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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A86226 Herberts beleefe and confession of faith made in CLX articles. For th'instruction of his wife & children. Herbert, William, fl. 1634-1662. 1646 (1646) Wing H1537; Thomason E1207_1; ESTC R208783 30,491 60

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Way and a broad Road which being well follow'd shall doubtles leade them to Heaven For although perhaps I differ from other Protestant Beleefes yet my Confession being built on a sure foundation the written Word of God it may be a safe guide But that diversitie of opinions should breed no doubts in Religion it is my heartie wish and pray'r that we be all of one mind in the Lord Yet because this is difficult I will here adde that my difference from other Protestants consisting in omissions oppositions or additions my Children must well examine these three points in particular And to helpe them in their judicious discussion I tell them now generally that if they find I omit or oppose what in other mens Confessions wants good authoritie being not grounded on Gods Word they shall doe well both to approve my omissions and stand with me in such oppositions Concerning additions these consisting either of matters or Articles if the first are godlie yea necessarie to be knowne let my wise Issue esteeme them above all increase of treasure and if as 't is likewise in the second concerning their number which exceedes all other Beleefes then let them thinke I have made so manie that for their brevitie they be learnt with facilitie for being short they may like fine morsels easily be chew'd eat digested the shortest containing some point and manie of them more And as eating a bit provokes often the appetite for more So that who hath learn't one Article of my Beleefe may have a desire to learne more I have linkt them all together often grounding the following on the bodie or matter of the preceding And if this with their great number of hundred and three score shall notwithstanding the brevitie of each make them seeme long and tedious yet hard to be learnt without booke by my Children who shall perhaps have but ordinarie wits my answer is that if we had in writing all the Songs Tales Ridles countrey-wenches can sing and tell although they cannot reade and abound not in wit it might appeare this Confession is not too long for the memorie of al those who instead of such vanities applie their minds to Religious studies and to whom it is freely giv'n to know the mysteries or secret things of Gods Kingdom One thing more I suspect may be objected against me that being but a privat man t is presumption in me to make a publick Confession and to such I answer that though I have no office in the Church or State yet as I am a Husband and Father I am a publick man and so have just authoritie to publish and declare my will to those who are subject to it and to them manifest my Faith to whom I owe oeconomique politique and Religious instructions Besides this objection might be as good against the first framers of those Beleefes and Confessions of Faith the French Germans and English have for I suppose they were contriv'd by some particular persons who though Bishops or Ministers had yet no more authoritie then I to impose them upon the Church of God But as those were receiv'd by generall consent so mine may be and from privat become publick and from proper common at least to my Wife Posteritie who in it and my Catechisme shall I hope find all knowledges necessarie to their eternall Salvation Intending to leave them both Catechisme and Confession and this being made last I have either omitted or lightly handled manie points which are ful in my Catechisme Let then one book help the other both shew my Wife Children all necessarie truths for their perfection felicitie Yet least my bookes should not be sufficient to make them perfect in the Lord let them frequently reade diligently studie and seriously meditate the Scriptures which are able to make them wise to Salvation HERBERTS Beleefe and Confession of FAITH Lord I Beleeve But that my Heart Beleeve alwayes to Righteousnes and that my Verball Confession be made to Salvation Helpe thou my Vnbeleefe I. I Beleeve Confesse one onelie God who is an eternal infinit omniscient omnipotent Spirit a Nature most holie just and gracious an Essence most perfect simple incorporall jndivisible and incomprehensible and this God I adore II. I Beleeve that in this Essence substance or Nature there are three distinct Persons compleat and rationall each subsisting and living of it selfe having indivisibly the whole divine substance all equall in eternitie infinitie wisdome power justice will c. Yet distinguisht among themselves by their order names internall actions and manner of working externally III. I Beleeve that God the Father is the first Person of the three not in time dignitie power or the like for in the three Persons ther 's no prioritie of time no distinction of pow'r no difference of will no diversitie of wisdome justice mercie goodnes c. but because his being and beginning are of himselfe and that the Father is in order before the Son to whom he communicates his whole divin Essence by an eternall and incomprehensible Generation and with him to the holie Ghost by a Spiration or Breathing which is likewise eternall incomprehensible so