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A62470 The king of terrors silenced by meditations & examples of holy living and heavenly dying as the same was recollected and recommended by Sir John Thorowgood. Thorowgood, John. 1665 (1665) Wing T1065; ESTC R25161 59,382 175

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caused some of his little Prayer-books to be brought to his bed and appointed to every one of his children one writing therein their several names and adding thereunto his Christianly and Fatherly admonition For his eldest Son Philippus Mauritius upon his German Bible he did write thus MY Son Philippus Mauritius Count of Hanaw Fear God and keep his holy Commandments I have been this night sore troubled and in great anguish I have thought on many things which I wish my Childe that you could know yet thus much I tell you Keep thy self even all thy life-time close unto thy God his gracious help and his blessed assistance will be evermore most necessary for thee I would to God that I could write the great riches of his infinite mercy goodness and faithfulness that have been experimented by me this long time I bless the Lord I have already the foretaste of everlasting glory Therefore will I sing unto the Lord as long as I live Psa 104.33 I will sing praise to my God while I have my being my Meditation of him shall be sweet I will be glad in the Lord. The Lord help thee unto me in due time Amen In these pangs of death I do desire to be delivered and to be with my Lord Jesus Christ O Lord Jesus Christ thou faithful Saviour how do I love thee Thy promises are true thy love is great thy heart is faithful towards me I do commend my spirit into thy hands thou dear and faithful God Thou hast most graciously delivered and sanctified me Lord I do wait on thy salvation Thy faithful Father Philippus Lodovicus The second Son Willielmus Reynhart received his Book with these words viz. MY dear Son serve thy God with thy whole heart in Sprit and in Truth I have destinated thee thereunto esteem it not to be any shame unto thee to serve God and his Church for God is the greatest God he is thy Creator keep in honour the true service of God Obey and serve thy dear Mother under whose heart thou hast lain honour and serve thy eldest Brother as thy Lord for such is the Ordinance and my will also bear with him if thou be in the right for thou art then more happy then he but if thou dost not walk uprightly in thy words then art not thou happy Love thy Brothers and Sisters from the heart love thy House do good to the Poor according to thy ability then shall the Lord bless thee Beware of drunkenness of dissoluteness and all unclean speeches as thou wouldst do of fire Honour thy State be industrious in all things read and practise and that continually the 119 Psalm let thine Astrologians be the 28 of Deuteronomy So I commit thee to God Thy faithful Father unto death Philippus Lodovicus The eldest Daughter Lady Charlette Loisa received her Book with these words viz. FEar honour and love thy God from thy heart have his Commandments continually before thine eyes take thy whole delight therein Honour with all filial obedience thy loving Mother keep thy mouth close with a lock esteem honesty and modesty above all the goods and treasures of this present world God bless thee my loving Childe Thy loving Father unto death Philippus Lodovicus The second Daughter Lady Emilia Elizabetha received her Book from him with these words viz. HAve God always before thine eyes Honour thy Mother with obedience and with love keep honesty and modesty for these will be thy best riches and thy chiefest jewel Thy faithful Father unto death Philippus Lodovicus The youngest Daughter Lady Catherina Juliana received her Book with these words viz. DEar Childe be vertuous Have thy Creator alwayes before thine eyes fear thy God even all the days of thy life love and honour thy blessed Saviour who did shed his most precious blood for thee break off from thine evil will betimes be humble and obedient Humility honesty and silence do more adorn a Lady then either pearls or other costly jewels Thy faithful Father unto death Philippus Lodovicus These Prayer-books being thus delivered his Excellency caused also the late-born Lord to be brought before the bed sighed sadly over him touched him with his hand and prayed that the Lord would also bless that tender Infant with his grace Lying down again his bed being new made he stretching out both his arms said to one of his Counsellors Ecce divinum miraculum hominem jam mortuum viribus tamen adhuc integrum That is Loe a divine miracle a man already dead and yet having his full strength After this his understanding remaining very good he caused divers things to be read out of a little Song-book and then took it to him and writ in it This Song have I used many years and then commanded it to be laid upon his heart as soon