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A16370 A treatyse of ye ryght honourynge and wourshyppyng of our sauiour Iesus Christe in the sacrame[n]t of breade and wyne when it is ministred wyth thankes geuing at the holy supper: sette forth by Rycharde Bonner priest, in ye yeare of our lord god. M. CCCCC xlviii. and the .xii. of Nouember. Bonner, Richard. 1548 (1548) STC 3287; ESTC S110945 54,307 174

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folowyng of his other commaundementes But to proue the externall wourshyppyng of the sacrament when it was not receyued all that euer the Pope coulde bryng in out of the holy doctors was this sayeng onely of sainct Austyne No man eateth the fleshe of Christe that dothe not worshippe it before Whiche saying we iudge to be right godly spokē But that in these wordes saincte Austyne meaned of the worshyppinge of the sacrament with handes and knees without the receyuing of it a thing whiche was vtterly vnknowen in saincte Austines dayes and not rather of the spirituall worshyppyng of it is not to be thought For to worshyppe the fleshe of Christe can be nothynge elles than with an humble and penitent mynde to shew vs to beleue this surely of oure sauioure Christes fleshe fyrste that he hath offred it vp vpon the crosse instituted this sacramēt to assure vs that the same one offerīg hath purchased vs the remissyō of our sinnes for euer To wo●ship th● fleshe o● Christ did therfore present offre vnto vs frely the grace good wyll of God by it for to helpe vs to beleue surely in it both for the remission of our synnes and for the receyuing of hys grace and strengthe to amende them agayne and then humblye to receyue thys sacrament in the same fayth wyth a good purpose to vse the grace geuen vs by the same to the vtter mortifying of our owne fleshe Thys is the trewe wourshyppynge of the fleshe of Christ ether at the receyuyng of thys sacrament or at the exercysyng of any other of Christes commaundementes And thus maye we wourshyppe the fleshe of Christe and receyue it also thorow fayth and by the applyeng of our selues to his hole lawes as to the hearynge or redyng of his holy worde or to the exercysynge of fast prayer and almose dedes euen aswell as by the receyuyng of this holy sacrament And therfore to wourshyppe the fleshe of Christ before we do eate it can be nothyng elles than to beleue surely in the death and resurrection of it Fyrst and than to obey and folowe his commaundementes with all dilygence And that we can not wourshyppe the fleshe of Christe anye otherwise than thus as is aforesaid neither yet reserue or comprehende it in the sacramentes for to be worshipped though the elementes or creatures of that breade and wyne whyche hath bene ones vsed at the holye souper maye be reserued but onelye when they do ministre vnto vs these wordes take eate take drynke lyke as God hath appoynted them maye easely be perceyued by the holy sacrament of baptysme Vnto the whiche we iudge no honoure to be due but onely when the water doeth certyfie vs that our soules are wasshed within thorowe the body and blode of Christ by hauyng it powred vpō our bodyes outwardely in token or remembraunce of the same ¶ But to this the Pope hathe sayde the water of baptisme ought not to haue so muche honoure done vnto it as the sacrament of the bodye and blod of Christ both bycause Christe is not naturally and substancially in that water and also bicause there is no suche chaunge of that water into the bodye and blod of Christ as there is in the breade which hath bene at the holy souper ¶ The aunswere After what sorte hys chaunge was or howe he thought Christe to be presente in the holy sacrament of Baptisme I cannot tell But this I am sure of that yf the holy sacramēt of baptime be ministred a right and accordynge to the ordynance of Christe there baptyseth by it God the father God the sonne and God the holye ghoste These .iii. doubtlesse are geuen in the name of Baptyme And howe it shoulde be then that Christ is not as naturallye and substancially presente there as in the other sacramēt is to be wondred at But doubtlesse as bothe these sacramentes are the ordynaunces of Christe and instytuted both for one purpose as towchynge to theyr effecte so is he as naturally presente wyth the one as wyth the other and hys presence is to be honoured in the one lyke as it is in the other ¶ The Pope hymselfe doeth graunte the substaunce and effecte of