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B02476 A new book for children to learn in. With many wholesome meditations for them to consider. With directions for true spelling. And the ground of true reading and writing of true English. / by S.C. Crisp, Stephen, 1628-1692.; Fox, George, d. 1661. 1681 (1681) Wing C6936C; ESTC R174306 19,584 105

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such are no Mi ni-sters of God's Word who tell you the Scrip-ture is the Word of God for they speak con-tra-ry to the Scrip-ture which saith Christ is the Word and was in the Be-gin-ning which the Scrip-ture was not and did be-come Flesh which the Scrip-ture never did and made the World which the Scrip-tures could not do and these are Mi-ni-sters of the Let-ter who are Mi-ni-sters of the Scrip-ture and not Mi-ni-sters of Christ the Word see-ing the Scrip-ture is nei-ther Christ nor the Word There-fore let e-ve-ry one Old and Young High and Low mind the Light of Jesus Christ within in the the Con-sci-ence and it Tea-ching that you may know the Path of Life and the Way of Righ-te-ous-ness that ye may be sa-ved from the Wrath that must come up-on them who by con-ti-nu-ing in their e-vil deeds pro-voke the Lord to An-ger And may be made Par-ta-kers of the Mer-cy and Lo-ving-kind-ness of God which is laid up in Christ Je-sus the Light for them that fear him and de-part from I-ni-qui-ty S. C. Little Children GOD that made the World and created all Things that therein is he is not a Man sitting as a Man above the Stars in some one place which place is called Heaven as many of the World and the Teachers thereof imagine But the true God who was Creator of all things h● is an Eternal Spirit and he is the Life and Vertue and Power that upholdeth all his Creatures and by him all things consist For without him no Creature can have a being for he giveth Life and Breath unto all that have it And this Eternal GOD no Mortal Man can approach unto for he only hath Immortallity and dwelleth in the Light And this Immortal God he cannot be kept in one place for his presence filleth Heaven and Earth the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him as saith the Scripture And this God who is an Immortal Spirit he was your Creator and this is he whom you are to remember in the dayes of your Youth And to know this true and living God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent and freely given to be the Light of the World that all through the Light might believe it is Life Eternal Now God the higher Power he is called the Father and Christ the Light is called the Son and Christ was glorified with the Father before the World began And Christ the light was and is called the Word which was with God in the beginning and was and is God and God the higher Power and Christ the Word are One by whom the World was made And the Spirit of Truth that is Life which proceeds from the Father and the Son as say the Scriptures of Truth And these the Father Son and Spirit the world and their Teachers call Three Persons but they speak they know not what even as they have imagined contrary to the Scriptures Therefore Children believe them not For the Father which is called the Higher Power and the Son which is called the Word and the Spirit which is called Life which proceeds from the Father and Son these are one and are not separated For he that hath seen the Son hath seen the Father also for the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father and the Spirit proceedeth from the Father and the Son as saith the Scripture and these are one Being and Subsistence Now that Word which was in the Beginiing with God and was and is God by whom all things were made that were made Mark in that Word was Life and that Life was and is the Light of men And this is the true light which lighteth every one that cometh into the World that all through that Light might believe as saith the Scriptures of Truth This Light which every one is enlightned withal the Priests of the World call it a natural light but Children believe them not for they speak contrary to the Scripture For the Scriptures of Truth say That in the Word which was God by whom all Things were made was Life and the Life was the Light of Men So Children take notice that the Light of Men is the Life of the Word which is God And this Word is Eternal and Spiritual and this Word made all the natural lights and this Word also is called Christ the Son of God whose Life is the Light of Men. And this Word became Flesh and in due time he was made Manifest in the Likeness of Sinful Flesh in that Body which was supposed to be Joseph the Carpenter's Son and he was called Jesus And in him dwelt the Fulness of the Godhead bodily and this Jesus fulfilled the Will of him that sent him and he freely gave his Life a Ransome for many as saith