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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07983 Meditations concerning praiers to almighty God, for the safety of England, when the Spaniards were come into the narrow seas, August 1588. As also other meditations concerning thanksgiuing, for deliuering Englande from the cruelty of the Spaniards, and for their meruailous confusion and ouerthrow. / By O.Pygge. ; With a spirituall song of praises by P. Turner Doctor of Physicke.. Pigg, Oliver, b. ca. 1551.; Turner, Peter, 1542-1614. Spirituall song to the praise of almightie God, for deliuering England from the Spaniards. 1589 (1589) STC 19916.3; ESTC S94725 23,900 73

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songs of praises vnto thée Exo. 15. Moses Miriam and the children of Israel hauing passed through the red sea and séene the destruction of their enimies presentlie doe acknowledge thy mercie and sing to the honor of thy name Deborah and Barach doe the like Iudg. 5 the selfe same day that thou gauest thy people that notable victorie ouer Sisera Iehoshaphat séeing the confusion 2. Cro. 20.26 which thou broughtest vpon the Moabites the Ammonites them of mount Seir whom before he feared after that hee his companie had pursued them the spoile three daies the fourth daie they giue thankes with such feruencie and zeale that the place it selfe hath a name of their blessing God there as it may appeare by the historie Hester Mordecay other of the Iewes in token of thankfulnesse and ioy Heb. 9. kéepe a feast the next day after the kings decrée was frustrated which Haman had procured for their destruction Yea they take order to haue that their deliuerance solemnlie remembred euerie yéere Did their deliuerance from mighty and cruel enimies prouoke them to this Did the escaping of present daungers drawe frō them these praises of thy name Did the ouerthrow of such as rose vp against them moue them thus to honour thée O then wee haue cause to doe the like Our enemies which thus thought in their hearts Wee will pursue wee will diuide the spoile our lust shall be satisfied vppon them we will draw out our swordes our hands shall destroie them according as it is recorded that Pharao spake in his pride Exo. 15.9 euen these with him are sunke in the déepe seas like lead Iudg. 4.21 Iael a woman hath striken a naile into Siseraes head Iudg. 5.28.29 euen then when his mother and hir wise Ladies persuaded themselues that he had gotten the victorie and was diuiding the spoiles The subiects of thy seruant Elizabeth a woman by thy good blessing haue striken a terror into the harts of the mightie yea partlie by their meanes as thine instruments partlie by thine own immediate power the stars in their course the seas in their order fighting against them they haue then fearefully perished Iudg. 5.20 when there was not onlie an assured persuasion in themselues not to be ouercome as may appeare in that they called their Nauie inuincible but also a certaine expectation of the victorie yea reportes giuen written as if they had preuailed Thou turnedst the swordes of such as came foorth on their side as they thought Jn one of their gallies against themselues The ship fired by one of their Gonners And the fire which was kindled to send their shotte against vs was a mean of deliuering one of their ships and some of their company into our hands euen as thou armedst Moab 2. Cro. 20.22 23. Ammon and them of mount Seir one against another in Iehoshaphats time The cursed agréement so many yéeres agoe at the councell of Trent for rooting out the professors of thy trueth whereof this attempt of the Spaniardes may séeme to be intended as an execution in respect of vs is now turned to the destruction of these that fauoured it so as we may not vnfitly say that Haman and his be hanged vpon the gallows which he caused to be set vp for Mordecay the Iew. That is thou hast rewarded these proud men that which they thought to haue done to others Thou onely indéede we must say For notwithstanding thou wentest forth with our ships prospering them so long as they incountred wherein sensiblie it appeared to bee thy worke in the great losses of the aduersaries both of men and Shippes and so little of ours as it may worthily be reckoned among thy merueilous workes yet séeing so great wrackes followed them when we had left them how els can we thinke it but thine owne hand Therefore not withstanding wée haue much cause to reioice in the wise care foresight prouision of our Prince the honourable counsell and the state as also in the faithfulnes of our countrimen so willingly couragiously offring themselues to spend their goods and to hazard their liues by sea and land in this case Jude 5.2 so as we curse such euen by the sentence of thine owne Angell which were not willing to helpe Chap. 5.23 as it is in the Iudges Yet O Lord our God forasmuch as the one were giftes of thine giuen to such as gouerne vs and the other were but thy instruments to worke by To thee yea to thee alone O Father Sonne and holie spirit three persons and one God do we ascribe all the glorie honour praise and thankes for euer For thou onelie hast done this Exod. 15.2 thou indeede hast shewed thy selfe to be a man of war that saluation is from thee and that there is no trust in horses and chariots Pro. 21.31 For the horse and the rider hast thou ouerthrowen the Spaniards ships hast thou cast into the seas Exo. 15.21 his chosen captaines also bee drowned in the sea the depthes haue couered them Exo. 15.6.7 they bée sunke to the bottome as a stone Thy right hād O Lord is glorious in power thy right hand O Lord hath brused the enimie And in thy great glorie thou hast ouerthrowne them that rose vp against thée thou sentest foorth thy wrath which consumed them as stubble Who can expresse these thy noble actes who can shew foorth all thy praise Psal 106. ● 2. If we had the tongs of al men and Angels we could not sufficiently doe it such praises as by thy grace we be able to offer we pray thee in Christ to accept O our soules praise ye the Lord whatsoeuer is within vs praise yee his holie name sée that ye neuer forget this his benefit praise the Lord ye his angels Psal 103.12 that excel in strength that doe his cōmandement in obeieng the voice of his word Praise the Lord all ye his hostes Psal yée his seruants that doe his pleasure praise the Lord all ye his works in all places of his dominion Yea we beséech thée that not onely we but the whole land also may giue thy maiestie the whole glory of this so as it may neuer come into any of our mindes to thinke that by our worthinesse or by our own strength this is come to passe Grant that it be not onelie once euerie yéere publikely and sollemnlie remembred after the worthie example of that which was appointed to be done of the Iewes for their deliuerance from the crueltie of Haman Hest 9. But that also daylie and continuallie wee may stirre vp our selues to thankfulnesse and to speake of it to our children and they to their childrens children that so the memory of this thy glorious fact may be continued from generation to generation euen for euer But aboue all thinges be herein mercifull vnto vs that this marueilous benefite powred