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A00742 The sacred doctrine of diuinitie gathered out of the worde of God. Togither with an explication of the Lordes prayer. Finch, Henry, Sir, d. 1625.; Fenner, Dudley, 1558?-1587. 1589 (1589) STC 10872.5; ESTC S102008 38,257 80

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during this life and standeth firste in reconciliation vnto God wherby now all things not the calamities onely and troubles of this life and also death it selfe but euen our verie sinnes turne vnto our good and in the assurance whereof wee haue peace of conscience ioy in the holie Ghost entrance with bouldnes into his presence hope of eternall life then in a spirituall glorie and wisedome lastlie in our former soueraigntie ouer the creatures whereof commeth free libertie of vsing all things which God hath not restrained and deliuerance from the bondage of Sathan This also as a new accesse added therevnto that the holie Angells themselues are made ministers for our good The fulnes of blessednes is that which wee shall haue after this life in heauen taken vp thither by the vertue of his ascention and is more or lesse according to the diuerse measure of our faith here to the soule presently in a lesse measure of fulnes till the latter day and afterwards in a greater measure both to soule and bodie raised vp glorious at the latter day by the vertue of his resurrection And this is termed Saluation whereof in that day wee shall receiue our sentence The creatures also for our sakes shall then be renewed into a glorious estate not subiect to corruption Certaine men vpon our Sauiour Christes resurrection rose againe and are alreadie with him in heauen So are Enoch and Elias both aliue assumed thither Chapt. 14. Of Renewed righteousnes THis is imputed righteousnes Renewed is that which is in our selues againe mingled with sinne all our life but pleasing vnto God through his forgiuenes of the sinne and afterwardes made perfect hereof there be two partes to bee dead vnto sinne and liuing vnto righteousnes Dead vnto sinne is when sin beareth no more the rule in vs wrought by the power of his death Liuing vnto righteousnes is when righteousnes beareth the rule in vs wrought by the power of his resurrection FINIS A short explication of the Lords Prayer which together with the tenne Commaundmentes conteyneth a brief of all the mayne heades of the whole substance of Diuinitie in a most exact methode as the table following will shewe THE LORDES Prayer deliuered by our Sauiour Christ as a paterne to frame all our Prayers by conteyneth a most absolute and perfect direction aswell for the circumstances to be obserued in praying as for the matter it self of our prayer The circumstances are these 1 To God only through Christ For neither haue wee any other Father in Heauen but him alone neither is hee our Father but in Christ 2 Praeparation taught by vsing of a praeface 3 Faith particularly applying to our selues the loue of GOD in Christ Our Father 4 Confidence as a childe goeth bouldly to his Father 5 Reuerence of his Maiestie Who is in Heauen 6 Zeale earnestnes in prayer that all our affections be taken vp and wholy bent vpon it Which the shortnesse of the prayer teacheth and the concluding of it with this worde Amen 7. A greater feruency of Spirite in praying for the things that concerne Gods glory then for those that concerne our own good yea though it bee the saluation of our soules As appeareth by the order of the petitions and in that those first three are without any coupling bonde at all which the latter three haue Againe of the things which concerne our owne good greater zeale and feruency to bee shewed for heauēly things which the three latter Petitions doe aske by name then for earthly thinges that are sought but as additaments and appendancies to the other 8 A fellow-feeling and loue one vnto an other Our Father our bread our trespasses lead vs not deliuer vs c. 9 An assurance of obteyning the thinges wee pray for Earthlie thinges with condition so farre as God hath appointed them for our good All other absolutely without condition Which assurance is noted in the word Amen signifying that not only so we desire it may be but that so vndoubtedly it is and shalbe Wherevnto we are induced both by consideration of the loue of God our Father of his power which is in Heauen Lastly continuance in prayer giue vs this day Euery day renewing our supplications So much of the circumstances The matter is partly in petition partly in thankesgiuing The petitions are six in number All in that course and order as the doctrine before was handled Whereof the first three are of those thinges that belong to Gods glorie without any respect of our owne good As the particle thy in euery one doth shew And this one thing wherin the soundest Diuines agree being well obserued bringeth a great light for the distinguishing of all the six Petitions according to their proper