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A58942 Sacred geographie. Or Scriptural mapps 1. Of all the earth, and water, at the creation. 2. Of paradice [sic], and the countries circumjacent, inhabited by the patriarks. 3. Israels forty years perigrination through the wilderness. 4. Canaan, or the land of promise. 5. The travels of S. Paul, and other the apostles. 6. Jerusalem, as it stood in our Saviours time. Collected both from sacred and prophane authority, by learned persons selected thereunto by the National Congreagation of Dutch Devines, for the more profitable reading of the Old and New Testament. And to be bound up with Bibles. Translated into English by J. Moxon, hydrographer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. London, printed by Joseoph Moxon, and sold at his shop on Ludgate hill, at the signe of Atlas. 1671. Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691. 1691 (1691) Wing S223D; ESTC R219071 54,504 99

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was a certain Benjamite a person of good quality who inhabited here and from whom descended that Heroick Father of the Gospel called Saul or Paul Act. 22. 3. Phil. 3. 5. for such was the custom of those dayes that most Persons of any note or eminency had more names than one Hence this Holy Father was by his Father called Saul in evidence that he was a Hebrew of the Hebrews and Paulus or Paul in token that he was born a free man of Rome Now as this Son grew up the good old man was not wanting for care sufficient in his education And first the better to grace his priviledge of a Romane Citizen he bred him up a Schollar in the Academy of Tharsus 7 and here was it that he became so expert in the Philosophical Sayings of the Heathen Sages such as were Aratus Epimenides Menander and others Act. 17. 28. Tit. 1. 12. But as he grew in years to understand himself the Wisdom of Man not amounting to enough to make him a Child of God He was therefore sent away from Tharsus unto Jerusalem 1 to be instructed in the Sacred knowledge of the Book of God Here was famous at that time one Gamaliel a Doctor of the Law and Provost of the Schools in Jerusalem at whose feet this Tarsian Jew being set he studyed the Holy Scriptures and greatly profited in Divine learning beyond all his Equals and fellow-Studients Act. 22. 3. Gal. 1. 14. Here was it that whilest he was eager of his way of Learning and Religion he drew into his head and heart the Doctrine of the Pharisees who were in those dayes though the most respected with the Popularity yet the most Hypocritical and Malicious of all the Jewish Sects Phil. 3. 5 6. During these Times the Messiah appeared as was spoken of by the Prophet Daniel Dan. 9. 25 26 27. and one half of a week of years or 3 years and odd he confirmed the Covenant with many of the Jewish Nation until in the midst of the Week he was crucified and slain and Sacrifice and Oblation ceased All this while was Saul at Ierusalem but so intent at Gam●liels feet that this news of the Messias found no respect from his ears Christ was crucified at the great Paschal Feast and at Pentecost came the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles and enabled them to speak all Languages and to work miracles Now it hapned that by vertue of these Languages they spake and the miracles they wrought so many became their Converts that by the Feast of Tabernacles a necessity appeared to ordain Deacons to assist them in their Ministery Of these were appointed first 7 in company whereof were Stephen and Philip and Nicanor and others and after these were made still more and more Deacons and Evangelists such as were Ananias of Damascus 5 Lucius Barnabas and others Act. 6 ch 9. ch 13. But as these were zealous in preaching the Gospel the Jews were as envious in opposing it and of those opposers Saul of Tarsus was none of the meanest The first quarrel that brake out into blood was that of the Synagogue of the Liberrines against Stephen and this seems to have been at the very next Feast after that of the Tabernacles at what time Stephen was ordained and was therefore at latter end of the Feast of Dedication at what time Stephen being apprehended by those Libertines was haled before the Councel and tumultuously condemned and stoned to death This was as it seems by course of Story much about and as Tradition tells us upon the morrow after the Anniversary Festival of our Saviours Nativity or on the 26 of Decemb. Thus dyed this Proto-Martyr and thus was this first Anniversary of the Nativity next following his Assension turned into mourning Act. 7. 54 55. c. But devout men in honour of this noble Martyr would not suffer his body to ly among the bones of malefactors to be devoured of Dogs but exposed themselves to the hazzard of the Jews displeasure by carrying him to buryal with solemne lamentation Act. 8. 2. The Persecuters thus exasperated made great havoke of these sacred Mourners and some 2000 faithfull Christians slew they in this heat together with Nicanor S. Stephens fellow Deacon besides great multitudes of men and women whom they carryed to prison Dor. Syn. of the 70 Disciples Act. 8. 1. 3. ch 22. 4. ch 26. 10. Under the Councel who condemned this S. Stephen was this our Saul it seems a principal Officer who was present at his examination and gave his vote to have him put to death and was especially imployed to see it done and more than this being in a zealous fury in a wrong way was the death of many a good Christian at this time besides what he imprisoned while he rashly imagined he did God good service by it 1. Tim. 1. 13. Act. 26. 9 10. 11. At this time was Saul but a young man and yet not so young but he was trusted it seems with some place of Authority which was not usually bestowed until a man was 30 current and so by consequence at what time our Saviour was 33 compleat this Saul was 30 current and therefore some 4 years younger than Christ. For 4 weeks lasted this persecution very hot until most part of the poor Christians being fled from Ierusalem except the Apostles were scattered abroad here and there as they could get with safety for refuge of their lives and liberties But this was so far from hindrance as it rather proved an advantage to the Gospel by reason of the scattered Evangelists who preaching as they fled scattered the news of the Gospel in all parts as they flew away Philip the Deacon taught the Samaritans 2 Simon went out towards Tyre 43 and Zidon 48 preaching Bar●abas took towards Cyprus Lucius towards Cyrene x and Ananias made many Converts at Damascus 5. Now when the news of these things came to Ierusalem 1 the Jews were madded at it And the furious Saul in his fiery zeal not satisfied in that he had spoiled the growth of Christianity in Ierusalem unless he might chace it out of the World also got Letters from Caiphas the high Priest directed unto the Synagogues in Damascus in order to bind and bring away to Ierusalem all whom he found both men and women who any waies feared not to own the name of Christ. Act. 9. 1 2. But as many times it happens where the more hast is there is the less speed so it was here for on the 25 day of January as Saul was going to Damascus and almost there Lo a wonderfull bright light appeared round about him and cast him upon the ground utterly astonished and a voice was heard speaking unto him as he lay saying Saul Saul Why persecutest thou me Now such was the force of this miracle and the voice withal together with other discourse accompanying that Sauls heat of persecution was quite cooled and trembling as he lay his heart turned within him
