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A19265 A godlie sermon, preached on Newe yeeres day last before Sir William Fitzwilliam knight, late lord deputie of Irelande, Sir Iames Harrington knight, their ladyes and children, vvith many others, at Burghley in Rutlande. By the minister of God Anthony Anderson. Hereto is added a very profitable forme of prayer, good for all such as passe the seas: by the same author framed, and vsed in his aduentured iourney. Anderson, Anthony, d. 1593. 1576 (1576) STC 568; ESTC S108500 29,532 74

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Augustine sayth Qui non manet in Christo c. He that dwelleth not in Christe and in whome Christe dwelleth not vndoubtedly he eateth not spiritually the fleshe and blood of Christe Albeit he carnally and visibly teare with his teeth the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christe And if any man say vnto me why then doth Christ say This is my body I answere it is a figuratiue speach of our Sauiour and is of him spoken to a people that well were acquaynted with the Scriptures phrase in Sacramentes So is Circumcision called the Couenaunt of the Lorde when it is but the signe of the Lordes Couenaunt The Couenaunt it selfe was I will be thy God and thou shalt be my people And therefore Circumcision is called in the same chapter that which in it selfe it remayneth to be namely the Signe and not the Couenaunt And it shall be sayth God a signe of the Couenaunt betwixt thee and me Likewise the Pascall Lambe is called Transitus domini the passing by of the Lord vntill the comming of Christe yet the Lorde by his angel passed but once in al through the land of Egipt and therfore verily indede that sacrament could not be the passsing of the lord This is the vse of scripture sayth Augu. that the signes which signifie are called by the names whiche they do represent as thus the seuē eares of corne septem anni sunt are seuen yeres The Rocke was Christe c. And in another place he sayth The Lord doubted not to say This is my body whē he gaue signū corporis the signe of his body So good christian Audience the words of Christ as of him they were spoken are sacramentally to be vnderstoode So that whē Christ saith This is my body we are to take it thus this is the representing to the faithfull the exhibiting signe of my body That these words of Christ are figuratiuely spoken Augu. also witnesseth in his booke De doctrina christiana But that the faythful do eate by the worke of the spirite Christes diuine power his very body and blood in the true vse of the Lords supper the faithfulnes in god approueth who euer was the same to his people that his faithful pledges the Sacraments promised Circūcision promised his continuall ayde that he would be their god and they should be his people Search the Scriptures see if euer any people were so guerdoned or had the presence of God so neare them or were any people so prospered so long as they continued with circumcised harts in his holy couenant Did not the Lord by his angel performe that in dede which he promised by his paesah his sacramentall passeouer Did he not passe by the Israelites house tied to this Couenant plagued all the first borne in Egypt So no doubt he truely feedeth the faithfull with not only the power but the precious body in himself not stouping one inch yet frō his fathers Throne or giuing his body to be rent into peces with our mortal teeth but in such a diuine sort as our tongs can not vtter bicause our or thy capacities cā not cōceiue the maner how further thē by the sight of his noble creature the shining sun The sunne in his globe and person doth kepe continue his spheare circle in the Zodiake yet doth he by the decree and prouident power of God light vs warm vs comforte vs and renewe our blood and bodies and as we may saye by borowed speache geueth vs lyfe by his heauenly beames the ordinarie conducts from him felfe with his very liuing substaunce Sith thus we haue so elegant a shadow of our Sauiour Christes body verily feding vs that are his in earth let vs not distrust or further descant howe the Lord can sith we know not how the sonne doth his office but feele it so to be but let vs beleeue that the Lord by his holy spirite doth feede vs and in deede with his very body blood from heauen as verily as his minister at the table in earth doth geue vs the sacred symboles of his holy body whiche in their former nature remaine not other then bread wine And with that mind that our father Abraham did receiue the sacrament of circumcision let vs folow approch the Lordes table That is so taccept with faythful harte in hand the holy Mysteries as the seales of righteousnes that God will giue vs the same that he affyrmeth them to be and in such sort as the same is to be distributed vnto vs effectually in spirite truth Let vs examine trie our selues whether we be in the fayth let vs wel