that the Father is the eternall begining fountaine of the Trinitie likewise of all externall actions as Election Reprobation and Creation working in these which regard the Creatures by the Son and the holie Ghost IV. I Beleeve that the Word is the second Person the onelie naturall Son of the Father the brightnes of his glorie and the expres Image of his Person eternally engendred by him and so having the whole divin Essence of the Father with whom eternally he produces the holie Spirit by whom he workes externally from the Father V. I Beleeve that the holie Ghost is the third Person of the Deitie eternally and equally proceeding from the Father and Son yet not as from two beginnings but as from one onely being in two Persons and so having the whole divin Essence by an eternall spiration from both from whom he workes externally VI I Confesse that when I speake of beginning in the Persons of the God-head I speake after the manner of men and according to our capacitie for I Beleeve that being eternall they can have no beginning as we conceive a beginning in respect of time dayes houres minutes moments VII And although this Eternitie manie other things in God as the Trinitie of Persons in the Unitie of Essence the Generation of the Word Spiration of the holie Ghost and Divin Proprieties or Attributes as Infinitie Omniscience Omnipotence Mercie Justice be much above reason and all human apprehension yet I Doubt not of the truth thereof but with an humble and strong Faith say to that Eternall Infinit All knowing Almightie and Incomprehensible Spirit thou art my God because I cannot conceive thee VIII I Beleeve that there is no Division of the Essence nor confusion of the Persons for the Essence or Being Nature Substance is
so whole in all the Persons that they are all but one and the same substance and so but one indivisible God and the Persons are so distinct in their Order Names and incommunicable Proprieties as these are particular and Personall that the first cannot be the second nor the Son the Father nor the holie Ghost either of these begetting or being begotten and therefore IX I Beleeve that the Father and first Person of the Deitie hath Being of himselfe neither made nor created nor begotten nor proceeding but begetting his Son and with him producing or sending forth the holie Ghost X. I Beleeve that the Son and second Person is neither made nor created nor proceeding but begotten eternally by the Father with whom he sends forth the holie Ghost XI I Beleeve that the holie Ghost and third Person is neither made nor created nor begotten but eternally proceeding from the Father and Son XII I Beleeve that though the three Persons be distinguisht among themselves and knowne to us by the names of Father or first Son or second Holie Ghost or Third yet the names which belong to the Divin Essence as Jehova Lord God the like are common to the three Persons so that I call the Father God the Son God the holie Spirit God and say also that God is the Father God the Son God the holie Ghost yet acknowledge admire adore but one God one in Nature three in Persons who differ really each from other in their particular Personall Proprieties but from the Essence onely formally by divers manners or fashions of subsisting XIII So that in th'Unitie of the God-head I Beleeve a Pluralitie not Essentiall nor Accidentall but onely Personall Not Essentiall because the Deitie is a most simple Essence nor Accidentall for God admits no accidents nor composition being a most pure act neither are the Persons compounded as if they were a thing and another thing or part of the God-head but they are the Divine substance and three subsistences or manners of being XIV I Beleeve that whatsoever is in God is God because there is nothing in God which be not properly the Essence or Persons Therefore all Gods Attributes or Proprieties belong to the Essence without division and to each person with the limitation or distinction of personall proprietie I say therefore that Wisdome is Essentiall to the Deitie yea Deitie it selfe and that it is in the Father Wisdome begetting in the Son Wisdome begotten in the holie Ghost Wisdome proceeding and upon this ground XV I Beleeve that the Essence being most simple and which admits no division the essentiall proprieties of God differ not truly from the Essence nor from themselves but onely in our conception which being weak and our understanding finit borrows the assistance of manie distinct acts thoughts sights to know in part the incomprehensible God XVI To speak then properly I Beleeve and Confesse that there are not in God manie Attributes except the Personall proprieties of begetting c. but one onely which is th' Essence it selfe by which God is Eternall Great Wise Just c. and so Eternitie it self Power Wisdome Justice c. yet so that I conceive not that his Mercy and Justice Love and Hatred c. differ in themselves and from God for they are but one thing in God or rather they are God himselfe for XVII I Beleeve that Gods Essentiall proprieties are in him neither quantities nor qualities of the divine Essence nor accidents in that Essence but his whole and onelie Essence for God admits no quantitie by which he may be said to be so much and so much nor qualitie by which he be said such and such but whatsoever God is he is such onely by Essence great without quantitie good without qualitie XVIII I Beleeve