and they again devided it among their Sons The children of Japhet inhabited Europe the Northern part of Asia and America as we may gather from Ezeck 38. 6. 15. and 39. 2. Shem spread himself over the South part of Asia and America And Ham possessed the Land of Canaan Arabia and all Africa Yet the Posterity of Shem drove out the Canaanites and possessed themselves of Canaan and most parts of Arabia The sons of Japhet were these Gomor Magog Madai Javan Thubal Mesech and Thiras Go●ers sons were Askenas Riphat and Togarma Askenas is held by the Scribes to be the Father of the French and Germans Riphat the Original of the Finlanders L●planders and the inhabitants of Condora Obdora and Jougoria where Ancient Geographers have placed the Hills of Riphai which at this day is called by the Inhabitants thereof the G●rdle of the World And Togarma the first Inhabiter of Sweden Denmark and Norway From Magog are desended all the People of Scithya now called Tartarie Ezech. 38. 2. 39. 6. And from Madia the Medes 2 K●●g● 17. 6. Jos 13. 17. Jer. 25. 25. Dan. 5. 28. 6. 1. 8. 20. The Children of Javan are these Elisa Tharsis Kithim and Doda●im From Elis● have the Greeks which are called Aeoles their Original Ezech. 37. 7. From Tharsis the people of Cilicia wherein is the City of Tharsis wherein the Apostle Paul was born From Kithim those of Cyprus Macedonia and Italy have there Original Numb 14. 24. Isa. 23. 1. Jer. 2. 10. 1 Mach. 1. 1. Of Dodanim are descended the Greeks called Dores which are the People of Cariae Rhodes Pelepon●esus and Scicil●e Thubal is accounted the Father of those of Iberia Albania and Spin. And Mesech a Father of those of Cappadocia Moscovia Polonia and other People that use the Sclavonian Language Ezech. 27. 13. 32. 26. 38. 3. And Thiras an Original of those of Tharsis Misia and Illyria So that the blessing Noah gave laphet came upon him when he said God spread forth laphet and let him dwell in the Tents of Shem and let Canaan be his Servant This blessing we here see accomplisht for God so spread forth Iaphet that his Posterity possessed the Nothern parts of the Earth And God hath also given him the third and fourth Monarchy of the world At this day the Lord hath plentifully blessed him in some parts of his possessions in spiritual blessings in other parts in Temporal blessings as we may see the Kingdoms and Countries of Christendom As also in the Moscovites Tarters and Turks who at present have the command over much of Shems and H●ms Posterity Rome the Empress of the fourth Monarchy had in the time of Vespatian thirteen Italian miles and almost one quarter Plin. lib. 3. cap. 5. Flavius Vopiscus witnesseth that the Imperour Aurelian inlarged the compass of this City to 30 Italian miles The sons of Shem were Elam Asshur Arphaisad Lud and Aram. Elam was a father of the Elamites that is of the Inhabitants of the Lands of Susiana Elymais and Persia Dan. 8. 2. Where the Prophet witnesseth that Susa or Susari scituate on the River Vl●i which the Greeks call Euleum is a City in the lands of Elam Here the Monarchs of Persia kept their Court as being the Imperial City of the second Monarchy and had in its circuit 120. Stad that is 15. Ital. miles for 8. Stad makes an Ital. mile Strab. lib. 15. From Assur had the Assirians who had the first Monarchy their Original whose Imperial City was Ninive a City of God whose circuit was three dayes Journey Jonas 3. 3. With which agree ancient writers who witness that Ninive was in length 150. Stad in bredth 90 and in Circuit 480. Stad that is 60 English miles Arphachsad was a Father of the Babilonians and Chaldeans who were called by the Hebrews Chasdim from one of the Posterity of Arphachsad The Imperial City of which lands was Babel of whose great power glory and command the Holy Scripture witnesses in several places Isa. 13. 19. 14. 12. 47. 7. Ier. 51. 41. 58. Dan. 4. 30. With which agree Historians and Chronologers for among the rest Herodotus witnesses that Babel was four square each side having in length 120. Stad that is 60 English miles Herodotus lib. 1. Yet Strab● an Author of credit makes this City less saying that the wall of this City was in circuit 385 Stad that is 48 English miles and one Stad Among other of Arphachsads Posterity was Heber his Sons Son who was a Father of the Hebrews who had two Sons one called Peleg because in his time the world was devided for Peleg signifies in English deviding His brother was called Iaketan who had many Sons to wit Almodad Saleph Hazarmaveth Sarah Haderam Vzal Dikela Obal Abimael Seba Ophir Haevila and Iobab These spread themselves from Mesa to Sephar at the Hill towards the East Gen. 10. 25. Many of the Learned understand by Mesa the Hill Masium which is a part of the Mountains of Amani And by Sephar the City Sipphara Scituate in Mesopotamia upon the River of Euphrates But yet there is more ground to think that their Habitations was from the River of Tigris towards the East to the farthest parts of the East Indies Yet nevertheless Elams posterity inhabited also between the borders of these vast stretched forth Lands for the land of Hevila borders towards the West on the spring head of the River of Pison which is an arm of the River of Tigris And Ophir Hevila's brother is held to be the Father of the Inhabitants of the Lands of Pegu Sian and Aurea Chersonesus that is the Golden Peninsula where at this day stands the Famous City of Malacca so that by the mountains towards the East we must understand the Hills that part the East Indies from China From the Land of Ophir Solomons Ships brought Gold Precious Stones and other rich Commodities Performing their Voyage in three yeers time 1 Kin. 9. 26. 10. 12. 22. For this reason Benedictus Arias Mountanus understands by Sephar and the Mountains towards the East the Lands and Mountains of Peru and saies that therefore the Gold wherewith King Solomon covered the Temple is called Gold of Peraim that is both the Peru's for the last silable aim signifies in the Hebrew tongue a number of two 2 Chron. 3. 6. Also the name of the land of Jucatan which lies between Mexico and the Island Haiti otherwise called Spaniola sounds very like Iaketan the name of Ophers Father Led the son of Shem is held to be a Father of the Inhabitants of Lydia and other Countries in Asia the less From Aram Luds brother have those of Syria Mesopotamia and Armenia their Original for these mighty Kingdoms and their perticular Provinces are called in the Holy Scripture the Land of Aram although they are distinguished from one another by several names for example Aram Damasci Aramzobe Aram Naharam that is Aram between the two Rivers
drowned all the race of Mankind all the Beasts of the field all the Fowls of the Air and all creeping things except Noah and his Family and two of a sort of all Creatures that lived on the face of the Earth and of the fowls of the Air preserved by Noah upon the Waters in an Ark built by him according to the directions of God himself after the World had been created 1656 years This Ark having driven to and fro upon the Waters above the highest tops of the Mountains for the space of about five moneths time it pleased God to let it rest at last upon the Mountains of Ararat And after the waters were retired again into their place the beleeving Noah and his Family and all the living Creatures that were inclosed in the Ark went again out of the Ark and Noah and his Family setled themselves about the Eastern borders of the River of Hiddekel from whence afterwards the Generations of Noah spread themselves both Eastwards and Westwards naming the several Lands and Countries wherein they lived after their several Names Which hath moved us to insert this Geneological Table that the Reader may the easier learn to know the Lands in the Map and their several Original Possessors as more at large you may collect them out of the Bible and the marginal Notes there on Let the Genelogical Table come in here All the people of the Earth had then one Language and one Speech And that they might the better unite themselves and perpetrate a Name they consulted to build a Citty and a Tower therein whose top thereof should reach up unto Heaven which the Lord being offended with confounded their Language scattered them and made them leave off building their intended Citty And the name of that place was called Babel as you may see at Fig 1. in the Map because the Lord did here confound their Language and from hence desperse them into all parts of the Earth Gen. 11. 9. Not far from this Citty is Ur the dwelling place of Terah as at Fig. 2. in the Mapp This Terah was the Father of Abraham and the Grandfather of Lot And Abraham being forewarned of God to depart from thence according both he and his Father Terah and Lot departed to Haran as at Numb 3. in the Mapp where Terah dyed Gen. 11. 32. And Abraham at Gods command left his Native place and his Kindred and took with him all his family and his Nephew Lot and all their substance and travelled towards the Land of Canaan unto Sichem in the Plain of Moreh as at Fig. 4. in the Mapp From whence he removed again unto a mountain between Beth-el and Hai as at Fig. 5. in the Mapp and pitched his tent there where he built an Altar and called upon the Lord. Gen. 12. 