consider of our steppes whether we be stāding or falling before our God let vs cast from vs our former ills put vpon vs Iesus Christ his obedience Let vs confesse our daily sinnes approch with louing feare reuerence vnto this table of attonement Finally repent beleeue the Gospel Let the Papist depart from all his ignoraunt superstition receyue the doctrine of the holy written scriptures vnfaignedly Let the carnal gospeller the Atheist be ashamed at his filthy life skoffing girds cast at the truth Let the Auncient harlot hate his whordome and bath his beastly body in the blood of Christ by repentant fayth Let the couetous stretche out his hande vnto the poore shut vp his eyes from worldly thirst Let the courtly Dames you here present cut short the phantasies of vaine desires and rather couet to come behind the lashing pride of these ill days then seeke to folow the vntamed fashion of this wicked world And pray with Dauid that your eyes may be fast shut from beholding our to to much abhominable vanities Let the contentious ceasse their brawling striffe and with vs in one by the Lordes spirite of truth ascende to the Lordes sacrament of vnitie loue That this grace may come to euery of vs and to the whole Church of god this Church of England Ireland and therein to the Quenes maiestie Elizabeth her honorable Councelours and Potentates Gods spiritual Preachers and Ministers to all Magistrates gouernours as well here present as absent and to this congregation a member of the sayd Church let vs the louing sheepe of our cheefe Shepherd Christe by the comfort direction of his holy spirite humbly at the hands of our most merciful Father for the loue he beareth to Christe his only begotten sonne and in his name craue it saying O our father whiche arte in heauen c. Graunt O Lorde that into the vvords vvhich this day and at other times through thy great mercy vve haue graciously heard vve may be effectually transformed through Christe our head Shepheard and Lorde To whom together with thee O Father and the holy Ghost three distinct persons and one eternall God be all honour and glory power and dominion now and for euer
he maketh the stormy windes to ceasse so that the waues therof are still 30. Then are they glad because they are at rest and so he bringeth them to the hauen where they would be O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodnes declare the wonders which he doth for the childrē of men Glory be to the Father c. The lesson Mat. 8.13 ANd when Iesus was entred with his disciples into the ship there arose a gret tempest in the sea so that the ship was couered with waues but he was a sleepe Then his Disciples awoke him saying Master saue vs we perishe And he sayde vnto them why are ye fearefull O ye of little faith Then he arose and rebuked the windes and the sea and so there was a greate calme And the men marueled saying what mā is this that both winds and sea obey him If the Sea be rough Out of the deepe O Lord we call vpon thee heare vs O God and haue mercy Psal 5. We haue sore prouoked thine anger O Lord thy wrath is waxed hot thy heuy displeasure is sore kindled against vs. But rebuke vs not in thine indignation neither chastē vs in thy displeasure Psal 6. Iudit 8. In deede we acknowledge that all our punishmēts are lesse thē our deseruings Iob. 11. But yet of thy mercy O Lord correct vs to amendement and plague vs not to our destruction Sap. 11. Psa 25. Turne thee vnto vs and haue mercy for we are desolate and in great misery Psa 79. So we that be thy people and the shepe of thy pasture shall giue thee thankes for euer and will be alwaies shewing forth thy prayse to all generations Glory be to the father c. The prayer O Lorde God the Father of comforts and God of all solace which art euer myndfull of thy mercy and carefull to keepe promise who also cōmaundest vs to call vpon thee in our troubles with hope of full release at the brinke of our deepe daungers we thy poore children craue thy hande now to helpe vs which are destitute of further ayde in earth then this our litle ship We are inuironed with these huge roring seas horribly raging and breaking in vpon vs The winds are vehement grow to increase in stormes our sinnes be heuy and Satan seeketh to sinke vs In our selues we distrust but in thy mercy we repose our earnest confidence and in the humbled state of these our soules we beseeche thee to heare vs Graunt vs thy Christ his presence in our ship Awake O blessed sauiour help vs lest we perish Thou seest our case cause of crye thou knowest our weaknes O Lord encrease our fayth Commaund the winds to cease their violence cōptroll the seas and set them quite vnder vs Keepe whole our mastes prouide safety to our sayle holde steddy our helme and be thy self the master of our ship Giue vs grace to haue like care to serue thee in seming supposed securitie as we haue desire to receiue thy helpe in this our present