that according to our apprehension and to the truth it selfe wee may call the Father Eternall Infinit Omnipotent Mercifull Just Wise and the like and so likewise the Son and holie Ghost yet we must not and I doe not beleeve three Eternall Infinit Omnipotent Immutable True Wise Gods or Essences but one onely Eternall Infinit Omnipotent Holie God or Essence XIX I Beleeve God hath cōmunicated stil cōmunicates some of his Proprieties both to Angels and Men as justice holines wisdom pow'r the like in a wise proportion to their capacitie regard of his own glorie but there are some so essentiall and proper to the Deitie that he will not and so cannot communicate them to the creature as Eternitie Simplicitie Infinitie Omniscience Omnipotence for thus he should destroy the nature of the creature and make her a God by the communication of the incommunicable divine Essence in which or rather which those Proprieties are XX By Gods Eternitie I conceive in part Beleeve wholly perfectly that Being he hath of himself free from mutation passion without beginning end of time without succession of first and last past future in whom all other Beings doe begin who gives to all life breath all things in whom we live move of whom through whom for whom are all things XXI By Gods Simplicitie I conceive Beleeve likewise his pure Essence void of composition division multiplication for God is not compounded of matter forme nor of gender and difference nor of substance and accidents nor of anie parts or things sensible or intelligible but whatsoever God is he is the same essentially all things being but one in him which in creatures are divers And the Trinitie of Persons hinders not this Simplicitie for God is three by coexistence of Persons not by composition of parts XXII By Gods Infinitie I conceive the immensitie of Gods Essence void of measures limits or bounds being all in himself all in all things all in everie thing all without all things filling containing all things yet being contained by none moving the world and yet being without motion for what is infinit hath no motiō nor mutation And this Infinitie is that we call Omnipresence Ubiquity by which the Deity is every wher XXIII By Gods Omniscience I understand that one eternall infinit simple perfect act or sight by which God comprehends himself as an infinit object and by himself knows all things past present future past and future to us but all ever present to him XXIV By Gods Omnipotence I conceive that most simple and perfect act by which he 's in himself able to doe whatsoever he will so that no Creature can resist his Pow'r which hath no limits but his Will XXV Gods Essence being simple true can admit no contrarietie or falsitie therefore I Beleeve that God will not so cannot doe things contradictorie as to make a man unreasonable or a bodie without its length breadth depth for this should be bodie no bodie the other man no man XXVI I Beleeve Confesse that God can if he will doe manie
creatures to his praise fearing to displease him and seeking to please and serve him in that way he prescribes adoring him alone having no faith no hope but in his wisdome pow'r goodnes for what concernes the soule seeking health ease honors riches but from him by lawfull meanes enduring patiently his corrections being thankfull for his blessings in all things submitting his will unto his doth I Beleeve fulfill the Commandements of the first Table which concerne God and his service CXXXIV And who in and for God loveth his Neighbour as himselfe doing what he can lawfully to instruct him in the right full knowledge of the Lord to divert him from sin exhort him to vertue help him to leade a holie sweet life wishing praying for him what is necessarie for his present future happines and freely heartily and fully pardoning him all faults doth likewise fulfill the commandements of the second Table concerning his Neighbour CXXXV But because this love towards God man cannot be so pure perfect in the state of our corruption but that we sin daily 'gainst both so transgresse the law of God and by our transgression loose the blessing of everlasting life promis'd unto its observers doe daily incurre the curse threatned unto its transgressors I Beleeve confesse that though the Law be just perfect in it self yet by reason of our weaknes since the fall of Adam it is not sufficient to Salvation CXXXVI Sith then my workes are imperfect I Beleeve my faith must supplie their want And since the Law cannot save me but rather condemnes me I borrow the helpe of my faith beleeving God for my righteousnes or justification And because it is not enough to beleeve in God without Christ this is my Heartie Faith in him Verball confession of him besides those points I have alreadie toucht concerning him CXXXVII That God Father Son holie Ghost having in mercie Elected some men it pleas'd that onelie wise gracious Spirit to give them Christ as the effectuall meane of their Election sole cause of their Salvation 'T was then decreed that the second Person of the incomprehensible Trinitie should assume mans nature thus to be made to Gods Elect wisdome righteousnes sanctification redemption CXXXVIII And least our Nature should be corrupt sinfull in Christ if as man he had descended from Adam by naturall generation it was likewise decreed that a pure and perfect bodie should be formed by the power of God of the purified substance