8. From hence they depart Southwards and by reason of a famine in the Land are driven to go down into Egypt from whence after some time of stay they again depart richly blessed with Cattle Silver and Gold c. into the Land of Canaan and again took up their dwelling place between Beth-el and Hai. at Fig. 5. Gen. 13. 3. Here Lot and Abraham parts because the Land was too little for them And Lot chose the Plain of Jordan at Fig. 6. in the Mapp and pitched his Tent towards Sodom Gen. 13. 12. And Abram went and dwelt in the Plain of Mamre which is in Hebron Gen. 13. 18. as at Fig. 7. in the Mapp Here it was that Ishmael was born Isaac is promised And Abrams name was changed to Abraham Gen. 16. and 17. From hence Abraham journeyed towards the South Countrey and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur and sojourned as a stranger in Gerar at Fig. 8. in the Mapp Gen. 20. 1. Here Abraham was commanded to offer up his Son Isaac upon one of the Mountains of Moriah at Fig. 9. in the Mapp But God finding his obedience forbids him to lay hands on the Lad and provides a Ram for a burnt offering in Isaacs steed and promises him his blessings From hence Abraham goes and dwells in Beersheba at Fig. 10. in the Mapp Gen. 22. 19. And at Kirjath-arba which is Hebron Sarah dies and is buried in the cave of Machpelah over against Mamre at Fig. 12. in the Mapp Gen. 23. 19. Afterwards Abraham takes an Oath of his servant and sends him to Nahor in Mesopotamia at Fig. 3. in the Mapp to take a wife for Isaac out of his Kindred and obtained Rebekah the Daughter of Bethuel and brings her into Canaan where Isaac met her as he came from the way of the Well Lahairoi at Fig. 13. in the Mapp Gen. 24. 62. Abraham at the age of 175 years dies and is buried by his Sons Isaac and Ishmael in the Sepulcher of his Wife Sarah at Fig. 12. in the Mapp Gen. 25. 10. Isaac then dwelt in the Cit●y of Gerar at Fig. 14. in the Mapp Gen. 26. 6. From whence he removed to the valley of Gerar. Gen. 26. 17. And from the valley of Gerer to Beer-sheba Gen. 26. 23. But the Children of Ishmael being twelve Prince dwelt in all that space between Havilah at Fig. 16. and Shur at Fig. 15. in the Mapp Gen. 25. 18. This was a large Countrey but in probability not very fruitful or close inhabited Because at this time it is called the Deserts of Arabia Isaac had now two Sons to wit Esau and Jacob. And Jacob being the youngest by his subtilety bought Esaus birth-right for a mess of Pottage and by it obtained his father Isaac's Blessing which belonged to Esau for which Esau sought Jacobs Life But by the councel of his Parents he went towards Podan-Arain to Laban his Mothers brother But being benighted at Luz he took of the stones of the Place for his Pillows and lay down to sleep on them and then dreamed that he saw a Ladder whose top reached into Heaven and the Angels of God ascending and descending Here he received the promise of God and here he took the stone he had for his Pillow and set it up for a Pillar and poured oyl on it and named the Citty Bethel at Fig 17 in the Mapp Gen. 28. 11 to 20. In the morning he travelled towards the people of the East where he met Rachel the daughter of his Uncle Laban about Haran at Fig 3 in the Mapp and makes himself known to her who straight runs and tells her father who also came out to meet him and received him kindly Gen. 29 13. Here Jacob served Laban 20 years for his two daughters Leah and Rachel together with such Cattle of the Flock as he barganied for which the Lord blesses and increases mightily Whereat Laban and his Sons grow displeased and murmur against Jacob. which caused Jacob to depart from thence with his Wives and Childeren and Cattle to the land of Canaan over the River Euphrates at Fig. 18 in the Mapp Turning towards the Hills of Gillead at Fig. 19 in the Mapp
After 7 days persuit of his Father in law and Uncle Laban and a great power he brought with him he was overtaken Yet nevertheless Laban being warned of God not to hurt Jacob made a convenant with him Gen 31. 48 49. not to hurt each other Here they made a heap of stones in memorial of the covenant and called the name of it Gilead and Mizpah And from thence Laban returned home in peace Jacob travelling a little further meets the Angels of God and called the name of the place Mahanaim at Fig. 20 in the Mapp From hence Jacob and all his Family and followers passed over the foord Jabbok Gen. 32. 22. Here it was that Jacob wrestled with God and obtained his blessing and was called Israel wherefore he called the name of the place Peniel at Fig. 21. in the Mapp And here he met his brother Esau coming against him with 400 men yet they imbraced and parted friendly from one another Esau to his dwellings in the mountains Seir at Fig. 22 in the Mapp Gen. 33. 16. and Jacob journied to Succoth on the River of Jordan at Fig. 23 in the Mapp where he built an house From thence he came neer the Citty of Shechem in Canaan at Fig. 17. in the Mapp From hence God commanded him to go to Bethel and make there an Altar unto God that appeared unto him when he fled from his brother Esau. Gen. 35. 1. From hence Jacob travelled towards Ephrath which is Bethelem at Fig. 24. And within a little way of the place Richel dyed with hard labour of her son Benjamin and was buried there Gen. 35. 19. and Gen. 48. 7. Israel travelled again from thence and pitched his Tents beyond the Tower of Edar at Fig. 25. in the Mapp From Edar he went to his Father Iscaac in Mamre at the Citty of Arbak at Fig. 11 in the Mapp And Isaac being 180 years old dyed and was buryed by his sons Esau and Jacob in the Sepulcher of his Father Abraham at Machpelah at Fig. 12 in the Mapp Israel being compelled by famine and invited by his son Joseph goes into Egypt that is the land of Cham also called Mitsraim where Joseph receives him with joy and duty and entertains him with great kindness and liberallity giving him with the consent of Pharaoh the Land of Goshen at Fig. 26 in the Mapp to live in The soules that came out of Egypt with him were in number 70. And Israel being very old and dim of sight dyed there and was carryed by his son Joseph and the rest of his children and a great train of Egyptians very magnificently into the land of Canaan and buried in the Sepulcher of his Father and Grandfather at Machpelah which is before Mamre at Fig. 12 in the Mapp Gen 50. 13. Thus is the curteous Spectator presented with a short Narration of the several Countries Stations and Dwellings of our first Parents from Adam downwards to Jacob and by the corresponding figures in the Mapp and this Narration is directed to find the scituation of every place in question which he shall read of in the Bible wherein they are concerned with very great ease speed and delight A short discourse upon the Perigrination of the Children of Israel Together with a Geographical description of the several places they travelled to between Egypt and the land of Canaan THe land of Promise is by some old Writers called Palestine as is conjectured from the name of the Inhabitants of the land called Philistines a Nation descended from Cham one of the sons of Noah And yet may this Land be properly called the Land of Promise in regard of the promise God made to Abraham Gen. 12. 7. and Gen. 13. 15. It takes the name of Canaan from Canaan one of the sons of Ham and is devided into particular Provinces according to the several names of Chams sons who were the first possessors of those Provinces as you may more perfectly see in the Mapp of Paradice And lastly this Land is called the Holy Land alluding to what God said unto Moses in Deut. 3. 