aduersitie Keepe vs euer to be thine and vouchsafe to stand for vs to thy Fathers iustice Conduct vs to land and safely set vs to our seuerall dwellinges for thy names sake Blesse our soules with thy spirite be mercifull to our Church and Queene her honorable Deputies Councellours Presidēts Magistrates Geue them and vs faythful harts to heare thy worde encrease thy good giftes in the teachers of the same Finally our selues our soules bodies we commit into thy mercifull handes deliuer vs at thy good pleasure for thy holy names sake we beseech thee to whom with the Father and the holy ghost be all honour and glory now and for euer Amen But if the Seas be quiet and passage pleasaunt then say thus and pray O Lorde our good God howe excellent is thy name wonderfull are thy workes but thy mercy farre aboue measure If we descende into our consciences to ponder the poyse of our sinne what may we looke for but vengeaunce beholding thee for iust These sensles Creatures the winde and seas doo dayly serue thee in silent obedience and all other inferior created things doo euer yeelde thee obsequie But we for whom all these are made and dayly are benefited by them do neuer stande vpright before thee And at this present Lord we fele the truth of thy louing promise giue to all them that trust in thee For thou hast called away the elder stormes the correction of sinne and triall of fayth and sente vnto vs this pleasant gale hauing the winde seruiseable to our humble desires these mightie waters to worke our willing effects Vouchsafe vs pardon by Christe for our iniquities and the continuaunce of this pleasaunt passing vntill we be ariued the port in thee of vs desired Keepe vs we pray thee O heauenly father from all perils in the sea and saue vs by thy mighty hande in earth Guyde vs with thy spirit in the ship of thy holy church through the raging seas of this wicked world bring vs through true fayth safely to the celestiall hauen of our inheritaunce that there with the companie of al heauenly passengers we may prayse thee euerlastingly Graunt vs and thy whole churche these our requestes for Christe our Lorde thy sonnes sake In whose name we make to thy mercy our petition thus O our father which art in heauen c. Laus Deo. Hauing safely arriued let the godly company together say or sing the 103 Psalme and then this thanksgeuing thus AL honor prayse we yeelde to thee O God our louing father who in thy great mercy notwithstāding our former liues present sins some distrusting thy louing helpe some not caring to cal vpon thee and some most desperately blaspheming thy holy name hast thus most mercifully deliuered vs and to this safety on land in thy gret mercy brought vs Now Lord again we beseech thee to defend vs that hauing safely passed the surging seas we be not through our weaknes Satans temtation drowned in the voluptuous Riuers of fleshly lustes or choked with the foggie mists of popish or carnal practises but that we may attende vpon the sonne of righteousnes Christe our Lorde and may be conducted to the hauē of our celestiall Ierusalem by the moste pleasant purifying winde the spirite of truth Which spirit as he bloweth where he lusteth so vouchsafe him euer to take vs with him during our naturall liues in the faythful and true seruing of thee and neuer leaue vs destitute of his holy aide vntil thou hast for thy christes sake crowned vs in glory To whom with thee and the same holy ghost three persons and our one only God be all honor and glory for euer and euer Amen Laus Deo per Christum
Christe but it is the worke of God in him The order also in our conuersion to the Lorde is excellent The Father geueth to his Christe those whiche shall be called The holy Ghost he giueth into their hartes whom he hath predestinate to lyfe which spirite graffeth them into Christe who by his blood doth wash their soules from sinne and by the same his spirite doth forme them in his fayth whose Gospell he writeth in their hartes and sheedeth his loue into their consciences so that they walke in newnes of lyfe because they are taken vp and the olde man in them cast downe and as newe creatures they follow their leader Christe into the steppes besitting their condition These are they whiche are theodidaktoi all taught of god This elegant order is described at large by the Prophet Ezechiell in this sort A newe hart vvill I geue you and a new spirite vvill I put vvithin you I vvill take away the stony hart out of your body and vvill geue you an hart of flesh and I vvill put my spirite vvithin you and cause you to vvalke in my statutes and you shall keepe my iudgements and do thē And a little after I vvill be your God and you shall be my people And agayne thus Then shall ye remember your owne vvicked vvayes and your deedes vvhiche vvere not good and shall iudge your selues vvorthy to haue bene destroyed for your iniquities and abhominations Be it knowne