as he should be departed A while after he called before him all the Ministers both of the old and of the new City and also some of the Country-Ministers with whom he did discourse of the true saving faith and of a Christianly departure out of this life telling them That he would not willingly in this his weakness be without a Preacher by him He did often sigh and pray from his heart for a mitigation of his pains and for shortning the pangs of death and also so for an understanding end and did use many comfortable speeches to the joy and admiration of such as were his assistants 7. Aug. Friday his Excellency feeling the time of death approaching his heart was full of godly comfort and of heavenly consolation speaking with singular zeal of the misery of this life of the death of a Christian of eternal salvation Then saying Ah Sirs loving Sirs I have seen the glory of God what do I care for this world I have kissed the hem of the garment of my Lord Jesus Christ I am now climbing on the ladder of Jacob up to heaven toward my God and Saviour And while he was full of these expressions and cast his arms from him he said All things here below do now stink before me Tell this to my children chiefly to my Steward that he nor they seek too much after worldly things but to put their whole trust in God Ah my dear people said he how much trouble have you with me miserable creature Then he called Open all the doors let all my people come in that they may see how joyfully I do die and so be comforted by my example His Physicians warning him not to speak too much Ah said he Should not I speak of my loving and most gracious God He hath given me and he continueth to me a tongue to that end Again when the Physicians spake against opening the windows What said he should not I behold the fair Heavens whither I shall come anon He did oftentimes lift up his hands and his eyes to heaven using these words Oh thou great and strong God thou Almighty God thou holy God thou good and true
my sins but thou O Lord besides the dictates of thy heavenly Word and boly Spirit dost now visit me in mercy giving me by this sickness not only warning to consider and time to repent me of all my manifold transgressions but also opportunity to sue to the throne of grace for pardon so as I do not apprehend this visitation as a sign of thy heavy displeasure against me but rather as an assured pledge and token of thy fatherly kindness by this temporal chastisement to draw me to the judging of my self to be humbled for all my offendings to abhor my self in dust and ashes so as not to be condemned with the world for thy holy Word hath taught us That thou scourgest every son that thou receivest and that if I do patiently and believingly endure thy chastising hand thou dost offer thy self as a tender father to relieve me O Lord how full of mercy and compassion is thy nature that hast dealt so graciously with me in affording to me a long time of health and prosperity such as few have received more I do confess O Lord that thou most justly dost afflict my body with sickness for my soul before was sick of long prosperity and even surfeited with health ease peace and plenty and fulness of bread A wretched sinner I have been void of all goodness by nature and full of evil works by custom but seeing thy mercy is above all I beseech thee heavenly father in Jesus Christ for his sake and for his meritorious suffering and according to the multitude of thy mercies cast me not out of thy gracious presence neither reward me after my iniquities As thou art the helper of the helpless and the God of all consolation to such as trust in thee as thou art pleased to lay this sickness upon me so let it work that good effect which thou in thy great mercy dost intend And good Lord send thy holy Spirit into my heart by which this and all other thy dispensations may be sanctified to me that I may use the same as a lesson in thy School whereby to be taught both the greatness of my misery and wants and also the fulness of thy riches and mercy in the Lord Christ to be so humbled at the one as not to despair of the other Grant that I may renounce all confidence in my self and in every other creature or means so as only to put the whole trust of my preservation and salvation in thy boundless mercy And for as much O Lord as thou knowest how weak a vessel I am full of frailty impotence and imperfection and how by nature I am froward and impatient under the least cross and under the lightest affliction Do thou O Lord who art the giver of all good gifts indue me with heavenly grace with holy patience and with godly fortitude so as quietly to resign up my self even body and soul to what thou shalt appoint for me And of thy tender mercy lay no more upon me then thou shalt please to enable me comfortably to bear Strengthen me by thy healy grace that during this sickness and in all other times of affliction I may