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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00327 The forme and manner of making and consecrating bishops, priestes and deacons.; Ordinal Church of England.; Barker, Robert, d. 1645, printer.; Bill, John, d. 1630, printer. 1633 (1633) STC 16473; ESTC S122861 19,142 27

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art the very Comforter in all woe and distresse The heauenly gift of God most high which no tongue can expresse The fountaine and the liuely spring of ioy celestiall The fire so bright the loue so cleare and Vnction spirituall Thou in thy gifts art manifold whereby Christs Church doth stand In faithfull hearts writing thy Law the finger of Gods hand According to thy promise made thou giuest speech of grace That through thy helpe the praise of God may sound in euery place O holy Ghost into our wits send downe thy heauenly light Kindle our hearts with feruent loue to serue God day and night Strength and stablish all our weaknesse so feeble and so fraile That neither flesh the world nor deuill against vs doe preuaile Put backe our enemy farre from vs and grant vs to obtaine Peace in our hearts with God and man without grudge or disdaine And grant O Lord that thou being our leader and our guide We may eschew the snares of sinne and from thee neuer slide To vs such plenty of thy grace good Lord grant we thee pray That thou mayest be our Comforter at the last dreadfull day Of all strife and dissension O Lord dissolue the bands And make the knots of peace and loue throughout all Christian lands Graunt vs O Lord through thee to know the Father most of might That of his deare beloued Sonne we may attaine the sight And that with perfect faith also we may acknowledge thee The Spirit of them both alway one God in persons three Laud and praise be to the Father and to the Sonne equall And to the holy Spirit also one God coeternall And pray wee that the onely Sonne vouchsafe his Spirit to send To all that doe professe his Name vnto the worlds end Amen And then the Archdeacon shall present vnto the Bishop all them that shall receiue the order of Priesthood that day the Archdeacon saying REuerend Father in God I present vnto you these persons present to be admitted to the order of Priesthood Cum interrogatione responsione vt in ordine Diaconatus And then the Bishop shall say to the people GOod people these bee they whom wee purpose God willing to receiue this day vnto the holy office of Priesthood For after due examination we finde not to the contrary but that they be lawfully called to their function and ministery and that they bee persons meete for the same but yet if there bee any of you which knoweth any impediment or notable crime of any of them for the which hee ought not to be receiued into this holy ministerie now in the Name of God declare the same And if any great crime or impediment be obiected Vt supra in Ordine Diaconatus vsque ad finem Letaniae cum hac Collecta ALmighty God giuer of al good things which by thy holy Spirit hast appointed diuers orders of Ministers in thy Church mercifully behold these thy seruants now called to the office of Priesthood and replenish them so with the trueth of thy doctrine and innocency of life that both by word and good example they may faithfully serue thee in this office to the glory of thy Name and profit of thy Congregation through the merits of our Sauiour Iesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost world without end Amen Then the Bishop shall minister vnto euery one of them the Oath concerning the Kings Supremacy as it is set forth in the order of Deacons And that done hee shall say vnto them which are appointed to receiue the said office as hereafter followeth YOu haue heard brethren as well in your priuate examination as in the exhortation and in the holy Lessons taken out of the Gospel and of the writings of the Apostles of what dignity and of how great importance this office is whereunto ye bee called And now wee exhort you in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ to haue in remembrance into how high a dignity and to how chargeable an office ye bee called that is to say the messengers the watchmen the Pastours and the Stewards of the Lord to teach to premonish to feede and prouide for the Lords family to seeke for Christs sheepe that be dispersed abroad and for his children which bee in the middest of this naughty world to bee saued through Christ for euer Haue alwayes therefore printed in your remembrance how great a treasure is committed to your charge for they be the sheepe of Christ which hee bought with his death and for whom he shed his blood The Church and Congregation whom you must serue is his spouse and his body And if it shall chance the same Church or any member therof to take any hurt or hinderance by reason of your negligence yee know the greatnesse of the fault and also of the horrible punishment which will ensue Wherefore consider with your selues the end of your ministery towards the children of God towards the spouse and body of Christ and see that you neuer cease your labour your care and diligence vntill you haue done all that lieth in you according to your bounden duty to bring all such as are or shall be committed to your charge vnto that agreement in faith and knowledge of God and to that ripenesse and perfectnes of age in Christ that there be no place left among you either of errour in Religion or for viciousnesse in life Then forasmuch as your office is both of so great excellencie and of so great difficultie ye see with how great care and studie ye ought to apply your selues as well that you may shew your selues kind to that Lord who hath placed you in so high a dignity as also to be ware that neither you your selues offend neither be occasion that other offend Howbeit ye cannot haue a mind and a wil therto of your selues for that power and abilitie is giuen of God alone Therfore ye see how ye ought and haue need earnestly to pray for his holy spirit And seeing that you cannot by any other meanes compasse the doing of so weighty a worke pertaining to the saluation of man but with doctrine and exhortation taken out of the holy Scriptures and with a life agreeable vnto the same Ye perceiue how studious yee ought to bee in reading and in learning the Scriptures and in framing the maners both of your selues and of them that specially pertaine vnto you according to the rule of the same Scriptures And for this selfe same cause ye see how ye ought to forsake and set aside as much as you may all worldly cares and studies Wee haue good hope that you haue well weighed and pondered these things with your selues long before this time and that you haue cleerely determined by Gods grace to giue your selues wholly to this vocation wherunto it hath pleased God to call you so that as much as lieth in you you apply your selues wholly to this one thing and draw all your cares and studies