Baptysme to consyste chieflye in the ministracion of these woordes I Baptyse thee in the name of the father cetera And yet he wyll not graunte the substaunce and effecte of thys other sacramente to consyst chiefly in the ministraciō of these wordes likewise take eate this is my body c. take drynke this is my blod c. but saith that the bread is alwaye the body of Christe yf it hath bene once consecrated whether it be mynystred or hanged vp for a shewe ¶ The aunswere Fyrst that the substance of holye baptyme doeth not chefly alone but also holly consyst in the mynistracyon of the wordes appointed vnto it is good to be knowen For excepte there be a person baptised with the water The vertue of baptime consysteth in the ministration of the wordes onely in the name of the father the sonne and the holye ghoste the water of it selfe is of none effect For as Saynt Austen saith when the word commeth together wyth the water then is there a sacramente By the whiche sayeng he meaned as yf he woulde haue sayde thus when these wordes I baptise the in the name of the father the sonne the holy gost are ministred by the water of baptime receyued with beleue of him vnto whome they are ministred then is there a sacramente presented and geuen vnto him Whereupon this doctor saide further thus also in the water doth the word purifye Take awaye the worde and what is it thē other than water Beholde without these wordes be ministred by the water I baptyse the in the name of the father c. the water of it selfe is of none effecte And where is then I praye you the vertue of so many blessynges and brethinges as wer wont to be made ouer the font when there dyd none yet receyue the effect of these wordes together with the water but as these wordes of baptising which onely make the water of it of effecte can not be receyued but when the water is ministred to one that is baptised in dede so doth the hole effect and substaunce of this holy sacrament of baptyme consyst chiefely and onely in the mynistryng of the wordes And euē so doth the hole substaūce and effecte of both these .ii. sacramētes baptyme the souper of Lorde consyst and stande in the ministring of the wordes that Christe hath appointed vnto them For yf they be not so vsed that the worde maye go together with the ministring of them after the same forme and maner that theyr lorde and maister did ministre them him selfe and appointed or ordeyned vs to do it after him but are altered of vs then are they not hys sacramentes but our owne inuentions Wherfore as in the sacrament of baptisme there muste be presente fyrste the
ministre whose fayth is so farre forthe required that he do entēde to mynistre it both according to Christes ordinaunce and for the same purpose also that he dyd institute it to wete for the styrryng vp of fayth in hym for the fre remission of theyr synnes and then there muste be present also the persone which may haue it mynistred vnto hym and thyrdlye there muste be wyth bothe these in lykewyse the sacrament of baptyme whych is not the water of it selfe but the dyppyng in or the powryng on of the water vpon the persone together wyth these wordes I baptise the in the name of the father the sonne and the holy goost euen so is it wyth the souper of the Lorde For there muste be present fyrst the mynistre whose fayth is thus farre forth requyred that he do entende to styrre vp a trewe fayth in Christe and that by the mynistrynge of it accordynge to hys ordynaunce and there must be present also them that wyll receyue the holy souper and then the sacrament The substance of the holy souper doth consyst in the ministryng of the wordes whiche is not the breade and wyne of themselues but the ministrynge of the breade and wyne together wyth these wordes take eate this is my bodye c. take drinke this is my blod c. do thys in the remembraunce of me Therefore seyng oure Lorde Iesus Christ hathe ioyned all these wordes and the ministrynge of theym to gether thus and commaunded vs to do euen the same thynge that he dyd hym selfe in the remembraunce bothe of hys passyon and of instytutynge thys sacramente wyth all other thynges that he hathe done or doeth for vs so shall it not be lawfull for vs ether to deuyde or parte in sundre these holye woordes and the ministringe of theym together with the sacrament makyng the holy sacramentall wordes to be onely these thys is my body Or to take the breade and wyne for the sacrament of hys bodye and