behave my self in all humility and meekness and faith and quiet repose in the sight and presence of those friends or assistants that shall come or be about me and also that I may both thankfully receive and readily improve all such seasonable counsel and heavenly consolation and holy direction as shall proceed from them And likewise that I may shew such Christianly example of childe-like patience and withal may give forth such godly lessons of heavenly comfort as may be both apparent arguments and sure testimonies of my holy profession and also of use and instruction to them how they are to behave themselves in the day of their visitation I do confess O Lord that in regard of my great provocations I have deserved both sickness and death it self and I do now desire no longer to live then to reform my evil life and in some better measure to set forth thy glory but if thou hast according to thy eternal decree appointed by this sickness to call for me out of this transitory life Lord help me willingly to resign my self into thy hands saying Thy blessed will be done only I do most humbly beseech thee even for Jesus Christ his sake who is the Son of thy love to pardon all my sins and in him to be reconciled to me and so to prepare my poor soul that by a lively faith and unfeigned repentance she may be ready to yield up her self when thou shalt be pleased to call for her O holy Father thou art the hearer of prayers hear thou in heaven these my weak supplications and in this my sickness which is like to increase upon me be pleased to shew thy Almighty power and goodness Teach my heart in holy believing to say Whether I live or whether I die I am Christs and Christ is mine and he shall be advantage to me both here and hereafter and for ever To him with the Father and the holy Ghost be ascribed all honour and glory and power and dominion for ever and ever Amen The Lord will be a refuge Psa 9.9 in time of trouble Hear me O Lord my God Psal 13.3 5. that I sleep not in death for my trust is in thy mercy and my heart is joyful in thy salvation II. Concerning Prayer CHrist and God and all is laid out for the good of the godly they may go to God with holy boldness and tell him wherein they are troubled pained afflicted oppressed If we ask great things from God he is well pleased with it but if we ask riches and honour and worldly preferment these are the low things of the footstool and they are often in mercy denyed let us therefore of God ask peace of conscience pardon of sin let us crave power to overcome our lusts strength to withstand temptations joy in the holy Ghost and grace to glorifie our dear Redeemer both in doing and in suffering God hath most assuredly all good things lying ready by him only he looks that Prayer should fetch them from him Now observe When our great Master Christ would give us a perfect pattern of Prayer both for matter and for manner he there windes up and wraps up all with a conclusion which consists of certain reasons to perswade our heavenly Father to hear our prayers or at least to assure our souls that he doth and that he will hear them and these reasons have a certain influence into all and every one of the petitions Thine is the Kingdom for this reason we do expect that as a good King thou wilt receive us and answer our petitions It is thy concernment as a King to have thine honour advanced for this reason Hallow thine own Name glorifie it in the Church advance thy Will in it sustain us thy Subjects pardon our Offences keep and defend us from
favour to minde our own duty and to live by faith V. A Prayer before taking of Physick O Lord give me perfect love to thy heavenly Majesty that I may not delight in any thing at all but thee nor look for any other safety at all but in thee nor seek for any other help but from thee O most holy and most merciful Father in Jesus Christ who art the Lord both of health and of sickness who killest and makest alive who bringest down to the grave and raisest up again I do humbly come unto thee unto thee as to the only Physician of Physicians who canst as easily cure my soul from sin as my body from sickness I do not at this time desire either life or death but do wholly yield up my self to thy blessed will death indeed is the reward of sin for sin when it is finished bringeth forth death yet seeing thy gracious providence while life remaineth hath appointed means for thy distressed children to use and by the lawful and thankful use of it and humble seeking to thee for it to expect thy fatherly blessing for healing of their distempers and restoring them to their health In this my necessity I do apply my self to the Physitian and am entring upon the course which he shall prescribe O Lord help me that I may cast my self wholly upon thee Teach me to call faithfully upon thy great and glorious Name for a blessing upon it It is thou O Lord that didst recover Hezekiah that didst