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father_n person_n son_n spirit_n 35,508 5 6.0195 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09595 A sommon to repentance Giuen vnto Christians for a loking glasse, wherin we may behold our owne deformities, and therein and thereby, we are not onely forewarned of our destructions, but we are learned to humble out selues in these dangerous dayes of wickednesse, before the throane of Gods mercy, that wee maye not be preserued from the lake of damnation, in the great and notable day of Christs comming to iudgemente. Published by J.P. student of Cambridge.; Summons for repentance Phillips, John, fl. 1570-1591. 1584 (1584) STC 19875; ESTC S105036 35,560 70

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adulterer learne to giue ouer his beastly whoredome filthy fornication Let the drunkard y ● glorieth in his corrup●…on forget giue ouer his vnresonable quaffing Let y ● gréedy landlord indeuor to forbeare the practise of pouling his poore tenant to conclude let vs all ingenerally frō the hiest to the lowest of vs come before y ● Lord our maker with humble contrite harts Let vs wéepe waile cry out morne biterly for our sins then the Lord our God in y ● fulnes of his mercies wil heale our offences cleanse vs frō our sins purge vs frō our iniquities and wash vs from our wickednesses in y ● blod of the lamb yea the Lord our God wll become vnto vs a shelter a shield against all our enimies yea he wil fight for vs against al those that maliciously seke to assaile vs he wil turne towards vs his gratious countenance continue our peace blesse our anointed Debora our virgin Quéene y ● handmaid of the lord continue hir highnes helth to our cōforts conuert or else vtterly confound the power of al hir enimies forren domestical blesse our land spare vs frō those plagues y ● we haue most righteously deserued at the last when it shal plese him to cal vs vnto an account reckoning of our bailiwéekes and stewardships before his tribunal thron we shall stand before him in innocencie holines of life here him pronounce to our endles comforts this hapie sentence Come you blessed of my father enter into y ● kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world To the which most gratious God louing father mercifully conduct vs for thy sonne Christ his sake to whom with thee the holie Ghost the spirit of all truth vnitie and concord thrée person one eternall and euerliuing God be rendred all laud glory honor praise power and dominion for euer Amen FINIS The 〈◊〉 of Godmigh●… s●…ir vs vp to 〈◊〉 and newn●…s of life The inn●…cent 〈◊〉 of Christ is the tood of the soule and his guitles blood the drinke spiritual that quencheth the thirst of the faithfull Onely by 〈◊〉 in Christ Jesus we are deliuered from the 〈◊〉 of hell and 〈◊〉 if we 〈◊〉 constantly Gods temporall blessings are giuen vs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without our 〈◊〉 for the nourishment of our carnall bodies 〈◊〉 w●… cont●…ne the spirituall foo●… of our soules so do●… we abuse these his tem porall bles●… heaping 〈◊〉 vnto our 〈◊〉 vengeance in the day of 〈◊〉 We are verie readie talkers of Christ and his gospell but we are ouer ●…ll and slow walkers after his wil. We haue forsaken Christ and giuen our consents to sathan as peo ple past grace and falsly forsworne neglecting our spirituall begetting to God through Christ. As we ●…orget the rich graces that our ●…ng God in Christ Iesus hath bestowed 〈◊〉 vs so for the most part of vs do we cast from our memories the spiritual conslict that he hath fought for vs. As we abuse his 〈◊〉 ●…races so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 d●…spise we h●…s 〈◊〉 bene●…ts Mon●…rous sinnes r●…gning in co●…nterfait christian●… Charit●…e forg●…ten cr●…lty 〈◊〉 Hospit●…litie murthered by 〈◊〉 True friendship banished by ●…tion God by the exercise of our outragious sinnes is greatly dishonored Sinne pla●… vs by these our 〈◊〉 acti●…s vnto the bottomles take of perdition The Lord of the har●…st commeth ●…or wheat he wil not be pl●…sed w●…th the c●…kle of corruption Euery one o●… vs o●…ght to examine our selues dilige●…tlie whether we doe those things that God hath 〈◊〉 vs or whether we doe them not at al and when we finde our imperfections to be such that we canno●… doe that we shold let vs not cea●…e to cra●… assist●…nce of ●…ur 〈◊〉 father by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The righteou●…nes 〈◊〉 our sa●…or Christ shal ●…ouer our imperfections if we beleeue and sin death and hel shal die in vs and wee shall liue for euer Note what thing God requireth of vs his cr●…tures The Lord our God is without beginning and ende If we will worship the Lorde our God we must walke before 〈◊〉 in inno●… The 〈◊〉 of the proude Phara●…cs ought not to receiued of godly affected c●…ristians 