blod though they had bene once prepared for thē when these other wordes take eate take drynke do thys in the remembraunce of me are excluded frome theym For these wordes take eate take drynke and do thys in the remembraunce of me do make the sacrament to be of effecte vnto vs in shewynge thys that he would neuer haue put vs in remembraūce thus These wordes take eate drynke do consecrate the sacrament aswel as these this is my body of hys bodye breakyng blod shedyng for our sinnes if he would not haue vs to gather first a sure fayth in the remissyō of al our sinnes by the same at al suche tymes as they were ministred and spoken vnto vs accordyng to his cōmaūdement aswel as he woulde by these other wordes thys is my bodye declare what it is that we shal receiue afterwarde Wherefore as we do fyrste gather a sure faythe in oure Lorde Iesus Christe We do fyrst gather fayth in the remyssyon of al our synnes by hearyng of the prieste speake the wordes holly together when he wyll presente the sacra And we dostreng then the same faith by the receyuyng of it afterwardes by the hearyng of this hys commaundement take eate take drinke and do this in the remembraunce of me as well as we do by the other wordes whiche declare the sacramente to be his bodye that we shall then receyue so shoulde these wordes be alwayes spoken together vnto the people when the sacramēt maye be ministred with them also Lest the wordes whych do declare the sacra to be his body myght elles be spoken to our dānation yf the other wordes whych do declare his goodnes in presentyng of it vnto vs dyd not fyrst geue vs thys fayth before that he woulde neuer so haue sayd done yf he wold not haue shewed by the same that his body blode was alwayes the remission of our synnes And yet the schole doctours beyng deceyued thorowe the abuse whyche was crepte in by the reseruynge of that breade whych had bene ones prepared at the souper made the sacramentall wordes onely these thys is my bodye Now out of al this maye euery good christē man perceyue that the hole vertue substance and effecte of this holy sacramente of the lordes souper doth no lesse consist stande onely in the ministring of the wordes and sacrament together lyke as he dyd vse them him selfe than doth the holy sacrament of baptime and that these .ii. sacramentes are in this poynt bothe of one nature and not vnlyke that is to saye the water of baptime is a sacramente when these wordes are ministred by it I baptise the in the name cetera and the breade and wine is a sacrament whē these wordes are ministred by it of Christ hym selfe though yet by the mouthe of a ministre appointed take eate this is my body cetera take drynke this is my blode c. and do this in the remembraunce of me Wherefore they are nether of them sacramentes but when they are in ministrynge of the woordes whyche Christe appoynted to them althoughe the Pope woulde haue that breade which hath bene ones at the holy souper to be hāged vp and borne about in processions as a sacrament for to mayntayne therwith all thys abuse that it myghte be corporally worshypped as though that shulde be more to the honouryng of the sacrament then to haue it offered to be receyued spiritually Let euery good christen man iudge thys by the worde of God ¶ But thou sayest yf the hangyng vp of the sacramente and the bearing of it about for to be corporally worshypped shoulde be layde a syde as an abuse so shulde we condemne therwith as manifest ydolatrers both all them that haue so worshypped it wythout the receyuyng and thē also that do so worshyppe it yet in other countres ¶ The aunswere Though the worshypping of it as it hath ben vsed shulde be layde a syde as an abuse yet is there not therwithall condemned all the people that haue done or do yet wourshyppe it so in other countres But therwithall is condēned thys abuse that men shulde not holde take and receiue this holy sacramēt as Christ hath ordeyned it to be taken to the strengthening of theyr faith in him both for theyr synnes past for the receyuynge of hys grace to amende them againe but to shew it to hāge it vp and to beare it aboute to haue it corporally worshypped onely Whych kynde of honouryng it with out the receyuyng therof as the lorde hath made no mencion of it neither by worde nor dede in all his holy scriptures and doth therfore serue to the vaine trustyng in the inuencyon of man so hathe he forboden it as a thīg most abhominable in his sight This abuse is to be condemned although we do not therwith cōdemne the hole church of Christ that ether hath or dothe yet abyde in the same vnwittinglye For as many of the children of god as hath or dothe yet