cleanse the Lepers that didst restore the woman with the bloody Issue and it is from thy great mercy Almighty power and gracious providence alone that I expect deliverance out of this malady Oh be pleased of thine infinite goodness to sanctifie to me this Physick that I shall now take and so to prosper the same that if it be thy blessed will and pleasure it may remove this sickness and take away this pain and restore me to my former health and strength but if thou hast appointed this sickness to draw me nearer to thy self in constant obedience and holy dependance upon thy heavenly Majesty or if thou hast sent this sickness as thy messenger to call me out of this mortal life then help me to say with integrity sincerity Thy will be done enable me with cheerfulness to submit to thy divine pleasure And this I do humbly most earnestly beg of thee to assist me with thy holy Spirit for the increase of faith and patience in this my day of trouble O Lord let thy tender and fatherly compassion be never wanting to me but in the midst of all extremities be pleased to support me with thy continual help that I may both willingly and christianly resigne up my soul as the price of thine own blood into thy gracious hands and blessed protection Grant this O Lord to thy poor servant and whatever else in thine infinite wisdom and goodness thou knowest to be necessary for my present weak condition such as may tend to my everlasting comfort and thine eternal glory All this I beg for Jesus Christ his sake to whom with thee and thy holy Spirit be ascribed all Majesty power and glory now and for ever Amen VI. A Prayer before Physick is on working O Holy Father in Jesus Christ when in my weakness the time shall come that Satan shall maliciously accuse me when my unquiet conscience shall bear witness against me when worldly advantages shall forsake me and when every creature and every thing shall seem to set themselves against me and that for my manifold and my reiterated sins against thy heavenly Majesty then do thou who art the God of all consolation do thou strengthen me in my most holy faith so that If all not at all from thee though every thing doth seem to flee from me But Lord I beseech thee let thy fulness supply my wants let thy mercy do away my offendings let thy holy Spirit prepare my soul for thy heavenly appointment let thy merits O most blessed Saviour enrich my poverty Oh let thy dear and precious blood wash away all the spots and stains of my poor polluted soul And Lord be pleased at this time to vouchsafe a blessing upon the Physick which I have now taken for removing of my pain and recovery of my health and if thou shalt afford this mercy to thy poor creature then Lord I beseech thee grant grace that the same health and ease may be imployed and improved for the glory of thy great Name and for the present comfort and final salvation of my poor soul And all this I beg in and by and through the merits of thee my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ to whom with the heavenly Father and the holy Spirit be given as is most due blessing and honour and glory and power both now and for ever Amen VII Six Medicines to cure the fear of Death 1. THe first Medicine is contempt of the world For 1. It will be an easie thing to die when our hearts are once freed from the love of earthly things therefore should we shun the overmuch care and business of the world and study to be quiet to meddle only with our own matters and to draw them into as narrow a scantling as our calling will permit 2. We should avoid as much as may be the society of the worlds favourites that admire nothing but what this world affords that know no other happiness but that of this life whereby our hearts are too much intangled 3. We should sort our selves with such Christians as do practise as well as praise the contempt of the world and by whose example discourse we may be brought to be in love with Heaven 4. We should daily observe to what things in the world our hearts are most carried out and by fervent supplications to strive with the Lord to suppress them 5. We should be alwayes pondering in our thoughts those things which may shew us the vanity of the world and the vileness and transitoriness of the best things which the world affords 2. The second Medicine or cure of the fear of death is Mortification 1. We must throughly mortifie all our bosom and beloved sins our sins must die before we die otherwise our dying will be dangerous to us it is the love and the delight that men take in sin which makes them so much afraid to die or else it may be the remembrance of some filthy sin committed which doth terrifie the conscience therefore we must make sure of our repentance Now he may be said truly to repent himself of all sin that allows not in himself any sin 2. We must here add the care of an upright and of an unreproveable conversation A marvellous help and encouragement it is to die in peace when a man doth live without offence and upon just ground can plead the integrity of a holy conversation 3. The third Medicine or cure against the fear of death is
riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing both now and for ever and ever Amen VIII Short Prayers upon any release of Pain BLessed and praised be thy great and glorious Name O holy Father in Jesus Christ for that thou dost lay no more upon me nor punishest me to my confusion O grant me still a believing heart and a patient minde that I may still love thee and wholly depend upon thee and comfortably bear all thy fatherly corrections as it becometh thy faithful servant and a true souldier of Jesus Christ All is thine and thou art all to thee only do I flie for relief and succour knowing that there is no strength nor support but only in thee Thou wilt not break a bruised reed thou wilt not quench the smoaking flax O thou that delightest not in the death of a sinner receive me release my soul out of trouble for thy great Name sake let the shadow of thy wings be my cover let the holy Ghost be my company let thy power be my portion my rock and my defence against all fear and danger whatsoever and do thou in thine infinite goodness and mercy say at this time to my poor weak soul Be of good cheer I am thy salvation O Lord it is thou alone that hast sent me this sickness be thou pleased to come thy self with it and teach me and enable me to make that sanctified use thereof as becometh thy faithful servant O Lord let thy Word be my rule thy Glory my aim thy Spirit my guide thy Angels my guard thy Promises my support thy People my society thy Ordinances my delight then shall I be happy both now and for ever Grant O Lord God of Heaven and earth that thy holy Angels may pitch their tents round about me in this my low estate to defend me against that evil one and in thine own appointed time to convey my soul to everlasting glory When thou O Lord shalt be finishing my weak and evil dayes of sin be pleased to quiet my tender conscience to pardon my many manifold offences to save my precious soul to receive both my body and my soul into thy heavenly Kingdom so that I may follow the Lamb wheresoever he goeth Oh thou that art the Captain of my salvation Oh sweet Jesus that wert made perfect by sufferings look graciously upon thy poor creature and sanctifie unto me all the pains of body and all the troubles of mind which thou shalt permit to fall upon me that I may pass thorow them to everlasting happiness IX Consolations against Pain and fear in Dying THere is pain in the curing of a wound do we therefore suffer it to gangrene and let it alone to the danger of a limb perhaps of life No we are willing to launce and to heal so let us here submit the body that the soul may be safe There be few persons but have indured as great perhaps greater and for a longer time in their life then they have at their death We do make the passage much the more tedious and difficult by our bringing to the thought of death a troubled and an unprepared minde and in the mean time forget that Christ by his death hath taken away the sting of death Be not dismayed death indeed is terrible when it is inflicted by the Law but it is easie being imposed by the Gospel The curse is now taken off we are not now under the Law but under Grace God who blessed us in life will not forsake us he will not neglect us in death for precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of all his Saints Against all the apprehensions and thoughts of death let this of the holy Spirit be our sure consolation Thanks be to God that as death is swallowed up in victory so he hath given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ blessed for ever We have the Spirit of Christ within us which will secure us search us and refresh us even all the time of the combate yea it will abide with us for the assured comfort of our souls We do see many men and women to depart out of this life without any extremity of pain or trouble at all nay it is sometimes with much tranquillity extraordinary cheerfulness and spiritual joy let not us then create fear to our selves and expect pain but with patience and Christian faith and fortitude wait upon the Lord for a happy issue The body may and sometimes doth seem to be in grievous pangs when as the party feels no pain almost at all unless it be the Cramp or the like while the soul in the mean time is in a sweet repose and preparing it self to come immediately to the presence and blessed enjoyment of his dear Lord and gracious Redeemer praying still with servency of spirit Come Lord Jesus come and receive my soul X. Ejaculations to Father Son and holy Ghost O Heavenly Father who scourgest every son whom thou dost receive help me thy poor creature that I may not be weary of thy corrections but be pleased to give me such a perfect submitting