containe sufficiently all doctrine required of necessitie for eternall saluation through the faith in Iesus Christ And are you determined with the same holy Scriptures to instruct the people committed to your charge and to teach or maintaine nothing as required of necessity to eternall saluation but that you shall be perswaded may be concluded and proued by the same Answere I am so perswaded and determined by Gods grace The Archbishop VVIll you then faithfully exercise your selfe in the said holy Scriptures and call vpon God by prayer for the true vnderstanding of the same so as ye may be able by them to teach and exhort with wholesome doctrine and to withstand and conuince the gainesayers Answere I will so doe by the helpe of God The Archbishop BE you ready with all faithfull diligence to banish and driue away all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to Gods word and both priuately and openly to call vpon and encourage others to the same Answere I am ready the Lord being my helper The Archbishop VVIll you deny all vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and liue soberly righteously and godly in this world that you may shew your selfe in all things an example of good workes vnto others that the aduersary may be ashamed hauing nothing to lay against you Answere I will so doe the Lord being my helper The Archbishop VVIll you maintaine and set forward as much as shall lie in you quietnesse peace and loue among all men and such as be vnquiet disobedient and criminous within your Diocesse correct and punish according to such authority as yee haue by Gods word and as to you shall bee committed by the ordinance of this Realme Answere I will doe so by the helpe of God The Archbishop VVIll you shew your selfe gentle and be mercifull for Christs sake to poore and needy people and to all strangers destitute of helpe Answere I will so shew my selfe by Gods helpe The Archbishop ALmighty God our heauenly Father who hath giuen you a good will to doe all these things grant also vnto you strength and power to performe the same that hee accomplishing in you the good worke which hee hath begun yee may bee found perfect and irreprehensible at the latter day through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall be sung or said Come holy Ghost c. As it is set out in the order of Priests That ended the Archbishop shall say Lord heare our prayer Answere And let our cry come vnto thee ¶ Let vs pray ALmighty God and most mercifull Father which of thine infinite goodnesse hast giuen thy onely and most deare beloued Son Iesus Christ to be our Redeemer and Author of euerlasting life who after that hee had made perfect our Redemption by his death and was ascended into heauen powred downe his gifts abundantly vpon men making some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some Pastours and Doctours to the edifying and making perfect his Congregation grant wee beseech thee to this thy seruant such grace that hee may euermore bee ready to spread abroad thy Gospel and glad tidings of reconcilement to God and to vse the authority giuen vnto him not to destroy but to saue not to hurt but to helpe so that hee as a wise and faithfull seruant giuing to thy family meat in due season may at the last be receiued intoioy through Iesu Christ our Lord who with thee and the holy Ghost liueth and reigneth one God world without end Amen Then the Archbishop and Bishops present shall lay their hands vpon the head of the elected Bishop the Archbishop saying TAke the holy Ghost and remember that thou stirre vp the grace of God which is in thee by imposition of hands for God hath not giuen vs the spirit of feare but of power and loue and sobernesse Then the Archbishop shall deliuer him the Bible saying GIue heed vnto reading exhortation and doctrine Thinke vpon these things contained in this booke Be diligent in them that the increase comming thereby may be manifest vnto all men Take heed vnto thy selfe and vnto teaching and be diligent in doing them for by doing this thou shalt saue thy selfe and them that heare thee Bee to the flocke of Christ a shepherd not a wolfe feed them deuoure them not hold vp the weak heale the sicke bind together the broken bring againe the outcasts seeke the lost bee so mercifull that yee be not too remisse so minister discipline that you forget not mercy that when the chiefe shepherd shall come yee may receiue the immarcessible crowne of glory through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Then the Archbishop shall proceed to the Communion with whom the new consecrated Bishop with other shall also communicate And for the last Collect immediately before the Benediction shall bee said this Prayer MOst mercifull Father we beseech thee to send down vpon this thy seruant thy heauenly blessing and so endue him with thy holy Spirit that he preaching thy word may not onely be earnest to reprooue beseech and rebuke with all patience and doctrine but also may bee to such as beleeue an wholsome example in word in conuersation in loue in faith in chastity and purity that faithfully fulfilling his course at the latter day hee may receiue the Crowne of righteousnesse laid vp by the Lord the righteous Iudge who liueth and reigneth one God with the Father and the holy Ghost world without end Amen ❧ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie And by the Assignes of IOHN BILL Anno 1633.