the church of Christ to descrybe some godlye forme and manner of geuynge instructions vnto the people before they come vnto the receyuynge of so hyghe a mysterye The churche that is to saye the deuoute people both of the Magistrates and clergye in euerye countre shall prouyde for them selues that all thynges be done after a decent ordre and of rendryng thankes vnto god for it after they haue receyued it Wherefore this is the hole authoritie and power that the church hath in the worde and sacramentes and other of goddes ordynaunces that they maye thus and shall with all their diligence bothe aswel the Prynces and Magistrates thē selues as the ministers of the worde ordre and dyspose them so in tyme place measure and maner that the people therby myght not only haue the more deuocion to vse them with al feare and reuerēce but also come the better to the same ende and purpose of them that they were ordeyned for of god The churche hath no authoritie to take away any of the sacramentes no more thā it can forbidde vs to fast or pray But to chaūge them vnto any other fashyon as this sacrament was chaunged from the corporal receiuing of it into a lokinge glasse or to leaue them vtterly vndone lyke as men had left the receiuyng of the cuppe in the holy souper that authorite hath no man tyll Christ whiche is the ende that they lead vs vnto come hym selfe For it can be called no right orderynge or dysposynge of the sacramētes to the encreasing of any godlinesse amōgest the people for to take thē cleane away no more than it can be called a right ordering of our prayers to say we wyll praye trewly with our hertes though we do wylfully leaue out the praier of the mouthe also Wherfore it must nedes be an abuse to receiue the sacramēt in one kinde only other wise than god hath ordeyned it Moreouer that we ought to receyue thys sacrament in both kyndes maye well be perceyued in that the lorde hym selfe after he had takē the cuppe into his hādes geuen thākes reached it vnto his disciples dyd that with great feruentnesse and wyth more playne and comfortable wordes expresse our redemtiō and cōmunion in him by the cuppe then he dyd by the breade or by any other sacrament For at baptyme he cōmaunded no more to be said then I baptise the in the name of the father the sonne and the holy goost And at the ministryng of the breade of thankes geuyng no more then take eate thys is my bodye whyche shal be geuen for you But at the ministring of the cuppe he sayd commaunded other in his name to saye take drynke thys cuppe is the new testament in my blode whych shal be shedde for you and for many vnto the remission of synnes Beholde good reader howe comfortable a gospell our sauiour Christe hathe ordeyned thys sacrament of wyne to expresse Wherfore it maye well be called the moste holy and comfortablest sacrament of all other The cup is the most cōfortable sacrament For seyng it is the worde when it is mynistred by the creature that maketh the creature to be a sacrament so doth it doutlesse folowe that so muche the more comfortable as the wordes are when they are ministred so muche the greater is the sacramēt that ministreth them And therfore no christē man yea no aungell from heauē oughte to haue taken awaye from the weake synfull flocke of Christ this moste comfortable sacrament specially seyng the lorde hymselfe cōmaunded it to be vsed also wyth so great feruentnesse Wherfore he that wolde wyth holde thys sacrament of wyne from the people in the holy souper shulde as much as in him lyeth kepe from theym the ministration of this holy ghospell that Christe hathe shedde hys moste precyous blode for them For althoughe we do in dede receiue euen the same thynge before by the breade when it doeth ministre vnto vs the bodye of Christe that we do afterwarde when we receyue the cup whiche ministreth vnto vs his blod yet as he that loseth the profyte of them bothe agayne whiche wyll not for all thys geue hymselfe wyth all dylygence vnto faste prayer almosse dedes and all other Godlye exercyses but wylfully foloweth the workes of the fleshe so doeth he lose the profyte that he had receyued before by the breade whiche ministred vnto him the bodye of Christe that wylfullye wyll refuse to receyue the wyne whiche