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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01300 A comfortable sermon of faith, in temptations and afflictions Preached at S. Botulphes wythout Aldersgate in London, the .xv. of Februarye. 1573. By Maister VVilliam Fulke, Doctor of Diuinitie. Fulke, William, 1538-1589. 1574 (1574) STC 11422; ESTC S102773 20,597 48

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shal not vnderstād least they sée with their eyes and vnderstand with their hartes and be conuerted and God should heale them This got the hye Priests Scribes Pharises by multiplying their ceremonies namely ablutions and washings It is true that God in the law cōmaunded diuers ablutions washings which did rather testify their vncleanes thē purge away their filthines but they had added many others as washing of cups cruises dishes platters brasen vessels and tables often washing of their hands before they did eate especialy if they had come from the market they myght not eate before they had washed their hands rant they were Iewes she was a Gentile they were of the blessed séede of Abraham she was of the curssed race of Canaan they were of the chosen people of Israel she was of the excommunicate castout people of the Cananites they wer brought vp in the knowledge of God his lawes euen from their infancy she was brought vp in the supersticiōs of idolatry they were Doctors teachers of Gods people she had but smal knowledge as one that was an Heathen womā and therfore might not come into the congregation where Gods people were taught Yet they reiected Christ when he was offered she folowed Christ whē he departed from her They were Infidels she was faithful and endued with such faith as might be a shame to al the Israelites that began so long before her yet wer left so far behind her For of her it might be said which our sauiour Christ speaketh of the faith of the Centurion Verely I haue not found such faith in Israel The Centurion was an Heathen man a Romane a man of warre that came to subdue the slauish nation of the Iewes yet God gaue him so great fayth that he excelled euen the Israelites them selues And surely if the circumstances of this poore womans faith be considered it shal appeare far more excellent then hys And especially if we behold wyth what bitter temptatiōs her faith was examined and tryed we shall playnly confesse how far it passed for her fayth was tried vnto the vttermost And first wyth great and extreme aduersitie for her Daughter was miserably tormented wyth a Deuyll Good Lord what a temptacion was thys to her that was of the curssed stocke of the Cana nites which Gods people were commaunded vtterly to destroy to make no leage or couenant with them then hauing newly forsakē the religion of her forefathers people where she lyued lately receiued the religion of the Iewes What a great temptacion I say was it to her that her daughter should be pos sessed with the Deuil She might either haue thought that she had made an euil chaunge of her old religion to be thus welcomed by the Deuil into a new religion Or els that God the author of this religion would not accept her to be one of his worshippers being a cursed Cananite therfore suffered the deuyl to haue such power ouer her daughter as that he did wholy possesse her and miserably torment her For of al aduersities that can be laid vpō a man or a woman this goeth nerest to make them think they are out of the fauour of God to behold that they are geuen ouer as it wer a pray into the Deuils possessiō The losse of tion was openly talked of among the Iewes so the promises of God concernyng Christ their Redéemer were commonly knowen among them as That all nations of the world should be blessed in him That whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord shal be saued That he shal deliuer the poore when he crieth the needy also and him that hath no helpe He shal be mercyful to the poore nedy shal preserue the soules of the poore He shall redeeme their soules from deceit violence and deare shall their bloud be in his sight That he that putteth his trust in him shall not be confounded Upon these and such lyke generall promises of God contained in the old Testament her faith was builded founded so stedfastly that no storme of temptacion was able to ouerthrow it Which thing is very necessary for vs to consider that when our fayth shal be tried examined as this womās was we may know how to wythstand all the assaultes of most gréeuous temptacions as she did That the trial of our faith which is much more precious then gold that perisheth though it be tryed by fire myght be found vnto our prayse honor glory at the appearing of our Lorde Iesus Christ. Let vs therefore make much of the general promises of God let vs willingly embrace thē diligently wey them and dayly remember them For in them our faith being grounded it shal stand like a most sure bulwark inuincible fortres against ani thing that shal assault our euerlasting saluatiō Upon this boldnes confidence this wretched woman commeth vnto christ For thus her fayth concludeth Seyng all nations of the world shal be blessed in him the very Cananites are not excluded For although the Cananites wer once curssed of God aboue al other natiōs yet by this blessed séed al cursse should be taken away seing he is not restrai ned to one nation more then another but is the cōmon blessing vnto al nations And seing he shal heare the poore that cry vnto him succour the néedy that hath none other helper he must heare me also being so poore a creature helples that crieth vnto him And for asmuch as whosoeuer putteth his trust in him shal not be confounded he cānnot refuse my humble request that repose my whole trust and confidence in him Therefore she is bold with open mouth to cry out vnto him O lord thou Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me These words are diligently to be considered first that through confidence of fayth although he do not cal vnto her yet she cryeth after him And the vehemency of her request is expressed by the word of crying y she doth not speake vnto him but with opē mouth she cryeth vnto him For a strong faith sendeth forth earnest requestes as a foeble faith vttereth cold formall praiers And concerning the forme of her peticiō it declareth that her faith was not a conceued fantesy of her own braine but an assured perswasion out of the word of god For seing the Messias was promised to be the sonne of Dauid that al felicity was promised in the kingdome of Dauid according to the holy oracles of God she calleth Christ the sonne of Dauid For she had learned that God said of Messias figured in the person of Salomon which was the sonne of Dauid I wyl be his father and he shall be my sonne She had heard the prophecy of Esay the God promised that out of the old withered stump of I say the father of Dauid a rod shuld come forth a graffe should grow out of his
