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father_n name_n son_n spirit_n 14,988 5 5.5388 4 false
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A05300 The laboryouse iourney [and] serche of Iohan Leylande, for Englandes antiquitees geuen of hym as a newe yeares gyfte to Kynge Henry the viij. in the. xxxvij. yeare of his reygne, with declaracyons enlarged: by Iohan Bale Leland, John, 1506?-1552.; Bale, John, 1495-1563. aut 1549 (1549) STC 15445; ESTC S108451 38,192 130

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hys lyfe tyme is now by the same the sonnes ryghte inherytaunce he beynge dead and gone Lete vs therfor in our dayly prayers moste affectuously desyre that our moste redoubted soueraigne Kynge Edwarde the sixte maye haue a prosperouse and longe contynuaunce vpon this earthe wyth frutefull successyon in kyngelye dygnyte whan tyme and age shall requyre it Also for our partes lete vs endeuer our selues to obeye both hym hys magistrates in the true feare of God as those men that of hym hath authoryte and power to represse malefactours and to ayde all vertuouse doers i. Pet. ii Yf we be bounde to do thys to Ethnyckes and Idolaters for the publyque offyce sake muche more lete vs do it to them that be of our christen professyō and do dayly seke wyth all dylygence possyble the manyfeste glorye of hys moste holye name The eternall father confirme both them and vs in the puryte of hys worde and graunt that we fashyon our lyues therafter in all mekenesse of sprete through Iesus Christe hys sonne the holye Ghost So be it Ioannes Balaeus ¶ The conclusyon MArke sens y e worldes begynnynge how studyouse dylygēt men haue alwayes bene for the conseruacyon of noble Antiquytees Yea afore any kyndes of letters were yet in vse For the chyldren of Seth as testyfieth Iosephus admonyshed by Adam of the destruccyon that shulde folowe by water fyer engraued in ij pyllours the necessary memoryals of their age And consydre agayne the wyckednesse of our tyme how vngracyouse and vntowarde we are in the myddes of floryshynge lyterature to exercyse ourselues in that moste worthye offyce Their labour was to holde thynges in remembraunce whych otherwyse had most wretchedly peryshed Our practyses now are to do so muche as in vs lyeth to destroye their frutefull foūdacyons They were not so ready in settynge vp for their tymes but we in these dayes are as prompte to plucke downe I meane the monumentes of lernynge as though the worlde were now in hys lattre dottynge age nygh drawynge to an ende The Hebrues Grekes and Romanes were neuer so towarde in thys noble veyne of workynge but we haue bene by all ages as vntowarde Notwithstandynge some worthy doars we haue had whose noble workes we muche lesse esteme in these dayes than ded the popysh monkes and prestes for their ydle tymes For they at the least permytted them a dwellynge place in their lybraryes though it were amonge wormes and dust We will not suffre them to abyde wythin our lande but eyther we geue them leaue to rotte in vyle corners or drowne them in our iakes or els we sende them ouer the see neuer to returne agayne Alas I am heauy to tell this tale yet the naturall loue of my cōtrey most strongely compelleth me to saye sumwhat therin We sende to other nacyons to haue their commodytees and all is to lyttle to feade our fylthye fleshe But the syngular commodytees within our owne realme we abhorre and throwe fourth as most vyle noysome matter Auydyously we drynke the wynes of other lādes we bye vp their frutes spyces yea we consume in aparell their sylkes their veluettes But alas our owne noble monumentes and precyouse Antiquytees whych are the great bewtie of our lande we as lyttle regarde as y e parynges of our nayles Antiochus Herode Dyoclecyane are wonderfully yet spotted in the most authorysed chronycles haue vpon their heades a double note of tyranny for cruellye destroyenge the monumentes of nacyons specyally of christen relygyon The moste spyghtfull acte of the seyd Dioclecyane Gyldas Badonicus muche lamenteth in hys worke of the destruccyon of Brytayne declarynge how he in the open stretes there brent all the scriptures godlye writynges that myghte anye where be founde Eutropius sheweth in the sixt boke of hys Romane hystory that Achillas a duke sekynge to do myschefe agaynste hys emprour fyered a lybrary of fortie thousande bokes a syngular monument of study of dylygence amonge the Grekes whyche wyth excedynge labour and layser had gathered so wurthye workes of so noble wyttes in so great nombre togyther Iacke Strawe and watte Tyler ij rebellyouse captaynes of the commens in the tyme of Kynge Richarde the seconde brent all the lawers bokes regesters and writynges within the cytie of London as testifyeth Iohan Maior and Fabyane in their chronycles The Anabaptystes in our tyme an vnquyetouse kynde of men arrogaunt without measure capcyose and vnlerned do leaue non olde workes vnbrēt that they maye easely come by as apered by the lybraryes at Mynster in the lande of Westphaly whom they most furyously destroyed An able wytnesse of thys their wycked custome is Petrus Plateanus amonge many others in hys treatyse agaynst their dogged doynges Libros omnes exurunt inquit indignantes se ab alio quam ab ipso suo spiritu doctos uideri Miserum est cernere Bibliothecas non ignobiles ab execranda secta hoc modo aboleri The Anabaptistes burne all bokes sayth he without respect thynkynge scorne of any other sprete to seme learned than of theyr owne fanatycall braynes A wretched thynge it is to beholde the noble lybraryes so to be destroyed of that execrable secte Antonius Coruinus sayth also in hys boke agaynst them Anabaptistarum furor optimos quosque autores ac●ictustissima uenerande Antiquitatis exemplaria absumpserunt in Bibliotheca Osnaburgensi The fury or frantycke madnesse of the Anabaptistes hath consumed awaye the most excellent writers and the moste noble exemplaryes of honorable Antiquyte in the worthie lybrary of Osnaburg I coulde brynge out a great nombre of lyke testimonyes from Oecolampadius Zuinglius Bullinger Caluyne and Philyppe Melanchton wyth other of the most notable wryters of our age concernynge thys vngracyouse vyolence of these chymney prechers and benche bablers but lete these two rehearced at thys tyme suffyse I wyshe all naturall noble hartes and fryndely men to theyr contrey as wele worldelye occupyers as men of bloude ryall to consydre those myscheuouse examples of these cruell tyrauntes wycked Anabaptistes that they myghte so abhorre them and wyth all endeuour possyble auoyde the lyke And that they maye gather an erneste occasyon so to do I brynge them in here moste worthye examples of theyr forefathers in thys lande to contrary and blemysh theyr frantycke and furyouse factes Nennius Helius that noble Brytayne brother to Cassibellanus and Luddus is reported the fyrst that euer collected the famouse actes of the Britaynes And therto some men saye he was fyrst moued by that he hadde hearde of Reutha the Kynge of Scottes whyche sumwhat afore hys tyme hadde done the lyke concernynge that regyon An other sorte applyeth it vnto the contencyon whiche was betwyn Kynge Luddus hys brother and hym suche tyme as he transposed the cytie of Troynouaunt now called London For in the transposynge therof he chaunged the