boundes and limits in such sort as hereafter followeth The first Petition Hallowed be thy Name O thou the blessed great Iehoua Father Sonne and holy Spirit three persons and one only true and euerliuing God whose Name is Wonderfull and who alone art glorious and excellent thy mercy great vnto the heauens thy trueth vnto the cloudes thy righteousnes as the mighty hilles thy iudgements like the bottomles deepe exalt thy self ô God aboue the heauens thy glory ouer all the earth And make it knowen vnto thy Creatures that thou the Creatour blessed for euer Amen art a nature spirituall and diuine of thy selfe and in thy selfe and by thy selfe subsisting Eternall immeasurable incomprehensible infinite in Power Wisedome Holines Trueth Mercy Iustice and whatsoeuer good is yea goodnes and perfection it self So that boeth whatsoeur thou doest is absolutelie good and holy and all good perfect guiftes are thine there being no iote nor resemblance of good in any creature but that onlie which they haue frō thee who art the Father of lights And this respecteth the first part of Theologie which is of the nature persons and properties of the Godhead The second Petition Thy Kingdome come Aduance the throne scepter of thy kingdom in the gouernment of the world according to all thy counsels and purposes decreed from eternitie Whether of sauing the elect or destroying of the reprobate or of the busines affayres perteining to this life and thy generall prouidence ouer all thinges that thy handes haue fashioned and made Together with the meanes which thou hast sanctified therevnto That the reprobate may either not heare at all or hearing not beleeue nor bee conuerted but hardened in their sins and thy Gospell with the Ministerie and Preaching thereof the Sacraments Censures discipline of the Church and all other good thinges thou hast ordeined may through their owne fault turne vnto their ruine be a sauour of death vnto death vnto them as cōtrariewise to the
his slipper and a Carpenter not dealing but with his chippes will bee ready foolishlie to throw them they know not where nor at whome And for my parte I am of that iudgement that it is so farre from beeing vnmeet for a Gentleman of the Innes of the Court to deale thus in these holy studies that I could wish of the Lorde that the Noble men of the Court it selfe and all others whose wits are either by nature or education more pregnant would fine file them vpon such endeuours as these are So should they fitt themselues not only to passe frō the Princes Court into the Lordes owne Court there to raigne for euermore but should able themselues ten thousand times better to all honorable seruices of their Prince Countrie in a wiser and more politique gouernment of the comon wealth then Machiauel that cursed helhound can furnish thē of For besides many notable draughts of policie here and there scattered throughout the whole Scripture especially the storie that one booke of the Prouerbes as it were the Lords owne Politickes is able to yeelde more sound precepts of sure safe gouernement then I will not saye Machiauell but then all the Machiauels in the worlde when they shall haue met vpon their bench and shall haue beaten out their braines about that consultation And if it be here asked what are you or who are you whose iudgment in this behalfe the reader should so greatly regard Peraduenture the reader may be such a one as if I were a mā of some marke with my word I should carie him away although I brought no reason if of no note at all hee would not beleeue mee although I should come vpon him with neuer so good reason Therefore concealing my name in a word I answere first out of Moses for whom when Ioshua was ielous least the gift of Prophesie of the declaratiō of the will of God being common Moses his Maister should be lesse estemed he answered would to God that all the Lords people were Prophets why lest the Lorde should bestow his Spirit vpon them Example hereof we haue in Ezechias raigne one of the godliest and most renowned Kings that euer raigned whose gouernement was also accōpanied with as much glorie and good successe both at home and abroad during the whole time of his raigne as any king whatsoeuer Dauid only excepted Nay I needed not in euery respect to haue excepted Dauid who met with more crosse handes of the Lord in his Sonnes and subiects then euer did Ezechias And of him to his cōmendation that shall neuer die it is written that his Courtiers gathered and suted diuers of Solomons Prouerbs in that Prophetical order wherein nowe they are left vnto vs by the holy Ghost And vnles Courtiers will iudge thēselues vnworthy of the kingdome of heauen there is no cause why they should esteme it to base or to vnworthie a thing for them to be occupied in seeing Dauid Solomō and Ezechias the most famous Kinges that euer liued haue no one thing so precious to garnishe and set foorth their Royall Crowne with as that their handes beeing taught