5. Draw not nigh hither Put off thy shoes from thy feet for the Place whereon thou standest is Holy Ground Notwithstanding this was not spoken by God in the Land of Canaan but in the Wilderness of Sin by mount Horeb. Yet however we may account this a very proper name for this Land because the holiness of the Lord was there preserved The Holy Citty of Jerusalem stood in it and the most Holy and true Son of God had both his birth and conversation in it The extream bounds of this Land reaches Fastwards to Arabiathe Stony Westwards to the Great Sea Northwards to the Hills of Labanon and Southwards to the Wilderness of Paran Edom and Kadesh It s length between Labanon and Paran is about 150 English Miles The bredth between the Great Sea and the River of Jordan is various for in some Places it is about 50. in others about 60. Miles over This Land is watered with several smal Rivolets or Brooks some emptying themselves into the Great Sea and others running into the River of Jordan a famous River taking its original from two smal Lakes by the Woods of Labanon called Jor and Dan who running a little way unite both their streams and names and from thence is called Jordan This River Jordan runs from thence into the Lake Merom and from Merom into the Sea of Galilee otherwise called the Sea of Chinereth And lastly running from the Sea of Chinereth it looses its self and name in the Dead Sea or Vale of Siddim In this Valestood formerly those wicked Citties Sodom and Gomorrah and in the time of Lot was a most exceeding fruitfull plot of ground compared to the Garden of the Lord to witt Paradice Gen 13. 10. This Sea or Vale is also watered with the Brooks Zered and Arnon and is nevertheless as Josephus writes a salt and unfruitful Lake Tacitus Egysippus Pausanius and others write wonderful things of this Lake which for brevity we shall here omit Yet this we ought to remark that herein is found driving upon the waters a species of Pitch called Asphaltum from whence this Lake hath also obtained the name of Mare Asphalticum This Pitch being melted hath a noysom stinck and is used both in medicines and by the Inhabitants there-abouts for the pitching of Vessels But to proceed This Land of Canaan is a very fruitful Land producing Corn Wine Oyl Sugar Balsome Figgs Herbs and Flowers and is very truely termed a Land flowing with milk and honey Exod 3. 8. and in several other places It is beautified with many fair Hills Vales Fields Fountains Rivers Woods Citties Vi●lages and strong Castles exceling many other Lands in the World and therefore given by God for an Inheritance to the Father of the faithful and his Seed the children of Israel as a type of the Heavenly Canaan the place of perfect and accomplished joy and happiness The exceeding
great number of Citties in this Land is almost incredible yet that you may the better conceive of it we have thought fit to add a Catalogue of the Kingly Citties which Joshua by lot devided to the children of Israel as follows To the Tribe of Ruben Hesh●●n Madian P●tra To Manasse G●●al F●a-D●r Ta●●a●● M●g●●●● Israel Th●●z● Ashtaroth Domas●●● Ed●●● Gesur Maachath Zoba Them●●● Madon To Gad Rabbah To Benjamin ●●thel A● Gibe●● Jer●sa●●● Jericho To Simeon Debir Gerar. To Zebulon Jok●eam Simron Mer●● To Issachat Apbek To Asher Achsaph Lassor●n Tyre Zidon To Naphtali Hazor Edrei Heleph Hamm●th To Dan. Ekron Gath. Lac●is To Judah Harad Arab. Makked●h Lib●a Eglon. Bes●k Hebron Adullam Tappua To Ephraim G●●ur Tappuah L●ssaron Samaria in all 52 Kingly Citties This Description of the Land of Canaan may be thought unproper in this place since we pretend to shew you the children of Israels forty years wandering through the Wilderness But because you may know what Land it was God had ordained for them after their Trials and Travels and because we intend in our Discourse upon the Mapp of Canaan to treat mostly upon the Actions and Passages of our Saviour Jesus Christ in this Land therefore we thought fit to insert this Discourse here and to omit it in the next Mapp Wherefore Having thus given you an account of the Land of Promise we come next to shew the Perigrination of the children of Israel towards it through the Wildernesses of Paran Zin Kadesh c. where for your information take notice that the double prickt line in the Map shews the passage they made and where you find six little round thus besides the prickt line it shews where they pitched their Tents Each Station is marked with numerical figures to which the numerical figures in the Mapp and Book bear particular referrences But to the purpose God having purposed that the posterity of Abraham should remain as strangers in a strange Land 430 years And this time being expired he took notice of their miserable bondage and how they were supprest and tasked of the Egyptians he heard the sighs and complaints of his People and therefore sent his servants Moses and Aaron to lead them out of Egypt into the Promised land And because King Pharaoh opposed them therefore God sent all sorts of plagues upon Egypt so that at last Pharaoh and his people were not only willing to let them go but even in a manner drove them out of the land The children of Israel therefore gathered themselves together from all parts of the land to Rameses and ate the Paschal Lamb on the 14. day of the moneth Ibib. Exod. 13. 4. which with us is part of the moneth of March and by them accounted the first moneth of the Year 2583. years after the Creation of the World The next day to wit the 15 day of the first moneth they journeyed from thence to Succoth at fig. 1. in the Mapp and from thence to Etham at fig. 2. on the edge of the Wilderness and there encamped themselves From thence they turned to Pi-hahiroth at fig. 3. between Migdal and the Sea where they were overtaken by the Egytians But God set his Angel behind the camp to guard it And having provided a Pillar of Cloud and a Pillar of Light the one to guide them in the Day and the other to light them in the Night placed the Pillar of loud behind the Israelites and it became a Light to them but Darkness to the Egyptians so as they could not come at them Israel being thus beset on each side with high mountains behind with an Enemy and before with the Red Sea cryed unto the Lord who by the hands of his servant Moses caused the Waters to part and they went over on dry Ground But when the Egyptians persued them the Waters returned again and covered them and their Chariots so that they were all drowned in the Sea and not one of them escaped Hereat the People rejoyce and Moses and Miriam sing praises to the Lord for their deliverance But journeying farther come to the bitter Waters of Marah at fig. 4. where they encamped and murmurred against Moses who by the Lords direction threw a Tree into the Waters and they became sweet Exod. 15. 25. From hence they journeyed to Elim at fig. 5. and encamped there where they found twelve Fountains of Water and seventy Palm Trees From thence they came to the coasts of the Red Sea at fig. 6. And from thence to the Wilderness of Sin at fig. 7. and encamped there on the 15 day of the second Moneth after they came out of the Land of Egypt Here they again murmurred against Moses for want of Flesh calling for the Flesh pots and Bread of Egypt Wherefore the Lord pittying them sent them their dayly bread from Heaven which they called Mannah and caused a great number of Qua●●s to come out of the Sea to seed them with Then they journeyed from Sin and set up their Tents in Dep●k●● at fig. 8. From thence to Alush at fig. 9. Thence Rep●●dim at fig. 10 where there was no Water to drink wherefore the People again murmur at Moses and tempred the Lord and therefore the name of the place was called Massah and 〈◊〉 Exod. 17. 7. Nevertheless the Lord commanded Moses to smite the Rock and there came forth Water for the People to drink Here also Amalek came forth against Israel and Moses and Aaren and Hur went up to the top of the Hill where Moses lined up his hand 〈◊〉 Prayer to the Lord and Israel prevailed but when his hands grew heavy so that he could not hold them up Amalek prevailed against Israel therefore Aaron and ●ur got a stone for Moses to sit on and held up his hands steddy till Amlek was quite discomfited Afterwards came Jethro the Father in law of Moses and Priest of Midian whom Moses received with reverence and love And Jethra brought with him his daughter Zioporah Moses wife and her two sons Gerskon and Eliezer Jethro seeing the great paine and trouble Moses had in judging the People concels him to seek out Wise Couragious and Jastmen fearing God and set them as Rulers over thousands over hundreds and over tens and what causes were too great for them they should bring before Moses This pleased Moses well and he did so And his Father in law departed into his own Countrey The same day the Israelites departed out of Riphidim and encamped in the Wilderness of Sinai at fig. 11. against the Mountains which are also in part called Horeb Here God came down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the People and gave them his Law first by word of mouth and afterwards to Moses in two Tables written on Stone by God himself after he had been forty dayes in the Mount with God Exod. 32. 16. and Deut. 9. 9 10 11. But Moses coming down and seeing the Idolatry of the People towards the Golden Calf waxed