rootes the spirit of the Lord shal rest vpō him the spirit of knowledge vnderstandyng c. And that which Ieremy writeth of the righteous braunch that God would raise vp vnto Dauid which king should raigne and execute iudgement whose name should be The Lord our righteousnes Upon these or such like places of Scripture her faith was grounded by which she had learned to cal him the sōne of Dauid Wherby she declared that she acknowledged him to be the same which was described set forth in the scriptures that she looked to obtain at his hands those things which were promised of him in the scriptures In which it was promised that he should heare the cry of the poore when thei made their humble supplication to hym that he shuld succour the afflicted who had none to help them that he should take vpon him al our infirmities and beare all our diseases that he should preach sight to the blynde lyms to the lame lyfe to the dead deliuerance to al that ar afflicted This request of hers therfore being in the compasse of those thinges which wer promised to be graunted by him she is bold to call cry vnto him saying O Lord thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me my daughter is miserably tormented with a diuel And note that she desireth hym to bee mercyfull vnto her wher as her sute chiefly cōcerned her daughter For not onely the naturall loue of her daughter made her to accompt the miseries of her childe to be her own griefe but also she acknowledgeth that God in plaging of her daughter plageth the mother also therfore she desireth Christ to haue mercy pity compassion of her self as wel as of her daughter And further note that she challengeth nothing by desert merit or worthynes but onely of some comfort of deliueraunce So thys poore woman no doubt reioyced not a litle whē she heard that Christ was come into those quarters but when she commeth vnto him whom she was glad that she had found she findeth no comfort at al in him but great discouragement discomfort if any thing could discourage a strong lyuely faith We sée therfore what a strong temptacion her faith endured But it is maruel how she could retain such constancie of faith when he that is the onely Author and finisher of our faith euen Iesus Christ disdayneth to speake to her in whose woord all our hope and trust consisteth But here we must vnderstand that Christ by this his silence did not reiect her sute but rather inflamed her with greater feruency to continue the same For although he suppressed his audible voyce for a tyme yet in tyme of thys silence he spake vnto her by two most effectuall kindes of speaking First by his general promises contayned in the Scripture which sounded so lowd cōtinually in the eares of her hart that by them she was assured the Christ called her vnto him although by his tēporal and particuler silence he séemed to reiect her from hym Secondly although he spake no word with his toūg yet by his spirit he spake continually to her soule setling sealyng the truth of Gods promises so stedfastly in her hart that she knew it was vnpossible for her to mysse of hys grace at the length although for the tyme she séemed to be refused of hym And so vndoutedly almighty God dealeth often times euen with his best beloued childrē when he differreth the answer of their request for a time so that he seemeth to hold his peace notwithstāding that he hath promised to answer thē when they pray In which perplexitie they must remember that how so euer he seemeth to keepe silence by not graūting their request yet he speaketh to them continually in his promises contained in hys holy word by which they must be assured that God wyl be mercyfull vnto them albeit that he withhold his promised help for a season So Christ at one time speaketh and holdeth his peace not to extinguish the faith of this Cananite but rather to enflame her earnest affection in praier which thing we sée tooke effect in her Then if so smal light of knowledge as was possible to be in her according to the state of the tyme her own condition wrought such constancie of fayth if so litle séede of doctrine brought foorth suche aboundant fruit what shame is it for vs in so cleare light of the gospel not to see with the eyes of our faith the vnmoueable vnchaungeable truth certainty perish before he send his deliuerāce For God can no more forget our delyuerance in due time then he can deface his own glory And touching the meane tyme in which he suffereth vs to be afflicted that all shall turne to our euerlasting cōfort for thereby he trieth our faith patience obedience and other vertues And the tryall of our fayth as S. Peter saith beyng much more precious then golde which is tried in the fire yet perisheth shall be found to our prayse honour glory at the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ. And lest we should doubt to faint in troubles we are taught that God is faythful wyll not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strength but in al perplexities most desperate cases wil open a way howe we shall auoide them For as he sendeth vs affliction and temptation with the one hand so he wil send vs strength and comfort with the other hand And this was liuely figured in the wrestlyng of God wyth Iacob where the Lord by wrestling striuing wyth him seemed to fight with him with one hand and by geuing him strength not onely to abide temptacions afflictions but also to preuaile and to ouercome them he declared that he did sustayne him with the other hand Let vs not therefore be discomforted if God him selfe séeme to wrestle wyth vs to fight against vs by sending vs great troubles and temptacions for hys purpose is in thys most noble combate both to geue vs strength to ouercome and also the prayse of the victory as s. Peter testifieth in the place euen now alled ged Such a noble champion was this simple woman that by fayth contended euen wyth Christ him selfe and in the end obtayned the victory Declaring therby that altthough she wer a cursed Cananite according to the flesh yet she was a true Israelite by fayth whych preuailed euen with God him selfe Such so wonderful are the works of God that when al the glory of our saluatiō is properly his own yet he vouchsafeth to geue vs such strength of faith that therby we are receiued into part of that praise which is due vnto him but yet so that al the glory redoundeth againe from vs vnto him onely to whom properly it belongeth Wel hetherto we haue heard that our sauiour Christ refused to speake one woord wyth hys mouth yet inwardly he spake by his spirite to her mynde