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we m●…st d●…re of God for Christ ●…is sake to be made new●… do●…gh The holie Ghost is the director of the faithfull into all truth False teachers are the ministers of ●…than Christians ●…ust go for●…ard from vertue to vertue Christ will 〈◊〉 our 〈◊〉 heard and we shalbe the 〈◊〉 of his ●…sture Oc●…sions to ●…ue vs to the worship●…ing of God Note and consider ou●… frowardne●… against the Lorde our God The fruits of 〈◊〉 neglected 〈◊〉 are worshippers ●…f God with o●…r externall 〈◊〉 but our ●…rts are far from him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 m●…n desir●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 innocent 〈◊〉 A comparison betwixt the flesh and the soule Bodie and soule through ●…nne detested in the cies o●… the Lord. All men haue erred and 〈◊〉 astraie in the sight of the ●…rd no good nesie among the sonnes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The cōming of Christ to iudgement from our memories The 〈◊〉 of the flesh 〈◊〉 and not subdued Who continueth the battel against the world the fleshe and sathan vnder the standerd of Christ Iesus The paines that Christ hath suffered on the crosse for our redemption can not pearce our flintie harts The seruants of sin continue their wickednes the seruants of christ are make and ●…umble 〈◊〉 broken and brused h●…t is 〈◊〉 sacrifice acceptable to God Repentance grounded on a 〈◊〉 saith is sathans 〈◊〉 and ouerthrow Christ calleth sinners to repentance The compas●…on and pitie that Christ extendeth to the vnfeined 〈◊〉 De●…y ●…eth 〈◊〉 deferring of r●…pentance br●…geth Gods indig●… The 〈◊〉 of christ Ie●…us Christ Iesus is the heauen lie 〈◊〉 and Phisician of our soul●… We are 〈◊〉 Samaritanes The great mercies of Christ set foorth ●… comfort and strengthen our ●…bicilities We are called now to coin to Christ put it not of til to morrow Christ g●…th about to couple and ioine v●…to himselfe the faithfull 〈◊〉 God the lord of time will not be tied to thy appointed morrowe come nowe therefore ●…ith thou art called We 〈◊〉 consider the ioies of heauen nor yet dread 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 torment●…s 〈◊〉 ●…ell 〈◊〉 We are di●… caled but we haue made deaf our 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 ●…ur ●…arts in such sort that woe will not heare nor conceaue the voice of the caller Neither can g●…ds merci●…s nor his com●…inations driue vs to amendment of our liues Though Christ be reddie to 〈◊〉 vs yet we wil not come to him We are erthly minded and not spirituallie affected Wordlie honor is more desired then heauenly glorie The treasures of this world are set by before the celestiall treaures of Chistes kingdome 〈◊〉 thing most dangerous to 〈◊〉 The 〈◊〉 of Adam hath polluted our consciences and the taste of the forbidden apple 〈◊〉 still 〈◊〉 o●… mouths ●…ll f●…re of God is ●…anished from our memories Noah
A SOMMON to Repentance Giuen vnto Christians for a loking Glasse wherin we may behold our owne deformities and therein and thereby we are not onley forewarned of our destructions but we are learned to humble our selues in these daungerous dayes of wickednesse before the throane of Gods mercy that wee maye be preserued from the Lake of damnation in the great and notable day of Christs comming to iudgemente Published by J.P. student of Cambridge Math. 3. Repent and amend your lyues for the kingdome of God is at hande AT LONDON Imprinted by D. Jackson dwelling in fleetestroete 1584. ¶ To the right Honorable Sir Edwarde Osbourne Knight hir Maiesties Leiftenante Lorde Mayor of hir Highnes most honorable Cittie London the right Worshipfull Knight Syr Rowland Haiward Alderman of London the right worshipfull Mayster Iohn Spencer Alderman and Shriue of London and the right worshipful of the fraternitie and misterye of Clothworkers Iohn Phillip the sonne of Robart Phillip Clothworker disceased wisheth the feare of God peace and prosperitie in our merciful Lord and Sauior Christ Iesus c. IF this small present right honorable and worshypful rendered into your hands with all humility and reuerence maye finde fauour in your sight I shall not only accounte my selfe happye but hereafter shew my selfe industerious to pleasure you wyth some other treatise which with this shall redowne to the glory of god your well liking and the commodity of my natiue cuntrimen In the meane season I most earnestly besech your good Lordship and euery of you to pardon my boldnes and to satisfie your mindes with this poore mite of mine which to the comforte of the godly and the reformation of the maleuolent is published not doubting but as you are vertuous and godly affected so your honor and euery one of you being patrons members of this common weale in as much as in you shal consist will doe your indeuors to beate down syn whose branches are so monsterous that they