to you that J doo not this for your sakes sayth the Lord God therefore be ashamed and confounded for your owne vvayes And Paule to the Romanes hath it thus Those which he knew before he also predestinate to be made like to the image of his sonne that he might be the first borne among many brethren Moreouer Whom he predestinate them also he called and whom he called them also he iustified and vvhom he iustified them also he glorified This is the golden gifte of god thus is oure newe creation lincked in this precious chayne The celestiall god hath inwardly beyonde tyme predestinate and created his people to the likenesse of hys sonne and hath by his holy spirite sealed them to him selfe and by thexternal Organ his holy worde through the ministerie of preaching in their seuerall times hath he called his sheepe to the knowledge of their shepheard Christ and state in him and by his bloody death hath iustified them before and with his supernaturall power hath made them glorious with the Angels So our conuersion as it is by the Lord so is it by his spirite and gospell wrought in vs Howe necessarie then the office of preaching is you see it is the instrumentall cause of our conuersion How miserable that place is which wanteth preaching may you perceyue by the glory that commeth through dayly teaching Christ by the truth in his word For this cause Christe so often Iohn Baptist so diligentlye the Prophetes seuerely the Apostles moste playnelye the Pastours and spirituall shepeheards in Gods Churche nowe moste comfortablye doe offer and exhibite vnto you the trueth of God to tourne your heartes By the preaching of the worde the worlde from tyme to tyme hath bene wonne to Christe the sonne of God and by the same the Gentiles are conuerted into him hereby this nation is chaunged into truth and Popery ouerthrowen by this shall the hartes of the children he turned to the fayth of their fathers in God and the Reprobate shall heerewith be condemned And this propertie Dauid giueth to the worde The Lawe of the Lorde sayth he conuerteth the soule the testimonie of the Lorde is faythfull and giueth light vnto the eyes The necessitie of teaching Paul preacheth to be great woe vnto me if I preache not sayth he where preaching fayleth the people perish sayth Salomon Fayth commeth by hearing of the word of God sayth Paule to the Romaines without fayth can not a man please God by faith we shall be more then conquerours he that beleeueth shall be saued but he that beleeueth not shall be damned sayth our doctor Christe Fayth is brought by hearing hearing wayteth of the Preacher the Preacher is dombe vnlesse he be sent pray therefore the Lorde of truth to send more store of true paynfull Preachers into this Churche of Englande and this shire and conuert in mercy or confound by Iustice these dombe Dogges whiche can not barke these watchemen whiche can not see these ydol shepheards which eyther can not or will nor feede the hungry Lambes of Gods holy Church and shepefold of this nation O Lord graunt this for thy Christ our chiefe shepheards sake Now deare freends examine your selues here present Is this holy chaunge wrought in you maye I say vnto you with Paule Ye were sometime Gentiles ye vvere dead in sinne ye vvere without God in this lyfe But you hath he quickened you hath he called you that were no people hath he nowe made the people of God you are no more straungers and forreners but Citizens with the Saincts and of the housholde of God buylt not vpon the Romishe rocke but vpon the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophetes Iesus Christe him selfe beeing the head corner stone in whom my brethren if you be by his spirite grafted and buylt you shall growe to an holy temple in the lord I trust to you I may say thus Ye were Gentiles but you are Christians of the cheefest I knowe it of the rest I haue great cause to thinke it and therfore with great comfort in God I proceede to the second point He leadeth vs in the pathes of righteousnes for his names sake In God is our conuersion in him also is the continuance of our vpright walking before him First of vs is here to be noted a double righteousnes whervnto we are brought by Christ The first is the righteousnes of Christ for vs to the Father The seconde is the righteousnes of man by Christe and is the worthy walking in holines of lyfe without ceassing The righteousnesse of Christ for vs consisteth in the person of him selfe who for vs hath so answered the fathers full iustice in his iuste sacrifice and hath so incorporate vs into him selfe by fayth throughe his spirite that the same his righteousnesse is accompted for ours so that though we by nature are wicked yet in respecte of his grace we are sanctified and iust in the sight of God whose it is to saue and to condemne Of this iustification or righteousnes Paule speaketh thus God sending his owne son downe in the similitude of sinfull fleshe for sinne condemned sinne in the fleshe that the righteousnesse of the lawe might be fulfilled in vs which walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite The seconde righteousnesse is the dayly walking in newnes of lyfe which is of euery man required that thus by the Lord is iustified The grace of God sayth Paule that bringeth saluation