shoulde also mynister vnto him his blode Wherefore yf it be an abuse to neglecte gods commaundementes when oportunite serueth vs to obey the same than muste it nedes be a great abuse to refuse the receyuyng of the holy cuppe of thankes geuyng whē it is ministred in the holy souper But bycause mē shuld not so greatly passe vpon the trew receyuing of this holy sacrament of the body and blod of Christ ether in one kynde or in both the pope was wont to bring in this argument chiefly ¶ This sacrament of the bodye and blode of Christe sayeth he maye aswel be receyued spiritually by callynge to remembraunce that Christ hath dyed for vs when we do but loke vpon it as it maye be outwardely though we shoulde receyue it ones in the yere outwardely also ¶ The aunswere To saye that the sacrament may aswell be receyued spiritually as it maye be corporallye or outwardlye muste nedes be a wonderful saying For turne it what waye ye wyll and it shal be yet holly agaynst Christ his manifest cōmaundement For yf ye vnderstande by the spirituall receyuynge of this sacrament that it muste be receyued in trew fayth The sacrament was instituted to be receyued both corporally and spiritually but yet corporally also then is that the onely receyuyng of it accordyng to goddes spirituall ordinaunce and none other But yf you vnderstande your saying of suche a spirituall receyuyng of thys sacra as is wyth out the corporall receyuyng of it also so can not that be the receyuyng of it according to goddes spiritual ordinaunce For he gaue the bread vnto hys disciples and commaunded them to take and eate it that corporally also and in like maner gaue he them the cuppe to drynke And therfore as it is manyfestly agaynst the cōmaūdement of Christ to make a gasynge stocke of the sacrament not to receiue it in saying thou canst call asmuche to mynde when thou doest but se it as the Lorde hath ordeyned to put into thy minde by the corporall receyuyng of it after hys moste louyng and spirituall institution so is there no spirituall receyuyng of this sacrament but to take it corporally with suche a spirit and fayth as styrreth vs both to repentaunce for our synnes past To receyue the spirit of god in the sacramēt whē we receyue it corporally what it is and also to amende them agayne by the humble folowyng of hys lawes And yet for the mayntenaunce of a spirituall receyuyng
folowe this abuse not knowynge any better but beynge seduced by their pastors that do they not as the membres of Iesu Christe and of his churche The mēbres of the churche may wel ●●re but not as the mēbres of Christe but as they are vnperfite and ignoraūt persons which ignoraunce god oure heauenlye father for his sonnes sake Iesu Christ shal forgeue them withal their other offences lyke as he doth forgeue vs our dayly synnes also when so euer they or we do repent ¶ But for an excuse of this cloked holynesse the Pope sayeth further it can be none abuse nor anye euell thyng what so euer is of good deuotion done to the honoure of God and to the hauynge of hys sacramentes in hygher reuerence ¶ The aunswere Thys were verye well spoken yf all men knewe truely what good deuotion were Whyche doutlesse can be in nothynge where Goddes worde and commaundement is not King Vzia did of a good deuotiō as he thought saue certaine of the best catle which he toke frō his enemies ii para xxviii to do sacrifice vnto the lord with all for the great victory he had geuē hym And yet bycause it was not according to gods cōmaūdemēt that he so did he was puinished for it And therefore we maye not loke what we thynke to be good deuotiō vse it but we muste coūte that the best deuotion which doth most agree with gods cōmaūdemētes Wherfore let vs count this to be thē chiefe honouryng of this sacrament to receyue it with such a pure faith as causeth both repentaunce for our former synnes a good purpose to amende theym agayne to sprynge forth in vs. Well thus haue we proued that this sacramente oughte not to be reserued for to be corporally wourshypped also as the Arke was And as thys was a great abuse to sette vp the sacrament or to carye it aboute in processyons for to haue it corporally wourshypped without the presentyng of it to be corporally receyued sayinge ones in the yeare onely so was thys no lesse abuse to receyue it than neyther but in one kynde onelye And that this was also an abuse consydre fyrste that it muste nedes be graunted to be an abuse to alter anye of Goddes