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father_n person_n son_n spirit_n 35,508 5 6.0195 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11240 A Christian exhortation taken out of the Holy Scriptures for the great comfort of euery faithfull person being in the agonie of death, before whome it must be ofte[n]times red and recited (if neede be) eue[n] to his last breath. Wherevnto is ioyned in the end a singular prayer for the partie greeuously afflicted by sicknesse dravving tovvard his death. Therewith is a briefe catechisme, which is not only to instructe the sicke, but also to refresh his memorie vvith the greate mysterie of our redemption. I. S., fl. 1579. 1579 (1579) STC 21500; ESTC S102189 21,015 74

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vsed towardes oure fathers are not yet quenched and consumed for thou art the great eternall God fauourable and mercifull whiche neuer changest Thy holy worde teacheth vs very playnely that all the earthe is full of thy mercies the whiche doe farre surmount thy Iustice wherefore appease thy rigour towardes thy creature haue pitie and compassion of him for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christ our lord Looke not vppon his sinnes but beholde the face of thy Christe who hathe sufficientlye satisfyed for the same in offering to thée vppon the Crosse the greate Sacrifice of hys body we beséeche thée then most louing and mercifull God to make him to féele thy grace the whyche thou neuer denyest to thy Children And for so much as thou art oure eternall father whiche knowest well what is necessarie and expediente for our saluation we doe not pray thée to prolong or to shorten hys life for we do repose our selues vpon thy holy will the which we doe only desire to do Thou arte wise not néeding councell to dispose of thy creature according to thy good pleasure but if it please thée to call him who is he that maye resist and if thou wilt send him health which is he that maye controll thée For all things are in thy hand and nothing is done without thy will and holye Prouidence Yet notwithstanding O Lord if of thy mercie thou doest prolong his dayes thy scourge shall serue hym for chastizemente to amende and to turne to thée and wée wyth hym shall yéelde vnto thée thankes and prayses But if thou haue determined to passe him into a better life we beséeche thée for the loue of thy sonne Iesus to forget all hys faultes and offences the whyche thou hast willed to be blotted out and washed in the shedding of his pretious bloud That it maye please thée for the merit of the death and passion of thy sonne to receyue his soule into thy hands when thou shalte call him out of thys Worlde O Lord God despise not the workemanship of thy handes for beholde héere thy poore creature in manner vtterly beaten downe the whyche calleth vpon thée from the deapth of all his euils presenting vnto thée his sorowfull and penitente hearte the whiche we beséeche thée to haue for acceptable for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde for whose sake thou hast promised vs to heare our requestes Wherefore O Lord we beséech thée to receyue vs into thy holy conduct lightning our heartes and vnderstandings to addresse vs towardes thée and to call vpon thy name so as thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde hath taughte vs to pray for all oure necessities saying Our Father whiche arte in Heauen c. Lastly O God and most mercifull Father that it maye please thée euer to susteyne vs by thy grace and power to the ende that through the weakenesse of our fleshe we fall not And for so muche as of our selues we are so féeble that we are not able to stande fast the space of one minute may it please thée to fortifie vs by thy holy Spirit and to arme vs with thy graces to the end that we may constantlye perseuere in thy Fayth without the whiche it is not possible to please thée it may please thée to confirme vs dayly in the same whereof wée wyll make confession both wyth heart and mouth saying I beleeue in God the Father Almightie c. The Prayers being ended they may sée how the sicke person doeth and enquire how he féeleth himselfe with Christian and gratious spéech but if they sée that he decline and that within shorte time after no token of recouerie doe appeare they may chose some mete time to speake to the sicke person and to aske hym if he do desire to heare spéech of God and to hearken to his word whilest he hath yet good remembrance For if he be of God they maye then beginne thys little Catechisme which followeth * ⁎ * A shorte Catechisme vvhiche is not onely to instructe the sicke but also to refreshe his memorie with the great mysterie of oure Redemption for the good vnderstanding and remembrance whereof in his latter dayes he ought to make confession of his faith before the company of the faythful of the which one in the absence of the Minister hould demaund of hym as follovveth The Minister B. S. N. Euery man whiche knoweth well himselfe and is not ignorante of his estate and qualitie certaynely ought to acknowledge that albeit he is created to the image and likenesse of God yet notwythstanding he is conceyned and borne in the sinne of the olde Adam wherby he is made a poóre and wretched sinner ignorant inconstant and full of iniquitie and consequentlye subiecte to all miseries afflictions aduersities and lastly to deathe the cause whereof is sinne the whyche God not willing to leaue it vnpunished doth afflicte vs dayly and to speake it playnely he chastiseth vs in this world to the end we shoulde not be damned wyth the worlde Wherefore B. S. N. be patiente in your sicknesse and you shall possesse your soule in spiritual ioy acknowledge youre sinne and accuse youre selfe before the Maiestie of God whome you must looke vpon and behold by Faith making confession of the same both with heart mouth before the whole company For it is written that man beléeueth wyth his hearte to iustice and confesseth with his mouth to saluation Harken then to the demaundes whyche now I will make vnto you and answere me faithfully according to the vnderstanding that you haue receyued of the lord But if you can not bycause of your weakenesse and impeachment of your sicknesse I wyll answere for you and it shall suffice vs that ye giue vs to vnderstand by some token your heart and cōstancie of faith in the whiche you must liue and dye Now I aske of you For what cause and to what end were you created in this worlde The sicke For to know God. Minister Was it necessarie for you to know God The sicke Yea truely for so muche as hée is my soueraigne goodnesse withoute the knowledge of him I shoulde bée more miserable than the brute beastes Minister Séeing that you know God you know well that he is an infinite power wisedome and goodnesse one onely God in three persons father sonne and holy Ghost It is the onlye God which Abraham Isaac and Iacob did worship in spirit truth It is the only eternall God whiche hathe created Heauen and Earthe as all the thyngs whyche are in them the knowledge of GOD whiche you haue is it not suche The sicke Yes Minister But coulde suche a simple knowledge of God bring you well to eternall life The sicke Very hardly for it is eternall life to confesse and knowe one onely God and hym whome hée hathe sente hys onely eternall sonne oure Lorde and Sauioure Iesus Christ Minister For what