Amen Laus Deo per Christum 1. Ian. 1575 Psa 77.21 Psal 80.1 Esai 40.11 Psa 110.1 Ma. 23. Act. 2.34 Io. 10.11 1. Pe. 2.25 Io. 5.24 Io. 10.15 Mat. 11.28 Io. Act. 20.28 Luke 15.4 5. Mat. 18 12 Lu. 10.34 Esai 53. 1. Pe. 2.24 Ma. 12.20 Io. 15.2 Io. 15.2.3 Eze. 3.18 Act. 20.28 Zach. 11.17 Rom. 8 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 8. 1. Pe. 5. Io. 10. Esa. 53.7 Heb. 12.2.3 4. c. Psal 37.25 1. Kin. 17.4 5.6 1. Kin. Dan. 14. story of Bell. Io. 6.11.12 13. Mat. 6.33 Psa 37.19 Phi. 4.11 Psa 37.2.3 Psa. 17.14 2. Cor. 2. Cor. 6.9.10 Luke 16 vers 2 Io. 5.24 Ioh. 7.39 Iohn 4.14 Math. 6. vers 3. Rom. 2 Chro. 24 Rom. 8. Io. 17.2.6 Rom. 8.29 Eph. Rom. 8. Colos 3. Math. 3. 2. Co. 5.20 Luke 1.17 Psal 19 1. Co. 9.16 Pro. 29.18 Ro. 10.17 Rom. 8.37 Mark. 16 16 Esa. 56.10 11.12 Ephe. 1 Eph. 2.19 Eph. 2.12 Rom. 8.3.4 Tit. 2.11.11 Lu. 9.62 2. Cor. 3.5 Phil. 1.6 Ezech. 35.30.31 Ephe. 2.18 Rom. 8.15 Apoc. 7. and 14 Eph. 4.30 1. Io. 5.10 Rom. 8.33 2. 1. Pet. 2.21 Rom. 8.14 Rom. 7.19 2. Pet. 2.19 Eph. 3.16 Eph. 4.19 20. Eph. 5.4 1. Cor. 11.1 Luk. 2. Sap. 5. Esa. 40 Esa. 30.22 Esa. 64 vers 6 Psal 31.4 1. Sa. 12.22 Esa. 48.9 Eze. 20.9 Eze. 36.32 vers 4. Psa 34.19 Eph. 5.7 2. Cor. 4.13 Exo. 14.22 Dan. 3.25 Gen. 20.3 2. Sa. 12.1 Psa 22.24 Gene. 17. Iona. 1.17 Act. 12.8.9 2. Cor. 2.3 Zach. 11. 1. Cor. 11.32 Ezech. 18. Psal 103.8 Heb. 12.10 and 2.17 Esa. 5 4.7 Hebr. Psal 39.11 Luke 13.2 Psal 2.9 Ps. 78.45 2. Sa. 10.12 1. Para. 18.19 Esa. 37.36.38 2. King. 6.14.18 2. Kin. 7.6 2. Ki. 6.25 2. Tes 2. Mat. 21.44 2. Cor. 10.4 Ioh. 14.1 Mat. 21.43 Zach. 11.7 Deu. 4.6 Gualterus in zachari Psa 2.12 Prou. 20. Ps. Zac. 11.16 Ps. 61.2.5 1. Co. 10.4 Psa 122.1 1. Cor. 10. Ioel. 2.16 17. 1. Cor. 10.17 1. Cor. 14.23 1. Cor. 10.1 2.3.4 Rom. 15. Rom. 4. In the Sacrament two things are conceiued Cipriani de vnct Chrism Ambro. de sacra li. 4. cap. 4. Origen in Matth. August in Io. tra 20. Gen. 17.10 Exod. 12. August in Leuit. 17. Gen. 41.26 Augu. de doct chri lib. 3. Deut. 4. Exo. Ro. 4.11.12 2. Corinth Rom. 12.2 Psal 119.32 To the right vvorshipfull Syr William Fitzwilliam Knight late Lorde deputie of Irelande A. Anderson the minister of Christes holy Gospell vvisheth Christ our Lorde vvith his vvhole merites CAll vppon me sayth God in the day of thy trouble and I will deliuer thee Greater troubles with lesse comfortes than in the raging Seas can not be founde as those with Dauid must confesse which occupie their busines in greate waters This daungerous Iourney as among many others ye are in the Lordes name to aduenture so vouchsafe this preparatiue to your godly hart and by and with the same in assured hope of Gods assistaunce for his Christ approche his mercy seate The hast we haue and gaping hope for Westerly winds will not permit long leysure to proyue this sodayne frame Take it Right Worshipfull as it is and accept the good will of the Geuer vse it at your neede to the Lordes prayse and your present comfort which is my harty desire And I shall dayly pray the Lorde for you and vs that we may speedely imbarke and safely arriue in Englande through Christes ayde the master of our ship At Holme Patricke in Irelande 17. October 1575. Your Worships in Dom. A. Anderson A forme of prayer for sea-men and passengers to vse in the sayling Shippe ¶ A confession of our sinnes to God. O Almighty God and most righteous we thy deare children here encompassed with these thy mighty creatures the windes the huge seas and sayling ship do acknowledge and confesse our selues and euery of vs to be miserable sinners and from our first cradles depely to haue offended thy diuine maiestie Our seuerall thoughtes be corrupted our sundry hartes and acts are polluted our synnes cannot be hid from thee We hartely confesse them O Lord els should our consciences condemne vs because our transgressions beare witnes against vs But thou art the God of our saluation and to vs thy children the beste father full of mercyes riche in compassion slowe to wrath and most ready to forgiue the penitent sinner calling vpon thee And sithe it is the worke of thy most holy spirite to mollifie the stony harted and to chaunge the fleshly hart into a spirituall soule Eze. 36. We most humbly besech thee for thy Christes sake to graunt vs thy holy spirite takē from vs our stony and gyue vs hartes of fleshe and into them power thy graces turne vs vnto thee Thy holy law imprint in our soules and giue vs to walke in thy statutes during these our naturall lyues Bow downe thine eare and heare vs and with thy fauourable countenance loke vpon vs behold our