begin to ouer shade vertue the which thing to cal vnto our memories is a thing of al things to be lamented who heareth not in the Gospel how diligently our wickednesses cōmitted against the maiestie of eternal God are reproued but who or where are they that conuert and turne to the Lord in this our last time of our age and calling no we glory in our iniquityes and hate to be reformed and generally to speake the truth we I say for the most part and greatest number of vs that professe the name of Christ are rockt and lulled in the corrupt cradle of our owne securities and therin we slepe so soundly that neither can the remembrance of Gods graces signes tokens his greuous threat nings and terrible comminations serue to rouse vs vp out of the dangerous and most perrilous slumber of our iniquyties it cannot be chosen right Honorable and Worshipful but that the day of our visitation is at hand and except we repent we shal perishe in our wickednesses for Gods heauie indig●…tion is readie to enter into the gates of our Cities the v●…ols of his wrath are ready to be powred forth vpon vs our God is ready in the fulnesse of his displeasure to hew vs downe with the Axe of his vengeance for our ingratitude to blo●… our names out of the booke of lyfe for the contempt of his commandements and to leaue vs 〈◊〉 pray for our abhominable actions to our auncient aduersarie sathan I exhort your good Lordship therefore and euery one of you to whome God hat●… giuen authority in the bowels of Iesus Christ to perseuer and go forward from vertue to vertue to the vttermost of your powers to banishe from your Cities and Townes al the maysters of misrule that both contemne God and despise good order Thus shal you please God in discharging your dueties and shewe your selues obedient subiects to hir excellent maiesty that putteth you in trust to bridle the outrage of the wicked that range as gracelesse after their vncleanesse Thus wishing you right honorable and euery one of you the feare of god peace and prosperitye in Iesus Christ I leaue you to his gracious heauenly preseruation beseeching him of his infinite good nes whilst his mercy holdeth his indignation at a bay to giue vs the grace with humble and contrite hartes to prostrate our selues before him to craue pardon at his fatherly hands for our offences to weepe bytterly for our sinnes and to bring forth the fruites of repentance thus shal we pacifie hys heauy displeasure conuerte his fury to fauor his 〈◊〉 to loue and his conceiued wrath to comfortable kindnes the which we shal inioye in this life and after when the course of this our pilgrimage is fully finished we shal stand before him in purity be sanctified with his holynes be crowned with honor and glory and be made fellow heires with Christ Iesus of his celestial kingdome the which God for hi●… sonne Christ his sake graunt you and euery of you Your humble and faythful wel willer in the Lord. Iohn Phillip ❧ A Sommon to repentaunce giuen vnto Christians for a looking glasse IF wee woulde consider deare christians the inestimable graces of our louing God poured foorth vp●…n vs that haue little or nothing at all deserued his fatherlie fauor it ●…ere a thing that might mooue vs sinfull and most wretched crea●…ures not onlie to walke as it becommeth ●…s in godlie integritie and newnes of life but therewithall we would like adopted sonnes by his 〈◊〉 grace continew our obedience towardes him that like a most carefull Father and gratious God s●…keth all the meanes possible that 〈◊〉 be to nourish and féede vs both in so●… and bodie to euerlasting life and heauenly blessednes In spirite and soule by the operation and working of a liuelie fa●…th through his diuine grace we are prouidently f●…d ●…n the truth of his 〈◊〉 testament with the sweetest flesh drinke the d●…rest blood of our immaculate and spotles lambe Christ Iesus who giueth himselfe most willinglie to all those that constantlie beleeue not carnallie but spirituallie to be fed vppon by faith and fréelie 〈◊〉 vnto vs his most precious blood without our deserts to aswadge the thirst of our soules that Sathan through sinne had 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 death and destruction euerlasting from the which by the vnspeakeable prouidence and inf●…te wisedome of our omnipotent GOD through Iesus Christ we are deliuered Si sumus fideles And as by his grace we inioy this delectable foode and most 〈◊〉 Nectar to the comfort of our soules so with these his deuine benefites h●… most louinglie inricheth vs with his temporall blessinges For in bodie 〈◊〉 our feeble and weake natures most carefullie are by his onelie goodnesse fostered from his bountifull handes with meate and drinke and all other the glorious giftes of his grace without the which wee coulde not continue But alas neither the one nor the other is of vs accepted