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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01148 The conuersion of a most noble lady of Fraunce In Iune last past, 1608. Madame Gratiana, wife to the high and mightie lord; Claudius, Lord of Tremoille; Duke of Thouars; peere of Fraunce, and Prince of Talmonde. A most Christian epistle, written by her, to the ladyes of Fraunce, to resolue them in the cause of her conuersion from popery, to the the profession of Gods Gospell: and aduising them to imitate her religious example. Truely translated out of French. Tremoille, Charlotte Brabantina, Duchess of, 1580-1631.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1608 (1608) STC 11262; ESTC S102563 29,611 56

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liuely faith that Iesus Christ is in heauen sitting at the glorious right hand of his Father and all the Communicants in our Christian assembly are so instructed and resolued and to heauen doe they eleuate both their eyes and minds contemplating their Lord and Sauiour there and hoping to partake of eternall life there with him whereof the present action is a sure pledge and earnest pennie Thus doe wee pronounce Christes death and passion thus doe wee acknowledge the effusion and shedding of his bloude whereof the Bread broken and Wine deliuered in the Cuppe or Challice for wee are not Ceremonious of eyther word because in Gods feare eyther of them is to vs indifferent remaineth to vs as a perfect remembraunce and the fruites thereof wee hope doe continue among vs and so with thankfulnesse we all receiue his benefits And worthie Ladyes because it may bee you would gladly know what other obseruatiōs there are in Gods Church which induced my conuersion and in time may draw others As a verie young Scholler scarcely yet well intred I will set yee downe a briefe summarie of so many as my weake memorie and the breuitie of time will permit me Here is no inuocation vpon any Saints no not vpon the blessed Virgin Marie yet both of her and all other Gods chosen Saintes wee hold that reuerend estimation which wee are commaunded to doe The adoration and worship here vsed is to the onely euerliuing and eternall God and according as hee hath manifested himselfe in his word to wit the Father the Sonne and the sanctified Spirit or holy Ghost One onely and true God in these three persons or Hypostasis in whose name likewise all heere are baptised Here are no other Images admitted into our Temples but that onely which our great God hath consecrated to himselse for his owne pecuculiar vse and to remaine for euer And that is the Preaching of the Gospell with the true vse of the Sacraments instituted by him whereby wee discerne the nature of God and his good will towards vs more liuely and better figured in the whole Mysteryes of our Redemption then they can bee described in a million of wodden or carued Images or in any other matter whatsoeuer Neyther is there recourse made to any other intercession for obtaining Gods fauour vnto vs but to Iesus Christes intercession onely hee being our alone Mediatour and Aduocate And hee is likewise the onely reconciliation for our sinnes and wee present none other but him to God in all our prayers eyther priuate or publike Nor is heere acknowledged any other purgation or Purgatorie but onely the bloud of the selfe same Iesus Christ Thus are wee cleansed by vndoubted faith in him accompanyed with true and vnfained repentance and that is to bee done in this life onely which is the time both for beleeuing and of well doing In like manner heere is no confession made of any other oblation sacrifice or satisfaction wherby to abolish deface and wipe out our sinnes but that alone which Iesus Christ made once for all vpon the tree of his Crosse to GOD his Father Nor doe wee heere hold it expedient or needefull that there should bee any superstitious countenaunce renewing or dayly reiteration thereof In regarde that hee neuer gaue any such charge to any mortall man For wee are assured that his owne sacrifice is daily fresh and in full efficacy to obtaine grace for vs remission of our sinnes and life euerlasting For though hee dyed once for vs poore wretched sinners he liueth yet againe at this day and for euer and sitteth at the right hand of God his father to make continuall intercession for vs. As for the order of Confession which is here obserued and none other else acknowledged in this Church it is in this manner When wee assemble and meete together wee make a publike and solemne confession of our sinnes to God who giueth vs also true absolution of them by his h●ly Gospell when wee being heartily repentant receiue by faith his vndoubted promises according as they are davlie for that purpose