place and cause of cry Our ship is subiect to subuersion if thy holy hande direct vs not in mercifull prouidence Gyue O lord the sweete and plesant gale in thy name of vs to be desired in vehement stormes by thee called to punish and proue vs assist vs with thy strength and spirite of comfort Loke vpon our mediatour Christ and through him pitie vs and in the bowels of thy mercy conduct vs to the hauen of vs desired if it be thy will. Then shall we sing and prayse thy name and shew thy wonders in the deepe and our soules shall confesse that though the seas be mightie Psa 93.5 yet thou O God art of most might ouer them Let vs not be tempted further gracious God then that our strength in thee shall counteruaile and graunt the euent prosperous Glad our hartes with safety on shore and make vs mindfull of thy mercies Gyue vs we beseche thee true fayth firme hope and feruēt loue in thee keepe vs alwayes thine and graunt thy Christ for euer ours in whose name for our selues and all other in our condition with the rest of thy churche we call vnto thee thus O our father which arte in heauen halowed be thy name c. A psalme Psa 93.5 The waues of the sea are mighy and rage horribly but yet the Lord that dwelleth on high is mightier Psal 107. 23. They that go down to the sea in ships occupie their busines in great waters 24. These men see the workes of the Lord and his wonders in the deepe 25. For at his worde the stormy wind ariseth which lifteth vp the waues therof 26. They are caried vp to heauen downe againe to the deepe their soule melteth in them because of their trouble 27. They reele to fro and stagger like a dronken man are at their wittes ende 28. So when they cry vnto the Lorde in their trouble hee deliuereth them out of their distresse 29. For
vnto all men appeared and teacheth vs that we shoulde deny vngodlynesse and worldly lustes and that we should lyue soberly and righteously and godly in this worlde loking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the mightie God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christe who gaue him selfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to be a peculiar people vnto him selfe zealous of good workes Into both of these Christe leadeth vs for of our selues we are vnapt inable and moste vnworthy had we power to enter into the firste to winne the latter Dayly we be looking backe from the plough where vnto we are brought by Christ therefore vnapte of oure selues to his kingdome wee haue not so much power as to think a good thought but that sufficiencie which seemeth to be in any of vs the same is of God who doth both beginne the worke of God and performe the same in vs The better learned we be in God the more fully we see our vnworthines to be accompted members of his righteousnes As the Prophet Ezechiell sayth I will deliuer you from all your filthines c. Then shall yee remember your own wickednes and your deedes that were not good shall iudge your selues worthy to haue bene destroyed Zacheus was the best disposed man in that people and the more graces he had with the Centurion the more vnworthy he thought him selfe of Christes presence at his house but beeing comforted by Christ he tooke most ioy therein Finally let vs note the valor of this worde He leadeth vs. That we are righteous before God it is that Christe our shepheard leadeth vs by his spirite and fayth vnto the throne of grace where he presenteth vs as deare children to God his father and teacheth vs to crye vnto him Abba deare father Into which state by his spirite brought we firmely see our saluation to rest in him and that we are sealed to the Lordes saluation Yea and the witnes euen Gods holy spirite from that Throne is set strongly in our harts and within vs doth beare witnes against Satan sinne and the worlde that following our God by the fayth of Christ we are become his children so righteous that no man can condēne vs because our god hath in his Christe set vs free To the seconde he leadeth vs in him selfe first as Peter sayth Christ suffered for vs leauing vs an example that we should followe his steps vvho did no sinne neyther vvas there any guyle founde in his mouth vvho vvhen he vvas reuiled reuiled not agayne vvhen he suffred he threatned not but committed it to him that iudgeth righteously Secondly by his holy spirite he conducteth vs into all goodnes For eyther are we lead by Satan and fleshe vnto euill or by his spirite and grace into all godlynes In our selues there is no power of passing to good or will to stay from euill Of whom soeuer a man is ouercome his seruaunt he is sayth the Apostle whether of sinne vnto death or of grace vnto lyfe And those which be the sonnes of God are lead by the spirite of God and strengthned in the inner man Christ dwelleth in their harts by faith they are rooted and grounded in the loue of God they are by Christ coupled one to another in him through