my self to thee who art the Father of spirits that this chastisement of thine may be so much for my present and future profit and advantage that I may be made partaker of thy holiness Oh holy Jesus Son of the everliving God I have I do most humbly confess it by my many and grievous offences crucified thee afresh but thou O blessed Lord who didst pray for thy persecutors Oh be pleased to intercede also for me and suffer not Oh blessed Redeemer suffer not my poor soul the price of thy most precious blood to perish Oh blessed Spirit of Grace I have by my manifold impieties done despight unto thee yet Oh holy Comforter though I have often grieved thee be thou pleased to relieve and succour and sanctifie me and in this my weakness say to my poor soul I am thy salvation We may pray unto the whole Trinity but more properly unto the first person God the Father in the name of God the Son and by the assistance of God the holy Ghost Amen PART IV. Meditations upon certain signes of Death I. Several short Prayers upon any intermission of Pain O Lord thou art my God early will I seek thee my soul doth thirst for thee my flesh also longeth after thee I have looked for thee in holiness that I might behold thee in power and glory for thy loving kindness is better then life it self because thou hast been my helper therefore under the shadow of thy wings will I rejoyce Or thus O Lord I finde this life to be but a troublesome Pilgrimage few in days but full of evil I am weary of it by reason of my sins It is enough O Lord that I have lived so long in this vale of misery take my soul O Lord into thy gracious hands for I am no better then my Fathers The Law in my members hath
all evil especially our spiritual enemies for thine is the Power such power as Kings do want but thou art fully able 1. To exalt thine own Name 2. To extend thy Kingdom over all 3. To fit us to do thy Will 4. To minister to our Necessities 5. To pardon our Sins 6. To preserve us from and to deliver us out of all evil and then thine is the Glory the hallowing of thy Name is the chief part of thy glory thy Kingdom is the prime place of thy glory And herein art thou glorified that is when we set forth thy praise when we obey thy will when thou providest for thy people when thou forgivest their sins when thou comfortest them in their calamities So do we trust and hope that thou wilt do all these things for us Take heed for if in our prayers we come to God with a guilty defiled conscience with cold affections with dead spirits not departing from iniquity and without a pure heart This is howling and not praying Prayer by good Christians hath been stiled and esteemed the key of Heaven and the confusion of hell the standard of our spiritual warfare the conservation of our peace the bridle of our impatience the guardian of our temperance the seal of chastity the advocate of offenders the consolation of the afflicted and the Pasport of the dying Thus the just do live and die in prayer A Christian without prayer may be compared to a Bee without a sting which can make neither wax nor honey A true Christian makes prayer not only his lock and key of the day but his bolt at night yea his very meals and recreations for this it was that the primitive Christians were called the crickets of the night because when sleep did fail their hearts were lifted up in constant ejaculatory prayer III. Meditations at first sickning WIth one cross be it of sickness or other affliction God doth usually work two cures 1. By chastisement for sins past 2. By preventing of sins to come so as we may say with the Prophet Before I was afflicted I went astray but now thy grace assisting I will keep thy statutes 2. God sends sickness and other afflictions to seal to us our adoption For every childe whom God loveth he chastiseth and suffereth the wicked still to continue in their sins without correction 3. God sends sickness to wean our hearts from the love of the world and of worldly vanities and to cause us more early to desire and more earnestly to long for Heaven 4. Of all afflictions and crosses sickness may be held to come most immediately from the hand of God and that because of sin 5. By sickness and affliction God doth exercise his children the graces which he bestows upon them he thereby tryeth and refineth our faith to make it to shine more clear he thereby stirreth us up to pray more frequently and more zealously He sees what patience we have learned all this while in his School and so concerning our hope in Christ our love to the glorious Trinity our charity to our Christian brethren and the like 6. Sanctified sickness and affliction is a singular help to further us in our conversion and by unfeigned sorrow and true repentance to drive us home to our heavenly Father in holy believing 7. Sickness and affliction do work in us not only Christianly love and charity but pity and compassion also towards