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A07558 Iacobs great day of trouble, and deliuerance A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the fifth of August 1607. vpon his Maiesties deliuerance from the Earle Gowries treason and conspiracie. By Iohn Milvvarde Doctor of Diuinitie. Milward, John, 1556-1609.; Milward, Matthias, fl. 1603-1641. 1610 (1610) STC 17942; ESTC S112791 29,882 82

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bee a Iacob that is an innocent and harmelesse man and then to looke for his oppression and trouble Syrac 2.1 for as Syracides said My sonne hast thou entred into the feate of the Lord prepare thy soule to tentation and the instance is notable in the person of Christ that though hee were persecuted by Herod while he was an infant yet was he not tempted till after Baptisme to shew that so soone as wee giue our names to God and take vp our holy life then comes the sorrowe and persecution for righteousnesse and if he haue care to serue God and seuer himselfe from the prophane fashion of this world hee is derided and scorned as Noah was when the Arke was a making traduced by odious and disgracefull names and loaden with infinite iniuries as if he were a marke for all the Diuels arrowes Yet Iacob must haue patience and in all this addresse himselfe to God not shrinking in these aduersities and wrestlings no more then that holy Patriarch did Gen. 32.31 who ouercame and preuailed with the Angel though he went away halting we shall haue from the world a touch of sorrow to carry to our graues but there it should be buried and that which shal follow is comfort euerlasting And now as this day and time admonisheth in this Iacobs trouble I find a more excellent person to which it is applied that is to our verie Nathanaell i. the gift of God his sacred Maiestie who may take vp Israels complaint in a song of degrees for the degrees of his sorrowe that oftentimes from his youth vp he was afflicted may Israel now say Psalm 129.1 the plowers plowed on his back made long furrows that in a great noble kingdome from a yere old to this day is by God vpholdē was preserued from dangers thogh not freed from troubles for cares infinite are wrapped vp in the crownes of princes they are more noble then happy many troubles attēd vpon their persons because as in Esay the key of gouernement hangs vpon their shoulder and like the Master-pilot guids the shippe of the Common-wealth sitting at the sterne in euery storme so that the troubles of a carefull Prince are more then the labours of any common subiect and the dangers of the head more then of all the bodie Let vs then that are but legges and hands or other parts labour to support this Iacob not trouble Iacob but as much as we may free him from troubles I meane from griefe and sorrowes for it cannot be but the head wil ake if the body be distempered and the good and carefull head will watch and heare and see and search and find out and remedie all that may offend and hurt the bodie or els the head is not a head of care but a drowzie and a sleepie part which if it doe but slumber troubles are then sent both to awake the Pilot the Marriners for in the head you see the members are vnited Iacob for Israell that is the whole people Iacob for euery faithfull man Iacob for the Prince of Iacob in euery of these is seene a day of trouble Sed tamen But yet that is I the God of Iacob in despite of them al I will deliuer him And this shewes Gods owne opposing himselfe against all the troubles and troublers of Iacob Wherin I wil instance in two most famous particulars and set before your eyes the mercies of God to this kingdome in the daies of our late most noble Queene Elizabeth worthy of al our memories vnder whom you haue beene bred nursed and brought vp and the happie and most ioyfull succession of our so Noble a king vnder whom we are still so godly so louingly and so peaceably gouerned That this day we may remember with all possible thankes to God both their miraculous preseruations with a Sed tamen that is in despite of all their enemies Elizabeth the glorie of her Sex while she liued and the honour of it beeing dead a name signifying the oath of God as if God had sworne to be mercifull to England in the daies of Elizabeth Many and great were her troubles and yet deliuered out of all Let goe the famous acts shee did her succour of afflicted strangers reliefe of distressed states power to settle with peace and to suppresse by force honour at home and fame abroad I say let these passe But her deliuerance from Conspitacies and bloody Treasons so many and so wonderfull are to vs certaine Demonstrations of Gods mercie that the gospell of Christ which wee professe was at the first miraculously planted and established and euer since hath beene most miraculously preserued and continued Notwithstanding all Romish oppositions which so frequent and desperate plainely shew that our Church hath by them beene persecuted the Gospell intended to be suppressed the glorie of our State purposed to be supplanted the life