of a faithfull Virgin without the helpe or seed of man CXXXIX And as this was eternally decreed so I Beleeve it was perform'd in the appointed time for the blessed Virgin Marie beleeving Gods message consenting to be made a Mother without anie carnall knowledge of man did by the power of the holie Ghost conceive that wondrous Child who by an eternall Generation is the Son of God without Mother and by temporall conception the Son of Man without Father CXL Mans nature in Christ ●ubsisting not in it selfe but in the Person of the Wo●d I Beleeve that in one instant Christs whole humanitie bodie soule was form'd created assum'd or taken up by the second Person of the Divinitie in such a strait perpetuall union that it did never subsist without the Word who assum'd the nature not the person of man so that in Christ there is but one divine eternall indivisible person in to by which our whole nature soule bodie hath its subsistence abiding or standing yet addes nothing unto the Deitie for God being perfect simple eternall he can receive no addition composition alteration passion CXLI The Union being Personall of two natures in one Person I Beleeve that as the Person of Christ can not be divided so his Natures are not can not be confounded but still retaine their essentiall proprieties the divine being eternall infinit omnipotent omniscient and the human temporall finit once passible having a beginning of time limits for knowledge power place For though Christs human pow'r knowledge wisdome were great excellent yet CXLII I beleeve they were finit so that all things were not possible known unto him as man although as God he knew could doe all things which are not contradictorie I say therefore that although Christs Person to whom the proprieties of both natures are common knew all things in the wombe yet it was not by his human nature by which he being born increased in wisdome learning new things by dailie experience And thus I Beleeve he was born CXLIII Although his bodie was by the power of God form'd in an instant to the requisit growth for the reception of the soule yet he was in the Virgins wombe grew in it to greater strength till the dayes were accomplisht that she should be deliv'red CXLIV And then the blessed Maid brought forth in Beth-lehem in a stable the Maker of heaven earth who then appeared to the world in the shape of a poore Servant in the forme of a weak Infant whom beholding with the strong eyes of faith I most humbly adore for CXLV I Beleeve that that Infant is God and Man Man to doe endure for me that is in my steed for my good what I could not yet ought both to doe suffer and God to give infinit price efficacie or force unto the actions passions of the Humanitie apply them to me CXLVI I Rely then wholly on the merits of Christs obedience to Gods Law of his suffrings for my sins Beleeving he exactly observ'd the Law for me fully satisfi'd his offended justice and so by his paines righteousnes both originall actuall redeemed me from sin death hell and purchast me grace life Heaven CXLVII Christ then is all my hope my onelie Mediator of redemption intercession through whom I live on earth in grace shall in heaven in glorie To procure me both these also to shew me examples of humilitie meeknes patience all vertues my Saviour was borne amongst beasts subject to my passions infirmities yet without sin or disorder circumcis'd the eighth day carried into Egipt Persecuted through all his Life which having led most holily humbly painefully patiently miraculously chiefely the three last yeares in which by his mightie wonders divine instructions he manifested his Deitie he ended it by an ignominious and cruell death drinking at last the full bitter cup of Gods indignation against sin and sinners treading alone the Wine-presse of Gods wrath shedding all that precious bloud which is our bath onelie purgation CXLVIII I Beleeve then that as he did represent us he was in his human nature expos'd unto the wrath of God which his innocent Soule so lively apprehended that she was heavie unto death then enduring for his Elect by the helpe of the Deitie supporting the Humanitie th' eternall paines due to their
sins so making to God satisfaction in that nature yea in both parts of that nature which had offended him CXLIX For unto this fearefull apprehension spirituall sense of Gods indignation which I Beleeve he had often were added most grievous torments his pure bodie endur'd from his birth-day to the last moment of his life so that he was both in soule bodie in his life death wounded for our iniquities bruis'd for our transgressions curs'd for our sake and kill'd to give us life as those being the end of his Incarnation CL And thus was the Lambe of God slaine for the sins of all the faithfull from the foundation of the world unto its destruction After manie indignities blows paines he was nail'd to a crosse and hang'd betwixt two theeves as the greatest malefactor and so indeed was he as he did then represent thousands of sinners for whose ransome he truly and willingly dy'd offring to God his paines death his passions actions for redemption salvation of his Elect whom he did s●nctifie through the offering of his Bodie once for all so that they neede no other oblation for sin then that which Christ offred cannot be renew'd because he dyes no more nor other satisfaction then that he made for them all other being both