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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08997 The common catechisme with a commentary therevpon, by questions and answers, following the verie words, as they lie in their order without alteration. A profitable way, as also verie easie, and so likewise pleasant both to the teacher and learner, as by experience will be found true. By Richard Bernard, pastor at Batcomb. Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641. 1630 (1630) STC 1929; ESTC S119253 14,976 48

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Q. To whom else A. And to all people Q. Why desire you this grace for you and them A. That we may worship him Q. When doe we worship him A. When we serue him Q. And when serue we him A. When we obey him Q. What else pray you for besides A. That he will send vs all things that be needfull Q. For what A. For our soules Q. For what next A. And for our bodies Q. When God sends you his grace and all these necessaries what more neede you to begge of him A. That he will be mercifull to vs. Q. What meane you specially by this A. To forgiue vs our sinnes Q. And what else A. That it would please him to saue and defend vs. Q. In what A. In all dangers Q. In what kinde of danger A. Ghostly and bodyly Q. What moreouer pray you for A. That he will keepe vs. Q. From what A. From all sinne and wickednesse Q. And from what else A. And from our Ghostly enemies Q. What is the last danger you desire to bee kept from A. From death Q. What kinde of death A. Euerlasting death Q. What perswasion haue you in thus making your request vnto God A. This I trust he will doe Q. Vpon what ground do you thus trust A. Of his mercie and goodnesse Q. By whose meanes A. Through our Lord. Q. Who is he A. Iesus Christ Q. What conclude you hereupon A. Therefore I say Amen Q. What meane you by Amen A. So be it Of the Sacraments Q. HOw many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church A. Two generally necessarie Q. Which be they A. Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. Q. What meane you by this word Sacrament A. I meane a signe Q. What kind of signe A. Outward and visible Q. Of what A. Inward and spirituall grace Q. To whom is it giuen A. Giuen vnto vs. Q. By whom was it ordained A. Ordained by Christ himselfe Q. For what end A. First as a meanes whereby wee receiue the same grace Q. And why else A. Secondly to bee as a pleadge to assure vs thereof Q. How many parts be their in a Sacrament A. Two Q. Which is the first A. The outwiad visible signe Q. Which is the second A. The inward spirituall grace Of Batisme Q. VVHat is the outward visible signe in Baptisme A. Water Q. What is done with it A. With it the person Baptised is dipped or sprinkled Q. How is it administred A. In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Q. What is the inward and spirituall grace A. The purging of our soules by the blood of Christ and sanctification of the spirit Q. What is the first effect hereof A. A death vnto sinne Q. What is the second A. A new birth vnto righteousnesse Q. Why speake you thus of a death vnto sinne and a new birth vnto righteousnesse A. For that by nature we are borne in sinne Q. What are we in this naturall estate A. Children of wrath Q. And what are wee being thus renewed in Baptisme A. We are hereby made the children of grace Q. What is required of persons baptized A. Repentance Q. What is the power thereof A. That thereby we forsake sinne Q. What is the second A. Faith Q. What is the efficacy and force thereof A That whereby we beleeue Q. How must you beleeue A. Stedfastly Q. What must you beleeue A. The promises of God Q. Made to whom A. Made to vs. Q. Where A. In that Sacrament Q. Why then are infants baptised when by reason of their tender age they cannot performe them A. They doe performe them Q. By whom A. By their suerties Q. What haue they done for them A. They promised and vowed them both in their names Q. Is this enough for those Infants if they liue A. No but when they come to age themselues are bound to performe them Of the Lords Supper Q. WHy was the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ordained A. For a remembrance Q. What kinde of remembrance A. A continuall remembrance Q. Of what A. Of the sacrifice of Christ Q. And of what else A. And of the benefits which wee receiue thereby Q. What is the outward part or signe of the Lords supper A. Bread and Wine Q. By what warrant are these both to bee receiued A. Because the Lord hath commanded them to be receiued Q. What is the inward part or thing