preached and deliuered vnto vs by the Pastors and ministers of Gods Church being congregated in our Ecclesiasticall assemblyes In breefe honourable Ladyes heere is neyther taught or beleeued any other meanes for our saluation then that which God himselfe hath reuealed in his holie woord And that is to embrace and receiue in a sanctified fayth Working by loue the graces and mercies of God offered and presented to vs in Iesus Christ by the Gospell The preaching wereof wee receiue and giue attention vnto with all reuerence as beeing that onely doctryne which is able to saue our soules And wee are perswaded that to turne aside how little soeuer it bee from Iesus Christes omnisufficient sacrifice to our owne workes satisfactions deseruings or the merites of Saints and their sufferings or any other meanes whatsoeuer to confide or put any hope at all therein of our saluation were flatly to forsake the cheefe corner stone and to build vpon another foundation then God himselfe hath layde For there is not any other name under Heauen whereby wee can or shall bee saued but the alone name of Iesus Christ For bee was deliuered to death for our sinnes and is risen agayne for our iustification there cannot bee then saluation in another If this doctrine bee hereticall as your Romaine Iesuites and Priests sticke not to proclayme it they must then pronounce the holy Apostle Saint Paule to bee an hereticke Saint Peter and all the rest of the Apostles to bee Heretikes who preached the very same and haue left it so to vs in their owne writings whereof God himselfe will one day be the Iudge Censure now discreete and well-iudging Ladyes if the singlenesse and pure simplicitie of this approoued doctrine maintained poynt by poynt and warranted by the word of God whereunto it hath alwayes submitted it selfe and dare auouch her true title in the face of any Counsell doe deserue those slaunders and calumniations which the Diuell by his blasphemous brood doth daylie belch foorth against it And in the other Scale of your vnpartiall opinion holding an euen hand to poyze the weight and an vpright soule to conceiue the worth of both rightly consider the now Romish Religion the practises blasphemies and abuses therein committed and then let God direct and order your verdict For I will not so wrong the hope I haue of you rashly to forethink that you will be ouerawed with pompe of Ceremonies thunder cracks of curses the case and hollow closure for monstrous impieties Neyther that you will bee scrupulous of spirit as to let the spacious spreading title of their Church without any truth or equitie to warrant it altogether sway you in your opinion For the Church of Christ sets not forth her selfe to sale by the luster and pompe of exteriour ornament or by antiquitie or such like
THE Conuersion of a most Noble Lady of Fraunce In Iune last past 1608. Madame Gratiana wife to the high and mightie Lord Claudius Lord of Tremoille Duke of Thouars Peere of Fraunce and Prince of Talmonde A most Christian Epistle written by her to the Ladyes of Fraunce to resolue them in the cause of her Conuersion from Popery to the profession of Gods Gospell And aduising them to imitate her Religious example Truely translated out of French Magna est veritas praeualet Esdras 3. AT LONDON Printed by Thomas Purfoot for Nathaniell Butter and are to be sold at his shoppe at S. Austens Gate at the signe of the Pyde Bull. 1608. ⸪ To the right Worshipfull Sir Iohn Swynnerton Knight Alderman of London and true louer of learning Also to the most vertuous Ladie his wife All happinesse hartily wisheth SIr I am so bolde as to present you and your worthy Lady with a most memorable and iudicious labour of a Ladie lately conuerted from the dimme and grosse errours of superstitious Poperie to the profession of Gods true Religion and holie Gospell The reason of her Conuersion and many palpable abuses besides blasphemies and sacriledges committed in Poperie Shee hath set downe in an excellent Epist le and sent the same to her wonted friends and familiars the Ladies of Fraunce to encourage them in the imitation of this her godly example My vnfained loue to your Worship your louing Ladie and all yours I trust shall pleade my pardon for this presumption In hope whereof most humblie I commit you all to the heauenlie protection To those mis-led Ladies and Gentlewomen of England whome seducing Seminaries and Popish Priests haue too much preuailed withall to the great danger of their soules if they continue still in blindnes LAdies and Gentlewomen this Eipstle of a most honourable French Ladie and Duchesse by mee presents it selfe to your gentle pervsing I would my prayers or ought else in me could so farre preuaile with you as but to reade ouer this her