the 3 Taverns 63 and so to Rome Here S. Paul first preached to the Jews but they being most of them hardned he preached two full years to the Gentiles having liberty to dwell in an hyred house of his own having only one Soldier for his guard Act. 28. 1 c. Anno 60. He continues prisoner in Rome and this year he wrote the Epistle to the Galatians Gal. 1. 1. And likewise he wrote to the Ephesians Eph. 1. 1. Anno 62. He was still prisoner but received dayly the benevolence of the Churches Epaphroditus brought him the good will of the Philippians by whom he returned his Epistle to the Philippians Phil. 11. 1. Then came Timothy with the alms of Ephesus And a while after came Onesinus run away from his Master by whom S. Paul returned the Epistle to Philemon Then came Epaphras to Rome and not unlikely be brought with him the alms of the Colossians to whom be returned an Epistle sent by Tychicus of Colophon And finally after 2 years imprisonment he came to a hearing before Nero and though most of his friends fell off yet was he acquitted 2 Tim. 4 16 17. And now being at liberty some think he prosecuted his Journey into Spain as he had promised Rom. 15. 24. Anno 63. He was in Spain or in his way thither preaching the Gospel This year S. James at Jerusalem suffered martyrdome in whose place S. Simon his brother was chosen Bishop Eus. Ecc. Hist. B. 2. ch 11. 23. Ios. Ant B. 20. ch 8. S. Paul in Gallia ordained Cresceus Bishop of Calcedon Dor. Syn. Anno 64. S. Paul out of Gallia took shipping and sayled into Greece Anno 65. S. Paul in Macedonia visited the Churches and landed at Troas i● Asia where Carpus was Bishop He left him his Cloak and certain parchment writings and went up into Phrygia unto Laodecea and from thence wrote his first Epistle to T●mothy at Ephesus 1 Tim. 3. 14. 15. promising shortly to come thither to him But it fell out otherwise For in the mean time the news arriving of the persecutions ar R●me he leaving off all farther thought hasted to be there And accordingly going from Laodicea to Miletum There he left Trophimus one of his Companions sick Hence he sailed away to Corinth where Erastus tarryed for him by appointment 2. Tim. 4. 20. And hence he sayled away to Rome where S. Peter also met him In the meantime the poor Christians in Rome were crucified torn with beasts and burnt in fire Tac. An. B. 15. ch 44. But S. Paul at Rome greatly encouraged and so did S. Peter From hence S. Paul at this time wrote his second Epistle to Timothy desiring his company S. Paul was clapt up a prisoner betrayed by Alexander the Coppersmith of Ephesus 2 Tim. 4. 14 15. Demas forsook the Faith Anno 66. S. Peter and S. Paul were both prisoners at Rome Timothy and Trophimus came to Rome to S. Paul Anno 67. June 29. S. Peter was crucified with his head downwards and Olympas and Rhodion his companions suffered with him S. Paul was beheaded and with him suffered his companions Aristarchus Trophimus and Pudens Eus. Ecc. Hist. B. 2. ch 25. Tertul. in Apol. ch 5. Dor. Syn. Thus ended the travels of this painful Father after he had spent some 32 years in preaching the Gospel and had run over many thousands of miles by Land and Water for the promulgation thereof The History of JERUSALEM BAbylon and Rome were not so much famed for their atchievements Warlike but Jerusalem was as famous as either and beyond them both for Stories Sacred and miraculous She stands in account for Antiquity far beyond Rome and but a few years on this side the confusion of Tongues much of the same date with the City of Babylon for according to the reckoning of Calistenes in his Letter to Aristotle from Babylon at what time it was taken by Alexander That this City had stood 1903 years And according to this computation was Babylon founded some few years after the confusion when ●●m passed over Euphrates with the Canaanites Mitsraimites and Phutites all following towards Egypt whereof Canaan dropt by the way and seated in the Holy Land In this pleasant and most fertile Countrey the numerous Off-spring of these prophane Canaanites overspread themselves and called it in parcels each Tribe after his Fathers name but remembring the whole Countrey by the name of their Grandsire Canaan Here several of his Sons built Cities among others Jebus built one and called it Jebus which some time after was called Jerusalem or Hierosolyma The authour of the Book of Joshua remembers it by this name but then was it only for that this sacred Pen-man called it as it had the name in his own age wherein the writer lived and not as it was in the dayes of Iohsua For until this City was conquered by K. David and established his Royal seat we find no other name it had but Iebus only from whence the Conquerour called it after himself Kiriath David or the City of David And under that name was it known all the daies of that famous King and after untill K. Solomon enlarged and beautified the City and adorned it with the sacred and never enough to be admired Temple of God therein which became more famous all over the World than ever was that one of the 7 Wonders of the World the huge Temple of Diana at Ephesus Now by reason of these noble additions of Salomon and for that it was an embleme of this Princes most peaceable reign and more for that it was enriched with the most sacred Temple of Peace wherein all People were to make attonement for their sins in order to obtain their everlasting peace with God it was ever after called Hierosolyma in the Hebrew tongue which was as much as to say the Inheritance of Peace or the vision of Peace And such especially was it in the daies of our Saviour when the Peace of God which passeth all understanding was preached and seen there reigning Phil. 4. 7. This City was held by the Iebusites while it was called Iebus from the year of its first foundation untill the taking thereof by K. David about 1170 years reckoning from about 20 or 30 years after the confusion or about 120 or 130 after N●●hs Floode at what time Jebus under his father Canaan sat down in those parts After reigned here   years King David 33. King Solomon son of David 40. Rehoboam son of Solomon 17. Abijam son of Rehoboam 3. Asa son of Abijam 41 Jehoshaphat son of Asa 25 Anion son of Manasseh 2. Josiah son of Anion 31 Athalia Wife of Ahaziah 6 Joash son of Ahaziah 40. Jehoram together with his Father 4 and after him 4. Ahaziah son of Jehoram 1. Amaziah son of Joash 29 Uzziah son of Amaziah 52. Jothan son of Uzziah 16. Ahaz son of Jothan under his Father and after 16. Hezekiah son of Ahaz 92. Manasseb son of
Hezekiah 55 Jeheohaz son of Josiah 3m 00 Jeboiakim brother of Jeho 11. Jehoiachim son of Jehoiachim 3 moneths and ten days 00. Zedekiah brother of Jehoia 11. And after one year more followed the Captivity 1. The whole sum of these times was 463 years and 6 moneths and 10 daies whereof 390 years were from the rebellion of the ten Tribes unto the Captivity and the 33 years of David 40 of Salomon and 6 moneths of Rehoboam before the rebellion made out the rest Only the 10 daies were nothing else but so many dayes excess of one year wherein the Sun went backwards in the dayes of Ahaz At the end of these years came the Caldeans from Babylon and utterly destroyed both City and Countrey and Kingdom and People In the midst of his 11 year was K. Zedekiah taken and his children now slain before his face and finally his eyes put out and he ended his dayes in bondage Ier. 52. 6. But in the midst of the next year both City and Temple suffered by Fire And yet not so but that the sacred Vessels were preserved only with the Citizens suffered they all like fate and were carryed away into captivity Ier. 52. 12 13. Ezek. 33. 21. After all this yet held out Gedalia one part of a year as Vassal to the Caldeans until by the end of the year he was slain by Ismael The remainder of the People fled away into Aegypt and carryed Ieremiah the Prophet with them Ier. 43. Then sang the Prophet his lamentable Song Lam. Ieremiah ch 1. c. 70 years lay this city desolate and all the countrey ruinate the walls were pulled down and the houses became meer ashes and rubbish the Owl lodged there and the grass grew in the streets for want of Passengers to tread it down the Trees bore all manner of fruit and yet rotted the Apples Pears and Plumbs for want of hands to pluck them the Ground brought forth plenty of Herbs and Grass which withered to Earth again for want of mouths to eat it up and Weeds grew every where in steed of Corn for want of People to till the Ground And thus continued it until the Land had her fill of Sabbaths for 70 years time that it la● thus desolate 2 Chron. 