the Scripture And as concerning the flesh he was crucified without the Gates of Jerusalem and he was buried and he is risen again according to the Scriptures and he wrought Eternal Salvation for all them that obey him And so the same that descended the same also ascended as saith the Scriptures he that came from the Father the same is gone to the Father again And he is glorified with the Father with the same Glory that he had with the Father before the World began And though some have known him after the flesh yet henceforth know they him so no more as say the Scriptures of Truth Now Children the Scriptures of Truth do declare of God and Christ and the Spirit of Truth which are one but the Scriptures cannot bring you to know God and Christ and the Spirit of Truth For no man knoweth the Father who is a Spirit but the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal him as say the Scriptures And they that come to see and know the Son they come to see and know the Father also for the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father as saith the Scriptures And they are call'd by one name which is the Word or the Light for the Word is God and Christ is the Word and God is Light and Christ is the Light of the World and the spirit of Life proceeds from God and Christ who are Light And whatsoever the Son seeth the Father do that doth he also and the spirit of Life is not separate from the Father and the Son in the Work Now Children the Father Son and Spirit which are one Being is the true one only God which you are to know believe in and Worship which God is a Spirit of Truth and they that Worship him must Worship him in the Spirit and in the Truth and before you can Worship him aright you must know him and believe in him And the Knowledge of God and the Faith in him man lost through disobeying the higher Power and so fell from God in the Transgression into darkness and death And all Children and People that be in Transgression in their Natural estate in the Fall they are out of the Knowledge
A New BOOK FOR CHILDERN To Learn in With many wholsome Meditations for them to CONSIDER With Directions for true SPELLING And the Ground of true Reading and Writing of True ENGLISH By S. C. Also a Testimony concerning the Father Son and Spirit one true living and eternal God who is Light and concerning his working and how he and they may be known Also the Devil and his Works manifested which are to be destroyed and how With several other things very useful for Children others to learn that they may be turned unto the Light which is the Gift of God By G. Fox the Younger Train up a Child in the Way that it should walk and it will not forget it when it is Old A short Epistle ALL you Friends of the Truth this is a Salutation unto you and to your Children a fruit of the Plant of Righteousness which ye know and can savour the Fruit thereof is given forth from that Spirit in which we are one with you in the Service of Love and Truth for the removing the use of such Books and Catechisms as are sprung forth of the corrupt Tree which now is to be burned and its fruits rejected and People are to use the leaves of the Tree that grows by the River of Water that proceeds from the Throne and Presence of God for healing So all Friends be faithful and walk in that which refreshes the Plant the Power of the Lord God S. C. a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V V W X Y Z. ft ct sh fl a e i o u. ab ad af ak am ap eb ed ef ek em ep ib id if ik im ip ob od of ok om op ub ud uf uk um up ba da fa ca ma pa be de fe ce me pe bi di fi ci mi pi bo do fo co mo po bu du fu cu mu pu A Child may learn the fear of the Lord by ta-king heed unto the Light Shall not the Plant that thou hast set grow and be great and bring forth Fruit for men to eat The Lord 's Right Hand hath made the Earth and all things else that is in it Man is God's Work made for his use his Light is pla-ced to be mans Guide to keep all things from a-buse The Way to ob-tain a good Un-der-stand-ing is to be-gin in the Fear of the Lord but such as re-ject the Coun-sel of the Light Dark-ness and Er-ror is in all their Wayes A wise Child pre-ser-veth him-self from Cor-re-cti-on by O-be-di-ence but a Fool-ish Child pro-cu-reth Strips by his Re-bel-li-on A So-ber Child hath E-steem a mongst the Wise and a Youth that fear-eth the Lord shall be ac-count-ed a-mongst the God-ly O-be-di-ence to Pa-rents is of good Re-port a-mong all men there-fore the Child that li veth in Sub-je-cti-on shall be lo-ved a-bove o-thers And the bles-sing of the Lord shall be mul-ti-ply-ed up on such and his mer-ci-ful hand shall ac-com-pany them The Coun-sel of the Light is the way of Wis-dom and such as heark-en there-un-to ob-tain the true know-ledge That which re-pro-veth thee for E-vil is good and bles-sed are they that love it and