ordinaunces otherwise than he vsed them himselfe To vse any thing otherwyse than the lorde hath cōmaūded is an abuse and cōmaunded them to be vsed of other Now is it plaine and of al men confessed that the lorde in hys fyrst souper dyd cōmunicate the sacrament in both kyndes vnto his disciples commaundyng them also to do the same that he himselfe had done before them The whiche commaundemēt was obserued and the sacramēt in both kyndes cōmunicated for longe tyme in the church after Christ yea and it hath bene alwayes vsed to thys daye in Ethiopia and Gretia And how it came to passe that men of late dayes dyd vse to receiue it thus in one kynde only we fynde no good testimony Wher by we iudge it to haue crept in by the negligence of priestes and pastors But seyng the Lorde hath ordeyned the breade to be the sacramēt of his bodye for it selfe and the wyne to be the sacrament of his blode we ought to speake of them as he hath ordeyned them and none otherwyse The lorde hath appointed these wordes to be mynistred by the breade take eate thys is my bodye whyche shal be geuen for you And these to be ministred by the cuppe take drinke thys cuppe is the newe testament in my bloude whych shal be shedde for you and for many to the remission of synnes And wherfore wyll we then be wyser then Christ hath taught vs in sayinge the breade alone is the body and blode of Christ and the cuppe the blode and body in dede in hym selfe the lorde hath his body and bloude inseperable and geueth them to vs holly together and vndeuided Yet as he hath ordeyned the breade for the distributyng of hys bodye and the cuppe for the geuing forth of his bloude so ought we to vse them to speake of them wyth out any further reasonyng ¶ But for the ministring of the sacrament in one kynde onely and for the mayntenaunce of all other abuses contrarye to goddes cōmaundementes the Pope is wont to bryng in thys reason The churche hath in all outwarde thynges power to dyspose and ordre as they shall thinke best and therfore thei may kepe this ordynaunce of receyuyng the sacramēt in one kynde onely yf they shal thynke it good The aunswere The holy churche of Christ beynge groūded wyth his spirite Who be the church of christ what is their authoritie hath doutlesse power to ordre dyspose all outward thynges in tyme place measure and maner so farre forth as the same may make to the encrease of godlynesse amongest the people that is to say deuote people both of the clergye layte maye ordre and dyspose the tyme place that gods wourde and the holye sacramentes shall be mynistred in and they maye ordre the maner measure and tyme of praying together in the church appoint the daye and tyme when the cōmune faste shal be obserued of all the people together In al these thinges hath the hole church of Christe ful authoritie and power to dispose that the thynges myght so muche the better for suche appointing of tyme place measure and maner be obserued and holden as Christ hath commaunded them that is to saye that men myght the more cōueniently by the appointing of suche a place and tyme heare the worde of God and receyue the sacramentes and the more quyetly come to the ende that fasting and prayer was ordeyned for Out of the whych grounde the church hath euen from the begynnyng made ordinaunces both for the worde and sacramētes and also for other godly exercises As for thys sacrament that men shulde receiue it fasting in the morning yf necessitie dyd not otherwyse requyre bycause that tyme semed and is as euery man wel knoweth more mete for the styrrynge vp of deuotyon and earnest godlynesse than is the tyme after we haue eaten oure full And further seynge that the commynge together to the Lordes souper is the godlyest and moste holsome worke that one of vs maye exercise vse with another so hath the church thoughte it good and to the furtheraunce of muche deuocyon that it shoulde be holden in a place bothe seuerall from all other and also with out the vsing of any worldly businesse with it as not onely saint Paule i. Cor. x. but all the hole cōgregation of Christ also ordeyned that mē shulde kepe none other feast in the churche when they wolde go vnto the table of the Lorde but it alone Also seyng that Christ hath not shewed by expresse cōmaundement what praiers of thankes geuyng or what other godlye instructions he woulde haue vsed at hys holy souper and dyd yet vse it hym selfe with great plentie of thē both therfore ought