36. 21. During these times while the People were captive at Babylon reigned over these wasts Nebuchadnezzar 25 years Evilmerodach his son 28 years Belshazzar his sons son 17 years 2 Chron. 36. 20. At the end of the 14 year of Belshazzar came Cyrus King of Persia and Darius the Median Prince and laid siege unto Babylon for 3 years together At the end of which was Belshazzar drinking Wine in the holy Vessels of Gods Temple and making merry with his Whores in Babylon when the Hand-writing appeared on the Wall made him tremble for feat And the night after Cyrus having drained the River Euphrates dry the city was taken and Belshazzar slain Dan. 5. And then reigned Darius 1 year On that year was it Daniel the Prophet set himself to seek the Lord by Fasting and Prayer for that he had understood by Books that the 70 years were clean run out in order that the People might be restored again every man to his own city and countrey and that the Temple and City might be restored Dan. 9. Immediately was this Prayer heard and on the same year dyed King Darius And Cyrus coming in place gave order for the return out of captivity And accordingly the Gold and Silver and Vessels of the Temple being delivered up into the hands of Zerobabel they lost no time but immediately came away rejoycing for the good hope that God had given them 〈◊〉 first year could they do but little more than set them up poor hutts to lodge 〈…〉 they were carrying away the Rubbish to lay the foundation of the Tem●●● 〈◊〉 congratulate their return one with another The second year they went on 〈◊〉 with the re-edification of the Temple And so the third untill the command 〈…〉 to forbear Then had these poor Strangers as yet in their 〈…〉 lament their hard hap that the house of God should stand only in 〈…〉 the naked walls without a roof Thus it continued all the dayes of 〈…〉 his absence in Aegypt under the Mages and after that all the while 〈…〉 otherwise called Artaxerxes held Babylon against Darius Hystas●● 〈…〉 years During these times the Jews built them houses in Ieru●●● 〈…〉 ●●lling until reproved by the Prophets Haggai and Zachariah 〈…〉 Darius after the Babilonion Rebel was overthrown they began 〈…〉 and were incouraged by the King In 5 years space was 〈…〉 in 2 years more the Courts were compleated After 〈…〉 this City still rising into Beauty and Honour more and more 〈…〉 her self again only still she b●●oaned her naked body 〈…〉 was the goodness of God that no sooner were the Streets made ready and the Houses finished in their order but the heart of the King of Persia favoured so far as to allow them Walls too And to this purpose Nehemiah came with Commission to see it done Thus rose this Phenix out of her Ashes after she had slept in Rubbish many years and like a Virgin she began to sing again for 62 weeks of years or 434 years until the comming of the Messiah During these times were chief Rulers of Jerusalem and principal of the Sanedrim there and High Priests Rulers years Jerubabel son of Shealtiel 58 Rhesa Meskullum son of Zarub 66 Johannab●n Rhesa 54 Hir●anus son of Joham●● 14 Joseph son of Hir●anus 7 Abner son of Joseph 11 Mattathias son of Abner 12 Azarmahat son of Mat. 9 Artarat Naum son of Azar 10 Haggai Eli. son of Nahum 8 Mas●t Nahum son of Haggai 7 Amos Sirah son of Mas●●● 14 Mattathias Silea son of Amos called in Josephus The●●hilus 1● Joseph Arses son of Mat. ●0 ●anna Hir●anus son of Joseph interrupted by Antioch●● Epip●●nes fled and slew himselfe 16 Judas Mac●abeus son of Mattathia● ●●ood up in defence of the Jews against the abomina●ion introduced by Antioc●us Epiphanes in the daies of Janna and after Janna was dead 2 Judas slain Jonathan his brother des●ndeth 14 High Priests years Jesus son of Josedech 56 Joak●m son of Jesus who officiated under his Father at what time Holofernes Head was cut off by Judeth And in whose time the building went foreward again 48 Elia●hib son of Joakim 21 Jehojada son of Eliashim 24 Johanan son of Jehojada whose brother Manasses married the daughter of Sa●ballat 24 Joddus son of Johanan in the daies of Alexander the great 14 Onias son of J●ddus 21 Simon son of Onias 13 Eleazar brother of Simon 33 Manasses Brother of Omas and Unkle unto Simon and E●●azar the High Priest 15 Omias II 14 Simon the just son of Eleazar 10 Onias III son of Simon the just 39 Onias basely murdered his Brother Jason 4 Mene●us another Brother obtained by bribery ● Alcimus a stranger held the High Priesthood ● Alcimus dead there was no
H. Pr. ● Rulers and High Priests years But in the first year of Alexander Pal● King● of Syria Jonath●● was made both H Priest and Governour ● Simon brother of Jenathan Governour and H Priest ● Simon slain John son of S●●on Governour and H. Priest 31 John sirnamed Hircan●● dead Aristobulus his son was king and H. Priest ● Aristobulus dead Jann●●s Alexander his brother King and H. P. 〈◊〉 Alex. dead Salome his wife was Queen 9. and Hircanus son of Alex H P. 9 Salome dead Aristobulus took away both Kingdome and H. Priesthood from his elder brother Hircanus and held 5 Jerusalem taken by Pompey the Roman Aristob● and his sons were taken Prisoners and Hircanus was made King and H Priest again 21 Antigonus son of Aristolulus by ayd of the Parthians was King and H. P. ● Rulers years Her●d son of Antipate● the Idum●●● was made King by the Senate of Rome and warred upon Antigo●us all his time Antigonus slaine Herod reigned 39 In time of this Herod was Jesus Christ born at Bethelem Archelaus son of great Herod 5 He deposed Cop●nius the Roman was made Govenour 3 M. Ambivius Governed 2 A● Rufus Governed 2 Valerius Gratus under Tib●●●t 11 Pontius Pilat by whom Christ was crucifyed 11 M●●c●llus 2 Mar●llus 4 Herod Agrippa was King of all Palestine Cuspius Fadus Governed 3 Tiberius Ale●●nder 2 Ventidus Cumanus 3 Antonius Foelix 7 Under whom S. Paul was prisoner P●rticus Festus 3 Albinus 2 Gessius Florus under whom began the rebellion of the Jews 3 Vespatian who overcame the Jews Titus son of Vespatian under who● the City and Temple ●ereburned 1 Lu●ius Bassa who reduced ●assad● The To●● 587 High Priests yers Anancel made H. Priest by Herod 1 Aristobulus grandchild to Hircanus 1 He drownded by command of Herod Anancel held again 9 Jesus son of Fab●us after him held 3 Simon son of ●oethus Father in law of Herod 19 Mattathias son of Theophilus 1 During this year Zacha●ias the Father of S. John Baptist efficiated under Mattathias on the Fast day only Joaz●● son of Simon B●ethus held 2 Eleaxer brother of 〈◊〉 3 Jesus son of Sea 2 Annas son of Sethi● 7 Ismael 1 Elea●●● son of 〈◊〉 1 Sim●● 1 Joseph sirnamed Cai●ph●● son i● law of Annas 17 Jonathan son of Annas 2 The oph●lus brother of Jonathan 5 Simon 1 Nattath●● 1 Ae●●neus 1 Simon 1 Joseph ● Ananias son of Na●●deus ● Ismael 5 Ananias son of Annas 1 Jesus ● Jesus son of Gama●●● 1 Mattathias 6 Phanes a man of lov degree during the sledge 1 No body for 2 The Total 583 Thus was the Goverment of Jerusalem ordered by the Rulers and Priests during th●se times untill the day came of the utter subversion thereof During the Persian Monarchy she saw but few evil days In the days of King Artaxexes Longhand there was one Haman son of Hamedatha the Aggagite who was in danger to have undon the whole Nation of the lews all the Worldover But by the goodhand of God and by the means of Queen Esther and Mordica that cloud happily blew over See the Book of Esther This was some few years before the comming of Nehemiah to restore the Walls of Jerusalem For that commission of Nehemiah by favour of this Queen Esther was procured Nehem. 2. 