turn from their E-vil That which ma-ni-fest-eth Sin is con-tra-ry to Sin and lead-eth in-to Righ teous-ness such as fol-low it And that which makes ma-ni-fest is the Light which is con-tra-ry to all the works of Dark-ness That which lead-eth in-to Sin is na-tu-ral but that which leads out of sin and re-pro-veth it is spi-ri-tu-al The na-tu ral man can-not un-der-stand the things of God be-cause they must be seen with that which is spi-ri-tu-al The Light of the Bo-dy is the Eye and that is spi-ri-tu-al He that ta-keth heed un-to this Light with it he shall see Temp-ta-ti-ons and they that are wil-ling to o-bey it shall re-ceive Pow-er and be pre-ser-ved Lit-tle Chil-dren let your Ears be di-li-gent to hear the Voice of the Light for that calls out of e-ve-ry E-vil Way That is the Light which tel-leth thee in se-cret thou should-est not do E-vil and that is pla-ced with-in thee to be a Wit-ness for God a-gainst all E-vil He that doth E-vil ha-teth the Light yet he can-not hide him-self from the Judg-ment there-of There-fore cease from that which is E-vil and O-bey the Light with-in and then shalt thou be de-li-ve-red from Con-dem-na-ti-on For the Way of the Lord is Peace to the Righ-te-ous but he re-ward-eth the Wic-ked with Sor-row So all Chil-dren and Peo-ple mind the Fear of the Lord God that so ye may be pre-ser-ved out of I-ni-qui-ty and may come to un der-stand the things that be-long to your E-ver-last-ing Peace in this the Day of your Vi-si-ta-ti-on be-fore they be hid from your Eyes Now whilst the Light Re-pro-veth the Lord cal-leth and such as turn at his Re-proof and answer his Call shall find Mer-cy but the Light shall be the Con dem-na-ti-on of the Re-bel-li-ous So all ye lit-tle Chil-dren ex-er cise ●our selves in the Law of the Lord which the Scrip-tures of Truth saith is the Light for if ye re-ject the Light then ye re-ject the Law of God and cast it be-hind your backs and with such God is not well plea-sed And hear-ken not to the de-cei-vers who keep you from the Light of Christ Jesus where-with he hath en-ligh ten-ed e-ve-ry one of you and tell you it is na-tu-ral where-as ye know Sin is na-tu-ral and the Light in Your Con-sci-en-ces is con-tra-ry to the Sin and re-pro-veth you for sin there-fore be-lieve them not that turn you from the Light for they are not Mi-ni-sters of Christ his Mi-ni-sters turn-ed Peo-ple to the Light as you may read in the six and twen-ti-eth Chap-ter of the Acts and the eigh-teenth verse And such are al-so De-cei-vers who tell you the on-ly way to come to the Know-ledge of all Truth is by the Scriptures for the know-ledge of Truth is by the Spirit of Truth which is the Light that con-vin-ceth you first of un-truth and then being o-bey-ed doth bring to the know-ledge of Je-sus Christ who said I am the Truth and his Spi-rit lead-eth in-to all Truth And such are De-cei-vers who preach for mo-ney and for Tythes such can-not lead you out of Trans-gres-si-on for they are in Trans-gres-si on them-selves for Christ said to his free-ly you have re-cei-ved free-ly give and Paul made not the Gos-pel charge-able but these Priests that preach for fil-thy Lu-cre do de-ceive peo-ple and keep them from be-lie-ving in the light lest by it they should come no see their a-bo-mi-na-ti-ons and de-ceits And
of God and out of the true Faith and out of the Spirit of Truth and so out of the Worship of God And in this Estate they are alienated from the Life of God and Strangers to the Covenant of Promise even Strangers unto the Law of God which is Light written in the Heart and so in this estate they are Darkness Now Children although you be darkness yet the Light shines in the Darkness as saith the Scripture and the Darkness cannot Comprehend it the Darkness cannot shut up the Light that is plain to your Understandings For the Light breaks through the Darkness and sheweth unto you your darkness and shines into your hearts to give you the kn●wledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ So that which may be known of God is manifested in you for God hath shewed it unto you Therefore Children ye should not seek nor look out nor search in your own Thoughts to find out the Knowledge of God for the World by their Thoughts and Wisdom know not God But the Lord God is nigh unto every one of you for to shew unto you your Thoughts for he knoweth your Thoughts and none of them can be withheld from him and he that declareth unto man what his Thoughts are the Lord of Hosts is his Name so Children take notice of that which sheweth you your Thoughts for that is the Lord. And it was prophesied concerning Christ That he should be a Light to lighten the Gentiles that the Thoughts of many Hearts may be revealed and again The Word discerneth the Thoughts and the Intents of the Heart So Children there is something in you that makes manifest your bad