signified A. The body and blood of Christ Q. How are these receiued A. They are verily and in deede taken and receiued Q. Of whom A. Of the faithfull Q. Where A. In the Lords Supper Q. What are the benefits whereof wee are made partakers thereby A. Of strengthening and refreshing Q Of what A. Of our soules Q. By what A. By the body and blood of Christ Q. How is the resemblance expressed A. As our bodies are by the bread and wine Q. What is required of them which come to the Lords supper A. To examine themselues Q. Of what A. Whether they repent them Q. How A. Truly Q. Of what A. Of their former sinners Q. How may their truly repenting appeare A. By steadfastly purposing to lead a new life Q. What else must they haue with it A. They must haue faith Q. What kind of faith A. A liuely faith Q. In what A. In Gods mercy Q. Through whom A. Through Christ Q. What more must you come with A. With a remembrance Q. What kinde of remembrance A. With a thankefull remembrance Q. Of what A. Of his death Q. And how lastly must you come A. In charity Q. With whom are you to bee in Charity A. With all men Q. What if you come vnprepared without these A. I come vnworthy I eate and drinke my owne damnation God may punish me and the Deuill may enter into me as he did in Iudas and bring me to destruction both of body and soule from which euils the Lord deliuer vs for his mercie sake Amen FINIS
or be brought vnto the Bishop to be confirmed Q. Why is it to be learned before any come to the Sacrament A. Because by the knowledge hereof they may be the better prepared thereunto without which preparation they are not counted sit to be communicants Q. Why is it to be learned before one bee brought to the Bishop A. That hée may now in his owne person make profession of his faith and with his owne mouth ratifie that which in Baptisme was by his God-fathers and God-mothers promised in his name Q. But seeing our Church doth not allow Confirmation for a Sacrament nor doth acknowledge that it addeth any thing vnto Baptisme why are Children brought to bee confirmed A. 1. To sée whether Children haue béen so religiously trained vp as their God-fathers and God-mothers promised and vowed at Baptisme for them 2. Whether they be able to promise and professe so much now in their owne persons 3. Hauing so done that prayer may bee made vnto God for his blessing and grace to strengthen them that they may continue and increase therein vnto their liues end Q. HAuing gone through the Title now can you tell me how many parts the Booke consists of A. Of these two 1. Of the Preface 2. Of the matter of the Booke Q. Which is the Preface A. All that which goeth before the rehearsall of the Creede Q. What doth the Preface containe in it A. The foure first questions with the answers thereunto Q. What is the matter of the Booke or Catechisme A. It is the Créed the tenne Commandements the Lords Prayer the Doctrine of the Sacrments The Common Catechisme The first Question Q. WHat is your name A. N. or M. Q. How many names haue you A. Two a Christian and surname Q. What may they put you in minde of A. Of a twofold parentage naturall and spirituall Q. Who are your naturall Parents A. My Father and my Mother Q. Who are your spirituall Parents A. God and his Church Q. Which of these two names are demanded of you A. My Christian name Q. And why so A. That by this name I may be put in remembrance of my Baptisme The second Question Q. WHo gaue you this name A. My God-fathers and God-mothers Q. When was that A. In my Baptisme Q. What were you made in it A. A member of Christ Q. What hath a member relation vnto A. To a body Q. How many bodies hath he A. Two a naturall as we haue a mysticall Eph. 5. Col. 1. Q. Of which are you a member A. Of his mysticall body Q. What body is that A. His Church Q. What is he to his Church A. He onely is the head thereof Q. What doth he then vnto it A. Hee giueth it spirituall life motion and direction as a head doth to the body Q. What must you feele in you to be sure that you are a true member of Christ A. That I doe liue by him to God am moued by his spirit and directed by his word Q. Being thus a member of Christ what doth this make you to be A. The Child of God Q How commeth this to passe A. By the grace of adoption Q. And being thus Gods Childe what then are you A. I am made an Inheritour Q. Of what A. Of the Kingdome of heauen Q. To haue then the hope of heauen what must you first be A. I 〈◊〉 to be sure of heauen be the member of Christ and the true Childe of God else shall I not inherit that Kingdome The third Question WHat