6. In these days lived Judith of Bethulia a very famous Woman this was she who cut off the head of Holifernes This Holifernes was a great Commander General under Nabochodonozor And that Nebochodonozor reigned at Babylon during the time of King Darius at Susha● in Persia and rebelled against the King of Persia. And during this rebellion having vanquished one Arphaxad a Deputy Prince of Media under Darius he waxed proud and sent Holofernes out Westward against Judea and others while himself made head against the Persians But this Holofernes perishing being over witted by Judith Judith ●1 ch 2. c. Nabochodonozor was vanquished by Darius and finally being shut up in Babylon was betrayed by Zopuras And Darius reigned overall Herodiat B. 1. And in the second year after this was that second of Darius at what time the building of the Temple went forward Ez. 6. After this lived Judith some 70 years or more into the reign of Darius Nothus during all which time none made the children of Israel afraid nor of a long time after Judith 16. 25. In the days of Artaxerxes Ochus there was one Bagoses who was Lievetenant to the King of Persia in these parts who came to Jerusalem and threatned somwhat the reason was because of Jonathan the H. Priest who had ●lain his brother Manasseh for that Manasseh had 〈◊〉 a daughter of Sanballar of Sa●aria and contended with him for the Priesthood Jos. Ant. Neh. 13. 28. But when Alexander gat the Empyre Sanballat got the start of the Jews and having opportunity by the foretop struck in with the Conquerour and incensed him against them But as Alexander lay before Gaza Sanballat dyed before the walls thereof and missed of his will to see his ends upon the Jews accomplished Howbeit Alexander having mastered Gaza came against Jerusalem in great wrath But Jaddus being H. Priest at that time came out of the City in his Priestly robes to meet him whom Alexander no sooner saw but his wrath turned all to reverence For having afore dreamt of just such a person as soon as he saw him he remembred his dream and doing him great honour left also noble marks of his curtesie behind him at Jerusalem Jos. Ant. But Alexand●r being dead Ptolomeus Lagus Lord of Aegypt was not so civil For he coming upon the City upon the Sabbath day while they made no defence took his advantage of their superstition and surprized the City and made the Citizens his captives and carryed away many prisoners of them into Aegypt Jos. Ant. Yet the next year Antigonus got away this City from Ptolomy again And now was a very bad time with the Jews for Palestine lying 〈◊〉 the mid way between Syria and Aegypt it was an apt prey unto whom soever was Conquerour And thus somtimes the Egyptians were their Lords and otherwhiles the Syria●s but both ways the Jews were slaves Jos. Ant. Dan. 5. 6. c. Until in the end Ptolomeus having utterly routed Antigonus enjoyed whole Palestine in peace After him Ptol. Philadelphus held it who did the Jews much honour and caused the famous translation of the old Testament into the Greek tongue by the Septuagint J●s Ant. 〈◊〉 Chr●● After Philadelphus held Pt. Ever●●● all his time in whose time Jesus son of 〈◊〉 wrote his Book called 〈◊〉 But 〈◊〉 called the great disturbed 〈…〉 away the whole Country from Epiphanes his son yet shewed kindness to the jews J●s Ant. ●●n 11. 13. For 〈◊〉 having oppressed them they m●te aptly complyed with 〈◊〉 Dan. 1. 14. But the son of this Antiochees called Ephiphanes was a bloudy persecuter who poltuted the Sanctuary of the most High and took away the dayly
Sacrifice and set up the abominations of 〈◊〉 for the space of 〈◊〉 thousand and two hundred days Dan. 11. 31. 8. 11 12 13 14. and made havock of the People of Jerusalem killing and carrying away captives and compelling them to sacrifice to Idols until few of them were left ● Mac. 1. 2. Mat. 5. These were bitter 〈◊〉 and comparable to the daies of the Bayb●ni●ns or worse until Judas 〈◊〉 and his br●thren with a smal help stood up and adventured their lives for the law of God and did wonders and cleansed the alter of God and restored religion Dan. 8. 14. ch 11. 34. Jos. Ant. 1 Ma● 4. this Judas spent his life in fighting Gods battels and was victorious and after him Jonathan his brother did the like and got ground and became famous untill he was basely murd●●d by 〈◊〉 But Simon another brother cast out the Gentiles from the holy City and restored Jerusalem and the worship of God and from this time foreward once again began the Jews to be their own masters and to give laws to their neighbour Princes 1 Mat. 13. Jos. Ant. B. 13. ch ●1 Yet this Simon was also slain by treachery 1 Mat. ch last But his 〈…〉 John revenged 〈…〉 and grew great and prevailed against the syrians J●s Ant. B. 11. 〈◊〉 15 and let his 〈…〉 his eldest son This man would be called King but dyed after one year● 〈◊〉 and Alexander his brother succeeded him who 〈◊〉 with the Syrians and his one rebellious subjects 27 years Before these times the Jews were grow● famous for skill and knowledge and that especially in d●●ine things In the return from captivity 〈…〉 famous Scribe or a great learned man E●r 7. 6. after him rose up Simon the just a great promoter of learning Eccl. 1. 50. After him followed Antigonus Socheus This man was zealous of Gods law and had many followers But all zealots are not so holy as they seeme for from this corrupted zeal sprang up the Pharisees Amongst others was one Sadoc scholar of Ant●gonus who yet in the end wearyed with the strict life of religion fell off and became the Father of the Sadducees John Hircanus the H. Priest being vexed with the insolencies of the Pharisees became a professed Sadduce and so his sons after him But in the days of this Alexander the Pharisees were so popular that they gave law to the King him self and occasioned him many stirs and troubles After Alex●nder S●lome his Wife reigned some years but she dead Aristobulus the yonger son was very troublesome and put his elder brother besides the Throne But in those days came Pompey the great into Syria in persuit of his conquests and taking advantage of the disorders among the Jews took Jerusalem and prophaned the Temple with his presence and left them in servitude of the Romans After a while came Crassus by in his Parthian expedition and robd the Temple But in the end Herod the son of Antipater an Edomite a man of base and mean parentage procured the Kingdom by craft and good Fortune and reigned many years At latter end of his time was Jesus Christ born In these daies flourished this City of Jerusalem in wealth peace and honour as well as in all manner of wisdom and knowledge Only the Jews could not be contented being under the authoritie of this stranger and swayed by the Roman power Jos. Ant. Luke ● 5. But alass their pride was far a greater mischief to them than their slavery For that notwithstanding they enjoyed liberty and plenty but by means of this they could not receive Christ and so lost that liberty he brought them from Heaven For whilst God Almighty presented them with a greater treasure than ever the world knew before besides or since so over-wise were they in their own eyes that they despised it Jo● 1. 11. Now was this City the happiest City in all the World had she but known her own happiness wherein it lay and when she was well Happy was she in her strength of walls and strength of hands within those walls happy in her wealth and happy in her peace happy in her stately stree●s but happyer in the rarest and richest Temple that ever eyes heheld but infinitely beyond all these happyest in that the ever blessed Saviour of the World was come among them and taught them in that Temple the doctrine of peace and eternal life Zac. 9. 9. Mat. 21. 5. c. 9 c. Ah but they knew not the things that belonged unto their peace when that day was and therefore hence forward was it hid from their eyes And therefore was it foretold what the enemy should do unto them and how the days should come wherein one stone should not be left upon another of all the goodly buildings she had to be proud of Luk. 9. 41 42 43. ch 21. 6. And accordingly so it came to pass Forty yeary under the type of forty daies God had promised to beare the 〈◊〉 of the house of Judah Ezek 4. 6. An this seemed to be fulfilled at this time For so many years bearing dare from the murder of Christ unto the final destruction of the Jews were fulfiled In the year of Christ 32 fulfilled and 33 current was our Saviour crucified the Jews crying out to Pontius Pilat saying his bloud be on us and on our children Mat. 27. 25. And many years after this went away these murderers with their wiped mouths as if they had done no hurt And the Apostles and other disciples of Christ were some killed and others imprisoned and persecuted from place to place and yet still went these away no man questioning ought that they had done But as these 40 years began to grow on so vengance began to draw upon this ungratefull people and first like a gathering cloud it hovered over head and shed its drops round about Jerusalem before the City it self was washed with its bloudie shower The first after Christ death who felt this lowring vengance were the Jews at Rome who being detected in certain treacheries upon one Fulvia a noble Lady of Rome and complanied on to Tiberius the Emperour by S. ●arnius the Ladies husband All the Iews of Rome for the sake of those few faulty were banished slaughtered and driven into Sardinia to the number of many thousands Jos. Ant. B 18 ch 5. Next unto these the Iews of Alexandria upon a trifling quarrel in the daies of Caius the Emp. for 3 years together were continually persecuted with scornes robberies slaughters and exile unto an infinite loss both of wealth and bloud Phil. Jud. in his second B. of virtues Jos. Ant B. 1● ch 10. After this about the beginning of Claudius the Iews at Babylon in Caldea followed the same fate suffering the slaughter of many thousands until the survivers escaped thence int● Seleucia But here too at 5 years end both Greeks and Syrians fell upon them at once and 〈◊〉 of them more than 50000. men Thence fled