and honour of so noble a Queene so cruelly pursued and yet I say notwithstanding all that euer they could doe in despight of all Traytors not worthy to bee named she was with her peoples peace her State and honour to the end of her life miraculously preserued and the Gospell liues and being dead shee liues in their hearts that loue the gospell But now to see GODS goodnesse still in preparing to this kingdome a king of whom I would say much but that as Saint Ierome said vereor ne damnum illius laudibus me a faceret verecundia and preparing such a king for such a kingdome A king of Iustice a king of peace whose receiuing was with such ioy and generall applause as I thinke neuer happened in any nation whose care of the afflicted and oppressed Israell which by many testimonies hath so clearely appeared shall pleade with God and he shal remember it in the euill day and when his soule is troubled the Lord shall stand by him and saue him aliue and the backes and sides of the poore relieued shall blesse him the prayers cryes and teares of his people shall praye for him and they shall say Deliuer Iacob Lorde out of all his troubles And hath not GOD deliuered him in this fift day of August as you haue heard before and since his Maiesties comming to this kingdome from other foule and trayterous attempts But aboue all from that same Salt Peter Treason or Peters salt Treason of Rome I know Saint Peter the Apostle neuer seasoned his meate nor manners with this kind of salt I say a Treason without all reason a treason sine nomine without a name as Saint Ierome notes of the face of the fourth Monarch the first a Lion the second a Beare the third a Leopard the fourth terribilis valde but sine nomine quia crudelitas eius erat sine modo such was this a Treason which neuer any age may forget and I thinke so horrible as scarce posterity can beleeue that euer any vipers bred in any Countrey would so bloudily betray their soueraigne Lord him and his All the Orders and States of a kingdome and kingdome and all such a treason so conceiued conspired contriued and so concealed to a point of time and then so mercifully discouered tell me what God is there to the God of Iacob and who so great yea adde this and who so good a God as Englands God let Rome if she please boast of her miracles and her rash and Garnets strawe all not worth a straw we will reioyce in the name of our God and make our boast of him that hath deliuered vs from so great a death and will deliuer hath planted the gospell and no power can supplant it hath peseru'd our state and stil preserues it hath confirmed his mercie to vs by his word continued it in the hopefull succession of Princes hath saued our king out of the hands of all his enemies and will saue him from the euill day from the sorrowfull Alas from the great dayes of trouble from open and priuy enemies from al that beare euill will at Jacob and the Lord is faithfull and hath promised Sed tamen that is let them doe what they can in despite of them all he is yet and yet he shall be deliuered Which since our eyes haue seene and our eares haue now heard the mercies of the Lord vnto our king and vs in this his day of mercie Let vs euer pray that God would continue them still and let our hearts ioyfully giue thankes and for these blessings euer ascribe to God our heauenly father to Iesus Christ his sonne our blessed Lord and only Sauiour and to the holy spirit our true and eternall Comforter three persons and one God All glorie honour praise and power this day and for euermore Amen FINIS
he with him as he was with their fathers that he leaue them not nor forsake them And it is an excellent praier for the young Prince if euer he should be in any strait as his father was which God forbid he might pray that God would be with him as he was with his father in the day of his trouble in the very houre of tentation to deliuer him But how was God with their fathers invisibiliter ineffabiliter admirabiliter How thus for he works is not seene he stirred vp the spirit of Iacob and strengthned him as Dauid said Psalm 8. mine armes shall breake a Bowe of steele inuisibly he wrought in that others heart that was placed there to kill him that at the sight of the king his heart failed his tongue faultred his hands shooke all his body tremble and had neither hart or any power to hurt to helpe perhaps but not able to hurt Is not this to stop the Lions mouthes he wrought inuisibly in the heart of that desperate Alexander Ruthwen the Earles brother that was at first as fierce as a Tyger or a Beare that the wordes of his Maiestie made him relent and consider and respite till hee might talke with the Earle his brother but after that came againe bloodily resolued to bee imbrewde yet then God was with him as with the Patriarch Iacob in Aegypt that yron sorrow and as he was with Jonas in the Whales belly and kept him from consuming But if you aske me how was he with him I can but say ineffabiliter I cannot tel how to vtter it Nay more he was with him admirabiliter How 's that a present helpe in