our brethren so as to have a fellow-feeling with them in all their sufferings 8. God doth many times make use of our sickness and other afflictions not only as means and as examples whereby to manifest to others the faith patience and other graces that he hath bestowed upon us but also by the same to strengthen and to encourage others that have not yet received so great a measure of faith and of assurance as we have done 9. By sickness and afflictions God worketh us to a conformity of the image of his Son Jesus Christ who being the Captain of our salvation was made perfect through suffering 10. God sendeth sickness that the godly may thereby be humbled in respect of their own condition and misery and that God may be glorified by a gracious delivering them out of all their troubles when in sincerity they call upon him for his help and succour IV. Directions and Consolations in time of Sickness and Death LEt every Christian upon his sick bed not only with patience look for death but with comfort also and that for these reasons 1. Because the death of every member of Christ as well as of others is foreseen and ordained by the special decree and providence of God 2. Reason is taken from the promise of God Rev. 14.13 Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord for they shall rest from their labours and their works follow them 3. He that dyeth in Christ his soul and his body are really united to Christ according to the Covenant of grace 4. God hath also promised his gracious special presence to such sick and dying persons as do belong to him so he saith Isa 43.1 Fear not for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by thy name thou art mine when thou passest thorow the waters I will be with thee A little blast of sickness doth oftentimes become mortal and we are many a time carried away in that blast and if we should hold out a while longer we do but daily consume and moulder away with old age till we return to our dust and at last do become but a coffin for the worms Let not a dying man think on the pangs of death which may perhaps be light and short but let him wholly fix his thoughts and the eye of his faith upon that blessed estate of eternal life which Jesus Christ hath purchased for him In the business of sickness and especially of death lay aside all curious speculations of Gods unsearchable counsels all cogitations and considerations of works of traditions of Philosophy yea and of the Law of God too and run strait to the manger embrace the babe Christ in thine arms yea in thy soul behold him as he was born growing up conversant amongst men as teaching dying rising again ascending above the heavens and having power above all things This thought this sight will make thee to shake off all troubles and terrors as the Sun driveth away the clouds We must live in the world as in a strange Country where we are every day taking our farewel being as in sickness alwayes ready to depart and because the instant of our departing is uncertain we should wait for it every hour The wise Christian that hearkneth to the minutes of his breathing can never be surprised when the hour of his last sigh doth strike Our duty in sickness or any other affliction is to inquire and finde out the cause if it be for sin to humble our selves to justifie God to turn to him to submit to his will to seek his
certainly perswaded that there is no salvation in any other nor any other name under Heaven by which thou canst be saved Jesus is the only Saviour of the world therefore let all creatures bow down before him and bless his holy Name Dost thou from thy heart forgive all injuries and offences done unto thee by any person whatsoever And dost thou as freely from thy heart ask forgiveness of all whom thou hast any way wronged in thought word or deed Dost thou cast out of thy heart all rancour and malice against any person so as to appear before the face of Jesus Christ the Prince of peace in perfect love and charity I do humbly pray for such true charity as to forgive all and I do from my heart ask forgiveness of all Doth thy conscience accuse thee of any thing that thou hast unjustly taken still with-holding the same for which without restitution there can be no true repentance and without such repentance there can be no salvation nor shalt thou be able to look Christ in the face when thou shalt appear before his judgement-seat I have been willing to satisfie all whom I have wronged but alas who is able to number all his errors Dost thou firmly believe That thy body shall be raised out of the grave at the sound of the last trumpet and that both thy body and thy soul shall be united together again in the Resurrection-day to appear before the Lord Jesus Christ and thence to go with him into the Kingdom of Heaven there to live in everlasting bliss and glory My faith alas is weak but thy grace O Lord is sufficient for me O Lord let thy holy