learned labour in steede of those other abusing Bookes which your falsly named ghostly Fathers in secret bestowe on you Then should I haue no doubt but Gods good spirit speaking by this Lady to you would open both your eyes and vnderstanding to let you see the great danger of your enemies seducing and call you home in time to the sheepefolde of faith euen by her vertuous and religious example that hath soworthily led the way before you The Booke it selfe speakes much better things vnto yee then any way I am able to doe therefore to it and Gods assisting grace in and by it most humbly I leaue you AN EXCELLENT Epistle or exhortatorie Letter written by Madame Gratiana wife to the high and mightie Lord Claudius Lord of Tremoille Duke of Thouars Peere of Fraunce and Prince of Talmond To all the honorable Ladies of Fraunce To resolue them in the cause of her conuersion from Poperie and aduising them to imitate her religious example GRacious and Honorable Ladies I am sure it hath amazed some of you not a little that I haue forsaken the societie wherein I was woont to meete you and haue drawen vpon my selfe that disgracefull name of an Huguenot for so I heare you please to tearme me and other scandalous imputations wherewith you vpbraide me all which are to me no meane aduantage To resolue you therefore at full of my departing from your companie and requiring withall to forbeare your daily sollicitations to realter me peruse but this short discourse which I send vnto you and then I doubt not but in some measure you will rest satisfied After God had determined in his good time to withdrawe me out of the sinck of sinne and idolatrie to incorporate me in the communion of his Sonne within the bosome of his sanctified Church the refuge for all them that desire saluation and where I wish and desire in soule that I could embrace you all After I say God had thus disposed of my absolute conuersion notwithstanding my many reuoltes and back slidings by your Letters wherewith I was continually laboured and other meanes of no small moment I fell vpon my knees and as the blessed Virgin Marie said in her Song at that heauenly salutation brought her by the Angell Gabriell euen so I spake to my God in my soule Be it Lord vnto me according to thy word And calling to remembraunce that in the last conference we had together you stoode vpon certaine points of Religion wherewith you pressed me very narrowly and I could not then so readily answere you I entreate yee to receiue therein satisfaction from me now and to perswade your selues withall that it is Gods cause I take vpon me a weake woman to defend and he will thorowly strengthen me against all resistaunces And since it hath pleased him to vse my poore seruice if not in this cleare light of his Gospell to aduaunce the same as I could wish yet at least like a willing labourer to bring stones and rubble to supply the building you shall perceiue what knowledge his grace hath confirmed in me which I wish were as liberallie engrasted into you that our harts being enflamed with the desire of his glorie we might all be of one minde in our Lord sesus expecting his comming to enlarge and release vs. Pardon me then most Honorable and worthy Ladies if I make plaine and lay open to you I will not say the simple abuses but the wicked superstitious and blasphemous I dolatries which are daily practised and vsed in your Romaine Church only thereby to ouerthrowe the true seruice and worship of the euerliuing God And alb eit the number of these iniuries are infinite sufficient to fill a verie large and great volume and whereof some of you haue in priuate tolde me your mislike yet at this time according to my promise in our last consultation I will deale with the very cheefest abuse of all euen that which is intruded by Sathans instigation into the most excellent and principall seruice of God by you and by my selfe heeretofore tearmed the Masse Perswading my selfe that when I haue as it were with my finger pointed at the blasphemies idolatrie and manifest sacriledges therein committed you will suffer your eyes to be no longer blinded with the pompe and exteriour deuotion of such deceiuers but rather that you will awaken your better iudgements and looke into the impietie and prophanation which lies masked vnder so hideous a Monster And I will shape mycourse and methode by euerie abuse in his succinct place and ranck and according as the nature of so weake an Epistle will best beare it They teach you that in the Masse Priests doe daily sacrifice and offer vp the bodie of our Lord Iesus Christ to God the Father to deface and expiate not only the sinnes of the Priest that makes the offring but likewise of the people who are his assistants at the celebration of the