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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A45586 A Scriptural and rational account of the Christian religion particularly concerning justification only by the propitiation and redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ. Harley, Edward, Sir, 1624-1700. 1695 (1695) Wing H778; ESTC R14848 33,881 122

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Man necessarily supposed for otherwise the refusal to consent would have been a Sin preceding the Transgression in eating the forbidden Fruit. The Equity of this is owned by the universal Justice of all Nations according to which capital Crimes of Parents corrupt the Blood and devest the Posterity of all Privilege conferred upon such Families Thus all the World must justfy the Ways of God to be most equal 9. The Apostacy of Mankind was not only one transient Act of Offence against a positive Command but the Sinfulness of Sin extended to an utter Renunciation of the Love and Fear of God and introduced a Corruption which the Scripture stiles Death in all the Powers and Faculties of a created Life 10. The Justice of God being infinite the rebellious Offence against that Justice must necessarily incur an everlasting Punishment Such as the Infinite Wisdom Righteousness and Holiness of God the Creator determines to inflict to vindicate his Glory 11. The Salvation and Redemption of Man liable to eternal Wrath as it proceeds only from the free Grace of God so it is impossible to be effected without Satisfaction to the infinite Justice of God For without such Satisfaction the Godhead would be exposed to continual Dishonour and the Fountain of all Righteousness residing only in the infinite Justice of God the violation thereof remaining unsatisfied consequently there must be always a failure of common Justice in the World 12. It was impossible for any meer finite Creature to satisfy the Offence done by Sin against the infinite Justice and Majesty of the Creator 13. It was impossible and also unlawful for any finite created Intelligence to imagine or contrive or effect a due Satisfaction for the Rebellion of the Creature 14. It is the undeniable Sovereign Propriety and Right of God blessed for ever the Creator and Possessor of all Beings to contrive appoint and accomplish the Means of Satisfaction to his own infinite Justice and of Salvation for his miserable condemned corrupted Creature 15. Right Reason is the Faculty of discerning the difference between Good and Evil The Lamp of God for intellectual Evidence for the practical Judgment concerning all Objects being derived from and the Exercise of Knowledg which is part of the Image of God in Man but this being lost by Man's sinful Apostacy from God there is necessity of the recovery and renewal of the Faculty of right Reason by supernatural Light and Power 16. Tho the invisible things of God even his eternal Power and Godhead are clearly seen from the Creation of the World so as to leave Man without Excuse Yet the Manifestation of the Grace of God for the Salvation of Sinners through the Satisfaction of his Justice by a Redeemer is and can only be revealed by the Word of God contained in the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament and made effectual upon the Heart and Mind of Man by the holy Spirit For the things of God knoweth no Man but the Spirit of God But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God 17. God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these last days compleated the whole Canon and comprehensive Cycle of the Revelation of his Will as the only Standard in Truth and Goodness for the Faith and Obedience of Mankind 18. The Word of God contained in the holy Scriptures fully makes known the Love of God in Christ which passeth Knowledg 〈◊〉 the Kindness and Love of God our Saviour towards Man which first appeared in the Promise of a Redeemer confirm'd according to the manifold wisdom of God by the Institution of propitiatory Typical Sacrifices and Ceremonial Worships as Shadows and Pledges and symbols that in the fulness of Time God should be manifested in the Flesh even Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God who is the true God and eternal Life 19. It is impossible for an intelligent Beings to devest the knowledg and obligation of Dependance upon God his Creator and Preserver Consequently the Devotion of continual Worship is indispensable Duty and Felicity in drawing near to God the only infinite eternal all-sufficient and necessary Good It is also undeniably true that the only Rule of acceptable advantagious Worship must be the revealed Will of God For only God can direct and teach how He will be supplicated and worshipped The knowledg of this Rule in the Manifestation of the Light and Perfection of Divine Truth and Goodness is only to be found in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament wherein is revealed the absolute Simplicity and Perfection of the Christian Religion freed from the Confusion of vain and fabulous Superstition and Will-worship 20. The Covenant of Life and Happiness vouchsafed by God to Man upon his first Creation being by Man's Apostacy forfeited and the Ability to fulfil it utterly lost A second Covenant called the Covenant of Grace absolutely free on God's part but intirely necessary on the part of Man is by God instituted for the Salvation of Man The Tenor of the Engagement to which Covenant is the Institution of Baptism in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost In which Ordinance is summarily represented the Truth of the Doctrine of the Divine Trinity in the Unity of the Godhead for as the Father is revealed to be the God of Glory so is the Son to be the Lord of Glory and the Holy Ghost the Spirit of Glory The incommunnicable Attributes of the Deity being ascribed unto the Son and 〈◊〉 the Holy Ghost as unto the Father in respect of Creation of Preservation of Regeneration of Omniscience the Necessity of Redemption and Regeneration is evinced by the Misery and Death common to all and by the universal depraved Vitiosity of all Mankind Nor it is impossible that either Redemption or Regeneration can be effected by less Power than Divine Omnipotence and Omniscience The knowledg of the Heart in all the inmost Recesses of Thought and Imagination is ascribed to Jesus Christ and to the Holy Ghost The contrary cannot be fancied without the greatest Absurdity For if the Redeemer and Mediator were not essentially able to know all the Thoughts and Dispositions of the Heart of Man then some profane Hypocrite might mock or defeat with false pretended Devotion the Intercession of our Redeemer or wickedly and securely lie to the Holy Ghost Also something most necessary for a Sinner might escape the discern of our Mediator so that he could not be a Saviour to the uttermost consequently they who come to God by him must remain most miserable The essential Being of God is of such terrible Majesty covered with the Light dwelling in the Light inaccessible so that no created Intelligence can possibly arrive at any due Perception of the Godhead but only according to the Revelation whereby God vouchsafed the
Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God Tit. 3.5 According to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost The Knowledg of secret Sins is ascribed to the Holy Ghost Acts 5.3 4. Why hath Satan filled thy Heart to lie to the Holy Ghost thou hast not lied unto Men but unto God Likewise the Sin against the Holy Ghost is declared to be unpardonable Mark 3.29 He that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never Forgiveness but is in danger of Damnation These and many other Scriptures evidence the Truth of the Unity of Essence in the Trinity of the Divine Persons Joh. 10.30 I and my Father are one I John 5.7 For there are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one Compare also 2 Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God And 2 Pet. 1.21 Holy Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost Likewise in the last words of David 2 Sam. 23.2 3. The Spirit of the Lord spake by me and his VVord was in my Tongue the God of Israel said c. Thus the Doctrine of the blessed Trinity is not meerly Notional but Real it is not fictitious but eternally true it is infinitely good therefore necessary to be believed and adoringly received in Love as the Principle of Felicity to Intellectual Creatures The Divine Trinity is Incomprehensible therefore to be adored not doubted nor subjected to Human Argumentation which cannot illustrate that which in all respects necessarily excels all Methods of finite Proof or Evidence tho the Reality and Efficacy thereof be most certainly and feelingly perceived and enjoyed The curious Inquiry is like gazing upon the Sun which dazles our weak Eyes For now we see through a Glass darkly now we know in part but when we shall know even as also we are known when we are brought into the third Heaven then we shall hear those unspeakable words which in this State of Mortality are not possible to be uttered fully to reveal the Glory of the Divine Trinity What the Lord said unto Moses is also spoken unto us We cannot see the Glory of God and live but the Lord maketh his Goodness pass before us and proclaims his Name before us that he will be gracious to whom he will be gracious and will shew Mercy on whom he will shew Mercy according to the eternal Election of God the Father and the Redemption by God the Son and Sanctification by God the Holy Ghost into which Truth all Believers who shall be saved are baptized The Duty of common Philanthropy obliges deeply to grieve at the Folly and Madness of Epicurean Sensualists who renounce the Glory of the Image of God and the hope of immortal Felicity and corrupt themselves to be like natural Brute Beasts made to be taken and destroyed vainly imagining to evade the impartial Justice of the Almighty God with whom is terrible Majesty No less miserable are the Profane who take up a scoffing Name of Deist to act the Atheist renouncing the Fear of God which is the only Bond of Human Society and rejecting Hope in God which is the only distinguishing Excellency of Man above the Beasts that perish Unreasonable also is the Pride of those who deny the predestinating Prescience of God the Father changing the Glory of the Incorruptible God in 〈…〉 of corruptible Man as if they thought God to be altogether such an one as themselves who upon any Disappointment or unexpected Accident endeavour to patch up a Remedy for unforeseen Inconvenience But let the Potsherds of the Earth strive with and discourse of the Potsherds of the Earth But unto the eternal Wisdom of God are known all his Works from the beginning of the World according to that determinate Counsel and Knowledg of his own Will who hath appointed all things that ever shall come to pass and all for his own Glory so that not any the least thing even the falling of a Sparrow to the Ground befals by chance but by Divine Appointment Also the most flagitious Wickedness that ever was contrived and acted even the crucifying the Prince of Life was to fulfil the determinate Counsel of God for this very end to accomplish the highest Exaltation of Divine Glory and Goodness in the Salvation of Man Which Salvation likewise is made effectual only to such as are ordained to Eternal Life They also deny the meritorious Satifaction to the infinite Justice of God by the Death and Righteousness of Jesus Christ for the Redemption of Sinners from Wrath to come by which miserable Error is effectually and really denied and evacuated the Essential Justice of God They also deny the necessity of the Almighty efficacious Grace of the Spirit of God to sanctify regenerate and quicken those that are naturally dead in Trespasses and Sins under that Corruption and Impotence wherein all are alienated from the Life of God Now concerning the words used by the Orthodox to express the Mystery of the Divine Trinity It ought to be considered that Words of Rational Speech being the Signatures of Things there are many more things to be expressed than are words to represent them For such is the Poverty of every the most copious Language that there is necessity to apply the same syllabical Word to signify various and different things which yet receive the Certainty of Interpretation from the Rational Contexture of the respective Discourse Thus in the Controversies raised by Heretical Blasphemers against the Doctrine of the blessed Trinity The Orthodox to vindicate the Truth of the Scriptures which abundantly testify both the Essen●●●● 〈◊〉 and the distinct ●●●perties of God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost have made use of several words as Person and Co-essential to express and signify the scriptural Truth of the Identical Substance and distinct Properties of the Divine Trinity in Unity Therefore the possession and use of the aforesaid Words or Phrases are duly retained by the Church according to the Meaning and Intention clearly made known in the holy Scriptures which ascribe as before mentioned unto the Father unto the Son and unto the Holy Ghost Attributes of Essential Divine Perfection incommunicable to any but unto the only living and true God who from everlasting to everlasting is God blessed for ever Religious Worship being the absolute Soveraignty of the only living and true God both in respect of the Object of Worship which can only be God and in respect of the Rule of Worship which can only be appointed by God For all other Objects of Worship are despicable vain Idols and all Rules Mediums and Ways of Religion not instituted by God are blasphemous Detraction from the Truth and Majesty of God It must therefore be that the great Temptation to Atheism is Superstition that is a Human Composition of Religion when the Fear