him they receiue the increase of the spirituall body edify one another and therefore they walke not as other Gentiles or them selues earst did in the vanitie of their mynde with darkened cogitations in blynde hipocrisie but they caste of the old man and passed conuersation and being thus renued they put on the newe which is created in righteousnes true holines after the will of God. Thus they folow by the spirite the commaundement of Paule in Christ saying Be ye followers of God as deare childrē And him self going before hath giuen vs a rule to measure the saintes imitatiō saying Folow you me as J folowe Christ The Lord graunt vs his grace and spirituall strength by prosperitie and aduersitie sycknes and health lyfe death thus to folow our leader and pastor Christe Iesus in true holinesse and righteousnes before him all the daies of this our present lyfe I dwell in speche to teach the sheepe of God onely and therefore I leaue to set you forth the pathes of the wicked goates whiche knowe not God nor can be accepted of him They runne through the pleasures of this lyfe and lyue at luste till death do sūmon their soules to the tribunal throne whence they are caste to euerlastinge torments and woe But or we passe this verse we ought depely to consider the conclusion of Dauids words which are This hee doth for his names sake From the beginning the godly haue felt his defending and guiding hande by his spirite they haue bene fedde and ledde the wayes to lyue in him but neuer was there any one or could the worthines of all being layd vp into one lumpe demerite the lest his benefits or euer challenge cause beyonde his owne names sake to moue his so greate mercy to his chosen churche and children For his names sake he hath conuerted and ledde vs that is for his owne glories sake and not our worthynesse hath hee thus blessed vs Then thus the Prophet sayth That the Lorde is our shepheard that he hathe chosen vs from the wicked woorlde to be of the nomber of his elect children and sheepe of his pasture that he temporally feedeth vs that he by his spirite and the ministerie of his gospell conuerteth vs that he maketh vs righteous before his Father in him and leadeth vs by the hande into all godly actions and christian lyfe that he conducteth vs into safetie from the furie of our crooked foes and euery way blesseth vs it is not for the excellencie of our beautie for that is but grasse not for our righteousnes for that is to his eyes as a filthy mēstrous cloth But it is for the same cause wherwith he hath euer bin prouoked and that is for his owne glories sake So haue the Fathers from time to time confessed condemning them selues for sinne and accepting his benefites for his mercye sake and his holy names sake This is that the Prophet would haue vs to reste in when he sayth that the name of god is a strong Towre of defence For his names sake he will leade vs and nourish vs for his great names sake he will not forsake his people and for his names sake he will farre hence remoue his anger from vs The same shall cause him to preserue his truth among the gentiles And that he continueth his gospell our gracious Queene and this quiet gouerment ouer vs it is not for our worthynesse who be all for our dayly sinnes most vnworthy of his mercyes as the Lorde for euer speaketh to all fleshe thus Be it knowne vnto
which peace onely we ought to stryue for all other peace is meare warres with god Thus much of the shepheardes roddes and staues and nowe we proceede to the .5 verse which sayth Thou doest prepare a table before me in the sight of myne aduersaries Thou dost anoynt my heade with oyle and my cup runneth ouer Doubtles kindnes and mercy shall follovv me all the dayes of my lyfe and J shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Though mine enemyes sayth Dauid seeke to destroy me yet thou Lorde doest not onely deliuer me but also in despite of their fury dealest most liberally with me as menne doo with their chiefest friendes in this our lande of Iury. Bydden to their sumptuous feastes they anoynt their heades with pleasant Oyle and gyue them Cuppes of large importe and them moste amplie fylled So haste thou and muche more aboundantly delt with me and wilt after for thy mercy is suche as kindnes shall follow me during lyfe And for this thy mercy in my prolonged dayes I shall alway in them seeke to serue thee in thy holy house Because I haue long troubled you I wil omit to speake here of the prouidence of God in them which be his and persecuted of the multitude but such it is that their deuises the Lorde doth laugh to skorne and erecteth his beloued vp to honor maugre their berdes Or more to say of the difference betwixte the papist and the faithful protestant the one with the Iew is euer gaping after good but after the godly Gods blessing runneth them to comfort euen as the Ryuer from Moses Rocke flowed after Israell to be their