did your God-fathers and God-mothers then for you A. They did promise Q. What kinde of promise was it A. A vow vnto God Q. How many things did they promise and vow A. Three things Q. In whose name A. In my name Q. Which is the first of these three A. That I should forsake all the Enemies of my saluation Q. Which be they A. These thrée the Deuill the World and the Flesh Q. Why is the Deuill named first A. Because hée was the first authour of all sinne and euill Q. When doe you forsake him A. When I forsake all his workes Q. Why is the World put in the second place betweene the Deuill and the Flesh A. Because the Deuill doth vse it commonly as a meanes to intice the flesh to sinne Q. What meane you by the World A. The pomps and vanities thereof Q. What make these this World to be A. A wicked worid Q. When doe you know when you forsake the World A. When I doe forsake all the pompes and vanities thereof and not before Q. Why is the flesh named in the last place A. Because it is within vs and leaueth vs not vtterly till the end Q What meane you by the flesh A. The lusts thereof Q. What lust A. All the sinfull lusts of it Q. When doe you then know that you forsake the flesh A. When I doe forsake all the sinfull lusts therof Q. Why did your sureties promises for you that you should forsake them when you weare but newly borne A. Because from the wombe wée are Captiues to Satan slaues to the world and seruants to the flesh Q. When can we then forsake them A. Neuer except we be borne a new of water and the holy Ghost Q. What is the second thing which they promised and vowed for you A. That I should beleeue Q. What A. All the Articles Q. What Articles meane you A. The Articles of my christian faith Q. What is the third thing they promised and vowed for your A. That I should keepe God holy will Q. When keepe you this his will A. When I keepe his commandements 1 King 34 ● 8. 58. Luke 1. Deut. 5 Q. And when keepe you them A. When I walke in the same Q. How long must you do so A. All the dayes of my life The forth Question Q. DOe you thinke that you are bound to beleeue and to doe as they haue promised for you A. Yes verily Q. But by whose helpe A. By Gods helpe Q. You must then doe it A. And so I will Q. With what minde towards God A. As heartily thanking our heauenly Father Q. For what A. That he hath called me Q. To what A. To the state of saluation Q. Through whom A. Through Iesus Christ What is he to vs herein A. Our Sauiour Q. Now being in this so happy estate what is your daily exercise A. I pray vnto God Q. For what A. To giue me his grace Q. What to doe A. That I may continue Q. In what A. In the same state Q. How long A. Vnto my liues end Of the Creede Q. CAn you rehearse the Articles of your Beliefe A. Yes I beléeue in God the Father Almighty maker of heauen and earth c. Q. What make you confession of in this Creede A. That I doe beleeue Q. In whom A. In God Q. What is he A. The Father Q. What is his attribute A. Almigihty Q. Why call you him
so A. For that he is the maker of heauen earth Q. In whom else beleeue you A. And in Iesus Christ Q. What is he to God the Father A. His only Sonne Q. And what to vs A. Our Lord. Q. How came he to be so A. He was conceiued Q. By whom A. By the holy Ghost Q. After conception what followed A. He was borne Q. Of whom A. Of the virgin Marie Q. What was his entertainement in the world A. He suffered Q. Vnder whom A. Vnder Poncious Pilate Q. What kinde of death was he put vnto A. He was crucified Q. Being on the Crosse did hee deliuer himselfe A. No he dyed Q. What was then done with him A. He was buried Q. And what beleeue you concerning him when his body was laid in the graue A. That he descended into Hell Q. Being in the graue did he lye there still A. No he rose againe Q. When A. The third day Q. From whence A. From the dead Q. What become of him after his resurrection A. He ascended Q. Whither A. Into heauen Q. What doth he there A. There he sitteth Q. Where A. At the right hand of God Q. who is that A. The Father Almighty Q. Shall he abide there for euer A. No from thence he shall come Q. What to doe A. To iudge Q. Whom A. The quicke and the dead Q. In whom else doe you beleeue A. I beleeue in the holy Ghost Q And what moreouer beleeue you A. I beleeue that God hath a Church Q. What a Church is this A. Holy and Catholike Q. What call you the fellowshipe therein A. Communion Q. Of what sorts of persons A. Of Saints Q. What are the speciall prerogatiues to this Church which no society else partakes of and which is the first of them A. The forgiuenesse of sinnes