trouble at euery stabbe at euery gripe at euery assault a rocke of stone a refuge a defence and therefore blessed be the God of Iacob for euer and blessed be he that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe and whose hope is in the Lord his God which onely doth great things and hee is wonderfull among the kings of the earth and so he was with our king in this day Secondly I noted the kings vertue in this conflict the first is innocency which euery where carries with it comfort and defence It was a noble speach of Alphonsus king of Arragon being aduised to take some care of his person where and how he walked priuately answered Satis munitus est qui bonam habet conscientiam yea this is a good armour for the soule yet sometime the body wants it a good conscience is a continuall feast indeed and nothing can keepe in true peace your conscience but your innocence Another vertue was the magnanimity of Iacob which is certainely a vertue royall and suffers not the mind to be daunted with any aduersities no feares no rumors nor euill tidings shall make him quake Psalm 112. who standeth in the Lord and this is such a vertue as hath beene annexed to the Crowne that kings should be magnanimous Salomon fetcheth an argument of mercy from Gods omnipotency misereris omnium qui omnia potes thou hast mercy on all because thou art Almighty and noble Kings are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not so much for bountie as for mercie Saint Ambrose saith procul abest a magnanimis cupiditas vltionis valiant natures neuer reuenge it is for wolues and Beares for cowards to be cruell quaecunque minor nobilitate fera est saith the Poet. As God therefore prepared Dauid with Lions and Beares and then brought him forth against the Philistim and armed Iob giuing him as one saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Patriarchicall soule Origin constant and valiant to endure al sorrow that might come so did the almighty blesse our holy King with a speech Spirit wisedome strength and courage to resist his enemie and Iacob like to wrastle for the blessing which now his eyes doe see and wee enioy The third thing is the meanes which God vsed for his Maiesties Deliuerance for though God doth many things miraculously yet makes he not a man to fly out of a casement like a bird but ordereth by high prouidence things below and men and meanes in the very extremity he directeth where the danger is That close by the windows his ownse uants should passe where his Maiestie was striuing they heard his call went vp and found their Lord in the graspe of a Traytor but the Traytor ouer-grasped that hee could not hurt By a noble seruant of his were first the very wreathes of this Serpent vntwined this Alexander of mischiefe turned out to his cursed but deserued end that as he shewed no mercy so perishing hee called for none from God in whose hand onely mercy was Euripides saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 al men may know the calamities of Kings and Princes For yet all Iacobs Trouble was not ouer past But now the olde serpent with seuen other spirits as ill as himselfe came vp to the place armed assaulting his Maiesties fower defendants where with much strife and doubtfull victory at last it pleased God to send the Earle his hire and the rest vanquished to bee throwne downe head-long W●ll saide Ignatius ad Magnesianos Nemo multus nemansit qui se contra potiores extulit his Maiestie now had a little breathing giuen him and like a religious and holy King vpon his knees in the flore where his enemie lay dead before him gaue harty thankes to God for so great a mercy And this and thus was the time of Iacobs Trouble Trouble yea But he shall be deliuered from it saith God and here he performed it and hitherto as the day requireth I haue shewed the trouble which concerned Iacob The consolation of Iacob is in these words Sed tamen liberabitur Vnspeakeable is the ioy of deliuerance Exod. 15.1 it so opens the heart and makes them sing that finde it And so did the Israelites sing Moses and the men and Miriam and the women with Timbrels quia fecit Dominus magnificè the Lord hath triumphed gloriously he saued them and destroyed their enemies fecit magnificè Jud 5. he did valiantly and Deborah made a song when God deliuered Israell from the hand of Sisera Captaine of the Host of Iabin king of Canaan and it is for a glorious victory a most noble song thus the Psalmes of Dauid were most of them composed and are thankesgiuings vnto God How did the three children sing in the flaming Furnace and Ionas pray and praise God deliuered from the whale Ion. 2. what hart can expresse the ioy of the Iewes deliuered from Haman not one but all to be destroyed and how mercifully God did turne the destruction vpon the destroiers as he did in this day by these you may see what ioy comes with this Liberabitur It is like Gods Angell that comforted Saint Paul and bad him not to feare but be bolde the Lord shall stand by thee or like the Angels touch that made all S. Peters chaines fall off at once And