Spirit assist me and lead me into the way of everlasting glory Amen VI. Short Prayers upon any lessening of Pain O Most blessed Saviour be pleased to place thy precious Passion thy Cross and thy Death between my soul thy displeasure and let the merits of thy obedience stand between thy heavenly Fathers justice and my disobedience and from these bodily pains receive my soul into thine everlasting peace and good Lord give ear unto this my cry O Jesu receive my spirit Or thus O Lord Jesus Christ forsake not him that in great distress doth flie to thee for succour and relief O sound that sweet and comfortable voice into my fainting soul which thou wert pleased to utter to the penitent Thief This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Or thus O Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I know and do believe that whosoever liveth and trusteth in thee who art the resurrection and the life shall never die Oh then vouchsafe favour to thy poor creature that I may hear that blessed voice of thine Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world Or thus O most gracious God whose nature and property is ever to have mercy and to forgive receive my humble supplications and though I be so much bound with the chains of my sins yet Lord let the pitifulness of thy great mercy loose me and set me at liberty for Jesus Christ his sake my only Saviour and Redeemer Or thus O holy Lord fit and prepare me for my last conflict and by the support of thy blessed Spirit and the assistance of thy heavenly Angels vouchsafe to assist and strengthen me against the assaults of Satan that notwithstanding his mortal malice I may still hold me fast and keep my self close to thee in all holy believing so as humbly and stedfastly to resolve that though thou shouldst slay me yet to put my trust in thee and to place my whole confidence in thine everlasting mercies in Christ Jesus VII When weakness and faintness increase let friends help with these short ejaculations O Lord bear me thy poor sick servant in thy gracious arms to the land of the living Or thus Lord bring me I beseech thee by thy power and goodness to thy holy habitation Or thus Plant me O Lord in the mountain of thine inheritance the place which thou hast prepared to dwell in Or thus Lord make me to be one of the joyful Citizens of thy holy Jerusalem which is above Or thus Oh Lord as my weakness shall encrease so let my patience the hope of thy favour and assurance of thy mercy in Christ Jesus still increase more and more Or thus Oh Lord let thy grace and blessing be upon me that I may safely pass thorow this vale of misery and finish my course with joy Or thus O Lord lift up the light of thy countenance upon me and grant me peace in the Lord Jesus Or thus Oh holy Father if it be thy blessed will give an end to my labours and release me of my pains VIII More of Ejaculations when faintness increaseth SWeet Jesu receive my soul sweet Jesu receive my spirit Or thus Come Lord Jesu come for thy servant cometh I am willing Lord help my weakness Or thus O Lord let thy holy Angels stand round about my bed and guard me from that evil one Or thus O Lord lay not my sins to my charge but look upon him that maketh the atonement Thy Christ my Jesus Or thus O Lord to thee belongeth mercy and forgiveness have pity on my soul and pardon my sins Or thus O Lord say to my souls everlasting joy and comfort I am thy salvation Or thus O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world have mercy upon me Or thus O Lord make clean my heart within me and take not thy holy Spirit from me Or thus O Lord Jesus Christ I do commend my spirit into thy hands thou hast redeemed me O God thou God of mercy of truth IX A Prayer by friends at leaving this Life OH most gracious Lord God and loving Father in Jesus Christ who art our portion our strong refuge a sure defence and a very present help in time of trouble Oh lift up thy merciful countenance at this instant upon thy weak servant who now is coming to appear in thy presence Oh thou which art the great preserver of men take pity and compassion upon him wash away all his natural and sinful pollutions by the all-sufficient merits of Christ Jesus his most precious blood that they may never be laid to his charge nor hinder his happy passage to everlasting blessedness O Lord increase his faith preserve his soul from the malice and danger of the devil and all his evil angels comfort him with thy holy Spirit cause him now to feel and finde that thou art his gracious Father and thou art reconciled unto him in thy dearly beloved save him O Lord O Lord Jesus Christ save the price of thine own blood and suffer not him to be lost whom thou hast so dearly purchased Oh receive his poor soul as thou didst the penitent thief into thy heavenly Paradise let thy blessed Angels conduct him thither as they carried the soul of thy beloved Lazarus and vouchsafe unto