Q. Which is the second A. The resurrection of the body with ioy Q. Which is the third A. The life euerlasting Q. How testifie you your assurance of these things A. I say Amen Q. What doe you chiefly learne in these Articles of your beleife A. I learne thrée things Q. Which is the first A. First I learne to beleeue in God the Father Q. What he hath done for you A. He hath made me Q. And whom else A. And all the world Q. Which is the second thing A. Secondly I beleeue in God the Sonne Q. And what hath he done for you A. Hee hath redeemed me Q. And whom too A. And all mankind Q. Which is the third thing A. Thirdly in God the holy Ghost Q. What doth he for you A. He doth sanctifie me Q. And whom besides A. All the elect people of God Of the ten Commandements Q. YOu said that your God-fathers and God-mothers did promise for you that you should keepe Gods Commandements tell me how many there be A. Tenne Q. Which be they A. The same which God spake c. Q. Are not these Commandements of man deuising A. No they be the same which God spake Q. How proue you this A. In the twentieth chapter of Exodus Q. What saith God there A. I am the Lord thy God Q. Whom spake he vnto A. Vnto all Israell Q. What had hee done for them that hee calleth himselfe their God A. He brought them out of the Land of Aegypt Q. What was the Land vnto them A. A house of bondage Q. Which is the first Commandement A. Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me Q. What is heare then forbidden A. To haue any other Gods Q. What is on the contrary commanded A. To haue the God of Israel onely for our God Q. Which is the second Commandement A. Thou shall not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the likenesse of any thing c. Q. What doth this forbid A. To make to my selfe any grauen Image of God Q. Is nothing else forbiden A. Yes the likenesse of any thing Q. May you no where fetch a similitude to represent God A. No not in heauen aboue nor in the earth beneath nor in the water vnder the earth Q. But what if any doe make such grauen Image and likenesse A. We may not bow downe to them nor worship them Q. What reason is alledged A. For I am the Lord thy God Q. What a one is he A. A iealous God Q. What will his iealousie make him to doe A. To visite Q. What will he visite A. Sinnes Q. Whose sinnes A. The sinnes of the Fathers Q. Vpon whom A. Vpon the children Q. How farre A. To the third and fourth generation Q. What reckoning doth God make of these will-worshippers A. As of them that hate him Q. But what will hee doe to them that detest idolatrie and vaine worship A. He will shew them mercy Q. How farre will he extend it A. Two thousands Q. How doth he account of these A. As of them that loue him Q. And how is their loue to be knowne A. They keepe his Commandements Q. What is one the contrary here commanded Ios 24. 1● Ioh. 4. 23. A. To worship God in spirit and truth after his owne will Q. Which is the third Commandement A. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine c. Q What doth this forbid A. To take the name of our God in vaine Q. How is this A. By wicked swearing and lewly liuing Q. What reason is their giuen to inforce this Commandement A. The Lords threatning not to hold him guiltlesse that taken his name in vaine Q. What is heare on the contrary commanded A. To be carefull to doe and procure to God all due glory in thought word and deed Q. What is the fourth Commandement A. Remember thou keepe holy the Sabbath day Q. What is first here commanded you A. To remember Q. What A. The Sabbath day Q. Wherefore A. To keepe it holy Q. How many dayes doth God allow vs before it come A. Sixe dayes Q. What are you to doe in these sixe dayes A. I am to labour Q. In what A. In doing all that I haue to doe Q. Why are you to labour thus sixe dayes A. For the seuenth day is the Sabbath Q. Whose Sabbath A. The Sabbath of the Lord our God Q. What is herein forbidden A. To doe in it any manner of worke Q. Who particularly by name are here spoken vnto A. Thou thy sonne and thy daughter thy man-seruant and thy maide seruant Q. And what else is forbidden labour A. Thy Cattell Q. And who besides A. And the stranger Q. What stranger meane you A. Which is within thy gates Q. What reason is giuen for all this in the Commandement A. The Lords owne example Q. How many dayes wrought he A. Sixe dayes Q. What did he in those sixe dayes A. He made the heauen earth and Sea Q. And what else A. And all that in them is Q. What did hee when the seuenth day came A. He rested the seuenth day Q. What did therefore the Lord vnto the seuenth day A.