the escaped remnant to Ctesiphon but here 〈◊〉 Nations joyned together against them drove them away to the strong holds of Nearda and Nisibis Jos. Ant. B. 18. ch 12. After this Jerusalem began to feel woo too For in the days of C●manus the Govenour by means of a quarrel with the Centinel at the Temple gate were 20000 men slain at the Passeover time Next in the time of Foelix the Govenour were many quarrels and slaughters both at Jerusalem and Cesarea Jos. Ant B. 20. ch 4. ch 6. 7. 8. But as the 40 years grew nearer up finally came Gessius Florus in the reign of Nero to be Govenour of Jerusalem who as if he had made it his business to pick quarrels with them gave himself wholy to bloud and rapine In the 21th of Nero and 6●th of Christ were many thousand Jews slain by this mans meanes at Cesarea And a while after the persecution following to Jerusalem there those noble Iews who had the honour of Roman Knighthood yet could not escape the lash of Florus but by publique whipping and murder many perished But these were but beginning of sorows Jos. of the warrs ch 13. 14. 15. Hence presently the wars broke out And as if all Nations had hated the Iews and were glad of the oppertunity in all places presently they began to slaughter them at Cesarea the Syriaus slew 20000. Iews and at Scythopol●● the inhabitants slew 13000. more of them at As●a●on they slew 10000 at Ptol●mais 20000 at Tyrus a great many and so at Gadara● at Alexandria the old grudge revived and the Greeks and Egyptians there slew 50000. Cestius Gallus burnt and spoyled the City Zo●●lon 〈◊〉 Gallus slew 2000 in Asamon and C●sti●s 8000. more in Ioppa at Damascus were slain 10000 〈◊〉 Govenour of Askelon slew in barrle 10000 at one time and 8000 at another Ios. 〈…〉 B 2 ch 16 17 18 c. B. 3 ch ● After this came Vespotian into Gallile and wasted the Countrie took Gadara and killed without mercy Titus his son slew 15000 Iews at 〈…〉 took 〈◊〉 and slew there 40000 men a● Joppa perished by shipwrack and slaughter 4200 at Tarich●a upon the lake were slain and taken captives above 13000. men and at 〈◊〉 perished 9000 more and at Gis●ala 5000. were ●●ain and taken captives In the 13th year of Nero Gadir● was taken a second time and 15000. Iews were slain and taken captives there Next at 〈…〉 perished 10000. and 1000 captives And lastly at 〈◊〉 and thereabout followed great slaughters J●s of the war B. 3. ch 4. 6. 11. 12. 1● 16. c B. 4 ch 1. 3 4 5 6. But now a while some intermission happening unto these slaughters by meanes of 〈…〉 absence yet great slaughters and Opression reigned at Jerusalem by reason of seditious Tyrants arising from among themselves with these joyned the Idumeans who slew great numbers of the Iewish Nobility Jos. of th●●ar B. 4. ch 5. 6. 7. B 5. 1. 7. B. 6. ● But in the first of Vespatian the Emperour and 70th o● Christ the Iews from all parts of the World were assembled at the feast of the Passeover at Jerusalem at what time Titus came with his armie and shut them in with a close seidge Now after various success and much slaughter on both sides on the 7th of May the Romans brok down the outward wall and took the new City on the 12th of May he took the second wall but lost it again but on the 15 he took it and kept it and with it gained all the lower City After this followed grievious Famine in the higher City 600000 men were publiquely burryed in the City besides what in private A bushel of corn was sold for 600 crowns and the dung of Oxen was an excellent dish in those days But during these afflictions on the 5th of July the Romans took the Fort Antonia Then began the women to eat their own children for hunger And the men dropt down dead as they walked in the streets On the 8th of August the Temple was taken and fired And then was all the lower City burnt into ashes And lastly on the 7th of September was also the higher Citie taken and burnt Jos. of the war B. 6 B. 7. during this siedge were 1100000. slain and in this War were taken 97000 captives besides many millions that perished in silence Thus ended this famous City in the 38 year after Christs death And thus perished those cursed Jews as they had wished saying his his bloud be on us and on our children Ten years after this some Forts still held out But in the year 72. and 40. ended since Christs murder was Massada taken and all Judea left desolate Yet after this beginning to people again they rebelled in the reign of Hadrian but were therefore utterly driven the Countery and Ierusalem was rebuilt upon Mount Ca●vary and called Aelia but no Iews might come there anymore FINIS In the Table of Kings fol. 76. the first Collum●e is false printed And must thus be corrected Jehoram and Ahoziah should begin the Collumne Athalia and 〈◊〉 should follow Ahaziah And 〈◊〉 should begin the third Columne Now it does appear that S. Paul wrote the 2d Epist to the 〈◊〉 in Anno 55 and this trance was 14 year● before It was certainly therefore in Anno 40. And so by consequence the martyrdom of this James was in the same year some time before Some are of opinion this City was first called Salem or Solyma and that it had the name in the dayes of Abraham But it seems a mistake in the Ancients For ●●st it was called Jebus in the dayes of Oth●●l after Joshua was dead Jud. 19. 10. and this was a long time after the dayes of Abraham And therefore either it had been called Salem for some time only by way of interruption to the name of Jebus or else was never so called For Jebus the father of the Jebusites was some hundreds of years elder than Abraham But then how should this interruption come or indeed how could the Priest of the most high God by any reasonable possibility at any time so interrupt and thrust in as to found a City of his own amidst this prophane people For either he was descended of some of the Canaani●ish Tribes or from some other If from the Canaanites How came he to be in such a Sacred place as Priest of the most high God Or was there possibly some sacred Person amidst that most cursed People Yet why so eminently was he called Priest of the most high as if none but He or at lest so as He And that too while Shem the son o● Noah was yet living of whom Noah said Blessed be the Lord God of Shem and let Canaan be his servant And God perswade Japhet that he may dwell in the tents of Shem Was this Melchizedeck a greater man than Shem Gen 9. 26 27 Or was he Sh●m himself If so How came be to seat there amongst the Canaan●●● or at least How came to be a Priest there where he had no People o● but few to dwell within his Tents Or how came he to pitch his Tents there where those who would be perswaded to dwell in them could not aptly be admitted to come at him No therefore though with submission to our Elders and under favour of their correction we speak it this was not that Salem where Melchizedeck was Prince There was another Salem in the land of Canaan But rather this man was Melchisalem as he was Melchizedeck King of Peace 〈◊〉 he was King of righteousness or a Prince Peaceable rather than Prince of any City called Peace and seems indeed to have been that very Shem the son of Noah who at eldest of his own Tribe was the great Priest of Priests under God over all those who descended from his own Loin● as this Abraham did