drinke spirituall sacrament Or once to touch that longing lust which ought to be in Dauids lyue in all christian heroicall honorable worshipfull godly riche and meaner persons that is a dayly desire to serue God yea euen in the house of prayer with the floke of Christs folde I was glad saith Dauid of those which sayde vnto me Come we will go into the house of the Lorde together Your olde chaples your priuate houses O ye states of the earth are for the most part an occasion of great losse to your selues Ye so seperate your selues from the common exercise of Christes sheepe Ye lacke the doctrine which other there receiue to their greate comfort Ye keepe your families frō grace be euill examples to the vulgar sorte Ye expresse the small loue to those that be like Dauid whiche if you mende not can not but bring you from his god our sheheard Christ whose desire is to haue his sheepe come together Where two or three be gathered together in my name saith Christe there am I in the middest of them Gather the people sayth God sanctifie the congregation gather the Elders assemble the children those that sucke the brest let the bridegrome go out of his chamber and the Bride out of her closet Let the Priests the ministers of the Lord weepe betweene the porch and the Alter and let them say Spare thy people O lord c. This was the order in the Apostles churche as Paule affirmeth in his first epistle to the Corrin saying I prayse you not that you come together not with profite but with hurt For firste of all vvhen you come together in the churche J heare that there is dissention among you Againe if therefore vvhen the vvhole church is come together in one c. In this churche were of greate byrth lyke welth and stately condition yet they came together in one they assembled them selues in the church they kept not some their priuie chaples other their dining chambers but most of all their sléeping heades Looke to this you states be not so stately that you set your selues stiffe necked to the Lorde frequent his house adsociate his people conioyne with his churche to heare the Lorde by his ministers speake vnto you that your common cry with the reste may ioyntly pearce the eares of Gods most louing maiestie in the throne of his mercy seat In hope of your content hereto I say nothing hereof but as you see runne from the same in haste to ende But because of the holy communion to the which we purpose in the Lorde one worde thereof and so an ende Paule the Apostle taketh occasion by the temporall blessing of God vpon the Israelites in Manna and the stony rocke to deliuer to the Corrinthians sound doctrine in sacraments And yf the same with the rest of holy scripture be writtē for our learning why should I forget so good and apt a lesson as both his example our present ministration and this our profitable texte doth offer vnto me c. Dauid speaketh of his Crowne and Diademe with the Appendices Neither doth he forget the spirituall comfortes that from the Lorde he dayly receiueth by the seales of the lords righteousnes his sacred sacraments The sacramēts of Gods church are only two The lauer of baptisme and the Table of the Lorde In the Supper at this table prepared without our prouision and desert of God in his Christ the faithfull do receiue two things that of two seuerall persons sacred bread wyne at of the externall preaching ministry the only fyt ministre for the same by the inward secret omnipotent inuisible worke of the holy ghost in soule by fayth truely fixed in christ they verely eat receiue the very true substantiall body of Iesus Christ still sitting at the right hād of his heuēly father in maiesty on hie By faith he is receiued by gods spirit he is deliuered in soule he is eaten for the diet is spirituall and can not be pressed with mans carnall téeth That of the minister we receiue only bread and wine the holy Apostle Paule fyue times telleth vs in the deliuerie therof to the Corinthians 1 epist. chap. 11. And the auncient Fathers say the same amongst whom S. Ciprian doth stand approued and he sayth thus of the Eucharist Dedit itaque dominus noster in mensa c. Therefore our Lorde Christe in his laste supper which he made with his Apostles gaue to them at that table Bread wine with his owne handes but vppon the Crosse by the hands of the cruell tormenters he gaue his body wounded for vs Sunt quae erant sayth Ambrose speaking of the Elementall bread and wine The same they were they are and are chaunged into another vse If the sacramental bread be the very body of Christ after cōsecration then the wicked aswell eate Christes body as the godly But this the auncient fathers doe denie Origen saith Est verus Cibus Christ is the true meate which no euill and wicked man can eate For if the wicked man could in the Sacrament eate the body of the Lord then should it not be written Qui edit hunc panem He that eateth this bread shall lyue for euer