of God to write some thing to his praise edification of his people the same as a diamond in their princelie Diademes remaineth to all posteritie Saul also albeit a wicked man yet beeing purposed of God to the Kingdome had this as a principall meanes to hide from the eyes of the people the basenesse of his birth and homelines of his education that hee was for some small time graced of the Lord with a gift of Pro phetie wherewith beeing ennobled he was so prepared for the kingdome But I am ashamed of the iniquitie of these times that should driue to the proofe of that whiche prophane and heathnish mē in the dim darke sight of their naturall reason haue both seene and professed that these cōmon wealthes were most happie where either Philosophers were Kinges or Kinges Philosophers And if Scepters were wel guided when men stoode at the sterne of common wealthes that stirred them by direction of that shadowe and carcase of Philosophie that was to be had in their bookes O howe happilie should they bee menaged if their course were set at the prescript and cōmand of the word of God which is the ladie mistres of all true wisedome or philosophie But I see there would be no end if I should set my self to answere whatsoeuer the crooked wits of wrangling companions might obiect And therfore assured of the fruitfulnesse of the booke in it selfe I commend the profite and succes therof to the blessing of God who only can direct the heartes and handes of men to lay houlde and make vse of it aswell for th'increase of their knowledge as for the prouoking of them to like endeuours 1. Ianuar. 1589. The sacred Doctrine of Diuinitie gathered out of the worde of God Theologie or the first booke of Diuinitie concerning God Chap. 1. Of God The Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost DIuinitie is a doctrine of glorifying God wherof there be two partes Theologie and Religion Theologie is the first part of Diuinitie concerning God 〈…〉 God is that infinite perfection whose being is of himselfe The Godhead notwithstanding the vnitie of the essence receyueth a distinction of persons A person is the Godhead diuerslie subsisting And sendeth forth or proceedeth Sending forth are those persons from whom another person proceedeth as the Father the Sonne The Father is a person which hath begotten the Sonne The Sonne is a person begotten of the Father Proceeding is that person which is sent out of the former namely the holy Ghost who is the Spirite of them both Chapter 2. Of the purpose of God God being thus in his nature and persons most glorious hath further glorified himselfe by two notes of excellencie which he taketh to him King dome Honour Kingdome is that whereby he dispenseth all thinges according to his own freewil The order wherof aunswerable to the relation betwene the persons thēselues is frō the Father in the Sonne by the holy Ghost To whō is attributed the immediat dispensing of them The kingdome of God is in his purpose and workes Purpose is his decree before all times of euery thing Chapter 3. Of Creation THe workes of God are the execution of his purpose And are Creation Gouernment Creation is his making all things of nothing Which of euery Creature was in excellencie of perfection Chapter 4. Of Gouernment GOuernement is his administring of euery thing Chap. 5. Of the Honour due to God SO much of the Kingdom of God The Honour due vnto him is that al his reasonable creatures Men Angels do with cheerefulnes his revealed will in all things The seconde Booke of Diuinitie concerning the Law Chapt. 1. Of Righteousnes and the blessednes belonging to it
HEtherto of the partes of righteousnesse The seuerall kindes followe Righteousnes is our own or from another Our owne whiche boeth Angels in heauen men vpon earth had perfectlie by creation They in a greater wee in a lesse measure from which notwithstanding both of thē left vnto themselues quickly fell away First of the Angels some onely but a great multitude one named Satan or the Deuill the chief ringleader of the rest The Angels that fell not are supernaturallie vphoulden from all daunger of falling After by Satans tentation all mankinde fell in Adam The punishment to them both is double sinfulnes and cursednes Sinfulnesse is a totall vnrighteousnes aswell of nature as action Cursednes is their vtter euill Contrarie throughout to blessednesse that went before And is the reward of al sinne more or lesse according to the measure of sinne Of cursednes two degrees are noted out for either it is in parte only or in the fulnes of it That in part only is proper to men during this life As first the wrath of God so farr that all things not blessinges only but his very graces turn to their ruine and feare of conscience drawing thē from God then shame ignorance all kinde of calamities infirmitie sicknes death it selfe lastly enemitie of the creatures and slauerie to Sathan Yet in all this some reliques of former dignitie doe remaine