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father_n person_n son_n spirit_n 35,508 5 6.0195 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68976 A godly wil and confession of the Christian faythe, made by Rychard Brasier, late auditour to the kinges maiestie in Ireland, whiche be dydde most constantly cleaue vnto during the time that he lyued, worthy to be read by all Christians Brasier, Richard. 1551 (1551) STC 3552.7; ESTC S113319 10,135 24

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him none other gods Also we shal feare hym as an almyghtye God and as a mercyful father we shall loue hym wyth all our hartes wyth all our soule wyth al our power and wyth all our strengthe and mynde and vpon hym muste stād al our hope for he is the father of light of whom al mankynd lyueth and hath euer lasting saluacion and al other perfect gifts pertaynyng eyther to the body or to the soul haue we from hym through Iesus Christe hys sonne and our Lord. Furthermore I beleue in Iesus Christ the sonne of the liuyng God whych is the very bryghtnes of his fathers glory and the very Image of his substaunce yea he is the only begotten sōne of the father come forth out of the mouthe of the most hyest God fyrst born before al creatures Through whom al thynges are created and in whō we haue redempcion namely remission of synnes through hys bloude wyth the which he hath washed and clensed vs al from synne and hath also reconcyled vs agayne to hys moste holye and gloryous father that wer afore enemies to God For after the tyme that God had made man after hys owne image and similitude he sette hym into Paradyse that he shoulde eate of al the frutes of the garden of pleasure exceptyng hym only the tree of knowledge of good and euyl but man disobeyed the Lord hys God and transgressed hys commaundement Through the whych disobedyence and transgression of the godly commaundement death cursse came ouer al mākynde And when ther was no helpe nor comforte for man wherby he myght haue bene redemed or delyuered out of sathans power thē had God the mercyful father pyty on mankind and promised them a sede namely Iesu Christ hys only begotten son the whych should tread vpon the head of the Serpent and ouer come the diuel and restore them to lyfe agayne And lykewyse as God is rightuous in all hys wayes and holye in all hys workes and true in al hys wordes so hathe he kepte al hys promises trulye And as the tyme of hys promyse was fulfylled god let hys word descend into the wombe of the virgin Mary and by the workyng of the holye Gost became flesh as Ihon in his fyrst chapter of hys Gospel wytnesseth sayinge The word became flesh and dwelt amongest vs and we saw hys glorye as the glorye of the onelye begotten sonne of the father full of grace and veritye Also thys onlye begotten son of God by the power of the holy Goste became man is become lyke vnto vs in all thynges synne only except he hath suffered death for our sakes and hathe taken away Sathans power and restored lyfe in agayne yea he is made vnto vs wisdom and ryghtuousnes satisfaccion and redempciō And lykewyse as he dyed for our syns and went downe into hel so is he rysen agayne the thyrd day frō death through the power of hys father for our ryghtuousnes iustificacion and saluacion And as he oftē tymes shewed hym selfe after hys resurreccion vnto hys disciples so ascended he vnto heauē in theyr presence and sytteth at the ryghte hand of the almyghty Father aboue al rule myght and dominion aboue all that may be named not only in this world but also in the world to come hath subdued al thynges vnder hys fete In summa he is a Lord aboue al Lords and a king aboue al kings yea he is an almyghtye God wyth hys father And neuerthelesse he is also our onli aduocate and mediatour our only hye prieste the sacrifice that he hathe done once for all for our sins abideth of valure for euermore Furthermore lykewyse as Christe oure Lord is ascended vp into heauen and there sytteth vpon the ryght hand of God his father euen so shal he come againe frō heauen wyth the dominion of hys father and with thousandes of Aungels for to geue euerye man reward after hys workes yea euen to iudge the quycke and the dead I beleue also in the holy Gost God wyth the father the sonne whych holye Gost is a teacher of all Christen people and he doth cloth garnyshe them wyth hys giftes and geueth euery one the measure of faith after his own holy wil and keepeth them vnmoueable in one faithe for he is a ruler of the Christian congregaciō He is also the anointmēt wher with all the Christian are anoynted and of that behalfe are called the anoynted of the Lorde So is this holye Ghoste geuen vnto the Christiane as an earnest of theyr inheritaunce to the redempcion and they agayne be hys owne to the prayse of his glory to be briefe it is vnpossible wythoute thys holye holy Gost to know God ryghtly or wyth al the hole harte to beleue vpon hym or to call vpon him as a father and therfore doth god poure thys hys holy spirit vpon hys childrē wherby they may ryghtly knowe hym and ryghtly beleue in hym and as a ryghte father call vpon him This is my beliefe to the father the sonne and the holy Gost whych thre persons I knoledge to be God whose seate is heauen and the earth is a bench for hys feete yea the whych is an euerlastynge an almyghty a ryghtuous and a most mercyful God the whych alone wyl be worshipped and serued for he alone can healpe vs whych he doth for hys names sake and not for our rightuousnes sake Furthermore as I haue said that al they that do beleue ar ioyned together through the holy gost knit in vnity so is ther a Christian church the whych is buylded of lyuing stones whych church is the house of God and the house of God is the congregacion of God and the congregacion of God is the body of Christ and seyng that al right christians are one bodye in the whyche they all through one spirit are baptised so must ther be a communion of Sayntes namely that all sayntes or true beleuers are also ioyned together in vnity as the members of one body And in thys communion of Sayntes is remissyon of syns and that wythoute it is no synne forgiuen nor any hope of saluacion Yea lyke as it is vnpossible that a member can lyue that is not in the bodye so is it vnpossible that any mā may lyue in hys soul and can be released out of death by remyssion of synne the whyche is not a member of the body of Christ for Christ hath reconcyled vs al vnto God hys father in one bodye and therfore must al they stande in varience that are no members of thys bodye of the which Christ is the head to the which he giueth saluacion Ther shal be also a generall resurrecciō of the flesh namely that all they that are dead shal ryse a gayne some to euer lastyng lyfe and some to euerlasting dampnacion and they that shal liue and remaine vpon the earth vntyl the commyng of oure Lord Iesu Christ they shall be chaunged in the twynklyng of an eye at the tyme of