curses to the contrary The Prophet speaketh in the person of Christ. In heauen is 1 The source of our soules created according to God's Image 2 Our heads 3 The nobler parts of the Church 4 Our country 5 Our mansion house 6 Hope and inheritance Victoriā vicisti Precepts of God 2 Practice of Saints Reasons a a Holinesse b b Life c c Liberty d d Grace e e Prayer f f Wisedome g g Glory h h Truth Benefits of obeying the Spirit Danger of resisting Qui Deum per escas colit propè est vt Deum ventrem habeat Ver sacrum facere Obiect Hom. 49. in Mat. Answ. 1 Videl exercitat in Ignat Pro modulo nostro Hom. 1. in gen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Precepts for Fasting 2 Examples of it It expelleth Diuels Benefits It tameth the flesh It auerteth Iudgements It obtaineth temporall blessings and spirituall 1 The antecedents wherein 1 Christs Agony 2 Herod's Pil●ts and the Rulers of the Iewes conspiracy against him 3 Iudas betraying him 4 The Disciples forsaking him 5 The Iewes false accusing him 6 His mecks silence 7 The Souldiers and people blaspheming deriding him 2 The Passion it self wherein 1 The enduring Gods wrath 2 The racking of his ioints 3 The piercing his flesh 4 His thirst His drinke 5 His last cry 6 His giu●ng vp the ghost 3 The consequents 1 Water gushing out of his strength 2 Casting Lots 3 His buriall Diuine precepts Holy examples Christ Abraham Gedcon Dauid Salomon Ezekiah Iob. Daniel Iohn Baptist The Centurian Peter The Publicane Paul Promises to the humble of the fauour with God Wisedome Sanctifying grace Preferment Blessedness God commandeth meekenesse