namely in the mind reason common principles of good and euill in the bodie a kinde of maiestie in the whole man a certeine soueraigntie that keepeth in awe the brute creatures The creatures also for mans sake are subiect both to a present empaire of their first perfection and to a generall abolition in the end This is cursednes in parte The fulnesse whereof falling vpon a bare creature not able to beare the brunt of it crusheth him downe into Hell for euer which is called damnation And is particular or generall Particular which is in a lesse measure of fulnesse till the latter day And lighted on the Angels that fell forthwith vpon their fall yet so as many tymes it pleaseth God to giue them some release vsing them as instrumēts to worke his pleasure heere on earth Vpō men it lighteth in soule presentlie after death General which is in a greater measure of fulnes Both vpon the Angels that fell and men in soule and bodie raised vp in the latter day wherof they both shall then receiue their sentence A sodaine change of such men as then are liuing shalbe in stead of a death and rising from it The third booke of Diuinitie concerning the Gospell Chapt. 1. Of Iesus Christ and of Regeneration FRom another is that Righteousnes which certeine men euer since the fall of Adam haue from Iesus by Regeneration thorough his mediation Iesus is in one person the Sonne of God and perfect man conceiued of the Virgin Marie And in respect of his calling to that office of Mediation is surnamed Christ Regeneration is our spirituall incorporatinge into him Euery member in his due proportion Chap. 2. Of the Sanctification of Christes humane nature OF his office of Mediation there bee two partes Priesthood and Kingdome Priesthood whereby he hath performed to God-wardes a through sufficiencie for all this The partes of his Priesthood are Oblation and Intercession Oblation is the of offring of him self vp to God his Father for it And hath two partes Sanctification Satisfaction Sanctification is the fitting of his humane nature aswell for our incorporating into it as for the cōueighing of righteousnes to all that are incorporate Chapt. 3 Of Satisfaction SAtisfaction is the full payment of our raunsome to be righteous And standeth in his suffrings righteousnes Suffring is the taking vpon him of the guilt curse due to our sinnes Both that of this life and the fulnes of it due vnto vs after death All which hee ouercame our cursednes here in the whole course of his life our full cursednes vpon the Crosse and death in the graue rising the thirde day from it The day of his resurrectiō which was the first day of the Creation is therevpon become our Sabbath and called the Lordes day beginning at the dawning of the day when the world by his resurrection began to be renewed The righteousnes of Christ is the most excellent measure of righteousnes that cā possibly fal into any creature Both in his whole nature sanctified from all sinfulnesse from the very first moment of his conception and in all his actions supernaturally vphoulden for euer from al possibilitie of sinning And consequently hath belōging to it a like supreame measure of blessednes smothered in the dayes of his suffrings during this present life that it did not so appeare saue when it pleased him extraordinarilie to giue some glimse of it as in his transfiguring vpon the mount But afterwardes he ascended glorious into heauen in soule presentlie after death and both in soule and body after his resurrection which is called glorirification Chap. 4. Of Intercession HEtherto of Oblation Intercessiō is his request to God his Father for al the elect to be made partakers of it Chap. 5. Of his generall Gouernment of the world SVch is the Priesthood of Christ his Kingdome followeth Kingdome is that whereby he doeth effect all this And hath two partes his Iudgeship if I may so say and Prophetship Iudgeship whereby hee gouerneth all the world according to their owne nature since the fall In the Angells perfect in Deuils and Men corrupted in the rest of the world peruerted Chap. 6. Of Calling PRophetship whereby he gouerneth certeine men with supernaturall fauours Being fauours only or Grace Fauours onely are those that change not mans corrupt nature And may all be reduced vnto two heades Calling and Giftes Calling is the drawing of them to a professiō of himself Euery publicke assembly of such professors in his name is called a Church whereof their children are also members and in euery Church there be alwayes some that are his in deed Chap. 7. Of Knowledge GIftes are such fauours bestowed in his Chuch are Knowledge or giftes for the Churches common good Knowledge is the vnderstanding of the will of his Father Which beside the inspiration of his Spirite hee taught both in his own person when hee was vpon the earth by his Ministers frō the beginning of the worlde and hath also left the same perfectly in the bookes of the old and new Testament Chapter 8.