Words and your bad Deeds and your bad Thoughts unto you and reproveth you for them Now all things that are reproved they are made manifest with the Light as saith the Scriptures For whatsoever doth make Manifest the same is Light And God is Light who said to him that thought God to be such a one as himself I will reprove thee and set thy sins in order before thy eyes and they that would have none of Gods reproof they were the stubborn children whom God the Light brought his Judgments upon therefore take heed of rejecting that which doth reprove you for sin And again the Scripture saith of the Spirit of Truth That he shall reprove the World of Sin of Righteousness of Judgment Christ the Word he for Sin condemned Sin in the flesh So take notice of that which makes manifest reproves and condemns you for Sin for that i● God or Christ or the Spirit which are but One. Now Children there are but two Grounds or Powers from whence all Peoples Deeds arise and by which all People are acted or led that is to say the Ground of Truth and the Ground of Unrighteousness ●nd the Power of God and the Power of Satan which is the Devil who abode not in the Truth And there is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Error Now the Ground and Power and Spirit of Truth are of one Nature which is the DIVINE NATURE and the Ground and Power and the Spirit of Error they are also one in their Natures which is the Cursed Nature and these Natures are contrary one to the other Now they that Act any manner of Unrighteousness it ariseth from the Unrighteous Ground and they are moved acted and led in all Unrighteous Actions that they Act by the Power of Satan the Spirit of Error And they that act any thing that is Just and Right in the sight of God it ariseth from the Ground of Truth and they are moved acted and led in all such Actions by the Power and Spirit of God Now these Powers or Natures or Spirits being contrary one to another oppose one another and thus Children ye may come to know that it is so and discern it by the Light which makes manifest all Words Actions and Motions For when ye have disobeyed your Parents or them that have the Rule over you in any thing that ye ought not or when ye have done any Evil then ye have been acted by Satan his Power and then the Power of God hath moved in you against the Evil that you have committed and then many times with the Spirit of Truth you have seen that you have done amiss and have been troubled for it And when you have told a Lye the Devil hath begotten that in you for he is the Father of all Lyes and then the Light of God's Spirit hath often times shewed unto you your Lye and hath condemned you for it And thus the Spirit and Power of God Opposeth the Power and Spirit of Satan in all things that Satan begets in you and moveth and leadeth you to do for the Spirit and Power of God moves and stirs against every moving and stirring of the Power and Spirit of Satan and calls you from the evil to refrain and not to joyn to the Evil Motions but to the good And likewise where the Spirit and Power of Satan is not yet limited or destroy'd Mark when the Power and Spirit of God begets any tender Desires or stirrings or movings in you after Truth and Righteousness then the Power and Spirit of Satan moves and stirs in you against them and seeks to draw your Minds from that which is good into that which is evil And thus you may plainly see that the light hath no fellowship with the darkness nor the darkness with the light for the Spirit and Power of God is Light and the Spirit and Power of Satan is Darkness and these are contrary one to each other in all things And they that joyn to to the Darkness and believe in it they by it continue or are made Children of Darkness and so of the Devil And they that joyn to the Light and believe in it they by it are made or continue Children of the Light and so of God Now Children there is a day of Visitation if ye slight it not which the Lord God giveth you wherein you may come to witness this Word of God in making you his children through his Workings and Operations of his Eternal Spirit But if ye let slip the Day of your Visitation and continue resisting the Workings of the Spirit and harden your selves against the Reproof of the Lo●d then the Spirit of the Lord will cease striving with you and ye will be shut up in Darkness Therefore whilst ye feel something which convinceth you of Sin and Evil take heed unto that for that which lets you see that ye should not lye nor swear nor be proud nor wild nor disobedient to your Parents in any lawful thing that they command you nor act any manner of Unrighteousness whatsoever This is the Manifestation of the Spirit which is given you to profit withal or the true Light of God or Christ who are one And this ye should mind r●joyn unto when it convinceth you and to abide