impossible needles CLI Christ our life being dead I Beleeve that his Bodie was buried to testifie the realitie of his death how our sins were then buried with him which without his humble passion had cast us downe into hell-fire But as Christ dy'd without the lest offence to God or man so the grave could not hold him long but the third day of his Buriall CLII. I Beleeve that Christs glorious soule was reunited to his Bodie by the power of his Divinitie which never forsook them but kept them still one in heaven the other in earth in that wonderfull and incomprehensible personall union And this reunion being made of the two parts of his humanitie Christ rose out of his grave as well to assure me of my spirituall corporall resurrection from sin death as to receive the reward of his obedience unto the Law of God unto death for me for CLIII I Beleeve that Christ having well perform'd his office in the state of his humiliation in planting teaching governing redeeming his Church for which hee did humble himselfe and become obedient to the death of the crosse it pleased the Father to exalt him manifesting his Deitie through which the whole Humanitie was made most free from naturall infirmities and invested with such agilitie impassibilitie glorie felicitie that it surmounts the excellence of the verie Angels having the full measure of perfection both in soule and bodie of which they are capable without destruction I confesse then they are as glorious as may be yet CLIV. I Beleeve that glorie is finit and much inferior to the essentiall and incommunicable perfection of the most glorious Trinitie Albeit therefore Christs person be as glorious as the Fathers and holie Ghosts yet his Humanitie being not capable of that infinit perfection it can not have that omniscience omnipotence Ubiquitie Majestie and felicitie which are proper to the Divinitie The knowledge then power glorie and joy of Christs soule is finit although most rare excellent and his glorious immortall and agile bodie is likewise must be finit solid visible palpable having his just measure in length bredth depth being contain'd in that place which he is pleas'd to fill for the present CLV Heaven being the proper seat of all blessed soules after death I Beleeve and confesse that Christ Jesus to give me assurance of my future glorification ascension thither first in the soule immediatly after my death then in Soule and Bodie at the Resurrection did fourtie dayes after his rising from the dead ascend triumphantly and visibly into the heaven of heavens that highest Orbe which the great King of Kings hath made as a fit place for the full manifestation of the riches of his glorie the greatnes of his pow'r the excellence of his wisdome and the exces of his bountie CLVI And Jesus being Ascended thither by the Almightie pow'r of his Divinitie I Beleeve he is there sitting at the right hand of God that is having in his Humanitie glorie wisdome pow'r strength next to Gods governing heaven earth and hell but chiefely ruling and teaching his Church by his omnipresent spirit and all-filling Divinitie by which he is with her till the end of the world interceding for her and shewing his Father the wounds he suffred for her sake and so by his merits praires sanctifying and blessing her by his pow'r protecting her from the devill and his members CLVII For whose generall overthrow finall subjection and to manifest Gods mercie and justice towards men I Beleeve that the Lord Jesus whom the heavens containe till the end of the world as he is man although as God he be everie where shall then appeare in Majestie and great glorie that by his Almightie pow'r which at first made things of nothing and Adams bodie of the dust all the dead shall then rise and the living be chang'd all appeare before the glorious throne of Christ there to be judg'd according to their works yea manie for their Works for certainly CLVIII The reprobat shall then perceive that their infidelitie and wickednes are the causes of their everlasting damnation in hell where they shall feele such desperat perpetuall griefes of the mind torments of the flesh as shall make them hate curse God and see although too late how miserable that reasonable Creature is who willingly rebells from God persists in its rebellion CLIX. But those blessed persons who by Gods grace beleev'd in him lov'd fear'd serv'd him shall then be Judg'd according to their Workes yet not Sav'd for or by those workes but by the meere mercie of God in and by Christ their gracious Judge who in his just anger having sentenc'd and sent the wicked into Hell with the approbation and praise of the Elect. CLX Shall I Beleeve in his tender love towards these invite and convey them with him into Heaven there to enjoy an incomprehensible everlasting gratuit and full Felicitie in the vision of Christ and fruition of God who being the beginning end of all things the first last I end this my Beleefe and Confession in him Beseeching that eternall Spirit by whose most speciall assistance I have both began and finisht and unto whom therefore I yeeld most heartie thankes to make me immutable in this Beleefe bold in this confession carefull in the aversion of all sins and diligent in the practice of all Christian vertues and religious duties Doe so I pray thee gracious God Yet if my Beleefe is not right O Lord rectifie it teach me the true faith And if it be not full